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Role of Youth in making India vigilant and prosperous

Vigilance involves looking at problems in our society, distinguishing between right and wrong, and
taking reasonable action to remove evil from society. We hear people all around us blaming the
government on certain particular politicians, and so on, for all the wrong things happening in society,
but many times, we fail to realise that we can't clap with just one hand, that is, if there are rules that
make us vigilant, it's our duty to go and follow the rules. The Swachh Bharat Abhiyan, A Project to
Clean India, was launched by our Honorable Prime Minister Narendra Modi. So, in this situation, if
any people come out to sweep the streets, that's all right.

But the very next moment another person comes and drops a wrapper on the street
absentmindedly, isn't that a failure on the part of those people who came out to clean our county?
This example was to demonstrate that when everyone really considers their responsibility to society,
any mission in our country will succeed only then. For caution too, the same is the case. Do you think
it would have some impact in the long run if only few social movements come out and speak out
against violence, inequality , corruption, etc.? Yeah, to some degree, it won't make India as it was
dreamed of by Gandhi, Nehru and A.P.J Abdul Kalam.

Each and every citizen of society needs to be vigilant in order to fulfil the dreams of our leaders
who devoted their lives to a 'Great India.'Vigilance must be monitored by all. There's a girl who
realised her society's injustice and stood up for education for women and girls, and we know her as
Malala Yousafzai. Malala, the youngest child activist to win the Nobel Peace Award, was brave
enough to see evil and to stand up against it. There is nothing less than watchfulness. She was
cautious, observant, separated right from wrong and attempted to eliminate bad. She represents the
youth and we should take inspiration from her. We must not assume that if no one supports us,
what will we do? But we still have to note, "When the whole world is quiet, even a single voice
becomes solid." So, change our notion that we're too insignificant for the universe to change.
Instead, be vigilant and you will be the one who can make society change and make it a prosperous
Vigilance involves looking at problems in our society, distinguishing between right and wrong, and
taking reasonable action to remove evil from society. Generally speaking, we hear people all around
us blaming the government on certain particular politicians, and so on, for all the wrong things
happening in society, but many times, we fail to realise that we can't clap with just one hand, that is,
if there are rules that make us vigilance, it's our duty to go and follow the rules. It is the duty of and
and every member of society to remove society's bad thought and evil deeds. The Swachh Bharat
Abhiyan, A Project to Clean India, was launched by our Honorable Prime Minister Narendra Modi.
So, in this situation, if any people come out to sweep the streets, that's all right.

But the very next moment another person comes and drops a wrapper on the street
absentmindedly, isn't that a failure on the part of those people who came out to clean our county?
This example was to demonstrate that when everyone comes together or when everyone really
considers their responsibility to society, any mission in our country will succeed only then. For
caution too, the same is the case. Do you think it would have some impact in the long run if only few
social movements come out and speak out against violence, inequality , corruption, etc.? Yeah, to
some degree, it won't make India as it was dreamed of by Gandhi, Nehru and A.P.J Abdul Kalam.

Each and every citizen of society needs to be vigilant in order to fulfil the dreams of our leaders who
devoted their lives to a 'Great India.' Every member of society needs to be vigilant-who looks at the
wrong things happening and does not turn their eyes, but they go out to enhance the conditions and
restore the integrity of the Indian Society. With diligence, the problem of eradicating corruption
from our society comes up. Most of our elders claim that some of the officials are corrupt, but how
far are they right, you think? I believe that they're right, but not totally out there. Sitting at home,
watching TV, and cursing the crooked officials who appear on the news are all pointless. I believe
that if we see anything going wrong, our instinct can tell us at that very moment to stand up for the
right, and most importantly, if we can teach the younger generation to be vigilant, to speak up
against crimes, not to commit crimes, then I don't believe that vigilance we require special laws to
curb the evil. It is our responsibility to teach our siblings to distinguish between the right and wrong
because the implementation of every law begins at home.

Vigilance must be monitored by all. There's a girl who realised her society's injustice and stood up
for education for women and girls, and we know her as Malala Yousafzai. Malala, the youngest child
activist to win the Nobel Peace Award, was brave enough to see evil and to stand up against it. There
is nothing less than watchfulness. She was cautious, observant, separated right from wrong and
attempted to eliminate bad. We mustn't assume that if no one supports us, what will we do? But we
still have to note, "When the whole world is quiet, even a single voice becomes solid." So, we have
to change our notion that we're too insignificant for the universe to change. Instead, be vigilant and
you will be the one who can make society change and make it a prosperous one.

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