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Text that appears outside of the <quest></quest> tags will not display anywhere and

can be used for notes if required.

// <quest id:Name of Quest|difficulty|catId>

// OBJECTIVES separated by commas (leave this blank to not use objectives for a
// RESOLUTIONS separated by commas use | for line breaks (leave this blank if not
using resolutions for a quest)
// quest description
// quest description
// quest description
// </quest>

<quest 1:No.1 Hand out Asuka's letter!|1|0>

Go meet Masaki,Hand out Asuka's letter

Asuka is in love with Masaki.

Give the letter you received
from her to him.

<quest 2:No.2 Give diet pills to Mami!|1|0>

Look for diet pills,Ask Mister Macho Man,Go talk to the shady peddler,Give the diet
pills to Mami

Mami the model needs your help!

Apparently, there exists a pill that
can make you lose weight. Find it and
give it to her. Now... Where to look?

<quest 3:No.3 Looking for rare booze|2|0>

Hand over the bottle of "Exorcism",Find a bottle of "Exorcism",Find a bottle of
"Sacrifice",Hand over the bottle of "Sacrifice"

The old man would like to drink "Exorcism",

a rare brand of booze that he and his wife
had on their first date. Find a bottle
and give it to him.

<quest 4:No.4 Find Mar's biker-jacket-wearing crush!|1|0>

Locate the biker jacket chick,Ask around in school,Go to the port

It seems that the woman Mar has fallen

in love with is a student at Hope Academy.
Obtain information regarding her, and
report your findings to Mar.

<quest 5:No.5 Cure Mitsuo's debate anxiety!|2|0>

Visit Ikujin,Purify the illumina "Debate's Knowledge",Give the charm to Mitsuo

It seems that Mitsuo often has arguments

with his friends over which character is
the cutest. He's bad at speaking, however,
and always loses. Could an illumina help?
<quest 6:No.6 Let's build a plastic model!|2|0>
Build the model,Find a way to become more handy

You have been asked to put

together plastic model. Finish
it, and make it look pretty.

<quest 7:No.7 Save the hungover man!|1|0>

What item could help him out?

The man is hangover, and can

barely walk in a straight line.
Help him get it together.

<quest 8:No.8 The man wants to burn! Up the heat!!|1|0>

What could he consume to get fired up?

It seems that viewing the scenery

up from Canaan Tower caused the man to
feel something. He wants to burn until
he burns out, and asked you for help.

<quest 9:No.9 Grant the hospitalized girl courage!|2|0>

Talk to Ikujin,Purify the illumina "100% Courage",Bring the doll to Inori

A big surgery awaits the girl,

but she has no courage to face it.
She asks you to find her something
that will help give her courage.

<quest 10:No.10 Make him stand out!|1|0>

Give the woman a spotlight

The street musician's girlfriend

wants to make him stand out more.
Give her an item to help her do that.

<quest 11:No.11 Find the dropped wallet!|1|0>

Search the courtyard,Hand the wallet over,Search within school,Hand the wallet over

A female student has dropped her wallet

and can't find it! To make matters worse,
inside it is a prized picture of her family!
Find the wallet, and give it back to her.

<quest 12:No.12 I want the Magic Mirror!|1|0>

Hand over the Magic Mirror

The old woman collects mirrors from

all over the world. Currently, she is
looking for a magic mirror, a stable of
fairy tales. Find it, and give it to her.

<quest 13:No.13 Bring the three charms to Dousan Shudou!|1|0>

Give the Charm of Guan Yu,Give the Charm of Houjou,Give the Charm of Tokugawa

The history researcher Dousan

Shudou is currently looking
for three legendary charms.
Find them, and give them to him.

<quest 14:No.14 Prince's confession|1|0>

Give Prince pretty flowers

Prince has found a girl he likes.

He wishes to confess his feelings,
but first, he needs flowers. Find
pretty flowers, and give them to him.

<quest 15:No.15 Find US Army binoculars for Keiji!|1|0>

Give Keiji US Army binoculars

Keiji dropped and broke an expensive

pair of binoculars at his job! Help
the penniless Keiji out by finding
another pair and giving them to him.

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