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WARRANT NO; 41-718) WARRANT OF ARREST ‘THE STATE OF TEXAS ) COUNTY OF TARRANT ) ‘TO ANY PEACE OFFICER OF THE STATE OF TEXAS, GREETINGS ‘The undersigned Magistrate having heretofore found that probable cause exists forthe issuance of this Warrant YOU ARE HEREBY COMMANDED TO ARREST TIMOTHY GEORGE ‘SIMPKINS, heceinafter referred to as the “Suspect,” and bring the stid enspect before a “Magistrate in and for Tarrant, County, Texas, instanter, then and there to answer the State of Texas for an offense against the laws of sal State, to-wit: Aggravated Assault ~ Deadly ‘Weapon, a Felony, of which offense he, the sad suspect, i accused by the written affidavit, tunidr oath of Deteetive Spencer Simmons #2787, an investigetor with the Arlington, Texas, Police Department, filed before me anterior to the issuance of this Warrant. Said Timothy George Simpkins, black me, bor A shee committed tothe appropriate jail for eustody. ERE FAIL NOT, and de etm make hereof ome athe ple hereinafter aed Wines my signa, his th lo day of chao 2021 BOND AMOUNT S_2)5,000. ean J ‘Manieipal Court Judge City of Arlington Municipal Court Record 101 S. Mesquite St Arlington, Tarrant County, Texas 76010 (817) 459.7710 son ‘Came,to hand on this the _ 6 “GRP Oct 2021, and executed on the day of jet, 2021. BY: __§+ A Wr 208. wench ___Arhng ter /D Dessipon fice 2021-02790294 Warrant No: 04-21-12 Bond Amount_J5 035 ARREST WARRANT ARFIDAVIT ‘THE STATE OF TEXAS ) COUNTY OF TARRANT d [BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority on this day personally appeared Spencer Simmons (“Affiant”), 2 police officerinvestigator with the Arlington, Texas, Police Department, who after being duly sworn on oath deposes and says that AFFIANT HAS GOOD REASON TO BELIEVE AND DOS BELIEVE THAT: On about October 6, 2021, inthe City of Arlington, TaantC. GEORGE SIMPKINS, « bck male, bors oa Suspect") did then and Uhre commit the offense of AGGRAVATED ASSAULT —DEADLY WEAPON, a FELONY, that the suspect did then and there intentionally or knowingly cause bodily injury to HEBIMC Victim”) and the defendant did use orexinibt a deadly weapon during the commission of the assault, namely a ftearm that inthe manner o its use or intended use was capable of causing death or serious bodily injury , Texas, TIMOTHY MY BELIEF AS AFORESAID IS BASED UPON THE FOLLOWING FACTS AND ‘CIRCUMSTANCES: On October 6, 2021, 1, Detective Simmons #2787, hereinafter referred to as AFFIANT, ‘was assigned as a detective in the Arlington Police Department Homicide Unit, when I was notified ofa shooting investigation at 7700 Sout Watson Road, Arlington, Tarrant County, ‘Texas, namely Timberview High School. fiat learned the following information: On October 6, 2021, at 09:15 hours, patrol officers ofthe Arlington Police Department South Distice were dispatched toa shooting in progress call. Call text ientiied the erime soene location as Timberview High School. The 911 caer stated thoy heard two gunshots, ‘Upon aniiving on scene atthe school, multiple vitims were Located ranging from. students and teachers, Patrl officers established measures to evacuate the vitims. Upon gathering information from the schoo! staff ranging from students to principal, a suspect was ‘denied. witness, whos filly identified, ey, ae wiling to esi in future proceedings Stic she heard eachercallg fo elp fom seober lesroom, Con bearing this wines etred the classroom ad witnessed phys lleestion ocvaring betes wo male Students. Onc ofthe ster fave athe pst lereation Was iene Timothy Simpkins, ¢ Black male, br MMM Timothy specially demi y aight colored hooded swesshi. Tae wiiessinervene, breaking Up the fight SupLins was involved \ 2021-02790294 in. The witness was able 10 control the other individual involved in the altercation. This individual ukimately gave up and stopped being combative, When the witness tums around to check on 3s, Simpkins had produced a firearm, Upon seeing the firearm, this witness tamed 19 ran out of the classroom, The witness thea heard three-to-four gunshots, Sevonully, Officer LaRue of the Mansfield Indepenent School District Polive Departnent arrived atthe scene where the aggravated assault deadly weapon occurred. Upon making scene, Officer LaRue contacted the individual Simpkins was engaged inthe physical altercation with. The now juvenile vietim, when asked by Officer Laue who shot him, the juvenile victim identified his assailant as Simpkins. Officer LaRue also identified a second ‘gunshot victim ‘ho was one oF the teachers involved in attempting to break up the physical altereation Thirdly, a juvenile witness who is fully identified, ready, and willing to testy in fucure proceedings informed responding investigators of her account of the offense that occurred. The Juvenile witness stated they witnessed the physical alteration accur between the juvenile victim ‘and Simpkins. This witness stated multiple teachers and coaches were working to break up the altercation between Simpkins and the juvenile victim, Once the fight was broken up, the juvenile .witness observed Simpkins goto an orange backpack and retrieve w black firearm. The witnesses observe Simpkins point the firearm atthe juvenile victim and sees Simpkins shoot from het secount seven-to-sight times. The juvenile winnesses then observe the juvenile vietim fll to the around before fleeing for her safety. Lastly, Detectives withthe Violent Crime Unit responded to Medical City Adlington Hospital where they met with a third fully identified juvenile victim. During the interview, tis viotim stated they witnessed the fight as it has been described by otber witnesses. This vietim then saw Simpkins holding firesrm. This winess was then struck oa their person, identified as | graze wound, The sapct lly iden as Timothy Googe Simpkins, bor EE Spi Lest iown oes A ig, esas He is deseribed as 5°09, (35Ibs. 2021-02790294 WHEREFORE, I request that an arrest warrant he issued forthe suspect hereinafter designated, according tothe laws ofthis State. Witness my signature tis the (dey of cheb L, 7P7 st ED AND SWORN TO BEFORE ME, this (day of Qe 660772021, at_1 IZ Erin Lu ‘Manicipal Court Judge Cay of Arlington Municipal Court Record TOL, Mesquite St Aclington, Tarrant County, Texas 76010 (817) 459-710 WARRANT NO: O% 21-720. WARRANT OF ARREST ‘THE STATE OF TEXAS ) COUNTY OF TARRANT ) ‘TO ANY PEACE OFFICER OF THE STATE OF TEXAS, GREETINGS ‘The undersigned Magistrate having heretofore found that probable eause exists forthe issuance of this Warrant YOU ARE HEREBY COMMANDED TO ARREST TIMOTHY GEORGE SIMPKINS, hereinalter referred to asthe “Suspect,” and bring the suid suspect before a Magistrate in and for Tarrant, County, Texas, instante, then and there to answer the Site of| ‘Texas for an offense against the laws of said State, to-wit: Aggravated Assault — Deadly ‘Weapon, a Felony, of which offense he, the said suspect, is aceusod by the waitten affidavit, under oath of Detective Spencer Simmons #2787, an investigator wth the Arlington, Texas, Police Department, filed before me anterior to the issusnce of this Warrant Said Timothy George Simpkins, a black male, born MM is hereby ‘committed to the appropriate jail for custody. THEREIN FAIL NOT, and due return make hereof tome a the place hereinafter mammed. Witness my signature, this the \q day of Ochs oer, 2021 Jeri L Jackson Manieipal Court iudge City of Arlington Municipal Court Record 101 S, Mesquite St Arlington, Tarrant County, Texas 76010 (817) 459-7710 ‘Came to hand on this the C-day of Ce" _, 202), and executed on the 6 day of Cet __,2021. BY: St A Mbit 2a Nae of peace ol Arlagten PD Deserntion office 2021-02790294 Warrant No: O12) Bond Amount: 35,539 ARREST WARRANT AFFIDAVIT ‘THE STATE OF TEXAS ) COUNTY OF TARRANT ) ‘BEFORE ME, the wndsrsigned authority on this day personally appeared Spencer Simmons (fiat), «police oficerinvestigator wih the Ariington, Teas, Police Department, who afer being duly Sworn on outh deposes and seys that AFFIANT HAS GOOD REASON TO BELIEVE AND DOFS BELIEVE THAT: Conor oat October 6 202, inthe Cit of Arlingto, Texan County, Texas, TIMOTHY GHORGH SIMPKINS, «block mele, bor III Suspect) aid then sd thee commit ite ofinsc of AGGRAVATED ASSAULT = DRADI WIAPON, a VELONY, inthat the suspet dd then an tere Intentionally or knowing) cause bey injury oa fly idetied jer vitin (-Vstn’) andthe defendant cd use or enibta deadly weapon tiring the commision ofthe asst, naely a firearm tht in th manne fs se or mended se was cpeble of ausing death or seriou bdly injury MY BELIEF AS AFORESAID IS BASED UPON THE FOLLOWING PACTS AND CIRCUMSTANCES: (On October 6, 2021 I, Detective Simmons #2787, hereinafter referred fo as AFFIANT, vas assigned as a detective inthe Arlington Police Department Homicide Unit, when | was notified ofa shooting investigation at 7700 South Watson Road, Arlington, Tarrant County, Texas, namely Timberview High School. Affiant learned the following information: On October 6, 2021, a 09:15 hours, patrol officers ofthe Arlington Police Deparment South Distict were dispatched toa shooting in progress cal. Call text identified the crime scene location as Timberview High School, The 91 caller stated they heard two gunshots. Upon arriving on scene at the school, multiple vietims were located ranging from students and teachers. Patrol officers established measures to evacuate the vitims. Upon gathering information from the school stff ranging from students to principals, a suspect was ‘identified. A wines, sly identified cay, and willing totes in fate proceedings, sttd se headteacher aling for bel rom another classroom, Upon hearing this, his ‘nes entered the clasroom and witesed pyc eltration oecorrng betwee two rnale Stdnts: One of te stiles involved ia the pays lleeation vas ideale ts Timely Simpkins, back a MIMI Tncy speciRealy dense by ight Colored hooded sweatshirt, The witess intervened, breaking up te fight Simpkins na nvlved 2021.02790294 in. The witness was able to control te other individual involved in the altercation. This individual ultimately gave up and stopped being combative, When the witness tums around t0 check on Simpkins, Sipkins had produced a firearm, Upon seeing the firearm, this witness ‘umed w run out ofthe classroom. The witness then heard three-c-four gunshots. Secondly, Oficet LaRue ofthe Mansfeld Independent School Distt Police Department arived athe seene where the aggravated assault — deadly weapon occurred. Upon making sesne, Oost LaRue contacted the inividal Siropkins was engaged i the physical, altercation with. The now juvenile victim, when asked by Officer LaRue who shot him, the juvenile victin denied he asalant as Simpkins, Ofer LaRue also iemfed a second funchot victim III wo was one of the teachers involved inating lo breakup the physical altereation Thindly, a juvenile witness who is fully identified, zeady, and willing to testify in future proceedings informed responding investigators of her account of the offense that occurred. The Juvenile witness stated they witnessed the physical aliereation occur between the juvenile victim ‘and Simpkins. This witness stated multiple teachers and coaches were working to breakup the lteeation between Simpkins andthe juvenile victim. On the fight was broken up, the juvenile ‘witness observed Simpkins go to an orange backpack and retieve a black firearm. The witnesses ‘observe Simpkins point the firearm atthe juvenile victim and sees Simpkins shoot ftom her ‘account seven-to-ight times. The juvenile witnesses then observe the juvenile victim fall tothe ‘ground before fleeing for her safety Lastly, Detectives withthe Violent Crime Unit responded to Medical City Arlington Hospital where they met witha third fully identified juvenile vietim, During the interview, this victim stated they witnessed the fight as it has been described by other witnesses. Ths victim ‘hen saw Simpkins holding a firearm. This wimess was then struck on their person, identified as a graze wound, The suspect js fully defied ns Timothy George Simpkins. black mat, bora REE Sinpkns tes known occ SAAMI cir, Tes. eis deserbedas 508, 15h 2021-02790294 WHEREFORE, I request that an arrest warrant be issued forthe suspect hereinafter designated according tothe laws of tis tate. ds ‘Winess my signaure,this the © day of cake, SURSCRJRED AND SWORN TO BEFORE ME, this_G day of Oclobar , 2021, at | IZ elock nop amounts 15 ooo & 7 ‘Municipal Cour Jude City of Arlington Municipal Court Record TOI S. Mesquite St Arlington, Tarrant County, Texas 76010 (817) 459-7710 WARRANT NO: 07-9119 WARRANT OF ARREST ‘THE STATE OF TEXAS. ) COUNTY OF TARRANT ) TO ANY PEACE OFFICER OF THE STATE OF TEXAS, GREETINGS ‘The undersigned Magistrate having heretofore found that probable cause exists for the istuance of this Warrant YOU ARE HEREBY COMMANDED TO ARREST TIMOTHY GEORGE SIMPKINS, hereinafter referred to as the “Suspect,” and bring the said suspect before a Magistrate in and for Tarrant, County, Texas instante, then and thereto answer the Stats of| Texas for an offense against the laws of sad State, to-wit: Aggravated Assault - Deadly Weapon, a Felony, of which offense he, the said suspect, is accused by the written affidavit, underoath of Detective Spencer Simmons #2787, an investigator with the Arlington, Texas, Police Department, filed before me anterior to the issuance of this Warrant Said Tinethy George Simpkins «back nal, bora I ee ‘committed to the appropriate jail for custody. HEREIN FAIL NOT, and due return make hereof io me a the place hereinafter named. Witness my signature this the o_day of Ocbsber 2021 on amounts 35,000 Erin L Jackson Manicipal Cour Judge City of Arlington Municipal Court Record 101 S. Mesquite St Arlington, Tarrant County, Texas 76010 (817) 459-7710 Oct 2021, undexecutedon the 6 _ day of BY: th Weisht sore Name of peace affcer Jingrh_ PD Bescon fotice 2021-02790204 Warrant No: OF-J1-"10 Bond Amount: [ARREST WARRANT AFFIDAVIT ‘THE STATE OF TEXAS, ) COUNTY o1 RRANT ) mons BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority on this day personally appeared Spencer: (Affient”), a police officevinvestigator with the Arlington, Texas, Police Department, who after being duly sworn on oath depases and says that AFFIANT HAS GOOD REASON TO. BELIEVE AND DOES BELIEVE THAT ‘Onor about October 62021, in the City of Adlington Taxaat County, Texas, TIMOTHY GEORGE SIMPIAINS, ck nals, bor A Cpe) id hen od there commit the offense of AGGRAVATED ASSAULT - DEADLY WEAPON, a FELONY, in that the suspect did then end there intentionally or knowingly cause bly injury toa aly ‘defied juveile victim (Vista) and the defendant did use or exhibit deadly weepan during te commission ofthe assault, namely firearm that in the manner ofits we or intended se was cape of easing death o serious bodily in MY BELIEF AS AFORESAID IS BASED UPON THE FOLLOWING FACTS AND. CIRCUMSTANCES: On October 6, 2021, 1, Detective Simmons #2787, hereinater refered to as AFFIANT. was assigned as a detective inthe Arlington Police Department Homicide Unit, when I was notified ofa shooting investigation at 7700 South Wetson Road, Arlington, Tarrant County, Texas, namely Timberview High School. Affiant loamed the following information: On October 6, 2021, at 09:15 hours, patrol officers ofthe Arlington Police Department South Distict were dispatched toa shooting in progress call Call text identified the erime soene location as Timberview High School, The 91 calle stated they heard two gunshots, Upon arriving on scene atthe school, multiple victims were located ranging from students and teachers. Pato officers established measures to evacuate the victims. Upon ‘gathering information ftom the school stafF ranging from students to principal a suspect was identified, ‘A wits, whois fly identified, ready, and wing ety in fate proceedings, sued se heard a eacher calling fr help ftom anther classroom. Upon hearing, ti nes enered te caso and wineseed «phyla eeationoearing betwee 9 mle Students Onc ofthe sens voc phe pata aration as dented as Timothy Simpkins, «black male, be MMM Tec as speceally Sense by aight colored hooded sweatshirts Te wanes nerened, breaking pti at Sipkin as ive A 2021-02700294 in. The witness was able to contol the other individual involved inthe altercation. This individual ultimately gave up and stopped being combative. When the witness tums around to check on Simpkins, Simpkins had produced a ficarm, Upon seving the firearm, this witness tumed to run out of the classroom. The witness then heaed three-to-fowr gunshots. Secondly, Oficer LaRue ofthe Mansfeld Independent School Distt Police Deparment arsved atthe seene wher the aggravated assault ~ deadly weapon ocurred. Upon ‘making scene, Officer LaRue contacted te iravidual Simpkins was engaged inthe physical, Allereaion with, The now juvenile victim, when asked by Officer Laue who shot him, the juvenile victim identified bis assilant as Simpkins. Oficr LaRue also identified a second ‘sunshot victims MIMI who was one of the teachers involved in tempting break up {he physical altereaion, ‘Thirdly, juvenile witness who is fully identified, ready, and willing to testify in fatare proceedings informed responding investigators of her account of the offense that occurred. The juvenile witness stated they witnessed the physical altercation occur between the juvenile vietim and Simpkins. This witness stated multiple teachers and coaches were working to break up the slercation between Simpkins and the juvenile victim, Once the fight was broken up, the juvenile \winess observed Simpkins go to an orange backpack and retrieve a black firearm. The witnesses observe Simpkins point the firearm atthe juvenile victim and sees Simpkins shoct from her account seven-to-tight times. The juvenile witnesses then observe the juvenile victim fll to the round before fceing for her safety Lastly, Detectives with the Violent Crime Unit responded to Medical City Arington Hospital where they met with a third fully identified juvenile vietim. During the interview, this viotim stated they witnessed the fight as it has been described by other witnesses. This victim then saw Simpkins holding a firearm. This witness was then struck on their peesoa, identified as | graze wound suspect fly icifed a Tmcthy Googe Simpkins Hac al, brn HEE Sirs tot oon airs igo, Tex eis described as 5°09, 135Ibs 2021.02790204 WHEREFORE, I request that an arest warrant be issued forthe suspect hereinafter designated according tothe laws of this State Bb ‘Witness my signature, this the & day ofcebee ‘Aa Cy d 7 SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO BEFORE ME, this ©_ day of OcubeC, 2001, at 01:12. olclock fm, —= won amounts. JS 00 = > nvacioon 8277 ‘Municipal Court Judge City of Arington Municipal Court Record HOTS. Mesquite St Aclington, Tacrant County, Texas 76010 (817) 459-7710

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