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More ways to play DESPERADOS III!

Fan created missions – Now you can download and play additional missions, created by the
community! Do you crave more fun, crazy missions like the Baron’s Challenges? Or do you seek
the ultimate difficulty challenge? The Desperados Community has got you covered!

Learn here where to find this content and how to start these missions.

1. Find new missions on the Desperados III hub:

2. Browse the levels and go to the detail page by clicking on it
3. Find the section RELEASES on the page. Here you can see a filename that ends with .zip
Click on it to download the .zip file
4. Find the savegame folder:
a. Open Explorer and paste %LOCALAPPDATA%\Desperados III in the address
bar. (If this does not work for you, follow b) and c), otherwise continue with d)
b. In the file explorer, go to C:, then go to the folder Users and then the folder
with your user on this PC. (usually looks like this: C:\Users\YourUserName)
c. Now you need to navitgate to the hidden folder AppData by adding \AppData
in the address field in Explorer, similar to this:
d. Navigate to the folder Local, then Desperados III and find a folder called:
user_steam_YourSteamIDnumber. There go to gamestate_00 and
( C:\Users\YourUsername\AppData\Local\Desperados
III\user_steam_##########\gameState_00\manualSave )

5. Copy the downloaded zip into this savegame folder and unzip it
You should see a new file with the file extension .save at the end. Done!
6. Start up Desperados III and select LOAD and pick the mission with the name of the new
savegame. Enjoy! (Check the hints of the mission author on the mod page if you are
stuck with one of the trickier challenges!)

If you liked the mission, make sure to let the creator know in the comment section of the
mission page on !

If you got inspired by these, you can create your own missions as well. The game already
comes with all the tools you need. Check on the next page how to get started!

Create custom missions with the level editing cheats (PC version only)

The developers from Mimimi Games had a little fun while working on the free Bounty Mode
Update. They have implemented a simple level editing functionality to Desperados III, called
“Level Editing Cheats”!

Basically, it is a level editor light, which allows you to create your own mission setups and
share the savegames with the community.
With the “Level Editing Cheats” you can spawn all types of enemies and other NPCs in any
location on any map of Desperados III or have fun by placing different objects throughout the
level. You want to spawn 30 bulls and use 20 dynamite crates as well as 10 gatling guns in
“Mission 3: Troublemakers in Flagstone” for maximum chaos? You got it! A crowd of a dozen
unsuspecting “Ponchos” standing in an oil puddle? Would be shame if someone threw in a torch

There are good guides how to quickly get started from the developers and also the

YouTube tutorials from Mimimi Games:

Written guide with useful visualizations of the NPC spawn codes:

Make sure to upload your creation to and let the community know about it
on the official Desperados Discord channel:

If you prefer an old-school offline guide, follow the instructions here:

Start any level, enter the options menu and type in “honorless”. There is now console, so it
needs to be typed in blindly. If you think you have a typo, just start again with the letter h. A
dialog will appear once the cheat is detected.

You can insert enemies, civilians and even game characters in the mission with a special code.
Objects are spawned at Mouse Position (and will always face the camera position)
To do so, hold the INS (insert) key on the keyboard and at the same time hit a number key (on
the main block above the letters, Numpad numbers do not work)

For example, spawn a poncho guard by pressing INS + 7

You can also remove enemies by pressing SHIFT + DEL while the mouse cursor points on the
(You can also remove civilians)

Special characters can be spawned by pressing INS + a five-digit code (listed on the next page)


This is the complete list of available number combinations that you can use for modifying
mission setups.

02100 Young Cooper: Cooper as a kid from the Tutorial
and Flashbacks
02001 Wounded no Gear Cooper (this is only visual, it
doesn’t turn Coopers skills off)
02000 Wounded Cooper
02203 Servant Dress Kate
02204 Prostitute Dress Kate
02300 Normal McCoy
02200 Normal Kate
02700 Normal Isabelle
02600 Normal Hector
01900 Normal Cooper
02301 No Gear McCoy (only visual, it doesn’t turn
McCoys skills off)
02701 No Gear Isabelle (only visual, it doesn’t turn
Isabelles skills off)
02601 No Gear Hector (only visual, it doesn’t turn
Hectors skills off)
01902 No Gear Cooper (only visual, it doesn’t turn
Coopers skills off)
01901 Fancy Suite Cooper
02201 Default Dress Kate
02202 Bride Dress Kate
02206 Bloody Bride Dress Kate
02205 Alternative Dress Kate
03600 Young Cooper from Baron’s Challenge
03000 Stella from Baron’s Challenge
03200 Playable Chicken from Baron’s Challenge
03400 Playable Dog from Baron’s Challenge
06000 Walk Waypoint
06001 Run Waypoint
06002 Walk Ping Pong Waypoint
06003 Run Ping Pong Waypoint
06118 Level End Trigger that can be used by players
06119 A Regroup-Trigger-Volume that requires all player
characters in the mission to be present and the
alarm to be off. (Only available in Bounty Mode)
01300 Simple Male Enemy (each code spawns a
01400 different looking enemy)
01500 Simple Male Enemy carrying a Light Source( each
01401 code spawns a different looking enemy)

01301 Simple Female Enemy (each code spawns a

01402 different looking enemy)

01501 Simple Female Enemy carrying a Light Source

01403 (each code spawns a different looking enemy)
01600 Poncho Male Enemy (each code spawns a
01611 different looking enemy)
01601 Poncho Female Enemy (each code spawns a
01612 different looking enemy)
01800 Poncho Male Enemy carrying a Light Source (each
01701 code spawns a different looking enemy)
01801 Poncho Female Enemy carrying a Light Source
01703 (each code spawns a different looking enemy)
00800 Dog Enemy
00900 Longcoat Enemy (each code spawns a different
00901 looking enemy)
01100 Longcoat Enemy carrying a Light Source
01200 Thug Enemy (each code spawns an enemy with a
01201 different looking melee weapon)
00401 Party Guest Male
00400 Party Guest Female
00403 Mine Worker
00404 Waiter
00406 Undertaker
00407 Prostitute
00408 Doctor
00409 Normal Female
00410 Wedding Servant
00411 Mariachi
00413 Quacksalesman
00414 Train Conductor
00501 Friendly Female Civilians: These don’t react to
00505 anything the player does, have a grey viewcone
00507 and cannot be attacked.
00501 Friendly Male Civilians: These don’t react to
00502 anything the player does, have a grey viewcone
00503 and cannot be attacked.
01606 Frank

01609 Wounded Frank

01610 Young Frank
01607 Vincent Devitt
00412 Mayor Higgins
00510 Uncle Ian
00511 Marshall Wayne
00600 James Cooper
01616 Judge McGain
01615 Foreman O’Neill
01608 Big Ann
01604 McBane
01603 The Duke
01605 Jarvis
01602 Wild Marge
00300 Horse: Kicks behind itself to knock enemies out,
00301 when angered. (Each code spawns a different
00302 looking horse)
00101 Bull: Kills enemies in front of it, when
00101 angered.(Each code spawns a different looking
00102 Cow: Kills enemies in front of it, when angered.
00200 Chicken: Makes noise, when players get too
06100 Cooper Ammobox
06101 Kate Ammobox
06102 McCoy Ammobox
06103 Hector Ammobox
06104 Isabelle Ammobox
06105 Kate Disguise (Bridge)
06106 Kate Disguise (Dress)
06107 Kate Disguise (Prostitute)
06108 Kate Disguise (Servant)
06109 Swamp Torch
06113 Oil Stain
06117 O’Hara Ranch Firepit
06111 Gatling Gun
06112 Dynamite Barrel

NEW: Create sophisticated missions with the more powerful community developed mod

1vader from the Desperados community has created an amazing powerful tool, to modify
levels in a more comfortable way and do all kinds of tweaks on the game mechanics as well.

Find his great tool and tutorials here:


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