Yong-Kyu (2009) Handbook Behavior Genetics

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Handbook of Behavior Genetics

Yong-Kyu Kim

Handbook of Behavior

Yong-Kyu Kim
University of Georgia
Athens, GA

ISBN 978-0-387-76726-0 e-ISBN 978-0-387-76727-7

DOI 10.1007/978-0-387-76727-7

Library of Congress Control Number: 2008941695

c Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2009

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Dedicated to my teachers

Behavior genetics is an interdisciplinary area combining the behavioral sciences and genetics.
The study of behavior genetics has become increasingly important as we see growth spurts
in finding genes involved in complex behaviors following on advances in molecular genetic
techniques. This domain has been growing rapidly since the 1970s and increasingly receives
attention from many different disciplines. It has now become a vast common ground for sci-
entists from very diverse fields including psychology, psychiatry, neurology, endocrinology,
biochemistry, neuroimaging, and genetics.
When I was invited to organize this book by Springer, I was preparing for a new course,
Behavior Genetics, at the University of Georgia in fall, 2005. Only a few textbooks were
available at that time, but I could not find good references for graduate students and scien-
tists. I thought that we needed to offer research guides to the studies of genetic and environ-
mental influences on a variety of complex behaviors in humans and animals. I had little idea
about the proper scope for such a book. I contacted senior colleagues of the Behavior Genet-
ics Association and they gave me excellent advice. I initially invited contributors who were
largely members of the Behavior Genetics Association and the handbook was outlined with
14 chapters. As the Handbook developed, it became clear that the first draft was not sufficient
to cover all important domains in behavior genetics. In the second meeting with contributors
during the BGA meeting in Hollywood, CA, we discussed expanding the handbook to other
related domains, such as evolutionary psychology, health behavior, and neurosciences. I invited
additional contributors from other disciplines, and added chapters on the history of behavior
genetics, quantitative methods and models, as well as more studies of animal models. Now the
handbook stands with 34 chapters and integrates many of the basic issues in behavior genetics.
In each chapter, current research and issues on the selected topics are intensively reviewed
and directions for future research on these topics are highlighted: new research designs, ana-
lytic methods, and their implications are addressed. It is anticipated that the handbook will
contribute to our understanding of behavior genetics and future research endeavors in the 21st
Chapter 1 addresses a history of behavior genetics going back to some of Plato’s ideas and
discusses the nature–nurture controversies on behavior in the modern era which sometimes
brought about uproar in our community. In Part I, we address designs and methods in behavior
genetic research. Chapters 2 and 4 introduce statistical models and analyses, i.e., biometrical
models and multivariate genetic analyses, which explain genetic and environmental causes
of covariation between quantitative traits and comorbidity between disorders. In Chapter 3,
quantitative trait locus (QTL) analysis is introduced and methods of linkage and association
mapping of continuous traits are discussed. Results of the QTL analyses in several quantitative
traits are presented throughout this volume. Chapter 5 addresses the importance of animals
as models of human behaviors – cognition, personality, and pathology are presented in this
Part II addresses the genetics of cognition in humans and animals with nine selected top-
ics. Chapter 6 discusses genetic and environmental influences on general intelligence using

viii Preface

twin studies, followed by new twin research designs, analytic methods, findings, and their
implications. In Chapter 7, behavioral genetic research on cognitive aging is reviewed: genetic
and environmental contributions to age-related changes in cognitive abilities; contributions of
genes and lifestyle variables to dementia, and to the terminal decline in cognitive functioning;
and quantitative methods for investigating cognitive aging are presented. Chapter 8 addresses
behavioral genetic research on reading, and the genetic and environmental etiologies of read-
ing ability and disability are discussed. Chapter 9 explores behavioral and molecular genetic
studies elucidating the role of the genome in the development and manifestation of disorders
of speech and language. The human brain continues to show dynamic changes from child-
hood into adulthood. Genetic and environmental influences in brain volumes are addressed in
Chapter 10. Using quantitative magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), brain structures in patients
with a clear genetic etiology are reviewed. Genetic approaches to the search for genes asso-
ciated with brain volume are discussed. Cognitive abilities in animals as models of human
behavior are presented in Chapters 11, 12, 13, and 14. Quantitative and molecular genetic
approaches to cognition research in rodents are presented in Chapter 11. Cognitive deficits
affected by genetic manipulations and mouse models for human cognitive disabilities are dis-
cussed. Specifically, Chapter 12 reviews human cognitive impairment associated with chromo-
somal abnormalities, and mouse models of trisomy 21 are discussed addressing the relation-
ships among genes, brain, and cognitive function. Drosophila (fruit fly) models of Alzheimer’s
disease are introduced in Chapter 13. Pathological roles of Aβ peptides in fly brains, memory
defects, and locomotor dysfunctions are discussed. Chapter 14 addresses Drosophila courtship
songs which are utilized for intersexual selection and species recognition in nature. Quantita-
tive and molecular genetic studies on the phylogenetic patterns of song evolution in different
species groups are reviewed.
In Part III, the genetics of personality in humans and animals is addressed with 10
selected topics. Personality is influenced by both genes and environment during development.
Chapter 15 explores genotype–environment correlation through a review of the behavioral
genetic literature on genetic and environmental influences on family relationships. It is very
important that behavioral genetic models that measure behaviors of interest reflect the content
of the domains. Chapter 16 reviews behavioral genetic methods and models for personality
research and theory, and addresses some methodological issues. Chapter 17 addresses the roles
of specific genes, i.e., DRD4 and 5-HTTLPR genes, contributing to the multifaceted dimen-
sions of human personality, including altruism. Temperament, developing early in life and
possibly forming the basis for later personality and psychopathology, is explored in Chapter 18
in which quantitative and molecular genetic findings, as well as endophenotypic approaches,
are discussed. Sexual orientation is a controversial issue in our communities. A growing body
of evidence suggests that familial and genetic factors affect human sexual orientation. Quan-
titative and molecular genetic studies on sexual orientation are reviewed in Chapter 19. Three
chapters introduce animal models of personality and aggression. Chapter 20 explores personal-
ity differences in rats widely used in laboratories and discusses anatomical and neurochemical
analyses in this endeavor. Behavioral and genetic research on offensive aggression in mice is
reviewed and comparative genetic studies of aggression across species are addressed in Chap-
ter 21. Chapter 22 discusses aggressive behavior in fruit flies from the ecological, genetic,
neurological, and evolutionary perspectives. Approximately 10% of the population are left-
handers. The history, determination, and etiology of handedness are addressed in Chapter 23.
Chapter 24 introduces exercise behavior as a new discipline in behavior genetics. A large pro-
portion of adults in the world do not regularly engage in exercise, although benefits of exercise
are well documented. Genetic determinants of variability in exercise behavior are discussed.
In Part IV the genetics of psychopathology is represented with nine selected topics. Some
psychiatric disorders like ADHD are only diagnosed by questionnaires or psychiatric inter-
views, rather than by clinical tests, and consequently the genetic studies of the disorders
can vary as a function of applied assessment methods and informants. Chapter 25 addresses
such behavioral measure issues concerning ADHD. Depression and anxiety have their origins
Preface ix

in childhood and arise from genetic and shared environmental effects. Epidemiological and
behavior genetic research on childhood depression and anxiety are discussed in Chapter 26.
Autism is familial and, thus, relatives of probands with autism are at high risk for depres-
sion, anxiety, and personality attributes. Chapter 27 reviews current findings in the genetic
epidemiology of autism and its etiological issues concerning the definition of autism pheno-
types are discussed. Two chapters address substance abuse behaviors, that is, smoking, drugs,
and drinking. Smoking behaviors aggregate in families and in peer networks due to genetic
dispositions and common environmental influences. Chapter 28 reviews behavioral genetic
research on smoking behavior and nicotine dependence, using Finnish sample studies, and its
comorbidities with other substance use, depression, and schizophrenia are discussed. Behav-
ioral and molecular genetic research on the use and abuse of both alcohol and drugs is reviewed
in Chapter 29. Substance abuse and substance use disorder co-occur with conduct disorder and
antisocial behavior. Chapter 30 gives results of a meta-analysis of twin and adoption studies
examining genetic and environmental influences on conduct disorder and antisocial behavior.
Association and linkage studies for genes influencing antisocial behavior are discussed. Chap-
ter 31 explores the behavioral and molecular genetic approaches to the origins of two major
psychoses: schizophrenia and bipolar mood disorder. The concept of endophenotypes, which
are measured intermediate traits or states between genotypes (genetic liability) and pheno-
types (disorders), is discussed. Chapter 32 discusses indepth longitudinal ”high-risk” studies
that intend to identify endophenotypes in the first-degree relatives of schizophrenic probands
and to offer putative behavioral predictors of future schizophrenia spectrum disorders. Mouse
models of cognitive dysfunctions in schizophrenia are explored in Chapter 33 where the role
of dopamine in attention and working memory is discussed. Finally, in Chapter 34, future
directions for behavior genetics are addressed.
It is not surprising that, at the final publication date of a book like the Handbook of Behavior
Genetics, research has moved on. In 2008 we saw the publication of genome wide association
studies for Bipolar disorder (Ferreira et al., 2008), for five dimensions of personality (Ter-
racciano et al., 2008), ADHD (Neale et al., 2008) and major depressive disorder (Sullivan
et al., 2008). Many more GWA studies of complex behavioral and psychiatric phenotypes are
expected in the next few years. The landscape of behavior genetics has changed remarkably
in a relatively short space of time. The field continues to progress from comparatively small
studies to consortia-based efforts that target the inherited components of complex diseases and
behaviors and which typically involve thousands of participants (Orr & Chanock, 2008).


Ferreira, M. A., O’Donovan, M. C., Meng, Y. A., Jones, I. R., Ruderfer, D. M., Jones, L., et al. (2008).
Collaborative genome-wide association analysis supports a role for ANK3 and CACNA1C in bipolar
disorder. Nature Genetics, 40, 1056–1058.
Neale, B. M., Lasky-Su, J., Anney, R., Franke, B., Zhou, K., Maller, J. B., et al. (2008). Genome-wide
association scan of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. American Journal of Medical Genetics B
Neuropsychiatric Genetics, 147B, 1337–1344.
Orr, N., & Chanock, S. (2008). Common genetic variation and human disease. Advances in Genetics, 62, 1–32.
Sullivan, P. F., de Geus, E. J. C., Willemsen, G., James, M. R., Smit, J. H., Zandbelt, T., et al. (2008).
Genome-wide association for major depressive disorder: a possible role for the presynaptic protein piccolo.
Molecular Psychiatry, 1–17.
Terracciano, A., Sanna, S., Uda, M., Deiana, B., Usala, G., Busonero, F., et al. (2008). Genome-wide association
scan for five major depressions of personality. Molecuar Psychiatry (in press).

I gratefully acknowledge John DeFries, L. Erlenmeyer-Kimling, Irving Gottesman, Jenae

Neiderhiser, Nancy Pedersen, and Anita Thapar who provided useful suggestions for shaping
the contents of this handbook. I owe a great debt to my colleagues whose contributions create
the substance of this exciting book. They have been very patient, and they have promptly
responded and revised their chapters in light of reviewers’ comments and suggestions. I hope
that they are as pleased with the final result as I am. I also acknowledge Janice Stern, my
Springer Editor, for her patience on the long delay of the handbook, and I thank her staff for
their help in publishing this book.
I am especially grateful to the numerous colleagues who critically reviewed and improved
the earlier versions of the chapters with very valuable comments and suggestions. These people
include W. Anderson, J. Ando, R. Asarnow, H. Bléaut, D. Blizzard, D. Boomsma, J. Bridle,
D. Bruck, T. Button, A. Caspi, S. Cherny, K. Christensen, J. Crabbe, W. Crusio, K. Deater-
Deckard, S. de Boer, C. DeCarli, J. DeFries, D. Dick, L. DiLalla, M. Dunne, L. Ehrman,
T. Eley, L. Erlenmeyer-Kimling, W. Etges, J.-F. Ferveur, G. Fisch, B. Fish, J. Flint, S. Gammie,
X. Ge, M. Geyer, N. Gillespie, J. Gleason, D. Gooding, I. Gottesman, T. Gould, P. A. Gowaty,
E. Grigorenko, N. Harlaar, J. Harris, N. Henderson, J. Hewitt, A. Holmes, J. Horn, G. Jackson,
J.-M. Jallon, K. Jang, J. Kaprio, W. Kates, J. Kuntsi, C. Kyriacou, R. Landgraf, J.-O. Larsson,
L. Leve, J. Loehlin, M. Luciano, H. Maes, T. Markow, L. Matzel, S. Maxson, R. McCrae,
S. McGuire, S. Medland, K. Morley, P. Mullineaux, J. Neiderhiser, R. Nelson, Y. Oguma,
D. Overstreet, D. Patterson, S. Petrill, A. Pike, R. Pillard, R. Plomin, M. Pogue-Geile,
G. Riedel, G. Rieger, F. Rijsdijk, J. Ringo, P. Roubertoux, M. Rutter, S. Smith, M. Stallings,
T. Suzuki, G. Swan, P. Szatmari, M. Thomis, R. Todd, T. Verson, E. Viding, J. Vink, I. Weiner,
H. Welzl, J. Wilson, D. Wolfer, and J. Young.



1 History of Behavior Genetics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

John C. Loehlin

Part I Quantitative Methods and Models

2 Biometrical Models in Behavioral Genetics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

Michael C. Neale

3 QTL Methodology in Behavior Genetics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35

Stacey S. Cherny

4 Multivariate Genetic Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47

Danielle Posthuma

5 Models of Human Behavior: Talking to the Animals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61

Gene S. Fisch

Part II Genetics of Cognition

6 Twin Studies of General Mental Ability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81

Nancy L. Segal and Wendy Johnson

7 Behavioral Genetic Investigations of Cognitive Aging . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101

Deborah Finkel and Chandra A. Reynolds

8 The Genetics and Environments of Reading: A Behavioral Genetic Perspective . 113

Sara A. Hart and Stephen A. Petrill

9 Behavior-Genetic and Molecular Studies of Disorders of Speech

and Language: An Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125
Elena L. Grigorenko

10 Human Brain Volume: What’s in the Genes? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 137

Jiska S. Peper, Marcel P. Zwiers, Dorret I. Boomsma, René S. Kahn, and Hilleke
E. Hulshoff Pol

xiv Contents

11 Cognition in Rodents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 159

Christopher Janus, Michael J. Galsworthy, David P. Wolfer, and Hans Welzl

12 Neurogenetic Analysis and Cognitive Functions in Trisomy 21 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 175

Pierre L. Roubertoux and Michèle Carlier

13 Evolution of Complex Acoustic Signals in Drosophila Species . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 187

Anneli Hoikkala and Dominique Mazzi

14 Drosophila Model of Alzheimer’s Amyloidosis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 197

Koichi Iijima, Kanae Iijima-Ando, and Yi Zhong

Part III Genetics of Personality

15 Genotype–Environment Correlation and Family Relationships . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 209

Jennifer A. Ulbricht and Jenae M. Neiderhiser

16 Personality . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 223
Kerry L. Jang and Shinji Yamagata

17 Molecular Genetics of Personality: How Our Genes can Bring Us to a Better

Understanding of Why We Act the Way We Do . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 239
Richard P. Ebstein and Salomon Israel

18 The Genetics of Childhood Temperament . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 251

Jeffrey R. Gagne, Matthew K. Vendlinski, and H. Hill Goldsmith

19 Genetic and Environmental Influences on Sexual Orientation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 269

Khytam Dawood, J. Michael Bailey, and Nicholas G. Martin

20 Some Guidelines for Defining Personality Differences in Rats . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 281

Peter Driscoll, Alberto Fernández-Teruel, Maria G. Corda, Osvaldo Giorgi,
and Thierry Steimer

21 The Genetics of Offensive Aggression in Mice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 301

Stephen C. Maxson

22 Sexual Selection and Aggressive Behavior in Drosophila . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 317

Yong-Kyu Kim

23 Handedness: A Behavioral Laterality Manifestation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 331

Ira B. Perelle and Lee Ehrman

24 Genetics of Exercise Behavior . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 343

Janine H. Stubbe and Eco J.C. de Geus

Part IV Genetics of Psychopathology

25 Genetics of ADHD, Hyperactivity, and Attention Problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 361

Eske M. Derks, James J. Hudziak, and Dorret I. Boomsma
Contents xv

26 Depression and Anxiety in Childhood and Adolescence: Developmental

Pathways, Genes and Environment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 379
Frances Rice and Anita Thapar

27 Genetics of Autism . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 397

Sarah Curran and Patrick Bolton

28 Genetics of Smoking Behavior . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 411

Richard J. Rose, Ulla Broms, Tellervo Korhonen, Danielle M. Dick, and Jaakko

29 The Genetics of Substance Use and Substance Use Disorders . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 433

Danielle M. Dick, Carol Prescott, and Matt McGue

30 Genetic Analysis of Conduct Disorder and Antisocial Behavior . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 455

Soo Hyun Rhee and Irwin D. Waldman

31 Schizophrenia and Affective Psychotic Disorders – Inputs

from a Genetic Perspective . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 473
Daniel R. Hanson

32 Genetic Risks in Schizophrenia: Cross-National Prospective Longitudinal

High-Risk Studies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 487
Judith G. Auerbach, L. Erlenmeyer-Kimling, Barbara Fish, Sydney L. Hans,
Loring J. Ingraham, Joseph Marcus, Thomas F. McNeil, and Erland Schubert

33 Attention and Working Memory: Animal Models for Cognitive

Symptoms of Schizophrenia – Studies on D2-Like Receptor
Knockout Mice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 501
Claudia Schmauss


34 Future Directions for Behavior Genetics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 515

Yong-Kyu Kim

Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 519

Judith G. Auerbach Department of Psychology, Ben-Gurion University, Beer-Sheva,

Israel; Center for Advanced Studies, Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters, Oslo,
Email: judy@bgu.ac.il

J. Michael Bailey Department of Psychology, Northwestern University, Evanston, IL 60637,

Email: jm-bailey@northwestern.edu

Patrick F. Bolton Department of Psychologist Medicine, Institute of Psychiatry, London SE5

8AF, UK,
Email: p.bolton@iop.kcl.ac.uk

Dorret I. Boomsma Department of Biological Psychology, Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam

1081 BT, The Netherlands,
Email: DI.Boomsma@psy.vu.nl

Ulla Broms Department of Public Health, University of Helsinki, Helsinki 00014, Finland;
Department of Mental Health and Alcohol Research, National Public Health Institute,
Helsinki, Finland,
Email: ulla.broms@helsinki.fi

Michèle Carlier Institut Universitaire de France and Laboratoire Psychologie Cognitive,

UMR 6146, CNRS Aix-Marseille 1, Marseille Cedex 20, France,
Email: Michele.Carlier@univ-provence.fr

Stacey S. Cherny Department of Psychiatry, Genome Research Centre, and The State Key,
Laboratory of Brain and Cognitive Sciences, University of Hong Kong, Pokfulam, Hong
Email: cherny@hku.hk

Maria G. Corda Department of Toxicology, University of Cagliari, Cagliari 09124, Italy,

Email: mgcorda@unica.it

Sarah Curran Department of Psychologist Medicine, Institute of Psychiatry, London SE5

8AF, UK,
Email: s.curran@iop.kcl.ac.uk

Khytam Dawood Department of Psychology and Center for Developmental and Health Genet-
ics, Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA 16802, USA,
Email: Khytam@psu.edu

xviii Contributors

Eco J.C. de Geus Department of Biological Psychology, Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam 1081
BT, The Netherlands,
Email: JCN.de.Geus@psy.vu.nl

Eske M. Derks Department of Biological Psychology, Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam 1081

BT, The Netherlands; University Medical Center Utrecht, Divisie hersenen, Heidelberglaan
100, 3584 CX Utrecht, The Netherlands,
Email: E.M.Derks@umcutrecht.nl

Danielle M. Dick Virginia Institute of Psychiatric and Behavioral Genetics, Virginia

Commonwealth University, Richmond, VA 23298, USA,
Email: ddick@vcu.edu

Peter Driscoll Institute for Animal Science, ETHZ, Schwerzenbach 8603, Switzerland,
Email: peter-driscoll@ethz.ch

Richard P. Ebstein Department of Psychology, Scheinfeld Center of Genetic Studies for the
Social Sciences, Hebrew University of Jerusalem; Sarah Herzog Memorial Hospital, Givat
Shaul, Jerusalem 91905, Israel,
Email: ebstein@mscc.huji.ac.il

Lee Ehrman School of Natural and Social Sciences, Purchase College, State University of
New York, Purchase, NY 10577, USA,
Email: lee.ehrman@purchase.edu

L. Erlenmeyer-Kimling Departments of Medical Genetics, New York State Psychiatric

Institute, New York, NY 10032, USA; Departments of Psychiatry and of Genetics and
Development, Columbia University, New York, NY, USA,
Email: le4@columbia.edu

Alberto Fernández-Teruel Medical Psychology Unit, Department of Psychiatry and Forensic

Medicine, University of Barcelona, Bellaterra 08193, Spain,
Email: albert.fernandez.teruel@uab.es

Deborah Finkel Department of Psychology, School of Social Sciences, Indiana University

Southeast, New Albany, IN 47150, USA,
Email: dfinkel@ius.edu

Gene S. Fisch Bluestone Clinical Research Center, NYU Colleges of Dentistry & Nursing,
Yeshiva University, New York, NY 10010, USA,
Email: gene.fisch@nyu.edu

Barbara Fish Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, University of California,

Los Angeles, CA 90095, USA,
Email: bfish@ucla.edu

Jeffrey R. Gagne Department of Psychology, University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI 53706,

Email: jgagne@wisc.edu
Contributors xix

Michael J. Galsworthy Division of Neuroanatomy and Behavior, Institute of Anatomy,

University of Zurich, Zurich CH-8057, Switzerland,
Email: mike galsworthy@yahoo.co.uk

Osvaldo Giorgi Department of Toxicology, University of Cagliari, Cagliari 09124, Italy,

Email: giorgi@unica.it

H. Hill Goldsmith Department of Psychology, University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI 53706,

Email: hhgoldsm@wisc.edu

Elena L. Grigorenko Child Study Center, Department of Psychology, Department of

Epidemiology & Public Health, Yale University, New Haven, CT 06519-1124, USA,
Email: elena.grigorenko@yale.edu

Sydney L. Hans School of Social Service Administration, University of Chicago, Chicago,

IL 60637, USA,
Email: s-hans@uchicago.edu

Daniel R. Hanson Departments of Psychiatry & Psychology, University of Minnesota,

Minneapolis, MN 55454, USA,
Email: drhanson@umn.edu

Sara A. Hart Department of Human Development and Family Science, The Ohio State
University, Columbus, OH 43210, USA,
Email: hart.327@osu.edu

Anneli Hoikkala Department of Biological and Environmental Science, University of

Jyväskylä, Jyväskylä, Finland,
Email: anneli.a.hoikkala@jyu.fi

James J. Hudziak Department of Psychiatry and Medicine (Division of Human Genetics),

Center for Children, Youth and Families, University of Vermont, Burlington, VT, USA,
Email: James.Hudziak@uvm.edu

Hilleke E. Hulshoff Pol Department of Psychiatry, Rudolf Magnus Institute of Neuroscience,

University Medical Center, Utrecht, The Netherlands,
Email: h.e.hulshoff@umcutrecht.nl

Koichi Iijima Laboratory of Neurodegenerative Diseases and Gene Discovery; Farber

Institute for Neurosciences; Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Thomas
Jefferson University, Philadelphia PA19107, USA,
Email: Koichi.Iijima@jefferson.edu

Kanae Iijima-Ando Laboratory of Neurogenetics and Pathobiology; Farber Institute for

Neurosciences; Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Thomas Jefferson
University, Philadelphia PA 19107, USA,
Email: Kanae.Iijima-Ando@jefferson.edu

Loring J. Ingraham Department of Psychology, The George Washington University,

Washington, DC 20037, USA,
Email: ingraham@gwu.edu
xx Contributors

Salomon Israel Department of Psychology, Scheinfeld Center of Genetic Studies for the
Social Sciences, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Jerusalem 91905, Israel,
Email: salomon.israel@mail.huji.ac.il

Kerry L. Jang Department of Psychiatry, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, British

Columbia, Canada, V6T 2A1.
Email: kjang@interchange.ubc.ca

Christopher Janus Mayo Clinic Jacksonville, Department of Neuroscience, University of

Florida, Jacksonville, FL 32224, USA,
Email: Janus.Christopher@mayo.edu

Wendy Johnson Centre for Cognitive Ageing and Cognitive Epidemiology and Department
of Psychology, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, UK, and Department of Psychology,
University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN 55455, USA,
Email: john4350@umn.edu

René S. Kahn Department of Psychiatry, Rudolf Magnus Institute of Neuroscience, University

Medical Center, Utrecht, The Netherlands,
Email: r.kahn@umcutrecht.nl

Jaakko Kaprio Department of Public Health, University of Helsinki, Helsinki 14, Finland;
Department of Mental Health and Alcohol Research, National Public Health Institute,
Helsinki, Finland,
Email: jaakko.kaprio@helsinki.fi

Yong-Kyu Kim Department of Genetics, University of Georgia, Athens, GA 30602, USA,

Email: yongkyu@uga.edu

Tellervo Korhonen Department of Public Health, University of Helsinki, Helsinki 14,

Finland; Department of Mental Health and Alcohol Research, National Public Health
Institute, Helsinki, Finland,
Email: tellervo.korhonen@helsinki.fi

John C. Loehlin Department of Psychology, University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX 78712,

Email: loehlin@psy.utexas.edu

Joseph Marcus Department of Psychiatry, University of Chicago, Chicago, IL 60637, USA,

Email: jmarcusmd@cox.net

Nicholas G. Martin Department of Genetic Epidemiology, Queensland Institute of Medical

Research, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia,
Email: Nick.Martin@qimr.edu.au

Stephen C. Maxson Department of Psychology, University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT 06269-

1020, USA,
Email: Stephen.Maxson@Uconn.Edu
Contributors xxi

Dominique Mazzi Institute of Plant Sciences, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Zurich,
Email: dominique.mazzi@ipw.argl.ethz.ch

Matthew McGue Department of Psychology, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN

55455, USA; Department of Epidemiology, Southern Denmark University, Denmark,
Email: mcgue001@tc.umn.edu

Thomas F. McNeil Department of Psychiatric Epidemiology, University Hospital, Lund

University, Israel,
Email: Thomas.McNeil@med.lu.se

Michael C. Neale Departments of Psychiatry and Human Genetics, Virginia Institute for
Psychiatric and Behavioral Genetics, Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, VA
23298, USA,
Email: neale@vcu.edu

Jenae M. Neiderhiser Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, Center for Family
Research, The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA 16802, USA,
Email: jenaemn@psu.edu

Jiska S. Peper Department of Psychiatry, Rudolf Magnus Institute of Neuroscience,

University Medical Center, Utrecht, The Netherlands,
Email: j.s.peper@umcutrecht.nl

Ira B. Perelle Department of Psychology, Mercy College, Dobbs Ferry, NY 10522, USA,
Email: iperelle@mercy.edu

Stephen A. Petrill Department of Human Development and Family Science, Ohio State
University, Columbus, OH 43210, USA,
Email: spetrill@ehe.osu.edu

Danielle Posthuma Department of Biological Psychology, Section Medical Genomics, and

Section Functional Genomics, Vrije Universiteit and Vrije Universiteit Medical Center,
Amsterdam 1081BT, The Netherlands,
Email: danielle@psy.vu.nl

Carol Prescott Department of Psychology, University of Southern California, Los Angeles,

CA 90089, USA,
Email: cprescot@usc.edu

Chandra A. Reynolds Department of Psychology, University of California, Riverside, CA

92521, USA,
Email: chandra.reynolds@ucr.edu

Soo Hyun Rhee Institute for Behavioral Genetics, University of Colorado, Boulder, CO
80309, USA,
Email: Soo.Rhee@colorado.edu

Frances Rice Child & Adolescent Psychiatry Section, Department of Psychological Medicine,
School of Medicine, Cardiff University, Cardiff CF14 4XN, UK,
Email: ricef@cardiff.ac.uk
xxii Contributors

Richard J. Rose Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences, Indiana University,

Bloomington, IN 47405, USA; Department of Public Health, University of Helsinki, Finland,
Email: rose@indiana.edu

Pierre L. Roubertoux INSERM UMR910 Génétique Médicale et Génomique Fonctionnelle,

Université d’Aix-Marseille 2, Faculté de Médecine, 27 Bvd Jean Moulin, 13385 Marseille
Cedex 05, France,
Email: pierre.roubertoux@univmed.fr

Claudia Schmauss Department of Psychiatry and Molecular Therapeutics, Columbia

University and New York State Psychiatric Institute, New York, NY 10032, USA,
Email: cs581@columbia.edu

Erland Schubert Department of Psychiatric Epidemiology, University Hospital, Lund

University, Israel,
Email: erland.schbert@psychepi.lu.se

Nancy L. Segal Department of Psychology, California State University, Fullerton, CA 92834,

Email: nsegal@fullerton.edu

Thierry Steimer Clinical Psychopharmacology Unit, University Hospital of Geneva, 1225

Chêne-Bourg, Switzerland,
Email: thierry.steimer@hcuge.ch

Janine H. Stubbe Department of Biological Psychology, Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam 1081

BT, The Netherlands,
Email: janine.stubbe@tno.nl

Anita Thapar Child & Adolescent Psychiatry Section, Department of Psychological

Medicine, Cardiff University, Cardiff CF14 4XN, UK,
Email: thapar@Cardiff.ac.uk

Jennifer A. Ulbricht Center for Family Research; Department of Psychology, George

Washington University, Washington, DC 20037, USA,
Email: jau5b@gwu.edu

Matthew K. Vendlinski Department of Psychology, University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI

53706, USA,
Email: vendlinski@wise.edu

Irwin D. Waldman Department of Psychology, Emory University, Atlanta, GA 30322, USA,

Email: psyiw@emory.edu

Hans Welzl Division of Neuroanatomy and Behavior, Institute of Anatomy, University of

Zurich, Zurich CH-8057, Switzerland,
Email: welzl@anatom.uzh.ch

David P. Wolfer Division of Neuroanatomy and Behavior, Institute of Anatomy, University of

Zurich, Zurich CH-8057, Switzerland,
Email: dpwolfer@anatom.uzh.ch
Contributors xxiii

Shinji Yamagata Faculty of Letters, Keio University, Tokyo, 108-8345, Japan,

Email: yamagata@bayes.cu-tokyo.ad.jp

Yi Zhong Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, Cold Spring Harbor, NY 11724, USA,
Email: zhongyi@cshl.edu

Marcel P. Zwiers F.C. Donders Center for Cognitive Neuroscience, Nijmegen, The
Netherlands; Psychiatry Department, Radboud University, Nijmegen Medical Center,
Nijmegen 6525 HE, The Netherlands,
Email: m.zwiers@fcdonders.ru.nl
Chapter 1

History of Behavior Genetics

John C. Loehlin

Hermann Ebbinghaus (1908) said of psychology that it had a Greeks, Romans, Hebrews
long past, but only a short history. The same may be said of
behavior genetics. One cannot specify an exact date at which By classical times, 3000–1500 years ago, many varieties of
behavior genetics came to be regarded as a distinct scientific dogs with distinctive physical and behavioral characteristics
discipline, but for convenience let us say 1960, the publica- were recognized. More than 50 breeds are named in sur-
tion date of Fuller and Thompson’s textbook of that title. viving Greek and Roman documents, falling into such cate-
This chapter considers both the long past and some gories as scent- and sight hounds, shepherd dogs, guard dogs,
aspects of the short history of behavior genetics. We begin war dogs, and pets (Brewer et al., 2001).
with the long past: the recognition since antiquity that behav- The ancient Greeks held that humans inherited quali-
ioral traits are in part inherited, and the controversy concern- ties, including behavioral ones, from their ancestors. Thus
ing the extent to which this is so, a discussion often going in Book IV of Homer’s Odyssey, Menelaus greets two young
under the label of the nature–nurture controversy. visiting strangers, “Ye are of the line of men that are scep-
tred kings . . . for no churls could beget sons like you”
(Homer, trans. 1909, p. 49). And later (p. 53), to one of them,
“Thou has said all that a wise man might say or do, yea, and
The Long Past of Behavior Genetics an elder than thou; – for from such a sire too thou art sprung,
wherefore thou dost even speak wisely.” A similar notion
was expressed in the Hebrew scriptures: “I am the heir of
From Ancient Times to the Renaissance wise men, and spring from ancient kings” (Isaiah 19:11, New
English Bible).
Ancient Times A few hundred years later, the Greek philosopher Plato
in Book V of the Republic – his prescription for an ideal
Where does the long past start? Perhaps with the domes- state – took both inheritance and instruction into account
tication of dogs for behavioral as well as physical traits, in the development of the “Guardians,” the ruling elite. He
a process which probably took place at least 15,000 years begins with the question, “How can marriages be made most
ago (Savolainen, Zhang, Luo, Lundeberg, & Leitner, 2002) – beneficial?” He discusses the breeding of hunting dogs and
although one must suppose that in its early days this was birds, noting that “Although they are all of a good sort, are
more an evolution of a subgroup of wolves to fit a niche not some better than others?” “True.” “And do you breed
around human habitation than a process deliberately under- from them all indifferently, or do you take care to breed from
taken by man (Morey, 1994). In any case, about 5000 years the best only?” “From the best” (Plato, trans. 1901, p. 149).
ago in Egypt and the Near East, it appears that deliber- From there Plato goes on to generalize to the class of elite
ate animal breeding was well established (Brewer, Clark, & humans in his ideal state – to the desirability of matching the
Phillips, 2001); several distinctive varieties of cattle and dogs best with the best, and rearing their offspring with special
are portrayed in ancient Egyptian art. attention.
Plato recognizes that good ancestry is not infallibly pre-
dictive and recommends applying, at least in early youth,
a universal education to the citizens of his state; demoting,
when inferior, offspring of the elite class of guardians and
J.C. Loehlin (B)
Department of Psychology, The University of Texas at Austin, Austin, elevating into the ranks of the guardians offspring of the
TX 78712, USA lower classes who show merit.

Y.-K. Kim (ed.), Handbook of Behavior Genetics, 3

DOI 10.1007/978-0-387-76727-7 1,  c Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2009
4 J.C. Loehlin

We need not debate the pros and cons of Plato’s partic- entered into for the common good, had an immense influence
ular social proposals; people have been arguing about them via Jefferson, Voltaire, Rousseau, and the other theorists of
ever since his day. We only need observe that well over 2000 the American and French revolutions.
years ago the interplay of nature and nurture – and its social Indeed, one may view many of the events of the nature–
implications – was being discussed. nurture controversy since Locke’s day as a series of chal-
lenges to the prevailing Lockean position, with those steeped
in that tradition rising indignantly to battle what they per-
Middle Ages ceived to be threats to inalienable human rights of liberty and
What of the contrary view, the notion that all men are Locke himself, however, was not nearly as alien to hered-
born equal? A major impetus to such an idea came from itarian concepts as some of his followers have been. He
the medieval Catholic Church (Pearson, 1995). All men are rejected the concept of inborn ideas, but not of all innate char-
sons of God, and therefore of equal value in His sight. Or, acteristics. In a marginal note on a pamphlet by one Thomas
from another perspective, as the fourteenth-century English Burnet, Locke wrote “I think noe body but this Author who
proverb had it, “When Adam delved and Eve span/Who was ever read my book [An Essay Concerning Human Under-
then a gentleman?” standing] could doubt that I spoke only of innate Ideas . . .
and not of innate powers . . . ” (see Porter, 1887). Elsewhere
in Some Thoughts Concerning Education Locke wrote,
The Renaissance
Some Men by the unalterable Frame of their Constitutions are
stout, others timorous, some confident, others modest, tractable,
Ideas concerning the inheritance of behavior were present in or obstinate, curious or careless, quick or slow. There are not
Shakespeare’s day. The Countess of Rossilon in All’s Well more Differences in Men’s Faces, or in the outward Lineaments
That Ends Well says, about a wise daughter of a wise father, of their Bodies, than there are in the Makes and Tempers of their
Minds. (1693/1913, Sect. 101)
“Her dispositions she inherits” (Act I:i). The nature–nurture
controversy itself appears to have got its label from Pros-
pero’s remark in The Tempest about his subhuman creature,
John Stuart Mill
Caliban, “A devil, a born devil, on whose nature nurture will
never stick” (Act IV:i).
Many of Locke’s successors in the English liberal tradition
came out more strongly than Locke did on the side of nurture.
John Stuart Mill wrote in his Autobiography (1873, p. 192),
The Nature–Nurture Controversy in the
I have long felt that the prevailing tendency to regard all the
Modern Era marked distinctions of human character as innate, and in the
main indelible, and to ignore the irresistible proofs that by far the
greater part of these differences, whether between individuals,
Although ideas about the roles of nature and nurture in races, or sexes, are such as not only might but naturally would
human and animal behaviors have been with us for thousands be produced by differences in circumstances, is one of the chief
of years, the modern form of the controversy traces back hindrances to the rational treatment of great social questions, and
fairly directly to the seventeenth-century philosopher John one of the greatest stumbling blocks to human improvement.
Locke and the nineteenth-century naturalist Charles Darwin.

Charles Darwin
John Locke
During roughly the same period as Mill, Charles Darwin
Locke may be considered to be the chief ideological father gave the nature side of the controversy its modern form
of the nurture side of the controversy. In An Essay Concern- by placing behavior, including human behavior, solidly in
ing Human Understanding (Locke, 1690/1975), he invoked the framework of biological evolution. In addition to his
the metaphor of the mind as a blank sheet of paper upon major treatise The Origin of Species (1859), Darwin in such
which knowledge is written by the hand of experience. In the works as The Descent of Man (1871) and The Expression
opening paragraph of his book Some Thoughts Concerning of the Emotions in Man and Animals (1872) made it clear
Education, he said, “I think I may say, that of all the Men that human behavior shared ancestry with that of other ani-
we meet with, nine Parts of ten are what they are, good or mal forms, and was subject to the same evolutionary pro-
evil, useful or not, by their Education” (Locke, 1693/1913, cess of hereditary variation followed by natural selection of
Sect. 1). Locke’s political view that all men are by nature the variants that proved most successful in their particular
equal and independent, and that society is a mutual contract environments.
1 History of Behavior Genetics 5

In The Descent of Man (1871, pp. 110–111) Darwin one at random and train him to become any type of specialist
wrote, I might select – doctor, lawyer, artist, merchant-chief, and yes,
even beggar-man and thief, regardless of his talents, penchants,
So in regard to mental qualities, their transmission is manifest tendencies, abilities, vocations, and race of his ancestors.
in our dogs, horses, and other domestic animals. Besides special
tastes and habits, general intelligence, courage, bad and good
temper, etc. are certainly transmitted. With man we see simi-
The year 1928 saw the publication of the Twenty-Seventh
lar facts in almost every family; and we now know through the
admirable labours of Mr. Galton that genius, which implies a Yearbook of the National Society for the Study of Educa-
wonderfully complex combination of high faculties, tends to be tion. It was entitled Nature and Nurture, and it contained
inherited; and on the other hand, it is too certain that insanity and the reports of two adoption studies of IQ. One, by Barbara
deteriorated mental powers likewise run in the same families.
Burks, emphasized the effects of nature. The other, by Free-
man, Holzinger, and Mitchell, came down on the side of
nurture. The nature–nurture controversy continued, but stu-
Francis Galton dents of the effects of heredity and environment on behavior
were gathering data. When enough had been gathered for a
Darwin’s younger cousin Francis Galton agreed with Darwin textbook to be written, the short history of behavior genetics
and disagreed with Mill. In his book Inquiries into Human could begin.
Faculty (1883, p. 241) he concluded,
There is no escape from the conclusion that nature prevails enor-
mously over nurture when the differences of nurture do not
exceed what is commonly to be found among persons of the
same rank of society and in the same country. The Short History of Behavior Genetics
Galton is not saying that environment never matters. How-
ever, he is saying that the ordinary differences we observe Most of the short history of behavior genetics, as it applies
among people in the same general social context are mostly to the study of both humans and other animal species, will
due to heredity. not be discussed in this chapter. It is a tale of steady sci-
Galton was a central, crystallizing figure in behavior entific progress on a variety of fronts, despite occasional
genetics’ “long past.” His emphasis on the measurement of controversies, confusions, and setbacks, and it is a tale told
individual differences and their statistical treatment became in the other chapters of this handbook. The reader who wants
a core theme in the development of the field. His studies a quick sense of the scope of scientific progress in the field
of “hereditary genius” and “the comparative worth of differ- of behavior genetics during the last 40-odd years, and the
ent races” (Galton, 1869) foreshadowed recent controversies prospects opening up in it today, can achieve this by scanning
about IQ. He proposed the study of twins as a way of getting through the chapter introductions and summaries, and the
at the relative effect of nature and nurture. And his promotion editor’s final chapter. The reader who aspires to a more solid
of eugenics – that is, the encouragement of the more useful grasp of this short history will need, of course, to proceed
members of society to have more children and the less useful more systematically through the book, as well as following
to have fewer (as in Plato’s scheme for an ideal state) – has up some of its many references.
generated on occasion a good deal of heat. Here is a recent The remainder of this chapter addresses two other aspects
example (Graves, 2001, p. 100): “Galton’s scientific accom- of behavior genetics’ short history. First, we look briefly at
plishments are sufficient for some still to consider him an some institutional features of the field: its principal schol-
intellectual hero. Whereas for others (this author included) arly and scientific organization, the Behavior Genetics Asso-
he was an intellectual mediocrity, a sham, and a villain.” ciation; the discipline’s key journal, Behavior Genetics; and
some major centers of behavior genetics research. Following
this, we look at the social context of behavior genetics, at
The Twentieth Century instances in which the scientific and scholarly pursuits of the
field have become entangled with public political and social
Vigorous disagreements on the relative impact of nature and concerns. These instances include a series of controversies
nurture on behavior continued into the twentieth century. On concerning the genetic or environmental bases of differences
the whole, twentieth-century psychology was heavily envi- in psychological characteristics between groups defined by
ronmentalistic, emphasizing the crucial role of learning in race, sex, or social class. Controversies about group differ-
shaping behavior. The high-water mark of this tradition was ences have roots in behavior genetics’ long past and have
the famous claim of John B. Watson (1925, p. 82): persisted into its short history. They are far from central in
Give me a dozen healthy infants, well-formed, and my own spec- the activities of most working behavior geneticists, but they
ified world to bring them up in and I’ll guarantee to take any represent an important part of the public face of the field.
6 J.C. Loehlin

The Institutional History of Behavior Genetics Table 1.1 BGA Presidents and Annual Meetings
Year President Site of meeting
The Behavior Genetics Association 1971 R. H. Osborne [pro tem] Storrs CT
1972 Th. Dobzhansky Boulder CO
1973 John L. Fuller Chapel Hill NC
After some informal discussions in the late 1960s, and the 1974 Gerald E. McClearn Minneapolis MN
circulation of a mailing to a list of persons who had recently 1975 J. P. Scott Austin TX
published in the area of behavior genetics, an organizational 1976 Irving I. Gottesman Boulder CO
1977 W. R. Thompson Louisville KY
meeting took place at Urbana, Illinois, in March 1970. R. 1978 Lee Ehrman Davis CA
H. Osborne, then editor of the journal Social Biology, was 1979 V. Elving Anderson Middletown CT
chosen to act as president pro tem, and five committees were 1980 John C. Loehlin Chicago IL
appointed to lay the groundwork for a Behavior Genetics 1981 Norman D. Henderson Purchase NY/Jerusalem
1982 John C. DeFries Ft Collins CO
Association (or Society – there was some argument about 1983 David W. Fulker London, England
a suitable name). In April 1971, the fledgling organization 1984 Steven G. Vandenberg Bloomington IN
held its first formal meeting, at Storrs, Connecticut. In addi- 1985 Sandra Scarr State College PA
tion to scientific sessions, a draft constitution was discussed 1986 Ronald S. Wilson Honolulu HI
1987 Peter A. Parsons Minneapolis MN
to be submitted to the initial membership via mail ballot for 1988 Leonard L. Heston Nijmegen, Netherlands
approval. Nominations and an election followed, and at the 1989 Robert Plomin Charlottesville VA
time of the second annual meeting at Boulder, Colorado, 1990 Carol B. Lynch Aussois, France
in April 1972, the Behavior Genetics Association (BGA) 1991 Lindon J. Eaves St. Louis MO
1992 David A. Blizard Boulder CO
was officially underway, and its first set of officers took 1993 Thomas J. Bouchard, Jr. Sydney, Australia
office: Theodosius Dobzhansky was president, John Fuller 1994 Glayde Whitney Barcelona, Spain
was president-elect, R. H. Osborne served as past president, 1995 James Wilson Richmond VA
the secretary was Elving Anderson, the treasurer was John 1996 Nicholas G. Martin Pittsburgh PA
1997 Nicholas G. Martin Toronto, Canada
Loehlin, and the two executive committee members-at-large 1998 Norman D. Henderson Stockholm, Sweden
were Seymour Kessler and L. Erlenmeyer-Kimling. 1999 Richard Rose Vancouver, Canada
The association proved viable. Table 1.1 shows the suc- 2000 John Hewitt Burlington VT
cessive presidents of the BGA and the location of its annual 2001 Matt McGue Cambridge, England
2002 Nancy Pedersen Keystone CO
meetings. Note that a special extra international meeting was 2003 Andrew Heath Chicago IL
held in Jerusalem in 1981, and that thereafter the regular 2004 Michèle Carlier Aix-en-Provence, France
annual BGA meeting was periodically held in countries out- 2005 H. Hill Goldsmith Hollywood CA
side the USA: in England (twice), the Netherlands (twice), 2006 Laura Baker Storrs CT
2007 Pierre Roubertoux Amsterdam, Netherlands
France, Australia, Spain, Canada (twice), and Sweden.
Source: BGA web site (June 27, 2007); http://www.bga.org
Over time, the association grew in size. Forty-four persons
responded to the initial mailing indicating interest in such an
association. There were 69 paid-up members at the time of
genetics have thus been published in widely scattered journals, a
the first annual meeting at Storrs. By the time of the 34th clear identification with this discipline has been lacking. It is our
annual meeting in Aix-en-Provence, France, in 2004, the hope that BEHAVIOR GENETICS will fulfill this need.
BGA had 270 regular and 109 associate members (the latter
chiefly graduate students). Approximately two-thirds were The journal has largely lived up to their hopes. It never
from North America and one-third from other continents. stood completely alone – for example, at the time there was
an existing journal focused on twin research, Acta Geneticae
Medicae et Gemellologiae, which published many behav-
The Journal Behavior Genetics iorally oriented papers. The journal Social Biology – whose
editor, R. H. Osborne, played an important role in found-
In 1970, a decade after Fuller and Thompson’s textbook, the ing the Behavior Genetics Association – initially served as
scientific journal Behavior Genetics began with Vol. 1, No. 1. the official organ of the BGA. (Behavior Genetics assumed
Its founding editors were Steven G. Vandenberg and John C. that role in 1974.) Other journals have since emerged –
DeFries. They stated their hopes for the new journal in an for example, the recent journals Genes, Brains, and Behav-
editorial (p. 1): ior and Twin Research. Many important papers in behavior
genetics continue to be published in journals in the neighbor-
Research in behavior genetics continues to be undertaken at
ing behavioral and biological sciences. Nevertheless, Behav-
an accelerating rate. Nevertheless, no single journal has existed
heretofore which was dedicated primarily to the publication of ior Genetics, as the official organ of the Behavior Genetics
papers in this important area. Since manuscripts in behavior Association, remains a major defining force in the field.
1 History of Behavior Genetics 7

It is instructive to compare Vol. 1 (1970) of Behavior important U.S. centers include Washington University in
Genetics with Vol. 35 (2005). The journal became a good St. Louis (Robert Cloninger, Andrew Heath, & John Rice)
deal bigger: from three issues in Vol. 1 (Nos. 3 and 4 were and Penn State (David Blizard, Gerald McClearn, & George
bound together) to six in Vol. 35 from 274 to 854 pages Vogler). Outside the USA, Kings College, London, has
(and nearly twice the number of words per page because recruited an eminent group of behavior genetics researchers,
of larger pages). In Vol. 1, there were 24 papers, an edito- including Peter McGuffin, Robert Plomin, and Michael Rut-
rial, and 2 “short communications.” In Vol. 35 there were ter. The Vrije Universiteit in Amsterdam also has a substan-
66 papers, plus 142 abstracts from the Behavior Genetics tial behavior genetics contingent, including Dorret Boomsma
Association meeting, and various BGA minutes, announce- and Danielle Postuma. Stable international coalitions are
ments, etc. Behavior Genetics continues to publish both sub- becoming increasingly common, greatly facilitated by the
stantively and methodologically oriented papers, featuring Internet. Notable examples include collaborations between
various animal species, but the mix changed from Vol. 1 groups at Indiana University and the University of Helsinki,
to Vol. 35. In Vol. 1 there were 7 papers (27%) focused on Penn State and the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm, and
human behavior, 16 papers (62%) involving rodents, mostly several U.S. groups with the Queensland Institute for Medi-
inbred mice, 1 paper on another species (Drosophila), and cal Research in Australia.
2 papers primarily methodological (statistical) in character. Beside the institutions mentioned above, dozens of other
In Vol. 35, there was an increased proportion of substantive universities and research institutes, including many outside
papers involving humans, 28 (42%); proportionately fewer the USA, have developed and maintained strong programs
involving rodents, 14 (21%); an increase in those involving in human or animal behavior genetics on the strength of one
other animal species, 9 (15%) – mostly Drosophila, but one or two distinguished researchers on their faculties. Almost
on rainbow trout. For many of the remaining 22% of papers, half the presidents of the BGA, for example, would represent
the species might be described as the computer: These were this category. The hosting of an annual BGA meeting (see
methodological papers, many involving a heavy dose of com- Table 1.1) also tends to reflect a strong local program.
puter model-fitting or simulation.

Major Behavior Genetics Centers Public Controversies – Group Differences

Preeminent among academic centers for teaching and The possibility that there might be genetic differences in
research in behavior genetics has been the Institute for psychological traits between groups defined by race, sex, or
Behavioral Genetics (IBG) at the University of Colorado at social class has led to a good deal of public uproar and not
Boulder. Among the notable behavior geneticists who have a little confusion. It has provided an inflammatory intersec-
served on its faculty are Gregory Carey, John DeFries, David tion between the scientific discipline of behavior genetics
Fulker, John Hewitt, Carol Lynch, Gerald McClearn, Robert and Western attitudes of equality stemming from religious,
Plomin, Steven Vandenberg, and James Wilson. It has also political, and philosophical roots. Racist, sexist, and class-
served as home for the journal Behavior Genetics, except for ist ideas (as references to such group differences are some-
1978–1985 when Jan Bruell edited the journal at the Uni- times called) tend to drive traditional Lockean ideologists up
versity of Texas and 2000–2002 when Norman Henderson the wall, so that clear thinking has not always prevailed in
edited it at Oberlin College. The IBG has also hosted sev- this area.
eral BGA annual meetings and a number of summer training A few general points should be noted. First, the main
institutes on behavior genetics methods. business of behavior geneticists has always been individual
Next in line as a center of behavior genetics activity would differences, not group differences, so that for the day-to-day
probably be the University of Minnesota, whose faculty has research of most behavior geneticists, questions about group
included important behavior geneticists like Elving Ander- differences are at best an unwelcome distraction. Second, as
son, Thomas Bouchard, Irving Gottesman, Leonard Heston, Lewontin (1970) made clear, a demonstration that individ-
Gardner Lindzey, David Lykken, Matthew McGue, Shel- ual differences are due to genes does not imply that group
don Reed, Sandra Scarr, and Auke Tellegen. A third cen- differences are genetic. He used the analogy of genetically
ter, at least in the early days, was the University of Texas varied seeds raised in a greenhouse in two pots under iden-
at Austin, with Jan Bruell, Joseph Horn, Gardner Lindzey, tical regimens, except that one pot lacked a crucial trace
John Loehlin, Delbert Thiessen, and Lee Willerman. A cur- nutrient present for the other. The heights of the plants
rent major behavior genetics center is at the Virginia Com- are subsequently measured. The variation of height within
monwealth University; its faculty includes Lindon Eaves, each pot, except for random measurement errors, is entirely
Kenneth Kendler, Hermine Maes, and Michael Neale. Other genetic, since the plants within each pot vary genetically,
8 J.C. Loehlin

but are treated exactly the same. The average difference in meetings disrupted. A graphic account of the goings-on may
plant height between the two pots is entirely environmen- be found in Pearson (1991). The controversy about possible
tal, because it stems from the presence or absence of the racial differences in mental abilities has continued to the
critical nutrient. Clearly, this example implies that group present – the interested reader may wish to consult Race
differences may be different in their genetic and environ- Differences in Intelligence (Loehlin et al., 1975), Race, IQ
mental origins from individual differences. However, it is and Jensen (Flynn, 1980), The Black–White Test Score Gap
sometimes forgotten that may does not imply are. There (Jencks & Phillips, 1998), and The New Know-Nothings
remains the empirical question for any particular trait and (Hunt, 1999). Rushton and Jensen (2005) provide a recent
any particular group difference in any particular population: review emphasizing the genes: “Thirty years of research on
To what relative extent are genetic and environmental dif- race differences in cognitive ability,” which, along with a
ferences between the groups in fact involved? There also number of critiques from various points of view, fills an issue
remains the social question: How much (if at all) does this of Psychology, Public Policy, and Law [Vol. 11(2), 2005].
The empirical question is not necessarily an easy one to
The Bell Curve
answer. For one thing, it may well have different answers for
different traits and different groups (Loehlin, 2000). If one
Twenty-five years after Jensen’s article, a similar uproar
were to demonstrate that profiles of cognitive ability differ
arose, this time due to the publication of a book by the
for genetic reasons between Asian Americans and European
psychologist Richard Herrnstein and the sociologist Charles
Americans, it would not imply that a difference in average
Murray entitled The Bell Curve (Herrnstein & Murray, 1994).
intellectual performance between European Americans and
Although much of the furor focused on race differences in
African Americans has a genetic origin. To make matters
cognitive skills, the authors did not in fact devote a great deal
worse, the social excitement and media hoopla surrounding
of attention to this topic and took a fairly mild position on
the issue of group differences has discouraged most behav-
it. After emphasizing via a version of Lewontin’s metaphor
ior geneticists from addressing such matters empirically. It is
that a genetic basis for individual differences does not imply
not as though informative research designs do not exist. One
a genetic basis for group differences, they said of U.S. ethnic
listing of promising areas of research on racial-ethnic ability
differences in average IQ (p. 312):
differences listed ten possible approaches, ranging from stud-
ies of race mixtures and cross-racial adoptions to piggy-back They may well include some (as yet unknown) genetic compo-
nent, but nothing suggests that they are entirely genetic. And,
studies on educational or nutritional programs which were most important, it matters little whether the genes are involved
being undertaken for other reasons (Loehlin, Lindzey, & at all.
Spuhler, 1975, pp. 251–254).
Their argument in support of the second sentence was that
for an appropriate treatment of an individual it is his or her
own IQ that is relevant (if IQ is relevant at all), not the aver-
age IQs of some group to which the individual may belong.
One might add, however, that for long-term social policy, the
Less than a decade into behavior genetics’ short history,
fact that an average group difference has its source in genes
the educational psychologist Arthur Jensen published a
or in the environment can sometimes matter, because it can
long article in the Harvard Educational Review entitled
affect the choice of a remedy to alter that difference – eugen-
“How much can we boost IQ and scholastic achievement?”
ics versus Head Start, for example.
(Jensen, 1969). Jensen noted the fact that compensatory
education programs had not lived up to their advance billing
and concluded that this might partly reflect the genetic Herrnstein on Social Class and IQ
contribution to IQ, which he estimated at a fairly high
80%. Almost in passing, he noted the possibility that the The Bell Curve did not represent Herrnstein’s first engage-
persistent IQ gap between U.S. blacks and whites might ment with group differences and public controversy. In an
in part be genetic in origin. He did not say that this had article in The Atlantic (Herrnstein, 1971) and in a subsequent
been demonstrated to be the case, but suggested that the book, I.Q. in the Meritocracy (1973), Herrnstein elaborated
matter should be looked into empirically. Jensen’s article, on an idea by Cyril Burt (1961) that social class and occu-
particularly the suggestion that there might be a genetic pational differences in IQ will be partly genetic in a soci-
contribution to black–white IQ differences, created an ety that features social mobility. If IQ is partly genetic, and
immediate furor. There were numerous published critiques, higher IQ individuals tend to move up in social and occupa-
not all judicious and carefully thought out. And this was not tional status, while lower IQ individuals tend to move down,
just a genteel academic debate – tires were slashed and public then IQ differences between social classes and occupational
1 History of Behavior Genetics 9

groups will come to be partly genetic. This is not a heredi- clearly right about the difficulty of public discussion of such
tary aristocracy – far from it – it is a dynamic phenomenon questions. An announcement was issued the next day by the
that depends on continued mobility up and down the social BGA Executive Committee to the effect that Whitney was
scale. An important question is, How much? Some evidence not acting as the official spokesman of the association, that
suggests that about 40% of IQ differences in occupation and presentations at BGA meetings should be strictly scientific,
income in Western societies are associated with genetic dif- and that “members are not encouraged to express their per-
ferences (Rowe, Vesterdal, & Rodgers, 1998; Tambs, Sundet, sonal political and moral views” (Heath, 1995, p. 590). A
Magnus, & Berg, 1989). Phenotypically, there are substan- special December meeting of the BGA Executive Committee
tial average differences in IQ between different occupational was scheduled to consider removing Whitney from the BGA
groups. For example, in the U.S. standardization sample for Board of Directors, of which he was automatically a member
the 1981 revision of the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale, as past president (e-mail announcement to the BGA member-
there was a 22-point difference between the average IQs of ship, October 12, 1995). President-elect Pierre Roubertoux
persons in professional and technical occupations and per- and Wim Crusio, a member-at-large of the Executive Com-
sons who were unskilled laborers (Reynolds, Chastain, Kauf- mittee, resigned from the association because it was unwill-
man, & McLean, 1987). And yet there was nearly as much ing to adopt sufficiently strong sanctions against Whitney.
variation in IQ within these two occupational groups (stan- The incoming president-elect, Nicholas Martin, took over
dard deviations of 14.4 and 15.2) as in the U.S. population for Roubertoux as president, and later served his own term,
as a whole (standard deviation of 15.1). It is an interesting accounting for his double appearance in Table 1.1, in 1996
paradox that there may be real and significant differences in and 1997 (Heath, 1996).
average IQ between different groups, yet individuals vary so
widely within them that an individual’s group membership is
of almost no value for predicting his or her IQ. Lawrence Summers and Sex Differences

On January 14, 2005, Harvard President Lawrence H. Sum-

The Glayde Whitney Affair mers informally addressed a conference on “Diversifying the
Science and Engineering Workforce” which was considering
In his 1995 presidential address to the Behavior Genetics the reasons for a shortage of women at the highest levels in
Association, Glayde Whitney, whose distinguished research the scientific professions (Summers, 2005). With the avowed
career had mostly focused on taste sensitivity in mice, turned intention of provoking discussion, Summers proposed three
to humans and elected to address the topic of black–white hypotheses for his audience’s consideration: (a) Many tal-
differences in the frequency of criminal behavior. He pointed ented women prefer devoting some of their time to children
out the large discrepancies on the phenotypic level, such as and families rather than undertaking the 80-hour work-weeks
a ninefold difference in murder rates between blacks and required for reaching the top levels in elite research organi-
whites in the USA. Compared to a dozen other industrialized zations; (b) there may be biological differences between the
countries, the USA had the highest overall murder rate. How- sexes, such as a greater variance for males on many traits,
ever, based only on its white population, it ranked third from producing an excess of males at the extremes; and (c) subtle
the bottom, with a lower murder rate than such countries and not-so-subtle patterns of discrimination may exist that
as Switzerland, Denmark, Finland, and Sweden. Whitney lead the present elite in these fields, mostly males, to choose
argued that behavior geneticists should be willing to explore others like them to join them. Summers thought it likely that
both genetic and environmental hypotheses about such dif- all three of these factors contributed, and he guessed that
ferences; he also argued that the current intellectual climate they might rank in importance in the order given. Summers
in the USA made such discussion virtually impossible – and is an economist by training, not a behavior geneticist, but he
he made some critical remarks about the contribution of the cited some behavior genetic evidence against an overwhelm-
political Left to this situation (Whitney, 1995). ing role of socialization in producing behavioral differences,
Whitney’s address was perhaps not a model of tact: for and suggested that the effects in hypotheses (a) and (b) might
example, in addition to his comments about the Left, he have in part a biological basis. Summers’ remarks aroused a
noted that Richmond, Virginia, the city in which he was firestorm in the press and in feminist circles, which in turn
speaking as a guest, was the second-worst large city in the provoked assorted indignant rejoinders. It is not necessary to
USA with respect to its murder rate. Nor did he address pursue these in detail here – a quick survey on the Internet
the question of how behavior geneticists were to go about will yield an ample sampling of widely varying views about
deciding to what extent the group differences in criminality Summers’ remarks – views expressed with widely varying
were genetic or environmental. Subsequent events within the degrees of heat and light. Pinker (2002, Chap. 18) provides
Behavior Genetics Association proved, however, that he was a readable survey of the considerable evidence that at least
10 J.C. Loehlin

some male–female psychological differences have a biolog- Flynn, J. R. (1980). Race, IQ and Jensen. London: Routledge & Kegan
ical component – although, presumably, few are exclusively Paul.
Freeman, F. N., Holzinger,K. J., & Mitchell, B. C. (1928). The influence
so, and many questions remain open empirically.
of environment on the intelligence, school achievement, and conduct
of foster children. In 27th Yearbook of the National Society for the
Study of Education, Part 1, pp. 103–217.
The Future? Fuller, J. L., & Thompson, W. R. (1960). Behavior genetics. New York:
One take-home lesson from the various controversies con- Galton, F. (1869). Hereditary genius: An inquiry into its laws and con-
cerning group differences is that the nature–nurture contro- sequences. London: Collins.
Galton, F. (1883). Inquiries into human faculty and its development.
versy is not dead, even though it has been declared moribund London: Macmillan.
on many occasions in recent decades. Although behavior Graves, J. L., Jr. (2001). The emperor’s new clothes: Biological theories
geneticists have had an appreciable impact on public think- of race at the millennium. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University
ing about individual differences, the question of the relative Press.
Heath, A. C. (1995). Secretary’s report: The 25th annual meeting of
genetic and environmental contributions to group differences the Behavior Genetics Association, Richmond, Virginia. Behavior
has been both more socially explosive and much less suc- Genetics, 25, 589–590.
cessfully addressed empirically. Heath, A. C. (1996). Secretary’s report: The 26th annual meeting of
What does the future hold? This will depend, in part, on the Behavior Genetics Association, Richmond, Virginia [Pittsburgh,
Pennsylvania]. Behavior Genetics, 26, 605–606.
future behavior genetics research on these topics – some of Herrnstein, R. J. (1971). I.Q. Atlantic Monthly 228(3), 43–64.
it, perhaps, carried out by readers of this book. One may Herrnstein, R. J. (1973). I.Q. in the meritocracy. Boston: Little, Brown.
be fairly confident that nature–nurture controversies will not Herrnstein, R. J., & Murray, C. (1994). The bell curve: Intelligence and
vanish completely anytime soon. However, one may hope class structure in American life. New York: The Free Press.
Homer. (n.d./1909). The Odyssey (S. H. Butcher & A. Lang, Trans.).
that as knowledge expands, the cloud of misunderstandings New York: Collier.
on which these controversies feed will gradually shrink, and Hunt, M. (1999). The new know-nothings. New Brunswick, NJ: Trans-
that one day we may have an agreed-upon body of facts on action Publishers.
which to base social policy. Jensen, A. R. (1969). How much can we boost IQ and scholastic
achievement? Harvard Educational Review, 39, 1–123.
Jencks, C., & Phillips, M. (Eds.) (1998). The Black-White test score
gap. Washington, DC: Brookings Institution.
Conclusion Lewontin, R. C. (1970). Race and intelligence. Bulletin of the Atomic
Scientists, 26(3), 2–8.
Locke, J. (1690/1975). An essay concerning human understanding
Yes, behavior genetics has had a long past, which extends (P. H. Nidditch, Ed.). Oxford: Clarendon Press.
into the nature–nurture controversies of the present day. It Locke, J. (1693/1913). Some thoughts concerning education (R. H.
has also had a short but solid history of substantive accom- Quick, Ed.). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
plishment and institutional establishment. The date at which Loehlin, J. C. (2000). Group differences in intelligence. In R. J. Stern-
berg (Ed.), Handbook of intelligence (pp. 176–193). Cambridge:
the short history will make the long past seem quaint and Cambridge University Press.
obsolete in the eyes of the general educated public remains Loehlin, J. C., Lindzey, G., & Spuhler, J. N. (1975). Race differences in
to be determined. Readers of this book will help determine it. intelligence. San Francisco: Freeman.
Mill, J. S. (1873). Autobiography. London: Longmans.
Morey, D. F. (1994). The early evolution of the domestic dog. American
Scientist, 82, 336–347.
References National Society for the Study of Education (1928). 27th yearbook:
Nature and nurture. Bloomington. IL: Public School Publishing.
Brewer, D. J., Clark, T., & Phillips, A. (2001). Dogs in antiquity. Pearson, R. (1991). Race, intelligence and bias in academe. Washing-
Warminster, England: Aris & Phillips. ton, DC: Scott-Townsend.
Burks, B. S. (1928). The relative influence of nature and nurture upon Pearson, R. (1995). The concept of heredity in the history of Western
mental development: A comparative study of foster parent-foster culture: Part One. The Mankind Quarterly, 35, 229–266.
child resemblance and true parent-true child resemblance. In 27th Pinker, S. (2002). The blank slate: The modern denial of human nature.
Yearbook of the National Society for the Study of Education, Part 1, New York: Viking.
pp. 219–316. Plato (n.d./1901). The Republic (B. Jowett, Trans.). New York: Willey
Burt, C. (1961). Intelligence and social mobility. British Journal of Sta- Book Co.
tistical Psychology, 14, 3–24. Porter, N. (1887). Marginalia Locke-a-na. New Englander and Yale
Darwin, C. (1859). On the origin of species by means of natural selec- Review, 11, 33–49.
tion. London: John Murray. Reynolds, C. R., Chastain, R. L., Kaufman, A. S., & McLean, J. T.
Darwin, C. (1871). The descent of man, and selection in relation to sex. (1987). Demographic characteristics and IQ among adults: Anal-
London: John Murray. ysis of the WAIS-R standardization sample as a function of the
Darwin, C. (1872). The expression of the emotions in man and animals. stratification variables. Journal of School Psychology, 25, 323–342.
London: John Murray. Rowe, D. C., Vesterdal, W. J., & Rodgers, J. L. (1998). Herrnstein’s
Ebbinghaus, H. (1908). Psychology: An elementary textbook (M. F. syllogism: Genetic and shared environmental influences on IQ, edu-
Meyer, Trans.). Boston: D. C. Heath. cation, and income. Intelligence, 26, 405–423.
1 History of Behavior Genetics 11

Rushton, J. P., & Jensen, A. R. (2005). Thirty years of research on race Tambs, K., Sundet, J. M., Magnus, P., & Berg, K. (1989). Genetic and
differences in cognitive ability. Psychology, Public Policy, and Law, environmental contributions to the covariance between occupational
11, 235–294. status, educational attainment, and IQ: A study of twins. Behavior
Savolainen, P., Zhang, Y., Luo, J., Lundeberg, J., & Leitner, T. (2002). Genetics, 19, 209–222.
Genetic evidence for an East Asian origin of domestic dogs. Science, Vandenberg, S. G., & DeFries, J. C. (1970). Our hopes for behavior
298, 1610–1613. genetics. Behavior Genetics, 1, 1–2.
Summers, L. H. (2005). Remarks at NBER conference on diversifying Watson, J. B. (1925). Behaviorism. New York: Norton.
science & engineering workforce. Retrieved September 18, 2005, Whitney, G. (1995). Twenty-five years of behavior genetics. Mankind
from http://www.president.harvard.edu/speeches/2005/nber.html Quarterly, 35, 328–342.
Part I
Quantitative Methods and Models
Chapter 2

Biometrical Models in Behavioral Genetics

Michael C. Neale

Introduction to understand the origins of behavioral differences, and with

good reason. Many of the most pressing health problems in
The main goal of this chapter is to describe the research modern cultures have behavioral components: obesity, car-
designs and statistical methods that are in popular use in diovascular disease, cancer, drug abuse and psychopathology
behavioral genetics (BG). We begin with a brief overview of are obvious examples. It is also the case that human con-
the historical background to BG in general and twin studies flicts, be it a marital dispute, a street fight, or a world war,
in particular. Next, we describe some elementary statistics are primarily behavioral. Thus much of human suffering has
required for understanding biometrical modeling. Then fol- behavioral origins. One aim of BG is to identify potential
lows a statistical model for genetic variation, as articulated by ways to alleviate this distress by correctly identifying both
Fisher in his classic 1918 paper, in which additive and dom- genetic and environmental sources of individual differences
inance genetic variance terms are defined. The coefficients in behavior and susceptibility to environmental insults.
of resemblance between relatives derived from this model Behavioral genetics as a field was perhaps first established
are then implemented in structural equation models for the by the exceptional 18th century cousins, Charles Darwin and
analysis of data from twins and other relatives. Overall the Francis Galton. The former, in Chapter 8 of On the Ori-
intent is to provide a general and extensible infrastructure for gin of Species (Darwin, 1859) discusses instincts in animals
the modeling of genetically informative data. as diverse as dogs, birds, insects, and notes individual dif-
ferences in behavior within species. In his later work, the
Descent of Man (Darwin, 1871), he wrote:

Historical Background If no organic being excepting man had possessed any mental
power, or if his powers had been of a wholly different nature
from those of the lower animals, then we should never have been
Behavior genetics is the synthesis of two domains: behavior, able to convince ourselves that our high faculties had been grad-
ually developed. But it can be shown that there is no fundamental
which is defined as the actions or reactions of an object or difference of this kind.
organism, and genetics, which is the science of heredity and
variation. The primary focus of contemporary BG is variation It is well known that different breeds of dog have differ-
in behavior, while broader psychological constructs such as ent average temperaments. Typically, Labradors are affec-
internal mental states and cognition are frequently included. tionate, Border Collies are intelligent and Bull Terriers are
Individual differences in this activity are readily observed in aggressive. Even the most ardent critics of behavioral genet-
virtually all forms of animal life and may also be seen in ics do not seem to quibble with this or any other behavioral
certain plant species, such as Dionaea muscipula (the Venus differences that are observed in either domesticated species
Fly Trap). The ability to predict behavior in other organisms, or those in the wild (Mann, 1994). That selection experi-
be they of the same or a different species – would seem to ments can produce reliable behavioral differences between
have substantial survival value. Today, tremendous invest- strains of rats and mice is well established for numerous
ment is made by both medical and military agencies in order traits, including mazesolving ability (Tryon, 1941), activity
(Defries, Gervais, & Thomas, 1978), brain weight (Fuller
& Herman, 1974), and alcohol preference (Li, Lumeng, &
M.C. Neale (B) Doolittle, 1993). Selective breeding experiments are essen-
Departments of Psychiatry and Human Genetics, Virginia Institute for
tially univariate in design; those with high or low scores on
Psychiatric and Behavioral Genetics, Virginia Commonwealth
University, Richmond, VA 23298-0126, USA the single trait of interest are used to populate the next gen-
e-mail: neale@vou.edu eration. However, it is commonly observed that changes in

Y.-K. Kim (ed.), Handbook of Behavior Genetics, 15

DOI 10.1007/978-0-387-76727-7 2,  c Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2009
16 M.C. Neale

other, secondary, phenotypes occur together with the selected of linkage or loci that were plausible candidates by knowl-
trait. Although many human traits might respond to selec- edge of their function. In the past few years, microarray tech-
tion, it is widely considered morally unacceptable to impose nology has enabled very large-scale genotyping, of over a
reproductive constraints (or to carry out ‘ethnic cleansing’) million single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) on a single
on human beings. The author knows of no behavior geneticist array. This has ushered in an era of whole genome associ-
who would consider such activities. Rather, the goal of BG is ation studies, which holds considerable promise for dissect-
to identify putative genetic and environmental pathways that ing the origins of individual differences in behavior. These
may prove fruitful targets for the prevention and treatment of developments in measuring genomic variation have been par-
mental and physical disorders. alleled by synergistic advances in statistical methods to ana-
During the past 30 years, the classical twin study has been lyze data.
extensively used to differentiate between genetic and envi- For further readings in the history of genetics, the
ronmental sources of variation in human populations. The reader is referred to the internet resource Wikipedia
idea is to compare the similarity of MZ twin pairs reared (http://www.wikipedia.org). The maxim ‘don’t believe
together by their parents in the same home to that of DZ everything you read’ which is a key aspect of scientific
twin pairs reared in the same circumstances. Today there method should of course be applied to Wikipedia articles –
are dozens of well-established registries of twins around the as well as, e.g., this chapter. At the time of writing, the
world (Busjahn & Hur, 2006). Exactly to whom this very Behavioral Genetics entries in Wikipedia are in need of revi-
popular research design should be credited is a matter of sion, something that the Behavioral Genetics Association has
some debate. While many credit Sir Francis Galton (1875), noted, and will hopefully address by the time this volume is
he did not explicitly propose this comparison. At the time, published.
the distinction between MZ and DZ twins’ genetic relation-
ship was not clear. Indeed, Thorndike (1905) doubted the
existence of two types of twins, which may have retarded Measuring Variation and Covariation
the development of the twin method. As discussed by Rende,
Plomin, and Vandenberg (1990) the first published compar- Note that whatever the phenotype being studied, it is varia-
ison of MZ and DZ twins’ similarities appears to be that tion in the phenotype that is the focus of behavior genetics.
of Merriman (1924). In the same year, the dermatologist As in any other scientific domain, measurement is key. One
Siemens described the approach in his book Die Zwilling- consideration is how we measure the traits of interest. The
pathologie (twin pathology). That period also saw the advent second is how we measure variation and covariation in those
of adoption studies. Gordon (1919) found that sibling resem- traits, which is a matter for some elementary statistics, which
blance for cognitive ability was approximately the same for we discuss now.
pairs reared together in the same home as for those reared
apart. It is reasonable to expect that most of the readers of
this volume will witness the centennials of Fisher’s classic Summarizing Variation
paper, the adoption and the twin study.
The advent of molecular genetics, from the elucidation of Most people are familiar with the concept of the mean or
the structure of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) in the 1950s average of a set of measurements. This quantity is simply
by Watson and Crick (1953) and others to the development calculated by dividing the sum of a series of measurements
of polymerase chain reaction (PCR) for DNA amplifica- by the number, N of measures that have been made. The con-
tion by Mullis (1990) and subsequent explosive growth of ventinal notation for this operation is:
biotechnology has had a dramatic impact on modern behav-
ioral genetics. Early approaches to establish genetic link- N
i=1 x i
age focused on known measurable genetic polymorphisms μ=
such as blood groups or the human leukocyte antigen region,
as these were the only readily available genetic mark- where the symbol μ is the mean, xi is the measurement

ers (this is akin to looking under the lamppost for one’s obtained from case i, and denotes the summation. The
keys even though it seems unlikely that that is where they idea behind measuring variation is to measure the average
were lost). The identification of microsatellite markers along dispersion or spread of scores from the mean. Several pos-
the genome at approximately 10 million base-pair inter- sible measures of dispersion might be taken: the average
vals (the human genome is approximately 3 billion base- absolute distances from the mean, the average squared devia-
pairs in length) permitted linkage studies to provide approx- tion from the mean, or average of any higher even-numbered
imate localization of variants responsible for individual power (4, 6, 8, etc.) of the deviation from the mean. Statisti-
differences. Fine mapping was typically restricted to regions cians almost always use the squared deviation, because this
2 Biometrical Models in Behavioral Genetics 17

measure is, on average the most accurate. In other words, if Especially valuable in the inspection of data from different
we took a sample of measurements and computed these alter- classes of relatives is a comparison between their correla-
native measures of variance, and repeated this process multi- tion coefficients. The correlation is simply the standardized
ple times, and then compared the variance of these measures covariance:
of variance, the squared deviations would have the smallest
variance. This result was shown by Fisher (1922). The for- r x y = σx y /σx σ y .
mula for the variance that is most commonly used is:
Another commonly encountered statistic in biometrical
i=1 (x i − μ)
2 genetic analysis is the regression coefficient. Most readers
σx2 = . should be familiar with the simple linear regression formula:
N −1

The N − 1 denominator departs slightly from the formula Y = a + bX

for the average (whose denominator is N ) because it is less
biased in small samples. On occasion, N may be used in Following some simple algebra (see almost any introduc-
place of N − 1; for example, the maximum likelihood esti- tory statistics text, e.g., Edwards, 1979) it can be shown that
mate of a variance is equivalent to using the divisor N rather the least squares solution to this equation yields an estimate
than N − 1. Asymptotically, as N tends to infinity, these of b:
estimates converge. The average-squared deviation from the
σx y
mean is a general statistic. It does not require that the data b̂ = .
follow a particular distribution in the population. Indeed, we σx2
employ it below in the context of measuring the variation due
to a single diallelic locus in Equation 2.2. At the same time, In essence, the regression of Y on X may be thought of
as the covariance between X and Y scaled by the variance of
the mean and the variance are not always sufficient statistics
X . When X is standardized to unit variance, the covariance
in that they do not describe all distributions up to an arbi-
trary constant. As discussed in Equation 2.2, the mean and equals the regression coefficient. It is on this simple model
that the idea of explained variance is based. The residual
the variance are sufficient for the normal distribution, but this
variance of Y – that not explained by the regression – is
is not generally the case.
σ y2 − b2 or in the case of standardized X and Y , it is 1 − b2
The next important consideration is how to measure
covariation. As discussed in the biometrical genetics below, so the variance explained by the regression is b2 . There is
the model predicts that if genetic factors influence a trait, a potential pitfall when considering data from relatives in
then MZ twin pairs will (on average) show greater covari- this fashion. Our conceptual model for twin resemblance
ation than will DZ twin pairs. Following the same general is that there are certain factors (genetic or environmental)
principle for average variation, we wish to determine the that relatives share. The relatives’ phenotypes are regressed
average of the extent to which the deviations from the mean on these shared factors, rather than, e.g., the phenotype of
of one measure are similar to those of another measure. Thus twin 1 regressed on that of twin 2. The variance explained
the formula for the covariance is: by the common factor would equal the correlation, rather
than the square of the correlation. This problem, noted by
N Loehlin (1996) has not stopped the development of a use-
i=1 (x i − μx )(yi − μ y )
σx y = . ful regression-based approach to the analysis of twin data,
known as DeFries–Fulker regression.
Covariance is maximized when xi − μx and yi − μ y are
equal for all i = 1 . . . N pairs of data points in the sample. PT 1 = B1 PT 2 + B2 R + K
The covariance is then equal to the square root of the prod-
uct of the variances of x and y, and the correlation (defined where PT j is the phenotype of twin j; B1 is the regression on
below) equals unity. These summary statistics – means, vari- the cotwin’s score, B2 is the regression on the coefficient of
ances and covariances – are commonly used to provide an relationship R, which is set to 1 for MZ twins and 0.5 for DZ
overview of characteristics of the data. Many genetic mod- twins; and K is the regression constant. B2 therefore reflects
els predict that the variances of MZ and DZ twins should be differential twin resemblance. The augmented model
equal. Conversely, certain violations of the assumptions of
the twin method predict that these variances would differ; for PT 1 = B3 PT 2 + B4 R + B5 PT 2 R + K
example, if one’s cotwin forms a substantial part of the rel-
evant trait environment, then different total variances of MZ directly estimates additive genetic effects via the parame-
and DZ twins would be expected (Eaves, 1976; Carey, 1986). ter B5 and shared environment effects via parameter B3 .
18 M.C. Neale

The method has several virtues. First is that it is compu- ences in measured outcome traits. Since Fisher’s classic 1918
tationally straightforward, in that it can be implemented in paper, and perhaps even earlier (Pearson, 1901) the idea that
practically any standard statistical package. Second, it can a large number of such elementary factors combine to gen-
be extended in numerous ways. Fulker and Cardon (1994) erate trait variation has had substantial appeal. That many
showed the incorporation of measured genetic markers to test human physical traits follow the normal distribution that is
for the genetic linkage to a measured putative quantitative generated (per the central limit theorem) from the aggrega-
trait locus. Third, it is particularly convenient for the analy- tion of a large number of factors, increases the appeal of the
sis of data from selected samples (DeFries & Fulker, 1988; multifactorial model. The question then becomes of how best
LaBuda, DeFries, & Fulker, 1986). It also provides a nat- to model binary or ordinal data.
ural framework for testing for interactions. At the same The inherent complexity of the systems that generate
time there are some limitations. One is that the specifica- behavior – most obviously the structure and function the
tion of genetic factor models, which incorporate latent vari- brain – suggests that it is unlikely that any one SNP will have
ables which influence several or all of the measures is not a major outcome on behavior. There are counterexamples,
straightforward. A second is that the method of double entry of course, such as the metabolic disorder phenylketonuria,
of the data (in which both twin 1 and twin 2 are used as which without appropriate intervention leads to severe cogni-
dependent variables) does not naturally lead to the analysis tive deficits, but these may be relatively rare. Particularly for
of more extended pedigrees. However, some recent devel- traits related to reproductive fitness, it seems likely that the
opments in this area show considerable promise in making systems involved will be inherently redundant, since all other
the analysis of more complex pedigree structures practical. things being equal, the organism with a ‘failsafe’ redundant
McArdle and Prescott (McArdle & Prescott, 2005) show that system will be more likely to reproduce than one without.
by judicious coding of dummy variables it is possible to ana- It is natural, therefore, to expect that a large number of
lyze nuclear family structures in a relatively general fash- genetic variations across the human genome will influence
ion. An alternative parameterization of this model, which is behavioral outcomes. The same expectation seems likely to
more efficient for binary variables, was described by Rabe- hold for environmental factors and for the interactions within
Hesketh, Skrondal, and Gjessing (2007). It seems reasonable and between these primary sources. Thus even traits that
to expect that multivariate extensions of this approach will are measured at the binary level – presence or absence of
be developed in the future. However, the explicit modeling major depressive disorder, for example – may be appropri-
of common genetic and environmental factors that influence ately modeled by assuming that there is a continuous, under-
some or all the observed measures in a multivariate anal- lying normal distribution of liability with a threshold. Those
ysis would seem complicated at best in the context of this with liability below this threshold would not be affected by
method. the disorder, while those with liability above it would. This
situation is shown in Fig. 2.1.
It should be emphasized that the underlying normal distri-
Binary and Ordinal Measures bution of liability model is not be appropriate for all binary

Many traits of interest to the behavior geneticist are not

measured on a continuous, interval scale. Psychiatric disor-
ders, substance use and abuse, and political affiliation are
examples of measures that are inherently categorical in t
nature. Even traits that approximately follow the normal dis-
tribution in the population, such as measures of cognitive 0.4
ability or personality, are typically derived from the aggre-
gation of a set of binary or ordinal items that are designed 0.3
to measure the trait in question. Most psychiatric diagnoses
are based on the presence of one or more required signs
or symptoms, together with a sufficient number of addi- 0.1
tional criteria (e.g., five from nine possible symptoms of
depression). 0
–4 –3 –2 –1 0 1 2 3 4
There is an interesting duality to the specification of liability
genetic models. As we have seen, the models typically begin
at the binary level, with SNPs on the genome that affect Fig. 2.1 Liability threshold model. Liability is assumed to be normally
the expression of genes which, typically through quite con- distributed in the population; those with liability above threshold t are
voluted biological pathways, subsequently generate differ- affected (score 1) and those with liability below are unaffected (score 0)
2 Biometrical Models in Behavioral Genetics 19

traits. For example, a SNP genotype itself might be regarded Biometrical Genetics
as a binary or ordinal trait (zero, one or two copies of a partic-
ular SNP allele), but it would not be appropriate to suppose The principles of biometrical and quantitative genetics are
that there is an underlying normal distribution of liability to central to practically all the statistical models employed
having this genotype. Likewise, any phenotype purely related in this book. A little knowledge of elementary biometrical
to a particular SNP genotype would be better modeled in genetics can provide valuable insights into the variance com-
terms of allele frequencies than as an underlying continuous ponents being estimated and the assumptions being made
liability distribution (Risch, 2001). Ultimately, the number of about the mode of gene action in the population. A thor-
genetic factors that influence a particular trait is an empirical ough account of biometrical genetics would easily fill an
question, and one that is likely to be answered in the rela- entire volume. Those interested in deeper study of this area
tively near future, due to the advent of SNP chip genotyping might consult any of the excellent textbooks on the subject,
technology. such as Mather and Jinks (1982), Falconer (1990) or Lynch
The traditional summary statistics for the liability thresh- and Walsh (1998). Here we review the derivation of additive
old model closely correspond to the mean and correlation and dominance variance components from basic principles.
for continuous data. Typically, the mean of the liability dis- Our treatment follows that of David Fulker, published in the
tribution is assumed to be zero. The threshold is usually Neale and Cardon (1992) volume.
estimated in a z-score metric of standard deviations. The At the time of writing, genetics is a discipline which is
covariance between two liability dimensions is not calculated rapidly changing in many respects: genotyping technology,
via the usual Pearson’s formula for the covariance because bioinformatics, statistical methods, substantive findings, and
this statistic is biased toward zero to an increasing extent as even nomenclature are all in a state of flux. For the most part,
the ratio of those above vs. below the threshold departs from this situation is excellent, because much scientific progress is
50:50 (so variables with a small proportion of 0’s or 1’s are being made. However, the nomenclature deserves attention in
biased more towards zero). Instead, a tetrachoric correlation this section to avoid possible confusion. In what follows, we
coefficient may be used. This statistic can be estimated from use the term gene to refer to a ‘unit factor of inheritance’ that
the data by computing the proportions of observations that influences an observable trait or traits, following the earlier
would fall into the 00, 01, 10, and 11 categories for a given usage by Fuller and Thompson (1978). Measured traits are
pair of thresholds and tetrachoric correlation on the under- referred to as phenotypes. The position of a gene on a chro-
lying bivariate normal distribution. Thus the tetrachoric cor- mosome is known as the locus. Any gene may have multiple
relation may be estimated through a model-fitting method, alleles, which are alternative forms at the same locus. The
where the predicted quadrants of the bivariate normal distri- simplest type of allele we consider is a Single Nucleotide
bution are ‘matched’ to the observed data through what is Polymorphism, or SNP, which is where only a single base-
generally known as a loss function. Alternative estimates of pair differs. In earlier works, alleles are frequently written
the thresholds and the correlation are tried iteratively until with uppercase vs. lowercase letters, such as A and a, or B
those that best predict the frequencies of the four outcomes and b (letters such as C are not ideal for this purpose because
are found. Similar procedures may be used for ordinal-level it has the same shape in both cases). An alternative nota-
measurements, such as may be obtained from a Likert scale tion is to denote alleles by subscript: A1 vs. A2 , and it is
with ordered response categories (e.g., never, rarely, often common in molecular genetic work to simply refer to SNP
or always). The same underlying normal distribution model alleles as 1 or 2. When larger strands of DNA are consid-
with thresholds may be used to predict the cell frequencies, ered (haplotypes, which may span part or all of one or more
and a polychoric correlation may be estimated. An important genes), a larger number of alleles may exist. For statistical
distinction is that when there are more than two categories purposes, a two-allele system (known as diallelic or biallelic)
of outcome it is possible to test how well the bivariate nor- may still provide a useful approximation, such as when there
mal distribution fits the contingency table data. Failure of is one operational allele and multiple inoperational forms.
the model may occur for many reasons, such as un-modeled The genotype is the chromosomal complement of aileles
population heterogeneity, or non-linearity of the relationship for an individual. At a single diallelic locus, the genotype
between latent trait score and response outcome. While esti- may be symbolized AA, Aa, or aa; when two loci are con-
mation of variance components may be robust to minor vio- sidered, the genotype may be written AABB, AABb, AAbb,
lations of the model assumptions, it is always good practice AaBB, AaBb, Aabb, aaBB, aaBb or aabb. If an individual
to try to establish the origins of departures from expecta- has the same allele at the same locus on both chromosomes
tions. We now turn to the derivation of the expected resem- we say they are homozygous – genotype AA or aa. If their
blance between relatives from genetic theory, before con- alleles differ, they are said to be heterozygous and would
sidering the application of model-fitting to behavior genetic have, e.g., genotype Aa. In a quantitative trait, it is common
20 M.C. Neale

to consider the average trait value of individuals with a par- of the two homozygotes. Thus the genotype values would be
ticular genotype, which are referred to as genotypic values. μ − a for bb, μ + d for Bb, and μ + a for BB. Estimates of
The additive value of a gene is the sum of the average effects the model parameters μ, a, and b could be obtained from an
of the individual alleles. A dominance deviation refers to the appropriately genotyped and phenotyped sample. It is possi-
extent to which the heterozygote genotypic value differs from ble then to test whether d or a may be set to zero, to conduct
the mean of the genotypic values of the two homozygotes. a simple population-based association study. Statistically, we
Genetic variation in a trait is referred to as polygenic (‘many could conduct this test using one-way analysis of variance
genes’) when many genes influence the trait. It seems likely or by likelihood ratio test in a model-fitting context. We
that almost all traits are polygenic, since the pathway from can also consider how much variation a locus that operates
genotype to phenotype is rarely simple. Disorders (or very in this fashion would generate. This component of variance
large effects on a quantitative trait) that are caused by a single could then be compared to the variance in the population as
gene may be referred to as monogenic or Mendelian. How- a whole, to obtain a proportion of variance accounted for,
ever, it is often the case that phenotypic variability remains which we refer to as locus heritability. The variation caused
among individuals who have the same genotype at the major by a diallelic locus depends not only on the a and d parame-
locus which has a large effect on the phenotype. Pleiotropy ters but also on the frequencies, p and q = 1 − p of the two
occurs when a gene or set of genes influences more than alleles.1
one trait. Again, it is likely that any gene that influences one Note that all three genotypes share the term μ for the pop-
trait will also influence others. Pleiotropic effects seem espe- ulation mean. Since adding a constant to a set of observations
cially likely when considering endophenotypes (Gottesman does not change the variance (which is simply the average
& Gould, 2003) which may be defined as being (i) associ- squared deviation from the mean), we can calculate the vari-
ated with the phenotype in the population, (ii) heritable, (iii) ance generated by the locus with the grand mean parameter
state-independent (e.g., present regardless of the phenotypic μ set to zero. Parameters, a and d are referred to as genotypic
value of an individual), and (iv) correlated with the pheno- effects. They are shown graphically in Fig. 2.2.
type within families. To make this model concrete, suppose that we are consid-
Most biometrical models are initially defined in terms ering genetic effects on a measure of intelligence (IQ) which
of gene action at a single locus, but assume that the sys- has a mean of 100 and a standard deviation of 15. Let us
tem is polygenic. The development of this model was one assume that there are 50 loci with approximately equal and
of the many seminal contributions of Sir Ronald Fisher purely additive effects on the phenotype and that at each
(Fisher, 1918). Typically it is assumed that many loci influ- locus the alleles are equally frequent in the population. If
ence the trait in question and that each locus has a relatively allele b at each locus contributes −1 IQ point, and allele B
small effect. This assumption is consistent with the central contributes +1 IQ point, then individuals with genotype bb
limit theorem, which states that asymptotically (as the num- will score (on average) 98, those with Bb will score 100, and
ber of factors of small and equal effect tends to infinity) a those with B B will score 102. The estimate of the parameter
normal distribution of the trait will emerge. In reality, this a for the B locus would be +1, and parameter d would be
assumption has to be incorrect because the genotype of any
species consists of a finite number of genes. Nevertheless, it Bb m
is likely to provide a good approximation to a normal distri- d
bution even when the number of genes is a few as 10 (Kendler bb BB
& Kidd, 1986). The central limit theorem may also apply
when the factors involved are of unequal effect, or are non-
−a a
independent (Lehmann, 1998). Should a phenotype be influ-
enced by a major locus, the remaining genetic variation may
Fig. 2.2 The additive (a) and dominance (d) parameterization of the
be polygenic. As will become clear, the biometrical genetic gene difference B − b. Bb may lie on either side of the midpoint, m,
model is sufficiently general and extensible to cover a wide of the two homozygotes, and the sign of d will vary accordingly; in
variety of models of gene action. the case illustrated d would be negative. Similarly, the mean of the B B
In a diallelic system with alleles B and b there are three homozygote may be greater or less than that of the bb homozygotes and
the estimate of a would be positive or negative, respectively (Adapted
possible genotypes BB, Bb, and bb. If we were to measure from Mather & Jinks, 1977, p. 32)
a phenotype from a sample of the population, and then cal-
culated the mean for each genotype, three observed statistics
(the means) would be obtained. Three parameters might be
1 The term frequency is technically incorrect here, because frequency
used to characterize these means: a grand mean (μ) for the
refers to count, and p and q are effectively allele proportions, but the
population, the distance between the two homozygotes (2a), term allele frequency is in widespread use to mean proportion in this
and the deviation d of the heterozygote from the midpoint context.
2 Biometrical Models in Behavioral Genetics 21

estimated at zero. Individuals with a full set of the decreasing Table 2.1 Punnett square illustrating offspring genotypes (and
alleles at every locus would be expected to have a mean IQ of expected probabilities of their occurrence) that theoretically result from
the mating of two heterozygous parents
zero, while those with a full set of increasing alleles would be
expected to average 200. Note that we are assuming here that Male Gametes
B( 21 ) b( 12 )
(i) the 50 genes operate independently – their action is influ-
B( 21 ) B B( 41 ) Bb( 14 )
enced neither by genes at other loci nor by environmental Female Gametes
factors; (ii) having allele B does not influence the probability b( 12 ) Bb( 14 ) bb( 14 )
that one has a particular allele at another locus (i.e., there is
no disequilibrium due to e.g., linkage or assortative mating);
and (iii) there is no genotype by environment interaction. especially for traits such as substance use, educational attain-
ment, and social attitudes.
In the simple case of equal allele frequencies ( p = q =
2 such as in an F2 population, it is easily shown that ran-
dom mating over successive generations changes neither the
Breeding Experiments: Crosses
allele nor the genotype frequencies of the population. Male
with Inbred Strains and female gametes of the type B and b from an F2 popula-
tion are produced in equal proportions so that random mating
Biometrical genetics originated with the analysis of data on may be represented by the same Punnett square as given in
inbred strains, particularly in R. A. Fisher’s work on agricul- Table 2.1, which simply reproduces a population with iden-
ture. Breeding experiments with inbred strains provide a very tical structure to the F2 from which we started. More impor-
simple and intuitive framework for understanding genetic tantly this result holds regardless of the allele frequency p,
contributions to population variation. The analysis of data and also when there are more than two alleles. This state is
from outbred populations, such as humans, is compared. known as Hardy – Weinberg Equilibrium and is a fundamen-
Inbred strains formed by multiple generations of brother– tal principle of quantitative and population genetics. From
sister or parent–offspring matings are homozygous at almost this result, the effects of non-random mating and other forces
every locus. Mutation is expected to generate heterozygosity that change populations, such as natural selection, migra-
at a small number of loci, but for the most part homozygos- tion, and mutation, may be derived (Gale, 1980; Lynch &
ity will be observed throughout the genome. When two such Walsh, 1998).
strains (‘parental strains’ P1 and P2 ) are crossed, the result- The genotypic frequencies from the Punnett square are
ing offspring strain (known as first-generation filial, or F1 ) important because they allow calculation of the population
will be homozygous at all loci at which the parental strains mean and variance of the phenotype. The genotypes, fre-
do not differ, and heterozygous (Bb) at all loci at which they quencies, and genotype means for this model in Table 2.1
do differ. A cross between two F1 individuals creates what are as follows:
Gregor Mendel termed the ‘second filial’ generation, or F2 ,
and it may be shown that this generation would be expected Genotype (i) BB Bb bb
to comprise 1/4 individuals of genotype B B, 1/4 bb, and 1 1 1
Frequency ( f ) 4 2 4
1/2 Bb. Mendel’s first law, the Law of Segregation, states Mean (x) a d −a
that parents with genotype Bb will produce the gametes B
and b in equal proportions. The geneticist Reginald Punnett
It is now possible to calculate the mean effect of the B locus,
developed a device known as the Punnett square, which gives
by computing the sum of the products of the frequencies
the proportions of genotypes expected to arise under random
(which are proportions, per the preceding footnote) with their
mating. A simple example of the Punnett square is shown
corresponding expected mean, which yields:
in Table 2.1 for the mating of two heterozygous parents in a
diallelic system. The gamete frequencies in Table 2.1 (shown 
out-side the box) are known as gene or allelic frequencies, μB = f i xi
and they can be used to calculate the genotypic frequen- 1 1 1
cies by a simple product of independent probabilities. This = a+ d− a (2.1)
4 2 4
assumption of independence makes the biometrical model 1
tractable yet readily extends to more complex situations, such = d
as random mating in populations where the gene frequencies
are unequal. It also forms a simple basis for considering the The variance of the genetic effects of the B locus is given
more complex effects of non-random mating, or homogamy, by the sum of the products of the genotypic frequencies and
which are known to be important in human populations – their squared deviations from the population mean (d/2)
22 M.C. Neale

σ A2 = f i (xi − μ A )2 the additive and dominance genetic contributions to the
1 1 1 1 1 1 covariance between relatives. It is our knowledge of the
= (a − d)2 + (d − d)2 + (−a − d)2 mechanisms by which genetic factors are transmitted across
4 2 2 2 4 2
1 2 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 1 generations which permits precise specification of the
= a − ad + d + d + a + ad + d 2 expected covariance between relatives. Although genetic
4 4 16 8 4 4 16
1 2 1 2 models have been precisely formulated for almost a cen-
= a + d tury, the same cannot be said for models of the action of
2 4
(2.2) environmental agents. Of this second source of variation we
have much less understanding. The physical mechanisms by
For this single locus with equal allele frequencies, 12 a 2 is which environmental events are transmitted from one indi-
known as the additive genetic variance, or V A , and 14 d 2 is vidual to another, perceived and subsequently encoded in
known as the dominance variance, VD . When more than one the brain, and thereafter influence the thoughts and actions
locus is involved, Mendel’s law of independent assortment are not sufficiently characterized to make other than rela-
permits the simple summation of the individual effects of tively crude approximations to their degree of resemblance
separate loci in both the mean and the variance. Thus, for between relatives. We return to models of environmental
(k) multiple loci, resemblance later in this chapter, but for now note that hav-
ing at least one source of variation appropriately specified is
better than having none.
μ= di , (2.3) Twin correlations may be derived in a number of differ-
2 ent ways, but the most direct method is to list all possible
twin-pair genotypes (taken as deviations from the population
and mean) and the frequency with which they arise in a random-
mating population. Then the expected covariance may be
1 2 1 2
k k
obtained by multiplying the expected mean for twin 1 and
σ2 = ai + di
2 4 twin 2 for each pair type, weighting them by their frequency
i=1 i=1
of occurrence, and summing across all possible pairs. By this
= V A + VD . (2.4) method the covariance among pairs is calculated directly.
The mean of all pairs is, of course, simply the population
It is the parameters V A and VD that are estimated for mean, 12 d, in the case of equal allele frequencies. There are
inbred animal and outbred animal or human populations else- shorter methods for obtaining the same result, but they are
where in this volume. less intuitively obvious. In this section, we consider the more
To appreciate the relationship between these variance general case of unequal allele frequencies. To do this, we
components and the estimates derived by fitting a structural need to know the population mean, and the frequencies that
equation model to data collected from relatives, we need to pairs of relatives, classified according to their pairwise geno-
consider the joint effect of genes in related individuals. That types, are expected to occur.
is, we need to derive, from the genotype frequencies and the The results for equal allele frequencies were known by
parameters a and d, expectations for MZ and DZ covariances a number of biometricians shortly after the rediscovery of
in terms of V A and VD components. These derived expecta- Mendel’s work (Castle, 1903; Pearson, 1904; Yule, 1902).
tions may then be set as fixed parameters in the structural However, it was not until Fisher’s remarkable 1918 paper
equation model, as described on page 26. This approach is that the full generality of the biometrical model was elu-
general, in that expectations may be derived for a wide vari- cidated. Allele frequencies do not have to be equal, nor
ety of types of relative. Some additional complications arise do they have to be the same for the various polygenic
in the presence of inbreeding, as described by Lynch and loci involved in the phenotype for the simple fractions, 1,
Walsh (1998). 1 1
2 , 4 , and 0 to hold, as long as we define V A and V D
appropriately. The algebra is considerably more compli-
cated with unequal allele frequencies and it is necessary
Genetic Covariance Between Relatives to define carefully what we mean by V A and VD . How-
ever, the end result is extremely simple, which is perhaps
In order to use data collected from relatives to estimate vari- somewhat surprising. The interested reader should refer
ance components or proportions of variance such as heri- to the classic texts in this field for further information
tability, it is necessary to establish the expected covariance (Crow & Kimura, 1970; Falconer, 1990; Kempthorne, 1960;
between relatives in terms of the variance components of Mather & Jinks, 1982). We note that the elaboration of
interest. Accordingly, we now consider the derivation of this biometrical model and its power and elegance has
2 Biometrical Models in Behavioral Genetics 23

been largely responsible for the tremendous strides in eco- The mean and variance of a population with this compo-
nomical plant and animal food production throughout the sition is obtained in analogous manner to that in 1. The mean
world. is
Consider the three genotypes, BB, Bb, and bb, with pop-
ulation genotypic frequencies P, Q, R: μ = p 2 a + 2 pqd − q 2 a = ( p − q)a + 2 pqd. (2.8)

Genotypes BB Bb bb
Because the mean is a reasonably complex expression, it is
Frequency P Q R
not convenient to sum weighted deviations to express the
The allele frequencies (proportions) are variance as in 2.2, instead, we rearrange the variance formula

Q σ2 = f i (xi − μ)2
allele frequency (A) = P + =p
Q = f i (xi2 − 2xi μ + μ2 )
(a) = R + = q. (2.5)  
2 = f i xi2 − 2μ f i xi + μ2

These expressions derive from the simple fact that the BB = f i xi2 − 2μ2 + μ2
genotype contributes only B alleles and the heterozygote, Bb, 
contributes 12 B and 12 b alleles. A Punnett square showing the = f i xi2 − μ2 (2.9)
allelic form of gametes uniting at random gives the genotypic
frequencies in terms of the allele frequencies: Applying this formula to the genotypic effects and their fre-
quencies given in 2.7 above, we obtain
Male Gametes
pA qa σ 2 = p 2 a 2 + 2 pqd 2 + q 2 a 2 − [( p − q)a + 2 pqd]2
Female Gametes pA 2
p BB pqBb
qa pqBb q 2 bb = p 2 a 2 + 2 pqd 2 + q 2 a 2 − [( p − q)2 a 2
+ 4 pqad( p − q) + 4 p 2 q 2 d 2 ]
which yields an alternative representation of the genotypic
= p 2 a 2 + 2 pqd 2 + q 2 a 2 − [( p 2 − 2 pq − q 2 )a 2
+ 4 pqad( p − q) + 4 p 2 q 2 d 2 ]
Genotypes BB Bb bb = 2 pq[a 2 + 2(q − p)ad + (1 − 2 pq)d 2 ]
Frequency p 2 2pq q 2
= 2 pq[a 2 + 2(q − p)ad + (q − p)d 2 + 2 pqd 2 ]
That these genotypic frequencies are in Hardy–Weinberg = 2 pq[a + (q − p)d]2 + 4 p 2 q 2 d 2 . (2.10)
equilibrium may be shown by using them to calculate allele
frequencies in the new generation showing them to be the When the variance is arranged in this form, the first term,
same, and then reapplying the Punnett square. Using expres- 2 pv[a+(v− p)d]2 , defines the additive genetic variance, V A ,
sion 2.5, substituting p 2 , 2 pq, and q 2 , for P, Q, and R, and the second term (4 p 2 q 2 d 2 ) defines the dominance vari-
respectively, and noting that the sum of allele frequencies is ance, VD . Why this particular arrangement is used to define
1 ( p + q = 1.0), we can see that the new allele frequencies V A and VD rather than some other may be seen if we intro-
are the same as the old and that genotypic frequencies will duce the notion of gene dose and the regression of genotypic
not change in subsequent generations effects on this variable, which is how Fisher proceeded to
1 develop the concepts of V A and VD .
p1 = p 2 + 2 pq = p 2 + pq = p( p + q) = p If B is the increasing allele, then we can consider the three
1 genotypes, BB, Bb, bb, as containing 2, 1, and 0 doses of the
q1 = q + 2 pq = q 2 + pq = q( p + q) = q.
(2.6) B allele, respectively. The regression of genotypic effects on
these gene doses is shown in Fig. 2.3. The values that enter
The biometrical model is developed in terms of these into the calculation of the slope of this line are
equilibrium frequencies and genotypic effects as
Genotype BB Bb bb
Genotypes BB Bb bb Genotypic effect (y) a d −a
Frequency p 2 2 pq q 2 (2.7) Frequency (f) p2 2 pq q2
Genotypic effect a d −a Dose (x) 2 1 0
24 M.C. Neale

Therefore, the slope is

+a BB σx y
β y,x =
d Bb = 2 pq[a + (q − p)d]/2 pq

= a + (q − p)d. (2.14)
Effect m
Following standard procedures in regression analysis, we
can partition σ y2 into the variance due to the regression and
the variance due to residual. The former is equivalent to the
variance of the expected y; that is, the variance of the hypo-
−a bb thetical points on the line in Fig. 2.3, and the latter is the
variance of the difference between the observed y and the
0 1 2 expected values.
Gene Dose The variance due to regression is
Fig. 2.3 Regression of genotypic effects on gene dosage showing addi-
tive and dominance effects under random mating. The figure is drawn βσx y = 2 pq[a + (q − p)d][a + (q − p)d]
to scale for p = q = 12 , d = 1, and h = 12
= 2 pq[a + (q − p)d]2
= VA (2.15)
From these values the slope of the regression line of y on x
in Fig. 2.3 is given by β y,x = σx,y /σx2 . In order to calculate
and we may obtain the residual variance simply by subtract-
σx2 we need μx , which is
ing the variance due to regression from the total variance of
y. The variance of genotypic effects (σ y2 ) was given in Equa-
μx = 2 p 2 + 2 pq
tion 2.10, and when we subtract the expression obtained for
= 2 p( p + q) the variance due to regression 2.15, we obtain the residual
= 2 p. (2.11) variances:

Then, σx2 is σ y2 − βσx,y = 4 p 2 q 2 d 2

= VD . (2.16)
σx2 = 22 p 2 + 12 2 pq − 22 p 2
= 4 p 2 + 2 pq − 4 p 2 In this representation, genotypic effects are defined in
= 2 pq terms of the regression line and are known as genotypic val-
ues. They are related to a and d, the genotypic effects we
defined in Fig. 2.2, but now reflect the population mean and
allele frequencies of our random-mating population. Defined
using the variance formula in 2.9. In order to calculate σx,y in this way, the genotypic value (G) is G = A + D, the
we need to employ the covariance formula additive (A) and dominance (D) deviations of the individual.

σx,y =  f i xi yi − μx μ y , (2.12) G = A + D frequency

where μ y and μx are defined as in 2.8 and 2.11, respectively. GBB = 2q[a + d(q − p)] − 2q 2 d p2
Then, G Bb = (q − p)[a + d(q − p)] + 2 pqd 2 pq
G bb = −2 p[a + d(q − p)] − 2 p2 d q2
σx y = 2 p 2 a + 2 pqd − 2 p[( p − q)a + 2 pqd]
= 2 p 2 a + 2 pqd − 2 p 2 a + 2 pqa − 4 p 2 qd In the case of p = q = 12 , this table becomes
= 2 pqa + d(2 pq − 4 p q) 2

= 2 pqa + 2 pqd(1 − 2 p) G = A + D frequency

= 2 pqa + 2 pqd(1 − p − p) GBB = a − 1
= 2 pqa + 2 pqd(q − p) G Bb = 1
= 2 pq[a + (q − p)d]. (2.13) G bb = −a − 1
2 Biometrical Models in Behavioral Genetics 25

from which
 it can be seen that the weighted sum of all G’s is be found in standard texts (e.g., Crow & Kimura, 1970,
zero ( f i G i = 0). pp. 136–137; Falconer, 1960, pp. 152–157; Mather &
The genotypic values A and D that we employ in the Jinks, 1971, pp. 214–215).
structural equation model have precisely the expectations The covariances of three types are sibling are given by the
given above in 2.15 and 2.16, but are summed over all frequency-weighted sum of the cross-products:
polygenic loci contributing to the trait. Thus, the biometri-
cal model gives a precise definition to the latent variables Cov(MZ) = 2 pq[a + (q − p)d]2 + 4 p 2 q 2 d 2 = V A + VD
employed in structural equation models for the analysis of Cov(DZ) = pq[a + (q − p)d]2 + p 2 q 2 d 2 = 12 V A + 14 VD
twin data.
Cov(U) = 0 =0

By similar calculations, the expectations for half-siblings

and for parents and their offspring may be shown to be 14 V A
Coefficients of Resemblance Between Relatives and 12 V A , respectively. That is, these relationships do not
reflect dominance effects. The MZ and DZ resemblances
In order to compute the predicted degree of resemblance are the primary focus of this chapter and others in this vol-
between pairs of relatives for a variance component, it is ume, but the approach is very general and may be used
useful to list all possible genotype pairings together with cer- for extended pedigrees and the large number of different
tain other salient pieces of information. The left-most col- relationships found in, e.g., studies of twins, their parents,
umn of Table 2.2 lists all possible pairs of diallelic geno- spouses, and children (Maes et al., 2006).
types that may be shared by a pair of relatives. Additive and Given a wider variety of types of relative we can assess
dominance effects (the genotype means) of these genotypes the effects of epistasis, or non-allelic interaction, since the
are shown in columns two and three for relative one (x1i ) biometrical model may be extended easily to include such
and two (x2i ), respectively. Next are shown the deviations genetic effects. Another important problem we have not con-
of these two genotype means from the population mean μ, sidered is that of assortative mating, which one might have
and then their cross-product, from which we compute the thought would introduce insuperable problems for the model.
covariance. Finally, the population frequencies of MZ, DZ, However, once we are working with genotypic values such as
and unrelated siblings are listed. For MZ twins, the geno- A and D, the effects of assortment can be readily accom-
types must be identical, so there are only three possibilities modated in the model using the Pearson–Aitken formulae
and these occur with the population frequency of each of the for deriving the mean vector and variance–covariance matrix
possible genotypes ( p 2 , 2 pq, and q 2 ). For unrelated pairs, among variables that covary with variables on which selec-
the population frequencies of the three genotypes are simply tion has occurred (Aitken, 1934). Fulker (1988) describes
multiplied within each pair of siblings since genotypes are this approach in the context of Fisher’s (1918) model of
paired at random. The frequencies for DZ twins, which are assortment.
the same as for ordinary siblings, are more difficult to obtain. In this section, we have given a brief introduction to the
All possible parental types and the proportion of paired geno- biometrical model that underlies the structural equation mod-
types they can produce must be enumerated, and these cate- eling of data from twins, and we have shown how additional
gories collected up across all possible parental types. These genetic variance components may be incorporated in the
frequencies and the method by which they are obtained may model. However, in addition to genetic influences, we must

Table 2.2 Genotypes, gene effects, deviations, cross-products and frequencies for MZ, DZ, and Unrelated Siblings
Genotype Effects Deviations Product Frequency
x1i x2i x1i − μ x2i − μ (x1i − μ)(x2i − μ) MZ DZ U
BB BB a a a − d/2 a − d/2 a 2 − ad + d 2 /4 p2 p 4 + p 3 q + 14 p 2 q 2 p4
BB Bb a d a − d/2 d/2 ad/2 − d 2 /4 0 p 3 q + 12 p 2 q 2 2 p3 q
BB bb a −a a − d/2 −a − d/2 −a 2 + d 2 /4 0 1 2 2
4p q p2 q 2
Bb BB d a d/2 a − d/2 ad/2 − d 2 /4 0 p q + 12 p 2 q 2
3 2 p3 q
Bb Bb d d d/2 d/2 d 2 /4 2 pq p 3 q + 3 p 2 q 2 + pq 3 4 p2 q 2
Bb bb d −a d/2 −a − d/2 −ad/2 − d 2 /4 0 2 p q + pq
1 2 2 3 2 pq 3
bb BB −a a −a − d/2 a − d/2 −a 2 + d 2 /4 0 1 2 2
4p q p2 q 2
bb Bb −a d −a − d/2 d/2 −ad/2 − d 2 /4 0 2 p q + pq
1 2 2 3 2 pq 3
bb bb −a −a −a − d/2 −a − d/2 a 2 + ad + d 2 /4 p4 1 2 2
4 p q + pq 3 + q4 q4
26 M.C. Neale

consider the effects of the environment in any phenotype. Perhaps the most desirable approach would be to measure
These may be easily accommodated by defining environmen- behavior by direct observation, as for example are being con-
tal influences that are common to sib pairs and those that are ducted by Goldsmith and colleagues (Goldsmith, Lemery-
unique to the individual. If these environmental effects are Chalfant, Schmidt, Arneson, & Schmidt, 2007). The major
unrelated to the genotype, then the variances due to these drawbacks to such methods are that it is possible that knowl-
influences simply add to the genetic variances we have just edge that one is being observed may change the behavior
described. If they are not independent of genotype, as in the itself, and that it is very expensive. Such observational meth-
case of sibling interactions and cultural transmission, both ods are typically not well-suited to the assessment of internal
of which are likely to occur in some behavioral phenotypes, states, although it is possible that neuroimaging may pro-
then the structural equation model may be suitably modified vide some non-introspective insights in this area. Behavior
to account for them. genetics may also concern itself with health outcomes that
are only partly behavioral in their origin. Physical charac-
teristics such as cardiovascular functioning (which may be
assessed with high quality measurements) are likely to reflect
Modeling of Data from Relatives behavioral variation such as the amount of physical exercise
a person takes. The scope of behavior genetics is therefore
In this section we consider the statistical underpinnings of very broad, encompassing many different types of measure-
one of the more popular approaches to modeling data from ment and different substantive areas. At times we may be
relatives. The treatment here is not by any means intended to interested in comparing the effects of different sources of
be exhaustive. Rather, we wish to give enough information variation — genetic vs. environment or more explicit sub-
for the reader to appreciate how the coefficients of resem- components thereof, perhaps at different ages. Other stud-
blance between relatives that were calculated in the preced- ies may focus on how they relate to each other to address
ing section can be implemented in a statistical model and questions of comorbidity such as whether the same genetic
used to analyze data. A key feature of the approach we factors influence variation in two traits. It is therefore impor-
describe is that it is extensible. While there are inevitably tant to devise and implement a statistical framework that is
some limitations to any selected approach, it will be shown sufficiently general to encompass different types of measure-
that it is highly versatile. Some alternative methods will be ments as well as different putative causes of variation.
considered at the end of the chapter.
It should be recognized that biometrical modeling is
intended to discern between putative causes of variation in Structural Equation Modeling: Latent and Observed
the population. That is, it is a part of the study of individ- Variables
ual differences. As such, it differs from, e.g., a physiologist’s
study of the mechanics of a particular organ or cellular sig- Structural equation modeling (Bollen, 1989; Cudeck, Toit,
nalling pathway, because the focus is on what differs between & Sorbom, 2001) is a popular statistical method in many
the individuals in the population rather than on what they branches of social science. It is essentially an extension of
have in common. This choice of focus is partly motivated by multiple linear regression (Maxwell, 1977) which includes
the desire to understand why certain individuals suffer from latent as well as observed variables. An especially useful
physical or psychological disorders, while others do not. In feature of the approach for the non-mathematical audience
essence, therefore, the approach is partly guided by epidemi- is that it is possible to draw a graphical representation of the
ological concerns, and the term genetic epidemiology is fre- model, known as a path diagram. Structural equation mod-
quently used to describe this area of study. eling is thus sometimes referred to as path analysis, and the
Our first concern coincides with almost every area of sci- diagrams may be known as path models. This useful device
ence: how do we measure the quantities of interest? Usually, was invented by the population geneticist Sewall Wright
a researcher with a substantive interest in a particular trait, around the time that Ronald Fisher was developing biometri-
disorder, or condition has some idea of how to measure it. cal genetics (Wright, 1921, 1934). In their basic form, these
In practice, behavior is often measured through self-report, diagrams may contain two types of variable: (i) latent (drawn
which may be obtained by questionnaire administered by a as circles), which have not been directly measured; and (ii)
paper-and-pencil test or via the Internet. These approaches observed (drawn as squares), which have. Two types of rela-
are popular because they are inexpensive. More costly stud- tionship (paths) between variables may be depicted: causal,
ies may involve personal interviews which may be conducted shown as single-headed arrows from cause to effect; and cor-
face-to-face or by telephone (Internet videoconferencing is relational, shown as double-headed arrows. A double-headed
possible at the time of writing but is not yet sufficiently arrow from a variable to itself may be used to represent the
widespread to be feasible for a population-based survey). variance of a variable in a path diagram. Often these variance
2 Biometrical Models in Behavioral Genetics 27

paths are omitted when the variables are standardized, but it Another useful feature of the path analysis approach is
is good practice to include them because it makes the dia- that it is straightforward to use them to derive predicted
grams mathematically complete (i.e., sufficiently precisely means as well as covariances. This aspect of path diagrams
specified to enable unambiguous derivation of all predicted appears to have been a much later development. Sorböm
variances and covariances between the variables). (1974) presented the general approach to implementing mean
There are two general ways of deriving the predicted structures in structural equation models, in terms of matrix
variances and covariances between the variables in a path equations. Graphical representation of mean structures in
diagram. One is to follow a set of tracing rules. For math- path models appears to have been first described by McArdle
ematically complete diagrams as described above, a suitable and Boker’s RAMPATH. Triangles are used to denote mean
set of rules is: deviations, and a set of path tracing rules and corresponding
matrix algebra permits unambiguous derivation of predicted
1. Trace the path chains between the variables, as follows:
a) Start at one of the variables of interest, trace back-
1. Trace the path chains back from the variable whose
wards along any number (zero or more) of single-
expected mean is required to all triangles in the diagram:
headed arrows
b) Change direction at a double-headed arrow a) Start at the variables of interest, trace backwards
c) Trace forwards along zero or more single-headed along any number (one or more) single-headed
arrows to the second variable of interest arrows to a triangle
b) Multiply the paths along the path chain to obtain the
2. Multiply the paths along the path chain to obtain the path
path effect
3. Repeat the chain procedure for all distinct chains. Chains 2. Repeat the chain procedure for all distinct chains. Chains
are distinct if they pass through different nodes, or (in the are distinct if they pass through different nodes.
case of computing a variance only) the order of the paths 3. Sum all the path effects to obtain the predicted mean
in the chain is different.
Using the same organization of matrices A, S and I as
4. Sum all the path effects to obtain the predicted covariance.
before, we can derive the expected means under the model
It is possible to organize a path diagram into matrices. using the formula
There are several ways of doing so; the one described here
is completely general but is not the most computationally μ = (I − A)−1 MU,
efficient. It has the advantage of being conceptually simple
and is due to my colleagues Jack McArdle and Steve Boker where matrix M has rows corresponding to those in S and
(McArdle & Boker, 1990). Two matrices are defined to con- columns corresponding to each of the triangles in the dia-
tain the paths between all the variables (latent and observed) gram. Paths from the triangles to the circles or squares are
in the model. Both matrices are square with nv rows and nv entries (from column to row) in the matrix M, which contains
columns. The first, labelled S, is symmetric and contains all zeroes where no path is drawn. The matrix U is a column
the two-headed paths in the diagram, with zeroes otherwise. vector with as many rows as there are triangles in the model,
The second, labelled A, contains the asymmetric paths or and with every element set to unity.
arrows, which are specified between causes in the columns to Alternative matrix specifications. The approach described
effects in the rows. The following relatively simple quadratic above is general, but it is not usually the most efficient. The
matrix algebra formula may then be used to derive the pre- large majority of models in use in behavior genetics do not
dicted covariances between all the variables in the diagram: require use of the matrix inverse to derive the expectations.
Often a very succinct and efficient matrix specification can
 = (I − A)−1 S(I − A)−1 be described. The main advantage of specifying models with
matrices is that they are very easy to change when the number
where −1 and  denote the inverse and transpose operations, of observed variables or the number of factors changes.
respectively, and I is the identity matrix. Typically, the pre-
dicted variances and covariances of only the observed vari-
ables are of use for model-fitting. These can be filtered from Univariate Model for Twin Data
 using an elementary matrix (one containing 1’s and 0’s) F
with columns the same as those of matrices S and A above For most variables, the first foray into establishing the rela-
and rows containing only the observed variables. All ele- tive impact of genetic and environmental factors on trait vari-
ments of F are set to zero except those where the column ation involves a classical twin study. Ideally, random samples
variable and the row variable are identical. of twin pairs are obtained from the population under study,
28 M.C. Neale

and data are collected from both members of each pair. Twins MZ and DZ twin pairs, as derived on p. 25. Note that the
are usually subclassified according to zygosity (MZ or DZ) C components covary 1.0 regardless of zygosity type. This
and sex (male–male, female–female, or male–female) pairs. specification is the embodiment of the equal environments
For the present, we consider only the MZ/DZ distinction and assumption – that the environmental influences correlate, on
assume that the sample at hand consists of all males or all average, the same regardless of zygosity. The free parameters
females. Note that it is generally inadvisable to collate DZ of this model are the three regression coefficients a, c, and
pairs when opposite sex pairs are present, since lower cor- e, and the mean, m. All other parameters (the variances of,
relation between opposite sex pairs are frequently observed and covariances between, the latent variables) are fixed to a
(likely because different genetic or environmental factors are priori values according to theory. The free parameters may
operating in the two sexes). in principle be estimated at any value from − ∞ to + ∞,
While studying pairs of relatives is a substantial advance though most software algorithms constrain the values some-
over the study of unrelated pairs, it must be remembered what (–10,000 to 10,000 are the defaults in Mx). Different
that there are limits to the number of parameters that can be values of the parameters predict different means, variances,
identified. In the univariate case, the twin study augments the and covariances for the twins. Typically, the variances and
simple measure of trait variance that would be available from means are constrained to be equal not only for the two mem-
unrelated persons to include the MZ and DZ covariances. bers of a twin pair but also for both MZ and DZ twins. That
At its simplest level, this presents us with the opportunity different values of the parameters a and c predict different
to estimate two additional parameters. Typically, additive patterns of covariances between twins is the essence of the
genetic (V A ) and a common (shared) environment (VC ) com- biometrical twin model.
ponent are estimated, and this model will be presented here. Specification of this model with the Mx graphical inter-
The main alternative model specifies variance due to genetic face is described in detail in Chapter 2 of the Mx manual
dominance (VD ) as derived in Section above. It is important (Neale, Boker, Xie, & Maes, 2003), so it will not be repeated
to recognize that these two components are confounded in here. Of note, however, is that very simple matrix algebra
the classical twin study and that while a DZ twin correlation expressions for the means and covariance matrix can be writ-
that is greater than half that of the MZ twins might imply ten as
shared environment variance, and while a model with V A ,
VC and VE will fit better than one with VD in place of VC ,  
a 2 + c2 + e2 αa 2 + c2
it does not exclude the possibility that VD exists for the trait, μ = (mm);  = ,
αa 2 + c2 a 2 + c2 + e2
but is masked by the effects of VC .
A path diagram for twin pairs is shown in Fig. 2.4. The
model specifies that the phenotypes of the two twins, P1 where α = 1 for MZ paris and 0.5 for DZ pairs.
and P2, regress on their respective latent additive genetic
(A), common environment (C), or specific environment vari-
ance (E) component. This model is often referred to as an Model-Fitting and Statistical Considerations
ACE model, per the acronym for its variance components.
The latent variables are specified to correlate differently for As described in the preceding sections, the biometrical
genetic theory, and the specification of models according
.5(DZ)or 1(MZ) to that theory furnish us with sets of expected covariances
and means in terms of the parameters of the model. It now
remains to describe how these expectations are made to
‘match’ a set of observed data. This process is known as
1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
model-fitting, and there are a variety of approaches that may
be used. It is instructive to consider the simplest approach,
A1 C1 E1 E2 C2 A2 which can be done ‘on the back of an envelope’ because it
provides insight into how the information is used. This dis-
cussion will be followed by a brief description of maximum
a c e e c a
likelihood methods.
Suppose that we have collected data from 600 pairs of
P1 P2 MZ twins, and from 400 pairs of DZ twins, and have com-
puted the two correlations: r M Z = 0.8 and r D Z = 0.5. The
Fig. 2.4 Structural equation model for MZ or DZ twin pairs, showing expected correlations under the ACE model are obtained by
additive genetic (A), common environment (C) and specific environ- standardizing the variance – covariance matrix  in Equation
ment variance components (E) above, which become
2 Biometrical Models in Behavioral Genetics 29

1 a ∗2 + c∗2 invariant to one-to-one transformations; given the maximum
 ∗M Z = ∗2 ∗2
a +c 1 likelihood estimate (MLE) of â, the MLE of â 2 can be
  computed directly (â × â = â 2 ). Second, asymptotically
1 .5a ∗2 + c∗2
 ∗D Z = ∗2 ∗2 , (i.e., as the sample size goes to infinity) MLE’s are unbiased.
.5a + c 1
Third, of all estimates that are asymptotically unbiased,
MLE’s have the smallest variance (that is, they are, on
where a ∗2 and c∗2 are the standardized variance components.
average, the most accurate). Fourth, the distribution of
Combining the observed data and these two simultaneous
MLE’s is asymptotically normal, so the error of an MLE
equations we obtain
is described simply by a single number (its variance). Of
course, nothing is perfect, and there are conditions where
r M Z = .8 = a ∗2 + c∗2 (2.17) alternative estimators are superior; with small sample sizes
r D Z = .5 = .5a ∗2 + c∗2 . (2.18) an estimator with lower bias may be preferred. Perhaps
the most significant limitation is that MLE’s can be time
Twice the difference between these equations gives â ∗2 = consuming to compute. While the dramatic advances in
0.6. Substituting this value into the equation for r M Z gives an computer hardware and software that have occurred in the
estimate of ĉ∗2 = 0.2. A third equation is that the standard- past 25 years continue to make ever more complex analyses
ized variance components sum to unity: a ∗2 + c∗2 + e∗2 = 1 feasible, several areas – including the analysis of ordinal
and substituting the estimates for a ∗2 and c∗2 into this equa- data – still take too long for practical purposes.
tion we obtain The application of maximum likelihood estimation to
the analysis of data collected from twins is in widespread
0.6 + 0.2 + e∗2 = 1 (2.19) use in behavior genetic analysis at this time (2007). Early
methods fitted models to previously computed variance –
e = 1 − 0.6 − 0.2 (2.20) covariance matrices (Fulker, Baker, & Bock, 1983). This
e = 0.2. (2.21) approach exploited valuable work by Lawley (1940) and
Jöreskog (1967). When data are input as covariance matrices,
At this point, one might wonder why behavior geneticists do the fit function is usually
not routinely exploit this simple algebra to obtain estimates
of variance components all the time. As discussed elsewhere MLC = df{ln || − ln |S| + trS −1 ) − p}, (2.22)
(Neale, 2003a), there are at least eight problems with this
algorithm for estimating components of variance. First, it is where  is the estimated covariance matrix, S is the sam-
possible to obtain nonsensical estimates of the heritability, ple observed covariance matrix, p is the number of observed
either greater than 1.0 or less than zero. Second, it takes no variables, d f is the sample size used to compute observed
account of the relative precision of the r M Z and r D Z statis- covariance matrix, and ||,  −1 and tr denote the determi-
tics, which may be unequal if the sample sizes or the values nant, inverse, and trace of the matrix , respectively. Follow-
of the correlations differ. Third, there is no assessment of ing the later work by Sörbom, it became popular to fit mod-
whether the correlations are consistent with the ACE model. els jointly to a covariance matrix and a vector of observed
Fourth, the method does not easily generalize to the mul- sample means, x. In this case the fit function is augmented as
tivariate case to permit testing hypotheses concerning why
variables correlate with each other. Fifth, it is not easy to
MLC+M = df{ln || − ln |S| + trS −1 ) − p
correct estimates for the effects of covariates such as age and
sex. Sixth, it does not generalize to extended twin studies + (x − μ)  −1 (x − μ)}, (2.23)
that involve other relatives. Seventh, it is inefficient when
there are missing data, and eighth, it is not suitable for non- where μ is the vector of predicted means. This approach is
randomly ascertained samples of twins. Accordingly, we now highly practical for two main reasons. First, it is computa-
discuss maximum likelihood estimation which provides a tionally efficient, requiring the evaluation of Equation 2.22
solution to all these difficulties. or 2.23 only once per set of trial parameter estimates used
Maximum likelihood estimation. Early in the 20th century, to iterate toward the maximum. Second, the loss function
R. A. Fisher began publishing a seminal series of articles on in fact is not the log-likelihood itself, but is the log of the
the statistical properties of maximum likelihood estimates. likelihood ratio of the fitted model to a ‘saturated’ model in
His first publication using the method was in the context of which the observed covariance matrix is substituted for the
curve-fitting (Fisher, 1912), and he explored its advantages population matrix. This model is called saturated because it
during the following decade (Fisher, 1922). In many has as many free parameters as there are observed statistics.
respects, maximum likelihood estimates are ideal. They are Under certain regularity conditions (Steiger, 1990), twice the
30 M.C. Neale

difference between the log-likelihood of a model with u free For univariate twin data, the matrix  is as on p. 28 and
parameters and a submodel with v < u free parameters is hence varies according to the particular set of parameter esti-
distributed as χ2 with degrees of freedom equal to u − v. mates of â, ĉ, and ê being evaluated during optimization.
Thus when fitting models to covariance matrices, a measure Typically, the estimates of the elements of the mean vector μ
of overall goodness-of-fit of the model to the data is gener- are constrained to be equal across the members of a twin pair
ated automatically. Furthermore, alternative ‘nested’ models and between MZ and DZ twins. This assumption is testable
can be compared to one another by this same likelihood ratio by likelihood ratio test. When there are missing data, the
test. mean vector μ is trimmed to match only those variables that
A disadvantage of this approach is that it is awkward to are in the observed data vector xi . The covariance is similarly
use when there are missing data, since different covariance filtered to retain only those rows and columns correspond-
matrices must be computed and modeled for each differ- ing to the data that were actually observed. The advantage
ent pattern of missing data. Such problems are commonly of this approach is that it produces asymptotically unbiased
encountered in longitudinal studies and with multivariate estimates under either or both of two quite general possible
analysis. The problem can become particularly acute when causes of missingness. First is when the data are missing
covariates or moderator variables are used. For example, completely at random, i.e., the missingness is not related to
Visscher et al. (2006) use a direct measure of genotype any of the variables being analyzed. Second is when missing
sharing between DZ twin pairs, and use this statistic to values are predicted by other variables that are observed in
specify a different genetic correlation for each pair in the the data set. For example, should structural MRI scan data
sample. Analyses of this type are not suited to the above sum- be obtained only from those subjects who are above a certain
mary statistic approach. They motivate the use of direct ‘Full height, but height is analyzed jointly with the scan data, then
Information Maximum Likelihood’ (FIML) to which we the estimates of the mean, the variance, and the covariances
now turn. between the twins would be asymptotically unbiased. This is
The principles of ML estimation are somewhat obscured despite the fact that the height and structural MRI measures
by the use of the summary statistic formulae 2.22 and 2.23. are likely to be correlated.
The approach is almost mind-boggling in its simplicity. Any The application of this model to binary or ordinal data
probability density function (pdf) has parameters which gov- presents no special conceptual difficulties when the thresh-
ern its general form. The univariate normal pdf, for exam- old model is employed. Essentially, the model states that a
ple, has two parameters, its mean μ and variance σ 2 . We particular value on an ordinal scale is observed when an indi-
can fit a normal distribution to set of independent obser- vidual’s trait score lies between two thresholds ti and t j , with
vations (hypothesized to be sampled from a normal distri- ti = −∞ for the lowest category and t j = ∞ for the high-
bution) by varying the estimates μ̂ and σ 2̂ until the joint est. However, for high-dimensional problems – when there
likelihood of the data points is maximized. Given that the are large pedigrees or the problem is highly multivariate,
data points are independent, the joint likelihood is obtained analyses become time consuming. High-dimensional numer-
by multiplying the likelihood of the individual data points ical quadrature to obtain the multidimensional integrals is
together (Neale, 2000). Typically, the individual likelihoods computationally intensive, particularly when optimization is
consist of a large number of likelihoods, most or all of required over a large number of parameters of the model.
which take values between zero and one. The product of Alternative methods, such as the Gibbs sampler (Geman &
a large number of such values may be very close to zero, Geman, 1984; Casella & George, 1992), offer a promising
which in turn can cause computational problems. Use of alternative in such situations.
logarithms of the individual likelihoods avoids this diffi-
culty, as these may be summed to yield the log of the joint
As discussed above, many models of complex traits Conclusion
assume that individual differences arise as the result of the
action of a large number of independent factors, which gives This chapter provides a brief introduction to the basic genetic
rise to a normal distribution of trait variation. The joint distri- theory and statistical methods that are in common use in
bution of pairs of relatives is assumed to be bivariate normal, human behavioral genetics. Using simple algebra and max-
and this assumption may be extended to the multivariate case. imum likelihood estimation, it is possible to estimate the
The multivariate normal probability density function for a contribution of genetic and environmental factors to human
vector of observed variables xi may be written as variation in quantitative, ordinal, or categorical traits. These
contributions have direct counterparts in the variance com-
1 ponents estimated from animal and plant breeding experi-
|2π |−n/2 exp − (xi − μi )  −1 (xi − μi ) .
2 ments, but they do not require experimentation with human
2 Biometrical Models in Behavioral Genetics 31

reproduction. It is especially important to realize that the of popularity, partly fueled by the availability of genetic
treatment in this chapter is brief and considers only the sim- markers. Two main varieties are common: those with mea-
plest of models for genetically informative data. Neverthe- sured genotypes (Caspi, Harrington, Moffitt, Milne, & Poul-
less, the platform on which it is built is very general indeed, ton, 2006) and those with unmeasured variance components
and many extensions are well established. First, data from (Purcell, 2002). Finally, while the above brief list of exten-
many other classes of relative may be encountered in behav- sions may all be approached within the maximum likelihood
ior genetic studies. Such additional sources of data prove framework, we note that other applications may be more eas-
especially valuable in removing confounds between, e.g., ily approached via Bayesian or other methods. Cases requir-
common environment and dominance genetic variance com- ing high-dimensional integration (such as highly multivariate
ponents (Keller & Coventry, 2005), and may resolve alter- binary or ordinal data) may be tackled with the Gibbs sam-
native models of assortative mating (Heath, 1987). Indeed, pler, and models for genotype–environment interaction in
the twin study should be considered as only an initial step in the presence of measurement error or genotype–environment
the genetic epidemiological study of a trait. Second, exten- covariance have also been successfully analyzed within this
sions to multivariate analysis, which will be discussed in framework (Eaves & Erkanli, 2003; Eaves, Foley, & Sil-
Chapter 4, have great potential for understanding comorbid- berg, 2003). In future we may expect to see a convergence
ity between disorders, and covariance between traits. Beyond of these methods that will facilitate further analysis of genet-
simple estimation of variance components, it is possible to ically informative data. Hopefully these advances will yield
estimate the relative contributions of these components to deeper understanding not only of genetic and environmental
the covariance between two or more traits. Factor analysis, factors but also of their complex interplay that generates the
which can yield valuable insights to the covariance between incredible variety of human behavior.
multiple phenotypic measures, may be applied to genetic
and environmental variance components separately (Martin Acknowledgment Michael Neale is grateful for support from PHS
& Eaves, 1977; McArdle & Goldsmith, 1990). Furthermore, grants DA-18673 and MH-65322.
under certain circumstances it is possible to resolve between
models that specify different directions of causation between
traits (Heath et al., 1993; Neale & Kendler, 1995; Duffy &
Martin, 1994; Neale et al., 1994). Third, the models gen- References
eralize for the analysis of longitudinal data in a variety of
ways. Simple Cholesky factorization across time provides Aitken, A. C. (1934). Note on selection from a multivariate normal pop-
an initial view of whether different genetic or environmen- ulation. Proceedings of the Edinburgh Mathematical Society B, 4,
tal factors are operating at different stages of development. 106–110.
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More elaborate approaches that exploit Markov chain mod- York: John Wiley.
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& McArdle, 2000), dynamical systems modeling (Neale, story. Twin Res Hum Genet, 9(6), 705.
Boker, Bergeman, & Maes, 2005), and dual change score Carey, G. (1986). A general multivariate approach to linear model-
ing in human genetics. American Journal of Human Genetics, 39,
models (Gillespie et al., 2007) offer great promise for mul- 775–786.
tivariate longitudinal genetic modeling. Third, it is straight- Casella, G., & George, E. I. (1992). Explaining the gibbs sampler. The
forward to carry out univariate or multivariate linkage anal- American Statistician, 46, 167–174.
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Linkage analysis may be thought of as partitioning DZ twin cular disease. Archives of Pediatrics Adolescent Medicine, 160(8),
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Chapter 3

QTL Methodology in Behavior Genetics

Stacey S. Cherny

Introduction using linkage. Therefore, linkage and association can be con-

sidered complimentary approaches to gene mapping.
In the second chapter of this volume, biometrical models Maximum likelihood variance components methods for
in behavioral genetics are presented. Such models provide estimating and testing genetic and environmental variance
the foundation for quantitative trait locus (QTL) analysis. contributions to a trait of interest have been the analysis
The present chapter specifically deals with applying those methods of choice in behavior genetics since Jinks and
models to QTL analysis, in both linkage and association Fulker’s seminal 1970 paper (Jinks & Fulker 1970). The
contexts. Until relatively recently, linkage was the preferred approach is extremely flexible and readily lends itself to the
method for mapping QTLs. The approach has limited power analysis of complex pedigrees and phenotypically multivari-
in detecting small effects, unless an extremely large sample ate datasets. In the years since then, these methods have been
size is available. However, linkage extends over large chro- refined and extended and are most readily implemented using
mosomal regions and so can be used to localize QTLs of the Mx statistical modelling package (Neale, Boker, Xie, &
relatively large effects to large segments of DNA. In con- Maes, 2003), although other packages can be used as well
trast to association mapping, linkage can be detected with- but tend to involve more cumbersome specifications. A good
out actually genotyping a causal variant or a locus that is in basic introduction to such model fitting can be found in Neale
linkage disequilibrium with a causal locus. In this case, link- and Cardon (1992) and the second edition of this text, Neale
age disequilibrium implies a correlation between a marker and Maes (in preparation), in addition to Chapter 2 of this
and a causal variant within the population as a whole. With volume. QTL mapping extends these models of estimating
the availability of low-cost single nucleotide polymorphism overall genomewide genetic influences to estimating genetic
(SNP) chip-based genotyping technologies, the focus has effects at any (or all) position(s) along the genome.
shifted toward association mapping. Currently, for example,
Affymetrix has a chip set that includes nearly 1,000,000
SNPs, spaced on average nearly every 3000 base pairs along Linkage Mapping of QTLs
the genome. Such chips are ideally suited to genomewide
association scans. The present chapter will deal with both
linkage and association methods, however, since linkage may While studies which estimate the extent to which genetic
still be the preferred first-pass analysis in a genomewide scan influences contribute to quantitative traits are still very
if one is interested in finding genes of relatively large (per- important as a first step in genetic analysis, with the low
haps 10% of the total phenotypic variance) effects, including cost of typing DNA markers across the genome, we are
multiple rare variants at a single locus. While coverage with much more interested in finding the individual genes which
the new SNP chips is relatively complete, if a causal variant contribute to the genetic variance twin and adoption stud-
is not in linkage disequilibrium with a typed SNP, it will not ies can detect. That is, we wish to detect a quantitative trait
be detected via association mapping, yet still can be detected locus, a gene which has a quantitative effect on a trait. Link-
age analysis for complex behavioral genetic traits typically
involves the analysis of large numbers of small families,
typed on hundreds or thousands of DNA markers. We can
S.S. Cherny (B)
Department of Psychiatry, Genome Research Centre, and The State extend the basic twin model (see previous chapter) to esti-
Key Laboratory of Brain and Cognitive Sciences, The University of mate variance attributable to a single genetic locus, rather
Hong Kong, Pokfulam, Hong Kong than the genomewide contribution of all loci. In estimating
e-mail: cherny@hku.hk
genomewide genetic variance, we rely on the difference in

Y.-K. Kim (ed.), Handbook of Behavior Genetics, 35

DOI 10.1007/978-0-387-76727-7 3,  c Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2009
36 S.S. Cherny

the amount of genetic material shared by MZ vs. DZ twins, L0

χ 2 = −2 ln (3.3)
on average. When examining a particular locus to deter- L1
mine its effect on a phenotype, we contrast allele sharing
between sibling pairs only at that particular locus. A sibling In practice, we would estimate sharing across the entire
pair can either share 0, 1, or 2 alleles at any position in the genome and repeatedly fit the genetic model at perhaps 1
genome. Sharing is generally not known with certainty and centi-Morgan (cM) intervals and perform a test of h q2 (the
so must be estimated from marker data, with this estimate heritability due to the particular locus), plotting the obtained
being denoted π̂ . While estimating allele sharing for a sin- test statistic at each position. We would choose an interval of
gle marker locus is relatively straightforward (e.g., see Hase- 1 cM because the probability of a recombination event occur-
man & Elston, 1972), we typically now genotype markers ring during a meiosis within 1 cM of DNA is approximately
all along each chromosome, necessitating use of more com- 1%, making for a smooth linkage curve. Typically linkage
plex algorithms (see e.g., Abecasis, Cherny, Cookson, & Car- could locate a gene to at best 10 cM, and more often only
don, 2002; Kruglyak, Daly, Reeve-Daly, & Lander, 1996). In 20–30 cM. In linkage analysis, the test statistic commonly
order to estimate the effect of a QTL using linkage analysis, employed is the LOD score, where
we fit the following model to the data:
LOD = log10 (3.4)
h q2 + c2 + e2 π̂i h q2 + c2
i = (3.1)
π̂i h q2 + c2 h q2 + c2 + e2 yielding the simple relationship

where h q2 is an estimate of the variance attributable to the LOD = (3.5)
2 ln(10)
QTL, c2 is the variance attributable to environmental influ-
ences shared by a pair of DZ twins or siblings, confounded Lander and Kruglyak formalized some guidelines as to what
with polygenic variance, and e2 is the variance attributable size LOD score constitutes a significant linkage finding (E.
to environmental influences unique to the individual, which Lander & Kruglyak 1995). They determined that for sibling-
includes measurement error (unless that is explicitly mod- based linkage studies, a LOD of 3.6 is required for statistical
elled through use of multiple measures of a trait). If these significance, where the probability of a positive linkage aris-
three quantities are standardized to the phenotypic variance, ing anywhere in the genome is 0.05 under the null hypoth-
the quantities of QTL heritability, the proportion of vari- esis of no QTL present. They also proposed a LOD of 2.2
ance due to the putative trait locus, shared environmentality for “suggestive linkage”, where a single genomewide false-
(which in this case includes polygenic influences) and non- positive would be expected under the null hypothesis.
shared environmentality result, analogous to the basic twin In the above example of QTL linkage analysis, when we
model presented in the previous chapter. use π̂i in the model, we are looking for a QTL which has
In order to estimate the parameters of this model, we max- an additive effect on the quantitative trait of interest. That
imize the (log of the) following likelihood of the data across is, if the gene contains just two alleles, A1 and A2 , if an
all i sib pairs: individual had genotype A1 A1 , we would expect an individ-
ual’s trait score to be a above the mean and if the individual
 1 1  −1
were A2 A2 , we would expect their trait score to be a below
L= e− 2 (yi −μi )  i (yi −μi ) (3.2) the mean. The heterozygote, A1 A2 , would be expected to
2π | i |
i not deviate from the mean, in the additive case. Nonaddi-
tive (dominant or recessive) models can also be fitted, which
This expression also contains a means model, where yi is a would then imply a nonlinear relationship between the three
vector of observed data and μi is a vector of expected, or possible genotypes and the expected trait scores. Discussion
predicted means. We would expect means of the first and of additive vs. dominance models in linkage analysis can be
second members of a sib pair to be equal, but this is a testable found in the statistical genetics textbook by Sham (1998).
assumption. QTL linkage models can be fitted using structural equa-
In addition to allowing estimation of these parameters, tion modelling packages (e.g., LISREL, EQS, Calis, Mx). In
their statistical significance is tested by fitting a model with the field of behavior genetic analysis, Mx (Neale et al. 2003)
the parameter of interest (h q2 for testing the QTL variance) is a very convenient and powerful structural modelling pack-
included and estimating the likelihood of the data (L 1 ) and age, and there is a large archive of Mx scripts for QTL
comparing it with a model with that parameter fixed to zero linkage analysis and many other behavior genetic analyses
(L 0 ). Twice the difference between these two (natural) log- at the Mx Scripts Library (http://www.psy.vu.nl/mxbib/) and
likelihoods is asymptotically distributed as χ 2 : at the Mx web site (http://www.vcu.edu/mx/). However, for
3 QTL Methodology in Behavior Genetics 37

the most basic variance components linkage analysis for than just using one member of the MZ pair (Evans & Med-
quantitative traits, the Merlin package (Abecasis et al. 2002) land 2003).
can perform these analyses most efficiently across the entire An example of the added power of multivariate QTL link-
genome. age analysis can be found in Marlow et al. (2003). This study
presents a multivariate analysis of six measures of read-
ing ability, in an attempt to find a QTL influencing reading
disability. While the sample was selected for reading prob-
Multivariate QTL Linkage Mapping lems, the selection criteria were so weak that all measures
were essentially normally distributed and so variance com-
Just as multiple measures can be analyzed to examine genetic ponents analysis, without any ascertainment correction, was
and environmental covariance structure using twins and other performed. As can be seen in Fig. 3.1, the multivariate anal-
genetically informative relationships (see Chapter 2), link- ysis yielded a test statistic similar to that obtained from one
age analysis can also be performed in a multivariate manner, of the individual measures (PD) on Chromosome 6, but did a
both as a means of increasing power and as a way to deter- better job of localizing the QTL, as indicated by the sharper
mine which aspects of a phenotype are linked to particular peak. However, for Chromosome 18, an individual measure
genetic loci. This can be done through use of the (relatively) (Read) yielded a higher test statistic. Results such as these
unconstrained Cholesky decomposition to model the envi- are not surprising, however. If all measures in the analysis
ronmental components of variation and the more restrictive are equally good at tapping the underlying construct which
common factor model for the QTL components of the model the QTL influences, a multivariate test will be more power-
(see Chapter 2 for a discussion of these models). The com- ful. However, when a specific measure better taps what the
mon factor model is particularly useful when generalizing the QTL influences, of course no more power would be expected
multivariate twin model to the detection of QTLs, since a sin- of a multivariate analysis. In the case of reading disability
gle genetic locus can influence several traits simultaneously presented here, perhaps that is the case for the Chromosome
and this influence is necessarily perfectly correlated across 18 region. Nonetheless, multivariate analysis performed bet-
the traits. The magnitudes of the effect of the given locus ter for Chromosome 6, in terms of providing a more precise
on each trait can differ dramatically, but it still results in a estimate of the peak location.
common factor influence, with no specific variances resulting
from the QTL.
Extending the Cholesky decomposition to the mapping
Association Mapping
of QTLs, we still model a full Cholesky on the shared and
nonshared environmental covariance structure, but we sub-
stitute a single common factor representing a single gene, The maximum likelihood variance components framework
or QTL, in place of the full Cholesky. This simply involves can easily be adapted to test for genetic association in addi-
reducing the G matrix of the genetic Cholesky parameters tion to linkage (Abecasis et al. 2000, Abecasis, Cookson, &
(see Chapter 2) down to a single column of parameters, with Cardon 2000, Fulker, Cherny, Sham, & Hewitt 1999). While
the QTL loading on each of the observed measures. This linkage to quantitative trait loci involves detection of differ-
allows estimation of the effect of the QTL on each measure ences in sibling covariance among phenotypes as a function
in the multivariate model, but ensures these effects are corre- of differences in the degree of allelic sharing, association
lated completely across measures, since it is the same QTL mapping involves the detection of mean differences in the
influencing multiple measures. This results in an n degree-of- phenotype as a function of an individual’s genotype. When
freedom test for the QTL, where n is the number of pheno- modelling linkage using sibling pairs, the QTL is modelled
typic measures. Despite the increased degrees of freedom, we in the covariance matrix among the sibling pairs. When mod-
generally see increased power as a result of the multivariate elling association, the QTL is modelled in the mean vector,
test, both in theory (Schmitz, Cherny, & Fulker, 1998) and in as one deals with any other covariate. In the simplest case,
practice (Marlow et al. 2003). We use the G to model the in order to estimate and detect association of a gene with a
QTL effect in ordinary siblings or DZ twins, as we would trait, each element of μi in the likelihood expression would
model the polygenic effect in twin pairs. However, if we be modelled as
have MZ twin pairs available for QTL analysis, we would
also model the polygenic variance by including a Cholesky μi = μ + βa gi (3.6)
decomposition of that component. MZ twins may improve
the power of a QTL analysis somewhat over an analysis of where the gi for a given individual is coded as −1 for geno-
DZ twins alone (Schork & Xu 2000). Additionally, a pair type aa, 0 for the heterozygote Aa, and +1 for genotype AA,
of MZ twins along with their sibling can be more powerful in the case of modelling an additive effect of a diallelic locus.
38 S.S. Cherny

Fig. 3.1 Multivariate and univariate linkage analysis of the six reading- somes 6p (C) and 18 (D). A subset of the markers is shown on the
related measures—on a 54 cM region of chromosome 6p (A) and a graphs. The significance of the linkage results is reported in all cases as
137 cM region spanning the whole of chromosome 18 (B)—and com- p values. For univariate measures, the p values are empirically derived
parison of multivariate linkage and use of the first factor from a PCA as described elsewhere (S. Fisher et al. 2002); for multivariate and PCA
approach as the phenotypic measure for linkage analysis, on chromo- results, the p values are asymptotic. From Marlow et al. (2003)

βa would then estimate the additive effect of the locus on ciation using the maximum likelihood variance components
the trait and dropping βa from the model and comparing it approach. Population stratification refers to the problem of
with a model that includes βa in it would provide a test of the individuals in the sample coming from different genetic
association. populations. Different populations may have different allelic
Fulker et al. (1999) further extended this simple asso- frequencies for reasons unrelated to the trait of interest
ciation model to allow one to control for population strat- (e.g., genetic drift). However, if allele frequencies differ
ification, a problem of concern in association studies, and between populations and there are mean differences between
proposed further to simultaneously model linkage and asso- populations, association could be detected between those
3 QTL Methodology in Behavior Genetics 39

alleles and the trait, when in fact there is no causal rela- provide a test of whether the putative QTL locus is likely
tionship. Stratification was controlled for by decomposing causative or whether it is merely in disequilibrium with a
the genotype score, gi , into between-family (b) and within- trait locus. If significant linkage is detected while modelling
family (w) components. Since stratification would contribute association, one can conclude that the putative locus is not
to between-family differences, the within-family component the functional gene, but rather a locus in disequilibrium with
of association would be free of stratification effects. The a trait locus. Such tests have been explored more formally by
means model they proposed is Cardon and Abecasis (2000).
The approach not only allows one to control for stratifi-
μi j = μ + βb bi + βw wi j (3.7) cation but readily suggests a test for it. If the βb parameter
cannot be equated to the βw parameter, one can conclude
where bi and wi j are the orthogonal between- and within- that at least part of the association observed is a result of
family components of gi j , respectively, with j denoting a population stratification. However, if βw on its own is still
particular individual in family i. Using the specification significant, one can still conclude that a true association has
of Abecasis et al. (2000) and their extension to deal with been found.
parental genotypes, Application of this method is beautifully illustrated by a
 study by McKenzie et al. (2001). In their study, they mea-
i gi j sured circulating angiotensin I-converting enzyme (ACE) in
bi = (3.8)
ni two samples and tested for linkage and association with 10
polymorphisms in the ACE gene. The study is both proof
if parental genotypes are unknown and of principle that linkage and association could be detected,
g Fi + g Mi since it was already known that the ACE gene influences
bi = (3.9) ACE levels, but the primary purpose was to narrow down
which particular variant in the ACE gene is responsible for
if parental genotypes are available, with F and M referring to the effect. The Fulker et al. (1999) and Abecasis et al. (2000)
the father’s and mother’s genotypes in family i. The within- model was fitted to these data, whereby linkage was mod-
family component is given as elled without association parameters in the model, associ-
ation was modelled without the linkage parameters in the
wi j = gi j − bi (3.10) model, and a combined linkage and association model was
fitted. As can be seen in the first panel of Fig. 3.2, the evi-
A robust test for association, controlling for stratification, dence for linkage is very strong. However, because the region
is obtained by computing the 1-df difference χ 2 between a is quite small, a short segment of DNA in a single gene,
model with βw free and a model with βw set to 0, while βb linkage cannot be expected to resolve location at all, since
is estimated in both models. In the case of a locus which is the recombination fraction between markers is nearly zero.
dominant or multi-allelic, these models are readily extended However, association has much greater resolution capability,
to allow a between- and within-dominance or multi-allelic since linkage disequilibrium between the markers examined
parameters. Furthermore, the modelling of multiple alleles is is not complete. And as can be seen in the second panel of
a straightforward extension, although with inclusion of dom- Fig. 3.2, the association test statistic is greatest for the four
inance parameters in such a model, the number of df associ- markers on the right-hand side in the figure, already a great
ated with the test of association increases dramatically with improvement on the linkage analysis. The top line represents
more and more alleles. the combined test of βw and βb , while the bottom line is the
This test of association, because it is based on maxi- robust, but less powerful, test of linkage in the presence of
mum likelihood variance components estimation procedures, stratification, the test of just βw . However, if both linkage
brings all the advantages of that procedure to it. One major and association are modelled together, we would expect to
advantage is that linkage can be modelled simultaneously see the linkage signal disappear to the extent that the marker
with the association parameters. Linkage is modelled in the in association is the causal variant. Indeed, for one of the
covariance structure, as illustrated above, while the associa- markers (I/D) in this analysis, the linkage signal disappeared
tion parameters, along with other covariates, if desired, are completely when the association parameters were modelled
modelled on the means. One would estimate all parame- simultaneously.
ters as a full model and compare it to various submodels, Just as we can extend the linkage mapping methods to
allowing individual tests of association and linkage. A simple the analysis of multivariate phenotypes, association mapping
test of the within-association parameter would yield a robust can also be extended to deal with multivariate traits, both to
test of association while controlling for stratification. Testing better understand the genotype–phenotype relationship and
linkage while simultaneously modelling association would to increase power.
40 S.S. Cherny

Fig. 3.2 Linkage and association analyses of ACE polymorphism, from McKenzie et al. (2001). See text for details
3 QTL Methodology in Behavior Genetics 41

Regression Models the maternal grandfather allele and the paternal grandfather
allele. While the original H–E method dealt with linkage to a
Thus far this chapter has dealt with maximum likelihood single marker, a later multipoint extension by Fulker, Cherny,
variance components approaches to modelling linkage and and Cardon (1995) replaced π̂ with an estimate of allele
association to quantitative traits using sibships. It has been sharing at any position in the genome, using all available
shown that such methods are optimally powerful and given flanking markers, thereby eliminating the effect of recom-
their flexibility in designing complex genetic and environ- bination between the marker and QTL on effect size and on
mental models, if it is appropriate to use them, they are the power of the test statistic and providing a more powerful
preferable. However, these methods are less flexible when test of linkage. There are several methods available for esti-
dealing with selected samples, where families and individu- mating IBD at any position along a chromosome, given all
als within families are not sampled at random. Sham, Zhao, the genetic information available on the chromosome. When
Cherny, and Hewitt (2000) have developed a conditioning on dealing with sib pairs or small families, exact methods such
traits approach for modelling linkage using variance com- as the Lander–Green algorithm (Lander & Green 1987) and
ponents with selected samples, but in dealing with sibships improvements on it (Idury & Elston 1997), as implemented
larger than pairs it becomes quite unwieldy. Also, variance in Merlin (Abecasis et al. 2002), are preferred. The H–E
components methods can yield inflated test statistics when regression test for linkage has the advantages of simplicity
dealing with non-normal data. Next, a brief history of regres- and robustness (Allison, Fernandez, Heo, & Beasley 2000),
sion methods is discussed, adapted from Sham, Purcell, but is less powerful than variance components (VC) models
Cherny, & Abecasis (2002). (Fulker & Cherny 1996), which make optimal use of the data.

Extensions to Haseman–Elston
Several authors have proposed modifications to the original
It is commonly known that simple multiple linear regression H–E method in order to improve its power (Drigalenko 1998,
is more robust than maximum likelihood variance compo- Elston, Buxbaum, Jacobs, & Olson 2000, Forrest 2001, Sham
nents methods to violations of normality and also deals with & Purcell 2001, Visscher & Hopper 2001, Wright 1997, Xu,
selection on independent variables without any modifications Weiss, Xu, & Wei 2000). The H–E method regresses squared
of the method. Regression methods for linkage analysis in sib pair differences on an estimate of allelic sharing. How-
sib pairs date back to the Haseman–Elston (1972) approach, ever, there is more phenotypic information in a sib pair than
whereby the phenotypic squared sib pair difference score, simply the square of its phenotypic difference score. One
(X − Y )2 , is regressed on the sib pair’s proportion of alleles proposal was to perform the regression on squared sums
shared identical by descent (IBD) at a given locus, π̂ : instead of squared differences (Drigalenko 1998), which cap-
ture different, yet correlated, information in the sib pair:
(X − Y )2 = 2(1 − r ) + 2Q(π̂ − .5) +  (3.11)
(X + Y )2 = 2(1 + r ) + 2Q(π̂ − .5) +  (3.12)
In the above expression, r is the correlation between phe-
notypic scores of sib 1 (X ) and sib 2 (Y ), with the intercept This led to a further extension by Elston et al. (2000) which
of the regression equal to 2(1 − r ) and the regression slope attempted to incorporate the information contained in both
β = −2Q, where Q is the variance explained by the addi- the sums and differences by using the cross-product X Y as
tive effect of the putative QTL, if there is no recombination the dependent variable:
between the marker and the QTL, and  is the residual. A
one-tailed t-test, β̂/S E(β̂), provides a test of significance X Y = r + Q(π̂ − .5) +  (3.13)
for the QTL. At a given chromosomal location, a pair of
siblings can share either none, one, or both alleles IBD from Xu et al. (2000) proposed a unified H–E method that uses
their parents. For example, sibling 1 could have received one a weighted linear combination of the estimates of Q obtained
allele at a given locus from her maternal grandmother and from the original H–E regression on squared differences and
the other from her paternal grandmother. If her sibling also the alternative regression on squared sums. Rijsdijk, Hewitt,
received those same alleles, they will be IBD 2, or π̂ = 1. and Sham (2001) showed that this method yielded a non-
However, if sibling 2 received the maternal grandmother’s centrality parameter which is identical to that from the VC
allele, but the paternal grandfathers’s allele, the sib pair is linkage test. Sham and Purcell (2001) further simplified this
IBD 1, or π̂ = 0.5. Finally, the sib pair could be π̂ = 0 if unified method such that it could be performed with a single
they differ in the origin of both alleles (e.g., sib 2 received regression:
42 S.S. Cherny

(X + Y )2 (X − Y )2 4r 4(1 + r 2 ) which requires only the covariance matrix of IBD sharing.

− =− + Q(π̂ −.5)+
(1 + r ) 2 (1 − r ) 2 1−r 2 (1 − r 2 )2 The weighted least squares estimators of the regression coef-
(3.14) ficients can be written as a function of three covariance matri-
ces: (1) the covariance matrix of the IBD sharing propor-
with identical results. tions, (2) the covariance matrix of the squared sums and
Sham and Purcell (2001) examined all of the above squared differences, and (3) the covariance matrix between
regression-based methods, comparing them under various the estimated IBD proportions and the squared sums and
conditions. A variance components (VC) approach (Fulker & squared differences. The last of these matrices is in part
Cherny 1996), modelling the full familial covariance struc- determined by the additive variance explained by a linked
ture, can be considered the gold standard, and Sham and QTL. The solution of this multivariate regression in a single
Purcell compared these existing regression-based methods pedigree provides an estimate of the additive QTL variance,
with VC, showing that none of the other methods captured together with its sampling variance. It is then straightfor-
all available information in the data. They noted that in the ward to combine these estimates across all the pedigrees in
special case of a sib correlation (r ) equal to zero, the non- a sample, weighting them by the inverse of their variances.
centrality parameters (NCPs) for using squared sums and This also provides the sampling variance of the combined
squared differences are the same, and they sum to the NCP estimate and a chi-squared test for linkage. The asymptotic
obtained from using the cross-products. As r increases, how- distribution of this test statistic in large samples is ensured
ever, the original squared differences regression test gains by the central limit theorem. The method has been shown
in power, while √ using sums or cross-products loses power; to provide unbiased LODs and p values under selection
when r > (2 − 3), cross-products are less powerful than Sham et al. (2002).
squared differences, which should be noted is a likely mini- This method is implemented in Merlin (Abecasis
mum sib correlation (0.27) for typical linkage studies. They et al. 2002, Sham et al. 2002) and its application is illustrated
further showed that their new regression method retains the by an analysis of data from a large population-based sample
advantages of the original H–E regression method in being of sibships assessed for anxiety and depression measures in
computationally less demanding than VC and, more impor- the GENESiS study (Nash et al. 2004). This study involved
tantly, more suited to the analysis of selected samples, which collection of questionnaire data on a large community-based
comprise the vast majority of linkage studies. sample of 34,371 people, of which 14,807 were members of
Sham, Purcell, Cherny, and Abecasis (2002) extended sibships of sizes 2–7, with the majority sib pairs. Using an
this method to deal with sibships larger than size 2 and algorithm implemented in the SEL (selection for QTL link-
more general pedigree configurations, while retaining all the age) program (Purcell, Cherny, Hewitt, & Sham 2001), DNA
advantages of the other regression-based methods. Within a samples were solicited from the most informative 10% of all
single pedigree, the analysis is a case of multivariate regres- sibships, based on their composite phenotypic scores across
sion, with as many observations as there are pairs of family several measures. Informativeness was then recalculated on
members, each contributing an estimated proportion of alle- the 65% of samples who returned DNA, and another round of
les shared IBD. These estimated IBD-sharing proportions are selection was performed to choose those to be genotyped on
regressed on an equal number of squared sums and an equal 400 microsatellite markers. Sibships which are most discor-
number of squared differences. The regression from the pre- dant or extreme concordant on the phenotype are the most
vious methods is reversed, where now the trait values are informative, with the ratio of those two groups a function
regressed on π̂ , because sample selection is often through of the sibling correlation on the phenotype. The SEL pro-
trait values but almost never through marker genotypes. The gram ranks the sibships based on their likely contribution
estimate of a regression coefficient is not biased by sample to the noncentrality parameter for linkage, using only phe-
selection through the independent variable, but can be biased notypic information. Given that this was a selected sample,
by sample selection through the dependent variable. There- it was ideally suited for regression-based linkage analysis
fore, IBD sharing is put on the dependent side of the regres- (Sham et al. 2002). Figure 3.3 shows the results of perform-
sion and the squared sums and squared differences are the ing a genome scan using Merlin-regress (Sham et al. 2002)
independent variables. on the neuroticism measure from the Eysenck personality
In this multivariate regression, the estimated IBD sharing questionnaire (EPQ-N; Eysenck & Eysenck 1975), mea-
of a pair of relatives is modelled not only on the squared sured on two occasions in 78% of those subjects geno-
sum and squared difference of the same relative pair but also typed. Using an average of two repeated measures, rather
on the squared sums and squared differences of other rela- than just a single measurement occasion, will reduce mea-
tive pairs in the pedigree. Since the full distribution of IBD surement error, thereby increasing heritability (Falconer &
sharing is uncertain under imperfect marker information, Mackay 1996). Merlin-regress was extended to make use
a weighted least squares estimation procedure is adopted, of this additional information, allowing the use of averaged
3 QTL Methodology in Behavior Genetics 43

Fig. 3.3 Genomewide linkage scan results for a composite measure of neurotism, from Nash et al. (2004). See text for details

phenotypes from any number of measurement occasions on The DF basic model (DeFries & Fulker 1985; LaBuda
a per-subject basis, with the method taking account of the et al. 1986), appropriate for selected sample analysis, when
differing expected error variance on a per-subject basis (see used for linkage mapping in sib pairs, is given by
Appendix in Nash et al. 2004). This analysis resulted in a
LOD of nearly 3 on Chromosome 6 for the EPQ-N. This Ci = B1 Pi + B2 π̂i (3.15)
study further refined the analysis by examining males and
females separately, yielding a somewhat higher LOD score where for sib pair i, the co-sib’s phenotypic score (Ci ) is
(Nash et al. 2004). predicted by the proband’s score (Pi ) and the sib pair’s π̂ ,
the proportion of alleles shared IBD at a given location along
a chromosome. B2 provides an estimate of the proportion
of variance accounted for by the putative QTL (provided
the data are suitably transformed prior to analysis (LaBuda
DeFries–Fulker Regression et al. 1986)) and the corresponding t statistic provides a
test of linkage. In the case of sibships larger than pairs,
An alternative regression model for linkage analysis using the method can still be applied by having each sib’s score
sibship data is one based on the DeFries–Fulker (DF) method predicted by each proband’s score. In the case of multiple
for analysis of twin data (DeFries & Fulker 1985, 1988, probands in a sibship, the probands appear on both sides of
LaBuda, DeFries, & Fulker 1986). The method was devel- the regression equation (once as proband and again as a co-
oped for estimating genetic and environmental components sib). The resulting t statistic is then adjusted by producting
of variance in both population-based samples of twins and it by the square root of the ratio of the number of unique
samples where proband members of a twin pair were selected pairings to the number of pairings resulting from this double-
for having extreme scores exceeding (or below) a desig- entry procedure.
nated threshold. The method was later extended for analysis The DF augmented model (DeFries & Fulker 1985,
of genetic marker data (Fulker et al. 1991, Fulker & Car- LaBuda et al. 1986) can also be used for linkage mapping,
don 1994) and the power of the method explored (Cardon & both in selected and population-based samples:
Fulker 1994). It has been used successfully to map a gene for
reading disability (Cardon et al. 1994, 1995) which has since Ci = B3 Pi + B4 π̂i + B5 Pi π̂i (3.16)
been replicated using this methodology (Gayán et al. 1999)
and other methods (S. E. Fisher et al. 1999, Grigorenko where B5 provides an alternative test for linkage (appropri-
et al. 1997, Marlow et al. 2003). ate both in selected and unselected samples; see LaBuda
44 S.S. Cherny

et al. (1986) for an explanation of the distinction between Acknowledgment Preparation of this chapter was partially supported
tests of B2 and B5 in selected samples). For analysis of by National Institutes of Health grant EY-12562.
unselected samples, all possible pairings of siblings within
a family must be formed, with each sib appearing on both
sides of the regression equation. The resulting
√ t statistics are References
then adjusted by producting them by 2 to adjust for this
double-entry procedure. Double entry of all individuals in an
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Chapter 4

Multivariate Genetic Analysis

Danielle Posthuma

Introduction correlation between brain volume and IQ in the same person,

indicating that non-shared environmental influences do not
The main goal of behavior genetics’ research is to understand mediate the correlation between brain volume and IQ. The
the causes of variation in (human) traits. When single traits prediction of one’s IQ score can thus be made with similar
are considered, observed trait variation is decomposed into reliability from one’s own brain volume as from the brain
sources of genetic and environmental variation. A geneti- volume of one’s genetically identical co-twin. This finding
cally informative design, such as the classical twin design, directs further research aimed at finding genetic determinants
allows estimating the relative contributions of these sources for intelligence, as it indicates that some of the genes that
of variation. When multiple traits are considered, geneti- influence brain volume may also influence intelligence (and
cally informative designs additionally allow investigating the vice versa). Since some genes for brain volume have already
causes of co-variation between two or more traits. Such mul- been identified (such as ASPM and Microcephalin), these
tivariate genetic analyses are usually more powerful than uni- may pose good candidate genes for intelligence. The iden-
variate genetic analyses (Schmitz, Cherny, & Fulker, 1998), tification of such underlying common sources of variation
may aid in understanding underlying biological mechanisms, may therefore direct further research aimed at identifying
and may provide a faster route to gene-finding and eluci- the actual genes (or actual environmental factors).
dating environmental factors that influence a trait (Leboyer This chapter is intended as an introductory text explaining
et al., 1998). the basics of multivariate genetic models. In some cases for-
The key source of information in multivariate twin studies mal quantification is offered to allow the reader to apply these
is the comparison of MZ and DZ cross-trait cross-twin models using software designed to model genetically infor-
correlations (CTCTs). A CTCT is a correlation between trait mative data, such as Mx (Neale, 1997) or LISREL (Jöreskog
A of a twin and trait B of his or her co-twin. A larger MZ & Sörbom, 1986). For more advanced models, a theoretical
CTCT correlation than DZ CTCT correlation implies that the description and a brief discussion of the limitations of the
correlation between traits A and B is due to co-variation at a models are provided. The reader is then directed to other
genetic level, while similar MZ and DZ CTCT correlations sources in the literature that deal with the formal quantifi-
imply that (shared) environmental factors are responsible for cation of these advanced models. Below we will first explain
the co-variation between traits A and B. For example, using how the univariate twin model can be extended to a multi-
a sample of MZ and DZ twins for whom data on both brain variate model, using path analysis and matrix algebra. We
volume and IQ were available, correlations were calculated will then continue with more complex multivariate models.
between brain volume of a twin and the IQ score of his or her
co-twin (Posthuma et al., 2002). It was found that the CTCT
correlation was larger in MZ twins than in DZ twins, which Multivariate Analysis of Twin Data:
indicates that genes must mediate the correlation between Determining Genetic and Environmental
brain volume and IQ. In support of this, it was also found that
the MZ cross-trait cross-twin correlation was the same as the

The univariate model can easily be extended to a multivariate

D. Posthuma (B) model when more than one trait per subject is measured
Department of Biological Psychology, Section Medical Genomics, and (Boomsma & Molenaar, 1986, 1987; Eaves & Gale, 1974;
Section Functional Genomics, Vrije Universiteit and Vrije Universiteit
Medical Center, Amsterdam 1081BT, The Netherlands Martin & Eaves, 1977). For simplicity we will first discuss a
e-mail: danielle@psy.vu.nl bivariate design, as depicted in Fig. 4.1 (two observed traits

Y.-K. Kim (ed.), Handbook of Behavior Genetics, 47

DOI 10.1007/978-0-387-76727-7 4,  c Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2009
48 D. Posthuma



A1 C1 E1 A2 C2 E2 E2 C2
A2 E1 C1 A1

y11 y21 x22 y22 z22 z22 y22 x22 z21 y21 y11
x11 z11 x11
x21 x21

Trait A twin 1 Trait B twin 1 Trait B twin 2 Trait A twin 2

Fig. 4.1 A bivariate twin design: Cholesky factorization. The observed cal reasons. For the genetic paths, the paths are named x11 , x21 , and x22 ,
(co-)variance of traits A and B is decomposed into sources of genetic where the subscripts refer to ‘goes to the nth measured variable, comes
(A), shared (C), and non-shared (E) environmental variation, following from the nth latent variance component’. The path coefficients for the
a Cholesky factorization. Genetic factors correlate 1 in MZ twins and shared environmental paths are denoted as z11 , z21 , and z22 , and for the
0.5 in DZ twins. Shared environmental factors correlate 1 non-shared environmental paths z11 , z21 , and z22
Note that the path coefficients are not included in the figure for estheti-

per subject; four observed traits for a pair of twins or sib- calculating the genetic and environmental correlations and
lings). We assume each trait is influenced by additive genetic the genetic and environmental contributions to the observed
influences (A), shared environmental influences (C), and correlation.
non-shared environmental influences (E). The corresponding The additive genetic, shared, and non-shared environmen-
matrix algebra expressions for the expected MZ or DZ vari- tal variances and co-variances can be represented as ele-
ances and co-variances for traits i and j are similar to those ments of the symmetric matrices A = XXT , C = YYT , and
in a univariate model. Let X, Y, and Z be the matrices rep- E = ZZT , where the superscripted T denotes matrix transpo-
resenting the genetic, non-shared, and shared environmental sition. On the diagonals these matrices contain the additive
paths, respectively. In the multivariate case, the dimensions genetic and (non-)shared environmental variances for vari-
of matrices X, Y, and Z are no longer 1×1, but are a function ables 1 to n. X, Y, and Z are known as the Cholesky factor-
of the number of traits. An often convenient form for those ization of the matrices A, C, and E, assuring that these matri-
matrices is lower triangular of dimensions n × n (where n is ces are nonnegative definite, which is required for variance–
the number of traits assessed
on a single

subject; in Fig. 4.1, covariance matrices.
x11 0 The genetic correlation between traits i and j (r gi j ) is
n = 2). Matrix X is thus , with each matrix entry
x21 x22 derived as the genetic covariance between traits i and j
corresponding to a path coefficient. Element x11 corresponds (denoted by element i j of matrix A; ai j ) divided by the
to the path that goes to the first observed trait and comes square root of the product of the genetic variances of traits
from the first genetic factor (A1), while x21 corresponds to i(aii ) and j (a j j ): r gi j = √ i j .
aii ×a j j
the path that goes to the second observed trait and comes
The shared environmental correlation (rci j ) between vari-
from the first genetic factor (A1), and x22 corresponds to the
ables i and j is derived as the environmental covariance
path that goes to the second trait and comes from the second
between variables i and j divided by the square root of the
latent genetic factor. As a rule of thumb, the subscripts are
product of the shared environmental variances of variables i
thus in the order ‘goes to, comes from’ in path diagrams and c
and j: rci j = √ i j . Analogously, the non-shared environ-
‘rows first then columns’
in matrices. cii ×c j j
reasoning goes
y11 0 z 11 0 mental correlation (rei j ) between variables i and j is derived
for matrices Y and Z . as the non-shared environmental covariance between vari-
y21 y22 z 21 z 22
Multivariate genetic designs allow the decomposition ables i and j divided by the square root of the product of
of an observed correlation between two variables into a the non-shared environmental variances of variables i and j:
genetic and an environmental part. This can be quantified by rei j = √ i j .
eii ×e j j
4 Multivariate Genetic Analysis 49

The phenotypic correlation r is the sum of the product additively for one trait and show dominance for the second
of the genetic correlation and the square roots of the stan- trait. In addition, a genetic correlation less than one cannot
dardized genetic variances (i.e., the heritabilities) of the two exclude that all of the genes are overlapping between the two
traits, and the product of the shared environmental correla- traits (Carey, 1988). Similar reasoning applies to the environ-
tion and the square roots of the standardized shared envi- mental correlation.
ronmental variances of the two traits and the product of the It should be noted that the Cholesky factorization
non-shared environmental correlation and the square roots of described above is just identified. That is, with data on MZ
the standardized non-shared environmental variances of the and DZ twins one can estimate three sources of variation, and
two traits: for each source there are no more latent factors than observed
traits (i.e., two in the bivariate case). In the Cholesky factor-

aii ajj ization, there is no path specified from the second latent fac-
r = r gi j × ×
(aii + cii + eii ) (a j j + c j j + e j j ) tor to the first observed trait (e.g., element x12 is zero) – as an
additional path coefficient is not identified (unless this coef-
cii cjj
+ rci j × × ficient is restricted to be equal to one of the other path coef-
(aii + cii + eii ) (a j j + c j j + e j j )
ficients specified). This lower triangular solution, however,
eii ejj is mathematically completely equivalent with an upper trian-
+ rei j × ×
(aii + cii + eii ) (a j j + c j j + e j j ) gular solution. Or, in other words, the order of the observed
variables is completely arbitrary. In practice this means that
(i.e., observed correlation is the sum of the genetic contribu- when two traits (e.g., anxiety and depression; personality
tion and the environmental contributions). and smoking; sports participation and self-reported health)
The genetic contribution to the observed correlation are modeled in a bivariate genetic design, we are restricted
between two traits is a function of the two sets of genes that to statements on the genetic (or environmental) overlap
influence the traits and the correlation between these two between the two traits. Statements of the form ‘new genes are
sets. However, a large genetic correlation does not imply a important for depression, whereas all of the genetic informa-
large phenotypic correlation, as the latter is also a function tion important for anxiety is also important for depression’
of the heritabilities. If the heritabilities are low, the genetic cannot be made. Instead of the lower triangular solution, one
contribution to the observed correlation will also be low. can interpret the standardized solution represented by a cor-
If the genetic correlation is 1, the two sets of genetic influ- related factors model with the standardized factor loadings
√ √
ences overlap completely. If the genetic correlation is less (e.g., h2 1 and h2 2 ) and the genetic correlation between
than 1, at least some genes are a member of only one of them, using XRXT , where X is diagonal and R is a standard-
the sets of genes. A large genetic correlation, however, does ized, correlation matrix containing the genetic correlation
not imply that the overlapping genes have effects of similar between factors A1 and A2. Similar reasoning applies to the
magnitude on each trait. The overlapping genes may even act shared and non-shared environmental factors (see Fig. 4.2).



rg rc re 1 re rc rg

A1 C1 E1 A2 C2 E2 E2 C2 A2 E1 C1 A1

Trait A twin 1 Trait B twin 1 Trait B twin 2 Trait A twin 2

Fig. 4.2 A bivariate twin design: standardized solution. The path coefficients refer to the square roots of the relative proportions of A, C, and E to
the observed variation. rg = genetic correlation, rc = shared environmental correlation, re = non-shared environmental correlation
50 D. Posthuma

There is one exception to the restrictions described above; Genetic Factor Models
when the two traits of the bivariate model are naturally
ordered (for example when they concern two measurements The main goal of factor analysis is to explain (co-)variation
over time or two nested conditions), specific hypothesis- between and within a set of measured traits by a lesser
driven tests can in fact be carried out. It can then be tested number of latent factors. The use of factor analysis was pio-
whether new genes come into play (by testing whether the neered by Spearman (1904) in the context of the measure-
influence of the second genetic factor on the second mea- ment of intelligence and different mental abilities. Spearman
surement significantly differs from zero) or whether genetic noted that performance in several different mental abilities
amplification is in order (when the two path coefficients from correlates highly within subjects. This led him to believe
the first genetic factor to the two traits are equal). For exam- that there is a general mental ability (the ‘g’-factor) under-
ple, De Geus, Kupper, Boomsma, and Snieder (2007) used lying performance on all other specific mental abilities. The
bivariate genetic modeling to discriminate between amplifi- use of factor analytic techniques in the social sciences has
cation of genetic effects (the same genes influence two traits since flourished. Factor analysis can either be exploratory
with different effect sizes) and emergence of new genetic or confirmatory. In exploratory factor analysis, there is no
effects by comparing cardiovascular measures in resting and a priori hypothesis on the number of latent factors or the
stress conditions. They found that the heritability of these nature of the relationship between them. In contrast, confir-
cardiovascular traits increased during stress which was due matory factor analysis is based on testing hypotheses on the
both to an amplification of genetic effects that are important latent factor structure underlying multiple traits. Confirma-
in a resting condition and to new genetic effects emerging tory factor analysis typically has fewer factors than observed
under stress. variables and specifies the presence or absence of corre-
Extension of the bivariate design described above to more lations between the latent factors. For a full treatment of
than two traits is straightforward, allowing the estimation phenotypic factor analytic techniques we refer the reader to
of genetic and environmental correlations between multiple Hotelling (1933), Lawley & Maxwell (1971), Mulaik (1972),
traits at the same time (see Fig. 4.3). and Thurstone (1947). Briefly, in phenotypic factor analysis,
The full Cholesky model provides a complete mathemat- an observed trait P in an individual is modeled as a function
ical description of the observed variables. In other words, it of that individual’s score on a latent factor F and error or
has as many latent factors as there are observed traits. Apart unique variance U:
from decomposing the observed (co-)variation into sources
of genetic and environmental (co-)variation, it merely pro-
Pi = f i F + U
vides a description of the observed data. In order to test sev-
eral different theoretical models to the data, one usually seeks
to reduce the number of explanatory, latent factors. One way Genetic factor analysis follows similar principles as phe-
to do so is via factor analysis. notypic factor analysis, except that the latent factors are




A1 C1 A2 C2 A3 C3 A4 C4 C4 A4 C3 A3 C2 A2 C1 A1

Trait A twin 1 Trait B twin 1 Trait C twin 1 Trait D twin 1 Trait D twin 2 Trait C twin 2 Trait B twin 2 Trait A twin 2

E1 E2 E3 E4 E4 E3 E2 E1

Fig. 4.3 A four-variate twin model: Cholesky factorization

4 Multivariate Genetic Analysis 51

decomposed into genetic and environmental latent factors. A where A = XRXT , C = YSYT , E = ZTZT +UUT . Matrices
genetic factor model is formally represented as (see Neale & X, Y, and Z are of dimensions number of traits × number of
Maes, in press) factors, while matrix U is diagonal with dimensions num-
ber of traits × number of traits and assumes that all specific
Pi = ai A − ci C − ei E − U variance is due to measurement error. (Note, however, that
specific variation may also be decomposed into sources of
In standard factor analysis the complete factor model is genetic and environmental variation.) Matrices R, S, and T
formally represented in one matrix (B) containing the com- are diagonal matrices that contain the relationships between
mon variances (for all sources of variation) and a matrix the latent genetic, shared, and non-shared environmental fac-
(U) containing the specific variances. In addition, a matrix tors, respectively.
that specifies the relations between the latent factors (R) is Two factor models that are often used in behavior genet-
included. The formal notation of the factor model is then ics are the independent and common pathway models. In the
 independent pathway model, the genetic and environmen-
= BRBT + U tal sources of variation independently influence the observed
PP traits, although for each source of variation there is one com-
mon factor (see Fig. 4.4).
where the dimensions of matrices B and R depend on The formal representation of this model is equivalent to
the number of latent sources of variance × the number of the genetic factor model described above, except that the
factors (columns) and the number of observed traits (for all accompanying matrices X, Y, and Z are of dimensions 4 × 1
individuals) (rows). Matrix R is a diagonal matrix contain- (4 traits × 1 latent factor), matrices S, T, and U are identity
ing correlations between the latent factors, while matrix U matrices, and matrix U is diagonal and 4 × 4. Again, for
is a diagonal and contains the specific variances for each simplicity, this model assumes that all specific variance is
observed trait. When the latent factors are uncorrelated, R is due to measurement error.
an identity matrix and can be omitted from the model. While In the common pathway model, all observed traits are
this notation follows most applications for phenotypic fac- indicators of one common latent factor which is influ-
tor analysis, an alternative specification is commonly used in enced by sources of genetic and environmental variation (see
behavior genetics research. Using classical behavior genetic Fig. 4.5).
conventions, the different sources of variation and the com-
mon and specific variances are specified in separate matrices  A formal representation of this model is provided by
P P = A − C − E, where A = F(XRX )F , C =
(see Neale & Cardon, 1992, or Neale & Maes, in press). The F(YSYT )FT , E = F(ZTZT )FT + UUT . Matrices X, Y, and
formal representation for the factor structure then becomes Z are of dimensions 1 (number of latent traits) × 1 (num-
 ber of latent genetic or environmental factors); matrix F is
=A−C−E of dimension 4 (number of observed traits) × 1 (number of
PP latent traits); matrices R, S, and T are identity matrices; and



Trait A twin 1 Trait B twin 1 Trait C twin 1 Trait D twin 1 Trait D twin 2 Trait C twin 2 Trait B twin 2 Trait A twin 2

U1 U2 U3 U4 U4 U3 U2 U1

Fig. 4.4 A four-variate twin model: independent pathway model

52 D. Posthuma


A1 A1

x11 x21 x31 x41 x41 x31 x21 x11

Trait A twin 1 Trait B twin 1 Trait C twin 1 Trait D twin 1 Trait D twin 2 Trait C twin 2 Trait B twin 2 Trait A twin 2

z11 z22 z33 z44 z44 z33 z22 z11

E1 E2 E3 E4 E4 E3 E2 E1

Fig. 4.5 A four-variate twin model: common pathway model

matrix U is diagonal and 4 × 4. Again, for simplicity, this classical genetic analysis methods described above are aimed
model assumes that all specific variance is due to measure- at the analysis of a trait or traits measured cross-sectionally
ment error. In addition to these specifications, a restriction and provide a way of estimating the time-specific heritabil-
should be made in the model to assure that the variance of ity and variability of environmental effects, as well as co-
the latent factor F is scaled to 1. Common pathway models variation with other measured traits. However, these methods
are often used when multiple indicators (e.g., multiple raters) are not able to handle serially correlated longitudinal data
are collected of the same underlying trait data. efficiently.
More complex multivariate genetic models that are exten- To deal with these issues the classic genetic analysis
sions of the models described above can be designed. For methods have been extended to investigate the effects of
example, Rijsdijk, Vernon, and Boomsma (2002) tested genes and environment on the development of traits over
whether hierarchical genetic factor models would provide a time (Boomsma & Molenaar, 1987; McArdle, 1986). Meth-
good description of scores on subscales of two intelligence ods based on the Cholesky factorization of the covariance
tests: the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (WAIS) and the matrix of the responses treat the multiple trait measurements
Raven Standard Progressive Matrices (Raven SPM). They in a multivariate genetic analysis framework (as discussed
found that at a genetic level the subscales could be described above). ‘Markov chain’ (or ‘Simplex’) models (Dolan, 1992;
best by a two-level hierarchical model; the first level con- Dolan, Molenaar, & Boomsma, 1991) provide an alterna-
sisted of three factors (verbal comprehension, perceptual tive account of change in covariance and mean structure of
organization, and freedom-from-distractibility), while the the trait over time. The Markov model structure implies that
second level consisted of one general factor. This general future values of the trait depend on the current trait values
factor was suggested to support the notion of a biological alone, not on the entire past history. Methods of function-
basis for general intelligence, or g (see Fig. 4.6). valued quantitative genetics (Pletcher & Geyer, 1999) or the
genetics of infinite-dimensional characters (Kirkpatrick &
Heckman, 1989) have been developed for situations where
it is necessary to consider the time variable on a continu-
Longitudinal Analysis of Twin Data ous scale. The aim of these approaches is to investigate to
what extent the variation of the traits at different times may
When the same trait is measured at multiple time points, be explained by the same genetic and environmental factors
genetically informative samples can provide information on acting at different time points and to establish how much of
the sources of the stability and change in a trait over time, the genetic and environmental variation is time specific.
using longitudinal analysis of genetic data. The aim of longi- An alternative approach for the analysis of longitudinal
tudinal analysis of twin data is to consider the genetic and twin data is based on random growth curve models (Neale
environmental contributions to the dynamics of twin pair & McArdle, 2000). The growth curve approach to genetic
responses through time. In this case the trait is measured at analysis was introduced by Vandenberg and Falkner (1965)
several distinct time points for each twin in a pair. To analyze who first fitted polynomial growth curves for each subject
such data one must take the serial correlation between the and then estimated heritabilities of the components. These
consequent measurements of the trait into consideration. The methods focus on the rate of change of the phenotype (i.e.,
4 Multivariate Genetic Analysis 53


1.741 1.766
3.355 1.018
1 1 1


.38 .336 .441 .217 .162 .093 .282 .382 .40

.543 .323

Esp Esp Esp Esp Esp Esp Esp Esp Esp Esp Esp Esp


.54 .379
.416 .258 .162 .616 .337 .302 .442
.330 .034


Fig. 4.6 Example of a hierarchical genetic factor model on subtests arithmetic; SIM = similarities; DS = digit span; VOC = vocabulary;
of the WAIS intelligence test and the Raven SPM. The genetic vari- CODE = coding; PC = picture completion; BLK = block
ance follows a hierarchical, two-level factor model. There is a common design; PA = picture arrangement; OA = object assembly: Fac-
non-shared environmental factor that explains part of the correlation tors: VC = verbal comprehension; FD = freedom of distractibility;
between subtests (EG ). Additionally specific genetic and non-shared PO = perceptual organization. Asp = specific genetic influences;
environmental influences are modeled for each subtest Esp = specific non-shared environmental influences. Reprinted with
WAIS subtests: INF = information; COM = comprehension; ARI = permission from Rijsdijk et al. (2002)

its slope or partial derivative) as a way to predict the level approach. Since the growth curve model may be formulated
at a series of points in time. It is assumed that the individ- in terms of the mean and covariance structure of the ran-
ual trait trajectory in time may be described by a paramet- dom parameters one might simply take the specification of
ric growth curve (e.g., linear, exponential, logistic, etc.). The the mean and covariance structure of a multivariate trait as
parameters of the growth curve (e.g., intercept and slope, also predicted by the classical methods of multivariate genetic
called latent variables) are assumed to be random and indi- analysis and transfer that to the growth curve model. The
vidual specific. However, the random intercepts and slopes resulting two-level latent variable model would then allow
may be dependent within a pair of twins because of genetic for multivariate genetic analysis of the random coefficients
and shared environmental influences on the random coeffi- (see Fig. 4.7).
cients. The basic idea of the method is that the mean and In the following sections we consider the bivariate linear
covariance structure of the latent variables determines the growth curve model applied to longitudinal twin data using
expected mean and covariance structure of the longitudinal age as timescale. The approach may be extended to other
phenotype measurements and one may therefore estimate the parametric growth curves (e.g., exponential, logistic, etc.)
characteristics of the latent variable distribution based on the using first-order Taylor expansions and the resulting mean
longitudinal data. and covariance structure approximations (Neale & McAr-
The random growth curve approach permits to investigate dle, 2000).
new questions concerning the nature of genetic influence on
the dynamic characteristics of the trait, such as the rate of
The Linear Growth Curve Model
change. If the random parameters of the growth curve would
be observed, they might have been analyzed directly using
the classical methods of multivariate genetic analysis. How- A simple implementation of the random effects approach
ever, their latent nature requires a more elaborate statistical is carried out using linear growth curve models. In this
54 D. Posthuma

case each individual is characterized by a random intercept Note that the linear growth curve model actually rep-
and a random slope, which are considered to be the new resents a structural equation model with latent variables
traits. In a linear growth curve model the continuous age- αi and βi (and εit s) with loadings of the latent variables
dependent trait (Y1t , Y2t ) for sib 1 and sib 2 are assumed on the observed responses Yit given by either 1 or t. This
to follow a linear age trajectory given the random slopes implies that this model may be analyzed using the gen-
and intercepts with some additive measurement error: Yit = eral structural equation modeling techniques. In particular,
αi + βi t + εit , for sibling i, where i = 1, 2, t denotes the parameter estimation may be carried out via the maximum
time point (t = 1, 2, . . . , n), αi and βi are the individual likelihood method under multivariate normality assumptions
(random) intercept and slope of sib i, respectively, and εit using the fact that the moment structure (mY ,  Y ) of Y can
is a zero-mean individual error residual, which is assumed be expressed in terms of m, , and Var(εit ), where m =
to be independent of αi and βi . The aim of the study is mean(L),  = Cov(L, L) : mY = Dm,  Y = DDT +  ε ,
then the genetic analysis of the individual intercepts (αi ) and where Σ ε = Cov(E, E).
slopes (βi ). The model may easily be extended to include As described previously in the section on multivariate
covariates. genetic analysis, the two-dimensional phenotype (αi , βi ) may
Assume the trait (Yit ) is measured for the two sibs at t = 1, be analyzed by modeling the covariance matrix  for MZ
2, . . ., n. The measurements on both twins at all time points and DZ twins using the Cholesky factorization approach (see
may be written in vector form as Y = (Y11 ,. . ., Y1n , Y21 , Fig. 4.7 above).
. . ., Y2n )T (where T denotes transposition). Furthermore, if L The two-level model construction leads to a parameter-
denotes the vector of the random growth curve parameters, ization of the joint likelihood for the trait in terms of the
the matrix form of the linear growth curve model is Y = variance components, the respective mean vectors, and resid-
DL + E where ual variances. This yields estimates of the two heritability
values of αi and βi (and respective variabilities of the envi-
ronmental effects) and also estimates of correlations between
⎛ ⎞
ε11 the genetic and environmental components of αi and βi , as
⎛ ⎞ ⎛ ⎞ ⎜ . ⎟
α1 11 ⎜ .. ⎟ described earlier. Posthuma et al. (2003) further describe how
  ⎜1 2 ⎟ ⎜ ⎟
⎜ β1 ⎟ ⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ε1n ⎟ the predicted individual random growth curve parameters can
L=⎜ ⎟, D = F 0 , F = ⎜. . ⎟,E = ⎜ ⎟
⎝ α2 ⎠ 0 F ⎝ .. .. ⎠ ⎜ ε21 ⎟ . be obtained. These predictions may be useful for selection of
⎜ ⎟
β2 ⎜ . ⎟ most informative pairs for subsequent linkage analysis of the
1n ⎝ .. ⎠ random intercepts and slopes.



A1 C1 E1 A2 C2 E2 E2 C2 A2 E1 C1 A1
x21 y21 z21
z21 y21 x21
y11 x22 y22 z
x11 22 z22 y22 x22
z11 y11
z11 x11

Intercept Slope
Slope Intercept
1 1
1 2 4 1
1 1 1 3 1 3 4 1 1

twin1A twin1B twin1C twin1D twin1A twin1B twin1C twin1D

Fig. 4.7 A latent growth curve model, where the latent mean and intercept are decomposed into sources of A, C, and E
4 Multivariate Genetic Analysis 55

Co-morbidity Models Table 4.1 Models of co-morbidity according to Klein & Riso (1993)
and Neale & Kendler (1995)
Explanations based on sampling and base rates
Genetic and environmental correlations provide information KR1/NK1: Co-morbidity due to chance
on the nature of an observed phenotypic correlation between KR2/NK2: Co-morbidity due to sampling bias
two traits, whereas longitudinal models provide information KR3/NK3: Co-morbidity due to population stratification
on the causes of stability and change over time. However, Explanations based on artifacts of diagnostic criteria
KR4: Co-morbidity due to overlapping diagnostic criteria
these models do not provide information on the actual mech- KR5: Co-morbidity due to one disorder encompassing the other
anism underlying this correlation. For example, a genetic NK7: Submodels of NK3 and 4
correlation does not make any inferences on the direction Explanations based on drawing boundaries in the wrong places
of causation or on the reasons why two traits tend to occur KR6: Multiformity of the co-morbid condition
NK8: Submodels of NK 3 and 4
together. In order to understand and investigate the causes of KR7: Heterogeneity (of severe form)
the co-occurrence of two traits, we need to apply models of NK5: Random multiformity and NK6: Extreme multiformity
co-morbidity. KR8: The co-morbid disorder is a third, independent factor
Co-morbidity is usually investigated in the context of NK9: Three independent disorders
KR9/NK4: The pure and co-morbid conditions are different phases or
(psychiatric) diseases, where a disease is either present or alternative expressions of the same disorder
absent. Co-morbidity may also apply to other traits (i.e., not Explanations based on etiological relationships
particularly disorders, not particularly categorical), e.g., red KR10: One disorder is a risk factor for the other; NK11: Causal model
hair and blue eyes, although we would then simply call it KR11: The two disorders arise from overlapping etiological processes.
NK10: Correlated liabilities
co-occurrence, or correlation. When patients have two co- KR-/NK12: Reciprocal causation
occurring disorders, we refer to them as co-morbid for these
KR = Klein & Riso (1993); NK = Neale & Kendler (1995).
disorders. Understanding co-morbidity can be of crucial sci-
entific importance to understanding disease etiology, and also
has high practical significance (Rutter, 1994). For patients co-occurrence between traits (KR2/NK2). Another spurious
two disorders combine to produce greater impact on normal association between two traits may arise when two indepen-
functioning than each disorder separately. Understanding co- dent sets of risk factors for having traits A and B are both
morbidity may further have implications both for diagnosing elevated in certain subpopulations but not in others. Analyz-
disorders and treating them. ing all subpopulations as a whole will then show a statistical
Two important papers provide an exhaustive overview association between traits A and B (KR3/NK3).
of co-morbidity models: Klein and Riso (1993) and Neale
and Kendler (1995). Klein and Riso (1993) have pro-
vided a scholarly overview of many possible models of co- Co-morbidity Due to Artifacts of Diagnostic
morbidity. Neale and Kendler (1995) have provided a schol- Criteria
arly overview of many possible models of co-morbidity.
Neale and Kendler (1995) later extended these models and
Klein and Riso models 4 and 5 explain co-morbidity in
translated their implications into formal, falsifiable expecta-
terms of artifacts of diagnostic criteria; when criteria for cer-
tions. Table 4.1 summarizes the Klein and Riso (KR) and
tain traits or disorders overlap (i.e., similar symptoms are
Neale and Kendler (NK) models. In the following we provide
included as criteria for different diagnoses), two traits may be
a conceptual overview of the models described in KR and
diagnosed at the same time in one person (KR4). Klein and
NK models. For a more mathematical explanation of these
Riso model 5 states that disorder A is really a manifestation
models we refer the reader to the original papers.
of disorder B. This is actually a specific case of KR model 6
Co-morbidity Due to Sampling and Base Rates
Co-morbidity Due to Drawing Boundaries in
Models 1–3 (in Table 4.1) explain co-morbidity due to sam-
pling bias and base rates. The simplest explanation for co- the Wrong Places
morbidity between two traits is chance: when trait A has a
frequency of 0.20 in the population and trait B has a fre- Klein and Riso models 6–9 concern the concept of liabil-
quency of 0.30, they are expected to co-occur with a fre- ity and drawing boundaries at the wrong places. Although
quency of 0.20 × 0.30 = 0.06 (KR1/NK1). When a sample presented as dichotomous traits, many psychiatric diseases
is ascertained through clinical records individuals with two are thought to show an underlying liability. This latent lia-
or more diseases may be more likely to be included in the bility follows a normal distribution, with a certain thresh-
study. Such sampling bias induces a spuriously high rate of old above which a disorder becomes manifest. The multi-
56 D. Posthuma

formity explanation of co-morbidity (KR6/NK3 and NK4) multivariate traits. Alternatively, one disorder may be a risk
states that disorders are manifested in several heterogeneous factor for developing another disorder, or vice versa. In this
forms, including symptoms typically associated with other case co-morbidity is explained by disorder A causing disor-
disorders: The co-morbid disorder is regarded as an atypi- der B, either unidirectionally (KR10/NK11) or reciprocally
cal or more severe form of disorder A and is distinct from (NK12).
disorder B. The heterogeneity explanation (KR7/NK5 and The co-morbidity models described above provide theo-
6) states that the co-morbid disorder is regarded as atypical retical explanations for co-morbidity at a phenotypic level.
forms of both disorders A and B. Following the Neale and Applying these models to actual data and comparing how
Kendler formulation this model is named the random mul- well each model fits the data requires specialized sam-
tiformity model of liability to disorders A and B. Disorder ple designs. Key simulation work in this area has been
A arises if individuals are above threshold on the liability to carried out by Rhee et al. (Rhee, Hewitt, Corley, &
disorder A or with probability r if they are above threshold Stallings, 2003; Rhee et al., 2004, 2006), as reviewed in
on the liability to disorder B. Disorder B arises if individuals Krueger & Markon (2006). Rhee and colleagues showed
are above threshold for disorder B or with probability p if that different co-morbidity models can be distinguished well
they are above threshold for disorder A. In the extreme multi- in many circumstances, bar certain caveats. As may be
formity model of Neale and Kendler, the underlying liability expected, similar co-morbidity models, e.g., different sub-
shows two thresholds, dividing the liability scale into low types of co-morbidity models, are more difficult to distin-
scorers (below the first threshold), medium scorers (between guish than co-morbidity models that are structurally very
the first and second threshold) and high scorers (above the different, such as the alternate forms and directional cau-
second threshold). Disorder A arises if individuals are above sation models. In addition, distinguishing between different
either threshold on the liability to disorder A or above the co-morbidity models becomes difficult when the prevalence
second threshold on the liability to disorder B. Disorder B of one or both of the disorders is very low or when cor-
arises if individuals are above either threshold on the liability relations between liabilities are small. Finally, Rhee et al.
to disorder B or if they are above the second threshold on the have shown that very large samples may be required to
liability to disorder A. obtain adequate power to discriminate between different co-
In Klein and Riso model 8 (Neale and Kendler model 9) morbidity models. The studies of Rhee et al. (2003, 2004,
the co-morbid disorder is regarded as a completely distinct 2006) stress the importance of study design in distinguish-
disorder. In terms of the Neale and Kendler formulation, dis- ing between different models of co-morbidity. The three
order A arises when individuals are above threshold on either possible designs to study co-morbidity are epidemiologi-
the liability to disorder A or the liability to the third, com- cal designs, longitudinal designs, and family designs. Fam-
bined disorder. Disorder B arises when individuals are above ily designs preclude the need of longitudinal data, and in
threshold on either the liability to disorder B or the liability many instances are more cost-effective than any of the other
to the third, combined disorder. designs. Many models that are indistinguishable in simple
Klein and Riso model 9 further states that the two pure phenotypic cross-sectional design can be distinguished in
disorders and the co-morbid disorder are all phases or differ- family designs due to the addition of information about co-
ent expressions of the same underlying single disorder. Indi- morbidity patterns across relatives (Neale & Kendler, 1995;
viduals above threshold on the liability to disorder A express Simonoff, 2000).
disorder A with probability p and disorder B with probability Although there is an extremely large amount of litera-
r. Probabilities p and r are independent, so co-morbid cases ture on bivariate relationships between disorders, relatively
arise with frequency pr. This is an extreme form of multifor- few studies have explicitly compared multiple models of co-
mity (NK model 4). morbidity within a KR/NK framework, as stated by Krueger
and Markon (2006). The co-morbidity between depression
and anxiety disorder seems to be the most frequently mod-
Co-morbidity Due to Etiological Relationships eled. Middeldorp, Cath, Van Dyck, and Boomsma (2005)
reviewed twin and family studies of depression and anxi-
The last two models introduced by Klein and Riso explain ety in the framework of KR/NK models and concluded that
co-morbidity in terms of etiological processes. Neale and shared genetic liability can explain much of the co-morbidity
Kendler added an additional model (NK12). KR11 explains between depression and anxiety.
co-morbidity in terms of overlapping etiological processes. Of all co-morbidity models described above the direc-
For example, the same environmental stressor may cause tion of causation models elegantly show the added value of
both depression and alcohol abuse. Or, in terms of genet- genetically informative designs in delineating the causes of
ics: one (set of) genes may show pleiotropic effects on mul- co-morbidity or correlation between two disorders or traits.
tiple disorders. This model relates to the simplest bivariate The application of direction of causation models in genetic
genetic model as well as to the genetic factor models for designs is described in further detail below.
4 Multivariate Genetic Analysis 57

Direction of Causation arises when variation in trait A is mainly due to genetic vari-
ation and variation in trait B is mainly due to environmental
Heath et al. (1993) reviewed the conditions under which variation. Figure 4.8 depicts the two situations where trait A
cross-sectional twin data are informative about the direc- causes trait B (top) and where trait B causes trait A (bottom).
tion of causation between two traits. Below we describe the Variation in trait A is due to additive genetic variation and
main issues that have been put forward in direction of causa- non-shared environmental variation, with the influence of
tion models using genetically informative data sets (see also shared environmental variation mediated by trait B. Variation
Duffy & Martin, 1994; Neale, Duffy, & Martin, 1994; Neale, in trait B is influenced by shared and non-shared variation
Eaves, Kendler, Heath, & Kessler, 1994; Neale & Walters, while additive genetic influences are mediated by trait A.
et al., 1994). The expected MZ and DZ CTCTs under these two models
Four different models of causation can be distinguished: are
(1) no causation, but pleiotropy between traits A and B; (2)
unidirectional causation – trait A causes trait B; (3) unidi- A → B : MZ CTCT = b × a 2 ; DZ CTCT = b × 1/2 a 2
rectional causation – trait B causes trait A; and (4) recip- B → A : MZ CTCT = b × c2 ; DZ CTCT = b × c2
rocal causation – trait A causes trait B and vice versa. The
power to distinguish between the two unidirectional causa- Thus, when trait A causes trait B, the CTCTs are a func-
tion models is strongly dependent on the difference in modes tion of the mode of inheritance of trait A, whereas when
of inheritance in the two traits. The most optimal situation trait B causes trait A, the CTCTs are a function of the mode

A1 E1 E2 C2 C2 E2 E1 A1

b b
Trait A twin 1 Trait B twin 1 Trait B twin 2 Trait A twin 2


A1 E1 E2 C2 C2 E2 E1 A1

b b
Trait A twin 1 Trait B twin 1 Trait B twin 2 Trait A twin 2

Fig. 4.8 A bivariate twin design: direction of causation model.

Top: trait A causes trait B; Bottom: trait B causes trait A
58 D. Posthuma

of inheritance of trait B. Formally the direction of causa- Conclusion

tion model for two observed traits in one individual is rep-
resented as In the above we have aimed to provide a general introduction
in the basics of multivariate genetic modeling as well as
discuss some of the more advanced multivariate genetic
 P = (I − B)−1 (A + C + E)((I − B)−1 )T , models, such as longitudinal models, genetic factor models,
where A = XXT , C = YYT , E = ZZT and co-morbidity models. We have discussed that genetically
informative designs often provide a cost-effective framework
for determining the causes of co-variation between multiple
traits. The models described in this chapter do not reflect
Matrices X, Y, and Z are diagonal matrices of dimensions an exhaustive list of all possible multivariate genetic
2×2 (number of traits × number of traits). Matrix I is an models, but merely aim to provide a good starting point
identity matrix, whereas matrix B is a subdiagonal matrix to gain insight in the theoretic underpinnings as well
if trait A causes trait B. The total variance is thus pre- and as putative extensions of multivariate genetic models.
post-multiplied by the inverse of (I–B). Matrix B is trans- Alternative multivariate genetic models that have not
posed when trait B causes trait A. For reciprocal causation, been described above include for example multivariate
matrix B needs to be respecified such that the diagonals are genetic linkage models (see, e.g., J. Liu, Y. Liu, X.
zero whereas the off-diagonals are the reciprocal path coef- Liu, & Deng, 2007; Marlow et al., 2003; Williams, Van
ficients. For a formal derivation of reciprocal causation we Eerdewegh, Almasy, & Blangero, 1999, see also Hottenga &
refer the reader to Heath et al. (1993) and Neale and Eaves Boomsma, 2007) or models that deal with data obtained
et al. (1994). from multiple raters (Derks, Hudziak, van Beijsterveldt,
Cross-sectional data can thus be informative for direction Dolan, & Boomsma, 2004; Hartman, Rhee, Willcutt,
of causation as long as a genetically informative design is & Pennington, 2007; Hewitt, Silberg, Neale, Eaves, &
used. However, there are several limitations to be noted. Nat- Erickson, 1992; Simonoff et al., 1995).
urally if the mode of inheritance of trait A is highly similar to In general, multivariate genetic modeling can be of great
the mode of inheritance of trait B, these two models become value when trying to understand the causes of co-variation
indistinguishable. In addition to that Heath et al. (1993) note between quantitative traits and co-morbidity between disor-
that these unidirectional models can only be tested if there ders. Some of the remaining chapters of this book will pro-
are at least three different sources of variance of impor- vide excellent examples of the application of multivariate
tance for the two traits, unless multiple indicators are used. genetic modeling.
With only two sources of variation, the two unidirectional
models become indistinguishable from each other as well
as from the general bivariate model, unless we know that
both traits are measured without error or we have additional
Boomsma, D. I., & Molenaar, P. C. M. (1986). Using LISREL to
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1993, p. 38). Genetics, 16, 237–250.
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a single indicator of each trait is available. With multiple of repeated measures I: Simplex models. Behavior Genetics, 17,
indicators available, testing the reciprocal causation model Carey, G. (1988). Inference about genetic correlations. Behavior Genet-
is feasible only when at least three sources of variation are ics, 18, 329–338.
present. The use of multiple indicators in testing direction De Geus, E. J., Kupper, N., Boomsma, D. I., & Snieder, H. (2007).
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Chapter 5

Models of Human Behavior: Talking to the Animals

Gene S. Fisch

If we could talk to the animals, learn their languages

Think of all the things we could discuss
If we could walk with the animals, talk with the animals,
Grunt and squeak and squawk with the animals,
And they could squeak and squawk and speak and talk to us.

(from the Musical “Dr. Doolittle”)

Prologue and Introduction and Galton speculated as to the process, but it remained for
William Bateson and the rediscovery of Mendel’s published
Inheritance of behavioral characteristics was known to account of his research on peas for the modern concept of
humankind in prehistoric times and likely came about while genetics – and that of the gene – to emerge as the paradigm
domesticating animals. In the Middle East, sheep, goats, for the inheritance of traits.
and pigs were likely tamed between 6000 and 9000 B.C. That animals could be used as models of human behav-
There is no written record of the early rise of animal hus- ior, that the heritability of human traits could be replicated
bandry, but rearing and training of animals were known to in nonhuman creatures, emerged in the mid-to-late 19th cen-
the ancient Romans. Well-defined breeding techniques for tury. Until then, Aristotelian taxonomy separated plants from
domesticated livestock were underway in England in the infrahuman animals and humans (cf. Fisch, 2006). That there
18th century. At the turn of the 19th century, even rats were was continuity in structure and mind between humans and
bred for their variegated coat colors and behavioral pecu- infrahumans, and that mental abilities could be inherited,
liarities (Brush & Driscoll, 2002). Breeders conserved the grew out of the thinking and writings of Charles Darwin and
desired characteristics and controlled for undesired aspects his cousin, Francis Galton.
by repeatedly selecting those preferred features in offspring, In The Origin of Species (1859), Darwin alluded to the
mating “like with like” and producing increasingly homoge- many similarities in structure between animals and humans,
neous strains. and the inheritance of instincts related to behavior. He also
Inheritance of traits in humans stemmed from the belief made mention of the “acquirement of each mental power and
in “blood theory” – the child is a fusion, or blend, not only in capacity by gradation” (Darwin, 1859, p. 455). Later, in The
the characteristics of the parent, but of all preceding genera- Expression of the Emotions in Man and Animals (1872), Dar-
tions – which was widespread in the 19th century. However, win was less circumspect: “not only has the body been inher-
the mechanism of inheritance was not known. Darwin ited by animal ancestors, but there is continuity in respect to
mind between animals and humans.”
What was the mechanism by which mind was inherited?
As noted earlier, the blood theory of inheritance was pop-
ular, and Darwin and Galton set off to validate the the-
ory by performing blood transfusions in various species of
rabbits. Both obtained negative results. As a consequence,
G.S. Fisch (B)
Bluestone Clinical Research Center, New York University, New York, and unaware of Mendel’s experiments, Galton redirected his
NY 10010, USA thinking away from a physiological theory of inheritance in
e-mail: gene.fisch@nyu.edu favor of a statistical model.

Y.-K. Kim (ed.), Handbook of Behavior Genetics, 61

DOI 10.1007/978-0-387-76727-7 5,  c Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2009
62 G.S. Fisch

Galton and His Statistical Model of Inherited Validity of Animal Models

As noted earlier, selective breeding for specific charac-
The statistical model Galton used to develop his ideas teristics in animals has been known for centuries, and
about correlation and regression was based on the Gaus- animal models have taught us much about the pathogenesis
sian distribution. Galton was aware of the anthropologi- of many diseases. Therefore, it would seem logical that
cal findings of his time that quantitative characteristics in inbred mouse strains could provide an effective means
fossilized plants and animals appeared to approximate the by which to optimize the search for genetic factors of
Gaussian distribution. In Hereditary Genius (1869), Gal- complex behavioral phenotypes, as Wehner, Radcliffe,
ton argued that mental abilities were likely normally dis- and Bowers (2001) note. Complex phenotypes exhibit
tributed as well, and provided an outline for a theory of continuous variation, from which we may deduce that they
genetics, based on Darwin’s theory of pangenesis (cf. Bul- are quantitative in nature and, therefore, likely the outcome
mer’s (2003) scholarly treatise of Galton’s investigations of polygenic sources. Quantitative traits have, in turn, been
of genetics and statistics). In a presentation to the Royal mapped to chromosomal regions referred to as quantitative
Society in 1887, Galton stated that heredity must, there- trait loci (QTLs) that contain the gene or genes affecting
fore, follow the statistical laws derived from the Gaussian the phenotype, based on statistical inferences drawn from
distribution. linkage analysis (Lander & Botstein, 1989). Once a QTL has
been identified, congenic mouse strains can be developed
using overlapping QTL sections to examine their respective
phenotypes for the presence or absence of behaviors.
Animal Models of Human Characteristics Congenic strains can be created by recursively back-crossing
the behavioral phenotype strain onto another strain.
While Galton was absorbed with the inheritance of men- To isolate the effect of a specific gene polymorphism pro-
tal ability, Darwin’s evolutionary notion of the continuity of ducing a phenotype requires some manipulation of the gene
structure and mind between animals and humans provided itself. Successful introduction of gene sequences into mouse
the basis for systematic investigations of animal intelligence embryos resulting in the development of transgenic mice
and behavior as they might relate to humans, and spawned was first realized by Gordon, Scangos, Plotkin, Barbosa, and
studies in comparative psychology and animal experimental Ruddle (1980). However, the protocol for targeting mutations
psychology. One of Darwin’s earliest supporters of continu- in any gene that would effectively produce knockout mod-
ity of mind was his friend, George Romanes, who busily els of genes known to produce disorders was developed by
collected anecdotes about animal behavior that he likened to Thomas and Capecchi (1987). Using a specialized construct
humans, drawing additional inferences about the state of the of the neomycin resistance gene, these researchers effectively
animal mind. produced an Hprt ko mouse.
Not all investigators of animal behavior embraced While many types of apparatus used to evaluate rats can
Romanes’ argument. Contrarian views were held by animal be converted into tools to test mice, mice are not small rats
experimental psychologists such as E. L. Thorndike and J. and equipment for mice needed to be modified to account for
B. Watson, who were trained in the 19th century British species differences. Crawley & Paylor (1997) were among
associationist tradition and saw no need to make additional the first researchers to propose a comprehensive test bat-
assumptions about the existence of an animal mind in order tery for mice. Animals should first be examined to ascer-
to study the behavior. The arguments are now more than tain that their sensorimotor and neurological functions are
a century old, but the gap between behaviorism and men- within normal limits. To examine cognitive abilities, i.e.,
talism has never been bridged. The rise of cognitive psy- learning and memory, several types of apparatus can be used.
chology and cognitive neuroscience in the mid-20th century, Chief among them has been the MWM, but as was noted,
the advances in mathematics, logic, and computation, cou- other techniques, e.g., the radial maze, delayed-matching-
pled with the similarities observed between neural networks to-sample operant conditioning, cued and contextual condi-
and computer parallel processing, plus the discovery of the tioning, and passive and active avoidance paradigms have
structure of DNA, all combined to catapult cognitive neu- all been employed (cf. Crawley & Paylor, 1997). Aggres-
roscience to the forefront of investigations of gene–brain– sive behaviors have been assessed using resident–intruder
behavior relationships, leaving unresolved disputes concern- designs; anxiety has been investigated using the elevated plus
ing the existence and nature of an animal mind. I will maze or light–dark exploration; depression has been evalu-
return to the dilemma posed by behaviorism and mentalism ated using the forced swimming test; schizophrenia has been
later. tested by implementing the acoustic startle reflex to assess
5 Models of Human Behavior 63

prepulse inhibition (PPI); and drug abuse has been examined Dudek (1999) found a significant interactive effect between
using self-administration tasks. strain and laboratory environment. In addition to exam-
The MWM has probably been the most frequently used ining laboratory differences, Wahlsten, Bachmanov, Finn
procedure to ascertain the presence of visual/spatial deficits and Crabbe (2006) also attempted to replicate results
in learning and memory, deficits associated with lesions in from earlier studies by employing the same mouse strain.
the hippocampus. It has been observed, however, that not all Wahlsten et al. (2006) found that, for ethanol preference and
mouse strains perform equally well on different behavior- locomotor activity, results across labs and time could be
specific tasks. For example, C57BL/6J mice perform well replicated; but, for studies of anxiety behavior using explo-
on the MWM, but DBA/2J mice perform poorly (Upchurch ration on the elevated maze, effects of lab differences were
& Wehner, 1988). Moreover, as Wolfer and Lipp (2000) found. Previously, enriched cage environments were found
have observed, some mice develop thigmotaxis (wall hug- to have a positive effect on learning (Fiala, Joyce, & Gree-
ging) in the MWM, while others float passively, and both nough, 1978). On the other hand, Wolfer et al. (2004) noted
factors account for significantly greater variance in perfor- that enriched cage environments had no significant effects
mance than do visual/spatial variables. In their meta-analysis on a variety of learning tasks presented to C57BL and
of swimming behavior, Wolfer and Lipp (2000) also reported DBA inbred mouse strains, although strain differences were
that differences in genetic background and mutation status observed.
produce a wide variety of outcomes in the MWM. In an Thus it appears that, while there are instances in which
attempt to salvage the less-than-adequate performances by laboratory environment affects tests of learning and memory
some mouse strains and to generalize its validity, Wahlsten, in mice, inbred strain may be a more salient (genetic)
Cooper and Crabbe (2005) modified the MWM apparatus. component of their behavioral phenotype. Crawley and
These researchers then examined performances in variants of colleagues (1997) examined the implications of mouse
the MWM, and the 4-arm version of the MWM, of mice from strains on phenotype. They noted that most knockout mice
21 inbred strains. Wahlsten et al. (2005) observed significant are created from 129 substrains and bred with C57BL/6
strain differences with respect to speed during pre-trial train- females. According to the authors, the phenotype that
ing, percent trials floating, escape latencies, and swimming develops, and the tests used to evaluate the phenotype, will
distance in the standard MWM. Patterns of escape latency have a significant interactive effect with the mutated genes of
over trials also differed significantly. However, in the 4-arm interest. Crawley et al. (1997) examined several dozen inbred
version of the MWM, they found that several kinds of errors strains of mice and noted that C57BL/6 and C57BL/10 mice
were significantly reduced; and, as measured by latency perform well in MWM. However, even within C57BL
to find the submerged platform, learning ability improved. strains there are differences in responses depending on the
Thus, while the MWM has been extensively used to study cognitive task administered. Deacon, Thomas, Rawlins,
cognitive deficits, conclusions regarding behavior assessed and Morley (2007) examined C57BL/6 and C57BL/10
by it should be tempered by the mouse strain enlisted, the mice performing several learning tasks and found significant
apparatus configuration employed, and any unusual behav- differences in percent correct responses of spontaneous alter-
ioral characteristics exhibited by the animals, before drawing ation in a T-maze, as well as time to reach goal on the Lashley
conclusions. III maze.
Contextual and cued fear conditioning (Pavlovian condi- Another issue that researchers need to consider when
tioning) provide another means by which to examine learn- choosing an animal model concerns the process by which
ing. The association between a visual or auditory stimulus the knockout is produced. As noted earlier, knockouts are
(CS) and a mildly aversive stimulus (UCS) has been related typically created using the embryonic stem cells from 129
to functioning in the amygdala (LeDoux, 2000) and to some substrains, after which they are mated with females from
extent, the hippocampus (Logue, Paylor, & Wehner, 1997). C57BL strain. By developing congenic strains, as recom-
Investigations of QTLs in two strains of mice have converged mended by the Banbury Conference, breeding strategies can
on two chromosomes, one of which – chromosome 1 – is be systematized for dealing with genetic background. How-
associated specifically with cued fear conditioning (Wehner ever, in creating the knockout, genes flanking the one of inter-
et al. 2001). Even so, Crawley et al. (1997) caution that there est may also be affected. Wolfer, Crusio, and Lipp (2002)
are strain differences in contextual fear conditioning, and propose several different strategies to be employed, includ-
that C57BL strains perform better than FVB or DBA strains. ing the development of a conditional knockout, to overcome
Consequently, finding QTLs and genes associated with con- these problems.
textual fear conditioning may prove more problematic than Issues involving mouse genetics – inbred strain, knock-
originally thought. out creation – and environment – laboratory housing, test
Environment also plays an important role in produc- apparatus type – obligate researchers to institute standards
ing differences in mouse behavior. Crabbe, Wahlsten, and for testing transgenic and knockout mice. Wahlsten (2001)
64 G.S. Fisch

and Wahlsten, Rustay, Metten, and Crabbe (2003) set about by L. L.Thurstone, factor analysis was used to load specific
examining the problem of standards, albeit without present- variables onto factors to produce a general measure of intel-
ing all-embracing solutions. One recommendation made was ligence, g.
that several common strains free of neurological defects and But what is intelligence? E. G. Boring famously said
derived from different ancestries be used in any one study of that it was whatever intelligence tests test. Many definitions
complex behavior. Second, in order to attain consistency in emphasize the ability to learn, to “educing either relations or
responding, the apparatus used should be standardized and correlates” (Spearman, 1927). At the symposium on intelli-
its use maintained over the course of generations of exper- gence convened in 1921 (Thorndike, 1921), then at a second
iments. Unfortunately, the number of variables that need to in 1986 (Sternberg & Detterman, 1986), psychologists could
be considered which affect response outcomes – strain, sex, not agree on a common definition, but did agree that, at the
mouse supplier, lab environment, apparatus, effect size – core of intelligence is the ability to adapt effectively to the
would require vast numbers of animals to be used in any environment. Interestingly, IQ tests using different concepts
one study, making a completely justifiable analysis impos- of intelligence produce remarkably similar composite score
sible. Nonetheless, any attempt to standardize across these results.
variables will increase the validity of experimental outcomes. The link between genetics and intelligence was first sys-
tematically articulated by Galton (1883). However, the basis
for the modern statistical model, represented mathemati-
Genetics and Behavior cally as the sum of genetic and environmental variance
components, was devised by Fisher (Kemphorne, 1997).
It has been said that human beings are complex and dan- Plomin (2003) commented on the use of g to deter-
gerous creatures. Human behavior manifests itself as a vast, mine molecular-genetic correlates of behavior, arguing that
multifaceted hodgepodge of verbal and nonverbal activities, g is the quantitative feature diverse cognitive abilities
some of which are in response to the immediate surround- have in common, is stable over time and, therefore, a
ings, some of which are in response to other individuals, or trait of the individual. Twin studies have demonstrated
groups of individuals, some of which are in response to noth- genetic contributions to intelligence in more than 100 pub-
ing apparent. Behavior genetics is primarily concerned with lished articles, with differing degrees of genetic and fam-
the genetics of individual behavior and, as such, it behooves ily pairings, and across many countries (cf. Bouchard,
researchers in the field to simplify this complex into com- Lykken, McGue, Segal, & Tellegen, 1990; Bouchard &
prehensible, analyzable units. To that end, the psychologi- McGue, 1981; also see Deary, Spinath, & Bates, 2006, for
cal community has reduced complex behavior into several an overview).
major components which generally fall into the following Although twin studies of intelligence provide a basis
categories: for its heritability, to date no one gene has been
implicated directly. Specific gene effects on intellectual
1. learning, cognition, and intelligence; function could be determined by association and linkage
2. personality and temperament; analysis, as Flint (1999) noted. However, contributions by
3. language. individual genes may be limited and their effect size small;
and, linkage analysis has proven most successful when map-
If there is continuity in mind from animals to humans, ping genetic disorders that produce dichotomous phenotypes,
in learning and intelligence, personality and temperament, e.g., disease vs. no disease, where the effect size is obvi-
as well as in language, one must first establish heritability ous (Wahlsten, 1999). Wahlsten also observed that linkage
of these characteristics of human behavior, then find their analysis has also been less than successful in finding loci for
analogs in nonhuman animals. complex disorders.
Kovas and Plomin (2006) acknowledged the problem of
finding specific genes for complex behaviors and proposed
Current Issues a “generalist genes” hypothesis: the same genes that pro-
duce cognitive disabilities also most affect cognitive abilities.
Generalist genes function by utilizing two genetic mecha-
Human Intelligence and Cognitive Function nisms: pleiotropy and polygenicity. Pleiotropy refers to the
spread of effect of an individual gene on the phenotype, while
Galton first measured intelligence using eminence as a surro- polygenicity refers to the effect of many genes to produce
gate. Later, Spearman developed the super-ordinate concept a specific phenotype. Accordingly, pleiotropy could justify
of monarchic intelligence, “g”, composed of specific abili- gradations of intelligence, while polygenicity could account
ties. Then, with the aid of the statistical machinery developed for differences in cognitive profiles.
5 Models of Human Behavior 65

Animal Intelligence and Cognitive Function chic – factor loading specific abilities onto a unitary entity –
as in human intelligence or whether it should be consid-
Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? ered as the interaction of several diverse and distinct areas
– Philip Dick, 1968 in brain. Indeed, Gardner (1983) has proposed that there are
multiple intelligences in humans, and that the IQ scores mea-
Systematic studies of animal intelligence began in the late sure only a few of these.
19th century with E. L. Thorndike and his publication, Ani- If intelligence and cognitive processes are affected by
mals in a Puzzle Box (1898). Thorndike employed a variety generalist genes in humans and nonhuman animals, and these
of experimental devices to demonstrate what he referred to as genes are responsible for most cognitive abilities and dis-
animal intelligence, without reference to unobserved mental abilities, as Kovas and Plomin (2006) argue, then it should
processes. In the century that followed, many other apparatus be possible to amass a list of possible candidate genes. To
types – among them, variously configured mazes, Skinner’s that end, Morley and Montgomery (2001) examined stud-
operant experimental chamber, the Lashley jumping stand, ies of human and nonhuman animals for genes that were
the Morris water maze (MWM) – were developed to study associated with various phenotypes associated with cogni-
animal learning and memory. tion, learning, memory and mental retardation, and reported
To determine the heritability of intelligence in animals, on several found in both humans and mice. In particular, the
one could imagine that the techniques of selective breeding ADRA2C and dopamine beta-hydroxylase genes have been
might be used. If one could selectively breed for size and associated with ADHD and learning disabilities in children;
speed, one might argue that cognitive ability could be bred and, that mice which over-express its homologue, Adra2c,
selectively as well. Based on their observed skills in maze perform poorly in the MWM (Morley & Montgomery, 2001).
learning, Tolman (1924) was the first to breed rats selectively
for intelligence, with limited results. However, Tryon (1940)
who later published on maze learning in 18 generations of
rats bred for “maze bright” and “maze dull” characteristics Human Personality and Temperament
was probably first to demonstrate systematically that there
was a genetic basis for animal intelligence. Although not Personality measurement developed at about the time fac-
originally bred for their cognitive ability, Sara, Devauges, tor analysis was devised for intelligence testing. Unlike the
Biegon, and Blizard (1994) found that Maudsley reactive notion of g in intelligence testing, theories of personal-
strain rats performed worse on memory tasks involving a ity were built around either single-trait (one-dimensional)
12-arm radial maze than Maudsley nonreactive (MNR) rats. or multi-trait (multi-dimensional) theories. Like factors in
On the other hand, the reactive strain performed better than intelligence, the intent of multi-trait theory is to capture all
the MNR strain on other types of mazes. Their results sug- dimensions of personality and to develop measures by which
gest that there is more than one way to measure cognitive to assess each dimension. Several multi-trait models have
abilities. been developed, but the one currently preferred is the Five
As there are differences among psychologists as to what Factor Model (FFM), originally developed by Tupes and
constitutes human intelligence, there are differences among Christal (1961), and validated by McCrae and Costa (1987).
animal experimentalists as to what represents intelligence in To examine the genetic and environmental components
nonhuman animals. Bailey, McDaniel, and Thomas (2007) of personality, Jang, Livesley, and Vernon (1996) used the
noted that when intelligence and cognitive functioning were revised NEO Personality Inventory to assess MZ and DZ
based on different kinds of learning skills, a hierarchy of twins. Genetic effects were found to have extensive influ-
learning tasks could be developed to identify different lev- ence on all FFM dimensions, while nonshared environmental
els of intelligence. At its pinnacle (level 8) is the ability factors accounted for most of the remainder. More recently,
to use class concepts in bi-conditional relationships. Bailey Borkenau, Riemann, Spinath, and Angleitner (2006) exam-
et al. (2007) reported that many studies demonstrated ani- ined genetic and environmental influences on MZ and DZ
mals’ ability to acquire learning sets – level 5 – which is twins’ personality and found personality profiles among MZ
associated with executive function and decision making in twins were more alike than among DZ twins. Also using the
humans. To date, however, no studies have been published in revised NEO Personality Inventory, Yamagata et al. (2006)
which animals have demonstrated learning at level 8. examined the cross-cultural aspects of personality in twins
Notwithstanding the learning hierarchy described by Bai- in Canada, Japan, and Germany, and found that all five fac-
ley et al. (2007), MacPhail (1998) noted that there was no tor structures from the FFM were nearly identical with one
general agreement among psychologists as to the borders another across cultures.
of the set of tasks defining animal intelligence. Part of the Most psychologists consider temperament closely related
problem is whether to consider animal intelligence as monar- to personality and a stable trait, as intelligence is to
66 G.S. Fisch

cognition. Temperament is continuously measurable, multi- 3. Are the behaviors assessed which are associated with per-
dimensional, and appears early in the life of the devel- sonality consonant with the dimensions of human behav-
oping infant. Consequently, the origins of temperament ior found in the FFM?
are thought to be genetic. Current research suggests that 4. Are the measurements of personality valid?
dimensions of temperament are fivefold: emotionality, activ- 5. Are the traits heritable in humans and animals?
ity, attentiveness/perseverance, sociability, and reactivity
(Saudino, 2005).
Several instruments have been developed to measure tem- To address many of these issues, Gosling (2001) under-
perament. However, they do not all agree as to the number took in a comprehensive review of all published experimental
of dimensions of which temperament consists, as Mathiesen studies of personality in animals. He examined the inter-rater
and Tambs (1999) noted. Moreover, the psychometric prop- reliability of personality traits across many species and found
erties of the instruments used to measure temperament are that, although there were wide ranging values in correlations,
quite modest. Mathiesen and Tambs (1999) sought to cross- the median correlation coefficient for all studies was moder-
validate one of these instruments, comparing factors and ately high (r = 0.61). Test–retest reliability was high when
factor scores from the EAS Temperament Survey in a large the interval was brief, but weak when the interval was long.
sample of Norwegian children with an earlier study of Dutch Gosling (2001) also found that all the traits examined
children. The factor loadings they obtained for both Dutch could be linked to one or another of the dimensions in
and Norwegian samples were remarkably similar, thereby the FFM for humans. He also noted that the median inter-
strengthening the external validity of the EAS. observer correlations for specific personality traits in animals
Saudino, McGuire, Reiss, Hetherington, and were greater than those calculated in humans. To explain the
Plomin (1995) used the EAS to examine adolescents discrepancy, Gosling argued that humans learn to restrain
and found moderate intraclass correlations among MZ themselves from exhibiting socially unacceptable behaviors,
twins for all dimensions. DZ twins, however, exhibited e.g., aggression, neuroticism, and so these behaviors tend to
markedly lower correlations, and only correlations be less apparent.
derived from the Emotionality scale were statistically Validity is as much a concern in studies of personality
significantly different from zero. Using the updated version in animals as it is an issue in human personality research.
measure of temperament, the EASI, Goldsmith, Buss, and Unfortunately, studies of validity in animal research are few
Lemery (1997), found intraclass correlation coefficients in number. In one study, Feaver, Mendl, and Bateson (1986)
similar to those obtained by Saudino et al. (1995) for both found high convergent validity (r = 0.85) for aggressive
MZ and DZ twins. Goldsmith et al. (1997) also computed behavior. On the other hand, Capitanio (1999) investigated
heritability coefficients for each factor and found that they predictive validity of sociability in monkeys but found only
ranged from 0.21 (for the pleasure dimension) to 0.72 (for modest to weak correlations. Gosling (2001) noted, however,
activity). The heritability coefficients for activity obtained that these studies of validity were based on post hoc findings,
by Saudino et al. (1995) and Goldsmith et al. (1997) were that reliability of the observed behaviors had been assumed
comparable and argue in favor of a heritable component rather than tested. In some instances, observers who coded
for temperament, albeit one which is smaller than the behaviors were the same as those who made personality rat-
heritability component of intellectual abilities. ings, thus introducing the possibility of rater bias.
In their review of animal behavior, Réale, Reader,
Sol, McDougall, and Dingemanse (2007) did not distin-
Animal Personality and Temperament guish between personality traits and temperament. Instead,
they assigned temperament traits to FFM categories. Like
Gosling, Réale et al. emphasized the importance of develop-
Although Romanes collected only anecdotal evidence for the ing valid experimental tests to measure temperament traits,
existence of personality traits in nonhuman animals, scien- comparing measurements of temperament across species,
tists such as Pavlov and Yerkes attempted to examine per- and establishing a connection between trait expression and
sonality systematically in animals. Since animals cannot be survival fitness. When tests are valid and precise, Réale
expected to fill out survey questionnaires, measuring person- et al. expected that results will be repeatable and set an
ality in animals requires that several conditions be met: upper bound to the heritability of the trait ascertained. Unlike
1. Can two observers agree on the personality traits mea- Gosling (2001), Réale et al. (2007) argue against measur-
sured? ing temperament by direct observation, since such behav-
2. Are the inter-observer agreement correlations found iors are often interpreted subjectively. Whenever possible,
in studies of humans comparable to those found in trait measures should correspond to biological/physiological
animals? markers.
5 Models of Human Behavior 67

One method for identifying personality traits in animals is guage in, and greater discordance between, MZ twins (cf.
to correlate phenotypes across species under a specific set of Stromswold, 2006, for a comprehensive review of language
environmental conditions. Nonetheless, it may not be possi- development and genetics.).
ble to quantify temperamental traits in species with markedly
different routines and habits. To resolve this issue, Réale
et al. suggested that species with closely related anatom-
ical and physiological features be compared. It should be Language in Animals
noted, however, that evidence for heritability of traits varies
greatly, depending on the behavior assessed and the organism As noted earlier, one feature of language in humans is
evaluated. For example, aggressive-like behaviors appear to communication, and communication in animals has been
have higher heritability in land mammals (r = 0.53 − 0.61) noted and argued over in many species, in bees in particu-
than sea creatures such as fish (r = 0.14) or squid (r = 0.21), lar (Gould, 1975). Another feature of language in humans,
whereas fearfulness in domesticated animals is weak to mod- vocal learning, is infrequently found in nonhuman ani-
erate (r = 0.32 − 0.56) as Réale et al. reported. mals. One notable instance in common for humans and ani-
mals is the gene that encodes forkhead box P2 (FOXP2).
Mutations in FOXP2 have been associated with speech
and language disorders in humans (Fisher, Vargha-Khadem,
Language in Humans Watkins, Monaco, and Pembrey, 1998). The homologous
Foxp2 gene is found in mice, and vocalizations in Foxp2 wt
Speech enables man to utter what he does not think. and ko mice are currently under study by Fisher and his col-
Thomas Hobbes, Elements of Law, Natural and Politic
leagues (White, Fisher, Geschwind, Scharff, & Holy, 2006).
Language, as opposed to simple communication, is MacPhail (1982) reviewed the literature regarding lan-
thought to be a multifaceted, particularly human trait. Cog- guage abilities in nonhuman animals, particularly among pri-
nitive psychologists consider language an essential compo- mates, and found that vocalizations approximating human
nent for thinking. Language is also used in memorizing, language have been less than successful. Other approaches
reasoning, and socializing. There are cultural differences to language acquisition and production, such as the use of
in language, identifiable by their lexical and grammatical American Sign Language, have also achieved limited results;
categories, e.g., boundaries for categories of colors, the use concerns about how signs were acquired, how to interpret a
(or not) of the definite article. Other parameters of language sign produced by a primate, and whether the sequences in
are the phonological aspects (speech sound and production), which signs have been presented are grammatically correct,
syntax (the arrangement of words and how they are related), have also been raised.
and pragmatics (the study of the use of language in given
There are two major and opposing theories of language
Cognitive Deficits and Speech/Language
acquisition. One assumes language is innate; that humans
are “hard-wired” to develop language (Chomsky, 1965). The Disorders in Humans
opposing view argues that language is acquired solely from
one’s environment (e.g., Whorf, 1940; Skinner, 1957). Thus, According to DSM-IV-TR criteria (American Psychiatric
language is conceived as having emerged predominantly Association, 2000), human cognitive deficits first diagnosed
from either a genetic or environmental source. in infancy or early childhood are categorized as mental retar-
Demonstrating the genetic component in language has dation (MR) or learning disorders (LD). The formal defini-
been problematic in part due to developmental issues. tion for MR requires that both IQ scores and adaptive behav-
Stromswold (2001) has shown that the rate of language ior (DQ) scores be at least 2 standard deviations below the
growth in MZ twins is slower than among singleton births. population mean. LD has been variously defined, but accord-
A substantially higher proportion of variance for phonol- ing to DSM criteria, is represented by a 2 standard deviation
ogy and syntax can be accounted for by genetic factors for difference between IQ score and achievement score on stan-
typically developing MZ twins than for language-impaired dardized assessment instruments.
MZ twins. Problems associated with perinatal environments LD and MR affect 5–10% of the general population. MR
enveloping twin fetuses occur more frequently than with is further sub-typed as mild, moderate, severe, or profound,
singletons. The risk, therefore, of sub-threshold damage to according to the IQ score. Moderate-to-severe MR – about
neurological structures associated with language develop- 1% of the general population – is mostly caused by genetic
ment is greater among twins in utero than among single- factors. Many genetic abnormalities occur spontaneously,
tons and would account for the slower development of lan- e.g., trisomy 21 and the micro-deletion disorders; but some,
68 G.S. Fisch

like the fragile X mutation, are highly heritable. NF1 pro- nificantly, worse compared to wt controls. After Fisch (2003)
duces LD, and 50% of individuals with NF1 have inherited examined the mice DNA and FMR protein (FMRP) in
the mutation. As noted previously, expressive language dis- their study, they discovered the presence of FMRP in
orders have been associated with mutations in the FOXP2 brain in 5/8 knockouts. As Welzl, D’Adamo, Wolfer, and
gene. In their review, Lewis et al. (2006) reported that, in Lipp (2006) note, the emergence of a subtle phenotype in
studies of speech and language disorders, high concordance the fmr1 ko mouse will make assessments of future therapies
rates among MZ twins were found. problematic.
Another somewhat related category of DSM-IV-TR child- In addition to the fragile X mutation, there are other genes
hood disorders is referred to as pervasive developmental dis- located on the X chromosome in which mutations produce
orders (PDD). Chief among PDDs is autism. Autism has MR, i.e., X-linked MR or XLMR. One such is FRAXE,
been referred to as a triad of dysfunction involving severe the other fragile X disorder, the mutation site for which
deficits in communication, socialization, and restricted or is downstream from the FMR1 locus. In general, cogni-
bizarre activities. About 75% of children with autism are tive deficits associated with FRAXE are mild compared to
also diagnosed as MR and may have no speech, or severely those produced by mutations in the FMR1 gene. The gene
limited speech and expressive language. The ratio of males associated with FRAXE, FMR2, has been identified (Gecz,
to females with the disorder is 4:1. Among families in Gedeon, Sutherland, and Mulley, 1996), a ko mouse cre-
which a first born has been diagnosed as autistic, the ated (Gu et al., 2002), and a battery of behavioral tests
probability that a second or subsequent child will also be administered to examine the phenotype. Except for a test of
diagnosed with autism is almost 2 orders of magnitude conditioned fear, in which the ko mice exhibited a lower
greater than expected in the general population. Among MZ freezing response than wt littermate controls, there were no
twins, the correlation of a diagnosis of autism is moder- significant differences in behavior between the two groups of
ately high (r = 0.59), and statistical analysis showed that animals.
57% of the variance could be attributed to the genetic A different X-linked abnormality producing MR is caused
component (Hoekstra, Bartels, Verweij, and Boomsma, by a mutation in GDI1. A knockout mouse for the GdiI gene
2007). was created by D’Adamo et al. (2002). These researchers
also administered a wide battery of behavioral tests to the
mice, most of which found that kos did not differ signifi-
cantly from littermate controls. However, D’Adamo et al. did
Animal Models of Mental Retardation find that GdiI ko mice performed significantly less well than
and Learning Disability controls on the radial maze learning task, and exhibited less
aggressive behavior than controls.
One of the earliest animal models of MR was created Another form of inherited XLMR, Coffin–Lowry syn-
in 1994 by the Dutch–Belgian Fragile X Consortium drome, is characterized by many craniofacial and skeletal
(DBFXC, 1994). The fmr1 gene in mice is homologous abnormalities, the expression of which is severe in males
to the FMR1 gene in humans. A mutation in the FMR1 but mild in females. It is caused by a mutation in the RSK2
gene, typically caused by an excess number of CGG repeats gene. Poirier et al. (2007) examined exploratory and emo-
in the promoter region combined with hypermethylation tional reactivity, and learning and memory in Rsk2 mutant
at the fragile site, produces the fragile X syndrome in mice, and found that wt performed significantly better than
humans. To examine cognitive function in mice, the DBFXC kos on visual–spatial activities, and on tasks that involved
tested their fmr1 ko and wt mice using the MWM. They exploratory behavior.
observed that, on average, fmr1 ko mice performed less Three years after the fmr1 ko mouse was created, Silva
well than wt littermate controls on the reversal hidden plat- and colleagues (Silva et al. 1997) investigated cognitive func-
form task in the MWM, but did not perform significantly tion in the Nf1 ko mouse, also using the MWM. These
differently on other tasks in the MWM. Other researchers researchers observed significantly poorer performance in
report similar, small differences (e.g., D’Hooge et al., 1997). the Nf1 ko compared to its wt littermate controls. Costa
Interestingly, Fisch, Hao, Bakker, and Oostra (1999) found et al. (2001) later found that a mutation in exon 23a of the
that fmr1 ko performed better than wt controls on both Nf1 gene affected the Ras signaling pathway and increased
visual and auditory discriminant operant conditioning tasks, GABA-mediated inhibition, and was associated with cog-
while Paradee et al. (1999) found strain differences had nitive deficits in the Nf1 ko mice. Recently, Donarum,
a significant effect. More recently, Fisch and colleagues Halperin, Stephan, and Narayanan (2006) performed a gene
(Fisch, 2003) performed a follow-up evaluation of fmr1 ko expression analysis to examine the profiles of expression
and wt controls on a delayed-matching-to-sample task and in the Nf1 mouse brain. These researchers found a func-
found that fmr1 ko mice performed marginally, but not sig- tional relationship between the NF1 protein, neurofibromin,
5 Models of Human Behavior 69

the amyloid beta precursor complex, and the dopamine set of behavioral tests for animal models of autism to provide
receptor, Drd3, which suggests that these pathways may a standardized framework for experimentation. They suggest
also be involved in cognitive dysfunction in humans that two types of social behaviors be investigated: ability to
with NF1. interact with a conspecific and social transmission of food
cues. In addition to social behaviors, Bourgeron et al. (2006)
also advise that anxiolytical and stereotypical behaviors be
assessed. To evaluate anxiety, they recommend investigating
Animal Models of Autism and Pervasive exploratory activity in an open-field apparatus. To study
Developmental Disorders stereotypic behavior, an operant lever press task should be
employed. Learning and memory should also be evaluated
As noted earlier, autism is a pervasive developmental dis- and assessed using the MWM and a radial arm maze, both of
order primarily affecting males and is characterized by a which examine visual/spatial skills. Finally, sensory gating
triad of dysfunction involving impairments in communica- should be inspected using the procedures involving the startle
tion, socialization, and bizarre and/or restricted interests or reflex to measure PPI.
activities. There is reason to believe that there is a genetic In their efforts to assess autism in mice, Crawley and her
etiology. For example, a higher proportion of individuals colleagues focused on the sociability aspects – or rather, lack
with the fragile X mutation have been diagnosed with autism thereof (Moy et al., 2004) – by studying five different mouse
than in the general population. Researchers have also found strains on tests of social approach to familiar and novel envi-
genetic mutations associated with autism elsewhere on the ronments. Bolivar, Walters, and Phoenix (2007) also exam-
X chromosome. Jamain et al. (2003) examined two broth- ined social behavior in several inbred strains and found, as
ers diagnosed with autism and found mutations in neuroligin did Moy et al. (2004), that BTBR mice exhibit significantly
genes NLGN3 and NLGN4. Risch et al. (1999) performed lower social interactions than other strains. They also noted
a genomic screen on 90 multiplex sibships with autism and deficits in the corpus callosum in the BTBR strain, similar
concluded that the phenotype may result from more than 15 to postmortem findings of individuals with autism (Bram-
genes. Consequently, constructing a mouse model for the dis- billa et al., 2003). More recently, Moy et al. (2007) devel-
order has been, and will be, problematic. oped a series of tasks designed to emulate behavioral deficits
As noted earlier, the fmr1 ko mouse’ ability to mimic the observed in autism, and again found the BTBR strain to be
fragile X syndrome in humans has produced mixed results. a useful model. Taken together, these results suggest that the
These obstacles notwithstanding, Mineur, Huynh, and Cru- BTBR strain may be valuable in locating QTLs and genes for
sio (2006) examined social habituation as an autistic-like autism in humans.
behavior in C57BL/6 strains of fmr1 ko and wt mice, and In pursuing the genetic side of autism, Sadakata
as compared to the BALB and DBA strains. They found et al. (2007) identified a candidate gene, CADPS2, resid-
insignificant differences in social behavior among the three ing in the autism susceptibility locus on chromosome 7q31–
strains. They also noted that fmr1 ko mice from the C57BL/6 33 in humans, and associated with autistic-like behavior in
strain exhibit significantly fewer social interactions with the Cadps2 ko mouse. Employing a complex test battery to
females than do fmr1 wt littermate controls, suggestive of evaluate mouse behavior, these researchers noted abnormal
autistic-like behavior. Moon et al. (2006) examined perfor- sleep patterns, increased locomotor activity, and decreased
mance of fmr1 ko and wt mice on a series of attention responses to a novel object, all of which are suggestive of
tasks and found that fmr1 ko mice made a significantly several aspects of impaired behavior observed in individuals
higher proportion of premature responses than wt littermate with autism. As for the genetic component, they also found
controls, suggestive of impaired control of inhibitory aberrant splicing in CADPS2 mRNA in several patients with
responding. They also found a significantly higher propor- autism. Tabuchi et al. (2007) created neuroligin knockin
tion of premature responses to the sustained attention task (ki) and knockout mice that emulated the genetic mutations
compared to controls. These researchers commented that, noted by Jamain et al. (2003). Tabuchi et al. (2007) found
although these dysfunctional behaviors were evocative of that neuroligin-3 ki mice exhibited some social deficits com-
attention deficits observed in humans with the fragile X pared to littermate controls, but curiously performed better
mutation, the problems observed in mice were only tempo- on the MWM than controls. Also, unlike the results obtained
rary, and that permanent deficits were not significant. by Sadakata et al. (2007), Tabuchi et al. (2007) found that
As autism is defined by its behavioral phenotype and not neuroligin-3 ki mice did not differ from controls in their
associated with specific biological markers, current mouse social responses to a novel intimate.
models of autism are highly dependent upon an accurate Rett syndrome is another pervasive developmental
depiction of behaviors associated with the disorder. To that disability, but predominantly affects females, and results
end, Bourgeron, Jamain, and Granon (2006) have proposed a from a mutation in the MECP2 gene (Nan et al., 1998). The
70 G.S. Fisch

phenotype develops early in infancy, resulting in a loss of ment over the limitations of the existing diagnostic categories
speech, development of neuromuscular degeneration, and the in DSM-IV-TR. They endorse the use of the FFM, employ-
emergence of hand-wringing in most cases. The Mecp2 ko ing a Likert-like scale to assess each dimension of person-
mouse exhibits a phenotype consistent with Rett syndrome: ality. By doing so, personality research would be more in
normal development for the first several weeks after birth, accord with studies of cognitive abilities and intelligence
followed by progressive neurological dysfunction (Shah- that investigate MR and LD. To that end, Willis-Owen and
bazian et al., 2002). In addition to autistic-like behavior, Flint (2007) suggested that, as a dimension of personal-
Rett syndrome is associated with severe cognitive deficits. ity, neuroticism be measured as a gauge of emotionality
Moretti et al. (2006) tested Mecp2 ko mice and found that, and emotional stability. To support their argument, Willis-
in addition to social interaction deficits, Mecp2 ko mice take Owen and Flint (2007) report that, in a large sample study
longer to find the platform in the MWM, thereby exhibiting of humans, Fullerton and colleagues discovered five QTLs
deficits in learning and memory. Surprisingly, however, these for emotionality on chromosome 1 (Fullerton et al., 2003).
mice do not display the neuronal dysmorphology found in At the same time, Willis-Owen and Flint (2007) noted that
postmortem analyses in humans with Rett syndrome. selective inbreeding techniques – backcrosses, intercrosses –
have identified emotional reactivity in mice – as measured by
avoidance behaviors, defecation, urination, among others –
Personality and Temperamental Disorders
and mapped QTLs onto chromosomes 1, 15, 18, but primar-
in Humans ily on chromosome 1.
As in studies of the genetics of animal intelligence, selec-
DSM-IV-TR also defines a variety of other disorders: tive breeding in rats was among the first techniques enlisted
personality disorders; anxiety disorders; mood disorders; to identify genetic factors in anxiety. Using the elevated plus
attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD); obses- maze to differentiate high- and low-anxiety behaviors, high-
sive/compulsive disorder (OCD); excessive aggressiveness, anxiety (HAB) and low-anxiety (LAB) rats have been bred
e.g., oppositional defiant (OD) disorder and conduct disorder for more than a decade (Landgraf & Wigger, 2002). In pre-
(CD); as well as the psychoses and schizophrenia, disorders liminary studies, these researchers found single nucleotide
that involve hallucinations and/or delusions. Although cer- polymorphisms in a candidate gene, vasopressin, in their
tain aspects of these disorders can be quantized and mea- HAB rats. Using defecatory responses to an open-field envi-
sured, e.g., hyperactivity and attentiveness, other features, ronment as a measure of anxiety, Maudsley rats have also
such as hallucinations, cannot. been bred for reactive or nonreactive strains. Maudsley rats
Hudziak et al. (2004) found concordance rates for OCD have also been bred to study alcohol addiction, contact with
of about 90% in MZ twins. Ørstavik et al. (2007) examined novel objects (a measure of fearfulness), and aggressive
depression and found heritability estimates of 49% among behavior (Blizard & Adams, 2002).
female MZ twins, and 25% among male MZ twins. Kendler, Mouse models of anxiety, fear, and depression have been
Gatz, Gardner, and Pedersen (2006) found moderate cor- extensively studied, and Crawley and Paylor (1997) pro-
relations for major depression between female MZ twins posed a battery of behavioral tests to examine anxiety and
and modest correlations between male MZ twins. Kendler depression in mice. In humans, the serotonin receptor gene,
et al. (2006) found heritability of major depression among 5-HT1A, has been associated with anxiety disorder and
MZ twins was 0.38. Ehringer, Rhee, Young, Corley, and depression. However, when Ramboz et al. (1998) examined
Hewitt (2006) found modest-to-moderate heritability coeffi- anxiety and depression in 5HT1A-deficient mice, they found
cients among MZ twins for lifetime development of ADHD, that the 5-HT1A ko performed as expected on tests of anxiety,
CD, OD, generalized anxiety disorder (GAD), and separation but performed better that wt littermates on the forced swim
anxiety disorder. Thus, personality, anxiety, and mood dis- test (a measure of depression). These researchers had also
orders appear to have a modest-to-moderate heritable com- noted that, although 5-HT1A ko develop and breed normally,
ponent. In their follow-up study, Kendler and colleagues adult kos are more impulsive (Brunner & Hen, 1997). As
(Kendler, Gardner, Gatz, & Pedersen, 2007) examined co- a result, they decided to study the maternal affects of and
morbidity between GAD and major depression and found on ko and wt 5-HT1A mice. Weller et al. (2003) examined
high genetic correlations between the two. ultrasonic vocalizations (USV) in pups tested in isolation and
found that the genotype of the mother affected the USV level,
a measure of anxiety.
Animal Models of Personality and Anxiety To differentiate anxiety from fear, Holmes and
Disorders Cryan (2006) suggest that mice be assessed on separate
test batteries. To measure anxiety, they note the use of
As Widiger and Trull (2007) argue, a dimensionality approach/avoidance tasks such as the elevated maze,
approach to personality disorders would be a vast improve- whereas, to measure fearful behavior, cues associated with
5 Models of Human Behavior 71

aversive stimuli are used. Holmes and Cryan (2006) also then so have been cognitive–behavioral interventions, as well
report that laboratory environment and genetic strain also as no interventions at all.
have effects on animal responses to experimental conditions, Factors that produce stress leading to depression are also
factors that were discussed earlier in this chapter. many and varied. They can be neurogenic or psychogenic,
In addition to the personality disorders noted, there is controllable or not, organismic (e.g., age, sex), experiential
evidence to suggest that many of the addiction disorders (e.g., early life experiences), and mediated by personal and
listed in DSM-IV-TR – alcoholism, drug abuse – also have a psychosocial factors. There are also genetic differences in
strong genetic component. Research into addiction disorders responses to stressors. For example, in mice, the BALB strain
has been quite active of late, and animal models have been is more reactive than the C57BL strain (cf. Anisman & Math-
developed to examine behaviors associated with addiction eson, 2005). Anisman and Matheson (2005) also acknowl-
(e.g., Blizard, 2007; Haile, Kosten, & Kosten, 2007; Metten edge that many animal prototypes of depression and etio-
et al., 2007). logical factors have been investigated, and argue that, while
all the symptoms of depression should be studied, they give
primacy to anhedonia, which they consider central to the dis-
Animal Models of Mood Disorders Based on the efficacy of certain pharmacological agents to
ameliorate the symptoms of depression in humans, i.e., show
Animal models of mood disorders have been widely inves- predictive validity, molecular targets of these antidepressants
tigated. Tests for depression – the forced swim test, have been studied. Three important neurophysiological path-
tail suspension test, learned helplessness paradigm – and ways have been investigated: those which involve seroton-
genetic rodent models – rats and mice – have been devel- ergic signaling (5HT released into the synaptic cleft affect-
oped and used to investigate mood disorders (cf. Yacoubi ing transcription factors such as CREB and genes such as
& Vaugeois, 2007). Nonetheless, Urani, Chourbaji, and BDNF); the neurotropin pathway involving 5HT, CREB and
Gass (2005) argue that not all behavioral despair paradigms BDNF; and dysregulation of the endocrinological stress sys-
are specific to models of depression, since outcomes can tem along the hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal (HPA) axis.
be interpreted in more than one way. For example, is float- When considering each of these pathways, candidate genes
ing a measure of despair or a means of conserving energy? have been proposed based on molecular findings in humans,
Consequently, most researchers agree that standards must be and mutant (transgenic or knockout) mouse models created.
met for an animal model to be considered valid. Nearly four For example, the serotonin transporter (SERT) gene plays an
decades ago, McKinney and Bunney (1969) proposed four important role in the serotonin signaling pathway in humans.
criteria that must be attained: (1) the animal’s behavior be Consequently, SERT mutant mice were created to examine
“reasonably analogous” to the human disorder in its features the neurobiological pathways and test whether depression-
and/or symptomatology, i.e., face validity; (2) behavioral like behaviors develop. Although many neurobiological
changes be monitored objectively, i.e., eliminate rater bias; aspects of the serotonin signaling system were confirmed
(3) that the disordered behavior in the model be reversed by in SERT mutant mice, Holmes, Yang, Murphy, and Craw-
the same treatment modalities which are effective in humans, ley (2002) found that despair-like behavior based on the tail
i.e., predictive validity; and (4) the study be reproducible by suspension test did not differ significantly in C57BL6 mutant
other investigators, i.e., external validity. Others note that, mice, compared to controls. Given the heterogeneous nature
in addition to these criteria, etiological factors thought to of the disorder, and differing pathways that may be involved,
elicit the disorder in humans should also elicit analogous Urani et al. (2005) propose that behavioral traits associated
behaviors in the animal model; and, that the neurobiologi- with depression be more well defined, and that mutant mod-
cal and neurophysiological processes involved in humans be els reflect more accurately the complexity of the disorder.
implicated in the animal model as well (Newport, Stowe, & The problem of creating a valid mouse model for mood
Nemeroff, 2002). disorders is compounded when attempting to create one for
Although researchers determined to meet these standards bipolar disorder. Bipolar disorder is characterized by alter-
have constructed a variety of prototypes to model depression, nating episodes of depression and excessive euphoria. In
they have also encountered many obstacles. Depression, as addition to involvement of the HPA axis associated with
defined by DSM-IV-TR criteria, is characterized primarily intervals of depression, dysregulation of stress responses
by chronic mood change, anhedonia, large swings in weight involving corticotropin releasing factor (CRF) has been
and/or sleep habits, psychomotor agitation or retardation, implicated in the manic component. Given these alternat-
feelings of worthlessness, and diminished cognitive function- ing phases, Dirks, Groenink, and Olivier (2006) regard the
ing. These features are heterogeneous and vary in appearance development of an animal model for bipolar disorder to be
and extent within and across individuals, and over time. Psy- problematic. However, Dirks et al. (2006) note that trans-
chopharmacological treatment has often been effective, but genic models that over-express neurotransmitters involved in
72 G.S. Fisch

glucocorticoid receptors display a greater lability of positive Miyakawa et al. (2003) carried out a series of behavioral
and negative responses to tests of emotionality, suggesting tests and observed significant impairment in PPI, locomo-
that these transgenic mice may make good candidates for tor hyperactivity, impaired latent inhibition, and impaired
animal studies of bipolar disorder. nesting behavior in CN mutants compared to littermate con-
trols. More recently, Rojas, Joodmardi, Hong, Perlmann,
and Ogren (2007) found that the transcription factor, Nurr1
(NR4A2), plays an essential role in dopaminergic function
Psychoses and Schizophrenia in Humans in neurons, and developed a heterozygous Nurr1 ko mouse.
Rojas et al. (2007) reported that mouse behavior was consis-
tent with that of schizophrenia, and with other rodent models
Psychosis and schizophrenia are also defined by DSM-IV- of schizophrenia.
TR. Positive symptoms in the family of psychotic disorders Unfortunately, the normal strategy for determining
include hallucinations (sensing something that is not present) genetic factors associated with complex behavioral disorders,
and/or delusions (beliefs about oneself that do not conform for finding susceptibility genes, specifically for anxiety and
to reality). Twin studies have shown statistically significant depression, has largely been unsuccessful, as Kas, Fernan-
genetic components for the psychoses and schizophrenia. des, Schalkwyk, and Collier (2007) noted. The problem is
Jang, Woodward, Lang, Honer, and Livesley (2005) found due in part to the overlapping features of many psychiatric
that correlation of psychotic features among MZ twins was disorders, e.g., schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, and unipolar
moderate. Shih, Belmonte, and Zandi (2004) reviewed twin depression. They suggest that researchers focus on the genet-
studies of psychopathology in adults and found concordance ics of naturally occurring inter-species behaviors rather than
rates among MZ twins between 20 and 75% for bipolar dis- the complex-syndrome genetics to optimize the establish-
order. For schizophrenia, Shih et al. found concordance rates ment of genotype–phenotype relations. Further, in order to
among MZ twins were between 41 and 79%. identify shared genotype–phenotype relations, the same gene
should evoke analogous phenotypes in both species, a crite-
rion we noted earlier. Consequently, the choice of phenotype
will be crucial. One strategy has been to identify an endophe-
Animal Models of Psychosis and Schizophrenia notype, as Gould and Gottesman (2003) have proposed. The
endophenotype, which is thought to be dimensionally less
Identifying specific genetic factors in schizophrenia has been complex, may have evolved from simpler genetic bases. Con-
difficult, due in part to the lack of complete concordance sequently, behaviors associated with the endophenotype that
among MZ twins. Also, as in depression, phenotypic het- fall along a comparable dimension in mice and humans could
erogeneity has compounded the problem. Therefore, should be identified more readily. One such endophenotype associ-
schizophrenia be considered a unitary disorder or a collec- ated with schizophrenia is impaired sensory gating, which
tion of subtypes? Studies of schizophrenia have established has been observed in humans, and which produces a sup-
that both dopaminergic and glutamatergic systems are impli- pressed auditory-evoked P50 response, i.e., prepulse inhibi-
cated in its pathophysiology. Unfortunately, findings associ- tion (PPI) of the startle response (Freedman, Adler, Waldo,
ating schizophrenia with genetic polymorphisms related to Pachtman, & Franks, 1983).
dopaminergic or glutamatergic function have been inconsis- A propos of the use of endophenotypes, Paylor
tent (cf. O’Tuathaigh et al., 2006). et al. (2006) developed a knockout mouse which models
Despite these difficulties, several genes have been impli- 22q11 deletion syndrome, a relatively common genetic disor-
cated in the risk for schizophrenia, including NRG1 der that produces cognitive and behavioral deficits, and psy-
(Stefansson et al., 2003), RGS4 (Chowdari et al., 2002), Dys- chiatric dysfunction – primarily schizophrenia. Asperger’s
bindin (Straub et al., 2002), COMT (Williams, Owen, and syndrome has also been observed in humans with the 22q11
O’Donovan, 2007), PRODH (Liu et al., 2002), and DISC1 deletion. A decade earlier, Karayiorgou et al. (1995) found
(Millar et al., 2000), from which mutant mouse models interstitial deletions in 22q11 in patients with schizophre-
have been created. However, as O’Tuathaigh et al. (2006) nia. The Df1/+ mice developed by Paylor et al. (2006) dis-
and others have cautioned, given the likely polygenic ori- play much abnormal behavior, including impaired PPI. Four
gins of schizophrenia, the loss of function or haploin- genes were located in the critical region associated with
sufficiency for any one gene will probably not provide PPI, including Tbx1. Previously, mutations in TBX1 had
researchers with a valid animal model for the disorder. On been found in patients with 22q11 deletion. Accordingly,
the other hand, Miyakawa et al. (2003) found that their Paylor and colleagues examined a family in which 22q11
CN mutant mice displayed behavioral abnormalities con- deletion syndrome was segregating and located mutations in
sistent with schizophrenic behavior in humans. As a result,
5 Models of Human Behavior 73

the TBX1 gene in two brothers diagnosed with Asperger’s requires a discussion of language and language acquisition.
syndrome. All activities in which nonhuman animals can demonstrate
mastery can be mastered by humans, but not all tasks in
which humans demonstrate mastery can be mastered by non-
human animals. The difference has been accounted for by
Finale and Future Directions: A Few
the fact that humans have language and can solve problems
Cautionary Notes using it, while animals do not and cannot. As noted earlier,
MacPhail (1982) surveyed studies of language and communi-
What a piece of work is a man! . . . the Paragon of Animals. cation in nonhuman animals and concluded that there was no
William Shakespeare, Hamlet, Act II
compelling evidence to support the conjecture that animals
In our discussion of animal models of human behavior, it is are capable of developing language in the sense that humans
important to note that Darwin’s thesis regarding the continu- understand language.
ity in structure and mind in animals and humans remains an The problem of language also arises when researchers
open question. As Welzl et al. (2006) point out, mice are not are intent upon investigating neuropsychiatric disorders.
diminutive humans, nor are they little rats. These researchers Although the criteria proposed by McKinney and Bun-
also state that, while the hippocampus and amygdala are ney (1969) have been a useful guide when considering ani-
an integral part of learning and memory in mice and other mal models of human psychopathology, they may be less
mammals, they likely serve more diverse neurological func- than satisfactory, particularly when invoking the criterion,
tions in mice than the more specialized subcortical regions “reasonably analogous.” Hayes and Delgado (2006, 2007)
found only in primates and humans. And, despite its surface argue that the behavioral repertoires of humans, especially
appeal, the assumption underlying the generalist genes the- those that are essentially psychopathological, are insuffi-
ory, as expressed by Kovas and Plomin (2006) – that the same ciently analogous to nonhuman organisms. They point out
genes producing cognitive deficits are those involved in intel- that the most important dimension of human behavior lack-
ligence – may not be a valid hypothesis. Genetic mutations ing in nonhuman animals is language, and the effects of
that produce MR and LD, while they may interrupt cogni- this discrepancy between humans and nonhumans are exac-
tive processes and produce dysfunction, may not be suffi- erbated along the other dimensions of human behavior,
cient to produce the gradations in intelligence observed in i.e., cognition and intelligence, personality and tempera-
the normal distribution of IQ scores for humans, the con- ment. The extent to which clinical diagnoses are made are
cept of pleiotropy notwithstanding. An example is the FMR1 largely contingent upon the verbal reports of patients. Thus,
gene associated with fragile X mutation. The normal range of when cognition, intelligence, personality and temperament
CGG polymorphisms in the FMR1 promoter region is unre- are assessed in order to make a diagnosis of neuropsychiatric
lated to gradations in intelligence in the general population disorder – MR and LD, PDD, psychosis and schizophrenia,
(Mazzocco & Reiss, 1997). depression and bipolar disorder, anxiety and other personal-
As for the manner in which intelligence is character- ity disorders – researchers employing mouse models should
ized in animals, should researchers attempt to assess a be expected to furnish a more precise operational definition
unitary g or examine the specialized abilities within each of animal behaviors for “reasonably analogous.”
species? Nearly two decades ago, Thompson and col- Having reflected on the use of animals to study disease
leagues (Thompson, Crinella, & Yu, 1990) developed a test in medicine, Lafollette and Shanks (1995) assert that, in
battery consisting of various problem-solving apparatuses biomedical animal experimentation, there are two types of
designed to assess a variety of appetitive and aversively models: (1) causal analog models (CAMs), in which the
motivated activities. Then, using factor analysis, they con- effects of various causes observed in animals are likely to
structed a general measure of intelligence comparable to g be the effects observed in humans and (2) hypothetical ana-
in humans that differentiated brain-lesioned rats from con- log models (HAMs), in which experiments stimulate the cre-
trols. Curiously, no other investigators seem to have uti- ation of hypotheses about similar biological phenomena in
lized the Thompson et al. (1990) “psychometric” battery humans. If animals are to be considered appropriate CAMs
to assess animal intelligence. One might also ask, when for psychopathology, the causal properties must then be con-
researchers decide to examine specialized abilities within nected to a specific set of outcomes for both humans and ani-
each species, what is the human intelligence test equivalent mals; and, “there must be no causal disanalogies (my italics)
to the MWM? For that matter, what is normal intelligence in between the (animal) model and (human characteristic) being
mice? modeled.” (p.147). Lafollette and Shanks (1995) also observe
As MacPhail (1982) and others note, any debate about that, while investigators may present the Darwinian argument
the similarities and differences between human and animal that humans and animals are phylogenetically continuous or
intelligence – as well as other dimensions of behavior – phylogenetically close, this does not guarantee causally rele-
74 G.S. Fisch

vant comparability. According to these authors, evolutionary Brambilla, P., Hardan, A., di Nemi, S. U., Perez, J., Soares, J. C., & Bar-
theory provides researchers with good reasons to think that ale, F. (2003). Brain anatomy and development in autism: Review of
structural MRI studies. Brain Research Bulletin, 61, 557–569.
animals are good HAMs, not that they are necessarily good
Brunner, D., & Hen, R. (1997). Insights into the neurobiology of impul-
CAMs. sive behavior from serotonin receptor knockout mice. Annals of the
In my discourse on animal models, I noted that in a very NY Academy of Sciences, 836, 81–105.
few instances, animals seem to express sufficiently many fea- Brush, F. R., & Driscoll, P. (2002). Selective breeding program with
rats: Introduction. Behavior Genetics, 32, 275–276.
tures of a disorder so that they may engender good CAMs.
Bulmer, M. (2003). Francis Galton: Pioneer of heredity and biometry.
Perhaps NF1 and the Nf1 ko mouse are good examples. How- Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins Press.
ever, in other instances cited, there often appear to be what Capitanio, J. P. (1999). Personality dimensions in adult male rhesus
Lafollette and Shanks referred to as disanalogies. The model macaques: Prediction of behaviors across time and situation. Amer-
ican Journal of Primatology, 47, 299–320.
should then be considered only suggestive, as in the case of Chomsky, N. (1965). Aspects of the theory of syntax. Cambridge, MA:
mutations in the FMR1 gene and the moderate-to-severe MR MIT Press.
detected in humans compared to the mild cognitive deficits Chowdari, K. V., Mirnics, K., Semwal, P., Wood, J., Lawrence, E.,
and incongruities observed in the fmr1 ko mouse. One solu- Bhatia, T., et al. (2002). Association and linkage analyses of RGS4
polymorphisms in schizophrenia. Human Molecular Genetics, 11,
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& Biobehavioral Reviews, 29, 805–828. universal? A cross-cultural twin study from North America,
Wahlsten, D. (1999). Single-gene influences on brain and behavior. Europe, and Asia. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 90,
Annual Review of Psychology, 50, 599–624. 987–998.
Part II
Genetics of Cognition
Chapter 6

Twin Studies of General Mental Ability

Nancy L. Segal and Wendy Johnson

Introduction Key Events and Controversies: A Brief Summary

Twin studies are a vital source of information about genetic Twin studies began with Sir Francis Galton’s (1875) paper,
and environmental influences on general mental ability. The “The history of twins, as a criterion of the relative powers of
classic twin design—comparison of the relative similarity nature and nurture.” This monograph set forth the simple, but
between monozygotic (MZ) and dizygotic (DZ) twins— elegant logic that lends twins their vast research potential: “It
is a simple and elegant approach to estimating the effects is, that their history affords means of distinguishing between
of genes and experience on developmental traits. However, the effects of tendencies received at birth, and of those that
while this method was considered state of the art in behav- were imposed by the circumstances of their after lives; in
ioral genetics in the 1960s and 1970s, it is now only one of other words, between the effects of nature and nurture”
many more sensitive and sophisticated twin designs. Twin (p. 391). At that time the biological bases of twinning had
research on behavioral and medical traits, in general, and on not been elaborated, but Galton correctly surmised that there
intelligence, in particular, has advanced at an impressive rate. were two types of twins: those who shared all their heredity
The focus of the present chapter is on what twin studies (identical twins) and those who shared some of their heredity
have thus far contributed to our understanding of individ- (fraternal twins). He concluded that greater resemblance
ual differences in intelligence. The chapter begins by briefly between the former, compared with the latter, demonstrated
summarizing key events and controversies that have marked genetic influence on the physical and behavioral traits in
the ontogeny of twin research on intellectual development. question. Galton’s paper presented qualitative comparisons
Subsequent sections examine new twin research designs, between twins, based on material gathered from correspon-
analytic methods, findings, and their implications. Topics dence sent to him by twins and family members. As such,
include recent evidence from studies of twin-singleton dif- it departed in significant ways from current quantitative
ferences, twins reared apart and together, virtual twins, lon- analyses conducted with systematically recruited twin pairs.
gitudinal analyses, prenatal environments, parenting prac- The biological bases of twinning were not revealed
tices, shared environments, epigenetic processes (e.g., DNA until the early 1900s. Weinberg (1901) developed the for-
methylation), the heritability of relevant endophenotypes, mula for estimating the frequency of one-egg and two-
associations between genetic variance and socioeconomic egg twins. Newman and Patterson (1910) discovered how
status (SES), and the search for specific genes underlying identical quadruplets are produced by armadillos, estab-
intelligence. Links between twin studies and other research lishing that identical twinning occurs in mammals. (Mam-
areas, both within and outside behavioral genetics, are malian twinning is rare, probably due to the reduced genetic
explored. variability among multiple offspring.) The natural identical
twinning rate in humans is about 1/250; see Segal, 2000a.
Arey (1922) offered the terms monozygotic (MZ) and dizy-
gotic (DZ) as labels for one-egg (identical) and two-egg
twins (fraternal), respectively. Further developments in the
biology of twinning have revealed numerous subclasses
of both MZ and DZ twins, based on placentation and
N.L. Segal (B) other factors (see Machin & Keith, 1999 for a comprehen-
Department of Psychology, California State University, Fullerton, CA sive review). Organizing twin samples according to placen-
92834, USA tal structure and other features has been informative with
e-mail: nsegal@fullerton.edu

Y.-K. Kim (ed.), Handbook of Behavior Genetics, 81

DOI 10.1007/978-0-387-76727-7 6,  c Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2009
82 N.L. Segal and W. Johnson

respect to some traits, including intelligence, as will be MZ twin correlation for any measured trait. Measurement
demonstrated. error and variable gene expression also account, in part, for
An early twin study by Thorndike (1905) classified twins MZ intraclass correlations of less than 1.00.
according to age, rather than twin type, showing that cog- Other charges have been specific to twin studies. Critics
nitive resemblance did not differ across younger and older have questioned the applicability of the equal environments
pairs. It was not until Merriman’s (1924) investigation that assumption (EEA), the fundamental principle underlying the
the first modern twin study of intelligence appeared. [Note twin design. The idea here is that environmental influences
that the first classical MZ–DZ twin comparison was Jablon- on specific traits must be the same for MZ and DZ twins
ski’s (1992) study of refractive error.] Merriman found if findings are to be valid and generalizable. Some people
greater IQ similarity in MZ than DZ twin children, demon- have argued that MZ twins are treated more alike than DZ
strating genetic effects. Since then, numerous studies using twins, thus violating this assumption. This environmental
the classic twin design, as well as variations of that design, challenge has been evaluated by behavioral genetic investiga-
have produced evidence consistent with Merriman’s report. tors and has been found wanting (Bouchard & McGue, 1993;
However, despite the agreement across studies and the cred- LaBuda, Svikis, & Pickens, 1997). Specifically, it has been
ibility generally accorded them, twin research assumptions found that twins who are treated more alike do not show
and findings have been attacked, as well as embraced, over greater behavioral resemblance than those treated less alike.
the years. For example, twins who are dressed alike do not resemble
Some of the charges against twin studies have also been one another in personality more than twins who are dressed
raised against family and adoption studies. For example, differently. It is important to note that if MZ twins are treated
evidence of genetic effects on behavior (regardless of the more alike than DZ twins, it is most likely associated with
source) has been rejected by those who mistakenly equate their genetically based behavioral similarities. Interestingly,
genetic effects with biological determinism. The results of parents who are mistaken about their twins’ zygosity tend to
twin studies have never indicated biological determinism. treat them or rate them in accordance with their true zygosity
All behavioral phenotypes are products of both genes and (see Segal, 2000a).
environments. Genes do not operate in isolation, but are Critics have also questioned whether twins’ unique pre-
expressed within (or transact with) environments, at both pre- natal circumstances (e.g., shared intrauterine environment,
natal and/or postnatal levels. premature delivery) render twin study findings inapplica-
Gene–environment interactions (G × E) refer more ble to non-twin populations. Christensen, Vaupel, Holm, and
specifically to the different expression of different genes in a Yashin (1995) reported that after 6 years of age, disease inci-
given environment. For example, a high-IQ child might excel dence and mortality are comparable for twins and singletons,
in a classroom rich with learning opportunities, whereas an a finding confirmed for most other behavioral and physical
average-IQ child might be less inspired. G × E also refers measures.
to the different expression of a certain genotype depend- Twin studies’ reputation has additionally suffered from
ing upon environmental events. For example, a mathemati- serious misuse of the methodology by some individuals. Dr.
cally gifted child will probably display his or her quantita- Josef Mengele’s horrific medical experiments using twins,
tive skills if provided with an appropriate curriculum. How- dwarfs, and individuals with genetic defects, conducted in
ever, this same child may not perform to the same degree the Auschwitz concentration camp between 1943 and 1945,
if he or she is not sufficiently challenged. An excellent are exemplary (see Segal, 1985a, 2005a). Dr. Viola Bernard’s
design for demonstrating such effects is co-twins control. intentional separation of adopted infant twins and Dr. Peter
This involves systematically exposing MZ co-twins to dif- Neubauer’s (Neubauer & Neubauer, 1990) longitudinal study
ferent experiences and assessing the outcome. For exam- that took unfair advantage of these twins and their families
ple, the effects of extra training in verbal skill could be also hurt the ability of other researchers to make construc-
examined by providing one twin, but not the other, with tive use of twin research (see Perlman, 2005; Segal, 2005b).
supplementary classes. Alternatively, different training pro- Another controversy concerned the truthfulness of the reared
grams could be administered to each co-twin. Interactions apart twin IQ data gathered by Cyril Burt, although that sit-
among genes at different loci also affect behavioral pheno- uation was ultimately resolved in his favor (Fletcher, 1991;
types. Joynson, 1989). Scientific sources no longer cite Burt’s stud-
Research shows that genetic effects underlie most mea- ies, but since his results were consistent with current findings
sured behaviors and predispositions that are sensitive to envi- their omission does not affect interpretations or conclusions
ronmental influence; however, the extent to which behaviors concerning influences on general intelligence.
may be modified by environments and by experience is trait Twin research has survived these challenges as evidenced
specific. Environmental influences on all behaviors are evi- by increased applications of this approach across many
dent by the fact that no twin study has ever reported a perfect behavioral, medical, and social science fields. Its recovery
6 Twin Studies of General Mental Ability 83

was due, in part, to advances in genetic research and growing includes a number of studies showing a five- to ten-point IQ
disillusionment with environmental explanations of human disadvantage for twins, relative to non-twins (Bouchard &
behavior and development (Vandenberg, 1969). The molec- Segal, 1985; Segal, 2000a). Explanations for this difference
ular structure of DNA was identified in 1953, enhancing refer mostly to twins’ lower average birth weight (due to
understanding of the transmission and expression of genetic premature delivery) and close social relationship that could
factors. The genetic underpinning of Down’s syndrome (tri- restrict their range of learning opportunities. However, twin
somy 21) and the metabolic mechanism associated with the studies have revealed only modest birth weight-IQ correla-
mental retardation caused by phenylketonuria (PKU) drew tions. Interestingly, MZ twins show greater birth weight dif-
attention to gene-behavior relationships. Social explanations ferences than DZ twins, but this pattern tends to reverse itself
of abnormal behavior became less satisfying, thus renewing by 3 months of age (Wilson, 1986). Wilson (1979) also found
attention to biological components of mental disorder. that co-twins in ten MZ pairs differing in birth weight by over
This altered research climate was conducive to some land- one and three-quarter pounds did not show pronounced IQ
mark studies of general intelligence. Erlenmeyer-Kimling differences at 6 years of age, although they did maintain their
and Jarvik (1963) surveyed the twin and adoption litera- size difference. He suggested that “a high degree of buffering
ture and concluded that genes substantially influence men- for the nervous system against the effects of malnutrition” in
tal ability. Since then, more extensive updated analyses have viable fetuses may protect against early insult (p. 217). It has
been completed by Bouchard and McGue (1981, 1993), with also been found that fetuses with modest nutritional deficits
the same results. In 1988, Snyderman and Rothman showed may show accelerated development of their lungs and brain
that the majority of behavioral science researchers endorsed (Amiel-Tison & Gluck, 1995), possibly explaining the low
genetic influence on intelligence. Today, some researchers birth weight-IQ correlations from twin studies.
are searching for links between specific genes and men- Low birth weight in singletons has been linked to
tal ability and disability, and some promising leads have later cognitive difficulties (Caravale, Tozzi, Albino, &
been found. For example, Haarla, Butcher, Meaburn, Sham, Vicari, 2005; Davis, Burns, Wilkerson, & Steichen, 2005),
Craig, and Plomin (2005) found associations (albeit, mod- but low birth weight in twins may not predict compara-
est) between DNA markers and general cognitive ability in ble developmental delays in otherwise healthy twins. It is
7-year-old children. possible that the birth weight difference as a percentage of
Behavioral genetics, of which twin research is a crit- total weight may be a more meaningful factor in individual
ical component, entered the mainstream of psychological pairs. A number of recent studies have explored associations
research in the 1980s and has stayed there. Much of what between birth weight and intelligence in twins. Boomsma,
is currently known about the bases and progression of van Beijsterveldt, Rietveld, Bartels, and van Baal (2001)
general intelligence, special mental abilities, Alzheimer’s found that genetic factors mediate the link between birth
disease, and associations between earnings and education weight and IQ in twins until 10 years of age. An associa-
comes from twin-based analyses. The most important recent tion between intrapair differences in birth weight and IQ was
advances in twin research include elaboration of twin detected for DZ twins (who differ genetically), but not for
research designs, greater availability of population-based MZ twins. Luciano, Wright, and Martin (2004), in a study
twin registries, increased sophistication of analytic methods, of 16-year-old twins, found that genetic variance in birth
and new insights on epigenetic processes. weight overlapped with genetic variance in verbal IQ, but not
with non-verbal or overall IQ. It was suggested that verbal
IQ may serve as a proxy for parents’ education or intelli-
gence and that higher-IQ mothers may provide more favor-
Research Designs and Findings: Using Twins able intrauterine environments for their children than lower-
to Find Genetic and Environmental Influences IQ mothers.
on General Intelligence It is important to note that most studies comparing the
intellectual levels of twins and singletons have focused on
the IQ scores of young children, comparing them to those of
Twin-Singleton Differences unrelated non-twins. This approach fails to control for bio-
logical and experiential family background measures.
The question of possible intellectual differences between The more recent literature presents a more varied pic-
twins and singletons is important. That is because it only ture of twins’ intellectual abilities. Posthuma, De Geus, Ble-
makes sense to think of twin-based estimates of genetic and ichrodt, and Boomsma (2000) compared the adult IQ scores
environmental effects as applicable to the general popula- of MZ and DZ twins with those of their singleton siblings,
tion if twins can be considered typical of that population circumventing some problematic features of earlier studies.
for the trait in question. The older psychological literature No IQ difference between the two groups was found in this
84 N.L. Segal and W. Johnson

study, suggesting that twin studies provide informative esti- understanding (communication used both within pairs and
mates of IQ heritability. The twins were part of the Nether- with others, but which is unintelligible to others). Shared
lands National Twin Registry and were recruited as adults verbal understanding was observed among 50 and 19.7%
through City Councils and notices in newsletters. Twins in of twins at 20 and 36 months of age, respectively, and
the study had taken an IQ test as part of a previous study of among and 2.5 and 1.3% of non-twins. Private language was
adult brain function, minimizing effects of self-selection. observed among 11.8 and 6.6% of twins at 20 and 36 months
Findings contradicting those of Posthuma et al. were of age, respectively, and among 2.5 and 1.3% of non-twin
recently reported by Scottish investigators. Ronalds, De pairs. Children showing these speech characteristics scored
Stavola, and Leon (2005) also compared IQ scores for twins lower on most cognitive ability measures than those who
and their non-twin siblings, born between 1950 and 1956; did not, especially children showing private language at age
thus, twins in this sample were younger than those used by 36 months. Shared verbal understanding is, however, consid-
the Dutch investigators. In this study twins scored 5.3 and 6.0 ered a not uncommon developmental feature in twins and in
points below their singleton siblings at ages 7 and 9, respec- near-in-age siblings. Children showing such language delays
tively. Adjusting for sex, mother’s age, and number of older usually recover by age 3 years. However, language delays
siblings did not affect the data; however, adjusting for birth could partially explain the lower average IQ scores observed
weight and gestational age reduced the IQ differences to 2.6 among some young twin samples.
and 4.1 points at 7 and 9 of age, respectively. (See also Deary, The recent dramatic increase in the twinning rate should
Pattie, Wilson, & Whalley, 2005.) facilitate additional cognitive comparisons between twins
A problematic feature of the Scottish study was failure and non-twins. Twins currently occur in approximately 1 in
to differentiate MZ and DZ twins. Given that MZ twins are 30 births, as compared with 1 in 50 to 1 in 60 births in 1980
more likely to be exposed to adverse prenatal factors than (Center for Disease Control, 2003). Reasons for this increase
DZ twins, it is possible that combining MZ and DZ pairs are important with respect to analyses of general intelligence
actually decreased twin-singleton differences. It is also pos- in twins and non-twins.
sible that better medical care than was available to twins The rise in twinning is due mostly to the greater availabil-
born in the 1950s would reduce, or eliminate, twin-singleton ity of artificial reproductive technologies (ART) that enable
differences among more recently born twins. However, this infertile couples to conceive, although delayed childbearing
cannot be the full explanation because MZ and DZ twins in (associated with DZ twinning) explains part of the trend.
the Dutch study (who did not differ from their siblings in Most twins conceived via ART are DZ, although a minority
IQ) were 39.7 and 37.3 years of age, respectively. As such, of MZ twins is thought to result from splitting of the embryo
some twins were born in the 1960s when medical technol- due to its micromanipulation outside the womb (Hecht &
ogy was less effective than it is today. Consistent with the Magoon, 1998). Studies of artificially conceived non-twin
Dutch findings are those from a more recent Danish study by infants have indicated early delivery, low birth weight, and
Christensen, Petersen, Herskind, and Bingley (2006) that did developmental delays (Stromberg et al., 2002). This raises
not detect twin-singleton differences in general intelligence, the possibility that using ART twins in behavioral genetic
using school children from a nation-wide population register. studies might bias estimates of genetic and environmental
The varied results from the recent twin-singleton stud- influence on measured traits. Studies have yielded mixed
ies call for additional twin-singleton comparisons of IQ, findings in this regard.
using representative samples of twin children and adults. In Some investigators have reported no differences in birth
the area of language development, however, twins’ average and health outcomes between naturally and artificially con-
deficits relative to non-twins have been well documented ceived twins (Helmerhorst, Perquin, Donker, & Keirse, 2004;
(Segal, 2000a). Tully, Moffit, & Caspi, 2003). However, other studies have
A number of young twins display language delays that are found an increased risk of birth defects (Kuwata et al., 2004)
explained mostly by postnatal family influences (e.g., pat- and lower birth weights and reduced co-twin resemblance in
terns of parent–child communication and interaction), rather birth weight and problem behaviors among artificially con-
than by birth and delivery factors (Rutte, Thorpe, Green- ceived twins, relative to naturally conceived twins (Goody
wood, Northstone, & Golding, 2003; Thorpe, Rutter, & et al., 2005). Continued comparison of these twin groups will
Greenwood, 2003; also see Segal, 2000a). Research shows be important in studies exploring biological and experiential
that parents of twins direct less speech to each child and factors affecting mental ability. Clearly, relationships among
are more controlling in their verbal interactions, relative to prenatal factors, health status, and complex behaviors such as
mothers of non-twins (Tomasello, Mannle, & Kruger, 1986). general intelligence are not straightforward (Segal, in press,
Thorpe et al. (2001) have described two language features: 2009).
private language (communication used exclusively within Twins and singletons experience different biological and
pairs, but which is unintelligible to others) and shared verbal social situations affecting their development. Recall, how-
6 Twin Studies of General Mental Ability 85

ever, that once children reach the age of 6 years there do A remarkable level of consistency has been demonstrated
not appear to be meaningful differences between twins and in the magnitude of the intraclass correlations for gen-
singletons that would prevent generalizability of twin studies eral intelligence reported across studies, with MZA correla-
findings to non-twins (Christensen et al., 1995). tions for primary tests ranging from 0.68 to 0.78 (Bouchard
et al., 1990). This is especially impressive given that reared
apart twin studies span multiple age groups, protocols, coun-
Twin-Family Designs tries, and cultures. Organizing the studies according to time
of publication yields mean IQ correlations of 0.72 (“old
Families constructed from MZ twins, their spouses, and data,” n = 65; three small reared apart twin studies con-
children yield a range of genetically and environmentally ducted between 1937 and 1966) and 0.78 (“new data, n = 93;
informative relationships. Twin aunts and uncles are two relatively larger reared apart twin studies conducted in
genetically equivalent to genetic mothers and fathers, and 1990 in Minnesota, and in 1992 in Sweden); see Plomin,
first cousins are genetically equivalent to half-siblings. This DeFries, McClearn, and McGuffin (2001). These findings
design has been used to study a variety of traits, such as birth indicate that heritable factors explain 72–78% of the variance
weight (Magnus, 1984), non-verbal intelligence (Rose, Har- in general intelligence. This value exceeds the 50% heritabil-
ris, Christian, & Nance, 1979), schizophrenia predisposition ity based upon young twin, sibling, and parent–child pairs.
(Gottesman & Bertelsen, 1989) conduct disorder (Haber, This may be due to the fact that IQ heritability increases with
Jacob, & Heath, 2005), and social closeness (Segal, Seghers, age (discussed below), and MZA twins are studied mostly as
Marelich, Mechanic, & Castillo, 2007). Rose (1979) found adults.
evidence of genetic effects on non-verbal ability, given MZA twin similarity in any trait is best viewed against the
the higher parent–child and twin parent–niece/nephew extant data for other genetically and environmentally infor-
correlations, relative to spouse uncle/aunt–niece/nephew, mative kinships. These data, displayed in Fig. 6.1, show a
and spouse–spouse correlations. Maternal effects were not trend toward increasing IQ similarity with increasing genetic
present. relatedness. Several features in the graph deserve atten-
tion. First, MZ twins reared together (MZT) show slightly
greater resemblance (0.86) than MZAs (0.78). One expla-
Twins Reared Apart and Together nation is that growing up together may enhance IQ simi-
larity between MZ co-twins, albeit slightly. However, recall
Studies of the rare sets of MZ twins reared apart (MZA) that most studies of reared together twins include young
yield direct estimates of genetic influence on measured pairs living at home, when the shared environment exerts
traits. If co-twins experience little or no social contact until its greatest effect on development. In contrast, MZA data
reunion in adulthood and are raised in uncorrelated environ- are typically gathered when twins are reunited as adults.
ments, their similarity is associated with their shared genes. Note that DZ twins reared together (DZT) also show slightly
Bouchard (2005) has asserted that “With monozygotic twins greater resemblance (0.60) than DZA twin pairs (0.52; see
reared apart, correlation is, in fact, an estimate of causation, Pedersen, McClearn, Plomin, & Friberg, 1985), possibly
and the magnitude of the correlation tells you the effect of for the same reasons. Second, both DZA and DZT pairs
the genes” (p. 7). DZ twins reared apart (DZA) constitute show greater resemblance than ordinary full siblings (0.47)
an important control group, providing opportunities to assess even though all pairs share half their genes, on average, by
interactions between genotypes and behavior (Segal, 2005c). descent. This could conceivably reflect shared age (DZAs
Unfortunately DZA pairs were not included in studies prior and DZTs) and/or shared environmental factors (DZTs). A
to the 1970s. third intriguing effect shown in Fig. 6.1 is the reduced IQ
Separated twin studies have been conducted, or are correlation for full siblings reared apart (0.24). It is impossi-
underway, in the United States (Bouchard, Lykken, ble to rule out differences in rearing as explanatory. Another
McGue, Segal, & Tellegen, 1990; Newman, Freeman, and possibility is that the reared apart siblings include a number
Holzinger, 1937), Great Britain (Shields, 1962), Denmark of half-siblings, due to multiple paternities.
(Juel-Nielsen, 1965), Japan (Hayakawa, Shimizu, Kato, Explaining MZA twin similarity in intelligence has taken
Onoi, & Kobayashi, 2002), Sweden (Pedersen, McClearn, several routes. Taylor (1980) asserted that four classes of
Plomin, & Nesselroade, 1992), and Finland (Kervinen, environmental similarities (age at separation, age at reunion,
Kaprio, Koskenvuo, Juntunen, & Kesaniemi, 1998; also rearing by relatives and social environments) explained IQ
see Segal, 2003). Most studies are comprehensive, includ- resemblance among reunited twin pairs in the three earliest
ing a wide array of behavioral and physical measures studies. Subsequent to Taylor’s publication, Bouchard (1983)
(Segal, 2000a); however, the present discussion focuses on failed to constructively replicate his findings using the
analyses of general intelligence. alternate IQ measure in each study. (The investigators
86 N.L. Segal and W. Johnson

had obtained more than one measure of general mental experiences in their separate environments, illustrative of
ability.) More recently, examining characteristics of MZA active gene–environment correlation. It is also likely that par-
twins’ rearing families has failed to yield meaningful asso- ents and significant caretakers respond to individual twins’
ciations that would challenge genetic interpretations of men- preferences and abilities by providing them with meaningful
tal ability. Specifically, Bouchard et al. (1990) and Johnson and relevant opportunities, a process termed reactive gene–
et al. (2006) found negligible correlations between twins’ IQ environment correlation. Unfortunately, the clearest picture
similarity and similarity in childhood physical facilities in of such processes would be available from prospective lon-
the home, social status indicators, and parenting practices. gitudinal studies of reared apart twins, research that is not
Frequency of contact between MZ twins prior to assessment practically and ethically feasible.
was also unrelated to their IQ similarity. IQ findings summarized in Fig. 6.1 also include data on
It would, however, be incorrect to claim that MZA a novel, relatively unstudied kinship called virtual twins,
twin studies eliminate a role for experiential influ- described below.
ences on intellectual development. Newman, Freeman, and
Holzinger (1937) reported correlations of 0.79 and 0.55
between co-twin differences in educational measures and
Virtual Twins
Binet IQ and Otis IQ scores, respectively, and correlations
of 0.51 and 0.53 between co-twin differences in social envi-
ronments and IQ scores. Note that these are within-pair mea- Virtual twins (VT) are same-age unrelated children, reared
sures so they indicate that educational and social factors together since infancy (Segal, 1997, 2000a; Segal & Hersh-
can affect individuals’ intellectual development. At the same berger, 2005). They fall into two classes: adopted–adopted
time, the reared apart twins’ IQ correlations were 0.67 (Binet pairs and adopted–biological pairs. These unique sibships
IQ) and 0.73 (Otis IQ). These are between-pair measures so mimic the situations of MZ and DZ twins, but without the
they demonstrate genetic effects. genetic link; of course, VTs are somewhat more akin to DZ
It would seem impossible to explain the intellectual sim- twins who do not look physically alike. Another way to think
ilarities between MZA twins, relative to unrelated siblings about VTs is that they represent the reverse of MZ twins
reared together, without reference to genetic factors. It is reared apart because the former share environments, not
likely that twins’ genetically based predispositions partly genes, while the latter share genes, not environments. VTs
explain their tendencies to seek similar opportunities and offer researchers a valuable “twin-like” design for study-
ing the extent to which shared environments influence gen-

Genetically related
.8 .78
Environmentally related

.24 .24 .26

Together Adopted-apart Adoptive Adopter-apart Together
Relationship P-O Sib P-O Sib P-O Sib Virtual “Old” “New” MZ DZ
Twin MZ MZ
Number of pairs 8433 26,473 720 203 1491 714 113 65 93 4672 5533
Genetic relatedness 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.5
Same home? Yes Yes No No Yes Yes Yes No No Yes Yes

Family designs Adoption designs Twin designs

Fig. 6.1 IQ correlations for family members varying in genetic and environmental relatedness. Adapted from Plomin et al. (2001). Virtual twin
data are from Segal & Hershberger (2005)
6 Twin Studies of General Mental Ability 87

eral intelligence and other phenotypes (Segal, 2000a, 2000b; huis (2005). It was found that adopted children’s IQ scores
Segal & Allison, 2002). Specifically, they circumvent some exceeded those of their non-adopted (biological) siblings and
problematic features of ordinary adoptive siblings who differ their peers raised by the birth family or placed in institu-
in age, time of entry into the family, and often in placement tional care. Their school performance was also better. Sec-
history. It is possible, for example, that resources in the home ond, adopted children’s IQ scores did not differ from those
might differ for two children adopted several years apart, of their non-adopted siblings (the children with whom they
benefiting one child but not the other. were raised) or those of their current peers; however, they
A recent report of IQ resemblance included 113 VT pairs, performed less well at school, showed poorer language skills
with a mean age of 8.10 years (SD = 8.56) and age range and required more special education referrals. As the inves-
of 5–54 years. (About 70% of the pairs were younger than tigators concluded, adoption has positive effects on intelli-
7 years of age. The remaining 30% included twin children gence, but the varied effects of early deprivation, emotional
and adolescents, and seven pairs aged 22 years and older.) correlates of adoption, and other factors may affect intellec-
The mean age difference between the pairs was 3.10 months tual performance and progress.
(SD = 2.80) and ranged between 0 and 9.20 months. Intr- IQ assessments continue to be conducted for new VT
aclass correlations were 0.26 for full-scale IQ score, 0.23 pairs. In addition, pairs who have already participated are
for verbal IQ score, and 0.21 for performance IQ score. The being reassessed. This longitudinal component to the project
profile correlation across IQ subtests was 0.07. Thus, shared is part of the TAPS (Twins, Adoptees, Peers, and Siblings)
family environment is associated with modest intellectual Study, a collaboration between investigators at California
similarity among family members during childhood. State University Fullerton and the University of San Fran-
These results are best appraised against the backdrop of cisco. A new analysis of the IQ similarity of 43 young VT
findings for MZ and DZ twin pairs. IQ correlations for MZ pairs, retested 1.70–8.96 years after their initial assessment,
(n = 4, 672) and DZ twin pairs (n = 5, 533), averaged is now available (Segal, McGuire, Havlena, Gill, & Hersh-
across a number of studies, were 0.86 and 0.60, respectively berger, 2007). A decrease in IQ resemblance was observed,
(see Fig. 6.1). A study of 7- to 13-year-old twins (comparable suggesting increased genetic and/or non-shared environmen-
in age to the VTS) reported IQ correlations of 0.85 for MZ tal effects and decreased shared environmental effects on
twin pairs (n = 69) and 0.45 for DZ twin pairs (n = 35 general intelligence during childhood.
pairs), and profile correlations (across subtests) of 0.45 for It will be especially interesting to examine VT similarity
MZ twin pairs and 0.24 for DZ twin pairs (Segal, 1985b). as siblings approach adolescence, given that previous
It is noteworthy that the VT IQ correlation (0.26) is nearly adoption studies have reported correlations of 0.30 for
identical to the weighted average adopted sibling correla- adopted siblings at age 8, but near zero correlations for
tion of 0.25 (McGue, Bouchard, Iacono, & Lykken, 1993). It adopted siblings in the teenage years (Loehlin, Horn, &
could be argued that efforts should be directed toward study- Willerman, 1989). Further longitudinal analyses of VTs may
ing ordinary adoptive siblings, rather than the rare VT pairs. shed light on gene–environment interaction effects on IQ
However, given the controversies still surrounding genetic if the IQ scores of adoptive children in adoptive–biological
explanations of intelligence, it is important to control for pairs begin to approach those of their non-adopted siblings.
environmental features that could potentially affect ability to
gather the most environmentally informative pairs possible
and to identify novel kinships for replication of findings.
Additional IQ analyses are possible using VTs because Longitudinal and Life Span Twin Studies
of the availability of both biological and adoptive children.
Biological children of the parents of virtual twin pairs scored Behavioral geneticists interested in developmental issues
significantly higher in full-scale IQ, verbal IQ, and perfor- segued into developmental behavioral geneticists (although
mance IQ, relative to the adoptive children. This finding some developmental psychologists and others still resist
is consistent with other adoption studies (see, for example, genetic perspectives on behavior; see Pinker, 2002). Ques-
Cardon, 1994; Dumaret & Stewart, 1985), although the bases tions of the extent to which genes and environments
for this difference are uncertain. The majority of parents in accounted for continuity and change in intelligence, person-
the VT study held professional or managerial positions, so it ality, and physical features were addressed via longitudinal
is possible that their biological children inherited predisposi- twin studies. Combining these studies with data on the twins’
tions for advanced intellectual skills. In contrast, the adoptive singleton siblings added additional informative features.
children may have come from more varied biological fam- Probably the most widely cited longitudinal twin analy-
ily backgrounds. Of course, relationships between adoption sis of intellectual development is Wilson’s (1983) tracking
and later behavioral development are complex, as shown by of MZ and DZ twins’ intellectual progress from 3 months
a recent meta-analysis by Van Ijzendoorn, Juffer, and Poel- to 15 years of age. Little difference in the magnitudes of the
88 N.L. Segal and W. Johnson

MZ and DZ correlations was apparent at 6 months of age, et al., 1997) yielded an IQ heritability of 0.60. Evi-
after which MZ twin pairs showed correlations about 0.10 dence of increasing IQ heritability also comes from cross-
higher than those of DZ twins during the period between sectional analyses, in which the MZ–DZ difference in cor-
9 and 36 months. MZ correlations increased steadily from relations widens after adolescence, into adulthood (McGue
0.67 (9 months) to 0.88 (36 months), while DZ correla- et al., 1993). As in Wilson’s (1983) study, the increasing
tions increased from 0.51 (9 months) to 0.73 (24 months), MZ–DZ similarity difference is explained by the growing
decreased to 0.65 (30 months), and increased again to 0.79 discordance between DZ co-twins, relative to the stable con-
(36 months). Then, the MZ twin correlations remained sta- cordance between MZ co-twins.
ble, with a mean correlation of 0.82 for ages 8–15 years. In Reasons for increasing genetic influence on intelligence
contrast, the DZ twin correlations declined except for a slight across the life span have been considered. It seems likely
rise at the age 6 years, yielding a mean correlation of 0.50 that two sources of influence are operative. First, small
from 8 to 15 years of age. Thus, heritability increased from genetic effects present in childhood may become more
early childhood (0.16) to adolescence (0.64). important over time, leading to larger behavioral effects. Sec-
Another remarkable outcome from Wilson’s (1983) study ond, shared environmental influence declines and genetic
was that the twin correlations exceeded the age-to-age con- influence increases as individuals become more active in
tinuity, meaning that twin A’s score at a particular age better seeking opportunities for learning and for self-expression
predicted twin B’s score than a previous score of twin B. (Plomin et al., 2001), especially with the end of required
Furthermore, plots of individual MZ and DZ pairs depicted schooling. This would be an example of gene–environment
coordinated and discrepant patterns of “spurts” and “lags,” correlation—the concept that certain genotypes are selec-
respectively, demonstrating genetic influence on intellectual tively found in certain environments. There is, however,
growth patterns. Finally, the twin-sibling correlations con- some evidence that heritability declines at the very oldest
firmed the findings for the DZ twins, i.e., sibling correlations ages. An IQ study of Swedish twins aged 50 years and older
increased from 0.38 at age 3 years to 0.55 at age 7 years, then indicated a heritability of 0.80 (Pedersen et al., 1992), a fig-
declined slightly to 0.50 at age 15 years. ure that fell to 0.60 for twins at age 80. This suggests that
A number of longitudinal twin studies have followed Wil- environmental factors, including physical health, may gain
son’s classic work, so only selected examples will be pre- some importance toward the end of the life span. With this in
sented. Spinath, Ronald, Harlaar, Price, and Plomin (2003) mind, a recent study examined sources of influence on rate of
showed that genetic influence increased from early childhood cognitive change, using two groups of older twins (65 years
(20–30%) to middle childhood (40%), and again with and younger; older than 65 years) from the Swedish study
the approach of adolescence (50%). It was also shown (Reynolds, Finkel, Gatz, & Pedersen, 2002). Genetic influ-
that shared environmental influence on general intelligence ences were associated with individual differences in ability,
declined to near zero across this portion of the life span. whereas environmental factors were more closely tied to rate
These findings have been generally supported by other lon- of change. Trends toward increased longevity will facilitate
gitudinal data from twins, as well as from biological siblings further efforts along these lines.
and adoptees, gathered from 1 to 12 years of age by Bishop
et al. (2003). Two exceptional findings from that study were
that (1) non-shared environmental factors were associated
with both IQ stability and change in middle childhood and
(2) genetic factors were only associated with IQ stability at
adolescence. However, Dutch investigators Rietveld, Dolan,
Environmental Influences on General
van Baal, and Boomsma (2003) found that IQ stability across Intelligence
ages 5, 7, and 10 years was mostly explained by genetic
factors and that non-shared environment contributed only Two main classes of environmental influence on general
to variance that was age specific. Genetically influenced intelligence are of interest with respect to twin studies: pre-
transition times in intellectual development have also been natal environments and parenting practices. This is because
identified via longitudinal twin studies. Fulker, Cherny, and such effects could bias estimates of heritability if they have a
Cardon (1993) reported developmental changes during child- meaningful impact on twins’ intellectual development. Other
hood. Specifically, genetic influence on cognition seemed to potential sources of environmental influence on intelligence
stabilize by age 4, with new variation appearing at age 7. (e.g., quality and years of schooling; parental socioeconomic
Some studies have restricted IQ analyses to twins at the status) have been addressed in the psychological literature
older end of the life span. These studies are striking in and are beyond the scope of the present chapter. However,
that they also show increasing IQ heritability across the some comments along these lines will be included at the end
life span. A study of 80-year-old Swedish twins (McClearn of this section.
6 Twin Studies of General Mental Ability 89

Prenatal Environments: Truths The puzzle that emerges from the foregoing is that greater
and Consequences resemblance between two-chorion twins, not one-chorion
twins, would be expected. This is because one-chorion twins
are generally at greater physical risk, due to complications
The behavioral implications of twins’ shared intrauterine
from shared fetal circulation. It is possible that one-chorion
environment are often misunderstood. A common assump-
twins who survive and volunteer for research represent a
tion is that sharing a womb enhances twins’ phenotypic simi-
remarkably healthy subgroup of such sets (Segal, 2000a), but
larity because the fetuses are equally affected by the mother’s
this remains speculative. Perhaps there are, as yet, unidenti-
diet, health, medications, and other factors. However, the
fied features associated with delayed zygotic splitting con-
unique effects of the prenatal environment tend to make
ducive to co-twins’ matched phenotypic development in
twins less alike, not more alike, especially in the case of MZ
some domains. One candidate with respect to female twins
twins. Furthermore, twins’ prenatal situation cannot be con-
would be X-inactivation patterns, for which late-splitting
sidered vis-à-vis measured traits without reference to twin
twins show greater concordance; this would lead to greater
type (MZ or DZ) and the presence in MZ twins of separate or
co-twin resemblance in X-linked traits (Trejo et al., 1994).
shared placentas and fetal membranes. Devlin, Daniels, and
The important point is that placentation should be considered
Roeder (1997) overlooked these distinctions, incorrectly con-
in twin-based analyses of human behavior. Further efforts
cluding that twins’ shared prenatal environments contribute
along these lines may shed light on the mechanisms under-
to their IQ similarity. (It was found that 20% of the covari-
lying the differential resemblance between MZ twin types,
ance between twins and 3% of the covariance between sib-
thus refining estimates of heritability.
lings was explained by shared prenatal factors.) Thus, this
analysis produced lower estimates of genetic effects than
most other studies.
In fact, MZ twins come in several varieties: separate
amnions, chorions and placentae or separate amnions, and
Parenting and Twin Studies: Effects
chorions with a fused placenta (about one-third of MZ on Intelligence
twin pairs; zygotic division occurs before the second post-
coneptional day); single chorion, separate amnions, and sin- Examining parenting practices can help refine heritability
gle placenta (about two-thirds of MZ twin pairs; zygotic divi- estimates by revealing whether treatment of twins is causal
sion occurs between the second and eighth post-conceptional or reactive in nature. As indicated above, the view that sim-
day); single amnion, chorion, and placenta (zygotic division ilar treatment of MZ twins produces similar behavioral out-
occurs between the eighth and thirteenth post-conceptional comes has caused some individuals to question results from
day; about one-twentieth of MZ twin pairs). DZ twins come twin research. Of course, the key question is not whether
in two varieties: separate amnions, chorions and placentae; MZ twins receive more similar treatment than DZ twins, but
separate amnions and chorions and fused placenta (Endres whether any more similar treatment they receive enhances
& Wilkins, 2005; Machin & Keith, 1999). Early studies their phenotypic resemblance (Rowe, 1994).
indicated that 43 and 42% of dichorial MZ and DZ twins, A substantial number of studies have variously assessed
respectively, had fused placentas (Bulmer, 1970), but the the similarity of parenting effects, physical similarity, and
variable criteria for fusion makes such estimates problem- childhood experiences on twins’ similarity in personality
atic (Bryan, 1983). The different placental arrangements are (Borkenau, Riemann, Angleitner, & Spinath, 2002), eating
depicted in Fig. 6.2. behaviors (Klump, Holly, Iacono, McGue, & Wilson, 2000),
Several studies have compared cognitive resemblance behavioral problems (Cronk et al., 2002; Morris-Yates,
between MZ co-twins, organized according to placentation. Andrews, Howie, & Henderson, 1990), and psychiatric ill-
A study using 4- to 6-year-old MZ twins did not detect ness (Kendler, Neale, Kessler, Heath, & Eaves, 1994). These
differences across six mental abilities between one-chorion studies have found that environmental similarity was largely
and two-chorion pairs (Sokol et al., 1995). The investigators unrelated to twins’ similarity in the measured traits, thus
did, however, find that one-chorion twins were more alike affirming the equal environments assumption. Fewer studies
in some personality measures, such as social competence have assessed the effects of rearing on intelligence, but those
and self-control. More recently, Jacobs et al. (2003) found that have done so have drawn the same conclusion.
greater similarity among one-chorion twins than two-chorion In their landmark study of 850 twin sets, Loehlin, &
twins for two Wechsler subtests (arithmetic and vocabulary), Nichols (1976) found negligible correlations between twin
but not for total IQ score. Other studies have either found differences in NMSQT measures and differential experience
the same pattern of difference on selected cognitive mea- measures. The same pattern held for interests. Recall that the
sures (Spitz et al., 1996) or have found no difference (Reed, twins reared apart data (reviewed above) also indicated little
Carmelli, & Rosenman, 1991). effect of family background variables on twins’ IQ scores.
90 N.L. Segal and W. Johnson



Fig. 6.2 Placental arrangements for MZ and DZ twin pairs. A: MZ or twins with a shared chorion and placenta, but separate amnions. D: MZ
DZ twins with separate chorions, amnions and placentae. B: MZ or DZ twins with a shared chorion, amnion and placenta. Adapted from Pot-
twins with separate chorions and amnions and fused placentae. C: MZ ter (1948) and Stern (1960); see Segal (2000a)

Another informative series of analyses has compared ance was associated with shared environmental factors. In
parents’ judgments of twins’ behaviors when parents were contrast, the reverse was true for twin children from afflu-
correct and incorrect about twin type. The majority of such ent families. As the authors indicated, it would be inappro-
studies have found parental ratings to be consistent with true priate to claim that behavioral differences among children
twin type, rather than with assumed twin type (Scarr, 1969; from poor environments are more closely tied to their envi-
Goodman and Stevenson, 1991). Goodman and Steven- ronments than are outcome differences among children from
son (1991) did, however, find that the majority of parental favorable environments. This is because the genetic influ-
warmth and criticism was unrelated to the child’s behavior. ences that varied with socioeconomic status were only those
Such studies have not been conducted with reference to cog- that were independent of socioeconomic status. It is possible,
nitive skills, but there is little reason to suspect that they if not likely, that a substantial portion of the genetic influ-
would deviate from the patterns found for behaviors in other ences on general intelligence are common to genetic influ-
domains. ences on socioeconomic status (SES). If so, these genetic
In concluding this section, a study by Turkheimer, Haley, influences were not measured in this study at all; also see
Waldron, D’Onofrio, and Gottesman (2003) is worth not- Plomin et al. (2001).
ing. It was found that heritability estimates of general intel- Such common genetic influences as those referenced
ligence were close to zero among 7-year-old twin children above would occur, for example, if parents who attain high
from impoverished families and that 60% of the IQ vari- levels of education and income do so because they have high
6 Twin Studies of General Mental Ability 91

intelligence and, therefore, pass these genes to their children environment to result in the biological processes involved in
along with their high SES environment. Samples of reared- the phenotype.
apart twins and/or samples allowing for the measurement Gottesman and Gould (2003) specified five criteria for
of intergenerational transmission and the separate measure- the designation of endophenotypes. These criteria were,
ment of SES, or its effects in co-twins, will be necessary to however, developed to apply to schizophrenia, a behavioral
estimate all genetic and environmental associations involved. pattern that can be considered an overt disorder and for
This is an important direction for future research. which irregularities in biological processes have been iden-
tified as endophenotypes. In contrast, general cognitive abil-
ity is a clearly overtly continuous trait for which the con-
cept of a threshold of disorder is less clearly applicable.
Endophenotypes: What Can They Tell Us? Endophenotypes of cognitive ability are also more likely to
be continuous. This renders two of Gottesman and Gould’s
General mental ability is typically assessed by evaluating criteria irrelevant. The remaining relevant criteria are (1) the
composite performance on a number of mental tasks requir- endophenotype is associated with general mental ability in
ing diverse knowledge, skills, and reasoning (Jensen, 1998). the population; (2) the endophenotype is heritable; and (3)
General mental ability is, therefore, a highly abstract con- the endophenotype and general mental ability are related
cept. It reflects not only the complex behaviors involved in within families, as well as throughout the population.1 This
solving cognitive ability problems that we can see, but also is equivalent to saying that there are common genetic influ-
the variance common to a variety of these behaviors. Thus, ences on the endophenotype and on general mental ability.
the gap between the gene products and the environments in Identification of possible endophenotypes related to gen-
which they are formed, and the “hidden” genetic and envi- eral mental ability has proceeded along the lines earmarked
ronmental influences on general mental ability we measure by the first two criteria. First, studies have sought to relate
through most twin and related studies is large. In order to brain structure and function to general mental ability. Twin
understand how genes and environments transact to create studies are of limited value here, but we review this area
the mental ability performances we observe as behavior, we because of its obvious importance to the overall process of
need to understand the biological processes lying within this identifying endophenotypes for general mental ability. Early
gap. The concept of the endophenotype is potentially use- studies in this area were based on patients with brain dam-
ful in this regard. Twin studies can contribute importantly to age, and patient–control studies still provide important data.
identifying endophenotypes and investigating their roles in However, more recent studies have focused on assessments
the development of general mental ability. of normally functioning groups of participants. These studies
The term endophenotype was adapted by Gottesman and have been sufficiently successful such that studies of brain
Shields (1973) from evolutionary theory involving insect structures and malfunctions involved in disease now rou-
biology to describe the “internal phenotypes discoverable tinely correct for estimated mental ability, prior to inception
by a biochemical test or microscopic examination” involved of the disease state (Gray & Thompson, 2004). Magnetic res-
in schizophrenia (Gottesman and Gould, 2003, p. 637). The onance imaging (MRI) studies have revealed structural asso-
term refers to biological mechanisms thought to be closer to ciations. There are substantial correlations between general
the immediate products of genes and, thus, under stronger mental ability and total brain volume and total volumes of
and perhaps less polygenic genetic influence than are the both gray and white brain matters, as well as volumes of gray
manifest behaviors they undergird. For example, the inabil- and white matter in specific brain areas, particularly those in
ity to synthesize phenylalanine would be considered an the frontal and parietal lobes involved in language (Haier,
endophenotype for PKU (phenylketonuria)-induced mental Jung, Yeo, Head, & Alkire, 2004; McDaniel, 2005). More
retardation. The idea that there are neurological and bio- provocatively, one study (Pennington et al., 2000) found that
chemical bases of general mental ability and other psycho- the volumes of 13 brain regions were substantially intercor-
logical features did not originate with Gottesman. However, related, with a general factor accounting for 48% of the vari-
the term endophenotype allows for clearer characterization ance. This suggests a general structural factor linked to the
of some of the roles played by neurological factors in psy- general mental ability factor.
chological manifestations. In addition, functional studies of neural activity using
Gottesman intended the concept of endophenotypes to be positron emission tomography (PET) and functional mag-
specific to genetic influences resulting from DNA sequence
variations. He did this because the specific purpose of identi-
1 The other two criteria were that the endophenotype is present regard-
fying endophenotypes is to assist in the search for particular
less of whether or not the disorder is currently present, and the endophe-
genes involved in a behavior. Once accomplished, this can
notype is present at a higher rate in the unaffected relatives of people
further understanding of how those genes transact with the with the disorder than in the general population.
92 N.L. Segal and W. Johnson

netic resonance imaging (fMRI) have revealed areas of the the atlas (Toga & Thompson, 2005). The MRI scans used
brain involved in intelligent performance. For example, Dun- have sufficient resolution to track individual differences in
can et al. (2000) found that three tasks (Spatial, Verbal, and cortical gray and white matter, thus making estimates of
Circles) requiring different kinds of mental ability were asso- heritability possible. In such studies, total brain volume has
ciated with greater neural activity in several brain regions, shown very high heritability, on the order of 0.90 (Bartley,
but only one area (the lateral prefrontal cortex) was acti- Jones, & Weinberger, 1997; Tramo et al., 1998). Volumes of
vated during all tasks. This finding of a central location gray and white matter in individual brain regions also show
for general mental ability, however, contradicts the findings much greater similarity in MZ twins than in DZ twins, who
of several fMRI studies (Esposito, Kirby, Van Horn, Ell- in turn show much greater similarity than randomly paired
more, & Berman, 1999; Gray, Chabris, & Braver, 2003; individuals (Baaré et al., 2001; Thompson et al., 2001). The
Prabhakaran, Smith, Desmond, Glover, & Gabrielli, 1997) heritability estimates from these studies generally lack pre-
that have reported widespread activity throughout the brain cision due to very small sample sizes, but they also are on
during cognitive tasks. The contradiction may reflect the dif- the order of 0.90. The volumes of some individual brain
ferent technologies used and may be more apparent than real structures, including the corpus collosum, the ventricles, and
with respect to hypotheses regarding unitary general versus the temporal horns adjacent to the hippocampus are herita-
multiple intelligences. This is because the functional units of ble as well, though to a lesser degree, about 0.60 (Oppen-
higher cognition may include networks of brain areas as well heim, Skerry, Tramo, & Gazzaniga, 1989; Pfefferbaum, Sul-
as single areas (Gray & Thompson, 2004). livan, Swan, & Carmelli, 2000). The volume of the hip-
Functional studies have also investigated individual pocampus itself appears to be somewhat less heritable (Sul-
differences in the magnitudes of various aspects of brain livan, Pfefferbaum, Swan, & Carmelli, 2001), about 0.40,
activity and their associations with general mental ability. and gyral patterns are much less heritable (Bartley, Jones, &
Electroencephalograms and event-related potentials have Weinberger, 1997).
been used to demonstrate an association between the speed This discussion of work to date shows that we have iden-
and the reliability of neural transmission and general mental tified total brain size, regional brain size, and level of brain
ability (Deary, 2000; Neisser et al., 1996). Positron emission activity as potential endophenotypes of general mental abil-
tomography (PET) studies indicate that general mental ity. Of course, the key to identifying these features as actual
ability is negatively associated with glucose metabolism endophenotypes is that they share common genetic influ-
during mental activity (Haier et al., 1992), suggesting that ences with general mental ability. This has been investigated
general mental ability is associated with some level of neural in only one study. Importantly, however, it was a twin study,
efficiency. In addition, general mental ability appears to and this is another area in which twin studies will prove to be
be mediated by neural mechanisms that support executive important in future research. Posthuma et al. (2002) found
control of attention (Gray, Chabris, & Braver, 2003). That is, that the observed correlations between general mental abil-
controlling for overall performance and for performance on ity and volumes of gray and white brain matter in a sam-
less difficult trials in the same brain region, the association ple of Dutch twins and their siblings were due completely
between general mental ability (as measured by Ravens to genetic influences. Thus, volumes of gray and white mat-
Advanced Progressive Matrices) and task performance on ter can be considered endophenotypes for general cognitive
more difficult attention trials can be explained by activity ability. This means that, as we identify genes controlling
in the lateral prefrontal and parietal regions associated with the development of gray and white brain matter and come
attentional control. In contrast, the lateral prefrontal region to understand the processes involved in their expression, we
does not show activity correlated with general mental ability should build directly on our understanding of the biological
while watching videotapes, an activity placing little demand development of general mental ability, as well. Given that
on general mental ability (Haier, White, & Alkire, 2003). the correlations between brain matter volumes and general
This has important implications because any area of the mental ability are on the order of 0.3, however, we should
brain involved with mental cognitive ability should show expect that we will need to identify other endophenotypes
activity when engaged in intelligent performance, but should and perhaps environmentally based biological processes, as
not when not so engaged. well, before we fully understand the development and mani-
The second approach related to the identification of festation of general mental ability.
endophenotypes has involved assessing the extent to which
brain structure is heritable. This is the area in which twin
studies are particularly valuable. Assessment of the heri- Genes for General Mental Ability: Can We
tabilty of brain structure is accomplished through the use Find Them?
of a standardized brain atlas template and an algorithm that
classifies images of tissue as gray matter, white matter, cere- The fact that general mental ability is heritable means that
bral spinal fluid, and non-brain material and maps them onto its variation in the population arises, at least in part, from
6 Twin Studies of General Mental Ability 93

variations in DNA. These variations, called polymorphisms, These differences appeared to result from differences in
are passed from parents to their offspring. However, two DNA methylation of a glucocorticoid receptor gene promoter
randomly selected individuals will show differences in only in the hippocampus, brought on by differences in maternal
0.1–0.2% of the nucleotides in their genome (Thompson licking, grooming, and nursing practices. The differences
et al., 2001). Many of these differences likely have little rel- appeared to contribute to parental behavior by the offspring
evance to general mental ability. In addition, relatively few as well, leading to differences in stress response that were
actually occur in protein coding regions. This emphasizes an transmitted from generation to generation. It is unknown
important point in the search for specific genes involved in whether the particular genetic and environmental mecha-
general mental ability: the brain is a complex organ whose nisms involved in this process in rats have directly analogous
function is absolutely essential to the organism throughout mechanisms in humans. It is highly likely, however, that this
its life. Together, this complexity and vital importance imply kind of process takes place in humans, contributing to differ-
the existence of considerable redundancy of genetic control ences in genetic expression that cannot be observed through
of biological function. This is because they suggest the exis- examination of DNA samples. The fact that genetic expres-
tence of multiple genetic mechanisms through which any sion also appears to be subject to genetic influence (York
essential brain functions can be maintained. et al., 2005) complicates this picture further, as it suggests
Evidence for this kind of redundancy of function is rou- another means by which genetic influences on general mental
tinely provided by the regenerative and compensatory capac- ability may be rather indirect.
ities shown by people suffering brain damage due to stroke, It is also possible that some environmental stresses
injury, or disease (Beatty, 1995). It is also routinely provided may elicit expression of genetic variation that has lain
by non-human studies involving animals in which particular dormant in the population. This has been demonstrated
genes have been removed or rendered inactive. Such animals, in Drosophila melanogaster through the generation of
nevertheless, effectively function normally despite absence phenocopies. Phenocopies are phenotypes that closely
of the inactivated gene. This kind of redundancy clearly com- match known genetic mutations, usually aberrant. They
plicates the search for specific polymorphisms associated are, however, generated in genetically wild-type animals by
with general mental ability. This is because it suggests that delivering particular stresses during specific developmental
polymorphisms associated with high or low function in one periods (Rutherford, 2000). For example, at 21–23 hours
family may not even be present in another family, due to the of pupal development, 4 hours of heat treatment disrupts
different possible pathways to high or low function. the posterior cross-veins in a small percentage of flies
At the same time, building a brain is a general process, as (Waddington, 1957). This deleterious phenotype is very
the actual and potential endophenotypes that have been iden- similar to the effects of mutations in the cv gene. Heat
tified to date make clear. To the extent that quantitative char- stress-induced phenocopies do not result from mutations,
acteristics (e.g., volumes of total, gray, or white brain matter) however, but rather from the interactions of several to many
or specific kinds of brain activity are associated with gen- other genes with the stressful environment.
eral mental ability, there are unlikely to be specific polymor- Waddington (1953) demonstrated the heritability of this
phisms that contribute directly to variation in general mental effect in a series of well-known experiments by crossing the
ability. This is because everyone’s brain contains both gray specific animals affected by the heat treatment and subject-
and white matter, and everyone’s brain shows activity during ing their progeny to it again. In response to this selection,
task performance. Thus, genes that contribute directly to the the proportion of affected animals produced each generation
formation of brain matter or the elicitation of activity will be increased until nearly all the animals receiving the treatment
unlikely to segregate among individuals. Instead, phenotypic showed the effect. At this point, some fraction of the con-
variations from individual to individual may result from dif- trol flies from the same selection lines expressed the effect
ferences in expression by these genes. These differences, in even without receiving the treatment. Thus, previously silent
turn, could be due to differences in other genes that regulate genetic variation revealed by environmental stresses can be
their expression, to environmental influences on gene expres- selected to the point at which the stress-induced phenotype
sion, or both. Much of the work involved in investigating is reliably expressed even in the absence of the stress. Again,
these kinds of genetic processes is carried out in experimen- it is highly likely that similar processes take place in humans,
tal animals in which genetic background can be closely con- generating situations in which general mental ability is pos-
trolled. In humans, twin studies provide the closest scientific sibly associated with certain genes in some individuals or
and ethical alternatives. groups, but not in others. Some evidence that this might be
For example, evidence for differential environmental the case has been provided by Turkheimer et al. (2003), who
effects on genetic expression in rats is provided by Weaver found, as noted above, that, in young children, genetic vari-
et al. (2004), who described long-term differences in off- ability in IQ independent of SES increased with socioeco-
springs’ hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal response to stress. nomic status.
94 N.L. Segal and W. Johnson

In humans, MZ twins do provide information about the kidney) acts on angiotensinogen (AGT, produced in the
another mechanism that complicates the search for genes liver) to generate angiotensin I. This is converted by the
for multigenic traits such as general mental ability, in an enzyme angiotensin-converting-enzyme ACE to angiotensin
interesting twist on the classical twin study method that II, which acts through several different receptors to increase
focuses on twin similarity. Though MZ twins share a com- blood pressure. Using gene-titration to increase the numbers
mon genetic background, which includes genetic influence of copies of the genes for AGT and ACE in mice artifi-
on gene expression, significant variation in gene expres- cially, Kim et al. (1995) showed that increasing expression
sion remains. The extent of this variation increases with age of the relevant gene increased the concentration of AGT in
(Fraga et al., 2005), suggesting environmental influences. It the blood and also increased the blood pressure of the mice.
tends to be found in genes involving signaling and communi- This technique also increased the concentration of ACE in
cation or immune and related functions (Sharma et al., 2005), the blood, but it had no effect on the blood pressure of the
implicating the involvement of general mental ability due mice (Krege et al., 1997) as ACE effectively acted only as
to the general, brain-wide nature of its known endopheno- a gatekeeper in the conversion process from angiotensin I to
types. angiotensin II. The point here is that the effects that varia-
Comparing the similarity of MZ twins reared together and tions in genetic expression will have on the outcome phe-
apart across multiple traits suggests, however, that post-natal notype depend on the roles in the underlying biochemical
environmental experiences are not the only sources of these processes, played by each specific gene product. Without
epigenetic differences. This is because MZ twins tend to complete understanding of these roles we may find it diffi-
be similar to the same degree in many traits regardless of cult to detect the associated genes. This, of course, is where
whether they are reared together or apart (Wong, Gottesman, endophenotypes can be helpful, because they suggest candi-
& Petronis, 2005). This “similarity of similarity” may be due date genes. In contrast to this, however, the phenylketonuria
to gene–environment correlation, or the tendency for genet- (PKU) gene that causes a severe form of mental retardation
ically similar individuals to seek out similar environments (unless phenylalanine is removed from the childhood diet)
and experiences. It may also be due to the tendency for addi- was identified in the 1930s and cloned in 1983 (Woo, Lid-
tional resemblance due to shared rearing environments to be sky, Guttler, Chandra, & Robson, 1983), yet we still do not
offset by social differentiation, or the intentional selection of understand how the mutated gene damages brain function.
different experiences, by members of twin pairs growing up Any consideration of genetic influences on general mental
together (Segal, in press). ability has to account for their place in evolution. Two issues
In addition, in laboratory animals for which even prenatal are important here. First, general mental ability seems to be
environments can be tightly controlled, such epigenetic part of a very general system of biological processes. This
differences persist in genetically identical organiams, i.e., can be seen by studying monogenic cases of mental retar-
clones (Gartner, 1990). At the same time, Gartner and Bau- dation caused by deleterious mutations. Some 282 mono-
nack (1981) carried out an interesting experiment using genic disorders have been reported to involve mental abil-
genetically identical cloned mouse pairs, controlling the ity (Inlow & Restifo, 2004). Most, however, were originally
environment to the same degree. The mouse pairs included identified in relation to their associations with other medical
MZ and DZ sets, created by transplanting divided and non- conditions. Furthermore, the ranges of mental ability demon-
divided eight-cell embryos into pseudo-pregnant surrogates. strated by affected individuals are wide, because they reflect
Specifically, MZ pairs were created by artificial separation the damaging effects of the mutations, but leave the rest of
of embryos, while DZ pairs were created from multiple the normal distribution of ability intact. The genes involve
zygotes produced by inbred mice. Thus, each pair was genet- general biological processes such as metabolic and signal-
ically identical and reared in the same environment. There ing pathways, transcription, and aspects of neuronal and glial
was more phenotypic variation within the DZ pairs than biology in highly pleiotropic ways (Inlow & Restifo, 2004).
within the MZ pairs. The investigators termed this variance In spite of the fact that such monogenic disorders cause
the “third component” after genes and environment, but its only a small proportion of cases of mental retardation (and
molecular basis remains unknown. It is clear, however, that only a small proportion of cases of physical illness or dis-
there is more to epigenetic effects than simply the accumula- ability, as well), they make clear the degree to which gen-
tion of different experiences over a lifetime. eral mental ability is integrated into the broader system of
Still another potential complication arises from the oper- biological processes involved in the overall integrity of the
ation of standard kinetics in multi-step steady-state systems, organism. This suggests that the effects of more common
illustrated nicely with an example from human and mouse genes, though less severe, may be similarly pervasive. As
blood pressure, recounted by Smithies (2005). The renin– such, the complex mix of genes influencing medical condi-
angiotensin system is generally acknowledged to be one of tions such as hypertension, cardiovascular disease, diabetes,
the most important means through which blood pressure is asthma, and multiple sclerosis may influence general mental
genetically controlled. In this system, renin (produced in ability, as well. At the same time, genes influencing over-
6 Twin Studies of General Mental Ability 95

all health indices, such as immune response and physical influence on general intelligence. Given past controversies
growth, may confer benefits for general cognitive ability, as surrounding this conclusion, it is anticipated that debates
well. Thus, regardless of the direction of their effects, many over the extent of genetic influence will continue. Capital-
genes associated with mental ability may be very general in izing further on naturally occurring “human experiments,”
their effects. Those that are positive may have been subject to such as twins reared apart and virtual twins, will be a vital
natural selection, while those that are negative may survive part of future research in this area.
simply because their individual effects are rather small. It is expected that twins will continue to be used in cre-
Second, and in contrast (though brain function is clearly ative ways in the future, to further address issues and ques-
strongly general), it is obvious that mental abilities can take tions concerning the development of general intelligence
specific forms such as musical, artistic, or computational tal- and its correlates. As an example, Australian investigators
ents. Miller (2000) has hypothesized that both general and used twins to assess the heritability of inspection time (IT)
specific mental abilities have evolved because they have been and its covariance with IQ (Luciano et al., 2001). Results
subject to sexual selection, meaning that they confer advan- yielded a shared genetic factor influencing IT and IQ, sep-
tages to their holders in mate competition. This suggests that arate from the total genetic variance, a finding informative
some genes involved in mental ability may have very spe- with respect to how individuals process information. Other
cific, largely ornamental effects that are difficult to iden- investigators have looked at co-morbidity between verbal
tify, because we have yet to develop tests that accurately and non-verbal delays in 2-year-old twin children (Purcell
measure the presence of those abilities. In addition, some et al., 2001). A major finding was that co-morbidity between
genes that confer cognitive advantages in the heterozygote the two is largely genetic in origin, whereas differences are
may have deleterious consequences in the homozygote. One largely environmental. It was suggested that such efforts can
example of this has been suggested by Cochran, Hardy, and lead to improved diagnostic systems, based on genetic fac-
Harpending (2006), who note that several genes involved tors rather than observed symptoms. Australian researchers
in DNA repair, including BRCA1 (a gene associated with found common genetic influence on a standard test of aca-
breast and colon cancer and other autoimmune disorders), demic achievement and IQ (particularly verbal IQ) in a study
have deleterious mutations that have reached polymorphic of 256 MZ and 326 DZ twin pairs (Wainwright, Wright, Gef-
frequency in Ashkenazi Jews, who also average higher IQ’s fen, Luciano, & Martin, 2005). Clearly, twins bring added
than any other human population. They suggest that these perspective to research on general intelligence, given the
mutations have survived in these populations, despite their genetic and family background controls.
damaging consequences, because they benefit general mental Cross-cultural analyses of intelligence using twins would
ability. offer insights into the impact of cultural effects on the her-
This discussion of complications is not intended to dis- itability of general mental ability. A Russian longitudinal
courage the search for specific genes involved in general twin study reported a decrease in genetic effects as children
mental ability. Most studies involving such searches today, transitioned from 6 to 7 years of age (Malykh, Zyrianova, &
however, make use of genetic linkage, association, and scan- Kuravsky, 2003). At age 7 shared environmental effects had
ning techniques, based on the assumption that there is a one- increased substantially. This line of inquiry would profit sub-
to-one correspondence between genotype and phenotype. stantially by studying the rare group of MZ twins reared sep-
Findings from these studies have been difficult to replicate. arately in different cultures. An ongoing prospective study of
The complications discussed here may provide some expla- young Chinese twins, adopted together and apart, will also
nations for these failures. At the same time, the existence of shed light on genetic and environmental effects on intellec-
these kinds of phenomena underline the richness and inti- tual development (Segal, Chavarria, & Stohs, 2008).
macy of transactions between genes and environments we are Identifying genes associated with intelligence may also
likely to discover as we continue searching for specific genes move ahead as a result of twin studies. Recently, Harlaar
involved in general mental ability. This reminds us that even et al. (2005) found five DNA markers associated with general
when genes associated with general mental ability have been cognitive ability in a longitudinal study of 7,414 twin pairs,
identified, use of genetic modification techniques may have assessed at ages 2, 3, 4, and 7 tears. Of course, effects sizes
unintended consequences, both positive and negative. of the five markers were quite small.
The search for mechanisms to explain how, and why,
MZ twins show remarkable similarities in their intellectual
development, despite differences in rearing and differences
Conclusions and Future Directions in some brain characteristics, raises intriguing contradic-
tions. Research on the cerebral development of MZ twins
The preponderance of evidence from classic twin studies, and reveals both striking similarities and differences. A study
studies using variant twin designs, is consistent with genetic of twins, using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), showed
96 N.L. Segal and W. Johnson

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Chapter 7

Behavioral Genetic Investigations of Cognitive Aging

Deborah Finkel and Chandra A. Reynolds

Introduction sured lifestyle variables to forms of dementia are discussed.

Methods for investigating tertiary aging are presented,
One of the universal concerns of human beings is the issue including estimating trajectories of change from age at death.
of aging: How will I meet the changes and challenges that The issues that will face future investigators and the quanti-
occur with age? What impact can I have on my own aging tative methodologies that will be required to address these
process? The first modern twin study designed to investigate issues are also discussed.
genetic and environmental influences on the aging process
was the New York State Psychiatric Study of Aging Twins
begun in 1946. In the last two decades, there has been an Primary Aging
upsurge in the number of behavioral genetic studies of the
various facets of the aging process. A recent summary reports
over two dozen twin studies investigating physical, psycho- Primary aging encompasses general age-related changes
logical, and social aspects of aging (Bergeman, 2007). In due to ontogenetic or inherent processes (Berger, 2005;
this review, we focus on the three components of cognitive Busse, 2002). Consistent findings of a loss (or gain) in cog-
aging. Primary aging is the normal and pervasive changes in nitive ability systematic with chronological age in healthy
cognitive abilities that occur with age. In contrast, secondary adults would be a suggestive of primary aging effects where
aging is typified by changes in cognitive functioning that confounding factors such as education or socioeconomic
result from disease or pathological processes. The distinc- background are ruled out. Systematic loss with age has been
tion between primary and secondary aging is of paramount observed most prominently for perceptual speed and fluid
importance; some changes that were once thought to be an abilities (Horn, 1988; Schaie, 1996) while relatively more
inevitable part of aging (e.g., senile dementia) have been conserved abilities tend to show losses later in the sec-
shown to be the outcome of disease processes that can be ond half of the lifespan, e.g., memory loss (Horn, 1988;
diagnosed and potentially treated. Finally, the acceleration Schaie, 1996).
in decline of cognitive functioning that occurs in the years
immediately preceding death is termed tertiary aging or ter-
minal decline. Distinguishing primary, secondary, and ter- General Cognitive Ability
tiary aging is paramount to understanding the nature of cog-
nitive aging.
Behavioral genetic research on primary aging has focused Original results from cross-sectional studies of cognitive
both on general intelligence and specific cognitive abilities, aging suggested higher levels of heritability for general cog-
as well as covariates of intellectual functioning that may nitive ability than is typically observed in young adulthood
be the sources of genetic and environmental contributions (cf. Chapter 6, this volume). As evidenced by the data
to cognitive aging. In investigations of secondary aging, summarized in Table 7.1, heritability estimates for general
the contributions of both measured genotypes and mea- cognitive ability are about 0.80 in adulthood. The remain-
ing variance is primarily nonshared environmental variance.
The large age ranges (45–68 years) included in these stud-
ies, however, may be masking age changes in heritabil-
D. Finkel (B)
Department of Psychology, School of Social Sciences, Indiana ity as a result of successive phases of the aging process.
University Southeast, New Albany, IN 47150, USA Evidence from cohort sequential and longitudinal analy-
e-mail: dfinkel@ius.edu ses, for example, provide a more complex image of the

Y.-K. Kim (ed.), Handbook of Behavior Genetics, 101

DOI 10.1007/978-0-387-76727-7 7,  c Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2009
102 D. Finkel and C.A. Reynolds

Table 7.1 Results from cross-sectional twin studies of primary 100

cognitive aging
Variable Study Age range Heritability 80
General cognitive ability GOSAT 18–70 0.81

Heritability of IQ
MTSADA 27–95 0.75
NTR 42–87 0.81
Verbal ability
Information MTSADA 27–95 0.77 40
Vocabulary GOSAT 18–70 0.64–0.68
Verbal measures NTR 42–87 0.59–0.86
Word fluency GOSAT 18–70 0.53 20
Spatial ability
Block design MTSADA 27–95 0.73
Block design OKUT 50–78 0.60 0
Spatial measures GOSAT 18–70 0.39–0.57 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Spatial measures NTR 42–87 0.33–0.58 Age
Memory Fig. 7.1 Summary of heritability estimates for general cognitive ability
Digit span MTSADA 27–95 0.55 across the adult lifespan. Single-point estimates are from the following
Figure memory MTSADA 27–95 0.60 cross-sectional studies: Bouchard, Lykken, McGue, Segal, and Telle-
Memory factor NHLBI 59–80 0.56 gen (1990), Finkel et al. (1995b), McClearn et al. (1997), Neubauer
Memory NTR 42–87 0.51 et al. (2000), Sundet et al. (2005), Tambs, Sundet, and Magnus (1986)
Text recall MTSADA 27–95 0.53 and Tambs et al. (1989). Longitudinal data are from McGue and Chris-
Processing speed tensen (2002) and Reynolds et al. (2005). The dotted line is the polyno-
Digit symbol MTSADA 27–95 0.62 mial regression line fitted to all the points (R 2 = 0.71)
Digit symbol NHLBI 59–80 0.67
Digit symbol OKUT 50–78 0.22
Perceptual speed NTR 42–87 0.49–0.75
Note: GOSAT, German Observational Study of Adult Twins (Neubauer A growing body of evidence from longitudinal investi-
et al., 2000); MTSADA, Minnesota Twin Study of Adult Develop- gations of cognitive aging indicates a decrease in heritabil-
ment and Aging (Finkel, Pedersen, & McGue, 1995a; Finkel, Peder- ity in late adulthood. A summary of the data on general
sen, McGue, & McClearn, 1995b); NHLBI, National Heart Lung Blood cognitive ability is presented in Fig. 7.1: evidence from
Institute Twin Study (Swan et al., 1990, 1999); NTR, Norwegian Twin
Register (Sundet, Tambs, Harris, Magnus, & Torjussen, 2005); OKUT, both cross-sectional and longitudinal studies converges on
Osaka/Kinki University Twin Study (Hayakawa, Shimizu, Ohba, & the conclusion that heritability for general cognitive ability
Tomioka, 1992). increases from young adulthood, plateaus in adulthood, and
decreases late in life. The dotted line represents the polyno-
nature of genetic influences on cognitive abilities across the mial regression line fitted to all points, and even through the
adult lifespan. Using latent growth curve analyses (McArdle, data come from eight different studies, the regression line
Prescott, Hamagami, & Horn, 1998; Chapter 2, this volume), explains 71% of the variability among the data points. When
genetic and environmental influences on static (intercept) the data are considered in terms of raw variance, instead of
and dynamic (rates of change) measures of cognitive aging proportion of variance, it becomes clear that the decrease in
can be investigated. In addition, changes with age in genetic heritability results from fairly constant genetic variance and
and environmental components of variance can be calculated increasing nonshared environmental variance (e.g., Reynolds
from the latent growth curve parameters. In other words, both et al., 2005). Thus we can interpret the results as an indication
the heritability of change and the change in heritability can of an accumulation of unique environmental influences that
be estimated.1 begin to have a greater impact on individual differences in
cognitive ability in late life.
The implications of late life changes in heritability are
1 It is important to note the challenges inherent in applying latent supported by investigations of the heritability of change in
growth curve models to studies of aging twins. As with all studies of general intelligence. It is possible that the genetic and envi-
aging, attrition due to both nonresponse and death has a significant ronmental factors influencing level of cognitive functioning
impact on sample size and assumptions about missing data. Further- are not the same as the genetic and environmental factors
more, in studies of cognitive aging, the reasons for nonresponse (e.g.,
dementia or terminal decline) may be integrally related to the phenotype
that affect change with age. In fact, results from longi-
in question. In twin studies of aging we have the additional issue of tudinal twin studies indicate greater genetic influences on
twinness: in order for a twin pair to contribute fully to the investigation the intercept, or level of cognitive performance, than for
of genetic and environmental influences, both twins must participate. either linear or quadratic components of cognitive decline
Finally, to ensure stability of parameter estimates in the latent growth
curve model, at least three waves of measurement are necessary, and
(McGue & Christensen, 2002; Reynolds, Finkel, Gatz, &
estimate stability increases with additional measurement occasions, see Pedersen, 2002; Reynolds et al., 2005). Results from sev-
McArdle et al. (1998) for a more complete discussion of these issues. eral longitudinal twin studies of aging are summarized in
7 Cognitive Aging 103

Table 7.2 Results from longitudinal twin studies of primary cognitive aging
Change in heritability Heritability of change
Variable Study Age range Young–old Old–old Intercept Linear slope Quadratic
General cognitive ability LSADT 70–97 0.51 0.38 0.76 0.06
SATSA 50–92 0.80 0.64 0.91 0.01 0.43
OCTO 80–95 0.62a
Verbal ability
Analogies SATSA 50–92 0.87 0.22 0.78 0.19 0.09
Information OCTO 80–95 0.55a 0.68b –c
Information SATSA 50–92 0.65 0.54 0.70 0.09 0.42
Synonyms OCTO 80–95 0.55a 0.46b –c
Synonyms SATSA 50–92 0.78 0.46 0.75 0.17 0.13
Vocabulary NYT 58–90 0.73 0.71 0.88 0.33
Spatial ability
Block design NYT 58–90 0.63 0.35 0.96 0.70
Block design OCTO 80–95 0.32a 0.62b –c
Block design SATSA 50–92 0.89 0.31 0.80 0.35 0.56
Card rotations SATSA 50–92 0.81 0.33 0.74 0.35 0.38
Figure logic OCTO 80–95 0.32a 0.70b –c
Figure logic SATSA 50–92 0.57 0.03 0.67 0.14 0.33
Digit span forward OCTO 80–95 0.27a 0.36b –c
Digit span backward OCTO 80–95 0.49a 0.84 b –c
Digit span SATSA 50–92 0.36 0.63 0.52 0.35
Picture memory OCTO 80–95 0.47a 0.14b –c
Picture memory SATSA 50–92 0.50 0.33 0.84 0.06 0.70
Prose recall OCTO 80–95 0.04a 0.12b –c
Processing speed
Digit symbol NHLBI 59–80 –d
Digit symbol OCTO 80–95 0.62a 0.72 b –c
Symbol digit SATSA 50–92 0.67 0.64 0.85 0.03 0.75
Figure identification SATSA 50–92 0.58 0.40 0.78 0.15 0.39
a The full OCTO-Twin sample is in the old–old age range; therefore, no young–old estimate of heritability is reported.
b Calculated from twin correlations provided in Johansson et al. (2004).
c Twin correlations for slope estimates were unstable, but indicated largely environmental influences (Johannson et al., 2004).
d MZ concordance for decline = 45% and DZ concordance for decline = 8%.

Note: NYT, New York Twin Study (McArdle et al., 1998); SATSA, Swedish Adoption/Twin Study of Aging (Reynolds et al., 2005); NHLBI,
National Heart Lung Blood Institute Twin Study (Swan, LaRue, Carmelli, Reed, & Fabsitz, 1992); LSADT, Longitudinal Study of Aging Danish
Twins (McGue & Christensen, 2002); OCTO-Twin, Origins of Variance in the Oldest Old (Johansson et al., 1999, 2004; McClearn, Johansson,
Berg, & Pedersen, 1997).

Table 7.2, including data on heritability of change in gen- cognitive aging. Decades of gerontological research indicate
eral cognitive ability. The evidence suggests that individ- longitudinal decline for spatial, fluid, and memory abili-
ual differences in the level of cognitive performance reflect ties, with relatively smaller age changes noted for verbal
primarily genetic influences. Although linear change results ability (e.g., Carmelli, Swan, LaRue, & Eslinger, 1997;
almost entirely from nonshared environmental influences, Korten et al., 1997; Schaie, 1994; Singer, Verhaeghen,
both genetic and nonshared environmental factors impact Ghisletta, Lindenberger, & Baltes, 2003; Small, Stern,
accelerating decline. Therefore, over half of the variance Tang, & Mayeux, 1999). Two-component theories of intel-
in general cognitive decline reflects person-specific environ- ligence (e.g., Lindenberger, 2001) predict greater cultural
mental influences lending support to theories of stochastic or impact on aging trajectories for aging-resilient (i.e., crys-
chance processes in aging (Finch & Kirkwood, 2000). tallized) abilities and a more biological foundation for age
changes in age-sensitive (i.e., fluid) abilities. On the whole,
results from twin studies of specific cognitive abilities in
older adults support these predictions.
Specific Cognitive Abilities Cross-sectional twin data report higher heritability esti-
mates for measures of verbal and spatial abilities and lower
Even though measures of general cognitive ability provide heritability estimates for memory and processing speed (see
an overall view of changes in functioning that occur with Table 7.1). The differences in heritability estimates reported
age, intelligence is not a unitary construct and neither is in Table 7.1, both between- and within-cognitive variables,
104 D. Finkel and C.A. Reynolds

can be attributed to differences in the age ranges covered Geus, & Boomsma, 2001; Posthuma, Mulder, Boomsma, &
by the studies and to the multi-faceted nature of the con- de Geus, 2002). Thus, a significant proportion of the genetic
structs, especially as they relate to the aging brain. These influences on cognitive ability in the second half of the
issues can be addressed by including multiple measures of lifespan arises from genetic factors affecting processing
the constructs and by investigating longitudinal changes in speed. Second, analysis of longitudinal twin data indicates
heritability across the age ranges in question. Results of lon- that with age, an increasing proportion of genetic variance
gitudinal twin studies of specific cognitive abilities are pre- for cognitive ability can be attributed to genetic influences
sented in Table 7.2. Measures of verbal ability from three on processing speed (Finkel & Pedersen, 2004). Finally,
different studies indicate high genetic influences on the level by analyzing longitudinal twin data with sufficient time
of performance, but limited genetic variance for either linear points to estimate quadratic patterns of decline, we find
or quadratic rates of decline. In contrast, as predicted by two- that it is not the linear age changes but the accelerating age
component theories of intelligence, results for spatial abili- changes in cognitive performance that share genetic variance
ties show high heritability for the intercept and at least mod- with processing speed, at least for fluid abilities (Finkel,
erate heritability for both linear and quadratic declines. The Reynolds, McArdle, & Pedersen, 2005).
third pattern is evident for processing speed: high heritability Applying standard behavioral genetic and growth curve
for level of performance, low heritability for linear decline, methods, we can investigate the genetic and environmen-
and high heritability for accelerating decline. We will con- tal contributions to the covariance among specific cognitive
sider the genetic influences on processing speed further when abilities. To extend our understanding of these longitudinal
we discuss the possible mediational role of processing speed relationships, however, it would be informative to be able
in cognitive aging. Results for measures of memory perfor- to determine whether one cognitive variable is the leading
mance are mixed. With the exception of digit span backward, indicator of subsequent changes in cognitive performance,
OCTO-Twin reports minimal heritability for the intercept as well as the extent of genetic and environmental influences
and consistently low heritability for linear decline; however, driving the system. By using latent difference scores, instead
twin data can become particularly unstable in the latest part of latent growth curves, McArdle and Hamagami (2003) have
of the lifespan, limiting our ability to make strong inferences proposed a model that taps the dynamic interaction between
(Johansson et al., 2004). In addition, SATSA reports only age changes in specific cognitive abilities. In other words,
linear trajectories for digit span and quadratic trajectories for the bivariate dual change score model allows for the identi-
picture memory; although in combination the results support fication of leading indicators of cognitive change: the extent
at least moderate genetic influences on decline. to which changes in one variable drive changes in a related
variable. They applied the model to vocabulary and block
design measures from the New York Twin Study. They found
small but significant coupling from block design to vocabu-
Relationships Among Specific Cognitive lary scores, indicating that age changes in block design lead
Abilities to age changes in vocabulary. Estimates of genetic variance
for vocabulary changed only slightly over the age range when
Specific cognitive abilities are not independent of each the dynamic coupling with block design was included in
other and, in fact, it is possible that age changes in one the model: heritability for vocabulary was stable instead of
cognitive ability may mediate or drive age changes in declining when the impact of block design was removed. The
other components of cognition. Mediational theories of analyses need to be repeated with variables are more strongly
age-related cognitive have identified processing speed as a correlated (McArdle & Hamagami, 2003).
factor that may underlie demonstrated declines in a variety of
cognitive tasks (e.g., Birren, 1964; Salthouse, 1996). Using
data from twin studies of older adults, we can investigate not
only the extent of the relationship between age changes in Covariates of Primary Cognitive Aging
speed and age changes in cognition but also the underlying
nature of that relationship. Genetic and environmental In addition to cognitive measures that mediate cognitive
influences on the relationship between processing speed and aging, we can also consider environmental and biological
cognitive aging have been investigated on three levels. First, variables that may account for some of the genetic and envi-
cross-sectional studies demonstrate that correlations between ronmental contributions to age changes in cognitive perfor-
processing speed and various measures of cognitive ability mance. A review of the evidence for environmental mea-
in middle to late adulthood are almost entirely genetically sures as sources of environmental variance in cognitive
mediated (Finkel & Pedersen, 2000; Neubauer, Spinath, abilities in adulthood reported mixed success (Finkel &
Riemann, Angleitner, & Borkenau, 2000; Posthuma, de Pedersen, 2001). Moreover, it is important to distinguish
7 Cognitive Aging 105

between environmental phenotypes and environmental etiol- et al., 1995; Takahashi, Nam, Edgar, & Gouras, 2002)],
ogy. Behavioral genetic methods can be used to investigate studies indicate that the apoE protein may be involved in
whether the relationships between cognitive aging and its neuronal development and plasticity (Nathan et al., 2002;
covariates are explained via genetic or environmental path- Ohm et al., 2003; Teter et al., 2002). While several
ways. For example, researchers have questioned the extent population-based or community-based studies of individuals
to which apparently environmental variables truly reflect have indicated a positive association with APOE e4 and
environmental influences, as opposed to genetic influences cognitive change (Deary et al., 2002; Hofer et al., 2002;
(e.g., Plomin, 1994; Rowe, 1994). Occupation, education, Mayeux, Small, Tang, Tycko, & Stern, 2001; Mortensen &
and attitudes toward education explained most of the shared Hogh, 2001), findings are not entirely consistent (Anstey &
environmental variance in cognitive performance. However, Christensen, 2000; Pendleton et al., 2002; Small et al., 2000).
only a very limited proportion of the nonshared environmen- The memory domain evidences the most consistent findings
tal variance could be explained by measured environmental (Anstey & Christensen, 2000; Bretsky, Guralnik, Launer,
variables, primarily social class, occupation, and smoking Albert, & Seeman, 2003; Nilsson, Nyberg, & Back-
history. More success has been achieved in identifying envi- man, 2002; Reynolds, Jansson, Gatz, & Pedersen, 2006a;
ronmental variables that account for a portion of the genetic Wilson et al., 2002), even in studies removing participants
variation in cognitive abilities. For example, including educa- with slight indications of dementia (Mayeux et al., 2001). A
tion as a covariate in latent growth curve models of cognitive recent twin-based association study added to the consensus
ability indicated that education shared genetic variance with by finding significant association of APOE with change in
the model intercept, but environmental variance with rate of working memory (i.e., digit span) in nondemented Swedish
change (Reynolds et al., 2002). twins (Reynolds, Prince, Feuk, Gatz, & Pedersen, 2006b).
Biological variables have also been proposed as candi- Findings for other gene candidates have begun to appear
dates for sources of genetic variance in cognitive abilities. relatively recently though with few if any replications pub-
Analyses of data from the Minnesota Twin Study of Adult lished to date (e.g., de Frias et al., 2005; Harris et al., 2005;
Development and Aging reported only small and nonsignifi- Reynolds, Jansson, et al., 2006a; Reynolds, Prince,
cant genetic correlations between physical activity or health et al., 2006b). The genes encoding serotonin 2A receptors
factors and measures of cognitive performance (Finkel & (HTR2A) and catechol-O-methyltransferase (COMT) are
McGue, 1993, 1998). In contrast, investigations using data of particular interest given their involvement in brain
from the Swedish Adoption/Twin Study of Aging reported regions associated with learning and memory. In particular,
that pulmonary function shared significant genetic variance working memory, episodic, and semantic performance have
with four measures of cognitive performance: information, been associated with serotonin function and/or proteins
digit symbol, block design, and digit span backward (Emery, involved in the catabolism or breakdown of dopamine, i.e.,
Pedersen, Svartengren, & McClearn, 1998). Similarly, using catechol-O-methyltransferase. Evidence of their potential
growth curve models, researchers found that the covariance biological importance has been marshaled across a variety of
between pulmonary function and level of performance was designs including neuroimaging studies (Egan et al., 2001;
primarily genetically mediated, although the covariance with Sheline, Mintun, Moerlein, & Snyder, 2002), mRNA (Akil
decline in cognitive performance was mediated by nonshared et al., 2003; Amargos-Bosch et al., 2004; but see Bray,
environmental factors (Reynolds et al., 2002). Buckland, Hall, Owen, & O’Donovan, 2004), and, for
serotonin 2A, in vivo receptor activity manipulations in
primates (Williams, Rao, & Goldman-Rakic, 2002).
Identifying Genes Related to Primary Aging Serotonin 2A (HTR2A) may play a role in memory-related
formation of synaptic connections (Kandel, 2001). Further-
Moving beyond anonymous components of genetic and envi- more, age-related decreases in serotonin 2A receptors have
ronmental variance to measurable genes and environment been noted in the hippocampus and prefrontal cortex (Sheline
has become one of the goals of behavioral genetic research. et al., 2002) with evidence of downregulated gene expression
The apolipoprotein E (APOE) gene, coding for the brain in the frontal cortex beginning at midlife (Lu et al., 2004).
cholesterol transporter apolipoprotein E, has been most often Episodic memory performance in young adults (de Quervain
studied with respect to normal cognitive aging. The APOE et al., 2003) and recognition memory change in nondemented
e4 allele has been identified as a potential risk variant for Swedish twins (Reynolds et al., 2006a) have been associated
normative cognitive change based on studies reporting con- with the gene encoding serotonin 2A (HTR2A).
sistent association with Alzheimer’s disease risk (Strittmatter The Val108/158 Met COMT functional variant has
et al., 1993). In addition to well-known links of APOE e4 been associated with prefrontal cortex ERP P300 latencies
and AD-associated neuropathology [e.g., senile plaques (Tsai et al., 2003), cognitive stability and flexibility in
containing Aβ deposits, neurofibrillary tangles (Ohm schizophrenics (Nolan, Bilder, Lachman, & Volavka, 2004),
106 D. Finkel and C.A. Reynolds

working memory performance in schizophrenics and healthy (Strittmatter et al., 1993) and numerous case–control stud-
adults (Bruder et al., 2005; Egan et al., 2001; Malhotra ies (Rubinsztein, & Easton, 1999). No other AD gene can-
et al., 2002), and declarative memory performance (de Frias didate has achieved such coherent findings. Indeed a com-
et al., 2004; Harris et al., 2005). Most recently the COMT pendia of 62 candidate gene makers was recently published
variant was associated with cognitive change over 5 years indicating after correcting for multiple tests, only APOE
in nondemented Swedish adults ranging from 35 to 85 years remained significantly associated with AD risk as well as
at baseline with respect to executive function (de Frias AD-relevant biomarkers (i.e., CSF Aβ; CSF tau) (Blomqvist
et al., 2005). et al., 2006). That said, it is apparent that APOE does not
fully account for the genetic bases of AD with indications
that there may be four to five major genes yet to locate
Secondary Aging (Warwick Daw et al., 2000). Additional studies indicate
potential genomic regions where additional candidates may
Secondary aging effects are a result of environmental fac- lie, including regions on chromosomes 1, 9, 10, and 19 that
tors, such as those due to lifestyle or many disease pro- achieved genome-wide significance (Blacker et al., 2003;
cesses (Berger, 2005). Examples of disease that result in Kehoe et al., 1999).
loss of cognitive abilities are the dementias, such as vascular
dementia and Alzheimer’s disease (AD). All-cause dementia
prevalence is approximately 6% at age 60 years and older Head Injury
(Bowler, 2005; Ferri et al., 2005). Alzheimer’s disease is by
far the most common form of dementia representing approx- Head injury with loss of consciousness is an oft-
imately two-thirds of dementia cases (Ferri et al., 2005). reported environmental event that increases the risk for
Prevalence rates for AD increase with age reaching 45% Alzheimer’s disease (AD) based primarily on case–control
by age 95 years (Nussbaum & Ellis, 2003). Whereas vas- studies (Fleminger, Oliver, Lovestone, Rabe-Hesketh, &
cular dementia appears to be influenced by shared and non- Giora, 2003) but the effect is also found in community-based
shared environmental factors without evidence of genetic samples (Schofield et al., 1997). A compelling population-
influence (Bergem, Engedal, & Kringlen, 1997), late-onset based cohort study of World War II military veterans indi-
AD is due to multifactorial causes and is highly heritable cates that moderate head injury with loss of consciousness
(Gatz et al., 1997, 2006a).The largest population-based study during military service significantly increased the risk of
to date estimates heritability as high as 79% for prevalent AD dementia as well as AD (Plassman et al., 2000). Head injury
with remaining variation due to nonshared environmental may also synergistically interact with APOE e4 status in the
effects, and with no significant evidence for sex differences risk of AD as described below.
(Gatz et al., 2006a). Thus, individual differences in risk for
Alzheimer’s disease is largely due to genetic differences. One
might argue that Alzheimer’s disease (AD) represents a pri- Antioxidants
mary aging process given the high heritability and the reflec-
tion that if one lived long enough one would eventually evi- Antioxidants have been touted as potentially decreas-
dence characteristics of the disease (Ebly, Parhad, Hogan, & ing the risk of cognitive decline and AD (Kontush &
Fung, 1994). However, evidence suggests that AD is not Schekatolina, 2004). Specifically, taking vitamin supple-
inevitable given that elderly into their 90s do not necessarily ments or eating food rich in vitamins C and E may
show clinical evidence of AD even in the case where subse- reduce free radical damage or oxidative stress and thus
quent postmortem autopsies indicate AD-like neuropathol- stave off or delay cognitive decline (Kontush & Scheka-
ogy (Morris, 1999). Additionally, while the prevalence of tolina, 2004; Maxwell, Hicks, Hogan, Basran, & Ebly, 2005;
AD increases with age, a recent retrospective family-history M. C. Morris, Evans, Bienias, Tangney, & Wilson, 2002).
study indicates that familiality of AD likely decreases with Community-based and population-based prospective studies
age based on negative relationship between AD risk and age suggest that both dietary and supplemental vitamin E and/or
of onset of family members with AD (Silverman, Ciresi, vitamin C intake may be related to lessened cognitive change
Smith, Marin, & Schnaider-Beeri, 2005). (M. C. Morris et al., 2002; Maxwell et al., 2005), though
not all have found a reduced risk of incident dementia or
AD (Maxwell et al., 2005). Antioxidant use in the context of
Candidate Genes and AD behavior genetic designs has yet to be explored though such
analyses may prove useful in determining the nature of the
Consistent association has been observed for APOE e4 antioxidant use/cognitive decline relationship, particularly in
and Alzheimer’s disease risk both in family-based studies discordant twins.
7 Cognitive Aging 107

“Use It or Lose It” inflammation processes detrimental to neuronal health (see

Gatz et al., 2006b).
Education may be protective against cognitive decline
and risk of AD (Anstey & Christensen, 2000). The
Tertiary Aging
nature of the protective association is not clearly under-
stood as educational attainment is influenced by both
genetic and environmental factors (Baker, Treloar, Reynolds, Longitudinal studies have indicated that cognitive perfor-
Heath, & Martin, 1996; Heath & Berg, 1985; Lichtenstein & mance in those 3–6 years from death is lower than those
Pedersen, 1997; Tambs, Sundet, Magnus, & Berg, 1989). who survive (Johansson & Berg, 1989; Small, Fratiglioni,
Higher education levels may lead to greater cognitive reserve von Strauss, & Backman, 2003; Wilson, Beckett, Bienias,
resulting in greater hardiness that may delay a clinical pre- Evans, & Bennett, 2003). There may be an attenuation of
sentation of AD, or education may serve as a proxy for health effect when controlling for cardiovascular disease and stroke
and nutritional habits such that as those with higher educa- (Hassing et al., 2002), while others have not found an asso-
tion may have better access to resources leading to a health- ciation with cause of death (Small et al., 2003) suggest-
ier lifestyle. For example, a recent study suggests that exer- ing a common process may be at play. Results from an
cise frequency is associated with reduced risk of or delayed investigation of genetic influences on low cognitive func-
onset of dementia (Larson et al., 2006). Consistent with the tioning in late adulthood indicated little or no heritability
reserve capacity hypothesis, education, cognitive ability, and (Petrill et al., 2001). The authors suggested that nonsignif-
mental status performance in the SATSA twin study were icant heritability at the low end of cognitive ability may be
associated phenotypically due to a common genetic factor attributable to the processes of terminal decline. Their inter-
(Pedersen, Reynolds, & Gatz, 1996). Epidemiological stud- pretation highlights the question: To what extent is termi-
ies are also supportive: educational attainment remains nal decline in cognitive functioning influenced by genetic
associated with cognitive change even when relevant and environmental factors? Regardless of whether there is a
health variables are controlled (Lee, Kawachi, Berkman, & genetic component to terminal decline of cognitive abilities,
Grodstein, 2003). That said, there may be evidence of an it is possible that the timing of entry into terminal decline
environmental explanation as well: cotwin control or dis- results from environmental factors. Consequently, twin sim-
cordant twin pair analyses of Swedish twins provide evi- ilarity for cognitive performance may decrease in late adult-
dence for “use it or lose it” as a protective factor against hood as the abilities of each member of a twin pair begin to
dementia or AD including the cognitive complexity of one’s decline at a slightly different time, even though the decline
lifetime occupations (Andel et al., 2005) and participation itself may be genetically influenced. In fact, analyses of
in leisure activities (Crowe, Andel, Pedersen, Johansson, & cognitive data from the same sample of twins aged 80 and
Gatz, 2003). older as presented by Petrill et al. (2001) support this idea.
As one or both members of a twin pair approached death,
twin similarity for cognitive performance decreased, indicat-
Early Life SES-Related Factors ing both heterogeneity in timing of decline and a decreasing
role for genetic influences on cognitive performance with
approaching mortality (Johansson et al., 2004). An investi-
Lower SES in early life may be associated with a cascade of gation including imputation of age at death reached a sim-
influences relevant to later cognitive aging, including poorer ilar conclusion: genetic variance for the cognitive task was
health and nutrition and lower rates of educational and significantly lower when age at death was included in the
occupational achievements. Epidemiological studies have model (Pedersen et al., 2003). It will require closely spaced
reported that having a higher number of siblings, lower pater- assessments of cognitive performance in twins both before
nal occupational status and residing in urban locales before and during the period of terminal decline to provide sufficient
18 may increase the risk of AD (Moceri et al., 2001; Moceri, data to differentiate genetic and environmental influences on
Kukull, Emanuel, van Belle, & Larson, 2000). However, timing of terminal decline versus rates of decline.
the Religious Orders Study reported that early childhood
SES and community-level SES were predictive of cognitive
ability but not cognitive decline or an increased risk of AD Future Directions
(Wilson et al., 2005). In AD-discordant twin pairs, early
adult tooth loss before the age of 35 years was a significant Dynamic Models
risk factor for AD in the HARMONY study that includes
twins from the Swedish Twin Registry aged 65 years and To best capture the nature of cognitive aging it would be ideal
older. Adult tooth loss before the age of 35 years may be to capture the cognitive aging process in real time consider-
a marker of poorer early life health and/or an indicator of ing the push and pull relationships of the multiple processes
108 D. Finkel and C.A. Reynolds

leading up to the points of change. As that is not possible, Identifying Genes Associated with Cognitive
dynamic change models may provide a fruitful approach to Aging
better understand the nature of cognitive change (see McAr-
dle & Nesselroade, 2003; and Chapter 2, this volume). Sim-
Given the increase in heritability indicated during the major-
ply correlating rate of change for two traits does not cap-
ity of adulthood (as indicated in Fig. 7.1), it is surprising
ture dynamic change but rather indicates how rates of static
that researchers have not experienced more success in iden-
change are associated (McArdle & Nesselroade, 2003), e.g.,
tifying genes that are associated with cognitive aging. To
if one is changing more rapidly on perceptual speed do they
date, research has demonstrated the impact of only hand-
tend to change more rapidly on working memory? One can-
ful of genes on aspects of primary, secondary, and tertiary
not tell if change in a particular trait precedes change in
aging. It may be that genes involved in cognitive aging
the other because there is no information about the timing
account for such a small proportion of individual differ-
of change in each trait. Only one application of dynamic
ences in aging trajectories that current studies lack sufficient
models to longitudinal twin data of cognitive abilities has
power to detect them. In contrast, the presence of gene-by-
been published to date (McArdle & Hamagami, 2003).
environment interactions (see our discussion below) or com-
Using dynamic approaches and identifying lead–lag rela-
plex gene–environment pathways is limiting the ability of
tionships between two or more traits across age may move
researchers to detect cognitive aging genes. As the search
the field closer to identifying the mechanistic nature of the
progresses, it will be vital to investigate the differential role,
associations, in addition to understanding whether the rela-
if any, the identified genes have with regard to primary, sec-
tionship is due to common genetic and/or environmental
ondary, and tertiary aging processes.
influences (McArdle & Hamagami, 2003; McArdle & Nes-
selroade, 2003).

Gene–Environment Interactions
Distinguishing Primary, Secondary,
and Tertiary Cognitive Aging
More and more studies are reporting the presence of gene–
environment interactions for human behavioral traits (e.g.,
Whether one can clearly distinguish primary, secondary, and Caspi et al., 2002, 2003). Little is known with respect to
tertiary cognitive aging is important to understanding the cognitive aging, save for the findings of a possible syner-
nature(s) of cognitive aging. The search for relevant can- gistic effect of head injury coupled with positive APOE e4
didate genes and environments indeed bear upon this. On status on the risk of AD (Jellinger, 2004; Tang et al., 1996).
the one hand, if primary cognitive aging is universal then An indicator of possible gene–environment interaction in
one would expect heritability to be zero as there would the normative cognitive aging literature is the pattern of
be no individual differences. Rather perhaps we should increasing nonshared environmental variance with age (e.g.,
search for what affects the entry or timing into decline as Reynolds et al., 2005); any unspecified variance due to gene–
it is clear that chronological age is only a proxy: some environment interaction will be included as nonshared envi-
age cognitively at a quicker pace than others despite the ronmental variance (Falconer, 1989). Future studies should
same chronological age. As to secondary aging, it would be examine the possibility of G × E interaction given the tools
expected that environmental factors would be largely impor- and knowledge available, including examination of within-
tant though it is clear that even age-associated diseases such pair differences for cognitive change in MZ twins stratified
as Alzheimer’s are highly heritable. Indeed, some consider by measured genotype (Martin, 2000).
AD to represent the extreme end of the continuum of cog-
nitive change, even suggesting that the search for genes for
IQ is likely to turn up genes relevant to AD and vice versa
(Plomin & Spinath, 2004). The candidate gene APOE fits References
neatly within the continuum view, given its relationship both
with cognitive decline and AD. Finally, distinguishing ter- Akil, M., Kolachana, B. S., Rothmond, D. A., Hyde, T. M., Weinberger,
D. R., & Kleinman, J. E. (2003). Catechol-O-Methyltransferase
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More studies that follow participants to the end and apply- Celada, P., et al. (2004). Co-expression and in vivo interaction of
serotonin1A and serotonin2A receptors in pyramidal neurons of pre-
ing growth models where the time metric is years to death frontal cortex. Cereb Cortex, 14, 281–299.
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cognitive aging from the others. Johansson, B., et al. (2005). Complexity of work and risk of
7 Cognitive Aging 109

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Chapter 8

The Genetics and Environments of Reading: A Behavioral Genetic


Sara A. Hart and Stephen A. Petrill

Introduction and attitudes gained by a young child in the process of

learning the conventions of reading and writing (Teale &
Reading is a complex skill involving the interaction of letter Sulzby, 1986; Whitehurst et al., 1988; Whitehurst &
and word recognition, grapheme–phoneme correspondence, Lonigan, 1998). During early reading instruction, the main
deciphering the meaning of a given word and, finally, the requirement for successful reading is the ability to recognize
understanding of the text in its entirety (Adams, 1990). words that are already known to the child orally, also called
Learning to read is also a process, one that spans a wide decoding, described as “learning to read” (Chall, 1983).
age range, beginning in the home and continuing through Decoding is measured by content-based tasks, such as (but
formal education. Given the complexity of this construct, not limited to) phonological awareness and orthographic
it is not surprising that debate continues concerning not skills. As children get older and master decoding, they begin
only the processes governing the development of reading, to “read to learn”, in that they use skills already learned
but more fundamentally, the etiological factors that influ- to identify and comprehend new words not already part
ence the development of reading. This chapter reviews the of their oral vocabulary (Chall, 1983). Therefore, skills
behavioral genetic research on reading in the context of the such as oral vocabulary, letter knowledge, and concepts of
theoretical debates related to the constructs of reading. Con- print may be most important to younger children. However,
sequently, this chapter is divided into two distinct parts. as children age, these skills are replaced by school-based
First, we will describe the current state of the literature on comprehension skills, a shift that occurs around the third or
behavioral genetics and reading. Within this section will be forth grade (Curtis, 1980). This is when a child begins to use
a discussion on the etiology of reading ability in general, text to learn about new content subjects that were previously
as well as the sub skills that influence reading. Following unknown to the child (Snow, Burns & Griffin, 1998).
this, we will describe the genetic and environmental etiol- The cause of this developmental shift is not completely
ogy of the relationships between different reading aspects. understood. School instruction is tailored to teach reading to
We will then examine molecular genetic findings, as well as children in this matter, but whether this is the cause of the
research describing the impact of measures of the environ- shift, or a social response to a biologically routed cognitive
ment within genetically sensitive designs. The second and change, is not clear.
final section will be a brief examination of future research Like many other complex cognitive abilities, decades
directions. of research have suggested a strong familial component
Learning to read begins at a very young age, even prior to for reading and reading disability (Bakwin, 1973; DeFries,
beginning formal reading instruction, and continues well into Singer, Foch, & Lewitter, 1978; Foch, DeFries, McClearn,
the late school years (see Dale & Crain-Thoreson, 1999, for & Singer, 1977; Matheny, Dolan, & Wilson, 1976; Steven-
review). The “Emergent Literacy” period is one describing son, Graham, Fredman, & McLoughlin, 1987; Zerbin-
the interaction of a young child with literacy, prior to formal Rüdin, 1967). Bakwin (1973) found an 84% concordance
reading instruction (i.e., birth to kindergarten; Kamhi & rate between monozygotic (MZ) twins for reading disability,
Catts, 2005). This time is defined by the skills, knowledge, and only 29% concordance in dizygotic (DZ) twins, sug-
gesting genetic effects. Twin and adoption studies have
further elucidated the genetic, shared environmental, and
S.A. Petrill (B)
non-shared environmental (including error) influences on
Department of Human Development and Family Science, Ohio State reading (Plomin, DeFries, McClearn, & McGuffin, 2001).
University, Columbus, OH 43210, USA
e-mail: spetrill@ehe.osu.edu

Y.-K. Kim (ed.), Handbook of Behavior Genetics, 113

DOI 10.1007/978-0-387-76727-7 8,  c Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2009
114 S.A. Hart and S.A. Petrill

Studies of Reading the Colorado Adoption project (CAP; DeFries, Plomin, Van-
denberg, & Kuse, 1981). The investigators for this project
The following section reviews the contributions of the major were interested in looking at the genetic and environmental
twin and adoption projects that have examined reading influences on cognitive development, using a sample of 245
ability and disability. We will first describe the studies, and adopted children and their biological and adoptive parents,
then describe their results. The first projects were cross- as well as a matched sample of 245 biological control fam-
sectional in nature, examining reading and reading disability ilies. The children were tested at 1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 12, and 16
across a wide age range. years of age. Reading ability was not the main focus of
Colorado Reading Study: The Colorado Reading Study the project, but CAP did include one reading recognition
through the Colorado Learning Disabilities Research Cen- measure, the Peabody Individual Achievement Test (PIAT;
ter was one of the first large-scale twin projects to examine Markwardt, 1998) assessed at 7, 12, and 16 years of age
reading (Plomin & DeFries, 1983; Gayán & Olson, 2003; (Wadsworth, Corley, Hewitt, & DeFries, 2001).
Olson, Forsberg, & Wise, 1994). It was a cross-sectional Twins Early Development Study: The Twins Early Devel-
study that was interested in reading difficulties in older chil- opment Study (TEDS) is a population-based sample of 7500
dren (mean age around 11 years old, with a range of 8–20 pairs of twins in the UK (Trouton, Spinath, & Plomin, 2002).
years; Davis, Knopik, Olson, Wadsworth, & DeFries, 2001; The TEDS project was originally designed to measure
Gayán & Olson, 2003; Olson, et al., 1994). Twins were the early development of communication disorders, men-
recruited throughout Colorado, with most of the twin pairs tal impairment, and behavior problems. Twins were mea-
having at least one twin with reading difficulties (459 pairs sured at 2, 3, 4, 7, and 10 years of age via parent testing,
with disability, 297 without). phone testing, teacher report, and Internet testing, with read-
Register for Child Twins: Another important cross- ing ability being one of the major areas of assessment at ages
sectional study in reading was conducted by Stevenson and 7 and 10.
colleagues in the UK from the initial Register of Child The International Longitudinal Twin Study: Byrne
Twins (Stevenson et al., 1987; Eley, Lichtenstein, & Steven- et al. (2005) examined the etiology of early reading skills in
son, 1999). This project was interested in looking at the children from preschool to kindergarten across three coun-
etiology of reading in a normal population. Reading skills tries. This is an ongoing project, with 325 sets monozy-
were assessed in 218 monozygotic twin pairs and 173 pairs gotic (MZ) and same-sex dizygotic (DZ) twins examined
of same-sex dizygotic twin pairs, aged 8–16 (mean age of presently, 99 MZ and 107 DZ pairs of twins from the United
around 12 years). States, and 73 MZ and 46 DZ pairs of twins from Australia.
Western Reserve Twin Project: A further cross-sectional This comparison across countries allowed for increased gen-
project was the Western Reserve Twin Project, which was eralizability to different cultures and school environments.
interested in measuring cognitive ability and academic The larger project described by Byrne et al. (2002) and
achievement in 132 same-sex dizygotic (DZ) twins, and 146 Samuelsson et al. (2005) also includes twins from Scandi-
monozygotic (MZ) twins, aged 6–13 (Thompson, Detterman, navia, but Byrne et al. (2005) is the first publication includ-
& Plomin, 1991). ing the kindergarten data (the others are only preschool)
Queensland Institute of Medical Research Twin Project: A to date.
cross-sectional twin project in Australia focusing on medical The Western Reserve Reading Project: Petrill. Deater-
histories, but also included some measures of reading and Deckard, Thompson, DeThorne, and Schatschneider (2006a)
spelling (Bates et al., 2004). In total, 470 twin pairs (125 MZ; examined a slightly older age range (kindergarteners and first
345 DZ), mean age of 18.5 years, have been reported on. graders, mean age = 6.1 years) than Byrne et al. (2005),
These cross-sectional studies have led to important find- and involved in-depth tester administered assessments. The
ings concerning reading skills across a broad age range. In ongoing project, The Western Reserve Reading Project
particular, these studies have led to a general acceptance of (WRRP), has data presently from 128 MZ and 175 same-sex
the existence of both genetic and environmental influences DZ twins, mostly from Ohio. The investigators of WRRP
on reading in childhood. However, more recently, behavioral intend to measure the sample annually for 6 years, beginning
genetic studies have begun to examine the development of in kindergarten or the first grade of a total sample of 450 twin
reading skills from a behavioral genetic perspective. Specifi- pairs. A large variety of environmental measures are assessed
cally, several longitudinal projects have or are currently being as well.
conducted to examine the etiology of the development of The following section will review some of the initial
readings skills in prospective samples. behavioral genetic results of reading ability and disability as
Colorado Adoption Project: One of the first longitudi- a whole, as well as the more recent results examining the
nal studies interested in cognitive abilities in general was characteristics of the different constructs of reading.
8 The Genetics and Environments of Reading 115

Behavioral Genetic Findings together to make syllables and whole words (NRP, 2000).
There are many ways to measure phonological awareness,
Primary results from genetically sensitive designs within and one such measurement assesses “phoneme isolation”,
reading focused on univariate estimates of reading abil- which is the ability to separate and identify phonemes in
ity. “Univariate genetic estimates” define the mathematically whole words (e.g., responding that /k/ is the first sound
derived point estimates of genetic and environmental influ- in the word “cat”). Despite the numerous measurement
ences based on the variance of just one trait (e.g., any one options, confirmatory factor analysis suggests that phono-
reading construct). A cautionary note should be made here. logical awareness is a unitary construct (see Schatschneider,
There is no method for testing the differences between vari- Francis, Foorman, Fletcher, & Mehta, 1999).
ous genetic and environment point estimates, so care should Cross-sectional studies across a wide age range have
be taken if attempting to do so. Although overall magnitudes suggested moderate and statistically significant heritability
can be contrasted for descriptive purposes, valid comparisons estimates for phonological awareness, h 2 = 0.59 − 0.77
can only be made by differences in the significance of the (Olson, et al., 1994; Gayán and Olson, 2003). Shared envi-
estimates. ronment estimates were lower, and only significant when
individual measures of phonological awareness were used
(Olson, et al., 1994), rather than a latent factor (Gayán &
Olson, 2003), c2 = 0.14–0.27. Similarly, developmental
Univariate Analysis of Reading Skills studies of young readers suggest that genetics play an impor-
tant role in phonological awareness. Heritability estimates
Overall Reading Ability: Research has strongly suggested are moderate and significant, ranging from h 2 = 0.38 to
that genetic influences are important to reading ability and 0.60 across studies (Byrne et al., 2005; Kovas et al., 2005;
disability (see Pennington & Smith, 1983, 1988, for review; Petrill et al., 2006a). Interestingly, estimates of shared envi-
Stevenson et al., 1987). Some of the first point estimates of ronment ranged greatly in these younger samples, from c2 =
“reading ability” (based on a single measurement of read- 0.06 to 0.43. The Petrill et al. (2006a) study was the only
ing accuracy and reading comprehension) suggested genetic one to report a significant estimate (representing the high-
influences of h 2 = 0.44 on average (Stevenson et al.). In con- est estimate) within the developmental studies. Therefore,
trast, shared environmental influences were lower, at around these results suggest that phonological awareness has mod-
c2 = 0.27 (Stevenson et al.). Pennington and Smith (1988) erate genetic influences, and possible shared environmental
concluded after a lengthy and inclusive review of the litera- influences.
ture, that “dyslexia is familial, heritable, and genetically het- Rapid Automatized Naming (RAN) is the ability to name
erogeneous” (p. 820), a remark that is still valid today. a series of familiar visual objects (usually letters, numbers,
More recently, the literature has moved away from the ini- colors, and simple pictures of objects) as quickly as pos-
tial interest in simply measuring reading ability with psycho- sible with the fewest amounts of errors (Wolf, Bowers, &
metric tests, and has recognized the importance of studying Biddle, 2000). Initial research on rapid naming showed that
the gene and environmental influences on the constructs of the ability of the task to predict reading ability is in the
reading, in addition to overall reading skills. speed at which the task is completed, not the accuracy of the
Beginning with the Colorado Reading Project, subse- task (Denckla & Rudel, 1976). The theoretical importance
quent research has suggested that the individual constructs of of RAN as an individual reading construct, separate from
reading, such as phonology, rapid naming, orthography, and phonological awareness, is a continuing source of debate
reading comprehension, show modest to moderate genetic (Torgesen, Wagner, Rashotte, Burgess, & Hecht, 1997; Wolf
influences, with varying estimates of shared environmental & Bowers, 1999). Although RAN is moderately correlated
influences (see Olson, Gillis, Rack, DeFries, & Fulker, 1991; with phonological awareness (r = 0.38), it also contributes
Gayán & Olson, 2001, 2003; Harlaar, Spinath, Dale, & significant unique variance to reading ability beyond phono-
Plomin, 2005; Knopik, Alarcón, & DeFries, 1998; Olson, logical awareness, suggesting that it is an important, and
et al., 1994; Petrill et al., 2006a). These are described in more separate from phonological awareness, concept of reading
detail below: (Swanson, Trainin, Necoechea, & Hammill, 2003; Wolf
Phonological Awareness is one of the most important et al., 2000).
predictors of early reading (see National Reading Panel Behavioral genetic estimates for RAN are highly con-
(NRP), 2000, for a review). Phonological awareness (PA) is sistent. Cross-sectional results suggest a moderate genetic
the ability to isolate and manipulate phonemes in speech. A influence, h 2 = 0.62, with a very low and non-
“phoneme” is the smallest component of language, and is the significant estimate for shared environmental influence
sound that a letter, or a group of letters, makes. There are (Davis et al., 2001). Similar to cross-sectional studies,
approximately 41 phonemes in English, and these combine genetic influences were significant ranging from h 2 = 0.60
116 S.A. Hart and S.A. Petrill

(Byrne et al., 2005) to 0.77 (Petrill et al., 2006a). Shared genetic aspect to reading comprehension, and little to no
environment influences were not significant at any age range, influence of shared environment.
with estimates ranging from c2 = 0.01 to 0.17. Taken together, one common theme across the differ-
Orthographic Coding is another reading construct that is ing aspects of reading is that genetics play a signifi-
similar to phonological decoding. Orthographic coding is the cant role in reading irrespective of age. In contrast, the
ability to distinguish between homophones, which are words significance of shared environmental influences is less con-
that sound the same, but differ in meaning, and sometimes sistent (Byrne et al., 2002; Gayán & Olson, 2001, 2003;
spelling. Simple phonology would not help with the irreg- Petrill, Deater-Deckard, Schatschneider, & Davis, 2005;
ular spelling seen frequently in English, such as choosing Petrill et al., 2006a). In particular, the magnitude, and there-
whether “anser” or “answer” is the correct word (Gayán & fore, in some cases, the significance, of the shared environ-
Olson, 2003). Further, in some cases, homophones must be ment on reading ability and disability may vary depending
memorized as specific spelling patterns for each individ- on age, and amount of formal reading instruction required
ual word, such as the difference between the words “their”, for mastery. Shared environmental effects are moderate and
“they’re”, and “there” (Gayán & Olson, 2003). This skill significant in preschool- and early school-aged twins for the
allows for seamless reading, so that words are immediately “content-based” measures of reading (such as knowing let-
recognized, rather than having to be continually sounded out ters, c2 = 0.55, and grammar rules, c2 = 0.49; Byrne
using phonological processes (Kamhi & Catts, 2005). The et al., 2002; Petrill et al., 2006a). In contrast, “process-based”
two processes of orthographic coding and phonology are measures, such as the ability to rapidly identify and name
moderately correlated to one another after orthogonal rota- colors (c2 = 0.00), etc., do not show significant effects of
tion in factor analysis (r = 0.43), but they also each load shared environment (Byrne et al., 2005; Petrill et al., 2006a).
onto separate factors (Olson, et al., 1994). This is in contrast to older children (i.e., middle-to-late
Few behavioral genetic studies have examined ortho- grades school and high school) where the magnitude of the
graphic coding, and only one sample has published data that shared environment is negligible (Gayán & Olson, 2003).
could be found. Using the Colorado Reading Study sample, Although much more work is needed before conclusions can
Gayán & Olson (2003) found a significant point heritability be drawn, these results may be reflective of the importance
estimate (h 2 = 0.87) and a non-significant shared environ- of variability in direct formal instruction in early education,
mental estimate (c2 = 0.01). with genetic effects increasing as the majority of students
Reading Comprehension is another important reading meet basic reading criteria. In the first few years of formal
skill, most relevant to older readers (NRP, 2000). Com- instruction, individual differences among children is reflec-
prehension is a complex process, without an agreed upon tive of a wider variability in the skills first learnt at home
definition or a method of measurement, hindered by the (such as the beginnings of phonology instruction, being read
fact that it is not a unitary construct (i.e., “comprehension” to, etc.), and therefore represents shared environmental influ-
does not mean any one specific ability, but rather requires ences. As more children learn the fundamental aspects of
many abilities; Duke, 2005; Sweet, 2005). However, what reading through formal instruction, the variability related to
is accepted in the literature is that in addition to efficient these shared environmental effects may diminish, leading to
decoding, in order to comprehend text, the reader must larger genetic estimates. This is not to imply that environ-
also actively engage the text, purposely looking for keys to ments are not important for the development of reading –
understanding (NRP, 2000). The behavioral genetic litera- fifth graders have better reading skills on average than third
ture on reading comprehension is sparse, which is reflec- graders. However, those individual differences in reading
tive of the overall reading literature, which has tended to outcomes appear to be more heavily influenced by genetics
concentrate on early reading skills (e.g., decoding), and not in older children than younger children.
later comprehension skills. Therefore, the only available data
to present here is again from the Colorado group project
of older readers, and the WRRP project in early readers.
Davis et al. (2001) reported estimates of a composite mea-
Classification of the Extremes of Reading
sure of “reading” including measures of reading recogni- Ability/Disability
tion, spelling, and reading comprehension. In the normal
range twins, it was suggested that genetic influences were In addition to examining reading skills across the range
h 2 = 0.76 (no significance values given for all estimates) and of ability, others have examined the genetic and environ-
shared environment c2 = 0.09 (Davis et al., 2001). Similar mental etiology of reading disability. There have been sev-
effect sizes were obtained in the developmentally assessed eral methods employed to measure and classify disability,
Western Reserve Reading Project (Petrill et al., 2007). Sim- which is usually treated as a categorical variable (e.g., either
ilar to other reported reading constructs, there is a strong affected or not affected). The first, and most fundamental,
8 The Genetics and Environments of Reading 117

is to compare proband concordance rates (i.e., where both with heritability estimates from one study suggestive of
members of a pair are concordant for reading disability), giv- high genetic influences on reading disability measured by
ing an initial estimate of twin similarity in reading disability. a test of word recognition (h 2 g = 0.42; Light, DeFries, &
If the monozygotic (MZ) twins’ concordance rates for dis- Olson, 1998).
ability are higher than the dizygotic (DZ) twins, there is sug- As behavioral genetic studies have become more accepted
gestion of genetic influences. The more the two groups are within the field of reading, research has moved away from
similar in concordance, the greater the suggestion of shared the simple univariate estimates of various reading aspects
environmental influences. to examining the relationships among them. These con-
Another method for measuring and analyzing disabil- structs can be measured together with “multivariate genetic
ity is based on the idea that there is an underlying nor- estimates”, which is the operation of looking for genetic
mally distributed liability continuum that contains a certain and environmental overlap, as well as uniqueness, from the
threshold. Above the threshold, an individual is in one cat- covariance between multiple traits (e.g., between two reading
egory (e.g., not reading disabled), and below the threshold, concepts).
an individual is in another category (e.g., reading disabled;
Falconer, 1960). The proportion of individuals in each cat-
egory is defined by the area under the normal curve com-
pared to the area defined by the threshold curve. In twins, this
technique allows for tetrachoric correlations to be calculated Multivariate Analysis of Reading –
based on zygosity, and from these, genetic and environmental Relationships Between Components
estimates can be made.
The third method for analyzing disability is the DeFries– Before our discussion on the covariance between various
Fulker (DF; DeFries & Fulker, 1985) analysis, which com- reading components, it is important to first mention the
pares co-twins means, rather than variances, to determine literature examining the gene–environment contribution to
the etiology of the extremes of reading ability. When a twin the moderate to strong correlations between general cogni-
is selected for low ability, the co-twin’s score will regress tive ability, “g”, and individual reading components (e.g.,
toward the mean. Greater dizygotic twins’ regression to the Conners & Olson, 1990). In their cross-sectional sample,
mean over the monozygotic twins’ is suggestive of genetic Gayán and Olson (2003) reported a moderate correlation
influences. Equal regression to the mean by both groups is between the genetic influences in phonological awareness
suggestive of shared environmental effects. and the genetics of g (rg = 0.56), in a group of non-reading-
DeFries–Fulker analyses for reading disability suggest disabled older twins. Estimates of shared environmental
that group correlations (analogous to an interclass correla- influences were all non-significant. Moreover, the influence
tion, but in this context an indicator of how far a co-twin of g on reading (reading defined here as word recognition
regresses toward the population mean; Plomin et al., 2001) of fluency and phonemic decoding) was examined in 7-year-
reading disability between MZ twins are 0.90, and 0.65 for old twins by Harlaar, Hayiou-Thomas, and Plomin (2005)
DZ twins. This suggests that there is a group heritability for in their longitudinal sample. Approximately 17% of the total
reading disability, estimated at h 2g = (0.90–0.65) × 2 = 0.50 variance in reading was accounted for by genetic influences
(DeFries & Gillis, 1993; Plomin et al., 2001). Therefore, related to g. Put another way, a large portion of the genetic
from this it can be suggested that 50% of the mean dif- variance in reading was associated with genetic influences
ference between reading-disabled and non-disabled groups of g, as was exhibited by a genetic correlation of rg = 0.50
is due to genetic differences between the groups. More- (representing about 25% of the variance). Similarly, shared
over, because the magnitude of genetic effects are similar to environmental influences of g accounted for about 8% of the
those in the normal range, these data are consistent with the variance in reading, and shared environmental effects also
hypothesis that the genes responsible for reading disability correlated highly (rc = 0.68). In other words, although there
are the same genes responsible for reading ability (Plomin & was only a low influence of shared environment on reading in
Kovas, 2005). this sample, that amount was highly shared with g (Harlaar,
Similarly, liability threshold analyses have suggested that Thomas et al., 2005). This would suggest that the shared
genetic effects are significant for word recognition (Harlaar, environmental influences for both reading and g are almost
Dale, & Plomin, 2005). Tetrachoric correlations from this the same in this sample. In the Western Reserve Twin Project
study are quite similar to the correlations given above, rMZ = sample, Luo, Thompson, and Detterman (2003) found sim-
0.92 and rDZ = 0.67 (Harlaar, Dale et al., 2005). Continu- ilar results in very different measures of general cognitive
ous ability analyses (i.e., comparing reading-disabled groups ability and reading ability. The authors found that about 30%
to non-disabled groups, with both groups being treated as of the variation within a scholastic achievement measure of
a normal population) have also resulted in similar results, reading was accounted for by a mental speed component of
118 S.A. Hart and S.A. Petrill

an IQ test, and this covariation was largely due to genetic reading outcomes (measures of reading ability that are
effects. not necessarily defined by only one construct, such as the
Beyond “g”, there have been studies examining the unique ability to recognize and define a whole word). However,
and shared etiology between the different constructs of read- Petrill et al. (2006b) did not find significant unique genetic
ing. In their cross-sectional study, Gayán & Olson (2001) effects for RAN independent from phonological awareness.
examined the genetic covariance between phonological Moreover, Petrill et al. (2006b) did not find evidence for
awareness and orthographic coding. Results suggested that shared environmental effects on RAN related to PA (just
genetic influences on orthographic coding deficits correlated independent effects for PA), but Byrne et al. did find overlap.
0.28–0.39 with deficits in phonological awareness mea- Despite the lack of complete overlap in results, there is
sures. In a similar study in twin normal readers, Gayán and evidence for a genetic overlap between rapid automatized
Olson (2003) found that genetics in phonological awareness naming and phonological awareness across both studies.
correlated rg = 0.55 with the genetics in orthographic cod- The results from the univariate and multivariate analy-
ing. No shared environmental estimates were reported in the ses are suggestive of two important points. First, reading
2001 study, and none of the estimates were significant in the ability is a complex skill that involves multiple genetic and
2003 study, and were therefore also not reported. Bates et al. environmental influences – there is no one gene or environ-
(2007) found analogous results in their sample of adolescent ment “for” reading. Second, different aspects of reading (e.g.,
twins when tested for “irregular word” and “nonword” read- phonology, rapid naming) overlap and this overlap is heavily
ing (representing orthographic coding and phonological cod- influenced by genes. However, it is important to note that
ing, respectively). The authors found that 59% of the vari- statistically significant genetic estimates do not mean that
ance between the two factors was due to common genetic environments do not matter. Reading is a learned skill, and
influences. However, there were also independent genetic gene–environment effects are included in heritability esti-
effects, representing 14% of the variance in irregular word mates.
reading, and 11% of the variance in nonword reading. Shared
environmental variance had no effect in this model. It appears
that although there is similarity within orthographic coding Identifying Genetic and Environmental
and phonological awareness accounted for by overlapping Effects
genetics (perhaps because phonology skills are necessary
for orthography), the two processes also show independence
when measuring deficits within them. To this point, we have described methodologies that indi-
Moreover, there has been literature examining the rela- rectly estimate genetic and environmental influences by com-
tionship between reading and fluency. Davis et al. (2001) paring the covariance among family members with different
were interested in the correlation between rapid automatized levels of genetic relatedness (MZ vs. DZ twins, biological
naming (RAN; split here into two components, numbers and siblings vs. adoptive siblings). While these methods remain
letters, and colors and objects) and various reading aspects useful, in particular, multivariate genetic methods (as this
(phonological decoding and orthographic coding) in the Col- technique allows for a more general and complete under-
orado Twin Study. Bivariate results suggested significant standing of the relationship between all aspects of reading),
genetic effects, with h 2 g = 0.09–0.25 (colors and objects researchers have also begun to attempt to identify specific
being the lower estimate) between phonological decoding genetic and environmental factors that affect reading ability.
and RAN, and h 2 g = 0.21–0.45 (colors and objects being
the lower estimate) between orthographic coding and RAN.
Another ongoing debate concerns the association Molecular Genetics
between rapid automatized naming (RAN) and phonological
awareness (PA). As mentioned above, the two constructs Molecular genetic research within reading has informed the
are correlated (r = 0.39), but are factorially distinct literature on the location of possible candidate loci that may
(Swanson et al., 2003). Byrne et al. (2002) found that there explain a portion of the heritability of reading and related
was substantial shared genetic influence between RAN and outcomes (see Grigorenko, 2005, for review; Smith, Kimber-
PA, as well as independent genetic effects on RAN affecting ling, Pennington, & Lubs, 1983). Linkage analysis has been
reading outcomes in a longitudinal sample of young used for the majority of the reports on quantitative trait loci
readers. Petrill, Deater-Deckard, Thompson, DeThorne, (QTLs) in reading disability. Briefly, a “QTL” is a region of
and Schatschneider (2006b) also found that RAN and PA the genome that is attributed to a phenotypic trait, and is a
independently predicted reading outcomes in a young reader stretch of DNA that is related to genes that explain variance
longitudinal sample, and that there was a general genetic in that trait. Linkage is established when a genetic marker(s)
factor influencing the covariance between RAN, PA, and co-occurs with a particular phonotype (in this case, reading
8 The Genetics and Environments of Reading 119

disability) within a family of known ancestry. When exam- associated with reading disability. Researchers have also
ining just the children of a family for linkage analysis, sib- identified another gene on the 6p chromosome (KIAA0319)
lings with the given phenotype are expected to show the same that appears to be a candidate gene for reading disability,
version of the marker. Siblings without the phenotype are although the function of this gene has yet to be identified
expected to show a different version of the marker related (Cope et al., 2005). In general, as more large-scale geneti-
to that of the phenotype in question. Siblings in which one cally sensitive designs (e.g., twin projects) become available
sib has the phenotype and the other does not are expected to for association studies, then the ability for replication of pre-
show different versions of the marker. vious results within a developmental framework, as well as
Replicated results of QTLs via linkage studies have been the opportunity to identify more candidate genes for reading
reported for chromosome 15 (15q), chromosome 6 (6p21.2- disability, will come to fruition.
23 and 6q), chromosome 2 (2p15-p16), chromosome 3
(3cen), chromosome 18 (18p), chromosome 11 (11p), chro-
mosome 1 (1p34-p36), and the sex chromosome X (Xq27;
see Fisher & DeFries, 2002; Grigorenko, 2005 for review). The Environment
The 6p21.2-23 region has attracted considerable interest.
This region of chromosome 6 was first investigated because Although evidence for genetic influences is substantial, this
it contains the human leukocyte antigen (HLA) region, and does not mean that the environment is not important for the
phenotypically, there is common co-occurrence of reading development of reading. Reading is clearly a learned skill
disorders and autoimmune disorders within families (Car- and intervention studies suggest that the environment has
don et al., 1994). Various studies interested in looking for important effects. In particular, the National Reading Panel
reading QTLs at this site for various reading constructs have (NRP, 2000) conducted a review of instruction of phonology,
been differentially successful. Gayán et al. (1999) found evi- looking at the effect of instruction on subsequent measures
dence of a QTL for orthographic coding and phonological of phonological awareness, as well as on reading outcomes.
decoding on chromosome 6 (6p22.3B-6p22.1). Alternatively, The group found that instruction in phonological awareness
meta-analysis has suggested that RAN is not associated with resulted in a large effect on subsequent measures of phono-
any region on chromosome 6 (Grigorenko, 2005). logical awareness (0.86, where 0.00 is no effect, and 0.80
Despite some successes, QTLs are generally difficult to and above is a large effect), and had a moderate effect on
replicate, so while markers have been identified, the field is reading outcomes (0.53), with results lasting over a period
not close to finding all of the markers associated with read- of months. Moreover, numerous researchers have explored
ing ability/disability. It has been suggested that this may be reading intervention techniques using scientific methodology
due to differential linkage by the different reading pheno- to determine the effectiveness of such early reading skills
types, which are expressed at varying regions of the genome (see Foorman & Ciancio, 2005, for review). Foorman and
(Grigorenko et al., 1997), which the results above would seem colleagues suggested in one study where they looked at the
to suggest is true. In other words, component QTLs, such effect of increasing teaching effectiveness in low-income
as for phonological awareness, may be located in different schools that “reading development was not immutable; stu-
areas in the genome than comprehension components, and dents were improving in reading” (Foorman et al., 2006,
may also be influenced by how that construct was measured. p. 23). There is substantial evidence that reading interven-
More recently, association studies have been brought to tions have an effect on subsequent reading outcomes, even
bear to identify specific genes within the general chromoso- above a students’ initial reading level (Foorman et al., 2006).
mal regions identified by linkage studies. Association stud- Additionally, the reading socialization literature has
ies use a between-subjects design, where a large group of described various characteristics of the home that are asso-
unrelated people are studied, and any co-occurrence of a ciated with reading ability. For example, parental involve-
phenotype and a known marker in a large proportion of the ment and expectations for their children are influential to
sample suggests that a marker is responsible for the pheno- early reading success, even beyond the child’s own interest
type. These types of studies require large sample sizes, and in reading (Briggs & Elkind, 1977; Thompson, Alexander,
are just beginning to be utilized within the reading litera- & Entwisle, 1988). It has been shown that parents having
ture (for example, Francks et al., 2004). Using association a high opinion of the value of education and having high
methodology based on results from previous linkage litera- expectations for their children are also related to good school
ture, Meng et al. (2005) examined the DYX2 gene on the outcomes (Stevenson & Lee, 1990). Further, some evidence
6p22 QTL as a possible candidate gene for reading disabil- for the importance of parental reading behaviors has been
ity. They discovered that the gene, which codes for modu- suggested. The “Family Literacy Environment”, exemplified
lation of neuronal development areas of the brain already by shared reading with parents and children, trips to the
associated with reading fluency, is a good candidate gene library, and supervised homework time, has been shown to
120 S.A. Hart and S.A. Petrill

be positively associated with reading outcomes (Christian, However, there are aspects of learning to read that we
Morrison, & Bryant, 1998; Griffin & Morrison, 1997). More- yet do not understand. First, most longitudinal studies to this
over, there is the suggestion that this influence of the Family point have focused on the development of early reading. This
Literacy Environment is only important in future reading out- means that the results so far from these twin projects have
comes in pre-kindergarten, and is not influential in children’s been intimately tied with the development of decoding skills
scores after kindergarten (Rebello Britto, 2001). only. What we do not know is if the reported effects will
However, because these environmental variables are mea- persist once these children master decoding and move into
sured within biological families living together, it is not pos- comprehension-based skills. As the importance of a differ-
sible to separate the genetic and environmental etiology of ent skill set becomes clearer, a genetic discontinuity may be
these experiences. “Passive gene–environment correlation” seen. Secondly, we do not know how the etiology of the envi-
occurs when children are in environments that are correlated ronment will change during this developmental shift. As chil-
with their parent’s genes, such as if parents are avid read- dren mature and complete early reading instruction, they may
ers, their children are more likely to grow up in a house become more in control of their reading and their reading
with many books. Therefore, the possibility of passive gene– environments. As this occurs, shared environmental effects
environmental effects cannot be ruled out (as the effects of may lessen increasing the importance of genetic effects.
genes and environments within a related family cannot be Apart from the generalized influences of genetics and
separated). Therefore, throughout the above discussion of environments on the development of reading, we also do
environmental variables, the results could be, in fact, reflec- not know how different aspects of reading (e.g., language,
tive of a passive gene–environment correlation. This issue decoding, and phonology) vary as reading develops. One
must also be recognized in further studies by twin projects next step in the multivariate analyses of reading is to exam-
attempting to identify specific environmental mediators in a ine how genes and environments impact the development of
behavioral genetic perspective. reading using broader assessment strategies across a broader
Adoption studies, however, are able to determine if an age range. Presently, there is considerable genetic overlap
identified environmental variable truly is a shared environ- between many aspects of reading, but this overlap may be
mental influence, and not a passive gene–environment corre- due to the fact that measures of reading used in behavioral
lation, as the methodology involves non-genetically related genetic studies overemphasize decoding. Moreover, many of
families living together. One such project has identified a the research projects done to date have focused on a nar-
specific shared environmental variable within an adoption row developmental timeframe – so it is unclear how genes
study. In young readers, Petrill et al. (2005) found that num- related to decoding in early reading are related to later read-
ber of books read by mothers accounted for 5% of the vari- ing, which may be more language based as comprehension
ance in children’s vocabulary scores, suggesting that parental skills become more important. In other words, are there com-
modeling of reading is important in reading outcomes for mon genes shared between comprehension and language that
children (Taylor, 1983). Additionally, Petrill et al. (2005) are not overlapping with decoding, or, are the genetic influ-
found that the number of books read by the child accounted ences the same between these constructs throughout reading
for 5% of the variance in phonological awareness scores. development.

Better Understanding Identified Environments

Future Directions
and Genes

Developmental Genetic Studies of Reading Although initial research has attempted to highlight measures
of the environments associated with reading within genet-
Behavioral genetic studies have only just begun to assess ically sensitive designs, there are many more unanswered
reading as a developmental outcome. What has been found questions, in particular the effect of gene–environment pro-
from these studies, as well as the initial results from the lon- cesses in reading. There are three types of gene–environment
gitudinal projects, is threefold. First, there is a strong sug- (GE) correlation (Plomin, DeFries, & Loehlin, 1977). Again,
gestion that genetic influences are important, even in young passive GE correlation describes how children are in envi-
readers. Second, shared environments are important, but they ronments that are correlated with their parent’s genes (e.g.,
may be limited to measures of direct instruction, as well as number of books in the home). Reactive or evocative GE
to young readers only. Last, although the influences may be correlation occurs when an environment is provided for a
small, it is possible to identify specific aspects of the envi- child that is in reaction to that child’s genes (e.g., children
ronment that impact early reading acquisition. who show early reading precocity may be given more oppor-
8 The Genetics and Environments of Reading 121

tunity to read harder books by their parents). Finally, active reading development in three countries: Preliminary results. Annals
GE correlation is when a child actively searches for envi- of Dyslexia, 52, 49–73.
Byrne, B., Wadsworth, S., Corley, R., Samuelsson, S., Quain, P., &
ronmental situations as influenced by their genes. For exam-
DeFries, J. C. (2005). Longitudinal twin study of early literacy
ple, children with high reading ability may ask their parents development: Preschool and kindergarten phases. Scientific Studies
to read to them more often. Gene × environment interac- of Reading, 9(3), 219–235.
tion occurs when there is a nonlinear association between Cardon, L. R., Smith, S. D., Fulker, D. W., Kimberling, W. J.,
Pennington, B. F., & DeFries, J. C. (1994). Quantitative trait locus
genetic and environmental influences. For example, the her-
for reading disability on chromosome 6. Science, 266(5183), 276–
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and normal readers: A component-skills analysis. In D. A. Balota, G.
a research is great. In particular, there is a significant influ- B. Flores-d’Arcais, & K. Rayner (Eds.), Comprehension processes
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influences impact the probability of coming into contact with Cope, N., Harold, D., Hill, G., Moskvina, V., Stevenson, J., Holmans, P.,
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a susceptibility gene for developmental dyslexia. American Journal
question. Understanding these effects will allow us not only of Human Genetics, 76(4), 581–591.
to better understand reading and its components, but also the Curtis, M. E. (1980). Development of components of reading skill. Jour-
environments associated with reading. Both univariate and nal of Educational Psychology, 72, 656–669.
multivariate analyses will be useful in this regard, allowing Dale, P. S., & Crain-Thoreson, C. (1999). Language and literacy
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us to understand how specific environmental influences inter- 23–33.
act with genetic effects. Davis, C. J., Knopik, V. S., Olson, R. K., Wadsworth, S. J., & DeFries,
With respect to integrating molecular genetic, there is J. C. (2001). Genetic and environmental influences on rapid naming
potential to examine the relationship between specific DNA and reading ability: A twin study. Annals of Dyslexia, 51, 231–247.
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ity to specific environments. Although this type of research chology (pp. 121–145). Washington, DC: American Psychological
within reading has not yet been conducted, there has been DeFries, J. C., Plomin, R., Vandenberg, S. G., & Kuse, A. R. (1981).
notable success in the area of socioemotional development Parent-offspring resemblance for cognitive abilities in the Colorado
(see Moffitt, Caspi, & Rutter, 2005, for a review) and thus, Adoption Project Biological adoptive and control parents and one
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DeFries, J. C., Singer, S. M., Foch, T. T., & Lewitter, F. I. (1978). Famil-
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Chapter 9

Behavior-Genetic and Molecular Studies of Disorders of Speech

and Language: An Overview

Elena L. Grigorenko

Introduction the phenotypes to be investigated. It is never a trivial task,

and this certainly holds true for studies of typical and atypi-
As of September 2, 2007 when this chapter was written, cal language acquisition. Below I briefly review a number of
there were an estimated 994,638 words in the English lan- issues that are important to consider in this context.
guage (http://www.languagemonitor.com/). Everyone agrees
that we are not born with the knowledge of these words and
the rules by which they are strung together. A newborn child Concepts, Terminology, and Theories
does not know or use any words. However, a child entering
school has a lexicon of ∼13,000 words which, by the end of
schooling, expands to ∼60,000 words and during adulthood Before reviewing the behavior- and molecular-genetic stud-
reaches ∼120,000 words (Pinker, 1999). ies of disorders of speech and language (DSL), it is critical
How this ascent from 0 to 120,000 (and for a tiny minority, to introduce a number of concepts and terms that will be
all the way to 994,638!) occurs and how we acquire the rules used throughout the chapter. These terms pertain to both the
for assembling endless combinations of words into mean- psychological and linguistic “texture” of language and the
ingful sentences have been central questions in the fields deficiencies observed in children and adults with DSL.
of developmental and cognitive psychology and linguistics The phonetic (or phonological) representation of a word
since their emergence. This field of study within and across pertains to its pronunciation and understanding, whether spo-
disciplines is typically referred to as language acquisition. ken or written. Phonemes are the smallest units of sound
Although everyone agrees that language acquisition has dis- that form the texture of meaningful speech, whether oral or
tinct developmental stages, there is also consensus on the printed, in a given language. Every word in a language is
high number of individual differences that characterize this characterized by a particular internal structure. Morphology
process. Mounting evidence indicates that a very important pertains to studies of word structure or word formation and
source of these individual differences is the genome. The relationships between words; correspondingly, morpholog-
goal of this chapter is to review the behavior- and molecular- ical and lexical representations capture this type of word-
genetic studies elucidating the role of the genome in the atyp- related information. When words are connected together in a
ical acquisition of language that manifests itself in disorders manner specific to particular languages, they form sentences.
of speech and language. Internal structures of sentences and rules of word connect-
edness are captured by syntactic representations. Every real
word in a language has a meaning or several meanings asso-
ciated with it. This aspect of words and languages is captured
Defining the Phenotypes for Studies of DSL by semantic representations. Finally, the knowledge of the
appropriate use of words, phrases, and sentences in the con-
The first and, arguably, most essential step in behavior- and text of discourse or conversation is captured by pragmatic
molecular-genetic studies of complex behaviors is to define representation.
A fundamental question in studies of language acquisition
is how all these psychological representations are acquired
E.L. Grigorenko (B) and what goes wrong in the formation of these representa-
Child Study Center, Department of Psychology, Department of tions that leads to the development of a DSL. There are many
Epidemiology & Public Health, Yale University, New Haven,
CT 06519-1124, USA
competing theories regarding these issues and here I mention
e-mail: elena.grigorenko@yale.edu these theoretical debates only briefly and selectively.

Y.-K. Kim (ed.), Handbook of Behavior Genetics, 125

DOI 10.1007/978-0-387-76727-7 9,  c Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2009
126 E.L. Grigorenko

For example, there are competing accounts of the acqui- ture, functional properties, and/or learning capacities of the
sition and production of regular and irregular forms of models.
past tense and plural nouns in English (McClelland &
Patterson, 2002; Pinker & Ullman, 2002). Specifically, a
dual-mechanism theory (Pinker, 1991) postulates that the
Typologies of Disorders of Speech
generation of regular forms (e.g., worked and flowers) is
mechanistically different from the generation of irregular and Language
forms (e.g., sang and cacti). In detail, the generation of the
first type of words is driven by rules and procedural knowl- As mentioned earlier, there is substantial evidence that
edge, whereas the generation of the second type of words a sizable group of children have difficulties mastering
is explained by rule learning and declarative knowledge language acquisition in the typical way. These difficulties
(Pinker, 1999); the two mechanisms have different brain cor- have been observed and studied in children for a long time,
relates (Ullman et al., 1997). This framework is one of the but, presently, there is no clear classification of the related
number of specific realizations of the general approach that difficulties (Verhoeven & van Balkom, 2004). In fact, there
emphasizes the primacy of learning mechanisms that involve are many alternative classifications, some of which are
the abstraction of categorical, symbolic rules and the memo- institutionalized in diagnostic manuals or conventionally
rization of arbitrary facts that constitute exceptions to those used in research and clinical practice. For example, below
rules (Pinker, 1999). are categories used in the world’s two leading classification
An opposing position, known as the distributed process- manuals, published by the World Health Organization
ing (PDP) or connectionist model, argues for the similari- (ICD-10, http://www.who.int/classifications/icd/en/) and the
ties between generating rule-driven and exceptional forms American Psychiatric Association (DSM-IV, http://www.
and views them as products of a single connectionist lex- psychiatryonline.com/resourceTOC.aspx?resourceID=1),
ical processing system whose construction is driven by respectively. Specifically, the following categories are listed
statistical learning (Rumelhart & McClelland, 1987). In this in the corresponding manuals.
parallel processing model, different forms of linguistic rep- r ICD-10: ICD-10’s Chapter V (Mental and Behavioural
resentations are “graded functions of multiple probabilis-
tic constraints” (Haskell, MacDonald, & Seidenberg, 2003,
p. 130). In other words, in typical development, language – Disorders of Psychological Development
(both spoken and written)-related information is acquired r Specific Developmental Disorder of Speech and
by experiencing properties of different linguistic elements
Language (Specific Speech Articulation Disorder,
(e.g., phonemes, graphemes, morphemes, words, sentences)
Expressive Language Disorder, Receptive Lan-
in different contexts, and, thus, establishing the character-
guage Disorder, Acquired Aphasia with Epilepsy,
istics and constraints of permissible and impermissible lin-
Other Developmental Disorders of Speech and Lan-
guistic uses. When trained, the model generates performance
guage, and Developmental Disorder of Speech and
patterns with some variability in outcome that, arguably, can
Language, Unspecified).
be viewed as analogs of individual differences (Zevin &
Seidenberg, 2006). Similarly, an analog of an impairment has r DSM-IV: Disorders Usually First Diagnosed in Infancy,
been modeled by introducing random damage to the learning Childhood, or Adolescence
connectionist network (Plaut, 1996).
– Communication Disorders (Expressive Language Dis-
Although this debate originated in the domain of spoken
order, Mixed Receptive–Expressive Language Disor-
languages, it has been extended into the domain of read-
der, Phonological Disorder, Stuttering, and Communi-
ing studies as well [see (Coltheart, Curtis, Atkins, & Haller,
cation Disorder NOS).
1993; Coltheart, Rastle, Perry, Langdon, & Ziegler, 2001)
vs. (Seidenberg, 2005; Seidenberg & McClelland, 1989), for Even a cursory examination of these lists suggests sub-
dual-route and parallel processing/triangle models, respec- stantial uncertainty and disagreement in the field. More-
tively]. over, as mentioned earlier, the research literature does not
This debate also has an etiological twist. The first model directly map itself on either diagnostic manual. In this chap-
is identified as the nativist or innate model of language acqui- ter, I capitalize on the distinctions made in the research
sition, whereas the second model is typically viewed as the literature between disorders of speech and sound (Speech
“learned from experience” model. Yet, in spite of such dif- and Sound Disorders, SSD) and disorders of language (Spe-
ferentiation, it is important to note that, in fact, both models cific Language Impairment, SLI). In presenting behavior-
provide ample room for the role of genes in model acqui- and molecular-genetic findings, I use these two categories
sition by assuming that genes might influence the architec- broadly, including in SSD such disorders as apraxia and
9 Behavior-Genetic and Molecular Studies of Disorders of Speech and Language 127

stuttering, and in the SLI category both receptive and expres- disorders. For example, intending to account for SLI,
sive language disorders. researchers have suggested that this impairment is (1) a spe-
Two additional remarks are in order before I review the cific distortion of syntax acquisition (Rice et al., 1995); (2)
behavior- and molecular-genetic findings on DSL. a result of poor auditory perception (Bates, 2004); (3) a con-
First, as is the case for many other complex common sequence of phonological deficits (Joanisse, 2004); or (4) a
disorders, there is an ongoing debate about how to define deficit in processing capacity (Bishop, 1994a), or some com-
DSL: through their categorical distinctness as defined by bination of all these factors (Leonard, 1998). Of interest to
a bimodal distribution of some underlying liability trait, this discussion is that behavior-genetic research has been
or through their representation of the extreme lower end used to clarify the theoretical and phenomenological work
of normal developmental variation, where the distribution surrounding DSL. For example, in one study, researchers
does not separate typical and atypical language develop- (Bishop, Adams, & Norbury, 2006) attempted a direct com-
ment (Bishop, 1994b, 1995; Cole, Schwartz, Notari, Dale, & parison of selected theories by measuring indices of phono-
Mills, 1995). This debate is central to assumptions about the logical processing (short-term phonological memory) and
specificity vs. generality of the genetic mechanisms affect- grammaticality (a combined index of verb inflections) in a
ing typical and atypical (disordered) language acquisition. set of twins, ∼66% of whom were selected because of their
Specifically, if the distributions of typical and atypical skills language difficulties and ∼33% of whom were chosen at ran-
are assumed to be discrete, then different genetic mecha- dom from a large sample with no evidence of a language
nisms1 might be assumed to contribute to the acquisition of disorder. Both measures provided high estimates of heritabil-
different skills. If disordered skills are viewed as the lower ity for poor performance (0.61 and 0.74, for phonological
end of the normal distribution of language acquisition skills, and grammatical indicators, respectively). Bivariate analy-
then the same genetic mechanisms can be assumed to influ- ses revealed no indication of genetic overlap between the
ence the manifestation of both typical and atypical skills. two measures, suggesting that they were probably driven by
Second, although researchers may disagree on the char- different genetic etiologies. This finding is challenging to
acterization of the underlying linguistic–cognitive prob- explain within the context of theories that view SLI as an
lems, their findings on the manifestations of the disorders outcome of a phonological deficiency of some kind.
are quite consistent. Thus, children with SSD demonstrate In summary, given the debates in the field regarding gen-
inadequate mastery of sound production and perception eral mechanisms of language acquisition and specifics of
(Shriberg, 2002). Children with SLI demonstrate great dif- definition, manifestation, typologies, and theories of differ-
ficulty acquiring and using grammatical markers that express ent DSL, the task of defining phenotypes in behavior- and
purely structural relations (the so-called functional cate- molecular-genetic studies of DSL is critical. Therefore, in the
gories), such as various tense and agreement markers, includ- discussion below I distinguish between specific phenotypes
ing the past tense -ed, the third person singular -s, the aux- when these distinctions are important for the discussion.
iliary verb do, and so on (Cleave & Rice, 1997; Marshall &
van der Lely, 2006; Redmond & Rice, 2001; Rice, Cleave,
& Oetting, 2000; Rice, Tomblin, Hoffman, Richman, & Current Research and Issues
Marquis, 2004; Rice, Wexler, & Cleave, 1995; Rice, Wexler,
Marquis, & Hershberger, 2000; Rice, Wexler, & Red-
mond, 1999; van der Lely, 2005; van der Lely, Rosen, & An Overview of Behavior- and
Adlard, 2004; van der Lely & Stollwerck, 1996, 1997). Yet, Molecular-Genetic Studies of DSL
there are multiple theories attempting to explain specific
This main section of the chapter is subdivided into subsec-
tions covering studies of familiality and heritability as well
1 In fact, this “line of reasoning” can be also applied, hypothetically, to
as molecular-genetic studies of DSL.
different mutations within a single gene, with these mutations resulting
in different outcomes. For example, a null mutation (i.e., a mutation that
leads to the nonsynthesis of the protein coded by a mutated gene or to
the synthesis of a defective protein lacking its typical functional proper- Familiality and Heritability of DSL
ties) in a gene contributing to genetic variation in language acquisition
might result in the formation of a dichotomous distribution with indi-
There is substantial evidence that DSL cluster in fam-
viduals who possess such a mutation not able to acquire language at all.
A less deleterious mutation (i.e., one that challenges some but preserves ilies. Investigations of this clustering have been carried
other functions of a protein) might be associated with a less severe out using a number of methodologies, including biological
phenotype. Correspondingly, if many mutations of different degrees of (Choudhury & Benasich, 2003; Kidd, Heimbuch, Records,
deleteriousness exist within one gene, these various mutations (when, of
Oehlert, & Webster, 1980; Lahey & Edwards, 1995; Lewis,
course, considered, in a very large sample of individuals) might result
in a more continuous distribution. Ekelman, & Aram, 1989; Neils & Aram, 1986; Rice,
128 E.L. Grigorenko

Haney, & Wexler, 1998; Tallal et al., 2001; Tallal, Ross, to as KE), in which about 50% of the members suffer
& Curtiss, 1989; Tomblin, 1989) and adoptive family from a severe complex disorder that distorts speech, lan-
(Felsenfeld & Plomin, 1997) and twin designs (Bishop, guage, and cognitive functioning and is passed through
North, & Donlan, 1995; Felsenfeld et al., 2000; Howie, 1981; the generations in a simple Mendelian pattern of dom-
Lewis & Thompson, 1992; Tomblin & Buckwalter, 1998). inant transmission (i.e., the disorder is present in each
Evidence from these studies has clearly demonstrated the generation at a particular rate). Since the family was
importance of genetic factors in the development of various first presented in the literature (Hurst, Baraitser, Auger,
forms of DSL (e.g., stuttering, SSD, SLI). Graham, & Norell, 1990), many subsequent steps have
Specifically, Stromswold (1998) reviewed a number of been undertaken to track the manifestation (Alcock, Pass-
studies of familial aggregation of DSL. These studies indi- ingham, Watkins, & Vargha-Khadem, 2000a, 2000b; Gop-
cated a higher than expected presence of DSL among the nik & Crago, 1991; Gopnik & Goad, 1997; Vargha-
relatives of DSL probands: the median incidence rate for Khadem, Watkins, Alcock, Fletcher, & Passingham, 1995;
language difficulties in the families of children with lan- Watkins, Dronkers, & Vargha-Khadem, 2002), brain cor-
guage impairment was 35% compared with a median inci- relates (Belton, Salmond, Watkins, Vargha-Khadem, &
dence rate of 11% in control families (Stromswold, 1998). Gadian, 2003; Liégeois et al., 2003; Vargha-Khadem
The reported prevalence estimates range from 24 to 78%, et al., 1998; Watkins, Vargha-Khadem et al., 2002), and
∼5–10 times higher than the 2–7% observed in the general genetic etiology of the disorder (Fisher, Vargha-Khadem,
population (Ambrose, Yairi, & Cox, 1993; Barry, Yasin, & Watkins, Monaco, & Pembrey, 1998; Lai, Fisher, Hurst,
Bishop, 2006; Bishop & Edmundson, 1986; Kidd, 1984; Vargha-Khadem, & Monaco, 2001; MacDermot et al., 2005).
Neils & Aram, 1986; Tallal et al., 1989). As mentioned earlier, this family’s phenotype is com-
Twin studies have consistently reported a substantive dif- plex, with deficiencies manifesting as verbal dyspraxia (i.e.,
ference in concordance between monozygotic and dizygotic speech articulation problems) and difficulties in receptive
twins, with the former showing higher concordance rates and expressive vocabulary and language morphology and
than the latter (ranging from 25 to 100% in the published lit- syntax. Of note also is that, in the KE family, difficulties
erature; for a review, see Stromswold, 2001), thus, indicating penetrate all types of linguistic processing (i.e., oral and writ-
the presence of genetic influences (Felsenfeld et al., 2000; ten language) in aspects of both reception and production.
Howie, 1981; Lewis & Thompson, 1992; Tomblin & Buck- Finally, as a group, when compared with the unaffected indi-
walter, 1998). In addition, heritability estimates are high for viduals in the pedigree, affected individuals are characterized
a variety of psychometric indicators capturing psycholog- by lower nonverbal IQ, although the cognitive difficulties do
ical processes thought to be deficient in DSL (DeThorne not co-segregate “true” with speech and language difficulties;
et al., 2006; Kovas et al., 2005). Of note is that heritabil- this might suggest that two independent disorders segregate
ity estimates appear to be high whether ascertained directly in this family. Thus, the phenotypic texture of difficulties
from the child through psychometric assessment or clinical transmitted in this pedigree is complex. Moreover, a num-
interview or through parent or teacher report (Bishop, Laws, ber of deficits (e.g., cognitive deficits) are observed among
Adams, & Norbury, 2006). unaffected individuals. Yet, there appears to be a single phe-
Thus, considered holistically, the accumulated evidence notype that best differentiates affected and unaffected indi-
points to the substantial role of genes and relatively small viduals – individual performance on a nonword repetition
role of environment in the development and manifestation task (Watkins, Dronkers et al., 2002).
of DSL. Yet, collectively, these studies have not revealed Given the dominant pattern of transmission of this com-
particular replicable modes of transmission for any of the plex disorder in the KE family, researchers expected that the
DSL, although multiple attempts have been made (e.g., disorder was controlled by a single major gene (for a more
Ambrose et al., 1993; Cox, Kramer, & Kidd, 1984; Lewis, complete review of the genetic etiology of the disorder in the
Cox, & Byard, 1993; Viswanath, Lee, & Chakraborty, 2004). KE family, see Fisher, Lai, & Monaco, 2003). To identify
Presently, it is hypothesized that, as is the case for many this gene, a genome-wide screen of the pedigree was carried
complex common disorders, the etiology of DSL is probably out; the maximum-strength signal (LOD = 6.62) was local-
related to linear and interactive influences of combinations of ized to a small interval on the long arm of chromosome 7
genetic and environmental factors (Smith, 2007). (7q31). This interval was reported to have, at that point, 20
known genes and 50 unknown transcripts. Researchers nar-
rowed it down by genotyping a number of additional newly
The KE Family generated polymorphism markers; this resulted in the exclu-
sion of four genes. They then prepared to launch a sys-
A very special and interesting case is a large, three- tematic sift through the unexcluded genes and transcripts
generation pedigree from the United Kingdom (referred in the region (Lai et al., 2000). This exercise, which could
9 Behavior-Genetic and Molecular Studies of Disorders of Speech and Language 129

have been extremely lengthy given the size of the inter- These investigation unfolded for more common cases of
val of interest, was shortened substantially by the identifi- speech and language impairments (Meaburn, Dale, Craig,
cation of a patient (named CS) unrelated to the KE family & Plomin, 2002; Newbury et al., 2002; O’Brien, Zhang,
who was diagnosed with verbal dyspraxia and language Nishimura, Tomblin, & Murray, 2003) and autism (Bartlett
impairment and had a balanced exchange of genetic material et al., 2002; Newbury et al., 2002). At present, there is no
between chromosomes 5 and 7 (a balanced translocation). consistent evidence supporting the involvement of FOXP2 in
On chromosome 7, the translocation involved region 7q31; more common forms of DSL than those in the KE family and
further investigation of the breakpoint led to the identifica- a few interesting cases.
tion of a partially characterized gene, then called CAGH44. Conscientious of the apparent noninvolvement of FOXP2
Using bioinformatics, researchers assembled the entire cod- in DSL in the general population, researchers carried out a
ing region of this gene and confirmed the assembly by ana- number of molecular-genetic studies of DSL of two differ-
lyzing the messenger RNA derived from the sequence. This ent types: (1) whole-genome screens and (2) regional stud-
analysis resulted in the discovery that the gene encoded a ies of various forms of DSL. Using whole-genome scans,
DNA-binding motif, a three-dimensional structural element researchers attempted to identify regions of the genome that
or fold within the DNA sequence, which also appeared in a might contain susceptibility genes for DSL anew, whereas
variety of other molecules, the so-called forkhead/winged- in the regional studies the task was to test for linkage with
helix domain (Kaufmann & Knöchel, 1996). Correspond- DSL those regions that have been implicated in comorbid
ingly, the gene was renamed FOXP2 (forkhead box P2). This developmental disorders such as autism and developmental
family of genes codes for proteins that specifically bind to dyslexia. Here both types of studies are illustrated briefly.
promoter or enhancer regions on DNA and thereby control
the transcription of other genes. It was shown that the break-
point in patient CS disrupted one copy of the FOXP2 gene, Genome-Wide Screens of DSL Phenotypes
right between exons 3 and 4. Following up on the informa-
tion from this patient, the researchers decided to sequence For example, five large extended Canadian families of Celtic
the coding region of the FOXP2 gene in the KE family. This ancestry meeting criteria of SLI were genotyped with a set of
exercise divulged a G-to-A nucleotide change in exon 14. highly polymorphic markers spaced at ∼9 cM apart (Bartlett
This mutation, which substituted the amino acid histidine for et al., 2002). Three categorical (discrete, diagnostic) pheno-
the amino acid arginine, was not found in a single individ- types were used in these analyses: (1) language impairment
ual from a group of 364 screened control subjects without (spoken language quotient standard score of 0.85); (2) read-
DSL, but co-segregated perfectly with the affected status in ing impairment (1 SD discrepancy between performance IQ
the KE family and, thus, was recognized as a cause of the and nonword reading ability); and (3) clinical impairment
disorder transmitted in this family (Lai et al., 2001). Subse- (poor performance on language or reading subtests and/or
quent investigations of other patients with similar phenotypes at least 2 years of therapeutic intervention). The outcomes
revealed additional mutations in FOXP2 that caused defi- of this analysis identified a number of regions of interest, in
ciencies in these patients (MacDermot et al., 2005). It was order of the significance of the findings: 13q21 (for the phe-
hypothesized that, like other transcription factors, the FOXP2 notype of reading impairment), 2p22 (language impairment),
protein might be important in embryogenesis, especially at and 17q23 (reading impairment).
the stage of brain development (Fisher et al., 2003). However, Another whole-genome scan (density at ∼8 cM) was
the specifics of this causal chain have yet to be determined carried out with 219 sibpairs from 98 small UK nuclear
(French et al., 2007; White, Fisher, Geschwind, Scharff, & families ascertained through probands with SLI (The SLI
Holy, 2006), although new promising evidence indicates the Consortium, 2002). In this study, the phenotypes were cap-
FOXP2-based regulation of the expression of other genes tured by quantitative traits, specifically the receptive and
(e.g., CNTNAP2) whose function may be challenged in dis- expressive scales of a standardized clinical assessment bat-
orders of speech and language (Vernes et al., 2008). tery of language functioning and a test of nonword repeti-
tion. The results revealed two susceptibility regions, 16q24
(nonword repetition) and 19q13 (expressive language), in
Molecular-Genetic Studies of DSL order of significance. Each of the identified regions spans
∼30 cM and potentially contains ∼100 genes (Haines &
The identification of FOXP2 as a causal gene for DSL Camarata, 2004). To follow up on previously reported find-
in the KE family and four additional cases of complex ings, the researchers ascertained an additional sample of 86
DSL generated significant attention and enthusiasm for this new families; both regions were linked in this sample as
gene. A number of researchers began to investigate genetic well [however, both regions 16q and 19q appeared to be
associations between FOXP2 and different types of DSL. linked to nonword repetition (The SLI Consortium, 2004)].
130 E.L. Grigorenko

Furthermore, when both samples were amalgamated (393 as in the study by Suresh et al., 2006 and higher) is needed
sibpairs from 184 families), the 16q peak reached the thresh- to detect “weak” signals consistently; and (5) the phenotypic
old referred to as highly significant (MLS = 7.46 and 4.41 definitions of deficits segregating in families of the probands
for multipoint and single point, respectively). However, the of DSL might not be precise enough. All these possible
19q results were not replicated in the amalgamated sample, explanations of the inconsistency of the current pattern of
which might not be that surprising given both samples’ link results might be valid; thus, further molecular-genetic studies
to two different phenotypes. It is also curious that, although of DSL are needed to explain and understand this pattern.
smaller in magnitude, linkage in the same region on 16q was
established with three reading-related measures (basic read-
ing, spelling, and reading comprehension). Regional Studies of DSL Phenotypes
Five whole-genome scans have been carried out to detect
regions harboring genes controlling genetic variation in stut- In addition to genome-wide screens, a number of region-
tering, a developmental disorder of speech characterized by specific studies with a variety of DSL phenotypes have been
disfluency of verbal expression manifested in involuntary carried out. For example, in a large sample of families of
repetitions of sounds or syllables. Two whole-genome scans probands with SLI (O’Brien et al., 2003), the 7q31 region
were completed at the density of ∼10 cM with highly poly- was covered with six markers in and around the FOXP2 gene.
morphic markers (STRPs). One screen involved 68 families Although no genetic association with FOXP2 was estab-
of European ancestry; modest evidence for linkage (nonpara- lished, strong association was found with a marker within the
metric LOD = 1.51) was established for a region on 18q CFTR (cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator)
(Shugart et al., 2004). The second scan was done using sam- gene and the marker D7S3052, both adjacent to FOXP2.
ples from a large Cameroonian family (Levis, Ricci, Lukong, A different research group investigated a set of suscep-
& Drayna, 2004); this study provided evidence of linkage to tibility regions identified in studies of autism. Capitaliz-
1q21–1q22 (LOD = 2.27). The third scan included 46 highly ing on genetic findings in the field of autism and on a set
inbred Pakistani families (Riaz et al., 2005). Two suscepti- of results from their own whole-genome screen (Bartlett
bility regions were identified, one at 12q (LOD = 4.61) and et al., 2002), the researchers studied two SLI samples (one
the second at 1q (LOD = 2.93). The fourth whole-genome from Canada and one from the USA) for linkage to the
scan used a panel of 10,000 SNPs genotyped in 100 fam- previously identified regions on chromosomes 2, 7, and 13
ilies from The Illinois International Genetics of Stuttering (Bartlett et al., 2004). The formerly registered linkage to
Project and revealed general linkage peaks on chromosomes 13q21 was replicated in both samples. In addition, although
9q and 15q for the whole sample and sex-specific signals the overall evidence for linkage signals on chromosomes 2
on chromosomes 7q for male-only and 21q for female-only and 7 was weak, markers in the CFTR gene (see above)
data subsets, as well as evidence for gene × gene interactions demonstrated genetic association with the diagnosis of SLI.
involving chromosomes 15q and 13q, 15q and 20q, 12q and Following up on a lead obtained through studies of devel-
7q, 2q and 7q, and 2q and 9q (Suresh et al., 2006). Finally, opmental dyslexia, a different group of researchers explored
a genome screen was conducted on a sample of individu- linkage to the pericentrometric region of chromosome 3 in
als with stutters connected in a single 232-person Hutterite 77 families ascertained through a child with SSD (Stein
family: ∼1,200 markers, both STRPs and SNPs, were used et al., 2004). In this study, phenotypes were defined as quan-
(Wittke-Thompson et al., 2007). Three linkage signals were titative traits capturing a number of linguistic processes (i.e.,
detected (3q, 13q, and 15q), although none of them were par- phonological memory, phonological representation, articula-
ticularly strong. All five investigations used only categorical tion, receptive and expressive vocabulary, and reading decod-
diagnoses-based phenotypes, although more than one (e.g., ing and comprehension skills). Overall, the results indicated
narrow and broad, susceptibility and persistence) diagnostic the linkage of a number of the investigated phenotypes to
category was used. the region on chromosome 3, with the highest linkage score
In summary, although each particular study produced found for measures of phonological memory, followed by
an array of results, there were no obvious overlaps of scores for single-word decoding for both real and pseu-
chromosomal regions in the primary linkage analyses. Such dowords. Using the same but enlarged sample (151 fami-
a pattern of results might indicate that (1) many different lies), the same group of investigators also studied the 15q14–
genes are involved in the development and manifestation of q21 region that had been previously implicated in a number
DSL; (2) DSL are very heterogeneous disorders and each of studies of developmental disorders including autism and
disorder might have its own genetic etiology; (3) no study, developmental dyslexia. A categorical phenotype of SSD and
when considered separately, has enough power to produce a number of SSD-related continuous phenotypes were used
consistent results and some of these signals might still be in these analyses. Positive linkage signals were obtained for
false positives; (4) a higher density of genetic markers (e.g., the 15q14 region for the phenotypes of SSD, and quanti-
9 Behavior-Genetic and Molecular Studies of Disorders of Speech and Language 131

tative phenotypes of oral motor function, articulation, and example of the KE family indicates that there might be major
phonological memory (Stein et al., 2006). Yet another region, genes that differentiate families like KE and individuals like
1p34–36, previously implicated as a candidate region for CS from the general population by the impact of a gene such
developmental dyslexia, was investigated in the same sample as FOXP2. Given the multidimensional nature of their phe-
with two categorical diagnoses (SSD and SLI) and a number notypes, KE family members and CS truly form a subgroup
of DSL-related phenotypes. Globally speaking, the linkage of individuals different from the general population – rare
to 1p34–36 was replicated, although the specific peaks varied distinct examples of DSL. Yet, the mutations in FOXP2 do
for different phenotypes. The strongest signals were obtained not appear to generalize to “common” forms of DSL and
for articulation and listening comprehension, although the account for only a very small number of cases. Thus, it is
precise locations of these signals did not overlap (Miscimarra plausible that other genes, which may or may not be func-
et al., 2007). tionally related to FOXP2, account for common DSL.
Still another set of region-specific studies was carried Second, the landscape of findings discussed in this chapter
out on another sample of 86 probands with SSD and their underscores even more the importance of carefully defining
siblings from 65 families (Smith, Pennington, Boada, & the phenotype to be studied. For example, many if not all
Shriberg, 2005). Seven phenotypes were used, among which theories of DSL include deficiencies in phonological rep-
were five indicators of speech development and two spoken resentation as an element of the clinical and psychological
language measures of phonological processing (nonword profiles of DSL. Latent deficits in phonological representa-
repetition and phonological awareness). These phenotypes tion can manifest in multiple constructs, which in turn can be
were investigated for linkage with markers on chromosomes captured by observed variables. One such construct is phono-
1p36, 6p22, and 15q21; all regions had been previously logical memory, a type of memory that ensures storage and
reported as susceptibility regions for developmental dyslexia. processing of phonemes and their sequences. Phonological
The results of this linkage investigation indicated the pres- memory can be captured and quantified through a number
ence of linkage for the speech and nonword reading pheno- of processes. For example, as discussed earlier, one measure
types with the regions on chromosomes 6 and 15, with sug- of phonological memory is the processing of nonwords – a
gestive results for the chromosome 1 locus. skill of repeating orally presented nonsense words of varying
levels of difficulty.
Chromosomal Abnormalities and DSL Correspondingly, familiality and heritability estimates can
be obtained for such a skill. For example, in one twin study
Similar to the description of patient CS, whose chromosomal the estimate of heritability for the indicator of nonword repe-
abnormality assisted in the identification of the FOXP2 gene, tition was close to 1.0, suggesting that genes are an important
other studies of isolated patients with various chromosomal source of individual differences for this trait (Bishop, North,
abnormalities that result in DSL have been published (e.g., & Donlan, 1996). Based on this and other findings, the phe-
Somerville et al., 2005 for 7q11.23; Tyson, McGillivray, notype of nonword repetition has been used as a phenotype
Chijiwa, & Rajcan-Separovic, 2004 for 7q31.3). Yet, the in molecular-genetic research, and linkage was established to
results of these single cases have not been generalized to any this phenotype (The SLI Consortium, 2004). In addition, the
family or population data. nonword repetition task appears to be the single phenotype
that best differentiates affected and unaffected individuals
(Watkins, Dronkers et al., 2002). It is also of interest that
Concluding Comments and Future Directions when samples of parents of probands with SLI and typically
developing children were compared on a number of psycho-
The review of the evidence in this chapter permits an logical indicators relevant to linguistic functioning (Barry
unequivocal conclusion that the development and manifes- et al., 2006), the two groups differed significantly in their
tation of DSL is driven, at least partially and substantially, performance on nonword repetition, oral motor, and digit
by genetic variation. Yet, in addition to this general state- span tasks. Although all three tasks highlighted important
ment, only a few remarks can be made with any degree of information that differentiated the two groups, the nonword
certainty. repetition task alone discriminated 75.8% of the cases. The
First, it appears that the genetic mechanisms involved in authors concluded that nonword repetition can be viewed as
DSL are complex. At the beginning of this chapter, the issue a reliable marker of family risk for language impairment.
of “general” vs. “specific” mechanisms unifying or differ- Finally, it has been shown in longitudinal studies of SLI that
entiating typical and atypical language acquisition was dis- twins with SLI had deficits in nonword repetition even when
cussed. In fact, the review of the literature carried out in this the holistic, syndromatic presentation of the disorder was not
chapter suggests that this differentiation might be inadequate, present (Bishop et al., 1996). Thus, it is possible that there
because both types of mechanisms might be at work. The are particular “dimensions” of all DSL that capture deficits
132 E.L. Grigorenko

common to all of them. Yet, given the diversity in the pre- References
sentation and course of different DSL, it is likely that each
disorder will have its unique dimensions. Alcock, K. J., Passingham, R. E., Watkins, K. E., & Vargha-Khadem,
Third, this “partial overlap/partial specificity” of multidi- F. (2000a). Oral dyspraxia in inherited speech and language impair-
mensional phenotypes of different DSL might lead to what is ment and acquired dysphasia. Brain & Language, 75, 17–33.
Alcock, K. J., Passingham, R. E., Watkins, K. E., & Vargha-Khadem, F.
now referred to as the retrospective and prospective comor- (2000b). Pitch and timing abilities in inherited speech and language
bidity of these disorders. For example, the typically observed impairment. Brain & Language, 75, 34–46.
onset of stuttering is between the ages of 3 and 6 years, Ambrose, N., Yairi, E., & Cox, N. J. (1993). Genetic aspects of early
with reported rates of natural, unassisted recovery of ∼75% childhood stuttering. Journal of Speech & Hearing Research, 36,
(Yairi & Ambrose, 1999, 2005). Thus, the prevalence of stut- Ardila, A., Bateman, J. R., Nino, C. R., Pulido, E., Rivera, D. B., &
tering as a lifetime disorder is much lower than its incidence Vanegas, C. J. (1994). An epidemiologic study of stuttering. Journal
(0.5–1% vs. 4–5%, respectively, Bloodstein, 1995; Felsen- of Communication Disorders, 27, 37–48.
feld, 2002). Yet, childhood stuttering is a significant risk fac- Barry, J. G., Yasin, I., & Bishop, D. V. (2006). Heritable risk factors
associated with language impairments. Genes, Brain & Behavior, 6,
tor for other DSL that develop later in life, even if stuttering 66–76.
stops manifesting (Ardila et al., 1994). It is possible that this Bartlett, C. W., Flax, J. F., Logue, M. W., Smith, B. J., Vieland, V. J.,
“continuity” in the context of developmental transformation Tallal, P., et al. (2004). Examination of potential overlap in autism
is due to the presence of particular dimensions of the com- and language loci on chromosomes 2, 7, and 13 in two indepen-
dent samples ascertained for specific language impairment. Human
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Finally, the issue of pleiotropy, or the impact of the same Bartlett, C. W., Flax, J. F., Logue, M. W., Vieland, V. J., Bassett, A. S.,
genes on multiple phenotypes, is also a theme that has been Tallal, P., et al. (2002). A major susceptibility locus for specific lan-
discussed multiple times in the literature on DSL, given the guage impairment is located on 13q21. American Journal of Human
Genetics, 71, 45–55.
substantive overlap in regions of linkage for a variety of Bates, E. A. (2004). Explaining and interpreting deficits in language
developmental disorders, such as SSD and developmental development across clinical groups: where do we go from here?
dyslexia (Miscimarra et al., 2007; Stein et al., 2006, 2004), Brain & Language, 88, 248–253.
and SLI and autism (Tager-Flusberg & Joseph, 2003). Once Belton, E., Salmond, C. H., Watkins, K. E., Vargha-Khadem, F., &
Gadian, D. G. (2003). Bilateral brain abnormalities associated with
again, whether these are true examples of pleiotropy or out- dominantly inherited verbal and orofacial dyspraxia. Human Brain
comes of the imprecision of phenotype definitions is yet Mapping, 18, 194–200.
to be determined. In this context, molecular-genetic stud- Bishop, D. V. (1994a). Grammatical errors in specific language impair-
ies of DSL can be instrumental in re-categorizing probands ment: Competence or performance limitations? Applied Psycholin-
guistics, 15, 507–550.
into those having particular genetic defects (e.g., particular Bishop, D. V. (1994b). Is specific language impairment a valid diagnos-
mutations) and those not having such defects and exploring tic category? Genetic and psycholinguistic evidence. Philosophical
their presentational features. Such classifications of probands Transactions of the Royal Society of London – Series B: Biological
based on their genetic etiology might result in the establish- Sciences, 346, 105–111.
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ment of more precise phenotypes and, possibly, the re-design ogy can inform genetics and vice versa. Quarterly Journal of Exper-
of clinical classifications. imental Psychology, 59, 1153–1168.
Nevertheless, although the field of behavior- and Bishop, D. V., Adams, C. V., & Norbury, C. F. (2006). Distinct
molecular-genetic studies of DSL today presents a varie- genetic influences on grammar and phonological short-term mem-
ory deficits: Evidence from 6-year-old twins. Genes, Brain &
gated quilt of findings with only a limited number of com- Behavior, 5, 158–169.
mon threads, it has been enormously productive in generat- Bishop, D. V., & Edmundson, A. (1986). Is otitis media a major cause of
ing exciting findings and providing leads and examples for specific developmental language disorders? British Journal of Dis-
studies of the genetic etiology of complex human behaviors. orders of Communication, 21, 321–338.
Bishop, D. V., Laws, G., Adams, C., & Norbury, C. F. (2006). High
heritability of speech and language impairments in 6-year-old twins
Acknowledgment Preparation of this article was supported by Grants demonstrated using parent and teacher report. Behavior Genetics,
R21 TW006764-02 from the Fogarty Program as administered by the 36, 173–184.
National Institutes of Health, Department of Health and Human Ser- Bishop, D. V., North, T., & Donlan, C. (1995). Genetic basis of specific
vices and R01 DC007665 as administered by the National Institute language impairment: evidence from a twin study. Developmental
of Deafness and Communication Disorders (PI: Grigorenko). Grantees Medicine & Child Neurology, 37, 56–71.
undertaking such projects are encouraged to express their professional Bishop, D. V., North, T., & Donlan, C. (1996). Nonword repetition as
judgment freely. Therefore, this chapter does not necessarily reflect a behavioural marker for inherited language impairment: evidence
the position or policies of the National Institutes of Health, and no from a twin study. Journal of Child Psychology & Psychiatry &
official endorsement should be inferred. The content of this chap- Allied Disciplines, 37, 391–403.
ter partially overlaps with Grigoranko (in press). I am thankful to Bloodstein, O. (1995). A handbook on stuttering. Chicago, IL: National
Ms. Robyn Rissman and Ms. Mei Tan for their editorial assistance Easter Seal Society.
and to Ms. Jodi Reich and anonymous reviewers for their helpful Choudhury, N., & Benasich, A. A. (2003). A family aggregation study:
comments. the influence of family history and other risk factors on language
9 Behavior-Genetic and Molecular Studies of Disorders of Speech and Language 133

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Chapter 10

Human Brain Volume: What’s in the Genes?

Jiska S. Peper, Marcel P. Zwiers, Dorret I. Boomsma, René S. Kahn, and Hilleke E. Hulshoff Pol

Introduction pairs (DZ, who share on average 50% of their segregating

genes). If brain volumes of monozygotic twin pairs resemble
The human brain continues to grow considerably after birth. each other more closely than those of dizygotic twin pairs,
Compared to measurements taken at birth (mean, SD was it can be inferred that variation of brain volumes is under
34.9, 1.1 cm), head circumference was found to increase genetic control. These findings from twins can be general-
by more than 30% in the first year (46.6, 1.3 cm); between ized to the general (singleton) population, particularly after
1 and 4 years of age it increased by another 9% (50.9, correcting for head size or intracranial volume (Hulshoff Pol
1.4 cm) and between 4 and 8 years by an additional 4% et al., 2002).
(53.4, 1.4 cm) in a normal cohort (Gale, O’Callaghan, Bre- Importantly, the high heritability of brain volume is func-
dow, & Martyn, 2006). Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) tionally relevant. For instance, the association between brain
research has shown that at 6 years of age total cerebral vol- volumes and intelligence was found to be of genetic origin
ume has reached 95% of its adult volume (Giedd et al., 1999). (Posthuma et al., 2002) and the association between frontal
However, the brain continues to show dynamic changes from gray matter volume and intelligence is suggested to be due
childhood into adulthood in overall gray and white matter to genetic factors (Thompson et al., 2001; Toga & Thomp-
and in subcortical structures. In early adolescence gray mat- son, 2004). Recently, the association of intelligence with
ter starts to decrease (Giedd et al., 1999), whereas overall frontal, occipital, and parahippocampal gray matter and con-
white matter volume still increases (Bartzokis et al., 2001; necting white matter was found to be influenced by genes
Giedd et al., 1999; Paus et al., 1999). Also, subcortical common to brain structure and intelligence (Hulshoff Pol
structures show developmental changes after childhood. For et al., 2006). These findings demonstrate that a common set
instance, the thalamus and caudate nucleus decrease with age of genes may underly the association between brain structure
(Sowell, Trauner, Gamst, & Jernigan, 2002) and the pos- and cognitive functions. However, in elderly twins, the asso-
terior hippocampus increases with age, whereas the ante- ciations between fronto-temporal brain volumes and execu-
rior hippocampus decreases with age (Gogtay et al., 2006) tive function were found to be due to common environmental
(for a review on brain maturation, see Toga, Thompson, & influences shared by twins from the same family (Carmelli,
Sowell, 2006). Reed, & DeCarli, 2002). These results point to the possibil-
The contribution of specific genes and environmental fac- ity that overlapping sets of genes or common environmental
tors to these developmental brain changes is currently not influences cause variation in two distinct phenotypes. How-
understood. However, it is known that in adulthood, the ever, other, causal, models are also consistent with the find-
extent of variation in human brain volume is highly herita- ings. It might be, for example, that a higher level of cognitive
ble, with estimates between 80 and 90% (Baaré et al., 2001; function leads a person to select an environment that also
Pennington et al., 2000; Pfefferbaum, Sullivan, Swan, & increases brain size. The genetic influence on brain size then
Carmelli, 2000). Most heritability estimates of brain volumes simply reflects the genetic influences on cognition. Thus, the
are based on data from monozygotic twin pairs (MZ, who specific mechanism, pathways, and genes that are involved in
are nearly always genetically identical) and dizygotic twin human brain morphology and its association with cognitive
functions remain elusive.
A few studies have been published in which particu-
J.S. Peper (B) lar genetic polymorphisms (a gene with at least two rela-
Department of Psychiatry, University Medical Center, Utrecht, tively common variants, also called alleles) are associated
The Netherlands with variation in brain structure. However, without some
e-mail: j.s.peper@umcutrecht.nl prior assumptions about which genes are good candidates,

Y.-K. Kim (ed.), Handbook of Behavior Genetics, 137

DOI 10.1007/978-0-387-76727-7 10,  c Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2009
138 J.S. Peper et al.

this may be comparable with searching for a needle in a syndrome (n=14), Velocardiofacial syndrome (N =14), and
haystack. Another approach to search for genes involved in other genetic approaches (N =11).
human brain volume might be to study subjects with a known If available, information on the number of subjects, p-
genetic makeup or a known genetic abnormality, i.e., groups values/effect sizes, age of the sample, and heritability esti-
in which the genetic variant is known, and to search for mates was extracted from the papers.
abnormalities in their brain volumes. This approach has also
been applied to study genes involved in cognitive impair-
ments in subjects with mental retardation (Nokelainen & Results
Flint, 2002).
Here we review the studies on the influence of genes Twin Studies and Human Brain Morphology
onto human brain volumes using quantitative magnetic reso-
nance imaging (MRI). To this end, twin studies are reviewed To determine the relative contribution of genetic, common,
to assess the heritability of human brain volume variation and unique environmental influences on variation in brain
in the general population. In addition, brain structures in structures, the (extended) twin model is a powerful approach
patients with diseases caused by mutations in genes located (Posthuma & Boomsma, 2000). For genetic influences (heri-
on autosomal chromosomes are discussed. For this pur- tability), the extent to which brain structures of monozygotic
pose, MRI brain studies on diseases with a clear genetic (MZ) twin pairs resemble each other more than in the case for
etiology were included, i.e., Huntington’s disease (expan- dizygotic (DZ) twin pairs is the determining factor. However,
sion of triplet repeat on chromosome 4), Down syndrome in addition to genetic influences, common (or shared) envi-
(21-trisomy), Williams syndrome (hemideletion on chromo- ronmental influences may play a role in explaining resem-
some 7q11.23), and Velocardiofacial syndrome (deletion on blances. The presence of shared environmental factors is sug-
chromosome 22q11). Finally, other genetic approaches to the gested when correlations in DZ twins are larger than half the
search of genes in brain structure are discussed. These other MZ correlation (Boomsma, Busjahn, & Peltonen, 2002). A
approaches include studies on brain volume of families with first impression of the importance of unique environmental
a particular genetic makeup, studies searching for genes in factors is obtained from the extent to which MZ twins do not
subjects with brain morphological abnormalities, and studies resemble each other.
on the association of brain volumes with genetic polymor- Brain structure in healthy MZ and DZ twin pairs was
phisms in candidate genes in healthy subjects. first quantitatively studied using computed tomography (CT)
(Reveley, Reveley, Chitkara, & Clifford, 1984) (Table 10.1).
In this study it was found that lateral ventricle varia-
tion was mostly explained by genetic factors. Later stud-
Current Research ies using MRI found high heritability estimates of global
brain measures including intracranial volume (>81%) (Baaré
et al., 2001; Carmelli et al., 1998; Pfefferbaum et al., 2000)
Methods and total brain volume (66–97%) (Baaré et al., 2001; Bart-
ley, Jones, & Weinberger, 1997; Pennington et al., 2000;
A PubMed indexed search was carried out for each of the Wright, Sham, Murray, Weinberger, & Bullmore, 2002).
three different approaches, with a limitation for human sub- The first twin-sibling study to measure the genetic contri-
jects and the following keywords: (1) (brain volume) or butions to variation in global gray and white matter found
(white/gray matter) and ((twin) or (heritability)); (2) (brain heritability estimates of 82% for gray matter and 88% for
volume) or (white/gray matter) and ((Huntington’s Disease) white matter (Baaré et al., 2001). The volumes of each
or (Down syndrome) or (Williams Syndrome) or (Velocar- cerebral hemisphere showed 65% heritability (Geschwind,
diofacial Syndrome)); and (3) (Brain volume/abnormality) Miller, DeCarli, & Carmelli, 2002). For variation in cere-
or (white/gray matter) and ((polymorphism) or (genes)). All bellar volume a heritability of 88% was reported (Posthuma
the abstracts were inspected (n=260), and papers written in et al., 2000).
English, using structural magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) A number of global brain areas seem to be mainly under
were selected. These included volumetric MRI (both global environmental control. For example, this was found for the
and focal measures), voxel-based morphometry (VBM) and overall gyral patterning of the cortex (Bartley et al., 1997;
diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) (for information on white Eckert et al., 2002). Common and unique environmental
matter integrity). Case studies or qualitative studies were not factors explained the individual variation in lateral ventri-
included. These selection criteria resulted in 90 papers com- cle volumes (Baaré et al., 2001; Wright et al., 2002). How-
ing from the following topics: twin studies (n=18), Hunting- ever, individual differences in lateral ventricle size were
ton’s disease (N =20), Down syndrome (N =13), Williams mainly of genetic origin in a study consisting of elderly
Table 10.1 Twin studies on brain volume
Brain area Authors Group size Age (years) Heritability
Lateral ventricles Reveley et al. (1984)∗ 18 MZ, 18 DZ NA 82–85%
Total brain, gyral patterns Bartley et al. (1997) 10 MZ (6 males), 9 DZ (3 males) MZ: 31 (19–54) TB: 94% Gyral patterns: 7–17%
DZ: 23 (18–29)
Intracranial volume (IC) and white matter Carmelli et al. (1998) 74 MZ, 71 DZ (males) 68–79 years IC: 91%
hyperintensities (WMH) WMH: 71%
Total cerebral volume Pennington et al. (2000) RD: 25 MZ (12 males), 23 DZ (16 RD: MZ 17.1, DZ 16.8 97% (two factors: neocortex 56%,
males) Non-RD: MZ 19.4, DZ subcortex 70%)
Non-RD: 9 MZ (4 males), 9 DZ
(4 males)
10 Human Brain Volume: What’s in the Genes?

Intracranial volume (IC), midsagittal Pfefferbaum et al. (2000) 45 MZ, 40 DZ (males) MZ 72.2 IC: 81 %
corpus callosum (CC) and mids lat DZ 71.4 CC: 79%$
ventricles (LV) size 68–78 LV: 79%
Intracranial volume, total brain, gray and Baaré et al. (2001) 54 MZ (33 males) MZM: 31.2, MZF: 34.1, IC: 88%
white matter, lateral ventricles 58 DZ (17 males, 21 OS) DZM: 30.3, DZF: TB: 90%
34 sibs 30.6, OS: 30.3, sibs: 29 GM: 82%
WM: 87%
LV: C: 59%, E 41%
Microstructure corpus callosum (with Pfefferbaum et al. (2001) 15 MZ, 18 DZ NA Relative proportion G:E in CC
DTI) size: 5:1, microstructure: 3:1
Hippocampus Sullivan et al. (2001) 45 MZ, 40 DZ (males) MZ 72.2 40%
DZ 71.4
Frontal lobes, Broca and Wernicke’s areas Thompson et al. (2001) 10 MZ (5 males), 10 DZ (5 males) 48.2 (±3.4) Frontal lobe 90–95%
Planum temporale asymmetry Eckert et al. (2002) 27 MZ, 12 DZ (all males) MZ: 6.9–16.4 NA
DZ: 6.1–15.0
Cerebral hemispheres Cerebral Geschwind et al. (2002) 72 MZ, 67 DZ (males) MZ: 72.3 Both hemispheres: 65% In left
asymmetry/handedness DZ: 71.8 handers: less genetic control of
hemispheres. More c2 influence
on left hemisphere
Cerebellum Posthuma et al. (2000) 54 MZ (33 males) MZM: 31.2, 88%
58 DZ (17 males, 21 OS) MZF: 34.1,DZM: 30.3,
34 sibs DZF: 30.6, OS: 30.3,
sibs: 29
Total brain, lateral ventricles (LV) and Wright et al. (2002) 10 MZ (6 males), 10 DZ (4 males). MZ: 31 (19–54) TB: 66%
regional GM (with factor analysis) (nb: same sample as Bartley et al., DZ: 23 (18–29) LV: C 48% and E 50% GM
1997) subregions (>30) >50%

Table 10.1 (continued)

Brain area Authors Group size Age (years) Heritability
TB, GM, WM, cerebellum (CB), caudate White et al. (2002) 12 MZ (6 males), 12 control pairs MZ: 24.5 ± 7.2 MZ correlations:
(cau), putamen (put), thalamus (thal), (6 males) no DZ Cont: 24.4 ± 7.2 CB, TB, GM, WM: r >0.90
cortical depth Cau, put, thal: r >.75 cort depth
low correlations
Corpus callosum area Scamvougeras et al. (2003) 14 MZ, 12 DZ Mean 27 years 94%
White matter hyperintensities (WMH) Atwood et al. (2004) 1330 Individuals in genetically 60.99±9.61 WMH: 55%
useful relationships
Longitudinal: genetic stability (4-year Pfefferbaum et al. (2004) 34 MZ, 37 DZ T1:68–80 years CC: a increase from 89 to 92%
follow up). Corpus callosum (CC) and LV T2: 72–84 years LV: a decrease from 92 to 88%
New environmental influences
Density of focal brain gray and white Hulshoff Pol et al. (2006)# 54 MZ (33 males) MZM: 31.2, MZF: 34.1, occ-front-temp and white matter
matter. Parahippocampal gyrus 58 DZ (17 males, 21 OS) DZM: 30.3, DZF: 30.6, pathways: 76–85%
34 sibs OS: 30.3, sibs: 29 parahippocampal gyrus: 69%
∗ Manual segmentation; # VBM; $ midsagittal surface measurement; NA, not available.
MZ, monozygotic; DZ, dizygotic; MZM, monozygotic male; MZF, monozygotic female; DZM, dizygotic male; DZF, dizygotic female; OS, opposite sex; A, additive genetic; C, common
environment; E, unique environment; FA, fractional anisotropy; GM, gray matter; WM, white matter; TB, total brain; IC, intracranial volume; occ-front-temp, occipito-fronto temporal.
J.S. Peper et al.
10 Human Brain Volume: What’s in the Genes? 141

subjects (Pfefferbaum et al., 2000; Pfefferbaum, Sullivan, & influences on brain volume. Studies are under way to deter-
Carmelli, 2004). mine the influence of genetic and environmental factors on
A few studies have examined possible genetic effects on brain changes with age.
more specific brain areas. Volumes of frontal and temporal
gray matter (GM) are particularly influenced by genetic fac-
tors (Thompson et al., 2001; Wright et al., 2002). Further- Autosomal Genetic Abnormalities and Human Brain
more, brain density of the medial and superior frontal, supe- Morphology
rior temporal and occipital gray matter and connecting white
matter of the superior occipito-frontal fasciculus and corpus Huntington’s Disease
callosum are particularly influenced by genetic factors (Hul-
shoff Pol et al., 2006). Huntington’s disease (HD) is an autosomal-dominant neu-
Area measurements of the corpus callosum revealed rodegenerative disease, which is associated with increases
heritability estimates between 79 and 94% (Pfefferbaum in the length of a CAG triplet repeat present in a gene
et al., 2000; Scamvougeras, Kigar, Jones, Weinberger, & called “huntingtin” located on chromosome 4p16.3 (Rosas
Witelson, 2003). Variation in hippocampus volume was et al., 2001). Cognitively, HD patients suffer from atten-
found to have a lower heritability with estimates of 40% tion impairments and problems with executive function-
(Sullivan, Pfefferbaum, Swan, & Carmelli, 2001) and 69% ing as well as psychomotoric functions, whereas semantic
(Hulshoff Pol et al., 2006). Unique environmental factors memory and delayed recall memory seem to be intact (Ho
influenced vast gray matter and white matter areas sur- et al., 2003).
rounding the lateral ventricles (up to 50%) (Hulshoff Pol Several MRI studies have demonstrated that, compared
et al., 2006). to healthy controls, HD is associated with global loss
In a study that did not include DZ twin pairs, MZ twin pair in volumes of total brain, total cerebrum, cerebral cortex
correlations were high (>0.90 for cerebellum, total brain, (Table 10.2a) (Paulsen et al., 2006; Rosas et al., 2003).
gray, and white matter and >0.75 for caudate nucleus, puta- Also white matter reductions (Jernigan, Salmon, But-
men, thalamus, and cortical depth) as compared to a healthy ters, & Hesselink, 1991; Rosas et al., 2003) and cortical
comparison group (White, Andreasen, & Nopoulos, 2002). thinning (Rosas et al., 2005) have been reported. Focal
In the only study to date that measured heritability atrophy in the basal ganglia is an often found abnormal-
estimates of changes in brain volumes over time, genetic con- ity in HD patients (Aylward et al., 1994, 1997, 1998,
tributions to variability in intracranial volume, corpus callo- 2000, 2004; Beglinger et al., 2005; Fennema-Notestine
sum, and lateral ventricles were found to be high in healthy et al., 2004; Harris et al., 1992; Jernigan et al., 1991; Kas-
elderly (Pfefferbaum et al., 2000) remained high at longitu- subek, Juengling, et al., 2004; Kassubek, Juengling, Ecker,
dinal follow-up of 4 years (Pfefferbaum et al., 2004). & Landwehrmeyer, 2005; Kipps et al., 2005; Mascalchi
Next to twin studies, other designs can also be applied et al., 2004; Paulsen et al., 2006; Peinemann et al., 2005;
to yield estimates on genetic and environmental influences. Rosas et al., 2001, 2003; Thieben et al., 2002). Other struc-
For example, a family-based study reported heritability esti- tures in HD that were smaller as compared to healthy subjects
mates of white matter hyperintensities of 55%. These esti- are the following: the hypothalamus (Kassubek, Juengling,
mates increased with age (Atwood et al., 2004). et al., 2004), thalamus (Kassubek et al., 2005; Paulsen
In summary, human brain volume is considerably herita- et al., 2006) amygdala, hippocampus, brainstem, cerebel-
ble. Moreover, it remains to be largely explained by genetic lum (Rosas et al., 2003), insula, dorsal midbrain (Thieben
factors, even in old age. Individual variation in lateral ven- et al., 2002), and the frontal lobe (Aylward et al., 1998).
tricles is mainly explained by environmental factors, sug- Interestingly, the major brain abnormality in HD, i.e.,
gesting that surrounding brain tissue is at least partly influ- basal ganglia atrophy, was positively correlated with CAG
enced by environmental factors. Genetic effects were shown repeat length, symptom severity (Aylward et al., 1997; Kas-
to vary regionally, with high heritabilities of frontal and tem- subek, Bernhard, et al., 2004; Rosas et al., 2001) as well as
poral lobe volumes and densities, but moderate estimates age of onset of the disease symptoms (Aylward et al., 1997).
in the hippocampus, and environmental influences on sev- In pre-clinical Huntington patients (who do not have
eral medial brain areas. Areas that show high heritability for symptoms yet, but who test positively for the “Huntingtin
volume emphasize the relevance of these brain areas when gene”), decreased volumes of the striatum, insula, and dorsal
searching for genes influencing brain structure. forebrain were detected when compared to healthy control
It should be noted that only one longitudinal twin study subjects (Thieben et al., 2002). Furthermore, more pro-
is carried out in elderly subjects. Moreover, twin studies in gressive atrophy in the basal ganglia was found in clini-
children and/or adolescents are currently lacking. Therefore, cal patients in a follow-up measurement as compared to
no conclusions can be drawn about the stability of genetic pre-clinical patients (Kipps et al., 2005). Finally, striatal

Table 10.2 Autosomal genetic diseases

Syndrome Brain area Authors Group size Age (years) p-Value/ES
(a) Huntington’s disease
Total brain, total cerebrum, (GM Rosas et al. (2003)∗ HD: 27–63 (34.8±10.41) GM: p<0.02
and WM) ↓ 18 HD, 18 HC HC: matched WM: p<0.0001
Paulsen et al. (2006)∗ HD: 24 HD: 36.8 (±9.7) P<0.001
HC: 24 HC: 36.6 (±9.1)
White matter ↓ Jernigan et al. (1991)∗ 11 HD HD: 49±12.5 P<0.01
55 HC HC: 54±14.1
Rosas et al. (2003)∗ 18 HD, HD: 27–63 P<0.0001
18 HC (34.8±10.41)
HC: matched
Cerebellum ↓ Fennema-Notestine et al. (2004)∗ 15 HD, HD: 46.7 (±11.0) WM: p<0.001
22 HC HC: 47.1 (±9.8) GM: p<0.01
Basal ganglia ↓ Jernigan et al. (1991) 11 HD HD: 49±12.5 Caudate: P=0.000
55 HC HC: 54±14.1
Harris et al. (1992)∗,1 15 HD, HD: 29–72 Putamen: P<0.000001
19 HC (43.2±12.9) Caudate: P<0.004
HC: 23–73
Aylward et al. (1994)∗ (tb not diff) 10 HD+ 18 HD– HD+: 34.4±5.44 P<0.001 (total basal ganglia)
HD–: 39.72±8.99
Aylward et al. (1997)∗,2 Longitudinal 23 HD HD: 42.57±13.02 P<0.001 (change)
Interval: 1.73 years
Aylward et al. (1998)∗,1 20 HD (10 mild, 10 HD-mild: 44.8±15.4 P<0.004
mod), HD-mod: 42.7±11.3
20 HC HC-mild: 43.9±16
HC-mod: 42.6±11.5
Aylward et al. (2000)∗,1 30 HD HD (total): 43.6 (±10.2) P<0.001
Aylward et al. (2004)∗,1 19 pre-HD, 17 HD HD: 32.1(±6.6) P=0.05
HC: 32.5(±6.7)
Rosas et al. (2001)∗ 27 HD, 24 HC HD: 25–63 P<0.0001
43.8 (±10.3)
HC: 29–62
41.2 (±9.8)
Rosas et al. (2003)∗,1 18 HD, 18 HC HD: 27–63 P<0.0001
HC: matched
Thieben et al. (2002)# 18 HD (from 34 tested) HD–: 38.04±11.43 Left-putamen:
HD+: 43.58±12.02 p=0.009
Caud: p=0.003
Kassubek et al. (2004b)# 44 HD , 22 HC HD: 23–66 44.7 (±10.7) P<0.001
HC: 25–68 44.1 (±16.9)
Mascalchi et al. (2004) 21 HD, 21 HC HD: 58±11 P<0.001
HC: 54±13
J.S. Peper et al.
Table 10.2 (continued)
Syndrome Brain area Authors Group size Age (years) p-Value/ES
Fennema-Notestine et al. (2004)∗,1 15 HD, 22 HC HD: 46.7 (±11.0)
HC: 47.1 (±9.8)
Peinemann et al. (2005)# 25 HD HD: 43.8 (±7.7) Caudate/putamen
25 HC HC: 42.9 (±9.8) P<0.05
Paulsen et al. (2006)∗,1 HD: 24 HD: 36.8 (±9.7) Cau: p<0.002
HC: 24 HC: 36.6 (±9.1) Put: p<0.0001
Kipps et al. (2005) TBM Progression of atrophy 17 HD+ HD+: 43.8 (±10.0) p<0.005
13 HD– HD–: 42.0 (±11.4)
Beglinger et al. (2005)∗,1 10 HD HD: 54.3 (±8.2) Cau: p<0.0002
10 HC HC: 53.9 (±9.0) Put: p<0.0001
Kassubek et al. (2005)# 44 HD, 22 HD: 23–66 44.7 (±10.7) Cau and put: p<0.001
HC: 25–68 44.1 (±16.9)
Thalamus ↓ Kassubek et al. (2005)# 44 HD, 22 HD: 23–66 HC: 25–68 P<0.001
10 Human Brain Volume: What’s in the Genes?

44.7 (±10.7) 44.1 (±16.9)

Paulsen et al. (2006)∗,1 HD: 24 HD: 36.8 (±9.7) p<0.019
HC: 24 HC: 36.6 (±9.1)
Hypothalamus ↓ Kassubek et al. (2004b)# 44 HD, 22 HD: 23–66 p<0.001
44.7 (±10.7)
HC: 25–68
44.1 (±16.9)
Amygdala (amyg), hippocampus Rosas et al. (2003)∗,1 18 HD, 18 HC HD: 27–63 Amyg: p<0.001
(hip), brainstem ↓ (34.8±10.41) Hip: p<0.01
HC: matched Brainstem: p<0.0001
Insula, dorsal midbrain ↓ Thieben et al. (2002)# 18 HD (from 34 tested) HD–: 38.04±11.43 Insula:
HD+: 43.58±12.02 R: p<0.032
L: p<0.010
Frontal lobe ↓ Aylward et al. (1998)∗,1 20 HD (10 mild, 10 HD-mild: 44.8±15.4 NA
mod), HD-mod: 42.7±11.3
20 HC HC-mild: 43.9±16
HC-mod: 42.6±11.5
(b) Down syndrome
Cerebrum ↓ Raz et al. (1995)∗ 13 DS, 12 HC DS: 22–50 P<0.002
HC: 23–49
Weis et al. (1991)∗ (cerebral cortex) 7 DS, 7 HC DS: 30–45 (38) P=0.003
HC: 36–44 (38)
Cerebellum ↓ White et al. (2003)# 19 DS, 11 HC DS: 34–52 P<0.05
HC: 37–56
Pinter et al. (2001a)∗,1 16 DS, 15 HC DS: 5–23.8 P<0.0001
11.3 (±5.2)
HC: 5.4–23.2
11.9 (±4.7)

Table 10.2 (continued)

Syndrome Brain area Authors Group size Age (years) p-Value/ES
Raz et al. (1995)∗3 , 13 DS, 12 HC DS: 22–50 P<0.002
HC: 23–49
Jernigan et al. (1993)∗ 6 DS, 21 HC DS: 10–20 P<0.001
HC: 10–24
Weis et al. (1991)∗ 7 DS, 7 HC DS: 30–45 (38) P = 0.05 (controlled for
HC: 36–44 (38) TB: p=0.06)
White matter ↓ Weis et al. (1991)∗ 7 DS, 7 HC DS: 30–45 (38) P=0.004
HC: 36–44 (38)
Cingulate gyrus ↓ White et al. (2003)# 19 DS, 11 HC DS: 34–52 P<0.05
41.9 (±6.0)
HC: 37–56
45.6 (±6.1)
Amygdala ↔ Pinter et al. (2001b)∗,1 16 DS, 15 HC DS: 11.3 (±5.2) R: p<0.32
HC: 11.9 (±4.7) L: p<0.27
Hippocampus ↓ Pinter et al. (2001b)∗,1 16 DS, 15 HC DS: 11.3 (±5.2) HC: 11.9 R: p<0.03 L: p<0.002
Raz et al. (1995)∗,3 13 DS, 12 HC DS: 22–50 P<0.002
HC: 23–49
Kesslak et al. (1994)∗,2 13 DS, 10 HC DS: 23–51 P=0.0285
HC: matched
Teipel et al. (2003)∗,1 34 DS, 31 HC DS: m: 41.6 years P<0.001
HC: 41.8 years
Corpus callosum ↓ (area) Teipel et al. (2003)∗,1 34 DS, 31 HC DS: m: 41.6 years P=0.05
HC: 41.8 years
Planum temporale ↓ Frangou et al. (1997)∗,1 17 DS, 17 HC DS: 39.2 (±8.7) P<0.0007
HC: 39.5 (±9.1)
Mammillary bodies ↓ Raz et al. (1995)∗,3 13 DS, 12 HC DS: 22–50 (35.2±8.32) P<0.005
HC: 23–49 (35.3±8.12)
Parahippocampal gyrus ↑ White et al. (2003)# 19 DS, 11 HC DS: 34–52 41.9 (±6.0) HC: P<0.05
37–56 45.6 (±6.1)
Raz et al. (1995)∗,3 13 DS, 12 HC DS: 22–50 (35.2±8.32) P<0.008
HC: 23–49 (35.3±8.12)
Kesslak et al. (1994)∗,2 13 DS, 10 HC DS: 23–51 P=0.0022
HC: matched
Parahippocampal gyrus ↓ Teipel et al. (2004)# (with age) 27 DS DS: 41.1 (±9.1) P<0.05
Krasuski et al. (2002)∗,1 (with age) 31 DS, 33 HC DS: 41.6 (±9.1) R: p<0.04
HC: 41.6 (±10.7) L: p<0.009
J.S. Peper et al.
Table 10.2 (continued)
Syndrome Brain area Authors Group size Age (years) p-Value/ES
(c) Williams syndrome
Total brain ↓ Reiss et al. (2000)∗ 14 WS, 14 HC WS: 19–44 P<0.001
HC: 20–48
Schmitt et al. (2001a)∗,1 20 WS, 20 HC WS: 19–44 P<0.001
28.5 (±8.3)
HC: 19–48
28.5 (±8.2)
Cherniske et al. (2004)∗ 20 WS, Normative data WS: 30–51 NA
comparison 38.8
Cortical complexity ↑ Thompson et al. (2005) 42 WS 40 HC WS: 29.2 (±9.0) p<0.0015
HC27.5 (±7.4)
10 Human Brain Volume: What’s in the Genes?

Parieto-occipital sulcus ↓ Meyer-Lindenberg et al. (2004)# 13 WS, 11 HC HC: 30.8 (±7.6) p<0.001
WS: 28.3 (±9.6)
Boddaert et al. (2006)# 9 WS 11 HC WS: 11.6 (±3.1) p<0.05
HC: 11.8 (±2.2)
Intraparietal sulcus Meyer-Lindenberg et al. (2004)# 13 WS, 11 HC WS: 28.3 (±9.6) p<0.001
HC: 30.8 (±7.6)
Kippenhan et al. (2005) (sulcal depth) 14 WS 13 HC WS: 27.6 (±9.6) HC: 31.2 p<0.01
Hypothalamus ↓ Meyer-Lindenberg et al. (2004)# 13 WS, 11 HC WS: 28.3 (±9.6) p<0.001
HC: 30.8 (±7.6)
Superior and inferior parietal lobe ↓ Eckert et al. (2005)∗,1 17 WS, 17 HC WS: 28.9 p<0.05
HC: 27.1
Occipital lobe and thalamus ↓ Reiss et al. (2004)∗,1 43 WS. 40 HC WS: 12–50 Occ: p<0.003
28.9 (±9.2) Thal: p<0.0001
HC: 18–49
27.5 (±7.4)
Corpus callosum ↓ Tomaiuolo et al. (2002)∗,1 12 WS, 12 HC WS-M: 13–20 p<0.015
(corrected Talairach 20 (±7.2)
stereotaxic space) WS-F: 13–20
16.6 (±3.01)
HC-M: 13–29
20 (±6.9)
HC-F: 13–19
16 (±3.46)
Schmitt et al. (2001b) 20 WS, 20 HC WS: 19–44 p = 0.04
28.5 (±8.3)
HC: 19–48
28.5 (±8.2)
Cerebellum ↑ Jones et al. (2002) 9 WS, 9 HC WS: 0.6–3.5 NA
(mean: 1.75)
HC: 1.7–3.5
(mean: 2.42)

Table 10.2 (continued)

Syndrome Brain area Authors Group size Age (years) p-Value/ES
Schmitt et al. (2001a)∗,1 20 WS, 20 HC WS: 19–44 p<0.001
28.5 (±8.3)
HC: 19–48
28.5 (±8.2)
Reiss et al. (2000)∗,1 14 WS, 14 HC WS:19–44 (28.7±8.9) p<0.02
HC: 20–48 (29.0±9.0)
Wang et al. (1992)∗ 11 WS, 18 HC WS: 10–20 (14.7) p<0.05
HC: 10–24 (15.4)
Amygdala (Am), orbito and Reiss et al. (2004)∗,1 43 WS. 40 HC WS: 12–50 Am: p<0.001
orbitofrontal cortex (OFC), anterior 28.9 (±9.2) AC: p<0.005
cingulated (AC) and insular cortex ↑ HC: 18–49 OFC: p<0.0001
27.5 (±7.4)
Superior temporal gyrus ↑ Reiss et al. (2000)∗,1 14 WS, 14 HC WS:19–44 (28.7±8.9) p=0.05
HC: 20–48 (29.0±9.0)
Reiss et al. (2004) 43 WS, 43 HC WS: 12–50 p<.001
28.9 (±9.2)
HC: 18–49
27.5 (±7.4)
(d) Velocardiofacial syndrome
Total brain ↓ Eliez et al. (2001a&b)∗ 23 VCFS, 23 HC 5.8–21.0 P<0.0001
VC: 12.7(±3.9)
HC: 12.9(±4.1)
Simon et al. (2005)# 18 VCFS VC: 7.3–14 P<0.01
18 HC 9.88(±1.4)
HC: 7.5–14.1
Kates et al. (2006)∗ ,1 47 VCFS, 15 sibs, 18 VC: 11.7 (±2.1), P<0.03
HC sibs: 11.5 (± 1.8),
HC: 11.5 (±2.0)
WM>GM ↓ Eliez et al. (2000)∗ 15 VCFS, 15 HC VC: 10.5(±3.1) NA
HC: 10.8(±2.7)
Kates et al. (2001)∗ (non- 10 VCFS, 10 HC 7.9–14.5 P<0.02
frontal wm) VC: 10.1(±1.8)
HC: 10.1(±1.9)
Simon et al. (2005) 18 VCFS 18 HC 9.88(±1.4) 10.42(±1.98) NA
VC: 7.3–14 HC: 7.5–14.1
Campbell et al. (2006)# 39 VCFS VC: 11 ± 3 P<0.008
26 HC HC: 11 ± 3
Cerebellum ↓ V Amelsvoort et al. (2004)#,∗,1 12 VCFS (no schizos) VC: 31(±10) P<0.001
14 HC HC: 36(±10)
Eliez et al. (2001a)∗,1 (lobules 24 VCFS, 24 HC VC: 12.5(±4) P<0.01
VI–VII) HC: 12.7(±4.2) Pons P<0.0001
J.S. Peper et al.
Table 10.2 (continued)
Syndrome Brain area Authors Group size Age (years) p-Value/ES
Campbell et al. (2006)# 39 VCFS 26 HC HC: 11 ± 3 P<0.008
VC: 11 ± 3
Bish et al. (2006)$ 31 VCFS VC: 9 (±.9) P<0.013
23 HC HC: 10 (±.6)
Hippocampus (hip), temporal lobe (tem), Eliez et al. (2001b)∗,1 23 VCFS, 23 HC 5.8–21.0 Hip: P<0.006
superior temporal gyrus (Sup) ↓ (when controlled for TB: no VC: 12.7(±3.9) Tem: p<0.0001
difference!) HC: 12.9(±4.1) Sup: p<0.02
Left caudate nucleus ↓ (ratio r-cau:TB Sugama et al. (2000)∗,1 17 VC VC: 0.7–21 P<0.05
larger in controls!) 15 HC Mean: 5.41
HC: 1.1–25
Mean: 6.0
10 Human Brain Volume: What’s in the Genes?

Left parietal lobe ↓ Eliez et al. (2000)∗,1 15 VCFS, 15 HC VC: 10.5 (±3.1) P<0.05
HC: 10.8 (±2.7)
FA frontal, parietal, and occipital lobe ↓ Barnea-Goraly et al. (2003)# (&dti) 19 VCFS, 19 HC 7.2–21.8 Right-midfrontal gyrus:
VC: 12.2 (±3.9) Z =5.07 Left-superior parietal
HC: 14.4 (±4.2) gyrus: Z =3.7
Posterior thalamus ↓ Bish et al. (2004) 18 VCFS VC: 9.8 (±1.4) P < 0.031
18 HC HC: 10.4 (±1.9)
FA in corpus callosum ↓ Simon et al. (2005)# 18 VCFS VC: 7.3–14 Z =4.74
18 HC 9.88 (±1.4)
HC: 7.5–14.1
10.42 (±1.98)
FA cingulate gyrus ↑ Simon et al. (2005)# 18 VCFS VC: 7.3–14 Z =4.78
18 HC 9.88 (±1.4)
HC: 7.5–14.1
10.42 (±1.98)
Right and left amygdale ↑ Kates et al. (2006)∗,1 47 VCFS, 15 sibs, 18 VC: 11.7 Left: p<0.002
HC (±2.1), Right: p<0.01
sibs: 11.5 (±1.8),
HC: 11.5 (±2.0)
Right caudate nucleus ↑ Kates et al. (2004) 10 VCFS, 10 HC NA NA
Campbell et al. (2006)∗,1 39 VCFS VC: 11 ± 3 P<0.04
26 HC HC: 11 ± 3
Frontal lobe (not wm) ↑ Eliez et al. (2000)∗,1 15 VCFS, VC: 10.5 (±3.1) P<0.001
15 HC HC: 10.8 (±2.7)
Simon et al. (2005)# 18 VCFS VC: 7.3–14 Z = 5.1
18 HC 9.88 (±1.4)
HC: 7.5–14.1
10.42 (±1.98)
∗ Manual segmentation; # VBM; $ midsagittal surface measurement; 1 controlled for total brain/intracranium; 2 no control TB/IC; 3 controlled for height
Abbreviations 2a–d: HD, Huntington’s disease; DS, Down syndrome; WS, William’s syndrome; VCFS, Velocardiofacial syndrome; HC, healthy controls; FA, fractional anisotropy; GM, gray
matter; WM, white matter; TB, total brain; IC, intracranial volume
148 J.S. Peper et al.

decline in pre-clinical HD patients was predictive of the Williams Syndrome

time of occurrence of the first clinical symptoms (Aylward
et al., 2004). Williams syndrome (WS) patients have a well-defined
hemideletion on chromosome 7q11.23. WS patients are char-
acterized by selective preservation of certain complex fac-
Down Syndrome ulties (language, music, face processing, and sociability) in
contrast to marked and severe deficits in nearly every other
Down syndrome (DS) is caused by a third copy of chro- cognitive domain (Levitin et al., 2003).
mosome 21 (trisomy). DS is associated with mental retar- Morphometric MRI studies have both investigated adult
dation, and after the age of 40, individuals with DS suffer subjects as well as children and adolescents. In adults,
from cognitive decline or dementia (Lott & Head, 2001). A studies demonstrated a decreased total brain volume in
rapidly growing number of MRI studies have investigated WS patients as compared to healthy control subjects
brain atrophy in DS (Table 10.2b). When adult DS patients (Table 10.2c) (Cherniske et al., 2004; Reiss et al., 2000;
are compared to healthy subjects, they have smaller volumes Schmitt, Eliez, Warsofsky, Bellugi, & Reiss, 2001a). Fur-
of total cerebrum (Raz et al., 1995; Weis, Weber, Neuhold, thermore, taken the smaller total brain volume into account,
& Rett, 1991), cerebellum (Jernigan & Bellugi, 1990; Raz reductions in parieto-occipital (Kippenhan et al., 2005;
et al., 1995; Weis et al., 1991; White, Alkire, & Haier, 2003), Meyer-Lindenberg et al., 2004) and intraparietal sulcus
and total white matter (Weis et al., 1991). Regional decreases (Kippenhan et al., 2005; Meyer-Lindenberg et al., 2004),
in volume in DS patients have been observed in the cingulate hypothalamus (Meyer-Lindenberg et al., 2004), superior
gyrus (White et al., 2003), hippocampus (Kesslak, Nagata, parietal lobe (Eckert et al., 2005), gray matter of the occipital
Lott, & Nalcioglu, 1994; Pinter, Brown, et al., 2001; Raz lobe, thalamus (Reiss et al., 2004), and corpus callosal area
et al., 1995), planum temporale (Frangou et al., 1997), and (Schmitt, Eliez, Warsofsky, Bellugi, & Reiss, 2001b) were
mammillary bodies (Raz et al., 1995). found.
Cross-sectional studies carried out in DS patients show Studies in WS children and adolescents showed reduc-
significantly more atrophy in patients than healthy controls tions in parieto-occipital sulcus (Boddaert et al., 2006) and
with advancing age, mainly in the hippocampus (Krasuski, corpus callosal area (Tomaiuolo et al., 2002).
Alexander, Horwitz, Rapoport, & Schapiro, 2002; Teipel Some brain regions are found to be increased in WS adult
et al., 2003), amygdala (Krasuski et al., 2002), parahip- patients when compared to healthy subjects. These include
pocampal gyrus (Krasuski et al., 2002; Teipel et al., 2004), the cerebellum (Reiss et al., 2000; Schmitt et al., 2001a),
corpus callosum (Teipel et al., 2003), and frontal, parietal, amygdala, orbitofrontal and medial prefrontal cortex, ante-
and occipital gyrus (Teipel et al., 2004). However, in an ear- rior cingulate, insular cortex (Reiss et al., 2004), and supe-
lier follow-up study no evidence was found for progressive rior temporal gyrus (Reiss et al., 2000, 2004). Further-
changes in the hippocampus and amygdala of DS patients more, increased overall cortical complexity was found in WS
(Aylward et al., 1999). (Thompson et al., 2005) as well as increased cortical gyrifi-
Furthermore, children with DS also show brain abnormal- cation in the right parietal and occipital lobes and in the left
ities in the cerebellum (Jernigan, Bellugi, Sowell, Doherty, frontal lobe (Schmitt et al., 2002).
& Hesselink, 1993; Pinter, Eliez, Schmitt, Capone, & Enlargements in the cerebellum were found in WS infants
Reiss, 2001) and amygdala (Pinter, Brown, et al., 2001) com- (Jones et al., 2002) and adolescents (Wang, Hesselink, Jerni-
pared to age-matched controls. When a direct distinction is gan, Doherty, & Bellugi, 1992).
made between DS children and adults, it appears that DS In WS, as opposed to HD where one specific gene
children already have a decreased volume of the cerebellum (i.e., the “huntingtin” gene) seems to be involved, only
and hippocampus, although the amygdala and parietal gray the locus of the deletion on the chromosome is known
matter seem to be preserved (Pinter, Eliez, et al., 2001). and knowledge of specific genes and their working mech-
When demented and non-demented DS patients are com- anism(s) in the deleted region is scarce. Animal stud-
pared, demented DS patients show more pronounced atrophy ies suggest involvement of the LIMK1-gene in abnor-
with age (Pearlson et al., 1998). The amygdala showed no mal brain development, which is located in the deleted
volumetric differences between demented and non-demented region at chromosome 7q11.23 (Table 10.3) (Hoogenraad
DS patients (Aylward et al., 1999). et al., 2002; Meng et al., 2002). Other genes mapped to
A structure that has been reported to be enlarged in DS region 7q11.23 and linked to abnormal brain development
is the parahippocampal gyrus (Kesslak et al., 1994; Raz are CYLN2 (Hoogenraad et al., 1998), GTF21 (Danoff, Tay-
et al., 1995; White et al., 2003). Other studies, however, lor, Blackshaw, & Desiderio, 2004; Morris et al., 2003), and
could not replicate this finding (Krasuski et al., 2002; Teipel WBSCR14 (Cairo, Merla, Urbinati, Ballabio, & Reymond,
et al., 2004). 2001).
10 Human Brain Volume: What’s in the Genes? 149

Table 10.3 Genes related to brain volumetric changes, discussed in this review1
Brain area Associated genes Candidate genes Disease Gene map locus Number of studies
Cerebral cortex (TB) ASPM∗,∗∗ Microcephaly 1q31 3
Prefrontal cortex, hippocampus BDNF∗,∗∗ 11p13 4
Prefrontal cortex COMT∗,∗∗ VCFS 22q11.2 2
Hippocampus ApoE∗,∗∗ 19q13.2 10
Limbic system, orbitofrontal cortex MAOA∗,∗∗ Xp11.23 4
Caudate nucleus FOXP2∗,∗∗ 7q31 3
Basal ganglia Huntingtin∗ HD 4p16.3 17
Synaptic connections ProDH∗∗ VCFS 22q11.2 2
Synaptic connections TBX1∗∗ VCFS 22q11.2 2
Brain development LIMK1∗∗ WS 7q11.23 2
CYLN2∗∗ WS 7q11.23 2
WBSCR14∗∗ WS 7q11.23 1
1 For references: see text
∗ Has been associated with brain volume changes in humans
∗∗ Has been associated with brain volume changes in animals

HD, Huntington’s disease; DS, Down syndrome; WS, William’s syndrome; VCFS, Velocardiofacial syndrome; TB, total brain volume

Velocardiofacial Syndrome VCFS patients with schizophrenia had larger ventricles and
less overall white matter as compared to VCFS patients with-
Velocardiofacial syndrome (VCFS) is a neurogenetic disor- out schizophrenia (van Amelsfoort et al., 2004).
der caused by deletions on chromosome 22q11.2. Patients A brain area that is enlarged in VCFS is the right cau-
with VCFS are characterized by learning disabilities (Swillen date nucleus (Kates et al., 2004; Campbell et al., 2006).
et al., 1999) and are often diagnosed with schizophrenia Frontal lobe volumes seem to be relatively preserved (Eliez
(Bassett et al., 2003; Murphy, Jones, & Owen, 1999). et al., 2000; Simon et al., 2005), although this does not seem
Most of the structural MRI studies on VCFS are to hold for the frontal white matter (Kates et al., 2004).
carried out in children and adolescents. In these stud- Similar to WS, in VCFS the locus of the deletion
ies, abnormalities have been found in several brain areas on the chromosome is known (22q11.2), but knowledge
(Table 10.2d). A smaller total brain volume was reported of specific genes and their working mechanism(s) in the
(Eliez, Schmitt, White, & Reiss, 2000; Eliez, Schmitt, deleted region is limited. Recently, the COMT (catechol-O-
White, Wellis, & Reiss, 2001; Eliez, Blasey, et al., 2001; methyltransferase) low-activity genotype was identified as a
Simon et al., 2005) with (non-frontal) white matter relatively risk factor for decline in prefrontal cortical volume (Gothelf
more affected than gray matter (Eliez et al., 2000; Kates et al., 2005). Furthermore, this finding showed an interaction
et al., 2001; Simon et al., 2005; Campbell et al., 2006). with sex (Kates, Antshel, et al., 2006). In animal studies, the
More focal areas that appeared smaller in VCFS as com- ProDH and TBX1 genes are also mapped to region 22q11
pared to control subjects included the cerebellum (Bish and are thought to be involved in refinement and stabiliza-
et al., 2006), vermal lobules VI–VII, pons (Eliez, Schmitt, tion of synaptic connections in the adolescent mouse brain
et al., 2001), temporal lobe, superior temporal gyrus, hip- (Rakic, Bourgeois, & Goldman-Rakic, 1994).
pocampus (Eliez, Blasey, et al., 2001), left and right amyg-
dala (Kates, Miller, et al., 2006), left caudate nucleus
(Sugama et al., 2000), posterior thalamus (Bish, Nguyen, Other Genetic Approaches
Ding, Ferrante, & Simon, 2004), and left parietal lobe (Eliez
et al., 2000). Moreover, DTI studies investigating fractional Next to studying brain volume in specific genetic abnormal-
anisotropy (FA) in white matter, an index of white matter ities, there are other genetic approaches that may elucidate
coherence and integrity, found lower FA values in frontal, genes involved in brain variation. These include studying the
parietal, and temporal cortex, in connections between the brains of families with a particular genetic makeup, search-
frontal and temporal lobes (Barnea-Goraly et al., 2003) and ing for genes in subjects with brain morphological abnormal-
corpus callosum (Simon et al., 2005). However, increased ities, and associating brain volumes with genetic polymor-
FA values were reported for the cingulate gyrus (Simon phisms in candidate genes in healthy subjects.
et al., 2005). In the so-called “KE family”, half the family in three
In the one study carried out in adult VCFS patients, a generations is affected by a severe speech and language dis-
reduction in cerebellum density was found (van Amelsvoort order, which is transmitted as an autosomal-dominant mono-
et al., 2004). In the same study, adult VCFS patients with genic trait (Vargha-Khadem, Watkins, Alcock, Fletcher, &
and without schizophrenia were compared. It was shown that Passingham, 1995). Genetic linkage studies identified a
150 J.S. Peper et al.

locus, designated SPCH1, on chromosome 7q31 (Fisher, of naturally occurring neuronal cell death) were found
Vargha-Khadem, Watkins, Monaco, & Pembrey, 1998). A to have a reduced size of the prefrontal cortex (Pezawas
point mutation was identified in the affected family members et al., 2004) and hippocampus compared to val/val carri-
which alters an invariant amino acid residue in the DNA- ers (Bueller et al., 2006; Pezawas et al., 2004; Szeszko
binding domain of a forkhead/winged helix transcription fac- et al., 2005). In addition, in met-BDNF carriers a negative
tor, encoded by the gene FOXP2 (Table 10.3) (Lai, Fisher, relation was found between dorsolateral prefrontal cortex
Hurst, Vargha-Khadem, & Monaco, 2001). The affected fam- volume and age, which was not present in the val-BDNF
ily members have a reduction in volume of the caudate carriers (Nemoto et al., 2006).
nucleus bilaterally, as well as changes in gray matter in A study of allelic variants of the apolipoprotein (ApoE)
other mostly motor- and speech-related brain areas, as com- gene – thought to be involved in cell growth and regener-
pared to the unaffected members and healthy control sub- ation of nerves – showed that healthy elderly subjects who
jects (Watkins et al., 2002). The discovery of the responsi- were homozygous for the Epsilon4 allele, i.e., e4-e4 geno-
ble gene in the “KE family” led to further research into the type had smaller hippocampal volumes than subjects het-
FOXP2 gene and its role in brain development. For example, erozygous for that allele and than e4 non-carriers (Lemaitre
the expression pattern of the FOXP2 mRNA has been found et al., 2005; Lind et al., 2006). Also, the presence of a single
in the developing brain of mouse (Ferland, Cherry, Preware, ApoE-epsilon4 allele is associated with an increased rate of
Morrisey, & Walsh, 2003; Lai, Gerrelli, Monaco, Fisher, & hippocampal volume loss in healthy women (Cohen, Small,
Copp, 2003) and human, including the basal ganglia, thala- Lalonde, Friz, & Sunderland, 2001).
mus, and cerebellum (Lai et al., 2003). Two variants of the X-linked monoamine oxidase A gene
The search for genes in subjects with particular morpho- (MAOA) were recently associated with brain volumes in
logical changes in the brain was successful in autosomal healthy subjects. The low expression variant predicted vol-
recessive primary microcephaly (MCPH). MCPH is charac- ume reductions in cingulate gyrus, amygdala, insula, and
terized by shrinkage of nearly 70% of the cortex. Involve- hypothalamus, whereas the high expression variant was
ment of the ASPM gene (Bond et al., 2002; Mekel-Bobrov associated with changes in orbitofrontal volume (Meyer-
et al., 2005) and the microcephalin gene (MCPH1) (Evans Lindenberg et al., 2006).
et al., 2004) was suggested in the determination of cere- Studies of polymorphisms and brain volumetric variation
bral cortex size. The ASPM gene is the human ortholog in psychiatric populations also found genes associated with
(i.e., evolved from) of the Drosophila melanogaster abnor- alterations in brain volume. For example, in schizophrenia, a
mal spindle gene (asp), which is essential for normal mitotic reduction in BDNF production and availability in the dor-
spindle function in embryonic brain development. Mutations solateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC) was found (Weickert
in the ASPM gene associated with MCPH suggest that reg- et al., 2003). Furthermore, the disrupted-in-schizophrenia 1
ulation of mitotic spindle orientation may be an important (DISC1) gene was associated with prefrontal gray matter loss
evolutionary mechanism controlling brain size. However, in (Cannon et al., 2005) and hippocampus decrease (Callicott
healthy subjects, recently no associations of allelic variants et al., 2005).
of the ASPM gene and MCPH1 gene and total brain volume In a study on attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder
were found (Woods et al., 2006). It was argued that outside (ADHD) it was shown that homozygosity for the 10R-allele
the context of the microcephalic state, it is misleading to refer of the dopamine transporter 1 (DAT1) gene was associated
to the ASPM gene and/or MCPH1 as regulating or control- with smaller caudate nucleus volumes and homozygosity of
ling brain size (Woods et al., 2006). 4R-allele of the dopamine receptor D4 (DRD4) gene with
Another genetic approach that may elucidate genes smaller prefrontal gray matter (Durston et al., 2005).
involved in brain variation is studying polymorphisms of spe- Overall, studying polymorphisms in healthy subjects
cific genes in healthy subjects. A polymorphism is defined yields valuable information on specific genes that may be
as the existence of multiple alleles of a gene within a pop- involved in brain volume. However, as it is a newly devel-
ulation. It is a naturally occurring variation in the sequence oping area of research, the robustness of the findings needs
of genetic information on a segment of DNA among indi- to be pointed out and therefore replication is warranted.
viduals. Those variations are considered normal (not to be
confused with true mutations, which are alterations of the
original genetic material, often being harmful).
The few studies on polymorphisms in healthy subjects Discussion and Conclusion
have revealed associations with brain volumes or densi-
ties. For example, Val/met (i.e., valine/methionine amino In this chapter, the influences of genes on human brain vol-
acids) variant carriers of the brain-derived neurotrophic fac- ume were reviewed. For this purpose, twin studies were
tor (BDNF) gene (a gene involved in reducing the amount included to assess the heritability of human brain volumetric
10 Human Brain Volume: What’s in the Genes? 151

variation in the general population. In addition, brain struc- information on specific genes that may be involved in human
tures in patients with a clear genetic etiology were reviewed. brain volume. Polymorphisms of the brain-derived neu-
Finally, other genetic approaches to the search of genes rotrophic factor (BDNF) and apolipoprotein (ApoE) genes
involved in brain volume were discussed. These other have been associated with prefrontal cortex and hippocam-
approaches included studies on brain volumes of families pus volumes. More specifically, met-BDNF carriers showed
with a particular genetic makeup, studies that search for reduced prefrontal cortex and hippocampus volumes com-
genes in subjects with brain morphological abnormalities, pared to val-BDNF carriers. Homozygous carriers of the
and studies examining genetic polymorphisms in healthy Epsilon 4-allele showed smaller hippocampus volumes than
subjects. heterozygous carriers. In addition, high- and low-expression
Twin studies showed high heritability estimates for spe- variants of the monoamine oxidase A gene (MAOA) resulted
cific brain structures and for overall brain size in adulthood in structural differences in limbic and frontal areas. The study
(between 66 and 97%). Both global gray and global white of polymorphisms in healthy subjects is a rapidly developing
matter are largely determined by genes. However, individual area of research which allows direct investigation of genetic
variation in lateral ventricles is mainly explained by envi- influence (not confounded by disease).
ronmental factors, suggesting that surrounding brain tissue is Establishing the extent to which brain morphology is
at least partly influenced by environmental factors. Genetic influenced by genes (and environment) contributes both to
effects were shown to vary regionally, with high heritability our understanding of healthy functioning as well as to elu-
estimates of frontal lobe volumes (90–95%), but moderate cidating the causes of brain disease. More specifically, it
estimates of the hippocampus (40–69%), and environmental enhances our knowledge of individual variation in brain
influences on several medial brain areas. Areas that show a functioning and facilitates the interpretation of the mor-
high heritability for volume emphasize the relevance of these phological changes found in psychiatric disorders such as
brain areas when searching for genes influencing brain struc- schizophrenia. Also, it allows future efforts to find particular
ture. For focal structures heritability estimates differ, sug- genes responsible for brain structures to be concentrated in
gesting that different genes influence focal brain structures areas that are under considerable genetic influence (Hulshoff
differentially. Pol et al., 2006).
The study of diseases with a clear genetic etiology yielded Taken together, studies have shown that adult human brain
specific information on changes in brain volumes, densities, volume is highly genetically determined. Since brain vol-
and fractional anisotropy. In patients with Huntington’s dis- ume changes dynamically throughout life, longitudinal twin
ease, decreased volumes of the basal ganglia were found. studies in childhood as well as in adulthood are needed to
Moreover, age at onset of the first symptoms was signifi- investigate the stability of genetic (and environmental) influ-
cantly related to the amount of atrophy in the basal gan- ences. During different age ranges, genes may exert different
glia. Also, the larger the CAG repeat length in Hunting- effects. Studies carried out in autosomal pathologies were
ton’s disease, the more atrophy in the basal ganglia was reviewed to search for genes or chromosomal regions which
found. In Down syndrome, a decreased cerebellum and are involved in volumetric changes. The genes that have been
increased parahippocampal gyrus volume and density were discovered in these areas might serve as a model for the genes
found. In Williams syndrome, an increased amygdala, supe- being implicated in healthy individuals; however, direct evi-
rior temporal gyrus, and cerebellum were reported. Finally in dence of the influence of specific genes on the (maintenance
Velocardiofacial syndrome a decreased parietal lobe volume of) human brain volume (throughout life) is currently lack-
was found. Interestingly, across all disorders, pronounced ing. Polymorphism research on these candidate genes might
decreases in white matter volume and hippocampus vol- be helpful in enhancing our knowledge on their influence in
ume were revealed, irrespective of the genes and/or chromo- healthy human brain volume.
somes involved. Furthermore, in all brain imaging studies of There are a number of limitations to the reviewed
autosomal abnormalities, a decreased total brain volume was approaches of studying genes involved in human brain vol-
consistently found. It must be noted that although most stud- ume. These limitations need to be taken into account when
ies found decreases in brain volume associated with autoso- interpreting findings of studies into the genes involved in
mal abnormalities, there are also genetic disorders in which human brain structure. First, it must be noted that twin stud-
an enlarged brain is present. These include Sotos syndrome ies in children and adolescents have not been carried out so
(haplo-insufficiency of the NSD1 gene on 5q35) (Kurotaki far. Therefore, no conclusions can be drawn as to the genetic
et al., 2002), also known as cerebral gigantism. However, no influences on brain volume during childhood. Moreover, only
quantitative MRI studies in Sotos syndome have been carried one longitudinal MRI study in twins pairs (in older adults)
out, and therefore these data were not included in this review. was completed up to now, and therefore conclusions as to
Results of other genetic approaches, such as investigat- the stability of genetic influences onto brain volume through-
ing allelic variation in the healthy population, have revealed out life await further study. Furthermore, it has been argued
152 J.S. Peper et al.

that the twin method may yield an inflated estimation of small brain structures. Also, methodology of quantification
heritabilities compared to family and/or adoption studies. On of small structures in the brain can differ across the reviewed
the other hand, family studies might give lower heritability studies. For instance, manual segmentation of a structure ver-
estimations as different ages within families are compared sus region-of-interest (ROI) analysis with voxel-based mor-
(for a discussion on this topic, see Martin, Boomsma, & phometry might not lead to completely overlapping findings.
Machin, 1997).
Limitations in studying genetic disorders include the pres-
ence of co-morbidity in some disorders. In Down syndrome
patients who also suffer from dementia, global volumet- Future Directions
ric reductions are more pronounced with age and partic-
ularly present in the amygdala. Also, in Velocardiofacial The studies that were discussed in this review have revealed
patients diagnosed with schizophrenia larger ventricles and several genes to be associated with the regulation of human
less white matter are found as compared to Velocardiofa- brain structure. However, at this point it seems too early
cial patients without schizophrenia. However, this finding to draw general conclusions about which genes are impli-
does not necessarily mean that reductions in white matter cated in human brain morphology. Future studies, with other
results from genetic expression associated with brain mor- genetic approaches and new MRI methodology may enhance
phology. In Velocardiofacial, the reduction of (the integrity our understanding of the genes involved in human brain
of) white matter may well be a secondary to the vascular structure.
risk of these patients, i.e., heart defects. Vascular risk fac- Without specific knowledge of candidate genes, linkage
tors have been related to white matter lesions (de Leeuw studies are now employed with the goal to localize a gene
et al., 2004; DeCarli et al., 2005). A second limitation that influences a phenotype. This approach can be used
includes the possible confounding effects of the pathology on when genetic marker data (based on DNA polymorphisms of
brain volume. For example, it can be argued that being in a known location in the genome) are available in extended fam-
disadvantageous environment (a disease–environment inter- ilies or in sibling pairs. Linkage studies are often called a the-
action) might lead to decreases in brain morphology. How- oretical (“blind” search for genes) in contrast to association
ever, brain volumetric changes can be directly associated studies which require knowledge of candidate genes (Vink &
with the genetic abnormality, which is suggested in Hunt- Boomsma, 2002). Linkage studies require data collection in
ington’s disease: decreased caudate nucleus volumes were related individuals (e.g., siblings or large pedigrees). Also,
reported prior to disease onset in subjects having the muta- if the location of a certain polymorphism is not known, a
tion in the huntingtin gene (Thieben et al., 2002). Here, it is linkage study of the whole genome can be carried out. To our
important to mention that while Huntington’s disease is the knowledge, only one genome-wide linkage study in healthy
only neurodegenerative disorder discussed in this chapter, it subjects has been performed, in relation to brain volume. For
offers valuable information on the effects of a single gene in white matter hyper-intensity volumes one linkage peak was
subjects with and without having symptoms. Third, the rel- identified on chromosome 4p (DeStefano et al., 2006). This
ative small number of subjects usually involved in the stud- is the region where the gene responsible for Huntington’s
ies may have limited its statistical power. Fourth, different disease, i.e., huntingtin, is located. The area of genome-wide
types of medication of the subjects might have confounded research deserves further study as it allows identifying can-
the results. For example, Huntington’s disease patients often didate genes involved in human brain volume.
use antipsychotics and/or antidepressants (Bonelli, Wenning, A newly emerging field of genetic research is the study
& Kapfhammer, 2004), which have been found to affect of epigenetics. Epigenetics comprises mechanisms of inher-
brain morphology (Bremner & Vermetten, 2004; Lieberman itance, which are not the consequences of changes in DNA
et al., 2005). Fifth, it is difficult to form a well-matched structure. They affect gene transcription with environmental
control group to diseases as Down syndrome, where men- factors acting as modulators or inducers of epigenetic factors.
tal retardation should be taken into account. A limitation One such (important) factor is DNA methylation (see San-
in the section of polymorphism studies is that psychiatric tos, Mazzola, & Carvalho, 2005 for a review on the working
and neurological disorders such as Alzheimer’s disease and mechanisms). The genome-wide pattern of DNA methyla-
schizophrenia were not discussed in this paper. These condi- tion was found to be more alike within monozygotic young
tions can also give more insight into the genetic mechanisms than in monozygotic adult and elderly twin pairs (Fraga
influencing brain volume. et al., 2005). It is therefore important to investigate which
Finally, a limitation which applies to all the reviewed environmental factors have an influence on the expression
studies is the MRI methodology. Intracranial or total brain of genes (as found in DNA methylation). Consequently, the
volume was not always corrected for, which limits con- study of interaction between genes and environmental fac-
clusions regarding the influence of a particular gene on tors is warranted. Furthermore, the simultaneous effects of
10 Human Brain Volume: What’s in the Genes? 153

multiple genes and possibly the interaction among genes, Baaré, W. F., Hulshoff Pol, H. E., Boomsma, D. I., Posthuma, D.,
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Chapter 11

Cognition in Rodents

Christopher Janus, Michael J. Galsworthy, David P. Wolfer, and Hans Welzl

Introduction knowledge of neural and genetic mechanisms influencing

cognitive functioning in normal and diseased states.
Cognition is a loosely defined term with divergent meanings Cognitive abilities vary in populations of humans as
in different disciplines and species. In human psychology, well as animals. Behavior genetic studies have provided
‘cognition’ is often used in reference to concepts such as ample evidence that variability in behaviors reflecting cog-
‘mind’ or ‘higher mental functions’. However, in more gen- nition is – like almost all types of behavior – to a lesser
eral terms, ‘cognition’ is regularly used to refer to all man- or greater extent genetically influenced (Plomin, DeFries,
ner of information organization by the brain: from collection, McClearn, & McGuffin, 2001). Knowing the genetic contri-
to processing, to storage and recognition or recall. Whereas bution to behavior is also essential to determine the extent
‘cognition’ would seem to permeate all mental functions, of environmental influences on behavioral variability. How-
including subjective perception and innate responses, ‘cogni- ever, investigating a genotype–behavior relationship is dif-
tive ability’ has a slightly more specific connotation – some- ficult since many genes have an impact on a single type
thing more akin to intelligence or information-processing of behavior, and each gene affects several different types
ability. Thus, ‘cognition’ deals with mental process struc- of behavior. The genotype–environment complexity is yet
ture and ‘cognitive abilities’ with natural variations imping- another reason why animals such as rodents provide exper-
ing upon functioning at the higher end of that structure. imental opportunities otherwise unavailable if humans were
Although the term ‘cognition’ sometimes subsumes or sub- the only subjects studied.
stitutes ‘cognitive ability’ in the literature, understanding this Research investigating the genetic contribution to cogni-
methodological distinction allows us to read across the two tion in rodents has followed three major lines. In the first line
fields without the misunderstandings that classical cognitive of research, a handful of laboratories have used a quantita-
psychologists have sometimes shown for cognitive ability tive (or ‘psychometric’) approach to look for genetic or neu-
research. ronal correlates of general cognitive ability in rats and mice.
All aspects of cognition in rodents can only be stud- General cognitive ability in humans, or ‘g’ as it was labeled
ied indirectly by collecting behavioral data within suitable by Spearman (1904), represents the core performance in a
experimental environments. In this domain, there is a lesser battery of cognitive tests. Similarly, the goal of the equiv-
distinction between cognitive processes and cognitive abili- alent animal research is to develop a battery of cognitive
ties as the predominant model centers on the genetic, phar- task for rats or mice from which a general cognitive perfor-
macological, or lesion manipulation of rodents. Resultant mance, or ‘g’ factor, can be extracted. Such a battery will
changes in learning, memory, or problem-solving paradigms then help in the search for alleles or brain properties that
then indicate the effect of the gene, drug, or locus on informa- predict or are associated with cognitive performance level
tion processing. There are no introspective reports to monitor across a range of circumstances. The second line of research
the associated thought contents. Nevertheless, an increas- focuses on the contribution of specific genes to cognitive
ing number of psychologists, neuroscientists, and geneticists abilities, normally by manipulating genes and recording the
study cognitive processes in animals as a way to increase resultant changes in learning and memory tasks. Based on
the results, models are constructed explaining the molecu-
lar and cellular mechanisms crucial for learning and mem-
ory. A third line of research attempts to unravel the basic
H. Welzl (B)
Division of Neuroanatomy and Behavior, Institute of Anatomy, functioning of human mental retardation and senile demen-
University of Zurich, Zurich CH-8057, Switzerland tia genes via mouse models. Mouse models carrying simi-
e-mail: welzl@anatom.uzh.ch lar gene defects, or transgenically overexpressing mutated

Y.-K. Kim (ed.), Handbook of Behavior Genetics, 159

DOI 10.1007/978-0-387-76727-7 11,  c Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2009
160 H. Welzl et al.

human genes implicated in a particular disease, are tools ing to split cognitive abilities into many categories, thus
to investigate the etiology and neuropathological changes implicitly denouncing the idea that some people could be
responsible for reduced cognitive abilities. The following ‘generally’ more intelligent than others (e.g., Gardner, 1983).
sections deal with these three lines of research in detail. However, the data repeatedly pointed to commonality along-
side different factors, and this commonality is not a philo-
sophical position, but rather a reality of the data and a key
aspect in understanding important general cognitive prob-
Quantitative Genetic Approaches to ‘General lems such as those encountered in mild and severe mental
retardation. It is also the ‘general’ background against which
Cognitive Ability’
specific impairments, such as dyslexia or memory impair-
ments, can be more clearly delineated.
In humans, the almost universally accepted model of cogni- Quantitative genetic studies in humans strongly support
tive abilities is a statistical one. The essence of the model a genetic influence on ‘g’ as well as on specific cogni-
was first articulated just over 100 years ago when Charles tive abilities and specific tasks (Plomin, 2001), thus indicat-
Spearman noticed that people who did well on one mental ing that genes influencing cognitive performance measures
task tended to do better on other mental tasks, even if those could have their effects at any level, from the specific task
tasks seemed quite different in cognitive demand (Spear- parameters right up (or down) to processes fundamental to
man, 1904). Expressed differently, Spearman found that all all cognition. This last point is particularly pertinent to the
cognitive tasks tended to correlate positively with each other. interpretation of ‘lower scores’ on cognitive tasks in ani-
Spearman deduced that this must mean that they all give, in mal research, as will be discussed later. In short, this is why
part, the same basic information. Beyond that, they have their animal cognitive research, as with human, greatly benefits
own specific information. Spearman called this common core from employing batteries of tasks.
in performance ‘g’, short for ‘general cognitive ability’. Quantitative genetic research of cognitive abilities, or
A century of intensive work including intelligence testing ‘intelligence’, in rodents began in the 1920s, when human
in fields of academia, military, schools, health, and indus- intelligence research was also in its infancy. Edward Tolman
try has provided overwhelming support for the practical and attempted to explore the genetics of cognitive ability differ-
explanatory utility of this approach. The current model is ences by selectively breeding ‘bright’ and ‘dull’ rats. The
a slightly more complex hierarchy, describing performance work was continued by his student Robert Tryon and they
on a cognitive task as being produced by general cogni- found that after eight generations of selective breeding for
tive ability variance + specific module variance (e.g., ver- performance on a T-maze, there was no population overlap
bal fluency) + variance specific to the task (Fig. 11.1). For (original figure presented in Plomin & Galsworthy, 2003).
a while, there were various academics who gained popular Such data evidenced genetic contributions to cognitive task
mileage by refusing the existence of ‘g’ and instead attempt-

Fig. 11.1 A hypothetical description of a possible clustering hierar- and all specific cognitive abilities are influenced by a general cognitive
chy is depicted. Performance in different learning and memory tasks ability (top level). Genes have an effect on performance by modulating
(bottom level) is affected by specific cognitive abilities (middle level), abilities on all three levels (adapted from Plomin et al., 2001)
11 Cognition in Rodents 161

performance, whether it be via ‘general’ ability or something is somewhat hampered by the large number of genes that
altogether different. Although there was some evidence for very likely influence ‘g’, but still feasible. Many mice sub-
‘g’ in rats from other authors exploring correlations between jected to several tasks would be necessary to detect individ-
tasks (e.g., Thorndike, 1935), this literature lay dormant until ual gene influences. Such a study would be time consuming
very recently. and costly, and genes contributing only modestly to ‘g’ might
The exploration of ‘g’ in mice and rats uses a population not be detectable at all. Correlation with gross physiological
of animals with genetic variation (e.g., outbred strains or F2s or neural parameters might provide a more productive entry
of inbred strains) and subjects them to a battery of tasks. point to the natural variability.
If general cognitive ability considerably influences perfor- This leads directly to the very fundamental question of
mance in all cognitive tasks, then an individual should main- what might be the neural basis of commonality across cog-
tain its rank score within a group over all cognitive tasks. nitive task performance. Research in humans suggests that
Note that ‘g’ in mice does not equate with ‘g’ in humans; variability in brain structure, or changes in brain structure
merely the data-reduction method is the same. Simply, the during development (Shaw, Greenstein, Lerch, Clasen, Len-
approach asks how the tasks overlap in information, and root, Gogtay, Evans, Rapoport, & Giedd, 2006), might be
if they all have a common overlap, then this is called ‘g’ related to ‘g’ (for review, see Toga & Thompson, 2005).
to denote that there are some general (genetic or environ- Tentative data for a similar relationship between brain
mental) elements that have a general influence on cognitive size and performance in cognitive tasks also exist for rats
performance. (Anderson, 1993). Variability in processes involved in neural
During the last decade a few laboratories have development and plasticity are plausible candidates influenc-
attempted to establish a battery of tasks measuring ‘g’ ing ‘g’. These processes are complex and difficult to access;
in mice (Galsworthy et al., 2005; Galsworthy, Paya-Cano, so detecting a relationship between such nebulous entities
Monleón, & Plomin, 2002; Locurto, Fortin, & Sulli- and ‘g’ will not be an easy task.
van, 2003; Matzel et al., 2003). These studies used differ- Although the quantitative approach to cognition in rodents
ent batteries of cognitive tasks with varying types of moti- has not yet isolated specific genes that quantitatively con-
vations and stress levels, and all but one of them (Locurto tribute to the variability in ‘g’, the concept of what ‘g’ is
et al., 2003) found evidence for ‘g’ in mice, with ‘g’ account- and how it could be measured with a test battery is highly
ing for approximately 30–60% of the variance in perfor- relevant for all other studies looking for genetic influences
mance. Nevertheless, these studies have also helped demon- on cognition. The search for batteries of cognitive tasks that
strate that ‘cognitive’ tasks are strongly influenced by non- measure ‘g’ has served to sharply highlight limitations of dif-
cognitive factors that overshadow the influence of ‘g’ in most ferent learning and memory tests. A low score of genetically
individual tasks. Galsworthy et al. (2002) showed a lack manipulated mice in learning and memory tests could be due
of correlation between the extracted ‘g’ factor and activity to disturbed cognitive or due to changes in non-cognitive
and anxiety measures, thus evidencing that the commonality processes. Continued efforts to improve batteries of cogni-
across cognitive tasks was probably not due to these motiva- tive tasks will reveal the extent to which cognitive as well as
tional elements. However, there is clearly substantial random non-cognitive processes influence individual tasks; and hope-
or non-cognitive variance both within and between cognitive fully they will result in an increasingly improved batteries of
tasks as the correlations for both of these are surprisingly tasks that reliably and efficiently measure core elements of
low (Galsworthy et al., 2005), offering ample opportunity cognition.
for non-cognitive factors to influence ‘cognitive tasks’ more
than cognitive processes do. Furthermore, confounding fac-
tors do not necessarily have uniform influence on all tasks.
Higher activity can generate shorter latencies in problem-
Molecular Genetic Approaches to Cognition
solving tasks, but also higher ‘error-zone’ entries if uninhib- Research in Rodents
ited. Similarly, stress can motivate – but beyond a certain
level can also impair performance, with freezing and panic Whereas quantitative genetic approaches look at the big pic-
behaviors seen. Therefore, although confounding traits may ture of how much genes are influencing different tasks and
persist across tasks, they may show different expressions the natural structures of genetic influence, most molecular
within tasks of different environment or motivation. genetic approaches have a very narrow focus, namely the
In a further step, the variability in ‘g’ can be correlated contribution of a single gene. Thus, molecular genetic studies
with allele variability. Defined outbred lines of mice or the investigate whether a specific gene of interest is essential for,
F2 generation of inbred strains can be used in studies look- or modifies, learning and memory in mice, and this is usually
ing for a linkage between high or low ‘g’ scores and specific traced through associated brain mechanisms. This bottom-
genetic markers. This theoretically straightforward approach up approach starts by manipulating specific genes and then
162 H. Welzl et al.

compares the behavior of genetically engineered mice with improves the validity of results. To date, the selection of
that of their wild-type littermates in learning and memory tasks, task design, and procedures are still highly variable
tasks. Through gene targeting and transgenesis, genes can from laboratory to laboratory.
be disabled, reduced, or increased in expression (for review, The multitude of genes whose genetic manipulation
see Müller, 1999). Whereas the so-called constitutive mutant affects learning and memory mirrors the complexity of
mice carry the mutation in all cells and throughout their life, synaptic processes. Genes having an impact on learning and
‘conditionally’ mutant mice carry the mutation only in a part memory processes span a wide range. They may code for
of the brain and/or only during a restricted time in develop- proteins involved in exocytosis, hormones, receptors, protein
ment. Furthermore, mutated forms of a gene can replace the members of signaling cascades, proteins involved in tran-
native form so that the gene product loses or changes some scription and translation, and membrane-bound proteins such
of its properties. as cell adhesion molecules or postsynaptic density proteins
This line of research is less concerned with whether vari- (for review, see Bolivar, Cook, & Flaherty, 2000; Chen &
ability in alleles correlates with variability in cognitive task Tonegawa, 1997; Morley & Montgomery, 2001). Below we
performance. As Plomin & Kosslyn (2001) remarked, ‘. . . present a small selection of studies (with a more detailed
although knocking out a gene can have major effects, such review of glutamate receptor mutants) that have found learn-
experiments do not imply that the gene has anything to do ing and memory deficits in genetically engineered mice.
with the variation responsible for hereditary transmission of The first two articles describing a learning and memory
individual differences within a species’. However, research deficit in mice after inactivation of a gene appeared in 1992.
with mutant mice has significantly helped to dissect the intri- Mice lacking the expression of the fyn-type tyrosine kinase
cate interrelationship between molecules involved in synap- were impaired in the water maze (Grant et al., 1992); and
tic plasticity, the cellular basis of learning and memory. mice defective in αCaMKII had similar problems in spa-
Genetically engineered mice are only one way to investi- tial navigation (Silva, Paylor, Wehner, & Tonegawa, 1992).
gate molecular mechanisms of synaptic plasticity. For sev- These studies subjected mice to variations of only one learn-
eral decades, synapse structure and function have been the ing and memory task which limited the validity of behav-
subject of countless in vitro and in vivo studies using dif- ioral results. However, subsequent studies with mutant mice
ferent neuroanatomical, neurochemical, neuropharmacolog- confirmed the crucial role of kinases such as the αCaMKII
ical, and neurophysiological methods. Thanks to the high for learning and memory (for review, see Deutsch, 1993;
conservation of synaptic plasticity mechanisms, inverte- Elgersma, Sweatt, & Giese, 2004; Shors & Matzel, 1997).
brate research has also provided important clues to which The last two decades have greatly improved our knowl-
molecules might be critically involved (for review, see, e.g., edge of presynaptic proteins involved in neurotransmitter
Waddell & Quinn, 2001; Kandel, 2001; Crow, 2004). Thus, release. To study release mechanisms, mice carrying homo-
in most cases, one should be able to predict whether a manip- or heterozygous mutations in genes coding for release-
ulated mouse gene affects learning and memory. Disabling related proteins were created, and a few mutant lines
practically any of the hundreds of molecules involved in underwent learning and memory tasks. Although almost
the modification of synaptic transmission could potentially exclusively spatial learning in the water maze and fear con-
impair learning and memory. It is, therefore, surprising how ditioning were used as learning and memory paradigms,
often inactivation of a specific gene does not abolish or even results indicate that αCaMKII, ataxin I, complexin II, GAP-
attenuate learning and memory. This suggests that the pro- 43, PAC1, synapsin I and II, Rab3A, RIM1α, and synap-
cesses of synaptic plasticity have some potential to compen- totagmin mutations impaired performance (for review, see
sate for a loss of its parts. Powell, 2006).
When a mutation-induced deficit in synaptic plasticity is Hormone receptors whose manipulation affected spatial
suspected, mice are usually subjected to learning and mem- learning and memory include receptors for mineralcorticoids
ory tests to prove that there is a real cognitive effect of the (Berger et al., 2006) and for glucocorticoids (e.g., Oitzl, de
gene. Initially the task of choice was the water maze; later Kloet, Joels, Schmid, & Cole, 1997; Rousse et al., 1997;
studies included fear conditioning, object recognition, and Steckler, Weis, Sauvage, Mederer, & Holsboer, 1999). With
other learning and memory tasks. However, the interpretation glucocorticoid receptors, a point mutation that prevents DNA
of learning and memory deficits in genetically engineered binding has been associated with impaired spatial memory
mice is limited in studies which employ only one or a few (Oitzl, Reichardt, Joels, & de Kloet, 2000). Genetic manipu-
tasks. Performance in learning and memory tasks cannot be lations of growth hormones and their receptors have some of
uncritically equated with cognition, and alternative explana- the strongest impacts on cognitive abilities out of the studies
tions suggesting non-cognitive deficits as the cause of learn- to date. Deletion of TrkB receptors restricted to the forebrain
ing and memory deficits cannot be ruled out. Including more and occurring only during postnatal development was shown
cognitive as well as non-cognitive tasks to the test battery to impair spatial learning in the water maze (Minichiello
11 Cognition in Rodents 163

et al., 1999). However, deficits were especially prominent Wilson, & Tonegawa, 2000). However, they performed worse
in stressful tasks, indicating that the key deficit might not than wild types in trace fear conditioning (conditioned and
be purely cognitive in nature. Impaired spatial learning in unconditioned stimulus separated by a time interval; Huerta
the water maze was also seen with mutant mice carrying a et al., 2000) or when a context discrimination was required
heterozygous deletion of BDNF (Linnarsson, Bjorklund, & (Frankland et al., 1998). The impairments described in the
Ernfors, 1997) and GDNF (Gerlai et al., 2001). Heterozygous latter study were partly reversed by environmental enrich-
BDNF mice had increased striatal dopamine concentrations ment. Finally, already a single point mutations in the glycine
and their behavioral responses involving the nigrostriatal binding site of the NR1 subunit moderately impaired spatial
dopaminergic system were altered (Dluzen et al., 2001). learning during the first few sessions (Kew et al., 2000).
Thus, deletion of a gene might disturb the complex make-up Manipulating NR2 subunits also affected learning and
of biological processes controlling behavior in a way that is memory. Targeted disruption of the NR2A subunit impaired
not always predictable. The role of the dopaminergic system spatial learning (Sakimura et al., 1995), latent learning in
and BDNF in cognition has recently been reviewed (Savitz, a water finding task (Miyamoto et al., 2001), auditory fear
Solms, & Ramesar, 2006). conditioning (Moriya et al., 2000), and eye blink condition-
Two decades ago, Morris, Anderson, Lynch, & ing (Kishimoto et al., 1997; Kishimoto, Kawahara, Mori,
Baudry (1986) demonstrated the importance of NMDA Mishina, & Kirino, 2001a; Kishimoto, Kawahara, Suzuki,
receptors in spatial learning using a pharmacological tool Mori, Mishina, & Kirino, 2001b). NR2C-deficient mice
to selectively inactivate the receptors. Using a variety showed no deficit in auditory fear conditioning (Moriya
of neuropharmacological tools and cognitive tasks, the et al., 2000). Mice with targeted deletion of the intracellular
importance of NMDA receptors for many forms of learning domain of all NR2 subunits failed to acquire a step-down
and memory appears well established (for review, see avoidance response; but they had also motor disturbances
Nakazawa, McHugh, Wilson, & Tonegawa, 2004; Robbins & and probably other unmeasured behavioral defects (Sprengel
Murphy, 2006). Thus, it is not surprising that knocking out et al., 1998). Furthermore, the constitutively expressed muta-
genes coding for one of the five subunits of the ionotropic tion makes it difficult to separate acute from developmental
NMDA receptor in the forebrain caused deficits in different disturbances.
forms of learning and memory. Deletion of the NR1 subunit Findings of improved performance in NMDA receptor
in the CA1 region of the hippocampus impaired spatial mutant mice (Tang et al., 1999) were widely publicized
learning (Tsien, Huerta, & Tonegawa, 1996) novel object and discussed. Mice whose NR2B subunits were overex-
recognition, context but not cued fear conditioning, and pressed performed slightly better in a spatial task, contextual
social transmission of food preference (Rampon et al., 2000). and cued fear conditioning acquisition and extinction, and
Deletions can be brought under the control of a food additive. novel object recognition. Keeping mice of both genotypes in
In such mice, deletions of the NR1 subunit in the CA1 region an enriched environment improved learning and memory in
during training as well as following training impaired spatial wild types but had no further effect on learning and memory
memory and context fear conditioning (Shimizu, Tang, in mutants (Tang, Wang, Feng, Kyin, & Tsien, 2001). These
Rampon, & Tsien, 2000); and when the NR1 subunit was data suggest a more complex and indirect effect of the muta-
deleted in the forebrain, also cued fear conditioning and tion on performance enhancement.
taste aversion were impaired (Cui, Lindl, Mei, Zhang, & Besides the NMDA receptor, other ionotropic and
Tsien, 2005; Cui et al., 2004). When the NR1 subunit metabotropic glutamate receptors play a role in learn-
was switched off for a longer time between training and ing and memory (Malinow & Malenka, 2002; Riedel,
retrieval, spatial memory, fear memory, and taste memory Platt, & Micheau, 2003). Mice lacking the AMPA receptor
were disrupted, suggesting a role for the NMDA receptor in GluR1 (GluRA) subunit were unimpaired in spatial learning
maintenance of the memory trace (Cui et al., 2005, 2004; (Zamanillo et al., 1999). Only a more detailed analysis of
Shimizu et al., 2000; however, see also the critical comments spatial learning using various paradigms revealed selective
on these puzzling results by Day & Morris, 2001). working memory deficits (Reisel et al., 2002; Schmitt, Dea-
Another study using mice in which the NR1 subunit was con, Seeburg, Rawlins, & Bannerman, 2003). Mice lacking
selectively deleted in part of the hippocampus suggests a the metabotropic glutamate receptor mGluR1 were slightly
role of the hippocampus in complex but not simple forms impaired in spatial learning, eye blink conditioning, and
of learning and memory. These mice had no problem with context fear conditioning (Aiba et al., 1994a,b; Conquet
discriminating two different odors. However, they failed to et al., 1994). Part if not all of the deficits might have been due
use the relationship between odor stimuli as cues (Rondi- to the simultaneously observed severe motor disturbances.
Reig et al., 2001). NR1 heterozygous mice and wild types Mice with deleted mGluR5 receptors were impaired in a
acquired context fear conditioning equally well (Frankland, spatial task and context fear conditioning (Lu et al., 1997),
Cestari, Filipkowski, McDonald, & Silva, 1998; Huerta, Sun, and mice with deletions of the gene for mGluR7 receptors
164 H. Welzl et al.

committed more working memory errors in the radial maze deficits. However, results from different laboratories did not
and did not learn a conditioned taste aversion (Hölscher always agree to what extent and in what ways CREB facili-
et al., 2004; Masugi et al., 1999). In the latter mice, avoidance tates long-term memory in intact animals or when an inacti-
learning was intact (Cryan et al., 2003). vation of CREB impairs learning and memory.
Non-glutamate receptor genes whose manipulation CREB comes in several different isoforms, and the type(s)
affected learning and memory tasks include the GABAer- of isoforms deleted might influence results. Mice with a
gic receptors (Crestani et al., 2002, 1999), nicotinic and targeted mutation in the two main isoforms (α and δ) of
muscarinic cholinergic receptors (for review, see Drago, CREB showed intact short-term but defunct long-term mem-
McColl, Horne, Finkelstein, & Ross, 2003; Matsui, Yamada, ory for contextual fear conditioning and spatial learning
Oki, Manabe, Taketo, & Ehlert, 2004), adrenergic recep- (Bourtchuladze et al., 1994). Forebrain-specific and induced
tors (e.g., Kobayashi & Kobayashi, 2001; Spreng, Cotec- dominant negative repression of all CREB isoforms also
chia, & Schenk, 2001), and 5HT1B serotonergic receptors impaired spatial learning and object recognition but not con-
(for review, see Buhot, Wolff, Benhassine, Costet, Hen, & text fear conditioning (Pittenger et al., 2002). Other studies
Segu, 2003). Whether or not deletion of a receptor gene did not find deficits in contextual fear conditioning or spa-
impaired learning and memory depended on the subunit or tial learning in conditional CREB-deficient mice (Balschun
receptor type deleted, the type of task, and the task proto- et al., 2003; Rammes et al., 2000). Gene dosage, back-
col with deficits showing up more readily when cognitive ground genetics, procedural differences in behavioral tasks,
demands were high. and/or differences in neo gene insertions might influence
Learning and memory is based on plasticity in synap- the extent of memory deficits in mutant mice with disabled
tic transmission which involves pre- and/or postsynap- CREB function (Balschun et al., 2003; Gass et al., 1998;
tic enzymes and signaling cascades (for review, see Kogan et al., 1996). Furthermore, non-cognitive performance
Sweatt, 2004; Thomas & Huganir, 2004; Waltereit & abnormalities such as thigmotaxis in the water maze could
Weller, 2003). For long-term memory formation, signaling contribute to the learning and memory deficits observed in
cascades activate transcription factors which then initiate CREB mutants (Balschun et al., 2003).
protein synthesis (for review, see Davis & Squire, 1984; Sensory stimulation or electrical stimulation of specific
Stork & Welzl, 1999). Thus, it is not surprising that dele- brain sites alters synaptic strength accompanied by changes
tion of genes that code for links in the Ras-MAP kinase in spine density and spine motility. It has been suggested
signaling cascade differentially affected learning and mem- that similar changes on a smaller scale might take place dur-
ory. However, results from different laboratories were not ing long-term memory formation (for review, see Bailey &
always consistent. Mice lacking Ras-GRF1 in one labora- Kandel, 1993; Nimchinsky, Sabatini, & Svoboda, 2002).
tory were impaired in spatial learning (Giese et al., 2001), Evidence for this suggestion is sparse. However, indirect
whereas those from another laboratory were not (Brambilla evidence for an involvement of spine motility in long-
et al., 1997). The two different lines of Ras-GRF1 mutant term memory formation comes from studies interfering with
mice differed also in other tasks. Such inconsistencies might synthesis and function of proteins involved in cytoskeletal
depend on the presence of partially active truncated proteins, dynamics such as actin-regulating proteins or cell adhesion
differences in genetic background, differences in task proce- molecules. Mice lacking beta-adducin, a protein that pro-
dures, and/or differences in neo gene insertions (for discus- motes the binding of the two cytoskeletal proteins actin and
sion, see Giese et al., 2001). Similarly, two different lines spectrin, are impaired in fear conditioning as well as in a spa-
of mice lacking the ERK1 isoform of MAP kinase either tial learning task (Rabenstein et al., 2005). Mice with inacti-
performed well (Selcher, Nekrasova, Paylor, Landreth, & vated N-CAM gene, a neural cell adhesion molecule involved
Sweatt, 2001) or were impaired (Mazzucchelli et al., 2002) in maintaining synapse structure, were impaired in spatial
in a passive avoidance task. Similar arguments to the above learning (Cremer et al., 1994; Stork et al., 2000), contextual
could explain the discrepancy. fear conditioning, and to a lesser extent cued fear condition-
Interfering with the transcription factor CREB in ing (Stork et al., 2000) when compared to their wild-type
Drosophila and Aplysia impaired their long-term memory littermates.
formation in different learning tasks (for review, see Kan- In summary, the use of genetically engineered mice con-
del, 2001; Waddell & Quinn, 2001). In rodents, evidence for firmed previous results and has expanded our knowledge
a role for CREB in long-term memory came from a num- of various mechanisms of synaptic plasticity which under-
ber of sources, including from experiments with mutant mice lie all forms of learning and memory. Several aspects of
(for review, see Carlezon, Duman, & Nestler, 2005; Lonze & this line of research should be emphasized. (1) Mutant mice
Ginty, 2002). As in experiments investigating the role of the subjected to a battery of tasks have repeatedly revealed unex-
Ras-MAP kinase signaling cascade in learning and memory, pected pleiotropic effects of genes. Specifically, manipulat-
CREB mutant mice displayed selective long-term memory ing a ‘cognitive’ gene also may change anxiety, locomo-
11 Cognition in Rodents 165

tor activity, aggression, or other behavioral or physiological genetic locus has to be detected in affected humans before
properties alongside (or instead of) the learning and mem- the genetic defect can be modeled in mice employing similar
ory change. Such effects appeared even when gene manip- techniques as described in the previous section.
ulation was restricted to certain brain areas and in time. (2)
Related to the first aspect, manipulating genes may up- or
downregulate expression of other genes, and it may lead to a Mental Retardation
readjustment in various systems not directly targeted by the
genetic manipulation. To give just two examples, deleting Clinical research has identified several dozens of sin-
the CREB gene in mice upregulated a novel CREB mRNA gle genes or chromosomal regions whose mutation
isoform that has not been described before (Blendy, Kaest- causes mental retardation (for review, see Inlow & Res-
ner, Schmid, Gass, & Schütz, 1996); and in mice lacking the tifo, 2004; Weeber, Levenson, & Sweatt, 2002; see
α4 nicotinic receptor subunit dopamine transporter function also Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man (OMIM)
was impaired (Parish et al., 2005). (3) Genetic background http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.fcgi). Most forms
may exacerbate or compensate for a deleted gene. Even when of mental retardation are syndromic, i.e., besides cognitive
careful breeding schedules are employed and mutant and deficits the clinical picture includes other anatomical, physi-
wild-type littermates are used for testing, a mutation-induced ological, and behavioral symptoms. Genetic background and
defect may show up with one genetic background but not environmental influences modulate cognitive deficits as well
with another. Mouse strains greatly differ in cognitive (see, as other symptoms to a larger or smaller degree. These
e.g., Brooks, Pask, Jones, & Dunnett, 2005) as well as in characteristics of mental retardation caused by single gene
non-cognitive behaviors (see, e.g., Kim, Chae, Lee, Yang, & mutation, i.e., pleiotropic effects of genes and dependence
Shin, 2005). (4) Lines of mice with the same gene targeted of the phenotype on the genetic background, resemble the
but created in different laboratories sometimes differ in their observations made in other mutant mice as described in the
behavioral phenotype (see, e.g., Brambilla et al., 1997 ver- previous section.
sus Giese et al., 2001). Partially active truncated proteins To model mental retardation, the homologues of human
and/or differences in neo gene insertions might be respon- genes known to cause mental retardation were deleted or
sible for such discrepancies. (5) Performance in learning and replaced by mutated forms in mice (for review, see, e.g.,
memory tasks cannot be uncritically equated with cognition. Branchi, Bichler, Berger-Sweeney, & Ricceri, 2003; Welzl,
As quantitative genetic studies convincingly demonstrated D’Adamo, Wolfer, & Lipp, 2006). The best investigated
each individual task depends on non-cognitive factors, on mouse model is that for fragile X syndrome, the most com-
specific cognitive abilities, and on general cognitive ability. mon form of hereditary mental retardation (for review, see
Testing mutant mice in just one or two cognitive tasks tells Bakker & Oostra, 2003; Kooy, 2003). Fragile X syndrome
us little about the manipulated gene’s impact on cognition. in humans is due to a massive triple repeat expansion in the
For a valid conclusion mice have to undergo a battery that Fmr1 gene on the X chromosome causing hypermethylation
includes several cognitive as well as non-cognitive tasks. and silencing that gene (Jin & Warren, 2003). Besides mental
Only with a full behavioral profile can the gene effect be retardation, the syndrome includes anatomical features such
sensibly characterized. as elongated faces and large testicles alongside behavioral
changes such as hyperkinesia. When a homologous triple
repeat expansion was introduced into mice, however, only
moderate instability was observed (Bontekoe et al., 2001).
Modeling Human Cognitive Disabilities
Mice with deleted Fmr1 gene displayed some but not all
in Mice anatomical features (for review, see Bakker & Oostra, 2003;
Kooy, 2003). In more than 90% of adult mutant mice, testes
Human cognitive impairments with known or suspected were enlarged but facial features were normal. Dendritic
genetic causes or genetic risk factors occur mainly dur- spines of mutant mice showed anomalies similar to those in
ing early development as mental retardation or later in life human patients, and mutants were only slightly impaired in
as senile dementias. When the genes causing or promoting learning and memory tasks. The mild behavioral phenotype
dementia are known, an attempt can be made to model the seemed to be dependent on the genetic background.
disease in mice by introducing similar mutations, or selecting Mouse models for other forms of hereditary mental retar-
mutations that replicate part of the pathology. The goal of this dation yielded similar results, i.e., symptoms were usu-
line of research is to understand disease etiology at the most ally weaker than in human patients or even completely
fundamental biochemical levels and, with the help of the absent in the mouse model. Relatively mild impairments
model, to develop therapeutic strategies. The approach could in learning and memory tasks accompanied models for
be called a top-down–bottom-up approach because first the Coffin–Lowry syndrome (Poirier et al., 2006), GDI 1 mental
166 H. Welzl et al.

retardation (D’Adamo et al., 2002), Rett syndrome (Shah- decline in cognitive performance with compromised learn-
bazian et al., 2002), Agtr2 mutation with X-linked mental ing, memory, and speed of problem solving (Albert, 1996),
retardation (Sakagawa et al., 2000), L1 mutation and CRASH sometimes accompanied by delusions, depression, agita-
syndrome (Fransen et al., 1998; Law et al., 2003; Wolfer, tion, and aggressive behavior (Victoroff, Zarow, Mack,
Mohajeri, Lipp, & Schachner, 1998), and neurofibromatosis Hsu, & Chui, 1996). Although cognitive evaluation is indica-
type 1 (for review, see Costa & Silva, 2003). Most of these tive of AD, a definitive diagnosis is only reached post-
‘mental retardation’ genes belonged to the class of genes mortem based on neuropathological changes consisting of
listed in the previous section, i.e., genes coding for proteins senile plaques, predominantly containing amyloid-β (Aβ)
involved in synaptic plasticity. protein and neurofibrillary tangles, composed of tau pro-
Critical interpretation problems similar to those listed at tein (Fig. 11.2; Price et al., 1991). These changes are
the end of the previous section apply also for the present sec- accompanied by neuronal damage and death mainly in
tion (pleiotropic effects, mutation-induced changes in non- brain regions critical for learning and memory such as
targeted systems, genetic background effects, differences the neocortex, hippocampus, amygdala, anterior thalamus,
between lines targeting the same gene, need for improved and basal forebrain (Arnold, Hyman, Flory, Damasio, &
cognitive test batteries). In addition, syndromes of mouse Van Hoesen, 1991; Horn et al., 1996; Hyman, Van Hoe-
models only partly replicate the clinical picture. One possi- sen, Damasio, & Barnes, 1984; Morrison & Hof, 1997;
ble explanation for that observation could be a better com- Samuel, Terry, Deteresa, Butters, & Masliah, 1994; White-
pensatory mechanism for deleted genes in mice. Another house et al., 1982). In addition, the functionality of the
explanation might be the lack of good tasks to measure ‘g’ monoaminergic and cholinergic systems is reduced (Braak &
in mice compared to the available tasks measuring ‘g’ in Braak, 1994; Jope, Song, & Powers, 1997; Mattson & Ped-
humans. Most of the tasks tapping into cognition in mice are ersen, 1998; Tong & Hamel, 1999). Early onset AD cases
probably too simple and can be mastered even after a reduc- are mostly familial and linked to the presence of autosomal
tion in cognitive abilities. Furthermore, cognition in humans dominant mutations. Mutations causing familial AD affect
is highly dependable on language. It is possible that lan- at least one of three different genes that encode the amyloid
guage in humans is more sensitive to disruption than learning precursor protein (APP) or the presenilins (PS1 or PS2). Fur-
and memory tasks such as spatial learning or conditioning thermore, the ApoE4 allele of apoliprotein (apoE) gene is
in mice. known to be a potent susceptibility factor for late-onset idio-
pathic (‘sporadic’) form of AD (reviewed in Selkoe, 1997).

Senile Dementia of the Alzheimer Type

Aging, in conjunction with genetic, epigenetic, and environ-

mental factors, can compromise brain function, eventually
leading to brain degeneration. Although the decline is typ-
ically a gentle one, the general consensus is that no form
of memory is completely spared during aging (Fratiglioni,
Small, Winblad, & Bäckman, 2001). Dementias are charac-
terized by progressive and accelerated decline in cognitive
function that results from loss of the underlying neuronal
architecture. Patients suffering from advanced Alzheimer’s
disease (AD), fronto-temporal dementia and Parkinsonism
linked to chromosome 17, vascular dementia, corticobasal
degeneration, or Pick’s disease show cognitive impairment
that is indicative of widespread neuronal damage. Yet each
disease possesses a unique cognitive phenotype that emerges Fig. 11.2 Comparison of plaques and tangles in human AD patients
from a patterned destruction of specific neuronal architecton- (above) and transgenic mouse models (below). (A) Senile plaques in
ics (for review, see Lee, Goedert, & Trojanowski, 2001). cortex of a human AD case, stained for pan Ab species. (B) Senile
plaques in cortex of Tg2576 mice, stained for pan Ab species. (C)
AD is the most prominent of the dementias and based on Tangles in the cortex of human patient, stained with MC1 antibody
cognitive tests accounts for more than 75% of patients suffer- (detects paired helical filaments). (D) Tangles in the cortex of Tgr4510
ing from dementia (Price, Davies, Morris, & White, 1991). mice, stained with MC1 antibody [picture supplied by one of the authors
The major clinical symptom of AD is a progressive (Christopher Janus)]
11 Cognition in Rodents 167

The identification of gene mutations associated with AD Rosahl, 1999; van Leuven, 2000). Most of the transgenic
and other tauopathies allowed the creation of mice carry- APP mice rapidly increased Aβ levels and amyloid plaque
ing either mutated or wild-type forms of human AD-causing deposition with age. These mice also recapitulated other neu-
genes. These transgenic mice should replicate the relevant rological features of AD (astrogliosis, microgliosis, cytoki-
features of these diseases, including neuropathology and nine production, oxidative stress, dystrophic neurites) but no
associated cognitive deficits. In light of what is known overt neuronal loss. Behavioral studies from different lab-
about AD in humans, a mouse model should (1) replicate oratories found that these mice were significantly impaired
at least one and preferably more pathologic hallmarks of in spatial reference memory in the water maze, in working
AD; (2) should exhibit cognitive deficits in different behav- memory evaluated in a radial arm water maze, in the T-maze
ioral paradigms targeting the same memory system; (3) in test, Y-maze, object recognition test, and contextual and trace
models employing genetic mutation(s), phenotypic changes fear conditioning.
described in 1 and 2 should be associated with the pres- Another main pathological feature of AD, apart from Aβ
ence of a mutation(s) (these phenotyping effects should be plaques, is the formation of neurofibrillary tangles. Inter-
absent or less pronounced in age-matched mice expressing estingly, no detectable neurofibrillary tangles developed in
wild-type (wt) gene alleles expressed at equal (or greater) transgenic mice overexpressing APP and/or PS1 on different
steady-state levels as the mutated allele(s)). Although trans- genetic backgrounds. A recently introduced triple transgenic
genic mice might never recapitulate all facets of the human mouse model addressed the relationship between amyloid
disease, transgenic mouse models for AD present unique and and tau pathology. The triple transgenic AD mice consist of
important systems for in vivo study of the pathophysiology APP (Swedish), PS1, and tau mutations (Oddo, Caccamo,
of a gene of interest. Kitazawa, Tseng, & LaFerla, 2003a). These mice develop
Most of the mouse models which replicate amyloid Aβ plaques in an age-dependent fashion, first in the neocor-
pathology express high levels of APP and its metabolite Aβ tex and then later in the hippocampus. The development of
peptide, with temporal and spatial expression patterns of the neurofibrillary tangles followed Aβ pathology. Tangles first
transgene depending on the promoter used. Commonly used appear in the hippocampus and later spread to the cortex
promoters include the APP promoter (Lamb et al., 1993), the (Oddo et al., 2003b). The triple transgenic AD mice also
brain-enriched Prion protein promoter (Chishti et al., 2001; develop an age-dependent synaptic dysfunction which pre-
Hsiao et al., 1995, 1996), the platelet-derived growth factor ceded plaque and tangle formation (Oddo et al., 2003b),
b-chain (PDGFb) promoter (Games et al., 1995) (both PrP and an age-progressing memory impairment that correlated
and PDGF promoters resulting in a transgene expression also with the accumulation of intraneuronal Aβ (Billings, Oddo,
outside of the CNS), or the neuronal-specific Thy-1 promoter Green, McGaugh, & LaFerla, 2005). The regional and tem-
(Sturchler-Pierrat et al., 1997). poral patterns of pathology development observed in triple
Learning and memory in mouse models of AD. Inter- transgenic AD mice is reminiscent of the development of
estingly, mice overexpressing human PS1 wild-type and human AD pathology. Also, the appearance of Aβ pathology
mutated genes developed no overt amyloid plaque pathol- before tau pathology supports the amyloid cascade hypoth-
ogy (Citron et al., 1997; Duff et al., 1996). Intensive behav- esis of AD pathogenesis (Hardy & Selkoe, 2002), making
ioral characterization of these mouse lines revealed no sen- this model particularly suitable for the validation of this
sorimotor or spatial reference memory deficits (Holcomb hypothesis.
et al., 1999, 1998; Janus et al., 2000a). The transgenic In conclusion, the development of mouse models of
models which most convincingly replicated AD-related neu- tauopathies has brought research closer to an accurate repli-
ropathology overexpressed human mutated APP (Indiana cation of neurodegenerative processes in AD, and this ulti-
mutation: Games et al., 1995; Swedish mutation: Andra mately should help elucidate the causes of neuronal death
et al., 1996; Hsiao et al., 1996; Swedish and Indiana muta- and cognitive decline in this type of dementia. Understanding
tions: Chishti et al., 2001; Li et al., 2004; Janus et al., 2000b; the interplay between genetic, epigenetic, and environmental
J20 mice: Mucke et al., 2000; London mutation: Moechars risk factors underlying dementia is a conditio sine qua non
et al., 1999; APP and PS1 genes: Borchelt et al., 1996; for the development of preventive and curative therapies. In
Dineley, Xia, Bui, Sweatt, & Zheng, 2002). A detailed this respect, the present mouse models have proved to be
description of all transgenic lines is presented in reviews robust and have already contributed to our understanding of
which chronicle the complete history of APP transgenesis basic biology and pathogenesis of AD. One major problem
and the characteristic of specific lines (Ashe, 2001; Dodart, when investigating mouse models of AD is how well the
Mathis, Bales, & Paul, 2002b; Greenberg et al., 1996; complex cognitive characteristics of human patients can be
Higgins & Jacobsen, 2003; Janus, Phinney, Chishti, & replicated in mice and what would be the most sensitive tests
Westaway, 2001; Janus & Westaway, 2001; Seabrook &
168 H. Welzl et al.

to assess cognitive deficits in mice that resemble the cogni- research to detect phenotype-specific quantitative trait loci
tive deficits in human patients. (for review, see Butcher, Kennedy, & Plomin, 2006). Finally,
RNA microarrays can help to indicate genes whose expres-
sion level correlates with performance level in learning and
memory paradigms (see, e.g., Cavallaro, D’Agata, Man-
Perspectives and Future Directions ickam, & Alkon, 2002; D’Agata & Cavallaro, 2003; Leil,
for the Study of Cognition in Rodents Ossadtchi, Cortes, Leahy, & Smith, 2002; Leil, Ossadtchi,
Nichols, Leahy, & Smith, 2003; Letwin et al., 2006; Paratore
A genetic influence on cognitive abilities in health and dis- et al., 2006; Robles et al., 2003), thus really examining the
ease in mice and man is well supported by the literature as gene contributions in a quantitative way.
outlined above. However, increased knowledge about genetic A molecular genetic approach to finding genes for cog-
mechanisms and expression throughout development has nitive abilities, or more specifically for learning and mem-
brought with it appreciations of the complexity of those gene ory, will profit from a number of recent technical develop-
effects on behavior. The old presumptions of a few key genes ments. Genetically engineered mice have been developed in
influencing one behavior regardless of background factors which gene expression can be switched on and off at any
are long obsolete. We are now also aware how difficult it is time during development (Michalon, Koshibu, Baumgartel,
to select behavioral tasks and interpret behavioral data when Spirig, & Mansuy, 2005; Uchida et al., 2006). This technique
studying a gene–behavior relationship. The wealth of avail- has already been used to investigate, for example, the role of
able data and the multitude of techniques on hand to investi- calcineurin in learning and memory (Genoux et al., 2002).
gate gene effects on cognition should provide ample material Gene delivery to specific brain areas can be achieved through
for more refined future research, if only the appropriate care injection of a compound consisting of a viral vector and
and attention are taken. Progress is likely to appear along all specific gene in mice as well as other species. Such viral
three lines of research discussed here. transfection has been successfully applied to deliver human
Continuing efforts in psychometric research will hope- apolipoprotein E isoforms into the brains of mice modeling
fully provide a better understanding as to what extent AD (Dodart et al., 2005). The application of gene transfer
behavioral tasks and their multiple parameters inform on to limbic system research has been discussed and reviewed
general cognitive, specific cognitive, or confounding traits. by Robert Sapolsky (2003). Another more recent approach
The results should provide us with improved behavioral that might help to elucidate the role of genes in learning and
test batteries which reliably profile both cognitive and non- memory is gene silencing by small interfering RNAs injected
cognitive processes so that genetic effects or other manip- into the brain (for review, see McManus & Sharp, 2002; Nov-
ulations can be correctly categorized and quantified. These ina & Sharp, 2004).
test batteries will not necessarily be more extensive; but In the field of genetically determined or predisposed cog-
they will include only those tasks and their parameters with nitive disabilities, clinical research and investigation of ani-
known high loadings for specific behavioral aspects. Thus mal models will continue to influence each other. Clinical
the psychometric research is also providing the critical ser- studies can detect further genes causing or promoting differ-
vice of selecting and refining individual tasks with a view to ent forms of cognitive impairments. Modeling gene defects
maximizing key information. Improved behavioral test bat- in mice can help to understand the role gene products play
teries will certainly be the basis of the quantitative genetic in synaptic or cellular processes. Mouse models may also
approach as well as proving necessary to other approaches help to test potential therapeutic approaches. This field is
looking for accurate explanations of the relationship between rapidly moving and it is impossible to provide an exhaus-
their gene of interest and cognition. tive account of this research area. For readers who are inter-
A quantitative genetic approach to cognition in mice will ested in learning more, we would like to mention several
benefit from better cognitive test batteries as well as new key papers (Austin et al., 2003; Dodart et al., 2002a; Janus
resources and techniques. Whole genome single nucleotide et al., 2000b; Kotilinek et al., 2002; Sigurdsson, Scholt-
polymorphism (SNP) panels for mice are available which zova, Mehta, Frangione, & Wisniewski, 2001) and reviews
potentially allow a more comprehensive search for quanti- (Bush, 2001; Dodart et al., 2002b; Duff, 1999; Janus, 2003)
tative trait loci associated with cognitive abilities and other that chronicle the history of immunization against Aβ in
behavioral traits (Moran et al., 2006; Petkov et al., 2004; mouse models, and the subsequent results of clinical trials
Tsang et al., 2005; Yan, Wang, Lemon, & You, 2004). (Gilman et al., 2005; Hock et al., 2002, 2003; Orgogozo
These SNP panels very likely will be expanded in the et al., 2003).
future. In addition to more mouse SNPs, pooled DNA anal- In summary, the study of cognitive processes and cogni-
ysis and microarrays could potentially reduce costs in the tive abilities in rodents does not suffer from lack of useful-
future; these techniques have been introduced in human ness to the understanding of human brain function and dis-
11 Cognition in Rodents 169

ease; nor is there a lack of genetic or neuroscience technol- Bailey, C. H., & Kandel, E. R. (1993). Structural changes accompanying
ogy to back it up; nor is there a lack of scientists trying to memory storage. Annual Review of Physiology, 55, 397–426.
Bakker, C. R., & Oostra, B. A. (2003). Understanding fragile X syn-
find genes associated with cognition. What is sorely lacking,
drome: Insights from animal models. Cytogenet. Genome Research,
however, is the behavioral technology to give clear interpre- 100, 111–123.
tations of the genetic manipulation effects. Huge numbers of Balschun, D., Wolfer, D. P., Gass, P., Mantamadiotis, T., Welzl, H.,
genes have been ‘characterized’ in terms of ‘cognitive’ tasks, Schutz, G., et al. (2003). Does cAMP response element-binding
protein have a pivotal role in hippocampal synaptic plasticity and
but the interpretation in most of these results is dubious by
hippocampus-dependent memory? The Journal of Neuroscience, 23,
virtue of very limited behavior information interpreted with 6304–6314.
simplistic or wishful thinking. The field of rodent psycho- Berger, S., Wolfer, D. P., Selbach, O., Alter, H., Erdmann, G., Reichardt,
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Chapter 12

Neurogenetic Analysis and Cognitive Functions in Trisomy 21

Pierre L. Roubertoux and Michèle Carlier

Introduction while others are impaired to different degrees (Nadel, 1995,

1999). The complexity of the impairment is not only seen in
Trisomy 21 (TRS21) is also known as “Down’s syndrome” the psychological patterns, but also seen in brain structure
and for a long time was called “mongolism”. At the begin- volumes and histological characteristics. TRS21 may thus
ning of the third millennium, TRS21 remains the most reflect the complexity of brain structure volumes that are
frequent genetic cause of mental deficiency in Western soci- affected unequally and in complex patterns. TRS21 offers
ety. According to estimates in recent studies by Roizen and potential scope for correlating anatomic defects in the brain
Patterson (2003), TRS21 occurs once in every 800 or 1,000 with cognitive characteristics (Teipel & Hampel, 2006). Even
births. TRS21 is a syndrome, defined by a complex set of more interesting prospects are available for behavior-genetic
cardiac, immune, bone, brain, and cognitive disorders, most analysis as the human 21 chromosome (HSA21) has been
being highly variable in expression. Not all persons with sequenced (Hattori et al., 2000). The triplicated region impli-
TRS21 have leukemia, although it is more prevalent in the cated in TRS21 encompasses 225 genes but a recent esti-
TRS21 population compared to the general population. Car- mate of the HSA21 genes indicates that HAS 21 carries 283
diac disorders are responsible for approximately 60% of protein-encoding genes (Watanabe et al., 2004). This is not
perinatal mortality in neonates with TRS21. Immune disor- a very large number and hopes of establishing correlations
ders are more common in TRS21 (30% of TRS21 persons between genes, the brain and psychological variants do not
have abnormal levels of T-lymphocytes – Ugazio, Maccario, appear to be utopian. Comparative genomics have identified
Notarangelo, & Burgio, 1990); bone anomalies are also more many synthesis between the human species and other mam-
common. The characteristic morphology is short and stocky malian species; these have been thoroughly documented in
with virtually no neck because of skeletal abnormalities. the mouse, thus providing an opportunity to develop mouse
Facial features of persons with TRS21 typically include models of TRS21 and investigate the function of genes or
oblique eye fissures, epicanthic eye-folds, a flat nasal bridge, groups of genes.
the mouth permanently open and the tongue protruding. The Chromosomal abnormalities have been widely reported
limbs are malformed, and hands are short and broad with a in relation to cognitive disorders. The hemizygous dele-
single transverse palmar crease and shortened, incurved fifth tions of large chromosomal fragments, 7q11.23 in Williams–
finger. Mental deficiency, while of variable severity, is the Beuren (Morris & Mervis, 2000) and 22q.11 syndromes (Liu
most constant feature of persons with TRS21 (Antonarakis, et al., 2002) are associated with a typical profile of cogni-
Lyle, Dermitzakis, Reymond, & Deutsch, 2004; Patterson & tive dysfunction or psychotic disorders. Several phenotypes
Costa, 2005). are known to be the result of trisomies affecting only one
Mental deficiency is heterogeneous, varying between gene. Recent deciphering of gene–brain–behavior relation-
individuals, and appears as a complex cognitive pattern ships has seen considerable progress in investigations of
rather than an overall deficit. Some skills remain preserved, TRS21 and could serve as a model for other chromosomal
Knowledge of gene–brain–behavior relationships can
P.L. Roubertoux (B) offer prospects for uncovering treatments to improve brain
INSERM UMR910 Génétique Médicale et Génomique Fonctionnelle, functions in TRS21, but needs to be extended to gain an
Université d’Aix-Marseille 2, Faculté de Médecine, 27 Bvd Jean understanding of the underlying processes involved in the
Moulin, 13385 Marseille Cedex 05, France cognitive disorders of this syndrome.
e-mail: pierre.roubertoux@univmed.fr

Y.-K. Kim (ed.), Handbook of Behavior Genetics, 175

DOI 10.1007/978-0-387-76727-7 12,  c Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2009
176 P.L. Roubertoux and M. Carlier

The First Identified Chromosomal Bases discover that the human genome has 46 chromosomes until
of Cognitive Defects the middle of the century (Tijo & Levan, 1956), and indi-
vidual cytological characterization of each chromosome still
had to be performed. The technique was only available in
J.E.D. Esquirol (1838) devoted a large part of one of
a small number of laboratories at the forefront of research
his books to “idiocy”; idiocy was what we refer to as
into cytogenetics. Two years after Tijo and Levan published
“mental deficiency”, “mental retardation” or “feeble
their paper, Lejeune observed a “Mongoloid” patient with 47
mindedness”. Several observations were of what we now
chromosomes instead of 46. He came up with an “either/or”
call TRS21, and the description clearly tallies with the
hypothesis: either a translocation on chromosome 4 or an
modern symptomatology of the disorder. Esquirol described
extra chromosome. Morphological analysis of the chromo-
a particular category of patient characterized by oblique
somes producing this anomalous karyotype confirmed the
eye fissures, epicanthic eye-folds, a flat nasal bridge and
finding of an extra chromosome 21, first in two patients,
protruding tongue. He noted their short, stocky stature with
then in nine “mongoloid” patients (Lejeune, Gauthier, &
virtually no neck, malformed limbs and mental deficiency.
Turpin, 1959; Lejeune, Turpin, & Gautier, 1958). The obser-
One illustration by Ambroise Tardieu in the book by Esquirol
vation of a triple chromosome 21 in patients with the same
shows some of the physical characteristics of persons with
clinical diagnosis was confirmed in independent groups.
trisomy 21 (see Roubertoux & Kerdelhué, 2006, for more
details). Eight years later, Edouard Séguin (1846) adopted
this description of the symptomatological group, adding
a detailed description of the small nose and open mouth; Cognitive and Brain Phenotypes of Patients
he described the morphology of the tongue, that was with TRS21
thick and cracked, and the susceptibility of the lungs and
integuments to infection. In a later paper, first published in Questions raised with TRS21 are
English (Séguin, 1856, 1866), Séguin wrote that in spite of
“profound idiocy”, these “good kids” had language and were - Is the neuropsychological profile of TRS21 persons the
able to gain some basic knowledge. He described the mental result of greater developmental instability?
pathology reported by Esquirol in greater detail and named it - Is the neuropsychological profile the consequence of a
“furfuraceous cretinism” because of the bran-like appearance dosage effect?
of the skin of persons with TRS21. Six years after the In other words, are the brain and psychological features
pioneering description by Séguin, the British alienist, John observed in TRS21 specific to the genetic disorder or are they
Langdon Haydon Down, classified patients in the mental non-specific consequences of mental deficiency? The issue
hospital where he was working, assigning them to so-called at stake is important. If the neuropsychological profile is
“ethnic groups”. “A very large number of congenital idiots the consequence of mental deficiency, similar profiles should
are typical Mongols. So marked is this that, when placed be found in other genetic diseases, and the deciphering of
side by side, it is difficult to believe the specimens compared relationships between HSA21 genes and cognitive impair-
are not children of the same parents.” (Down, 1862). Several ment will be irrelevant to any understanding of the interface
astute observations taken from texts by Esquirol and in par- between the genome and the highest integrative functions.
ticular by Séguin (1846, 1956) can be recognized in Down’s But if the profiles are specific and vary from one genetic dis-
three-page note (1862) and in the even shorter note published order to another, this specificity should lead to genes involved
later (1867). The term “Down’s syndrome” was substituted in the different facets of cognition being identified. We will
for “mongolism” in the mid-20th century, but this new termi- present a brief synopsis of cognitive and brain characteristics
nology is unsatisfactory as it infers that the pioneering work of TRS21 and will then show that the characteristics are dif-
was done by J. H. Down, which is obviously inaccurate, as ferent when compared to Williams–Beuren syndrome due to
we know it was done by Esquirol and Séguin. The term “Tri- another chromosomal aberration with mental deficiency.
somy 21” (TRS21) should therefore be preferred for these
What was the origin of the syndrome? Several hypothe-
ses were formulated during the first part of the 20th century, Patterns of Cognition in TRS21
several implicating the chromosomal arrangement, with an
extra copy of one chromosome. Two elements were needed TRS21 cognitive processes have been well documented
to prove the chromosomal basis of the syndrome still called (Brown et al., 2003; Clark & Wilson, 2003; Krinsky-McHale,
“mongolism” at the time: the exact number of human chro- Devenny, & Silverman, 2002; Laws, 2002; Pennington,
mosomes had to be established, and Tijo and Levan did not Moon, Edgin, Stedron, & Nadel, 2003; Vicari, 2006).
12 Neurogenetic Analysis and Cognitive Functions in Trisomy 21 177

Cognitive impairment is the salient feature of the syndrome, TRS21 and William–Beuren Syndrome:
with IQ ranging from 30 to 70 and averaging around 45 Comparative Neuropsychology
(Chapman & Hesketh, 2000; Carr, 2005). Carr (2005)
reported that cognitive decline in adult age affected verbal
Neuropsychological studies have shown that mental defi-
skills more than performance ability, whereas the reverse is
ciency from different genetic etiologies can be characterized
observed in typically developing adults. Persons with TRS21
by very different quantitative and qualitative profiles of cog-
have a normal performance level for simple tasks (operant
nitive impairment. The focus here will be on studies compar-
conditioning at 3 months, imitation learning at 55 months and
ing TRS21 and Williams–Beuren syndrome (WBS) as there
classical conditioning at adult age), but difficulties with spa-
is extensive literature on the topic. WBS is a rare genetic
tial memory, poor long-term memory performances (Brown
syndrome (between 1/7,500 and 1/25,000 live births), result-
et al., 2003; Clark & Wilson, 2003; Hodapp, Ewans, & Gray,
ing from a hemizygous deletion of contiguous genes on the
et al., 1999; Raz et al., 1995) and very poor performance in
long arm of chromosome 7 at 7q11.23, including the gene
language abilities (Nadel, 1999; Rondal, 1999) are observed.
for elastin (ELN). In 95% of affected individuals, the size of
Persons with TRS21 have difficulty in acquiring new
the deletion is 1.6 Mb encompassing at least 25 genes (Bayés
skills (Raz et al., 1995; Hodapp, 1999 et al.), mostly because
et al., 2003). The specific contribution of most of the deleted
of the persistent use of old strategies to solve new problems
genes to psychological traits is still unknown (see, for exam-
(Wishart, 1993; Raz et al., 1995; Hodapp, 1999 et al.), and
ple, Gray, Karmiloff-Smith, Funnell, & Tassebehji 2006).
given the small size of the hippocampus (see below), they
The TRS21 and WBS phenotypes are characterized by
learn less efficiently than typically developing children (com-
mental deficiency. The mean level of cognitive performance
pared when matched for mental age) as tested with different
is lower in TRS21 than in WBS; the difference is at least 10
tasks: word list, a computer-generated virtual Morris water
IQ points, but this figure has to be considered with caution as
maze and pattern recognition (Pennington et al., 2003).
intellectual level depends on the tool used to measure IQ, and
particularly so in the low range. The psychological profiles in
TRS21 and WBS are complex, and they differ.
The reader must not forget that when differences are
Brain Characteristics of TRS21 shown between psychological profiles of persons with
TRS21 and WBS, it cannot be concluded that one group
Figure 12.1 summarizes concordant studies of volumes of performed in the normal range and that the other achieved
different brain structures. Observing the results in published a low performance level, but simply that one is relatively
papers, we can see that the size of the brain structures is higher than the other. Moreover, when a TRS21 group and
generally smaller in TRS21 persons; in particular there is a a WBS group are matched for mental age, the groups are not
dramatic reduction in the size of the hippocampus. Few bio- representative of the whole group of persons with the genetic
chemical studies are available on TRS21 persons. More strin- disorder concerned; and as the mean IQ is lower for TRS21
gent age controls and replications are needed before reaching than for WBS, individuals with very low scores in the TRS21
the state of the art. group have to be excluded for the purposes of statistical


prefrontal cortex

anterior cingulate

inferior parietal

inferior temporale

precentral gyrus

postcentral gyrus




0 20 40 60 80
% reduction

Fig. 12.1 Reduction of the volume of brain structures in trisomic 21 persons compared to non-trisomics
178 P.L. Roubertoux and M. Carlier

analysis, and individuals scoring at the top of the WBS IQ Volumetric studies using nuclear magnetic resonance observ-
range, also have to be excluded (Carlier & Ayoun, 2007). ing young, non-demented adults with TRS21 and comparing
Language development and auditory rote memory are rel- them to age-matched non-TRS21 individuals have confirmed
atively good in WBS syndrome, while visuospatial process- these data: the overall brain volume is smaller, and this
ing skills are severely impaired. The reverse is observed includes the cerebellum and cerebral gray and white mat-
in persons with TRS21 who display a severe deficit in ter. To understand the results obtained with animal models
language development and relative strength in visuospatial of TRS21, it is important to note that the volume of the
skills (Vicari, 2006). Studies of adolescents and adults with hippocampus is dramatically small, whereas the volume of
TRS21 and WBS, when matched for age and full-scale IQ, amygdala is smaller, but in proportion to the overall smaller
show clear differences in language skills at a number of size of the brain.
levels: phonological, lexical, morphological, syntactic, plus Children with WBS display marked atrophy of the poste-
prosody, discourse and narrative (Bellugi, Lichtenberger, rior regions of the brain and of the basal ganglia. Recent stud-
Mills, Galaburda & Korenberg, 1999; Mervis, 2003). Dif- ies using nuclear magnetic resonance techniques evidenced
ferent patterns of impairment in long-term visual and spatial abnormal surface complexity and thickness of the cortex
memory have also been observed. When compared to a group (Thompson et al., 2005), hypoactivation in the parietal por-
of mental-age-matched typically developing children, indi- tion of the dorsal stream (Meyer-Lindenberg et al., 2004) and
viduals with WBS displayed specific difficulties in visual– a decrease in gray matter concentration in the left parieto-
spatial tasks, but not with visual-object and verbal memory occipital region (Boddaert et al., 2005). In the hippocampus
tasks, while persons with TRS21 performed poorly on both of patients with WBS, the normal volume is intact, but the
tasks (Vicari, Belluci, & Carlesimo, 2005). metabolism is impaired (reduction in blood flow, in N-acetyl
Aspects of the psychological profile other than cogni- aspartate metabolism and in the responsiveness of the ante-
tive traits have been investigated. Children with WBS were rior formation – Meyer-Lindenberg et al., 2005). Abnormal
described as hyper-sociable compared to typically develop- development of the corpus callosum has been reported, with
ing individuals and individuals with TRS21 (Doyle, Bellugi, it being more convex, particularly in the splenium and the
Korenberg, & Graham, 2004). A recent study of lateral pref- caudal part of the callosal body (Tomaiuolo et al., 2002).
erence for hand and foot compared samples of children and
adolescents: WBS, TRS21 and typically developing persons
(Carlier et al., 2006; Gérard-Desplanches et al., 2006). Car- Human Chromosome 21
lier and her group found more left-handers and more left-
foot preferences in the group with TRS21 than in the other The publication of the full sequence of the long arm of chro-
two groups. Manual and foot inconsistencies (i.e., preference mosome 21 (HSA21) (Hattori et al., 2000) inaugurated a new
varying within tasks) were observed in both the TRS21 and era in understanding the relationships between chromosome
the WBS groups, but was very rare in the age-matched typi- 21 (HSA21) and cognition and, more generally, between
cally developing group. With a card-reaching task, age differ- genes and brain processes involved in mental deficiency.
ences were observed in the typically developing group, but What was even more important for understanding these pro-
not in either the TRS21 or the WBS group. In short, there cesses was the description of synthesis between HSA21 and
were different patterns of laterality, between the TRS21 and mouse chromosomes 16 (MMU16), 17 (MMU17) and 10
the WBS groups and the typically developing group, and also (MMU10).
between the TRS21 group and the WBS group. Animal mod-
els should help describe the physiological pathways between
the laterality and the TRS21 and WBS genes (Roubertoux Properties of HSA21 Genes
et al., 2005).
Differences in brain development and brain morpholo- HSA21 is one of the smallest human chromosomes. With
gies between TRS21 and WBS have been reported. Teipel & its 33,827,477 bp it accounts for 1% of the human genome.
Hampel (2006) presented a review of neuroanatomical inves- The long arm was initially considered as carrying 225 genes.
tigations of TRS21 and some conclusions are summa- Recent estimates suggest that the number should be higher
rized here. Postmortem analyses of fetuses and infants have and could reach 283 (Watanabe et al., 2004). No empirical
described characteristics such as lower brain weight, brachy- estimates of the number of the genes carried by the short arm
cephaly, a small cerebellum, small frontal and temporal are available yet. Triplication of HSA21 can be caused by
lobes, shallow depth of the cerebral sulci and a narrow supe- non-disjunction during meiosis, by translocation to another
rior temporal gyrus. Even after correcting for body size, chromosome or mosaicism. The first case is the most fre-
brain volume is smaller in persons with TRS21 compared to quent, and examination of the extra chromosome DNA shows
age-matched typically developing individuals (see Fig. 12.1). that it is always maternal in origin. The extra chromosome is
12 Neurogenetic Analysis and Cognitive Functions in Trisomy 21 179

from maternal origin in 90% of the cases, while 10% are from by Jackson, North III, and Thomas (1976) in their descrip-
paternal (Hassold & Sherman, 2000) tion of TRS21. These regions are bounded by D21S17 and
The phenotypes of TRS21 patients depend on the allelic ETS2. Persons with a triple D21S17-ETS2 region were recog-
forms carried by not only the pair of chromosomes from nized as more severely mentally retarded than persons carry-
the father and mother but also the extra chromosome. The ing a triple copy of another HSA21 region. Unfortunately, in
allelic forms that differ from one patient to another and both studies, assessments of cognitive capacities were often
intra- or inter-locus interactions contribute substantially to approximate, with an overall score on an intelligence test,
individual differences between TRS21 persons. The triple or sometimes mental performance was simply inferred from
copy of an allelic form of a gene does not necessarily mean “examinations or discussions with the family and patient”
triple expression of the gene. This has been shown with (Korenberg et al., 1994). The idea of a “critical region” or
the Ts65Dn mouse, one model for TRS21 (see below). The of a “minimal region” has been challenged recently (Olson,
genes carried by the triplicated fragment of MMU16 (syn- Richtsmeier, Leszl, & Reeves, 2004); these findings will be
tenic to HSA21) do not produce the same gene dosage discussed in the section on animal models.
effects. Lyle, Gehrig, Neergaard-Henrichsen, Deutsch, & Cases of partial TRS21 are very rare, accounting for no
Antonarakis (2004) noted that not all the genes present in the more than 1% of living persons with TRS21. The scientific
three copies are overexpressed. The expression of some of community therefore turned to animal models to establish
the HSA21 genes in three copies is no greater than would be correlations between HSA21 and phenotypes. The mouse
expected with two genes copied (Antonarakis et al., 2004). was chosen as the syntenies between MMU16 and HAS21
The normalized expression value for a gene with two alle- have been well documented over an extended period.
les is 1.00, so the normalized value expected for a gene
with three allelic copies would be 1.50. Of the 78 genes
investigated, 18% showed expression greater than 1.5, for Mouse Models of TRS21
37%, expression was 1.5, for 45% it was between 1 (nor-
mal) and 1.5, while 9% had the same level of expression as The selection of a model gives rise to a dilemma. Mice can
in diploid cells. Gitton et al. (2002), Kahlem et al. (2004) be produced with extra copies of large synthetic fragments
and Kahlem (2006) concluded that differences in overex- of HSA21, and even with the whole HSA21. These mice can
pression of triplicated genes of HSA21 were tissue depen- be used to see how the mouse phenotype fits the human syn-
dent. Reymond et al. (2002) and Lyle et al. (2004), studying drome, but they cannot be used to identify individual func-
mice, observed that the level of expression was age depen- tions of genes and their role in TRS21 mental retardation.
dent, varying from embryonic to aerial life. The Usp16 gene Other limitations are encountered with single mice overex-
provides a good illustration of variations in expression that pressing a single gene. The hypothesis implicit in the use
can be observed between cells. The expression of the three of transgenic mice with single genes from HSA21 is that
copies gives a normalized value of 1.44 in the brain and 1.11 one gene may have a substantial effect. The effect should
in the kidney at day 30, but increases from 1.11 to 1.52 in the be detectable by comparison with diploid mice and the effect
kidney between day 30 and month 11. would be more difficult to detect if a large number of genes
The effect of triplicated copies of HSA21 genes can there- were involved or if the effect of a single gene was produced
fore be direct or indirect. The genes reacting to the triple by epistasis. Mouse models of TRS21 include segmental tri-
dosage effect may induce modifications to expression in the somies and trisomies for a single gene. The extra fragment
genome and, specifically in the chromosome 21 genes. These can be of mouse origin, in which case it is caused by translo-
variations in expression may contribute to the TRS21 phe- cation, or it can be of human origin, through transfection of
notype. Depending on the allelic forms carried by the non- HSA21 genes or chromosomal fragments (Fig. 12.2). The
HSA21 genes, the TRS21 phenotype can vary. discrepancies between an extra copy produced by transloca-
Although HSA21 is one of the smallest chromosomes, tion and one produced by transgenesis could be determined
it carries a large number of genes. The discovery of par- by the different degrees of homology between the species,
tial trisomies seemed to pave the way for deciphering the and also by the efficiency of the promoter selected for the
genes involved in the mental deficiency observed in TRS21. transfection.
The first partial trisomy was reported by Aula, Leisti, &
von Koskull (1973) and was related to 21q22.1 and 21q22.2
bands in a person with the TRS21 phenotype. Partial tri- Extra Copy of Mouse Origin
somies have proven invaluable in investigating the function
of genes carried by chromosome 21. Delabar et al. (1993) Gropp, Kolbus, and Giers (1975) used spontaneous Robert-
and Korenberg et al. (1994) suggested that certain regions of sonian translocations to generate aneuploidy for MMU16 in
chromosome 21 were linked with most of the signs observed mice. The model was labeled Ts16. However, the embryos
180 P.L. Roubertoux and M. Carlier

mouse synthenic
regions HSA21

50cM 5Mb
Chromosomal fragments
from HSA 21
C21orf27 66 ORF21

Strains 50 & 55
230 E8 (670 Kb)
Mrpl39 C21orf19


HSA21 (chimeria)

15Mb C21orf5 67 Cbr1
60cM KIAA0136 Cbr3
CHAF1B Chaf1b

Ts65Dn (translocation)
CLDN14 Psmd4

Ts1Cje (translocation)
SOD1 67.5
20Mb D21S17

65cM 67.8 Hlcs


141 G6 (475Kb)
Strains 4 & 28
DYRK1A 25Mb DSCR5 68
DSCR5 Ttc3

Strains 12 & 57
152 F7 (570Kb)
70cM TTC3
Znf295 DSCR3
MMU17 30Mb
68.3 Dyrk1a

Strains 67 & 84
285 E6 (475Kb)
MMU10 S100β KCNJ6 69

40cM 34Mb

Fig. 12.2 Available mouse models of trisomy 21. Only models used some (HSA21). The genes carried by human chromosomal fragments
for cognitive studies are shown. Black = mouse origin, white = human covering D21S17-ETS2 are shown on the right
origin. The main genes transfected are shown on the human chromo-

died in utero and, with the presence of other syntenies are from the human genome and are cited in capitals and
between MMU16 and HSA3, HSA8, HSA16 and HSA21, italics. Recent studies (O’Doherty et al., 2005; Shinohara
the model proved to be of limited value for experimental et al., 2001) incorporated almost the entire HSA21 chromo-
purposes. Davisson, Schmidt, and Akeson (1990), Davis- some into the mouse genome, using two different groups of
son et al. (1993) developed a second MMU16 aneuploidy techniques. Smith, Zhu, Zhang, Cheng, and Rubin (1995)
for a single region of chromosome 16 syntenic with human and Smith et al. (1997) selected short contiguous fragments
chromosome 21. The model was labeled Ts65Dn. The extra of HSA21 covering the D21S17-ETS2 region. The fragments
region encompasses 132 genes from Mrpl39 to Znf295 were inserted into Yeast Artificial Chromosomes (YACs) or
(Baxter, Moran, Richtsmeier, Troncoso, & Reeves, 2000). In phages and transfected into the mouse genome to produce
the course of a targeted gene experiment, Sago et al. (1998) transgenic mice. The chromosomal fragments cover a region
accidentally generated a third aneuploidy on the Ts65Dn encompassing the 21q22.2 band and located between the
background for the region between Mrpl39 and Znf295. A human D21S55 (D21S55 Site Targeted Sequence – STS) and
partial trisomy of MMU16 occurred when the Sod-1 gene the ZNF295 genes, with one gap corresponding to the SIM2
was targeted. This included 85 genes from Sod-1 to Znf295, gene and its neighboring region.
Sod-1 not being overexpressed. The new model was labeled A recent paper challenged the concept of a “critical”
Ts1Cje. A fourth aneuploidy (labeled Ms1Cje) was also gen- or “minimal” region of TRS21 (Olson et al., 2004). Mice
erated on the same background, but covered the centromeric with a duplicated region between D21S17 and ETS2 did not
part of Ts65Dn; Ms1Cje includes the complementary present the same cranial abnormalities as mice with the extra
region covered by Ts65Dn; the extra-chromosomal fragment Ts65Dn fragment. These mice were not tested for cogni-
encompasses 46 genes with App and Sod-1 as boundaries. tive performance, but other studies on mice carrying extra
fragments encompassed in the D21S17-ETS2 region have
Extra Copy of Human Origin reported specific neural and cognitive impairments (Smith
et al., 1997; Chabert et al., 2004; Roubertoux et al., 2005;
Roubertoux et al., 2006; Sérégaza, Roubertoux, Jamon, &
A second category of mouse model for TRS21 was pro- Soumireu-Mourat, 2006). The idea of a “minimal” or “crit-
duced by inserting all or part of HSA21. These genes ical” region for TRS21 for all the Jackson signs does not
12 Neurogenetic Analysis and Cognitive Functions in Trisomy 21 181

stand up to experimental evidence. The crucial contribution A recent review of the literature on the correlation
of the D21S17-ETS2 region cannot, however, be eliminated between the extra-chromosomal fragment of MMU16 and
for cognitive processes and brain morphology. cognitive phenotypes (Sérégaza et al., 2006) was conducted
from two perspectives. The first was to establish whether
mouse models matched features observed in persons with
MMU10 and MMU17 Syntenies TRS21. The second was to analyze the pathways between
behavioral and neuronal differences by reanalyzing these
As stated above, HSA21 is syntenic in mice to MMU16, correlations using the terminology of Milner, Squire, &
MMU10 and MMU17. Triple copies of MMU16 have been Kandel (1998). The well-known classification of these
extensively analyzed but no trisomic mice with MMU10 or authors using two types of memory, i.e., declarative vs
MMU17 syntenies are available. Chromosomal engineering non-declarative, is based on distinct brain systems with
has been developed for these regions by combining gene- non-declarative memory subdivided into three categories
targeting techniques using mouse embryo stem cells and (procedural, priming and associative).
the Cre/loxP site-specific recombination system, and may
lead to the emergence of chromosomal-engineering technol-
ogy in mice (Yu & Bradley, 2001). The authors suggest
that “chromosomal engineering could also be used to gen- How do Mouse Models of TRS21 Match the
erate small overlapping duplications in mouse chromoso-
Cognitive Features Reported in TRS21 Persons?
mal regions conserved with the trisomic human chromosome
21 regions to identify the crucial genomic domain(s) and
causative gene(s) that are responsible for the clinical char- The prevalence of cardiac and immune disorders in TRS21
acteristics of the disorder.” is variable, but the low IQ is a dominant feature. As
stated above, not all skills are affected in all persons or
to the same extent (Brown et al., 2003; Crnic & Penning-
Over-Expression of Single Human Genes ton, 2000; Krinsky-McHale et al., 2002; Laws, 2002; Clark
& Wilson, 2003; Pennington et al., 2003; Vicari, 2006). Per-
sons with TRS21 can perform simple learning tasks in spite
Extra copies of single human genes carried by HSA21 have
of their low IQ. We found 8 of 11 studies showing that seg-
been inserted into the mouse genome and have generated
mental TRS21 mice succeeded in performing simple tasks
single gene trisomy. Several mice with single gene trisomy
(fear conditioning: percentage of freezing in identical con-
have been used to investigate gene involvement in cognitive
text; Morris water maze: the time to reach visible platform;
impairment: SIM2, S100β, SOD1, APP and DYRK1A.
passive avoidance: latency to step through).
Persons with TRS21 have difficulties when spatial cues
need to be used (Vicari, 2006). Recourse to spatial cues
Chromosome-Phenotype Correlation
increased the number of failures for most TRS21 models
and Partial Trisomy 21 tested in the Morris water maze or other mazes when the
non-proximal cue version was used. Ts65Dn mice generally
The different TRS21 models have been investigated to vary- failed to perform the tasks with the hidden or virtual plat-
ing degrees through behavioral tests and brain examinations. form and radial maze. Partial aneuploid TslCJe mice, which
Behavioral examinations have focused on cognitive func- carry only one extra fragment of the translocated Ts65Dn
tioning. Learning performances were tested with the Morris region, needed more time to reach the hidden platform than
water maze, radial maze and T-maze, as well as active and diploid mice (Sago et al., 1998), whereas the complemen-
passive avoidance tests, fear conditioning and operant con- tary fragment in Ms1Cje, the equivalent of the centromeric
ditioning procedures. Exploration and reaction to novelty region of Ts65Dn, produced minor learning impairment; the
were also studied. Unfortunately, “home-made” adaptations size of the effect was considered as negligible by the authors
of the tasks limit benefits that could have been gained from themselves (Sago et al., 2000). The 152F7 strain, which car-
this apparent abundance. Many cognitive functions remain ries a small fragment of the D21S17-ETS2 region, needed
unexplored in mouse models of TRS21. Non-declarative more time to reach the hidden platform than diploid mice
memory was not investigated in either of the two studies (Chabert et al., 2004; Smith et al., 1997). The DYRK1A
on the development of transgenic mice carrying the entire gene (Altafaj et al., 2001) which is located on the region cov-
HSA21. Neither procedural nor non-associative categories of ered by the 152F7 fragment, confirms the crucial role of the
non-declarative memories were investigated in Ms1Ts65 or D21S17-ETS2 region in spatial learning. A recent report by
Ts1Cje (Sérégaza et al., 2006, Table 2). Harris-Cerruti et al. (2004) observed an interaction between
182 P.L. Roubertoux and M. Carlier

APP and SOD1 (missing in Ts1Cje), although the size of the of environments could be indicative of an attention deficit.
effect was small compared to the effect in 152F7. Exploration in both an open-field and hole-board activity
Cognitive flexibility is lower in persons with TRS21 than must be considered as multifactorial, even if the novelty
in typically developing individuals. The reversing of the posi- seeking associated with attention deficits could contribute to
tion of the platform in the Morris water maze or changing the behavior patterns observed with these tasks.
of the rules in the radial maze was more difficult for both In a wide variety of situations and for 7 of 9 measure-
Ts65Dn and Ts1Cje, but this was not the case for Ms1Ts65. ments, Ts65DN explored more than diploids. DYRK1A trans-
Lower flexibility was also observed with 152F7, covering genic mice explored less, even though the gene is on the
part of the D21S17-ETS2 region (Chabert et al., 2004), MMU16 fragment carried in triplicate by Ts65Dn mice. The
and with DYRK1A transgenic mice (Altafaj et al., 2001). same result was found in the two papers studying DYRK1A
The S100β homolog is on MMU10 and the difficulty that (Altafaj et al., 2001; Fotaki et al., 2002).
appears in mice overexpressing this gene indicates (1) that
the D21S17-ETS2 region does not play an exclusive role
in cognitive impairment and (2) urges us to investigate the
MMU10 and 17 syntenic regions.
Long-term memory deficits in persons with TRS21 have Cognitive Processes in Mouse Models of TRS21
been reported (see above). Diploid mice performed better
than Ts65Dn aneuploid when re-tested several days later. Performance scores for separate memory categories can also
Unfortunately there is no data for TsCje and Ms1Ts65. be measured in mice. Declarative memory is involved in
Winocur, Roder, & Lobaugh (2001) highlighted the role of (1) fear conditioning, with fewer freezing episodes caused
the MMU10 syntenic region when obtaining similar results when subjecting the mouse to changes in the environment;
with S100β transgenic mice. (2) in the radial maze, with non-repeated visits to a reinforced
Attention impairment is a crucial component of men- arm and (3) in the Morris water maze, reversal difficulties.
tal deficiency and was frequently detected in persons with Declarative memory cannot be divided into categories, but
TRS21 (Brown et al., 2003; Krinsky-McHale et al., 2002; non-declarative memory is comprised of three categories: (1)
Laws, 2002). Intensive exploration of a new environment procedural memory or formation of habits and acquisition of
may reveal alterations to hippocampal function involved in skills – reaching the platform under proximal cue conditions,
recognizing new or familiar objects. Excessive exploration (2) priming and (3) associative, with classical conditioning

procedural priming associative
declarative non-declarative declarative non-declarative




230 E8
procedural priming associative
declarative (1/2)





procedural priming associative




procedural priming associative




141 G6


procedural priming associative



152 F7



Znf295 ETS2


285 E6



S100 β


Fig. 12.3 Impairment in categories of memory in mouse models of TRS21. Number of studies indicating memory impairment/number of studies
performed (adapted from Sérégaza et al., 2006)
12 Neurogenetic Analysis and Cognitive Functions in Trisomy 21 183

measured as output. Correspondences to learning situations without inducing a triple dose of the primary product of
in mice have been illustrated by Sérégaza et al. (2006). the gene. Extra copies of HSA21 genes might have direct
Declarative memory impairment occurred in Ts65Dn. effect plus indirect effect by modifying the expression of
Fragment 152F7 (encompassing DYRK1A) in the D21S17- non-HSA21 genes (Roubertoux & Carlier, 2007).
ETS2 sub-region and, to a lesser extent, 230E8, another Chromosomal abnormalities relevant to behavior–genetic
fragment from this sub-region were associated with declar- analysis extend beyond TRS21. Other syndromes, such as
ative memory impairment. 152F7 is also associated with Williams–Beuren, include cognitive disorders. Some dele-
declarative memory dysfunction. Poor performance on tasks tions that will be discovered by the fine sequencing of the
requiring procedural non-declarative memory observed in human chromosomes could uncover the genetic bases for
Ts65Dn was also found with 152F7. Priming only affected developmental or psychiatric disorders. A short hemizygous
Ts65Dn and 141G6. Associative learning impairment was deletion of HSA22 located on 22q11 has been associated
seen in Ts65Dn and also in chromosomal fragments cover- with schizophrenic disorders affecting young adults (Liu
ing the D21S17-ETS2 region; the impairment was greater in et al., 2002), and the triplication of individual genes may be
152F7 than in 230E8 and 141G6. General impairment there- responsible for certain pathologies, as was shown recently
fore characterizes the largest triplication (Ts65Dn), including with Alzheimer’s disease.
the fragment 152F7 which is included in the D21S17-ETS2
region and DYRK1A, one of the genes present in 152F7 (see Acknowledgment The present study was funded by INSERM U
Fig. 12.3). 910, Génétique Médicale, Génomique Fonctionnelle, UMR 6146 Aix-
Long-term potentiation is a correlate of synaptic plasticity Marseille Université CNRS, Laboratoire Psychologie cognitive, France,
and Institut Universitaire de France to Michéle Carlier. We also wish to
and reduced long-term potentiation is a sign of hippocampal express our gratitude to the Board of the Fondation Jérôme Lejeune for
dysfunction. Ts65Dn and 152F7 have impaired declarative both the financial support to Michéle Carlier and to Pierre Roubertoux,
memory and exhibited low long-term potentiation. Abnor- and fruitful scientific discussions.
malities of the synaptic structure were observed in the fas-
cia dentata and other regions of the diencephalon in Ts65Dn
(Belichenko et al., 2004).

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Chapter 13

Evolution of Complex Acoustic Signals in Drosophila Species

Anneli Hoikkala and Dominique Mazzi

Introduction natural selection acting to maintain the consistency within

species required for species recognition on the other hand.
Males of most Drosophila species produce complex acous- The genetic architecture of song traits as well as the phys-
tic cues, so-called courtship songs, while pursuing a female. ical constraints in male song production and female song per-
In most of the over 100 species studied so far (see the ception may set boundaries to song evolution. The evolution
list of these species in Hoikkala, 2005), such cues are of species-specific songs may have involved novel genetic
produced by wing vibration. Other mechanisms of song processes, such as changes in gene regulation and/or fixa-
production include abdomen purring (Hoy, Hoikkala, & tion of alleles with a large effect, or may have come about
Kaneshiro, 1988) and rapid vibrations of the whole body through the steady accumulation of minor genetic changes.
(Ritchie & Gleason, 1995). The carrier frequency of songs Furthermore, the location of a gene, whether it is on the X-
produced through any of these actions ranges from 150 to chromosome or an autosome, may affect the probability of
500 Hz. A hitherto unknown mechanism enables males of fixation of new alleles in populations. Correlations between
some Hawaiian species to generate songs of up to 15,000 Hz the song traits may restrict song evolution, especially if the
(Hoikkala, Hoy, & Kaneshiro, 1989). traits are evolving under different selection pressures. Also,
The structure of the courtship songs of closely related in species where the males produce songs by wing vibration,
species often reflects phylogenetic relationships of the the contraction power of wing muscles may prevent song
species, implying that the songs may be diverging as a by- evolution beyond certain limits (Ewing, 1979).
product of genetic divergence and/or drift. The course of The evolution of complex behavioral traits such as male
song evolution may also be driven or constrained by vari- signals and female preferences for these signals requires
ous forms of selection pressure, causing or reinforcing song coordinated changes in both sexes, i.e., coevolution of trait
divergence at population and species level or, conversely, and preference, a matter that has proven hard to validate
inhibiting differentiation. Darwin (1871) proposed that sex- empirically (Pomiankowski & Sheridan, 1994). Female song
ual selection promotes the origin and exaggeration of pre- perception may constrain male song evolution, if the females
copulatory male displays which enable females to choose are not capable of hearing the male song or of discern-
the best among an array of potential mates. However, sex- ing specific patterns. In Drosophila melanogaster, hearing
ual selection need not be the exclusive, nor the predominant, is supported by mechanosensory neurons transducing sound-
selection pressure affecting song evolution. Courtship song induced vibrations of the antennae (Göpfert & Robert, 2003).
is to some extent species-specific and can as such contribute Antennal hearing organs mediate the detection of conspe-
to reproductive isolation and hence, ultimately, to speciation. cific songs in females, the aristal tips of the antennae being
The courtship songs of Drosophila species may thus be an moderately tuned to frequencies around 425 Hz (Göpfert &
example of signals evolved under the conflicting pressures Robert, 2002). The high-frequency songs of some Hawaiian
of directional sexual selection toward the exaggeration of the Drosophila species would be inaudible to such ‘ears’, thus
targets of female preference on the one hand and stabilizing requiring alternative means of sensory transduction. When
producing high-frequency songs, males usually stroke the
abdomen of their partner with their forelegs, thereby possibly
favoring the perception of the sounds as vibrational signals
A. Hoikkala (B) (Hoikkala et al., 1989).
Department of Biological and Environmental Science, University of Courtship songs are not the only cues that Drosophila flies
Jyväskylä, Finland produce during the mating rituals. In some species they are
e-mail: anneli.a.hoikkala@jyu.fi
an essential part of the courtship, while in other species the

Y.-K. Kim (ed.), Handbook of Behavior Genetics, 187

DOI 10.1007/978-0-387-76727-7 13,  c Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2009
188 A. Hoikkala and D. Mazzi

courtship relies more heavily on visual or olfactory cues (see D. melanogaster

Markow & O’Grady, 2005). During the course of evolution,
less-important signals may have been lost from the courtship
repertoire. For example, in D. subobscura, males do not pro-
duce any courtship song (Ewing & Bennet-Clark, 1968), but
rather rely exclusively on exceptionally complex visual dis-
plays (Brown, 1965). PL

D. littoralis
Current Topics

Phylogenetic Patterns in Song Evolution

Studies of the phylogenetic patterns of song evolution in

different species groups, or preferably entire clades, are
essential for the understanding of the past history and the
evolution of different song types. In Drosophila species, the D. montana
songs consist of trains of uni- or polycyclic sound pulses,
arranged to form a variety of song patterns (Fig. 13.1). In
addition to the pulse song, the males of several species pro-
duce a song consisting of modified sine waves (a sine song;
Cowling & Burnet, 1981). The males of some species pro-
duce several types of songs during courtship. The homology PL
of different song types and/or song characters in differ- IPI
ent species is often difficult to trace back. In closely PTL
related interfertile species, the song homologies can be stud-
ied by analyzing the songs of interspecific hybrids (e.g., 600 ms
Hoikkala & Lumme, 1987). Also, analyses of courtship inter-
Fig. 13.1 Oscillograms of the male courtship songs of D. melanogaster,
actions in the presence and absence of auditory cues (e.g., D. littoralis and D. montana. PL = length of the sound pulse, IPI =
Liimatainen, Hoikkala, Aspi, & Welbergen, 1992), studies of time from the beginning of one pulse to the beginning of the next one
the effects of heterospecific songs in mating (e.g., Tomaru, and PTL = length of a pulse train
Doi, Higuchi, & Oguma, 2000) and playback experiments
(e.g., Ritchie, Halsey, & Gleason, 1999) may help to trace became less regular and more complex. Later on, Alonso-
song homologies, though it should be reminded that the song Pimentel, Spangler, & Heed (1995) and Etges (2002) con-
function can change during the speciation processes. firmed that song evolution in the D. repleta group shows a
Comparative studies of the auditory cues of closely related complex pattern of diversification, character loss and reverse
species are essential for unraveling sequential evolution of evolution. The courtships of the D. willistoni group species
different song types. Mapping the songs onto a phylogeny differ from each other by the presence or absence of differ-
can reveal which states of the songs are ancestral and which ent song types such as rasps, pulses and trembles and by the
are derived. Largely because of difficulties in establishing quantitative traits of the songs (Ritchie & Gleason, 1995).
the homology of song characters in different species, this Gleason & Ritchie (1998) found no phylogenetically infor-
approach has been only rarely applied to Drosophila groups. mative pattern when imposing different song types on the
Ewing & Miyan (1986) reconstructed the evolution of song molecular phylogeny of the group or a correlation between
types in the D. repleta group by assessing song variation the quantitative song characters and the genetic distances
among 22 species of the group on a phylogeny based on chro- between the species. The funebris group, where the males
mosomal inversions. They suggested the archetypical song of of most species produce single cycle sound pulses near the
this group to be composed of two distinct components pro- minimum interpulse interval of 10 ms, shows a different evo-
duced either at the early (‘A song’, with short pulse trains) lutionary trend. Ewing (1979) suggests that in this group,
or at the late (‘B song’, with longer pulse trains) stages of song evolution has undergone a bottleneck with regard to the
courtship. During speciation processes, some species lost the song pattern, leading to arrangement of the minimum interval
A song, others the B song and in many species the B song pulses into bursts with species-specific interburst intervals.
13 Evolution of Acoustic Signals in Drosophila Species 189

In the D. melanogaster, D. obscura and D. virilis groups, exercised by females on conspecific males and/or in species
where the inheritance of song characters has been studied recognition. As different song characters may be involved in
most extensively, male courtship songs have clearly retained both processes, their variation may carry signs of different
some phylogenetic information. In the melanogaster group selection pressures.
the males of most species produce a simple mono- or poly-
cyclic pulse song and/or a sine song during courtship (e.g.,
Cowling & Burnet, 1981). In the species of the bipecti- Sexual Selection Within the Species
nata complex of the ananassae subgroup of this group the
males may produce different kinds of songs at the begin- While the predicted pattern of song changes can be compared
ning and at the end of the courtship (Crossley, 1986), while to a phylogeny, the selective pressures affecting song traits
in some species of the montium subgroup, the males pro- can best be studied at the population level. Notwithstanding
duce songs mainly or solely during copulation (Hoikkala & the adequacy of D. melanogaster as a model organism for
Crossley, 2000; Tomaru & Oguma, 1994). In the obscura genetic studies, it is not the best suited species for investi-
group, the males of some species, such as D. persimilis and gating sexual selection based on song traits, as its song is
D. pseudoobscura, produce two kinds of songs consisting of quite conserved and female preferences are not straightfor-
polycyclic sound pulses, while males of the other species wardly quantified. Species of the virilis group prevail in this
produce only one song type consisting of single or poly- respect, thanks to large intra- and interspecific genetic and
cyclic sound pulses, or no song at all (Ewing & Bennet- phenotypic variability in male song traits and the ease with
Clark, 1968). In the virilis group, the songs of the species which female preference functions for synthetic song stimuli
belonging to the virilis subgroup consist of dense pulse trains can be assessed experimentally.
without pauses between successive pulses, whereas the songs Four virilis group species (D. montana, D. ezoana, D. lit-
of the species belonging to more rapidly evolving lineages of toralis and D. lummei) occurring sympatrically in northern
the montana subgroup have distinct species-specific songs Finland share a short mating period in spring. Soon after
with shorter or longer intervals between consecutive pulses the snow has melted, the flies gather on food patches of rot-
(Hoikkala & Lumme, 1987). ting plant material, where courtship and mating take place.
The best example of a species group with drastic changes This form of ‘lekking’ as well as a comparatively large body
in song production mechanisms is the Hawaiian picture- size of the flies enable the studies of reproductive ecology
winged species group, including several subgroups and and mating behavior in the wild (Aspi, Lumme, Hoikkala, &
nearly 100 species. In the planitibia subgroup, the males Heikkinen, 1993). Courting males of these sympatric species
of most species produce simple pulse songs, rhythmic produce species-specific songs, which effectively prevent
phrase songs and/or sound bursts by vibrating their wings interspecific matings (Liimatainen & Hoikkala, 1998). Occa-
(Hoikkala, Kaneshiro, & Hoy, 1994). In one intermediate sional crowding on food patches potentially also allows
species, D. neoperkinsi, males produce all three song types, females to choose their mating partner among numerous
while the males of the remaining species produce one song, competing males.
two songs or no song at all. Males of the most derived species Mechanisms of intraspecific sexual selection are most
of the subgroup (e.g., D. silvestris and D. heteroneura) pro- thoroughly studied in D. montana, a species belonging to
duce only one wing song, namely sound bursts, and a novel the montana subgroup of the virilis group. In this species,
song produced by abdomen purring (Hoy et al., 1988). In the courtship song is an obligate prerequisite for mat-
the species of the more derived pilimana, vesciseta and ing (Liimatainen et al., 1992), to which receptive females
grimshawi subgroups, the males may vibrate their wings respond with a wing-spreading acceptance gesture (Vuoristo,
slowly at the same courtship stage as the planitibia subgroup Isoherranen, & Hoikkala, 1996). Aspi & Hoikkala (1995)
males, but they fail to produce any audible sound. There- found that in the field, the songs of the males caught in cop-
after, the males may, however, fold their wings back and ula had shorter and denser sound pulses (i.e., higher carrier
make small ‘scissoring’ movements generating loud high- frequency) than the songs of the average males of the same
frequency clicking sounds of up to 15,000 Hz through a still population. Playback experiments in the laboratory verified
unidentified mechanism (Hoikkala et al., 1989). that song frequency is a target of sexual selection through
female choice (Ritchie, Townhill, & Hoikkala, 1998). The
preference function for male song frequency, though stabiliz-
ing in shape, is effectively directional, as it peaks at values in
Selective Forces Affecting Song Evolution the upper range of the distribution of the male trait (Ritchie,
Saarikettu, Livingstone, & Hoikkala, 2001).
Male courtship songs, as well as other cues emitted dur- Pulse traits of the song (including the carrier frequency)
ing the mating rituals, may play a role in sexual selection are very sensitive to environmental effects and may convey
190 A. Hoikkala and D. Mazzi

information about the condition of a courting male (Hoikkala The male trait and the female preference may not always
& Isoherranen, 1997). Condition dependency is typical evolve in concert. The concept of ‘sensory bias’ assumes that
for traits evolving under sexual selection (e.g., Rowe & an arbitrary female preference predates the evolution of a
Houle, 1996), potentially providing females with a reliable corresponding male trait, and males evolve in response so
criterion in their choice of partners. Indeed, D. montana as to match the signals females are predisposed to perceive
females derive an indirect benefit from choosing males that as attractive. A delay in the males’ exploitation of the preex-
sing at higher frequency, as egg-to-adult survival is posi- isting female preference may explain why traits and prefer-
tively associated with the carrier frequency of the sire’s song ences are sometimes found to be out of step (Basolo, 1990).
(Hoikkala, Aspi, & Suvanto, 1998). Even more radically with respect to the evolutionary dynam-
ics, the relatively recent ‘chase-away hypothesis’ (reviewed
in Pizzari & Snook, 2003) states that sexual conflict promotes
antagonistic – rather than mutualistic – coevolution, whereby
Coevolution of Male Songs and Female Song manipulative reproductive strategies in one sex are counter-
Preferences acted by the evolution of resistance to such strategies in the
other sex.
In spite of the wealth of available evidence on male In a recent study on the variation of male songs and female
ornaments and displays, and on female preferences for preference functions and their covariance in a natural popu-
them, empirical investigations of the mechanisms and lation of D. montana, Ritchie, Saarikettu, & Hoikkala (2005)
the genetic basis of coevolution are scarce (Butlin & failed to find the expected genetic covariances between
Ritchie, 1989). Inspired by Fisher’s runaway process, male traits and female preferences. In spite of significant
which requires the linked inheritance of genes for both within- and among-families variation in most components
the preferred trait and the preference in the offspring of of mate choice, all females preferred the songs with the
attractive males and choosy females, genetic covariances highest carrier frequency. The females varied only in their
between trait and preference have sometimes been demon- responsiveness (readiness to mate), a fact that may have
strated (Bakker, 1993; Wilkinson & Reillo, 1994, but see also counteracted the build-up of a positive genetic covariance
Gilburn & Day, 1994). Genetic covariance may arise through between trait and preference. Furthermore, Klappert, Mazzi,
an intrinsic genetic association between genes caused by Hoikkala, & Ritchie (2007) found considerable variation in
pleiotropy or tight genetic linkage, or, provided that there is male song frequency and female preference for this trait
sufficient genetic variation for trait and preference, through within and between geographically and phylogenetically dis-
assortative mating and gametic phase linkage disequilibrium. tinct D. montana populations, but no positive covariation of
Studies of coevolution are of importance, as the variance the traits among populations.
and covariance between male displays and female prefer-
ences for them determine the form and strength of sexual
selection and can thus ultimately affect population diver- Song as a Species Recognition Signal
gence and speciation. Traits such as the male courtship song
and the female preference for certain characteristics of this Henderson & Lambert (1982) have argued that species recog-
song in various Drosophila species offer a valuable oppor- nition signals should be relatively uniform over the species’
tunity to study the evolution of traits requiring coordinated distribution range, if they are under stabilizing selection.
changes in both sexes. Acoustic signals are relatively easy to Nonetheless, recent studies on song variation among popu-
quantify, and the relationship between parameters of the male lations of different Drosophila species have shown that the
song and the probability of female acceptance provides the songs may vary over a species’ distribution range. Species-
shape of the female preference (Ritchie, 1996). Accordingly, specific mating signals can significantly contribute to sex-
the extent to which sexual selection acts on specific song ual isolation, provided that differences between species are
traits in different populations can be determined by exam- matched by narrowly tuned differences in female preferences
ining the shape of the female preference function and the (Ritchie et al., 1999). For example, the songs of the cos-
degree of its overlap with the song trait distribution. Compar- mopolitan (non-African) strains of D. melanogaster exhibit
isons of male and female traits in different species and strains smaller variation in interpulse interval (IPI) than the songs
with established phylogenies can also supply information as of D. simulans (Kawanishi & Watanabe, 1980), and, accord-
to which of the two traits is driving the coevolution. There- ingly, D. melanogaster females discriminate against het-
fore, acoustic communication systems may prove well suited erospecific songs more accurately than D. simulans females
to study the factors affecting display evolution as well as to (Ritchie et al., 1999). African strains of D. melanogaster,
evaluate the dynamics of coevolution between male displays which are genetically different and partially reproductively
and female preferences. isolated from the cosmopolitan strains, have unusually short
13 Evolution of Acoustic Signals in Drosophila Species 191

interpulse intervals in their song, which, however, seem to els of interaction, dominance, etc., correspond to those pre-
have little direct influence on sexual isolation (Colegrave, vailing while the songs were diverging. The candidate gene
Hollocher, Hinton, & Ritchie, 2000). approach can give further information on song evolution.
There is abundant indirect evidence of the role of male Here, information on genes found to affect song traits in a
songs in causing and maintaining sexual isolation between model species, usually D. melanogaster, is used to determine
Drosophila species, while compelling direct evidence is dif- whether the same genes play a role in determining the species
ficult to obtain. Kyriacou & Hall (1982) have shown that specificity of songs. Candidate genes can be used as markers
D. melanogaster and D. simulans females readily mate when in gene localization (QTL) studies. The analysis of the DNA
hearing a simulated song with the correct combination of sequences of the coding regions of these genes provides the
IPI and song rhythm, and Williams, Blouin, & Noor (2001) chance to look for mutations with a potential effect on song
have shown male song IPI to be strongly associated with variation and to trace signs of selection at the level of DNA
mating success in hybrids between D. pseudoobscura and (e.g., Tajima, 1989). The function of the candidate genes in
D. persimilis. Yamada, Matsuda, & Oguma (2002) have different species can be traced, for example, in gene transfer
suggested the male song to play a crucial role in sexual experiments or in microarray-based gene expression studies.
isolation also between D. ananassae and D. pallidosa, the
genes with a major effect on the control of the song char-
acters associated with sexual isolation being located on the Quantitative Genetic Analyses
second chromosome. Etges, Over, Cardoso de Oliveira, &
Ritchie (2006) have found significant variation in song char- Variation in quantitative traits provides the raw material on
acters among geographically isolated D. mojavensis popu- which selection acts to produce the observed phenotypic
lations, in agreement with the documented differences in diversity. Knowledge of the genetic architecture of quantita-
sexual isolation between populations. In the virilis group, tive traits is required to address issues concerning for exam-
sympatric species have unique songs, suggesting that the ple the maintenance of genetic variation for adaptive traits or
songs may function in species recognition (Hoikkala, Lako- the consistency of the loci at which variation occurs across
vaara, & Romppainen, 1982). The observation that interspe- populations and species. Recent advances in the develop-
cific courtship episodes occurring in the wild break down ment of neutral polymorphic markers and of sophisticated
when the male produces an inadequate song (Liimatainen statistical methods have boosted the increasingly detailed
& Hoikkala, 1998) corroborates the role of male song as characterization of the genetics underlying quantitative traits.
a species recognition signal. Saarikettu, Liimatainen, & Quantitative genetic analysis, for instance, successfully
Hoikkala (2005) demonstrated that sexual isolation between uncovered the mechanisms of inheritance of song traits in
two sympatric species, D. montana and D. lummei, can be the species of the D. virilis group. In such studies, the mag-
overcome by playing back to D. montana females synthetic nitude and direction of dominance are of special interest, as
courtship song with their own species-specific interpulse they tell about the direction of past evolution (Wagner &
interval (IPI) while they are being courted by a mute (wing- Bürger, 1985). In selection theory, traits under directional
less) D. lummei male. selection are presumed to retain relatively little additive
genetic variation and much (mainly directional) dominance
variation. Hence, the direction of dominance is expected to
match the direction of trait evolution. In the virilis subgroup
Genetic Analysis of Song Variation species, only the number of pulses in a pulse train (PN)
and the length of the pulse trains (PTL) vary to a great
Studies of the genetic basis of song trait variation at the extent among conspecific strains or species (Hoikkala &
intra- and interspecific level reveal the evolutionary mech- Lumme, 1987). A diallelic cross between all species and
anisms behind song divergence. Quantitative genetic analy- subspecies of the subgroup (D. virilis, D. lummei, D. ameri-
ses involve the production of a F1 or F2 generation or of cana americana, D. a. texana and D. novamexicana) showed
backcross hybrids between the parental species/strains. Such that both song traits are autosomally inherited and polygenic,
crosses (and their modifications) allow to determine the mag- the direction of dominance suggesting that song evolution
nitude of additive and dominance variation, the direction of has proceeded toward denser sound pulses and longer pulse
dominance, the existence and extent of interactions (epis- trains (Hoikkala & Lumme, 1987). A biometrical analysis
tasis) between nonallelic genes and the approximate num- of song differences between two D. virilis strains represent-
ber and location of genes affecting the examined traits. The ing extreme phenotypes in PN and PTL revealed signifi-
genetic architecture of song traits may also prompt conjec- cant additive and dominance components, the direction of
tures about the selection pressures driving their evolution dominance being toward shorter and denser sound pulses
(Wagner & Bürger, 1985), provided that the current lev- (Huttunen & Aspi, 2003). The genetic basis of intraspecific
192 A. Hoikkala and D. Mazzi

song variation has also been studied in D. montana, another Quantitative Trait Loci (QTL) Mapping
representative of the virilis group. Diallelic crosses between
four inbred D. montana strains revealed additive genetic vari- A comprehensive review of QTL mapping theory and
ation in four out of five song traits, the carrier frequency of methodology as well as an exhaustive list of references is
the song showing unidirectional dominance toward higher given in part I of the present volume and in Mackay (2001).
values (Suvanto, Liimatainen, Tregenza, & Hoikkala, 2000). QTL mapping is essentially a search for a phenotype–
Aspi (2000) found evidence of additivity for the pulse train genotype association in individuals of a mapping population.
characters (pulse number, pulse train length and interpulse It requires two parental strains fixed for different alleles at
interval) and additivity, dominance and epistasis for the pulse loci affecting the variation in the trait of interest (the power
characters (pulse length, the number of sound cycles in a of the tests is greatly reduced if the parental strains are not
pulse and carrier frequency) using partly different sets of fixed) and a polymorphic molecular marker linkage map. A
inbred strains. mapping population of backcross, F2, recombinant inbred
Interspecific crosses are harder to create than intraspe- lines or other segregating generation derived from the two
cific ones. They are essential for tracking the evolution divergent parental strains is generated, and the phenotype and
of species-specific signals, but they may not always give multi-locus genotype of each individual are compared.
reliable information on the initial steps of song evolution. It is worth emphasizing that the number of QTL found
In the virilis group species, one or more X-chromosomal to affect variation in a quantitative trait is always a mini-
song genes largely determine the interpulse interval (IPI) mum estimate of the actual number, as the power of QTL
and pulse length (PL) of species-specific songs. Hoikkala & studies crucially depends on sample size and on whether a
Lumme (1987) have suggested that an X-chromosomal map has sufficient resolution to single out linked QTL. Such
change increasing variation in these two traits has occurred techniques are therefore biased to detect genes with large
during the separation of the virilis and montana subgroups. and unconditional effects on the phenotype. It should also
The gene (or a group of genes) with a major effect on be reminded that locations and effects of QTL are pecu-
song differences between D. virilis and D. littoralis has liar to the conditions of any one experiment and may not
been localized on the proximal end of the X-chromosome. replicate across sexes and environments, as genotype-by-sex,
Unfortunately, a large inversion in D. littoralis prevents genotype-by-environment and epistatic interactions are com-
more precise localization by conventional crossing meth- mon and may challenge the generality of reported findings.
ods (Päällysaho, Huttunen, & Hoikkala, 2001). The genetic Drosophila, especially D. melanogaster, has featured
basis of interspecific song differences has also been stud- prominently since the first pioneering mapping attempts,
ied by crossing D. virilis (a virilis subgroup species) and thanks to a long history of genetic manipulability in the
D. flavomontana (a montana subgroup species) females with laboratory. However, while several studies mapped QTL
males of four different species with species-specific song. affecting morphological (e.g., bristle numbers) or life history
This study confirmed a central role of the X-chromosomal traits (e.g., longevity), comparatively few studies have dealt
factors in determining species-specific song characters and in with the genetic architecture of courtship song parameters.
controlling the action of some autosomal genes (Päällysaho, Gleason & Ritchie’s (2004) attempt to uncover the genetic
Aspi, Liimatainen, & Hoikkala, 2003). basis of differences in song interpulse interval (IPI) between
Ewing (1969) has argued that X-linked genes are more D. simulans and D. sechellia revealed six autosomal QTL
likely to be involved in behavioral differences between explaining 40.7% of the observed variation. Yet, none of
closely related species than autosomes, thanks to imme- these QTL coincided with those formerly found to affect
diate exposure of favorable partial recessives to selection, variation for the same trait in recombinant inbred lines of
and thus faster evolution. Sex linkage may, however, be D. melanogaster (Gleason, Nuzhdin, & Ritchie, 2002), sug-
easily overestimated because of differential expression of gesting that different genes contribute to intra- and interspe-
the genes in males (i.e., under hemizygous conditions) and cific variation. Williams et al. (2001) identified significant
because of the lack of recombination in QTL studies. As QTL involved in differences in the carrier frequency (FRE)
Ritchie & Phillips (1998) have stated, evidence of a dis- and interpulse interval (IPI) between D. pseudobscura and
proportionate role of the sex chromosomes requires the dif- D. persimilis on the second as well as on the X-chromosome,
ference between reciprocal hybrid males to be greater than which may well cover large fractions of the entire genome.
expected if the genes were distributed randomly throughout Huttunen, Aspi, Hoikkala, & Schlötterer (2004) mapped
the karyotype, taking into account doubled expression of the strains of D. virilis representing extreme phenotypes for the
X-linked genes. The genetic background of male song traits length of the pulse train (PTL) and the number of pulses
does not always involve single genes of large effect and/or a in a train (PN) and found two significant QTL on the third
disproportionate contribution of the sex chromosome or epis- chromosome, each of them explaining slightly more than
tasis (e.g., Pugh & Ritchie, 1996). 10% of the variation in PN and even less than 10% in PTL.
13 Evolution of Acoustic Signals in Drosophila Species 193

QTL regions identified in mapping studies can encom- Ritchie, 2004). Neither of these studies detected QTLs on
pass from one up to numerous loci affecting the trait in the X-chromosome. Among the D. melanogaster song genes,
question. Depending on the distribution of the markers on nonA and DmcalA are, however, located on the same end
the linkage map and on recombination frequencies, local- of the X-chromosome as the major X-linked genes causing
ized QTL can span large physical distances of the genome. species differences in male song in the virilis group species
In D. melanogaster, the availability of deficiency stocks has (Päällysaho et al., 2001).
proven useful for refining the map location of recessive muta- Transformation of D. melanogaster with orthologous can-
tions of large impact (quantitative deficiency mapping, quan- didate song genes (genes that have evolved from the same
titative complementation mapping), and thus to nominate ancestral gene) offers an alternative approach to investigate
candidate genes for further studies. Mutagenesis (e.g., single the role of these genes in controlling the species specificity
P-element transposon insertions) and linkage disequilibrium of songs. The courtship song of D. melanogaster males
mapping can help in the quest for the crucial genes within transformed with the per gene of D. simulans (Wheeler
QTL regions. The Berkeley Drosophila Gene Disruption et al., 1991), or with the nonA gene of D. virilis (Campesan,
Project is currently creating mutations with transposable P- Dubrova, Hall, & Kyriacou, 2001), assumed characteristics
elements in D. melanogaster, thus preparing the grounds for typical of the species from which the gene originated, sug-
a more thorough search for mutations, also in genes affect- gesting that these genes carry species-specific information
ing male courtship song. The candidate gene approach can on song structure. By examining the song pattern of males
be applied also to little-known Drosophila species, thereby expressing a chimeric gene (the regulatory region and the
taking advantage of the fact that gene function is commonly coding region of the gene derived from different species), or
conserved across distant lineages, despite millions of years by causing gene knock-out by means of homologous recom-
of evolutionary divergence. bination (Rong & Golic, 2001), it could be possible to deter-
mine which part (down to which amino acid) of the gene
product is crucial for species-specific patterns of the songs.
Candidate Gene Approach An important goal of studies of DNA sequence varia-
tion is to identify genes that have been targets of natural
A number of mutations are known to distort song production or sexual selection, and thus contribute to individual differ-
in D. melanogaster (see Gleason, 2005 for a complete list- ences in fitness within populations. Regions of the genome
ing), and the target genes of these mutations are obvious can- that have been affected by selection may show an excess
didate genes affecting natural song variation in Drosophila of functionally important molecular changes, which may be
species. Such mutations include the dissonance (diss) muta- detected through both intra- and interspecific DNA sequence
tion of the no-on-transient-A (nonA) locus, the cacophony comparisons (McDonald & Kreitman, 1991; Tajima, 1989;
(cac) mutation of the DmcalA locus and several mutant alle- Yang, 2000). Examining the DNA sequence of candidate
les of the period and fruitless loci. None of those mutations song genes can reveal whether the genes have been sub-
exclusively affect song production (for instance, per mutants ject to directional selection, such as female choice, in
have altered circadian rhythm in addition to abnormal length their past evolution, and whether polymorphisms detected
of the cycle of mean IPI; Kyriacou & Hall, 1980), imply- in gene sequences are associated with song variation. Hut-
ing that exclusive song genes may be rare or not exist at tunen, Campesan, & Hoikkala (2002) screened the DNA
all. Peixoto & Hall (1998) suggest that the genes involved in sequence of the coding region of the nonA gene for fixed
ion-channel function (as many of the genes mentioned above polymorphisms and/or signs of selection explaining species
are) might be a source of genetic variation in courtship songs. specificity of the songs of the virilis group species. They
Such pleiotropy may generate trade-offs and/or cause mating sequenced the coding region of this gene in D. littoralis and
signal divergence as a side effect of local adaptation. compared it to that of D. virilis and D. melanogaster, but
Candidate song genes have been used as markers in QTL failed to find any nonsynonymous mutations which could
analyses to check for their correspondence with the song have given rise to song variation or any signs of selection on
QTL regions. In general, the overlap is poor. This either gene sequences. It cannot be excluded, however, that species-
points to a real phenomenon indicative of the contribution of specific information lies in the regulatory region of the gene.
different genes to song variation within and among species or
is an artifact due to insufficient resolution. In a QTL study on
D. melanogaster recombinant inbred strains, only one candi- Directions to the Future Research in the Field
date song gene (tipE) coincided with a significant song QTL
(Gleason et al., 2002), while in a study on hybrids between Tracing the past history and evolution of male courtship
D. simulans and D. sechellia, three candidate genes (mle, songs in the genus Drosophila requires information on
cro and fru) co-localized with significant QTL (Gleason & the selection pressures affecting song evolution and on
194 A. Hoikkala and D. Mazzi

the genetic changes underlying song divergence in various research, emphasizing the interplay of ecological factors,
Drosophila species. Mapping the songs and their characters molecular variation and gene expression. While the new
on phylogenies comprising different species groups would genomics technologies offer precious tools for use in evolu-
help to trace the ancestral and derived status of different tionary research, studies on male song evolution should still
song types (Markow & O’Grady, 2005), and mapping the be made in the quantitative genetics framework, including
female preferences for the songs in the same phylogenies examinations of wild populations whenever possible.
would give further information on coevolution of male songs
and female song preferences. This kind of studies requires,
however, song homologies to be clarified. References
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genetic variance by condition-dependent traits. Proceedings of the songs of Drosophila pseudodobscura and D. persimilis. II. Genetics
Royal Society of London. Series B, 263, 1415–1421. of species differences. Heredity, 86, 68–77.
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Chapter 14

Drosophila Model of Alzheimer’s Amyloidosis

Koichi Iijima, Kanae Iijima-Ando, and Yi Zhong

Introduction Current Research or Issues

The establishment of animal models of human diseases is Alzheimer’s Disease (AD)

crucial for understanding disease pathogenesis as well as for
the discovery and evaluation of potential therapies. In the
AD is a fatal disorder. In its later stage, global cognitive func-
last decades, numerous models of human neurodegenerative
tions are disturbed and the associated motor disability leads
diseases have been established in various laboratory organ-
patients to become bedridden (Cummings, 2003). Short-term
isms. The mouse has been the most popular choice for this
memory impairment is detected in the early stage of the dis-
purpose and has been used to test many hypotheses derived
ease along with other psychiatric problems such as sleep dis-
from in vitro and in vivo observations. In addition to these
orders and increased agitation, which distinguishes AD from
hypothesis-driven approaches, many groundbreaking discov-
other neurodegenerative conditions such as Parkinson’s dis-
eries in various biological contexts have been made by non-
ease, tauopathies or Huntington’s disease (Cummings, 2003;
biased and systematic genome-wide genetic screenings using
Selkoe, 2002).
simple organisms.
At the pathological level, extensive neuronal loss and
Yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae), nematodes
two characteristic hallmarks, senile plaques (SPs) and neu-
(Caenorhabditis elegans) and fruit flies (Drosophila
rofibrillary tangles (NFTs), are observed in AD brains
melanogaster) are today the most sophisticated genetic
(Cummings, 2003) (Fig. 14.1). SPs are extracellularly
models available for the study of almost any field of biology.
deposited protein aggregates that are called amyloid deposits.
During the past several years, scientists have attempted to
Biochemical studies have revealed that their major compo-
model human neurodegenerative diseases in these simpler
nents are 40- or 42-amino acid peptides termed amyloid-β
organisms (Bilen & Bonini, 2005; Link, 2005; Outeiro &
40 or 42 (Aβ40 or Aβ42) (Glenner & Wong, 1984). Although
Giorgini, 2006). These models recapitulate many important
a low number of SPs can be detected in normal-aged brains,
aspects of the human diseases in question and have greatly
this lesion is relatively specific to AD. NFTs, which are intra-
enhanced our understanding of the pathogenic mechanisms
cellular protein inclusions composed of hyperphosphorylated
behind them.
microtubule-associated tau protein (Lee, Balin, Otvos, &
In this chapter, we will focus our discussion solely on
Trojanowski, 1991), are also observed in many other neu-
Alzheimer’s disease (AD) and our fly model of this disease,
rological diseases, suggesting its more general role in neu-
since a number of informative reviews about modeling neu-
rodegenerative process.
rodegenerative diseases in the fly have already been pub-
What is the cause of AD? The majority of AD cases
lished elsewhere (Bilen & Bonini, 2005; Marsh & Thomp-
are sporadic with disease onset after 65 years. Less than
son, 2004; Sang & Jackson, 2005; Shulman, Shulman,
10% of all AD cases are inherited in an autosomal dominant
Weiner, & Feany, 2003).
manner (Bertram & Tanzi, 2005). Genetic analysis of these
families identified causative mutations in the amyloid pre-
cursor protein, APP (chromosome 21), Presenilin 1 (chro-
K. Iijima (B)
mosome 14) and Presenilin 2 (chromosome 1) genes (Tanzi
Laboratory of Neurodegenerative Diseases and Gene Discovery, Farber
Institute for Neurosciences, Department of Biochemistry and & Bertram, 2005). Recently, APP duplication was found
Molecular Biology, Thomas Jefferson University, Philadelphia, in a French pedigree, which is similar to the situation of
PA19107, USA Down syndrome patients who carry three copies of APP and
e-mail: Koichi.Iijima@jefferson.edu

Y.-K. Kim (ed.), Handbook of Behavior Genetics, 197

DOI 10.1007/978-0-387-76727-7 14,  c Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2009
198 K. Iijima et al.

Advantages of Drosophila as a Model for the

Study of Neurodegenerative Diseases

Analysis of the Drosophila genome revealed that

approximately 70% of human disease-related genes have
homolog genes in Drosophila (Fortini, Skupski, Boguski, &
Hariharan, 2000; Reiter, Potocki, Chien, Gribskov, & Bier,
2001), suggesting that molecular mechanisms underlying
many human diseases may be conserved in fly.
One of the most important tools that Drosophila provides
is the ability to carry out large-scale genetic screens for muta-
tions that affect a given process. Since the fly does not pos-
sess as many redundant gene families as mammals in general,
studying the consequence of a single gene disruption is much
easier in the fly. A number of forward genetic screens using
chemical or transposon mutagenesis, in which genes were
randomly disrupted, have been carried out to unravel the
molecular mechanisms underlying various biological pro-
cesses ranging from development to behavior. These efforts
have resulted in the availability of an amazing collection of
loss of function mutations and transgenic lines that are freely
available in the fly community. Moreover, the completion of
whole genome analysis in Drosophila (Adams et al., 2000)
enables us to perform systematic RNAi-based knockout of
all fly genes (Ueda, 2001; Dietzl et al., 2007).
Fig. 14.1 Neuritic (senile) plaque and neurofibrillary tangle. (A and B) Overexpression of exogenous proteins in the fly can be
Neuritic (senile) plaque (A, magnification 435 × 220; Bielschowsky achieved by transgenic strategies. The Gal4/UAS system is
stain) and neurofibrillary tangle (B, magnification 435 × 220; widely used to express the protein of interest through spatial
Bielschowsky stain). (Modified and adapted from The Neuropsychia-
control (Brand & Perrimon, 1993) (Fig. 14.2). Briefly, one
try of Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Dementias, Martin Dunitz Ltd,
Taylor and Francis Group plc., with permission) group of fly lines carry the transgenes in which the genes
of interest are placed under the control of a yeast upstream
activating sequence (UAS). Another group of flies have inser-
tions of the yeast Gal4 transgene under the control of endoge-
nous or exogenous promoters that express Gal4 protein in
develop AD-like pathology (Rovelet-Lecrux et al., 2006).
specific cell types or structures. By crossing these UAS-
These familial AD (FAD) patients show much earlier onset
and Gal4-transgenic lines, it is possible to readily express
than sporadic cases with excessive accumulation of Aβ
exogenous protein in a specific location. Gal4 lines with a
peptide in their brains (Price, Tanzi, Borchelt, & Sisodia,
variety of expression patterns are available. Furthermore, col-
lections of random insertion lines of P-element-containing
Aβ peptide is derived from a type 1 transmembrane pro-
UAS sequences have been established; these collections can
tein termed amyloid precursor protein (APP) by sequential
be used to target the endogenous genes that are adjacent
cleavage of β- and γ-secretases. Heterogeneity of γ-secretase
to P-elements for Gal4-induced gain of function screening
cleavage gives rise to a series of Aβ peptides that include
(Rorth et al., 1998; Toba et al., 1999). Recently, use of the
Aβ40 and Aβ42. The APP mutations found in FAD patients
temperature-sensitive yeast Gal80 protein, which is a repres-
are clustered around or within the Aβ sequence of APP and
sor of Gal4, has allowed us to control a transgene both tem-
increase Aβ42 production or Aβ aggregation. The afore-
porally and spatially (McGuire, Le, Osborn, Matsumoto, &
mentioned presenilin 1 or 2 is a critical component of the
Davis, 2003).
γ-secretase complex; mutations in these genes also cause
Drosophila possesses a well-organized brain and pro-
overproduction of Aβ42 (see recent review, Gandy, 2005).
vides a unique opportunity for studying complex behaviors
Therefore, it is generally accepted that accumulation of Aβ42
such as learning and memory (Heisenberg, 2003; Waddell &
in the brains causes the development of AD (Hardy &
Quinn, 2001). Although the fly brain has many fewer cells
Selkoe, 2002). However, it remains elusive how Aβ42 pep-
(around 105 ) than the human brain (approximately 1011 ),
tide can initiate complex AD pathogenesis.
14 Drosophila Model of Alzheimer’s Amyloidosis 199

Fig. 14.2 Directed gene expression in Drosophila. To generate trans- pattern, flies carrying the target (UAS-Gene X) are crossed with flies
genic lines expressing GAL4 in various cell- and tissue-specific pat- that express GAL4 (enhancer trap GAL4). In the progeny of this cross,
terns, the GAL4 gene is inserted randomly into the genome and GAL4 it is possible to activate UAS-Gene X in cells where GAL4 is expressed
expression is driven by a variety of genomic enhancers. A GAL4- and to observe the effect of this directed misexpression on development.
dependent target gene can then be constructed by subcloning the (Adapted from Brand, A. H., & Perrimon, N. (1993). Development, 118,
sequence behind the GAL4-binding sites. The target gene is silent in the 401–415, with permission)
absence of GAL4. To activate the target gene in a cell- or tissue-specific

and its structural organization is very different, the basic cell all participate in the same biochemical pathway (cyclic
biology and neurotransmitter system are remarkably con- adenosine 3’,5’-monophosphate; cAMP). Repetitive training
served. Several methods using different cues such as olfac- with interspersed rest intervals induces long-term memory
tory, visual, taste and courtship have been established to (LTM) that can persist for days and the transcription fac-
study memory in the fly (Heisenberg, 2003; Waddell & tor cAMP-response-element-binding protein (CREB) is crit-
Quinn, 2001). Of these, classical Pavlovian olfactory con- ical for LTM formation (Yin et al., 1994). The involvement
ditioning is a particularly sensitive and reliable assay to of the cAMP pathway and CREB in learning and memory
measure associative learning and memory in a quantita- has been shown to be conserved across animal phyla (Yin
tive manner (Quinn, Harris, & Benzer, 1974; Tully & & Tully, 1996; Guo, Tong, Hannan, Luo, & Zhong, 2000).
Quinn, 1985). In this conditioning assay, flies learn to avoid Since then, many memory genes have been identified by
one of two odors because it is associated with an elec- transposon-induced mutant screening (Grotewiel, Beck, Wu,
tric shock (Fig. 14.3). Thus, during the training phase, flies Zhu, & Davis, 1998) or DNA microarray analyses (Dubnau
are exposed to one odor together with an electric shock et al., 2003).
after which the second odor is delivered without electric The short life span of flies (2–3 months) is suitable
shock. Temporally distinct memories such as learning, short- for studying late-onset disorders, including neurodegen-
term memory and middle-term memory can be tested at erative diseases (Grotewiel, Martin, Bhandari, & Cook-
various time points after the training by allowing flies to Wiens, 2005). While the first attempt to model prion dis-
choose between the two odors presented without electric ease in Drosophila in 1995 was not successful (Raeber,
shock (Tully & Quinn, 1985). The first genetic screen- Muramoto, Kornberg, & Prusiner, 1995; see also Deleault,
ing with chemical mutagenesis using this assay led to the Dolph, Feany, & Cook, 2003), a number of human neu-
discovery of four mutants, namely, dunce (dnc) (Dudai, rodegenerative conditions, including polyglutamine diseases
Jan, Byers, Quinn, & Benzer, 1976), rutabaga (rut) (Liv- (Jackson et al., 1998; Warrick et al., 1998), Parkinson’s
ingstone, Sziber, & Quinn, 1984), amnesiac (amn) (Quinn, disease (Feany & Bender, 2000), tauopathies (Jackson
Sziber, & Booker, 1979) and radish (rsh) (Folkers, Drain, et al., 2002; Wittmann et al., 2001) and Alzheimer’s disease
& Quinn, 1993). The gene products of dnc, rut and amn (AD) (Crowther et al., 2005; Finelli, Kelkar, Song, Yang, &
200 K. Iijima et al.

Fig. 14.3 Odor-aversion learning in Drosophila using electric-shock choice point between converging air currents suffused with the two
reinforcement. During training, flies experience an odor in conjunction odors (b). After 2 minutes the flies that have run into each odor arm
with an electric shock. During subsequent testing, the flies avoid the are trapped, anesthetized and counted. A score is calculated as (number
shock-associated odor. A group of ∼100 flies are trained in a chamber of flies avoiding CS+ minus number of flies avoiding CS–) divided by
(a) with an inner surface covered with an electrifiable printed-circuit the total number of flies. A single learning index is the average from
grid. Odors are delivered into the chamber by an air current. The flies two groups of flies trained to avoid each of the two odors. Here ‘learn-
are exposed to one odor (e.g., 3-octanol; OCT) while the walls of the ing’ denotes a measure of performance within 2 minutes after train-
chamber are electrified (CS+). They then experience another odor (e.g., ing whereas ‘memory’ is a measure of the same performance at longer
4-methylcyclohexanol; MCH) without shock (CS−). The flies are then times after training. (Adapted from Waddell, S., & Quinn, W. G. (2001).
tested for learning or memory performance by transporting them to a TRENDS in Genetics, 17, 719–726, with permission)

Konsolaki, 2004; Greeve et al., 2004; Iijima et al., 2004), fly and human. Moreover, the Aβ peptide cannot be pro-
have been generated in flies that overexpress the causative duced from human APP in the fly, because Drosphila lacks
proteins of these diseases. Extensive genetic and pharma- β-secretase activity (Fossgreen et al., 1998). Therefore, to
cological screenings are underway in all of these models overproduce Aβ40 or Aβ42 in the secretory pathway, each
(Marsh & Thompson, 2006), and the treatment strategy dis- Aβ peptide was directly fused with a secretion signal pep-
covered using polyglutamine disease models has now entered tide at the N-terminus. Using Gal4/UAS transgene expres-
clinical trials (Steffan et al., 2001). sion system, we confirmed that this artificial construct could
produce intact Aβ40 or Aβ42 peptide in the fly brains (Iijima
et al., 2004).

Drosophila Model of Alzheimer’s Amyloidosis

Establishment of Transgenic Flies Expressing Human

Aβ40 and Aβ42 Peptides Formation of Amyloid Deposits in Aβ42 but Not
in Aβ40 Fly Brains
We were interested in studying the pathogenic effects of
Aβ40 and Aβ42 in Drosophila. Our primary question was Both Aβ40 and Aβ42 peptides accumulated during aging in
whether the fly could be a model to study the toxicity of Aβ the fly brains, but only Aβ42 formed clear amyloid deposits
peptides. Simultaneously, we wished to examine the toxici- (Iijima et al., 2004: Fig. 14.4). The number and size of these
ties of Aβ40 and Aβ42 in the brains separately, which had deposits increased during aging. This result is consistent
not yet been achieved in any animal model. with the previous observations of amyloid deposits in AD
Drosophila does not produce Aβ peptide endogenously. A or Down syndrome patient brains that revealed Aβ42 first
fly counterpart of APP termed dAPPL exists (Luo, Tully, & accumulates into amyloid plaques in the brain parenchyma
White, 1992) but the Aβ sequence is not conserved between (Iwatsubo et al., 1994).
14 Drosophila Model of Alzheimer’s Amyloidosis 201

Fig. 14.4 Detection of Aβ deposits in the fly brain. (A–H) Whole- asterisks, the peduncle structure (an axon bundle of Kenyon cells). Scale
mount Aβ immunostaining in the neuropil region (A–D) and the bar: 50 μm. (Adapted from Iijima, K. et al. (2004). PNAS 17, 6623–
Kenyon cell layer (E–H). Arrowheads, deposited Aβ42 (A and B); 6628, with permission)

Age-Dependent Behavioral Defects Induced by Aβ40 stages. Electron microscopic analysis revealed that most of
and Aβ42 the cell death could be classified as necrotic type (Fig. 14.7).
In summary, both Aβ40 and Aβ42 induce progressive
To examine if these flies show short-term memory defects, learning defects but only Aβ42 is capable of causing the for-
we used the Pavlovian olfactory classical conditioning assay mation of amyloid deposits, locomotor dysfunction, severe
(Quinn et al., 1974; Tully & Quinn, 1985). A short-term neuronal loss and premature death. Our study demonstrated
memory defect that was expressed in an age-dependent man- that excessive accumulation of Aβ42 is sufficient to cause
ner was observed in Aβ42 flies but not in the control flies memory defects and neurodegeneration and that the molec-
(Fig. 14.5). When Aβ40 was expressed at much higher levels ular basis underlying Aβ toxicity may be conserved in
(five times more), it also caused short-term memory defects Drosophila.
(Fig. 14.5), which suggests that excessive accumulation of
Aβ40 may be toxic to synaptic plasticity. The sensory motor
activity was not significantly affected in Aβ flies (Iijima
et al., 2004), which indicates that the observed defects were Comparison of Our Fly Model to Mouse Models
attributable to short-term memory defects (Fig. 14.5). of Alzheimer’s Disease
We used a climbing assay to measure locomotor defects in
Aβ42 flies. Briefly, about 20 flies were placed in empty plas- There are many animal models of AD ranging from
tic vials and were lightly tapped to the bottom. Naı̈ve flies nematodes to rodents (Link, 2005; McGowan, Eriksen, &
immediately climbed the wall, an activity known as nega- Hutton, 2006). Each model recapitulates somewhat differ-
tive geotaxis. Aβ42 flies started to show locomotor disability ent features of AD and thus it would be useful to review
around 20 days and completely lost climbing ability around these models. Since the mouse models have been the most
30 days (Fig. 14.6). In contrast, Aβ40 flies did not show any frequently used and best-characterized models, we will com-
defects in this assay (Fig. 14.6). In addition to this locomotor pare our fly model with mouse models that overproduce
defect, the life span of Aβ42 flies was much shorter than that Aβ from human APP. Although there are many AD mouse
of the control flies, while the life span of Aβ40 flies was not models expressing human tau protein (Lee, Kenyon, & Tro-
affected (Fig. 14.6). janowski, 2005), we will not discuss them in this chapter.
It was more than a decade ago that the first two Aβ
mouse models of AD were established. In 1995, Games
et al. reported a transgenic mouse model (PDAPP) express-
Late-Onset Progressive Neuronal Cell Loss Induced by ing human APP carrying the familial V717I mutation found
Aβ42 but Not Aβ40 in a British family (Games et al., 1995). This mouse over-
produced human Aβ40 and Aβ42 and recapitulated some of
Extensive neuronal cell loss was observed in aged Aβ42 flies the key pathologies such as the production of extracellular
but not in Aβ40 or control flies (Fig. 14.7). This cell loss amyloid plaques, dystrophic neurites, gliosis, loss of synapse
was of late onset and progressive since neurodegeneration density and age-dependent memory impairment. However,
could be only detected after 30 days of age but not at younger these lesions were not accompanied by neurofibrillary
202 K. Iijima et al.

A 2–3 days old

tangle (NFT) formation, and, more importantly, no global
100 neuronal loss was observed. A year later, Hsiao et al. reported
8 8
Performance index (%)

14 14 8 8 8 another transgenic mouse model (Tg2576) carrying the FAD

mutation found in a Swedish family (Hsiao et al., 1996).
60 This mouse model showed age-dependent memory deficits
40 in addition to extracellular amyloid deposits, dystrophic
neurites, and gliosis, but also failed to show NFT
20 formation or loss of synapses or neurons. Since then, a
0 number of mouse models with different combinations of
B 6–7 days old
promoters, transgenes and mutations have been established
100 (for recent reviews, see McGowan et al., 2006; Spires &
Hyman, 2005). However, although most transgenic mice that
Performance index (%)

7 7 7
80 8 8
8 8 overproduce Aβ successfully recapitulate several patholog-
60 * ical lesions and memory defects similar to the PDAPP and
Tg2576 mice, they also do not show NFT formation or global
neuronal loss. It is not clear why these mouse models do not
20 develop those pathologies of AD. One possible explanation
0 may be that the mouse life span is too short to see cell loss,
C and/or only human tau, but not mouse tau, and can cause
14–15 days old
100 the NFT formation and cell death induced by Aβ (McGowan
et al., 2006).
Performance index (%)

80 6
6 10 8 8 Senile plaques have been the characteristic hallmark of
11 8 AD for almost a century, and recapitulation of extracellular
60 *
11 *
amyloid deposits have been one of the key criteria for the
successful generation of mouse models of AD (McGowan
20 et al., 2006). However, the pathological roles of these Aβ42
deposits have been questioned because of a low correlation
between affected brain areas and senile plaque loads in AD











brains (Terry et al., 1991). Recently, extracellular soluble










oligomers, but not deposited forms of Aβ, have been pro-






posed to be responsible for memory defects in the rodent






model of AD (Cleary et al., 2005; Lesne et al., 2006; Walsh

D et al., 2002). The involvement of those oligomers in neurode-
olfactory acuity shock reactivity
100 generation remains to be elucidated.
In contrast to mouse models, extensive cell loss was
Performance index (%)

80 induced in transgenic Aβ42 flies. What causes this differ-

60 ence between the mouse models and our flies? One remark-
able difference between these two systems is that exten-
sive accumulation of Aβ42 occurs within neurons in our fly
20 model. The human AD brains show significant accumula-
tion of intraneuronal Aβ42 (Gouras et al., 2000; Takahashi
elav/Y ;; UAS-Aβ40/+

elav/Y ;; UAS-Aβ40/+

elav/Y ;; UAS-Aβ40/+
elav/+ ;; UAS-Aβ40/+

elav/+ ;; UAS-Aβ40/+

et al., 2002), and very recently, a few mouse models of AD

elav/+ ;; UAS-Aβ40/+




elav/Y ; UAS-Aβ42/+

elav/Y ; UAS-Aβ42/+

elav/Y ; UAS-Aβ42/+
elav/+ ; UAS-Aβ42/+

elav/+ ; UAS-Aβ42/+

elav/+ ; UAS-Aβ42/+

showed intraneuronal accumulation of Aβ42 in association






with memory defects (Oddo et al., 2003), significant neuron

loss (Casas et al., 2004; Oakley et al., 2006) and axonopa-
thy (Wirths, Weis, Szczygielski, Multhaup, & Bayer, 2006).
Fig. 14.5 Progressive loss of learning ability in Aβ flies. (A–C) The Thus, it is possible that intraneuronal Aβ42 may contribute
learning abilities at the ages of 2–3 (A), 6–7 (B) and 14–15 days (C) to neuron loss in AD brains.
are presented as means ± SEM. The numbers of experiments are indi-
Another unique feature of our fly model is that the toxic-
cated on top of the bars. Asterisks show statistical differences relative
to controls (α < 0.05, Tukey-Kramer HSD). (D) There is no statistical ity of Aβ40 and Aβ42 can be dissected in vivo. Since most
difference in the olfactory acuity and shock reactivity of experimen- of the mouse models of AD overexpress APP, which pro-
tal genotype and appropriate control genotypes at the ages of 14–15 duces a series of Aβ species including Aβ40 and Aβ42, it is
days (α < 0.05, Tukey–Kramer HSD). (Adapted from Iijima, K. et al.
impossible to study the toxicity of either species individually.
(2004). PNAS 17, 6623–6628, with permission)
14 Drosophila Model of Alzheimer’s Amyloidosis 203

UAS-Aβ42 UAS-Aβ42
100 100

Climbing ability (%)

Flies surviving (%)

80 * 80
60 60
40 40
20 * 20
0 0
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 0 20 40 60 80 100
days days
UAS-Aβ40 UAS-Aβ40
100 100
Climbing ability (%)

Flies surviving (%)

80 80
60 60
40 40
20 20
0 0
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 0 20 40 60 80 100
days days

control genotype male

control genotype female
experimental genotype male
experimental genotype female

Fig. 14.6 Progressive climbing disability and shortened life span of within the symbols. (B and D) Survival rate of Aβ42 flies (B) and Aβ40
Aβ42 flies. (A and C) Climbing ability of Aβ42 flies (A, asterisks, flies (D). (Adapted from Iijima, K. et al. (2004). PNAS 17, 6623–6628,
p<0.001, student’s t test) and Aβ40 flies (C). The SDs of 10 trials are with permission)

We found that while both Aβ40 and Aβ42 could cause mem- Accumulating evidence demonstrates that many human
ory defects, only Aβ42 caused neurodegeneration with amy- diseases can be modeled in simple organisms such as
loid deposits. Recently, transgenic mouse models separately Drosophila (Marsh & Thompson, 2006). Since AD occurs
expressing Aβ40 or Aβ42 have been reported (McGowan in human brain, which is unique to humans, it is impossi-
et al., 2005). Consistent with our results, this study showed ble to observe the entire spectra of the disease conditions
that only Aβ42 forms amyloid deposits in the mouse brain. in any animal model. Therefore, detailed characterization
However, no neuronal loss is observed in the Aβ42 mice. and precise understanding of each animal model are crucial;
This may be because Aβ42 accumulates only extracellularly this information allows us to select the model system that is
in these mice. Our fly model thus provides a unique tool for appropriate for addressing specific questions. As described
the study of ‘intraneuronal’ Aβ42 toxicity and may help in above, our Aβ42 flies recapitulated important aspects of AD
exploring features of AD. that are rarely seen in existing mouse models. This indicates
that this fly model will contribute to AD research not only
as a powerful genetic screening system but also as a novel
Future Directions model with which to study AD from new angles.
It is vital to corroborate discoveries made by using sim-
ple organisms, such as the ones we made with our fly AD
Unlike cancer where biopsy samples are sometimes avail- studies, in higher organisms up to humans. The genes discov-
able to study disease progression in humans, most informa- ered in our fly model can be tested in the mouse AD models
tion about pathological changes of AD at the molecular level or may be reanalyzed in genetic association studies of AD
depends entirely on autopsy samples, which probably only phenotypes to identify new AD-related genes. Certainly, the
represent the end stage of AD. Therefore, establishment of effects of candidate genes identified by the genetic associ-
animal models is crucial to understand the early stage of AD ation studies with humans on the toxicity of Aβ42 can be
pathogenesis, which is essential to the development of thera- systematically evaluated in our fly models.
peutic strategies.
204 K. Iijima et al.

Swinderen & Greenspan, 2003) and fear-related behaviors

(Besson & Martin, 2005). These new findings may allow us
to use flies to model the psychiatric aspects of AD in the
A precise understanding of the anatomical organization of
the fly brain is also important for modeling neurodegenera-
tive diseases. While the characterization of the fly brain is
still behind that of the human or rodent brain, the develop-
ment of unique genetic tools such as the Gal4-UAS system
has significantly accelerated this area of research. Many cell
types have been identified and the neuronal circuits involved
in the visual (Morante & Desplan, 2004) or olfactory
(Jefferis & Hummel, 2006) systems have been extensively
analyzed. For example, it has been reported that the domi-
nant excitatory system in the fly brain is composed of cholin-
ergic neurons (Yasuyama, Kitamoto, & Salvaterra, 1995),
which are the most vulnerable neurons in AD (Davies, 1983).
Another example is that the dopaminergic neuron in the fly
brain can be used to study the toxicity of α-synuclein, which
causes Parkinson’s disease (Auluck, Chan, Trojanowski,
Lee, & Bonini, 2002; Feany & Bender, 2000). Moreover, the
spatial and temporal manipulation of neuronal activity in spe-
cific subsets of neurons in the fly brain by using temperature-
sensitive genetic tools can enable us to map the functional
anatomy of the fly brain (Kitamoto, 2001). In addition, in
vivo imaging of neuronal activity using a genetically encoded
GFP-based Ca2+ indicator in combination with two-photon
microscopy will allow us to visualize the functional abnor-
malities that are induced in the fly brain by Aβ42 (Wang
et al., 2004). Thus, the ongoing characterization of the fly
brain at the molecular, cellular, neural circuit, neural activity
and behavioral levels will facilitate the use of the fly model
in studies of human disease conditions.
In summary, Drosophila can be an excellent model sys-
Fig. 14.7 Late-onset progressive neurodegeneration in Aβ42 brains. tem to study complex human diseases such as AD. Along
(A–H) Progressive neuronal loss was observed in the Aβ42 brains (A– with the state-of-the-art genetic tools that are available and
F, arrow heads) but not in the Aβ40 or control brains (G and H). (A–D, are constantly being developed, we believe that Drosophila
G and H) The Kenyon cell region. (E) The medial brain. (F) The lat-
eral brain. White, neuropil structure; dark gray, cell bodies. Arrows in studies will make as significant a contribution to AD research
(D) indicate the aggregates, which are presumably amyloid deposits. as they did in other biological contexts.
Kn, Kenyon cell layer; Ca, calyx; PB, protocerebral bridge; OL, optic
lobe. Scale bars in C and H: 50 μm. (I) Neuronal loss induced by
a different Gal4 line (OK107). Scale bar: 50 μm. (J) Ultrastructural
analysis of the degenerating neurons that reveals digested cytoplasm
(electron-lucent) and swollen mitochondria (arrows). N, nucleus. Scale
bar: 1 μm. (Adapted from Iijima, K. et al. (2004). PNAS 17, 6623–6628, References
with permission)
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Part III
Genetics of Personality
Chapter 15

Genotype–Environment Correlation and Family Relationships

Jennifer A. Ulbricht and Jenae M. Neiderhiser

Introduction Walder, 1984; Patterson, Capaldi, & Bank, 1991). Further

studies of the mechanisms of these associations have focused
Traditionally, the unit for analysis in considering adult men- on parenting behavior as the probable link between parent
tal health has been the individual. Research, assessment, psychopathology and child outcome (e.g., Fleming, Kim,
and treatment of psychological and behavioral issues have Harachi, & Catalano, 2002; Kaczynski, Lindahl, Malik, &
most often focused on identifying or changing certain char- Laurenceau, 2006). Additionally, research has moved toward
acteristics of the recognized target individual. When con- conceptualizing parenting not as something that happens to
sidering development and children, the focus often widens a child but as a relational process that is dependent on the
to include parents, though research, intervention, and treat- influence of individual traits of both parent and child (e.g.,
ments again tend to address behaviors, emotions, or cogni- Ge, Conger, Cadoret, Neiderhiser, Yates, & Troughton, 1996;
tions of the identified “problem child.” Exceptions to this Simons, Whitbeck, Conger, & Melby, 1990). In this way,
general trend can be found in empirically supported pre- the parent–child relationship environment is partially a
ventive and intervention programs that involve children, par- product of the traits (many that are genetically influenced)
ents, schools, and communities (e.g., Hawkins, Catalano, & of each person involved and can be impacted by the various
Arthur, 2002; Olds, Hill, O’Brien, Rache, & Mortiz, 2003; other systems in which the individual members of the
Reid & Webster-Stratton, 2001; Robbins, Alexander, & family participate. In this chapter, the interplay between
Turner, 2000). These programs address the systems (such genes and environment (specifically genotype–environment
as school, workplace, peer groups, and families) in which correlations) will be explored through a review of the
individuals act and interact and the influences that these sys- behavioral genetic literature on genetic and environmental
tems can have on psychological and behavioral functioning. influences on parenting, sibling relationships, marital
Though evidence indicates that these systems-based inter- relationships, and general family environment. There is
ventions are effective, it is not yet clear what the mechanisms now accumulating evidence that genotype–environment
are through which individual factors influence and are influ- correlation plays an important role in the associations among
enced by others. these family subsystems as well as in the links between
One of the most universal systems in human development family relationships and adjustment. These topics will be
is the family. There have been numerous correlational considered, as will the current and future directions for the
studies linking various parent attributes to child behavior study of genotype–environment correlation.
and developmental outcomes (e.g., Belsky, Crnic, & Wood-
worth, 1995; Bornstein, 2002; Maccoby, 2002). For instance,
parental depression – particularly maternal depression –
Genotype–Environment Correlation
and marital conflict are risk factors for various forms of
psychopathology in children, including both behavioral and
emotional problems (Whiffen, 2005). In addition, aggressive A central question regarding genetic influences on family
parents are often found to have aggressive children who relationships is concerned with the mechanisms by which
grow into aggressive adults (Huesmann, Eron, Lefkowitz, & these influences occur. One explanation is genotype–
environment (GE) correlation. GE correlation refers to the
correlation between an individual’s genetically influenced
J.M. Neiderhiser (B) behavior and their exposure to certain environmental
The Pennsylvania State University, Department of Psychology, situations (e.g., Neiderhiser et al., 2004; Rutter, 2005;
222 Moore Building, University Park, PA 16802, USA Silberg & Eaves, 2004). Typically three types of GE
e-mail: jenaemn@psu.edu

Y.-K. Kim (ed.), Handbook of Behavior Genetics, 209

DOI 10.1007/978-0-387-76727-7 15,  c Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2009
210 J.A. Ulbricht and J.M. Neiderhiser

correlation have been described: passive, active, and genes directly influencing the environment. Instead, indirect
evocative (Plomin, DeFries, & Loehlin, 1977; Scarr, 1992; processes, involving mechanisms like GE correlations, geno-
Scarr & McCartney, 1988). Passive GE correlation arises in type × environment interaction1 , or most likely a combina-
biological families because parents and children share both tion of the two, must be involved. Therefore, in order to better
genes and environment. For example, passive GE correlation understand family process, it is important to also understand
in parenting could be conceptualized as a parent’s genetically GE correlation (and G × E interaction) and to identify which
influenced traits impacting their parenting behavior, which is type of GE correlation may be operating. Finally, GE correla-
part of the environment for their children. Therefore, due to tion also helps to explain why heritability estimates for some
the fact that parents and their biological children also share traits tend to increase with age. It may be that individuals –
genes, the environments that parents provide may correlate and their genetically influenced tendencies – have increas-
with the child’s genotype due, at least in part, to those ing impact on their environments throughout the course of
shared genes. In the parent–child relationship, it has been development which serves to reinforce and strengthen those
hypothesized that personality may be a good candidate for tendencies (Bouchard & McGue, 2003).
a genetically influenced trait shared by parent and child that
can explain passive GE correlation. For example, a parent’s
genetically influenced warm and sociable personality Parenting Behavior
makes their parenting more warm and responsive while,
simultaneously, the child is warm and sociable due to
inherited traits and a positive environment. There is some As noted above, parenting is a family process that has
evidence that parents’ personalities do influence their received extensive attention in the developmental psychol-
parenting, at least in part (e.g., Belsky et al., 1995; Clark, ogy literature, although the majority of developmental stud-
Kochanska, & Ready, 2000), although few studies have ies have examined one child per family. There is now a
examined these associations within a genetically informed sizable literature reporting evidence of genetic and envi-
design (see Spinath & O’Connor, 2003, for an exception). ronmental influences on parenting across the life span.
Active GE correlation is the result of an individ- These studies have used both child-based (children vary
ual actively selecting environments correlated with their in genetic relatedness) and parent-based (parents vary in
genetically influenced characteristics. A good example of genetic relatedness) designs and have considered a wide
active genotype–environment correlation for an environmen- variety of perspectives, reporters, and parenting constructs
tal measure concerns peers. When genetic influences on as well as global measures of family environment. At least
peer relationships are found (e.g., Manke, McGuire, Reiss, two detailed reviews of the literature examining genetic and
Hetherington, & Plomin, 1995) one explanation is that ado- environmental influences on parenting have been published
lescents are selecting peers who are like them and the charac- (e.g., McGuire, 2003; Towers, Spotts, & Neiderhiser, 2002).
teristics that they are selecting for are genetically influenced. These reviews conclude that genetic and environmental influ-
The classic example of active GE correlation in childhood ences tend to differ based upon the parenting construct, the
is with musical ability: a child has a genetically influenced reporter, and the developmental stage or age of the chil-
proclivity for music and thus chooses to take band class (an dren in the study. In addition, findings indicate that parent-
environment providing musical enrichment). and child-based designs are valuable for detecting different
Finally, evocative GE correlation may be most interesting mechanisms for genetic influence on the parent–child rela-
for understanding family process. An evocative GE corre- tionship. Because child-based twin and family designs osten-
lation occurs when genetically influenced traits of the indi- sibly detect the influence of the child’s genes, it might be
vidual evoke a certain type of response from others (the tempting to interpret these findings as support for the child’s
environment). GE correlations are especially relevant for heritable characteristics as the main vehicle for genetic influ-
understanding genetic influences on family process because ences on the parent–child relationship. However, because
they provide an explanation of possible mechanisms. For children receive 50% of their genes from each parent, a
example, a child that demonstrates high levels of negative child-based design is unable to decisively disentangle passive
emotionality due to genetically influenced traits may elicit from evocative GE correlation for parenting. Interestingly,
harsher or more rejecting behavior from parents. In peer rela- the different designs show a somewhat different pattern of
tionships, the evocative process is also easily conceptualized.
For example, an adolescent who exhibits genetically influ-
1 Rutter and Silberg (2002) define G × E interaction as the impact of
enced antisocial traits such as rule breaking or drug use may
genetically influenced individual differences in the sensitivity to certain
elicit rejection from more prosocial peers. environmental features. For example, an individual with genotype A
It is clear that genetic influences on family relations, like may develop depressive symptoms in response to a job loss while an
parenting or marital conflict, are not due to an individual’s individual with genotype B may respond with more resilience.
15 GE Correlation and Family Relationships 211

genetic and environmental influences; considering these dif- construct of parental control shows shared environmental
ferences, we can begin to clarify mechanisms of GE correla- and little to no genetic influence in most child-based stud-
tion. A detailed discussion of how to use parent-based and ies. In contrast, parent-based studies of parental control-
child-based designs to disentangle passive, evocative, and ling behavior have found genetic influences on parental
active GE correlation can be found elsewhere (Neiderhiser control (Kendler, 1996; Losoya, Callor, Rowe, & Gold-
et al., 2004; Rutter, Moffitt, & Caspi, 2006) and a brief smith, 1997; Neiderhiser et al., 2004; Perusse, Neale, Heath,
description specific to parenting is provided here. Passive GE & Eaves, 1992). These findings, taken together, suggest that
correlation is indicated by genetic influences on parenting in the parents’ genes may be the largest contributing genetic
a parent-based design, while it may emerge as shared envi- factor for parent control, while children’s genetically influ-
ronmental influences in child-based studies. Evocative GE enced traits have little impact on this construct. Therefore,
correlations are indicated by genetic influences on parenting parental control is best explained by passive GE correla-
in a child-based design and will emerge as shared and/or non- tion. Taken together, these studies support the conclusion that
shared environmental influences in a parent-based design. genes and environment influence different parenting con-
Genetic and environmental influences on parenting in child- structs through different mechanisms.
based and parent-based designs will be described below with There is some evidence that patterns of genetic and envi-
an emphasis on the type of GE correlation that is indicated ronmental influences change throughout the life span, most
by the findings. using child-based designs. Shared environmental influences
In general, studies have converged on the finding that are larger and genetic influences smaller for parenting of
most parenting constructs show significant genetic and infants and young children (Boivin et al., 2005). Genetic
shared environmental influences in child-based designs (see influences on parenting tend to increase during middle
Fig. 15.1 for a conceptual summary of the findings for differ- childhood and adolescence although shared environmental
ent family relationships). Parental warmth, support, and neg- effects are typically still important (Elkins et al., 1997;
ativity typically are influenced by genetic and shared envi- McGue, Elkins, Walden, & Iacono, 2005; Reiss, Neiderhiser,
ronmental influences (e.g., Elkins, McGue, & Iacono, 1997; Hetherington, & Plomin, 2000; Rende, Slomkowski, Stocker,
Lau, Rijsdijk, & Eley, 2006). The findings for warmth, Fulker, & Plomin, 1992; Rowe, 1981, 1983). Although there
support, and negativity are generally similar in parent- have been only preliminary analyses exploring the parent–
based designs, indicating a possible passive GE mechanism child relationships when the children are young adults, the
(Neiderhiser et al., 2004). There is also some evidence of findings suggest that genetic influences are about the same
evocative GE correlation because the child-based designs as they were during adolescence, with little to no evidence of
show significant and substantial genetic influences. The shared environmental influences and substantial nonshared






Parental Parental Parental Parental Sibling Marital
Conflict & Control Conflict & Control Relationships Relationships
Warmth Warmth

Child-based Designs Parent-based Designs

Genetic Shared Nonshared

Environmental Environmental

Fig. 15.1 General patterns of genetic and environmental influences on different family relationships
212 J.A. Ulbricht and J.M. Neiderhiser

environmental influences (Neiderhiser, 2003). Interestingly, Generally, reports compiled across multiple measures of par-
retrospective reports of parental warmth, collected from enting behavior as well as parent, child, and observer ratings
adults during middle age, show patterns more similar to those offer a view of parenting behavior that may be more con-
for adolescents than for young adults. Specifically, genetic, sistent across time and settings. Interestingly, these compos-
shared environmental, and nonshared environmental influ- ites also tend to be influenced more by genetic factors than
ences make nearly equal contributions for twin women’s ret- single-rater constructs (e.g., Feinberg, Neiderhiser, Howe, &
rospective reports of warmth from their mother and father Hetherington, 2001; Reiss et al., 2000).
(Lichtenstein et al., 2003). It may be that when asked to There have been a series of reports attempting to
remember how warm their parents were, these twin women specify the type of GE correlation operating for parenting.
focused more on adolescence than at their more proximal These reports have used two very different designs and
relationship experiences with their parents. As illustrated in have converged on similar findings. First, two adoption
Fig. 15.2 genetic influences on parental warmth and conflict studies examined associations between biological parents’
tend to increase from infancy to adolescence, when they flat- disorders (an estimation of genotype) and adoptive parents’
ten out and may decrease slightly in young adulthood. Shared parenting (Ge et al., 1996; O’Connor, Deater-Deckard,
environmental influences, on the other hand, show a slow Fulker, Rutter, & Plomin, 1998). Both studies suggested
but steady decrease from infancy to adolescence and then that evocative GE correlation was important, as indicated
abruptly drop off for young adults. Finally, nonshared envi- by the finding that child behavior acted as a mediator of the
ronmental influences on parenting are modest until young association between the biological parents’ characteristics
adulthood when they show a sudden increase. The sharp and parenting. A second set of reports have relied on the
decrease in shared environmental influences and increase in comparison of a sample of twin parents (parent based) with
nonshared environmental influences are most likely due to a sample of adolescent twins and siblings (child based). The
the fact that the children are no longer living in the same Twin Moms study (Reiss et al., 2001) and its extension to
household. a second cohort and twin fathers, the Twin/Offspring Study
As noted earlier, genetic and environmental influences in Sweden (TOSS), was designed in part as a parent-based
on parenting also tend to differ depending on the reporter complement to the child-based NEAD study. Analyses
(e.g., Neiderhiser & Reiss, 2004; O’Connor, Hetherington, comparing these two samples on mothering, and more
Reiss, & Plomin, 1995; Plomin, Reiss, Hetherington, & recently on fathering, have found evidence for passive and
Howe, 1994). Observer ratings of parenting have consis- evocative GE correlation for all of the parenting constructs
tently shown relatively modest genetic influences and sizable examined, although the patterns of findings tended to vary
shared and nonshared environmental influences (e.g., Leve, by reporter, parent, and construct (Neiderhiser, Reiss, Licht-
Winebarger, Fagot, Reid, & Goldsmith, 1998; O’Connor enstein, Spotts, & Ganiban, 2007; Neiderhiser et al., 2004).
et al., 1995), while estimates of genetic influences are larger Generally, the pattern of findings suggested passive GE
when parent and adolescent reports of parenting are exam- correlation for mothers’ positivity and monitoring and
ined (e.g., McGue et al., 2005; Neiderhiser et al., 2004; Reiss evocative GE correlation for mothers’ negativity and
et al., 2000). It is worth noting that shared environmental control. In other words, a mother may exert more control
influences tend to be at least moderate for most constructs of or demonstrate more negativity in response to her child’s
parenting in child-based designs, regardless of the reporter. genetically influenced traits or behaviors. Fathering showed

infancy early middle adolescence young
childhood childhood adulthood

Genetic Shared Environmental Nonshared Environmental

Fig. 15.2 General trends in parenting behavior (warmth and negativity) throughout the life span
15 GE Correlation and Family Relationships 213

a similar pattern of findings with one exception, evocative shared environmental influences were most important in
GE correlation was suggested for father’s positivity. This explaining individual differences in sibling relationships,
suggests that while mothers’ and children’s positivity is with only modest genetic influences for most of the
shaped by shared genetics, fathers parent more positively in sibling relationship constructs (Bussell et al., 1999; Reiss
response to their children’s genetically influenced traits or et al., 2000). Interestingly, the findings from NEAD indicate
behaviors. The next step in understanding the mechanisms a high level of reciprocity in sibling relationships, indicating
of GE correlation is to examine these constructs within the that adolescents both contributed to and “got something”
same sample in order to reduce the likelihood of differences out of the sibling relationship (Reiss et al., 2000). A
in findings emerging due to sample differences rather than different study of adolescent twins also found that sibling
because of real differences in the mechanisms of effects. relationships were due to mostly genetic and shared envi-
Understanding how genetic factors influence parent–child ronmental influences, with modest nonshared environmental
processes beyond parenting has been examined in a number influences (Pike & Atzaba-Poria, 2003). All of these
of recent reports. Genetic and environmental influences findings underscore the high degree of reciprocity in sibling
on dyadic mutuality – defined as emotional reciprocity, relationships as indicated by the significant and substantial
co-responsiveness, and cooperation in parent–child shared environmental influences. Because these large shared
dyads – were examined in two reports (Deater-Deckard & environmental influences are found regardless of whether
O’Connor, 2000; Deater-Deckard & Petrill, 2004). The child report, parent report, or behavioral observations are
first sampled same-sex twins and their families at age used, the likelihood of a sibling rater bias as an explanation
3 and found that mutuality varied both between and for shared environmental influences is low. Instead, it
within families and that similarity between siblings’ appears that the shared environmental influences found for
relationships with their parent was due largely to genetic sibling relationships are due to the fact that siblings are
and nonshared environmental influences (Deater-Deckard & closely attuned to one another resulting in highly reciprocal
O’Connor, 2000). The second report extended this analysis relationships. It is noteworthy that the reciprocal nature of the
to include child outcome using a sample of adoptive siblings sibling relationship seems to increase during adolescence,
(mean age = 8.96) and found that variation in mutuality suggesting that adolescents are especially sensitive to the
in the parent–child relationship was due to evocative GE behavior of their sibling and tend to respond in a similar way.
correlation (the child’s genetically influenced traits evoke
certain levels of mutuality) and unspecified environmental
mechanisms that may include external influences on the
parent such as stressors (Deater-Deckard & Petrill, 2004). Marital Relationships
These two sets of findings provide additional support to
the notion that children directly contribute to their parents’ The first studies to examine marital relations focused
behavior toward them and that this contribution is, at least in on divorce, pair bonding (maintaining stable heterosexual
part, parental responses to children’s genetically influenced marriage), and mate diversification (remarriage following
characteristics. divorce). In the first of these studies, genetic and environmen-
tal influences on divorce were examined in a large sample
of adult twins (McGue & Lykken, 1992). This study found
that divorce was influenced by primarily genetic and non-
Sibling Relationships shared environmental factors. A later report using the same
sample found that most of this genetic influence on divorce
Despite the fact that most behavioral genetic studies could be explained by genetic influences on personality traits
involve siblings, relatively few have examined genetic and correlated with divorce (Jocklin, McGue, & Lykken, 1996).
environmental influences on the sibling relationship. One of For example, the personality factors of positive emotionality
the first, a child-based adoption design, found that positive and negative emotionality were positively linked to divorce,
and negative behaviors between adoptive and non-adoptive while the factor of constraint was linked negatively. The most
siblings during middle childhood were mostly influenced recent report from this group found that one’s propensity to
by shared environmental, and moderate genetic, influences be married was also substantially genetically influenced and
(Rende et al., 1992). A study examining the same sample the genetic influences on propensity to marry were correlated
during early adolescence using the social relations model with genetic influences on personality (Johnson, McGue,
found evidence for genetic, shared environmental, and Krueger, & Bouchard, 2004). Genetic and environmental
nonshared environmental influences on aspects of sibling influences on pair bonding and mate diversification were
relationships such as conflict, warmth, and self-disclosure examined on a sample of male veteran twin pairs (Trumbetta
(Manke & Plomin, 1997). In the adolescent NEAD sample & Gottesman, 2000). Both constructs were heritable, but
214 J.A. Ulbricht and J.M. Neiderhiser

with nonshared environmental influences accounting for the One measure that has been examined in a number of studies
bulk of the variance. is the Family Environment Scale (FES; Moos & Moos, 1981)
Although these studies provide interesting insight into the which assesses the overall family environment in terms of
factors that influence one’s tendency to marry or divorce, cohesion, conflict, and control. The first of these used a
they do not provide any information on how genetic and envi- sample of adult twins reared together and apart who retro-
ronmental factors may influence the quality of a marriage or spectively rated their perceptions of the family environment
each partner’s satisfaction. In an effort to do just this, mar- in which they were reared (Plomin, McClearn, Pedersen,
ital quality was examined in a sample of adult female twin Nesselroade, & Bergeman, 1988). The findings indicated
pairs and their partners (Spotts et al., 2004). Genetic influ- significant genetic influences on all of the FES scales. A sec-
ences were found for marital quality as reported by the twin ond study using the same sample assessed the twins’ reports
women. Interestingly, genetic influences were also found of their current family environment and also found mod-
for the husbands’ reports of their own marital satisfaction. erate genetic influences on all of the FES scales (Plomin,
Because only the wives were twins, this suggests that genet- McClearn, Pedersen, Nesselroade, & Bergeman, 1989). Sim-
ically influenced characteristics of the women set a tone for ilar patterns of genetic and environmental influences have
the marriage that then influences the husbands’ reports of been found for child and parent reports on the FES dur-
their own satisfaction. In other words, evocative GE corre- ing the transition from late childhood to early adoles-
lation was suggested. Using the same sample of twin women cence, although there was more variation between reporters,
and their partners, personality characteristics of both spouses and the pattern of genetic and environmental influence
were examined as potential sources of genetic influences on was different for parent report and child report (Deater-
marital quality (Spotts et al., 2005). The personality char- Deckard, Fulker, & Plomin, 1999). In most studies exam-
acteristics of the women accounted for genetic and non- ining genetic and environmental influences on FES, con-
shared environmental influences on their own marital satis- trol/structure tends to show less genetic influence than accep-
faction, husbands’ marital satisfaction, and the covariation tance/support. One exception comes from a recent analysis
between wives and husbands on marital satisfaction. Hus- of current FES using an adolescent sample of male twins
bands’ personality characteristics did not account for addi- which found genetic influences on all FES constructs, includ-
tional variance in marital satisfaction. This finding suggests ing control/structure (Herndon, McGue, Krueger, & Iacono,
that there may be different genetic and environmental mech- 2005).
anisms operating for marriage in men and women. A study Another widely used measure of family environment is
examining this question using a large unselected sample of the Home Observation for Measurement of the Environ-
adult male and female twin pairs found evidence for small ment (HOME; Caldwell & Bradley, 1978). The HOME
differences between genetic and environmental influences is a semi-structured interview that yields a score reflect-
on marital quality for men and women (Spotts, Prescott, & ing the observed family environment. Researchers using
Kendler, 2006). Specifically, marital warmth and conflict the Colorado Adoption Project sample (Plomin, DeFries, &
were influenced by the same genetic factors in men and by Fulker, 1988), a sibling adoption design, found evidence
different genetic factors in women. for substantial genetic influences on the HOME at ages 1
In sum, genetic influences have been found for all and 2 (Braungart, Fulker, & Plomin, 1992). In addition, a
marriage-related constructs that have been examined. Non- number of studies have also detected genetic influences on
shared environmental influences explain the bulk of the measures of socioeconomic status (e.g., Lichtenstein, Har-
variance for all constructs; genetic influences are substan- ris, Pederson, & McClearn, 1993). Finally, family connect-
tially smaller for marital relationships than has been reported edness, a construct designed to assess feelings of general
for parent–child relationships. This suggests that genetically closeness or connectedness within the family, was examined
influenced traits may operate differently within different rela- using the Add Health sample, which includes twins and sib-
tionship contexts and highlights the importance of the inter- lings of varying degrees of genetic relatedness, and it also
play between genes and environment in influencing behavior shows genetic influences (Jacobson & Rowe, 1999). Gen-
(Spotts et al., 2004). der differences emerged, however, for shared environmen-
tal influences which were significant for male adolescents,
but not for females. From the studies described above, it
appears that constructs traditionally conceptualized as “envi-
General Family Environment ronment” or “nurture” variables are, in fact, influenced in
part by the genetic makeup of the individuals involved.
In addition to examining genetic and environmental influ- It is likely that GE correlations and interactions play a
ences on specific relationships within the family, studies have substantial role in the heritability of family environment
also examined measures of the global family environment. measures.
15 GE Correlation and Family Relationships 215

Associations Among Family Subsystems These findings suggest that different processes are oper-
ating for different sets of family relationships. Specifically,
Within the family systems theory framework, we might sibling relationships are highly reciprocal and may be more
expect that these different family relationships may influence responsive to the family climate. Although the associations
each other and that genetic factors are likely to be involved. between marital conflict about the children and parent–child
“Spillover” is a term often used in discussing family systems relationships are also influenced by shared environmental
and processes referring to situations where marital discord influences, they are nearly equally due to genetic influences.
impacts the relationship of children and parents. While there In other words, they may be influenced by the general family
have been many phenotypic studies of how these processes climate, but they are also influenced by the child’s genetically
operate together (e.g., Belsky, Youngblade, & Pensky, 1989; influenced characteristics. Unfortunately, these findings are
Conger, Patterson, & Ge, 1995; Shamir, Du Rocher based on only a single sample assessed during adolescence.
Schudlich, & Cummings, 2001) few studies have examined Additional studies using different aged samples may help
the genetic and environmental influences on associations to clarify the mechanisms involved in influencing different
between marital quality and parent–child relationships. types of family relationships.
At least one study, however, focused on associations
among other family relationships. Bussell and colleagues
(1999) examined associations between mother–child Family Subsystems and Adjustment
relationships and sibling relationships in the NEAD sample
using composites of observer ratings, mother reports,
and child reports. Findings indicated that although both Parenting
mother–child and sibling relationships are significantly
influenced by genetic factors, the two relationships covaried There is an extensive literature indicating that interpersonal
for primarily shared environmental reasons. Additional relationships can have an important impact on mental health.
analyses examining genetic and environmental influences In particular, there are a number of studies linking parent–
on the covariation of parenting and sibling relationships child relationships to various child outcomes, and results
consistently found that shared environmental influences indicate that the associations are complex. For instance,
accounted for the bulk of the covariation (Reiss et al., 2000). reports from the NEAD study have indicated that genetic
This finding held for mother–child and father–child influences on adolescent perceptions of parenting behav-
relationships and across positivity and negativity in both ior mediate the relationship between parenting behavior and
relationships. These findings of significant and substantial adolescent adjustment (Neiderhiser, Pike, Hetherington, &
shared environmental influences across the family subsys- Reiss, 1998). This indicates that it is not necessarily the
tems of parent–child and sibling relationships suggest that actions of the parents that impact child outcome, but how
there may be a common style of interaction across family the child perceives their parents’ actions. Interestingly, this
relations within a family. Parents may play a role in shaping perception is influenced by the child’s genetic makeup and
sibling interactions through modeling a preferred relational therefore illustrates how genes can influence the environ-
style or intervening and controlling sibling interactions, ment’s effects on behavior (Neiderhiser, 1998). Genetic and
thereby both directly and indirectly influencing the sibling environmental influences on associations between parenting
relationship via shared environmental mechanisms. and child and adolescent adjustment have been examined in
The covariation between marital conflict about each ado- a number of studies. Associations among parental negativity,
lescent child with parenting and with sibling relationships positivity, monitoring and control, and seven composites of
has also been examined using the NEAD sample (Reiss adolescent adjustment were systematically examined in the
et al., 2000). The findings were somewhat different than NEAD sample (Pike, McGuire, Hetherington, & Reiss, 1996;
those for parenting and sibling relationships, however. The Reiss et al., 2000). Typically, the bulk of the association
covariation between marital conflict and parenting was due between parenting and adolescent adjustment was due to
in near equal parts to genetic and shared environmental influ- genetic influences on the covariation.
ences. In other words, genetic influences of the child had These associations were also examined longitudinally
an important impact on both marital conflict about the ado- from middle to later adolescence in the NEAD project
lescent children and on parent–child relationships. On the (Neiderhiser, Reiss, Hetherington, & Plomin, 1999; Reiss
other hand, the pattern of findings for associations between et al., 2000). Using a full cross-lagged design to esti-
sibling negativity and marital conflict about the children mate genetic and environmental contributions to the associ-
was consistent with the findings for parent–child and sibling ations between parenting in middle adolescence and child
relationships. Specifically, shared environmental influences adjustment in later adolescence, a number of interesting
accounted for the bulk of this covariation. conclusions emerged. First, associations between parenting
216 J.A. Ulbricht and J.M. Neiderhiser

at time 1 and adolescent adjustment 3 years later were response to externalizing behavior and this association could
accounted for primarily by genetic factors. This indicates that be explained by genetic influences. At the same time, parent–
genetic influences play an important role in how parenting in child conflict contributed to child externalizing behavior via
middle adolescence impacts adjustment in later adolescence. shared and nonshared environmental influences. These find-
In this child-based design, the genetic influence measured is ings extend and support those reported earlier using a differ-
that of the child’s genes, which suggest that GE correlation ent sample and a slightly different model to explore parent
(either passive, evocative, or both) accounts for the observed conflict–negativity and adolescent antisocial behavior (Nei-
associations, though these models were not tested explic- derhiser et al., 1999). Taken together, these findings empha-
itly (Neiderhiser et al., 1999). Second, there were differ- size the importance of considering longitudinal effects of
ences in the associations between parenting and adolescent parenting on child and adolescent adjustment and for con-
adjustment during middle and later adolescence. Most often sidering the possibility of reciprocal influences and differing
genetic influences were larger for these associations during genetic and environmental mechanisms.
middle than later adolescence. This finding and the find- Interestingly, findings from this line of research have
ings for the cross-lagged associations emphasize that genetic also indicated that there are some gender differences in
influences change over time. Finally, shared environment was the connections between genes, parenting, and child out-
slightly more important for fathering than for mothering. It come, for both child and parent gender (e.g., Jacobson
is possible that this finding is due to a father’s tendency to & Rowe, 1999; Neiderhiser et al., 1999). Typically, sep-
treat the adolescents more similarly and, perhaps, to be less arate models for mothers and fathers or sons and daugh-
sensitive to individual differences than are mothers. ters consistently provide the “best fit” for the data, although
Given the implications of these results, it is not surprising clear differences in the patterns of influence have not been
that the focus of such studies has shifted from models involv- indicated for most constructs (e.g., Neiderhiser et al., sub-
ing the direct influence of genes or parenting on problem mitted; Reiss et al., 2000). In addition, there is clear evi-
behaviors to models that consider GE correlation as a media- dence from a wide range of different studies that parents
tor of the associations among genes, parenting, and antisocial treat their children differently (e.g., Conger & Conger, 1994;
behavior. One report using a sample of adolescent adoptees Feinberg & Hetherington, 2001; McGuire & Dunn, 1994;
found evidence of evocative GE correlation for adoptive par- McHale, Crouter, McGuire, & Updegraff, 1995; Reiss,
ent hostility (Ge et al., 1996). Specifically, the psychiatric Howe, Simmens, & Bussell, 1996) and that this difference
disorders of the biological parents were related to the adoles- in treatment is linked to the child’s genetically influenced
cent’s antisocial behavior and with adoptive parents’ behav- traits (Deater-Deckard et al., 2001). Though family process
ior. A subsequent report using the CAP found that children and relational theories of reciprocity predict that the quality
at genetic risk for behavior problems received more negative of the parent–child relationship should influence the parent’s
efforts of control from their adoptive parents, even after con- mental health, there is little genetically informed research to
trolling for selective placement (O’Connor, Deater-Deckard, support this idea to date.
Fulker, Rutter, & Plomin, 1998). In both of these studies, the
presence of evocative GE correlation was supported and the
results were consistent with established theories of coercive
family processes (Patterson, 1982), highlighting the impor-
tance of considering genetic influences within the context of
the family environment. Marital quality has been associated with both positive and
More recently, Burt, McGue, Krueger, and Iacono (2005) negative effects on mental health for both members of the
used the Minnesota Twin Family Study to examine the dyad, though women show stronger associations between
relationship between parent–child conflict and externalizing marital quality and mental health (e.g., Gove, Hughes, &
symptoms in adolescent boys over a 3 year period using a Style, 1983; Prigerson, Maciejewski, & Rosenheck, 1999).
cross-lagged approach. This study was designed, in part, to Traditionally, these associations have been explained through
clarify the source and direction of the relationship between psychosocial mechanisms with little attention given to the
child externalizing and conflictual parent–child relationships. possible contribution of genetic factors to the correlations,
Three primary findings emerged from this report. Stabil- despite evidence for genetic influence on measures of mar-
ity in both parent–child conflict and externalizing could be ital quality and mental health. Spotts et al. (2003) found
explained by primarily genetic influences. The relationship that interpersonal relationships accounted for a moderate
between parent–child conflict and adolescent externalizing amount of the variance (18–31%) in women’s depressive
is bidirectional, both cross-sectionally and longitudinally. symptoms, using a sample of Swedish twin women and
Finally, the role of evocative GE correlation was supported. their husbands. The associations among measurements of
Specifically, parent–child conflict was, at least in part, a marital quality, social support, and depressive symptoms
15 GE Correlation and Family Relationships 217

were accounted for by genetic influences when husband’s A number of non-genetic research studies have found sup-
reports were used. Genetic and environmental influences on port for the hypothesized environmental processes proposed
the associations between marital relationships, social sup- by D’Onofrio and colleagues (2005). For instance, Mann
port, and women’s positive mental health have also been and MacKenzie (1996) found that marital dissatisfaction and
examined using the same sample of twin women (Spotts overt marital conflict predicted oppositional behavior prob-
et al., 2005). Results indicated that while genetic influences lems for school-aged boys. Most studies have concluded,
are partially responsible for associations among marital qual- however, that the connections between marital conflict and
ity, adequacy of social support, and mental health, non- child behavior problems are mediated by parenting behavior
shared environmental influences are of equal, if not greater, such as rejection and inept discipline. These pathways help
importance. to explain why divorce is related to child difficulties in some,
A few studies have examined genetic influences on the but not all children: essentially, parents who can maintain
relationship between marital conflict and child outcome as positive interaction styles and consistent discipline insulate
well. O’Connor, Caspi, DeFries, and Plomin (2000) exam- their children from the negative effects of conflict in the mar-
ined associations between divorce and child achievement, ital relationship (Bullock & Forgatch, 2005).
social adjustment, behavior problems, and substance use In addition to general marital conflict and dissatisfac-
in the CAP sample. Genetic and environmental contribu- tion, associations between adolescent adjustment and mar-
tions tended to vary based on child outcome. Environmental ital conflict specifically about each child were examined
factors mediated the links between divorce and child adjust- in the Nonshared Environment in Adolescent Development
ment, but results for social adjustment and achievement indi- (NEAD; Reiss et al., 2000) study, which included fami-
cated passive GE correlation (O’Connor, Caspi, DeFries, & lies with adolescent twins, nontwins, half siblings, and step-
Plomin, 2000). This work was extended by examining a mod- siblings. Findings indicate that the bulk of the association
eration model for the association among genetic risk, adopted between parental conflict about each child was due to genetic
parent separation, and child adjustment (O’Connor, Caspi, influences on both constructs. This suggests that the marital
DeFries, & Plomin, 2003). Findings indicated that in the conflict about a child may be, at least in part, a response to
absence of marital discord in the adoptive home, genetic risk genetic influences on the child’s behavior.
(estimated from the birth parents) was not correlated with
child adjustment. However, in the presence of marital dis-
cord genetic risk was significantly correlated with adjust-
ment. These results suggest that genetic vulnerability may
play a role in the causal pathway between divorce and child
psychopathology. While the studies discussed previously have established
Connections between marital instability and child drug a framework for genetic and environmental influence
and alcohol use, internalizing problems, and behavior on sibling relationships, research on processes involved
problems have also been examined using a Children of in sibling influence on child outcome is rarer and these
Twins Design as part of a large study of Australian twins associations remain unclear (e.g., Dunn, 2002). Sibling
(D’Onofrio et al., 2005). With this method, the children conflict has been established as a risk factor for adjustment
of adult twins who were discordant for marital difficulty difficulties and problem behaviors, but the genetic and
were compared. In other words, a child whose parent was environmental mechanisms of this association remain largely
experiencing marital instability was compared to their unexplored. Sibling conflict and negativity have been related
parent’s twin (their aunt or uncle) who was not having positively to measures of antisocial behavior; conversely,
trouble in their marriage. This design is useful in identifying sibling warmth and support were positively associated with
the type of GE correlation operating, particularly passive GE positive measures of adjustment like social responsibility
correlation theorized to exist between marital conflict and and self-worth (Reiss et al., 2000). One study, using the Add
child psychopathology. Results indicated that environmental Health sample, sought to explore sibling effects in smoking
influences linked to divorce explained the greater rates of behavior (Slomkowski, Rende, Novak, Lloyd-Richardson,
psychological difficulty among the children rather than com- & Niaura, 2005). Both shared environmental and genetic
mon genetically influenced traits that impact both marriage factors were found to have main effects on smoking behavior,
and mental health (D’Onofrio et al., 2005). While specific but social connectedness between siblings moderated the
environmental factors were not examined in this study, they shared environmental influences, even after controlling for
were hypothesized to include decline in effective parenting, parent and peer smoking. These findings indicate that the
conflict between parents, loss of contact or inadequate par- quality of the sibling relationship may change the manner
enting from non-residential parent, and increased economic in which genetic and environmental factors influence
pressures. adolescent smoking behavior. Future research would benefit
218 J.A. Ulbricht and J.M. Neiderhiser

from examining the genetic and environmental influences work to examine associations among the environment and
on processes like collusion and sibling deviancy training the adjustment of individuals, to examine the associations
because identification of contributing factors would aid longitudinally, and to use novel designs in an attempt to bet-
in development of targeted interventions as suggested by ter understand processes. There are at least two promising
Bullock and Dishion (2002). Additionally, research has approaches currently underway. First, the use of the Children
suggested that sibling conflict and negativity may contribute of Twins design has a number of advantages over the tradi-
to increased negativity in the overall family environment and tional child-based or parent-based approaches (e.g., Silberg
may also change the way genes and environment influence & Eaves, 2004). Most notably, this design combines both
other relationships (parent–child or interparental) within the approaches within a single sample allowing comparisons
family (Feinberg, Reiss, Neiderhiser, & Hetherington, 2005). between twin parents and between their children. Unfortu-
nately, there are also disadvantages to this approach and to
date it has yet to be fully utilized in teasing apart passive from
evocative GE correlation (Eaves, Silberg, & Maes, 2005).
Family Environment A second approach, that is not new but has been some-
what limited by measurement constraints like limited assess-
Measures of global family environment have, not surpris- ment of birth parents, is the adoption design. When birth
ingly, been linked to positive and negative child outcome parents, adoptive parents, and adopted children are all well
as well. For instance, in the previously discussed Braun- assessed and followed longitudinally inferences about the
gart, Fulker, and Plomin (1992) study of the CAP sam- relative roles of genetic and environmental influences, as
ple, the association between observed family environment well as about evocative GE correlation, can be made. Cur-
at age 2 and child IQ at age 7 was genetically mediated. rently, there are a number of studies focused on under-
Another study of full- and half siblings found that genetic standing shared environmental influences using adoption
factors accounted for 25% of the correlation between HOME samples (e.g., McGue & Sharma, 1995; Petrill & Deater-
scores and child achievement, while shared environmental Deckard, 2004; Rutter, O’Connor, & English and Romanian
factors accounted for the remaining majority of the associa- Adoptees Study Team, 2004) and one study that also includes
tion (Cleveland, Jacobson, Lipinski, & Rowe, 2000). Further- longitudinal assessment of birth parents (Leve et al., 2007).
more, associations between family environment and child In all cases, environmental factors are measured in some
problem behaviors such as aggression and drug use have detail and the findings of these studies will help to advance
been attributed to both genes and shared environment (e.g., our understanding of genetic influences on environmental
Braungart-Rieker, Rende, Plomin, DeFries, & Fulker, 1995; measures and on our understanding of GE correlation.
Meyer et al., 2000; Jang, Vernon, Liversley, Stein, & Finally, studies examining measured genes and measured
Wolf, 2001). Gender differences were found in a num- environment have just begun to find evidence of GE corre-
ber of these studies. Interestingly, while genetic influences lation (Dick et al., 2006). The number of studies including
account for a greater portion of the association between fam- both measured genes and measured environment are grow-
ily environment and depressive symptoms for females, the ing and this is likely to result in more findings of this kind.
association between family environment and externalizing A number of advances in the fields of developmental and
behaviors appears to be more strongly genetically influenced family psychology and quantitative and molecular genetics
for males (Braungart-Rieker, Rende, Plomin, DeFries, & have enabled a clearer understanding of how genes and the
Fulker, 1995; Jacobson & Rowe, 1999). The patterns of these environment operate together in influencing development. As
findings suggest a complex interplay between genes and these fields continue to expand and as approaches and strate-
environment that can vary both by construct and by gender. gies are combined we will be able to better understand the
processes and mechanisms involved in the interplay between
genes and the environment. As we better understand the
mechanisms, targets for prevention and intervention efforts
Future Directions can be identified, thereby advancing the translation of this
basic science to application.
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Chapter 16


Kerry L. Jang and Shinji Yamagata

Introduction Jang, Livesley, Vernon, & Wolf, 2002; Markon, Krueger, &
Watson, 2005).
Gordon Allport (1937) has penned some of the most influ- Given reliability of the major personality measures and
ential lines in the history of personality research. He defined their well-understood relationship between one another, per-
personality as the “. . . dynamic organization within the indi- sonality has been a target of behavioural geneticists for
vidual of those psychophysical systems that determine his decades. Classic twin studies have yielded what is perhaps
unique [sic] adjustments to this environment” (p. 48) and one of the most stable findings reported in the social sci-
that “. . . personality is something and personality does some- ences – additive genetic influences (h2 A ) account for between
thing” (p. 48). Together, these lines neatly summarize the pri- 40 and 50% of the total variability in personality, with
mary mission of personality research: (1) the characterization nonshared environmental influences (e2 ) accounting for the
of enduring qualities that give rise to regularities and consis- remainder and shared family effects (c2 ) accounting for
tencies in behaviour and the organization of these qualities a negligible portion (e.g. Ando et al., 2002; Bouchard &
and (2) how they achieve coherent functioning to actively Loehlin, 2001; Jang, Livesley, & Vernon, 1996; Livesley,
adapt to the social environment (Livesley & Jang, 2005). As Jang, Jackson, & Vernon, 1993). These findings have been
a result, much of mainstream personality research has been consistently replicated across most of the popular invento-
directed towards determining the number of basic traits, their ries of normal and abnormal personality, awarding the psy-
organization, how they can be measured reliably, and the chological entity known as “personality” the status of a
relationship between normal personality function and per- biologically based anatomical structure. As a result, person-
sonality disorder. ality inventories became the basis of several studies designed
The sheer volume of research on these questions has con- to identify putative loci for personality.
verged to show neuroticism (N), extraversion (E), openness
to experience (O), agreeableness (A), and conscientiousness
(C), popularly referred to as the “Big Five” (e.g. John & The Problem
Srivastava, 1999), delineate the basic traits of normal per-
sonality. Although it would be incorrect to consider the Big
Five as the definitive model of personality, its value cannot However, something unexpected happened. Despite the sta-
be underestimated because it serves as a useful framework bility of the phenotype and consistency of the heritabil-
in which to study personality. This is because the Big Five ity estimates, years of intense molecular genetic research
is related to competing personality models, such as Eysenck has been unable to consistently identify the loci under-
and Eysenck’s (1975) psychoticism, extraversion, neuroti- lying any of the major personality traits (e.g. Munafo
cism model (PEN model) and Zuckerman, Kuhlman, Thorn- et al., 2003). One of the most famous examples is Ebstein
quist, and Kiers’s (1991) alternative five-factor model in et al.’s (1996) report that novelty seeking scores from the
generally predictable ways. Moreover, it is of sufficient depth Temperament and Character Inventory (TCI) which was
and breadth to subsume the ideas of alternate personal- developed to operationalize Cloninger’s “psychobiological
ity models (e.g. Aluja, Garcia, & Garcia, 2004; Larstone, model of temperament and character” (Cloninger, Svrakic,
& Przybeck, 1993) was associated with the long form of
the dopamine receptor D4 (DRD4) allele as predicted by the
K.L. Jang (B) model. This association was followed by several independent
Department of Psychiatry, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, replications but also non-replications by the same research
British Columbia, V6T 2A1, Canada group (e.g. Ebstein, Segman, & Benjamin, 1997; Ebstein,

Y.-K. Kim (ed.), Handbook of Behavior Genetics, 223

DOI 10.1007/978-0-387-76727-7 16,  c Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2009
224 K.L. Jang and S. Yamagata

Gritsenko, & Nemanov, 1997). Several other research groups environmental variables leave about 90% of the variance in
also attempted to replicate this association, and two meta- personality and temperament unaccounted for. Furthermore,
analyses of these reports concluded that the association was it should be noted that when they limited their analyses to
negligible (Kluger, Siegfried, & Ebstein, 2002; Schinka, studies that used a genetically informative design (e.g. twin
Letsch, & Crawford, 2002). This inconsistency has been and family studies), the effect size of measured nonshared
reported for other dopaminergic genes and personality mea- environmental variables, on average, was halved!
sures. For example, no association between DRD4 or the D2 The search for explanations for this state of affairs and
dopamine receptor (DRD2) gene and novelty seeking mea- their resolution will likely drive personality behavioural
sured by the Multidimensional Personality Questionnaire genetics for the next decade. A critical examination of some
(MPQ; Tellegen, 1982, unpublished manuscript) was found of the current issues in mainstream personality research and
whereas a positive association was reported between DRD2 behavioural genetics suggests that perhaps the failure to iden-
and a measure of novelty seeking (Berman, Ozkaragoz, tify putative loci and environment is because we may have
McDonald, Young, & Noble, 2002). “put the cart before the horse”. That is, the molecular genetic
Similar inconsistencies have been reported between genes research was undertaken on perhaps the naı̈ve assumption
regulating the serotonergic system and neuroticism. Sev- that the personality phenotype was well understood. How
eral studies have reported an association between the short might we have misunderstood personality? Gottesman and
form of the 5HTT allele (that produces less serotonin trans- Gould (2003) pointed out that the more complex behaviour
porter mRNA) and significantly increased NEO-PI-R neu- is the more genes are involved. Flipping the problem over, it
roticism scores (e.g. Lesch et al., 1996) and related traits, also suggests that even if it is accepted that given the con-
such as harm avoidance (Osher, Hamer, & Benjamin, 2000) vergence of research that the Big Five represents the basic
accompanied by a number of non-replications (e.g. Flory traits of personality, current measures of personality do not
et al., 1998). Even when meta-analytic techniques are used, adequately capture its complexity.
the results are mixed. Two meta-analyses concluded that the For example, there remain disagreements as to
association was significant when neuroticism was assessed which behaviours actually define each trait. Depue and
with the NEO-PI-R but not with TCI or related scales Collins (1999) reviewed the definition of extraversion as
(Schinka, Busch, & Robichaux-Keene, 2004; Sen, Burmeis- assessed by the major scales. They found that all of the
ter, & Ghosh, 2004), whereas another reached the opposite scales recognized sociability and affiliation but not all
conclusion (Munafo, Clark, & Flint, 2005a; but see also recognized agency (e.g. surgency, exhibitionism), activation
Munafo, Clark, & Flint, 2005b). Presently, these inconsisten- (e.g. activity level), impulsivity – sensation seeking (e.g.
cies have been attributed to methodological issues, including novelty seeking, monotony avoidance), positive emotions
those of sample size and power. Current wisdom in the field (e.g. enthusiasm, cheerfulness), or optimism. Similarly,
is to overcome these limitations with brute force methods, the NEO-PI-R neuroticism scale (Costa & McCrae, 1992)
such as designing studies that take advantage of different contains items assessing impulsive behaviours whereas
family relationships, testing increasingly more loci that are these are not measured by the EPQ-R neuroticism
located closer together, and to recruit huge samples of sub- (Eysenck & Eysenck, 1992), indicating that the definition of
jects in the hope of aggregating effect size and averaging out trait neuroticism is fundamentally different in each model.
error (see Plomin, DeFries, Craig, & McGuffin, 2003 for a Thus, each measure can be reflecting the action of quite
discussion). different genes.
Studies with the purpose of identifying the unique expe- Behavioural geneticists are now faced with two broad
riences, milieu, or conditions that account for individual challenges to coming to understand this complexity. First, at
differences in personality have also largely come up empty- the level of the phenotype, do current personality measures
handed. This has been particularly surprising given that non- actually have sufficient bandwidth and fidelity to reflect per-
shared environmental factors consistently account for over sonality? Second, do behavioural genetic methods or how
half of the overall variability observed in most personal- they have been used sufficiently capture and reflect this
ity measures and their centrality in psychological and psy- complexity? In order to meet these challenges, we must
chiatric theory. This failure is highlighted by Turkheimer first examine some of the recent findings in the behavioural
and Waldron’s (2000) extensive meta-analysis of the envi- genetics of personality and the issues they raise. Given
ronmental research on personality. They found that differ- the long association of behavioural genetics and personal-
ences in family constellation variables on average accounted ity there are many issues to consider that no short chap-
for 1.1% of the variance; maternal and paternal behaviour ter such as this can adequately cover. As such, we have
accounted for 2.3 and 1.6%, respectively; sibling interaction chosen to broadly discuss a few of the issues that we feel
accounted for 2.4% on average; and peer–teacher interactions will be the source of some head-scratching over the next
accounted for 5.3% on average. In short, measured nonshared decade.
16 Personality 225

Current Topics Canada, Germany, and Japan. For each sample, the congru-
ence coefficients between the genetic, environmental, and
phenotypic factors ranged from 0.95 to 0.99, indicating that
Using Genetics to Understand the Personality
both genetic and environmental factors are responsible for
Phenotype the patterns of trait covariation observed in phenotypic anal-
yses of trait structure. Comparison of genetic and environ-
There is no doubt that personality is a complex phenotype mental factors across three samples also revealed that the
that has required a huge effort to develop a systematic and influence of genetic and environmental factors on trait
rational approach to scale development to make personality covariance is similar across cultures.
accessible for research and clinical use. A good example of These findings can be taken as supporting the validity of
this systematic and rational approach is “the lexical mod- FFT, although it is unclear from this study what is genetically
els of personality”. This approach takes advantage of the universal – the specific structure of the FFM or covariation of
natural language concepts used to describe behaviour. One personality traits in general. We raise this issue because sim-
source of such adjectives used in the past is the dictionary. ilar studies using different personality models also showed
Individuals are asked to rate themselves on each adjective that by and large, no matter the phenotypic structure of traits
(typically using a Likert scale of 1 “not like me at all” to (e.g. the model under study posits that two, three, four, or
5 “very much like me”) and these ratings are subjected to five factors) the number of genetic and environmental fac-
factor analysis, with each extracted factor representing a per- tors and patterns of loadings remain highly congruent (e.g.
sonality “trait”. In fact, the “Big Five” basic personality traits Carey & DiLalla, 1994; Livesley, Jang, & Vernon, 1998;
mentioned earlier is the result of convergence of results from Loehlin, 1982, 1987; Krueger, 2000; McCrae, Jang, Livesley,
several lexical studies, more properly known as the five- Riemann, & Angleitner, 2001). The fact that aetiological
factor model (FFM). structure almost always resembles phenotypic structure no
One of the most popular measures of the Big Five is matter what that structure may be raises questions about how
the revised NEO personality inventory (NEO-PI-R; Costa & basic the Big Five are – revisiting the classic “number of fac-
McCrae, 1992). Research using this inventory has shown that tors question”.
the five-factor structure and its psychometric properties are An added complexity is that when one examines the per-
remarkably consistent across gender, age, race, and when sonality literature most of the current research uses measures
translated into different languages, across cultures as well that have been developed using the concepts and language
(e.g. Costa, McCrae, & Dye, 1991; McCrae & Allik, 2002; of one culture that was then exported to another. For exam-
McCrae, Terracciano, & 78 Members of the Personality Pro- ple, the Yamagata et al. (2006) study used the NEO-PI-R
files of Cultures Project, 2005). Given this stability, McCrae which was developed using American usage of the English
and Costa (1999) and McCrae (2004) proposed the five- language and translated into German and Japanese. How-
factor theory (FFT) where they argued that the FFM structure ever, an imported scale may not capture all of the important
is universal because the five personality traits are not affected personality characteristics found in another culture. There
by culture but solely shaped by biology that is common to is a growing body of personality research using the lexi-
human species. cal approach to analyse personality in other languages, such
Behavioural genetic methods, especially multivariate as Korean, Chinese, Japanese, Tagalog, and Croatian. A
approaches, are well suited to test this hypothesis. Multivari- series of papers by Ashton and Lee (Ashton et al., 2004;
ate genetic analysis presumes that the observed correlation Boies, Yoo, Ebacher, Lee, & Ashton, 2004; Hahn, Lee, &
(or covariation) between two variables is mediated by both Ashton, 1999) has suggested a robust sixth factor describing
genetic and environmental factors shared by the two vari- honesty–humility or truthfulness. Also, Cheung et al. (2001)
ables. The extent to which the two variables share genetic have shown that indigenous Chinese personality scales typi-
(i.e. pleiotropy) and environmental influences is indexed by cally extract a sixth factor called “ren qing” (relationship ori-
the genetic (rG ) and environmental (rE ) correlation coef- entation), reflecting harmony and face, personality features
ficients, respectively. Both rG and rE yield a coefficient that do not generally appear in the English language, which
that varies from −1.0 to +1.0 and is interpreted as any were not well captured by the NEO-PI-R.
other correlation coefficient (e.g. Pearson’s r) and can be To add to the mix are the studies that fail to find the
subjected to factor analysis to determine the degree to general congruence between phenotypic and aetiological
which variables share a common genetic and environmental structure. For example, Heath, Eaves, and Martin (1989)
basis. examined genetic and environmental structure of Eysenck’s
To test the basic premise of FFT, Yamagata et al. (2006) PEN model and found that the items comprising extraver-
factored genetic and environmental correlations computed sion, neuroticism (and a fourth validity scale called Lie)
between all 30 of the NEO-PI-R facets using twin data from scales were genetically and environmentally influenced via
226 K.L. Jang and S. Yamagata

single common latent factor per scale, whereas psychoticism genetic studies have found that 5-HTTLPR gene was asso-
factor showed unusual finding of zero heritability. In a subse- ciated with cooperativeness, but not with temperament traits
quent study, Heath and Martin (1990) also reported that the (e.g. Kumakiri et al., 1999).
phenotypic structure of psychoticism corresponded well to Ando et al. (2004) examined genetic and environmental
shared and nonshared environmental structure, but not to the factor structure of TCI and used the findings of multivariate
genetic one, suggesting that psychoticism is an aetiologically genetic analyses to reorganize the content of the TCI scales.
heterogeneous construct. One obvious explanation is that the Each of the TCI dimensions, like most personality scales, is
difference in findings simply reflects the natural character- composed of several narrow sub- or “facet” traits. For exam-
istics of the population under study. A second more serious ple, NS is defined by exploratory excitability, impulsive-
possibility is questions regarding the precision of the person- ness, extravagance, and disorderliness. The genetic correla-
ality phenotype in general. tion between all of the facet traits defining NS, HA, and RD
It is the latter question that is of most current interest to dimensions on a sample of 414 pairs of MZ and 203 DZ twin
personality researchers. For example, let us return to look at pairs from Japan was factored (see Table 16.1). Factor analy-
Cloninger et al.’s (1993) “Psychobiological Model of Tem- sis of the genetic intercorrelations yielded factors that did not
perament and Character” and the measures developed to quite resemble the phenotypic structure of NS, HA, and RD.
operationalize its tenets (the TCI and the earlier Tridimen- As shown in Table 16.1, only the subtraits defining reward
sional Personality Questionnaire; Cloninger, Przybeck, & dependence (factor II) lined up as originally designed. Using
Svrakic, 1991) in a little detail. This model has become very this information, harm avoidance (r-HA) was revised to con-
popular with behavioural geneticists because it has provided sist of (low) exploratory excitability, anticipatory worry, fear
substantial guidance in the selection of candidate genes since of uncertainty, shyness, and fatigability. Novelty seeking (r-
the scales were developed to reflect the influence of specific NS) was revised to consist of impulsiveness, extravagance,
biological processes. This model hypothesizes that personal- and disorderliness, and RD was unchanged. The genetic
ity is composed of four temperament traits and three charac- and environmental correlations between r-NS, r-HA, and RD
ter traits. The model posits that temperament traits manifest were very small (ranging from −0.02 to 0.11), indicating that
early in life, functioning as preconceptual biases in percep- the revised temperament scales were rendered genetically
tual memory and habit formation. Each trait is hypothesized homogeneous and independent. What is important about
to be controlled by a unique genetically based neurotrans- these results is that they suggest that the genotyping research
mitter system: the dopaminergic system for novelty seeking based on TCI dimensions as originally designed is reflecting
(NS); the serotonergic system for harm avoidance (HA); and several, possibly competing, influences. Thus, if the primary
the noradrenergic system for reward dependence (RD). A phenotype was the total dimension score, it would be unclear
fourth dimension labelled “persistence” has been suggested as to what specific personality trait is actually associated with
(Cloninger et al., 1993) but no putative neurotransmitter sys- the gene.
tem has been hypothesized. This issue highlights one research agenda for behavioural
The three character dimensions are self-directedness genetics – the revision of scales to be more genetically homo-
(SD), cooperativeness (CO), and self-transcendence (ST), geneous. Genetic correlations are not only useful in revising
which are hypothesized to be traits that reflect learned, mat-
urational variations in goals, values, and self-concepts that
Table 16.1 Varimax rotated principal factor analysis loading matrix
develop in adulthood through conceptual or insight-based
of the genetic correlations estimated between the TCI temperament
learning. As such, character traits should show little her- subscales
itable influence in contrast to temperament traits. Despite I II III IV
the model’s theoretical strength, psychometric examination Novelty seeking
of the TCI scales themselves has raised several questions Exploratory excitability 0.62 0.28 0.25 0.29
regarding their reliability (Gana & Trouillet, 2003; Stew- Impulsiveness −0.10 0.03 0.03 0.76
art, Ebmeier, & Deary, 2004). Straightforward behavioural Extravagance 0.02 0.16 0.00 0.72
Disorderliness 0.03 −0.16 0.15 0.74
genetic analyses have also questioned the theory and scales. Harm avoidance
First, contrary to predictions, the character traits have been Anticipatory worry −0.87 0.01 −0.03 −0.01
found to be substantially heritable1 (Ando et al., 2002; Gille- Fear of uncertainty −0.51 0.28 −0.32 −0.43
spie, Cloninger, Heath, & Martin, 2003), and molecular Shyness −0.76 −0.16 −0.22 −0.05
Fatigability −0.72 −0.26 −0.06 −0.10
Reward dependence
Sentimentality −0.06 0.56 0.60 −0.04
1 Attachment 0.04 0.70 0.00 0.22
Cloninger conceded that character traits are as heritable as tempera- Dependence −0.09 0.86 −0.19 0.13
mental traits, yet have different biological base than temperament traits
(personal communication, July, 2005; see also Gillespie et al., 2003). Source: Ando et al. (2004).
16 Personality 227

content, but they can also be used to address basic psychome- ences shared by all lower-order traits rather than the effects
tric issues such as reliability. For example, this approach can of a phenotypic entity. Thus, under an IP model, higher-order
be easily applied to the correlations between items to index constructs are, in effect, relegated to the status of a conve-
the internal consistency of personality scales as well as test– nient heuristic device to label the covariance of traits.
retest reliability. Genetic (and environmental) correlations A more stringent multivariate genetic model is the “com-
between scores of a personality scale measured at different mon pathway (CP) model” illustrated in Fig. 16.2. The centre
time intervals (e.g. longitudinal twin study) provide informa- section of this figure is identical to the form of the con-
tion regarding the extent to which a trait is consistently influ- temporary factor analysis model. The addition of genetic
enced by the same genes across time (e.g. Gillespie, Evans, and environmental influences to the latent variable P (note
Wright, & Martin, 2004). Genetically reliable personality that the existence of P is unmeasured and is inferred by the
measures are suitable for linkage/association study because degree to which the measured variables appear together),
it provides more statistical power to detect genes. It should which represents a higher-order trait, transforms the latent
be also noted that similar logic could also be applied to variable into a veridical entity that has a basis in biology.
the use of environmental correlations, which can help study The most important aspect of this figure is that P mediates
searching for the specific environmental factors influencing 100% of the covariance of the lower-order traits that define
personality. it and that each of the lower-order traits is best understood as
Another recommendation for future research is to use exemplars of the higher-order construct. Although both IP
genetic/environmental factor scores for linkage/association and CP models hypothesize that personality trait facets share
studies. Sham et al. (2001) recently described a basic process a common genetic basis, the primary difference is that
that enables a score on any measure, like neuroticism, to be in the IP model, no independently inherited P is required
split into two scores: to reflect pattern of genetic influences to explain the covariation between personality measures.
and the other environmental influences. The basic approach Knowing whether personality is structured like an IP or CP
is to derive a weight for each of the genetic and environ- model is fundamentally important because each suggests
mental effects that can be applied to the phenotypic score quite different approaches to the search for putative genes.
of an existing inventory. These weights function much like For example, if the CP model is correct, this implies that
weights used to compute factor scores but instead of being there are specific genes for the higher-order construct or
derived from the phenotypic correlations between variables, domain. As such, as in current approaches, the phenotypic
they are derived from matrices of genetic and environmental factor score could be used because each facet is an exemplar
correlations. of the domain that has a common genetic basis with all other
Theoretically, it is possible even to break the genetic aspects of the domain. In contrast, if the IP model is correct,
score further into separate scores that reflect the variabil- it would mean that either the total summative score across
ity in neuroticism due to different sets of genes. These facet traits or phenotypic factor score would not be ideal
genetically and environmentally indexed scales would reduce because it could reflect different, possibly competing, aeti-
genetic/environmental noise in a measure of a behaviour ological influences. Rather, a phenotypic factor score based
when searching for specific environment/genes influencing on only those subsets of facets that share a common genetic
the trait and increase the power to find them (Lander & Bot- basis can be associated with various candidate genes (or
stein, 1989), as was reported in several simulation studies and genetic factor score as described above can be used).
studies using actual data (e.g. Eaves & Meyer, 1994; Cardon, It is important to note that the IP and CP models illus-
Smith, Fulker, Kimberling, Pennington, & DeFries, 1994; trated in Figs. 16.1 and 16.2 appear equivalent because every
Boomsma, 1996; Boomsma & Dolan, 1998). For clinicians, facet trait is shown to share a common genetic and environ-
such scales would be also extremely useful as they could mental basis with the others defining each domain. How-
reflect the level at which psychotherapeutic or pharmacolog- ever, in the CP model it must be remembered that because
ical treatments are acting. of the latent phenotype P, all facets must share a common
genetic and environmental basis. When this is not the case,
for example, when one of the facets may not share a common
genetic basis with the other facets, the CP model is effec-
What Is Inherited? tively reduced to the IP model in which that path between the
common genetic factor G and the affected facet trait is set
Genetic and environmental factor analyses discussed above to zero. The observed covariance of the affected facet with
are simple forms of what is called the “independent pathway the others is maintained by the environmental influences in
(IP) model” illustrated in Fig. 16.1. In this model, higher- common. Thus, it should be clear that the CP and IP mod-
order constructs (e.g. neuroticism) simply reflect sum total els provide quite different explanations for why facet traits
of the pleiotropic action of genes and environmental influ- covary.
228 K.L. Jang and S. Yamagata

Fig. 16.1 Independent pathways model


Fig. 16.2 Common pathways model

The relative correctness of the IP or CP models has impor- ical view of Saucier and Goldberg (1996), who argued that
tant implications for personality theory. It speaks of the valid- the five domains are merely a convenient way of organizing
ity of higher-order traits such as N, E, O, A, and C as veridi- lower-order traits. In contrast, Johnson and Krueger (2005a)
cal entities. reported that for the adjectives describing neuroticism and
Despite the importance of these structural models for per- extraversion, a CP model provided a good fit, and similar
sonality research and theory, current research using IP and to Jang et al. (2001), for the adjectives describing agree-
CP models has yet to provide a clear indication as to how per- ableness, conscientiousness, and openness, the IP model
sonality is organized. For example, Jang et al. (2002) fit both provided the best fit. This finding supports the traditional
CP and IP models to the six facets defining each of the NEO- view that N and E are inherited entities and can be treated
PI-R domains and the CP model was rejected for all domains. as such.
Instead, an IP model specifying two additive genetic fac- However, it should be noted that in these two papers,
tors and two nonshared environmental factors provided the the decision to retain the IP or CP model was based on
best fit. This finding suggests that there are no genes for what could be called “flexible” statistical grounds. For exam-
N, E, O, A, and C per se. Rather, as noted earlier, higher- ple, by accepting a slightly different cut-off point for a fit
order traits are simply a convenient heuristic to describe the index, such as 0.08 as opposed to 0.05, either the CP or IP
action of genes. This conclusion is consistent with the lex- model provides a satisfactory fit. Similarly, both papers used
16 Personality 229

different fit indices to make their decisions. It is quite pos- the relationship between different traits, its structure, and
sible that electing to place emphasis on one fit index over the role personality plays in everyday living and mental ill-
the other (e.g. Bayesian information criterion versus the root ness. Human beings strive for “personal growth” or “self-
mean square residual) can yield quite different conclusions. actualization” – not just to be more or less extraverted. Such
In fact, in current research it is quite common to find that striving implies the interplay of personality traits from sev-
both the CP and IP models provide a satisfactory explanation eral domains, such as extraversion and openness to expe-
for the data. To illustrate the phenomenon, consider Young, rience. The real question for personality research is how
Stallings, Corley, Krauter, and Hewitt’s (2000) genetic anal- do trait concepts come together (genetic? environmental?)
ysis of adolescent behavioural disinhibition. In this study to uncover the mechanisms (genetic? environmental? inter-
of DSM-IV symptom counts for conduct disorder, atten- play?) through which “self-actualizating” tendencies develop
tion deficit disorder, substance experimentation, and novelty and are expressed? Behavioural genetics can help address
seeking, a one-factor CP model and a one genetic factor these basic questions just as they did for trait models. More-
IP provided a good fit to the data. The reported χ2 difference over, in light of our previous discussion on model selection,
between the models was a non-significant (p > 0.05) 1.51. theory is a means to guide the selection of model when sta-
As a result, Young et al. selected the common pathways tistical criteria are ambiguous.
model because “. . . this is a more parsimonious model than There is a growing body of research along these lines. For
the independent pathway model and shows no significant example, phenotypically, Digman (1997) has shown that two
decrement in fit by χ2 difference test. . . ” (pp. 690–691). higher-order factors have been consistently extracted from
Because statistical guidance was lacking, the authors picked the Big Five personality factors (Digman, 1997). The first he
the simplest model. However, is the CP model actually the called alpha (α) which was typically defined by factor load-
simplest? It adds complexity in that it trades off simplicity ings from agreeableness, conscientiousness, and neuroticism
for stringency because it specifies that the trait covariation is which encompass aggression, hostility, impulse restraint, and
entirely due to the mediating action of a higher-order vari- neurotic defence akin to Freud’s theories on psychosocial
able. It can be argued that being able to drop the requirement development or Adler’s “social interest”. Similarly, the emer-
of having to invoke an unmeasured higher-order construct gence of extraversion and openness to experience as a sin-
renders a simpler explanation for the data. gle factor (β) is a far more comprehensive reflection of con-
At the present time, it appears that when statistical guid- structs such as Rodger’s “personal growth”, Adler’s “supe-
ance is lacking, the choice of model can become rather arbi- riority striving”, or Maslow’s “self-actualization” than is
trary. In the meantime, the easiest way to help resolve the possible by either trait alone. He argued that such higher-
problem is to conduct replication studies, use of larger sam- order traits are important because they provide a tangible
ple sizes, and power calculation to help gauge the veracity of link between psychometric models used to develop reli-
the results. able taxonomies and measures to theories of personality
Despite the apparent increase in conceptual clarity
afforded by α and β, their actual relationship to develop-
Role of Personality Theory mental concepts has not been evaluated empirically. Such
work cannot be conducted until the stability of these higher-
Theories of personality and personality development in order traits is better established. A recent paper by Jang
mainstream personality research have tended to take a back- et al. (2006) has begun to address this issue by conducting
seat to efforts focused on developing reliable measures multivariate genetic analyses of the five NEO-PI-R domain
that had tended to use an empirical approach (e.g. lexical inducting to determine if the α and β constructs can be
approach). However, this has caused a disconnect between reliably reproduced across a diverse range of independent
trait models of personality and concepts used to describe per- samples. They report that two CP models could explain the
sonality and its development (Digman, 1997). For example, covariance of N, E, O, A, and C from twin samples drawn
do any of the major personality domains assessed by any of from Canada, Germany, and Japan. The first model broadly
the major inventories capture the concepts from Freud’s the- represented α and the second resembled β.
ories on psychosocial development? Of particular importance is the finding that although the
Why is this important? Some may argue that these the- domains share some genetic and environmental influences to
ories are only of historical interest to personality psycholo- differing degrees, a great deal of the variability of domains
gists who would not expect behavioural genetic or molecular is due to genetic and environmental factors unique to each
genetic studies to address the constructs of classical person- facet. For example, Jang, McCrae, Angleitner, Riemann,
ality theory. We disagree. Personality theory is the source and Livesley (1998) estimated the heritability of the 30
of testable hypotheses regarding personality development, NEO-PI-R facet traits after all genetic influence due to the
230 K.L. Jang and S. Yamagata

higher-order traits was removed using regression techniques. Heiman, Stallings, Hofer, & Hewitt, 2003). This is because
Substantial residual heritability was found for each trait that additive and non-additive genetic effects (both epistasis
accounted for between 25% (competence) and 65% (dutiful- and dominance) are confounded in a twin-reared-together
ness) of the variance. Livesley et al. (1998) also reported design, and only when large sample size is used and
similar findings for personality disorder traits. These find- other genetically informative relationships (e.g. parents or
ings illustrate the oft forgotten fact that not all domains play non-twin siblings) are incorporated into the twin-reared-
equally important roles in personality when in practice, the together design are non-additive effects reported more
opposite is often assumed. Personality research often tends to consistently (Eaves et al., 1999; Eaves & Carbonneau,
focus on what is common between traits when in fact, genetic 1998; Finkel & McGue, 1997; Keller et al., 2005; Lake,
and environmental factors specific to each facet or domain Eaves, & Maes, 2000). Several association studies show-
account for a greater proportion of the total variability. As ing that only combination of several genes can explain vari-
such, when working with personality scale scores, it is not ance in personality suggest that non-additive effects are an
clear at which level the genes and environmental influences important influence in personality (e.g. Benjamin, Osher,
are exerting their influences; certain genes may contribute Kotler, et al., 2000; Benjamin Benjamin, Osher, Licht-
to facet-specific genetic variance, perhaps even item-specific enberg, et al., 2000; Strobel, Lesch, Jatzke, Paetzold, &
variance, whereas other genes contribute to the variability of Brocke, 2003).
the domains or higher-order factors such as α. A simple rec- Methodological issues also impact the magnitude of
ommendation for association study is to examine effects of genetic effects. Although heritability in the 30–50% is typ-
specific genes/environment at all levels. ically observed for self-report measures, when multiple
peer ratings or both self- and peer ratings are subjected
to behavioural genetic analysis, h2 A has been found to
Consistency of Heritability Estimates account for between 60 and 80% of the total variability (e.g.
Heath, Neale, Kessler, Eaves, & Kendler, 1992; Riemann
The chapter opened with a pronouncement that addi- et al., 1997; Wolf, Angleitner, Spinath, Riemann, & Stre-
tive genetic and nonshared environmental influences lau, 2004). Multiple peer ratings can control rater-specific
accounted for all of the variability in personality mea- bias, which are included in estimates of e2 , and thus are con-
sures. However, there exist several studies which sug- sidered more objective than self-report. Thus, inflated rates
gest that not all of the genetic variability is additive (e.g. of measurement error may be an important contributing fac-
Loehlin, 1986, 1992; Loehlin, Horn, & Willermann, 1997; tor for the disappointing results of studies designed to find
Loehlin & Nicholls, 1976) but non-additive (dominance sources of e2 because it is possible that a significant pro-
or additive-to-additive epistasis effects; symbolized as d2 ). portion (50–70%) of nonshared environmental variance typ-
There are a number of potential explanations for these find- ically observed for classical twin studies may largely reflect
ings, some of which are methodological and some of which measurement error and not actual environmental variation.
causes one to pause and think about the inclusiveness of the Another issue regarding the consistency of the heritabil-
major models of personality. For example, one possibility ity estimates is gene–environment interaction. If one thinks
is that the presence of these effects is a reflection of con- about what the heritability coefficient represents, one could
tent unique to specific personality scales such as the MPQ say it represents (1) a snapshot of the magnitude of genetic
(Waller & Shaver, 1994), the TCI (Cloninger et al., 1993), effects on any sample and (2) the average genetic effect over
or the Revised Eysenck Personality Questionnaire (EPQ-R; all conditions. Thus, it could be that all research is correct,
Eysenck & Eysenck, 1975), as reported in Keller, Coventry, and the differences in results – be they variations in values
Heath, and Martin (2005), in contrast to studies using the of h2 or type of genetic effect, h2 A , h2 D , c2 – simply reflect
NEO-PI-R (e.g. Jang et al., 1996, 1998; Riemann, Angleit- the fact that different genes are in action at different times
ner, & Strelau, 1997) in which d2 effects are rarely, if ever, or in the face of certain environments. Personality theory has
found. This suggests that any one personality inventory alone always stressed that events in childhood are important in per-
does not necessarily provide a comprehensive assessment of sonality development and future psychopathology. Despite
personality. the ubiquity of primacy of early experience in many of the
The presence of non-additive effects may not be a per- theories of psychopathology, the primacy of early experi-
sonality measurement issue per se, but rather attributable ence has a weak evidence base (e.g. Paris, 2001). For exam-
to the possibility that behavioural genetic methods are not ple, in the personality disorders a large body of research
sensitive enough to reliably detect these effects. This is (e.g. Garmezy & Masten, 1994) shows that negative child-
suggested by the reports of non-additive effects inconsis- hood experiences need not necessarily lead to psychopatho-
tently found on the same measures (e.g. Ando et al., 2002; logical outcomes in adult life. As a result, theorists suggest
Eaves, Eysenck, & Martin, 1989; Gillespie et al., 2003; that adversities in combination with genetic liabilities during
16 Personality 231

development increase the risk for mental disorders. Within This sample consisted of 1,037 children who had been
the medicine and the social sciences this process of gene– assessed at 9 different ages for levels of maltreatment (no,
environment interplay is called the diathesis-stress model probable, and severe maltreatment) and MAOA activity (low
of illness. This model in some form is usually invoked to or high). They found that the effect of maltreatment was
explain why despite the fact that many people may carry the significantly weaker among males with high MAOA activ-
genes for mental illness, or may have experienced some kind ity than those with low activity. Moreover, the probable
of horrible trauma, not all of them will develop mental ill- and high maltreatment group did not differ in MAOA activ-
ness. In its simplest form, the model postulates that adverse ity, indicating that the genotype did not influence exposure
experiences interact with an underlying genetic liability that to maltreatment. These results demonstrate that the MAOA
leads to disease. gene modifies the influence of maltreatment. Similar dra-
However, this explanatory model is very broad and does matic gene–environment interaction effects have been shown
not specify the mechanisms of gene–environment inter- for genes believed implicated in depression (e.g. Caspi
play. Behavioural genetics has provided the means to test et al., 2003; but see also Eaves, 2006, for possibility of sta-
and delineate the mechanism of action. One such mecha- tistical artefacts in these studies).
nism is genetic control of exposure to the environment in For classical twin studies, there is a growing body
which genetic factors influence the probability of exposure of literature demonstrating that heritability varies over
to adverse events (Kendler & Eaves, 1986). In some fields, environmental condition. For example, Jang et al. (2005)
this phenomenon is referred to as an “amplification effect” showed that perceived levels of family conflict and maternal
(e.g. Paris, 1994, 1996) but within behavioural genetics it is indulgence moderated the genetic influences underlying
called genotype by environment correlation – the extent to emotional instability, a trait delineating personality disorder,
which individuals are exposed to environments as a func- and is related to neuroticism. Specifically, this study found
tion of their genetic propensities. Three general types of that the estimates of h2 A varied between 70 and 44% over
genotype–environment correlation have been hypothesized levels of maternal indulgence and 92 and 15% over levels
(see Plomin, DeFries, & Loehlin, 1977; Scarr & McCart- of family conflict. Moderation was not limited to genetic
ney, 1983). The first is passive genotype–environment cor- effects, shared family environment effects (c2 ), and ranged
relation that occurs because children share heredity and from 23 to 40% and 30 to 44% over levels of maternal over-
environments with members of their family and can thus protection and paternal care, respectively. This final set of
passively inherit environments correlated with their genetic results suggests that the apparent lack of c2 is the result of its
propensities. The second is called reactive in which the effects being averaged out over different conditions and that
experiences of the child are derived from reactions of other they might be cumulative. Moreover, it also highlights the
people to the child’s genetic propensities. The third is the fact that environment–environment interaction or experience
active type that occurs when children actively select or by environment interaction is just as important. Such models
create environments commensurate with their underlying allow us to test hypotheses about how some people can live
genetic propensities. in the most adverse conditions (e.g. extreme poverty) but
The other interplay effect is environmental modera- display no ill effects. Is it because of the presence of another
tion of genetic and environmental variability referred to environmental factor, such as a caring mother who attends to
as gene–environment interaction (Plomin, DeFries, and the emotional needs of a child, cancelling out the influence
McClearn, 1990). The importance of gene–environment of poverty?
interaction has been shown by several molecular genetic There are an increasing number of studies reporting
studies. For example, Caspi, McClay, and Moffitt’s (2002) gene–environment interactions. Recently, Button, Scour-
study of the development of antisocial behaviour is field, Martin, Purcell, and McGuffin (2005) observed that
particularly salient to this discussion. Clinical research has increasing genetic influences on antisocial behaviours with
identified childhood abuse, such as erratic, coercive, and a concomitant decrease in c2 as level of family dys-
punitive parenting, as one of the major risk factors for the function increased in samples of 5- to 18-year-old chil-
development of antisocial behaviour in boys, and the risk dren. Boomsma, de Geus, van Baal, and Koopmans (1999)
for conduct disorder increases the earlier the abuse begins. observed that genetic influences on disinhibition were
However, there is often little 1:1 correspondence between smaller and shared environmental influences were larger
environmental conditions and phenotype, so the presence of for male adolescents raised in a religious family than for
a genetic liability for the disorder must be involved. In the those raised in a non-religious family. Turkheimer, Haley,
case of antisocial behaviour, the monoamine oxidase A gene Waldron, D’Onofrio, and Gottesman (2003) observed that
(MAOA gene Xp11.23-11.4) was selected because it has among 7-year-old children, genetic influences on intelli-
been associated with aggressive behaviour in mice as well gence were larger and shared environmental influences were
as some human studies. smaller for those in more impoverished families (see also
232 K.L. Jang and S. Yamagata

Dick, Rose, Viken, Kaprio, & Koskenvuo, 2001; Johnson & changes occur after onset (e.g. Chien & Dunner, 1996;
Krueger, 2005a, 2005b). It is clear that the study of interplay see also Goldsmith, Lemery, & Essex, 2004; Widiger,
effects is vitally important for personality research. Studies Verheul, & van den Brink, 1999, for a similar classification).
of this kind may be the key to understanding how person- Little, if any, current behavioural genetics research has
ality develops and explain the inconsistencies in the current directly investigated these possibilities. Rather, research has
behavioural genetic literature. largely been descriptive, tending focus on showing that the
comorbidity of personality and psychopathology is partially
due to a common genetic basis. However, current find-
ings provide some circumstantial evidence for the spectrum
What Does Personality Do? model of disorder. For example, Krueger (1999) reported
that the phenotypic comorbidity of 10 DSM-III-R com-
Allport (1937) also noted that “personality does something”. mon mental disorders can be arranged into 2 higher-order
Basically, personality is a general disposition that governs constructs that describe disorders directed inward towards
the way individuals normally behave across situations, and oneself (“internalizing” such as depression) as opposed to
current research in this area has tended to focus on the disorders that are directed outward (“externalizing” such
role of personality on mental illness. Clinical studies con- as antisocial personality). In a subsequent study, Krueger
sistently find that personality features are correlated (i.e. et al. (2002) fitted a variety of genetic models to the data
comorbid) with virtually all forms of common psychopathol- and found that a one-factor common pathway genetic model
ogy. For example, individuals with depression frequently (similar in form to Figs. 16.1 and 16.2) provided the best
report being anxious (Kendler, 1996; Zimmerman, Chelmin- explanation for the covariation of these measures, suggest-
ski, & McDermut, 2002). Further, personality features have ing that the externalizing disorders are inherited as a sin-
been delineated as diagnostic criteria in many forms of psy- gle genetically based syndrome. However, despite Krueger
chopathology. For example, the diagnostic criteria for DSM- et al.’s (2002) report that the fit of a one-factor common
IV major depressive episode (APA; 1994) includes “feelings pathways model provided a superior fit to any model (e.g.
of guilt and worthlessness”, item content typically found in models that did not include P), as discussed earlier, some lin-
measures of trait neuroticism. gering doubts remain as to whether this model truly provides
A review of the personality literature suggests that the best explanation. For example, Kendler, Prescott, Myers,
personality impacts psychopathology in three ways (Jang and Neale (2003) found that the internalizing and external-
et al., 2006). The first hypothesizes that personality factors izing factors are not inherited as a single genetically based
increase the risk for developing psychiatric disorder. In syndrome at all. They showed that an independent pathways
this model, both personality and psychopathology are model (of the form illustrated in Fig. 16.1) in which multiple
qualitatively distinct entities; however, certain personality genetic and environmental factors directly influenced each
dimensions alone or in combination with others increase disorder provided a far superior fit to their data.
the likelihood of developing psychiatric disorder (e.g. So which is correct? Are syndromes inherited as a
Metalsky, Halberstadt, & Abramson, 1987). The second unitary entity or are they convenient names for frequently
hypothesizes that personality and psychopathology occupy comorbid disorders that share a common genetic basis?
a single domain or spectrum and psychopathology is Once again, these kinds of results highlight important
simply a display of the extremes of normal personality strengths and weaknesses of the behavioural genetic models
function (Eysenck, 1994). For example, Trull, Waudby, and and approaches used to study comorbidity. On the one
Sher (2004) reported that DSM-IV cluster B personality hand, the models explain why comorbidity exists and
disorder symptoms (particularly antisocial and borderline provides, in principle, the means to study the organization
symptoms) were consistently associated with alcohol use of variables. As discussed earlier, what the current research
disorders in a non-clinical sample of 395 young adults has highlighted is our reliance on statistics and fit indices
but also significantly associated with alcohol use disorders to make our decisions. This is not a new idea, because as
above and beyond what was accounted for by normal shown quite often in the literature, such indices alone are
personality traits. This suggests that personality disorder insufficient to make a decision.
symptoms predict unique variance in substance use disorders
that clearly reflects maladaptive aspects of personality. The
third hypothesis is that personality plays a minor role in the Directions for the Future
development of disorder and changes in observed personality
are simply the result of disorder. For example, although The current behavioural genetics of personality research has
minor personality changes are frequently observed before been extremely important in bringing to light a number of
the onset of major depressive disorder, major personality issues concerning what personality is and what personality
16 Personality 233

does. We have also highlighted broad directions where more less negative mood (Tomarken et al., 1992), higher reactivity
research needs to be spent. The remainder of this chapter will to positive stimuli and lower reactivity to negative stimuli
present some potential ideas to resolve these issues. A theme (Tomarken, Davidson, & Henriques, 1992; Wheeler, David-
of this chapter is the complexity of the personality phe- son, & Tomarken, 1993), and reactivity to maternal separa-
notype. Another approach that might provide some insight tion among infants (Davidson & Fox, 1989). Lastly, a pilot
into disentangling this complexity is to develop personality study observed that frontal EEG asymmetry was heritable
endophenotypes (neurobiological correlates of personality) and genetically associated with negative emotionality among
and use these to validate existing scales (see Gottesman 66 female twin pairs (Coan, Allen, Malone, & Iacono, 2003).
& Gould, 2003). This approach has been useful in alco- For those interested in what personality may do,
hol research. For example, Hesselbrock, Begleiter, Porjesz, behavioural genetic methods provide the means to determine
O’Connor, and Bauer (2001) noted that a difficulty with the role(s) any specific personality variable plays in a
genotyping studies is that the clinical heterogeneity of the disorder. As discussed earlier, does variation in trait anxiety
disorder results in a poorly defined phenotype for genetic increase the vulnerability to depression, or is depression the
analysis and that better results may be obtained by switching extremes of normal anxiousness, or are changes in anxiety
to diagnostic endophenotypes. simply a consequence of depression? Current behavioural
One endophenotype that has received considerable genetic methods provide some avenues to explore these
attention is the P300 event-related brain potential (ERP) alternatives. A straightforward way to investigate if
waveform. ERPs are recordings of neuro-electrical activity personality acts as a risk factor is to apply models of
in response to stimuli recorded by electrodes on the scalp. gene–environment correlation and gene–environment
Common stimuli include flashing lights, reactions to a short interaction. The validity of a personality-as-risk-factor
emotionally laden video clip, or noises (beeps, etc.). This model rests on demonstrating comorbidity that is not
endophenotype has been shown to be a valid neurobiological contemporaneous but veridical by being caused by a shared
correlate of alcoholism in both males and females (Prabhu, aetiology estimated by rG and rE . Second, it depends on some
Porjesz, Chorlian, Wang, Stimus, & Begleitner, 2001). form of gene–environment correlation – that is, genetically
Hesselbrock et al. (2001) found significant reductions in based personality traits help create or modify environments
P300 amplitude between alcoholics and non-alcoholics, suspected to increase risk for a particular psychopathology.
between unaffected relatives of alcoholics and relatives The third step is to demonstrate that the environment that
of controls, and between unaffected offspring of alcoholic personality helped shape “triggers” for the onset of another
fathers and offspring of controls. Almasy et al. (2001) genetically based disorder. For example, people with high
conducted a genome-wide scan of P300 responses to a levels of genetically based sensation seeking prefer an
semantic priming task on 604 individuals in 100 pedigrees. urban as opposed to rural lifestyle where alcohol and other
They showed that the P300 waveform was significantly substances are readily available. The accessibility of alcohol
heritable (40–50% range) and reported significant evidence could trigger the onset of genetically based alcoholism via
of linkage to chromosome 5 and suggestive evidence of the mechanism of gene–environment interaction.
linkage to chromosome 4. A test for a personality-psychopathology spectrum is that
Within personality research, a promising endophenotype personality and disorder share a common aetiological basis.
suitable for linkage/association study is frontal electroen- However, one possible way to differentiate the risk and spec-
cephalographic (EEG) asymmetry (Allen & Kline, 2004; trum models is the degree to which personality and the other
Davidson, Jackson, & Larson, 2000). Frontal EEG asym- disorder share a common genetic basis and how this shared
metry represents balance between cortical activity in left aetiology is structured. What those conditions are would be
and right frontal regions; more specifically, a frontal EEG a fascinating research process. Finally, it is important that
asymmetry score is obtained by subtracting log-transformed time is included in these tests. It is clearly the most crucial
power density value in the alpha band (8–13 Hz) in the element to determine if personality is the cause or effect of
left frontal cite (e.g. F3) from the right frontal cite (e.g. psychopathology. To test if personality is simply a conse-
F4). Because alpha power is inversely associated with cor- quence of other mental illnesses, it must be shown that signif-
tical activity, the positive score indicates greater left-sided icant personality changes do not predate the onset of disorder.
activity (see Tomarken, Davidson, Wheeler, & Doss, 1992). However, this may not be enough. Recall that quantitative
Previous research has shown that greater left-sided activity genetic theory states that the phenotype represents the sum
was consistently associated with stronger behavioural acti- of genetic and environmental action, and it should be clear
vation system (i.e. sensitivity to reward; Gray, 1987) and that genetic factors underlying personality can substantially
weaker behavioural inhibition system (i.e. sensitivity to pun- increase the risk for the development of another disorder,
ishment; Gray, 1987; Coan & Allen, 2003; Harmon-Jones & although not reflected in the phenotype. As such, a signif-
Allen, 1998; Sutton & Davidson, 1997), more positive and icant genetic correlation can exist between two variables,
234 K.L. Jang and S. Yamagata

but because environmental factors can work in the opposite Ando, J., Ono, Y., Yoshimura, K., Onoda, N., Shinohara, M., Kanba,
direction (that is, rE is negative) the sum of these effects as S., et al. (2002). The genetic structure of Cloninger’s seven-factor
model of temperament and character in a Japanese sample. Journal
reflected in the phenotypic correlation is zero (Carey, 2003),
of Personality, 70(5), 583–609.
suggesting that the two variables are unrelated when in fact Ando, J., Suzuki, A., Yamagata, S., Kijima, N., Maekawa, H., Ono, Y.,
they are related. et al. (2004). Genetic and environmental structure of Cloninger’s
Thus, it becomes extremely important to study genetic and temperament and character dimensions. Journal of Personality Dis-
orders,18(4), 379–393.
environmental influences in the context of time. Current lon-
Ashton, M. C., Lee, K., Perugini, M., Szarota, P., de Vries, R. E.,
gitudinal behavioural genetic research has shown that differ- DiBlas, L., et al. (2004). A six-factor structure of personality-
ent aetiological factors can operate at different times during descriptive adjectives: Solutions from psycholexical studies in seven
development as shown by the well-known Nonshared Envi- languages. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 86(2),
ronment in Adolescent Development project (Neiderhiser, Benjamin, J., Osher, Y., Kotler, M., Gritsenko, I., Nemanov, L., Bel-
Reiss, & Hetherington, 1996) which has shown that genetic maker, R. H., et al. (2000). Association between tridimensional
influences were important for both change and stability in personality questionnaire (TPQ) traits and three functional poly-
antisocial behaviour. morphisms: dopamine receptor D4 (DRD4), serotonin transporter
promoter region (5- HTTLPR) and catechol O-methyltransferase
In summary, the ability of behavioural genetic methods to (COMT). Molecular Psychiatry, 5(1), 96–100.
move beyond the phenotype to focus on aetiology has been Benjamin, J., Osher, Y., Lichtenberg, P., Bachner-Melman, R., Grit-
extremely important in supporting long-held assumptions or senko, I., Kotler, M., et al. (2000). An interaction between the cate-
has shaken the foundations of issues long thought resolved chol O-methyltransferase and serotonin transporter promoter region
polymorphisms contributes to Tridimensional Personality Question-
in traditional personality research. It has also certainly min- naire persistence scores in normal subjects. Neuropsychobiology,
imized the centrality of some long-debated issues, such as 41(1), 48–53.
the number of domains debate, but has renewed issues over Berman, S.A., Ozkaragoz, T., Young, R.M., & Noble, E.P. (2002).
content and definition of the domains. It has also begun to D2 dopamine receptor gene polymorphism discriminates two kinds
of novelty seeking. Personality and Individual Differences, 33,
force an integration of personality measurement and person- 867–882.
ality theory. The goal of behavioural geneticists working in Boies, K., Yoo, T. Y., Ebacher, A., Lee, K., & Ashton, M. C. (2004).
personality is to continue to apply these methods to resolve Psychometric properties of scores on the French and Korean ver-
these issues. That is, these methods should be applied to sions of the HEXACO Personality Inventory.Educational and Psy-
chological Measurement, 64(6), 992–1006.
issues important in personality research such as to aid in Boomsma, D. I. (1996). Using multivariate genetic modeling to detect
scale development and revision as opposed to uncritically pleiotropic quantitative trait loci. Behavior Genetics, 26, 161–166.
accepting current conceptions of personality. It is hoped that Boomsma, D. I., & Dolan, C. V. (1998). A comparison of power to
the ideas in this chapter will stimulate thought and provoke detect a QTL in sib-pair data using multivariate phenotypes, mean
phenotypes, and factor scores. Behavior Genetics, 28, 329–340.
a more thorough integration of personality and behavioural Boomsma. D. I., de Geus, E. J. C., van Baal, G. C. M., & Koopmans,
genetics. J. R. (1999). A religious upbringing reduces the influence of genetic
factors on disinhibition: Evidence for interaction between genotype
and environment on personality. Twin Research, 2, 115–125.
Acknowledgment Special thanks to the three anonymous reviewers
Bouchard, T. J., Jr., & Loehlin, J. C. (2001). Genes, evolution, and per-
for their comments and suggestions. Many of these are incorporated
sonality. Behavior Genetics, 31(3), 243–273.
in this chapter. Given the volume of their comments, it is clear that
Button, T. M. M., Scourfield, J., Martin, N., Purcell, S., & McGuffin, P.
behavioural genetics will continue to play a huge role in personality
(2005). Family dysfunction interacts with genes in the causation of
research for some time to come.
antisocial symptoms. Behavior Genetics, 35(2), 115–120.
Cardon, L. R., Smith, S. D., Fulker, D. W., Kimberling, W. J., Pen-
nington, B. F., & DeFries, J. C. (1994). Quantitative trait locus for
reading disability on chromosome 6. Science, 266, 276–279.
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Chapter 17

Molecular Genetics of Personality: How Our Genes can Bring Us

to a Better Understanding of Why We Act the Way We Do

Richard P. Ebstein and Salomon Israel

Introduction describe the characteristic manner of our behavior, separate

from other aspects such as intelligence, appearance or ability
In the 4th century, St. Augustine of Hippo used the that may influence but not compose our personalities.
Biblical parable of Jacob and Esau, twin brothers who dis- These descriptions tend to provide an intuitive grasp of
played remarkably different characters, to disprove prevail- personality based on a few conspicuous traits; however,
ing notions that astrology dictated personality. The search they are not systematically interconnected through a singular
for underlying factors that contribute to individual differ- framework. A general empirical theory of personality should
ences in personality and character has continued to capture include a manageable set of dimensions that account for
the interest and intrigue of scientists as well as the common most of the variance in personality. These dimensions should
man looking for a little personal insight. Advancements in relate to universal and fundamental aspects of personality
behavioral genetics, by expounding on the molecular biolog- and demonstrate stability over time. Virtually all personality
ical inputs of personality, have added a particularly fresh face assessments in genetic research are evaluated either through
to our understanding of what makes us the way we are and pencil-and-paper questionnaires that inventory dimensional
what makes us act different than our neighbors. personality traits or via direct laboratory manipulation and
observation. The questionnaire approach has the advantage
of replicability over extended periods, but loses out on some
of the objectivity offered by the laboratory approach. The
Defining and Measuring Personality lab method, on the other hand, is both labor intensive and
perhaps more sensitive to context and time effects.
The term “personality”, and the one we will use throughout Personality dimensions in pencil-and-paper inventories
the remainder of this chapter, is defined as the individual psy- assume that an accurate rating imparts a reasonable and
chological aspects of people that make them “recognizable,” economic description of an individual’s personality. The
which is to say different from each other.1 In this sense we dimensions are typically developed in one of the three
describe Hamlet’s personality as brooding and indecisive, ways. Approaches based on psychopathology derive per-
Bart Simpson as impulsive and James Bond as suave. We sonality traits from psychiatric illnesses. These take the
can say that a friend is gregarious and kindhearted and that a view that psychiatric illnesses are extreme variants and
colleague is arrogant – we can even say that a potential love therefore the clearest expressions of normal personality.
interest while maybe not the most attractive candidate, never- For example, the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inven-
theless “has a great personality”. In this sense, personalities tory (Butcher, 2001) grades people on degrees of hysteria,
obsessive-compulsive disorder and schizophrenia. While this
approach is reflected in popular discourse, it is not widely
Richard P. Ebstein (B) used in genetic research.
Scheinfeld Center of Genetic Studies for the Social Sciences, Theoretical approaches are based on biological models
Psychology Department, Hebrew University, Mt. Scopus; Sarah
Herzog Memorial Hospital, Givat Shaul, Jerusalem 91905, Israel
drawn from associations between personality traits and ner-
e-mail: ebstein@mscc.huji.ac.il vous system function. For example, Cloninger’s Tridimen-
1 Other approaches to defining personality, of which Freud is the clas- sional Personality Questionnaire (TPQ) (Cloninger, 1986)
sic example, consider more universal aspects of personality such as employs animal and human findings from lesioning, imag-
the unconscious, interpersonal relations and self-actualization. While ing and pharmacological studies involving neurotransmit-
undoubtedly having a major influence on 20th century culture, much ter pathways to show connections between monoamines
of the field is psychoanalytic, metaphoric and impractical for empirical
dopamine, noradrenaline and serotonin – and temperament.

Y.-K. Kim (ed.), Handbook of Behavior Genetics, 239

DOI 10.1007/978-0-387-76727-7 17,  c Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2009
240 R.P. Ebstein and S. Israel

Dopaminergic (DA) pathways are implicated in drug use, with TPQ NS. While details of dimensions differ between
sensation seeking and explorative behaviors, and emotions instruments, a number of recent factor analyses concur that
like curiosity and recklessness, which the TPQ calls “nov- five main factors adequately describe human personality dif-
elty seeking” (NS). Individuals high in NS are risk takers and ferences.
impulsive while those with low NS are deliberate and frugal. Given the inherent uncertainty in measuring personality
Noradrenergic (NE) pathways are implicated in approach traits, simultaneously studying more than one instrument
behaviors, which the TPQ calls “reward dependence” (RD). and/or laboratory assessment improves the robustness of a
Human beings high on RD are sentimental and affectionate; measure. Good correlations between apparently similar traits
those with low RD are tough and pragmatic. Serotonin (5- in two or more assessments, and converging findings of asso-
HT) pathways are implicated in behaviors devoted to avoid- ciations between given polymorphisms and those traits in
ing harm or escaping punishment, and to the associated emo- multiple assessments, enhances confidence in those findings.
tion of anxiety (called “harm avoidance” (HA) in the TPQ). This is all the more necessary, given the challenges of repli-
Human subjects with high HA are classified as “neurotic” cation in molecular genetic findings for personality genet-
on many other instruments; those with low HA are “stable” ics, similar to the problems encountered in other complex
or “healthy” or “well adjusted” (see Table 17.1 for sample phenotypes.
questions from the TPQ). The eight possible combinations
of the two extremes of the distributions of these three dimen-
sions yield personality constellations held to reflect clinically The Molecular Genetics of Personality
recognized personality disorders like antisocial psychopathy
and obsessive–compulsive personality disorder. A later ver- The debut of molecular genetic studies of personality was
sion of the TPQ is the Temperament and Character Inventory ushered in with the simultaneous publication of two arti-
(TCI). cles in Nature Genetics in 1996 showing an association
The third approach to personality assessment is derived between Tridimensional Personality Questionnaire (TPQ)
from everyday speech. Natural language is considered to (Cloninger, 1987; Cloninger, Svrakic, & Przybeck, 1993)
have proved itself during evolution to be a reasonably accu- Novelty Seeking (Ebstein, Novick, et al., 1996) and
rate and adaptive way of describing people. Personality NEO-PI-R Extraversion (Benjamin, Patterson, Greenberg,
inventories have been constructed by listing thousands of per- Murphy, & Hamer, 1996) and the dopamine D4 exon III
sonality descriptors culled from dictionaries of everyday lan- (D4.7) seven repeat (Van Tol, Wu, et al., 1991; Van Tol, Bun-
guage and then reduced to sizable numbers via factor analy- zow, et al., 1992). These two seminal reports were promptly
sis. The most popular such inventory in clinical and academic followed by a study (Lesch et al., 1996) showing an asso-
use is the NEO (Costa & McCrae, 1997), which assesses five ciation between the short SLC6A4 (serotonin transporter)
main personality factors (neuroticism, extraversion, open- promoter 44 bp repeat deletion/insertion (5-HTTLPR) and
ness to experience, agreeableness and conscientiousness), NEO-PI-R Neuroticism (Costa & McCrae, 1997). These
also known as “the Big Five”. Neuroticism resembles TPQ reports spurred a series of investigations that have resulted in
HA. Extraversion is the degree of interest in other people both successful and unsuccessful efforts at replicating these
and in social dominance. Openness to new ideas and expe- first studies. Molecular personality genetics has evidently
riences is the opposite of traditionalism. Agreeableness is a not escaped the conundrum of non-replication that continues
measure of how likeable an individual is. Conscientiousness to plague the genetics of complex human phenotypes (see
assesses conscience, thoughtfulness, planning and order, and Mayeux, 2005 for review) in the issue of Journal of Clinical
their opposites: spontaneity and lack of prudence. Extraver- Investigation dedicated to complex disorders. Nevertheless,
sion and conscientiousness (with opposite signs) correlate despite apparent difficulties in confirming earlier findings,

Table 17.1 Sample questions from Cloninger’s TPQ

Cloninger’s TPQ
The TPQ is a 100-question instrument that requires a yes/no answer. Most subjects complete the form in about a half an hour
Sample Novelty Seeking Questions I often try new things just for fun or thrills, even if most people think it is a waste of time (yes)
I often do things based on how I feel at the moment without thinking about how they were done
in the past (yes)
I am much more controlled than most people (no)
Sample Harm Avoidance Questions I usually am confident that everything will go well, even in situations that worry most people (no)
I often feel tense and worried in unfamiliar situations, even when others feel there is no danger at
all (yes)
I often have to stop what I am doing because I start worrying about what might go wrong (yes)
17 Molecular Genetics of Personality 241

the enthusiasm for personality genetic studies continues to most common polymorphisms are 16 repeats (long) and 14
swell testifying to the allure of this subject for many behav- repeats (short) (Heils et al., 1996; Lesch et al., 1996). The
ioral scientists. short allele showed lower expression in a dominant manner.
The presence of one or two copies of the short allele signif-
icantly reduced the rate of transporter transcription, which
was about 65% lower in brain and about 35% lower in lym-
Reviews and Meta-Analyses phoblasts. Most studies of personality genetics have only
genotyped 5-HTTLPR; however, an intron 2 VNTR (17 bp
The status of personality genetics has been the focus of repeat) is also of interest (Lesch, Balling, et al., 1994). Link-
many reviews (Benjamin, Ebstein, & Belmaker, 2000a, age disequilibrium (LD) between the two loci (5-HTTLPR
2000b; Ebstein & Kotler, 2002; Ebstein, Zohar, Benjamin, & and intron 2 VNTR) was found in most of the studied pop-
Belmaker, 2002; Jang, Vernon, & Livesley, 2001; Noblett & ulations: it ranged from moderate (e.g., in Europeans) to
Coccaro, 2005; Savitz & Ramesar, 2004; Torgerson, 2005) very strong (e.g., in Native Americans), while completely
and several meta-analyses have been carried out for DRD4 absent in some others (e.g., Chinese; Gelernter, Cubells,
(Novelty Seeking/Extraversion) and the serotonin trans- Kidd, Pakstis, & Kidd, 1999). Allele-dependent differential
porter (Harm Avoidance/Neuroticism) (Kluger, Siegfried, & enhancer activity of the polymorphic region in the second
Ebstein, 2002; Munafo, Clark, & Flint, 2005; Munafo, intron was demonstrated as different levels of reporter gene
Clark, Moore, et al., 2003; Schinka, Busch, & Robichaux- expression in embryonic stem cells (Fiskerstrand, Lovejoy,
Keene, 2004; Schinka, Letsch, & Crawford, 2002; Sen, & Quinn, 1999) and in mouse embryo (MacKenzie &
Burmeister, & Ghosh, 2004; Willis-Owen et al., 2005). Over- Quinn, 1999). A thorough study by Wildenauer and his col-
all, meta-analyses compiled from self-report questionnaires leagues (Hranilovic et al., 2004) showed separate and com-
failed to provide definitive evidence either that the DRD4 bined effects of the intron 2 VNTR and 5-HTTLPR poly-
D4.7 repeat is significantly contributing to Novelty Seek- morphisms on the rate of transporter mRNA transcription in
ing or that the 5-HTTLPR short allele is significantly con- lymphoblasts.
tributing to Neuroticism/Harm Avoidance (HA). The evi- Interestingly, a single nucleotide variant (A to G) was
dence appears strongest in the transporter-Neuroticism asso- detected in the sixth motif, present only in the long variant
ciation and the DRD4 C-521T promoter region SNP and of 5-HTTLPR, creating an AP2-binding site (De Luca, Zai,
novelty seeking. A cardinal feature of complex phenotypes, et al., 2006; Goldman, Hu, Zhu, Lipsky, & Murphy, 1994).
small effect size (d = 0.23 for Neuroticism and 5-HTTLPR In European American and African American populations,
(Schinka, Busch, & Robichaux-Keene, 2004); d = 0.34 the frequency of the polymorphism is low but perhaps poly-
for Novelty Seeking and DRD4 SNP C-521T (Schinka, morphic enough if the size of the sample is large enough to
et al., 2002); where effect size “d ” was calculated as the provide reasonable statistical power. The long “G” and long
difference in personality measure means between genotype “A” alleles are functionally distinct, in fact only the long A is
groups divided by the pooled standard deviation of the two associated with high levels of transporter mRNA expression.
groups), is likely an important reason for challenges in repli- The function of the long variant when the G nucleotide is
cating the first findings. Subtle differences in the invento- present is more similar to the 5-HTTLPR short allele, with a
ries can easily obscure effect sizes of polymorphisms that low level of mRNA. Carriers of the combination of long A
only explain a few percent of the variance between subjects. and intron 2 VNTR 12 repeat alleles were at risk for suicide
Additionally, as noted in all the meta-analyses, considerable attempt (De Luca, Zai, et al., 2006), consistent with a role for
heterogeneity was observed between studies indicating that the purported role of the gene in depression, anxiety-related
there is greater variation among outcomes than expected by personality traits and similar phenotypes.
chance (Jang et al., 2001; Sen, Burmeister, et al., 2004).

Animal Studies
The Worry Wart – Serotonin Transporter
Murphy et al. (2001) reviewed the efficacy of animal models
SLC6A4 in exploring the complexities of human behavioral pheno-
types, with a specific focus on their group’s development of
In comparison to the highly polymorphic DRD4 gene the an SLC6A4 knockout mouse. This bottom-up approach (ani-
serotonin transporter has a more conserved genotype. 5- mal gene → human phenotype) suggested increased anxi-
HTTLPR is a variable number tandem repeat (VNTR) poly- ety and fearfulness as a major behavioral phenotype of the
morphism consisting of 14–16 copies of 22 bp imperfect serotonin transporter mutant mouse, findings consistent with
repeat sequences, also known as 44 bp Ins/Del because the many of the human studies of this gene.
242 R.P. Ebstein and S. Israel

Ansorge and his colleagues skillfully illustrated the value a source of complexity in analyzing the role of the gene
of animal studies in elucidating how human behavioral genes in behavior. LD between these polymorphisms is surpris-
operate. Although much of the evidence on the SLC6A4 ingly weak (Bachner-Melman, Gritsenko, et al., 2005; Lowe
appears to support the contention that reduced expres- et al., 2004) sometimes even between adjacent SNPs, stress-
sion generated by the presence of the 5-HTTLPR short ing the importance of testing all genomic loci for association
allele is associated with abnormal affective and anxiety- toward extracting the maximum amount of genetic informa-
like symptoms in humans, the neurochemical mechanism tion. The importance of fully assessing allelic heterogene-
of this effect remains obscure. Especially confounding is ity was illustrated by the study of Grady et al. (2003) that
that while SSRIs, by inhibiting the serotonin transporter, explored the unusual degree of variation within the exon III
are effective anxiolytic agents the short 5-HTTLPR pro- repeat and its role in contributing risk to ADHD.
moter allele (equivalent to an endogenous SSRI) is pur- A host of studies have detailed the functional role
ported to predispose to anxiety. Ansorge, Zhou, Lira, Hen, of the DRD4 exon III repeat region. Studies of G pro-
& Gingrich (2004) resolved this paradox in a well-designed tein coupling (Ashgari et al., 1994), cyclic AMP synthesis
developmental study. They inhibited transporter expression (Ashgari et al., 1995), in vitro expression (Schoots & Van
during a limited period in early mouse development with flu- Tol, 2003) and chaperone-induced folding (Van Craenen-
oxetine which led to abnormal emotional behaviors in adult broeck et al., 2005), provide increasingly solid evidence that
mice. This effect mimicked the behavioral phenotype of mice the shorter exon III repeats code for a more efficient gene at
genetically deficient in transporter expression which points the level both of transcription, translation and second mes-
to a critical role of serotonin in the maturation of brain sys- senger generation compared to the D4.7 repeat.
tems that modulate emotional function in the adult. These The first evidence that DRD4 promoter region polymor-
results additionally suggest a developmental mechanism to phisms contribute to personality was the report by a Japanese
explain how the short 5-HTTLPR promoter allele increases group (Okuyama et al., 2000) who showed that a C-521T
vulnerability to anxiety-related disorders. promoter region SNP is both functional and associated with
Novelty Seeking. C/C homozygotes had higher TPQ Nov-
elty Seeking scores. Additionally, a transient expression
method revealed that the T variant of the C-521T poly-
morphism reduces transcriptional efficiency, findings that
Weinberger and his colleagues pioneered the use of
have been confirmed by other studies (Bookman, Taylor,
functional neuroimaging in the analysis of genotype–
Adams-Campbell, & Kittles, 2002; Eichhammer et al., 2005;
phenotype relationships in healthy individuals and have
Golimbet, Gritsenko, Alfimova, & Ebstein, 2005; Ronai
coined the nascent field “imaging genomics” (Hariri &
et al., 2001) with one exception (Mitsuyasu et al., 2001).
Weinberger, 2003). Their studies strengthened the connec-
A second functional polymorphism in the DRD4 pro-
tion between serotonin transporter promoter region poly-
moter region is a 120 base-pair tandem duplication first iden-
morphisms and anxiety-related personality traits by show-
tified by Seaman et al. (1999) located 1.2 kb upstream of
ing increased amygdala activation in subjects presented with
the initiation codon. The duplicated region contains consen-
fearful faces possessing the short 5-HTTLPR allele (Hariri,
sus sequences of binding sites for several known transcrip-
Drabant, et al., 2005; Hariri, Mattay, et al., 2002). Inter-
tion factors, suggesting differences in transcriptional activ-
estingly, these genotype effects are consistent with a dom-
ity in long and short repeats. The polymorphism has been
inant short allele effect and are equally prominent in men
associated with attention deficit (Arcos-Burgos et al., 2004;
and women. However, neither 5-HTTLPR genotype, amyg-
McCracken et al., 2000; Xing et al., 2003) and TPQ Novelty
dala reactivity, nor genotype-driven variability in this reac-
Seeking (Rogers et al., 2004). Subsequently, the longer allele
tivity was reflected in Harm Avoidance scores underscoring
(240 bp) was shown to display lower transcriptional activity
the apparent need for large numbers of subjects when the
than the short allele (120 bp) (D’Souza et al., 2004).
pencil-and-paper self-report strategy is employed. Although
the imaging studies from the Weinberger group appear to
be robust, a note of caution is appropriate since to our Animal Studies
knowledge these studies have yet to be replicated by other
investigators. Spurred by the first human studies suggesting an associa-
tion between Novelty Seeking and DRD4, a mouse knock-
out model of the DRD4 receptor was employed to explore
The Thrill Seeker – Dopamine D4 Receptor a potential role for the gene in behavioral responses to
novelty (Dulawa, Grandy, Low, Paulus, & Geyer, 1999).
Numerous DRD4 polymorphisms have been identified in the DRD4 knockout mice exhibit reduced behavioral responses
genomic (5 upstream) coding and intronic regions adding to new environments as well as a supersensitivity to alcohol
17 Molecular Genetics of Personality 243

and cocaine (Rubinstein et al., 1997) consistent with some vasopressin and oxytocin, shape social behavior from fish to
human studies of this gene. Other studies have found associ- rodents (Young, Lim, Gingrich, & Insel, 2001). However,
ations between the exon III and aggressive canine behavior despite speculation (Taylor et al., 2000), little evidence has
(Inoue-Murayama et al., 2002; Ito et al., 2004; Niimi, Inoue- been forthcoming linking these hormones to corresponding
Murayama, Kato, et al., 2001; Niimi, Inoue-Murayama, human behaviors.
Murayama, Ito, & Iwasaki, 1999), as well as curiosity Arginine-vasopressin (AVP) in rodents has been associ-
and vigilance in horses (Momozawa, Takeuchi, Kusunose, ated with the modulation of a broad range of behavioral phe-
Kikusui, & Mori, 2005). notypes including social recognition and learning, affiliative
behaviors, aggression, dominant–subordinate relationships,
parental behavior, grooming and categories of pair bond-
ing such as monogamy (Ferguson, Young, & Insel, 2002).
A Related Phenotype Fibromyalgia Of particular interest are affiliative behaviors that interact
with, but are distinct from reproductive pair bonding. For
Seen predominantly in women, fibromyalgia syndrome (FM) example, in squirrel monkeys vasopressin has been shown to
is an underdiagnosed musculoskeletal condition of unknown modulate male–male interactions (Winslow & Insel, 1991).
etiology affecting more than 10% of patients attending gen- Extrapolating from these studies, vasopressin might mod-
eral medical clinics and 15–20% attending rheumatology ulate a range of human behaviors distinct from romantic
clinics (Buskila, 2001). Patients complain that they ache pair bonding. Strengthening this notion are recent studies
all over and report symptoms such as fatigue, morning showing linkage between the Arginine-vasopressin promoter
stiffness, sleep disturbance, paresthesias and headaches. In region 1a receptor (AVPR1a) and complex social behav-
1999, a German group reported an association between this ior such as self-presentation, sibling relationships (Bachner-
syndrome and the short 5-HTTLPR allele (Offenbaecher Melman, Zohar, et al., 2005) and autism, a behavior disorder
et al., 1999) consistent with the observed psychosocial pro- of which dysfunctional social interaction is a core symptom
file of these women who score high on anxiety-related per- (Kim et al., 2002).
sonality traits. Later studies demonstrated a marked increase
in the frequency of the short/short 5-HTTLPR genotype and
a decrease in the frequency of the DRD4 exon III 7 repeat Gene–Environment Interactions
allele among fibromyalgia patients compared to the general
population (Cohen, Buskila, Neumann, & Ebstein, 2002). An important event of considerable impact in human behav-
They also demonstrated significantly higher Harm Avoid- ioral genetics were publications by Caspi and his colleagues
ance and Persistence scores and significantly lower Novelty demonstrating that environmental effects were contingent
Seeking scores. These results can be interpreted as a “proof upon certain genotypes (Caspi, Moffitt, et al., 2005; Caspi,
of principle” of the small effect sizes of common polymor- Sugden, et al., 2003; Moffitt, Caspi, & Rutter, 2005).
phisms in a more extreme phenotype as well as demonstrat- These studies showed what was widely hypothesized but
ing the benefits of expanding the evaluation of a phenotype rarely demonstrated, that nature and nurture (gene × envi-
via different measures, a perhaps necessary step in the iden- ronment interactions) jointly contribute to the determina-
tification and appraisal of complex traits such as personality. tion of behavioral phenotypes. Remarkably, similar studies
in non-human primates also show an interaction between
the serotonin transporter polymorphism, depression/anxiety
and alcoholism (Barr et al., 2003; Barr, Newman, Lindell,
The Social Personality – AVPR1a et al., 2004; Barr, Schwandt, Newman, & Higley, 2004).
G × E studies, an emerging trend in behavioral genet-
Although progress has been made in unraveling the ics, are helping to elucidate the confluence of genetic effects
molecular genetic architecture of individual personality and environmental experiences. For example, Finnish inves-
traits (Bouchard & Loehlin, 2001; Ebstein, Benjamin, & tigators have exploited the availability of early environmen-
Belmaker, 2000; Kluger et al., 2002; Schinka, Letsch, tal information in their cohort study to test G × E inter-
et al., 2002), little is known regarding the genetic basis actions for DRD4 and TPQ Novelty Seeking (Keltikangas-
of social behaviors (interaction between at least two indi- Jarvinen, Raikkonen, Ekelund, & Peltonen, 2004) in an
viduals) in humans. Much more has been elucidated on enriched genetic model. When the childhood-rearing envi-
the genetic influence of social behavior in animals, includ- ronment was more hostile (emotionally distant, low tolerance
ing insects and lower vertebrates (Giraud, Pedersen, & of the child’s normal activity and strict discipline), the par-
Keller, 2002; Keller & Parker, 2002; Krieger & Ross, 2002). ticipants carrying D4.2 or D4.5 alleles had a significantly
In particular, research over the last two decades has revealed greater risk of exhibiting high Novelty Seeking scores as
the molecular mechanisms by which two peptide hormones, adults. Similarly when the father, but not the mother, reported
244 R.P. Ebstein and S. Israel

more frequent alcohol consumption or drunkenness, there A second and perhaps complimentary phenotype that
was an association between D4.2 and D4.5 and extreme Nov- we suggest is also determined for in part by the DRD4
elty Seeking scores (Lahti et al., 2005). Other interesting gene is altruism (Bachner-Melman, Gritsenko, et al., 2005).
experiments explored the interaction of genetic effects on The paradox of human altruism, helping others and thereby
cigarette and cannabis smoking (Caspi, Moffitt, et al., 2005; reducing one’s own fitness, has confounded evolutionary
Lerer, Kanyas, Kami, Ebstein, & Lerer, 2006). biologists since the days of Darwin. Not only is altruism
a puzzle for evolutionary biologists but the trait has also
perplexed psychologists who have questioned the merits of
Linkage Studies an altruistic personality (Batson, 1991; Gergen, Gergen, &
Meter, 1972). Nevertheless, altruistic behavior is a common-
place and a unique feature of human altruism is that it extends
Four studies (Cloninger, Van Eerdewegh, Goate, Edenberg, beyond Hamilton’s concept of “inclusive fitness” (Hamil-
& Blangero, 1998; Dina et al., 2005; Fullerton et al., 2003; ton, 1964), which explains altruistic behavior by virtue of
Zohar et al., 2003) have now identified a broad region on genetic relatedness, and even beyond other concepts such as
chromosome 8p that harbors a locus that contributes to indi- reciprocal altruism and reputation-based altruism (Sigmund
vidual differences in a personality trait that is a measure & Hauert, 2002). Out of all the animals, only humans prac-
of emotional liability. Two of the studies found linkage to tice wholesale mutual aid among genetically unrelated indi-
TPQ harm avoidance whereas the Fullerton et al. report used viduals.
Eysenck’s Psychoticism scale (Eysenck, 1952) and found Several twin studies (Emde et al., 1992; Loat,
linkage to neuroticism. Asbury, Galsworthy, Plomin, & Craig, 2004; Loehlin
The Dina et al. results suggest the possibility that the & Nichols, 1976; Matthews, Batson, Horn, & Rosen-
same locus near the neuroregulin 1 gene on chromosome 8p man, 1981; Rushton, Fulker, Neale, Nias, & Eysenck, 1986;
confers risk for both an anxiety-related personality trait as Zahn-Waxier, Robinson, & Emde, 1992) reported significant
well as schizophrenia. This common genetic factor may con- heritability of prosocial attitudes and as expected of a
tribute to emotional liability during early development which trait that is partially influenced by genes, prosocial or
constitutes a predisposition for major psychosis. altruistic dispositions show individual differences in early
childhood and stability over developmental time (Eisenberg,
Guthrie, Cumberland, et al., 2002; Eisenberg, Guthrie,
Murphy, et al., 1999). Although the theoretical basis for the
Evolutionary Considerations evolutionary (Fehr & Fischbacher, 2003) and psychological
mechanisms (Eisenberg, 2003) that underlie altruism has
An intriguing feature of the DRD4 exon III polymorphism greatly increased in the past several decades, an exploration
is its recent evolutionary history revealed by the investiga- into specific genes contributing to this behavior is almost
tions of Kidd and his colleagues (Ding et al., 2002; Wang entirely lacking.
et al., 2004). It was estimated that the D4.7 allele arose
prior to the upper Paleolithic era (∼40,000–50,000 years
ago), a crucial period in the history of our species when
Locus Heterogeneity, Gene × Gene Interactions
in one key wave of migration, there was a spread of mod-
ern humans out of Africa. Kidd and his colleagues hypoth- and Epistasis
esized the emergence of the D4.7 as a rare mutational event
(or events) that nevertheless increased to high frequency in How many genes are estimated to contribute to complex
human populations by positive selection (Ding et al., 2002; behavioral phenotypes including personality? A discussion
Wang et al., 2004). Ding et al. hypothesize that the currently of this question using rodent genetics as a background is
observed population frequencies of the D4.4 and D4.7 alleles found in the studies by Flint and his colleagues (Flint, 2003;
are an example of balanced selection. The balanced main- Flint & Mott, 2001). For the pessimists among us it is notable
tenance of both the D4.4 and D4.7 repeats is related to the that although over the past 15 years, of the more than 2,000
need for diverse behavioral phenotypes in human popula- quantitative trait loci (QTLs) that have been identified in
tions partially determined by this gene, altruistic and proso- crosses between inbred strains of mice and rats, less than
cial (D4.4) versus a more aggressive, novelty seeking or per- 1% have been characterized at the molecular level (Flint,
haps even antisocial type (D4.7). Indeed, models suggest that Valdar, Shifman, & Mott, 2005). Even more sobering is that
populations composed of entirely altruistic individuals would even if no more QTLs are mapped in rodent studies, at the
be unstable (Sigmund & Hauert, 2002) since they would be present rate of progress (20 genes identified in 15 years)
prone to invasion and exploitation by defectors. it will take 1,500 years to find all the genes that underlie
17 Molecular Genetics of Personality 245

Table 17.2 Gene × gene interactions

What is the evidence for specific gene × gene interactions including epistasis in personality studies?
Genes Linked to. . .
HTR2C × DRD4 . . . Persistence and reward dependence (Ebstein, Segman, et al., 1997; Kuhn et al., 1999)
DRD4 × COMT × 5-HTTLPR . . . Novelty seeking (Benjamin, Osher, et al., 2000; Strobel, Lesch, Jatzke, Paetzold, & Brocke, 2003)
DRD4 × SLC6A4 . . . Temperament in infants (Lakatos et al., 2003; De Luca, Rizzardi, Buccino, et al., 2003; De Luca,
Rizzardi, Torrente, et al., 2001; Gervai et al., 2004; Auerbach, Faroy, Ebstein, Kahana, & Levine, 2001;
Auerbach, Geller, et al., 1999; Ebstein, Levine, et al., 1998)
SLC6A4 × GABA(A) . . . Neuroticism (Sen, Villafuerte, et al., 2004)
HTR2A × COMT . . . Altered states of consciousness (Ott et al., 2005) which correlates to hypnotizability (Lichtenberg,
Bachner-Melman, Ebstein, & Crawford, 2004; Lichtenberg, Bachner-Melman, Gritsenko, &
Ebstein, 2000)
5-HTTLPR × AVPR1a . . . Creative dance and reward dependence (Bachner-Melman, Zohar, et al., 2005)

known QTLs. Flint is nevertheless optimistic and notes that (see Table 17.2 for a summary of gene × gene personality
new analytical tools, including probabilistic ancestral haplo- studies).
type reconstruction in outbred mice, Yin-Yang crosses and in
silico analysis of sequence variants in many inbred strains,
could make QTL cloning tractable. Flint notes that further
high-resolution information at other QTLs might drive the Beyond Self-Report Temperament Measures
estimate of average effect size below 5%. Altogether, find-
ing genes for behavioral QTLs even in mice is not an easy In addition to its stand-alone appeal, personality genetics, by
task and suggests that the road ahead in human personality parceling up complex disorders into more bite-sized traits,
genetics is likely to be long and undoubtedly frustrating on serves as an appealing method to better understand com-
occasion. plex psychiatric disorders such as schizophrenia or ADHD.
Incorporating environmental information in human Indeed, we and others have suggested that personality traits
behavioral genetic models might result in far fewer genes are endophenotypes for mental illness (Cloninger, Adolfs-
contributing to these traits than expected but such genes, son, & Svrakic, 1996; Gottesman & Gould, 2003; Benjamin,
including crucial environmental information, would be Ebstein, et al., 2002) and the linkage findings of Harm Avoid-
predicted to display larger effect sizes (Caspi, McClay, ance and a schizophrenia locus at 8p strengthens this notion.
et al., 2002). This notion remains to be demonstrated but However, the multiple challenges posed by small effect
deserves serious consideration. A good bet is that the use of sizes, polygenic inheritance, environmental influences and
a robust phenotype definition such as an imaging paradigm the limitations of self-report questionnaires make it unlikely
coupled with early and reliable environmental information, that future studies based solely on a single instrument
more informative genotyping (accomplished by haplotype or experimental paradigms will substantially improve our
analysis across the genomic region) and epistatic interactions understanding of how genes such as DRD4 and SLC6A4
at different genetic loci might account for a large fraction of impact personality. The current state of affairs regarding
the variance of individual differences in personality traits. questionnaire-based temperament studies may be as good as
Until recently it was assumed that alleles at separate it gets, and it is not very good. Future research should adopt a
QTLs contribute to most behavioral phenotypes additively. broader, multidisciplinary study of genes likely to contribute
Recently, interest has shifted to the role of non-additive to a range of related phenotypes toward arriving at a compre-
or epistatic interactions in contributing to complex pheno- hensive picture of how genes contribute to personality.
types (Carlborg & Haley, 2004) and both Cloninger’s and Traits such as altruism (Bachner-Melman, Gritsenko,
Eysenck’s Personality Dimensions show widespread evi- et al., 2005), spirituality (Ott, Reuter, Hennig, & Vaitl, 2005),
dence for non-additive genetic variation (Keller, Coventry, social communication (Bachner-Melman, et al., 2005;
Heath, & Martin, 2005). In its broadest sense, epistasis Bachner-Melman, Zohar, et al., 2005), empathy and shyness
implies that the effect of a particular genotype on the pheno- (Arbelle et al., 2003) to name just a few novel “personality”
type depends on the genetic background. In its simplest form, phenotypes are likely to be studied in greater depth in the
this refers to an interaction between a pair of loci, in which future. Moreover, many of these phenotypes might best be
the phenotypic effect of one locus depends on the genotype studied by laboratory-based paradigms. Restricting conclu-
at the second locus. In the case of QTLs, epistasis describes a sions to evidence derived from meta-analyses that are based
situation in which the phenotype of a given genotype cannot on self-report questionnaires is suggested to be too conser-
be predicted by the sum of its component single-locus effects vative a strategy and it might be time to change the game
246 R.P. Ebstein and S. Israel

plan and look at the forest and not only the trees. GeneCard serotonin transporter promoter (5-HTTLPR) polymorphisms in the
(http://www.genecards.org/index.shtml) lists 23 OMIM phe- determination of temperament in 2-month-old infants. Molecular
Psychiatry, 4(4), 369–373.
notypes associated with the DRD4 gene and 44 phenotypes
Bachner-Melman, R., Dina, C., Zohar, A. H., Constantini, N., Lerer, E.,
associated with the SLC6A4 gene. Evaluating the role of Hoch, S., et al. (2005). AVPR1a and SLC6A4 Gene Polymorphisms
these two genes toward a broad understanding of human per- Are Associated with Creative Dance Performance. PLoS Genetics,
sonality surely needs to consider all the available evidence 1(3), e42.
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C., & Ebstein, R. P. (2005). Dopaminergic polymorphisms associ-
We suggest that some novel experimental paradigms such ated with self-report measures of human altruism: A fresh pheno-
as brain imaging (Passamonti et al., 2006), evoked potentials type for the dopamine D4 receptor. Molecular Psychiatry, 10(4),
(Leonard et al., 2002; Yu, Tsai, Hong, Chen, & Yang, 2004), 333–5.
Bachner-Melman, R., Zohar, A. H., Bacon-Shnoor, N., Elizur, Y.,
prepulse inhibition (Swerdlow, Wasserman, et al., 2003) and Nemanov, L., Gritsenko, I., et al. (2005). Linkage between vaso-
some computer game models (Hollander et al., 2005) may pressin receptor AVPR1A promoter region microsatellites and mea-
also prove useful in unraveling the role of specific genes in sures of social behavior in humans. Journal of Individual Differ-
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Barr, C. S., Newman, T. K., Lindell, S., Shannon, C., Champoux, M.,
sonality. Knowledge of a gene’s action at a lower level of Lesch, K. P., et al. (2004). Interaction between serotonin trans-
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Barr, C. S., Newman, T. K., Becker, M. L., Parker, C. C., Cham-
poux, M., Lesch, K. P., et al. (2003). The utility of the non-
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Chapter 18

The Genetics of Childhood Temperament

Jeffrey R. Gagne, Matthew K. Vendlinski, and H. Hill Goldsmith

Introduction ality has become an area of intense study during the last
decade (Caspi, Roberts, & Shiner, 2005). Like temperamen-
The field of temperament research stands at the intersec- tal traits, most personality traits show modest genetic influ-
tion of various disciplines of biobehavioral research. Tem- ence (Bouchard & Loehlin, 2001), and thus genetics has not
perament links personality to psychological development. proven to differentiate temperament and personality.
Temperament links normative variation to psychopathology. Temperament has not proven to be a precise term. It has
Temperament links human and animal research traditions in ancient origins, tracing at least to Greek physician Galen,
behavior genetics. Temperament, as we now understand it, and being influential in the writing of various European
was one of the earliest areas of behavior genetic research. philosophers. In the late 19th and early 20th century, the
For example, temperament in dogs was one focus of research Russian physiologist Pavlov studied “transmarginal inhibi-
by Scott and Fuller (1965). tion” in dogs. He and various neo-Pavlovians probed the
In this chapter, we first describe the concept of tem- “strength” of the nervous system, including reactive and reg-
perament, with an emphasis on five of its components. ulatory aspects, phenomena that correspond reasonably well
Then we review quantitative genetic findings for these five with certain current temperament concepts. In the early 20th
dimensions. The quantitative genetic findings are followed century, Germans such as Kretschmer conceived of constitu-
by selected molecular genetic findings relevant to human tional groupings of individuals, which were also called tem-
temperament. Next, the concepts of gene–environment inter- peraments. Thus, the temperament concept has rich history
action and correlations are defined and illustrated for temper- but has accumulated much excess baggage. It also suffers
ament. After discussing endophenotypic approaches to tem- from being a lay term as well as a scientific term; in the
perament, we conclude the chapter with potential directions common vernacular, an irritable person might be called “tem-
for new research on the genetics of childhood temperament. peramental.” Within contemporary science, temperament can
be viewed as a concept composed of types (categories of
individuals) or of dimensional traits. Despite these and other
ambiguities in its definition and connotations, temperament
Definition of Temperament research has blossomed over the past 25 years. Behavioral
genetic studies have played a significant role in this substan-
Temperamental traits can be conceptualized as behavioral tial body of recent research.
dimensions that develop early in life and form the basis
for later personality (Goldsmith et al., 1987). Early emerg-
ing temperamental differences tend to change over develop-
ment and combine with experience to give rise to personality
Identifying the Dimensions of Temperament
traits in adulthood (Caspi, 2000; Rothbart & Bates, 1998).
Generally, temperament refers to emotional or affective Our review focuses on five of the most commonly exam-
aspects of the personality (Goldsmith & Campos, 1982). The ined dimensions: activity level, anger/frustration, behavioral
link between early temperamental traits and later person- inhibition/fear, effortful control, and positive affect. We do
not intend for these dimensions to be representative of
any single theoretical framework regarding the structure of
H.H. Goldsmith (B) temperament. Instead, we review these particular compo-
Department of Psychology, University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI nents largely for pragmatic reasons. First, a relative con-
53706, USA
sensus has emerged among temperament scholars about
e-mail: hhgoldsm@wisc.edu

Y.-K. Kim (ed.), Handbook of Behavior Genetics, 251

DOI 10.1007/978-0-387-76727-7 18,  c Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2009
252 J.R. Gagne et al.

the importance of these dimensions within the structure of reward. It can be expressed through smiling, laughter, or
temperament. Second, these dimensions have been exten- playful activity. Within the positive affect family are con-
sively studied, often within genetically informative designs. cepts such as contentment and exuberance that are the sub-
Our review is obviously not comprehensive because sev- jects of research during childhood. Other family members
eral well-recognized and well-studied dimensions of tem- are less-studied concepts such as awe and relief. Within
perament have been excluded (e.g., sadness, rhythmicity, a motivational framework, positive affect can be classified
soothability, sociability). Our goal is not to provide a as occurring pre-goal (anticipatory pleasure) versus post-
summary of all genetic studies of temperament. We aim goal attainment (consumatory pleasure). Within an inter-
instead to review genetic studies of temperament focusing personal context, positive affect is related to sociability.
on dimensions that illustrate both reactive and regulatory Within personality research, sociability is a component of
features. the broad factor of extraversion, and within the rubric
Temperament dimensions often overlap and thus can be of the “Big 5” personality factors, it is closely linked to
organized into supraordinate families of related traits. With agreeableness.
the possible exception of activity level, the dimensions dis-
cussed in this chapter can be conceptualized as belong-
ing to such families. Below, we define the dimensions of
temperament discussed in this chapter and recognize the Significance of Temperament Dimensions
different aspects of temperament that belong to the same
families. An extensive literature documents the importance of infant
Activity level refers to movement of the arms, legs, head, and child temperament for developmental outcomes. We pro-
or trunk with movement being characterized by both inten- vide a few examples of this relevance that best illustrate the
sity and frequency. As a temperament trait, activity level practical importance of temperament dimensions highlighted
refers to individual differences in proneness to higher versus in this chapter.
lower characteristic degrees, or vigor, of movement. More Several aspects of temperament have been reliably impli-
difficult to discern is whether any unitary motivational pro- cated in cognitive development and education. Effortful
cess accompanies a given level of activity. control is positively associated with cognitive skills such
Anger/frustration describes the individual’s propensity as working memory, planning, and attentional flexibility
toward experiencing an approach-related type of negative (Chiappe, Hasher, & Siegel, 2000; Conway, Harries, Noyes,
affect within a challenging context, where goals may be Racsma’ny, & Frankish, 2000; Pallodino, Mammarella, &
blocked or attack may be perceived. Anger is character- Vecchi, 2003; Passolunghi & Siegel, 2001; Wolfe &
ized by both intensity and frequency of behaviors such Bell, 2003) as well as learning and education more gen-
as crying, protesting, hitting, and pouting (Goldsmith & erally (Posner & Rothbart, 2007). The related dimen-
Rothbart, 1991). Concepts in the anger family include hos- sions of attention span, persistence, and task orienta-
tility, irritability, and aggression. In addition, anger can be tion have been consistently associated with adjustment
divided into interpersonal and task-related subtypes. and achievement in preschool and grade school, and lon-
Behavioral inhibition/fear can be defined as the individ- gitudinally from preschool through adolescence (Galejs,
ual’s tendency to react with distress or wariness toward novel King, & Hegland, 1987; Martin, Olejnik, & Gaddis, 1994;
or threatening objects, persons, or situations. This dimen- Nakamura & Finck, 1973; Palisin, 1986; Schoen &
sion can also be expressed through avoidance of or pro- Nagle, 1994). Activity level is also considered one of the
longed latency to approach a novel stimulus (Goldsmith & best predictors of daycare and school adjustment (Gallerani,
Rothbart, 1991). Behavioral inhibition/fear shares character- O’Regan, & Reinherz, 1982; Klein, 1980) and is pos-
istics with shyness and social inhibition. itively associated with mental development in infancy
Effortful control is a multidimensional concept refer- (Matheny, 1989a; Saudino & Eaton, 1991), but negatively
ring to multiple capabilities in motor, vocal, and cognitive associated with IQ after the age of 2 (Halverson & Wal-
domains. In general, effortful control refers to one’s ability drop, 1976; Matheny, 1989a).
to inhibit a prepotent response and instead activate and exe- Temperament is also closely tied to social development
cute a subdominant response (Murray & Kochanska, 2002; and relationships. Emotion regulation, effortful control, and
Posner & Rothbart, 2003; Rothbart & Bates, 1998). Effortful positive affect are associated with secure relationships and
control overlaps with the constructs of executive function, irritability/anger with insecure relationships (Kopp, 1982;
cognitive control, and attention regulation and fits within the Rothbart, 1989; Rothbart & Bates, 1998). Self-regulation
broader concept of emotion regulation. is central to social cognition generally, from regulation of
Positive affect refers to a propensity to experience and behavior leading to better peer relations (Hughes, White,
express enjoyment (Bates, 1989) and to be responsive to Sharpen, & Dunn, 2000; Lengua, 2003; Nigg, Quamma,
18 The Genetics of Childhood Temperament 253

Greenberg, & Kusche, 1999) to the role of inhibitory con- genes for their relevance to specific dimensions of temper-
trol in the development of a theory of others’ minds (Frye, ament. The third category, which has recently increased in
Zelaso, & Palfai, 1995; Perner, Leekam, & Wimmer, 1987; frequency, is studies of gene by environment interaction.
Russell, Mauthner, Sharpe, & Tidswell, 1991). Children with Finally, with the rise of cognitive and affective neuroscience,
higher activity levels are typically more socially interactive, genetically informative studies of endophenotypes associated
but have more negative interactions with peers and are judged with temperament have become more common. Fortunately,
as less popular and socially competent by peers, parents, larger projects are beginning to integrate all four of these
and teachers (Billman & McDevitt, 1980; Bramlett, Scott, & approaches into research on the same samples.
Lowell, 2000; Eaton, 1994; Gurlanick & Groom, 1990).
Conversely, behavioral inhibition and shyness are related to
social wariness and withdrawal as well as lower social status
across age (Burgess, Rubin, Cheah, & Nelson, 2005; Eisen-
berg, Shepard, Fabes, Murphy, & Guthrie, 1998; Fox, 2004;
Selected Twin and Adoption Studies of Reactive
Gest, 1997). and Regulatory Temperaments
Childhood temperament is also related to behavioral
adjustment and health outcomes. Temperament can be a Activity Level
liability factor for childhood psychopathology, and this
liability can be general or specific (Goldsmith, Lemery, One of the earliest twin studies of childhood temperament to
& Essex, 2004). General patterns of fear, shyness, and examine activity level was the Louisville Twin Study (LTS;
inhibition most often predict internalizing behavior prob- Matheny, 1980). The LTS used observational measures of
lems, while negative affect, activity, and low effortful con- child temperament based on factor analyses of items from
trol behaviors predict externalizing (Eisenberg et al., 2001; Bayley’s infant behavior record (IBR), and activity was des-
Rothbart & Bates, 1998). Negative affect and behavioral ignated as one of the major factors. This longitudinal study
inhibition are recognized as vulnerability factors for anx- assessed children across 3, 6, 9, 12, 18, and 24 months of age
iety, and low positive affect is associated with depression and sample sizes ranged from 72 to 94 for MZ twin pairs and
(Biederman et al., 2001; Brown, 2007; Clark, Watson, & 35 to 54 for DZ twin pairs. Excepting the data at 3 months of
Mineka, 1994; Kagan, 2001). The dimensions of activity age, all MZ twin correlations exceeded DZ twin correlations
level and effortful and inhibitory control are implicated in for the IBR activity factor, indicating that genetic influences
the development of ADHD (Campbell & Ewing, 1990; Hall, were operating on activity in infancy (Matheny, 1980). Later
Halperin, Schwartz, & Newcorn, 1997; Pliszka, Borcherd- analyses of the 3-month-old twins from the LTS that incorpo-
ing, Spratley, Leon, & Irick, 1997; Schachar, Tannock, Mar- rated more sophisticated model-fitting techniques replicated
riott, & Logan, 1995), and anger proneness is related to con- the finding of no genetic influences on activity level in the
duct problems (Cole, Teti, & Zahn-Waxler, 2003; Deater- neonatal period (Riese, 1990).
Deckard, Petrill, & Thompson, 2007). In addition, effort- Longitudinal investigations of the LTS sample yielded
ful control and impulsivity are linked to the development phenotypic age-to-age correlations that showed a simplex
of moral regulation and conscience (Kochanska, DeVet, pattern across age (Matheny, 1983). To examine genetic
Goldman, Murray, & Putnam, 1994), and this relation may influences on the stability of activity level, correlational twin
mediate the likelihood of criminal conviction (Henry, Caspi, analyses were divided into a 6, 12, and 18 month group and
Moffitt, Harrington, & Silva, 1999). High activity level and a 12, 18, and 24 month group. The MZ twin correlations
negative emotionality predict higher levels of drug and alco- exceeded the DZ twin correlations for both age groups and
hol use (Rothbart & Bates, 1998), and high activity level is were larger and significantly different from the DZ corre-
also associated with increased risk for injury due to accidents lation in the 12–24 month group. This pattern of findings
(Langley, McGee, Silva, & Williams, 1983; Matheny, 1987). indicated that individual differences of change across devel-
opment occurred partly as a function of genetic similarity
and that genetic influences on activity increased with age.
A multi-method approach to activity in the LTS that utilized
Current Research structural equation models incorporated playroom observa-
tions, parent report, and IBR ratings at 24 months of age
The literature on the genetics of temperament can be roughly (Phillips & Matheny, 1997). Interestingly, results suggested
divided into four categories. First and most extensive are that individual differences in responding to specific situa-
the mainstream twin, family, and adoption studies of tem- tions (e.g., a testing situation, play, home) were genetically
perament, many of which are longitudinal. Another category influenced. This finding is notable in that behavioral scien-
is allelic association and linkage studies that test candidate tists typically attribute situational effects to the environment.
254 J.R. Gagne et al.

Colorado Adoption Project (CAP; Plomin, DeFries, & An important contribution to this multi-method perspec-
Fulker, 1988) analyses of parent-rated activity level assessed tive on activity level measurement was a twin study that
using the emotionality–activity–sociability–impulsivity rat- employed motion recorders (actometers) attached to all four
ing scales (EASI; Buss & Plomin, 1975, 1984) annually limbs of 39 MZ and 21 DZ twin pairs at approximately 7
from 1 to 7 years of age found no evidence of genetic influ- months of age. Intraclass MZ twin correlations exceeded DZ
ences (Plomin, Coon, Carey, DeFries, & Fulker, 1991). In twin correlations, supporting evidence of genetic influences
contrast, previous twin study results indicated substantial (Saudino & Eaton, 1991). In a follow-up on this sample at
genetic influences for all EASI dimensions, with an aver- 35 months of age, genetic factors continued to be present
age of 0.59 and −0.01 for MZ and DZ twin correlations, in activity level assessed with motion recorders, regard-
respectively (Buss & Plomin, 1975, 1984). It was posited that less of low phenotypic stability from age to age (Saudino
contrast effects could be operating on these parent-rated twin & Eaton, 1995). Moreover, MZ–DZ concordance patterns
data resulting in inflated MZ and deflated DZ twin correla- from 7 to 35 months reflected genetic influences on devel-
tions that contribute to overestimates of heritability (Plomin opmental change (Saudino & Eaton, 1995). A more recent
et al., 1991). In a unique investigation that utilized both CAP investigation of actometer-assessed activity across situations
and LTS data, 95 pairs of nonadoptive siblings, 80 pairs recruited 7- to 9-year-old twins (463 pairs) from the Twins’
of adoptive siblings, 85 MZ twins, and 50 DZ twins were Early Development Study (TEDS; Trouton, Spinath, &
combined in model-fitting analyses for IBR activity (Braun- Plomin, 2002). Model-fitting analyses of testing and break-
gart, Plomin, DeFries, & Fulker, 1992). The combined data from-testing situations yielded heritability estimates of 24%
yielded heritability estimates of 38% at age 1 and 57% at age and 30%, respectively, with shared environment contribut-
2, with shared environmental influences of 1% at both ages. ing 27% and 42% of the variance (Wood, Saudino, Rogers,
Ensuing analyses of CAP data using teacher and observer Asherson, & Kuntsi, 2007). The genetic correlation between
ratings of activity level assessed with the CCTI at 7 years of the test and break situation scores was 1.0, indicating that the
age found significant genetic influences and nonsignificant same genes were operating on activity level across situations
shared environmental influences for both (Schmitz, Saudino, (Wood et al., 2007). The results of twin studies that used
Plomin, Fulker, & DeFries, 1996). Therefore, findings of objective motion recorders have thus bolstered the findings of
genetic influences on activity in the CAP sample were some- those that employed parent, teacher, and observational mea-
what mixed; genetic factors were present when temperament sures of activity.
was rated by teachers or observers, but not parents.
Genetic and environmental sources of continuity and
change in infant activity were also examined in the Anger/Frustration
MacArthur Longitudinal Twin Study (MALTS; Plomin
et al., 1993). A MALTS analysis that utilized the IBR Goldsmith and Gottesman (1981) conducted one of the ear-
included 163 MZ and 138 DZ same-sex twin pairs assessed liest childhood twin studies of an anger/frustration-related
at 14, 20, and 24 months of age (Saudino, Plomin, & temperament dimension, i.e., irritability/negative mood. The
DeFries, 1996). Cross-age correlations for activity were authors used data on 110 MZ and 206 DZ twin pairs who
moderately low, suggesting developmental change, and heri- had participated in the Collaborative Perinatal Project. Psy-
tability estimates were significant and similar across devel- chologists made ratings of irritability/negative mood after
opment; heritable factors contributed to stability (Saudino observing child behavior during mental and motor testing
et al., 1996). Model-fitting results indicated that no new and during a free play period that occurred when children
genetic influences emerged at 20 or 24 months, shared envi- were 4 years old. The irritability/negative mood dimension
ronment was nonsignificant across age, and nonshared envi- was derived from a factor analysis of behavioral ratings and
ronment was significant. Therefore, continuity in activity included observations of emotional reactivity, degree of irri-
level was due to genetic factors, and change was due to tability, degree of cooperation, and degree of dependency.
the nonshared environment. MALTS also employed par- The MZ correlation for this factor (0.45) exceeded the DZ
ent CCTI ratings, and results showed substantial stability correlation (0.17), indicating that genetic influences played
across 14, 20, 24, and 36 months of age and high heritabil- a significant role in the development of irritability/negative
ities with near-zero or negative DZ correlations (Saudino mood.
& Cherny, 2001). These findings dovetail with the CAP Genetic factors associated with anger proneness have
results, possibly reflecting the presence of parental expec- also been examined in a sample of 89 MZ and 95 DZ (62
tations of infant behavior and contrast effects with par- same-sex) 17- to 36-month-old toddler pairs (Goldsmith,
ent ratings of temperament, and lend further support to Buss, & Lemery, 1997). Anger proneness was measured
multi-method approaches that emphasize unbiased forms of using parental report on the Toddler Behavioral Assess-
assessment. ment Questionnaire (TBAQ; Goldsmith, 1996). The MZ
18 The Genetics of Childhood Temperament 255

twin correlation on the anger proneness subscale (0.72) Although findings from this study were somewhat mixed,
was higher than the DZ correlation (0.55) and estimates mother-reported anger was consistently found to be herita-
of additive (A), common environmental (C), and unique ble. This work also provided some evidence for the impor-
environmental (E) variance components were obtained tance of the shared environment in both mother-reported and
using DeFries–Fulker regression analyses (DeFries & observer-rated anger.
Fulker, 1985, 1998). The full ACE model fits the data sig- Another twin study of anger/frustration used a sample of
nificantly better than either the CE or AE models. Analy- 105 MZ and 154 same-sex DZ twin pairs ranging in age from
ses indicated that both genetic and environmental influences 4 to 8 years (Deater-Deckard, Petrill, & Thompson, 2007).
played a significant role in the development of anger prone- Anger/frustration was rated by research assistants based on
ness (h2 = 0.34, c2 = 0.38). child behavior observed during a 3-hour home visit. The
In the same study, Goldsmith et al. (1997) also examined visit included two tasks completed by the mother together
genetic influences on anger among older children (34–99- with each twin separately; these tasks were designed to elicit
month-olds). This older sample included 55 MZ and 64 DZ anger/frustration. The MZ correlation for anger/frustration
(36 same-sex) twin pairs, and anger was assessed via par- (0.50) was larger than the DZ correlation (0.33) implicating
ent report on the Children’s Behavior Questionnaire (CBQ; genetic influences. Estimates of genetic, shared environmen-
Rothbart, Ahadi, Hershey, & Fisher, 2001). Because the DZ tal, and nonshared environmental variance were computed
correlations for same-sex (−0.29) and opposite-sex (0.33) using path estimates produced by a Cholesky decomposition
pairs were significantly different from each other and the (A = 0.25, C = 0.23, E = 0.51). Estimates indicated a
same-sex DZ correlation was negative, heritability estimates significant role of genetics and the nonshared environment in
were not calculated for the anger subscale. Instead, anger the development of anger/frustration.
was combined with discomfort, soothability, fear, and sad- In addition to calculating variance estimates of
ness subscales using principal components analysis to form anger/frustration, Deater-Deckard et al. (2007) also
a negative affectivity composite variable, and a heritability estimated the influence of genes and environments on
estimate was calculated based on this composite score. Anal- child conduct problems and tested for genetic, shared
ysis using DeFries–Fulker regression demonstrated that an environmental, and nonshared environmental correlations
AE model provided the best fit to the data and that genetic between anger/frustration and child conduct problems.
influences played a significant role in the development of Conduct problems were measured using the Teacher Report
negative affectivity (h2 = 0.42, c2 = 0.00). Form (TRF; Achenbach, 1991a) and significant genetic,
The MALTS project assessed anger using both mother shared, and nonshared environmental variance estimates
report and laboratory and home observations in a sample of were detected (A = 0.29, C = 0.38, E = 0.32). Further,
190 MZ and 161 DZ twin pairs who were assessed across a large genetic correlation (0.80) was detected between
time when they were 14, 20, and 24 months old (Emde, anger/frustration and conduct problems. This correlation
Robinson, Corley, Nikkari, & Zahn-Waxler, 2001). Mothers indicated that many of the same genetic influences
reported how frequently their children had angry outbursts, that contribute to the development of anger/frustration
described the initiation of physical fights between co-twins, may also impact the emergence of childhood conduct
and reported their children’s expressions of anger on the Dif- problems.
ferential Emotions Scale (DES; Izard et al., 1972). Observa- Overall, the literature on anger/frustration provides quite
tions of child anger were based on ratings of child protest- consistent evidence for heritability. However, findings related
ing behavior while being restrained in four situations (two to the importance of the shared environment were more
in the lab and two in the home). Ratings of anger during the equivocal but intriguing given that such findings are not
four restraint procedures were combined into a single prin- typical. Finally, evidence suggesting that many of the
cipal component and estimates of h2 and c2 were derived. same genetic influences that impact the development of
Heritability estimates of mother-reported anger were signif- anger/frustration also contribute to the manifestation of child
icant across all three measures and during each of the three conduct problems is emerging.
time points (range 0.31–0.71). Shared environmental influ-
ences were significant for mother report on the DES at age
24 months (c2 = 0.37), for mother report of initiating phys- Behavioral Inhibition/Shyness/Fear
ical fights at all three time points (range 0.30–0.45), and for
mother-reported outbursts at 14 and 24 months (c2 = 0.42 Because the temperament dimensions of behavioral inhi-
at both ages). Heritability of observed anger was significant bition, shyness, and fear overlap theoretically, twin study
only when children were 24 months old (h2 = 0.32). Shared results for all three constructs are included in this section.
environmental influences on observed anger were significant Behavioral inhibition was first investigated in a study of
at 20 and 24 months (c2 = 0.34 and 0.45, respectively). 33 MZ and 32 DZ twin pairs from the LTS at 12, 18, 24, and
256 J.R. Gagne et al.

30 months of age (Matheny, 1989b). Parents rated behavioral effects are involved in shyness at both ages and in both
inhibition with the approach/withdrawal items on the Toddler situations.
Temperament Scale (Fullard, McDevitt, & Carey, 1984), Studies of common and specific fears tend to focus on
and observational measures were based on laboratory play- older children and adults. An early investigation of com-
room vignettes that tapped emotional tone and a fearful- mon fears used a fear survey in 354 pairs of same-sex twins
ness scale derived from IBR ratings. All MZ twin corre- aged 14–34 years (Rose & Ditto, 1983). Hierarchical multi-
lations exceeded DZ twin correlations across measure and ple regression analyses were employed to predict twin fear
age, suggesting genetic influences and stability on behavioral from that of the co-twin, as well as age and zygosity effects.
inhibition from 12 to 30 months. The presence of several For all factors, co-twin fear and zygosity significantly con-
“too low” DZ correlations may reflect low sample sizes or tributed to twin fear, and for two fear factors, age effects were
contrast effects. Age-to-age changes in behavioral inhibition also a significant predictor. This pattern of results indicates
were attributed to a genetically influenced effect, due to the that genes do moderate the development of common fears. A
higher concordance rates for MZ twins when these changes second study of 144 MZ and 106 DZ twins sampled in late
occurred. childhood and adolescence and their parents also utilized a
A second behavioral genetic study of behavioral inhi- fear survey questionnaire (Neale & Fulker, 1984). Model-
bition investigated a larger sample of 157 24-month-old fitting analyses yielded significant genetic and environmental
MALTS twins (DiLalla, Kagan, & Reznick, 1994). They variance in two fear factors, as well as a small amount of
assessed temperament by observing two pairs of unfamiliar genetic–environmental covariance explained by the parents’
twins in a laboratory play situation, and the intraclass corre- phenotypes influencing the twins’ (Neale & Fulker, 1984).
lation comparison between MZ and DZ twins indicated high Both of these seminal studies used parent- and/or self-ratings
heritability for behavioral inhibition. In addition, “extreme that might reflect reporting biases.
inhibition” was examined by using a DeFries–Fulker regres- Many of the remaining behavioral genetic findings in this
sion model that predicted co-twin’s behavioral inhibition area focus on behaviors that are either described as extreme
scores based on the proband’s score and the degree of genetic levels of temperament or measure associations at the inter-
relatedness. Extreme levels of behavioral inhibition are often section of temperament and psychopathology. An analysis
used as an analogue to social anxiety in studies of temper- of several common fears as well as extreme fearfulness
ament and psychopathology. Results of these analyses indi- was conducted on 144 MZ and 175 DZ same-sex twin pairs
cated that the degree to which extreme behavioral inhibition (8–18 years of age) who completed a fear survey question-
scores of probands were due to genetic influences was sta- naire (Stevenson, Batten, & Cherner, 1992). The heritabili-
tistically significant. The heritability of extreme inhibition ties of many fears were significant; however, there was no
was slightly larger than the estimate from the total sample, evidence of increased heritability for extreme fearfulness. In
although differences were not statistically significant. There- the MALTS, mothers completed the CCTI at 14, 20, 24, and
fore, individual differences in both behavioral inhibition 36 months and assessed problem behaviors with the Child
and extreme levels of the temperament were due to genetic Behavior Checklist (CBCL; Achenbach, 1991b) at 4 years of
factors. age (Schmitz et al., 1999). Shyness at all four earlier ages was
Another MALTS analysis of shyness focused on 163 MZ significantly correlated with the internalizing scale on the
and 138 DZ same-sex twin pairs assessed with observational CBCL at age 4, and longitudinal genetic analyses revealed
measures at home and in the laboratory at 14 and 20 months that these predictions were largely due to genetic effects.
of age (Cherny, Fulker, Corley, & Plomin, 1994). Shy- In an investigation of 4-year-olds from the TEDS project,
ness was indexed by infants’ initial responding to strangers mothers assessed anxiety-related behaviors in 4564 pairs of
in brief videotaped observations. Hierarchical longitudinal twins. Genetic influences were found for the fears and shy-
model-fitting provided estimates of the genetic and environ- ness/inhibition factors (Eley et al., 2003). In general, these
mental influences that contributed to continuity and change findings implicate genetic variance and suggest that extreme
in shyness across age. Findings show that developmental levels of these related areas of temperament might reflect
change from 14 to 20 months as well as situation-specific genetically overlapping psychopathology.
effects for the home and the lab were due to environmental All of the findings in this area point to genetic influ-
factors, while stability across age and phenotypic associa- ences on behavioral inhibition, shyness and fear, with very
tions between the home and lab settings were due to overlap- little evidence of shared environment. The MALTS results
ping genetic variance. In a follow-up to this study, analyses on developmental change indicated that stability in tempera-
that included cross-age within-situation and cross-situation ment was due to genetic factors. In contrast, the LTS results
within-age comparisons replicated the findings that stability implicated genes in age-to-age changes. It is likely that the
of shyness across age and situation was a result of common MALTS analyses, from a larger sample, are more represen-
genetic influences (Cherny et al., 2001). The same genetic tative; however, both outcomes warrant attention. Neither of
18 The Genetics of Childhood Temperament 257

the two studies that focused on extreme temperament indi- control and attentional focusing, and an effortful control
cated that heritability for extremes was significantly higher composite was formed based on mother and father ratings
than for the full range of behavior. Lastly, the literature sug- for both. An observational measure of attentional focusing
gests a genetic basis to the overlap between fearful tempera- was derived from items on the Bayley Rating Scale (BRS;
ment and relevant behavior problems. Bayley, 1993) for use with the younger sample. MZ twin
correlations exceeded DZ correlations for all assessments,
indicating genetic influences. The ADE model was the best
Effortful Control fitting for the CBQ ratings at both ages with 68–79% of
the variance due to broad sense heritability (both additive
Although it is a relatively new dimension in temperament genetic and dominance effects combined) and the remainder
theories, several behavioral genetic findings in the literature due to nonshared environment. For the observer-rated atten-
focus on effortful control and related concepts. The first twin tional control measure, the AE model fit best, and genetic
study to include effortful control used a small sample of factors contributed to 83% of the variance. This study yielded
55 MZ and 64 DZ preschool-age twin pairs (34–99 months higher heritabilities than those found in other studies, mainly
of age) pooled from studies in Oregon, Colorado, Texas, and due to the inclusion of dominance effects. It is important to
Wisconsin (Goldsmith, Buss, & Lemery, 1997). Parents rated note that CBQ ratings at both ages produced DZ correlations
temperament with the Children’s Behavior Questionnaire that were very low, which might suggest parental contrast
(CBQ; Rothbart, Ahadi, Hershey, & Fisher, 2001), and an effects. However, the observational results also showed this
effortful control factor was formed with the CBQ attentional pattern, and the observations were not susceptible to contrast
focusing, inhibitory control, low pleasure, and perceptual effects.
sensitivity scales. The MZ twin correlation exceeded the DZ Two recent twin studies have focused on inhibitory con-
twin correlation for this factor. Subsequent DeFries–Fulker trol in early childhood. The first examined 24-month-olds
regression analyses indicated that the ACE (h 2 = 0.43) and and included 146 pairs of twins (66 MZ and 80 DZ) rated
AE (h 2 = 0.58) models fit equally well, and the CE model by parents using the Toddler Behavior Assessment Ques-
had a significantly poorer fit than the full model. Therefore, tionnaire – Revised (TBAQ-R; Goldsmith, 1996) and 96
genetic factors accounted for a significant proportion of the pairs assessed with the Laboratory Temperament Assessment
variance in effortful control in preschool. In addition, sup- Battery (Lab-TAB; Goldsmith, Reilly, Lemery, Longley, &
port for genetic variance was strengthened by the fact that Prescott, 1995) as administered by trained observers (Gagne
the DZ correlation was not “too low,” reflecting no evidence & Saudino, 2005). MZ twin correlations exceeded DZ twin
of contrast effects often found in parent-rated measures of correlations for both measures suggesting the importance of
temperament. genetic factors. Model-fitting results produced heritability
Effortful control was also examined in a Japanese twin estimates of 54% for TBAQ IC (ACE model is best fitting)
study that utilized the self-administered Adult Temperament and 36% for Lab-TAB IC (AE model fits best) at 24 months
Questionnaire (ATQ; Rothbart, Ahadi, & Evans, 2000) in of age. The genetic correlation between the two measures
a sample of 152 MZ and 73 DZ twin pairs 17–32 years of was approximately 0.50, and the phenotypic correlation was
age (Yamagata et al., 2005). Both intraclass correlations and entirely accounted for by genetic factors.
model-fitting results for the overall effortful control factor The second study that examined inhibitory control in early
and subscales indicated significant genetic influences (AE childhood used parent temperament ratings in a longitudinal
models fit best). Heritability for effortful control was 49% sample of twins (Gagne & Goldsmith, 2007). Specifically,
and ranged from 32% to 45% for the subscales. Multivari- 129 MZ and 255 DZ twins were assessed with the TBAQ at
ate analyses showed that the subscales were highly geneti- 22 months, and 144 MZ and 263 DZ twins were assessed
cally correlated and moderately environmentally correlated. with the CBQ at 36 months. Twin correlations suggested
The self-ratings did not reflect contrast effects, and the her- genetic influences on inhibitory control, and heritabilities
itabilities were consistent with the Goldsmith et al. (1997) were 50% and 59% for the TBAQ (ACE model) and the CBQ
preschool-age study, indicating the genetic stability from (AE model), respectively. The genetic correlation between
preschool to young adulthood. the TBAQ and the CBQ inhibitory control subscales was
Another study assessed both inhibitory control and atten- 0.60, indicating genetic stability across age, and the pheno-
tional focusing as components of effortful control. Lemery- typic correlation was due to overlapping genetic influences.
Chalfant, Doelger, and Goldsmith (2008) assessed both of Contrast effects were not apparent in either of these twin
these constructs in 214 MZ and 349 DZ twin pairs with a studies of inhibitory control during toddlerhood.
mean age of 7.6 years and a subsample that was composed of In general, research findings on effortful control and
112 MZ and 171 DZ twin pairs at 5.5 years of age. The CBQ related variables support significant genetic influences on
was used at both ages to assess parent ratings of inhibitory these constructs, including some evidence of non-additivity.
258 J.R. Gagne et al.

Shared environment was negligible and typically only tudinal finding is consistent with the cross-sectional change
present in results based on parental ratings. Heritability toward decreased shared environmental effects for positive
estimates were moderate to high and showed some stabil- affect reported by Goldsmith et al. (1997).
ity across age. In addition, genetic correlations across age What might be the substantive interpretation of this find-
and measure were typically high, and phenotypic correla- ing? The leading candidate is perhaps some feature of mater-
tions were entirely due to genetic influences that overlapped. nal behavior or personality common to the twins. A reason-
This indicated that the same genetic factors were operat- able speculation is that the primary caregiver might be the
ing from age to age and that there is a genetic coherence source of the common environment, as seen in some other
to effortful control as evaluated by different assessments. cases (Leve, Winebarger, Fagot, Reid & Goldsmith, 1998).
Lastly, although contrast effects appeared in one of the stud- Even more speculatively, twin similarity for mother–child
ies, many of the parent-rated findings did not produce “too attachment security might play a role in shared environ-
low” DZ twin correlations. In summary, a genetic basis for mental effects on positive affectivity. On the other hand,
effortful control seems clear. other features of maternal personality such as extraversion
could be influential as a source of common experience for
the twins. We must also acknowledge the possibility of a
Positive Affect social desirability explanation because individual differences
in parents’ tendency to report their children as happy might
The twin literature on positive affect in children is not exten- mimic a shared environmental effect (Goldsmith, 1996). In
sive, and it does not explore all of the nuanced meanings any case, the evidence for shared environmental effects on
of positive affect that we summarized above. Among the positive affectivity appears to diminish as children grow
widely used childhood temperament questionnaires, only the older.
ones authored by Rothbart or Goldsmith contain scales that
explicitly assess positive affect. For instance, in the infant
twin study by Goldsmith, Lemery, Buss, & Campos (1999),
described above, the MZ twin correlation for a smiling and
laughter scale was 0.75, with a DZ correlation of 0.59. In Linkage and Association Studies
the same study, twin correlations for soothability (which was
correlated with positive affect) were 0.52 (MZ) and 0.61 Concepts, methods, and limitations of linkage and associa-
(DZ). The correlational patterns imply an effect of the shared tion studies are described in other chapters of this handbook
environment, which is unusual in temperament research. In and in sources such as Sham (1998). In general, these meth-
Goldsmith et al.’s (1997) study of toddler-aged twins, also ods were developed to study the genetic basis of diseases,
described above, a parental report pleasure scale also showed for which an individual can be considered as affected or not.
a moderate shared environmental effect, with an MZ corre- However, most of the methods can be adapted to study trait
lation of 0.69 and a DZ correlation of 0.64. A variety of variation that is not “all or none,” as exemplified by temper-
earlier evidence supports a role for shared environmental amental dimensions, which are analyzed using quantitative
effects on positive affect-related variables, such as person trait loci (QTL).
interest (Goldsmith and Gottesman, 1981), laboratory mea- The most common method used for studying tempera-
sures of smiling, questionnaire measures of smiling/laughter ment is the allelic association study. These studies com-
and pleasure (Goldsmith & Campos, 1986), observations of pare the frequency of a genetic marker in two samples (e.g.,
positive activity (Lytton, 1980), and questionnaire measures an inhibited versus a non-inhibited group). It might seem
of zestfulness (Cohen, Dibble, & Graw, 1977). straightforward to compare extreme temperamental groups
Some studies focus on broader constructs that probably (e.g., very shy versus non-shy children) for different frequen-
encompass children’s positive affect. For instance, Deater- cies of a candidate gene or QTL. However, high shyness in
Deckard & O’Connor (2000) studied parent–child mutuality, one subset of individuals might have different roots than sim-
which was influenced by heritable child effects. It seems rea- ilar high shyness in another subset. This trait heterogeneity
sonable that positive affect would be a component of mutu- problem haunts current attempts to associate behavior with
ality during interpersonal interaction. Similarly, Knafo & specific genes (Cardon, 2006). There are other practical dif-
Plomin (2006) studied prosocial behavior in a very large lon- ficulties in this genre of research. For instance, individu-
gitudinal sample of young English twins. Again, it seems rea- als at the extreme of the distribution might possess several
sonable that positive affect would be a component of proso- alleles promoting higher trait values. The effect of any one
cial behavior. Shared environmental effects were relatively allele may be more difficult to discern against this “high-
strong (47% of the age 2 variance, on average) on proso- value” genetic background than in more typical genetic back-
cial ratings by parents but decreased over age. This longi- grounds.
18 The Genetics of Childhood Temperament 259

On the whole, however, genetic association studies have For instance, two studies in 1996 showed associations of
yielded inconsistent findings. A recent meta-analysis of the personality trait of novelty seeking with the seven
studies investigating associations between personality traits repeat alleles of the dopamine receptor D4 (DRD4) gene
and candidate genes concluded that there were few replicable (Benjamin et al., 1996; Ebstein, Novick, Umansky, Priel, &
associations (Munafo et al., 2003). Osher, 1996). However, a meta-analysis that includes eight
It is important to realize that genes that have only small subsequent studies, with varying characteristics, casts doubt
effects on the phenotype might be functionally related to on the validity or at least the generalizability of the asso-
genes of large effect. That is, if a major gene leading to quali- ciation (Wahlsten, 1999). The literature on this association
tative dysfunction is identified, other alleles at the same locus has grown, with both replications and nonreplications (Stro-
could affect more subtle quantitative variation. The allele bel, Spinath, Angleitner, Riemann, & Lesch, 2003); more
that leads to qualitative dysfunction could code for an inac- DRD4 polymorphisms have been examined, and interactions
tive protein whereas a different allelic variant of the same both with other genes and with other behaviors have been
gene might lead to an active but physiologically non-optimal considered.
protein. Of course, DRD4 is not the only gene that has been exam-
A prototypic example of an allelic association with a tem- ined for association with temperamental approach behav-
peramental trait in humans concerned a polymorphism in iors. For example, genetic variants in noradrenergic receptors
a promoter of the serotonin transporter gene on chromo- have been examined for association with irritability, hostility,
some 17q, which accounted for 3–4% of the variance in and impulsivity (Comings et al., 2000). In this study, as in
self-reported anxiety proneness. This finding held in two others, variation in a single gene accounted for only a few
samples totaling 505 individuals, and the allele in question percent of the phenotypic variance.
also differentiated affected from unaffected siblings (Lesch An obvious conclusion from this line of research is that all
et al., 1996). Serotonin is, of course, involved in neurotrans- findings require replication and tests of generalization. Small
mission in regions of the limbic system and cortex asso- samples, multiple tests, genetic heterogeneity, and “cheap
ciated with anxious behavior, and some antidepressant and phenotyping” via questionnaire are likely culprits in account-
anti-anxiety drugs inhibit uptake of serotonin. The serotonin ing for inconsistencies. In allelic association studies, the
transporter is a protein that helps “fine-tune” this neurotrans- behavioral side of the investigation is often not as sophisti-
mission. The allele of the serotonin transporter promoter cated as the genetic side.
that leads to decreased transporter activity—at least in lym-
phoblast cell lines—occurred at a high frequency, 43%, in the
samples studied (Lesch et al., 1996). Persons with this allele
would be expected to show increased serotonergic transmis-
Gene–Environment Interaction
sion, and they report higher neuroticism scores (but are not
different on the other factors of the Big Five personality Gene–environment interaction refers to a situation in which
traits). Lesch et al. (1996) cautioned that their results, from the association between an environment and a phenotype
a normal sample, might not generalize as a cause of clini- is moderated by an individual’s genotype. Like all statis-
cally significant levels of anxiety in patients. Although repli- tical interactions, gene–environment interactions can also
cations have been reported, some comprehensive failures to be conceptualized conversely, i.e., the environment moder-
replicate these results have also been reported (Willis-Owen ates the relationship between the individual’s genotype and
et al., 2005). phenotype.
Another issue in this line of research is the non-
specificity of findings from candidate gene studies where
the gene affects functioning in key pathways regulating Specific Allele by Environment Interactions
neurotransmitters. Such a lack of specificity is perhaps
unsurprising for genes mediating neurotransmitter function Fox et al. (2005) used molecular genetic analyses to test for
in circuitry central to affective processing. Population strat- gene–environment interaction in the development of behav-
ification is also a concern in these studies because Gelern- ioral inhibition among 7-year-olds. The authors examined
ter, Cubells, Kidd, Pakstis, & Kidd (1999) showed that the whether mother-reported social support moderated the asso-
frequency of the serotonin transporter promoter varies widely ciation between child genotype (5-HTT allele status) and
(from 0.29 to 0.89) in eight geographically distinct ethnic behavioral inhibition. The authors chose a functional poly-
groups. morphism in the promoter region of the serotonin trans-
In addition to alleles related to serotonin function, genes porter gene (5-HTT), which has both long and short alle-
for dopamine receptors and transporters have been exam- les, as their polymorphism of interest for multiple reasons.
ined for association with emotion-related temperament traits. First, several functions of this polymorphism have been
260 J.R. Gagne et al.

identified and these functions including the regulation of Heritability by Measured Environment Interaction
transporter levels, serotonin uptake, and 5-HTT transcription
(Hariri et al., 2002) could logically be related to behavioral This approach to studying gene–environment interplay
inhibition. Second, possessing the short allele of 5-HTT has involves estimating the heritability of a phenotype across dif-
been linked to elevated anxiety, negative emotionality, and ferent environmental conditions. Recent studies have found
amygdala activation in response to fearful facial expressions that indeed, for some phenotypes, the portion of variance that
among adults (Hariri et al., 2002; Munafo et al., 2003). is attributable to genetic influences fluctuates across differ-
Finally, this polymorphism has been shown to interact with ent levels of measured environmental variables. For example,
stressful life events in the prediction of depression in adults Button, Scourfield, Martin, Purcell, and McGuffin (2005)
(Caspi et al., 2003). The authors used mother-reported social found that the heritability of child conduct problems var-
support as an indicator of environmental stress as it has been ied depending on the level of family dysfunction. Additive
shown to reflect child stress levels. Behavioral inhibition was genetic effects on conduct problems were found to decrease
rated by observers when children were 7 years old and was as the level of family dysfunction increased. Further, shared
based on the child’s onlooking and unoccupied behavior dur- and nonshared environmental effects increased as family
ing a group play session. A gene–environment interaction dysfunction increased.
was detected in which the association between genotype and
behavioral inhibition was stronger at low levels of social sup-
port. Children who carried the short 5-HTT allele and whose Terminology and Conceptualization Regarding
mothers reported low social support exhibited higher levels “Environment”
of behavioral inhibition than their counterparts who were
Thus far, we have described extant work in this area as
homozygous for the long allele.
testing for interaction between genetic influences and envi-
ronments. Within this context, the use of the term “envi-
ronment” might be too general and may lead to confu-
Genetic Risk by Environment Interaction
sion among the consumers of behavior genetic literature.
Turkheimer, D’Onofrio, Maes, & Eaves (2005) discussed
Although studies of gene–environment interaction using how confusion regarding the nature of “measured environ-
measured genes provide quite specific information regarding ment” and “shared environment” could lead to the misstate-
the mechanisms involved in development, they are limited ment and misinterpretation of results obtained from twin
in that single genes typically account for a very small por- studies. When study designs include a measured environ-
tion of the variance in complex human phenotypes. Quan- mental variable that also represents an aspect of the objec-
titative genetic methods address this limitation by estimat- tively shared environment (see Goldsmith, 1988, for a discus-
ing an individual’s overall genetic risk based on the pheno- sion of objectively versus effectively shared environments)
types of genetic relatives. One such method first employed by such as SES, researchers sometimes report the effects of
Kendler et al. (1995) uses the phenotypes of co-twins as well that variable to be independent of genetic influences. This
as the zygosity of the twin pair to create a 4-point ordinal is often not the case, however, as the majority of “environ-
genetic risk variable. Because MZ twins share 100% of their mental” variables contain some proportion of genetic vari-
genes while DZ twins share only 50% of their segregating ability (Plomin & Bergeman, 1991). Of course, it is not pos-
genes on average, the MZ co-twin of a child exhibiting a sible to determine if environmental variables measured at the
phenotype (affected) is at higher genetic risk for developing family level are heritable within a traditional twin design. A
the same phenotype than the DZ co-twin of an affected child. major implication of the non-independence between genetic
Extending the logic, a DZ co-twin of a child not exhibiting influences and measured environments is that studies report-
a particular phenotype (unaffected) is at even less genetic ing gene–environment interaction may in fact be mislabel-
risk whereas the MZ co-twin of an unaffected child is at the ing what is actually a gene–gene interaction. That is, risk
lowest genetic risk of all. One recent study implementing genes for a phenotype may interact with the genes influenc-
this method tested for genetic risk–environment interaction ing a measured environment to predict an outcome. Given
in the development of conduct problems in a representative the potential for misclassifying interaction effects, it has
cohort sample of British 5-year-olds (Jaffee et al., 2005). An been suggested that researchers cease reporting their findings
interaction was detected in which maltreatment and genetic as gene–environment interaction unless they can rigorously
risk interacted to predict continuously distributed conduct demonstrate that their measured environmental variable is
problem scores. The association between genetic risk and not heritable. Studies might reduce confusion if they sim-
child conduct problems was stronger for those children who ply replace the term “environment” with a description of the
had been maltreated in comparison to their nonmaltreated variable that was actually measured (e.g., gene–social sup-
counterparts. port interaction).
18 The Genetics of Childhood Temperament 261

Gene–Environment Correlation construct is influenced by genetics and that these genetic

influences might be linked to child phenotypes, i.e., reactive
Gene–environment correlation describes a situation in gene–environment correlation. More recent work has shown
which genetic variation leads individuals to be differentially that dyadic mutuality is specific to each child in a family and
exposed to environments. These environments, in turn, that child behavior problems are linked to mutuality. As child
influence the development of heritable phenotypes. Gene– behavior problems increased, dyadic mutuality was compro-
environment correlations are typically divided into three mised (Deater-Deckard & Petrill, 2004).
categories: passive, reactive, and active (Plomin, DeFries, &
Loehlin, 1977). Passive gene–environment correlation
results when a heritable phenotype found in parents Temperament and Endophenotypes
contributes to the environment that those parents create
for their children. Maternal depression provides a useful
example as depression is both a heritable phenotype and is The Endophenotype Concept
associated with risky family contexts (e.g., compromised
parenting). Depressed mothers may pass risk genes to Another approach to the genetics of child temperament
their children and these genes may be correlated with the involves the identification of endophenotypes. An endophe-
quality of parenting provided by those mothers. Reactive notype is an intermediate link between a genotype and an
(also known as evocative) gene–environment correlation individual’s observable behavior (e.g., a temperament dimen-
occurs when a heritable child phenotype acts to elicit sion). Such links are implied by the long-standing recog-
particular behaviors from parents, teachers, siblings, or other nition that a genetically influenced behavioral trait is not
relevant people. Reactive gene–environment correlation may encoded directly by the genes that contribute to its variance
occur in the development of oppositional defiant behavior. (Anastasi, 1958; Fuller & Thompson, 1960). Genes relevant
Oppositional defiant behavior is heritable and may evoke to a behavioral trait most likely affect the central nervous
the use of corporal punishment from parents. The use system (CNS; e.g., structure, physiology, and/or function of
of corporal punishment may then in turn contribute to the the brain). Thus, an endophenotype may be a measure of the
maintenance or exacerbation of oppositional defiance. Active CNS activity involved in the physiology of a behavioral trait
gene–environment correlation describes processes in which or disorder. An endophenotype may be identified at differ-
the child selects an environment that will serve to foster the ent levels of analysis. Some levels may be more proximal
development of some heritable phenotype. For example, an to the gene (e.g., level of a protein) whereas others may be
aggressive child may befriend other aggressive children and more distal (e.g., level of cognitive functioning). Thus, an
such friendships may serve to further develop the child’s endophenotype may be a chemical measure, a measure of
aggressive tendencies. Scholars have suggested that the brain structure, a measure of neuroendocrine functioning, a
nature of gene–environment correlations may change across measure of cognitive functioning, or perhaps even a different
development since the individual’s ability to select environ- measure of behavior than the phenotype of interest.
ments may increase with age (Scarr & McCartney, 1983). Gottesman & Gould (2003) updated the endophenotype
Thus, gene–environment correlations might be largely concept and suggested criteria for identifying candidate
passive when children are very young but shift to reactive endophenotypes. The first criterion is that the endopheno-
and then to active correlations as children age. type must be associated with the trait under study. Those
Work on parent–child mutuality (Deater-Deckard & individuals who exhibit the trait must also possess the can-
O’Connor, 2000) represents a useful example of gene– didate endophenotype with a greater than chance frequency.
environment correlation. Parent–child mutuality refers to Second, individual differences in the endophenotype must be
aspects of parent–child interaction, including shared posi- at least partly due to genetic factors (i.e., the endophenotype
tive affect, responsiveness, and cooperation. Central to this must be heritable). The endophenotype should also be state
construct is the idea that healthy parent–child interaction is independent. In other words, if an individual exhibits differ-
characterized by emotional reciprocity and bi-directionality. ent levels of a behavioral trait or it goes through different
In this study, trained observers coded 20 min of video- phases (e.g., elevated levels of normal activity versus hyper-
taped parent–child interaction to generate scores for mutu- activity), the endophenotype continues to be present. Addi-
ality exhibited between mothers and their 3- to 4-year-old tionally, the endophenotype must co-segregate with the trait.
children. Pairs of MZ twins, DZ twins, full siblings, and That is, the endophenotype and the disorder should show
genetically unrelated adopted siblings were included in the a tendency to be transmitted together in family pedigrees.
sample. Correlations between siblings on parent–child mutu- Therefore, family members who do not exhibit the trait will
ality (MZ r = 0.61, DZ r = 0.26, full siblings r = 0.25, show the endophenotype at a lower rate than family members
adopted siblings r = −0.04) suggest that variation in this who do. The final criterion indicates that the endophenotype
262 J.R. Gagne et al.

will present in non-affected family members at a higher rate research indicates that cortisol activity has met some of the
than in the general population. Taken together, the last two criteria for being a candidate endophenotype for behavioral
criteria dictate that the endophenotypes will appear in genetic inhibition; however, gaps in our knowledge remain.
relatives at a rate between the rate in affected persons and the
rate in the general population.
Additional Temperament Endophenotypes

In addition to cortisol, there are other potential endopheno-

Cortisol Function as a Candidate Endophenotype
types related to child temperament, although research is in
for Behavioral Inhibition
the relatively early stages. Behavioral inhibition has been
considered as an endophenotype for anxiety disorders. Pre-
We examine an example of one endophenotypic indicator
liminary data suggest that the central nucleus of the amyg-
of a temperamental dimension. Schreiber, Goldsmith, and
dala modulates behavioral inhibition, and positron emission
Gottesman (2007) reviewed the evidence for activity of the
tomography (PET) studies have indicated functional associ-
hypothalamus–pituitary–adrenal axis, as reflected in corti-
ations between the amygdala and prefrontal cortical regions
sol secretion, as an endophenotype for the temperamental
that are related to anxiety (Kalin & Shelton, 2003). Frontal
dimension of behavioral inhibition. Both basal and reactive
EEG asymmetry is associated with individual differences in
cortisol levels have been associated with inhibited behav-
affective style, inhibition, and liability to mood disorders and
ior, and therefore, both types of measures can be considered
has been nominated as an endophenotype in genetic studies
candidate endophenotypes. Both basal cortisol during the
of temperament and mood and anxiety disorders (Anokhin,
awakening period (Bartels, de Geus, Kirschbaum, Sluyter,
Heath, & Myers, 2006; Goldsmith & Lemery, 2000). How-
& Boomsma, 2003; Kupper et al., 2005; Wüst, Federenko,
ever, results of a recent twin study indicate that heritability
Hellhammer, & Kirschbaum, 2000), and measures of reactive
for frontal EEG asymmetry is relatively modest, somewhat
cortisol response to a social stress test are heritable (Fed-
dampening enthusiasm for endophenotype status (Anokhin
erenko, Nagamine, Hellhammer, Wadhwa, & Wust, 2004;
et al., 2006). A potential endophenotype for effortful con-
Kirschbaum, Wust, Faig, & Hellhammer, 1992).
trol is the executive attention system that involves the ante-
Some evidence supports the stability criterion for an
rior cingulate and lateral prefrontal brain areas (Rueda,
endophenotype. Reactive cortisol shows specific habituation
Rothbart, McCandliss, Saccomanno, & Posner, 2005). Sev-
patterns after repeated stress (Schommer, Hellhammer, &
eral aspects of executive attention have shown modest to
Kirschbaum, 2003; Wust, Federenko, van Rossum, Koper,
high heritability (Doyle et al., 2005; Fan, Wu, Fossella, &
& Hellhammer, 2005). When exposed to a social stress test
Posner, 2001; Goldsmith et al., 1997; Goldsmith, Lemery,
three times with 4-week intervals between exposures, “high
Buss, & Campos, 1999; Lemery-Chalfant, Doelger, & Gold-
responders” demonstrated elevated cortisol responses after
smith, 2008). The evidence suggests that these traits meet
all three social stress test sessions. Thus, there is some evi-
some of the standards for qualification as endophenotypes,
dence for the stability of patterns of response in cortisol reac-
although more extensive research is required.
tivity although the issue remains open to investigation.
Currently, no data directly demonstrate associations
between cortisol levels and behavioral inhibition among
family members or demonstrate shared genetic variance Future Directions
between measures of cortisol activity and behavioral
inhibition. One study examined the association of cortisol Genetic research on temperament is clearly trending toward
levels between mother and child (2–4 years of age) larger samples with more extensive family configurations,
in the context of the child’s exposure to a novel and multi-source assessment, and multidisciplinary integration.
challenging task and found that mothers high on ratings In the area of sampling, the field has embraced epidemi-
of maternal sensitivity had significantly correlated cortisol ologically defined samples, with convenience samples of
responses with their children (Sethre-Hofstad, Stansbury, & twins becoming dated. We still perceive the need to inte-
Rice, 2002). Future twin and family studies are needed to grate adoption and stepfamily evidence more fully with the
investigate these criteria more extensively. Genes related to widely available twin results. Sampling has also become
the corticotrophin releasing hormone (CRH), its receptors, longitudinal and more strategically focused on key develop-
and peptides have been implicated in animal models of mental transitions such as puberty.
behavior inhibition (Bakshi & Kalin, 2000), and links A continuing need in quantitative—and especially
between a CRH candidate gene and behavioral inhibition molecular—genetic studies is for assessment other than self-
in children of a parent with panic disorder have been or parental report of temperament. Some laboratory-based
established (Smoller et al., 2003, 2005). Thus, extant and observational assessment of temperament/emotionality
18 The Genetics of Childhood Temperament 263

has occurred in twin and adoption studies, but much more is Anastasi, A. (1958). Heredity, environment, and the question “how?”
needed. Psychological Review, 65, 197–208.
Anokhin, A. P., Heath, A. C., & Myers, E. (2006). Genetic and environ-
Genetic research on temperament clearly needs to be syn-
mental influences on frontal EEG asymmetry: A twin study. Biolog-
thesized with other disciplinary approaches. As one exam- ical Psychology, 71, 289–295.
ple, behavioral geneticists have produced massive evidence Bakshi, V. P., & Kalin, N. H. (2000). Corticotropin-releasing hormone
of genetic input to common clinical phenotypes such as and animal models of anxiety: Gene-environment interactions. Bio-
logical Psychiatry, 48, 1175–1198.
schizophrenia, bipolar affective disorder, unipolar depres-
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Chapter 19

Genetic and Environmental Influences on Sexual Orientation

Khytam Dawood, J. Michael Bailey, and Nicholas G. Martin

Introduction Grady, & Klepinger, 1993; Laumann, Gagnon, Michael, &

Michaels, 1994) have provided current estimates of the fre-
The primary focus of this chapter is to provide an overview quency of male and female adult homosexual behavior.
of the evidence to date on the quantitative genetics of sex- These estimates vary with the stringency of the respective
ual orientation, including family and twin studies. The bulk definitions. For men, the least stringent definition examined
of the available evidence suggests moderate heritability for in the studies, any homosexual experience ever, yielded an
male sexual orientation. Female sexual orientation has been estimate of 4.1, 6.1, and 7.1% for the three samples, respec-
studied much less extensively, but current studies are con- tively. A much more stringent criterion, same-sex activity
sistent with a genetic contribution for women as well (Kirk, during the year preceding the survey, yielded rates of 1.1,
Bailey, Dunne, & Martin, 2000; Pattatucci & Hamer, 1995). 1.1, and 2.7% for the three samples, respectively. The crite-
Familial aggregation has been reported in several family rion closest to that of self-identification as “gay” or “bisex-
studies of both male and female homosexuality (Dawood & ual” was employed only in the American study and applied
Bailey, 2000), although the genetic and environmental influ- to 2.4% of men. In general, the rates for female homosex-
ences on this familial clustering have not been clearly defined uality appear to be about half that for males; for exam-
by the largest twin studies published thus far, which have pro- ple, female same-sex activity during the year preceding the
duced contradictory results. Recent molecular genetic studies survey yielded a rate of 1.3% in the American survey. In
will also be reviewed, including the two main strategies that addition, male and female sexual orientation appear to be
have been used to date – linkage and association analysis. distributed differently in the general population. For men,
We will also discuss the implications of recent advances in sexual orientation appears to be bimodally distributed, with
molecular genetic studies. most men clustered at the heterosexual end of a contin-
uum, many fewer at the homosexual end, and hardly any in
the bisexual middle. For women, however, it tapers gradu-
ally from exclusively heterosexual to exclusively homosex-
Prevalence and Distribution of Sexual ual (Bailey, Dunne, & Martin, 2000). Whereas older studies
Orientation tended to define sexual orientation behaviorally, most cur-
rent researchers, ourselves included, define sexual orienta-
Sexual orientation describes what is erotically attractive to tion psychologically. Because sexual attraction and fantasy
an individual and is usually consistent with sexual identity are less likely than behavior to be constrained by societal
which refers to an individual’s labeling of self as heterosex- pressures, psychological sexual orientation is thought to be
ual, homosexual, or bisexual; both are typically not consoli- a more stable and fundamental trait. A psychological defini-
dated until adolescence or later. tion of sexual orientation tends to produce lower prevalence
Three large surveys of sexual behavior from UK (John- figures compared to a behavioral one and is used in most of
son, Wadsworth, Wellings, Bradshaw, & Field, 1992), France the studies demonstrating familiality and heritability.
(ACFS Investigators, 1992), and the USA (Billy, Tanfer,

Behavior Genetic Studies

K. Dawood (B)
Department of Psychology and Center for Developmental and Health
Genetics, Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA, USA As currently practiced, behavior genetic research proceeds in
e-mail: Khytam@psu.edu three main stages.

Y.-K. Kim (ed.), Handbook of Behavior Genetics, 269

DOI 10.1007/978-0-387-76727-7 19,  c Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2009
270 K. Dawood et al.

Family studies are initially conducted to determine Family Studies

whether a trait or characteristic (often called a phenotype)
runs in families by comparing rates in families of probands The first contemporary family-genetic study of sexual orien-
(i.e., individuals possessing the trait) vs. families of controls tation was conducted by Pillard and Weinrich (1986). They
(that typically represent the base rate in the general popu- recruited homosexual and heterosexual male probands (index
lation). If there is a heritable genetic contribution to a trait, subjects) using newspaper advertisements that did not men-
one expects to find familial aggregation. However, the mere tion the nature of the study. Probands were interviewed about
demonstration of clustering of a trait in families does not their own sexuality as well as their siblings’ sexual orienta-
prove a genetic influence, because some traits run in families tions. The researchers obtained permission to contact, and
for environmental reasons, biological or otherwise. successfully contacted, the large majority of probands’ sib-
Twin studies are conducted in order to separate genetic lings in order to verify proband reports. Results suggested
from familial environmental effects by comparing the simi- that homosexual probands were quite accurate at assess-
larity of monozygotic (MZ, also called identical) and same- ing their siblings’ sexual orientations (provided that they
sex dizygotic (DZ, also called fraternal) twins who have been expressed a high degree of confidence, which they were typ-
reared together. MZ twins share all their genes in common ically able to do). Most importantly, gay male probands had
whereas DZ twins share 50% of their segregating genes on an excess of gay brothers (22%) compared to heterosexual
average, just like any other pair of full siblings. Since both male probands’ brothers (4%).
twins share the same pregnancy, it is assumed that they expe- Subsequent studies have used similar methodologies, with
rience essentially the same prenatal environment. Because one exception. A study with a very different methodol-
both twins have also been reared together, postnatal envi- ogy (Bailey et al., 1999) recruited gay and bisexual men
ronmental similarity is assumed to be approximately equal. from consecutive admissions at an HIV outpatient center. (In
Thus, if MZ twins are more similar (i.e., concordant) for a most studies, both gay and bisexual men have been included
trait than DZ twins, this is assumed to reflect their greater as “homosexual” probands.) The most important aspect of
genetic similarity and is evidence that genetic factors influ- such an ascertainment strategy is that it is more systematic
ence the phenotype. Twin studies allow one to estimate her- than advertising for volunteers, and it may be less subject
itability, defined as the proportion of the variance in expres- to self-selection biases. All available studies have focused
sion of the trait due to all genetic influence(s) combined. on the rate of homosexuality in siblings rather than other
Results from twin studies support a significant environmental first-degree relatives (e.g., parents or offspring), due to the
contribution to most behavioral traits since MZ twins are not decreased reproduction of homosexual individuals.
100% concordant. Both male and female homosexuality appear to run in
Adoption studies are a further method used to separate the families. Table 19.1 contains the results of recent family stud-
effects of genes from the environment. Adoption produces ies. The rate of homosexuality among brothers of homosex-
family members who share family environment but are not ual males has been around 9%. These results have exceeded
genetically related, and vice versa. Thus, this method allows those for heterosexual controls as well as the prevalence
one to estimate the contribution of family environment to estimates from recent large-scale epidemiological surveys,
family resemblance. Studies exist from all three research suggesting that male homosexuality is familial. Homosexual
designs regarding both male and female sexual orientation: women also appear to have more homosexual sisters than do

Table 19.1 Rates of homosexuality for nontwin siblings in recent studies

Brothers Sisters
Study Criterion Homosexual Heterosexual Homosexual Heterosexual
Male probands
Pillard & Weinrich, 1986 Kinsey 2–6 0.22 0.04 0.08 0.09
Bailey et al., 1991 Subject’s rating 0.10 0.00 0.02 0.00
Bailey & Pillard, 1991 Subject’s rating 0.09 NA 0.06 NA
Bailey & Bell, 1993 Subject’s rating 0.09 0.04 0.03 0.01
Bailey et al., 1999 Subject’s rating 0.09 NA 0.04 NA
Female probands
Pillard, 1990 Kinsey 2–6 0.13 0.00 0.25 0.11
Bailey & Benishay, 1993 Subject’s rating 0.07 0.01 0.12 0.02
Bailey et al., 1993 Subject’s rating 0.05 NA 0.14 NA
Bailey & Bell, 1993 Subject’s rating 0.12 0.00 0.06 0.01
Table entries are proportions. NA entries indicate that studies did not assess the respective rate.
19 Genetic and Environmental Influences on Sexual Orientation 271

heterosexual controls, though the familiality estimates have Table 19.2 Concordance rates for twin studies of homosexuality
varied more widely for women. Table 19.1 also contains Study MZ concordance DZ concordance
information concerning the cofamiliality of male and female Male studies
homosexuality. There is a trend for gay male probands to Kallmann, 1952 1.00 0.15
have more gay brothers than lesbian sisters and for the oppo- Heston & Shields, 1968 0.60 0.14
0.52 0.22
site pattern to be seen for lesbian probands, suggesting that Bailey & Pillard, 1991
at least some of the familial factors influencing male homo- Buhrich, Bailey, & 0.47 0.00
sexuality differ from those influencing female homosexual- Martin, 1991
0.20 0.00
ity. However, the largest study to date (Bailey & Bell, 1993) Bailey et al., 2000
did not find this pattern. Thus, the degree of cofamiliality Female studies
(reflecting common familial influences) of male and female Bailey et al., 1993 0.48 0.16
0.24 0.15
homosexuality remains inconclusive. Bailey et al., 2000
Combined male and female
King & McDonald, 1992 0.25 0.12
Whitam, Diamond, & 0.66 0.30
Martin, 1993
Twin Studies Kendler et al., 2000 0.32 0.13

The most common methodology used by contemporary twin concordances for homosexuality than in prior studies,
human behavior geneticists to disentangle genetic and envi- although their findings were also consistent with moderate
ronmental determinants compares the similarity of monozy- to large heritabilities for male and female sexual orienta-
gotic and dizygotic (DZ) twins who have been reared tion. A further analysis of these data using multivariate struc-
together. Because both kinds of twins have been reared tural equation modeling estimated heritability of the latent
together, environmental similarity is assumed to be equal variable of male homosexuality around 30% and for female
(more about this assumption later). Thus, if MZ twins are homosexuality around 50% (Kirk et al., 2000).
more similar than DZ twins, this reflects their greater genetic In the discussion below, we focus on some of the
similarity and is evidence that genetic factors influence the largest twin studies of male and female sexual orientation
phenotype. (Bailey et al., 2000; Bailey & Benishay, 1993; Bailey &
The first twin study of (male) homosexuality, by Pillard, 1991; Kendler, Thornton, Gilman, & Kessler, 2000)
Kallmann (1952), ascertained homosexual twins in the conducted to date.
“homosexual underworld” and correctional/mental institu- In Bailey and Pillard (1991) as well as in Bailey
tions of New York city. Remarkably, 100% of 37 MZ twin et al. (1993), homosexual probands were recruited via
pairs were concordant compared to 15% of 26 DZ pairs. advertisements in gay or lesbian publications (e.g., “Do
Kallmann’s (1952) study had a number of methodologi- you have a twin or an adoptive brother?”). Two kinds of
cal defects, including its over reliance on (evidently) men- probands were recruited: probands with twins or probands
tally ill gay men, lack of information on zygosity diagnosis, with adoptive brothers or sisters (for the male and female
and especially its anomalously high rate of MZ concor- studies, respectively). Adoptive siblings were raised with the
dance compared to other studies (Rosenthal, 1970). Still, it is probands but are genetically unrelated to them. Probands
remarkable that despite its promising results, nearly 40 years were interviewed, especially concerning the sexual orienta-
passed before another large twin study of male homosexual- tions of their twins. Probands’ twins were also contacted
ity was attempted. when possible and confirmed that probands were quite accu-
Several additional twin studies have been conducted in the rate in assessing their twins’ sexual orientations.
past two decades, and their results are given in Table 19.2. In the male study (Bailey & Pillard, 1991), 52% of the MZ
These studies have been generally consistent in detecting cotwins were also gay or bisexual, compared to 22% of the
moderate to large heritabilities for both male and female sex- DZ cotwins and 11% of the adoptive brothers. In the female
ual orientation. However, there have been methodological study (Bailey et al., 1993), 48% of the MZ cotwins were also
limitations, in particular, most of the large twin studies of lesbian or bisexual, compared to 16% of the DZ cotwins and
sexual orientation recruited probands via advertisements in 6% of adoptive sisters. Thus, for both men and women, the
gay or lesbian publications. Such sampling is likely to result rates conformed to a partially genetic model, with highest
in volunteer bias that affects twin concordances and heritabil- concordance in the most genetically similar (MZ) group and
ity analyses, though in most scenarios this would be more lowest concordance in the least similar (adoptive) group.
likely to lead to a false negative study. The largest twin study In order to calculate heritability from this study, several
of sexual orientation to date (Bailey et al., 2000) recruited assumptions were made. First, although sexual orientation
twins systematically from a twin registry and reported lower was measured on a dichotomous scale (i.e., heterosexual vs.
272 K. Dawood et al.

homosexual), the underlying causal structure was dimen- sexuals (and bisexuals) was significantly greater for MZ
sional. That is, genetic influences are polygenic (i.e., cotwins than for either DZ same-sex cotwins or adoptive sib-
numerous genes each with small effect), and environmen- lings.
tal influences are similarly multifactorial. This corresponds
to a multifactorial threshold model (Reich, Cloninger, &
Guze, 1975). Second, a population base rate was assumed for
homosexual orientation. The possibilities considered ranged Molecular Genetic Studies
from 4 to 10% for males and from 2 to 10% for females.
Third, since ascertainment methods are frequently viewed Once a solid foundation of support for significant genetic
as leading to concordance-dependent bias, different degrees influence on a trait has been built by means of behavior
of such bias were assumed, from none at all to the case in genetics (family, twin, and adoption studies), as has been the
which probands from concordant pairs were three times more case for sexual orientation especially with males, molecular
likely to be ascertained than probands from discordant pairs. genetic studies are the next logical step. The two primary
For both men and women, heritability estimates ranged from varieties of these studies are linkage and association designs.
approximately 0.30 to approximately 0.70. Linkage analysis exploits the key biological phenomenon
Kendler et al. (2000) recruited 756 twin and nontwin sib- during generation of sperm and eggs of meiotic recombina-
ling pairs from a US national probability sample and found tion, or crossing over, during which both the maternally and
that 32% of MZ twins were concordant for homosexual ori- paternally derived chromosomes lie in close proximity and
entation vs. 13% of DZ same-sex twins. The concordance undergo exchange of genetic material between the homolo-
rates for MZ twins were lower than those reported in previ- gous chromosomes, e.g., between a paternally derived chro-
ous studies which recruited via advertisements in gay pub- mosome and its maternally derived counterpart. The chance
lications, suggesting that twin pairs concordant for sexual of crossing over between two loci (locations on a chromo-
orientation may be more likely to respond to such advertise- some) is referred to as the recombination fraction. Genes and
ments than are twin pairs discordant for sexual orientation. It other genetic markers (DNA sequence variations known as
is also worth noting that unlike previous studies in this area, polymorphisms) that are close together are less likely to be
this study assessed sexual orientation by a single item on a separated by this process than are those that are farther apart.
self-report questionnaire. Therefore, they are usually inherited together by the progeny
Bailey et al. (2000) have conducted the largest twin study cells and are genetically linked. Due largely to the complex-
to date. They recruited male and female twin pairs systemat- ity of the genetic contributions to male sexual orientation and
ically from the Australian Twin Registry and assessed their uncertainty regarding key parameters (mode of inheritance,
sexual orientation as well as two related traits: childhood number of relevant genes, etc.), the type of linkage analy-
gender nonconformity and continuous gender identity. Twin ses preferred are nonparametric allele-sharing methods and,
concordances for homosexual orientation were lower than in more specifically, the affected sibling pair (ASP) method.
prior studies with 20% of male MZ twins concordant vs. ASP designs measure the frequency with which a genetic
0% of DZ twins, and 24% of female MZ twins vs. 10.5% marker allele (or variant) is inherited from a particular par-
of DZ twins. Univariate analyses showed that familial fac- ent (referred to as IBD, meaning identical by descent) in a
tors were important for all traits, but were less successful in pair of siblings both manifesting the trait. The presence of a
distinguishing genetic from shared environmental influences. trait-influencing gene is revealed when the IBD allele sharing
Multivariate analyses suggested that the causal architecture between affected siblings exceeds the expected 50%.
differed between men and women and, for women, provided Association studies are based on linkage disequilibrium
significant evidence for the importance of genetic factors to (LD). This means that a gene variant influencing a trait
the traits’ covariation. was initially associated with specific alleles of nearby poly-
morphic loci. As generations (and the meioses that produce
sperms and eggs) pass, the trait-influencing gene and marker
allele may remain statistically associated because their prox-
Adoption Studies imity reduces the number of recombinations or crossing over
that occurs between them. An advantage of association tests
A few of the family and twin studies listed in Tables 19.1 is that the chromosomal region examined is usually much
and 19.2 have included adoptive siblings who were reared smaller than the region examined by testing for linkage in
in the same household as the homosexual probands in their families. Association is often more powerful than linkage in
samples. Hence, rates of homosexuality have been estimated that a valid association may be detected in a sample when
for genetically unrelated adoptive siblings. Consistent with a linkage is not detectable, even when the gene is playing only
genetic hypothesis, for both sexes the proportion of homo- a modest role. Most association studies in the past were the
19 Genetic and Environmental Influences on Sexual Orientation 273

population-based type where the allele frequencies of a group a follow-up study (Hu et al., 1995), it is still indeterminate
of unrelated cases were compared against those of a group of (as in many complex traits) whether this finding represents
unrelated controls, and this is the only type of association a true positive. An independent group (Sanders et al., 1998)
study done with male sexual orientation. A potential pitfall found inconclusive evidence of linkage to Xq28 in 1998, and
of population-based case–control studies is that some pop- a third group (Rice et al., 1999) found no support for link-
ulations, although they appear homogeneous to superficial age to Xq28 in 1999. Combining all four linkage studies,
examination, are in reality composed of different ancestral with respective affected sibling pair (ASP) sample sizes of 40
human groups, each one potentially with a different allele (1993), 33 (1995), 54 (1998), and 52 (1999), yields a “multi-
distribution at the studied loci. If one or more such groups ple scan probability” (MSP) of 0.00003 which is a suggestive
is represented in a largely different proportion in one of the p-value when considering all of the chromosomes, i.e., the
samples of an association dataset (i.e., either in the controls entire genome (Sanders & Dawood, 2003). The replication
or in the cases), false negative or false positive association MSP (excluding the original positive report from 1993) of
findings may easily arise due to methodological artifact. 0.07 is at the level of a “trend” and thus not quite statistically
significant. This pattern of results is one that has been pre-
dicted for complex traits with oligogenic inheritance on the
basis of simulation studies: stochastic variation in the degree
Linkage Studies of co-segregation of any one locus with a trait, which pro-
duces variation in the magnitude of linkage findings across
The findings to date from behavior and molecular genetic samples. Of course, the sample size of the individual linkage
studies predict that the genetics of male homosexuality will studies should be considered a major factor.
not be simple, and this prediction is consistent with the In the discussion below, we discuss the first major link-
results of linkage research thus far. Several linkage anal- age study of male sexual orientation (Hamer et al., 1993) in
yses of male homosexuality to the X chromosome have greater detail, including a review of the main criticisms of
previously been reported (Hamer, Hu, Magnuson, Hu, & this finding.
Pattatucci, 1993; Hu et al., 1995; Rice, Anderson, Risch, Hamer et al.’s (1993) report consisted of two major anal-
& Ebers, 1999; Sanders et al., 1998). These studies have yses: a pedigree study and a linkage study. First, they exam-
been largely based on the assumption that oligogenic (a ined family pedigrees in a “randomly ascertained” sample
“few” genes contribute) transmission was most likely, and of homosexual probands. As reported in Table 19.1, the
therefore relied on the ASP method of linkage analysis. See probands had a high rate of gay brothers, 13.5%. Further-
Table 19.3 for a comparison and contrast of the samples more, their pedigrees showed an excess of gay uncles and
examined. While the Xq28 chromosomal region in Hamer male first cousins on the maternal side compared to the
et al.’s (1993) study showed a significant linkage signal, with paternal side, though the difference was not significant. This
supporting data in a second dataset from the same group in excess was more pronounced in a subsequent analysis of an

Table 19.3 Sample characteristics of linkage male homosexuality samples

Study Subject sources ASPs DNA Tools Inclusion Exclusion
Hamer et al., 1993 Local clinics, local 40 Proband, Interview, Kinsey 2 (exactly) homosexual Maximum of one
homophile homosexual scale, family brothers lesbian per family,
organizations, brothers, parents, history no male to male
homophile other siblings transmission
Hu et al., 1995 Local clinics, local 33 Proband, Interview, Kinsey 2 (exactly) homosexual Maximum of two
homophile homosexual scale, family brothers lesbians per
organizations, brothers, parents, history family, no male to
homophile other siblings male
publications transmission, no
Sanders et al., 1998 Homophile 54 Proband, Kinsey scale, family
2 (or more) homosexual No known evidence
organizations, homosexual history brothers of male to male
homophile media brothers, parents transmission
Rice et al., 1999 Homophile media 52 Probands, Interview, family2 (or more) homosexual None stated
homosexual history brothers
Number of ASPs are calculated by the n − 1 method for independent ASPs where n is the number of homosexual brothers per sibship. DNA refers
to the family members from whom blood was sought for genetic analyses. Tools refer to the clinical methods used to assess the trait of sexual
orientation. Major inclusion and exclusion criteria for families are listed.
274 K. Dawood et al.

additional sample of 38 families with two gay brothers. If analysis of genetically complex traits. By genetically com-
there are genes for male homosexuality, then these families plex traits, we mean those whose transmission patterns do
should be especially rich with them. The probands’ maternal not fit classic Mendelian patterns such as autosomal dom-
uncles and cousins (through maternal aunts; no gay cousins inant or recessive, or X-linked dominant or recessive. All
were sons of maternal uncles) had rates of male homosexu- evidence suggests that male sexual orientation is inherited,
ality of 10.3 and 12.9%, respectively, compared to rates of if at all, in a complex manner. Linkage analysis has provided
1.5 and 3.1% for paternal uncles and cousins. This pattern important breakthroughs for Mendelian traits, but it has also
of results is precisely what one would expect if an X-linked provided some false leads, especially for genetically complex
gene influenced male sexual orientation. In X-linked inheri- behavioral traits (Risch & Merikangas, 1993). Indeed, to date
tance, males with the trait inherited the gene from their moth- not a single molecular finding concerning behavior has been
ers, and hence have more maternal than paternal relatives widely accepted as valid by the scientific community, and
with the trait. several highly publicized findings have failed to replicate.
Because of the suggestion of X-linkage, Hamer This is in part because the number of studies examining any
et al. (1993) then searched the X chromosome using one trait has been relatively small. But it could also reflect
linkage analysis. Specifically, they looked at the pairs of gay the likely possibility that genes underlying behavior varia-
brothers without evidence of paternal transmission (e.g., they tion are typically of small effect and thus difficult to detect.
excluded a few cases in which the father may have been gay; Thus, it is especially important that linkage findings be
the pairs analyzed in the linkage study included all eligible replicated.
pairs analyzed in both pedigree studies). They examined 22 To date, at least three major replication attempts have
genetic markers distributed across the X chromosome in been reported, including Hu et al. (1995) from Hamer’s
order to see if brothers concordant for homosexuality were own research group. Rice et al. (1999) obtained pedigree
also concordant for the markers. For chromosomal region information from 182 families with at least two gay broth-
Xq28 at the tip of the long arm of the X chromosome, 33 ers. They failed to find a significant excess of gay maternal
of 40 pairs of gay brothers shared all the markers. This uncles or cousins. In a subset of 41 sibling pairs, they also
was statistically different from the expected rate (20 of 40), failed to replicate the finding of linkage to Xq28. Unlike
suggesting that a gene influencing male sexual orientation Hamer et al. (1993), however, Rice et al. did not exclude
lies within that chromosomal region. brother pairs with strong evidence of paternal transmis-
Some skepticism has derived from concerns about sion, and it is unclear how many of their subjects would
Hamer et al.’s (1993) study. Risch, Squires-Wheeler, and have met Hamer et al.’s (1993) inclusion criteria. Neverthe-
Keats (1993) raised three main issues. First, they suggested less, the failure to replicate either of Hamer et al.’s (1993)
that the pedigree finding, that gay men had an excess of gay key findings surely diminishes the probability that they are
maternal relatives, could be due to bias. They speculated that correct.
people may know more about their mothers’ side of the fam- In contrast, Hu et al. (1995) from Hamer’s lab have
ily (presumably because mothers are more socially oriented, reported a successful replication. In this second study, Hu
on average). Second, they argued that even if the finding of an et al. included data from heterosexual brothers as well as
increased rate of gay maternal relatives were true, it could be gay brothers and found that brothers’ similarity for sexual
due to fertility patterns. Even if a gene for male homosexual- orientation was statistically related to the sharing of Xq28
ity were autosomal (i.e., not X-linked) gay men are unlikely markers. That is, not only did gay brothers tend to share
to have inherited it from their fathers, because men with the the markers, but gay-straight pairs tended not to share the
gene tend to be gay and gay men tend not to have children. markers. The magnitude of the genetic effect was smaller in
Third, Risch et al. argued that Hamer et al. overestimated Hamer’s second study, however, and the result was barely
an important parameter, l, that reflects the increased preva- statistically significant.
lence of a trait in first-degree relatives compared to the back- Because of the conflicting replication results, the status
ground, or general population, rate. This parameter, which of the Xq28 linkage finding is unresolved. When studies are
affects probability estimates, has not yet been precisely esti- small, replications count more than failures to replicate. Nev-
mated in a large and careful study. Risch et al. chose values ertheless, larger studies will be needed to determine whether
from available studies to yield the lowest plausible value of l, male sexual orientation is influenced by a gene in Xq28.
which would have rendered the linkage analysis statistically Currently, the largest linkage study to date of male sexual
nonsignificant. In our view, the concerns raised by Risch et orientation is underway with DNA samples being collected
al. are worth the attention of future research, but are not fatal from a target sample of 1000 families with two or more sib-
flaws in Hamer et al.’s study. lings concordant for homosexuality (Sanders et al., 2005),
Other reasons for skepticism have less to do with Hamer and researchers in the field eagerly await the results of this
et al.’s study than more general concerns about linkage large-scale study.
19 Genetic and Environmental Influences on Sexual Orientation 275

Association Studies Additional Molecular Genetic Studies

Association studies explore the relation between genetic vari- Two recent studies (Bocklandt, Horvath, Vilain, &
ation at a specific locus and phenotypic variation. Associa- Hamer, 2006; Mustanski et al., 2005) have provided
tion studies require that one has a very specific hypothesis, additional evidence supporting a heritable component to
in contrast to linkage studies, which may search the entire male and female sexual orientation, and we discuss both
genome and examine genetic markers rather than genes. Two studies in further detail below.
association studies have been performed to date for male Mustanski et al. (2005) conducted the first full-genome
homosexuality. Macke et al. (1993) used a population-based scan of sexual orientation in men by genotyping 456 individ-
case–control method to examine DNA sequence variation uals from 146 families with two or more gay brothers with
in the androgen receptor gene, reasoning that some variants 403 microsatellite markers at 10 cM intervals. They failed
may affect sexual differentiation of the brain. This study to replicate linkage to Xq28 in the full sample; however,
employed a sample of 197 homosexual males and about 213 they reported three new regions which approached the cri-
unselected (with respect to sexual orientation) male controls teria for near significance (7q36) and for suggestive linkage
with variants of the androgen receptor located on the X chro- (8p12 and 10q26). These chromosomal regions may be used
mosome (but not at Xq28) and found no significant differ- in future replication studies with new samples and denser
ences in the distributions of mutations in homosexual and linkage maps.
heterosexual men (i.e., no evidence for association). This Bocklandt et al. (2006) measured X chromosome inacti-
gene was selected for examination partly due to its location vation in a sample of 97 mothers of homosexual men and
on the X chromosome since there is some evidence for excess 103 age-matched control women without gay sons. They
maternal transmission of male homosexuality, which would reported that extreme skewing of X-inactivation was signif-
be consistent with X-linked transmission. However, using icantly higher in mothers of gay men (13%) compared to
linkage analysis, the authors showed that sibling pairs con- controls (4%) and increased in mothers with two or more gay
cordant for homosexuality were no more likely than chance sons (23%). These findings support a role for the X chromo-
to share the same androgen receptor allele. some in regulating sexual orientation in some homosexual
Another reason the androgen receptor was chosen for men (Bocklandt et al., 2006), although it is unclear whether
examination was not due to its position but rather due to these unusual X-inactivation patterns influence the develop-
its function, which is to transduce messages from androgens ment of sexual orientation in sons via a direct mechanism
(“male” hormones) to the nucleus of the cell, thus affect- such as the fraternal birth order effect (Blanchard, 1997) or
ing other genes responsive to androgens. In general, many whether it is the indirect result of a different mechanism.
different “candidate” genes may be nominated for exami- These results have yet to be replicated.
nation by means of association testing, but the strength of
their candidacy is often in question (relative to any other
gene expressed at some point in the brain, which most are).
Methodological Issues
For example, studies in animal models where gene variation
may be introduced and the effects systematically examined
may propose genes to examine in humans, but there is an The most common criticism aimed at the studies listed in
unresolved question regarding the validity of extrapolating Table 19.2 concerns the “equal environments assumption”
complex behaviors from species sometimes as different from that the trait-relevant environment is no more similar for
humans as fruit flies. MZ twins than for DZ twins or adoptive siblings. A fre-
Dupree, Mustanski, Bocklandt, Nievergelt, and quent objection to human twin studies (e.g., Lewontin, Rose,
Hamer (2004) conducted a more recent association study of & Kamin, 1984) is that parents treat MZ twins especially
male sexual orientation to investigate whether differences in similarly and that this similar treatment, rather than the
the gene encoding the aromatase enzyme influence sexual twins’ similar genotype, could explain their similar behav-
orientation in men. Aromatase cytochrome P450 (CYP19) is ior. Indeed, MZ twins are more likely to have been dressed
necessary for the conversion of androgens to estrogens and alike and to have shared the same room as children, among
plays an important role in the sexual differentiation of the other things. The question is whether such treatment makes
brain in rodents. This study found no differences between them more similar, and the evidence suggests that this is not
heterosexual and homosexual men in the expression of the case, at least for traits studied so far (Plomin, Defries,
aromatase mRNA by microarray analysis, suggesting that & McClearn, 1990). For example, MZ twins whose parents
variation in this gene is not likely to be a major factor in make an effort to treat them alike do not behave more simi-
the development of individual differences in male sexual larly than do MZ twins whose parents make an effort to treat
orientation (Dupree et al., 2004). them differently. MZ twins whose parents mistakenly believe
276 K. Dawood et al.

that they are DZ twins are as similar as they should be based The most convincing result of the twin studies to date is
on their true zygosity. It is true (and unfortunate) that the that environment is sometimes an important determinant of
equal environments assumption has not been directly studied sexual orientation. If it were not so, MZ twins would always
in the context of sexual orientation, but it is also true that have the same sexual orientations, but about half the time,
existing evidence does not contradict the equal environments homosexual probands have heterosexual twins (and this is
assumption. probably an underestimate). Experiences or developmental
A more serious potential problem concerns ascertain- antecedents that differed between homosexual and hetero-
ment bias. Ideally, one could recruit probands by interview- sexual cotwins would be promising candidates to illumi-
ing every member of a well-defined population of, say, gay nate relevant environmental factors. Thus, perhaps the most
men and asking them if they were twins. Psychiatric genet- intriguing possible application of the twin method con-
ics has been able to ascertain twins systematically by inter- cerns the study of discordant MZ twins (Reiss, Plomin, &
viewing consecutive psychiatric admissions, but this strategy Hetherington, 1991). For example, we found in both our male
was obviously unavailable to those studying homosexuality. and female studies (Bailey et al., 2000; Dawood, Pillard,
The problem with ascertaining twins via advertisements is Horvath, Revelle, & Bailey, 2000) that discordant MZ twins
that self-selection factors are likely to distort results. The and nontwin siblings also reported quite different childhood
most likely way in which this would occur is that gay men experiences. On questionnaire measures, the homosexual
whose twins are also gay would be more willing to vol- twins reported more gender-atypical behavior, and often in
unteer than gay men with heterosexual twins (e.g., because interviews twins mentioned this as an early indication of
the latter might fear conflict from their twins). Kendler and an important difference between them. This suggests that
Eaves (1989) have called this kind of bias “concordance- in many cases, relevant environmental factors operate dur-
dependent ascertainment bias.” This type of bias inflates con- ing childhood. This would contrast, for example, with fac-
cordances compared to the population rates, though it does tors such as adult sexual experiences that have sometimes
not lead to spurious findings of heritability. Spurious findings been alleged to be important in determining sexual orienta-
could be obtained, however, if concordance-dependent bias tion (Dawood et al., 2000).
was stronger for MZ than for DZ twins. Although there is It is important to emphasize that “environment” as con-
no evidence that this is so, it cannot presently be excluded. A strued by behavior geneticists differs from “environment” as
systematic ascertainment strategy is the most crucial method- it is understood by most laypeople. Environment comprises
ological goal for future population genetic studies of sexual all causes of variation that are not genetic, where genetic is
orientation. understood in the specific sense encoded in germline DNA.
One final limitation of twin and family studies is worth (Even somatic mutations, which are not typically shared
emphasizing. Even accepting its validity, the evidence by close relatives, are environmental in this sense.) There
reviewed so far is uninformative regarding proximate eti- is a biological environment – random developmental and
ological mechanisms. Genetic evidence does not necessar- intrauterine factors, illness, diet, injury, etc. – as well as
ily support a neuroendocrine explanation, for example. One a psychosocial environment. Distinguishing between these
could envision a host of other genetic pathways to homo- kinds of environmental factors for sexual orientation will
sexuality. But available studies cannot distinguish among require that specific testable theories be offered.
them. Molecular strategies that can identify specific genes Results of studies in Table 19.2 suggest that the most
for sexual orientation will be much more useful in elaborat- important environmental factors are those that typically dif-
ing the developmental pathways from genes (if they exist) to fer even between MZ twins reared in the same family. Thus,
behavior. for example, cold, distant fathers are unlikely to be impor-
tant, because it is unlikely that a father would behave in a cold
and distant manner toward only one MZ twin. In contrast,
Environmental Influences and contrary to intuition, biological differences between MZ
twins are not uncommon (Torrey, 1994; Turner, 1994). For
The environmental contribution to phenotypic variance is example, the twin transfusion syndrome, in which twins
directly comparable to heritability and may be broken down receive unequal blood supply, can cause substantial differ-
into two subcomponents or parameters: the proportion of ences in MZ twins’ health (and indeed mortality of one
variance that is “shared” by family members and the other twin is common). MZ twins with congenital brain anoma-
“nonshared” or “unique”. Shared environmental influences lies typically have normal cotwins. Molenaar, Boomsma,
are those that make members of a family similar to each and Dolan (1993) have argued that much of apparent
other (such as having the same parents and growing up in within-family environmental variation may be attributable
the same house), while the rest of the variance is described to poorly understood and effectively random developmental
as everything else that siblings do not share. processes. There is now considerable speculation, and some
19 Genetic and Environmental Influences on Sexual Orientation 277

evidence, that epigenetic phenomena including differential can be particularly important since nonshared environmen-
DNA methylation might be one such class of random process tal factors are responsible for monozygotic twins discor-
(Oates et al., 2006). dant for sexual orientation. For example, future molecular
genetic studies could examine epigenetic modifications of
DNA between twins using a genomewide screen of differ-
The Fraternal Birth Order Effect entially methylated regions to identify potential discrete dif-
ferences between homosexual and heterosexual MZ twins.
Discordant MZ twins could also be used to examine
Several excellent reviews of biological research on human
specific environmental influences on the development of
sexual orientation have recently been published (Mustanski,
sexual orientation. For example, there is strong evidence
Chivers, & Bailey, 2002; Rahman, 2005) which can provide
from both retrospective and prospective studies (Bailey &
more comprehensive reviews of neuroendocrine and neu-
Zucker, 1995) supporting an association between childhood
rodevelopmental theories of sexual orientation. We will note
gender nonconformity and adult sexual orientation. Though
here, however, that perhaps the most replicated finding in
significantly larger for males, the effect sizes reported for
sexual orientation research is the fraternal birth order effect
both sexes are among the largest ever reported in the realm
in homosexual men (Blanchard, 1997) whereby homosexual
of sex-dimorphic behaviors. Male and female identical twins
men have a greater number of older brothers than heterosex-
discordant for sexual orientation might well differ in other
ual men do, in diverse community and population-level sam-
gender-related traits, such as childhood gender nonconfor-
ples. The estimated odds of being homosexual increase by
mity which is also significantly heritable for both men and
approximately 33% with each older brother, and statistical
women (Bailey et al., 2000). If so, it suggests that the non-
modeling using epidemiological procedures suggest that one
shared or unique environmental influences that lead to dif-
in seven homosexual men may owe their sexual orientation to
ferent sexual orientations may also contribute to the devel-
the fraternal birth order effect (Cantor, Blanchard, Paterson,
opment of other gender-related traits, including childhood
& Bogaert, 2002). While purely genetic factors could not
gender nonconformity.
explain this effect, recent evidence suggests that the effect is
At this stage, few conclusions can be drawn with certainty
related to prenatal events (Blanchard, 2004; Bogaert, 2006).
regarding genetic and environmental determinants of sexual
Currently, a maternal immune response to male-specific, Y-
orientation. Important methodological research innovations
linked antigens is the most plausible explanation for this
hold the most potential for furthering our knowledge on the
effect (Blanchard & Bogaert, 1996) which becomes stronger
origins and development of human sexual orientation. Future
with each male pregnancy. However, empirical studies sup-
research should also attempt to integrate different biological
porting this hypothesis have yet to be conducted.
approaches in order to provide valuable information about
the specific pathways by which genes exert their influence
on sexual orientation and its correlates.
Directions for Future Research

During the past two decades, a growing body of evidence

has accumulated suggesting that familial and genetic fac-
tors affect both male and female sexual orientation. The
ACSF Investigators. (1992). AIDS and sexual behaviour in France.
genetic evidence is substantially stronger for male than for Nature, 360, 407–409.
female sexual orientation, and multiple genes could well con- Bailey, J. M., & Bell, A. P. (1993). Familiality of male and female
tribute significant influences on the development of sexual homosexuality. Behavior Genetics, 23, 313–322.
orientation. Bailey, J. M., & Benishay, D. S. (1993). Familial aggregation of female
sexual orientation. American Journal of Psychiatry, 150, 272–277.
Although ongoing studies investigating genetic sources Bailey, J. M., Dunne, M. P., & Martin, N. G. (2000). Genetic and envi-
of variation in sexual orientation will contribute a critical ronmental influences on sexual orientation and its correlates in an
aspect for understanding the origins and development of sex- Australian twin sample. Journal of Personality and Social Psychol-
ual orientation, perhaps the most interesting topic for future ogy, 78, 524–536.
Bailey, J. M., & Pillard, R. C. (1991). A genetic study of male sexual
research in this area lies in studying nonshared environ- orientation. Archives of General Psychiatry, 48, 1089–1096.
mental sources of variation and the epigenetic relationship Bailey, J. M., Pillard, R. C., Dawood, K., Miller, M. B., Farrer, L. A.,
between environmental and genetic factors. Trivedi, S., et al. (1999). A family history study of male sexual ori-
Plomin (1994) has suggested that longitudinal studies and entation using three independent samples. Behavior Genetics, 29,
behavior genetic methodologies will be useful in studying Bailey, J. M., Pillard, R. C., Neale, M. C., & Agyei Y. (1993). Heritable
the effects of nonshared environments. The study of dis- factors influence sexual orientation in women. Archives of General
cordant monozygotic twins, who are genetically identical, Psychiatry, 50, 217–223.
278 K. Dawood et al.

Bailey, J. M., Willerman, L., & Parks, C. (1991). A test of the mater- Kirk, K. M., Bailey, J. M., Dunne, M. P., & Martin, N. G. (2000) Mea-
nal stress theory of human male homosexuality. Archives of Sexual surement models for sexual orientation in a community twin sample.
Behavior, 20, 277–293. Behavior Genetics, 30, 345–356.
Bailey, J. M, & Zucker, K. J. (1995). Childhood sex-typed behavior and Laumann, E. O., Gagnon, J. H., Michael, R. T., & Michaels, S. (1994).
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Developmental Psychology, 31, 43–55. States. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
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Perspectives, 25, 52–60. Macke, J. P., Bailey, J. M., King, V., Brown, T., Hamer, D., &
Blanchard, R. (1997). Birth order and sibling sex ratio in homosex- Nathans, J. (1993). Sequence variation in the androgen receptor
ual versus heterosexual males and females. Annual Review of Sex gene is not a common determinant of male sexual orientation. Amer-
Research, 8, 27–67. ican Journal of Human Genetics, 53, 844–852.
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Chapter 20

Some Guidelines for Defining Personality Differences in Rats

Peter Driscoll, Alberto Fernández-Teruel, Maria G. Corda, Osvaldo Giorgi, and Thierry Steimer

Introduction study or when one takes into account the different suppliers
of the animals used by the various laboratories. A major
Whereas many behavioral studies with rats have been tra- problem which limits the usefulness of most review articles,
ditionally concerned with tests and/or models attempting to even those dealing with genetics, is that they have not paid
deal with subjects such as anxiety, depression, hyperactivity, attention to this last point.
alcoholism and drug abuse, as they pertain to the human con- The history of psychogenetically selected rat lines/strains
ditions, critical and integrated analyses of the vast amounts goes back many decades (Broadhurst, 1960; Hall, 1938;
of information which have been accumulated, and an appli- Tryon, 1929), finally establishing a firm foothold in the 1960s
cation of the same to the realm of personality traits, are with the Roman (Bignami, 1965) and Syracuse (Brush, 1979)
long overdue. One such application, for example, might deal high- and low-avoidance rat lines and the Maudsley reac-
with the etiology of substance use and abuse toward which tive and nonreactive rat strains (Broadhurst, 1975). Due
different animal models, considered together, can undoubt- to the many similarities between the Roman and Syracuse
edly play a decisive role, especially as genetic factors are stocks (for these as well as for the few exceptions, see
known to be extensively involved in the temperament differ- Brush, 1991), the latter will not be considered further here,
ences underlying these phenomena in both rats and humans. due to the limited space available. For a detailed description
The major contributions of such models toward this goal of those rats, the reader should consult a recent review article
will, of course, pertain to unraveling the fundamental neuro- (Brush, 2003). The Maudsley rats, which will only be con-
chemical processes involved and to deciphering their genetic sidered briefly later in this chapter, have also been recently
origins. reviewed by Blizard and Adams (2002). We will concentrate
Selected rat lines are particularly suitable to this endeavor, at the outset on the contributions of the Roman high- (RHA)
as the integration of all components studied is kept intact and low-avoidance (RLA) rat lines/strains to subjects men-
in such models (as compared to knockouts and knock-ins, tioned in the opening sentence, plus that of novelty (sensa-
surgical/chemical lesions, etc.). This non-invasive approach tion) seeking. Reference to these rats will, where appropriate,
reveals naturally selected regulators of behavior by focusing periodically follow throughout the chapter, during the ensu-
on (e.g., brain) traits which are, basically, evolutionary. Many ing description of many of the other rat models being actively
studies of selective breeding for behavioral divergence show utilized at present, or at least recently, in projects which are
a rapid response, indicating that there must be hereditary meaningful for the personality concept in rats. Behavioral
factors through which a differential set of alleles can bias tests, neuroanatomical/neurochemical comparisons, physio-
behavioral traits, without affecting biological fitness (Lipp logical parameters and differences/similarities among labo-
et al., 1989). At the same time, research done with non- ratories and suppliers will be discussed as they relate to the
selected stocks of rodents has, at least until recently, been subjects at hand, within this concept.
prevalent in providing much basic data. The information
furnished by these studies can be especially valuable when
commercially available stocks are compared within the same RHA and RLA Rats: Background

The Swiss sublines of RHA and RLA rats were estab-

P. Driscoll (B)
Institute for Animal Science, ETHZ, Schorenstrasse 16, 8603 lished in 1972, being derived from the original Roman
Schwerzenbach, Switzerland stock. They have been selected and bred for, respectively,
e-mail: peter-driscoll@ethz.ch the rapid vs. non-acquisition of two-way, active avoidance

Y.-K. Kim (ed.), Handbook of Behavior Genetics, 281

DOI 10.1007/978-0-387-76727-7 20,  c Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2009
282 P. Driscoll et al.

behavior in the shuttle box. It soon became evident that the environment by opposing personality types (Koolhaas
avoidance acquisition was not due to “learning ability” but et al., 1999).
due, primarily, to emotional factors (Driscoll & Bättig, 1982; Sensation seeking (SS) in humans and cats is character-
reviewed in detail by Escorihuela, Tobeña, Driscoll & ized by high levels of exploratory and risk-taking behaviors,
Fernández-Teruel, 1995). Indeed, as has been similarly impulsiveness, aggression and (in humans) a tendency to
demonstrated with other colonies of high- and low-avoidance experiment with a variety of drugs such as ethanol (ETH),
rats (Brush, 1991; Willig, M’Harzi, Bardelay, Viet, & Dela- opiates and stimulants (Siegel, 1997). For example, SS cats
cour, 1991a; Willig, M’Harzi, & Delacour, 1991b), RLA were less successful in controlling bar pressing behavior
rats are actually better passive avoiders and perform bet- during an inhibitory DRL task, displaying more exploratory
ter in several tasks not involving electric shock, such activity and impulsive (quicker) bar pressing (Saxton, Siegel,
as spatial learning, object discrimination and lever press- & Lukas, 1987). That RHA rats are more active and
ing for food reward than do RHA rats (Aguilar, Escori- impulsive (including in DRL behavior), more inquisitive,
huela, Gil, Tobeña, & Fernández-Teruel, 2002a; Driscoll more aggressive and show an increased preference for
& Bättig, 1982; Driscoll et al., 1995; Fernández-Teruel, ETH than RLA rats has been well documented over the
Escorihuela, Castellano, González, & Tobeña, 1997a; Nil years (e.g., Castanon, Dulluc, LeMoal, & Mormède, 1994;
& Bättig, 1981; Zeier, Baettig, & Driscoll, 1978). An Driscoll, Woodson, Fuemm, & Bättig, 1980; Driscoll & Mar-
increased emotionality of RLA as compared to RHA rats tin, 1987; Driscoll, Cohen, Fackelman, & Bättig, 1990a;
has been shown on many occasions in relation to higher Escorihuela et al., 1999; Fernández-Teruel et al., 1992,
levels of stressor-induced freezing and grooming behav- 1997a; Fernández-Teruel et al., 2002a; Gentsch, Lichtsteiner,
ior, increased shock-induced suppression of drinking, hypo- & Feer, 1991; Giorgi et al., 1996; Guitart-Masip et al., 2006a;
neophagia and higher stressor-induced, acute increases in Haney, Castanon, Cador, LeMoal, & Mormède, 1994;
plasma levels of ACTH, prolactin, renin, aldosterone and, at Meerlo, Overkamp, & Koolhaas, 1997; Pisula, 2003; Razafi-
times, corticosterone (Aubry et al., 1995; Castanon, Dulluc, manalina, Mormède, & Velley, 1996; Zeier et al., 1978). A
LeMoal & Mormède, 1992; Castanon & Mormède, 1994; rather spectacular discovery was that RHA rats were also
Corda, Piras, Valentini, Scano, & Giorgi, 1998; D’Angio, shown to be visual evoked potential (VEP) augmenters,
Serrano, Driscoll, & Scatton, 1988; Driscoll, 1986; Ferré whereas RLA rats (as well as the Wistar rats used for com-
et al., 1995; Gentsch, Lichtsteiner, & Feer, 1981; Gentsch, parison in those studies) were VEP reducers (Siegel, Sisson,
Lichtsteiner, Driscoll, & Feer, 1982; Imada, 1972; Roozen- & Driscoll, 1993). A subsequent study demonstrated that
daal, Wiersma, Driscoll, Koolhaas, & Bohus, 1992; Shep- this difference occurs at the cortical level (Siegel, Gayle,
hard & Broadhurst, 1983; Steimer, Fleur, & Schulz, 1997a; Sharma, & Driscoll, 1996). Furthermore, VEPs recorded
Steimer & Driscoll, 2003, 2005; Walker, Rivest, Meaney, & from humans, cats and rats have essentially the same wave-
Aubert, 1989; Walker, Aubert, Meaney, & Driscoll, 1992). form, and the same early component (P1) augments or
Whereas RLA, but not RHA, rats have shown bradycardia reduces in all three species (reviewed by Siegel, 1997).
in response to a conditioned emotional stressor (Roozendaal
et al., 1992), they have shown tachycardia of greater magni-
tude and duration than RHA rats when submitted to several
unconditioned stressors (D’Angio et al., 1988). RHA and RLA Rats: Foreground
All of the evidence in favor of RLA rats being considered
as an “anxiety” model does not preclude the possibility, how- As recently summarized by Giorgi, Piras, and Corda (2007),
ever, of RHA rats actually being the more relevant model, there is considerable evidence that individuals with high
i.e., as novelty or “sensation” seekers. This eventuality may scores for sensation/novelty seeking are at increased risk for
indeed apply to all laboratories questing after the “gene using drugs of abuse (Bardo, Donohew, & Harrington, 1996;
for anxiety” (e.g., Fernández-Teruel et al., 2002b; Land- Verheul & van den Brink, 2000) and that behavioral sen-
graf et al., 2007; Ramos, Moisan, Chaouloff, Mormède, & sitization (the progressive augmentation of the motor acti-
Mormède, 1999), as “every coin has two sides”. A composite vation induced by psychostimulants and opiates resulting
model for RLA/RHA rats proposed by Steimer et al. (1997a) from repeated drug administration) is critically involved in
and recently elaborated upon (Steimer & Driscoll, 2003) pos- some of the persistent features of addiction, such as drug
tulates that anxiety and impulsiveness (novelty seeking) lie at craving, compulsive drug-seeking behavior and the propen-
opposite poles, the former being associated with a combina- sity to relapse (Robinson & Berridge, 2001; Everitt &
tion of increased emotional reactivity and a passive (reactive) Wolf, 2002). Genetic factors account for 40–60% of risk in
coping style and the latter with a more active (proactive) alcoholism, and similar rates of heritability occur in addic-
coping style and decreased emotional reactivity. Both styles tion to opiates and psychostimulants (Nestler, 2000; Reich,
of coping, of course, are aimed at successful control of Hinrichs, Culverhouse, & Bierut, 1999). Most recently, in
20 Some Guidelines for Defining Personality Differences in Rats 283

this connection, it has been shown that RHA rats display a including the most recent ones (Fattore et al., 2008), support
higher propensity to self-administer cocaine than do RLA the view that individual susceptibility to succumb to drug
rats, this being consistent with the views mentioned above addiction is influenced by genetically determined, functional
regarding behavioral sensitization (Fattore, Piras, Corda, & patterns of the mesocortical and mesolimbic DAergic sys-
Giorgi, 2008). tem and associated neural circuits encoding brain reward and
Brain microdialysis studies have shown that the acute goal-directed behaviors. Giorgi et al. (2007) illustrate this
administration of morphine (MOR – 0.5 mg/kg s.c.), cocaine by presenting an elaborate graphic model depicting putative,
(COC – 5.0 mg/kg i.p.) or amphetamine (AMP – 0.15 mg/kg adaptive changes in the DA- and GABAergic neural circuitry
i.p.) induces a larger increase in dopamine (DA) output in the of the NAc core and shell, including associated projections
nucleus accumbens (NAc) shell than in the NAc core of RHA to and from other brain regions, some of which will be dealt
rats, whereas no significant differences in DAergic responses with later in the chapter.
are observed between NAc compartments of RLA rats. This
line-related difference in the responsiveness of mesolimbic
DAergic projections is associated with a more robust, drug-
induced increase in ambulatory and stationary (rearing, sniff- Spontaneously Hypertensive,
ing and licking/gnawing) activities in RHA than in RLA rats and Related, Rats
(Giorgi et al., 1997; Giorgi, Piras, Lecca, & Corda, 2005a;
Lecca, Piras, Driscoll, Giorgi, & Corda, 2004). The role of The spontaneously hypertensive rat (SHR) has long been
the NAc compartments and their projections in motivated considered by some to be an adequate model for attention-
behaviors, as well as in the rewarding properties of psy- deficit hyperactivity disorder (AD/HD), showing similarities
chostimulants and opiates and drug-stimulated locomotion, in deficient sustained attention, overactivity, impulsiveness
is described in detail by Giorgi et al. (2007; see also Bardo and other symptoms (Sagvolden, 2000), although some reser-
et al., 1996). vations have been expressed regarding therapeutic dosage
Behavioral sensitization to opiates and psychostimulants effects and the production of stereotypic behaviors, for exam-
in rodents, also covered by Giorgi et al. (2007), is character- ple, when animals are compared to humans (Solanto, 2000).
ized by the progressive increase in ambulatory activity and Davids, Zhang, Tarazi, and Baldessarini (2003; see also
in the frequency of more focused, non-ambulatory behav- Hendley, 2000) were concerned with both the hypertension
iors following repeated drug treatments, all of which are of SHRs and possible beneficial effects of drugs on blood
believed to reflect long-lasting adaptations in neural circuits pressure as potential confounding factors as well as a lack
involved in motivation and reward (Everitt & Wolf, 2002; Li, of sex differences in that model (in humans, AD/HD is
Acerbo, & Robinson, 2004; Robinson & Berridge, 2001). In more prevalent in males). Another problem is that the clin-
RHA rats, a MOR challenge 21 days after withdrawal from ical disorder is far from being fully understood in humans.
repeated MOR treatments produced a significantly larger Although, as we have seen, hyperactivity, impulsivity and
motor activation than both RHA control groups and all certain “learning deficits” also exist in RHA rats and, even
RLA groups (Piras, Lecca, Corda, & Giorgi, 2003). Sim- in accordance with the requirements of Solanto (2000),
ilar results have been obtained with COC (Giorgi, Piras, a low dose of AMP (2.0 mg/kg) has actually been noted
Lecca, & Corda, 2005b; Haney et al., 1994) and AMP (Corda to reduce shuttle box avoidance and activity in that line
et al., 2005). In keeping with these findings, it was also seen (Driscoll, 1986), we have not (yet) considered pursuing the
that repeated treatment with MOR or COC produced differ- AD/HD gambit further with the RHA/RLAs. Additional sim-
ential modifications in neurochemical responses to a sub- ilarities have been found between RHA and SHR rats (see
sequent drug challenge, with RHA rats being thus handled also the next paragraph). RHAs have, actually, often shown
showing a larger increment in DA output in the NAc core a more pronounced hyperactivity vs. RLAs as well as other
(but not shell) than both RHA control groups and all RLA groups of rats in the open field (OF) test (see e.g., Haney
groups, for both drugs (Giorgi et al., 2007). Once again, sim- et al., 1994) than have SHRs vs. WKYs, in regard to both
ilar results were obtained with AMP (Giorgi et al., 2005a). “reactive” and “spontaneous” locomotor activity (reviewed
It was concluded that experimental subjects that are by Gentsch, Lichtsteiner, & Feer, 1988).
more responsive to the acute effects of addictive drugs, Despite the hypertension factor (which often even leads
such as RHA rats, are also more susceptible to develop to early death), SHRs have also had further application
behavioral sensitization upon repeated drug exposure (Giorgi in the field of behavior genetics. For example, Gentsch
et al., 2007), a situation that resembles clinical observations et al. (1988) found that SHR resembled RHA rats, vs. RLA
in humans (O’Brien & McLellan, 1996). Given the proposed and Wistar–Kyoto (WKY) rats from Roche-Füllinsdorf, in
role of sensitization in compulsive drug intake (Robinson several parameters relating to reduced “emotionality”, such
& Berridge, 2001), the results with RHA and RLA rats, as rapidly acquiring two-way, active avoidance behavior and
284 P. Driscoll et al.

being more active in an OF, in which both RHAs and SHRs Having apparently found the results they had sought
also defecated less and displayed an attenuated elevation of with SHR and Lewis rats, Ramos, Mellerin, Mormède,
corticosterone. RHA and SHR rats also had heavier thy- and Chaouloff (1998) crossed them to produce F1 and F2
mus glands than their RLA and WKY counterparts, it being generations, which were tested in the OF and on the EPM.
known that increased levels of circulating adrenal hormones Inner locomotion in the OF was found to be the most heri-
diminish thymus size (e.g., Steimer & Driscoll, 2003). Cas- table of all traits considered but, unlike previously (Ramos
tanon, Hendley, Fan, & Mormède (1993) added to these et al., 1997), it was not associated with any EPM vari-
findings, also using WKHA rats, which Hendley (2000, for ables, suggesting that the OF and EPM traits were inde-
review) had developed by crossing SHR and WKY rats, thus pendently inherited. Further crossings of later generations
producing rats behaviorally similar to SHRs but without ele- produced two lines showing that inhibition of locomotion
vated blood pressure. As they had reported previously with in the OF was directly related to the aversiveness of the
the Roman lines, i.e., RLA > RHA (Castanon et al., 1992), situation (70 lux lighting vs. 7 lux). Because of discrep-
they found that the prolactin response to novelty most clearly ancies with the EPM, the OF results were now given the
distinguished those strains, i.e., WKY > SHR > WKHA term “behavioral inhibition trait” (as opposed to “classical
(Castanon et al., 1993). In addition, using both sexes of each anxiety”), i.e., an “inhibition of motor behavior in aver-
of these three strains, Cailhol and Mormède (2000) demon- sive places” which was recommended not to be compatible
strated that female SHR rats consumed the highest amounts with “emotional behavior” (Mormède, Moneva, Bruneval,
of ETH, as is also the case with RHA vs. RLA rats. Chaouloff, & Moisan, 2002). The EPM will be discussed
in more detail later in this chapter. (In the meantime, SHRs
apparently went back to being a model for AD/HD.) In con-
junction with the multiple-test study previously described
(Ramos et al., 1997), hormonal comparisons of BN and
SHR and Other Commercially Available Rats F344 rats were subsequently conducted, purposely avoid-
as Models ing tests which involved differences in illumination (BNs
were the only pigmented strain used in the earlier study,
The same laboratory subsequently examined SHR, WKY, which may have influenced some of the results and which
Brown Norway (BN), Wistar–Furth (W–F), Fischer(F)344 precluded their replacing SHRs in the subsequent studies
and Lewis rat strains, all from IFFA-CREDO, and 12 together with Lewis rats). They showed a hypersecretion of
rats per sex/strain in four different tests. A factor analy- corticosterone following stress in F344 rats which was, inter-
sis revealed three factors explaining 85% of total variance: estingly, negatively correlated with the size of the adrenal
approach/avoidance toward aversive stimuli, general activity glands (Sarrieau & Mormède, 1998). These results have also
in novel environments and defecation/time of social interac- often been noted in RHA/RLA line/strain comparisons (e.g.,
tion (Ramos, Berton, Mormède, & Chaouloff, 1997). Inter- Aubry et al., 1995; Castanon et al., 1994; Castanon, Perez-
estingly, in one of the tests which was included in the Diaz, & Mormède, 1995; Driscoll & Käsermann, 1977;
“aversive stimuli” factor, i.e., the OF, dim lighting of 7 lux Fernández-Teruel, Escorihuela, Tobeña, & Driscoll, 1997b;
was used in order to decrease aversiveness. The most con- Walker et al., 1989). Similar results (F344 > BN) were
trasting strains for this factor were the SHR and Lewis rats, found for prolactin and renin secretion (Sarrieau, Chaouloff,
although on the elevated plus maze (EPM) this was true only Lemaire, & Mormède, 1998), which had also been seen, in
for males in regard to open arm entries, with no female-strain the same direction (RLA>RHA), in the Roman lines (Cas-
effects being noted for either open arm entries or time spent tanon et al., 1992, 1994; Steimer, Driscoll, & Schulz, 1997b;
on the open arms. The best example of contrasting results for Steimer, Escorihuela, Fernández-Teruel, & Driscoll, 1998).
males vs. females, however, was for locomotion in the inner The main problem confronted by using non-selected,
OF, where W–F males were first among the males whereas commercially available rats is that even rats bearing the
W–F females were last among the female groups (Ramos same designation probably vary, depending on the supplier.
et al., 1997). This gender effect, so well illustrated by that Compounded by methodological variations among labora-
study, is often, and unfortunately, ignored in this type of tories, as we shall see later, this can lead to (usually unde-
research when only one sex is used (usually males). Although tected) problems in attempting to replicate, or follow-up on,
there is no room to go into detailed comparisons here, it previously performed experiments. Although studies con-
should be briefly mentioned that a factor analysis later per- ducted explicitly to check out discrepancies among sup-
formed, using about 800 males and females from an F2 gen- pliers have been all too rarely performed, those that have
eration derived from inbred RHA and RLA rats and seven been have regularly revealed potential problems in this direc-
different tests, yielded three factors: learned fear, emotional tion. For example, substantial differences in social inter-
reactivity and fear of heights (Aguilar et al., 2002b). action, exploration, motor activity, defecation and adrenal
20 Some Guidelines for Defining Personality Differences in Rats 285

function were found among Lister-hooded rats from three Profiling Wistar and SD Rats
different suppliers in UK (File & Velucci, 1979), differ-
ences in stress responses (OF, water restraint) were found It should be mentioned at this time that the outbred, Wistar-
among WKY rats from three different suppliers in the east- derived Swiss sublines of RHA/RLA rats, after spending
ern USA (Paré & Kluczynski, 1997) and striking behavioral many years as “RHA/Verh” and “RLA/Verh” in Zurich, Lau-
differences (swimming immobility, voluntary ETH intake, sanne, Geneva, Basel and Zurich again (P.D.), are presently
EPM activity) have been noted when fawn-hooded (FH) maintained in Cagliari (O.G.) and Geneva (T.S.). Inbred
rats from two sources have been compared (Overstreet strains were developed from that stock in the mid-1990s
& Rezvani, 1996). Investigating results which apparently and have been maintained in Barcelona (A.F.-T.) since the
conflicted with 15 years of research on sensorimotor gat- late 1990s, originally for purposes of a genomic project (see
ing, i.e., prepulse inhibition (PPI) of the startle reflex, Fernández-Teruel et al., 2002b).
Swerdlow et al. (2000) showed that opposite effects were A publication by Cools, Brachten, Heeren, Willemen,
obtained when PPI-disruptive effects of the D1/D2 agonist, and Ellenbroek (1990) was instrumental in pioneering the
apomorphine (APO), were compared in Harlan Sprague- study of personality differences in rats. With their Wistar-
Dawley (SD) vs. Harlan Wistar rats than when they were derived APO-susceptible (APO-SUS) and -unsusceptible
compared in Bantin–Kingman SD vs. Bantin–Kingman (APO-UNSUS) rats, based on inbreeding for a gnawing
Wistar rats. response to 1.5 mg/kg s.c. APO, they demonstrated, using a
Several more examples should be mentioned in reference defeat test, a bimodal shape of variation in “fleeing” (APO-
to the widely used “normal control” rat, the SD. It has been SUS) and “freezing” (APO-UNSUS) rats. These results,
shown that SDs from four different vendors in the USA dis- at least, paralleled the results of Gentsch, Lichtsteiner,
played significantly different severity of gastric ulcers fol- and Driscoll (1989) and Cools (unpublished) that outbred
lowing starvation (Paré, Glavin, & Vincent, 1977), that SDs RHA and RLA rats were comparable to the APO-SUS
from seven different US suppliers showed a 6–7 fold dif- and APO-UNSUS rats, respectively, in both tests. Addi-
ference in spontaneous nocturnal rotations, as well as (three tional studies with both outbred (Driscoll, Dedek, Fuchs, &
suppliers) different effects of AMP (Glick, Shapiro, Drew, Gentsch, 1985) and inbred (Giménez-Llort, Cañete, Guitart-
Hinds, & Carlson, 1986), that SDs from two different sup- Masip, Fernández-Teruel, & Tobeña, 2005) RHA/RLA
pliers showed significant differences in heart weight and males have shown that RHA rats display more pro-
myocyte number (Campbell & Gerdes, 1987) and even that nounced, but less longer-lasting, stereotypy following APO
Hilltop (PA) SDs showed dramatically different incidences of injections.
cerebellar abnormalities than did Charles River (QUE) SDs, Some other similarities between RHA and APO-SUS
with the differences also being seen over extended breeding rats were detected by Cools et al. (1990), such as heavier
cycles (Ezerman & Kromer, 1985). Even more spectacular adrenals and more novelty-induced ambulation in a large OF
was a series of publications dealing with the noradrener- as well as an attenuated prolactin response to a stressor (Rots
gic innervation of the spinal cord in two stocks of SD rats et al., 1996) and increased sensitization to AMP (Gingras &
(Sasco, WI and Harlan, MD) prompted by conflicting results Cools, 1997). However, several similarities between RLA
which had been published by two different laboratories. It and APO-SUS rats have also been found, such as poorer,
was found, using female rats, that A7 cell group neurons two-way active avoidance behavior and increased ACTH
in Sasco SDs innervated the dorsal horn whereas in Harlan release in response to a CRH challenge (Cools et al., 1993;
SDs, it was innervated primarily from the locus coeruleus see also Castanon et al., 1994; Walker et al., 1989, 1992). In
(A6). In addition, the A6 region provided most of the ven- general, it is very difficult to compare other selection pro-
tral horn innervation in Sasco SDs, whereas the source in grams with these rats, as they are interchangeably named
Harlan SDs was mostly A5/A7 (Clark, Yeomans, & Proud- and selected by three different methods (APO-SUS/APO-
fit, 1991). Using male rats, a different method and Harlan, UNSUS, FLEE/NONFLEE and HR/LR), most of the studies
TX vs. Sasco, MO SDs, Sluka and Westlund (1992) con- have been conducted with relatively young animals and the
firmed those findings and determined that data from cats, selection methods appear to be easily reversed by such envi-
opossums and monkeys appear to conform more closely to ronmental events as maternal deprivation on only the third,
that from Sasco SDs, perhaps making the latter more useful or ninth, postnatal day or being raised by a foster mother
for motor control studies and the Harlan SDs more useful for of the opposing phenotype (Cools & Gingras, 1998; Ellen-
studies concerned with locus coeruleus/spinal cord interac- broek, Sluyter, & Cools, 2000). ETH consumption studies
tions in sensory systems. Clark and Proudfit (1992) addition- (which will be discussed in more detail later) with HR (APO-
ally showed that A6 neurons in Sasco SD innervated cervical SUS)/LR (APO-UNSUS) rats were problematic in that both
spinal cord segments more densely than they did lumbar seg- phenotypes appear to have an aversion to ETH (Gingras &
ments, while the reverse was true for Harlan SD rats. Cools, 1995; Sluyter, Ellenbroek, Degen, & Cools, 2000),
286 P. Driscoll et al.

and OF analyses may have been confounded by the can choose between them and environments to which they
uncommon practice of regularly isolating the rats for a few have become habituated. Finally, although some researchers
days before testing (e.g., Gingras & Cools, 1995, 1997; Sai- are still following the original procedure of dividing all rats
gusa, Tuinstra, Koshikawa, & Cools, 1999). In any case, tested on the circular corridor into HRs and LRs on the basis
these rats have recently been considered for use as a model of being above or below the median, which would obviously
for schizophrenia (Ellenbroek, Geyer, & Cools, 1995; Ellen- produce some similar animals in both supposedly opposed
broek & Cools, 2002; Van Loo & Martens, 2007), which may groups, others have decided to use only the top and bottom
be more advantageous than attempts made in that direction thirds of the tested population (e.g., Kabbaj et al., 2000) or
with non-selected, heterogeneous Wistar rats. have actually crossed outbred SD rats from three different
High responder (HR) and low responder (LR) rats origi- colonies (Charles River: NY, MI and QUE) to create HR and
nated by dividing SD rats, from IFFA-CREDO, on the basis LR selection lines (Stead et al., 2006).
of locomotion on an open, circular corridor. It was found In breeding for HR and LR rats, Stead et al. (2006) use
that rats with a higher “novelty-induced” locomotor activ- a medium-sized acrylic cage in which locomotor activity
ity readily acquired AMP self-administration, as compared is measured by photocells every 5 min for 60 min, rather
to rats with a lower response (Piazza, Deminière, LeMoal, than a circular corridor, for the selection process. After eight
& Simon, 1989). This procedure has become widely used generations of breeding, they have shown a fundamental
and even improved upon (e.g., Kabbaj, Devine, Savage, & difference in emotionality between their HRs and LRs, uti-
Akil, 2000; Stead et al., 2006), proving to be also use- lizing OF (coupled with the administration of chlordiazepox-
ful as pertaining to the anxiety vs. novelty-seeking model ide), EPM and light–dark (L/D) box tests. Cross-fostering
mentioned previously (Steimer et al., 1997a; Steimer & revealed that responses to novelty were largely unaffected by
Driscoll, 2003). As reactive coping (i.e., freezing behavior) is maternal influences, although there were effects on “anxiety-
considered to be indicative of increased emotional reactivity, like behavior” (Stead et al., 2006). Kabbaj et al. (2000), using
and to be opposed to proactive coping (Koolhaas et al., 1999), SD rats from Charles River (MA), have labeled their HR
it was inexpedient that the terms “responsiveness” and “reac- rats as “novelty seekers” (as indicated in the previous para-
tivity” were used synonymously early in the development of graph – see also the discussion in reference to RHA rats
the HR/LR procedure, especially as no evidence was offered earlier in this chapter) and had results similar to those of
that the test actually deals with novelty (Piazza et al., 1990). Stead et al. (2006) with the EPM and L/D box tests. It was
“Novelty-induced activity” can, and should, be differentiated interesting to note that single housing (the social isolation
from other forms of locomotor activity (e.g., habituation) in referred to earlier in this section), eliminated the HR/LR dif-
this type of work. While it is not the intention of this chapter ferences seen with the L/D box test (Kabbaj et al., 2000).
to go into greater detail on this subject, it might be mentioned RHA and HR rats are not only more active, but they also
that other reviews (e.g., Gentsch et al., 1991) have previously show a greater COC-induced elevation of extracellular DA in
discussed the subjects of reactive (i.e., responsive) and spon- the NAc than do RLA and LR rats, respectively. In this con-
taneous (i.e., habituated) activity rather thoroughly. nection, another study should be mentioned here, one which
Measuring plasma corticosterone levels after 120 min of also pertains to the previous discussion concerning commer-
exposure to that environment was also unprecedented, espe- cially available rats. Ambrosio, Goldberg, and Elmer (1995)
cially since no measurements were apparently conducted investigated the predictive value of spontaneous locomotor
between 0 and 30, or between 30 and 120, min. Differences activity in the acquisition of drug-reinforced behavior, using
were only found at 120 min, i.e., long after the “novelty” of male LEW/SsN (Lewis), F344N, ACI/Seg and BN/SsN rats,
the testing procedure had worn off, making the stated con- all from Harlan SD (Inc.). Lewis rats showed both high rates
clusion that HR rats thereby showed “a greater release of of MOR self-administration and the highest levels of activity.
corticosterone in a novel environment” (Piazza et al., 1990; The latter finding contrasts with those for the IFFA-CREDO
Piazza, et al., 1991), which has (unfortunately) been widely Lewis rats discussed earlier and may, once again, illustrate
cited since, rather unpropitious, to say the least. Did the hor- potential differences among suppliers. F344 rats, being the
mone level remain high in HR rats during the entire 90 min least active, also self-administered MOR at the lowest rate,
or did it diminish and then recoup? On the basis of what has although this increased gradually over the 7 days of testing.
been learned more recently about HR rats, it appears more A genetic correlation was found between drug intake dur-
likely that after 120 min of exposure to the same, increas- ing the first 5 days and the spontaneous locomotion response
ingly boring environment, the latter may have been the case, to a novel environment for 60 min, although this effect was
i.e., the proactive HRs may have become more worried than only seen in rats with cannulas, cannulation apparently hav-
the passively coping LR rats about the outcome of the pro- ing altered the rank order of locomotor activity among the
cedure. Kabbaj et al. (2000) have actually verified that HR groups, at least in some individuals (a genetic predisposi-
rats will seek out novel and varied environments when they tion to stress effect?). Incidentally, Lewis rats from Harlan
20 Some Guidelines for Defining Personality Differences in Rats 287

SD (IN) are considered to be addiction prone, i.e., self- a stronger emotional reaction, which was even stronger after
administering MOR, COC and ETH at high levels, and also footshock presentation (Aguilar, Gil, Tobeña, Escorihuela,
exhibit a defect in the biosynthesis of CRH (Beitner-Johnson, & Fernández-Teruel, 2000; López-Aumatell, et al., 2005;
Guitart, & Nestler, 1991). If these two phenomena are geneti- Schwegler, et al., 1997; Yilmazer-Hanke, Faber-Zuschratter,
cally bound in these rats, that would provide a further indica- Linke, & Schwegler, 2002) compared to RHA rats. Other fear
tion that stress does not induce increased ETH consumption conditioning tests, such as classical fear conditioning (also
(Bell et al., 1998), which will be discussed later on. involving emotional response to footshock presentation) or
a “sudden-noise” test, have shown differences in the same
direction in both inbred (Escorihuela et al., 1997) and out-
bred (Roozendaal et al., 1992; Steimer & Driscoll, 2003)
Fear/Anxiety I: Acoustic Startle RLA/RHA comparisons.
This type of fear response is detected and organized by
A major problem in the literature, and one which may never the amygdala, relayed via basolateral nuclei through it’s cen-
be solved satisfactorily, is the way the terms fear, anxiety, tral nucleus (CEA) to behavioral and autonomic systems, as
emotionality and fearfulness are, more or less, used inter- well as to the hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal (HPA) axis
changeably (Steimer & Driscoll, 2003). Compounding this (LeDoux, 1998). The basolateral amygdala is also a pri-
are the questions of whether certain behavioral tests actu- mary source of innervation for the bed nuclei of the stria
ally represent one or more of these terms and whether or not terminalis (BNST), which is a direct recipient of the startle
they should be extended to other domains, e.g., depression. enhancement effect of CRH (no amygdalar involvement) and
The proposition that anxiety symptoms might be a vulner- which appears to be more vital for fear-eliciting effects on
ability factor in the development of major depressive disor- the EPM (Walker & Davis, 1997). Walker et al. (2003) sub-
der, with elevated startle magnitude in threatening contexts sequently suggested that the BNST mediates long-duration
being a marker for anxiety disorder (Grillon et al., 2005), responses, and the CEA short-duration responses, to con-
for example, is hardly reconcilable with the proposition that ditioned or unconditioned, threatening or aversive, stimuli,
the distinguishing feature of clinical anxiety is that its occur- finding this to be more suitable than the hypothesis that the
rence is not attributable to real danger and that analyses based BNST mediates unconditioned fear reactions and the CEA
on reaction to danger thereby omit a central feature of that mediates conditioned fear reactions. They refer to the sus-
condition (see Stephens, 1997). Attempts are presently being tained response as anxiety and to the short-lasting one as fear.
made to distinguish between fear and anxiety based on the The CEA has often been a subject for study in RHA/RLA
assumption that anxiety, unlike fear, can be considered to be a rats. Similar electrophysiological activity recorded from the
sustained state of apprehension unrelated to immediate envi- CEA during 4 h of restraint stress, as well as increased stom-
ronmental threats (Walker, Toufexis, & Davis, 2003). This ach pathology, united RLA rats with Wistar rats judged to
definition obviously assumes the development and utiliza- be “more emotional”, as compared to RHA rats and “less-
tion of models that have been sufficiently studied and which emotional” Wistar rats (Henke, 1988). The knowledge that
remain consistent over time, preferably as a result of selective CEA lesions reduced the fear reactions of rats in an OF
breeding (Landgraf et al., 2007). and the findings of Roozendaal, Koolhaas, and Bohus (1991)
Two types of behavioral tests have proven to be very valu- that CEA lesions, also in Wistar rats, not only abolished
able in this endeavor, those directly involving fear condi- the immobility response normally seen after footshock but
tioning, such as the acoustic startle (AS) response or shock also attenuated all measured hormone responses (including
avoidance acquisition (which crucially involves an initial corticosterone and, especially, prolactin) set the stage for
phase of fear conditioning; see Conti, MacIver, Ferkany, their subsequent revelations regarding the CEA in RHA/RLA
& Abreu, 1990; Escorihuela et al., 1995; Fernández-Teruel rats. After showing that RLA rats displayed profound brady-
et al., 1991; Wilcock & Fulker, 1973), and those which do cardia and immobility when placed in the same compart-
not, such as the OF or EPM. AS represents a reflexive reac- ment in which they had experienced a 3 sec footshock 24 h
tion to a stressful, environmental stimulation. Glowa and previously, and that RHA rats showed no such reactions,
Hansen (1994) tested 46 inbred and outbred rat strains/lines Roozendaal et al. (1992) demonstrated that a low dose of
from NIH colonies for AS, revealing profound differences arginine-8-vasopressin (AVP) infused into the CEA 30 min
among them in both mean amplitude of the startle response before the test enhanced these responses in RLAs, whereas a
and rate of habituation to startle stimuli over repeated trials high dose of AVP or oxytocin (OXT) attenuated them. Once
(the results for both criteria being, in addition, significantly again, there were no effects in RHA rats following the infu-
related to one another). Inbred RLA and RHA rats have been sions. It was concluded that CEA differences in AVP and
compared for AS on a number of occasions, with RLAs OXT innervation and/or receptor densities may contribute
showing an increased startle response to acoustic stimuli, i.e., to the differences seen in coping strategies between RHA
288 P. Driscoll et al.

and RLA rats. It was further suggested that RLA rats may Although the test is widely used, and perhaps because of
have a higher density of AVP innervation in the CEA than this, there is probably no other procedure which shows such
RHA rats do (much of which may originate from the BNST). extreme inter-laboratory variation, even when genetically
In a recent publication which, unfortunately, failed to dis- identical animals from the same supplier are utilized (e.g.,
cuss both those results and those of Wiersma, Konsman, Wahlsten et al., 2003). Intra-laboratory differences (in this
Knollema, Bohus, and Koolhaas (1998), which had dealt case, when the same laboratory is moved to another site
with the effects of CRH infusions directly into the CEA on within a university) have also recently been reported for the
heart rate and exploration/immobility in RHA and RLA rats, EPM, even when the same stocks of mice, apparatus and
Yilmazer-Hanke et al. (2002) found that inbred RLA rats, procedures have been used (Wahlsten, Bachmanov, Finn, &
which showed a more pronounced fear potentiation of the Crabbe, 2006). Several reviews have listed potential sources
AS response, had more projection neurons immunoreactive of inter-laboratory variation for rats, some of which are
for (anxiogenic) CRH in the CEA than inbred RHA rats did. strain/stock, gender, housing conditions, previous handling
No differences between the strains were found in basolat- and injection experience, previous EPM experience, previous
eral amygdalar neurons. Three different subpopulations of exposure (or not) to an OF or hole board (HB), light cycle
GABAergic neurons were also examined in various brain period and time of testing, light intensity, presence or not of
nuclei. the experimenter, presence or not of ledges (raised edges) on
Returning to possible AVP and OXT receptor-density dif- the open arms and measures scored, including their defini-
ferences in the CEA between RHA and RLA rats, it has tions (Fernandes & File, 1996; Griebel, Moreau, Jenck, Mar-
recently been shown that these two receptor types may exert tin, & Misslin, 1993; Hogg, 1996; Rodgers, 1997; Steimer
opposing actions on anxiety and levels of stress, for example, & Driscoll, 2003). More attention should certainly be paid to
and that they are found in different areas of the CEA (lat- the level of lighting of the maze in regard to the effects of
eral and capsular division vs. medial part), based on exam- potential anxiolytic drugs (Griebel et al., 1993; Hogg, 1996)
ining “rat” brain sections (Huber, Veinante, & Stoop, 2005). and to compare the results found among different labora-
These observations may support the suggestion by Roozen- tories (Steimer & Driscoll, 2003). The type and intensity
daal et al. (1992) that the similarity between the effects of lighting is not only omitted in many EPM publications,
of the high dose of AVP and those of OXT in RLA rats but many investigators even use very dim lighting in order
may have been caused by a mutual OXT receptor stimu- to increase activity on the apparatus to measurable levels
lation. Windle et al. (2006) have additionally reported that (within the apparently mandatory “5 min” limit) which, of
intracerebroventricularly (i.c.v.) infused OXT reduced anx- course, emphatically reduces it’s value as an “anxiety test”.
ious behavior on the EPM, as well as stressor-induced corti- Regarding the effects of anxiolytic drugs, both false
costerone responses, in female SD (Bantin & Kingman, GB) positives (e.g., AMP) and false negatives (e.g., buspirone)
rats, although others have reported that infusions of OXT have been reported (e.g., Dawson, Crawford, Collinson,
directly into the CEA increased exploration of the central Iversen, & Tricklebank, 1995; Rodgers, 1997), and Dawson
area of an OF without having any effect on the EPM. Steimer et al. (1995) went so far as to attribute the effects of chlor-
et al. (1997b) measured brain metabolites of progesterone diazepoxide more to increases in locomotor activity than
(tetra- and dihydroprogesterone – THP and DHP), which act to fear reduction. They recommended that speed of loco-
on GABA-A receptors and have anxiolytic properties, in out- motion and distance traveled on the arms should also be
bred RHA and RLA rats. The formation of both metabolites measured rather than just arm entries (which is also sub-
was significantly higher in the frontal cortex, and that of DHP ject to definition). We have followed this recommendation
in the BNST, of RHA rats, with no differences being found and, as a few others have done (e.g., Setem, Pinheiro, Motta,
between the rat lines in the CEA or hippocampus. Finally, Morato, & Cruz, 1999), have additionally measured rearing
Giorgi et al. (1994) reported that the stimulating effect of and grooming behavior on the EPM (Driscoll et al., 1998;
GABA on 36 Cl− uptake was less pronounced in the cerebral Escorihuela et al., 1999). The more frequent rearing within
cortex of RLA than of RHA rats. Progesterone metabolites, the enclosed arms often displayed by RHA rats indicates
especially THP, are precisely capable of increasing GABA- to us that they may prefer to spend more time where they
induced Cl− uptake. can explore (including the walls, in this event), which would
obviously reduce the time they spend on the open arms. As
if to emphasize this point, tests with an elevated zero maze,
which avoids the closed ends of the closed arms as well as
Fear/Anxiety II: The Notorious EPM the “uninteresting” central square (at lest to researchers only
interested in arm entries), have recently shown that male,
The other type of test to be considered in detail (and not inbred RHA rats spent twice as much time on the open
involving fear conditioning) is well represented by the EPM. sectors of the maze as RLA rats (A.F.-T., unpublished). In
20 Some Guidelines for Defining Personality Differences in Rats 289

any case, in most comparisons made with both the inbred active than males, no difference in total distance traveled
strains (Driscoll et al., 1998; Escorihuela et al., 1999) and on the EPM has been found between the rat lines (Liebsch,
outbred lines (Fernández-Teruel et al., 1997a; Steimer & Montkowski, Holsboer, & Landgraf, 1998b). The similari-
Driscoll, 2003) on the EPM, but not all (see the end of this ties between RHAs and LABs, as compared to RLAs and
section), RHA rats showed a significantly higher percentage HABs, respectively, are remarkable. Both HAB and RLA
of open arm entries than RLAs did, as well as more dis- rats (references for the latter have already been given ear-
tance traveled on the open arms, when this was measured. lier in this chapter, for almost all of the following) are less
In addition, RHA rats have also consistently spent less time active in an OF and explore the central area less (Liebsch
self-grooming on the EPM and have shown longer latencies et al., 1998b; Salomé et al., 2004), display similar results in
before starting the initial grooming bout. the B/W box (Henninger et al., 2000) when initially placed
Self-grooming is a valuable adjunct to the estimation of in the black (dark) side (see Steimer et al., 1997b, for a dis-
rodent personality which, unfortunately, is too often ignored cussion of this important point), visit fewer holes on the HB
in planning and evaluating behavioral studies, particularly test (Landgraf & Wigger, 2002), generally show less rearing
those involving the EPM. As indicated above, the informa- behavior and prefer passive coping strategies (Landgraf &
tion obtained is limited when only total arm entries, open arm Wigger, 2003), register the same elevated levels of plasma
entries and/or time spent on the open arms are registered, as prolactin, ACTH and corticosterone, at least with EPM and
is commonly the case, presumably in order to gather the data OF exposure for HABs (Landgraf, Wigger, Holsboer, & Neu-
most easily collected by automated means. Self-grooming mann, 1999; Liebsch et al., 1998a; Salomé et al., 2004), show
behavior, on the other hand, is a typical displacement activity a blunted activation of the medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC)
manifesting the conflict between fear and approach behav- upon anxiogenic challenge (Kalisch et al., 2004), exhibit
ior in rodents, and it’s duration, frequency and commence- increased expression/release of AVP in the PVN (Landgraf &
ment latency can be measured in almost all testing situa- Wigger, 2002; see also Aubry et al., 1995) and even assume
tions (Steimer & Driscoll, 2003). It has been shown to be the arched-back (active) nursing posture more frequently, the
reduced by diazepam injections (Crawley & Moody, 1983) side (passive) nursing posture less frequently and spend more
as well as being elicited by infusions of CRH, either i.c.v. time with their young in maternal behavior studies (Neumann
(Dunn & Berridge, 1990) or directly into the paraventricular et al., 2005; see also Driscoll, Fümm, & Bättig, 1979; Fuemm
nucleus (PVN) of the hypothalamus (Mönnikes, Heymann- & Driscoll, 1981), when compared to their LAB/RHA coun-
Mönnikes, & Taché, 1992), which may make it a direct terparts. Furthermore, not only does extended neonatal stress
behavioral expression of increased CRH secretion and/or (daily separations from the mother) affect certain behav-
that of higher sensitivity to CRH effects, e.g., in RLA rats iors and hormonal responses later in life in the same direc-
(Walker et al., 1989; 1992). At any rate, RLA rats invariably tion in LAB/RHA vs. HAB/RLA rats (Driscoll et al., 1998;
show more and longer grooming bouts, as well as shorter Fernández-Teruel et al., 1997a; Neumann et al., 2005), but
latencies to start grooming, than RHA rats do, whenever this results in dexamethasone/CRH testing are also similar in
behavior is measured in conjunction with tests measuring both line comparisons, making HAB and RLA rats interest-
anxiety and/or fear, such as the EPM, hyponeophagia (Ferré ing candidates for some facets of human depression (Keck
et al., 1995; Steimer et al., 1998), black/white (B/W) box et al., 2002; Steimer, Python, Schulz, & Aubrey, 2007). The
and dark/light OF (Steimer & Driscoll, 2003), tail-pinch breeding origins of HAB/LAB rats have been described in
(Corda, Lecca, Piras, DiChiara, & Giorgi, 1997; D’Angio detail by Landgraf & Wigger (2002) as well as have new
et al., 1988), shock-induced suppression of drinking (Corda, directions of research dealing with CRH in the BNST and,
Piras, Valentini, Scano, & Giorgi, 1998), exposure to a in particular, AVP in the PVN (Landgraf et al., 2007; Wigger
novel environment, e.g., OF (Aubry et al., 1995; Castanon et al., 2004).
et al., 1994; D’Angio et al., 1988; Escorihuela et al., 1999; Differences found in comparing HAB/LAB with
Steimer et al., 1998; etc.) and, especially, the HB test RLA/RHA rats, other than that HAB/LABs both do not show
(Guitart-Masip et al., 2006a). any particular affinity for ETH (Landgraf & Wigger, 2002),
As if in answer to the call for an effective genetic solution have mainly arisen in connection with the two tests with
to ensure the future of the EPM (Rodgers, 1997), a success- which these last two sections have been primarily concerned,
ful selective breeding program was established at about that AS and the EPM. Whereas neuroanatomical analyses
time with the high (HAB) and low (LAB) anxiety-related demonstrated more projection neurons immunoreactive for
behavior rats (Landgraf & Wigger, 2002; 2003), selected (anxiogenic) CRH in the CEA, as well as differences in
and bred for opposing behavior on the EPM. Entries onto neurons in other amygdalar nuclei in RLA, as compared
open and closed arms, the time spent on both and latency to RHA rats (Yilmazer-Hanke et al., 2002), none of
to the first entry onto an open arm, in all of which HABs those differences were found between HAD and LAD
differ from LABs, are measured. Whereas females are more rats (Yilmazer-Hanke, Wigger, Linke, Landgraf, &
290 P. Driscoll et al.

Schwegler, 2004). In contrast to the four EPM studies ior in recent years have been the ETH-high preferring (P) vs.
mentioned previously in this section, using both inbred or low preferring (NP) lines, the high and low ETH-drinking
outbred RHA and RLA rats, Yilmazer-Hanke et al. (2002) (HAD vs. LAD) replicate lines and the Alko alcohol (AA)
found, as Chaouloff, Castanon, & Mormède (1994) had with vs. Alko non-alcohol (ANA) lines. The P/NP rats were
outbred RHA/RLAs, no differences, or even differences in derived from Wistar stock and the HAD/LAD lines from
the opposite direction, between inbred RHA and RLA rats N/Nih heterogeneous stock which were, in turn, produced
on the EPM. Both of those studies (Chaouloff et al., 1994; by an intercross among eight different strains (Spuhler &
Yilmazer-Hanke et al., 2002) measured only number of Deitrich, 1984). N/Nih rats have found frequent applica-
entries and time spent on the open and closed arms. Lighting tion in ETH-related research, e.g., being used to demon-
differences may have also been a factor here (see Steimer & strate that impulsivity predicts individual susceptibility to
Driscoll, 2003) as, for example, Chaouloff et al. (1994) used high levels of ETH consumption (Poulos, Le, & Parker,
“dim illumination”, without stating the actual lux value. The 1995).
usual differences were found for HAB/LAB rats on the EPM In a recent review dealing with P/NP and HAD/LAD rats,
in the Yilmazer-Hanke et al. (2004) study, but it should be P rats were considered to be the only true model for alco-
noted that, in contrast to Yilmazer-Hanke et al. (2002), the holism, even simulating “binge drinking” or “loss of con-
EPM part of that (2004) study had been conducted at the trol” (Murphy et al., 2002). Although RHA rats are rather
home laboratory, before shipment for the AS testing and “social drinkers” by comparison (Driscoll et al., 1998), both
neuroanatomical analysis. The AS test, on the other hand, reviews help identify some behavioral similarities between
showed the traditional differences for RHA/RLAs, with RLA P and RHA rats, as compared to NP and RLA rats, such
rats displaying a more pronounced fear potentiation of AS as in DRL operant responding, OF activity and novelty-
(Yilmazer-Hanke et al., 2002), whereas LABs unexpectedly seeking behavior. Differences also exist, however, e.g., in
showed a higher baseline and an increased, fear-sensitized AS (Jones et al., 2000; McKinzie et al., 2000). In general,
AS, compared to HABs (Yilmazer-Hanke et al. 2004). tests of “anxiety” have shown conflicting results in both
Anyway, at least in our case, Yilmazer-Hanke et al. (2002) directions when P and NP rats have been compared, due to
failed to establish further contact with us after obtaining our differences among testing laboratories, gender differences,
rats, thereby resulting in such (incorrect) statements in their etc. (see Stewart, Gatto, Lumeng, Li, & Murphy, 1993 for
2002 publication as, e.g., (a) regarding the “degeneration” of review). More recent work has indicated that the relationship
inbred RHA/RLA rats or (b) that Chaouloff et al. (1994) had between heightened response to novelty and ETH consump-
also studied inbred RHA/RLA rats. tion was modestly associated, and observed under specific
conditions, at least in P/HAD vs. NP/LAD rats, whereas a
positive relationship has often been found in other experi-
ments with rats and mice between novelty-seeking behavior
Rats May Drink for Different Reasons . . . and the self-administration of drugs of abuse, such as COC,
AMP and ETH (Nowak et al., 2000). Although in inbred
The association between sensation seeking and ETH mice, high levels of activity in an OF are usually associ-
consumption (e.g., Siegel, 1997) was introduced ear- ated with high ETH intake, it has been suggested that some
lier. Although this association has been recognized for ETH-drinking lines/strains of rats may be drinking ETH for
many years in humans (e.g., Cloninger, Sigvardsson, & different reasons. Badishtov et al., (1995), comparing sev-
Bohman, 1988; Schwarz, Burkhart, & Green, 1982), it was eral stocks which voluntarily drink ETH, i.e., P, AA, FH and
only about a decade ago that it was determined that whereas Maudsley non-reactive (MNRA), with their non-drinking
ETH may cause anxiety in some individuals, there was lit- counterparts, have shown that P rats were the most active in
tle evidence for ETH consumption being caused by anxiety an OF and Maudsley reactive (MR) rats the least active, but
(e.g., Schuckit & Hesselbrock, 1994). This was confirmed in that NP rats were also very active, and that AA and ANA rats
rats soon thereafter, e.g., when Bell et al. (1998) noted that were indistinguishable. There was, however, a consistently
i.c.v.-infused CRH exerted stressor-like effects while, at the negative relationship between increased defecation, an often
same time, reducing ETH intake in outbred, Long-Evans rats. used but controversial indicator of heightened emotionality
Differences in ETH consumption were noted even before the (see, e.g., Enck, Merlin, Erckenbrecht, & Weinbeck, 1989)
initiation of genetically selected rat lines for that behavior, and ETH intake. In particular, the ETH-preferring AA rats
with RHA rats, for example, consistently consuming more showed none and the ANAs a high level of defecation, as
ETH than RLA rats from the early years of their develop- did the MRs. In a separate set of experiments using the
ment (Drewek & Broadhurst, 1979; Satinder, 1975) up to same strains/lines, no relationship was found between ETH
the present (Fernández-Teruel et al., 2002a). The most com- intake and activity on the EPM (with only time spent on the
monly used, selectively bred rat lines studied for this behav- open arms being recorded) or in the forced swim test (FST),
20 Some Guidelines for Defining Personality Differences in Rats 291

thereby indicating to the authors that ETH-preferring rats did (see above), further recommending their being considered as
not drink ETH to reduce high anxiety states (Viglinskaya novelty seekers (Driscoll et al., 1998).
et al., 1995). In particular, a previous report that P rats were
more emotional on the EPM than were NP rats was not con-
firmed, and it was noted that the original authors were also
having difficulty in replicating their original EPM findings. . . . And Depression is Not One of Them
An interesting proposal put forth by Kurtz, Stewart, Zweifel,
Li, and Froehlich (1996) suggests that as P rats are less sen- Attempts to develop a genetic model for depression in
sitive to the initial behavior-impairing effects of ETH than humans originated decades ago with the Flinders sensitive
NP rats are and develop tolerance rather than becoming sen- (FSL) and resistant (FRL) lines of rats (see Overstreet,
sitized with repeated injections of ETH, this may contribute Friedman, Mathé, & Yadid, 2005), which were selected and
to the differences in ETH consumption between them. We bred for sensitivity/resistance to the organophosphate anti-
have also noted this phenomenon in preliminary studies with cholinesterase agent, diisopropyl fluorophosphate. Human
RHA and RLA rats. studies showing more sensitivity to cholinergic agonists for
Another aspect of ETH preference relates to saccharin affective disorder patients than normal controls (Janowsky,
(SAC) and quinine (QIN) consumption. Sinclair, Kampov- Risch, Parker, Huey, & Judd, 1980) raised the possibil-
Polevoy, Stewart, and Li (1992) found that both ANA and ity of FSL rats being a model for depression. The main
NP rats drank much less SAC in solution than AA and P rats problems since have been the uncertainty as to which neu-
did, both as single concentration or in an ascending series. rochemical changes are responsible for the behavioral alter-
ANAs also drank less than AAs from QIN (bitter), saline or ations seen in depressed individuals and a comparative lack
citric acid (sour) solutions, with both P and NP rats show- of suitable behavioral tests in the laboratory (see Landgraf
ing very low levels of consumption of all three. Basically, et al., 2007). As previously mentioned, results in dexam-
however, none of the four groups liked QIN, and it was ethasone/CRH testing have been similar for HAB and RLA
considered possible that the same preferences for ETH and rats, making them potential models for some facets of human
SAC in P and AA rats may have reflected similar mecha- depression. In comparison to RLA vs. RHA rats, FSL rats
nisms mediating reinforcement from preference for sweets were also more sensitive than FRLs to the hypothermic
and from systemic ETH. In a more detailed study, Over- effects of oxotremorine, a direct-acting muscarinic agonist
street et al. (1993) compared P, FH and MNRA rats with (Martin, Driscoll, & Gentsch, 1984; Rezvani, Overstreet,
their non-ETH preferring counterparts, also finding that ETH Ejantkar, & Gordon, 1994), poorer in two-way, active avoid-
and SAC intakes were highly correlated over all compar- ance and better in passive avoidance (Overstreet, Rezvani,
isons. FH rats drank the most of both solutions, but they also & Janowsky, 1990) and more sensitive to the hypothermic
drank the most fluids, with P rats actually drinking more ETH effect of APO but less sensitive to its stereotypy-inducing
than FH rats when this was corrected for. Once again, QIN effects (Crocker & Overstreet, 1991; Driscoll et al., 1985;
intake was very low for all groups, and there were no sig- Giménez-Llort et al., 2005) and also showed an attenu-
nificant differences among them. Conversely, in rats selected ated (mesocortical) DAergic response following exposure
and bred from Holtzman stock, for high (HiS) vs. low (LoS) to a stressor (Yadid, Overstreet, & Zangen, 2001). The
SAC consumption, Dess, Badia-Elder, Thiele, Kiefer, and RHA/RLA references for the latter response and for two-
Blizard (1998) showed that HiS drank more ETH than LoS way avoidance, as well as OF, AS, etc. (below) have been
rats did, using 1–10% ETH solutions. They had also previ- cited previously. In addition, FSL rats are also less active
ously seen RHA/RLA-like differences in AS testing and, in in an OF and show more freezing behavior in response to
a detailed study dealing with emotionality indices, had found electric shocks, as well as a greater hypothermic response
that LoS appeared to be more emotional than HiS rats, show- to ETH than FRL rats do (Overstreet et al., 2005), as has
ing longer emergence latencies and more defecation in an OF been seen for RLA vs. RHA rats. On the other hand, FSL
which included a startbox, and being more affected by elec- and FRL rats showed no differences in SAC preference
tric shock, as assessed by stressor-induced anorexia (Dess & (Ayensu et al., 1995) and FSLs showed rather opposing
Minor, 1996). Although the preferences for ETH and QIN results in regard to AS thresholds (Markou, Matthews, Over-
by the less emotional HiS rats were not overwhelming, they street, Koob, & Geyer, 1994) and natural killer cell activity
went in the same direction as those seen with RHA rats in a (Overstreet et al., 2005; Sandi, Castanon, Vitiello, Neveu, &
study by Razafimanalina et al., (1996), who showed a strong Mormède, 1991) than RLA rats did.
preference by RHA rats for ETH, SAC and QIN over water, Because of the evidently higher relevance of the sero-
as compared to RLA rats, which actually demonstrated a total tonergic than the cholinergic system in the FST, FSL rats
aversion to all three substances. Such an affinity for QIN by metamorphosed to HDS and FRL to LDS by selective breed-
RHAs is rather unique, even among selected rat populations ing for differential hypothermic responses to the serotonin
292 P. Driscoll et al.

(5-HT)-1A receptor agonist, 8-OH-DPAT (Overstreet, 2002), related mechanisms predisposing to drug and alcohol depen-
with HDS remaining more susceptible to stressor-induced dence (Guitart-Masip et al., 2006b).
behavioral disturbances than LDS rats (e.g., Commis- As was also mentioned earlier, Giorgi et al. (1994)
saris, Ardayfio, McQueen, Gilchrist, & Overstreet, 2000). reported that the stimulating effect of GABA on 36 Cl−
In addition, another selection for HDS/LDS animals was uptake was less pronounced in the cerebral cortex of RLA,
started from the heterogeneous N/Nih rats mentioned ear- than of RHA, rats. This result, confirmed by Bentareha
lier. HDS rats showed a higher intake of SAC but, unusually, et al. (1998), together with the previously discussed find-
this increase was not associated with increased ETH intake ings of Steimer et al. (1997b), which dealt with metabo-
(Overstreet, 2002). As also mentioned earlier, Overstreet & lites of progesterone, could have interesting implications
Rezvani (1996) had found that differences in FST immobil- for RHA/RLA differences in emotional reactivity and/or
ity, EPM activity and voluntary ETH intake surfaced when stress susceptibility, but probably not for differences in ETH
FH rats from two sources were compared. The FH/Wjd rats consumption. The region of interest (recently illustrated in
have been determined to be not only highly immobile in the detail by Giorgi et al., 2007) for GABA and drugs is prob-
FST but also show a high level of ETH consumption, almost ably the VTA-NAc. Hwang, Lumeng, Wu, and Li (1990)
like P rats. Rezvani, Parsian, & Overstreet (2002) have favor- showed that the GABAergic terminal density in the NAc was
ably compared FH/Wjd and P rats with human alcoholics on greater in P/HAD than in NP/LAD rats and suggested that
the basis of face, construct and predictive validity and have GABA/DA axonal interactions may be altered in the NAc
crossbred FH/Wjd with ACI/N rats. Subsequent analyses of of ETH-preferring rats. Nowak, McBride, Lumeng, Li, and
the F1 and F2 generations revealed that, although depressive- Murphy (1998) later showed that blocking GABA-A recep-
like behavior and ETH drinking co-occur in FH/Wjd rats, tors in the VTA actually attenuated ETH intake in P rats,
they appear to be under independent genetic control (Over- but not SAC intake, suggesting that the VTA mechanisms
street, Rezvani, Djouma, Parsian, & Lawrence, 2007; Rez- regulating ETH drinking behavior are under tonic GABA
vani et al., 2002). inhibition mediated by GABA-A receptors. On the other
hand, Thielen, McBride, Lumeng, and Li (1998), who had
also investigated GABA-A receptor function in the cerebral
cortex of P and NP rats, detected no differences between
them there, thus confirming that the properties of ETH were
Neurochemical ODDS and END(ING)S probably not due to differences in cortical GABA-A recep-
tor function. Actually, they had assumed beforehand that
As we have seen, experimental subjects which are more ETH would potentiate GABA-stimulated Cl− influx in the
responsive to the acute effects of addictive drugs (MOR, NP line, which was more sensitive to ETH and as had been
COC, AMP), e.g., RHA (vs. RLA) rats, are also more suscep- seen with other ETH-sensitive mice and rats, but that was not
tible to develop behavioral sensitization upon repeated drug the case.
exposure (Giorgi et al., 2007). These results have also been An area of the cortex which is probably involved in drug
observed for COC and MOR in another line which drinks responses, however, is the mPFC. It has been shown in Wis-
ETH, the AA (vs. ANA) rats (Honkanen et al., 1999). The tar rats (Schwerzenbach) that COC (20 mg/kg i.p.) decreased
findings that those drugs also induced an increase in DA out- levels of DA in the mPFC while increasing them in the
put in the NAc, both acutely (NAc shell) and in sensitized NAc shell much more than in the NAc core. The locomotor
(NAc core of) RHA, but not RLA, rats (Giorgi et al., 2007), response to COC increased as DA increased in the NAc shell.
were also obtained for MOR and COC in AA, vs. ANA, rats Response strategies organized in the mPFC were suggested
(Honkanen et al., 1999; Ojanen et al., 2003), although those to be translated into actions via the NAc (Hédou, Feldon, &
studies did not differentiate between NAc compartments. Heidbreder, 1999). Also examining both regions simultane-
Murphy et al. (2002) reported that the mesolimbic DAergic ously, Giorgi, Valentini, Piras, DiChiara, and Corda (1999)
system in ETH-preferring P rats may also be more sensitive found that a highly palatable food produced larger increases
to the reinforcing (rewarding) actions of ETH. At the same in extracellular DA in the mPFC and in the NAc shell
time, a high initial tolerance to ETH, as also displayed by of both inbred and outbred RHA, than RLA, rats. RLAs
RHA rats, has been suggested to have good predictive value, showed longer approach and eating latencies as well as more
being a known risk factor for alcoholism in humans (Guitart- episodes of freezing behavior. D’Angio et al. (1988) found
Masip et al., 2006a). Those authors also suggested that the a higher turnover of DA in the mPFC of RHA vs. RLA rats
lower sensitivity to ETH of RHA rats joins novelty seeking as upon exposing them to various stressors, which they believed
a trait seemingly not related to DA function, although further to represent a heightened attention or activation of cognitive
investigations with the two strains (on DA receptor binding, processes in attempting to cope with the stressors. That inter-
etc.) have indicated their usefulness as a tool to identify DA- pretation was quite radical at the time, when many were still
20 Some Guidelines for Defining Personality Differences in Rats 293

defining such a DA response in the mPFC to stressors as a ical and physiological continuities between rats, in partic-
sign of heightened emotionality, but there had already been ular, and humans, are considerable (as can be seen from
indications of support for the hypothesis from other sectors most of the subjects covered in this chapter). Research with
(reviewed by Driscoll, Dedek, D’Angio, Claustre, & Scat- rats along these lines is particularly advantageous, consid-
ton, 1990b), which subsequently included further verifica- ering their intelligence, behavioral skills and complex per-
tion in experiments performed with RHA/RLA rats (Driscoll sonalities, all of which are attributes they share with humans
et al., 1990b). (Whishaw, 1999).
Anyway, it has been suggested that the mPFC modu- In conclusion, this chapter has intended to provide some
lates responses to psychological, rather than physical, stres- insight into the realm of exploring personality differences in
sors, probably doing so by indirect projections to the CRH rats, by offering the reader a candid appraisal of some widely
cells of the PVN via the CEA and/or BNST (Crane, Ebner, (and less widely) used behavioral tests, as well as some of
& Day, 2003). The CEA, implicated in conditioned fear the types of neurochemical/anatomical analyses considered
responses (see the earlier AS section), may be additionally to be important in this endeavor. Concurrently, and necessar-
involved in aspects of reward-related behaviors, especially ily, most of the pertinent selection programs in rats have been
those subjected to modulation by drug-induced increases in reviewed and similarities, as well as deviations, among them
NAc DA function (Howes, Dalley, Morrison, Robbins, & have been considered. This is no easy task, considering the
Everitt, 2000). P rats display lower levels of CRH in both the methodological differences to be found among laboratories
CEA and mPFC than NP rats do (Murphy et al., 2002) and, such as source of the rats, the varied usage of tests and inter-
as we have seen, RLAs have displayed more CRH projec- pretation of results, etc., many of which have been indicated
tion neurons in the CEA than RHAs have (Yilmazer-Hanke here. We have endeavored to introduce these subjects as a
et al., 2002). Bell et al. (1998) have indicated that CRH may concept within the scope of which one may start to under-
inhibit the mesolimbic DA projections implicated in ETH- stand personality differences in these animals. Much refer-
mediated reward, as CRH cell bodies and binding sites are ence material has additionally been provided for background
closely associated with mesolimbic DA cell bodies and their information to assist the reader along this journey.
forebrain terminals. Getting back to the PVN and CRH, how-
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et al., 1992), and that CRH and AVP exert a synergistic action References
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Chapter 21

The Genetics of Offensive Aggression in Mice

Stephen C. Maxson

Introduction Description and Measurement of Offense and

Male aggression was the first behavior studied in inbred
strains of mice. Differences were found by Scott (1942) Two types of aggression in adult male and female mice
and by Ginsburg and Allee (1942) across the same three are offense and defense. They differ in motor patterns,
inbred strains. Here was the first evidence that genetic vari- attack or bite targets, adaptive function, and physiology
ants may have an effect on individual differences in male (Adams, 1980). The motor patterns of offense are chase,
mouse aggression. These two studies also showed the first sideways offensive posture, upright offensive posture, and
strain by environment interaction for a mouse behavior. attack whereas the motor pattern of defense are flight,
When C57BL/10 mice were transferred from cage to cage sideways defensive posture, upright defensive posture, and
by picking them up by forceps on the tail, they were more attack. Tail rattle also occurs in aggressive encounters but it
aggressive than when they were transferred from cage to is difficult to classify as either an offense or defense motor
cage in a small box or allowed to do so on their own. This pattern. The attacks in offense are directed primarily at the
treatment had no effect on the aggressive behaviors of the flanks, rump, and base of tail, whereas the attacks in defense
other strains (C3H and Bagg albino [BALB/c]). This find- are directed primarily at the face and shoulders. Injuries from
ing was replicated (Ginsburg & Jummonville, 1967). Also, offensive attack are rarely lethal whereas injuries from defen-
the study of Ginsburg and Allee showed for the first time sive attacks often are. Offense has the adaptive function of
that individual difference in aggression suspected to be due obtaining and retaining resources such as space, food, and
to genes could be modified by experience. Mice of the mates, whereas defense has the adaptive function of defend-
most pacific strain could be rendered aggressive by helping ing oneself from injury by others. Defense may also be
them to win fights, and mice of the most pugnacious strain involved in protecting progeny and mates from injury.
could be rendered pacific by subjecting them to a series of It has been usual in genetic studies of offense to use
defeats. composite or single scores. Composite scores often index
This chapter considers (1) the description and measure- the frequency, severity, or duration of fighting. Single scores
ments of two kinds of aggression: offense and defense, (2) may index the latency, frequency, or duration of one of the
experiential parameters for tests of male offense, (3) the motor components. Neither provides an adequate description
effect of the interactions between genes and the experimen- of offense that is suitable for its complete genetic analysis.
tal parameters on male offense and on the underlying bio- For example, the frequency of chase and attack is partially
logical systems, (4) whether the same genes are involved but not fully correlated across 11 inbred strains of mice (Rou-
in male offense and female aggression, and (5) a com- bertoux, Le Roy, Mortaud, Perez-Diaz, & Tordjman, 1999).
parative genetics of aggression in which the genetics of This implies that some genetic variants affect each motor
offense in mice and other animals can be related to human component and others affect only some of the motor compo-
aggression. nents. Composite and single scores can miss gene effects on
one or more motor components. Similarly, there may be gene
effects on one or more of the measurements (latency, fre-
quency, or duration) of a motor pattern. For example, across
S.C. Maxson (B) inbred strains, the frequency of chase or attack is partially
Department of Psychology, The University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT but not fully correlated with latency to attack (Roubertoux
06269-1020, USA
e-mail: Stephen.Maxson@Uconn.Edu
et al., 1999). Reliance on single measures of offense can miss

Y.-K. Kim (ed.), Handbook of Behavior Genetics, 301

DOI 10.1007/978-0-387-76727-7 21,  c Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2009
302 S.C. Maxson

gene effects on other measures. For these reasons, I strongly et al., 2002). The genes for the CNGA2 ion channel and
recommend that after a genetic variant has been shown to 3 adenylate cyclase are expressed in the MOE, and mutant
affect some aspect of offense, the latency, frequency, and male mice lacking either of these fail to fight other males
duration for each of the motor components of an agonistic (Mandiyan, Coats, & Shah, 2005, Wang, Balet Sindreu, Li,
behavior be described and scored for that genetic variant. For Nudelman, Chan, & Storm, 2006). These and other findings
some variants, it may also be useful to analyze the temporal are the basis, in part, for a model of the interaction between
sequencing of each motor component. inputs from the VNO and MOE with effects on aggression
(Dulac & Wagner, 2006).
Also, there are strain differences in the urinary
chemosignals affecting male offense (Kessler, Harmatz, &
Life History and Test Parameters Gerling, 1975). Urine from CBA/J, C57BR/cdJ, and DBA/2J
strains was daubed on the anogenital region of gonadec-
Whether a genetic variant has effects on offense can also tomized DBA/2 strain males. Males with DBA/2 strain urine
depend on life history and test parameters (Roubertoux elicited more offense from a DBA/2 strain male than did
et al., 1999). The former includes being singly housed versus males with CBA strain urine, and males with CBA strain
pair housed for a period before the aggression test. Single urine elicited more offense than those with C57BR strain
housing is often referred to as isolation. The test parameters urine. Offense was indexed by latency to attack, number of
include the test area (Maxson, 1992a). Two types of test areas attacks, and accumulated attack time. Thus, the urinary odors
are commonly used. These are the resident cage and a neutral of mice from some strains may elicit more offense than oth-
cage. The resident-intruder test occurs in the home cage of ers. There are also testosterone-independent signals. Some of
one of the contestants (the resident). In the resident-intruder these are individual recognition odor types that are affected
test, the offensive behavior of the resident is scored. The neu- by variants of the Y chromosome (Schellinck, Monahan,
tral cage test occurs in an arena that is not the home cage Brown, & Maxson, 1993) or other genes (Maxson, 1992).
of either contestant. In the neutral cage test, offense of the It has been suggested that mice with the same Y chromo-
subject mouse is scored. some and therefore identical odor types are more aggressive
The test parameters also include the type of oppo- than those with different Y chromosomes (Monahan & Max-
nent (Maxson, 1992a; Mizcek, Maxson, Fish, & Fac- son, 1998). Thus, mice in a homogenous set test may be more
cidomo, 2002). If the genotype of the two opponents is the aggressive than in a standard opponent test.
same, this is referred to as a homogeneous set test. This can
only be used with isogenic populations. If the genotype of
the opponent is the same for all experimental subjects, this is
Genetic Effects on Offensive Aggression
known as a standard opponent test. It can be used with iso-
genic and heterogenic populations. Sometimes the opponent in Males
is experimentally modified to reduce or eliminate its attacks
against the experimental subject. This includes for the oppo- Ginsburg (1958) proposed that gene variants could be used
nent either a series of prior defeats, olfactory bulbectomy, or as tools to study the biology of behaviors. Benzer (1971)
gonadectomy. also proposed that this would be best done with single gene
There are urinary and other chemosignals from one mutants having large effects on the behavior. To date, vari-
opponent male that affect the occurrence and intensity of ants of 56 genes, mostly identified from transgenic or knock-
offense in the other opponent male. Some of these sig- out studies, have been shown to affect offense in male mice
nals enhance and others inhibit offense, and some of each (Table 21.1). Some of these act on olfactory, endocrine, neu-
kind of signal are testosterone and/or melanocortin depen- rotransmitter, or second messenger systems. Still others have
dent. Testosterone-dependent and melanocortin-dependent effects on other biological systems. Some effects of genetic
signals come from the preputial gland (Morgan & variants on male offense depend on life history and test
Cone, 2006). These signals from the preputial gland con- parameters, and others are independent of these. Elsewhere,
sist of alpha and beta farnesene and are found in male I have suggested that the biology of offense may depend on
urine. Other testosterone-dependent signals come from the these parameters and that there may be at least two different
bladder. Recent genetic analyses indicate that these urinary biologies of aggression with each dependent on different life
pheromones from one male stimulate offense in another history and test parameters (Maxson & Canastar, in press).
male by acting on that male’s vomeronasal organ (VNO) Roubertoux et al. (1999) have made a similar suggestion.
and main olfactory epithelium (MOE). The Trp2 ion chan- This is the topic of this section.
nel is expressed in the VNO, and mutant male mice lack- In a study of offense in 11 inbred strains, there were 4
ing this ion channel do not attack intruder males (Leypold combinations of life history and test parameters (Roubertoux
21 The Genetics of Offensive Aggression in Mice 303

Table 21.1 Genes with effects on male offense

Systems Name (Symbol) Chromosome
Adenylate cyclase-activating 6
polypeptide 1 receptor (Adcyap1r1)
Beta 2-microglobin (B2m) 12
Cyclic-nucleotide-gated 9
channel α2 (Cnga2)
Guanine nucleotide-binding protein, 9
alpha inhibiting 2 (Gnai2)
Melanocortin-5 receptor (Mc5r) 19
TRP ion channel (Trpc2) 7
Type 3 adenylate cyclase (Adcy3) 12
Androgen receptor (Ar) X
Aromatase (Cyp19) 9
Corticotropin-releasing 6
hormone receptor 2 (Crhr2)
α-Estrogen receptor (Esr1) 10
β-Estrogen receptor (Esr2) 12
Steroid sulfatase (Sts) X/Y
Acetylcholine esterase (Ache) 5
Adenosine 1 receptor (Adora1) 1
Adenosine 2a receptor (Adora2a) 10
Adrenergic alpha 2c receptor (Adra2c) 5
Arginine vasopressin 1 b 1
receptor (Avpr1b)
Cannabinoid receptor 1 (Cnr1) 4
Catechol-O-methyl transferase (Comt) 16
Dopamine DRD2 receptor 1 (Drd2) 9
Dopamine β hydroxylase (Dbh) 2
Dopamine transporter (Slc6a3) 13
Enkephalin (Penk1) 4
Glutamic acid decarboxylase 65 (Gad2) 2
Glutamate receptor, ionotropic, 11
AMPA1 (alpha 1) (Gria1)
Glutamate receptor, ionotropic, X
AMPA3 (alpha 3) (Gria3)
Glutamate receptor, ionotropic, 2
NMDA1 (zeta 1) (Grin1)
Histamine 1 receptor (Hrh1) 6
Monoamine oxidase A (Maoa) X
Membrane metal endopeptidase (Mm2) 3
Nitric oxide synthase 1, neuronal (Nos1) 5
Nitric oxide synthase 3, endothelial (Nos3) 5
Neuropeptide Y1 receptor (Npy1r) 8
Oxytocin (Oxt) 2
Oxytocin receptor (Oxtr) 6
Pet-1 ETS factor (Pet-1) 1
Phenylethanolamine-N-methyltransferase 11
Serotonin transporter (Slc6a4) 11
Serotonin 1b receptor (Htrlb) 9
Tachykinin-1 receptor (Tacr1) 6
Tryptophan hydroxylase 2 (Tph2) 10
α-Calcium/calmodulin kinase II 18
304 S.C. Maxson

Table 21.1 (Continued)

Systems Name (Symbol) Chromosome
Breakpoint cluster region (Bcr) 10
(regulation of Rho family small GTPase proteins)
Guanine diphosphate dissociation X
inhibitor (Gdi-1)
Regulator of G-protein signaling 2 1
Amyloid beta (A4) precursor (App) 16
Brain creatine kinase (Ckb) 12
Brain-derived neurotrophic 2
factor (Bdnf)
Engrailed 2 transcription factor (En2) 5
Fyn tyrosine kinase (Fyn) 10
Gene trap ROSA-b-Geo22 (Gtrgeo22) 10
Huntington’s disease gene 5
homolog (Hdh)
Interleukin-6 (Il-6) 5
Neural cell adhesion molecule 9
Nuclear receptor family 2 10
group E member 1 (Nr3e1)
Transforming growth factor alpha 6
Except for the following references for each gene may be found in Miczek, Maxson, Fish,
and Faccidomo (2001), Maxson, Roubertoux, Guillot, and Goldman (2001), or Maxson and
Canastar (2003, 2006): Wang et al., 2006 (Ac3), Nicot, Otto, Brabet, and Dicicco-Bloom, 2004
(Adcyap1r), Moechars, Gilis, Kuipéri, Laenen, and Van Leuven, 1999 (App), Mandiyan
et al., 2005 (Cnga2), Martin, Ledent, Parmentier, Maldonado, and Valverde, 2002 (Cnr1),
Coste, Heard, Phillips, and Stenzel-Poore, 2006 (Crhr2), Marino, Bourdelat-Parks, Cameron
Liles, and Weinshenker (2005 (Dbh), Vukhac, Sankoorikal, and Wang (2001 (Drd2), Cheh
et al., 2006 (En), Norlin, Gussing, and Berghard, 2003 (Gnai2), Vekovischeva et al., 2004
(Gria3), Shimshek et al., 2006 (Gria3), Duncan et al., 2004 (Grin1), Shelbourne et al., 2006
(Hdh), Morgan & Cone, 2006 (Mc5r), Karl et al., 2004 (Npy1r), Takayanagi et al., 2005 (Oxtr),
Sorensen et al., 2005 (Pnmt), Kulikov, Osipova, Naumenko, and Popova, 2005 (Tph2)

et al., 1999). These were (1) non-isolated males, neutral cage teroids appear to have opposite effects on neurotransmitter
test, and A/J opponent; (2) males isolated for 1 day, neutral systems. For example, DHEAS and pregnalone sulfate act as
cage test, and A/J opponent; (3) males isolated for 13 days, antagonists of the GABA receptor whereas allopregnanalone
resident-intruder test, and A/J opponent; and (4) males iso- acts as an agonist of the GABA receptor
lated for 13 days, resident-intruder test, and homogeneous set The association between brain concentration and initi-
test. The behavioral index was the percent of males fighting ation of attacks was studied in 11 inbred strains of mice
in a strain. The rank order correlations of the strains between (LeRoy et al., 1999). There was a high (r = 0.89) correlation
any two conditions were always positive but always less than across the strains for STS concentration (pmols STS/mg pro-
one. This finding is consistent with some genes acting on tein) in brain and proportion of males attacking. This asso-
offense in all four conditions and some having effects in one ciation was only found for males housed with a female from
or more but not all conditions. Some of these strains have also weaning, tested in the neutral cage, and tested with an A/J
been used to assess correlations between brain phenotypes opponent. It was not found with other kinds or rearing, test
and offense in males. situation, and opponent such as isolated males, a resident-
One of these is brain levels of the enzyme, steroid sulfa- intruder test, and same strain opponents.
tase or STS (Roubertoux & Carlier, 2003). The steroid sulfa- In both an F2 and advanced intercross lines derived
tase enzyme is coded for by a gene on the pseudoautosomal from crosses of NZB and CBA/H mice, DNA markers on
region (PAR) of the X and Y chromosomes. This enzyme the PAR were associated with number of attacks in tests
is expressed in glial cells, and it regulates the levels of sul- with non-isolated males, a neutral arena, and A/J opponents
fated and non-sulfated neurosteroids. Free or sulfated neuros- (Roubertoux et al., 2005). Also, in an F2 derived from NZB
21 The Genetics of Offensive Aggression in Mice 305

and C57BL/6 mice, DNA markers on the PAR were asso- can occur only in the resident-intruder test after isolation or
ciated with latency to attack and number of attacks in tests in the neutral cage test with no or limited isolation or both. In
with non-isolated males, a neutral arena, and A/J opponents. contrast, the association between STS activity and offensive
However, this association was not found for isolated males in aggression occurs only in the neutral cage test with no isola-
a resident-intruder test with A/J opponents. tion and with a standard opponent. Consequently, it may be
Another brain phenotype correlated with offensive that brain mechanisms for offensive aggression in mice are
aggression is the size of the hippocampal mossy fibers. not the same for different life histories and test parameters
This tract connects the granule cell of the dentate gyrus and that some genetic variants will act in one and not the
to the pyramidal cells of the CA3 area of the hippocam- other condition. However, some may act in both. Both depen-
pus. This association between the size of the IIPMF (infra- dence and independence of life history and test conditions
and infrapyramidal mossy fiber fields) and offensive aggres- have been shown in the following research on factor analysis
sion was initially shown across seven inbred strains (Guillot, of male offense and biological systems across inbred strains
Roubertoux, & Crusio, 1994). The IIPMF and the proportion and on association of DNA markers and offensive aggression
of mice attacking were measured in each strain. The strain in F2s of two inbred strains.
correlation for the two traits was r = −0.82. Aggression was In the factor analysis study, there were 12 inbred strains
assessed in a resident-intruder test with an A/J intruder. The (Roubertoux et al., 2005). The four combinations of life his-
resident had been housed with a female until 13 days before tory and test conditions were (1) non-isolated, neutral cage,
the resident-intruder test. This correlation is not observed and A/J opponent with one test; (2) isolated for 13 days,
when aggression is assessed in a neutral cage, when the neutral cage, and A/J opponent with two test; (3) isolated
resident had not been housed with a female and then iso- for 13 days, resident’s cage, and A/J opponent with one test;
lated for 13 days, or when the opponent was of the same and (4) isolated for 13 days, resident’s cage, and homoge-
strain. nous set test with one test. The aggression index was per-
This association has also been shown for a pair of strains cent of attacking males in a strain. The biological measures
selected for latency to attack. These are the short attack were paired testis weight, plasma testosterone concentra-
latency (SAL) and long attack latency (LAL) mice (van Oort- tion, steroid sulfatase concentration in whole brain, serotonin
merssen & Bakker, 1981). The SAL mice have a smaller concentration in plasma, serotonin concentration in whole
IIPMF in comparison to the LAL mice (Sluyter, Jamot, van brain, met-enkephalin concentration in whole brain, dynor-
Oortmerssen, & Crusio, 1994). The mice are pair housed phin A concentration in whole brain, β-endorphin concentra-
before the experiment begins. A test subject is exposed for tion in whole brain, and ACTH concentration in whole brain.
2 days to three compartments of a four-compartment arena. Three factors were obtained. Factor 1 weighted positively on
One compartment is the resident’s home area; it lives there aggression in test conditions 1 and 2 as well as positively
alone for 5 days. For the first 2 days, it is allowed to explore with paired testes weight, plasma testosterone concentra-
the two adjacent compartments for an hour each day. Then, tion, steroid sulfatase concentration and negatively with brain
it encounters an albino opponent male of the MAS-GRO serotonin, β-endorphin, and ACTH concentration. Factor 2
strain. Thus, the SAL and LAL mice differ in attack latency weighted positively on aggression in test conditions 3 and 4,
for offensive aggression in a resident-intruder test when the weakly on aggression in test condition 2, and positively on
males have been isolated for more than 1 day, and the oppo- paired testis weight, and negatively on brain serotonin con-
nent is a standard strain. centration. Factor 3 weighted positively on aggression in test
There is also a single gene mutation with pleiotropic condition 1, plasma testosterone, β-endorphin, and ACTH
effects on both offensive aggression and size of the IIPMF. concentrations and negatively on met-enkephalin concentra-
There is a pair of C57BL/6 strains that differ in a single gene tion. It is again obvious that the association between gene-
(Jamot, Bertholet, & Crusio, 1994). The N strain has smaller based biology and offense in males depends on life his-
IIPMF than the K strain. In both resident-intruder and neutral tory and test parameters. In this study, the main exper-
cage tests, males of the N strain had fewer tail rattles, made imental variant is whether the males had been isolated
fewer attack, and had a longer attack latency than males of or not.
the K strain (Sluyter, Marican, & Crusio, 1999). Also, the In a study to identify quantitative trait loci (QTLs),
K strain had more males attacking than the N strain. From offensive aggression was tested in F2 males from recip-
weaning, the males had been housed with a female prior rocal crosses of NZB/BlNJ and C57BL/6 inbred strains
to the neutral cage test but isolated for 14–16 days before (Roubertoux et al., 2005). There were two contrasting life
the resident-intruder test. The opponent in both tests was a history and testing conditions. For one group (Group 1),
DBA/2 male. the males were isolated from weaning, and the encounters
Thus, depending on interaction with other genes, the asso- occurred in the resident’s cage. For the other group (Group
ciation between size of the IIPMF and offensive aggression 2), the males were housed with a female from weaning, and
306 S.C. Maxson

the encounters occurred in a neutral cage. For both groups, genes are listed in Table 21.1. Each of the 56 genes has
the opponent was an A/J male. The phenotypes were latency allelic variants with differential effects on one or measures
to first tail rattle, frequency of tail rattles, latency to first of male offense. Only three of these are listed in Group 1
attack, and frequency of attacks. The cosegregation of these from the study of Roubertoux et al. (2005). These are Ar,
phenotypes with SSLP (simple sequence length polymor- Gria1, and Esr1. So far, effects on male offense of knockouts
phisms) DNA markers was assessed. The DNA markers were for Got1, Gabr1, andGabr3 have not been reported. Also,
spaced about 22.5 cM apart across the mouse genome. knockouts of two genes listed in Group 2 of Roubertoux
For Group 1, QTLs were reported for tail rattling latency et al. (2005) have been shown to have effects with isolation
at Chromosome 8 (47 ± 2.8 cM) and Chromosome 9 (41 before a resident-intruder test. These are Esr2 and Htr1b. It
± 27.9 cM), for tail rattling frequency on Chromosome 11 may be that these are not the genes that underlie the mapped
(24 ± 13.9 cM) and on Chromosome 12 (26 ± 18.6 cM), QTLs for test condition 2. Regardless, I recommend, as have
for attack latency on Chromosome 12 (19 ± 11.9 cM) and Roubertoux et al. (1999 and 2005), that there be a standard
on the X chromosome (28 ± 4.5 cM), and for attack fre- set of test conditions (life history, test area, and opponent)
quency on Chromosome 11 (45 ± 4.5 cM) and on Chromo- as well as aggression measures used in all new and repli-
some 12 (24 ± 15.1 cM). For Group 2, QTLS were reported cate studies of male offense in mice. I recommend that these
for tail rattling latency on Chromosome 8 (44 ± 26.3 cM), be isolation before testing, resident-intruder test, and A/J
on Chromosome 9 (39 ± 12.9 cM), and on the X chromo- opponent as well as frequency of each motor component.
some (75 ± 12.4 cM), for latency to attack on Chromo- Also, since it appears that gene and neural effects on male
some 9 (47 ± 37.2 cM) and on the X chromosome (75 ± offense depend on life history and test arena, follow-up stud-
5.1 cM), and for attack frequency at Chromosome 8 (45 ± ies of gene effects on male offense should be done with no
15.9 cM), on Chromosome 11 (39 ± 12.4 cM), on Chromo- isolation, neutral cage test, and A/J opponent with the same
some 12 (17 ± 27.9 cM), and on the X chromosome (75 ± measures of offense.
9 cM). There are three things of note in these findings. First, For now, it may be possible to use the known biolog-
some but not all QTLs are the same between groups. Second, ical effects of the 56 genes listed in Table 21.1 to iden-
within a group, some but not all QTLs are the same for each tify some aspects of the neural mechanism of offense in
measure of aggression. Third, these QTLs accounted for the males that have been isolated prior to testing and that are
same amount of phenotypic variance for latency to tail rattle tested in the resident’s cage regardless of opponent type or
and for latency to attack for both groups but very different behavioral measure. Under these life history and test con-
amounts for attack frequency in each group. It was 28% for ditions, these are as follows: (1) olfactory input from both
Group 1 and 87% for Group 2. the main olfactory epithelium and the vomeronasal organ
Candidate genes have been proposed for the following and from these to amygdala and other brain structures is
QTLs: for Group 1, Got1 (glutamic oxaloacetate transam- required for offense in males; (2) input from the granule
inase) on latency to tail rattling, Gabra1 (gamma amino cells of the dentate gyrus to pyramidal cells of CA3 in
acid receptor, subunit α1) and Gria1 (glutamate receptor, the hippocampus has a role in male offense; (3) the neu-
ionotrophic AMPA1) on frequency of tail rattling, Ar (andro- rotransmitter systems of acetylcholine, adenosine, argenine-
gen receptor) and Gabra3 (gamma amino acid receptor, sub- vasopressin, cannabinoids, dopamine, enkephalin, GABA,
unit α3) on latency to attack, and Gria1 and Esr2 (β estrogen glutamic acid, histamine, nitric oxide, norepinepherin, neu-
receptor) on frequency of attacks; for Group 2, Got1, Htr1b ropeptide Y, oxytocin, serotonin, and substance p have a role
(5-hydroxytryptamine receptor, 1b), and Sts (steroid sulfa- in male offense; (4) the conversion of testosterone to estradiol
tase) on latency to tail rattling, Sts on latency to attack, and and the action of estradiol on the α and β estrogen recep-
Gabra3, Esr2, and Sts on frequency of attack. There were tor have a role in male offense. There may also be direct
two rationale for selecting these as candidate genes. These effects of testosterone on the Ar receptor. Regardless, item 3
are the following: (1) The gene is within the QTL region. (2) is consistent with pharmacological studies of offense in male
Other evidence is consistent with a role of this gene or its mice (Miczek & Fish, 2006), and item 4 is consistent with
biology in Group 1 or Group 2 offense. All of these, except endocrinological studies of offense in male mice (Simon &
Sts, need further confirmation. Lu, 2006). Further progress will be made in understanding
The studies described so far have with certainty identi- the role of these genes in male offense, after it is known when
fied only one gene with effects on male offensive aggression. and where each gene has its primary effect and after we know
This is Sts. The effects of Sts variants on offense are only fully the neural circuits of male offense. To some degree the
detected when the males have not been isolated and when latter is known from studies in rats (Halasz, Liposits, Meelis,
tested in a neutral cage. Variants of the other 55 genes known Kruk, & Haller, 2002; Hrabovsky et al., 2005), hamsters
to affect offense in mice have been detected when the males (Delville, DeVries, & Ferris, 2000; Ferris, 2006), and mice
have been isolated and tested in the resident’s cage. The 56 (Haller, Toth, Halasz, & DeBoer, 2006).
21 The Genetics of Offensive Aggression in Mice 307

Genetic Effects on Aggression in Female Mice days postconception, and declines slightly from then to birth.
The development of aggression during pregnancy is associ-
Until the late 1960s or early 1970s, it was thought with ated with changes in circulating progesterone and estradiol
one exception that female mice were not aggressive in during pregnancy. It is maximal when progesterone is high
encounters similar to those used with males. However, it and estradiol low.
was shown later that wild female mice would attack female There is ample evidence suggesting that genes may
mice in a resident-intruder test (Ebert, 1976). Later, Ogawa affect individual differences in each type of female
and Makino (1981) showed that females of the AKR/J aggression (Ebert, 1983; Fredericson & Birnbaum, 1954;
strain but not five other strains would attack males in a Haug, Johnson, & Brain, 1992; Ogawa & Makino, 1984;
resident-intruder test. Female mice will also attack lactating Svare, 1989). Here, I will consider whether the same genes
female mice (Haug, Johnson, & Brain, 1992). Also, female may be involved in each kind of female aggression and then
mice that are homozygous for a knockout of the Esr1 gene whether the same genes may be involved in both male and
will attack male mice more than those homozygous for the female offensive aggression.
wild-type allele (Ogawa et al., 1998). Much earlier, it had Wild mice were trapped from two locations around
also been shown that in competitive food encounters female Bowling Green, Ohio. From this mixed wild popula-
mice are as aggressive as male mice (Fredericson, 1950). In tion, mice were selectively bred for interfemale aggres-
all of these studies, the females were neither pregnant nor sion (Ebert, 1983). All females were non-pregnant and non-
lactating. Also, it appears that in all these cases, the females lactating. The test subject females were isolated from 28 to
are displaying offensive aggression with the same motor 56 days of age. A C57BL/6 female was introduced into the
patterns as seen for male offense. home cage of the test female. The behavior of the resident
About the same time as Ebert’s studies on aggression in mouse was rated on a seven-point scale, and from this an
non-pregnant and non-lactating wild mice, it was shown that aggression score was derived. Within-group selection was
lactating mice attack both male and female mice (St. John & used to reduce inbreeding. There were two high aggres-
Corning, 1973). This is often referred to as maternal aggres- sion lines, two control lines, and two low aggression lines.
sion (Gammie & Lonstein, 2006). For lactating females, it Females within a line were bred to untested males which as
has been suggested that offensive aggression occurs with appropriate were the brother of a high or low aggression-
female opponents and defensive aggression occurs with male scoring female. After 11 generations of selection, the two
opponents (Parmigiani, Brain, Mainardi, & Brunoni, 1988; high lines had mean aggression scores of 6 and the two low
Parmiginai, Palanza, Rodgers, & Ferrari, 1999). Although lines had mean aggression scores of 3; there was a non-zero
pups are usually removed just prior to a test of maternal heritability for both the high and low lines.
aggression, the expression of maternal aggression is depen- These lines have been tested for maternal aggression
dent on recent exposure of the dam to pups and on suck- (Hyde & Sawyer, 1979). For these tests a non-lactating
ing of the dam by the pups. It also depends on olfactory C57BL/6 female was introduced into the home cage of a
stimuli from the intruder acting on both main olfactory and lactating female with her pups. There was a test every day
vomeronasal olfactory systems. For example, mice with the from 2 to 20 days postpartum. Females of each high line had
Trp2 ion channel knockout (Leypold et al., 2002) do not higher aggression scores than females of each control line,
show maternal aggression. It can occur just after birth until and females of each control line had higher aggression scores
about 20 days postpartum. For most strains, there is a peak than females of the low line. Thus, the aggression scores of
of maternal aggression from 4 to 12 days after birth. In mice, non-lactating females and of lactating females are correlated
exogenous testosterone and estradiol inhibit the occurrence and some of the same genetic variants have effects on both
of maternal aggression. The development of aggression in types of female aggression.
lactating females is associated with changes in circulating Aggression in non-pregnant and non-lactating, pregnant,
prolactin. It is maximal when prolactin is high. and lactating females was later studied in five inbred stains
In mice, female aggression also occurs during pregnancy. (Ogawa and Makino, 1981). Non-pregnant, non-lactating
Some studies indicate that this is characterized by lunges females were tested three times. Pregnant females were
with few if any bites against male opponents (Svare, 1989). tested at 9, 15, and 17 days postconception. Lactating mice
Other studies show that pregnant female mice show the were tested at 1, 3, 5, 8, 10, 15, 17, and 19 days postpartum.
full range of offensive aggression including bites against The opponent for all tests was a male mouse. Since only one
male opponents (Ogawa & Makino, 1984). Also, both preg- strain was aggressive when the female was non-pregnant and
nant and non-pregnant females are attacked by pregnant non-lactating, and most strains were aggressive when lactat-
females. For most strains, female aggression begins about ing, it appears that for these strains few, if any, genes effect
2–3 days postconception, reaches a maximum about 6–11 both kinds of female aggression. However, more strains were
308 S.C. Maxson

aggressive when either pregnant or lactating. Thus, it may be DBA/2, CBA/Ca, and C3H/He. In these strains and tests,
that some genes have effects on both of these types of female it does seem that some of the same genes affect both male
aggression. offense and female aggression.
I now consider whether or not some of the same genes The TA (Turku Aggressive) and TNA selected (Turku
may affect both male offense and one or more kinds non-aggressive) lines differ in male offense in a neutral cage
of female aggression. Initially, no association was found test with male opponents (Lagerspetz, 1964). Males of the
between male and female offense in two selection studies. In TA line are more aggressive than males of the TNA line.
one study, females were selected for aggression with female Females of these lines also differ in aggression when lactat-
opponents in a resident-intruder test (Ebert & Hyde, 1983). ing but not when pregnant or when neither pregnant nor lac-
The high and low lines did not differ in male offense in a tating. Female aggression was tested on the 9th and 18th day
resident-intruder test with male opponents. In another study, of gestation and on the 1st, 3rd, 6th, 9th, and 12th day post-
males were selected for aggression with male opponents in partum. The largest difference in aggression occurred on the
a resident-intruder test (van Oortmerssen & Bakker, 1981). 3rd day of lactation. The opponents were males. With these
The high and low lines did not differ in female offense in a strains and tests, it appears that the some genes may affect
resident-intruder test with female opponents. Also, lactating both male offense and aggression in lactating but not preg-
females of each line had equally short attack latencies against nant females and that the same genes do not affect aggression
a male intruder (Benus, 2001). Thus, in these studies, there in pregnant and lactating females (Sandnabba, 1992).
appears to be no common effect of genes on male offense and The NC900 and NC100 selected lines also differ in
female aggression. offense of isolated males tested in neutral cage with male
Similarly, when non-pregnant, non-lactating females are opponents (Cairns, MacCombie, & Hood, 1983). Males of
housed in groups of three, the dominant female will attack the NC900 line are more aggressive than males of the NC100
lactating, intruder females whereas males in this situation do line. Females of these lines also differ in aggression when
not attack lactating females (Haug, Johnson, & Brain, 1992). lactating (Hood & Cairns, 1988). Female aggression was
There are differences in this aggressive behavior for female tested with male opponents on the 3rd, 6th, 9th, and 18th day
but not male mice. However, gonadectomized males are postpartum. Lactating females of the NC900 line were more
aggressive in this situation, and females treated with testos- aggressive than those of the NC100 line on all test days. Also,
terone are not. Thus, in this situation, there does not appear to after group but not individual housing, non-pregnant and
be common genetic effects on male and female aggression. non-lactating females of the NC900 line were more aggres-
This may reflect the action of testosterone on gene transcrip- sive with male opponents than females of the NC100 line
tion in males and its absence in females. However, there are (Hood & Cairns, 1988). Here, it appears that some of the
other studies with inbred and selected strains suggesting that same genes affect not only male offense but also two types
some genes affect both male offense and at least one type of of female aggression.
female aggression. It seems reasonable to conclude from these studies of
There are also studies of strain differences of so-called inbred and selected strains that depending on the test con-
competitive fighting in male/male and female/female pairs. ditions, some genes affect male offense, some genes affect
The mice are food deprived. In one study (Fredericson & only female offense, and some genes affect both. This con-
Birnbaum, 1954), both male and female C57BL/10 mice clusion is supported by studies on individual genes and
fought vigorously to maintain possession of a piece of chow. aggression in males and females. Table 21.2 lists trans-
In contrast, both male and female BALB/c mice shared the genics and knockouts that have been studied for effects
food without fights. In general, although there are strain dif- on male offense and one or more types of female aggres-
ferences for this type of aggression, there are no within-strain sion. The following genes affect only male offense: Nos3
sex differences. This implies that in these strains and tests, (endothelial nitric oxide synthase), Gria3 (AMPA-type glu-
the same genes may be involved in male and female compet- tamate receptor), Grin1 (NMDA-type glutamate receptor),
itive aggression. and Pnmt (phenylethanolamine N-methyl transferase). The
In an early study, St. John and Corning (1973) compared following genes affect only female aggression: Cck2 (chole-
the aggression of males attacking males and of lactating cystokinin neuropeptide receptor) and V1r (vomeronasal
females attacking females in four inbred strains. In their receptor 1). The following genes affect male and female
tests DBA/2 and BALB/c males and lactating females were aggression in opposite directions: Crhr2 (corticotrophin-
more aggressive than C3H and C57BL/6 males and lactating releasing factor receptor), Esr1 (α-estrogen receptor), Esr2
females. Similarly, Jones and Brain (1987) found a strain cor- (β-estrogen receptor), Nos1 (neural nitric oxide synthase),
relation for aggression of isolated or female-paired males and and Tgfa (transforming growth factor alpha). The following
aggression of lactating females. The strains were Tuck Ordi- genes have the same effect on male and female aggression:
nary (TO), Swiss-Webster, NZW/Ola, BALB/c, C57BL/10, Avpr1b (arginine vasopressin 1 b receptor), Gnai2 (guanine
21 The Genetics of Offensive Aggression in Mice 309

Table 21.2 Comparison of gene effects on male offense and female aggression
Effect Gene name (Symbol) Chromosome
Males only
Nitric oxide synthase, endothelial (Nos3) 5
Glutamate receptor, ionotropic, AMPA3 (alpha 3) X
Glutamate receptor, ionotropic, NMDA1 (zeta 1) 2
Phenylethanolamine-N-methyltransferase (Pnmt) 11
Females only
Cholecystokinin neuropeptide receptor (Cck2) 7
Vomeronasal receptors 1 (V1r) 6
Same for males and
Arginine vasopressin 1 b receptor (Avpr1b) 1
Guanine nucleotide-binding protein, alpha-inhibiting 9
2 (Gnai2)
5-HTIB receptor (Htrlb) 9
Nuclear receptor family 2 group E member 1 10
TRP ion channel (Trp2) 7
Opposite for males
and females
Corticotropin-releasing hormone receptor 2 (Crhr2) 6
α-Estrogen receptor (Esr1) 10
β-Estrogen receptor (Esr2) 12
Nitric oxide synthase 1, neuronal (Nos1) 5
Transforming growth factor alpha (Tgfa) 6
Except for the following references for each gene may be found in Miczek et al. (2001), Maxson
(1998), Maxson et al. (2001), or Maxson and Canastar (2003, 2006): Wersinger, Caldwell,
Christiansen, & Young, 2007 (Avpr1b), Abramov et al., 2004 (Cck2), Coste et al., 2006 (Crhr2),
Gammie, Hasen, Stevenson, Bale, & D’Anna, 2005 (Crhr2), Shimshek et al., 2006 (Gria3),
Duncan et al., 2004 (Grin1), Sorensen et al., 2005 (Pnmt), Leypold et al., 2002 (Trp2), Del
Punta et al., 2002 (V1r)

nucleotide-binding protein alpha inhibiting 2), Htr1b (sero- effects on mouse aggression might be related to genetic
tonin 1B receptor), Nre3e1 (nuclear receptor family 2 group effects on human aggression.
E member 1), Oxt (oxytocin), and Trp2 (TRP ion channel 2). One approach is to consider the findings in mice as
Further progress will be made in understanding the role hypothesis generators for human aggression. They would be
of these genes in male offense and female aggression, after hypothesis generators in two ways. First, genetic variants in
it is known when and where each gene has its primary effect the mouse with effects on offense or other types of aggression
and after we know fully the neural circuits of male offense have homologues in the human genome. Currently, 56 genes
in comparison to the neural circuits of the types of female have been shown to affect male mouse offense (Table 21.1).
aggression. Some aspects of the neural circuitry of maternal Variants of the human homologues could be assessed for
aggression in rodents are discussed by Gammie (2005) and effects on one or more types of human aggression. Second,
by Gammie and Lonstein (2006). as has been shown in this article, genetic variants can be used
to dissect the neural and other mechanisms of offense in male
mice. Some aspects of these gene-based neural mechanisms
for offense in mice can potentially generate testable hypothe-
Comparative Genetics of Offensive
ses about the neural and other mechanisms of one or more
Aggression types of human aggression. This approach does not require
that the type of aggression in mice is isomorphic with that in
The first studies on the genetics of aggression in mice were humans.
published more than 60 years ago (Ginsburg & Allee, 1942; Another approach does require that there is some similar-
Scott, 1942). Both studies were conduced not only to under- ity in the aggression of mice and humans. Here one speaks
stand the biology of mouse aggression in males but also to of animal models of aggression. Several types of adaptive
explore hypotheses about the causes of aggression in human aggression are recognized in mice and other animals. These
males. This section considers how the findings of genetic include offense, defense, paternal, and infanticide. Blanchard
310 S.C. Maxson

and Blanchard (2006) have cogently argued that offense Caroline Blanchard recently wrote, “The importance of such
and defense occur in humans and that there are functional organismic, social, and environmental factors in instigating
and mechanistic similarities between these types of aggres- and modulating offensive and defensive aggression across
sion in animals and humans. In this approach, one would species highlights the need to analyze aggression in as wide
generate genetic hypotheses about human offense but not range of species as possible” (2006).
defense from genetic data on offense in mice. As I have On the basis of his research and studies to date as well
already discussed, most studies of aggression in male mice as the current state of genetics, Benson Ginsburg wrote and
as well as female mice have been on offense. Others have published Genetics as a Tool in the Study of Behavior (1958).
sought similarities for non-adaptive or pathological aggres- This was 5 years after the publication of Watson and Crick’s
sion in humans and animals (Haller & Kruk, 2006; Miczek model of the structure of DNA and its implications for gene
& Fish, 2006). In general, these look for test of aggression replication, mutation, and function. In this paper, Ginsburg
in animals where there is very short latency to attack, a very cogently argued that in the context of evolution, genetics is
high frequency of attack, inappropriate targets for attacks, or a way of (1) defining natural units of behavior, (2) getting
a breakdown in the behavioral sequence of the motor patterns at their underlying mechanisms of behavior, and (3) study-
of a kind of aggression. These may be models of extreme or ing the effects of non-genetic variables on behavior. Applied
impulsive violence in humans. As far as I know, none of the across species, this approach could find general principles
animal models of non-adaptive or pathological aggression relating genes to behavior.
have been the subject of genetic studies in mice. When they A comparative genetics approach to behavior has been
are, they can be used to generate genetic hypotheses about successfully applied to circadian rhythms, foraging, and
one or more types of non-adaptive or pathological aggression learning (Robinson, Grozinger, & Whitfield, 2005). Here, the
in humans. effect of the same gene, for, will be described for foraging
The first two approaches are primarily concerned with behaviors in fruit flies, nematodes, honeybees, and harvester
using mice to generate hypotheses about the biology and con- ants. The for gene codes for a cGMP-dependent protein
text of human aggression. A comparative genetic approach is kinase (PKG) and is involved in the foraging behaviors of
concerned with finding general principles about genes and each species. There are two alleles of this gene in fruit flies.
aggression across animal species including humans. In this These are the high- and low-brain enzyme alleles. Larval and
approach, the effects of DNA variants of the same gene are adult flies with higher brain enzyme activity are more likely
studied in similar if not identical types of aggression across to shift food patch and thereby travel further for food than
species or the correlation in brain expression of the same those with lower brain enzyme activity. There are also two
gene or genes is studied in similar if not identical types of alleles of the gene in nematodes. But genetic variants in PKG
aggression across species. Here some background to compar- enzyme activity have an opposite effect on foraging behav-
ative genetics will be discussed, then an example of it will be ior in nematodes. Nematodes with the lower enzyme activ-
described for foraging behavior, and then it will be applied to ity travel further than those with the higher activity. Brain
the Maoa (monoamine oxidase A) gene, the 5HTT (serotonin expression of this enzyme has been studied in honeybees and
transporter) gene and aggression across mice, monkeys, and in harvester ants. Worker honeybees have essentially two life
humans. phases. From birth to about 2 weeks of age, they are nurses
The biology of behavior is firmly rooted in the writings and do not leave the hive. From about 2 weeks of age to
of Charles Darwin. Darwin considers behavior and mind in death, they are foragers and do leave the hive. Nurse bees
Chapter 8 of the Origin of Species, in Chapters 3 and 4 in have very much lower levels of PKG transcripts in the brain
the Descent of Man as well as in numerous chapters on sex- than do forager bees. Conversely, in the harvester ant, for-
ual selection, and in The Expression of Man and Animals. agers have a lower level of the PKG transcript in brains than
Throughout these, Darwin sought general principles that do those working in the nest. Here, then the same gene has a
apply to both animals and humans. This was accomplished role in the foraging behavior of four species but the relation-
by Darwin through comparative studies but not genetic ship between being a forager and brain level of transcript is
studies. not the same in each species.
Others have also argued, as did Darwin, for studies across Effects of variants of the MAOA gene on male aggression
species as a way to relate animal and human aggression. have been studied in mice, macaque monkeys, and humans.
Paul Scott (1984, 1989) suggested that no animal species can The MAOA gene is on the X chromosome of each. When
serve as an exact model of human aggression, but rather that a transgene was inserted into the MAOA gene of mice, the
some aspects of animal behavior in this or that species will gene and its protein became inactive (Cases et al., 1995). This
be relevant to human aggression. Consequently, he proposed was due to replacement of exons two and three of the MAOA
that information should be accumulated on various kinds of gene by the transgene. The MAOA protein of wild-type mice
aggression in a wide range of species. Similarly Bob and degrades synaptic serotonin and catecholamines. Since the
21 The Genetics of Offensive Aggression in Mice 311

MAOA protein from the null mutant had essentially no enzy- Tonkean macaques. Conversely, all species polymorphic for
matic activity, there was a higher level in brain of serotonin MAOA have intolerant and hierarchical societies with con-
and norepinephrine but not of dopamine and a lower level of siderable aggressive social behaviors. These findings need to
5HIAA (5-hydroxy indole acetic acid) in the null mutant than be replicated with a larger sample.
in wild-type mice. Aggressive behaviors of adult mice were The first finding of an effect of MAOA variants on aggres-
assessed in two tests. The first was between cage mates in the sion was reported in humans (Brunner, 1996). In a Dutch kin-
home cage. Here, skin wounds were assessed in 2-, 3-, 4-, and dred, males with a nonsense mutation of the MAOA gene had
7-month-old males. Wounds were found in the null mutant higher urinary 5HT and lower urinary levels of 5HIAA and
cage mates but not in the wild-type cage mates. The second other MAOA metabolites. Also, they were impulsive, made
was in a resident-intruder test. Prior to the aggression test, unprovoked attacks resulting in injury, attempted arson, and
the resident had either a long period of breeding or had a long attempted rape. This is known as Brunner’s Syndrome. The
period of isolation. For both conditions, the null mutants had nonsense mutant of MAOA has only been found in this fam-
lower latency to first attack than did the wild types. Recently, ily. However, there is in humans as in monkeys a repeat
a forebrain-specific (neocortex, amygdala, and hippocam- polymorphism in the promoter. The repeat polymorphism in
pus) Maoa transgene has been shown to rescue the effects humans and monkey arose independently in each lineage.
of the Maoa mutant on neurotransmitter levels and offensive In humans, individuals with the 3.5 or 4 repeat alleles have
aggression (Chen et al., 2007). Also, the effect of the Maoa higher MAOA expression and activity than those with 2 or 3
mutant on neurotransmitter levels and offensive aggression is repeat alleles. Males from the Dunedin Longitudinal Study in
reversed by injection of para-chlorophenylalanine on postna- New Zealand were classified by genotype into low- and high-
tal day 9 (Chen & Shih, 2006). Para-chlorophenylalanine is activity MAOA groups (Caspi et al., 2002). Most (95.7%)
an inhibitor of tryptophan hydroxylase and blocks the synthe- of the sample had either the three or four repeat alleles.
sis of serotonin. Taken together, these findings suggest that Males in this study were also classified into no, possible, and
the Maoa mutant has a developmental rather than physiologi- severe maltreatment groups based on assessments of parental
cal effect on offensive aggression and that the elevated levels or caregiver behaviors at 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15, 18, and 21
of serotonin act on the development of forebrain structures years of age. There were assessments for conduct disorder
involved in offensive aggression. at 11, 13, 15, and 18 years of age, antisocial personality dis-
In macaque monkeys there is a polymorphism for a repeat order at age 26, dispositions toward violence on the Multi-
sequence in the promoter of the MAOA gene. The MAOA dimensional Personality Questionnaire Aggression scale at
gene of monkeys with five or six repeats in the promoter age 26, and court records of convictions for violent offenses.
has more MAOA transcript in neuroblastoma cells than the On a composite measure of antisocial behavior, there were
one with seven repeats. Male monkeys were either reared by no main effects of genotype, but there were main effects of
their mother or a foster mother or in peer groups with the maltreatment and a genotype by maltreatment interaction.
continuous or limited access to the peer group of three to Severely maltreated individuals with the low MAOA activity
four monkeys. In each rearing category, there were males alleles had a higher composite index of antisocial behavior
with the five, six, or seven promoter repeat alleles of the than those with the high MAOA activity alleles. There was
Maoa gene. Aggressive behavior was tested when the mon- no genotypic difference for those with no or probable mal-
keys were 3–5 years old. There were two tests of aggression. treatment. A similar pattern is seen for each of the individual
These were aggressive behavior during food competition measures of antisocial behavior. A metanalysis of five stud-
with the wins and loses recorded and home cage social ies on MAOA, maltreatment, and antisocial behavior found
aggression with the total duration for threats, displacement, significant effect size for the interaction of MAOA geno-
contact aggression, and other aggressive acts recorded. There type and maltreatment on antisocial behavior (Kim-Cohen
was no main effect of genotype or rearing on either of these, et al., 2006). A sixth study has also replicated the effect
but there was a genotype by rearing interaction for both of of an interaction between MAOA alleles and maltreatment
these. On both measures of aggression, mother-reared but not on conduct disorder (Prom et al., 2006). These genotype by
peer-reared monkeys with the low-activity allele were more environmental interactions may be mediated by effects of
aggressive than those with the high-activity alleles (Newman MAOA variant on forebrain structure and function (Meyer-
et al., 2005). Lindenberg et al., 2006). Males with the low-activity alle-
There are macaque species with both the short and les have smaller amygdalas and cingulated cortex and larger
long promoter variants of MAOA and those that have only orbital frontal cortex in comparison to males with the high-
the long promoter variant (Wendland et al., 2006). In a activity alleles. During aversive recall, the amygdala and hip-
small sample of each of seven species, all but one species pocampus were more reactive in those with the low-activity
monomorphic for MAOA have relaxed dominance, high lev- alleles than in those with the high-activity alleles. Also, dur-
els of conciliation, and tolerant societies. The exception was ing cognitive inhibition, there was greater activation of the
312 S.C. Maxson

cingulate in those with the high than with the low MAOA keys, there was no difference in concentration of CSF 5HIAA
activity allele. for those with l/s and l/l genotypes, whereas in peer-reared
Across species, individuals with no or low MAOA activ- monkey, there was a lower concentration of CSF 5HIAA
ity are more prone to aggressive behavior. The studies with in those with the l/s genotype than those with the l/l geno-
mice and humans indicate that low MAOA activity may also type. In another study aggressive behavior was measured
effect forebrain development. Also, in monkeys and humans, in 2-year-old monkeys (Barr et al., 2003). An aggression
the effect on aggression of the MAOA variants depends on score was based on the occurrence of bites, hairpulls, chases,
the social environment. Although this has not been studied hitting, or slapping. In parent-reared monkeys, aggression
in mice, there are anecdotal reports that Maoa mutant males scores were the same for both those with the l/l and l/s geno-
receive poor maternal care which may be due to the abnormal types, whereas in peer-reared monkeys, aggression scores
motor behaviors of Maoa mutant pups. were higher in those with the l/s than with the l/l genotype.
In mice, there is a knockout mutant of Slc6a4 which There are macaque species with both the short and long
codes for the serotonin transporter (Holmes, Murphy, & promoter variants of the serotonin transporter (5HTT) gene
Crawley, 2002). The serotonin transporter regulates the reup- and those that have only the long promoter variant (Wend-
take of serotonin after it is released into the synaptic space. land et al., 2006). In a small sample of each of seven
As a consequence, in the knockout mouse, there is an species, all species monomorphic for 5HTT have relaxed
increase in extracellular serotonin levels and compensatory dominance, high levels of conciliation, and tolerant societies.
desensitization of the serotonin 1A and 1B receptors. In Conversely, all species polymorphic for 5HTT have intoler-
a resident-intruder test, offensive aggression but not social ant and hierarchical societies with considerable aggressive
investigation is eliminated in the Slc6a4 homozygotes and social behaviors. These findings need to be replicated with a
greatly reduced in the heterozygotes. On the first and second larger sample.
encounter, the homozygous knockouts had longer latency There is also a repeat sequence length polymorphism in
to first attack and fewer attacks than the homozygous wild the human 5HTT promoter. The long variant is 16 copies
types. Also, there was an increase in aggressive behavior and the short variant is 14 copies of a 20–23 bp sequence. In
from day 1 to 2 for the wild types but not the homozygous brain, the short allele is transcribed less than the long allele,
knockouts. and in human lymphoblasts, there is less 5HTT and less
Although the Maoa and Slc6a4 have opposite effects on 5HT uptake. Some studies suggest an association between
offensive aggression, they have the same effects on brain the 5HTT promoter variants and aggression. For example,
levels of serotonin and the development of neocortical bar- in a laboratory test of aggression, men but not women with
rel fields. Neither have distinct barrel fields which receive the short allele genotype (s/s) had increased aggression when
projections from the vibrissae. This finding implies that the stressed (Verona, Joiner, Johnson, & Bender, 2006). There
effects of these two genes on offensive aggression are not was no genotypic effect when they were not stressed. There
mediated by their effects on brain levels of serotonin or on was no effect of stress on aggression in males or females
the development of the neocortical barrel fields. Regardless, with the long allele genotype (l/l). In children, there is an
there is also an opposite effect of the Maoa and the Slc6a4 association between the s allele and aggression as measured
knockout on expression of the adenosine 2A receptor that in the Child Behavior Check List and Teacher Report Form
may account for the opposite effects of the two knockouts (Haberstick, Smolen, & Hewitt, 2006). Similarly, the fre-
on offense (Mossner et al., 2000). It is downregulated in the quency of the s/s or s/l genotype was higher in children with
Maoa knockout and upregulated in the Slc6a4 knockout. A a 2-year history of aggression in comparison to a healthy
knockout of the adenosine 2A gene increases aggression in a group (Beitchman et al., 2006). However, some studies have
resident-intruder test (Ledent et al., 1997). not found an association of the 5HTT promoter variants and
In macaque monkeys there is a polymorphism for a repeat aggression in children or in adults.
sequence length variation in the promoter of the serotonin The involvement, if any, of the promoter variant of 5HTT
transporter gene. The l allele has a 44 bp sequence in the in human aggression may be a consequence of developmen-
promoter, and the s allele has a 22 bp sequence in the pro- tal effects on brain structures. As shown in imaging studies,
moter. In human placental carcinoma cells, the l allele pro- individuals with the l/s genotype had smaller supragenual
duces more serotonin transporter transcript than the short anterior cingulated and amygdala than those with the l/l
allele. Monkeys were either reared by their mother or a fos- genotype (Pezawas et al., 2005).
ter mother or in peer groups with the continuous or limited In mice, individuals with no 5HTT activity are not aggres-
access to the peer group of three to four monkeys. In each sive, whereas in monkeys and humans, individuals with low
rearing category, there were males with the l/l or l/s geno- 5HTT activity are prone to aggression. Also, in monkeys
type for the serotonin promoter. In one study CSF 5HIAA and perhaps humans, the effect on aggression of the 5HTT
was measured (Bennett et al., 2002). In parent-reared mon- variants depends on the environment. The different effects of
21 The Genetics of Offensive Aggression in Mice 313

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receptor- and age-related reduction in offensive aggression. Neu-
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Chapter 22

Sexual Selection and Aggressive Behavior in Drosophila

Yong-Kyu Kim

There are many other structures and instincts which must have been developed through sexual selection – such as
the weapons of offence and the means of defense – of the males for fighting with and driving away their rivals –
their courage and pugnacity – their various ornaments – their contrivances for producing vocal or instrumental
music – and their glands for emitting odors, most of these latter structures serving only to allure or excite the
female. It is clear that these characters are the result of sexual and not of ordinary selection, since unarmed,
unornamented, or unattractive males would succeed equally well in the battle for life and in leaving a numerous
progeny, but for the presence of better endowed males.
Darwin (1871, p. 278)

Introduction sexual selection by female choice. Males vigorously compete

with each other for mates, and females show preference for
In animals, females make large but few nutritious eggs and males with the conspicuous traits. Female preferences are
males produce small but many mobile sperm. There are therefore evolved as a correlated response to selection on
tremendous amounts of competition between males over male traits, and genes both for attractive male traits and for
access to females, and females discriminate among their preferences are inherited together from generation to gener-
mating partners. Sexual selection arises from differences in ation. The two sets of genes are genetically correlated and
reproductive success caused by competition for mates. Sex- evolution of the male traits drives a further change in the
ual selection is a mechanism by which conspicuous traits preference. This process leads to rapid coevolution of trait
such as large body size, bright colors, songs, weapons as well and preference until the exaggerated traits are opposed by
as behaviors are highly favored to attract more mates and natural selection due to selective pressure on high predation
the traits enhance fitness of individuals (Andersson, 1994; (Fisher, 1930; Lande, 1981) or until the traits are common in
Fisher, 1930; Kirkpatrick, 1987; Lande, 1981). There are two frequency in the population (O’Donald, 1983).
types of sexual selection: (1) intrasexual selection, a com- Aggressive behavior has been reported in many
petition within the same sex, usually males, for mates and Drosophila species and is often observed at food resources
(2) intersexual selection, mate selection by females. Intra- (Dow & von Schilcher, 1975; Hoffmann, 1987a; Jacob, 1960,
sexual selection can occur in the form of competition for 1978; Ringo, Kananen, & Wood, 1983; Spieth, 1966, 1968).
females without fighting with other males or in the form of It serves for the acquisition or defense of food resources as
contest between males. Morphological traits such as large well as in access to mates in nature. Despite its importance,
body size, weaponry, and armor as well as aggressiveness little is known about genetic and neural mechanisms that
are favored in the form of male–male competition. When underlie aggressive behavior, other than that hormones play
males, however, are unable to monopolize either females or roles (e.g., Baier, Wittek, & Brembs, 2002). Aggressive
any resource vital to females, males advertise themselves behavior in Drosophila has recently received attention
for mates by displaying courtship, territory, songs, and orna- as aspects of evolutionary biology and neuroscience and
ments. Intersexual selection occurs by choosing individuals several studies have demonstrated genetic and environmental
with the best displays. Sexually dimorphic traits result from influences (Chen, Lee, Bowens, Huber, & Kravitz, 2002;
Dierick & Greenspan, 2006, 2007; Hoffmann, 1990;
Kamyshev et al., 2002; Kim, Alvarez, Barber, Brock, &
Jeon, 2007; Kim & Ehrman, 1998; Kravitz & Huber, 2003;
Y.-K. Kim (B)
Department of Genetics, University of Georgia, Athens, GA 30602, Lee & Hall, 2000; Nilsen, Chan, Huber, & Kravitz, 2004;
USA Robin, Daborn, & Hoffmann, 2006; Svetec, & Ferveur, 2005;
e-mail: yongkyu@uga.edu

Y.-K. Kim (ed.), Handbook of Behavior Genetics, 317

DOI 10.1007/978-0-387-76727-7 22,  c Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2009
318 Y.-K. Kim

Ueda & Kidokoro, 2002; Vrontou, Nilsen, Kravitz, & Skrzipek, Kroner, & Hager, 1979). Old males are more suc-
Dickson, 2006; Yurkovic, Wang, Basu, & Kravitz, 2006). cessful at holding territories than younger males, although
In this chapter, studies of aggressive behavior in territorial behavior is initiated by as young as 2-day-old
Drosophila will be reviewed from ecological, evolutionary, flies (Hoffmann, 1989). Body size is positively correlated
neurological, and genetic points of view. I will discuss (1) with territoriality (Hoffmann, 1987b, 1991). In the D. pini-
how ecological or behavioral interactions between individu- cola species group, utilizing mushrooms for oviposition
als that influence aggressive behavior in Drosophila; (2) rela- sites, D. melanderi males vigorously defend their territories
tionships between social learning and the Drosophila central and single males individually position on a mushroom cap
nervous system; and (3) the genetic architecture of aggressive (Spieth & Heed, 1975). Males of the picture-winged Hawai-
behavior using both single gene analysis of induced muta- ian Drosophila species occupy their mating territories within
tions and quantitative genetic analysis. Recommended future leks which consist of 5–10 males each and advertise their
research directions on aggressive behavior will be addressed. sexual readiness by displaying nonresource-based behavior,
and females periodically visit these territories (see review
by Spieth, 1982). Territorial males in D. melanogaster
consequently have more encounters and are more suc-
Current Research cessful in mating than non-territorial males (Dow & von
Schilcher, 1975; Hoffmann, 1987a, 1991; Jacob, 1960,
Ecological and Evolutionary Perspectives 1978; Skrzipek et al., 1979). However, Ringo, Kananen,
and Wood (1983) found no evidence of territoriality in
three species they studied: D. virilis, D. americana, and D.
Insects, including fruit flies, search for food and mates for novamexicana. Territoriality has been shown to be heritable
survival and reproduction daily. Food is unevenly distributed in artificial selection experiments, and progeny of territo-
in nature. Males mate with multiple females and females dis- rial parents have mating advantages (Hoffmann, 1988, 1991;
criminate among males. Such ecological and environment Hoffmann & Cacoyianni, 1989). The incidence of territori-
conditions lead to a development of aggressive behavior in ality is influenced by defended food types, male density in
Drosophila. Aggressive behavior functions to defend territo- territories, female receptivity, as well as age. Higher territo-
ries against intruders per se but is also given during courtship. riality is observed in natural breeding sites than in laboratory
Male mating success is influenced by aggression as well as medium and is also detected when females are present in the
by courtship. Aggressive behavior may also contribute to territory regardless of their reproductive status (Hoffmann
reproductive isolation between species. & Cacoyianni, 1990). Territorial defense, however, ceases
when benefits from mating advantages are overweighed by
costs. Males are less likely to defend territories when food
Territoriality resources are abundant or territorial males are more common
in density (Hoffmann & Cacoyianni, 1990).
Most Drosophila matings occur at feeding and oviposition Resource defense is associated with fighting between
sites (see reviews by Wilkinson & Johns, 2005), and there individuals, usually males (see Aggressive Behavior for
is a wide range of resources used by different Drosophila details). Drosophila melanogaster males vigorously defend
species (see reviews by Markow & O’Grady, 2005). The dis- their feeding or oviposition sites by displaying a series
tribution of food resources attracts females to feed and lay of aggressive behaviors: chasing, fencing, lunging, tus-
eggs which, in turn, influences the distribution of males at sling, wing threat, boxing, holding, or head-to-head butting
these food resources; they visit to feed and obtain mates. (Fig. 22.1). Males of most Hawaiian Drosophila species –
Flies are usually observed near food patches or baits in heteroneura, silvestris, and their close relatives – patrol
nature as well as in the laboratory, and they interact with their leks and vigorously defend mating territories exhibit-
each other during territorial defenses of food resources. Ter- ing ritualized fighting such as curling and slashing which
ritorial behavior has been reported for several Drosophila involve wing, leg, and body movements (Spieth, 1966,
species (for Drosophila melanogaster, Jacob, 1960, 1978; 1968; see Ringo & Hodosh, 1978 for D. grimshawi sub-
Dow & von Schilcher, 1975; Hoffmann, 1987a; for D. pini- group). Drosophila melanderi males approach and attempt
cola, Spieth & Heed, 1975; for Hawaiian flies, Spieth, 1966, to court any individuals invading their territories (Spieth
1974, 1981). For example, D. melanogaster males establish & Heed, 1975), and D. subobscura males are reported
and defend patches of food as territories against intruding to display wing threat toward intruders (Milani, 1956). It
males (Hoffmann, 1987a; Hoffmann & Cacoyianni, 1990). is hypothesized that forced copulation and patrolling at
A single male can defend a maximum diameter of emergence sites are favored in Drosophila species pos-
55–75 mm of food (Hoffmann & Cacoyianni, 1990; sessing more male-biased operational sex ratio and intense
22 Sexual Selection and Aggressive Behavior in Drosophila 319

(a) (b)

(c) (d)

Fig. 22.1 Drosophila aggressive behaviors: (A) Wing threat; (B) Boxing; (C) Lunging; (D) Head-butting. Photos Courtsey of Dr. Edward

competition for mates (Markow, 1996). For example, (Markow, 1988; Partridge, Ewing, & Chandler, 1987;
Markow (2000) reported that D. melanogaster and D. sim- Partridge, Hoffmann, & Jones, 1987; Santos, Ruiz,
ulans males patrolled pupation sites, waited for emerging Barbadilla, Hasson, & Fontdevila, 1988; Spieth, 1982;
females, and copulated with teneral females that were inca- but see Zamudio, Huey, & Crill, 1995). Small males
pable of displaying rejection behavior; in addition, these are less likely than are large males to hold territory
mated teneral females successfully produced fertile off- (Hoffmann, 1987b, 1991). Hawaiian Drosophila species also
spring. show considerable variation in morphology, sexual behav-
ior, and pheromones (Alves et al., 2008; Carson, 1997;
Carson, Hardy, Spieth, & Stone, 1970; Hoy, Hoikkala, &
Mate Competition Kaneshiro, 1988; Kaneshiro & Boake, 1987; Ringo, 1997;
Ringo & Hodosh, 1978; Spieth, 1966). These sexually
Individuals of the same sex vigorously compete with each dimorphic traits are evolved under sexual selection via
other to acquire mates. Males may pugnaciously fight with female choice. For example, highly pugnacious D. het-
other males or have contests over females by exhibit- eroneura males have hammer-shaped heads with stalk
ing extravagant ornaments or conspicuous courtship sig- eyes. Males with broader heads are more successful in
nals toward females or elaborate courtship or mating behav- male–male competition and there is a highly significant
ior toward females. Traits that increase reproductive fit- correlation between male mating success and head width
ness will be favored by sexual selection (Andersson, 1994; (Boake, DeAngelis, & Andreadis, 1997; Spieth, 1981). In
Fisher, 1930; Kirkpatrick, 1987; Lande, 1981). Consider- D. silvestris males, however, body size is positively corre-
able variation in body size, head size, songs, pheromones, lated with aggressive success but not with mating success
and courtship are observed among flies collected in (Boake, 1989; Boake & Konigsberg, 1998).
nature and contribute to reproductive success. Adult body Drosophila males display elaborate courtship behav-
size is influenced by a variety of environmental fac- ior to attract mates (e.g., see Spieth, 1966, 1982 for the
tors such as nutrition, temperature, and larval density on picture-winged Hawaiian flies) and females are subjected
food (David, Allemand, van Herrewege, & Cohert, 1983), during courtship to a variety of stimuli – visual, acous-
and it is heritable in laboratory populations (Robertson tic, olfactory, and mechanical elements (Greenspan & Fer-
& Reeve, 1952). Female Drosophila are usually larger veur, 2000; Hall, 1994; Spiess, 1987). Courtship is species
than males, and large females have fecundity advantages specific and plays a major role in mate recognition (Pater-
(Partridge & Farquhar, 1983). Males consequently strug- son, 1978, 1985) but males show individual variation in
gle over females who also compete for larger males. quantities of courtship, an indicator of their physical sta-
Larger males offer more courtship activities as well as tus. Females prefer to mate with males that vigorously dis-
agonistic behavior, and they win aggressive encounters play courtship. For example, Kim and Ehrman (1998) have
320 Y.-K. Kim

demonstrated that D. paulistorum females mated more fre- Alabouvette, Savarit, & Ferveur, 2005; Savarit, Sureau,
quently with males reared in isolation than those reared in Cobb, & Ferveur, 1999). Cuticular hydrocarbons are not too
groups, because the former were sexually more active in volatile and are perceived at a relatively short distance (1–
courting. During courtship males also exhibit high levels of 2 mm) by olfactory organs or by contact with taste organs.
agonistic behavior to their sexual partners. Males intersperse Quantitative and qualitative variations in cuticular hydrocar-
between courtship behavior and aggressive behavior when bons exist according to sexes, species, and geographic pop-
they encounter females. When females are not receptive or ulations (see Ferveur, 2005 for review). Several studies have
display rejection behaviors, males often threaten females by proven the roles of cuticular hydrocarbons in sexual selec-
raising both wings up in front of females or lunge toward tion. In D. melanogaster, females mate faster and more often
females (Jacob, 1960), and females repel males by decamp- with males carrying greater levels of 7-tricosene, a princi-
ing and kicking. Unsuccessful males in mating are often pal male hydrocarbon (Grillet, Dartevelle, & Ferveur, 2006).
observed to interrupt or terminate courtship of other males Drosophila serrata females show significant sexual selec-
by attacking them. tion according to quantities of the male hydrocarbons
Courtship songs influence male mating success and (Blows, 2002; Chenoweth & Blows, 2005; Howard, Jackson,
are sexually selected traits (Aspi & Hoikkala, 1995; Banse, & Blows, 2003). Similarly, males that mated multi-
Hoikkala, Aspi, & Suvanto, 1998; Ritchie, Saarikettu, ply in an array of D. pseudoobscura possessed higher rela-
Livingstone, & Hoikkala, 2001; Ritchie, Townhill, & tive abundances of 5,9-pentacosadiene, a male-predominant
Hoikkala, 1998; Saarikettu, Liimatainen, & Hoikkala, 2005; hydrocarbon, than did males that were never accepted by
Snook, Robertson, Crudgington, & Ritchie, 2005; Williams, females. They further mated more quickly with females
Blouin, & Noor, 2001). During courtship, Drosophila males (Kim, Basset, Laverentz, & Anderson, 2005). There is, how-
produce courtship song via wing vibration; it has two types ever, no direct evidence of the role of male hydrocarbons in
of songs: sine song and pulse song (see Tauber & Eberl, 2003 Drosophila aggressive behavior, although aggressive males
for research approach). It functions as a communication tend to produce greater amounts of male-predominant hydro-
from males to females and it serves to stimulate female carbons than do non-aggressive males (Kim, Phillips, Chao,
receptivity and to identify the species of the courting male. & Ehrman, 2004).
The wing vibration of many Drosophila species has been Mate choice is influenced both intrinsically and extrin-
studied (see Gleason, 2005; Hoikkala, 2005 for review). sically. For example, social constraints, such as intrasexual
Each species is unique in its acoustic characteristics such interference and intersexual coercion, significantly influence
as interpulse intervals (IPI); IPI is regarded as the critical mate choice. Mate preference tests, where social or eco-
parameter for discrimination between species. Such vari- logical constraints were removed, were designed to iden-
able courtship songs may contribute to reproductive iso- tify freely chosen preferred and non-preferred partners, and
lation between sympatric, closely related sibling species the viability of offspring from matings to preferred and
(Kyriacou & Hall, 1982; Ritchie & Gleason, 1995; Williams non-preferred partners was measured (Anderson, Kim, &
et al., 2001). There is considerable variation in courtship Gowaty, 2007; Gowaty et al., 2007). Matings with preferred
songs among D. melanogaster males (Wheeler, Fields, & partners, when either males or females were choosing, pro-
Hall, 1988). Females prefer to mate with males present- duced more offspring than matings with non-preferred part-
ing high frequencies of IPI and courtship song traits are ners. During these trials, individual choosers were permitted
heritable (Ritchie et al., 1998; Ritchie & Kyriacou, 1996). to compare both visual and olfactory information concerning
In competitive situations, however, males interrupt other two partners of the opposite sex. Preferred partners were big-
males (Wallace, 1974) by producing a rejection song linked ger in body sizes and produced greater quantities of male- or
to flicking behavior (Paillette, Ikeda, & Jallon, 1991) or female-predominant hydrocarbons than non-preferred part-
exhibiting aggressive behavior such as wing treat or lunging ners (Kim, Gowaty, & Anderson, 2005). Quantities of hydro-
(Jacob, 1960) and later even shorten the duration of courtship carbons are also influenced by rearing conditions. In the
song as well as courtship duration or latency to copulation D. paulistorum species complex, males reared in isolation
(Crossley & Wallace, 1987; Ewing & Ewing, 1984; Tauber & produced greater quantities of male hydrocarbons than did
Eberl, 2002). males reared in groups, and, as a result, they were more often
During courtship, males and females exchange olfactory accepted as mates (Kim and Ehrman, 1998).
signals as well. Cuticular hydrocarbons present on insect Males often mate with several females per day in nature,
cuticles primarily protect them from desiccation, but they and mating frequency among males varies. Mating frequency
also contribute to intraspecific mate recognition as well as is positively correlated with mating speed, an important
to sexual isolation between species (Blows & Allan, 1998; component of Drosophila fitness and one that is genetically
Cobb & Jallon, 1990; Coyne & Charlesworth, 1997; Coyne, controlled (Fulker, 1966; Kaul & Parsons, 1965;
Crittenden, & Mah, 1994; Jallon, 1984; Marcillac, Bousquet, Kessler, 1969; Manning, 1961; Partridge, Mackay, &
22 Sexual Selection and Aggressive Behavior in Drosophila 321

Aitken, 1985; Spiess & Langer, 1964). Carson (2002) et al., 2002; Hoffmann, 1987b; Jacob, 1960; see Table 22.1).
demonstrated that approximately 30% of Hawaiian Females also display aggressive though limited fighting
Drosophila males did not mate in female choice tests. behaviors (Kamyshev et al., 2002; Nilsen et al., 2004;
Kim, Basset, et al. (2005) reported similar results with Ueda & Kidokoro, 2002; Vrontou et al., 2006). Hierarchi-
D. melanogaster, D. pseudoobscura, and D. hydei: Males cal relationships are formed among D. melanogaster males,
that mated multiply during observation periods showed and winners lunge more while losers retreat more (Chen
significantly faster mating speeds than did males that were et al., 2002; Nilsen et al., 2004; Yurkovic et al., 2006). Thus,
not accepted by females during the same intervals. The more aggressive males are shown to have a greater mat-
former also were more aggressive than the latter. Recently, ing success than less aggressive males. In the majority of
Moehring and Mackay (2004) identified QTLs affecting D. lekking Hawaiian species, males frequently intrude upon one
melanogaster male mating speed and showed that seven another’s leks, leading to aggressive behaviors (Boake, 1989;
candidate genes are associated with variations in mating Spieth, 1966, 1968, 1982): Both males engage in head-on,
behavior. Microarray analysis showed that 21% of the wing waving, and bobbing. They elevate their heads and
genome is involved in regulating mating speed and that forebodies, then fully extend and slash their forelegs down-
such genes also are likely to be genes involved in neuro- ward against the intruders. If the encounter continues, addi-
genesis, metabolism, development, and cellular processes tional bobbing and slashing movements occur and terminate
(Mackay et al., 2005). the encounter. Drosophila heteroneura in the planitibia sub-
group of the Hawaiian species, however, display a unique
fighting pattern (Spieth, 1981). When they approach head-
on, they horizontally keep their bodies depressed and face
Aggressive Behavior and push against each other, attempting to force the other
backwards. Males with broader heads are more successful
Aggression is an adaptive behavior expressed for access to at mating success as well as at aggressive success (Boake
more mates, among other goals. Individuals of the same et al., 1997). Such fighting behavior provides a selection
sex, usually males, compete and fight for mates. They per- pressure that led to the evolution of secondary sexual char-
form complex and stereotyped aggressive behaviors. Aggres- acters such as enhanced head size that attract more mates
sive behavior has been reported in many Drosophila species (Boake et al., 1997; Ringo, 1977; Templeton, 1977). How-
(Dow & von Schilcher, 1975; Hoffmann, 1987a; Jacob, 1960, ever, aggression is not always positively correlated with mat-
1978; Ringo, Kananen, & Wood, 1983; Spieth, 1966, 1968). ing success. Unlike D. melanogaster group species, Ringo,
In D. melanogaster, males at feeding sites chase each other, Kananen, and Wood (1983) found that courtship and aggres-
push off with one of their middle legs, elevate both wings for sive behavior were largely independent in the D. virilis
a sustained period of time, rise on their hind legs and tus- group species; courtship was positively related to mating
sle with forelegs, hold other flies with forelegs in the back, success, and aggressive males were not more successful at
raise the front part of body, and lunge toward the other (Chen

Table 22.1 Aggressive behavior in Drosophila melanogaster

Behavior Description
Chasing A male vigorously follows another male in the short distance; often
the male vibrates one wing during chasing (Jacob, 1960)
Fencing A male extends one middle leg on the body and wards off another
male (Jacob, 1960)
Wing threat Both wings are extended to 30◦ and raised up to 30–40◦ in front of
another male. This behavior is often observed in the front of
females (Dow & von Schilcher, 1975)
Boxing Two males approach each other, stand up and exchange their forelegs;
it is infrequently displayed during fighting (Dow & von
Schilcher, 1975)
Holding A male stays behind another male, grabs and holds both wings of
another male; the male often display this behavior in front of the
opponent (Jacob, 1960)
Lunging A male raises the front part of his body and lunges down onto his
opponent (Hoffmann, 1987a)
Head-butting Two males face each other in a straight-line position and push against
each other using their heads (Lee and Hall, 2000)
Tussling Two males raise the front part of the body extending their hindlegs and
tussle with forelegs (Hoffmann, 1987a)
322 Y.-K. Kim

mating than unaggressive males. Boake (1989) also demon- Neurological and Genetic Perspectives
strated that aggressive success in the picture-winged Hawai-
ian species, D. silvestris, was positively and highly corre- Aggressive behavior depends on social experience, and
lated with body size but not correlated with mating success therefore entails learning. The Drosophila mushroom bodies
(see also Boake & Konigsberg, 1998). Laboratory strains that (MBs), which continue to grow in adults and whose growth
have been reared under constant environments for many gen- is stimulated by social experience, are the site of olfactory
erations are less aggressive than field-caught flies (Dierick learning (Fig. 22.2). The products of several specific genes
and Greenspan, 2006). These authors also found that flies necessary for the acquisition and storage of olfactory memo-
were less aggressive when food is not available in the obser- ries have been identified. Therefore, we expect to find that the
vation chamber (see also Hoffmann & Cacoyianni, 1989; MBs are the site of learning during aggressive encounters and
Ueda & Kidokoro, 2002). that the genes involved in learning and memory are necessary
Age affects aggressiveness in Drosophila too. The age for acquisition of some aspects of aggression, too.
at which males become sexually mature differs among
species (see Markow, 1996 for details). Old flies of both
sexes are more territorial and aggressive than young ones
(Hoffmann, 1990; Papaj & Messing, 1998). Shortly after Social Experience and Learning
eclosion young males are more often courted by mature
males, but aggressiveness develops as they age along with Social interactions or experiences with conspecifics
the production of inhibitory pheromones (Jallon, Antony, & affect Drosophila courtship and aggressive behavior
Benemar, 1981; Kim, Phillips, et al., 2004; Mane, Tompkins, (Hoffmann, 1990; Kim, Ehrman, & Koepfer, 1992, 1996;
& Richmond, 1983). Kim and Ehrman, 1998; McRobert et al., 2003; Papaj &
Messing, 1998; Svetec, Cobb, & Ferveur, 2005; Svetec,
& Ferveur, 2005; Yurkovic et al., 2006). Individuals
Roles of Aggressiveness in Reproductive Isolation receive visual, olfactory, acoustic, and tactile signals during
pre- and post-adult stages. These signals will be used as
Both sexes of D. melanogaster display aggressive behav- templates and compared at future encounters when adult
iors, although females tend to be less aggressive (Chen (Lacy & Sherman, 1983). But when flies are raised in
et al., 2002; Nilsen et al., 2004). When two or more species isolation from conspecifics, they do not obtain any useful
are placed together in mating chambers or in population template information. In a series of investigations into the
cages, males are often observed to chase each other vigor- development of discriminatory abilities in D. paulistorum,
ously. Sometimes males fight with one another to get access Kim et al. (1992, 1996) demonstrated that discriminatory
to mates or interrupt couples in copulation. A role for aggres- abilities increased when flies had social contacts with
siveness in sexual isolation has not been reported because conspecifics during development from egg to adult stages.
the frequency of aggressive behavior during observations However, when individuals were reared in total isolation
is very low. There is, however, an aggression index which during development, their discriminatory abilities were
measures durations of observed aggressive behaviors, AI minimized and more heterogamic matings occurred.
<10% in this instance. Price and Boake (1995) reported that Socially isolated flies did not discriminate efficiently
males of the two Hawaiian picture-wing species, D. silvestris between sexes and homosexuality was frequently observed
and D. heteroneura, did not fight each other during obser- (Kim and Ehrman, 1998).
vation periods and barely displayed aggressive behavior Males reared in isolation have been shown to be more
(but see Boake, Price, & Andreadis, 1998). With sympatric aggressive than ones reared in groups (Hoffmann, 1990;
and allopatric pairs of D. pseudoobscura and D. persimilis, Kamyshev et al., 2002; Kim and Ehrman, 1998; Svetec,
aggressive behavior between heterospecific males occurred Cobb, & Ferveur, 2005; see Ueda & Kidokoro, 2002 for
(Kim, Abramowicz, & Anderson, 2008). Drosophila pseu- females): These isolates displayed lunging and wing threat
doobscura males, in sympatry with D. persimilis, were more more frequently than males held in groups. They also estab-
aggressive, although not significantly so, than D. pseudoob- lished territories more quickly (Hoffmann, 1990). Conse-
scura males in allopatry. These results suggest potential roles quently, the isolated males were more successful at mat-
of aggressive behavior on reproductive isolation and are con- ing than males in groups (Ellis & Kessler, 1975; Kim and
sistent with an increase in female D. pseudoobscura dis- Ehrman, 1998). Previous experience in fighting modified
crimination in sympatry, where fewer heterospecific matings their social status when new hierarchical relationships are
occurred (Noor, 1995; Noor & Ortı́z-Barrientos, 2006). Both reestablished (Hoffmann, 1990; Yurkovic et al., 2006): For-
male aggressiveness and female discrimination may con- mer males who were more territorial and aggressive tended to
tribute to sexual isolation between two species in sympatry. establish territories readily and to attack more than do loser
22 Sexual Selection and Aggressive Behavior in Drosophila 323

(a) (b)

(c) (d)

Fig. 22.2 P-Gal4 expression patterns in Drosophila mushroom bodies at (A) third instar larva; (B) pupa; (C) 5-day-old adult reared in group;
(D) 5-day-old adult reared in isolation since egg stage. Kim (2008)

males. Former losers lost in subsequent fights when paired Mushroom Bodies as a Site for Associative Learning
with familiar or unfamiliar winners.
Such results indicate that Drosophila learn to recognize Flies receive and process multisensory information, includ-
conspecifics through social experience, and learning about ing olfactory stimuli in the brain. They detect odors through
conspecifics is reinforced by the presence of heterospecifics sensory receptors on antennae and maxillary palps, and
(Irwin & Price, 1999; Kim, Koepfer, & Ehrman, 1996). olfactory inputs reach antennal lobes of the brain via the
For example, when D. pseudoobscura and D. persimilis antennal nerve. Larvae also have olfactory organs, the
coexist in sympatry, the discriminatory abilities of D. pseu- antenno-maxillary complex, at the anterior tip of the ani-
doobscura females increase (Noor, 1995; Noor & Ortı́z- mal (Singh & Singh, 1984). Mushroom bodies (MBs) of
Barrientos, 2006) and more aggressive behaviors by males the brain receive olfactory inputs from antennal lobes and
against heterospecifics were observed (Kim et al., 2008). forward outputs to their central complex and the lateral
324 Y.-K. Kim

protocerebrum. The MBs are bilateral clusters of about 2,500 development of D. paulistorum discrimination abilities,
Kenyon cells per hemisphere. They are crucial for olfactory Kim (2008) also showed that flies reared in a total iso-
associative learning and memory, but are not required for lation during development had a significantly smaller MB
visual, tactile, or motor learning (Davis, 1993; de Belle & size than did flies reared in groups, and the isolates were
Heisenberg, 1994; Dubnau & Tully, 2001; Heisenberg, 2003; more aggressive. Such results suggest that changes in MB
Heisenberg, Borst, Wagner, & Byers, 1985; Pascual & structure result from social interactions during develop-
Préat, 2001; Roman & Davis, 2001; Strausfeld, Hansen, Li, ment and may play roles in drosophilid aggressiveness
Gomez, & Ito, 1998; Waddell & Quinn, 2001; Zars, Fischer, (Baier et al., 2002).
Schulz, & Heisenberg, 2000). Flies whose MBs were dis- Neurotransmitters dopamine and octopamine are known
rupted chemically or genetically were impaired in olfac- to be involved in courtship conditioning and olfactory
tory associative learning (Connolly et al., 1996; de Belle learning in Drosophila (Dubai, Buxbaum, Corfas, &
& Heisenberg, 1994; Heisenberg et al., 1985). As attempts Ofarim, 1987; O’Dell, 1994), and their receptors have been
to dissect the roles of MBs at different phases of mem- identified in MBs (Han, Millar, & Davis, 1998; Han, Millar,
ory processing – acquisition, consolidation, and retrieval Grotewiel, & Davis, 1996). Baier et al. (2002) observed
(Dubnau, Chiang, & Tully, 2003) – McGuire, Le, and that the aggressiveness of D. melanogaster males was sig-
Davis (2001) inactivated neurotransmission in this region nificantly reduced when dopamine and octopamine were
and demonstrated that MB signaling is needed for olfac- genetically and pharmacologically depleted. Further, when
tory memory retrieval. The MBs are also involved in sus- synaptic outputs from MBs were blocked, males were
taining courtship suppression after males were conditioned not aggressive. Similarly, MB-ablated males were signifi-
with mated females (McBride et al., 1999; but see Kido & cantly less aggressive than controls with intact MBs (Kim
Ito, 2002). et al., 2007). Such data indicate that the MBs may also
Genetic screening for learning-defective mutant flies iden- be involved in Drosophila aggressive behavior. Meanwhile,
tified dunce, rutabaga, amnesiac, and radish mutants (Dubai, serotonin (5-hydroxytryptophan, 5-HT) was reported to
Jan, Byers, Quinn, & Benzer, 1976; Folkers, Drain, & have no effects on aggression in D. melanogaster (Baier
Quinn, 1993; Quinn, Sziber, & Booker, 1979). The dunce et al., 2002; but see Dierick & Greenspan, 2007), although
mutant has a defect in the gene coding for cAMP-specific it has been known that 5-HT is associated with aggres-
phosphodiesterase, and the rutabaga mutant has abnormal sion and social dominance status in a variety of organ-
adenylyl cyclase, an enzyme activated by Ca2+ /calmodulin isms (Kravitz, 2000; Kravitz & Huber, 2003; Murakami &
and Gs α proteins. These genes are expressed in the MBs. Itoh, 2001, 2003; Popova, 2006). Instead, 5-HT influences
The amnesiac gene, encoding a pre-proneuropeptide neuro- male courtship behavior; when 5-HT levels in the brain were
transmitter, is expressed in dorsal paired medial (DPM) neu- reduced, male homosexual courtship was induced (Hing &
rons. Cyclic AMP-dependent protein kinase (PKA) is also Carlson, 1996; Zhang & Odenwald, 1995; see Liu et al., 2008
expressed in the MBs. Flies mutated in genes for the cat- for the effect of dopamine on male-male courtship). Lee and
alytic or regulatory subunits of PKA are deficient in learn- Hall (2000) reported that serotonergic neurons in the brain
ing. Transposon-induced mutant screening identified more were not different between more aggressive fruitless mutant
new genes involved in olfactory learning: latheo, nalyot, males and wild-type ones.
linotte, leonardo, volado, and fasciclin II (see Waddell &
Quinn, 2001 for review).
The MBs have an embryonic origin and continue to grow Genetics of Aggressive Behavior
during development to the adult stages (Armstrong, de Belle,
Wang, & Kaiser, 1998; Technau & Heisenberg, 1982). Dur- Recent dissections of interactions between wildtype
ing metamorphosis, the MBs display a remarkable structural D. melanogaster males have identified several genes
plasticity involving neural degeneration, birth, and regrowth. involved in Drosophila aggressiveness (see Robin, Daborn,
The volume of MBs is influenced by genetic and environ- & Hoffmann, 2006 for review; Table 22.2). Jacob (1978)
mental factors during development (Balling, Technau, & first reported that ebony mutants were more aggressive
Heisenberg, 1987; Technau, 1984). Heisenberg, Heusipp, than wild types while black mutants were less aggressive
& Wanke (1995) observed the effect of social experience and that aggressiveness was influenced by β-alanine. Two
on the volume of the D. melanogaster brain during adult- genes involved in the sex-determination hierarchy, fruitless
hood and found that the volume of the MBs was signif- (fru) and dissatisfaction (dsf), were also reported to be
icantly increased in the flies held in groups compared to associated with aggression (Lee & Hall, 2000). The fru
those held in isolation (see also Barth & Heisenberg, 1997; gene, which plays a prominent role in male courtship
Barth, Hirsch, Meinertzhagen, & Heisenberg, 1997 for behavior, was associated with high levels of head-to-head
visual experiences). In a series of investigations into the interactions between males. Males homozygous for any of
22 Sexual Selection and Aggressive Behavior in Drosophila 325

the fru mutations displayed vigorous head-buttings. The genes into wild types, showed that Cyp6a20, which encodes
frequency of the head-buttings was significantly higher a cytochromosome P450 (Feyereisen, 2005), is directly
between fru mutant males than between fru male and a involved in changes in aggressive behavior during selection
wild-type male or female. Aging dsf mutant males led experiments. No differences in levels of those genes related
to a high level of head-to-head interactions compared to serotonin (5-HT) metabolism or in total 5-HT levels
to fru mutant males. Generating alleles for fru that are were recorded between the two lines. Subsequently, Dierick
constitutively spliced in the male (fruM ) or female (fruF ) and Greenspan (2007) found that both pharmacological
mode (Demir & Dickson, 2005), Vrontou et al. (2006) and genetic manipulations that increase 5HT synthesis also
further analyzed the crucial role of the fru gene in aggression increase aggression. This effect was the same in selected
and found that fruF males were more inclined to fight and neutral lines, indicating that selection had not affected
females than to court them, whereas fruM females courted 5HT levels or receptors. They also found that destroying or
other females and fought males. In a pairing between fruF feminizing brain cells that produce neuropeptide F (NPF) in
males and fruM females, the behavior of fruM females was a male-specific pattern increased aggression, which parallels
indistinguishable from that of control fruF males; and fruF what has been found with neuropeptide Y (NPY) in Mus
males behaved like fruC females. They also found that (knocking out an NPY receptor gene increases territorial
fruF males, like normal females, did not establish strong aggression in mice, which appears to be stimulated by 5HT).
dominance relationships; fights between fruF males were Flies whose 5HT synthesis in Ddc-producing cells was shut
significantly less frequent than those in fruC males. off nonetheless showed low levels of aggression, leading
Boake et al. (1998) crossed D. silvestris (S) and D. het- Dierick and Greenspan postulate an “aggression circuit”
eroneura (H) and observed aggression (initial posture, wing in the brain, which is modulated by 5HT and by NPF but
extension, head position, and leg posture) in heterospecific which does not require 5HT. The modulatory roles of 5HT
pairs, a hybrid male and either an S or an H male. Parental (which stimulates aggression) and NPF (which inhibits
males performed differently as regards wing extensions and aggression) appear to be additive, and this suggests that the
leg postures, and the hybrids resembled S males for early two molecules act independently.
postures and extended leg postures, but were like H males for Edwards, Rollmann, Morgan, and Mackay (2006) used
wing extensions. They hypothesized that aggressive behavior artificial selection as did Dierick and Greenspan (2006) when
is controlled by a single gene with major effects. selecting for high and low levels of male aggression. A
Utilizing classical selection experiment procedures realized heritability (h 2 ) of 0.10 over 28 generations was
widely employed in quantitative genetics (Falconer & reported for aggressive behavior in D. melanogaster, indi-
Mackay, 1996; Harshman & Hoffmann, 2000), Dierick and cating considerable environmental variance. Selection for
Greenspan (2006) produced four lines of D. melanogaster, aggressive behavior did not affect other Drosophila behav-
two selected for high aggression and two for “neutral” lines iors or physiology, such as mating, locomotion, stress resis-
in which highly aggressive males were removed from the tance, temperature tolerance, and longevity. Using whole-
breeding pool of each generation, and they showed that genome microarrays, these authors assessed aggressiveness
aggressiveness in the selected lines significantly increased levels for 19 mutations in candidate genes and identified
over generations. After 21 generations of selection, a fighting 15 genes that form the genetic architecture of Drosophila
index increased more than 30-fold in the selected lines. This aggressive behavior: 7 genes (trantrack, longitudinals lack-
indicates that multiple genes contribute to aggressiveness. ing, scribbler, Male-specific RNA 87F, kismet, muscleblind,
The neutral lines displayed decreased aggressiveness since and Darkener of apricot) were involved in other biological
selection was exercised against aggressive flies every processes and 8 genes could not be characterized.
generation. Selected lines dominated the neutral lines
when paired with them. However, in mating competition
assays, the selected lines mated significantly less than
the neutral lines (but see Dow & von Schilcher, 1975; Future Directions
Hoffmann, 1987). The selected lines were also lighter in
weight than the neutral ones. Using microarray analysis, The function of aggressive behavior is to defend territories
these authors evaluated gene expression in the brains of against intruders in nature. Considerable variation in territo-
representative flies from their two lines and identified rial behavior has been observed among Drosophila species
approximately 80 genes that were significantly differentially and territoriality is positively correlated with male mating
expressed. The selected lines expressed higher levels of success. Aggressive behavior is reported in many picture-
these genes than did the neutral ones. Note that 42 genes winged Hawaiian Drosophila species and D. melanogaster
showed differences in transcription abundances between in the wild and in the laboratory, which demonstrates that
these lines. Mutation analysis, inserting these candidate more aggressive individuals are more territorial and increase
326 Y.-K. Kim

their reproductive fitness. However, these relationships are more influenced by shared environments during adolescence
not always true and need to be studied more with different but more genetically influenced during adulthood. Studies of
species. Aggressive behavior is also given during courtship social experience/learning in Drosophila aggressive behav-
but it has not received attentions from evolutionary biolo- ior are limited to the observations of experience-dependent
gists because its frequency is relatively low in the labora- modification of behavior, memory, structural plasticity, and
tory where flies are routinely placed with small amounts of quantitative levels of neurotransmitters in the brain. Using
food in plastic mating chambers. Roles of aggressive behav- mutant flies, studies of gene–environment interactions and
ior in sexual isolation between strains and species need to be correlations on aggressive behavior will provide insights into
investigated. complex gene–behavior pathways in aggression.
Using single-gene studies of induced mutations, sev-
eral genes have been reported to affect aggressive behav- Acknowledgment I am very grateful to Drs. W. Anderson, L. Ehrman,
ior in D. melanogaster (see Table 22.2). However, there J.-F. Ferveur, P. A. Gowaty, J.-M. Jallon, T. Markow, and J. Ringo
are no genes controlling behavior directly. Rather, many for helpful comments on the manuscript. This work was partially sup-
ported by UGA Faculty Grant (10-21-RR-064-069) and NIH Grant
genes have pleiotropic effects and influence other behav- 5R01 GM048528-06 (via W. Anderson).
iors as well (e.g., Anholt & Mackay, 2004; Kyriacou, 2002).
Aggressive behavior is polygenic and regulated by inter-
actions between multiple genes with small effects as well References
as by brain neurotransmitters. Studies of QTLs responsible
for natural variation in aggression could be combined with
Alves, H., Rouault, J.-D., Kondoh, Y., Nakano, Y., Yamamoto, D., Kim,
single-gene studies of biochemical mutations providing addi- Y.-K., & Jallon, J.-M. (2008). Evolution of cuticular hydrocarbons
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yses of complex behaviors in Drosophila. Nature Review/Genetics,
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Armstrong, J. D., de Belle J. S., Wang, Z., & Kaiser, K. (1998). Meta-
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Factor References Aspi, J., & Hoikkala, A. (1995). Male mating success and survival in the
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black Jacob (1960) Behavior, 8, 67–87.
fruitless (fru) Lee and Hall (2000) Baier, A., Wittek, B., & Brembs, B. (2002). Drosophila as a new model
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dissatisfaction (dsf) Lee and Hall (2000) Balling, A., Technau, G. M., & Heisenberg, M. (1987). Are the struc-
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Cyp6a20 Dierick and Greenspan (2006) traces? Studies on biochemical learning mutants. Journal of Neu-
15 P-element mutations Edwards et al. (2006) rogenetics, 4, 65–73.
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3) Environment lobe of Drosophila melanogaster. Journal of Neuroscience, 17,
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Chapter 23

Handedness: A Behavioral Laterality Manifestation

Ira B. Perelle and Lee Ehrman

Apologia Historical Perspective

Because we are, respectively, a psychologist and a geneti- The point at which man became primarily righthanded is
cist, though only one of us is a lefthander, we view difficult to determine. No artifacts located to date provide
handedness as an adapted and adaptive behavioral pheno- any reason to believe Homo erectus, as a group, were lat-
type. Handbook utilizers are referred to relevant chapters eralized for hand use, although it is probable that individuals
herein by Neal, Cherny, Posthuma, Ulbricht, and Neiderhiser were either righthanded or lefthanded in approximately equal
covering: proportions, as are chimpanzees, gorillas, and other nonhu-
man primates today (Finch, 1941; Kummer & Goodall, 1985;
McGrew & Marchant, 2001). Stone Age implements, discov-
Biometrical Models ered in various parts of what is now Europe, lead to the con-
QTL Methodology clusion that early hominids did not express a species-wide
Multivariate Analysis hand preference. A study of the crafting of 426 Stone Age
Genotype–Environment Interaction implements found in southern France indicated that some
were made to be used by the left hand, some by the right
hand, and some by either hand, in almost equal numbers
(Sarasin, 1884).
Introduction It is probable that utterances were a part of the behavioral
repertoire of Homo erectus; however these almost certainly
were extremely crude, not unlike the utterances of nonhu-
Why study handedness? In Western cultures hardly anyone
man higher primates existing today. It is also probable that
pays attention to whether a person is right- or lefthanded.
the tendency toward righthandedness appeared first in Homo
This was not always true: Not very long ago, in terms of
sapiens (with Neanderthals considered the first in the proto-
human evolution, to be lefthanded was to be evil, mentally
human lineage, existing between 80,000 and 35,000 BCE)
deficient, sickly, possessed, clumsy, oafish, or any combina-
shortly after the time crude utterances developed into simple
tion of these. Now, most of the developed world knows bet-
speech. Cro-Magnon man, closely resembling modern man,
ter: Lefthanders, approximately 10% of the population, write
came on the scene approximately 35,000 BCE and, though
with their left hand. Does it matter? Not really, but it is differ-
there is no indication in the fossil record of direct evolution-
ent and we, as scientists, are interested in lefthanders because
ary continuity between Neanderthals and Cro-Magnon, there
we are particularly interested in things that differ from the
undoubtedly was a common intermediate form. It is believed
that interbreeding occurred between Neanderthals and Cro-
Magnon (Coyne & Orr, 2004; Futuyma, 2005).
Language, however, is qualitatively different than simple
speech. Although other animals have been taught to com-
I.B. Perelle (B) municate with humans in various formats and in some cases
Mercy College, Dobbs Ferry, NY 10522, USA with dramatic results, this communication cannot be con-
e-mail: iperelle@mercy.edu
sidered language. Alex, the African Grey parrot trained by
L. Ehrman (B) Irene Pepperberg, could answer, in clear spoken English,
Purchase College, Purchase, NY 10588, USA many spoken questions relating to quantity, material, differ-
e-mail: lehrman@purchase.edu ence, and sameness, and Alex could also initiate requests

Y.-K. Kim (ed.), Handbook of Behavior Genetics, 331

DOI 10.1007/978-0-387-76727-7 23,  c Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2009
332 I.B. Perelle and L. Ehrman

(Pepperberg, 2002). We maintain that as impressive as Alex’s Broca’s area, part of the left hemisphere (see also Corbal-
speech ability was it was not language in the strict sense of lis, 1999). The importance of the left hemisphere cannot be
the word. Language is systematic communication by vocal underestimated. Luria (1973) was quite aware of this when
or written symbols used and understood by a group of peo- he wrote:
ple. It must include words for objects and actions, rules
The left hemisphere (in right handers) begins to play an essential
for the placement of various word types in sentences, and role not only in the cerebral organization of speech, but also in
rules for sentence structure. In short, the use of language the cerebral organization of all higher forms of cognitive activ-
is a highly complex and sophisticated behavior. As early ity connected with speech – perception organized into logical
schemes, active verbal memory, logical thought – whereas the
hominids evolved into Homo sapiens, language became an
right hemisphere begins to play a subordinate role
important acquisition, perhaps the most important. It was . . . (Luria, 1973, p.78).
surely the feature that made advanced cultural transmission
possible, and most certainly there was strong evolutionary Recently it has been observed that most baboons (78%)
pressure on H. sapiens for the capability to learn and use lan- use their right hand for communicative gesturing, but not
guage. Prior to language development, the bilateral hominid for object manipulation (Meguerditchian & Vauclair, 2006).
brain would have had no dedicated area for this function. From an evolutionary viewpoint, this finding implies that an
As language became such an important part of human exis- early form of left hemisphere specialization for communi-
tence, a section of the brain evolved for processing this func- cation may have existed in a common primate ancestor that
tion, and this verbal processing area, located by Paul Broca, predates early human forms.
is in the left hemisphere for most humans (Broca, 1861;
Broca, 1865). This is now known as Broca’s area. The rea-
son verbal processing developed in the left hemisphere is not Motor Control and Righthanders
known, nor may it ever be known. It has been suggested by
Corballis (1997) and others that the cause was a chance muta-
Although the evolutionary origin is unknown, it is recognized
tion in the left hemisphere and could just have easily been in
that control of both fine and coarse muscles is located in
the right hemisphere, but Nottebohm and Nottebohm (1976)
the hemisphere contralateral to the muscle being controlled
found that songbirds, which depend on audible communica-
(Corballis & Morgan, 1978; Geschwind, 1975a). If, there-
tion for successful courtship and territory maintenance, also
fore, humans process language in their left cerebral hemi-
process their “language” in the left hemisphere. (For more on
sphere and the left hemisphere controls the right side of the
bird laterality, see Ehrman & Perelle, 1983.)
body, it would be most efficient for gesturing and, eventually
writing, to be performed with the right arm and/or hand, as
is true of most humans. Because the right hand of most mod-
Gesturing ern humans is used for higher forms of cognitive activities
(e.g., writing and gesturing), it is the hand initially selected
for many other tasks and eventually becomes adept at tool
Primates gesture. Gorillas and chimpanzees in the wild and
use and other common behaviors such as ball throwing,
in naturalistic habitats gesture to each other in what appears
tooth brushing, etc. Since our modern world was designed
to be intentional communication. Gorillas in the San Fran-
by righthanders, many of the everyday activities we perform
cisco Zoo have been observed to use at least 30 gestures,
are very difficult to do with the left hand (e.g., scissor use),
most of them subtle and difficult for human observers to
which further reinforces the use of the right hand. Why, then,
detect (Tanner & Byrne, 1996). Chimpanzees have also been
are there any lefthanders at all?
seen to use gestures in what appeared to be a form of con-
The existence of lefthanders presents many problems:
versation with another chimpanzee (Tomasello et al., 1997).
superstition (are lefthanders inherently sinister?), proportion
De Wall (1982) believes that such primate gestures originate
(how many lefthanders are there?), difference (other than
as behavior toward some object and then become standard-
preferred hand, is a lefthander different from a righthander?),
ized for communication. Since nonhuman primates use ges-
determination (how do you determine a lefthander?), and eti-
tures for communication and there is no reason to believe
ology (how does one become a lefthander?).
that this is a recently developed behavior, it is reasonable to
presume that primate gesturing occurred in prehistoric times
and remained in the behavioral repertoire of any intermedi-
ate forms that evolved into early Homo, then descended into Superstitions and Myths
Homo sapiens. Gesturing is a form of communication, and
because humans developed a specific part of the brain for In the past, and even in some places even today, lefthanded-
communication purposes, it is almost certain that the com- ness has been associated with evil. The Catholic Church once
municative aspect of gesturing is initiated and interpreted in declared that lefthanded people were servants of the devil,
23 Handedness 333

and up to the latter part of the 20th century, Catholic schools They squint, they stammer, they shuffle and shamble, they floun-
forced lefthanded children to switch to their right hand for der about like seals out of water. Awkward in the house and
clumsy in their games, they are fumblers and bunglers in what-
writing and other activities (Winters, 2004). Some African
ever they do. (Burt, 1937, p 287)
tribes equate lefthandedness with evil spirits; in Japan, until
approximately 40 years ago, discovering one’s wife to be Are lefthanders really that different? Sir Thomas Browne,
lefthanded was cause for divorce; and in the past, Jewish as far back as the mid 1600s, seemed to think so. He
priests had to be free of any bodily defects, including blind- became interested in handedness and asked, among other
ness, lameness, dwarfism, and, of course, lefthandedness. things, whether it is good to stop children from using their
In many Middle Eastern countries, social customs prohibit left hands (Wilkin, 1852). Some lefthanders indeed are dif-
public use of the left hand. In these countries food is eaten ferent, but Burt’s diatribe is extreme. The frequency of
from a common vessel, and bodily functions, usually without lefthanders is significantly greater than the global average
the luxury of toilet tissue, are performed with the left hand. in several populations and later in this chapter we will
It is obvious why reaching into the common food bowl with explain why. Lefthanders are overrepresented in popula-
the left hand is prohibited. In these countries, it is a major tions of mentally retarded individuals, children with learn-
insult to hand an object to someone with the left hand. In ing deficits, and those with reading difficulties, and it has
response to a query from a 12-year-old lefthander, who had been found that the proportion of lefthanders increases as IQ
been told many times that he will literally “go to hell” for decreases (Gregory & Paul, 1980; McBurney & Dunn, 1976;
eating and writing with his left hand, the following response Pirozzolo & Rayner, 1979; Springer & Eisenson, 1977).
appeared in Arab News, “If a left-handed person trains him- Lefthanders, however, are also overrepresented among the
self patiently to eat and drink with his right hand until this gifted. In a study of the handedness of members of the Mensa
becomes quite easy for him, and he does so in order to fol- Society, all members of which are in the upper 2% of the
low the Prophet’s example, he is sure to earn God’s reward” IQ range, we (Ehrman & Perelle, 1983; Granville, Ehrman,
(Arab News, 2005). In other words, God abhors a lefthander. & Perelle, 1979) found the proportion of lefthanders to be
In India, lefthanders have been deemed dirty, evil, and/or 20%, double that in the general population (p < 0.001).
sinister. In India’s major cities and among the educated, but Studies of unselected school children, however, show no dif-
not in rural areas, this has changed and lefthanders are now ference in cognitive ability between left- and righthanders
accepted as normal and are welcomed on sports teams and in (Hardyk & Petrinovich, 1977; Swanson, Kinsbourne, &
general society. For religious purposes, however, the use of Horn, 1980), nor were any differences between left- and
the left hand is prohibited and there are restrictions against righthanders found in articulation, stammering, speech, writ-
its use for worship ritual (Pooja), holy food (Prasad), as well ing productivity, or syntactic maturity among a representative
as other ceremonial functions. In rural areas, the old ways population of 11-year-olds (Calnan & Richardson, 1976).
still prevail. Lefthanded potential daughters-in-law or sons- In one of the most flawed studies of lefthanders, but one
in-law are not accepted, and lefthanded children are first dis- which received much publicity, lefthanders were found to
couraged, then forcibly prohibited from using their left hand be considerably different: On the average, they were found
(Chaugule, 2005). to die 9 years earlier than righthanders (Coren & Halpern,
Many Eskimos believe all lefthanded people are poten- 1999). Lefthanders do not die younger than righthanders.
tial sorcerers, and in Morocco lefthanders are thought to be One thing the authors neglected to consider was hand switch-
devils and cursed. In colonial America, lefthandedness was ing among the subjects in their study, most of whom were
ample reason to be accused of being a witch. Trials consisted senior citizens. It is well known that in the first half of the
of, among other things, an examination of the naked body of 20th century many, perhaps most, lefthanders were switched
the accused, and a blemish or a mole, or a third nipple, found to right hand use by teachers, parents, and others who
on the left side of the body was sufficient cause for conviction believed all the myths and negative events, discussed above,
and execution. Joan d’Arc is believed to have been convicted that would plague lefthanders. There are far fewer older left-
of witchcraft in this manner and in various pictures she is handers because there were far fewer people who were per-
shown holding her sword in her left hand. There are histo- mitted to be lefthanded (Wolf, D’Agostino, & Coss, 1999),
rians, however, who believe she was really righthanded but and there are actually far fewer living lefthanders simply
was shown lefthanded in pictures to justify her execution. because there are far fewer lefthanders in older cohorts. Sev-
eral other studies have also shown the early death hypoth-
esis to be incorrect (Kuhlemeier, 1991), and in one, Basso
Are Lefthanders Different? et al. (2000), it was reported that in 60% of dizygotic twin
pairs, the righthanded twin died first (50% in the monozy-
British educational psychologist Cyril Burt, describing left- gotic twin pairs). In another recent study, 50,000 Swedish
handers, opined: military conscripts, aged 18–21, inducted into the military
334 I.B. Perelle and L. Ehrman

from 1969 to 1970, were tracked through 1989. Of this measure “lefthandedness,” where you measure handedness,
cohort, 954 died, and of the 954, 82 or 8.6% were lefthanded, and what you are looking for. We believe the oldest written
slightly less than the population proportion (Person & record of handedness proportion occurs in the Old Testament
Allebeck, 1994). The Iowa Women’s Health Study deter- Book of Judges, 20:12. One passage states that the Benjamite
mined, among other things, that lefthanded women showed Army of 26,000 men included an elite sling shot unit com-
no increased mortality compared to righthanded women posed of 700 lefthanders, ” . . .every one who could sling a
(Cerhab et al., 1994). The second major problem with stone at a hair and not miss” (The Holy Bible, 1611/1962,
Coren’s research (Coren & Halpern, 1999) was that the p. 234). This special unit comprised 2.7% of the total army.
deceased’s handedness was determined by telephone inquiry There is no indication in this passage, however, that these
to a relative. Reports of handedness by relatives are notori- were the only lefthanders in the army.
ously unreliable (Bryden, 1982). There are almost as many estimated proportions of left-
In the mid 1900s, it was fairly common for researchers to handers reported as there are papers written on handedness.
conduct studies that showed many physical problems asso- Hecaen and Ajuriaguerra (1964) reviewed a number of stud-
ciated with lefthandedness. Geschwind and Behan (1982, ies and found the proportions of lefthanders specified ranged
1984) managed to find lefthanders significantly deficient from 1 to 30%. Bryden (1979), investigating young adults
relative to righthanders for all manner of ills, including in Canada, determined the proportion of lefthanders to be
migraine, allergies, dyslexia, stuttering, skeletal malforma- 10.39%. In Japan, however, reported proportions of left-
tions, and thyroid disorders. Others found evidence of handers are considerably lower than in the United States
increased schizophrenia (Krynicki & Nahas, 1979) as well and much of Europe: Hatta and Nakatsuka (1976) indicated
as other malfunctions (Benson & Geschwind, 1972; Carter- that 3.1% of their subjects were lefthanders. Dawson (1977)
Saltzman, 1979). None of this is true. In 1984, McManus provides lefthander proportions of approximately 10% for
and his colleagues performed a meta-analysis incorporating Alaskan Eskimo, but between 1 and 3% for the Hong Kong
89 studies that included 21,000 patients and 34,000 controls. Hakka, the Katanganese, and the Temme of Sierra Leone,
The result showed no indication that lefthanders had a greater these last three being highly conservative and conforming
tendency toward disorders than did righthanders (described societies.
in McManus, 2002). Erlenmeyer-Kimling and her colleagues We (Perelle & Ehrman, 1994) implemented a large-scale
analyzed data from three studies and found that “there are no investigation of handedness in 32 countries. We developed a
significant findings for anything related to hand preference or self-administered questionnaire, partially based on the same
hand skills” (Erlenmeyer-Kimling et al., 2005, p. 355), and questions that other researchers were asking at the time
this result was consistent within each study as well as across (more about this later). The questionnaire was translated
all studies. from English into French, Spanish, Italian, Dutch, German,
Are lefthanders different? Yes, they write with the left Swedish, Russian, and Portuguese. (The method of transla-
hand. Aside from that, lefthanders as a group are not dif- tion, to assure validity across languages, was standard trans-
ferent. They are overrepresented in some populations but late/back translate with iterations until the back translation
that overrepresentation is not skewed in a single direction exactly matched the original.) We contacted colleagues in 32
(for example, there is a higher proportion of lefthanders in countries in which the language spoken was one of those into
both the gifted and the retarded populations). What has been which we had the questionnaire translated and solicited their
found is that lefthanders are more varied as a group than cooperation. If an affirmative reply was given, and it almost
righthanders (Perelle & Ehrman, 1982). Many of the early always was, we forwarded questionnaires, return envelopes,
negative findings were the result of faulty determination of and payment for return postage. We received 12,000 com-
handedness, which will be discussed below, as well as the pleted questionnaires of which 11,074 were useable. Coun-
self-fulfilling prophecy effect, well known in psychology: If tries from which less than 100 questionnaires were received
it is bad to be a lefthander and an individual is a lefthander, were grouped into an “other” category and include Haiti and
that individual must be bad. Cyprus, from which one or two questionnaires were returned,
and Israel and Venezuela, each of which returned approx-
imately 90 questionnaires. The final results are shown in
Table 23.1, where it can be seen that, based on writing hand,
Handedness Proportions lefthanders’ proportions ranged from 2.5 (Mexico) to 12.8%
(Canada), with the overall proportion being 9.5%.
Currently, there is some agreement, but not a universal con- Because of the social bias against lefthandedness in most
sensus, that the proportion of lefthanders in the population countries prior to mid 1900s, many handedness researchers
is approximately 10%. Several factors affect this propor- expect the proportion of lefthandedness in a cohort to
tion including how you determine a “lefthander,” how you decrease as older cohorts are selected, and our results
23 Handedness

Table 23.1 Frequency, sex distribution, writing hand, self-perceived handedness, and switching attempt of subjects by country of residence (after and augmented from Perelle & Ehrman, 1994)
Australia Belgium Canada England France Italy Mexico Netherlands New Zealand Nigeria Spain Turkey United States Other Total
N 642 489 656 179 941 214 446 346 231 276 1220 115 4885 434 11,074
% Female 51.1 51.3 60.7 46.4 52.7 40.2 46.9 44.8 48.5 47.1 56 67 56.8 54.6 54.4
Writing hand
% Left 10.7 7.5 12.8 11.2 7.8 6.5 2.5 10.8 6.5 5.5 3.6 2.6 12.2 6.3 9.5
% Right 88.3 92.3 86.3 88.3 91.1 92.5 96.2 88.7 93.1 92.6 96 95.7 86.6 93 89.6
% Either 0.9 0.2 0.9 0.6 1.1 0.9 1.3 0.6 0.4 0.7 0.4 1.7 1 0.7 0.9
% Strong left 5.6 7.1 5.4 8 5.8 4.7 2.3 9.4 3.1 4.1 2.2 4.5 7.2 5.6 5.9
% Mod. left 4.6 8.6 6.9 4 4.9 3.3 1.6 6.4 3.1 0.8 3.8 4.5 4.6 3.1 4.5
% Ambidextrous 3.2 5.6 3.8 3.4 5.4 3.3 4.3 6.7 2.2 1.1 1.5 1.8 4 1.6 3.7
% Mod. right 22.3 20.8 33.8 16.1 24.1 29.4 26.8 16.1 23.1 13.5 24.7 13.4 17.7 12.7 20.6
% Strong right 64.3 57.9 50.2 68.4 59.8 59.3 65.1 61.4 68.4 80.5 67.9 75.9 66.5 76.9 65.2
Attempt to switch
% Yes 8.8 12.5 6.5 4.5 7 4.3 5.8 10.3 5.2 15.5 6.5 10.8 6 7.3 7
Because of rounding, totals may not total 100%
336 I.B. Perelle and L. Ehrman

confirmed this. Dawson (1977) found a negative relation- oped a numerical scale such as 0 to 10 or −5 to +5
ship between the cultural formality of a population and the and based subjects’ handedness on an arbitrary cutoff. Sev-
proportion of lefthanders in that population. Medland (Med- eral included the categories of “slightly lefthanded” and
land et al., 2004), using our data (Perelle & Ehrman, 19941 ), “slightly righthanded.” Others considered the middle scores
divided the countries in which the subjects learned to write as indicative of ambidextrality. This lack of consistency
into two categories: Formal (strict/conformist) and Non For- meant (and still means) studies could not be compared since
mal (permissive/tolerant) cultures, using Hofstede’s (1983) lefthandedness (non-righthandedness) could mean whatever
characterization. Medland found that, with one exception the researcher wanted it to mean. Bishop’s 1990 paper, “How
(Italy), in countries classified as Formal, the proportion of to increase your chances of obtaining a significant associ-
lefthanded writers was significantly less than in countries ation between handedness and disorder” was an attempt to
classified as Non Formal, as indicated by a standard contin- bring this problem to the attention of the handedness research
gency test (X 2 = 63.35; p < 0.0001; Medland et al., 2004, community. Holder’s unpublished thesis, “Hand preference
p. 292) and concluded that “. . . the context in which one questionnaires: One gets what one asks for,” was another
learns to write may have a lasting effect on adult handedness” (Holder, 1992). In an Interim Report, Holder stated that the
(p. 295). term “handedness” does not have a precise standard: There
are no empirical means by which to determine handedness;
handedness questionnaire designs and analysis are based on
Research and Issues assumptions; and the results from a set of data may be pre-
determined by the questionnaire, the scoring system, and/or
One of the most contentious topics in the study of handedness the subject selection methods (Holder, 2005).
is the method used to determine the handedness of individ- Quite obviously we agree, and we propose a very simple
uals. This is not a frivolous topic since, depending on the solution: In literate populations, handedness will be deter-
method used, subjects may be placed in a hand category dif- mined by the hand with which a person writes. Except for an
ferent from the category in which they believe they belong. exceedingly small proportion of the population, probably less
As Geschwind observed in his review of a book on the topic, than 0.5%, who actually can write equally easily and clearly
“A striking omission is the failure to define the subject. We with both hands, this will quickly and unequivocally provide
never really find out how one defines the left-hander or how an immediate dichotomous handedness classification. In our
one constructs reliable measures for testing this trait. The international study (Perelle & Ehrman, 1994) we found that
problem is not trivial.” (Geschwind, 1975b, p. 23). In the 85.5% of the subjects who wrote with the left hand con-
early years of the 20th century, there was little concern about sidered themselves to be lefthanded and 85.8% of the sub-
the importance of this topic. The determination of handed- jects who wrote with the right hand considered themselves
ness was more or less informal: “. . . a righthander is a human righthanded (see Table 23.2).
being who, when only an infant, uses his right hand as his In Table 23.2, it can also be observed that 4.8% of the
main instrument, whereby the left serves only as assistance.” subjects who wrote with the left hand considered them-
(Schaefer, 1911, in Wile, 1934, p. 85). selves righthanded (column 4: 3.1% + 1.7%) and 2.7%
In order to determine differences between two groups, who wrote with the right hand considered themselves left-
there must be a reliable and valid test to determine member- handed (column 7: 0.8% + 1.9%). This latter group may
ship in each group. Many researchers have used, and some be switched lefthanders who still considered themselves
are still using, the Edinburgh Handedness Inventory (Old- lefthanders, but it is highly unlikely that the first group
field, 1971) or some variation of it, a questionnaire to be represents righthanders who were switched to lefthanded
completed by the subject or the researcher. Most, if not all, writing. It is possible that because of the social stigma of
researchers using this test make up their own scoring proto- lefthandedness in their society, some lefthanders actually call
col, based on the following: If the subject claimed to use the themselves righthanded. The remaining subjects considered
right hand for all tasks listed, the subject is righthanded. If, themselves ambidextrous, but if our solution is adopted, this
however, the subject used the left hand for one or more tasks, problem is eliminated since less than 1% of the subjects
classification depended on the researcher’s preference. Some claimed that they wrote with either hand (Table 23.1).
researchers classified subjects more or less non-righthanded Among the problems arising when asking the hand used
(rather than lefthanded) depending on the number of tasks for various tasks is that many individuals have easily learned
performed with the left hand (e.g., Rife, 1940). Some devel- to perform a task with either hand. Automobile mechan-
ics, for example, who sometimes have to work in very tight
places under a car, learn to use a wrench or screwdriver
1 The Perelle & Ehrman (1994) data are available to qualified with whichever hand most conveniently reaches the nut or
researchers, in ASCII format, for further analyses. bolt to be adjusted. Consider pianists and other musicians
23 Handedness 337

Table 23.2 Self-classification of handedness by writing hand (after and adapted from Perelle & Ehrman, 1994)
Writing hand
Left Right Total
Self-classification N % of % of N % of % of N % of % of
of handedness row column row column row column
Strongly left 568 88.5 55.9 74 11.5 0.8 642 100.0 5.9
Moderately left 301 61.3 29.6 190 38.7 1.9 491 100.0 4.5
Ambidextrous 99 24.6 9.7 304 75.4 3.1 403 100.0 3.7
Moderately right 31 1.4 3.1 2208 98.6 22.5 2239 100.0 20.6
Strongly right 17 0.2 1.7 7054 99.8 71.8 7071 100.0 65.2
Total 1016 9.4 100.0 9830 90.6 100.0 10846 100.0 100.0

who must use both hands simultaneously and equally well to show trials and control the dog with the left hand. Handlers
perform their craft. There have been at least two lefthanded have no trouble learning these behaviors.
(reversed) pianos built, one in 1826 and the other in 1998 It is obvious that, unless we have only one functional arm,
(The Piano, 1999). This was probably a matter of idiosyn- we all use both hands and, except for writing, can quickly
crasy, rather than musical necessity, since whether it be a learn to use the nonwriting hand as efficiently as the writing
lefthanded piano or a righthanded piano, the pianist must still hand. Beyond a doubt, the writing hand, as handedness deter-
use both hands. Puentes (2004) found no atypical handed- minant, is, therefore, the ideal solution to the classification
ness distribution among undergraduate music and visual arts problem.
majors. Typists and other keyboard operators also must use
both hands with equal proficiency.
We (Perelle et al., 1981) investigated the speed with which
an individual’s nonwriting hand could be trained to perform Handedness Etiology
a task relative to their writing hand (sometimes called “the
preferred hand”). We used the Crawford Small Parts Dexter- From the time serious research in handedness began, the
ity Test (Crawford & Crawford, 1956), which requires sub- Holy Grail of handedness research was to find the sole cause,
jects, using tweezers, to place tiny pegs in holes and then to or etiology, of this “aberrant” behavior, lefthandedness. In
place tiny collars on these pegs. As would be expected for 1902, Cunningham, in a short commentary titled “Left-
both lefthanders and righthanders, in the pretest trial there handedness and Right-brainedness” stated that lefthanded-
was a highly significant difference between the speed of ness is hereditary (Cunningham, 1902, p.273). What makes
the writing hand and the nonwriting hand. After perform- his comments particularly interesting is that Cunningham
ing six learning trials a day for 5 days, a post-test trial was discussed the relationship between brain hemispheres and
administered. For both lefthanders and righthanders, per- handedness, but not many paid attention to his foresight until
formance speeds increased significantly, but the speed of recently. Cunningham attributed the dominance of the left
performance for the nonwriting hand increased to such an hemisphere for verbal processing to natural selection, which
extent that for several subjects it was actually faster than was becoming popular as a theory at the turn of the century.
the performance of the writing hand. In less than 1 week A sampling of the researchers proposing that handedness is
all subjects had learned to use their nonwriting hand with heritable or genetically based includes Annett (1973), Cham-
equal or greater proficiency than their writing hand (Perelle, berlain (1928), Levy and Nagylaki (1972), Merrell (1957),
Ehrman, & Manowitz, 1981). and Rife (1940). These researchers suggested single domi-
People tend to use their writing hand for all manner of nant genes for righthandedness, two genes (Annett’s “right
tasks because it is the hand that gets the most training. There shift theory”), and others. A fairly detailed analysis of these
are, however, situations in which the critical hand is not nec- theories can be found in Bradshaw and Nettleton (1983). All
essarily the writing hand. Military personnel and hunters, used family handedness data to support their theory but, as
when asked, will say they fire a rifle righthanded. This means Bryden (1982) said,
they place the butt of the rifle against the right shoulder with
There is really no wholly satisfactory study of handedness in
the index finger of the right hand on the trigger. The critical
families. The problems associated with the measurement of
hand, though, is the left hand. That is the hand that supports handedness have already been discussed. Family studies of hand-
the barrel of the rifle and must coordinate with the eye to aim edness invariably violate one or more of the[se] caveats. . . self
the rifle. If the left hand is not smooth in its movement, steady report as a means of assessing handedness, questionnaires not
standardized, accept statements about relatives’ handedness, cri-
and accurate, the target will be missed. As another example,
teria for considering a person lefthanded vary from study to
show dog handlers must keep the dog on their left during study, and so on. (Bryden, 1982, p. 183).
338 I.B. Perelle and L. Ehrman

There are those who disagree with genetic theories. Blau postnatally, which, if prenatally, interfered with the normal
believed that lefthandedness was indicative of a learn- development of their left hemisphere or, if peri- or postna-
ing failure, not genetics, and arose from “an inherent tally, caused damage to an otherwise normal left hemisphere
deficiency, faulty education, or emotional negativism.” through oxygen deprivation or through physical trauma. It
(Blau, 1946, p.182). We find this rather excessive. Corballis is possible that excessive maternal alcohol consumption is
& Morgan (1978) determined that handedness is not genetic also a factor. Sperry (1971) determined that some lefthanders
in origin, and Collins (1977), after years of attempting to were processing verbal material in their right hemisphere,
selectively breed mice for pawedness direction, is convinced and this would be typical of pathological lefthanders. Their
that although strength of laterality may be genetic, genes are normal verbal processing area has been destroyed or badly
not lateralized, that is, direction of laterality has no genetic damaged and they must develop a new area, probably after
basis. We (Ehrman & Perelle, 1983) investigated Drosophila birth, in their right hemisphere. It is, therefore, easy to under-
melanogaster and D. paulistorum to determine laterality, if stand why their verbal development is slower than in the
any, within and across subjects, and within and across fami- general population. These lefthanders are those who are at
lies. Using Drosophila courtship behaviors, circling, tapping, the low end of the IQ distribution, whose reaction time is
and wing extension, we found no evidence that left- or right- somewhat slower than the population mean, and who may
oriented behaviors had any genetic component. Approxi- be somewhat more clumsy and involved in a higher propor-
mately 20% of our subjects were highly lateralized either left tion of accidents than the population mean. Some of them
or right; lateralization had no effect on courtship success nor would exhibit low birth weight as a result of prenatal trauma.
did it in any way predict the lateralization of F1 or F2 gen- They may very well be the lefthanders that Blau (1946) and
erations. Females displayed no preference for the side from Burt (1937) had in mind when they penned their unfavorable
which they were courted, or the wing with which they were comments, mentioned above. Brain scans show pathological
touched. lefthanders are using the right hemisphere for verbal process-
ing and most other processing, with very little activity in the
left hemisphere. The pathological lefthander can hardly be
the result of genetic control for handedness since the etiolo-
The Three Etiologies of Handedness gies of the pathological lefthander are not under genetic con-
trol. These individuals forcibly resist attempts to switch their
We strongly believe that any theory of handedness etiology handedness.
must include a consideration of the known facts from various The second type of lefthander can be called the “nor-
disciplines, and we also strongly believe in the principle mal lefthander.” These individuals are normal in every way
of parsimony: If there are several ways to explain a phe- except that their brain function (and other characteristics
nomenon, the simplest is usually the correct way. Any theory such as hair whorl and fingerprint patterns) is the reverse
must consider why, among other things, relative to the gen- of normal righthanders. These lefthanders are usually the
eral population there is a greater proportion of lefthanders result of twinning, primarily monozygotic twinning. It is
among both the lower and higher ends of the IQ distribu- known that in monozygotic twin pairs, quite often one twin is
tion, why a higher proportion of lefthanders have a lower the reverse, or mirror image, of the other (Torgersen, 1950;
birth weight, why many twin pairs, particularly monozygotic Boklage, 1980). In these individuals, brain function is also
twins, are discordant for handedness, why a higher propor- reversed with the verbal processing area developing in the
tion of lefthanders stutter when they are young but cease right hemisphere. If the verbal processing area is in the right
as they approach puberty, and why lefthanders perform a hemisphere, for the same reason left hemisphere verbal pro-
greater proportion of nonwriting tasks with their right hand cessors use the right hand, efficiency dictates that these indi-
than righthanders do with their left. We introduced our the- viduals use their left hand for writing and other manual tasks.
ory of the etiology of lefthandedness and briefly answered In many, perhaps most, twin pregnancies one twin dies in
some of these questions in Perelle and Ehrman (2001) and utero and is absorbed (Hall & Lopez-Rangel, 1996). The
will provide a more detailed explanation here. remaining twin, if it is the mirror image (right hemisphere
We believe it is clear that no single etiology can account verbal processing) twin, is then born as a lefthanded single-
for the various behavioral manifestations associated with ton. Investigation using magnetic resonance imaging would
lefthandedness, and we are pleased that Linke & Kerse- show normal lefthanders have both hemispheres intact, with
baum (2005) agree with us. We posit there are three functions reversed from that of normal righthanders. If there
etiologies that result in lefthandedness. The first is the is any genetic influence to lefthandedness it would appear in
“pathological lefthander” [an untoward designation coined the normal lefthander, since they are a result of monozygotic
by Satz (1972)]. These individuals are lefthanded as the (and possibly dizygotic) twinning, and some twinning is
result of a traumatic event prenatally, perinatally, or shortly believed to be under genetic control. These individuals can be
23 Handedness 339

switched to righthand writing but at a high cost to their edu- phenomena. Anderson (1932) found grade school stutterers
cational achievement. Many who have been switched have to be inferior to grade school normals in hand coordination,
been classified as learning disabled and have trouble reading but college stutterers did not differ from college normals in
and writing. One of us (IBP) has had several switched normal this behavior. Spadino (1972) found no differences between
lefthanders in class and has been told by them that they were stutterers and non-stutterers in quality of composition, qual-
diagnosed as learning disabled. When their background was ity of handwriting, or any other written verbal task. Most
probed, they recall having their writing hand switched. It was researchers agree that while non-stutters show a pattern of
suggested that they try writing with the left hand. In most primarily left hemisphere activation during speech, stutters
cases, in less than 1 week their “learning disability” disap- show activation of the right or both hemispheres. Modern
peared, although their lefthanded writing was a bit shaky at investigative techniques, such as MRI and PET scans, con-
first. firm these findings (De Nil & Kroll, 2001; Foundas, Corey,
The third type of lefthander is the “learned lefthander.” Hurley, & Heilman, 2004). Both right- and lefthanders stut-
These individuals were born as normal righthanders, with the ter, usually for the same reason. Learned lefthanders, as
normal verbal processing area in the left hemisphere. Some- described above, initially have their verbal processing area
time very early in life they were handed or reached for a bot- in the left hemisphere, but they have learned, through their
tle, some toy, or other object and, by chance, grasped it with own persistence, to write with their left hand. For some of
the left hand (infants do not show strong lateralization until these individuals the involvement of both hemispheres cre-
about age 3). Since they were successful using the left hand ates an interference that results in stuttering. Both patholog-
(“reinforced” in behavioral terms), the probability was high ical and normal lefthanders process verbal material in the
that they would again use the left hand when reaching for or right hemisphere. If they are forced to write with the right
grasping another toy. By the time they are old enough to be hand they experience the same interference as learned left-
given crayons or other writing implements they have already handers, but in the opposite direction. If they are allowed to
become comfortable using the left hand and will continue to revert to left-hand use their stuttering will likely disappear
use it. When they start to write, they start to have some of (Clairborne, 1916).
the problems listed above. Since they are processing verbal
material in the left hemisphere, this verbal information must
be transmitted across the corpus callosum so it can be used
in the right hemisphere which controls the left hand. This Writing Position
takes a small but finite amount of time which interferes with
writing skill and manifests itself as poor handwriting. Having There have been several theories proposed for the differ-
switched their primary verbal processing areas also accounts ences in handwriting postures among lefthanders (and a few
for the stuttering in these lefthanders. Eventually these indi- righthanders). Some lefthanders write in what looks like a
viduals develop a second verbal processing area in the right very contorted position, with their left hand “hooked” over
hemisphere, which accounts for Sperry’s (1971) finding that the paper and the writing implement pointed downward,
verbal processing areas exist in both hemispheres in some toward the writer. Other lefthanders write in a more or less
lefthanders. As they mature they gain control over verbal normal posture. One theory involves the relationship between
function and their stuttering disappears. These lefthanders the gene or genes controlling the laterality of the “dominant”
are rarely, if ever, found in authoritarian or conformist cul- hand and the gene or genes controlling the laterality of the
tures. At the first sign of left-hand preference, parents would brain or speech function (Levy & Reid, 1976). Another the-
have immediately removed the object from the left hand, ory of handwriting posture suggests that it is related to visual
placed it in the right hand, and (perhaps) praised the child control of movement (Moscovitch & Smith, 1979). Both the-
for right-hand use or punished it for left-hand use. If left ories are wrong. Lefthanders who write in a hooked position
hand use is not noticed until children reach school age, they do so because they had a poorly trained second grade teacher.
can learn righthanded writing and use with very little pres- In second grade, when most schools teach handwriting, some
sure since they already possess their verbal processing area teachers do not take the time to determine whether there are
in their left hemisphere. any lefthanders in their class. They show the entire class the
“correct” way to place the paper on the desk, the “correct”
way to hold writing implement, and the “correct” way to
position the arm. If lefthanders position the paper as is cor-
Dysfluency rect for righthanders, they must hook their arm to see what
they are writing. They also must be careful not to smear ink
Dysfluency (stuttering), defined as an intermittent distur- if they are writing with pens, since lefthanders write over
bance in the rhythm of speech, is an interesting behavioral their writing, not ahead of it as do righthanders (Clark, 1961).
340 I.B. Perelle and L. Ehrman

If lefthanders are taught to position their paper in the oppo- Acknowledgment We wish to thank, once again, Diane A. Granville
site direction from that which righthanders use, they will be whose advice, corrections, and suggestions significantly improved our
writing, and Lauren Lazar, Librarian at Purchase College, State Uni-
able to use a normal writing posture (although they still must
versity of New York, who helped gather our widely dispersed sources,
remove their hand to see what they have just written). some of which are old enough to be considered historic.

Future Directions
Lefthanders in the developed world have to live in an over-
whelmingly righthanded environment. Tools, entertainment Anderson, L. O. (1932). Stuttering and allied disorders. Comparative
Psychology Monographs, 1.
equipment, office equipment, notebooks, and many other
Annett, M. (1973). Handedness in families. Annals Of Human Genetics,
articles that righthanders take for granted were designed by 37, 93–105.
righthanders for righthanders. Most lefthanders, early in their Arab News. (2005, July 24). Left-handedness [http://www. islamic-
life, learn to cope, and many normal and learned lefthanders ity/dialog]. Arab News, p. 2.
Basso, O., Olsen, J., Skytthe, A., Vaupel, J., & Christensen, K. (2000).
become better able to adapt to difficult situations because of
Handedness and mortality, A follow-up study of Danish twins born
their early learning experiences. They are particularly suc- between 1900 and 1910. Epidemiology, 11, 576–580.
cessful in occupations in which they are on their own much Benson, D. F., & Geschwind, N. (1972). Cerebral dominance and its dis-
of the time and have to make decisions based on their own turbances. In R. Paine, H. Myklebust, & D. Weiss (Eds.), Dyslexia
and Reading Disabilities (pp. 108–118). New York: MSS Inf. Corp.
evaluation of a problem. The question, then, is why Behavior
Bishop, D. V. (1990). How to increase your chances of obtaining a sig-
Genetics, as a discipline, should be involved with handedness nificant association between handedness and disorder. Journal Of
at all? Clinical Experimental Psychology, 12, 812–816.
There are complex areas of handedness which would Blau, A. (1946). The master hand. American Orthopsychiatric Associa-
tion, 5.
benefit from rigorous research, the first being the etiology
Boklage, C. (1980). The sinistral blastocyst: An embryologic perspec-
of individuals’ lefthandedness. Since we know there are at tive in the development of brain-function asymmetries. In J. Her-
least three etiologies of lefthandedness, early identification, ron (Ed.), Neuropsychology of Left-Handedness (pp. 115–137). New
particularly in the instance of the pathological lefthander, York: Academic Press.
Bradshaw, J. L., & Nettleton, N. C. (1983). Human Cerebral Asymme-
could mean early academic intervention for youngsters now
try. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall.
often categorized as learning disabled. A non-invasive test Broca, P. (1861). Remarques sur le siège da la faculté du langage
of young individuals showing a proclivity for left-hand use articulé, suivie d’une observation d’aphémie [Remarks on the source
could alert parents to the possibility of left hemisphere prob- of the faculty of the articulated language, followed by an observa-
tion of its importance]. Bulletin de la Societe d’Anthropologie, 2,
lems, and, if further measures showed left hemisphere dys-
function, suitable educational protocols could be instituted. Broca, P. (1865). Sur de la faculté du langage articulé [On the faculty
If the individual displayed a functional left hemisphere, indi- of articulated language]. Bulletin De La Societe D’anthopologie, 6,
cating a normal or learned lefthander, other intervention to 337–393.
Bryden, M. P. (1979). Possible genetic mechanisms of handedness and
preclude stuttering and other undesirable verbal behaviors,
laterality. Paper presented at the Canadian Psychological Associa-
would be appropriate. In fact, behavior geneticists, working tion, Quebec City, Canada.
in concert with educators, could develop a series of tests and Bryden, M. P. (1982). Laterality, Functional asymmetry in the intact
interventions that would reduce or eliminate the verbal com- brain. New York: Academic Press.
Burt, C. (1937). The backward child. New York: Appleton Century.
munication problems of many young lefthanders.
Calnan, M., & Richardson, K. (1976). Development correlates of hand-
There is also the possibility of devising a measure to deter- edness in a national sample of 11- year-olds. Annual Of Human
mine the etiology of older lefthanders to ascertain the propor- Biology, 3, 329–342.
tion of each type in our society. This might not provide any Carter-Saltzman, L. (1979). Patterns of cognitive functioning in relation
to handedness and sex-related differences. In M. A. Wittig & A.
benefit to the left-handed population, but, as we stated above,
C. Petersen (Eds.), Sex-related differences in cognitive functioning
scientists are interested in differences and, as good scientists, (pp. 97–114). New York: Academic Press.
we want to quantify whatever can be quantified. Cerhab, J. R., Folsum, A. R., Potter, J. D., & Prineas, R. J. (1994).
There is also the possibility, we believe extremely small, Handedness and mortality risk in older women. American Journal
Of Epidemiology, 140, 368–374.
that yet another etiology of lefthandedness exists. We are
Chamberlain, H. D. (1928). The inheritance of left-handedness. Journal
confident that the three etiologies we have described account Of Heredity, 19, 557–559.
for all the behavioral and hemispheric manifestations thus Chaugule, B. (2005). India Perspective. India Association of Left-
far found in lefthanders, but we want to leave the door open Handers. Retrieved from http://www.geocities.com/ lefthander-
for future scientific endeavors. As to the future, we defer
Clairborne, J. H. (1916). The psychology and physiology of mirror
to our editor’s final chapter: Future Directions for Behavior writing. University Of California Publications In Psychology, 2,
Genetics. 199–265.
23 Handedness 341

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Chapter 24

Genetics of Exercise Behavior

Janine H. Stubbe and Eco J.C. de Geus

Introduction (Shephard, 1985; Sherwood & Jeffery, 2000), inadequate

health beliefs (Haase et al., 2004), and low social sup-
A sedentary lifestyle has been cited as one of the main causes port by family, peers, or colleagues (King et al., 1992;
of the explosive rise in obesity that starts at an increasingly Orleans, Kraft, Marx, & McGinnis, 2003; Sherwood &
younger age (Martinez-Gonzalez, Martinez, Hu, Gibney, & Jeffery, 2000). Despite their face validity, none of these fac-
Kearney, 1999). Furthermore, regular exercisers have lower tors has emerged as a strong causal determinant of exer-
risks for cardiovascular disease (CVD) and type 2 diabetes cise behavior (Dishman, Sallis, & Orenstein, 1985; Seefeldt,
than non-exercisers (Albright et al., 2000; Kaplan, Straw- Malina, & Clark, 2002). Increasingly, therefore, biological
bridge, Cohen, & Hungerford, 1996; Kesaniemi et al., 2001) factors have been invoked to explain why exercisers exercise
and the percentage of people at risk because of inactivity and why non-exercisers do not (Rowland, 1998; Thorburn &
is higher than for hypertension, smoking, and cholesterol Proietto, 2000; Tou & Wade, 2002). As will become evident
(Caspersen, 1987; Stephens & Craig, 1990). Despite these in this chapter, these factors should prominently include a
well-documented benefits of exercise, a large proportion of genetic disposition to exercise.
adults in the Western world do not exercise on a regular Before examining in detail the existing behavior genetics
basis (Crespo, Keteyian, Heath, & Sempos, 1996; Haase, work on this topic, we will briefly go into the definition of
Steptoe, Sallis, & Wardle, 2004; Stephens & Craig, 1990). exercise behavior and review a number of large-scale stud-
As a consequence, a sedentary lifestyle – and the accompa- ies that give insight into the current prevalence of exercise
nying risk for obesity – remains a major threat to health in behavior.
today’s society. This is reflected in public health recommen-
dations which unanimously include an encouragement to a
more active lifestyle (WHO/FIMS Committee on Physical
Definition of Exercise Behavior
Activity for Health, 1995; U.S. Department of Health and
Human Services, 2005).
To increase the success of intervention on this impor- Operational definitions of exercise behavior have differed
tant health behavior, much research has been devoted to the strongly across studies. First, a distinction can be made
determinants of exercise behavior. The bulk of these stud- between studies querying “pure” exercise activities (jogging,
ies have attempted to explain low exercise prevalence in gymnasia, and all individual or team sports) versus stud-
terms of social and environmental barriers. These include, ies including all physical activities which may improve car-
amongst others, poor access to facilities (Matson-Koffman, diorespiratory health but are not primarily intended that way
Brownstein, Neiner, & Greaney, 2005; Varo et al., 2003), low (gardening, walking the dog, or bicycling to school/work)
socioeconomic status (Haase et al., 2004; Varo et al., 2003), (Caspersen, Powell, & Christenson, 1985). Even when we
non-Caucasian race (Kaplan, Lazarus, Cohen, & Leu, 1991), restrict ourselves to pure exercise activities in leisure time,
high job strain (Payne, Jones, & Harris, 2005; Van Loon, exercise definitions differ across studies (Table 24.1). Only
Tijhuis, Surtees, & Ormel, 2000), subjective “lack of time” two very specific phenotypes have been defined in a highly
comparable way. Sedentary subjects simply do not engage
in any type of leisure time physical activity, whereas vigor-
ous exercisers perform activities above the intensity and fre-
E.J.C. de Geus (B)
Department of Biological Psychology, Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam quency thresholds required to maintain a continued increase
1081 BT, The Netherlands in aerobic fitness above their sedentary level. To achieve such
e-mail: JCN.de.Geus@psy.vu.nl an increase, subjects need to engage in large muscle dynamic

Y.-K. Kim (ed.), Handbook of Behavior Genetics, 343

DOI 10.1007/978-0-387-76727-7 24,  c Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2009
344 J.H. Stubbe and E.J.C. de Geus

Table 24.1 Three exercise levels used across studies to categorize exer- large studies that, together, provide a reasonable insight
cise behavior into the prevalence of exercise in industrialized societies
Exercise level Definition (Caspersen et al., 2000; Haase et al., 2004; Martinez-
Sedentary Does not engage in any type of leisure time Gonzalez et al., 2001; Steptoe et al., 1997, 2002). We will
exercise behavior describe their assessment strategies and outcomes in more
Vigorous exercise Performs leisure time exercise activities
above the intensity and frequency
detail in the next paragraph.
thresholds required to maintain a continued
increase in aerobic fitness above their
sedentary level, i.e., engage in large muscle
dynamic exercise activities requiring more Prevalence of Exercise Behavior
than 50% of their maximal oxygen
consumption for at least three times a week
for 20 min or more per occasion The European Health and Behavior Study (EHBS) (Steptoe
Light-to-moderate All exercise behavior in between sedentary et al., 1997) and the International Health and Behavior Study
exercise and vigorous exercise. A further distinction
can be made between light exercise (less (IHBS1/IHBS2) (Haase et al., 2004; Steptoe et al., 2002) are
than 60 min a week or intensity below 4 two large survey studies assessing the prevalence of leisure
METs) and moderate exercise (at least time physical activity in 18- to 30-year-old university stu-
60 min weekly with a minimum intensity dents. The EHBS survey was carried out in 16,483 students
of 4 METs), but note that not all studies
collect data on intensity and frequency from 21 European countries in 1990 (Steptoe et al., 1997).
The 2000 IHBS1 and IHBS2 studies used the same measures
as the EHBS study and partly the same sample. The IHBS1
exercise activities requiring more than 50% of their max- study (Steptoe et al., 2002) included 10,336 participants from
imal oxygen consumption for at least three times a week 13 of the 21 European countries included by the EHBS. The
for 20 min or more per occasion (Blair et al., 1996; Pate IHBS2 study (Haase et al., 2004) extended the sample by
et al., 1995). using more countries worldwide resulting in a final sample
Measures of light-to-moderate exercise, i.e., all activ- of 19,298 university students from 23 countries.
ity levels in between sedentary and vigorous exercise, are In all three studies, leisure time exercise participation was
much harder to compare across studies. Studies use differ- assessed by responses to three items. The first item asked
ent criteria for the minimum frequency and the minimum whether an individual had participated in any exercise (e.g.,
intensity that is required to classify participants as “regular sports activities, physically active pastime) over the past 2
exercisers”. Criteria for frequency have varied from once per weeks. Those who responded positively were asked what
2 weeks (Haase et al., 2004; Steptoe et al., 1997, 2002) to five kind of activity they carried out. The most reported forms
or more times a week (Caspersen, Pereira, & Curran, 2000). of activity were jogging/running, swimming, football (soc-
In some studies the reported specific exercise activities were cer), and aerobics. Furthermore, participants were asked how
coded for intensity and had to meet a certain minimal inten- many times they had exercised in the past 2 weeks. Data
sity (De Geus, Boomsma, & Snieder, 2003; Perusse, Trem- were analyzed by dividing the sample into three groups. Inac-
blay, Leblanc, & Bouchard, 1989; Stubbe, Boomsma, & De tive subjects (i.e., sedentary subjects) did not engage in any
Geus, 2005), whereas in others no specific exercise activities exercise at all; subjects who engaged one to four times per
were reported or no minimum intensity was specified (Haase 2 weeks in exercise were considered regular exercisers at
et al., 2004; Steptoe et al., 1997). “low-frequent activity” (corresponding to light to moderate
The differences in the operational definition of regu- as defined in the previous paragraph); subjects who exercised
lar exercise are compounded by the varying methods of more than five times per 2 weeks were considered “frequent”
assessment of regular exercise. Some studies use surveys exercisers (this corresponds roughly to vigorous exercise in
with only a single YES/NO question (Boomsma, Vanden- Table 24.1, but note that no intensity was coded). Regular
bree, Orlebeke, & Molenaar, 1989; Koopmans, Van Door- exercise was defined as exercising at least once over the past
nen, & Boomsma, 1994) whereas others query the type, 2 weeks.
duration, frequency, and intensity in great detail (Martinez- In the 1990 study, 73% of the men and 68% of the women
Gonzalez et al., 2001). Some studies use an interview strat- exercised regularly, suggesting that 27% of the male and
egy (Caspersen et al., 2000) rather than a survey-based 32% of the female students are sedentary. A total of 36%
approach, or even direct measurements of energy expen- of men and 30% of women were vigorous exercisers, i.e.,
diture with accelerometry or physiological recording (Pate had exercised on five or more occasions during the previous
et al., 2002; Sirard & Pate, 2001). This makes it diffi- 2 weeks (Steptoe et al., 1997). In the EHBS study (Step-
cult to either pool or compare the prevalence of exercise toe et al., 2002), the survey was repeated 10 years later for
behavior across studies. Fortunately, there are five very 13 of the 21 countries (IHBS1). Figure 24.1 shows that the
24 Genetics of Exercise Behavior 345

Fig. 24.1 Prevalence of regular exercise in five different studies, pean Union (PAN), and the National Health Interview Survey-Health
the Health and Behavior Study (EHBS, IHBS1, and IHBS2), the Promotion/Disease Prevention (NHIS-HPDP)
pan-European study of adults from 15 member states of the Euro-

prevalence of regular exercise remained fairly stable over hours a week they participated in each activity. Regular exer-
a 10-year time period. Extending the sample with students cise was defined as engaging in any of the queried exercise
from countries worldwide (IHBS2) again resulted in compa- activities, with constraints on intensity and frequency.
rable prevalences (Haase et al., 2004). Across the entire age range studied, an average of 76%
All three studies showed that men were more likely than of the male and 71% of the female EU population partici-
women to have exercised in the previous 2 weeks. In the pated in some kind of exercise activity. With increasing age,
third and largest study, for instance, more women than men exercise participation decreased, ranging from 83% in 15–24
reported to be sedentary (38% versus 27%), whereas the year old to 65% in people aged 65 years and over. A wide
proportion engaged in vigorous exercise was larger in men variability was found in the prevalence of exercise activi-
(28%) than that in women (19%). There was no overall dif- ties among European countries. Northern European coun-
ference in the proportion of men (45%) and women (43%) tries showed higher exercise prevalences than southern ones.
active at light to moderate levels (active one to four times per Figure 24.1 shows that, across all countries, the overall per-
2 weeks). centage of regular exercisers is in close agreement with
The samples used in the EHBS and IHBS studies may not the estimates of prevalence by the EHBS and IHBS studies
be representative for the whole population, because it was (Haase et al., 2004; Steptoe et al., 1997; Steptoe et al., 2002).
conducted in students 18–30 year old. A pan-European study As in the EHBS and IHBS studies, a higher percentage of
(PAN) of adult exercise participation by Martinez-Gonzalez men engaged in any leisure time exercise activities, and the
and colleagues (2001) used a population-based sample of average intensity of their activities (in METs) was higher
more than 15,000 adults from 15 member states of the Euro- than in women.
pean Union. Subjects were divided in age bins of 10 years, In the 1991 National Health Interview Survey-Health Pro-
starting at age 15 and leading up to a final category of sub- motion/Disease Prevention (NHIS-HPDP) study, physical
jects aged 65 and over. To assess activity levels, subjects activity levels were assessed in 43,732 men and women from
were asked to select the activities in which they participated the USA, aged 18 years and over (Caspersen et al., 2000).
from a list of 17 activities (i.e., athletics, cycling, dancing, Frequency and duration were assessed of gardening and exer-
equestrian sports, fishing, football, gardening, golf, hill walk- cise activities (i.e., walking for exercise, stretching exercises,
ing, climbing, keep fit, aerobic, jogging, martial arts, rac- weightlifting, jogging, aerobics, bicycling, stair climbing for
quet sports, rowing, canoeing, skiing, skating, swimming, exercise, swimming for exercise, play tennis, golf, baseball,
team sports, walking, and water sports). Metabolic equiva- basketball, volleyball, handball, soccer, football, racquet-
lents (METs) assigned to each activity were used to quan- ball or squash, bowling, and skiing (downhill, cross-country,
tify the amount of leisure time physical activity, with one and water). To get information about the intensity level,
MET representing the rate of energy expenditure of an indi- questions were asked about increases in breathing or heart
vidual at rest which is approximately 1 kcal/kg/h (Ainsworth rate. According to the Healthy people 2000 objectives (U.S.
et al., 1993, 2000). Participants also indicated the number of Department of Health and Human Services, 2005) exercise
346 J.H. Stubbe and E.J.C. de Geus

behavior of the participants was categorized into three activ- In the Canadian Fitness Survey (Perusse, Leblanc, &
ity patterns: physically inactive (i.e., no participation in any Bouchard, 1988), the degree of familial resemblance for
leisure time physical activity), engaging in regular, sustained leisure time energy expenditure, total time spent on leisure
light to moderate activities (five or more times a week and time activities and the activity level (derived from total
30 min or more per occasion of any activity), and engaging time spent on leisure time activities and total number of
in regular, vigorous activities (three or more times per week months for the reported activities) was assessed in 16,477
and 20 min or more per occasion of any activity performed subjects, aged 10 years and older. Siblings and parent–
at ≥50% of maximal oxygen consumption). These activity offspring pairs were formed to compute familial correlations
patterns correspond closely to the three exercise levels listed in energy expenditure, time spent on activities and activ-
in Table 24.1. ity level. These familial correlations ranged between 0.12
The average prevalence across adulthood for any form of and 0.62 for the three variables, suggesting evidence for
exercise behavior (i.e., light to moderate or vigorous) varied familial resemblance. However, familial correlations were
between 73% for women and 79% for men. Women not only higher within generations (siblings) than across generations
had a significantly higher prevalence of being sedentary than (parent–offspring). Also a significant correlation between
men; they also reported less engagement in light to moderate spouses was found and, within the same generation, corre-
exercise (27% versus 21%). For vigorous activity the differ- lations for spouses and siblings were of the same magni-
ence between men and women was small at 18–29 years (4% tude. This suggested to the authors that familial resemblance
more males), moderate at 65–74 years (9% more males), but resulted primarily from environmental factors common to
very large at ≥75 years (16% more males). members of the same generation (i.e., family, neighborhood,
A clear picture arises from these five studies. Despite the facilities, and general cultural attitudes on exercise). How-
well-documented benefits of exercise, a large group of young ever, parent–offspring studies underestimate heritability if
adolescents and adults do not engage in exercise on a reg- different genes are expressed at different ages, and spousal
ular basis. Worldwide, the prevalence for sedentary behav- correlations may also partly represent assortative mating.
ior varies between 21 and 27% for males and between 27
and 38% for females. Prevalence for light to moderate exer-
cise ranges between 27 and 45% for males and between 21
and 43% for females. Finally, between 28 and 36% of males Twin Studies on Exercise Behavior
are engaged in vigorous activities and this percentage varies
between 19 and 30% for females. Twin studies can directly decompose familial resemblance
What factors cause exercisers to exercise and, more into shared genetic and shared environmental influences by
importantly, what keeps non-exercisers from doing the same? comparing the resemblance in exercise behavior between
The remainder of this chapter will review evidence from monozygotic (MZ) and dizygotic (DZ) twins. As opposed
behavioral genetics for a significant genetic contribution to to parent–offspring family designs they do so within mem-
voluntary exercise. bers of the same generation. A variety of twin studies
have shown that genetic factors contribute to individual
differences in exercise participation and measures of exer-
cise frequency, duration, and/or intensity (Aarnio, Win-
Family Studies on Exercise Behavior ter, Kujala, & Kaprio, 1997; Beunen & Thomis, 1999;
Boomsma et al., 1989; De Geus et al., 2003; Frederik-
As with many other traits, exercise behavior appears to run sen & Christensen, 2003; Heller et al., 1988; Koopmans
in the family. Familial resemblance in exercise behavior has et al., 1994; Kujala et al., 2002; Lauderdale et al., 1997;
been tested by the correlation of exercise behavior in parent– Maia, Thomis, & Beunen, 2002; Perusse et al., 1989; Stubbe
child, sister–sister, brother–brother, and sister–brother pair- et al., 2005, 2006). The main results of these studies are sum-
ings. Significant familial resemblance in exercise behavior marized in Table 24.2. Studies were included only if esti-
between parents and their offspring has been reported in var- mates of genetic (a 2 or d 2 ) or shared environmental (c2 )
ious studies. Parent–offspring correlations have ranged from contribution to total variance were given in the paper or if
low (r = 0.09–0.13) for participation defined as activi- the correlations of MZ and DZ twins were supplied. The lat-
ties requiring at least five times the resting metabolic rate ter makes it possible to calculate the contribution of additive
(Perusse et al., 1989) or weekly time spent on the main exer- (a 2 = 2(rMZ –rDZ ) or non-additive (d 2 = 4rDZ –rMZ ) genetic
cise activity during the previous year (Simonen et al., 2002) factors or of shared environmental (c2 = 2rDZ –rMZ ) factors
to moderate (r = 0.29–0.37) for exercise participation coded (Plomin, DeFries, McClearn, & McGuffin, 2000). Table 24.2
as a dichotomous variable using the single question “Do you shows these various estimates to range widely across stud-
participate in sports?” (Koopmans et al., 1994). ies. The large range in these estimates may be caused in part
24 Genetics of Exercise Behavior 347

by the use of various definitions of exercise, but as we will viously estimated the genetic and environmental influences
argue in detail below, also by the vastly different age ranges on individual differences in exercise participation in Dutch
studied. adolescents using smaller samples with larger age ranges
Five twin samples have been used to address the heritabil- (Boomsma et al., 1989; Koopmans et al., 1994). Both stud-
ity of exercise participation in adolescents. In a large family ies defined exercise participation by the response to the sin-
cohort based on the Quebec family study, a three-day activity gle question “Have you been involved in exercise activities
record was used to determine the activity level of young ado- during the last 3 months?”. In 90 adolescent Dutch twin
lescent twins (mean age 14.6) (Perusse et al., 1989). Each pairs aged 14–20 years (average age = 17 years old) her-
day was divided into 96 periods of 15 min, and for each itability was estimated at 64% for both males and females
15-min period subjects were asked to note, on a scale from but evidence for common environment was also suggested
one to nine, the energy expenditure of the dominant physical (Boomsma et al., 1989). In 1,587 13- to 22-year-old Dutch
activity of that period. Regular vigorous exercise behavior twins (mean age of 18 years), Koopmans et al. (1994) esti-
was assessed from the number of periods in which exercise mated heritability and common environmental influences to
activities or moderate to intense manual work (i.e., tree cut- be 48 and 38%, respectively.
ting, snow shoveling, etc.) were reported that were rated 6 A combination of common environmental and genetic
or higher on the nine-point scale (i.e., activities requiring 4.8 influences in adolescence has also been reported by other
times the resting oxygen consumption). The average value studies, which additionally suggest a sex difference such
of the ratings across these periods was used as the measure that the common environment loses its importance earlier in
of regular exercise. Monozygotic and dizygotic twin correla- boys than in girls. In the Leuven Longitudinal Twin Study
tions did not differ significantly from each other, indicating (Beunen & Thomis, 1999), 92 Flemish male twins and 91
that genetic factors explained 0% of the variation in regular female twins aged 15 years reported the number of hours they
exercise behavior. Individual differences in regular exercise exercised each week. For girls, 44% of the variation in exer-
were attributed to common environmental (74%) and unique cise participation was explained by genetic factors and 54%
environmental factors (26%). by common environmental factors. For boys, genetic factors
In a Dutch twin study, exercise participation was assessed already explained about 83% of the total variance at age 15.
in 2,628 young complete twin pairs aged between 13 and 20 In a study based on 411 Portuguese twins aged 12–25 years
(Stubbe et al., 2005). Ainsworth’s Compendium of physical (mean age was approximately 17 years) an exercise partic-
activity was used to recode the reported exercise activities ipation index was computed as a composite score of items
into METs. Subjects were classified as regular exercisers if that takes into account the expected energy expenditure for a
they engaged in competitive or non-competitive leisure time given exercise activity, number of hours practiced per week,
exercise activities with a minimal intensity of four METs and number of months per year (Maia et al., 2002). In agree-
for at least 60 min per week. In the classification scheme of ment with Beunen and Thomis (1999), larger heritability
Table 24.1 this would include both light to moderate and vig- estimates were found for males (68%) compared to females
orous exercisers. Genetic and common environmental con- (40%). Finally, Aarnio and colleagues (1997) found substan-
tributions to exercise participation were computed separately tially lower opposite-sex twin pair correlations than dizygotic
within age groups 13–14 years, 15–16 years, 17–18 years, same-sex twin pair correlations in 16-year-old Finnish twins,
and 19–20 years. Very large familial resemblance was found which is again in keeping with a different genetic architecture
at all ages. In agreement with the study by Perusse and col- for males and females in this age range.
leagues (1989), genes were of no importance to exercise To our knowledge, five studies have investigated the
participation in 13- to 16-year-old children, whereas envi- influences of genes and environment on exercise behav-
ronmental factors shared by children from the same fam- ior in adults (Frederiksen & Christensen, 2003; Heller
ily largely accounted for 78% (15–16 years) to 84% (13–14 et al., 1988; Kujala et al., 2002; Lauderdale et al., 1997;
years) of the individual differences in participation. Genetic Stubbe et al., 2006). An Australian study of 200 twin pairs
influences started to appear (36%) at the age of 17–18 years assessed genetic influences on several lifestyle risk factors,
with the role of common environment rapidly decreasing including a single exercise question, “vigorous exercise in
(47%). After the age of 18 years, genes almost entirely the past 2 weeks” (Heller et al., 1988). Ages ranged from
explain individual differences in exercise participation (85%) 17 to 66 years with the mean ages of MZ and DZ twins
and common environmental factors do not contribute at all. being 36.9 (SD = 13.2) and 35.6 (SD = 11.5) years, respec-
The large shift from common environmental to genetic tively. Heritability was estimated at 39% for this question. In
influences on exercise habits in adolescence implies that 3,344 male twin pairs aged 33–51 years from the Vietnam
studies collapsing twin data across this age range will arrive Era Twin Registry (Lauderdale et al., 1997), regular exercise
at “mixture” estimates. That this indeed happens is illus- was assessed with five questions about vigorous forms of
trated by two other studies on the Dutch twins that had pre- exercise (>4.5 METs) performed in the last 3 months: (1) jog

Table 24.2 Twin studies on exercise participation

Study Sample Phenotype Categorization Results
Stubbe et al. (2006)1 13,676 MZ and 23,375 DZ Engage in leisure time exercise activities Light to moderate plus vigorous a 2 = 27–67%; c2 = 0–37% for
pairs from seven different with a minimal intensity of 4 METs for exercise males a 2 = 48–71%; c2 = 0%
countries participating in the at least 60 min per week (yes/no) for females
GenomEUtwin project (aged

Stubbe et al. (2005)1 2,628 Complete Dutch twin Engage in leisure time exercise activities Light to moderate plus vigorous a 2 = 0%; c2 = 84% for 13- to
pairs (aged 13–14, 15–16, with a minimal intensity of 4 METs for exercise 14-year-old twins
17–18, 19–20) at least 60 min per week (yes/no) a 2 = 0%; c2 = 78% for 15- to
16-year-old twins
a 2 = 36%; c2 = 47% for 17- to
18-year-old twins
a 2 = 85%; c2 = 0% for 19- to
20-year-old twins
Beunen et al. (2003)1 92 Male and 91 female Number of hours spent on sports each Moderate plus vigorous exercise a 2 = 83%; c2 = 0% for males
Belgium twin pairs (aged 15) week a 2 = 44%; c2 = 54% for females

De Geus et al. (2003)1 157 Adolescent (aged 13–22) Average weekly METs spent on sports or Moderate plus vigorous exercise a 2 = 79%; c2 = 0% for adolescent
and 208 middle-aged Dutch other vigorous activities in leisure time twins
twin pairs (aged 35–62)2 in the last 3 months (≥4 METS) a 2 = 41%; c2 = 0% for
middle-aged twins
Frederiksen et al. (2003)1 616 MZ and 642 same-sex DZ Engage in leisure time in any of the 11 Moderate plus vigorous exercise a 2 = 49%; c2 = 0% for males and
twin pairs (aged 45–68) different exercise activities (yes/no) (jogging, gym, swim, tennis, females
badminton, football, handball,
aerobics, rowing, table tennis,
Kujala et al. (2002)3 Data on both members of Participation in vigorous physical activity Vigorous exercise a 2 = 56%; c2 = 4% for vigorous
1,772 MZ and 3,551 based on the question: “is your physical activity
dizygotic same-sex twin activity during leisure time about as
pairs (aged 24–60) strenuous, on average, as (1) walking,
(2) alternatively walking and jogging,
(3) jogging (light running), or (4)
running?”. Those who chose alternative
2, 3, or 4 were classified as
participating in vigorous activity
Maia et al. (2002)1 411 Portuguese twin pairs A composite sports participation index Moderate plus vigorous exercise a 2 = 68%; c2 = 20% for males
(aged 12–25) (SPI), that takes into account the energy a 2 = 40%; c2 = 26% for females
expenditure for a given sport, number
of hours practiced per week, and
number of months per year
J.H. Stubbe and E.J.C. de Geus
Table 24.2 (continued)
Aarnio et al. (1997)3 3,254 Twins at age 16, their The categorical phenotype consisted of Light to moderate plus vigorous a 2 = 54%; c2 = 18% for males
parents, and grandparents five physical activity categories ranging exercise a 2 = 46%; c2 = 18% for females
from very active to hardly active based
on two questions about the
– frequency of leisure time PA
24 Genetics of Exercise Behavior

– intensity of leisure time PA

Lauderdale et al. (1996)3 3,344 Male twin pairs of the Five questions assessed regular Vigorous exercise a 2 = 0%; d 2 = 53% for jogging
Vietnam Era Twin Registry participation in specific, intense athletic a 2 = 48%; c2 = 4% for racquet
(aged 33–51) activities (running, bicycling, sports
swimming, racquet, and other sports) a 2 = 30%; c2 = 17% for
(yes/no) strenuous sports
a 2 = 0%; d 2 = 58% for
a 2 = 8%; c2 = 31% for

Koopmans et al. (1994)1 1,587 Adolescent Dutch twin pairs Do you participate in leisure time Light to moderate plus vigorous a 2 = 48%; c2 = 38% for males
(aged 13–22) exercise? (yes/no) exercise and females
Boomsma et al. (1989)1 44 MZ and 46 DZ Dutch Do you participate in leisure time Light to moderate plus vigorous a 2 = 64%
adolescent twin pairs (aged exercise? (yes/no) exercise
Heller et al. (1988)3 200 Twin pairs (aged 17–66) Engaged in vigorous exercise in the past Vigorous exercise a 2 = 39%
2 weeks (yes/no)

Perusse et al. (1989)3 55 Monozygotic and 56 dizygotic A 3-day activity record was used to Moderate plus vigorous exercise a 2 = 0%; c2 = 78% for males and
Canadian twin pairs (aged 15)2 determine the activity level of the females
subjects. The number of periods
corresponding to activities with an
intensity of ≥4.8 METs was counted
each day and the average value was
used as an indicator of exercise
1 Heritability was estimated using variance component methods.
2 The variable age is used as a regressor.
3 Heritability was estimated using formulas to calculate the percentage by hand.
350 J.H. Stubbe and E.J.C. de Geus

or run at least 10 miles per week, (2) play strenuous racquet to 67% in the Netherlands and, in females, from 48% in Aus-
sports at least 5 h per week, (3) play other strenuous sports tralia to 71% in the UK. Shared environmental effects played
(basketball, soccer, etc.), (4) ride a bicycle at least 50 miles a role only in exercise participation of the Norwegian males
per week, (5) swim at least 2 miles per week. For all of the (37%), but were of no importance in the other countries.
measures, MZ correlations were higher than DZ correlations, Frederiksen and Christensen (2003) were the only ones
suggesting that genes play a role in explaining individual dif- to report the influence of genetic factors on exercise partic-
ferences in regular exercise. For running or jogging, racquet ipation in a group of middle-aged to elderly twins. Infor-
sports, and bicycling, broad-sense heritability was estimated mation on leisure time exercise participation of people aged
between 48 and 58%. For bicycling and jogging, MZ correla- 45–68 years was assessed through the questions: “Do you in
tions exceeded the DZ correlations by more than a factor of 2, your leisure time participate in any of the following sports:
making this the only study to report significant non-additive jogging, gymnastics, swimming, tennis, badminton, football,
effects. In a Finnish twin study, heritability was estimated in handball, aerobics, rowing, table tennis, or volleyball?” The
3,551 dizygotic same-sex twin pairs and 1,772 monozygotic exercisers were defined as those indicating participation in
same-sex twin pairs aged 24–60 years (Kujala et al., 2002). any of these activities, whereas the sedentary participants
Participation in vigorous physical activity was based on the did not report any participation. Genes explained 49% of the
question: “is your physical activity during leisure time about variance in exercise participation.
as strenuous, on average, as (1) walking, (2) alternatively
walking and jogging, (3) jogging (light running), or (4) run-
ning?”. Those who chose alternative 2, 3, or 4 were clas- Twin Studies on Physical Activity
sified as participating in vigorous activity. Heritability was
estimated at 56%. Since the innate drive to exercise will be most obvious in
Recently we conducted the largest twin study on exer- leisure time we have focused above on voluntary leisure time
cise behavior ever (Stubbe et al., 2006). The GenomEUtwin exercise behavior. A number of twin studies have quantified
project (“Genome-wide analyses of European twin and pop- regular total physical activity rather than exercise activities
ulation cohorts to identify genes predisposing to common limited to leisure time only. Since a large part of regular phys-
diseases”) entails one of the largest research consortia in ical activity in these studies could effectively be attributed to
genetic epidemiology in the world with a collection of over voluntary exercise activities in leisure time, we briefly review
0.8 million twins. Self-reported data on frequency, duration, these studies here. Slightly more caution is needed in the
and intensity of exercise behavior from Australia, Denmark, interpretation of these studies, because the heterogeneity in
Finland, Norway, the Netherlands, Sweden, and the UK were the definition of regular physical activity will be larger than
used to create an index of exercise participation in each coun- that in the definition of regular leisure time exercise.
try. Participants had to be engaged in exercise activities for at Table 24.4 summarizes the relevant twin studies, again
least 60 min per week with a minimum intensity of about four including only those where heritability and “environ-
METs to be classified as regular exercisers. Results obtained mentability” estimates or correlations of MZ and DZ twins
in 85,198 twins aged 19–40 years showed an average per- were given in this chapter. Common environmental influ-
centage of male and female exercisers of 44 and 35%, respec- ences were again almost completely restricted to children and
tively. young adolescents. In adults, reported heritability estimates
Per country, the estimates of the heritability of regular vary between 46 and 56%. In spite of the larger heterogeneity
exercise participation are depicted in Table 24.3. The median in the phenotype, Table 24.4 confirms the overall finding that
heritability of exercise participation was 62% across the genetic factors contribute significantly to individual differ-
seven countries and ranged, in males, from 27% in Norway ences in physical activity of adults.

Table 24.3 Heritability of exercise participation in subjects aged 21–40 in seven countries participating in the collaborative GenomEUtwin project
Country No. of complete Percentage exercisers Heritability estimates
twin pairs
Male (%) Female (%) Male (%) Female (%)
Australia 2, 728 64 56 48 48
Denmark 9, 456 43 33 52 52
Finland 8, 842 37 29 62 62
The Netherlands 2, 681 58 55 67 67
Norway 3, 995 55 51 27 56
Sweden 8, 927 37 23 62 62
United Kingdom 422 – 53 – 70
Table 24.4 Twin studies on physical activity level (PA)
Study Sample Phenotype Results
Franks et al. (2005)1 100 Same-sex dizygotic (n = 38) and monozygotic (1) Physical activity energy expenditure (PAEE) a 2 = 0%; c2 = 69%
(n = 62) twin pairs (aged 4–10) (2) Total energy expenditure (TEE) labeled water a 2 = 19%; c2 = 59%

Maia et al. (2002)1 411 Portuguese twin pairs (aged 12–25) The continuous variable leisure time PA is a composite score based a 2 = 63%; c2 = 0% for males
on the following four items: a 2 = 32%; c2 = 38% for females
24 Genetics of Exercise Behavior

– hours watching TV
– frequency of walking in leisure time
– minutes spent walking per day
– frequency of cycling

Kujala et al. (2002)2 Data on both members of 1,772 MZ and 3,551 Assessment of leisure time physical activity was based on a series a 2 = 46%; c2 = 0%
dizygotic same-sex twin pairs (aged 24–60) of structured questions on leisure PA (frequency, duration, and
intensity of PA sessions) and PA during journey to and from
work. The activity MET index was expressed as the summary
score of leisure MET-hours per day. Subjects whose volume of
activity was ≥2 MET-hours per day were classified as
physically active at leisure

Perusse et al. (1989)1 55 Monozygotic and 56 dizygotic Canadian twin pairs A 3-day activity record was used to determine physical activity of a 2 = 20%; c2 = 52%
(aged 15) the subjects. Each day was divided into 96 periods of 15 min,
and for each 15-min period the subjects were asked to note on a
scale from 1 to 9 the energy expenditure of the dominant activity
of that period. The categorical scores were summed over the 96
15-min periods of each day and the mean sum of the 3 days was
used as an indicator of the level of habitual PA

Perusse et al. (1989)1 55 Monozygotic and 56 dizygotic Canadian twin pairs A 3-day activity record was used to determine physical activity of a 2 = 20%; c2 = 52%
(aged 15) the subjects. Each day was divided into 96 periods of 15 min,
and for each 15-min period the subjects were asked to note on a
scale from 1 to 9 the energy expenditure of the dominant activity
of that period. The categorical scores were summed over the 96
15-min periods of each day and the mean sum of the 3 days was
used as an indicator of the level of habitual PA

Kaprio et al. (1981)2 1,537 MZ and 3,507 DZ male twin pairs (aged ≥18 Leisure time PA was based on the amount of physical activity a 2 = 46%; d 2 = 11% (age adjusted)
years) currently engaged in, its intensity and duration, and number of
years of physical activity engaged in the adult life. The intensity
and duration scores were multiplied together to obtain an
activity score
1 Heritability was estimated using variance component methods.
2 Heritability was estimated using formulas to calculate the percentage by hand.
352 J.H. Stubbe and E.J.C. de Geus

Differences in Genetic Architecture of when different genes are expressed in parents and offspring,
Exercise Behavior Across the Life Span the parent–offspring correlation does not estimate the heri-
tability in either parental or offspring generations correctly.
We suggest, therefore, that the lower heritability estimates
When we summarize the studies reviewed in Tables 24.2,
from these family studies may partly reflect the comparison
24.3 and 24.4, two striking findings stand out: (1) the genetic
of “apples and oranges”.
architecture of exercise behavior is vastly different across the
life span with the largest differences seen between the ages
15 and 20 and (2) all studies in adult twins consistently sug- The Lack of Common Environmental
gest a significant genetic contribution to adult exercise par- Influences on Adult Exercise Behavior
ticipation. Figure 24.2 plots the heritability estimates from
the twin studies in Tables 24.2 and 24.3 as a function of the
mean age of the sample. Up till age 13–14, genes are of no A number of studies show low to moderate tracking
importance in explaining individual differences in exercise from childhood exercise behavior to adult exercise behav-
ior (Beunen et al., 2004; Fortier, Katzmarzyk, Malina, &
participation, whereas a huge familial resemblance is found
through common environmental effects. In late adolescence Bouchard, 2001; Malina, 1996; Simonen, Levalahti, Kaprio,
(from approximately age 17–18 onward), genetic factors start Videman, & Battie, 2004; Twisk, Kemper, & van Meche-
to appear and the role of common environment decreases. len, 2000). Tracking, or stability, refers to the maintenance
Genetic factors peak in their contribution to exercise behav- of relative rank or position over time. Inter-age correla-
ior around age 19–20 to decrease again from young adult- tions between repeated measures of the trait are generally
hood onward to reach a stable value of about 50% in middle- used to estimate stability. It has been suggested that cor-
aged subjects. relations <0.30 are considered to be indicative of low sta-
The tentative curve drawn through this plot clearly shows bility, whereas those ranging from 0.30 to 0.60 are mod-
that the genetic architecture is different at various points erate, and those >0.60 are high (Malina, 1996). A review
by Malina (1996) shows that, although different indicators
in the life span. These differences have direct bearing on
studies assessing heritability using parent–offspring corre- of physical activity and different methods of analysis are
lations or younger–older sibling correlations. Such studies used, it appears that physical activity tracks low to moder-
have systematically yielded lower heritability estimates than ately from adolescence to adulthood. This is consistent with
twin studies. This may be due to a violation of the assump- results from the longitudinal Amsterdam Growth and Health
tion that the genetic architecture is the same in younger and Study (Twisk et al., 2000). In subjects with a mean age of
older members of the family. If this is not the case, e.g., 13.1 (±0.8) years, total time spent on all habitual physi-
cal activities in relation to school, work, sports, and other
leisure time activities was measured with an interviewer-
100 administered activity questionnaire. During the first 4 years
of the study, yearly measurements were carried out. Later on,
two follow-up measurements took place after 8 and 14 years,
80 respectively. The stability coefficient, summarizing tracking
across all intervals, was 0.34 (95% CI = 0.19–0.49) for daily
activity, indicating that there was low to moderate tracking.
60 Using data from the Netherlands Twin Registry (NTR),

we essentially replicated this finding. Table 24.5 shows

7-year tracking of exercise participation from ages 13–16
40 to ages 20–23. Again low to moderate tracking coefficients
were found ranging from 0.22 to 0.44. Model-fitting results
showed that these correlations did not significantly differ
20 from each other ( p = 0.56), resulting in an overall track-
ing coefficient of 0.37 from ages 13–20 to 16–23, which
is in keeping with the stability coefficient of 0.34 found in
0 the Amsterdam Growth and Health Study, even though our
cohort was born more than 10 years later.
10 20 30 40 50 60 In view of the striking shift in genetic architecture
during adolescence, this tracking is puzzling. If common
Fig. 24.2 Heritability estimates for exercise participation as a function environmental factors influence exercise behavior among
of the mean age of the twin sample children and their exercise behavior tracks into adulthood,
24 Genetics of Exercise Behavior 353

Table 24.5 Seven-year tracking of exercise participation from adoles- make sure the youngsters regularly get to the playing field
cence into young adulthood in the Dutch Twin Survey in the first place, and to provide positive feedback on their
Initial age and age at Number of subjects Tetrachoric performance. The extent of positive feedback, however, may
follow-up participating in two surveys correlation depend on their (exercise ability) genotypes. This is even
From age 13 to 20 169 0.41 truer for feedback by peers and colleagues, who will base
From age 14 to 21 184 0.22
From age 15 to 22 181 0.44
their judgment entirely on performance rather than family
From age 16 to 23 214 0.36 ties. The family environment, in short, determines exposure
and encouragement in early adolescence, but actual abil-
ity will determine whether they like exercising enough (by
one would expect to find enduring effects of the environment excelling in it) to maintain the behavior when the perception
they shared as youngsters even after they reach adulthood. of peers and colleagues increases in importance in late ado-
In spite of this expectation, most of the studies in adults do lescence.
not find evidence for common environment at all, includ- A final possibility is that the estimates of common envi-
ing six of the seven samples in the GenomEUtwin study. A ronmental influences in early adolescence include genetic
first potential explanation for the failure to detect C in adult effects that are correlated with the family environment. Such
samples is a lack of power to detect common environment a correlation would come about if the parents that most
in smaller-sized twin studies. Most studies measured exer- encourage their children to become engaged in exercise were
cise behavior as a dichotomy, and at heritabilities between themselves of above-average athletic ability. If they pass on
30 and 70%, large samples are needed to detect additional these genes and create a family environment that encourages
common environmental influences of modest size as is shown sports, a positive correlation between common environmen-
in Table 24.6 (Neale, Eaves, & Kendler, 1994). However, at tal and genetic influences would arise and in the twin samples
least three samples of the GenomEUtwin study (with heri- genes for exercise ability would then become correlated to
tability at 50%) easily exceed this sample size number and an encouraging environment shared by the twins. It has been
yet did not detect common environment. shown that a correlation of genes and shared environment
A second potential explanation is that in adulthood com- inflates the estimates of common environmental effects in
mon environmental factors interact with genetic make-up. twin studies (Purcell, 2001).
Since twin studies cannot discriminate between main effects
of genes and their interaction with common environmental
influences (C × G), in the classical twin model any C × G
interaction would end up as a main effect of genetic factors Different Genes at Different Ages?
(Purcell, 2001). There is, in fact, a straightforward theoret-
ical account for a C × G interaction on exercise behavior The above C × G scenario would still leave unexplained
that would be compatible with such a scenario. It has been why there is a peak in heritability around age 18–25. This
suggested that genetic influences on exercise ability, which peak was most clearly demonstrated in a study that assessed
are very strong both for strength and endurance phenotypes exercise behavior as weekly energy expenditure in an identi-
(Arden & Spector, 1997; Bouchard et al., 1998; Thomis cal way in a cohort of 17-year-old and a cohort of 45-year-
et al., 1997), may explain part of the heritability of exercise old twins (De Geus et al., 2003). Heritability was found to
behavior (Stubbe et al., 2006). be much higher in adolescents (79%) than in adults (41%).
The basic idea is that people will seek out the activities Does the impact of the unique environment on exercise habits
that they excel in. This is particularly true in adolescence. increase after young adulthood, for instance, due to factors
Being “good in sports” is an important source of self-esteem like work stress and child care load? That is entirely possible,
for teenagers and the athletic role model is continuously and would fit with data indicating that the most often reported
reinforced by the media (Field et al., 1999; Pope, Olivardia, barrier to exercise is “lack of time” (King et al., 1992; Sal-
Borowiecki, & Cohane, 2001). Hence, genes coding for exer- lis & Hovell, 1990). However, total variance in leisure time
cise ability may well become genes for adolescent exercise energy expenditure was also seen to go down in the same
behavior. The parents and older siblings may be helpful to study (De Geus et al., 2003). This does not rule out an

Table 24.6 Sample size in subjects (N) needed to detect common environmental influences (VC ) in full ACE models under varying levels of
variation due to additive genetic sources (VA )
VA = 30% VA = 40% VA = 50% VA = 60% VA = 70%
VC (%) 10 20 10 20 10 20 10 20 10 20
N 13,681 3,152 12,908 2,918 12,007 2,661 11,000 2,387 9,919 2,108
Note: MZ/DZ ratio = 1/1; significance level α = 0.05; power (1–β) = 0.80.
354 J.H. Stubbe and E.J.C. de Geus

increase in environmental variance, but it does mean that a effects. Additional complexity may derive from assorta-
decrease in genetic variance must have occurred. Another tive mating. In a three-generation Finnish study (Aarnio
possibility, therefore, is that different genes play a role in et al., 1997), intra- and inter-generational associations of
exercise behavior in adolescence than in adulthood. leisure time physical activity among family members were
As stated above, core components of exercise ability like examined. The sample consisted of 3,254 twins at the age of
aerobic endurance and muscular strength show large heri- 16, their parents and grandparents. The correlation was 0.19
tability, and the genes influencing exercise ability may play between parents, 0.33 between paternal grandparents and
an important role in the choices of adolescents. Exercise 0.43 between maternal grandparents, suggesting that assor-
ability, however, may start to loose significance in adult- tative mating is present. In the Quebec family study, familial
hood when recreational exercise start to become more promi- aggregation of physical activity phenotypes was investigated
nent than competitive exercise. In this phase, genes that in 696 subjects from 200 families (Simonen et al., 2002). For
determine personality may increasingly start to influence moderate to strenuous physical activity, the parental corre-
exercise behavior. In adult samples a modest but highly lation was 0.22. Similar assortment was found in our own
significant association between neuroticism and extraversion sample (Willemsen, Vink, & Boomsma, 2003). Tetrachoric
and exercise participation is found (De Moor, Beem, Stubbe, correlations between exercise participation of spouses as a
Boomsma, & De Geus, 2005), for instance, whereas this link function of the duration of the relationship were 0.45, 0.42,
is absent in adolescence (Allison et al., 2005). Physical and and 0.49 for relations lasting <5 years, ≥5 years, and >15
mental health benefits of exercise may also become increas- years, respectively.
ingly important motives in adulthood. If there are differences How will assortment for exercise participation affect
in the genetic sensitivity to these health benefits of exer- the estimates in twin studies? If the environment causes
cise, genes coding for this differential sensitivity may well assortment no effects on genetic variance will be seen.
become genes for adult exercise behavior. If the assortment is phenotypic, as we expect, it will
In favor of this hypothesis, standardized training pro- act to both increase total genetic variance and heritability
grams have already shown some persons to be more respon- (Falconer & Mackay, 1996). In the classical twin design,
sive to the same exercise regime than others in terms of however, phenotypic assortment will look like common envi-
increased aerobic fitness (Bouchard et al., 1999), increased ronmental influences when fitting an ACE model because
muscular strength (Thomis et al., 1998), reduced body fat it also increases the average amount of shared genes of
(Perusse et al., 2000), increased HDL/LDL cholesterol ratio DZ pairs above the theoretical 50%. Thus, the heritabil-
(Rice et al., 2002), decreased C-reactive protein (Lakka ity in the population increases as a consequence of pheno-
et al., 2005), increased insulin sensitivity and glucose effec- typic assortment but use of the classical twin design will
tiveness (Boule et al., 2005; Teran-Garcia, Rankinen, Koza, increase the estimate of common environmental influences.
Rao, & Bouchard, 2005), and decreased heart rate and blood Does the common environmental influence on exercise found
pressure (An et al., 2003; Rice et al., 2002). By studying the in studies on adolescent twins in part reflect assortative
response of family members to an identical exercise program, mating?
these differential health effects were shown to largely reflect At first sight, the finding that common environmental
differences in genetic make-up (An et al., 2003; Bouchard effects disappear in later adulthood seems to argue against
et al., 1999; Boule et al., 2005; Lakka et al., 2005; Perusse assortative mating since the higher than 50% genetic resem-
et al., 2000; Rice et al., 2002; Teran-Garcia et al., 2005; blance should stay in effect throughout the lifespan. How-
Thomis et al., 1997). Although currently unknown, psycho- ever, in the above we argued that genes that are expressed in
logical benefits may well show a similar dependency on early adulthood may partly differ from the genes that influ-
genotype. ence exercise later in life. If the assortment is phenotypic, it
As it stands, the idea that different genes influence exer- will exclusively operate on the genes that are in effect dur-
cise behavior across the lifespan remains hypothetical. This ing the main mating period, e.g., in late adolescence and
hypothesis can be fully tested, however, in longitudinal twin young adulthood. In this case, the genes that affect exer-
data. Ideally these should span the crucial period between cise in later stages of life may still be under random mating.
age 18 and 30. Future modeling of exercise data obtained in twins as well as
their parents and their spouses may shed more light on these
issues. As it stands, early conclusions based on the resem-
Assortative Mating blance of young sibling–sibling and spousal correlations that
“familial resemblance is the result of environmental fac-
So far, we have suggested that twin studies of exercise tors shared by members of the same generation rather than
behavior in adolescence may be complicated by the presence inherited factors” (Perusse et al., 1988) seem premature in
of C × G interaction and by adolescence-specific genetic retrospect.
24 Genetics of Exercise Behavior 355

Future Directions Fitness Phenotypes can be considered promising candidate

The prevailing theoretical perspective in preventive medicine One example that illustrates this is the insertion/deletion
now holds that social and environmental factors largely (I/D) polymorphism in the angiotensin-converting enzyme
account for voluntary lifestyle choices. Here, in contrast, (ACE) gene. Montgomery and colleagues (Williams
it is shown that in adulthood some of the choices for et al., 2000; Woods, Humphries, & Montgomery, 2000)
a healthy lifestyle reflect differences in genetic make- determined the ACE I/D genotype in British army recruits
up, although potentially in interaction with shared envi- who were tested for a number of fitness traits before and
ronment. This requires a change in our perspective, such after a 10-week training program. Efficiency of the muscles,
that we change from “population-based” intervention strate- or delta efficiency, computed as the increase in power output
gies to “personalized” intervention strategies. Currently, this for a given increase in oxygen consumption, was found
concept of “personalized medicine” is increasingly being to increase almost ninefold more in subjects homozygous
applied to curative medicine and pharmacotherapeutic inter- for the I allele. Almost no training effect was found in
vention. We suggest extending this concept to preventive those homozygous for the D allele. As previously noted
medicine. people generally like doing what they are good at, and will
Crucial to such personalized preventive medicine is a pursue those activities in leisure time as much as possible.
mechanistic understanding of the genetic pathways that Taking this one step further, we may reasonably assume
underlie the genetic contribution to individual variation in that people feel specifically competent when they notice
this behavior. Such understanding may not only help to themselves to gain more in performance compared to others
improve intervention strategies but may impact on research who nonetheless follow the same exercise regime. In support
on health in general. Randomized controlled training trials of this “competence hypothesis” a multicenter study in
have clearly shown that regular exercise has a causal effect Italian borderline hypertensives (Winnicki et al., 2004)
on mental (Babyak et al., 2000; Moore & Blumenthal, 1998; showed that the ACE polymorphism accounted for 21% of
Steptoe, Edwards, Moses, & Mathews, 1989) and physical the variance in exercise participation. The most sedentary
health (Berlin & Colditz, 1990). It is possible, therefore, that group had a clear excess of the genotype (DD) that caused
the well-known heritability of many health parameters like the lowest increase in muscle efficiency after training in the
depression (Kendler & Aggen, 2001), obesity (Schousboe British recruits. Here, at least, a genetic effect on exercise
et al., 2003), thrombosis (Dunn et al., 2004), hypertension ability indeed coincided with reduced amounts of exercise
(Kupper et al., 2005), diabetes (De Lange et al., 2003), and behavior.
even cardiovascular mortality (Zdravkovic et al., 2004) may Apart from the link between the ACE polymorphism and
partly reflect the genetic factors causing the adoption and exercise behavior, association for other candidate genes has
maintenance of regular exercise behavior. In that case, find- been reported. In women but not in men, physical activity
ing the “genes for exercise behavior” immediately translates levels were associated with polymorphisms in the dopamine
to finding genes that contribute to the heritability of mental D2 receptor gene, which is proposed to play a role in
and physical health. rewarding mechanisms (Simonen, Rankinen, Perusse, Leon,
So which genes could explain the heritability of exer- et al., 2003). In 331 early postmenopausal women, physical
cise behavior? Unfortunately, this is a vastly under-explored activity was associated with a polymorphism in the CYP19
question. For exercise, ability coordinated efforts exist (aromatase) gene (Salmen et al., 2003). In the Quebec Fam-
worldwide and successful association has been reported for ily study, the Melanocortin-4 receptor gene (MC4R-C-2745T
a number of genes influencing endurance or strength phe- variant) showed significant associations with moderate-to-
notypes, some of which have been replicated in indepen- strenuous activity scores and with inactivity scores (Loos
dent samples. Specifically, a systematic and yearly update of et al., 2005). Finally, in 97 healthy girls, physical activity
the Human Gene Map for Performance and Health-Related was associated with polymorphisms in a calcium-sensing
Fitness Phenotypes is published in Medicine and Science receptor gene (Lorentzon, Lorentzon, Lerner, & Nord-
in Sports and Exercise (Perusse et al., 2003; Rankinen strom, 2001). To our knowledge, only one whole genome
et al., 2001, 2002, 2004; Wolfarth et al., 2005). For exer- scan based on linkage analysis exists for physical exercise
cise behavior no such coordinated effort exists, although the (Simonen, Rankinen, Perusse, Rice, et al., 2003). A few
most recent version of this MSSE Gene Map included for the putative genomic regions were identified that might harbor
first time a new section on this topic (Wolfarth et al., 2005). genes influencing participation in regular exercise, but the
Fortunately, as we have argued above, genetic variation in evidence was only suggestive, as the power for linkage in
exercise ability may partly overlap with genetic variation in this relatively small and unselected sample was small.
exercise behavior, which means that many of the genes on Combining the importance of exercise for health to the
the Human Gene Map for Performance and Health-Related strong evidence for its heritability makes it paramount that
356 J.H. Stubbe and E.J.C. de Geus

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Part IV
Genetics of Psychopathology
Chapter 25

Genetics of ADHD, Hyperactivity, and Attention Problems

Eske M. Derks, James J. Hudziak, and Dorret I. Boomsma

Introduction cussed (Section Genetic Epidemiological Studies on ADHD

in Children). We concentrate on variation in these statistics
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is charac- as a result of the specific characteristics of the samples (e.g.,
terized by symptoms of inattention, and/or hyperactivity- age and sex of the children) and as a result of variation in
impulsivity. Inattention symptoms are present when an the assessment methods and informants. Finally, we give
individual fails to pay attention and has difficulty in concen- an overview of studies reporting on the agreement between
trating. Children or adults who are hyperactive fidget, squirm questionnaire data and diagnostic interviews (Section The
and move about constantly and can not sit still for any length Relation Between Questionnaire Data and Diagnostic
of time. Impulsivity can be described as acting or speak- Interviews).
ing too quickly without first thinking of the consequences.
Children with ADHD face developmental and social difficul-
ties. As adults, they may face problems related to employ- Prevalence of ADHD
ment, driving a car, or relationships (Barkley, 2002). As
is the case for many other psychiatric disorders, the diag-
nosis of ADHD is not based on a specific pathological The current guidelines for the diagnosis of ADHD in the
agent, such as a microbe, a toxin, or a genetic mutation, fourth edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of
but instead on the collection of signs and symptoms that Mental Disorders (DSM-IV) describe three different sub-
occur together more frequently than expected by chance types of ADHD: (i) ADHD of the inattentive type, which
(Todd, Constantino, & Neuman, 2005). Genetic studies of requires the presence of six out of nine symptoms related
psychiatric disorders are complicated by this lack of clear to inattention; (ii) ADHD of the hyperactive/impulsive type,
diagnostic tests (Hudziak, 2001). Heritability estimates in which requires the presence of six out of nine hyperac-
epidemiological genetic studies and the results of gene- tive/impulsive symptoms; and (iii) ADHD of the combined
finding studies may vary as a consequence of the instrument type, which requires the presence of six out of nine inat-
that is used to assess ADHD, and of other factors such as tention symptoms and six out of nine hyperactive/impulsive
the specific population that is investigated. In the current symptoms (American Psychiatric Association, 1994). Addi-
chapter we will focus on behavioral measures of ADHD, tional criteria are the presence of some hyperactive/impulsive
and not on endophenotypes (i.e., phenotypes that form a link or inattentive symptoms before age 7 years, and impairment
between the biological pathway and the behavioral outcome, from the symptoms in two or more settings.
for example, executive functioning). An excellent overview In research settings, the diagnosis of ADHD is not always
of endophenotypes for ADHD can be found in Castellanos based on these formal criteria. In some studies, the diagnosis
and Tannock (2002). In this overview, we will first present is based on behavior checklists, whose items are summed
epidemiological studies on the prevalence of ADHD (Section into a total score. ADHD is then assumed to be present
Prevalence of ADHD). Next, the results of studies reporting when a child scores above a certain diagnostic cutoff crite-
the heritability of ADHD and related phenotypes will be dis- rion. Diagnoses based on checklists usually do not incorpo-
rate additional requirements such as age of onset before age
7 years, or impairment.
D.I. Boomsma Prevalence estimates of ADHD may vary as a result of
Department of Biological Psychology, Vrije Universiteit, Van der instrument variance (e.g., DSM diagnoses versus checklists)
Boechorststraat 1, 1081 BT, Amsterdam, The Netherlands and as a function of sex and age of the children. We summa-
e-mail: DI.Boomsma@psy.vu.nl
rize epidemiological studies that report prevalence estimates

Y.-K. Kim (ed.), Handbook of Behavior Genetics, 361

DOI 10.1007/978-0-387-76727-7 25,  c Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2009

Table 25.1 Prevalence estimates based on clinical diagnosis in community-based samples

Any ADHD Inattentive Hyperactive Combined
Boys/girls Boys/girls Boys/girls Boys/girls
Study N Method (sex ratio) (sex ratio) (sex ratio) (sex ratio) Age
Lavigne et al. (1996)∗ 1150 DSM-III-R diagnosis by clinician 2.4/1.3 (1.8) – – – 2–5
Breton et al. (1999)∗∗ 2400 DSM-III-R clinical interview with child 3.3 – – – 6–14
6-month prevalence Impairment not
2400 Clinical interview with teacher 6-month 8.9 – – – 6–14
prevalence Impairment not included
2400 Clinical interview with parent 6-month 5.0 – – – 6–14
prevalence Impairment not included
Rohde et al. (1999) 1013 DSM-IV clinical interview with parent 5.5/6.1 (.90) 2.0 0.8 3.0 12–14
and child
Cuffe et al. (2001) 490 DSM-III-R clinical interview with 2.6/0.5 (4.9) – – – 16–22
adolescent and parent
Graetz, Sawyer, Hazell, 3597 DSM-IV clinical interview with parent 11.0/4.0 (2.8) 5.1/2.3 (2.2) 2.4/1.4 (1.7) 3.1/0.7 (4.4) 6–17
Arney, and
Baghurst (2001)
Costello et al. (2003) 1420 DSM-IV clinical interview with parent 1.5/0.3 (5) – – – 9–13
3-month prevalence
Ford, Goodman, and 10438 DSM-IV clinical interview with parent, 3.6/0.9 (4.3) 1.0/0.3 (3.0) 0.3/0.04 (7) 2.3/0.5 (4.6) 5–15
Meltzer (2003) teacher, and self (diagnosis based on
judgment by clinician)
Graetz et al. (2005) 2375 DSM-IV clinical interview with parent 19.0/8.8 (2.2) 8.9/4.4 (2.0) 3.4/1.8 (1.9) 6.7/2.6 (2.6) 6–13
Impairment not included
Neuman et al. (2005) 1472 DSM-IV clinical interview with parent 7.4/3.9 (1.9) 4.5/0.6 (7.5) 0.5/1.2 (.4) 2.3/2.1 (1.1) 7–19
∗ This is the weighted N which is calculated based on the information provided in the paper. The weighted prevalence of ADHD is 2%, the number of subjects is 23, so the weighted total number
of subjects is 23/0.02=1150.
∗∗ Breton et al. do not give the prevalences by sex, but do report the odds ratio’s for male:female. These are 4.0 in self-reports, 5.1 in teacher reports, and 2.9 in parental reports.
E.M. Derks et al.
25 Genetics of ADHD, Hyperactivity, and Attention Problems 363

for ADHD based on DSM criteria in Table 25.1. These preva- ies show a relatively low prevalence of ADHD in young
lences can be compared with the prevalences based on check- children, an increased prevalence in older children, and
list data which are shown in Table 25.2. In both tables, infor- again a relatively low prevalence in adolescents. A recent
mation on the assessment method and on the age and sex of epidemiological study in adults showed that ADHD may
the children has been included. be common in adulthood. Broad screening DSM-IV cri-
The prevalences based on diagnostic interview studies teria (symptom occurred sometimes or often) identified
varied between 1.5 and 19.0% in boys, and between 0.3 16.4% of a population of 966 adults as having ADHD,
and 8.8% in girls. In both boys and girls, the lowest preva- while 2.9% of the adults met narrow screening criteria
lence was reported in a study that used a 3-month prevalence (symptom occurred often) (Faraone & Biederman, 2005).
instead of the usual 1 year prevalence which may explain
the discrepancy with other findings (Costello, Mustillo,
Erkanli, Keeler, & Angold, 2003). The highest prevalence
was reported in a study that did not include impairment crite- Genetic Epidemiological Studies on ADHD
ria (Graetz, Sawyer, & Baghurst, 2005). Breton et al. (1999)
in Children
also excluded impairment criteria. Excluding the results of
these three studies, the prevalences are in the range of 2.4–
11% in boys and 1.3–4% in girls. The prevalences based Many studies report the heritability of ADHD from a com-
on checklist data range between 2.9 and 23.1% in boys and parison of the covariance structure in monozygotic (MZ) and
between 1.4 and 13.6% in girls. Baumgaertel, Wolraich, and dizygotic (DZ) twins. In these studies, variation in the vul-
Dietrich (1995), who did not show the prevalences by sex, nerability for ADHD is decomposed into genetic and envi-
reported a prevalence of 17.8, which is in the upper range for ronmental components. The decomposition of variance takes
both sexes. place by comparing the similarity (covariance or correla-
Clearly, higher prevalences are reported when diagnosis is tion) between MZ twins, who are nearly always genetically
based on questionnaire data compared to clinical diagnoses. identical, and DZ twins, who on average share half of their
How can this discrepancy be explained? Wolraich, Hannah, segregating alleles. MZ twins share all additive genetic and
Baumgaertel, and Feurer (1998) showed that the rate of over- non-additive genetic variance. DZ twins on average share
all ADHD (i.e., irrespective of subtype) based on checklist half of the additive genetic and one quarter of the non-
data in a sample of 698 boys and girls drops from 16.1 to additive genetic variance (Plomin, DeFries, McClearn, &
6.8% when impairment is required for diagnosis. Similarly, McGuffin, 2001). The environmental decomposition of the
in the study of Breton et al. (1999), the prevalence based on phenotypic variance is into shared environmental variance
parental reports dropped from 5.0 to 4.0% when including and non-shared, or specific, environmental variance. The
impairment criteria. Because impairment criteria are usually environmental effects shared in common by two members
included in diagnostic interview studies and not in studies of a twin-pair (C) are by definition perfectly correlated in
using questionnaire data, it is likely that the higher preva- both monozygotic and dizygotic twins. The non-shared envi-
lence in questionnaire data is the result of the exclusion of ronmental effects (E) are by definition uncorrelated in twin-
impairment criteria. pairs. A first estimate of additive genetic heritability based
In Tables 25.1 and 25.2, higher prevalences for ADHD on twin data is obtained from comparing MZ and DZ corre-
are reported in boys than in girls. The mean sex ratios were lations: a2 = 2(rMZ –rDZ ). The importance of non-additive
calculated by taking the average of the sex ratios across stud- genetic influence is obtained from d2 = 4(rDZ –rMZ ) and
ies. For overall ADHD, the ratio of boys:girls ranges from of shared environmental factors c2 = 2rDZ –rMZ . Finally,
0.9:1 to 5:1 with a mean sex ratio of about 2.5:1. The sex the estimate of the non-shared environmental component is
ratio is lowest in young children (3–5 years; mean sex ratio obtained from e2 = 1–rMZ . In the classic twin design, one
is 1.7:1) and highest in older children (5–13 years; mean sex cannot estimate D and C simultaneously and usually the
ratio is about 3:1). In adolescents (13–17 years), the sex ratio choice for an ADE or ACE model is based on the pattern
is about 2.5:1. The sex ratio’s do not vary much by subtype. of MZ and DZ twin correlations. Parameters a2 , c2 , d2 , and
The sex ratio’s are 2.5:1, 2.5:1, and 3.5:1 for the inattentive e2 are then obtained with, e.g., maximum likelihood estima-
type, the hyperactive-impulsive type, and the combined type, tion using software packages as Mx (Neale, Boker, Xie, &
respectively. The male:female ratio is not very high in epi- Maes, 2003) or Mplus (Muthén & Muthén, 2000).
demiological studies (about 3:1), but is clearly higher (about Papers reporting on the heritability of ADHD find large
9:1) in clinical settings (Gaub & Carlson, 1997). genetic influences, irrespective of the choice of instrument,
In two studies, the prevalence of ADHD was estimated informant, or sex and age of the child. Another general
separately in three age groups (Cuffe, Moore, & McKe- finding is the non-significant influence of the shared envi-
own, 2005; Nolan, Gadow, & Sprafkin, 2001). Both stud- ronment. We summarize these results by measurements

Table 25.2 Prevalence estimates based on behavioral checklist data in community based samples
Any ADHD Inattentive Hyperactive Combined
Boys/girls Boys/girls Boys/girls Boys/girls
Study N Method (sex ratio) (sex ratio) (sex ratio) (sex ratio) Age
Szatmari, Offord, and 1486 DSM-III-R rating scale by parent, teacher, and 10.1/3.3 (3.1) 4–11
Boyle (1989) self. Prevalences based on hierarchical
log-linear models
1236 DSM-III-R rating scale by parent, teacher, and 7.3/3.4 (2.1) – – – 12–16
self. Prevalences based on hierarchical
log-linear models
Baumgaertel et al. (1995) 1077 DSM-IV rating scale by teacher 17.8 9.0 3.9 4.8 5–12
Wolraich, Hannah, Pinnock, 8258 DSM-IV rating scale by teacher 16.2/6.1 (2.7) 7.2/3.5 (2.1) 3.8/0.9 (4.2) 5.3/1.6 (3.3) Kinder garten
Baumgaertel, and through 5th grade
Brown (1996)
Nolan et al. (2001) 413 DSM-IV rating scale by teacher 21.5/13.6 (1.6) 3.8/4.0 (.95) 7.6/5.1 (1.5) 10.1/4.6 (2.2) 3–5
1520 DSM-IV rating scale by teacher 23.1/8.2 (2.8) 14.4/6.0 (2.4) 3.4/1.1 (3.1) 5.3/1.1 (4.8) 5–12
1073 DSM-IV rating scale by teacher 20.1/8.8 (2.3) 14.5/8.0 (1.8) 1.6/0.0 (incalculable) 4.0/0.8 (5.0) 12–18
Larsson et al. (2004) 2063 DSM-III-R rating scale by parent 4.7 – – – 8–9
2055 DSM-III-R rating scale by parent 3.1 – – – 13–14
Levy, Hay, Bennett, and 1550 DSM-IV rating scale by mother – 1/4.3 (2.3) 3.1/1.7 (1.8) 5.8/2.0 (2.9) 4–12
McStephen (2005)
Cuffe et al. (2005) 6933 Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire 3.1/1.4 (2.2) – – – 4–8
7431 Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire 6.3/2.1 (3.0) – – – 9–13
5636 Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire 2.9/1.8 (1.6) – – – 14–17
E.M. Derks et al.
25 Genetics of ADHD, Hyperactivity, and Attention Problems 365

of: (i) ADHD symptoms (i.e., instrument includes both sex differences were small, and the pattern of sex differences
hyperactivity–impulsivity and attention problem symptoms was inconsistent over studies. In some studies heritability
(Table 25.3); (ii) hyperactivity (Table 25.4); and (iii) atten- was higher in boys, while in other studies heritability was
tion problems (Table 25.5). In the tables, we included infor- higher in girls. The small effect sizes and the inconsistent
mation on the instrument that was used to assess ADHD. It pattern of results support the conclusion that the magnitudes
should be noted that the majority of the studies used symp- of the etiological factors influencing variation in ADHD do
tom counts rather than categorical diagnosis. If a research not vary much as a function of the child’s sex.
group published more than one paper based on the same sam- Nine studies investigated if different genes are expressed
ple, we included only the study with the largest sample size. in boys and girls. Eight studies did not find qualitative
The broad-band heritability of ADHD ranges between 35 and sex differences. One study reported on different genes in
89%. For hyperactivity, the broad-band heritability ranges boys and girls, but only for twins who were rated by the
between 42 and 100%. Finally, for attention problems, the same teacher and not for twins rated by parents or different
broad-band heritability ranges between 39 and 81%. teachers (Saudino, Ronald, & Plomin, 2005). Future studies
Longitudinal studies show that symptom ratings of atten- should reveal if this finding of qualitative sex differences in
tion problems are stable between ages 7 and 12 (Rietveld, teacher ratings can be replicated.
Hudziak, Bartels, Beijsterveldt van, & Boomsma, 2004). The
same is true for symptom ratings of ADHD between 8 and 13
years of age (Larsson, Larsson, & Lichtenstein, 2004). These
two studies report remarkably similar correlations of about Informant Differences
0.5 for 5-year test–retest correlations. Likewise, both studies
report that the stability of symptom ratings of attention prob- The heritabilities for ADHD rated by father and mother
lems is mainly explained by additive genetic effects, but that appear to be similar in most studies (Beijsterveldt van, Ver-
the genetic effects are far from perfectly stable. Only a subset hulst, Molenaar, & Boomsma, 2004; Derks, Hudziak, Bei-
of the genes that operate at one age does so at a later age. jsterveldt van, Dolan, & Boomsma, 2004; Eaves et al., 1997),
Although shared environmental influences on ADHD but not in others (Goodman & Stevenson, 1989). Heritabil-
seem to be absent, a number of recent studies have shown that ities for teacher ratings range between 39 and 81% and
the genetic effects may be mediated by environmental factors are usually lower than the heritabilities based on parental
(Brookes et al., 2006; Kahn et al., 2003; Seeger et al., 2004). ratings in the same sample (Eaves et al., 1997; Kuntsi &
Interaction between genetic and shared environmental influ- Stevenson, 2001; Simonoff et al., 1998; Vierikko, Pulkkinen,
ences inflate the estimate of the genetic effects. The finding Kaprio, & Rose, 2004, but see Martin, Scourfield, & McGuf-
of significant gene by environment interaction in these stud- fin, 2002).
ies highlights the importance of considering the effects of A complexity encountered when teacher ratings are ana-
both environmental and genetic factors, and their interactions lyzed is that both members of a twin-pair may be rated
in future studies on ADHD. by the same teacher or by different teachers. Twin corre-
lations are usually higher in children rated by the same
teacher than in children rated by different teachers (Saudino
Sex Differences in Genetic Influences on ADHD et al., 2005; Simonoff et al., 1998; Towers et al., 2000;
Vierikko et al., 2004) but not in Sherman, Iacono, and
When examining the genetic architecture of a trait, two dif- McGue (1997). Simonoff et al. (1998) developed two dif-
ferent kinds of sex differences can be distinguished. Quanti- ferent models to explore this finding. One model was based
tative sex differences reflect sex differences in the magnitude on the assumption that teachers have difficulty distinguishing
of the genetic influences: do genes explain the same or dif- the two children (“twin confusion model”). The other model
ferent amounts of variation in boys and girls? Qualitative sex was based on the assumption that ratings by the same teacher
differences reflect differences in the specific genes that are are correlated because (i) raters have their own subjective
expressed in boys and girls. Below, we discuss quantitative views on which behaviors are appropriate and which are not
and qualitative sex differences in ADHD. or (ii) raters influence the behavior of the child because of
Thirteen of the studies reported in Tables 25.3, 25.4, and the rater’s own personality characteristics (“correlated errors
25.5 tested for quantitative sex differences in ADHD (see model”). Although Simonoff et al. (1998) were not able
Tables 25.3, 25.4, and 25.5). Seven of these studies reported to differentiate between these two models, Derks, Hudziak,
the absence of significant sex differences. In the remaining Beijsterveldt van et al. (2006) reported a better fit of the cor-
six studies, the presence of sex differences varied by infor- related errors model in a large sample of Dutch twins rated
mant and age. The effect sizes of the statistically significant by their teacher.

Table 25.3 Heritability estimates based on epidemiological studies of ADHD

Study Age N pairs Sample and assessment instrument Rater Heritability (A+D) Quantitative sex Contrast or
difference in dominance effect
Eaves et al. (1997) 8–16 1412 Virginia Twin Study of Adolescent Mother and father 71(boys)/74 (girls) (Mother) No (mother) AES model fits
Behavioral Development Diagnostic 78 (boys)/55 (girls) (Father) Yes (father) better than ADE
interview model
8–16 1412 Virginia Twin Study of Adolescent Mother, father, and 62 (boys) /54 (girls) (Teacher) No Mother and father:
Behavioral Development teacher 75 (boys) /63 (girls) (Mother) AES model fits
Questionnaire 82 (boys) /76 (girls) (Father) better than ADE
model. Teacher:
AE model
Sherman, Iacono, and 11–12 288 Minnesota Twin Family Study Mother: Mother and teacher 89 (Mother) – –
McGue (1997) Diagnostic interview Teacher: Rating 73 (Teacher)
Coolidge, Thede, and Mean=9 112 Coolidge Personality and Parent 82 – AE model
Young (2000) Neuropsychological Inventory
Thapar et al. (2000) 5–17 1321∗ Greater Manchester Twin Register Parent and teacher 78 (DuPaul, parent) No (Parent, DuPaul):
DuPaul rating scale (parent and 84 (Rutter, parent) ADE (var
teacher), and Rutter A scale (parent) 77 (DuPaul, teacher) MZ=varDZ)
Parent, Rutter:
AES (var DZ >
var MZ) Teacher:
AE model
Young, Stallings, Corley, 12–18 334 Colorado Drug Research Center Self 49 – AE model
Krauter, and Hewitt (2000) Diagnostic interview
Burt, Krueger, McGue, and 10–12 753 Minnesota Twin Family Study Symptom present 57 No –
Iacono (2001) Diagnostic Interview when mother or
self report it
Price et al. (2001) 2, 3, and 4 3118 (2) Twins Early Development Study Parent 83 (boys)/79(girls) (age 2) Yes (age 2) AES model fits
2796(3) Conners Rating Scale 81 (age 3) No (ages 3,4) better than ADE
2452(4) 79 (age 4) model (ages 2, 3,
and 4)
Larsson et al. (2004) 8–9 and 1106 (8–9) Young Twins Study DSM-III-R based Parent 35(boys)/68 (girls) (age 8–9) Yes –
13–14 1063 questionnaire 74 (boys)/61(girls) (age 13–14)
Dick, Viken, Kaprio, 14 631 FinnTwin12 Diagnostic interview Self 70 – –
Pulkkinen, and Rose (2005)
Kuntsi, Rijsdijk, Ronald, Mean=8 3541 Twins Early Development Study Parent 72 No –
Asherson, and Plomin (2005) Conners Rating Scale
Hudziak, Derks, Althoff, 7 1585 Netherlands Twin Register Conners Mother 78 No ADE model (var
Rettew, and Rating Scale MZ = var DZ)
Boomsma (2005)
∗ The authors report in the abstract that data from 2082 pairs are included, but 162 pairs with unknown zygosity and 599 opposite sex pairs are excluded from statistical analyses. AEs model
includes additive genetic effects, non-shared environmental effects and contrast effects; ADE model includes additive genetic effects, non-additive genetic effects, and non-shared environmental
effects; var, variance.
E.M. Derks et al.
Table 25.4 Heritability estimates based on epidemiological studies of hyperactivity
Study Age N pairs Sample and assessment instrument Rater Heritability (A+D) Quantitative sex Contrast or dominance
difference in effect
Goodman and 13 213 Medical Research Counsel and Inner Mother, father >100% (mother) – –
Stevenson (1989)∗ London Education Authority (both and teacher 42% (father)
London) Rutter Behavior Questionnaire 42% (teacher)
Thapar, Hervas, and 8–16 376 Cardiff Births Survey Rutter A scale Mother 88 – AES model (var DZ
McGuffin (1995) >var MZ)
Sherman et al. (1997) 11–12 288 Minnesota Twin Family Study Teacher: Teacher and 69 (teacher) – –
rating form Mother: diagnostic mother 91 (mother)
Simonoff et al. (1998) 8–16 1044 Virginia Twin Study of Adolescent Mother and 75 (mother same teacher) No Mother: AES model fits
Behavioral Development Questionnaire teacher 69 (mother different teacher) better than ADE
52 (teacher) model Teacher: AE
Kuntsi and 7–11 268 Twins from primary schools in Southern Parent and 71 (parent) – Parent: AES model fits
Stevenson (2001) England Conners Rating Scale teacher 57 (teacher) better than ADE
25 Genetics of ADHD, Hyperactivity, and Attention Problems

model Teacher: AE
Martin et al. (2002) 5–16 682 Cardiff Birth Survey Conners Rating Parent and 74 (parent, CRS) – Parent (CRS and SDQ):
(Parent) Scale (CRS), and Strengths and teacher 72 (parent, SDQ) ADE model fits better
443 Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ) 80 (teacher, CRS) than AES model
(Teacher) 81 (teacher, SDQ) Teacher (CRS and
SDQ): AE model
Derks et al. (2004) 3 6250 Netherlands Twin Register Child Father and 66 (father) No ADE model (var
(Father) Behavior Checklist 2/3 mother 70 (mother) MZ=var DZ)
Vierikko et al. (2004) 11–12 1636 FinnTwin12 Multidimensional Peer Parent and 78 (boys, parent) No (parent) Yes Parent (girls): AES
Nomination Inventory teacher 81 (girls, parent) (teacher) model (but var
49 (boys, teacher) MZ=var DZ) Parent
55 (girls, teacher) (boys): AE model
Teacher: AE model
Saudino et al. (2005) 7 3714 Twins Early Development Study Parent and 77 (parent, boys) No –
Strengths and Difficulties teacher 75 (parent, girls)
Questionnaire 74 (same teacher, boys)
76 (same teacher, girls)
66 (different teacher, boys)
55 (different teacher, girls)
∗ The heritability is more than 100% while the authors calculated A, C, and E based on the MZ and DZ correlations, whereas the DZ correlations were lower than half the MZ correlations.

AEs model includes additive genetic effects, non-shared environmental effects, and contrast effects; ADE model includes additive genetic effects, non-additive genetic effects, and non-shared
environmental effects; var=variance.

Table 25.5 Heritability estimates based on epidemiological studies of attention problems

Study Age N pairs Sample and assessment instrument Rater Heritability (A+D) Quantitative sex Contrast or
difference in dominance effect
Edelbrock, Rende, 7–15 181 Western Reserve Twin Project Parent 66 –
Plomin, and Child Behavior Checklist
Thompson (1995)
Gjone, Stevenson, and 5–9 390 (5–9) Norwegian Medical Birth Registry Parent 73–76 (age 5–9) – –
Sundet (1996) 12–15 526 (12–15) Child Behavior Checklist 75–79 (age 12–15)
Sherman et al. (1997) 11–12 288 Minnesota Twin Family Study Mother and 69 (mother) – –
Teacher: Rating form Mother: teacher 39 (teacher)
Diagnostic interview
Hudziak, Rudiger, 8–12 492 Missouri Twin Study Child Parent 60–76 – No contrast effect, D
Neale, Heath, and Behavior Checklist was not tested
Todd (2000)
Schmitz and 4–11 207 Colorado Department of Health Mother 54 – –
Mrazek (2001) Statistics Child Behavior
Rietveld et al. (2003)∗ 7 3373 Netherlands Twin Register Child Mother 71 (age 7) No (7) Yes (10) An ADE and an AEs
10 2485 Behavior Checklist 70 (boys, age 10) Yes (12) model both provide a
12 1305 71 (girls, age 10) good fit to the data
69 (boys, age 12)
73 (girls, age 12)
Beijsterveldt van 5 7679 (mother) Netherlands Twin Register Mother and 79 (mother boys) Yes (mother) No AES model (var
et al. (2004) 6999 (father) Devereux Child Behavior Rating father 81 (mother girls) (father) DZ>var MZ)
Scale 76 (father boys and girls)
∗ Both the ADE and the AEs model provided a good fit at some ages. The heritability estimates are based on the ADE model because this model provided a good fit at all ages. AEs model includes
additive genetic effects, non-shared environmental effects and contrast effects; ADE model includes additive genetic effects, non-additive genetic effects, and non-shared environmental effects.
E.M. Derks et al.
25 Genetics of ADHD, Hyperactivity, and Attention Problems 369

Selected Samples (DeFries–Fulker Regression) A number of studies showed that hg 2 does not vary as
a function of the diagnostic cutoff score that is used for
Several twin studies have based heritability estimates for assessing ADHD (Levy, Hay, McStephen, Wood, & Wald-
ADHD on data from subjects who were selected on a high man, 1997; Price, Simonoff, & Waldman, 2001; Willcutt,
vulnerability for ADHD. In some of these studies, the sub- Pennington, & DeFries, 2000). Gjone, Stevenson, Sundet,
jects with a high vulnerability were selected based on a clini- and Eilertsen (1996) also report an absence of change in
cal diagnosis of ADHD, in others they obtained a high behav- group heritability with increasing severity, but a slight ten-
ior checklist score. DeFries and Fulker (1985) developed a dency toward decreased heritability in the more severely
multiple regression model that is especially appropriate for affected groups. This suggests that the extreme group heri-
the analysis of data in twin-pairs in which one member of a tability does not vary as a function of the diagnostic cutoff
pair has been selected because of a deviant score. The ratio- score, although there may be a somewhat lower heritability
nale of this method is based on the fact that when probands of ADHD at the extreme of the distribution.
are selected based on high scores on a heritable trait, MZ An interesting application of DeFries–Fulker regression
cotwins are expected to obtain higher scores on the trait than was shown in Willcutt et al. (2000) who studied ADHD in
DZ cotwins because of a lower degree of regression to the 373 8- to 18-year-old twin-pairs. They investigated if hg 2
mean. In the regression model, the cotwin’s score is predicted of inattention varies as a function of the level of hyper-
from a proband’s score (P) and the coefficient of relationship activity/impulsivity, and vice versa, if hg 2 of hyperactiv-
(R). The coefficient of relationship equals 0.5 and 1 in DZ ity/impulsivity varies as a function of the level of inatten-
and MZ twins, respectively. The basic regression model is tion. The etiology of extreme inattention was similar whether
as follows: C = B1 P + B2 R + A, where C is a cotwin’s the proband exhibited low or high levels of hyperactiv-
predicted score; B1 is the partial regression of the cotwin’s ity/impulsivity. In contrast, the heritability of extreme hyper-
score on the proband’s score; B2 is the partial regression of activity/impulsivity was high in individuals who show high
the cotwin’s score on the coefficient of relationship; and A is levels of inattention, while it was low and non-significant in
the regression constant. B1 is a measure of twin resemblance individuals with low levels of inattention.
that is independent of zygosity. A significant regression coef-
ficient B2 indicates that being a member of the affected group
is heritable. The extreme group heritability (hg 2 ) equals:
hg 2 = B2 /(mean score proband–mean score cotwin). After
The Relation Between Questionnaire Data
establishing the heritability of the condition by testing the and Diagnostic Interviews
significance of B2 , direct estimates of h2 (the extent to which
individual differences in the unselected population are herita- Derks et al. (2006) reviewed studies that investigated the rela-
ble) and c2 (the extent to which individual differences in the tion between behavior checklist scores on attention problems
unselected population are explained by shared environmen- and the clinical diagnosis for ADHD and reported on the
tal factors) can be obtained by fitting the following extended positive and negative predictive power, sensitivity, and speci-
regression model: C = B3 P + B4 R + B5 PR + A, where PR is ficity. Many of these studies used the attention problem scale
the product of the proband’s score and the coefficient of rela- of the Child Behavior Checklist to predict ADHD. Despite its
tionship R. B5 is a direct estimate of h2 , while B3 is a direct name, the scale also contains items related to hyperactivity–
estimate of c2 . DeFries and Fulker (1985) note that if affected impulsivity. Positive predictive power (PPP) refers to the pro-
individuals represent the lower end of a normal distribution portion of children with a high checklist score who obtain a
of individual differences, the estimate of h2 (heritability of positive DSM diagnosis (i.e., affected), and negative predic-
the trait in the unselected sample) should be similar to the tive power (NPP) refers to the proportion of children with
estimate of hg 2 (heritability of extreme group membership). a low checklist score who obtain a negative DSM diagnosis
The DeFries–Fulker regression model has been used to (i.e., unaffected). Sensitivity and specificity refer to the pro-
estimate hg 2 and h2 in a number of studies (Gillis, Gilger, portion of children with a positive DSM diagnosis, who score
Pennington, & DeFries, 1992; Rhee, Waldman, Hay, & high on the checklist, and the proportion of children with
Levy, 1999; Stevenson, 1992). Gillis et al. studied the her- a negative DSM diagnosis, who score low on the checklist,
itability of ADHD in a sample of 74 twin-pairs in which at respectively. Table 25.6 summarizes the results of the stud-
least one of the twin members was diagnosed with ADHD. ies that used these Diagnostic Efficiency Measures (DES).
They report an estimate of 0.98 (±0.26) for hg 2 . This is in A negative feature of the DES is their dependence on the
agreement with an estimate of 0.81 (±0.51) for hg 2 based baseline prevalence of the disorder. Therefore, the baseline
on hyperactivity scores in a sample of 196 13-year-old twin- prevalence was also included in Table 25.6. On the basis
pairs (Stevenson, 1992), although this latter estimate did not of the results, we can conclude that the association between
reach significance. behavior checklist scores and clinical diagnoses for ADHD
370 E.M. Derks et al.

Table 25.6 Diagnostic efficiency statistics of studies that examined the association between behavior checklist scores and ADHD
Study Sample N Cutpoint Prevalence (%) PPP NPP SE SP
Gould, Bird, and NR 157 T > 65 23 0.36 0.96 0.46 0.95
Jaramillo (1993)
Chen, Faraone, SR 111/108 T ≥ 65 16/8 1.00 0.86 (boys) 0.17 (boys) 1.00 (boys)
Biederman, and (boys) 0.93 (girls) 0.22 (girls) 0.99 (girls)
Tsuang (1994) 0.67
Eiraldi, Power, Karustis, R 192/50 T ≥ 65 83 0.93 0.37 0.78 0.69
and Goldstein (2000)
Lengua, Sadowski, R 203 Based on 29 0.50 0.71 0.02 0.99
Friedrich, and regression
Fisher (2001)
Sprafkin, Gadow, R 247/0 T ≥ 60 71 0.78 0.83 0.97 0.33
Salisbury, Schneider,
and Loney (2002)
Hudziak, Copeland, SR 101/82 T ≥ 65 36 0.97 0.76 0.47 0.99
Stanger, and
Wadsworth (2004)
Derks et al. (2006) NR 192/216 Longitudinal 14/12 0.59/0.36 0.96/0.97 0.74/0.80 0.92/0.81
R=clinically referred sample, NR=non-referred sample, SR=siblings of referred children, PPP=Positive Predictive Power, NPP=Negative
Predictive Power, SE=Sensitivity, SP=Specificity.

is strong. However, in population-based studies, a low score research field of ADHD. Section Measurement Invariance
on the behavior checklist is highly predictive of the absence with Respect to Sex addresses the question if measurement
of ADHD, while a high score is less predictive of ADHD. instruments assess ADHD equally well in boys and girls.
Derks et al. (2006) further showed that a boy with a high Section Genetic Dominance or Rater Bias/Sibling Inter-
CBCL score has a higher chance of obtaining a positive diag- action discusses the controversy between studies claiming
nosis for ADHD than a girl with a high CBCL score. In other the presence of contrast effects versus non-additive genetic
words, questionnaire scores better predict clinical diagnosis effects on individual differences in ADHD. In Section Mul-
in boys than girls. tiple Informants we report on the results of genetic analy-
In the field of behavioral genetics, the focus of interest is ses in which the ratings from multiple informants are ana-
not only on the genetic and environmental influences on the lyzed simultaneously. Sections Are the Subtypes of ADHD
variance of a trait but also on the genetic and environmen- Genetically Heterogeneous? and Is Liability to ADHD Con-
tal influences on the covariance of two traits. Future studies tinuous or Categorical? show two applications of latent class
should investigate the aetiology of the covariance between analyses: examination of genetic heterogeneity of the ADHD
behavior checklist scores and DSM-IV diagnoses of ADHD. subtypes and investigation of the categorical versus continu-
An important issue that needs to be addressed is the over- ous distribution of the liability for ADHD. Finally, in Sec-
lap of the genetic factors that explain variation in different tion Molecular Genetic Studies of ADHD, we provide a brief
measures of ADHD. overview of the results obtained in gene-finding studies on

Current Topics
Measurement Invariance with Respect to Sex
In the previous sections we gave an overview of the results
of epidemiological studies on ADHD. A few general find- The prevalence of ADHD is about 2.5 times higher in boys
ings emerged, among which a higher prevalence of ADHD in than girls, and there are sex differences in the association
boys than girls, and a high heritability of ADHD in children between checklist scores and clinical diagnoses. Heritability
irrespective of sex, age, or informant. In Section Measure- seems not to vary much as a function of the child’s sex, and
ment Invariance with Respect to Sex, Genetic Dominance only one out of nine studies suggests that different genes are
or Rater Bias/Sibling Interaction, Multiple Informants, Are expressed in boys and girls.
the Subtypes of ADHD Genetically Heterogeneous?, Is Lia- Before any sex differences in ADHD can be interpreted,
bility to ADHD Continuous or Categorical?, and Molecular we should first establish if the measurement instrument is
Genetic Studies of ADHD, we discuss current topics in the not biased with respect to sex. Stated differently, the instru-
25 Genetics of ADHD, Hyperactivity, and Attention Problems 371

ment should measure the same construct, i.e., latent variable (Boomsma, 2005; Carey, 1986). Social interactions between
of interest, in boys and girls (Mellenbergh, 1989; Mered- siblings may create an additional source of variance and can
ith, 1993). If this is the case then we expect the observed either be cooperative (imitation) or competitive (contrast).
score (i.e., the score obtained on the measurement instru- Cooperation implies that behavior in one sibling leads to sim-
ment) of a person to depend on that person’s score on the ilar behavior in the other siblings. In the case of competition,
latent construct, but not on that person’s sex. If this is not the behavior in one child leads to the opposite behavior in the
the case, a boy and a girl with identical levels of problem other child.
behavior may obtain systematically (i.e., regardless of mea- In the classical twin design, cooperation, or positive inter-
surement error) different scores on the instrument. This is action, leads to increased twin correlations for both monozy-
undesirable because obviously we wish our measurements to gotic (MZ) and dizygotic (DZ) twins. The relative increase is
reflect accurate and interpretable differences between cases larger for DZ than for MZ correlations, and the pattern of cor-
in different groups. If the measurement instrument is not relations thus resembles the pattern which is seen if a trait is
biased with respect to sex, we say that it is measurement influenced by the shared environment. Negative sibling inter-
invariant (MI) with respect to sex. action, or competition, will result in MZ correlations which
The criteria of MI are empirically testable in the com- are more than twice as high as DZ correlations, a pattern also
mon factor model (Meredith, 1993). Factor analysis may be seen in the presence of non-additive genetic effects.
viewed as a regression model in which observed variables In data obtained from parental ratings on the behavior
(e.g., item scores) are regressed on a latent variable or com- of their children, the effects of cooperation and competi-
mon factor. In terms of this regression, the MI criteria are (1) tion may be mimicked (Simonoff et al., 1998). When parents
equality of regression coefficients (i.e., factor loadings) over are asked to evaluate and report upon their children’s phe-
groups; (2) equality of item intercepts over groups (i.e., dif- notype, they may compare the behavior of siblings. Parents
ferences in item means can only be the result of differences may either stress similarities or differences between children,
in factor means), and (3) equality of residual variances (i.e., resulting in an apparent cooperation or competition effect.
variance in the observed variables, not explained by the com- The presence of a contrast effect, caused by either social
mon factor) over groups. When satisfied, these restrictions interaction or rater bias, is indicated by differences in MZ
ensure that any group differences in the mean and variance and DZ variances. If there is a contrast effect the variances of
of the observed variables are due to group differences in the MZ and DZ twins are both decreased, and this effect is great-
mean and variance of the latent factor. est on the MZ variance. Contrast and non-additive genetic
In a sample of 800 boys and 851 girls rated by their effects can theoretically be distinguished by making use of
teacher, Derks, Dolan, Hudziak, Neale, and Boomsma (2007) the fact that contrast effects lead to differences in variances in
established measurement invariance with respect to sex for MZ and DZ twins, while non-additive genetic effects do not.
the Cognitive problems-inattention scale, the Hyperactive However, Rietveld, Posthuma, Dolan, and Boomsma (2003)
scale, and the ADHD-index of the Conners Teacher Rating showed that the statistical power to separate these effects is
Scale-Revised. This implies that teacher ratings on ADHD low in the classical twin design.
are not biased as a result of the child’s sex. Although future In Tables 25.3, 25.4, and 25.5, we included information
studies should show if measurement invariance is also ten- on the influence of non-additive genetic effects and contrast
able for parental ratings on ADHD, the results in teacher rat- effects on individual differences in ADHD. In the 14 studies
ings suggest that sex differences in the prevalence of ADHD, testing for the presence of these effects, a consistent finding
and on the predictive value of questionnaire scores are not was the absence of non-additive genetics and contrast
the result of measurement bias. effects in teacher ratings. In parental ratings, nine studies
reported significant contrast effects. However, one of these
studies did not report larger variances in DZ than MZ twins,
and the presence of non-additive genetic effects was not
Genetic Dominance or Rater Bias/Sibling considered (Vierikko et al., 2004). Another study reported
Interaction significant contrast effects on the Rutter scale, but significant
non-additive genetic effects on the DuPaul rating scale
When reviewing the literature on ADHD, it is remark- (Thapar, Harrington, Ross, & McGuffin, 2000). The authors
able that many studies report very low DZ correlations argue that rater contrast effects may be more pronounced
for parental ratings but not for teacher ratings on ADHD. for some scales, as a result of differences in the number of
Low DZ correlations can be explained either by the pres- items or in the format of the questionnaires. The influence of
ence of non-additive genetic effects (Lynch & Walsh, 1998) non-additive genetic effects was also reported in two other
or by social interaction. The effects of social interaction studies on hyperactivity. Furthermore, Rietveld, Hudziak,
among siblings were discussed by Eaves (1976) and others Bartels, Beijsterveldt van, and Boomsma (2003) reported
372 E.M. Derks et al.

that a model with non-additive genetic effects and a model explained by rater-specific factors. The heritability of the
with contrast effects both provided a good fit to the data. common factor is high (72%). In addition, genes explain
Finally, two studies found no significant influences of either more than half of the variation of the rater-specific factors
contrast or non-additive genetic effects. Teacher ratings do (55% for fathers and 67% for mothers). The fact that varia-
not indicate the presence of either one of these influences, tion in the rater-specific factors is not completely explained
suggesting that rater bias rather than genetic dominance by environmental factors, implies that disagreement between
plays a role in parental ratings. However, this is contradicted parents is not only the result from rater-specific views (i.e.,
by the non-significant variance differences in MZ and DZ measurement error). In contrary, paternal and maternal rat-
twins in some studies. So far, the results on the presence of ings are influenced by aspects of the child’s behavior that are
non-additive genetic effects or contrast effects in parental rat- uniquely perceived by each parent.
ings on ADHD are inconclusive. The issue may be resolved To determine how much of the variation in par-
by including ratings from other family members which ent and teacher ratings is due to rating similar versus
increases the statistical power to detect genetic dominance. situation-specific components of behavior, some investi-
gators employed bivariate model fitting analyses, which
revealed that maternal and teacher ratings partly reflect
a common latent phenotype (Derks et al., 2006; Martin
Multiple Informants et al., 2002; Simonoff et al., 1998). In Martin et al., 42%
of the variation in the Strengths and Difficulties Question-
When investigating genetic and environmental influences naire (SDQ) is explained by a factor that is common to
on individual differences in problem behavior, we should parent and teacher ratings, the heritability of this factor is
acknowledge the fact that ratings of problem behavior may 90%. The heritability of the rater-specific factors is 22% in
be influenced by the rater’s personal values and by the unique parent ratings and 65% in teacher ratings. The authors also
settings in which the rater and child co-exist. Agreement obtained parental and teacher Conners Rating Scale (CRS)
between raters shows that some aspects of the behavior can scores. Variation in parent and teacher’s CRS scores was for
be reliably assessed across settings and by different infor- 38% explained by a common factor. This factor showed a
mants. Disagreement may reflect the fact that different raters heritability of 82%. The rater-specific factors showed her-
assess unique aspects of the behavior, which are apparent in itabilities of 65 and 79% for parent and teacher ratings,
a particular set of circumstances, but not in others. For exam- respectively. Simonoff et al. reported a heritability of 89%
ple, a child’s inability to concentrate or sit still may be obvi- for the common factor. The genetic component of this com-
ous in the classroom setting, but less evident in other settings, mon factor was greater than in the univariate models (52 and
where sustained attention is less important (e.g., at play or at 69–75% in teacher and maternal ratings, respectively). Derks
home with family members). For CBCL-AP scores, paternal et al. (2006) also showed a higher heritability of the common
and maternal ratings correlate 0.73, while parent and teacher factor (78%) than of the rater-specific factors (76 and 39% for
correlations show a lower correlation of 0.44 (Achenbach & maternal and teacher ratings, respectively). In summary, all
Rescorla, 2001). three studies report a higher heritability of the common factor
Different models for twins rated by multiple informants than of the rater-specific factors. This can be explained by the
have been developed. In this chapter, we will restrict the dis- fact that when multiple indicators for a latent phenotype are
cussion to the psychometric model (Hewitt, Silberg, Neale, used (e.g., over time or across raters), only a proportion of
Eaves, & Erickson, 1992; Neale & Cardon, 1992). the measurement error of the individual ratings is passed on
In the psychometric model (see Fig. 25.1), the ratings of to the latent phenotype (Simonoff et al., 1998). Therefore,
the child’s behavior are allowed to be influenced by aspects future gene finding studies could increase statistical power
of the child’s behavior that are perceived both by raters by focusing on the highly heritable common factor because
(common factor) and uniquely by each rater (rater-specific it is less subject to measurement error.
factors). Unique perceptions could arise if the child behaves
differentially toward his or her parents, or if the parents
observe the child in different situations. The common and
Are the Subtypes of ADHD Genetically
unique aspects are both allowed to be influenced by genetic
and environmental factors. Heterogeneous?
Maternal and paternal ratings on overactive behavior in
3-year-olds correlate between 0.66 and 0.68 in boys, girls, ADHD is a disorder that may include symptoms of inatten-
and opposite-sex twins. Bivariate analyses showed that 68% tion, hyperactivity/impulsivity, or both. Because of this het-
of the variance is explained by a factor that is stable across erogeneity in symptom profiles, concerns have been raised
informant (Derks et al., 2004). The remaining variance is over the validity of the DSM-IV subtypes (Todd, 2000). In
25 Genetics of ADHD, Hyperactivity, and Attention Problems 373

MZ = 1, DZ = 0.5

MZ = 1, DZ = 0.25


ac dc ec ac dc ec
cc cc

Behavior twin 1 Behavior twin 2

1 1 1 1

Rater 1, twin 1 Rater 2, twin 1 Rater 1, twin 2 Rater 2, twin 2

c2 c2
e2 d2 a2 C a2 d2 e2


e1 d1 a1 a1 d1 e1
MZ = 1, DZ = 0.5

MZ = 1, DZ = 0.25
c1 c1

MZ = 1, DZ = 0.5

MZ = 1, DZ = 0.25

Fig. 25.1 Rater model tal factor; ac=additive genetic common; dc=dominant genetic com-
Note: The illustrated model is a psychometric model. Both twins are mon; ec=non-shared environment common; cc=shared environment
rated by two informants (rater 1 and rater 2). Variation in behavior is common; a1=additive genetic rater 1; d1=dominant genetic rater 1;
explained by common A, C or D, and E (shown in the upper part of e1=non-shared environment rater 1; c1=shared environment rater 1;
the figure), and rater-specific A, C or D, and E (shown in the lower a2=additive genetic rater 2; d2=dominant genetic rater 2; e2=non-
part of the figure). A=additive genetic factor; D=dominant genetic shared environment rater 2; c2=shared environment rater 2, i=social
factor; C=shared environmental factor; E=non-shared environmen- interaction path

this section, we address the question if the different subtypes assumes the presence of a number of latent classes with a
of ADHD are genetically heterogeneous. In other words, categorical rather than a continuous distribution. Estimates
is the variability in symptoms profiles explained by differ- are provided for (i) the number of latent classes; (ii) the
ent genetic influences on the inattentive type, the hyperac- prevalence of each class; and (iii) the item endorsement
tive/impulsive type, and the combined type? A number of probabilities conditional on latent class membership. Todd
papers have looked at the familiality and heritability of the et al. (2001) applied LCA to parent reports on 2018 female
DSM-IV subtypes of ADHD. These studies failed to identify adolescent twin pairs from the state of Missouri and investi-
significant familial (i.e., genetic or shared environmental) gated if the original DSM-IV subtypes and the derived latent
clustering of the subtypes and concluded that symptom vari- classes represent independent genetic entities. The DSM-IV
ability is largely a function of non-familial causes (Faraone, combined type and inattentive type showed a lack of famil-
Biederman, & Friedman, 2000; Faraone, Biederman, Mick, ial specificity (e.g., a proband with the inattentive type has
et al., 2000; Smalley, McCracken, & McGough, 2001). a higher chance of having a cotwin with either the inatten-
Todd et al. (2001) used latent class analysis (LCA; tive or the combined type, but does not have a higher chance
McCutcheon, 1987) to examine if the clustering of symp- of having a cotwin with the hyperactive/impulsive type).
toms can be described with more meaningful subtypes. LCA The hyperactive/impulsive type did show familial speci-
374 E.M. Derks et al.

ficity (e.g., a proband with the hyperactive/impulsive type across studies for gene variants examined in three or
has a higher chance of having a cotwin with the hyperac- more case–control or family-based studies. Seven gene
tive/impulsive type, but does not have a higher chance of variants showed a pooled OR that is significantly larger
having a cotwin with the inattentive or combined type). This than 1: dopamine receptor D4 (DRD4), dopamine recep-
suggests that the hyperactive/impulsive type is independent tor D5 (DRD5), dopamine rransporter (DAT), dopamine
of the other two subtypes. The LCA resulted in an eight-class β-hydroxylase (DBH), synaptosomal-associated protein 25
solution. This eight-class solution was replicated in a sample (SNAP-25), serotonin transporter (5-HTT), and serotonin
of Australian twins (Rasmussen et al., 2002) and a similar receptor (HTR1B). These small ORs are consistent with the
(7-class) solution was found in an independent sample from idea that the genetic vulnerability to ADHD is mediated by
Missouri (Volk, Neuman, Joyner, & Todd, 2005). In contrast many genes of small effect.
to the DSM-IV subtypes, the eight latent classes appeared Five groups have conducted genome-wide linkage scans
to represent pure genetic categories. The authors conclude in an attempt to find regions of chromosomes that are
that “these results are most compatible with the presence of involved with ADHD. We will discuss the regions for which
independent, familial forms of ADHD that are approximated LOD scores higher than 2 (p<∼0.002) were found. The
by latent-class analysis and are imperfectly operationalized first genome-wide scan on ADHD was published in 2002 by
by DSM-IV criteria”. Fisher et al. (2002) who analyzed data from 126 affected sib-
ling pairs in 104 families. In 2003, the sample was extended
and contained 204 families with 207 affected sibling pairs
Is Liability to ADHD Continuous or Categorical? (Ogdie et al., 2003). In the extended sample, LOD > 2 was
found at chromosome 16p13 and 17p11. Bakker et al. (2003)
Another interesting feature of LCA is that it can help clarify performed a genome scan on 238 children from 164 Dutch
whether ADHD shows a categorical or a continuous distri- affected sib pairs with ADHD. They report a LOD score
bution. If the underlying nature of the phenotype is a contin- of 3.04 at chromosome 7p and of 3.54 at chromosome 15q.
uum of problems with inattention, hyperactivity/impulsivity, Arcos-Burgos et al. (2004) analyzed data from 16 genetically
or both, then symptoms endorsement profiles of the observed isolated families in Columbia. They reported linkage peaks
classes will reflect differences in severity or frequency of the (LOD score > 2) at chromosomes 4q, 8q, and 11q in specific
reporting of symptoms only (Hudziak et al., 1998). Analyz- families. The fourth genome-wide scan was performed in a
ing data on 1549 female twin-pairs, Hudziak et al. (1998) sample of 102 families encompassing a total of 229 affected
showed symptom profiles that indicated the presence of three children (Hebebrand et al., 2006). For clinical diagnosis of
separate continua of severity of problems: inattention, hyper- ADHD, the highest LOD score of 2.74 was reported on chro-
activity/impulsivity, and combined type. Thus, within the mosome 5p. A LOD score > 2 was also found at chromo-
domains, the symptoms are better described as existing on some 12q. For quantitative DSM-IV measures, the highest
a continuum rather than as discrete disease entities. Future LOD scores were observed on chromosome 5p (total an inat-
studies should reveal if there are indeed significant cross- tentive scores) and chromosome 12q (inattentive scores). For
class heritabilities among the mild and severe latent classes, hyperactivity, no LOD scores > 2 were reported. Finally,
as would be expected if the distribution of ADHD is contin- Gayan et al. (2005) reported linkage for ADHD at chromo-
uous. somes 14q32 and 20q11.
The linkage peaks of these four studies do not show much
overlap. An interesting resemblance between the studies is
that four genome-wide scans report modest evidence (LOD
Molecular Genetic Studies of ADHD > 1) for linkage at chromosome 5p. An obvious candidate
gene at chromosome 5p, is the DAT gene, but in the study
Molecular genetic studies address the question which genes of Hebebrand et al., allelic variation at the DAT1 was not
explain the high heritability of AHDH. It is beyond the scope responsible for the linkage signal. Furthermore, the gene with
of this paper to provide an extensive overview of the results the largest pooled OR as reported by Faraone et al., DRD4, is
of molecular genetic studies. Recently, a number of review located at chromosome 11p. None of the genome-wide scans
studies on the molecular genetics of ADHD have been pub- reported a linkage peak at this location.
lished (Asherson, 2004; Bobb, Castellanos, Addington, & The results of these four studies are inconsistent. This may
Rapoport, 2005; Faraone et al., 2005; Thapar, O’Donovan, be due to the different sampling procedures which are applied
& Owen, 2005). to select subjects or to differences in the definition of the phe-
Faraone et al. (2005) reviewed candidate gene stud- notype. Furthermore, because each gene is expected to show
ies of ADHD and computed pooled odds ratio’s (ORs) a small effect and because a correction to the type-I error
25 Genetics of ADHD, Hyperactivity, and Attention Problems 375

(α) has to be made because of multiple testing, the statistical Heritability of ADHD in Adults
power in each study is low.
The heritability of ADHD has been studied extensively in
children. In contrast, not much is known on the magnitude of
the genetic and environmental influences on individual dif-
Some Directions for Future Research ferences in ADHD in adults. This may partly be explained by
the fact that some of the earlier work suggested that ADHD
Phenotype Definitions: Application of Item is rare in adulthood. However, Faraone et al. (2005) per-
formed a meta-analysis of follow-up studies on ADHD. They
Response Theory (IRT)
show that syndromatic persistence (i.e., the maintenance of
full diagnostic status) is low (∼15%), but that symptomatic
In many instances, heritability of a trait is estimated for persistence (i.e., the maintenance of partial diagnostic status
sum scores (e.g., of items or symptoms) and the distribu- with impairment) is much higher with a persistence rate of
tion of sum scores often displays a large degree of skew- 40–60% (the higher estimate excludes two outlying observa-
ness and kurtosis. Especially when analyzing symptom data tions). Therefore, future research should focus on the identi-
on psychopathology, the distribution of sum scores is usu- fication of the genetic and environmental influences on indi-
ally L-shaped, due to the fact that the vast majority of vidual differences in ADHD in adults.
subjects displays a few or no symptoms (Oord van den The only study that investigates the etiological influences
et al., 2003). Derks et al. (2004) showed in simulated data on attention problems in adults estimates genetic and envi-
with such an L-shaped distribution that if the true model is an ronmental influences based on self-report data from The
ADE model, and parameters are estimated with normal the- Netherlands Twin Register at three different time waves
ory maximum likelihood, the additive genetic component is (Berg van den, Willemsen, Geus de, & Boomsma, 2006). The
underestimated, and the non-additive genetic component and mean age of the young adults is 19.6, 21.3, and 22.8 years at
the non-shared environmental component are overestimated. wave 1, 2, and 3, respectively. Irrespective of measurement
They recommend the use of a liability threshold model when wave, the heritability of attention problems is about 40%.
analyzing sum scores with an L-shaped distribution (Lynch The authors further showed that the stability in attention
& Walsh, 1998). problems is largely explained by genetic factors. In addition,
Another concern when analyzing sum scores, that is not variation in ADHD at different ages in young adulthood is
resolved by using a threshold model for the sum scores, is mainly explained by the same genes. It is unclear if the lower
that some of the information that is contained in the original heritabilities in adults compared to children can be explained
item scores is ignored when analyzing sum scores. The fact by age effects or by the fact that ratings of ADHD are usu-
that the relationship between the latent trait and the observed ally based on parental or teacher reports in children and on
item score may well be probabilistic (i.e., a person who is self-reports in adults. Future studies of The Netherlands Twin
below the threshold on the latent trait, has a relatively low Register will look into genetic and environmental influences
probability to score positive on the item), instead of deter- on stability of the attention problems from early childhood
ministic (i.e., a person who is below the threshold, has a zero (parent and teacher reports), through adolescence (parent,
probability to score positive on the item) may also cause teacher, and self-reports) into adulthood (self-reports).
bias in the heritability estimate. Within the item response
theory (IRT) framework, item scores are modeled as a func- Acknowledgment This work was supported by NWO Grant num-
tion of one or more latent factors. Two recent papers show bers 575-25-006, 575-25-012, and 904-57-94 (Boomsma, P.I.), NIMH
the advantages of IRT in the behavior genetic research field Grant number MH58799 (Hudziak, P.I.), and by the Centre for Neu-
(Eaves et al., 2005; Berg van den, Glas, & Boomsma, 2007). rogenomics and Cognition Research (CNCR) of the Vrije Universiteit,
According to Berg van den et al., advantages of using an IRT
framework include (i) IRT provides a model for the relation
between item scores and the latent phenotype; (ii) it supports
the use of incomplete item administration and handling of References
missing data; (iii) it accounts for measurement error both in
dependent and in independent variables, and (iv) it handles Achenbach, T. M., & Rescorla, L. A. (2001). Manual for the ASEBA
the problem of L-shaped distributed data. The application of preschool forms & profiles. Burlington, VT: University of Vermont,
this approach in future studies on ADHD is particularly inter- Department of Psychiatry.
American Psychiatric Association. (1994). Task force on DSM-IV. Diag-
esting for gene finding studies while it may increase statisti- nostic and statistical manual of mental disorder: DSM-IV (4th ed.).
cal power to detect the influence of genes with small effects. Washington, DC: American Psychiatric Association.
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Chapter 26

Depression and Anxiety in Childhood and Adolescence:

Developmental Pathways, Genes and Environment

Frances Rice and Anita Thapar

Introduction Epidemiology of Anxiety

Depression and anxiety are amongst the most common Estimates of the prevalence of any childhood anxiety disor-
mental health problems experienced in the general pop- der are in the order of 3–12% (Costello et al., 1996; Simonoff
ulation (Kessler et al., 1994). It is now well established et al., 1997) and rise to as high as 40% or over if impairment
that these traits and disorders often have their origins in is not required for a diagnosis (Simonoff et al., 1997). In gen-
childhood. Nevertheless, relatively little is known about eral, epidemiological studies show that rates of any anxiety
which etiological factors are important, how risk factors disorder are higher in children than adolescents (Costello,
work together and what are the mechanisms that lead to Mustillo, Erkanli, Keeler, & Angold, 2003) and are higher
depression and anxiety. In the last 15 years, there has been in females than males (Lewinsohn, Hops, Roberts, Seeley, &
a large increase in epidemiological and behavior genetic Andrews, 1993; Lewinsohn, Zinbarg, Seeley, Lewinsohn, &
research on childhood depression and anxiety. In this chapter Sack, 1997).
we review the evidence from this research and highlight new
directions for future research.
Family studies have used a categorical approach to
define depression and anxiety and have mainly included Outcomes of Anxiety During Childhood
clinically referred samples. In contrast, twin and adoption and Adolescence
studies of childhood anxiety and depression have generally
adopted a dimensional approach to define psychopathology High levels of anxiety symptoms during childhood (Good-
in community samples. There is good evidence to support a win, Fergusson, & Horwood, 2004) and adolescence (Pine,
dimensional approach. For instance, symptoms of depression Cohen, & Brook, 2001) have been found to be linked
and anxiety that fall below the diagnostic threshold are with increased rates of adult anxiety disorders (Goodwin
associated with functional impairment and future episodes et al., 2004) and with increased risk of depressive disorder
(Angold, Costello, Farmer, Burns, & Erkanli, 1999; Pickles, in adulthood (Pine et al., 2001). However, it has been sug-
Rowe, Simonoff, Foley, Rutter, & Silberg, 2001; Van den gested that children with early onset anxiety disorders show
Oord, Pickles, & Waldman, 2003). Nevertheless, it also relatively well-adjusted outcomes in young adult life unless
needs to be borne in mind that high symptom scores cannot they also had a comorbid depressive disorder (Last, Hansen,
be equated with clinical disorder. A problem for both & Franco, 1997; Last, Perrin, Hersen, & Kazdin, 1996).
research and clinical practice in defining childhood anxiety
and depression is that it is not clear whether it is preferable
to rely on parent or child ratings of symptoms. In particular,
it is unclear how to interpret findings for different raters. Epidemiology of Depression
Behavior genetic studies have also had to deal with this issue.
The prevalence of depressive disorder in children ranges
from 0.4 to 2.7% (Birmaher et al., 1996; Harrington, 1994).
F. Rice (B) Adolescence is associated with a sharp increase in preva-
Child & Adolescent Psychiatry Section, Department of Psychological
lence with 12-month prevalence estimates ranging from 2
Medicine, School of Medicine, Cardiff University, Heath Park, Cardiff
CF14 4XN, UK to 8.3% (Birmaher et al., 1996; Harrington, 1994; Meltzer,
e-mail: ricef@cardiff.ac.uk Gatward, & Ford, 2000). In childhood, studies report an

Y.-K. Kim (ed.), Handbook of Behavior Genetics, 379

DOI 10.1007/978-0-387-76727-7 26,  c Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2009
380 F. Rice and A. Thapar

equal proportion of boys and girls affected or a slight excess & Seeley, 1995; Woodward & Fergusson, 2001). Panic
of boys. Conversely, in adolescence, the rate of depres- disorder is, however, a notable exception and is more
sion is higher in females, with a sex ratio in the order of likely to follow than precede depression, and there is
2:1, which mirrors the pattern seen in adult life (Harring- some evidence that obsessive compulsive disorder does
ton, 1994). As with clinical disorder, adolescence is asso- not commonly co-occur with depression (Lewinsohn
ciated with a marked increase in symptoms of depression et al., 1997). Despite these exceptions, the observations
(Angold, Erkanli, Silberg, Eaves, & Costello, 2002). that anxiety commonly precedes depression have led to
suggestions that anxiety may be a developmental precursor
of depression (Merikangas, 1993). Results from some family
studies suggest that this may particularly be the case in
Outcomes of Depression During Childhood young people who are at increased familial risk of depression
and Adolescence indexed by a history of parental depression (Rende, Warner,
Wickramarante, & Weissman, 1999; Warner, Weissman,
Depression in children and adolescents has immediate and Mufson, & Wickramaratne, 1999). The familial and genetic
long-term detrimental effects. Both depressive disorder contribution to comorbidity is an important area of research
and sub-clinical depressive symptoms are associated with that will be dealt with in this chapter.
psychosocial impairment, use of medical services (Angold, In summary, anxiety and depression during childhood and
Costello, Farmer, et al., 1999; Lewinsohn, Solomon, Seeley, adolescence are associated with negative outcomes includ-
& Zeiss, 2002) and deliberate self-harm (Harrington, 1994; ing disorder during adult life. However, there is a larger evi-
Johnson, Weissman, & Klerman, 1992). Depression in dence base for the long-term deleterious effects of childhood
childhood and adolescence also shows strong continuities and adolescent depression. There is substantial comorbidity
with clinical depression in adulthood (Fombonne, Wostear, between the two syndromes with most of the evidence sug-
Cooper, Harrington, & Rutter, 2001; Harrington, Fudge, gesting that anxiety precedes depression.
Rutter, Pickles, & Hill, 1990; Lewinsohn, Hoberman, &
Rosenbaum, 1988; Lewinsohn et al., 2002). Similarly,
high levels of depressive symptoms are strongly predictive
of future clinical depressive episodes in adulthood (Pine, Family Studies
Cohen, Cohen, & Brook, 1999).


Comorbidity of Anxiety and Depression An important first step of any quantitative genetic study is to
consider evidence for the familiality of the trait under study.
Depression and anxiety co-occur more commonly than Family studies of childhood and adolescent disorder can be
would be expected by chance in children and adolescents differentiated according to their strategy: (1) ‘Bottom-up’
with rates of anxiety disorders in adolescents with depression studies of the relatives of child probands with a psychiatric
ranging from 20 to 75% (Angold, Costello, & Erkanli, 1999; diagnosis or (2) ‘top-down’ studies of the children of parents
Kovacs & Devlin, 1998). This co-occurrence has been with a psychiatric diagnosis. There have been a number
identified both in clinical studies of children and adolescents of family studies of anxiety disorders in childhood and
and general population samples that have examined adolescence although a pooled or meta-analysis of these
sub-clinical levels of depression and anxiety symptoms studies has not been published and there are too few data
(Brady & Kendall, 1992; Kovacs & Devlin, 1998). More to establish to what extent specific types of anxiety disorder
specifically, anxiety symptoms or disorders most often (e.g., over-anxious disorder versus separation anxiety) are
precede depressive symptoms or disorders (Avenevoli, familially distinct. Overall, the relatives of children with
Stolar, Li, Dierker, & Merikangas, 2001; Kovacs, Gatsonis, anxiety disorders show significantly higher rates of these
Paulauskas, & Richards, 1989). For example, in a referred disorders than do relatives of controls (Last, Hersen, Kazdin,
sample of depressed children, Kovacs and colleagues (1989) Orvaschel, & Perrin, 1991) and children of parents with
found that in those children with a comorbid anxiety anxiety disorders show elevated rates of anxiety disorder
disorder, the anxiety disorder preceded the depressive when compared to children whose parents have no disorder
disorder in two thirds of cases. Similar evidence that (Beidel & Turner, 1997). However, these studies have
anxiety disorders tend to precede depression has been not included control groups affected by other types of
reported in longitudinal epidemiological studies (Goodwin psychopathology. A number of other top-down studies
et al., 2004; Merikangas et al., 2003; Orvaschel, Lewinsohn, have examined the influence of parental anxiety disorders
26 Depression and Anxiety in Childhood and Adolescence 381

comorbid with depression (Biederman, Rosenbaum, odds ratio of 2.12 for MDD in the first-degree relatives
Bolduc, Faraone, & Hirshfeld, 1991; Warner, Mufson, of child probands with MDD in comparison to the family
& Weissman, 1995; Weissman, Leckman, Merikangas, members of children with no psychiatric diagnosis. An odds
Gammon, & Prusoff, 1984) and these are discussed below. ratio of 1.89 was obtained when the comparison group was
a non-affective psychiatric control group.

Top-Down Studies

A large body of research has examined the familiality of Studies of the offspring of parents with MDD (e.g.,
depressive disorder in children and adolescents (e.g., Rice, Biederman et al., 1991; Keller et al., 1986; Mufson,
Harold, & Thapar, 2002a). On the whole, both ‘bottom-up’ Weissman, & Warner, 1992; Orvaschel, Walsh-Allis, &
and ‘top-down’ family studies have reported an elevated risk Ye, 1989; Radke-Yarrow, Nottelmann, Martinez, Fox,
of major depressive disorder (MDD) in these groups in com- & Belmont, 1992; Weissman, Leckman et al., 1984;
parison to controls. These studies have calculated odds ratios, Wickramaratne, Warner, & Weissman, 2000) have reported
which in this case is the ratio of the odds of being exposed higher levels of MDD in the offspring of depressed parents
(i.e., having a family history of MDD) if affected with MDD compared to offspring of parents with no psychopathology
to those of being exposed if unaffected with MDD (Sil- (relative risk/odds ratio range = 0.9–8.8, median = 2.75).
man, 1995). An odds ratio of 1 would denote no difference Compared to psychiatric (Biederman et al., 1991; Muf-
in the odds of MDD between the exposed and unexposed son, 1992 or medical control groups (Hammen, Burge, Bur-
groups, while an odds ratio of 2, for example, would indicate ney, & Adrian, 1990) an increased risk in disorder of around
a doubling of the odds of MDD in the exposed group. Studies twofold to offspring of depressed parents has been reported
of both types have also been consistent in showing that the although few ‘top-down’ studies have included such control
risk is not depression-specific and that there is familial groups. An odds ratio of 3.98 was obtained from a pooled
clustering of other types of psychopathology, for example analysis of published studies when the comparison group was
antisocial behavior (Harrington, Fudge, Rutter, Pickles, & children whose parents had never had a psychiatric diagnosis
Hill, 1991). Family studies of depressive symptoms have and 1.70 when the comparison group was a psychiatric con-
also used the top-down approach to examine depression trol group (Rice et al., 2002a). Interestingly, the odds ratio of
symptom scores and internalizing symptoms according to 1.70 was not significant which suggests that the children of
the Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL) (Achenbach, 1991) in depressed parents are no more likely to experience depres-
the children of depressed parents. ‘Top-down’ studies have sion than children of parents with a different psychiatric
most often examined the offspring of depressed mothers disorder. However, only three ‘top-down’ studies that met
rather than fathers. It should also be noted that the age range inclusion criteria for the pooled analysis had included a
of the offspring included in ‘top-down’ studies is wide. psychiatric or medically ill comparison group, and therefore
the power to detect significant familial effects was low.

Bottom-Up Studies
Top-Down Studies of Depressive Symptoms
Studies of the relatives of child probands with major in Offspring
depressive disorder (MDD) (e.g., Goodyer, Cooper, Vize,
& Ashby, 1993; Harrington et al., 1997; Klein, Shankman, There have been two meta-analyses examining the strength
Lewinsohn, Rohde, & Seeley, 2004; Kutcher & Marton 1991; of the link between depression in parents and depressive
Puig-Antich et al., 1989; Weissman et al., 1999; Wickrama- symptoms in offspring (Connell & Goodman, 2002;
ratne, Greenwald, & Weissman, 2000) report an increased Kane & Garber, 2004). The first examined the link with
prevalence of MDD of around twofold in first-degree internalizing and externalizing problems in children whose
relatives (FDR) compared to non-affective psychiatric con- mothers or fathers were depressed. The second examined
trols and to the relatives of never psychiatrically ill controls. the relationship between depression in fathers and children’s
Two studies, however, reported no significant difference psychopathology. Both of these studies included parents with
in the familial rate of MDD in young MDD probands clinical depression and dimensional measures of depressive
compared to young non-affective psychiatric controls symptoms from parents in community samples and
(Mitchell, McCauley, Burke, Calderon, & Schloredt, 1989; examined the magnitude of the relationship with children’s
Puig-Antich et al., 1989). Rice and colleagues (2002a) internalizing symptoms. Both studies found evidence for a
pooled estimates of familial risk from published family significant positive correlation between parental depression
studies meeting certain inclusion criteria and obtained an and internalizing problems in children (mean effect size
382 F. Rice and A. Thapar

range r = 0.14–0.24). Connell & Goodman (2002) found Geller, Rice, & Todd (1997) found evidence for greater
evidence that the link was stronger for mothers and children’s familial loading in childhood onset cases compared to adult
internalizing symptoms (regardless of child gender). They onset cases. On the other hand, two studies showed no
also reported an interesting effect of the child’s age, which difference in the familiality of childhood and adolescent
differed for maternal and paternal depressions. Maternal depression: Harrington and colleagues (1997) found no
depression had a greater effect on younger children’s evidence that familiality differed between childhood (14.9%)
symptoms while paternal depression had a greater effect on and adolescent onset (16.8%) cases, although higher levels
adolescent children’s symptoms. This effect was observed of criminality and family discord were found in the relatives
for both children’s internalizing and externalizing symptoms. of the childhood onset cases. Similarly, Wickramaratne,
There has been a large amount of research examining Greenwald, et al. (2000) found no evidence that the rates
the links between parental depression specifically in the of MDD in first-degree relatives of childhood onset cases
post-natal period and childhood emotional symptoms (40.6%) and adolescent onset cases (46.9%) differed
(Marks, Hipwell, & Kumar, 2002). These studies have (odds ratio 0.7, 95% CI 0.4–1.2). Looking more closely,
consistently shown that parental depression during this time, Wickramaratne and colleagues (1998, 2000) found some
whether maternal or paternal (Ramchandani, Stein, Evans, evidence that recurrent childhood onset MDD may be more
& O’Connor, 2005), is associated with later childhood familial than either adolescent or adult onset MDD. Finally,
problems. Finally, one community-based study that used odds ratios obtained from a pooled analysis of family studies
a dimensional approach to assessing parental depression of depression in children and adolescents (odds ratios = 1.70,
found that the association between depression in parents 1.83, 2.12, 3.98) depending on the method and control group
and their adolescent children was greatest when the parents (Rice et al., 2002a) are similar (and not substantially greater)
were vulnerable to depression but also had no formal to that obtained from a meta-analysis of family studies of
qualifications (Eley, Liang, et al., 2004). This result suggests depression in adults (odds ratio = 2.84) (Sullivan, Neale, &
that the risk of depression to adolescents is increased Kendler, 2000). Thus, there is little consistent evidence to
when parental depression is accompanied by psychosocial substantiate the claim that childhood onset MDD is more
adversity and also underlines the fact that many risk factors familial than adolescent or adult onset MDD. However, onset
for psychopathology act in a cumulative manner (Rutter, in early adulthood rather than later in adulthood might be
Pickles, Murray, & Eaves, 2001). more familial (Wickramaratne, Warner, et al., 2002) although
the evidence is not conclusive. Nonetheless, increased famil-
iality does not necessarily imply greater genetic loading –
Issues Arising from Family Studies twin and adoption studies are needed to disentangle similar-
ity due to genetic and environmental factors. However, it may
be important to identify individuals with an onset in early
Age of Onset adulthood for clinical reasons: There is some evidence that
individuals with an onset of MDD in late adolescence/young
‘Top-down’ studies of the Yale cohort (Weissman, Wickra- adulthood have a worse prognosis and shorter time to relapse
maratne, et al., 1984; Wickramaratne & Weissman, 1998) than those with an onset of depression later in adulthood
have shown that familial aggregation of depression in (Gollan, Raffety, Gortner, & Dobson, 2005; Parker, Roy,
offspring is greatest when the onset of the parents’ Hadzi-Pavlovic, Mitchell, & Wilhelm, 2003).
depression occurred at a relatively young age (Weissman,
Wickramaratne, et al., 1984 – under 20 years; Wickramaratne
& Weissman – under 30 years). These findings, coupled
with observations from other conditions that an early age of Specificity of Transmission
onset is more often the result of a more strongly genetically
influenced condition (e.g., diabetes, Alzheimer’s disease), Including psychiatric as well as healthy comparison groups
have been interpreted as implying that childhood onset allows assessment of whether there is specificity in trans-
depressive disorder may have a stronger genetic component mission of disorder. That is, does the disorder ‘breed-true’
than adult onset depression. However, the evidence is not or does having a depressed parent increase offspring risk
consistent and greater familial loading could arise from both of a wide range of psychopathology. The former explana-
common environmental and genetic effects. For example, tion would be more consistent with a genetic transmission
exposure to negative cognitions or parental rejection could hypothesis and the latter explanation would be more consis-
be conditions that might increase familial aggregation of tent with an environmental transmission hypothesis although
depressive disorder (e.g., Whitbeck et al., 1992). Other the two are not mutually exclusive. Processes involved in the
studies have compared depression in children with adult and generational transmission of depression might include par-
adolescent groups. Again findings are conflicting. Neuman, enting style, family conflict, a negative cognitive style and
26 Depression and Anxiety in Childhood and Adolescence 383

endocrine factors such as dysfunction of the hypothalamic and children than fathers and children (Connell & Good-
pituitary adrenal (HPA) axis (e.g., Goodman & Gotlib, 1999). man, 2002; Klein et al., 2004). This is an intriguing differ-
Rice and colleagues (2002a) found some evidence for speci- ence, which might come about for several reasons. It has
ficity of transmission as the odds ratio obtained from bottom- been suggested that the difference might arise because of
up studies was significant with a psychiatric comparison the tendency for mothers to be the parent most responsi-
group. However, the equivalent odds ratio from ‘top-down’ ble for child-rearing activities (Pleck, 1997) and evidence
studies was not significant although few ‘top-down’ stud- that depression in mothers may influence their ability and
ies included such comparison groups. More recent evidence sensitivity in these activities, which in turn impacts upon
(Kim-Cohen, Moffitt, Taylor, Pawlby, & Caspi, 2005) sug- children’s socio-emotional development (Connell & Good-
gests that the increased rate of antisocial behavior in off- man, 2002). However, an alternative explanation for the
spring of depressed parents is explained by both genetic and greater similarity between mothers and children than fathers
social mechanisms. and children is that intrauterine environmental factors may
As there are few family studies of anxiety that have be important in the familial transmission of depression. Con-
included psychiatric control groups, the evidence of spe- sistent with this possibility, a large number of animal stud-
cific familial aggregation for anxiety is less clear. The like- ies have found evidence for the role of maternal exposure
lihood of psychopathology among relatives of anxious chil- to stress during pregnancy and anxiety/depressive-like traits
dren extends to types of psychopathology other than anxiety in the resulting offspring (Seckl & Meaney, 2004). Similarly,
including depression and alcohol abuse (Bell-Dolan, Last, & children whose mothers have high levels of depressive symp-
Strauss, 1990). toms during pregnancy exhibit high levels of emotional and
behavioral problems even when potential confounders such
as post-natal depressive symptoms are included (O’Connor,
Heron, Golding, & Glover, 2003).
The Familial Relationship Between Anxiety
and Depression
Twin Studies
Some ‘top-down’ family studies of depression have found
evidence for familial aggregation of anxiety rather than Identical (monozygotic; MZ) twins share all of their genes in
depression in children who have a depressed parent (Rende common, while fraternal (dizygotic; DZ) twins share half of
et al., 1999; Warner et al., 1999). It is not clear whether this their genes in common on average. These differences in the
is due to comorbidity of the parent’s illness, in particular level of genetic relatedness between MZ and DZ twins mean
panic disorder (Biederman et al., 1991; Warner et al., 1995; that studying twins allows inferences to be made regarding
Weissman, Wickramaratne, et al., 1984), or whether anxiety the genetic and environmental origins of a trait or behavior.
may be a genetic precursor to depression in children. Thus, it As with all methods, twin studies have a number of strengths
may be that in children, familial risk for depression manifests and limitations and although a discussion of these is beyond
itself as anxiety. Alternatively, anxiety may tend to precede the scope of this chapter, they are reviewed elsewhere (e.g.,
depression in children regardless of familial risk for depres- Plomin, DeFries, McClearn, & McGuffin, 2001).
sion (Wickramaratne, Warner, et al., 2002). That is, given the In contrast to the family studies which have been based
developmental differences in the onset of anxiety and depres- on clinically referred populations, nearly all the twin stud-
sive disorders – the former are more common in children and ies of anxiety and depression have been based on non-
the latter in adolescents – it may simply be that children tend clinical samples and have used questionnaire measures of
to exhibit symptoms of anxiety rather than depression regard- anxiety and depression. A few notable exceptions have used
less of genetic risk (Kovacs & Devlin, 1998). symptom scores derived from psychiatric interviews (Eaves
et al., 1997) and one twin study has examined diagnoses of
depressive disorder in adolescent girls (Glowinski, Madden,
Bucholz, Lynskey, & Heath, 2003).
Familial Transmission from Mothers
In general, there has been less behavioral genetic research
and Fathers to Offspring on anxiety in young people than on depression. In fact, the
literature on the role of genetic influences on anxiety in chil-
The vast majority of top-down studies have examined the dren is relatively sparse. However, quite a number of twin
association between depressive illness in the mother and and adoption studies have examined symptoms of internal-
rates of depression in offspring without examining the influ- izing problems according to the Child Behavior Checklist
ence of the father. Nevertheless, there is preliminary evi- (Achenbach, 1991), which includes components of anxiety,
dence that associations may be stronger between mothers depression and withdrawal.
384 F. Rice and A. Thapar

Estimates of the magnitude of genetic influences on varia- paper have been reported except where different assessment
tion in depression and anxiety are shown in Tables 26.1, 26.2, tools have been used.
and 26.3. For the most part, the estimates illustrate that
symptoms of both depression and anxiety are influenced by
genetic factors. However, the figures also highlight some of
the inconsistencies between different studies, in particular, Twin Studies of Depression
differences that depend on the rater (parent or child) of
the symptoms. Table 26.1 shows estimates of genetic Table 26.1 illustrates that the vast majority of these studies
effects on depressive symptoms in children and adolescents. find evidence for a significant genetic component to
Table 26.2 illustrates genetic parameter estimates for depressive symptomatology. However, it is apparent that
twin studies of anxiety, and Table 26.3 gives estimates there is wide variation in the genetic parameter estimates
from twin studies of internalizing symptom scores. These across different studies (range 11–72%). Some variation is
estimates have been taken from univariate twin analyses. to be expected since estimates of heritability are specific
Estimates from bivariate twin models (which include two to the population under study. Moreover studies have been
phenotypes) have not been included since they may be based on depression symptoms that have been reported
influenced by the ordering of variables and covariation on by different informants. However, these substantial
between the two phenotypes (e.g., Loehlin, 1996). Thus, differences in etiology are in contrast to twin studies of other
including only estimates from univariate studies allows more types of childhood psychopathology such as symptoms of
direct comparison across different studies. Where possible, ADHD and conduct disorder where estimates are relatively
estimates obtained from full (including genetic, shared and consistent across different raters (Arseneault et al., 2003;
non-shared environmental estimates of variation) rather than Scourfield, Van den Bree, Martin, & McGuffin, 2004;
nested models are presented (although these were not always Thapar, Harrington, Ross, & McGuffin, 2000). Thus, it
presented in published articles). Where multiple reports seems that measurement and rater effects must account for
on the same sample have been published, results from one some of the differences between studies. It is widely known

Table 26.1 Genetic parameter estimates from twin studies of childhood and adolescent depression
Authors Details Genetic estimate %
Glowinski et al. (2003) Adolescent interview girls
Major depressive disorder 42
Broader phenotype 24
Happonen, Pulkkinen, Kaprio, Van der Meere, Child questionnaire 45
Viken, and Rose (2002) Parent questionnaire 43

Rice et al. (2002a) Child questionnaire girls 31

Child questionnaire boys 43
Child questionnaire 55
Parent questionnaire 25
Eaves et al. (1997) Child questionnaire girls 15
Child questionnaire boys 16
Father questionnaire girls 60
Father questionnaire boys 60
Mother questionnaire girls 64
Mother questionnaire boys 65
Child interview girls 19
Child interview boys 11
Father interview girls 54
Father interview boys 72
Mother interview girls 66
Mother interview boys 64
Eley 1997 Child questionnaire 48
Murray and Sines (1996) Parent questionnaire girls 27
Parent questionnaire boys 35
Thapar and McGuffin (1994) Child questionnaire 70
Parent questionnaire 48
Rende et al. (1993) Child questionnaire 34
Broader phenotype = 2 weeks of depressed mood, irritability, or anhedonia.
26 Depression and Anxiety in Childhood and Adolescence 385

Table 26.2 Genetic parameter estimates from twin studies of childhood and adolescent anxiety
Authors Details Genetic estimate %
Rice et al. (2004) Parent questionnaire 46
Eley et al. (2003) Pre-schoolers
Parent questionnaire girls – shy/inhibited 66
Parent questionnaire boys – shy/inhibited 76
Parent questionnaire – obsessions 65
Parent questionnaire – fears 44
Parent questionnaire – separation anxiety 39
Child questionnaire – state anxiety 11
Legrand, McGue, and Iacono (1999)
Child questionnaire – trait anxiety 40
Eaves et al. (1997) Child questionnaire girls 37
Child questionnaire boys 0
Father questionnaire girls 69
Father questionnaire boys 72
Mother questionnaire girls 52
Mother questionnaire boys 57
Child interview girls – over anxious 46
Child interview boys – over anxious 30
Father interview girls – over anxious 59
Father interview boys – over anxious 54
Mother interview girls – over anxious 66
Mother interview boys – over anxious 31
Child interview girls – separation anxiety 31
Child interview boys – separation anxiety 19
Father interview girls – separation anxiety 74
Father interview boys – separation anxiety 0
Mother interview girls – separation anxiety 74
Mother interview boys – separation anxiety 4
Thapar and McGuffin (1995) Child questionnaire 0
Parent questionnaire 48

Table 26.3 Genetic parameter estimates from twin studies of childhood and adolescent internalizing
Authors Details Genetic estimate %
Boomsma et al. (2005) Father questionnaire girls – age 12 anx/dep 39
Father questionnaire boys – age 12 anx/dep 45
Mother questionnaire girls – age 12 anx/dep 37
Mother questionnaire boys– age 12 anx/dep 40
Father questionnaire girls – age 10 anx/dep 41
Father questionnaire boys – age 10 anx/dep 52
Mother questionnaire girls – age 10 anx/dep 45
Mother questionnaire boys– age 10 anx/dep 47
Father questionnaire girls – age 7 anx/dep 47
Father questionnaire boys – age 7 anx/dep 50
Mother questionnaire girls – age 7 anx/dep 48
Mother questionnaire boys– age 7 anx/dep 51
Deater-Deckard et al. (1997) Father questionnaire 52
Mother questionnaire 62
Gjone and Stevenson (1997) Mother questionnaire 34
Schmitz et al. (1995) Mother questionnaire – preschoolers 17
Mother questionnaire 37
Edelbrock et al. (1995) Mother questionnaire – anx/dep 50
Mother questionnaire 34
Silberg et al. (1994) Mother questionnaire 23
Anx/dep = anxious depressed subscale of the Child Behavior Checklist. The study of Boomsma et al. (2005) also includes
genetic estimates for children aged 3 and 5. The estimates for older children are presented here as the version of the CBCL used
at ages 3 and 5 differed from that used at ages 7, 10, and 12.
386 F. Rice and A. Thapar

that correlations between different informants (for depressive nificant genetic influence. Some interesting findings arise
symptoms) are modest (Cantwell, Lewinsohn, Rohde, & from the few studies that have separately examined dif-
Seeley, 1997; Verhulst, Dekker, & vanderEnde, 1997) ferent dimensions of anxiety disorder symptoms. There is
and it seems that each informant provides meaningful fairly consistent evidence from these studies that for sepa-
information from their own perspective (e.g., Boomsma, van ration anxiety, shared environmental influences are present
Beijsterveldt, & Hudziak, 2005; Verhulst et al., 1997). Thus, (Eaves et al., 1997; Eley et al., 2003; Silberg, Rutter, Neale,
it may be that different informants rate slightly different & Eaves, 2001). This is in contrast to results from other
phenotypes or are influenced by different factors. For dimensions of anxiety such as generalized anxiety disor-
instance Hay and colleagues (1999) reported that mothers der, which is substantially genetically influenced (Silberg
are influenced by their own mental state when reporting on et al., 2001). One twin study found that paternal absence
their child’s psychopathology, while fathers are influenced was associated with separation anxiety in girls suggesting
by characteristics of the child namely cognitive ability. that this might be an important shared environmental fac-
Cole and colleagues (2002) found that agreement between tor (Cronk, Slutske, Madden, Bucholz, & Heath, 2004).
mothers and children about the child’s depressive symptoms Again, rater effects appear to be important – three stud-
improved when rates of change over time were examined ies of self-rated anxiety found no evidence for a genetic
rather than absolute values. The rater differences for twin component to anxiety symptoms (Eaves et al., 1997; Tha-
studies of depression are particularly puzzling as their par and McGuffin, 1995) – for boys’ ratings on a modified
direction differs across different studies. So, for instance, version of the Revised Children’s Manifest Anxiety Scale
in The Virginia Twin Study of Adolescent and Behavior (RCMAS; Reynolds & Richards, 1978) and boys’ symptoms
Development (VTSABD) child ratings were consistently less of separation anxiety as assessed by the CAPA (Angold &
heritable than parent ratings (Eaves et al., 1997), while in The Costello, 2000).
Cardiff Study of all Wales and North West of England Twins
(CASTANET) adolescent ratings were more heritable than
parent ratings (Rice, Harold, & Thapar, 2002b; Thapar and Twin Studies of Internalizing Symptoms
McGuffin, 1994). One other possibility for the wide variation
in genetic estimates across twin studies is developmental Table 26.3 shows that there have been fewer studies of inter-
differences in the etiology of depressive symptoms. A nalizing symptoms than of depressive and anxiety symp-
number of studies have found substantial age/developmental toms. However, results are quite consistent across studies,
differences in etiology when examining data more closely. showing modest genetic influences between 30 and 40%
Thapar and McGuffin (1994) in The Cardiff Twin Study (e.g., Deater-Deckard, Reiss, Hetherington, & Plomin, 1997;
observed that parental ratings of children under the age of Gjone, 1997; Schmitz, Fulker, & Mrazek, 1995). Boomsma
11 were not significantly genetically influenced while those and colleagues (2005) did not find any marked changes in
of children and adolescents aged 11–16 were significantly the contribution of genetic factors to variation in the anx-
heritable (also reported by Rice et al., 2002b; Scourfield iety/depression scale of the CBCL between the ages of 7
et al., 2003 in independent cohorts). A number of other stud- and 12 years. This is in contrast to the age-related findings
ies have reported similar effects. Eley & Stevenson (1999) in the genetic etiology of depression between childhood and
reported a similar pattern of results for boys’ self-ratings adolescence.
in an English sample of twins. Silberg and colleagues In summary, symptoms of depression and anxiety are
(1999) in the VTSABD found that self-rated symptoms of influenced by genetic factors to a moderate degree although
depression assessed by the Child and Adolescent Psychiatric there is wide variability in the magnitude of genetic esti-
Assessment (CAPA; Angold & Costello, 2000) were mates. Measurement and rater differences appear to account
heritable only in pubertal girls. These observed age-related for some of this variability. Differences in the genetic eti-
differences in the contribution of genes and environment ology of depression have been reported according to age
present the possibility that such effects might contribute, in with genetic factors more important for adolescents than for
part, to differences in parameter estimates between studies. children.

Twin Studies of Anxiety High Levels of Depressive and Anxiety

Table 26.2 illustrates genetic parameter estimates from twin
studies of anxiety in childhood and adolescence. It can There has only been one study of depressive disorder
be seen that questionnaire measures of anxiety show sig- in young people (Glowinski et al., 2003) and no twin
26 Depression and Anxiety in Childhood and Adolescence 387

study of anxiety disorders in children and adolescents. Covariation Between Anxiety and Depression
However, a number of studies have used the De Fries and
Fulker regression method (DeFries & Fulker, 1985) to In comparison to many of the findings from univariate anal-
examine the etiology of high levels of depressive symptoms yses, results from studies of the covariation between anxiety
(Deater-Deckard et al., 1997; Eley, 1997; Gjone, Stevenson, and depression are relatively consistent. Two cross-sectional
Sundet, & Eilertsen, 1996; Rende, Plomin, Reiss, & studies (Eley & Stevenson, 1999; Thapar & McGuffin, 1997)
Hetherington, 1993; Rice et al., 2002b). The vast majority have shown that anxiety and depression symptoms are asso-
of these studies (Deater-Deckard et al., 1997; Eley, 1997; ciated mainly because they share a common genetic liabil-
Rende et al., 1993; Rice et al., 2002b) have found that high ity. Silberg and colleagues (2001) used a longitudinal design
levels of depressive symptoms when rated by the adolescents to examine the genetic and environmental architecture of
(the study of Deater-Deckard et al., 1997, is an exception the association between three dimensions of anxiety (over-
in that parent-rated symptoms were used) are less heritable anxious disorder (OAD), simple phobias and separation anx-
(group heritability; h2 g ) than symptoms within the normal iety) and depression in girls using self-reported symptoms
range (heritability for individual differences; h2 ). In fact, from the CAPA (Angold & Costello, 2000). They found evi-
shared environmental factors (group-shared environment; dence for a common set of genes influencing early (between
c2 g ) were of the greatest importance in the etiology of high ages 8 and 13) over-anxious disorder and simple phobias
levels of symptoms. These findings are consistent across and later depression (between ages 14 and 17) although later
different samples and different methods of estimating the OAD and phobias also had unique genetic influences. Of
c2 g statistic (see Eley, 1997, for a description of the different course, because this study used a classical twin approach
methods used). However, these findings contrast with those – inferring the contribution of genes through the use of a
of Glowinski and colleagues (2003) who performed the only genetically sensitive design – it was not possible to identify
twin study of depressive disorder and found no evidence of a the specific genetic variants that were included in this com-
shared environmental contribution (best fitting model was an mon set of genes. Another longitudinal study again found
AE model A = 40%, CI = 24, 66; E = 60%, CI = 50, 76). that early anxiety and later depression shared a common
This might reflect measurement differences (high scores on genetic etiology and that the link could not be explained by
questionnaire are not synonymous with depressive disorder) earlier depression (Rice, van den Bree, & Thapar, 2004). In
or differences in the age distribution between the samples. addition, the link between early anxiety and later depression
The individuals in the study of Glowinski and colleagues was not explained by a phenotypic causal path (Rice et al.,
(2003) ranged from 12 to 23 years, while those included in 2004).
the studies that used the DF method ranged from 5 to 18 In summary, both cross-sectional and longitudinal studies
years. Thus, the individuals included in the study of Glowin- suggest that anxiety and depression in childhood and adoles-
ski and colleagues (2003) were older. Finally, the classical cence are associated because they share a common genetic
twin design is known to have low power to detect shared liability. Studies that have included parent and child-reported
environmental effects especially when data are categorical symptoms have reported this same pattern of results.
(Neale & Cardon, 1992); therefore, this may account for the
observed differences. Nonetheless, Glowinski and colleagues
(2003) also performed a similar analysis of a broader
depressive phenotype (rather than diagnosis of MDD) and
found evidence for shared environmental effects (best fitting
Longitudinal Studies of Depressive
model was an ACE model; A = 24%; C = 30%, E = 45%). and Internalizing Symptoms
As these authors pointed out, this suggests that shared envi-
ronmental factors may be important in the etiology of a broad Given the importance of developmental change and conti-
depressive phenotype but not in the diagnosis or syndrome nuity in depression, it is surprising that there have not been
of MDD. more longitudinal twin studies. O’Connor, McGuire, Reiss,
In summary, the one twin study of depressive disorder in Hetherington, and Plomin (1998) used the NEAD cohort (a
adolescents showed that genetic and non-shared environmen- mixed-twin family design) to examine factors influencing
tal factors were important influences. This result is in line the stability and change of depressive symptoms over a 3-
with findings from the adult literature (Sullivan et al., 2000). year period. A composite measure of depressive symptoms
In contrast, high levels of depressive symptoms are mainly was used comprising adolescent questionnaire reports and an
influenced by shared environmental factors. It may be that observational assessment of depressed mood. Genetic fac-
this difference in etiology reflects subtle differences between tors were most important in accounting for the stability of
the phenotype of depressive disorder and high levels of symptoms over time (64% of the stability of depression was
depressive symptoms assessed by questionnaire. attributed to genetic influences and the remainder to non-
388 F. Rice and A. Thapar

shared influences). Schmitz and colleagues (1995) examined of genetic relatedness. For example, comparisons of the sim-
the continuity of internalizing symptoms in a sample of 95 ilarity between biological parents and children and adop-
twin pairs from toddler-hood (ages 2–3) to middle child- tive parents and children can be made, with greater similar-
hood. Shared environmental effects accounted for the great- ity between biological parents and children consistent with
est proportion of stability in symptoms over time. Scourfield a role for genetic factors, while greater similarity between
et al. (2003) examined continuity of parent-rated depressive adoptive parents and children is consistent with a role for
symptoms as assessed by the short version of the Mood shared environmental factors. The strengths and weaknesses
and Feelings Questionnaire (MFQ) (Angold et al., 1995). of adoption studies are described elsewhere (e.g., Plomin
Again, shared environmental factors accounted for most of et al., 2001; Rutter et al., 2001)
the covariation between symptoms across a 3-year time lag. There have been two adoption studies of depres-
This may have been due to shared rater effects (mothers sion/anxiety in childhood. Van den Oord, Boomsma, and
reported on their twins’ symptoms at both time points). In Verhulst (1994) examined internalizing symptoms in an
an older sample of twins and siblings (G1219), Lau and international adoptee sample using a sibling design. Corre-
Eley (2006) examined continuity and change in depressive lations between non-biological (adoptive) siblings were as
symptoms again assessed by the short MFQ (adolescent self- high as those between biological siblings suggesting strong
reported symptoms). Symptoms were assessed at three time shared environmental influences and no evidence for sub-
points (baseline, on average 8 months later and on average stantial genetic effects.
25 months after the second assessment). A common genetic Eley, Deater-Deckard, Fombonne, Fulker, and Plomin
influence at time 1 affected depressive symptoms at each (1998) studied the Colorado Adoption Project cohort using
time point and a ‘new’ genetic influence emerged at time 2 both a sibling and a parent–offspring design and again found
which additionally affected symptoms at time 3. There was a no evidence for genetic effects. In fact correlations between
shared environmental influence that was common to depres- parents and children were very low, suggesting non-shared
sive symptoms at all three time points but this was not signif- environmental influences. However, in line with the results
icant. Non-shared environmental factors were significant and of van den Oord and colleagues, when mothers rated their
specific to each time point but were not associated with sta- children’s internalizing problems, correlations were higher,
bility of symptoms over time. Finally, Bartels and colleagues and suggested some shared environmental (or shared rater)
(2004) examined the continuity of internalizing symptoms influences.
from ages 3, 7, 10 and 12 in the Netherlands Twin Reg- Thus, the results from adoption studies are at odds with
istry. There were strong genetic (43%) and shared environ- those from twin studies in that adoption studies find that
mental (47%) contributions to the stability of internalizing genetic influences are unimportant in the etiology of depres-
symptoms. There was genetic variance at age 3 that contin- sive symptoms. First, twin studies rely on comparisons being
ued to contribute to symptoms at all ages studied, although made between siblings of exactly the same age, thus any
there were additional specific genetic influences at ages 7, developmental differences in the etiology and phenomenol-
10 and 12. Thus, in general, genetic influences appear to be ogy of depression will be controlled for. The study of
important in the continuity of depressive symptoms. Shared Eley and colleagues (1998) included a direct test of genetic
environmental effects also appear to play a role in continu- effects by including a parent–offspring component to the
ity (at least in children and younger adolescents). There are, study design. Therefore, as they note, any developmental
however, relatively few longitudinal studies of depressive differences between the phenotype in the two generations
symptoms and results are not entirely consistent over existing as well as potential genetic heterogeneity may have influ-
studies. enced results. Passive gene–environment correlation may
In summary, there have been few longitudinal twin studies account for some of the differences in results between twin
of depression and anxiety. To date, the evidence suggests that and adoption studies of depression in childhood and ado-
both genetic and shared environmental factors contribute to lescence. Passive gene–environment correlation occurs when
the stability of depression and anxiety over time. children are exposed to family environments provided by
their parents that are correlated with their genetic charac-
teristics. It does not seem unlikely that this may occur with
depression – for example, it is well known that children of
Adoption Studies of Depression/Anxiety depressed parents often experience a disharmonious family
environment (e.g., inconsistent parenting, conflict between
Adoption studies provide another approach to disentangling parents) (see Downey & Coyne, 1990) in addition to presum-
genetic and environmental influences on behavior. As with ably inheriting genes that increase vulnerability to depres-
twin studies, adoption studies depend on comparisons of the sion. In a classic twin design, passive gene–environment
similarity between pairs of relatives who differ in their degree correlation would be subsumed within the genetic parame-
26 Depression and Anxiety in Childhood and Adolescence 389

ter estimate. The adoption design is thought to remove pas- to an individual actively seeking out an environment that is
sive gene–environment correlation. Thus, this might account correlated with his/her genes – sometimes known as ‘niche-
for differences in the findings of adoption and twin stud- fitting’ (Scarr & McCartney, 1983).
ies and also suggests that passive gene–environment corre- Twin studies have used structural equation modeling to
lation may play a role in the etiology of depression in young examine the impact of gene–environment correlation on
people. depression and anxiety by including environmental factors as
In summary, there have only been two adoption studies a phenotype in a bivariate genetic model (Neiderhiser, Reiss,
of depression/anxiety during childhood. Neither has found Hetherington, & Plomin, 1999; Pike, McGuire, Hethering-
evidence for the role of genetic factors. This contrasts with ton, Reiss, & Plomin, 1996; Rice, Harold, & Thapar, 2003;
results from twin studies. A possible reason for the discrep- Silberg et al., 1999). Using this approach, the presence of
ancy in findings from twin and adoption studies is the influ- gene–environment correlation is statistically inferred and
ence of passive gene–environment correlation. In addition, will include the effects of many different genes.
study designs differ in their pattern of strength and weakness Gene–environment correlation with depression and stress-
and it is possible that this may account for differences in the ful life events has been examined in several studies of chil-
pattern of results from twin and adoption studies. dren and adolescents. Stressful life events have been rec-
ognized for many years as being robustly associated with
depression in adults (Brown & Harris, 1978) as well as
Gene–Environment Interplay in young people (Goodyer, Kolvin, & Gatzanis, 1985). A
distinction has long been made between independent and
dependent life events (Brown & Harris, 1978). Independent
Gene–Environment Correlation life events are thought to be largely random events outside
an individual’s control (such as death of a loved one). On
Two main distinctions between types of gene–environment the other hand, dependent life events are stressful events,
interplay have been made: gene–environment correlation and which an individual’s own behavior may play some role in
gene–environment interaction. We first discuss the evidence precipitating (such as getting into a fight and being injured
for gene–environment correlation. Although we consider or arguing and falling out with a friend). Dependent life
gene–environment correlation and interaction separately, we events may therefore involve either active or evocative gene–
recognize that gene–environment correlation and interac- environment correlation as they may depend upon an indi-
tion may not be independent and may simultaneously influ- vidual’s behavior, which in turn is partly influenced by their
ence risk for depression and anxiety (e.g., Eaves, Silberg, genes. Thapar, Harold, and McGuffin (1998) found substan-
& Erkanli, 2003). Gene–environment correlation is defined tial gene–environment correlation with parent-rated nega-
as genetic influences on exposure to the environment and tive life events and depression in a sample of twins aged
refers to observations that genetic and environmental risks 8–17 years. Silberg and colleagues (1999) found a similar
are not independent and often go hand in hand. This type of result looking at self-reported depressive symptoms from the
effect (at a phenotypic level) has also been termed person– CAPA and parent-reported dependent life events in adoles-
environment correlation. cent girls. Rice and colleagues (2003) examined whether
Three broad dimensions of gene–environment correla- gene–environment correlation with life events could account
tion have been proposed: passive, evocative and active for the age-related differences in the etiology of depres-
(Plomin et al., 2001). Passive gene–environment correlation sive symptoms observed in The Cardiff Twin Study. Gene–
is thought to come about as (in most cases) parents both pass environment correlation with dependent life events was sub-
on genes and provide a rearing environment for their chil- stantially greater in adolescents than children and seemed
dren, and their genes and the environment they provide may to account for much of the age-related differences in the
be correlated. An example of this is that children of parents genetic etiology of depression. Taken together these results
with mental illness often experience environmental adversity suggest the importance of either active or evocative processes
such as hostile or inconsistent parenting (Rutter & Quin- with stressful life events in adolescent depression. In sum-
ton, 1984). Thus, parental characteristics are strongly associ- mary, there is good evidence for gene–environment correla-
ated with the rearing environment they provide for their chil- tion with negative life events and depression in adolescents,
dren – and parental characteristics will be influenced by the with some evidence suggesting stronger effects in adoles-
parents’ genes, which in turn are correlated with their child’s cents than in children (Rice et al., 2003).
genes. Evocative gene–environment correlation refers to an One study found evidence of gene–environment cor-
individual evoking a response from another person because relation with a different environmental stressor. Pike and
of his/her behavior (which is partly influenced by his/her colleagues (1996) found that a composite measure of
genes). Finally, active gene–environment correlation refers family negativity (defined as anger/hostility, coercion and
390 F. Rice and A. Thapar

transactional conflict) showed gene–environment correla- Examining a different environmental stressor, Rice and
tion with depressive symptoms in the NEAD study. Gene– colleagues (2006) found evidence for gene–environment
environment correlation accounted for a substantial propor- interaction with a measure of overt family conflict and
tion of the phenotypic correlation between depressive symp- depressive symptoms. Specifically, those at genetic risk of
toms and mother, father and sibling negativity. However, depression showed stronger depressogenic effects to family
there were still environmentally mediated effects of fam- conflict and the genetic variance of depressive symptoms was
ily negativity on depression symptoms. Neiderhiser and col- increased at higher levels of family conflict.
leagues (1999) examined this same sample longitudinally However, recent studies have included direct measures of
over a 3-year time period and again found evidence for gene– genetic polymorphisms (variants in a specific gene) in assess-
environment correlation with maternal and paternal conflict ing gene–environment interaction with depression, in par-
negativity and depressive symptoms. ticular a variable nucleotide tandem repeat (VNTR) in the
serotonin transporter gene (5HTT; SERT). Thus, these stud-
ies have assessed genetic risk according to naturally occur-
ring variation at a single functional polymorphism. Caspi
Gene–Environment Interaction and colleagues (2002, 2003) provided the first clear-cut evi-
dence of gene–environment interaction with a single mea-
Gene–environment interaction refers to situations where the sured genetic variant (the VNTR of the 5HTT gene). In this
effects of an environmental risk factor on health or behavior study of the Dunedin cohort, individuals (young adults) who
are contingent upon an individual’s genotype (Moffitt, Caspi, possessed a copy of the risk genotype (the short allele) were
& Rutter, 2005). Or, put another way, genes can have differ- significantly more likely to experience clinical depression
ent effects on a trait when the environment differs. Where following stressful life events than individuals with the long
gene–environment interaction exists, this means that genes, allele. This finding has been partially replicated in adoles-
rather than directly influencing a trait or illness, are having cents (Eley, Sugden et al., 2004) and adults (Kendler, Kuhn,
influences as a result of individual susceptibility to an envi- Vittum, Prescott, & Riley, 2005).
ronmental hazard (Rutter, 2006). In summary, there has been consistent evidence to suggest
A number of twin studies have used structural equa- the importance of indirect genetic influences on adolescent
tion modeling to examine the impact of gene–environment depression and anxiety. These indirect genetic influences
interaction on depression and anxiety (Eaves et al., 2003; affect exposure to environmental risk (gene–environment
Rice, Harold, Shelton, & Thapar, 2006; Silberg et al., 2001). correlation) and susceptibility to environmental hazards
Again, using this approach the genetic variants (at a molecu- (gene–environment interaction). To date the most consistent
lar level) that influence susceptibility to environmental stress evidence points to gene–environment correlation and inter-
are not known and gene–environment interaction will include action with stressful life events and depression.
the effect of many different genes.
Two studies of the Virginia Twin Cohort have shown
evidence for gene–environment interaction with stressful
life events and depression. First, Silberg and colleagues
(2001) examined independent life events that were not
influenced by genetic factors in order to identify poten- Conclusion and Future Directions
tial gene–environment interaction (i.e., by minimizing gene–
environment correlation). They found evidence for gene– There is a large volume of research on the genetic and
environment interaction with depression and generalized environmental etiology of internalizing problems in chil-
anxiety in adolescent girls. A later study by Eaves and dren and adolescents, in particular on the etiology of depres-
colleagues (2003) used a Monte Carlo Markov Chain sion. Depression (assessed categorically as a disorder and
(MCMC) statistical approach to simultaneously estimate dimensionally by symptoms) is familial and most evidence
gene–environment correlation and gene–environment inter- suggests the importance of genetic influences as well as
action with anxiety and depressive symptoms in adolescent environmental factors. Recent behavior genetic evidence on
girls. They found a main effect of genes that influence both gene–environment correlation and interaction has underlined
early anxiety and later depression. They also found evidence the fact that genetic and environmental factors are not dis-
for substantial gene–environment interaction and correlation. tinct but act together to influence depression and anxiety.
First, genes that influenced early anxiety increased sensitiv- Research questions remain with regard to rater, developmen-
ity to later stressful life events (gene–environment interac- tal change and overlap with other types of psychopathol-
tion) and also increased exposure to depression-inducing life ogy. We next highlight some potential areas for future
events (gene–environment correlation). research.
26 Depression and Anxiety in Childhood and Adolescence 391

Generational Transmission correlation exists, via susceptibility to environmental fac-

tors where gene–environment interaction exists or through
We know very little about the factors that account for the an intermediate phenotype (endophenotype) which itself car-
transmission of depression between different generations and ries risk for disorder. To take the short allele of the 5HTT
the specific mechanisms involved despite the huge numbers gene variant as an example: First, gene–environment inter-
of twin and family studies of child and adolescent depression. action has been reported which suggests a modifying effect
This is a clinically important area as it may help targeted of the short allele on risk for depression following stressful
interventions of children at high risk of depression. The life events. However, in general, there does not appear to
discrepancy between results from twin and adoption studies be a main effect of the short allele on depressive disorder
of depression suggests that passive gene–environment although some studies have found the 5HTT short allele to
correlation may play a role in this process. The children of be linked with neurotic and anxious personality traits/stress-
twins design may be a useful paradigm for assessing the responsivity (Hariri et al., 2005; Lesch et al., 1996). Neu-
importance of passive gene–environment correlation in the roimaging work has also illustrated that the 5HTT allele
transmission of depression between parents and children may be strongly related to the engagement of neuronal sys-
(e.g., Silberg & Eaves, 2004). tems that underlie emotional processing (Hariri et al., 2005).
Taken together, this evidence suggests that the influence
of the 5HTT short allele on risk for depressive disorder
might be mediated through neuronal systems involved in
Environmental Factors in Very Early Life emotional processing. Examining potential indirect genetic
mechanisms, in particular intermediate phenotypes, may be a
Across internal medicine, there has been much interest fruitful avenue for future research to elucidate developmental
in the ‘fetal origins of adult disease’ for many complex pathways to disorder.
multifactorial diseases including cardiovascular disease and
type II diabetes (Barker, 1998). A large body of research
in animals has suggested the importance of maternal
stress during pregnancy and resulting anxiety-like traits in Person–Environment Correlation
the offspring as adults (Seckl & Meaney, 2004). Similarly,
population-based studies have reported that gestational stress There has been much interest in gene–environment interplay
is associated with behavioral problems in children including and there is good evidence to suggest it exists for child and
anxiety and depression (O’Connor et al., 2003). Other adolescent depression and stressful life events. Thus, indi-
pre-natal environmental factors such as birth weight have viduals play a role in the level of their exposure to cer-
also been implicated (e.g., Patton, Coffey, Carlin, Olsson, tain types of environmental risk (Jaffee & Price, 2007). It
& Morley, 2004). However, to date, very few studies have seems likely that more examples of this phenomenon will
examined the impact of pre-natal environmental factors in be found. One important point that Rutter and his colleagues
genetically sensitive designs. The potential role of pre-natal note is that it cannot always be assumed that an individual’s
environmental factors in conjunction with genetic risk is effect on his/her own environment (including the others in
thus an avenue for future research. Pre-natal cross fostering it) is entirely due to genes (Rutter & Silberg, 2002; Rutter
studies in animals are able to identify whether pre-natal et al., 2001). This is because the selection of environments
environmental factors exert effects on offspring indepen- stems from the characteristics of the individual rather than of
dently of genes shared between mother and child. The use of genes. That is, individual exposure to certain environments
in vitro fertilization with donated gametes and surrogacy as a stems from the person; for example, factors such as person-
method of conception now means that similar pre-natal cross ality traits and past experience of adversity may influence a
fostering studies are possible in humans (Thapar et al., 2007). person’s exposure to risk environments and only a propor-
tion of these ‘person effects’ will be influenced by genes.
This point is well illustrated by the results of a study by
O’Connor, Deater-Deckard, et al., (1998). O’Connor and col-
Indirect Genetic Mechanisms and Intermediate
leagues identified evocative gene–environment correlation
Phenotypes between disruptive child behavior and harsh parenting using
an adoption design. Children whose biological parents were
Many genetic influences on psychopathology could come antisocial were themselves more likely to be disruptive and,
about indirectly rather than through direct changes in the in turn, to evoke negative parenting from their adoptive par-
coding sequence or changes in gene expression. Genetic ents. That is, the child’s disruptive behavior evoked a harsh
influences could occur via behavior where gene–environment parenting response from adoptive parents. However, not all
392 F. Rice and A. Thapar

of this effect was due to genes – a similar effect was observed ronmental mechanisms underlying stability and change in problem
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influenced. One important step for future research is thus to American Academy of Child Adolescent Psychiatry, 36, 918–924.
identify how much of observed ‘person effects’ are in fact Bell-Dolan, D. J., Last, C. G., & Strauss, C. C. (1990). Symptoms
of anxiety disorders in normal children. Journal of the American
due to genes and, furthermore, to identify what features of
Academy of Child Adolescent Psychiatry, 29, 759–765.
the individual and the processes account for ‘person effects’. Biederman, J., Rosenbaum, J. F., Bolduc, E. A., Faraone, S. V., &
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J., Dahl, R. E., et al. (1996). Childhood and adolescent depression: A
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cent depression and anxiety. The field is now well positioned
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to extend this research and to move toward examining the Brain and Behavior, 4, 466–481.
complex interplay between genes and environment, as well Brady, E. U., & Kendall, P. C. (1992). Comorbidity of anxiety and
as the mechanisms involved in the pathogenesis and devel- depression in children and adolescents. Psychological Bulletin, 111,
opment of psychopathology.
Brown, G. W., & Harris, T. O. (1978). Social origins of depression: A
study of psychiatric disorder in women. London: Tavistock.
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chiatric diagnostic data. Journal of the American Academy of Child
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Chapter 27

Genetics of Autism

Sarah Curran and Patrick Bolton

Introduction a partial or complete loss of acquired skills, together with

deceleration of head growth and the emergence of hand-
Autism is the prototypical form of a group of disorders wringing motor stereotypies, hyperventilation and truncal
that are referred to as the pervasive developmental disorders ataxia. Social interest, however, seems to be maintained
(PDD). It is a behaviorally defined syndrome characterized despite these other losses. This condition appears to be genet-
by the presence of qualitative abnormalities in the devel- ically distinct from ASD and many cases have been found
opment of reciprocal social interaction and communication, to have mutations in the gene encoding methyl-CpG-binding
coupled with restricted, repetitive and stereotyped patterns protein-2 (MECP2) [MIM 300005] on the X chromosome
of behavior and interests. The syndrome has, by definition, (X q28); however, there have been approximately 200 differ-
an onset before the age of 3 years. The definition and diag- ent mutations identified. Up until recently, MECP2 mutations
nostic criteria for autism in the main international classifi- were thought to be lethal in males, but over the last few years
cation systems are closely comparable (i.e., the International a few males who have survived birth, despite having a hem-
Classification of Diseases version-10 (ICD-10) of the World izygous mutation, have been identified and they have been
Health Organization and the Diagnostic and Statistical Man- reported to present with a neonatal encephalopathy.
ual version IV (DSM-IV) of the USA). However, the two Childhood disintegrative disorder (sometimes referred to
classification schemes take a rather different approach to the as Heller’s syndrome in the early literatures) is also clas-
categorization of other forms of pervasive developmental dis- sified under the rubric of a pervasive developmental disor-
order. Some of the other PDD subtypes seem very likely to be der (PDD). Disintegrative disorders are characterized by an
closely related conditions that represent variants of autism, apparently normal period of development for at least the first
although this is not yet firmly established. The main sub- 2 years of life, followed by a marked or dramatic and general
types recognized in ICD-10 include Asperger’s syndrome, loss of skills, coupled with the emergence of an autistic syn-
atypical autism and other pervasive developmental disor- drome. There is often a very poor prognosis and many chil-
ders. In DSM-IV only Asperger’s syndrome and pervasive dren deteriorate to such a degree that they end up severely or
developmental disorder – not otherwise specified – PDD- profoundly mentally impaired. It is an extremely uncommon
NOS (DSM-IV) are separately classified. Currently these disorder (0.2/10,000) and sometimes rare neurological con-
syndromes are thought to be genetically related. Accord- ditions are identified as the cause of the regression. In some
ingly, many research groups are collectively referring to this cases the child may die. Classic cases are fairly easy to dis-
group of conditions as autism spectrum disorders (ASD) and tinguish from cases of typical autism, but in cases with less
combining them for inclusion in genetic studies. typical or dramatic presentations it can be difficult to make
Another condition, called Rett’s syndrome, is also catego- a differential diagnosis from cases with late-onset autistic
rized as a PDD. However, this has a phenotypically differ- regression. In genetic studies of the autism spectrum, the rare
ent presentation to autism. It is largely confined to females, cases of Rett’s syndrome and childhood disintegrative disor-
who appear to develop normally during the first 6 months, der are usually excluded in order to reduce heterogeneity.
but subsequently there is a regression in development with

S. Curran (B)
Department of Psychologist Medicine, Institute of Psychiatry, King’s
College London, De Crespigny Park, London SE5 8AF, UK Early epidemiological studies conducted between the mid-
e-mail: s.curran@iop.kcl.ac.uk 1960s and mid-1970s yielded prevalence rates for autism of

Y.-K. Kim (ed.), Handbook of Behavior Genetics, 397

DOI 10.1007/978-0-387-76727-7 27,  c Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2009
398 S. Curran

around 4–5 per 10,000 (Lotter, 1967). These early studies proportion of children with autism and Asperger’s syn-
were based on classical criteria for autism, which were drome (∼25%) and their family members (Fidler, Bailey, &
largely derived from the original description of Leo Kanner, Smalley, 2000; Gillberg & de Souza 2002; Miles, Hadden,
who in 1943 first described the condition. Variants of Takahashi, & Hillman, 2000; Woodhouse et al., 1996). The
classically defined autism, such as Asperger’s syndrome, presence of macrocephaly does not clearly correlate with
atypical autism and other PDD, were introduced into the other features of autism. It seems to develop in the early
ICD-10 in 1992 and Asperger’s disorder and PDD-NOS were postnatal period (Courchesne, 2004) and derive from rapid
introduced into the DSM-IV in 1994. Thus, there has been early postnatal growth of the brain (Hazlett et al., 2005).
a general broadening of the definition of PDD over the last Abnormal movement kinematics are commonly found,
decade. A recent comprehensive review by Fombonne (2005) with abnormal posturing in those with autism and gross
examined all studies published in English, including early motor problems in those with Asperger’s syndrome (Rinehart
studies. The review suggested that the current rate of all et al., 2006). The precise cause for these differences in motor
PDDs is about 60 per 10,000, with autism estimated at 13 development is not yet understood.
per 10,000, Asperger’s disorder approximately 3 per 10,000 Epilepsy develops in approximately 25–33%, but may not
and other PDDs approximately 44 per 10,000. The latest begin until adolescence or early adult life. This late age of
epidemiological research conducted in the UK has suggested onset is different to the typical distribution of age of onset
that prevalence for autism spectrum disorders may be over seen in epilepsy cases without autism.
1% (Baird et al., 2006). The increase in the prevalence of A slight increased risk of nonspecific minor congen-
these disorders over the last 30–40 years has led to a height- ital abnormalities has also been reported and they may
ened public awareness and concern that some environmental index a reduced likelihood of familial recurrence (Pickles
factor underlies what some have called the ‘epidemic of et al., 2000). There have been some studies (Rodier, Bryson,
autism’. Although such major and quick shifts in prevalence & Welch, 1997) that have suggested that abnormalities of the
are incompatible with genetic explanations, this does not ears are the most common form of minor anomalies associ-
necessarily mean that the change is due to some specific envi- ated with autism, and these findings have been used to argue
ronmental factor. Instead, much of the change seems to be that events during specific periods of fetal brain development
attributable to the change and broadening of diagnostic con- give rise to autism.
cepts that have taken place, along with the improvements in There is a well-established increased risk of minor obstet-
methods of case identification and diagnosis. It still remains ric and perinatal complications in those diagnosed with
unclear, however, whether these factors account for all the autism. Although at first sight these seem to be promising
change in prevalence. The inevitable uncertainty over the contenders for environmental risk factors, this is not nec-
explanation for the increase in prevalence figures has fuelled essarily the case. Current evidence suggests that they may
debate and argument about the possible causal role and hence represent epiphenomena or reflect a gene–environment cor-
safety of childhood vaccines. Currently, however, there is relation ( Bolton, Murphy et al., 1997; Glasson et al., 2004;
no good evidence to implicate a causal role for any specific Zwaigenbaum et al., 2002).
environmental risk factor, including vaccines (see below).
One of the most consistent findings from all the epidemi-
ological reports concerns the sex difference in prevalence.
Males have been found to outnumber females by an order of Course and Prognosis
around 3–4:1. This difference in sex ratio seems to be even
greater amongst people with Asperger’s syndrome. As yet, Long-term outcome studies of individuals with autism or
however, the basis for the sex differences in prevalence has autism spectrum disorders have shown that language abil-
defied explanation. ity and IQ are the key predictors of later functioning. How-
ever, even able people with high functioning autism and
Asperger’s syndrome can have problems functioning in adult
life with difficulties in educational and employment progress,
Associated Features independent living, social relationships, behavioral and psy-
chiatric problems (Howlin, Mawhood, & Rutter 2000).
Overall, relatively little is found on physical examination of
children with autism, apart from the occasional pathognomic
signs of a comorbid medical condition (discussed below)
such as fragile X syndrome or tuberous sclerosis, which at Genetic and Environmental Determinants
most account for just a few percent of cases.
However, macrocephaly (head circumference greater than A few single gene disorders have been reported in asso-
the 97th percentile) has been found to be present in a ciation with autism or the autism spectrum disorders. The
27 Genetics of Autism 399

two best established genetic conditions as causes of autism abnormality. In most instances a definitive causal role for
are tuberous sclerosis (TS) and fragile X syndrome. People these abnormalities is presumptive, but there is clear evi-
with TS frequently develop autism or a variant of the clas- dence that various abnormalities of chromosome 15 that
sic syndrome. Approximately 30–50% of people with TS involve the Prader–Willi/Angelman syndrome critical region
develop an autism spectrum disorder, a rate that is consid- between 15q11-13 can give rise to an increased risk for
erably higher than the rate of autism spectrum disorders in autism spectrum disorder (Bolton, Dennis et al., 2001; Cook
the general population (Bolton, Park, Higgins, Griffiths, & et al., 1997; Milner et al., 2005).
Pickles, 2002; Harrison & Bolton 1997). The rate of tuberous Evidently though, in the vast majority of cases of autism
sclerosis in children diagnosed as suffering from an autism (about 95%), there is no known medical condition to
spectrum disorder is around 1–2%. Although this is a rel- account for the syndrome (Rutter, Bailey, Bolton, & Le Con-
atively low rate, it is still much higher than the rate of TS teur 1994). In the remaining apparently idiopathic cases,
in the general population (∼ 1 in 10,000). Therefore, the there has been much conjecture about etiology. Evidence for
overlap between autism spectrum disorders and TS is very the potential importance of genetic influences in causation
clear. TS is a Mendelian autosomal dominant genetic disor- initially came from family studies and the recognition that
der that is due to mutation in one of two genes (TSC1 on a 2–4% rate of autism in siblings, although low in abso-
chromosome 9q or TSC2 on chromosome 16p). Only one of lute terms, nevertheless, indicated strong familial aggrega-
the genes needs to be affected for TSC to be present. The tion (Rutter, 1968; Rutter & Lockyer, 1967). The sibling
TSC1 gene produces a protein called hamartin. The TSC2 recurrence risk has been reported to be between ∼2 and
gene produces the protein tuberin. These proteins form a pro- 6% (August, Stewart, & Tsai, 1981; Baird & August, 1985;
tein complex that operates in the insulin signaling pathway to Bolton, Macdonald et al., 1994; Boutin et al., 1997; Fom-
regulate cell proliferation and differentiation – the processes bonne & du Mazaubrun 1992; Minton, Campbell, Green,
in which nerve cells divide to form new generations of cells Jennings, & Samit, 1982; Piven, Gayle et al., 1990; Ritvo,
and acquire individual characteristics (McCall, Chin, Salz- Jorde et al., 1989). However, it may be underestimated as a
man, & Fults, 2006). Studies are beginning to explore the result of ‘stoppage rules’ (the tendency for families to curtail
risk mechanisms that lead to autism spectrum disorders in having further children, after the birth of a handicapped child
tuberous sclerosis (Bolton, Park et al., 2002). (Jones & Szatmari 1988)).
Approximately 15–20% of those with fragile X syndrome The first landmark twin study to investigate the basis for
exhibit autistic-type behaviors, such as poor eye contact, this familial aggregation was reported in 1977 and it clearly
hand-flapping or odd gesture movements, hand-biting, poor demonstrated that autism was genetically determined (Fol-
sensory skills and speech/language delay (Hagerman, 2006; stein and Rutter 1977). However, the findings also suggested
Hatton et al., 2006). Fragile X is a sex-linked genetic that genetic factors could not account for all the risk and that
abnormality caused by mutations in the FMR1 gene on the X nongenetic factors were also probably operating. Subsequent
chromosome. The most common mutation is a triplet repeat twin studies on highly selected clinical populations have
expansion. The syndrome only usually becomes manifest largely confirmed these conclusions and the concordance
once the number of triplet repeats exceeds a threshold, rates amongst monozygotic (MZ) and dizygotic (DZ) twins
but progression to the full mutation may occur through for autism have been estimated at (respectively) 36–91 and
a permutation stage, characterized by a subthreshold but 0–24% (Bailey et al., 1995; Folstein & Rutter, 1977; Ritvo,
nevertheless increased number of triplet repeats. Fragile X Freeman, Mason-Brothers, Mo, & Ritvo, 1985; Steffenburg
affects approximately 1 in every 1,000–2,000 male individ- et al., 1989). The results indicate a complex mode of
uals, and the female carrier frequency may be substantially inheritance.
higher. Males afflicted with this syndrome typically have a
moderate-to-severe form of intellectual handicap. Females
may also be affected but generally have a mild form of
impairment. Premutation carriers are more common and
Environmental Risk Factors
there is some evidence to suggest that they may sometimes
manifest phenotypic abnormalities, such as learning difficul- Early theories proposed that autism was a consequence of
ties and possible autism (Aziz et al., 2003; Hagerman, 2006). abnormal rearing of the child by cold, aloof, ‘refrigerator’
The association between both these genetic disorders, yet parents. These and similar psychosocial theories are now
the marked variability in the expression of the autism pheno- discredited. But what evidence is there to implicate specific
type within them, provides an important window into poten- environmental risk factors? At present, it has to be concluded
tial pathophysiological mechanisms that can lead to autism. that there is no compelling evidence that any postulated spe-
Apart from these known genetic disorders, the only other cific environmental risk factor is involved in pathogenesis,
major medical causes of autism currently seen in devel- despite many claims to the contrary. Numerous hypotheses
oped countries comprise various forms of chromosomal have been proposed, concerning the role of a wide range of
400 S. Curran

possible environmental exposures, including infections (pre- der) have also been reported to show elevated rates of autism
natal and postnatal), dietary factors, vaccines and medicines spectrum disorders amongst siblings (Micali, Chakrabarti, &
as well as allergens and toxins (thimerosal, lead, mercury, Fombonne, 2004; Szatmari, Jones et al., 1993).
etc.). Presently, however, none of the research evidence is These studies all support the view that the distinction
very persuasive regarding a role for any of these. The use between some of the subtypes of the pervasive developmen-
of vaccines in early childhood has been particularly contro- tal disorders does not appear to be warranted on behavior
versial over recent years, yet the vast majority of evidence genetic grounds. However, the low absolute rate of pervasive
reported has failed to support the notion that vaccines play a developmental disorders in the relatives of individuals with
significant role in etiology (Rutter 2005; Taylor 2006). Nev- autism spectrum disorders means that formal statistical proof
ertheless, the twin data indicate that nongenetic factors play of the increased familial aggregation of these conditions is
a role in shaping the expression of the phenotype and may often lacking. It is possible, for example, that heterogeneity
play a role in etiology, so nongenetic factors remain to be does exist, but that at the moment we have not yet hit on the
identified. This includes, but not exclusively, environmental right approach to subtyping. Nevertheless, subgroups of per-
risks. We shall return to this issue later. vasive developmental disorders may be meaningful in terms
of distinguishing different degrees of severity.
Apart from the issue of the familial aggregation of
autism spectrum disorders, the original twin study of autism
Current Issues conducted by Folstein and Rutter (1977) raised another
important issue concerning the phenotypic definition of
autism. The principle observation was that the nonautistic
Broadening the Definition of the Autism co-twins of identical twins with autism seem to exhibit more
Phenotype subtle problems in development and educational attainment.
In a series of studies, this possibility has now been more sys-
As well as the evidence that autism is familial, with a sib- tematically investigated. To begin with, detailed evaluation
ling recurrence risk of around 2–4%, a number of fam- of the first-, second- and third-degree relatives of carefully
ily studies have also addressed the question as to whether diagnosed probands with autism was undertaken using
other forms of pervasive developmental disorder aggregate family history study methods. The rates of hypothetically
in the families of individuals with autism. Thus, in the fam- linked impairments in social interaction, communication
ily study conducted by Bolton and his colleagues, the rate of and play behaviors were evaluated and compared with
other pervasive developmental disorders such as Asperger’s the rates in a controlled group of relatives of individuals
syndrome and atypical autism and other PDDs was found with Down’s syndrome due to trisomy 21. The findings,
to be 2.9% which is higher than the population rate for illustrated in Fig. 27.1, clearly demonstrated that the siblings
these conditions (Bolton, Macdonald et al., 1994). Rates of of individuals with autism were at increased risk for social
Asperger’s syndrome have also been reported to be elevated communication impairments and restricted and repetitive
in the first-degree relatives of children with autism compared patterns of interests and activities that extended well beyond
with children with other neuropsychiatric disorders and typ- the traditional diagnostic boundaries of the pervasive devel-
ically developing children (Gillberg, Gillberg, & Steffen- opmental disorders. A narrow definition of this broadened
burg, 1992). phenotypic concept was defined as a combination of impair-
A few studies have looked at the familiality of autism ments in any two of the three key, operationally defined
spectrum disorders in the relatives of individuals with
Asperger’s syndrome. Thus, Ghaziuddin and colleagues 25
(Ghaziuddin, 2005) investigated a sample of 58 children with
Asperger’s syndrome and compared them to a group of chil-
dren with high functioning autism. They found that 5% of 15
the Asperger’s syndrome probands had a first-degree rela- 10 Autism Families
tive with Asperger’s syndrome, a rate that is also likely to
5 Down Families
be higher than the rate in the general population (Ghaziud-
din, 2005). A similar elevation in the rates of autism spec- 0
Autism Autism Narrow Broad
trum disorders in the families of individuals with Asperger’s /PDD
syndrome was reported by Gillberg and Cederlund (2005). Phenotypic Definition
Family studies of children with autism spectrum disorders Fig. 27.1 Rates of impairments in social interaction, communication
(i.e., children with autism or Asperger’s syndrome or atypi- and play behaviors in siblings of subjects with autism compared to sib-
cal autism or other forms of pervasive developmental disor- lings of subjects with Down’s syndrome
27 Genetics of Autism 401

domains (social, communication, interest patterns/repetitive probands with autism were much more likely to exhibit these
behaviors). Around 12% or so of siblings exhibited impairments than female relatives.
impairments in a combination of these areas. Relaxing the The evidence for broadening the phenotypic definition
definition of the phenotype further, to include impairments beyond the traditional diagnostic boundaries of autism has
in just one of these domains, led to an estimated rate of been a key advance and has led to a number of re-
this broader phenotype in over 20% of siblings of children conceptualization of diagnostic criteria and approaches to
with autism. The comparable rate in the siblings of Down’s classification. In addition, it has raised the important ques-
syndrome children was around 5% (Bolton, Macdonald tion as to what elements comprise this broader phenotype
et al., 1994). Since then, a number of other family studies and where the boundaries of the phenotype should be drawn.
have confirmed that the relatives of individuals with autism Some more in-depth studies of the features of the broader
spectrum disorders are at increased risk from subtle impair- phenotype have indicated difficulties in the formation of
ments in social communication skills and unusual interest friendships and intimate, confiding relationships (Le Couteur
patterns (Baron-Cohen, Wheelwright, Skinner, Martin, & et al., 1996; Piven et al., 1997a, 1997b; Szatmari, Volkmar,
Clubley, 2001; Bishop, Maybery, Maley et al., 2004; Bishop, & Walter, 1995). In the communication domain, impairments
Maybery, Wong, Maley, & Hallmayer, 2006; Constantino, in the pragmatics of communication (understanding and
Lajonchere et al., 2006; Piven, Palmer, Jacobi, Childress, & responding to the needs of the listener in communication)
Arndt, 1997a, 1997b; Szatmari, MacLean et al., 2000). have also been found to characterize the broader phenotype
Although the use of Down’s syndrome controls and other (Landa, Folstein, & Isaacs, 1991; Landa, Piven et al., 1992).
contrast groups in the family studies that have been reported The evidence regarding other aspects of language develop-
to date have demonstrated that the familial liability to this ment and function has not been studied in much depth, but
broader phenotype is largely specific to autism, the basis of it appears that phonological short-term memory does not
the familiality of these more subtle impairments can only show the same familiality observed in normal and language-
be addressed formally using the twin study methodology. disordered families (Bishop, Maybery, Wong et al., 2004).
Accordingly, the original set of twins studied by Folstein From a conceptual stance, it makes intuitive sense that the
and Rutter and a new sample of twins born in the UK since phenotype should include autistic-like impairments, but var-
the original twin study were investigated, using comparable ious other lines of evidence have raised the question as
methods of assessment undertaken in the family study by to whether other psychiatric disorders or personality differ-
Bolton and colleagues (Bailey et al., 1995). The results of ences may also stem from the genetic liability to autism.
this study are illustrated in Fig. 27.2. The findings clearly The issue with regard to other psychiatric disorders was also
demonstrated that as the definition of the phenotype was suc- investigated in the families studied by Bolton, Macdonald
cessively broadened and relaxed to include more and more et al. (1994). Systematic and standardized evaluations of psy-
subtle impairments, the concordance rates in the MZ twins chiatric disorder were undertaken using the lifetime version
steadily increased whereas the concordance rates in the DZ of the Schedule for Affective Disorders and Schizophrenia
twin pairs changed to a very limited extent (Bailey, et al., in addition to family history methods (Bolton, Pickles, Mur-
1995). The implications were clear: the genetic liability to phy, & Rutter, 1998). Contrary to earlier speculations that
autism confers a risk for a broader range of impairments in autism might reflect a form of early-onset psychotic disorder
social communication skills and unusual patterns of interests of childhood, there was no suggestion of an increased rate
and activities. As with previous research on the genetic epi- of schizophrenia or other psychoses in the families of the
demiology of autism it was also evident that male relatives of children with autism compared with the Down’s syndrome
control families. There was however evidence for increased
familial aggregation of affective disorders including anxi-
90 ety and depression. However, the pattern of findings did not
% Concordant

clearly suggest that these affective disturbances constituted

60 MZ Twins part of the broader phenotype. Rather, the results raised the
50 DZ Twins possibility that the increased propensity of relatives to suffer
from these problems reflected the stresses and demands of
20 raising a child with a serious developmental disorder (Bolton,
10 Pickles et al., 1998). The question could not be resolved
Autism Autism Narrow Broad entirely in that investigation and warrants further study in the
/PDD future. Interestingly, in this and other studies, the relatives of
Phenotypic Definition people with autism appeared to be at a greater risk of devel-
Fig. 27.2 Concordance rates in MZ and DZ twins according to defini- oping obsessive compulsive disorders (Bolton, Macdonald
tions of the autism phenotype
402 S. Curran

et al., 1994; Micali et al., 2004; Wilcox, Tsuang, Schnurr, in the proband, most clearly amongst those probands that
& Braida-Fragoso 2003). had useful speech (Bolton, Macdonald et al., 1994; Pickles
Studies of the personality attributes of the relatives of et al., 2000) and the reports that severity is correlated in
autistic children have also been undertaken. The results of affected sibling pairs (Spiker, Lotspeich, Dimiceli, Myers, &
one of the more comprehensive study indicated that first- Risch, 2002). These finding are broadly consistent with the
degree relatives were significantly more anxious, impulsive, predictions of the multi-factorial threshold model. However,
aloof, shy, oversensitive, irritable and eccentric than controls intriguingly, in the family studies that have examined the
(Murphy et al., 2000). Factor analysis of this data suggested issue, there was no evidence that the less frequently affected
that the personality attributes fell into three main areas: sex (females) were at higher liability for autism spectrum
withdrawn, tense and difficult (Murphy, et al.). Other studies disorders (Bolton, Macdonald et al., 1994; Pickles, et al.).
of the personality traits of relatives have also supported
the notion that certain personality styles seem to be more
common in parents and first-degree relatives of children with
autism, although the precise pattern of findings has not been Dimensions Versus Categories
entirely consistent (Narayan, Moyes, & Wolff 1990; Piven,
Wzorek et al.,1994; Piven et al.). In some respects it seems Another issue raised by the findings of a broader autism
that the associated personality traits probably represent the phenotype concerns the conceptualization of the autism
adult expression of the social and communication difficulties spectrum disorders and whether they are best considered
and unusual interest patterns that have been reported in as categorically distinct or whether they represent the
siblings early in their development (Murphy et al., 2000). extreme end of normally distributed traits. In support
of the dimensional conceptualization, a number of
questionnaire-based studies of families of individuals
with autism spectrum disorders and investigations of general
Variable Expression population-based samples have indicated that autistic-like
traits are ‘quasi’normally distributed in the general popu-
Another key question raised by the evidence for a broader lation and that the distribution amongst siblings is shifted
phenotype of autism concerns the determinants of the vari- upwards, partway between the general population mean and
ation in phenotypic manifestation. The data to answer this the mean for individuals with autism spectrum disorders
question are limited and the findings are somewhat difficult (Bishop, Maybery, Wong, Maley, & Hallmayer, 2006;
to interpret. First, it is clear that amongst identical twins, one Constantino, Lajonchere et al., 2006; Constantino &
twin may have severe autism yet the co-twin may just exhibit Todd, 2003, 2005). Moreover, the distribution in the sibs of
subtle signs of the broader phenotype (Bailey et al., 1995). To autism spectrum disorder probands does not appear to be
this extent, the same genetic liability can be associated with bimodal in form, although the numbers of individuals are too
marked variation in phenotypic expression. The question still small for a definitive conclusion about this. These findings
remains, however, as to whether more severely affected indi- raised the important question as to whether or not the factors
viduals are more likely to have more affected relatives who that determine variation in autistic-like traits within the
are more severely affected, as predicted by the multi-factorial normal range are involved in the etiology of autism spectrum
threshold model. Le Couteur and colleagues studied MZ disorder. As yet, a definitive answer is not available and will
twin pairs concordant for a diagnosis of an autism spectrum only come once susceptibility genes for autism are identified
disorder. They found no evidence for greater within- than (Ronald, Happe, Bolton et al., 2006).
between-twin-pair similarity for the autism phenotype,
suggesting that symptom severity is not correlated with
liability and that differences in clinical manifestations are
not an indication of genetic heterogeneity (Le Couteur Compound Phenotypes
et al., 1996). The number of twin pairs was, however, small
and the power of the study limited. By contrast however a Although the classic syndrome of autism is characterized by
more recent study found significantly reduced within-family a combination of impairments in reciprocal social interac-
variants for all the main domains of the autism phenotype in tion and communication, coupled with restricted and stereo-
their study of MZ twin pairs (Kolevzon, Smith, Schmeidler, typed patterns of behavior and interest, there has been a long-
Buxbaum, & Silverman, 2004). These latter findings are standing interest in the nature of the relationship between
more in keeping with the evidence from the family study these different aspects of the syndrome. Quite a few inves-
data, where familiality of the broader autism phenotype tigations have been undertaken in an attempt to examine
was correlated with the severity of the autistic symptoms the relationship. For the most part, the reports examining
27 Genetics of Autism 403

this question have represented secondary analyses of data et al., 2003). The authors undertook a confirmatory factor
collected for other purposes and as a consequence there are analysis which produced a first factor that explained a large
inevitable difficulties with the interpretation of the findings. proportion of the variance (Constantino, Gruber et al., 2004).
This is perhaps particularly the case with respect to the inves- In general the findings were interpreted as supporting the
tigation of multiplex families collected and recruited for the notion of there being a unitary factor. It must be noted
purpose of molecular genetic linkage studies. The problem however that the social responsiveness scale predominantly
lies in the fact that selection bias could have a very signif- includes items that are about social behaviors, and there
icant impact on the results. Moreover, the investigation of are relatively few items that tap into other aspects of the
clinically defined populations gives rise to an inherent prob- triad of impairments. It is of note therefore that somewhat
lem in the circularity of the logic of the argument: examining different results were obtained by an analysis of another
the inter-relationship between the triad of impairments in a questionnaire called the Autism Spectrum Quotient (AQ)
population that is defined by the presence of impairment in which is a self-report measure of autistic symptomatology
all three areas will inevitably lead to considerable restriction for adults. Analysis of data from this questionnaire produced
in the variance in each domain and a high likelihood to con- a 3-factor solution with the factors described as pertaining
clude that the domains are inter-related. to social skills, details and patterns and communication and
The typical approach has usually entailed some form of mind reading abilities (Austin, 2005).
factor analysis of data from clinical samples. In a number Another approach to the issue, that circumvents the pit-
of studies the results have indicated that a large proportion falls of studying clinical groups and the problems associated
of the variance in autistic behaviors loads on an unrotated with low rates of the more severe difficulties in population-
first principle component (Constantino, Gruber et al., 2004; based samples, has been to investigate the factor structure
Szatmari, Merette et al., 2002; Volkmar et al., 1988; Wadden, in the relatives of carefully diagnosed and characterized
Bryson, & Rodger 1991). The results suggest that the triad of children with autism as well as the relatives of individu-
impairments should be construed as a unitary phenomenon. als with other conditions such as Down’s syndrome. The
However, not all studies have found this factor structure, advantage of this strategy is that the samples are not selected
and several other reports have found that between 3- and clinically but they are enriched with individuals at risk for
6-factor solutions provide the best explanation for the data autistic-like impairments (Bolton, Macdonald et al., 1994).
(Berument, Rutter, Lord, Pickles, & Bailey, 1999; DiLalla & The findings from a confirmatory factor analysis supported
Rogers, 1994; Miranda-Linne & Melin 2002; Stella, Mundy, the notion of a hierarchical model with three factors relat-
& Tuchman, 1999; Tadevosyan-Leyfer et al., 2003; Wadden, ing to social impairments, communication impairments and
et al.). The differences in findings may reflect the differences restrictive repetitive patterns of interest and activity, all of
in the approach to assessment and measurement of the autis- which loaded on one single latent factor pertaining to autism.
tic behaviors as well as the differences between studies in the The disadvantage of this approach was the potential of a
methods of case ascertainment and the age and characteris- reporting bias, because the information regarding the rela-
tics of the populations investigated. tives was obtained from a parent, using the family history
A number of investigators have used cluster analysis as method.
an alternative approach to this question. In general, these Yet another approach to the issue has been to employ
cluster analytic studies have not been particularly informa- more genetically informed approaches, by studying the co-
tive about the relationship between components of the triad segregation of traits according to the degree of genetic resem-
of impairments but a few studies have suggested that symp- blance of relatives. A number of studies have examined the
tom severity may define clusters and that within each group pattern of familial aggregation of aspects of the phenotype.
ordered by severity the children exhibit a combination of A detailed and systematic examination of the question has
social impairments, communication impairments and repet- been undertaken by Ronald et al. (Ronald, Happe, Bolton
itive stereotype behaviors (Constantino, Gruber et al., 2004; et al., 2006; Ronald, Happe, & Plomin, 2005). They studied
Sevin et al., 1995; Spiker et al., 2002; Szatmari, Bartolucci, a large general population cohort of UK twin pairs that were
& Bremner, 1989; Waterhouse et al., 1996). originally recruited at 18 months and that have then been
Two studies have used factor analytic approaches to studied over the intervening years using a number of different
look at the structure of the triad in the general population. assessment tools. When they reach the age of 8 years, the
Although this strategy has the benefits of less bias and parents were sent the CAST (Williams et al., 2005) ques-
larger sample size it is inevitably constrained by the fact tionnaire (childhood Asperger’s syndrome test). This test
that very few individuals in the general population will be was developed for primary school-age children and covers
scoring in the clinical range. The first reports represented a number of autistic-like traits. The strength of using a twin
results from the social responsiveness scale which is a sample for this purpose was that it allowed for multivariate
measure of autistic-like traits (Constantino, Davis model fitting to test the extent to which different compo-
404 S. Curran

Males/females The reported recurrence risk for autism amongst siblings

rph= phenotypic
of 2–4% taken with the early prevalence estimates for autism
Impairments in
of 2–4/10,000 led to the view that the relative risk to sib-
social interaction rg = genetic
correlation lings (λs) was 50–100 fold higher than the rate in the general
rph = .38 rph = .23
population. This estimate suggested that traditional molec-
ular linkage investigations of affected sib pairs should have
rg = .42/.3 rg = .0/.0
a fair chance of identifying susceptibility genes. However,
now that recent epidemiological studies have shown that the
Communication Rigidity, prevalence is much higher, it is clear that λs was significantly
Lack of flexibility overestimated. It is hard to accurately estimate λs from the
ph = 0.38
currently available data, because reported prevalence rates
rg = .91/.90
in siblings may be biased by stoppage effects and the gen-
Ronald, A., Happé, F., Bolton, P., Butcher, L. M., Price, T. S., Wheelwright, eral population rates vary considerably by time, place and
S., Baron-Cohen, S. & Plomin, R. (2006).
method. As a result, the range of estimates is wide and the
Fig. 27.3 Population survey of autistic traits; phenotype- genotype cor- confidence interval broad, but it now seems that λs is more
relations in dimensional autistic traits
likely to lie somewhere from 5 to 25. This might partly
explain why studies in the largest samples so far reported
have failed to identify strong linkage signals (Yonan, Alarcon
nents of the phenotype had distinct as well as shared genetic et al., 2003).
and environmental risk factors. The results of this study are The published twin studies of autism have not been
summarized in Fig. 27.3. The findings are noteworthy for amenable or subjected to contemporary model fitting
showing that each component of the autism phenotype was approaches, partly because the samples were too small in size
highly heritable, but that the phenotypic and genetic corre- and highly selected. Nevertheless, all the studies have indi-
lations between the different triad of impairments were rel- cated a very high MZ concordance rate (although less than
atively modest (Ronald, Happe, Bolton et al., 2006). The 100%) and a DZ concordance rate that, in the more rigorous
findings supported the notion that the autism phenotype studies, was less than half the MZ concordance rate. Indeed,
is more complex than a unitary model would suggest and as far as it was possible to tell with such small samples,
that there may be a need to search for genetic susceptibil- the rate of autism in DZ co-twins appears to be no greater
ity loci that relate to different components of the pheno- than the sibling recurrence rate (Bailey et al., 1995; Folstein
type as well as for loci that contribute to all aspects of the and Rutter, 1977; Ritvo, Freeman et al., 1985; Steffenburg
syndrome. et al., 1989; ). The findings therefore indicate that heritability
is very high and that the involvement of shared environmen-
tal risk factors is unlikely. The results have also suggested the
presence of epistasis (gene–gene interaction). This represents
Heterogeneity and Genetic Architecture another challenge for molecular genetic studies.
Three twin studies of autistic-like traits in general popu-
There is clear evidence of etiological and genetic heterogene- lation samples of twins have been published, and they have
ity in autism spectrum disorder (cf. tuberous sclerosis, fragile been analyzed using multivariate model fitting approaches.
X, chromosome abnormalities); however, the extent of het- All have found that the large majority of the variance is
erogeneity is unknown and this potentially possesses a major attributable to genetic factors and two have found no evi-
challenge in the search for susceptibility genes. The limited dence for a shared environmental contribution (Constantino,
available behavior genetic data have suggested that the pres- Hudziak, & Todd, 2003; Constantino & Todd, 2003; Ronald,
ence of useful speech may index heterogeneity (Bolton, Mac- Happe, Bolton et al., 2006; Ronald, Happe, & Plomin, 2005;
donald et al., 1994; Pickles et al., 2000) and this possibility Scourfield, McGuffin, & Thapar, 1997). In the largest study
is partly supported by evidence suggesting that linkage sig- to date (Ronald, Happe, Bolton, et al.), there was some indi-
nals differ when sib pairs without speech are analyzed sep- cation of nonadditive genetic effects. Defries–Fulker extreme
arately (Alarcon, Cantor, Liu, Gilliam, & Geschwind, 2002; analysis of these data suggested that the pattern of findings
Buxbaum, Silverman, Smith, Kilifarski, et al., 2001). Other was similar at the extreme of the distribution, although the
putative markers of heterogeneity include the presence of DZ twin correlations were lower at the extremes. However,
minor congenital anomalies (Pickles, et al., 2000), savant as outlined above, the findings also suggested that the genetic
skills (Nurmi, Dowd et al., 2003) and repetitive compulsive and environmental influences for the three main components
behaviors/insistence on sameness (Shao et al., 2003; Sutcliffe of the triad differed (Ronald, Happe, Bolton et al., 2006).
et al., 2005).
27 Genetics of Autism 405

Molecular Genetics the moment, the results can only be considered as partially
The evidence from the behavior genetic analyses for strong
genetic determination of autism has prompted a large number
of molecular genetic studies aimed at identifying susceptibil- Imprinted Genes
ity genes. Genome-wide linkage scans of multiplex autism
families have identified several genomic regions that may
harbor susceptibility genes, and across studies there is some Analysis of linkage data has indicated the parent of ori-
emerging convergence in findings. Evidence for linkage on gin effects and hence the possibility that imprinted sus-
7q and 2q has been amongst the more consistent findings, but ceptibility genes may be involved in etiology (i.e., genes
there is also suggestive evidence of linkage on 3q, 16p, 17q being expressed preferentially from either father or mother).
and 13q (Veenstra-VanderWeele & Cook 2004). Guided by Further support for this notion has come from evidence
these and other findings, positional candidate genetic asso- that maternally rather than paternally derived duplications
ciation studies have been conducted and a number of pos- of chromosome 15q11-13 seem to be associated with an
itive association have been reported. For the most part, the increased risk for autism spectrum disorder (Bolton, Dennis
findings remain largely unreplicated at present, but associ- et al., 2001; Cook et al., 1997; Milner et al., 2005; Vorstman
ation with markers in gamma-aminobutyric acid GABAA et al., 2006). Genes that are maternally or possibly mater-
receptor subunit genes (Ashley-Koch et al., 2006; Curran nally expressed in this region, such as UBE3A and GABRB3,
et al., 2006; McCauley et al., 2004) and the serotonin (5-HT) have been implicated (Buxbaum, Silverman, Smith, Green-
pathway genes are beginning to be replicated (e.g., Ashley- berg, et al., 2002; Curran et al., 2006; McCauley et al., 2004;
Koch, et al.; Betancur et al., 2002; Curran, Purcell, Craig, Nurmi, Amin et al., 2003; Nurmi, Bradford et al., 2001).
Asherson, & Sham, 2005; Kim et al., 2002; Klauck, Poustka, Based on these data and studies of postmortem brain tissue, a
Benner, Lesch, & Poustka, 1997; McCauley, et al.; Mulder, mixed epigenetic and genetic model for autism has been pro-
Anderson, Anderson, Kema, Brugman et al., 2005; Sutcliffe posed with both de novo and inherited contributions (Jiang
et al., 2005). Whilst these results have not yet identified et al., 2004).
a single causative mutation of major effect, they do impli-
cate these pathways in the genetic underpinnings of autism.
Another approach has been to study genes disrupted in the
Environmental Risks
cases of autism with rare co-occurring cytogenetic abnormal-
ities (Castermans, Wilquet, Parthoens et al., 2003; Vorstman
et al., 2006). This approach has helped identify neuroligin Although in general no clear environmental risk factors have
genes (Jamain et al., 2003) and the neurobeachin gene (Cast- been implicated in etiology, there is evidence that extreme
ermans, Wilquet, Steyaert et al., 2004). Is there any evidence early deprivation, as experienced by, for example, Romanian
that different aspects of the autism phenotype are determined orphans, may give rise to ‘quasi’autistic-like traits (Rutter,
by different susceptibility genes? At this stage there are rel- Andersen-Wood et al., 1999). In addition, there is some evi-
atively limited data to answer this question, because most dence to suggest that severe early-onset epilepsy may be an
of the evidence comes from linkage studies which can only intrinsic environmental risk factor (Bolton, Park et al., 2002;
provide an indirect support for the idea. Nevertheless, a num- Humphrey, Neville, Clarke, & Bolton, 2006). In neither case,
ber of linkage scans which have been reported have under- however, do these factors play a role in the vast majority of
taken subsidiary analyses to see whether or not the strength cases of autism spectrum disorder.
and pattern of the linkage signal are correlated with differ-
ent features/traits. There is some suggestion that this may
be the case with reports that linkage signals are increased in
Future Directions
certain regions when the analyses focus on more obsessive
compulsive features of autism and in different regions when
one focuses more on language and communication impair- First, it is clear that more genetic epidemiological research
ments (Alarcon et al., 2002; Buxbaum, Silverman, Smith, is required in order to clarify questions concerning the
Kilifarski, et al., 2001; Nurmi, Dowd et al., 2003; Shao genetic architecture of autism. These will need to investigate
et al., 2003; Sutcliffe et al., 2005). However, many of these population-based samples and to integrate molecular with
analyses were not predicated on strong a priori grounds, and behavior genetic approaches. An obvious gap at present is the
linkage studies of relatively small samples are notoriously absence of any adoption studies of autism spectrum disorders
sensitive to minor changes in phenotypic definition, so for or autistic-like traits. In addition, however, twin and family
406 S. Curran

studies of autism spectrum disorders and the broader pheno- advances in bioinformatics (Yonan, Palmer et al., 2003) will
type are required, as our current knowledge is almost entirely help identify the network of genes that create the risk for
based on studies of more traditionally defined autism. Some autism. In addition, further investigations of the mechanisms
caution is needed here, because it is evident that the cur- that give rise to autism spectrum disorder in individuals with
rent findings may be sensitive to the measurement properties known Mendelian disorders will compliment these studies
of the instruments used for assessing the phenotype and, in and throw light on developmental processes.
addition, there is still a good deal of uncertainty concerning Fourth, it is evident that there is a need to identify the
the elements that make up the trait(s). As such, further work nongenetic factors that are involved in risk and variable
on the development of measurement tools will be required. expression of the phenotype. A number of large-scale epi-
In particular, it will be necessary to develop measures that demiological case–control (Hertz-Picciotto et al., 2006) and
gather information from different informants and sources cohort studies are underway that should help test various
(parents, teachers, etc.). Moreover, these studies will have environmental risk theories, but this line of enquiry is limited
to adopt more developmental perspectives on the phenotype, by the lack of any strong guiding principles to help narrow
which changes over time in the nature of its expression. One the field of search.
obvious area for behavior genetics research in this regard Fifth, one of the major unexplained enigmas of autism
will be to examine the inter-relationship between correlated spectrum disorders concerns the explanation for the sex
features of the phenotype longitudinally, such as language differences in prevalence. An explanation for this would
development (Dworzhinsky et al., 2007) and imitation skills represent a major step forward, but at present it remains
(McEwen et al., 2007), in order to explore the basis for the rather elusive with no clear evidence to implicate any fac-
ontogeny of associations. tor, although X-linked genes (Jamain et al., 2003) and fetal
Second, there is a need to investigate the potential of testosterone levels have been proposed to account for the
various putative endophenotypes in autism and related traits differences (Knickmeyer, Baron-Cohen, Fane et al., 2006;
in order to clarify unresolved issues about the nature of Knickmeyer, Baron-Cohen, Raggatt, Taylor, & Hackett,
the genetic architecture and pathophysiological processes. 2006).
Endophenotypes are conceptualized as phenotypes that are A sixth area for future research will be animal studies.
more proximal to the underlying biological processes of At present, a behavioral model of autism in animals has not
more distal behavioral measures. They are traits that share been convincingly demonstrated. This is not surprising given
a substantial genetic component with a clinical disorder, that the condition is primarily characterized by abnormal-
but which are also found in apparently unaffected relatives ities in social behavior and communication. A number of
(Gottesman & Gould 2003; Gould & Gottesman 2006). studies of potentially relevant traits are being investigated
Studying the inheritance of endophenotypes can increase the in animal models, but it is too early to tell how informative
power to detect the genes involved and clarify the pathways they will be in furthering our understanding of the human
leading from genetic predisposition to clinical disorder. condition. Much more fruitful and promising at the moment,
Candidate endophenotypes for ASD are neurocognitive however, are the investigations of animals with gene muta-
differences in executive function, theory of mind abilities tions that are implicated in the etiology of autism (e.g.,
and central coherence (Baron-Cohen, 1992; Baron-Cohen fragile X; Mineur, Huynh, & Crusio, 2006). As the genetic
& Hammer, 1997; Briskman, Happe, Frith, 2001; Happe, architecture of autism becomes clearer and susceptibility
Briskman, & Frith, 2001; Hughes, Plumet, & Leboyer, 1999; genes are identified, investigations of their role in brain and
Hughes et al., 1997; Ozonoff, Rogers, Farnham, & behavioral development in animals will provide fundamental
Pennington, 1993; Piven & Palmer 1997; Szatmari, insights into pathophysiological mechanisms. Patrick Bolton
Jones et al., 1993); neuroanatomical brain changes (as was supported by the UK NIHR Biomedical Research Cen-
identified by in vivo neuroimaging, e.g., McAlonan tre for Mental Health at the Institute of Psychiatry, Kings
et al., 2005) and neurochemical measures of platelet College London and The South London and Maudsley NHS
serotonin (Mulder, Anderson, Kema, de Bildt et al., 2004; Foundation Trust.
Perry, Cook, Leventhal, Wainwright, & Freedman,1991).
Neurophysiological measures may also hold promise (Grice,
Halit et al., 2005; Grice, Spratling et al., 2001). References
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underway, addressing the problems of the earlier underpow- Alarcon, M., Cantor, R. M., Liu, J., Gilliam, T. C., & Geschwind, D. H.
ered studies. Recently, these have identified copy number (2002). Evidence for a language quantitative trait locus on chromo-
variation as a potential risk factor for ASD and coupled with some 7q in multiplex autism families. American Journal of Human
Genetics, 70(1), 60–71.
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(Cook & Scherer, 2008). These approaches, coupled with Menold, M. M., et al. (2006). An analysis paradigm for investigating
27 Genetics of Autism 407

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Chapter 28

Genetics of Smoking Behavior

Richard J. Rose, Ulla Broms, Tellervo Korhonen, Danielle M. Dick, and Jaakko Kaprio

Introduction ioral and mental disorders. And as is true for the initiation
and escalation of drinking, smoking patterns illustrate gene–
The public health significance of sustained smoking is diffi- environment interactions and correlations. For such reasons,
cult to overstate. Worldwide, every other current smoker will smoking behaviors invite behavior genetic study. This chap-
prematurely die from tobacco-related diseases (Doll, Peto, ter offers an overview of that research with a focus on recent
Wheatley, Gray, & Sutherland, 1994; Neubauer et al., 2006). twin studies and with illustrations drawn from research con-
Should current trends continue, annual deaths attributable ducted within Finland.
to smoking will exceed 10 million by 2025 (Mackay, Finland offers an ideal living laboratory for such study.
Eriksen, & Shafey, 2006). Persistent smoking is the most Finland maintains a Population Register Center (PRC) into
preventable cause of disability and death; it is associated which each newborn is added with a unique identifier code
with wide-ranging adverse health effects, including heart dis- that incorporates date of birth and a link to the biolog-
ease, pulmonary disease, and lung and other cancers (Doll, ical mother. The PRC updates information on residential
Peto, Boreham, & Sutherland, 2005; Risch et al., 1993) addresses of all citizens, so Finnish twins from a given
in both industrialized and developing countries (Mackay, birth cohort can be exhaustively identified and followed
et al.). throughout their lives. Loss to follow-up is minimized by
Smoking behaviors aggregate in families and in peer net- individualized linkage of each Finn to health and institutional
works, due to genetic dispositions and familial and extra- outcome registries. Neither incomplete ascertainment nor
familial environmental influences. In a recent study of adult self-selection biases create inescapable problems. Finns have
twins, achieving a high school education halved the likeli- a long history of participation in nationwide epidemiological
hood of persistent smoking, parental smoking almost dou- research, encouraging extended twin designs including those
bled it and having an MZ co-twin who ever smoked increased that use classrooms containing twins and families of twins
the likelihood nearly 10-fold (Hamilton et al., 2006). Smok- as sampling units. These and other aspects of Finnish soci-
ing, like drinking, may be understood within a developmen- ety make it a superb setting for twin studies (Rose, 2006),
tal framework – behavior for which precursors are found including those directed to smoking.
in early childhood with causal modifiers evident throughout One in four Finnish adults (26% of men, 18% of women)
lifetime. Risk of nicotine dependence is conditional on initi- is a daily smoker (Helakorpi, Patja, Prättälä, & Uutela, 2005).
ating smoking; some at high risk never smoke, and the factors Smoking among Finns at ages 15–16 is more prevalent
underlying individual differences in smoking initiation, like than in most other European societies. And in Finland, as
those underlying drinking/abstaining, are multiple in nature elsewhere, smoking patterns show within-culture variation
and include factors outside, as well as within, family house- across levels of education, income, and social status (Giskes
holds. A developmental perspective is necessary to appre- et al., 2005; Helakorpi, Patja, Prättälä, & Uutela, 2007).
ciate the associations of smoking behaviors with drinking, Intervention efforts have had little effect in reducing smok-
with other patterns of substance use/abuse, and with behav- ing within some SES groups and larger effects within
others. Smoking prevalence remains unchanged in some
Western countries (Giskes, et al.), and within-culture
R.J. Rose (B) variation across age, birth cohort, and gender is com-
Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences, Indiana University, mon (Cavelaars et al., 2000; Platt, Amos, Gnich, &
Bloomington; Department of Public Health, University of Helsinki, Parry, 2002; Regidor, Gutierrez-Fisac, Calle, Navarro, &
Finland Dominguez, 2001). In some Western societies, the preva-
e-mail: rose@indiana.edu
lence of smoking is decreasing among both men and women

Y.-K. Kim (ed.), Handbook of Behavior Genetics, 411

DOI 10.1007/978-0-387-76727-7 28,  c Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2009
412 R. J. Rose et al.

of advantaged socioeconomic status; such change is evident ing initiation. Pharmacological factors become of increasing
in the United States and in Finland and its Nordic neighbors. importance relative to social factors in maintaining smoking
behavior once regular smoking becomes more established.
Behavior genetic research has defined smoking initiation
Smoking Behaviors (SI) in several ways: age of onset of regular smoking (how-
ever defined), age of initial experimentation (first puff on a
We begin with a brief overview of the multiple ways phe- cigarette), or lifetime ever/never smoking, but with varying
notypes of smoking behavior and nicotine dependence are requirements of what constitutes “regular” smoking; under
defined and assessed for research purposes. In the research some definitions “chippers” and very infrequent smokers are
literature, the development of nicotine dependence is studied classified along with those who have never initiated.
within the context of reward mechanisms, the development of
tolerance, difficulty in smoking cessation even among those
motivated to attempt it, and withdrawal effects. Persistent Smoking

Similarly, there are multiple definitions for smoking persis-

Smoking Initiation tence (SP): quantity measures (number of cigarettes smoked
per day), current tobacco use, or even nicotine depen-
In Finland, most experimental smoking is initiated dur- dence according to standard DSM criteria. About one in
ing ages 11–15 (Rimpelä, Rainio, Pere, Lintonen, & five Finnish adolescents is a daily smoker, a prevalence
Rimpelä, 2005). The typical self-report of initial experience only slightly less than that among Finnish adults. Among
is in taking a couple of puffs and then, often, an entire young men (15–24 years old), 21% are daily smokers and
cigarette (Lerman & Berrettini, 2003), usually with peers. an additional 9% smoke on occasion; patterns are similar
Those who experience positive subjective (and often, social) (18 and 8%) among age-matched Finnish women (Helako-
effects and find it rewarding in biological, social, and/or psy- rpi et al., 2007). In research with such regular smokers,
chosocial ways are those who will continue smoking and a frequently used marker of dependence is daily cigarette
escalate to become regular users. And as smoking continues, consumption, on the assumption that the more cigarettes
acute effects of nicotine accompany the influence of social smoked per day, the more difficult the smoker will find
factors in reinforcing smoking behavior and dispositional it to stop. But matters may be more complicated, for
differences in susceptibility to nicotine dependency become a monotonic relationship between smoking quantity and
evident (Lerman & Berrettini). adverse health outcomes is not always observed. Smoking
Environmental influences of smoking among fam- behaviors include frequency and duration of puffs, dura-
ily members (de Vries, Engels, Kremers, Wetzels, & tion of inhalation/exhalation, lung retention time, and it
Mudde, 2003; Kestilä et al., 2006; Sasco, Merrill, Benhaim- may be nicotine dose, rather than the number of cigarettes
Luzon, Gerard, & Freyer, 2003), peers and friends of smoked per day that is more important. A high level of
same age (Johnson et al., 2002; Vink, Willemsen, & nicotine intake should foster more pronounced neuronal
Boomsma, 2003), and social and cultural context are clearly adaptation, may reflect a greater constitutional need for
important in starting to smoke (Flay, Petraitis, & Hu, 1999; nicotine and a more readily learned, extinction-resistant
Lerman & Berrettini, 2003). Smoking initiation is influenced behavior. Whatever the mechanism(s), there is clear evi-
by imitative modeling effects from peers, but analyses of dence that those who smoke more cigarettes per day are
peer affiliation among young Finnish twins illustrate active less likely able to stop (Etter, Duc, & Perneger, 1999;
selection processes (assortative pairing) in their friendship Hymowitz et al., 1997; Kaprio & Koskenvuo, 1988;
choices made at ages 11–12 (Rose, 2002; Rose, 2007), so Senore et al., 1998). Evidence (Broms, Silventoinen,
these effects are not exclusively passive. Very large between- Lahelma, Koskenvuo, & Kaprio, 2004; DiFranza, Savageau,
school differences in smoking rates and correlations for Fletcher, Ockene et al., 2002; DiFranza, Savageau, Fletcher,
smoking initiation among unrelated school classmates (Rose, O’Loughlin et al., 2007) suggests that nicotine dependence
Viken et al., 2003; Siddiqui, Hedeker, Flay, & Hu, 1996) symptoms can develop soon after initiation and that these
underscore the importance of extra-familial environmental symptoms may lead to smoking intensification.
effects. DiFranza and colleagues (2002) showed that approxi-
Genetically influenced dispositional differences in tem- mately 20% of adolescents reported nicotine dependence
perament and personality are relevant also to smoking symptoms within 1 month of initiating regular smoking.
initiation; research indicates that greater inattentiveness Adolescent smokers quickly learn to appreciate the reward-
(Barman, Pulkkinen, Kaprio, & Rose, 2004) and neuroticism ing effects of nicotine and become skilled at manipulating
(Terracciano & Costa, 2004) associate with earlier smok- dosage. A recent study (Rubinstein, Thompson, Benowitz,
28 Genetics of Smoking Behavior 413

Shiffman, & Moscicki, 2007) concluded that adolescents return to smoking. Relapse rates among those initially suc-
may be more sensitive to nicotine effects than adults ceeding decline over time but remain substantial for some
(a concern mirroring that for age differences in acute sen- years: about 50% of those abstinent for 6 weeks relapse by
sitivity to ethanol), and some adolescents may develop 6 months, and 20% of those abstinent for 6 months relapse
dependence with low levels of nicotine: perhaps 70% of by 1 year (Stapleton, 1998). There is evidence that 30–50%
adolescent smokers have tried to quit but only 10% suc- of those abstinent for 1 year will relapse by 5 years (Sta-
ceed (Lerman & Berrettini, 2003; Prokhorov, Pallonen, Fava, pleton; Blondal, Gudmundsson, Olafsdottir, Gustavsson, &
Ding, & Niaura, 1996). Westin, 1999). Six of ten Finnish smokers report that they
would like to quit smoking (Helakorpi et al., 2007).
Nicotine dependence (ND) as employed in research stud-
ies has had different definitions, as well, changing with new
Nicotine Tolerance diagnostic frameworks and changing as new instruments for
epidemiological assessment become available. For ND, how-
Smoking may produce a pleasant feeling almost immedi- ever, explicit evaluation of informative phenotypic definition
ately. Within seconds after starting to smoke a cigarette, for genetic research has begun (Lessov et al., 2004).
nicotine travels through the bloodstream to the brain, caus-
ing changes in brain chemicals that often produce a pleasant
effect. But the effect is short lasting, and smokers usually
need to smoke repeatedly, throughout the day to maintain Demographics of Smoking Behavior
it (O’Brien, Childress, McLellan, & Ehrman, 1992; West & and Nicotine Dependence
Hardy, 2006).
Tolerance refers to adaptation to repeated drug expo-
Developmental Age and Birth Cohort
sure (Benowitz, 1996). Over time, tolerance is signaled by
increased intake of the drug to attain the same effect. Toler-
ance to some of the effects of nicotine develops fairly rapidly Smoking is a developmental phenomenon set within familial,
and several mechanisms are involved. Acute tolerance is school, neighborhood, and cultural contexts. Age variation
illustrated when a few equal doses of nicotine are applied in is critical in understanding development of smoking behav-
close succession, and the later doses have diminished effect ior and nicotine dependence. Adolescents likely experience
(Perkins, Fonte, Sanders, Meeker, & Wilson, 2001). Nicotine similar kinds of withdrawal as do adults if they try to quit.
levels are lowest in the blood of a smoker in the morning and Because attempts may finally be successful, and because the
acute tolerance develops during the day (Le Houezec, 2003). number of quit attempts increases with duration of the smok-
Presumably, tissue resistance to later doses of nicotine in this ing career, cessation rates relate to age (Jarvis, 1997). And
case is due to the persistent occupation of nicotine receptors age at smoking initiation is a risk factor for later dependence.
by nicotine molecules (Perkins, Fonte et al., 2001). Compelling evidence of a strong association between age
Tolerance after quitting is important for preventing at drinking initiation and risk for alcohol dependency has
relapse, but the process is not well understood. The neuronal been reported, and early onset age of smoking appears to
pathways that have been activated earlier are more prone to be an analogous risk factor for ND (Choi, Gilpin, Farkas, &
activate again in the future, because of some facilitation pro- Pierce, 2001).
cess (Leonard & Bertrand, 2001; Perkins, Fonte et al., 2001; The prevalence of adolescent and adult smoking reflects
Perkins, Gerlach, Broge, Fonte, & Wilson, 2001; Perkins, societal and cultural attitudes toward the behavior. Cohort
Gerlach, Broge, Grobe et al., 2001; Perkins, Gerlach, Broge, differences are evident in changes in the prevalence of smok-
Sanders et al., 2001). ing in years subsequent to publicized reports of its adverse
health effects and increasingly common legislative efforts to
prohibit public smoking.

Smoking Cessation

Smoking cessation can be distinguished from smoking Gender

persistence and studied as a separate phenotype. Quitting
is difficult for many smokers, and smoking is a chroni- Gender differences in smoking behaviors and in their risk
cally relapsing behavior. Mark Twain observed that giving factors have been reported. Some of the differences between
up smoking is easy; he had done it a hundred times. Many men and women may make it more difficult for women to
who have sustained long periods of abstinence eventually quit smoking (Perkins, Donny, & Caggiula, 1999). Women
414 R. J. Rose et al.

are not as successful with nicotine replacement therapy, people living alone. Children with smoking parents are
perhaps because of their hypothesized lower sensitivity to more likely to become smokers themselves (Huurre, Aro, &
nicotine (Cepeda-Benito, Reynoso, & Erath, 2004; Shiff- Rahkonen, 2003). Parents caring for children are more likely
man & Paton, 1999). Women tend to worry more about to quit than adults without children (Jarvis, 1996). Marriage
weight gain if they quit smoking (Saarni, Silventoinen, Ris- to a nonsmoker or to an ex-smoker may be associated with
sanen, Sarlio-Lahteenkorva, & Kaprio, 2004), and women an increase in successful cessation.
more often report starting and maintaining smoking as a
way to control weight (Perkins, 2001). Women are encour-
aged not to smoke during pregnancy (Windsor, Boyd, &
Orleans, 1998), and such injunctions likely influence smok- Socioeconomic Status (SES)
ing cessation among fertile women.
Gender differences (Perkins, Sanders, D’Amico, & Wil- Among lower SES groups, smoking has shown little decline
son, 1997) in nicotine discrimination have been reported; in recent years in Finland. Smoking has become increas-
male smokers may be better at discriminating and titrat- ingly associated with lower levels of education and income
ing nicotine doses, so that women’s smoking may be less (Giskes et al., 2005). A 20-year survey of Finnish adults
driven by nicotine reinforcement and more influenced by illustrates this trend: Finns with limited education comprised
other sensory and behavioral effects of smoking (Perkins, the largest group of smokers (Lahelma et al., 1997). Daily
Donny et al., 1999). smoking is found in 27% of Finnish men and 24% of women
Gender differences in smoking vary widely across culture in the lowest education group compared to 19 and 17% in
and over time, but gender differences are narrowest in the the most educated groups (Helakorpi et al., 2007). Chil-
developed countries, while developing countries demonstrate dren of less educated parents are more likely to smoke than
very wide gender gaps (Crofton, 1990; McLellan, 1995). children of better educated parents (Huurre et al., 2003;
Scandinavian countries show nearly equal smoking preva- Kestilä et al., 2006), and non-smoking adolescents were more
lence among men and women (Crofton). While differences likely to reach higher levels of education in early adulthood
in prevalence have shifted over time, differences in smoking (Glendinning, Hendry, & Shucksmith, 1995; Koivusilta,
rate among smokers have not (Shiffman & Paton, 1999). Rimpela, & Vikat, 2003). A review by Haustein (2006)
Some data suggest that women are less nicotine depen- found that tobacco is used more among unemployed people.
dent than men, as measured by standard assessment instru- A Finnish prospective study (Kaprio & Koskenvuo, 1988)
ments such as the Fagerström Scale or FTND (Fagerström found that young adult Finns who had quit smoking during a
et al., 1996). Paradoxically, however, women report more 6-year follow-up period were better educated than those who
severe signs of nicotine withdrawal (Hatsukami, Skoog, continued to smoke, a finding confirmed in a later analyses of
Allen, & Bliss, 1995). Surprisingly, given that women seem- the same cohort (Broms, Silventoinen, Madden et al., 2004).
ingly have lower nicotine dependence, they are, as noted,
less successful with nicotine replacement therapy, a finding
attributed to their hypothesized lower sensitivity to nicotine Early Twin Studies of Smoking Behavior
(Shiffman & Paton, 1999).
The first twin studies of smoking behavior were reported dur-
ing the late 1950s and 1960s as an integral part of ongo-
Family and Context ing debate on the causal role of smoking in lung cancer.
The debate engaged notable statisticians, including R.A.
Family and marital/partner status are contexts in which Fisher, who raised critical argument, in the journal Nature,
smoking behaviors develop. Smoking by family members (de that the first twin cohort studies of smoking and lung can-
Vries et al., 2003; Kestilä et al., 2006; Sasco et al., 2003) and cer demonstrated an association, but had not proven causal-
friends of similar age (de Vries, et al.; Johnson et al., 2002; ity (Fisher, 1958). Fisher argued that studies of smoking-
Sasco, et al.; Vink, Willemsen, Engels, & Boomsma, 2003) discordant twin pairs would provide a test of causality.
influence adolescent smoking initiation. Smoking prevalence Small (Conterio & Chiarelli, 1962; Friberg, Kaij, Dencker,
is very similar among married or cohabiting (23% men, 20% & Jonsson, 1959) and larger sample studies (Cederlöf, 1966;
women) and single (22% men and 20% women) adults, but Cederlöf, Friberg, & Lundman, 1977; Eysenck, 1980;
those separated smoke more (46% men and 35% women) in Friedman, King, Klatsky, & Hulley, 1981; Hannah, Hop-
Finnish data (Helakorpi et al., 2007). Living with a spouse per, & Mathews, 1985 Hrubec, Cederlöf, & Friberg, 1976;
is a predictor of smoking cessation, especially among men Kaprio, Sarna, Koskenvuo, & Rantasalo, 1978; Partanen,
(Broms, Silventoinen, Lahelma, et al., 2004) and a review Bruun, & Markkanen, 1966; Raaschou-Nielsen, 1960),
(Haustein, 2006) shows that tobacco use is greater among reviewed by Kaprio (1984), generally demonstrated that con-
28 Genetics of Smoking Behavior 415

cordance for smoking was higher in MZ pairs than DZ pairs, are more of them and because causal factors in SI are of
but these early studies did not provide quantitative estimates critical importance, given the conditional nature of all other
of heritability. Many of these Nordic and US data sets have smoking behaviors and the association of early onset smok-
been later re-analyzed using more sophisticated analyses ing with elevated risk for ND.
(vida infra). Early twin studies on co-twins reared apart sup- The first entry in Table 28.1 provides a summary of a
ported the general inference of genetic effects (Farber, 1981; meta-analysis of twin studies of SI reported during the 1990’s
Kaprio, Koskenvuo, & Langinvainio, 1984; Shields, 1962); (Li, Cheng, Ma, & Swan, 2003). Included are 17 twin cohorts
other studies of twins reared apart (see also Eaves & from six studies of SI conducted in three countries (Australia,
Eysenck, 1980; Osler, Holst, Prescott, & Sorensen, 2001; Finland, and the USA) in research reported from 1993 to
Sullivan & Kendler, 1999) failed to find substantial famil- 1999. In meta-analysis of the eight cohorts of twin brothers,
ial environmental influences, a finding confirmed in Dan- the weighted estimate of h 2 (mean ± SEM) was 0.37 ± 0.04,
ish adoption data on smoking behavior (Shenassa et al., ranging from 0.11 to 0.64 across cohorts; for the nine cohorts
2003). of twin sisters, estimated h 2 ranged from 0.32 to 0.78 with a
mean of 0.55 ± 0.04. Estimated effects of common environ-
ment varied across these cohorts of male and female twins,
Recent Behavior Genetic Studies of Smoking as well; in half of the cohorts of twin brothers, c2 was esti-
mated at or above 0.5, while a similarly high estimate of c2
Subsequent to these historical studies, larger, population- was found for only one of the cohorts of twin sisters, and in
based samples and new analytic techniques have permit- five of the nine cohorts of female twins, c2 estimates were
ted parameter estimation based on model-fitting genetic and 0.0–0.18. Their meta-analysis led Li et al. to conclude that
environmental effects on smoking behaviors and nicotine genetic factors play a more significant role in smoking initia-
dependence. Many of the newer research studies test multi- tion for adult women than for men, and conversely, that com-
stage models of smoking behaviors to evaluate whether the mon environmental factors have greater impact on SI among
same genetic and environmental factors contribute to various adult men. No significant gender differences were found for
stages of smoking. For example, two-stage models can test effects of e2 on SI.
the extent to which the factors that influence smoking ini- Li et al. included multiple analyses of the same (or over-
tiation also impact smoking persistence. These models can lapping) data sets and, accordingly, their meta-analysis may
be extended to examine overlap of factors influencing smok- have given undue weight to some (e.g., Australian) twin data.
ing initiation, smoking persistence and regular tobacco use, Inferences drawn about gender differences in parameter esti-
and nicotine dependence. Further, multi-stage models can mates may reflect weighted effects of specific samples. Yet,
accommodate the fact that liability for subsequent smoking the major inference drawn from the Li et al. meta-analysis,
dimensions (e.g., regular use, dependence) is unknown for that genetic factors are substantial across culture and gender
individuals who have never initiated smoking. In an early and account for no less than one-third and perhaps one-half
discussion of the utility of multi-stage models, Heath and col- of the observed variance, is consistent with other reviews.
leagues (Heath, Martin, Lynskey, Todorov, & Madden, 2002) Sullivan & Kendler (1999) reviewed a larger (and earlier) set
suggested that many risk factors (e.g., antisocial personal- of studies and estimated h 2 of liability for SI at 60%. And
ity) could plausibly affect both initiation and outcome. And, inferences of “a substantial genetic component to smoking”
they argued, it is equally plausible that either a genetic effect were drawn from a third review of the 1990s twin research lit-
(e.g., one that regulates nicotine sensitivity or metabolism) erature (Batra, Patkar, Berrettini, Weinstein, & Leone, 2003).
or an environmental exposure (e. g., spousal smoking) could The remaining entries in Table 28.1 summarize param-
affect smoking outcomes, but have no impact on smoking eter estimates from eight recent twin studies reported dur-
initiation. Most of the studies on the genetic architecture of ing 2002–2007. The estimates derive from data from twin
smoking behavior have examined smoking initiation (SI) and cohorts in four countries (twin samples from the Netherlands,
smoking persistence (SP), while quantitative genetic studies as well as Australia, Finland and USA); most of the stud-
on other smoking behaviors and outcomes including ND are ied twins are adults, and three of the samples, those stud-
fewer in number. ied by Morley et al. in Australia, by Broms, et al. in Fin-
land, and by Hamilton et al. in the USA, include elderly
twins > age 60. In contrast, twins in the two Netherlands
Genetic and Environmental Influences reports included Table 28.1 are younger (mean ages 25 in
on Smoking Initiation Vink, Beem et al., 2004 and <31 in Vink, Willemsen, &
Boomsma, 2005), and age seemingly makes for differences
We begin with twin studies of smoking initiation (SI), and in parameter estimates. All ACE parameter estimates could
these studies are given more detailed attention, because there be constrained equal across gender in the two Dutch data
416 R. J. Rose et al.

Table 28.1 Parameter estimates for smoking initiation (SI)

Study Year Sample Men Women
a2 c2 e2 a2 c2 e2
Li 2003 Meta- Age 0.37 0.49 0.17 0.55 0.24 0.16
analysis range

Heath 2002 AUS; 30– 0.22 0.42 0.37 0.63 0.11 0.27
4,342 501
Madden 2004 21,883 18–46 0.46–0.68 0.00–0.35 0.11–0.33 0.43–0.59 0.16–0.48 0.10–0.25
Vink 2004 NL; 25±11 0.36 0.56 0.07 0.36 0.56 0.07
Maes 2004 USA; 35 ± 8 0.72 0 0.28 0.63 0.17 0.21
Hamilton 2006 USA; 19– 0.71 0.12 0.17 0.32 0.48 0.21
32,000 60+
Vink 2005 NL; 31±12 0.44 0.51 0.05 0.44 0.51 0.05
Broms 2006 FIN; 23–88 0.59 0.19 0.22 0.35 0.51 0.14
Hardie 2006 USA; 25–75 0.483 0 0.52 0.48 0 0.52
Morley 2007 AUS: 16–88 0.63 0.183 0.19 0.54 0.244 0.17
1 Age range or mean age ± st. dev. as given in published report. 2 Madden et al. studied three twin samples (from AUS, FIN and SWE) and
divided each sample into three age groups; entries for this study are the range of estimates across samples and age groups. Estimates of h 2 for
lifetime smoking could be set invariate across the three samples and the three age groups. For women, estimates of c2 could be set equal across
the three samples by each of the three age groups (45% for the youngest age group, 35% for the next youngest and 26% for the oldest). For male
twins, however, estimates of c2 were higher for both Nordic samples (33, 29 and 19% by increasing age) than for the Australian males (26, 9
and 11% by increasing age). 3 Hardie et al. do not report sample sizes or parameter estimates separately by gender. 4 Morley et al. added siblings
of twins into their sample enabling their analysis to distinguish a twin-specific environmental effect from the usual c2 estimate; in so doing, they
estimate that the twin-specific environmental factors accounted for 19% of the variance in SI among females and 12% of variance in SI among

sets, a result not true of any other data in Table 28.1. Note ences shared by co-twins and that these modifying effects
also that the genetic and environmental estimates for SI likely differ across age and culture.
obtained in data from Heath et al. (>4000 Australian twins) The large population-based twin data set studied by Maes,
and Madden et al. (nearly 22,000 twin pairs from three coun- et al. in Virginia was of twins aged 20–59 with mean age of
tries divided into three age groups) are consistent with the 36; nearly 80% of the twins had initiated tobacco use dur-
inferences drawn by Li et al. from their meta-analysis of ing their lifetime, and univariate estimates of heritability for
earlier research: greater h 2 among adult women, greater c2 SI were slightly greater for men than women, with modest
among adult men. What is, perhaps, more interesting in the c2 for women but none for men. In the report by Morley
cross-cultural comparisons made by Madden and her col- et al. (>5, 000 adult Australian twin pairs), SI was assessed
leagues is that the estimates of c2 in women could be equated as age-of-onset of smoking, and the obtained estimates of
across twins from the three countries (AUS, FIN, and SWE) h 2 were very similar in magnitude for men and women. But,
and across the three age groups (18–25, 26–35, and 36–46) interestingly, these researchers report significant effects from
used for analysis. But that was not so for men, where esti- common environment, and because their sample included
mates of c2 were consistently greater for twins from the two many of the twins’ non-twin siblings, shared environmen-
Nordic countries than for twin brothers from Australia. Mad- tal effects specific to twins could be estimated. Estimates of
den and her colleagues interpreted their results to imply that the influence from twin-specific c2 were substantial for vari-
the risk of becoming a smoker can be modified by experi- ation in SI (0.19 in female twins and 0.12 in male twins).
28 Genetics of Smoking Behavior 417

This effect could not be dropped from models without sig- attributed in the Australian data of Morley et al. Among
nificant loss of fit. Prevalence of ever smoking by twins and adolescent Finnish twins, an influence of sibling interactions
siblings was similar for both men and women, so the dif- associated with differences in co-twin dependency on absti-
ference in the twin-specific c2 is not a function of different nence/alcohol use has been reported (Penninkilampi-Kerola,
prevalence. Kaprio, Moilanen, & Rose, 2005).
The large-sample study of California twins (Hamilton Table 28.1 also includes an analysis of Finnish adult twin
et al., 2006) offers additional insights into twin-specific envi- data (Broms et al., 2006); the data were collected by ques-
ronments and gender differences in the magnitude of genetic tionnaire in 1981, but only now (as part of doctoral disser-
and environmental effects on SI. And, again, the gender dif- tation research) have the data been analyzed with modern
ferences were in the direction contrary to that inferred by multivariate techniques. The Finnish sample includes 9,880
Li et al.’s meta-analysis of twin data from the 1990s. The same-sex twin pairs born prior to 1958, and aged 23–88
California data (impressively large, but reflecting a response (mean age = 40) at assessment. SI was assessed as age-at-
rate of under 40%) were obtained from one or both co-twins initiation, and the analysis classified those never smoking,
in >32, 000 twin pairs, ages 19–60+, including >10, 000 as well as those who reported smoking only occasionally
MZ, >11, 000 same-sex DZ, and nearly 10,000 opposite-sex as non-initiators. So defined, nearly two-thirds of the twin
DZ pairs in parameter estimation of SI. Estimated genetic women and slightly more than one-third of the twin men
effects on SI accounted for >70% of the total variance in had never smoked regularly. Of those who did smoke, about
men, but less than a third of the variance among women; con- as many started before age 18 as later. In univariate model-
versely, effects attributed to common environment accounted fitting these data, h 2 for SI (defined as age at initiating regular
for nearly half the variance in smoking initiation among smoking) was estimated at 0.59 (95% CI, 0.49–0.69) for men
women but only 12% for men. and 0.36 (0.28–0.43) for women – a result at odds with Li
Setting aside gender differences in the parameter esti- et al.’s inference from other earlier data sets.
mates and considering the twins as individuals, odds ratios Smoking initiation was studied recently in an adult twin
(ORs) obtained from this large data set enhance our under- sample recruited nationwide from the United States (Hardie,
standing of genetic and environmental factors causally Moss, & Lynch, 2006). Here, SI was studied as the reported
relevant to SI including possible twin-specific environments. age at first cigarette, for which data from 546 twin pairs, ages
The OR for SI linearly increased with twins’ age at assess- 25–75, were available. An AE model fit these smoking initi-
ment, from 1.0 for twins < age 25 to 3.4 for those aged 60+, ation data from adult twins with estimates of h 2 = 0.48 and
while twins born in later cohorts, after health consequences e2 = 0.52.
of smoking were publicized by the Surgeon General, had
reduced odds of SI relative to twins born in early cohorts in
an era when health benefits of smoking were widely touted
by the tobacco industry. But the most dramatic association Summary of Smoking Initiation Studies
with SI in these data from California twins was smoking by
a twin’s co-twin: with a never-smoked MZ co-twin as the As this review makes clear, twin studies of SI constitute
reference, the OR was 5.7 (95% CI, 5.2–6.2) for SS DZ a substantial body of behavior genetic research based on
twins with an ever-smoking co-twin and 9.7 (95% CI 8.8– smoking data reported by >60, 000 twin pairs from coun-
10.6) for MZ twins with ever-smoking co-twins. Parental tries in Europe, North America, Australia, and Asia. So,
smoking, in contrast, had a more modest association, ele- what conclusions can confidently be drawn? Among adult
vating OR less than 2-fold. These California data add infor- twins, a confident conclusion is that additive genetic effects
mation on twin-specific environmental effects. Closeness to are significant, typically explaining half or more of the vari-
co-twin (assessed by frequency of communication between ance. Effects from shared experience are found in most
co-twins; twin pairs communicating with one another weekly studies, but c2 effects are not always significant, and AE
or more often versus those in less frequent interaction) var- models fit much of the observed data from adults. Signif-
ied across both gender and zygosity, and closeness to co- icant effects of common environment may be age specific,
twin was protective, yielding an OR of 0.86; that finding for such effects are found in several studies of adolescent
may reflect cooperative interaction of twin siblings as sug- twins. And genetic variance may be age modulated, as well,
gested in analysis of drinking/abstaining among Finnish ado- absent in some parameter models fit to SI among adolescents
lescents, where prevalence of abstinence was associated with (Stallings, Hewitt, Beresford, Heath, & Eaves, 1999). Some
zygosity (Rose, Dick, Viken, Pulkkinen, & Kaprio, 2001). data suggest twin-specific shared environmental effects, but
Perhaps the reduced risk of SI among twin pairs who main- documenting such effects require adding non-twin siblings
tain frequent contact is another reflection of the special in extended twin designs, or measured interactions of con-
twin-specific environment to which significant variance was tact frequency or perceived closeness of co-twins, and those
418 R. J. Rose et al.

designs are uncommon. Gender differences in relative mag- And, for possible clarity, we distinguish studies of smoking
nitude of h 2 and c2 are evident in some studies but not in a persistence or SP from studies of smoking amount or SA.
consistent direction. Of the eight recent studies of SI tabulated in Table 28.1,
Given that the most of the studies we reviewed are large- six also report analyses of SP, and some test for genetic
sample studies, why are their estimates so inconsistent – correlations between initiation and persistence of smoking
with estimated h 2 ranging from 0.22 to 0.75 for men and using multivariate, multi-stage models. While the heritabil-
0.32 to 0.63 for women? Perhaps such variation is to be ity of dependence can be assessed only among those who
expected for smoking behaviors, given influences of diverse have initiated smoking, genetic variance in smoking initia-
between- and within-family factors including age, gender, tion can be assessed among all persons in the population.
birth cohort, religiosity, family structure and status, parental Two-stage modeling permits inclusion of information from
smoking history, and the likelihood that the magnitude of never smokers in the analysis (Heath, Martin et al., 2002;
genetic effect varies with time and place (Kendler, Neale, Morley et al., 2007) and allows estimation of the degree to
Sullivan et al., 1999) as well as across development. Add, as which genetic influences on smoking initiation overlap those
well, that the manner in which the phenotype is defined for on dependence. The first detailed consideration of a two-
research purposes must affect parameter estimation. Most of stage model of SP (Heath, Martin, et al.) confirmed substan-
the studies we have reviewed examined the phenotype of life- tial genetic effects on smoking persistence, but those genetic
time ever/never smoking (albeit with varying requirements effects had minimal overlap with the genetic influences on
of quantity/frequency to define “regular” smoking) and the smoking initiation. That finding has been replicated in sub-
phenotype was treated as a dichotomy; other studies used age sequent twin research.
at initial experimentation (first cigarette), because it is a risk Data on SP reported by Madden and her colleagues are
factor for regular smoking; still other studies have used age from 2,284 pairs from Australia, 8,651 from Sweden pairs,
at initiation of regular smoking, treating that phenotype as and 10,948 from Finland, aged 18–46. Models fit to SP did
quasi-continuous. not require c2 , and estimates shown in Table 28.2 were con-
strained to equality across samples from the three countries,
both genders, and the three age groups within each gender,
a quite different model fit than was found for SI from this
Smoking Persistence three-country sample.
More than half the adult USA twin sample studied
The meta-analysis of Li, Cheng et al. (2003) included studies by Maes and her colleagues reported regular tobacco use,
of smoking persistence (SP) from 11 adult male twin cohorts defined as averaging at least seven cigarettes a week for a
and 6 adult female twin cohorts. As in the meta-analysis of month or more. Using that definition of SP, a bivariate anal-
SI, these studies of SP from four countries (AUS, FIN, SWE, ysis of SI and SP was fit to a causal, contingent, common-
and USA) had been reported during the 1990s. The mea- pathways model. Effects of common environment could be
sure of SP varied across study, and three phenotypes were set to zero for both male and female samples to yield AE esti-
included: quantity (number of cigarettes smoked per day), mates with equal causal paths for all zygosity/gender groups:
current tobacco use or not, and dependence; while acknowl- h 2 = 0.80 and e2 = 0.20. The common-pathways model fit
edging that these measured behaviors “may not” be identical, better than a single liability model, implying that the g and
Li, et al. collapsed across them on the rationale that each of e paths that contribute to liability for SI and SP are not fully
these smoking phenotypes correlated strongly with nicotine overlapping.
dependency. The California twin sample studied by Hamilton et al.
So defined, the weighted estimates of h 2 from meta- contained 8,625 pairs concordant for having initiated smok-
analysis of SP in these adult twin studies were 0.59±0.02 for ing for their analysis of SP. A univariate ACE model, fit to
males and 0.46 ± 0.12 for females; for c2 the estimates were the combined sample, apportioned 54% to additive genes,
0.08 ± 0.04 and 0.28 ± 0.08, respectively. Estimates of e2 9% to common environments, and 37% to unshared expe-
were 0.37 ± 0.03 for males and 0.24 ± 0.07 for females. For rience. But the lower bound of 95% CIs for the c2 parameter
smoking persistence, in contrast to their inferences for smok- went to zero, and neither twins reported closeness to co-twin,
ing initiation, Li and colleagues concluded that genetic fac- their birth cohort, or nor their age at time of assessment had
tors play a less significant role in female adults than among significant influence on SP, a very different result than was
adult males, and, again in contrast to SI, shared environmen- found for SI.
tal factors play a greater role among adult women than men. In their analysis of smoking persistence in Australian
We add a summary of results from recent twin studies twins, Morley et al. dichotomously defined whether or not
of SP, focusing on twin studies we reviewed for SI and twins who had reported smoking initiation were, at the time
included in Table 28.1, adding a recent report from China. of questionnaire assessment, a current or ex-smoker. About
28 Genetics of Smoking Behavior 419

Table 28.2 Smoking persistence (SP)

Study Year Sample Men Women
a2 c2 e2 a2 c2 e2
Li 2003 Meta-analysis 0.59 0.08 0.37 0.46 0.28 0.24
Heath 2002 AUS: 4,382 0.42 0.09 0.49 0.42 0.10 0.48
Madden 2004 10,000 pairs1 0.39–0.49 0.01–0.19 0.39–0.58 0.42–0.45 0.01–0.22 0.30–0.53
Vink 2004 NL; 3,657 0.36 0.56 0.07 0.36 0.56 0.07
Maes 2004 USA; 6,805 0.80 0 0.20 0.80 0 0.20
Hamilton 2006 USA; 8,625 0.54 0.09 0.37 0.55 0.09 0.37
Broms 2006 FIN: 9,880 0.58 0 0.42 0.50 0 0.50
Lessov- 2006 CHN; 192 ♂ 0.75 0 0.25
Schlaggar pairs
Morley 2007 AUS:>5,000 0.50 0.03 0.47 0.41 0.10 0.49
1 Madden et al. studied three twin samples (from AUS, FIN and SWE) and divided each sample into three age groups; entries for this study are the
range of estimates across samples and age groups. 2 Hamilton et al. studied SP in all twin pairs concordant for ever having initiated smoking.

44% of the female twins and 49% of male twins were cur- ied twins were current smokers, and the results extend cross-
rent or ex-smokers. Multivariate model-fitting included a cultural replication of AE effects on SI.
three-stage common-effects, sex-limitation model that added To offer a summary of results from these recent twin stud-
to ACE parameters the additional T parameter here fit for ies of smoking persistence: Substantial additive genetic vari-
shared experience unique to twin siblings. Results were con- ance, little or no effect from common environment, no twin-
sistent with that found by Hamilton et al.: twin-specific fac- specific environmental effect, and, in most studies and most
tors although substantially important for SI were not found interestingly, little or no overlap in genetic effects for SI with
for SP and are ignored in Table 28.2. those for SP.
The USA adult twins studied by Hardie and his colleagues
yielded a very small sample for study of SP; modeling those
small-sample data, two-thirds of the variance in SP was Smoking Amount
attributed to genetic factors. The genetic correlation between
reported age at first cigarette and SP (duration of regular use Quantity or smoking amount (SA) has been studied both as
since onset) was essentially zero. a trait in itself and as a proxy measure for nicotine depen-
Broms and her colleagues dichotomized their Finnish dence. Analyses of SA have been made for the highest num-
twins into current smokers and lifetime smokers who were ber of cigarettes ever smoked per day, average number of
not current smokers, ignoring for their analysis of SP never cigarettes smoked daily during the time of heaviest smoking,
smokers and those who reported never smoking more than a dichotomy of light or heavy smokers, and as the maximum
occasionally. To that categorical measure, a two-stage bivari- number of cigarettes ever smoked in a 24-h period; in ear-
ate model was fit to SI and SP. For men, the c2 estimate from lier studies, (Carmelli, Swan, Robinette, & Fabsitz, 1990;
the full model was bounded by zero, so it was dropped in Swan, Carmelli, & Cardon, 1996; Swan, Carmelli, & Car-
favor of an AE model yielding estimates of h 2 = 0.58 and don, 1997; Swan, Carmelli, Rosenman, Fabsitz, & Chris-
e2 = 0.43. An AE model offered the best fit to SP for women, tian, 1990) these phenotypes were found moderately herita-
estimating both h 2 and e2 at 0.50. Correlations for additive ble (40–56%).
genetic variance between SI and SP were 0.22 for men and Table 28.3 offers a summary of results from recent stud-
0.17 for women, suggesting that genetic factors influencing ies of SA. In analysis of adult Finnish twins, Broms et al.
SI account, at most, for 2–4% of the variance in SP. dichotomized their sample into those smoking less than
An AE model fit dichotomously scored current smok- 20 cigarettes daily versus those reporting 20 or more and
ing status of twin brothers in China, as well (Lessov- reported heritability estimates of 0.54 for men and 0.61 for
Schlaggar et al., 2006); fully three-fourths of the variance women. A two-stage bivariate analysis of SI (age at ini-
were attributed to additive genes. Although of limited size, tiation) and this measure of SA found very little genetic
the Chinese sample is of interest, as most (58%) of the stud- correlation.
420 R. J. Rose et al.

Gene–Environment Interactions in Smoking Study, Timberlake and colleagues have reported that high
Initiation and Persistence levels of self-rated religiousness were associated with lower
rates of SI, and that religiousness significantly attenuated
genetic variance (Timberlake et al., 2005).
Gene–environment interactions may be ubiquitous in smok-
Recall that significant effects of a special “twin environ-
ing behaviors, but have not, as yet, been studied widely.
ment” were found for SI among adult Australian twin pairs.
Because smoking initiation is influenced by environmental
Reciprocal sibling interactions would be expected to impact
factors shared within families and extra-familial environmen-
on prevalence of SI, at least at early ages when smoking is
tal factors shared with peers and birth cohorts, one expects
experimental and social in character and prevalence is low.
substantial gene–environment correlations and interactions,
And the differences in prevalence for individual twins would
likely sources of variability in parameter estimates across
be ordered MZ<SSDZ<OSDZ. Evidence of such ordering,
suggestive of cooperative sibling interaction effects, has been
One example of moderation of genetic and environmen-
found for drinking (Rose, Dick et al., 2001), but effects
tal effects on smoking comes from data from a younger
are inconsistent in the published twin studies of smoking
Finnish twin cohort, FT12, that show how parenting may
moderate the expression of genetic predispositions on ado-
Gene × environment interactions on SI have been
lescent smoking. Significant moderating effects were associ-
examined for educational attainment. McCaffery, Papan-
ated with two dimensions of parenting (parental monitoring
donatos et al. (2008) found educational level correlated
and time spent in activities with parents). Genetic influ-
with SI in part due to G–E correlation and interaction,
ences on adolescent smoking decreased, and common envi-
but after taking SI into account, no such effects on ND
ronmental influences increased, at higher levels of parental
monitoring (Dick, Viken et al., 2007). Limited parental mon-
Perhaps effects are evident, also, from measured differ-
itoring may offer an environment that allows greater oppor-
ences in frequency of co-twin contact or perceived closeness
tunity for the expression of adolescents’ genetic predispo-
to co-twin or self-reported dependency on co-twin. Using
sitions. In contrast, significant moderating effects for time
data from FinnTwin16, Penninkilampi-Kerola et al. (2005)
spent engaged in activities with parents were observed, but
found that co-twin dependence (assessed by questionnaire
this parenting characteristic operated in a different manner:
self-report) modulated h 2 effects on abstinence and alcohol
as adolescents reported spending more time with their par-
use. Within dependent twin pairs, genetic effects on alcohol-
ents, genetic variance on smoking increased. These findings
related variables were reduced. In subsequent study, similar
suggest that spending more time with parents may restrict
effects have been found for smoking initiation (Penninkil-
expression of individual genetic predispositions. Interest-
ampi et al., 2007; see Kaprio, 2007). Most of the studies
ingly, the effects associated with parenting on adolescent
of interaction effects have been conducted in adolescents,
smoking remained significant from age 14 to age 17, consis-
and, importantly, significant evidence of a changing degree
tent with other findings from Finnish longitudinal analyses
of genetic and environmental influences has been demon-
that common environmental influences on adolescent smok-
strated across several of the studied dimensions. This may
ing vary little across adolescence.
suggest that the determinants of smoking are particularly sen-
Religiosity is another household factor of interest, as it
sitive to external influences, and it may explain variability
has been shown to significantly modulate heritable influences
in estimates of genetic and environmental influences across
on initiation of drinking (Koopmans, Slutske, van Baal, &
different studies. Additional work on the extent to which
Boomsma, 1999; Winter, Karvonen, & Rose, 2002). And
gene–environment interactions may exist on adult smoking
religiosity modulates genetic effects on smoking initiation
phenotypes seems warranted.
in a similar manner. In analysis of data from the AddHealth

Table 28.3 Parameter estimates for smoking amount (SA)

Study Year Sample Men Women
a2 c2 e2 a2 c2 e2
Vink 2004 NL; 3,657 prs 0.51 0.30 0.18 0.51 0.30 0.18
Hardie 2006 USA; 94 prs 0.40 0 0.51 0.49 0 0.51
Broms 2006 FIN: 9,880 prs 0.54 0 0.46 0.61 0 0.39
Morley 2007 AUS:>5,000 prs 0.40 0.12 0.48 0.41 0.20 0.39
Haberstick 2007 USA; 1,078 prs 0.50 0 0.50 0.50 0 0.50
SA was defined differently across studies; e.g., Vink et al uses maximum number of cigarettes smoked daily as a categorical variable; Morley
et al used average daily cigarette consumption; Broms et al dichotomized smoking twins into those smoking 20 more cigarettes daily versus those
smoking less.
28 Genetics of Smoking Behavior 421

Nicotine Dependence from shared environments; results from opposite-sex DZ

pairs suggested some gender-specific environmental effects
Adult twin and family studies have suggested high heri- (Boomsma, Koopmans, van Doornen, & Orlebeke, 1994).
tability for nicotine dependence (Kendler, Neale, Sullivan Subsequent analyses of the Dutch twin sample divided it by
et al., 1999; Lessov et al., 2004; Li, Cheng et al., 2003; age groups, with analyses examining 12–14 year olds, 15–16
Maes, Sullivan et al., 2004; Vink, Beem et al., 2004; True year olds, and 17–25 year olds separately. Genetic influences
et al., 1999). Estimates of heritability have varied from 0.60 were nonsignificant for “ever smoking” in the younger two
among men (True, et al.) to 0.72 among women (Kendler, age groups, but substantial in the oldest group, with genes
Neale, Sullivan, et al.) and 0.56 among both men and women accounting for 66% of variance in boys and 33% in girls
(Lessov, et al.). Genetic influences on nicotine dependence (Koopmans, van Doornen, & Boomsma, 1997).
(Table 28.4) have been studied using DSM-IV and III-R cri- In an Australian study, 414 pairs of MZ and DZ twins had
teria and as defined by Fagerström’s questionnaires (FTQ and complete data across three waves, with initial assessments
FTND). Measured by DSM-III-R criteria, heritability was from ages 13–18, a follow-up 3 years later, and a second
estimated among US male veterans as 0.60 (True, et al.), follow-up 4 years later, when the twins were between 20 and
and similarly, as 0.56 using a measure of DSM-IV among 25. As in other longitudinal studies, mean levels of tobacco
Australian men and women (Lessov, et al.). Using FTQ, her- involvement increased across assessment waves from ado-
itability was estimated at 0.62 among US men and women lescence into early adulthood, and consistent with the Dutch
(Maes, Sullivan et al., 2004) and at 0.72 in a separate sample study, genetic influences increased over time, accounting for
of US women (Kendler, Neale, Sullivan et al., 1999). In a 15% of the variance at wave 1, 20% at wave 2, and 35%
study of Dutch men and women, ND was assessed with the at wave 3. Common environmental influences showed cor-
FTND, and heritability was estimated at 0.75 (Vink, Willem- responding decreases in importance across time, accounting
sen et al., 2005). for 55% of the variance at wave 1, 50% at wave 2, and 35% at
Thus, twin studies on nicotine dependence have shown wave 3. When models were fit to the sexes separately, genetic
fairly high and reasonably consistent heritability estimates factors were stronger in females than in males, although it
by different measurements in different cultures. However, a was not clear if this difference was statistically significant.
recent family study from Finland showed lower heritability Interestingly, adjusting genetic and environmental estimates
estimates (Broms et al., 2007), whether assessed by the Nico- for peer and parental smoking caused a significant decrease
tine Dependence Syndrome Scale (h 2 = 0.30) or by FTND in genetic influence, particularly at the first wave of data
(h 2 = 0.40) with no evidence for sex-specific genetic effects. collection. Some of the genetic influence on smoking in
early adolescence may be an indirect influence of genetic
influences on choice of peers (White, Hopper, Wearing, &
Hill, 2003).
A Colorado data set was used to examine genetic and
Smoking in Adolescence environmental influences across several classes of sub-
stances. The sample consisted of 345 MZ twin pairs, 337
Although the research literature is less extensive than that DZ twin pairs, 306 biological sibling pairs, and 74 adop-
for adults, a number of recent studies have investigated how tive sibling pairs, assessed at ages 12–19 (mean ∼16 years).
genetic and environmental factors influence smoking dur- Moderate genetic and common environmental influences on
ing adolescence. An early study of 1,600 Dutch adolescent tobacco initiation (38% A; 34% C) were found, with no evi-
twin pairs attributed 31% of the variance in smoking behav- dence of significant sex differences. There were, however,
ior to genetic factors, with a substantial influence (59%) significant sex differences in influences on tobacco use and

Table 28.4 Parameter estimates for nicotine dependency (ND)

Study Year Sample Men Women
a2 c2 e2 a2 c2 e2
True 1999 USA; 2,356 pairs 0.60 0 0.40
Kendler 1999 USA: 851 pairs 0.72 0 0.28
Lessov 2004 AUS: 2,293 pairs 0.56 0 0.44 0.56 0 0.44
Maes 2004 USA; 6,805 twins 0.67 0 0.33 0.67 0 0.33
Vink 2005 NL; 1,572 pairs 0.75 0 0.25 0.75 0 0.25
Broms 2007 FIN; 291 pairs 0.40 0 0.60 0.40 0 0.60
Haberstick 2007 USA: 1,078 pairs 0.61 0 0.39 0.61 0 0.39
DSM criteria of ND employed in studies by True, Kendler and Lessov; FTND used in studies by Maes, Vick, and Broms; HSI by Haberstick in a
twin sample to which 1,305 full sibs and 384 half-sibs were added.
422 R. J. Rose et al.

problem use, with considerably higher genetic influence in the Australian and Dutch longitudinal studies, studies that
girls (with no evidence of C), and substantially lower genetic expanded the age range into young adulthood, there was no
influences and higher common environmental influences in evidence of increasing genetic influences across adolescence
boys (Rhee et al., 2003). in Finnish twins. Notably, however, these findings were very
Other studies have found no evidence of gender differ- different from studies of adolescent drinking conducted on
ences in the importance of genetic and environmental effects the same twin birth cohorts across the same ages: drinking
on SI. There was a suggestion of gender differences in showed a steady increase in the importance of genetic effects
early data from the Minnesota Twin-Family Study, where across this age range (Rose, Dick et al., 2001).
model fitting to tetrachoric correlations of ever/never life- Data from the younger twin study, FinnTwin12, per-
time tobacco use at age 17 yielded estimates of 0.59 and mit study of factors that impact smoking initiation earlier
0.18 for h 2 and c2 among adolescent males, but 0.11 and in development. To 1,262 same-sex twins ages 11–12, we
0.71 for adolescent females (Han, McGue, & Iacono, 1999); yoked a gender- and age-matched classmate control; twins
but when split by gender, this Minnesota twin sample was and controls in each pair attended the public school serv-
of modest power, and a gender-invariant ACE model could ing their residential area and each twin–control dyad was
be fit to the data. In updated analyses of the sample, based in the same classroom. The classmate controls are genetic
on 626 male and female twin pairs, there was no evi- strangers reared in separate households but sharing schools
dence of gender differences, and the heritability of tobacco and neighborhoods with their yoked twin; adding them into
use and nicotine dependence was substantial, on the order the classic twin model teases apart effects of familial and
of ∼50%. extra-familial influences. The twins were studied with super-
A cohort-sequential design studied twins in Virginia vised in-classroom procedures; their teachers were instructed
(Maes, Woodfard, et al., 1999) and reported baseline data to select a same-sex classmate closest in age to each twin (for
from >1, 400 twin pairs, about evenly distributed across ages some cohorts) or, in other cohorts, to select same-sex class-
8–16+. The twins were asked whether or not they had ever mates adjacent to the twins in the alphabetized class roster of
consumed more than one cigarette per day. So defined, ever children’s surnames (Rose, Viken et al., 2003). The classmate
smoking rose from about 1.0% prevalence at age 12 to 36% controls then completed questionnaires at age 12 identical to
for boys and 22% for girls at age 16. Prevalence varied those completed by the twins. Included among items asked
with family structure and status, parental religious affilia- in the questionnaire were two concerning smoking: “Have
tion, and other variables. Individual differences in tobacco you ever smoked cigarettes”? And “Do you have friends
use from reports of twins ages 13–16 were largely explained who smoke cigarettes”? Most of the variance (73%) in the
by genetic factors, estimated at 84% for lifetime use. No item on smoking initiation at age 12 was again accounted for
gender differences in genetic and environmental effects were by common environmental effects. And of that substantial
found. shared environment component, familial factors were more
Data from adolescent Finnish twins have been used to important (accounting for 49% of the variation in early onset
examine genetic and environmental influences on smok- smoking) than extra-familial influences (24% of the vari-
ing behavior. In the FinnTwin16 sample, baseline question- ance). In contrast, 54% of the variance in having friends who
naires were administered across a 60-month period to age- are smoking by age 12 was attributed to common experi-
standardize enrollment at age 16. By that age, about half ence; and of that, school-based shared environment was a
of Finnish twins reported that they had initiated smoking, bit more influential than familial environment. These results
a prevalence about equal in males and females. And it suggest that variation across communities, neighborhoods,
remained virtually unchanged from age 16 to the second and schools exert causal influences on early initiation of sub-
follow-up assessment at age 18 1/2, suggesting that most stance use and on the likelihood of being exposed to smoking
individuals who will initiate smoking in adolescence have peers at an early age.
begun by age 16. Analyses of smoking frequency suggested In summary, studies of adolescent twins demonstrate the
that the factors influencing smoking across this age range importance of genetic factors on smoking behaviors at this
are very consistent, as well. Genetic factors accounted for earlier developmental stage. There is evidence that the influ-
∼50% of the variation at all time points; common environ- ence of genetic effects increases from early adolescence into
mental factors accounted for ∼30% of the variation; and adulthood. Whether gender differences modulate the mag-
unique environmental influences accounted for the remain- nitude of genetic and common environmental influences is
ing 20% of the variation. There were no gender differences less certain. Data from the Australia and Colorado samples
in the factors influencing smoking frequency across this age suggest that genetic influences may be greater in girls; Dutch
(Dick, Barman, & Pitkänen, 2006). These findings repli- data found it higher in boys; data from Minnesotan, Vir-
cate the Minnesota and Virginia studies in suggesting gender ginia, and Finnish twin samples suggest gender invariance.
invariance of genetic and environmental influences. Unlike A potentially interesting role of the environment emerges
28 Genetics of Smoking Behavior 423

across multiple studies, with Australian results suggest- had their first cigarette by the age of 12 had more than a
ing that genetic effects on early smoking operate through 20-fold risk of subsequent cannabis use compared to twins
peers, the Dutch study suggestion of sex-specific environ- who had never initiated smoking. That risk attenuated among
mental effects, and the Virginia sample finding evidence that smoking-discordant twin pairs, but it remained significant
smoking prevalence varied with a number of environmental (Korhonen, Huizink et al., 2008). Cannabis use shows mod-
factors. est to moderate (20–30%) genetic influence among adoles-
cents and more substantial influence in adults (Agrawal &
Lynskey, 2006), so potential mechanisms explaining its asso-
ciation with smoking behaviors are of interest.
Comorbidities of Smoking Behaviors Two alternative models have been suggested. The gateway
hypothesis (Kandel & Yamaguchi, 1993) suggests a causal
Abuse of other substances (alcohol, drugs) and mental pathway from smoking (licit drug) to cannabis (illicit drug).
disorders (depression, schizophrenia) are major comor- An alternative (Kandel, Yamaguchi, & Klein, 2006; Mac-
bid conditions associated with smoking (Jane-Llopis & coun, 2006) is a common liability model suggesting shared
Matytsina, 2006). Competing hypotheses have been offered genetic or environmental influences affecting both pheno-
to explain these comorbidities. Cigarette smoking may serve types. According to Agrawal & Lynskey (2006), comorbid
as a gateway to illicit drug use (Kandel & Yamaguchi, 1993). tobacco and cannabis use is due partly to shared genetic
Depressive symptoms may lead to self-medication and fos- risk factors and to a modest but significant overlap of envi-
ter initiation of smoking and drinking: results of a four- ronmental influences. Modeling initiation and progression of
wave longitudinal study of American adolescents found per- nicotine and cannabis use with two-stage models, where pro-
sistent depressive symptoms were prospective predictors of gression is conditional on initiation, allows studying genetic
increased smoking across time, after controlling for baseline and environmental influences on both stages (Neale, Har-
smoking levels (Windle & Windle, 2001). Or, conversely, vey, Maes, Sullivan, & Kendler, 2006). For tobacco and
long-term exposure to persistent cigarette smoking or heavy marijuana use, the relation between initiation and progres-
drinking may have a role in the etiology of depression (Mor- sion suggests substantial overlap in genetic/environmental
rell & Cohen, 2006). And there is evidence that health com- etiologies. Common environmental influences tend to be
promising life styles, including sedentary behavior patterns greater for initiation, while genetic influences are stronger
are linked to tobacco use: Finnish data show that persis- for heavier use. To account for relationships between stages
tent physical inactivity in adolescence predicts subsequent of comorbid phenotypes, such as the pathway from smoking
smoking initiation, even after controlling for third-variable initiation to cannabis abuse, Neale and his co-authors (2006)
familial confounds in contrasts of activity-discordant co- introduced a multivariate two-stage model. The first appli-
twins (Kujala, Kaprio, & Rose, 2007). There is evidence, cation was conducted among adult female twins, where the
as well, that early adverse life events are associated with multivariate models, i.e., the Cholesky model and the recip-
subsequent tobacco addiction. Childhood sexual abuse pre- rocal causal model, were fitted. The two models generated
dicts nicotine dependence in early adulthood (Al Mamun similar fit, but the causal model was more parsimonious. Lia-
et al., 2007). Further, shared genetic or environmental fac- bility to initiation and progression for nicotine and cannabis
tors may enhance vulnerability to smoking co-occurring use were closely related, especially within each substance.
with drinking, drug abuse, depression, or schizophrenia The Cholesky model demonstrated a high genetic correla-
(Williams & Ziedonis, 2004). But a caveat: comorbidi- tion (rA = 0.82) between nicotine and cannabis initiation.
ties may be confounded by methodological factors leading A novel finding was the negative unique environment corre-
to overestimation of that dual diagnosis (Kessler, 2004). lation for nicotine and cannabis dependence, indicating that
We briefly review literature on the major smoking comor- the two traits have more risk factors in common than their
bidities of cannabis use, alcohol use, depression, and phenotypic correlation suggests, but some specific environ-
schizophrenia. ment risk factors may act in opposite ways on each. The
causal model indicated that liability to initiate accounts for
a substantial proportion of variance in progression. A novel
finding was that liability to initiate smoking increased lia-
Smoking and Cannabis bility to initiate cannabis use (path = 0.85), but liability to
initiate cannabis use decreased liability to initiate smoking
Cannabis use exhibits strong comorbidity with cigarette use (path = −0.40) (Neale et al., 2006).
(Agrawal, Grant et al., 2006; Guxens, Nebot, Ariza, & Huizink et al. (2007) tested both the causal gateway model
Ochoa, 2007). Finnish data find early smoking initiation and the common liability model with data from FinnTwin12–
is a potent predictor of cannabis use initiation. Twins who 17 adolescents. The two models generated similar fit, and,
424 R. J. Rose et al.

as in adult data, the causal model was more parsimonious. with depressive disorders tend more often to be smok-
But the Cholesky model suggested a lower genetic correla- ers than are controls (Dani & Harris, 2005; Jane-Llopis &
tion between nicotine and cannabis initiation (rA = 0.57) Matytsina, 2006; Morrell & Cohen, 2006); prevalence of
than had been found in adult females, suggesting less shared current smokers among US adults with history of major
genetic vulnerability in their covariation. The causal model depression doubled that of those without history of depres-
suggested that the liability to initiate smoking increased the sion (Lasser et al., 2000). The association is well established,
liability to initiate cannabis use (path = 0.63). but there are competing hypotheses for its explanation. First,
pre-existing depressiveness may predict onset of smoking
and/or progression to nicotine dependence (Breslau, Novak,
Smoking and Alcohol & Kessler, 2004; Fergusson, Goodwin, & Horwood, 2003;
Murphy et al., 2003). Among adolescents, depressive symp-
Although smoking rates have decreased in the developed toms prospectively predict smoking escalation, and the like-
world, they remain high in individuals with alcohol use dis- lihood of rapid escalation interacts with the DRD2 A1
orders (Durazzo & Meyerhoff, 2007). In the United States, allele (Audrain-McGovern, Lerman, Wileyto, Rodriguez, &
prevalence of nicotine dependence is very high among alco- Shields, 2004). And adolescent smoking may increase devel-
hol abusers (Grant, Hasin, Chou, Stinson, & Dawson, 2004), opment of nicotine dependence (Kassel, Stroud, & Paro-
and there is a dose–response relationship between amount of nis, 2003). Conversely, long-term persistent smoking may
cigarettes smoked and amount of alcohol consumed (Dani & increase the risk of depression, as reported by longitudinal
Harris, 2005). And early onset smoking persistence is asso- studies of adolescents (Goodman & Capitman, 2000; Wu &
ciated with an increased risk of alcohol dependence (John Anthony, 1999) and adults (Klungsoyr, Nygard, Sorensen,
et al., 2003) and hazardous alcohol use later in life, such & Sandanger, 2006; Korhonen, Broms et al., 2007). Bi-
as drunk driving (Riala, Hakko, Isohanni, Jarvelin, & Rasa- directional predictive associations have been demonstrated
nen, 2004). in adolescent samples (Breslau, Peterson, Schultz, Chilcoat,
It might seem plausible that the high rate of comorbid & Andreski, 1998; Windle & Windle, 2001). Smoking and
tobacco and alcohol use merely reflects the high prevalence depression may share common etiologic risks (Bergen &
of each addictive behavior in the general population, or Caporaso, 1999; Williams & Ziedonis, 2004). Among ado-
that similar social situations trigger both behaviors. How- lescents, conduct disorders (Breslau, Peterson, et al.) and
ever, several neurobiological effects have been suggested to delinquent peers (Fergusson, Lynskey, & Horwood, 1996)
modulate the behaviors of nicotine and alcohol abusers. For may be such shared risk factors.
example, ethanol administration can increase cigarette smok- Correlations between genetic components of smoking
ing (Li, Volkow, Baler, & Egli, 2007). Further, twin/family and depression (rA ) have been investigated among adoles-
studies demonstrate shared genetic influences on the comor- cents and adults with conflicting results. In adolescents, Sil-
bidity of nicotine and alcohol dependence (Dani & Har- berg, Rutter, D’Onofrio, and Eaves (2003) suggested that
ris, 2005), the genetic correlation high (rA = 0.68) for severe early experimental smoking and depression were genetically
cases of lifetime dependence (True et al., 1999). Initiation correlated in girls, but environmentally correlated among
of both behaviors during adolescence may be substantially boys. McCaffery, Papandonatos, Stanton, Lloyd-Richardson,
influenced by shared environmental factors, but regular use & Niaura, (2008) replicated shared genetic vulnerability
of both substances in adulthood may be more influenced in girls, but found significant unique environmental corre-
by shared genetic factors (Tyndale, 2003). Significant famil- lations in both boys and girls. In adults, Kendler, Neale,
ial association between risk of regular smoking and alcohol MacLean et al. (1993) reported that comorbidity of smoking
dependence, due at least in part by common genetic mech- and MDD largely arose from familial factors (rA = 0.56)
anisms, remained after controlling for personality and psy- in adult twin sisters. But other twin studies have reported
chiatric factors, common risk factors for both phenotypes lower genetic correlations. In male twins McCaffery and
and both genetically influenced (Madden & Heath, 2002). co-authors (2003) found that unique environmental factors
Assortative mating among comorbid smokers and drinkers accounted for most covariation between liability to smok-
(Agrawal, Heath et al., 2006) occurs, as well. ing and depression, with a very modest genetic correlation
(rA = 0.17). In a recent longitudinal twin study, Korhonen
and colleagues (2007) found that, after controlling for famil-
ial factors, smoking remained a gender-sensitive predictor of
Smoking and Depression depressive symptoms. The stronger association in men was
modestly accounted for by underlying shared genes (rA =
Smokers have a greater likelihood of lifetime depression or 0.25). Finally, Fu et al. (2007) reported significant shared
current depressive symptoms than non-smokers and those genetic vulnerability to nicotine dependence and MDD in
28 Genetics of Smoking Behavior 425

cross-sectional study of twin brothers. However, after con- ties is inconsistent is not surprising. Findings are sensitive to
trolling for genetic influences on conduct and antisocial dis- definitions of phenotypes, study designs, and sampling used
orders, that genetic correlation approached zero (rA = 0.06). in each analysis. The assessment of causal relations requires
Effects of specific genes on the smoking-depression a design allowing the inclusion of temporal and concurrent
comorbidity have been investigated in a limited number of factors contributing to the association. Explorations of com-
studies with small sample sizes, and mostly for dopamine mon genetic liability for comorbid conditions such as nico-
genes (Lerman & Niaura, 2002). A DRD4 genotype × tine dependence and alcohol abuse are at an early stage.
depression interaction was found for negative-affect reduc-
tion smoking, suggesting that the acute rewarding effects
of nicotine partly depend on genetic factors involved in Linkage and Association Studies
dopamine transmission (Lerman et al., 1998). Audrain-
McGovern, Lerman et al. (2004) reported association of the
DRD2 A1 allele with smoking progression among adoles- Molecular Genetic Analyses of Smoking
cents, an effect potentiated by depressive symptoms. Sero- Behavior
tonin transporter genes have received attention, as well but
results are inconsistent. Both genetic and environmental cor- To date, genome-wide scans and candidate gene studies of
relations may be sensitive to variation in phenotypic defi- smoking behavior and nicotine dependence have yielded
nitions of smoking behavior (smoking initiation, persistent inconsistent, non-replicated results – in common with molec-
smoking, nicotine dependence) and depression (diagnosed ular studies of diseases and behavioral traits with complex
MDD, self-reported symptoms) and sensitive as well as to genetics. Ho & Tyndale (2007) reviewed published litera-
study design (cross-sectional or longitudinal) and sample ture as of mid-2006. Eleven different projects had reported
characteristics. genome-wide linkage scans of smoking-related phenotypes,
but few had been explicitly designed to study genetics of
smoking. LOD scores greater than 3.0 were reported for
Smoking and Schizophrenia chromosome 5 (number of cigarettes), chromosome 6 (smok-
ing status), chromosome 7 (DSM-IV dependence), chromo-
Schizophrenics have high (70–90%) smoking rates (Dani some 11 (comorbid habitual smoking and alcohol depen-
& Harris, 2005; de Leon & Diaz, 2005) and high nicotine dence), and chromosome 16 (phenotype: short-term cessa-
dependence prevalence. Why? Nicotine affects both expres- tion). But these had not been consistently replicated. Since
sion of schizophrenic symptoms and antipsychotic medica- then, the Nicotine Addiction Genetics (NAG) Project has
tions used to treat it (Lyon, 1999). Schizophrenics smoke reported significant linkage in two independent family data
to self-medicate, and nicotine is hypothesized to normal- sets from Finland and Australia, with a combined LOD score
ize deficits in sensory processing associated with the dis- for the combined data set exceeding 5 on chromosome 22
ease (Dani & Harris). Smoking temporarily improves pro- for the maximum number of cigarettes ever smoked in a
cessing of auditory stimuli and may lessen negative symp- 24-h period (Saccone et al., 2007). In contrast to many earlier
toms by increasing dopamine in the nucleus accumbens studies, the NAG study samples were ascertained for heavy
and prefrontal and frontal cortex (Lyon). Cigarette smok- cigarette use and nicotine dependence with a very large sam-
ing reduces adverse reactions to drug therapy (Haustein, ple size and consistent methods. In the Finnish arm of the
Haffner, & Woodcock, 2002), perhaps enhancing metabolism NAG, novel results and replication of several earlier link-
of antipsychotics (Lyon). And vulnerability to schizophre- age findings were recently reported (Loukola et al., 2007),
nia may be associated with vulnerability to smoking (de notably for findings on 10q (maxLOD of 3.12) for a smoker
Leon & Diaz), perhaps via a shared neurobiology, related phenotype, and on 7q and 11p (max LOD 2.50 and 2.25,
to altered dopaminergic and cholinergic transmission in the respectively) for the DSM-IV nicotine dependence pheno-
mesolimbic systems (Williams & Ziedonis, 2004). Finally, type. Other work is in progress with fine-mapping of regions
shared genetic and/or environmental familial factors may identified in earlier scans, which will indicate possible can-
underlie smoking and schizophrenia (de Leon & Diaz). didate genes to evaluate (Gelernter, Panhuysen et al., 2007;
There is some evidence linking nicotine receptors (nAChRs) Gelernter, Yu et al., 2006; Lou, Ma, Sun, Payne, & Li, 2007;
and schizophrenia: the chromosomal region containing the Zhang et al., 2006).
nAChR alpha7 subunit may be linked to genetic risk for Ho & Tyndale (2007) also reviewed research literature on
this disease, and alpha7 expression may be reduced in these candidate genes, both for the neurotransmitter genes in the
patients (Dani & Harris, 2005). CNS and the role of metabolic pathways, in particular for
That the evidence of shared genetic vulnerability for CYP2A6, which metabolizes most nicotine to cotinine. Of
smoking or nicotine dependence and its studied comorbidi- interest among these neurotransmitter genes are the nico-
426 R. J. Rose et al.

tinic receptor genes, such as those coding for the alpha 4 ior, and a critical goal is to refine phenotypic assessments
(CHRNA4), alpha 7 (CHRNA7), and beta 2 (CHRNB2) sub- to permit better identification of genetic variants underlying
units of the five-unit receptor, but also several other nico- specific aspects of smoking behavior.
tinic receptors. The alpha4-beta2 receptor is a well-known Thus, in terms of specific phases or types of smoking
binding site for nicotine and the site of action of vareni- behavior, it is important to address the causes of variation in
cline, a new medication for nicotine dependence. Yet, further initial susceptibility to smoking and the rapid development of
replication of the somewhat inconsistent association find- nicotine dependence in adolescents. Likewise, genetic contri-
ing to date is needed. As for alcohol and other substances, butions to characteristics of social peer relationships, which
genetic variation in the dopamine genes, in particular DRD2, strongly predict smoking patterns, should be examined in
and in the gamma-aminobutyric acid neurotransmitter genes, genetically informative designs combined with studies of
such as GABAB2, has been inconsistently related to the friends and peers in relevant subcultures, which segment cur-
studied phenotypes. However, recent evidence suggests that rent societies and provide very specific environments.
genetic variants of the CYP2A6 gene are functionally impor- It would be important to look at those who are able to
tant and probably play a role in the development of nico- control their smoking, so-called light and intermittent smok-
tine dependence (Audrain-McGovern, Al Koudsi et al., 2007; ers. Most research so far has primarily targeted daily and
Benowitz, Swan, Jacob, Lessov-Schlaggar, & Tyndale, 2006; regular smokers, seeking genes underlying this preponderant
Kubota et al., 2006). behavior in smokers. However, in countries where the over-
Very recently, large-scale whole genome-wide associa- all smoking prevalence is decreasing, the proportion of non-
tion studies (GWAS) have identified novel genes in many daily smokers has been increasing. As of now, there is little
complex diseases. In these studies, cases (for example per- consensus as to whether intermittent smoking represents a
sons with nicotine dependence) are compared to controls transitional stage toward smoking cessation on one hand or
(healthy subjects) with respect to genotype frequencies of a toward daily smoking on the other hand, or whether inter-
large number of SNPs covering much of the major sequence mittent smokers consistently maintain their low frequency of
variation in the genome. Low-frequency variants are not tobacco use. Nor is there research on whether genetic influ-
included. Current technologies, which are rapidly evolv- ences are different for intermittent smokers than for regu-
ing, cover some three hundred thousand to a million SNPs. lar smokers. Finally, the question could arise whether there
Because of the very large number of statistical associations are genetic influences “protecting” some individuals from
that arise, even very small p-values are to be treated cau- becoming regular smokers, such as genes involved in nico-
tiously, for the possibility of bias exists, especially for under- tine metabolism.
powered studies (Garner, 2007). True associations need to Smoking cessation is a process that often takes place after
be replicated in several data sets, as has been the case for multiple attempts and relapses. Few studies have examined
obesity and type 2 diabetes (Fraying & McCarthy, 2007) the possible genetics of relapse after a quit attempt, and
Three GWAS have been published for nicotine dependence why some persons can quit “cold turkey” while others make
(Bierut et al., 2007; Swan et al., 2006; Uhl et al., 2007), each countless quit attempts without success. Pharmacogenomic
were based on relatively small samples. Nonetheless, some studies are beginning to examine the role of specific genetic
novel and some expected candidate genes were exposed variants, such as those related to dopamine, serotonin, and
such as the Neurexin (NRXN) 1 gene (Berrettini, 2008). nicotinic acetylcholine systems, and their interactions with
These efforts represent but the first applications of this novel specific medications for smoking cessations such as brupro-
technique to smoking behavior and nicotine dependence; pion or varenicline.
clearly, larger data sets will be needed to find novel genes Linkage studies in families have located some chromoso-
for nicotine dependence and various aspects of smoking mal areas potentially linked to smoking behaviors, but these
behavior. have been hampered by the fact that many analyses have been
done on families collected for other reasons than smoking,
and smoking phenotypes were relatively crude. A handful of
Summary and Future Directions large-scale genome-wide association studies have been con-
ducted on relatively modest sample sizes. More linkage and
Twin, adoption, and family studies have clearly estab- association studies focused on smoking are needed to provide
lished that genetic effects are important in smoking-related the power to detect and replicate reliably genes accounting
behaviors. However, the complexity and evolution of these for some fraction of the variation in smoking behavior. In
behaviors over the time-course of an individual’s smoking addition to detecting sequence variants (such as SNPs), epi-
history from experimentation to established use to ultimate genetic changes and other genetic mechanisms underlying
cessation pose challenges for genetic study. Most research the interindividual variation in smoking behavior need to be
to date has used fairly crude assessments of smoking behav- evaluated.
28 Genetics of Smoking Behavior 427

Powerful neuroimaging tools such as functional MRI and Benowitz, N. L., Swan, G. E., Jacob, P., Lessov-Schlaggar, C. N., &
PET scans have been used in recent years to look at many Tyndale, R. F. (2006). CYP2A6 genotype and the metabolism and
disposition kinetics of nicotine. Clinical Pharmacol.Therapy, 80,
aspects of smoking and its effect on the structure and func-
tion of the central nervous system, but only occasionally has Bergen, A. W., & Caporaso, N. (1999). Cigarette smoking. Journal of
this approach been combined with genetic informed designs. the National Cancer Institute, 91, 1365–1375.
Twin studies of smoking-discordant pairs using neuroimag- Berrettini, W. (2008). Nicotine addiction. American Journal of Psychi-
atry, 65,1089–92.
ing would be a powerful design for disentangling genes from
Bierut, L. J., Madden, P. A., Breslau, N., Johnson, E. O., Hatsukami,
environment. D., & Pomerleau, O. F., et al. (2007). Novel genes identified in
More research is needed on the role of genetic fac- a high-density genome wide association study for nicotine depen-
tors in non-nicotine aspects of tobacco dependence and on dence, Human Molecular Genetics, 16, 24–35.
Blondal, T., Gudmundsson, L. J., Olafsdottir, I., Gustavsson, G., &
other tobacco products than cigarettes, smokeless tobacco in Westin, A. (1999). Nicotine nasal spray with nicotine patch for
particular. Finally, assessing heritable variance in hypothe- smoking cessation: randomized trial with six year follow up. British
sized endophenotypes relevant to ND is another promising Medical Journal, 318, 285–288.
approach illustrated in a laboratory paradigm (Ray, Rhee, & Boomsma, D. I., Koopmans, J. R., van Doornen, L. J. & Orlebeke, J. F.
(1994). Genetic and social influences on starting to smoke: a study
Stallings, 2007) reporting heritability estimates of 0.47–0.68 of Dutch adolescent twins and their parents. Addiction. 89:219–226.
for self-reports of tension reduction after smoking. Genetic Breslau, N., Novak, S. P., & Kessler, R. C. (2004). Psychiatric disorders
studies of smoking behaviors offer great challenge but much and stages of smoking. Biological Psychiatry, 55, 69–76.
opportunity. Breslau, N., Peterson, E. L., Schultz, L. R., Chilcoat, H. D., & Andreski,
P. (1998). Major depression and stages of smoking. A longitudinal
investigation. Archives of General Psychiatry, 55, 161–166.
Acknowledgment Preparation of this chapter was supported by Broms, U. (2008). Nicotine Dependence and Smoking Behaviour: A
NIAAA grant R37 AA12502. Portions of the literature review and genetic and epidemiological study. Publications of Public Health M
tables were adapted from a dissertation submitted by Ulla Broms to the 193:2008. University of Helsinki, Multiprint Oy. Helsinki.
Faculty of the University of Helsinki (Broms, 2008). Broms, U., Madden, P. A. F., Heath, A. C., Pergadia, M. L., Shiffman,
S., & Kaprio J. (2007). The nicotine dependence syndrome scale in
finnish smokers. Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 89, 42–51.
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Windle, M, & Windle, R. C. (2001). Depressive symptoms and cigarette Public Health, 89, 1837–1840.
smoking among middle adolescents: prospective associations and Zhang, H., Ye, Y., Wang, X., Gelernter, J., Ma, J. Z., & Li, M. D. (2006).
intrapersonal and interpersonal influences. Journal of Consulting DOPA decarboxylase gene is associated with nicotine dependence.
and Clinical Psychology, 69, 215–226. Pharmacogenomics, 7, 1159–1166
Chapter 29

The Genetics of Substance Use and Substance Use Disorders

Danielle M. Dick, Carol Prescott, and Matt McGue

Introduction drugs. Because behavioral genetic research on smoking is

comprehensively reviewed in another chapter in this volume,
The abuse of licit and illicit drugs constitutes one of the lead- we limit our discussion of smoking research to instances
ing public health problems in the world. There are tens of where we can draw parallels to findings on alcohol or illicit
millions of alcohol or drug abusers and more than a billion substance use and abuse. In this chapter, we review (1) twin
smokers in the world (WHO, 2002). Each year, substance and adoption research that has established the existence of
abuse results in the loss of tens of millions of dollars due genetic and environmental influences on substance use phe-
to health-care costs and lost productivity (Cartwright, 2008; notypes and helped to identify intermediate phenotypes that
Rehm, Taylor, & Room, 2006). Substance abuse also short- appear to underlie these influences; (2) molecular genetic
ens lives, increases risk for chronic disabling illness, and investigations that are beginning to identify the specific genes
results in untold social costs in terms of broken families, underlying risk for substance use disorders; and (3) devel-
ruined careers, and violent victimization (Goldman, Oroszi, opmental behavioral genetic research aimed at investigating
& Ducci, 2005). While effective treatments for addiction the joint contribution of genetic and environmental factors to
exist, the amelioration of the societal burden of substance the development of substance use disorders. Before review-
abuse will require more effective prevention. Behavioral ing behavioral genetic research, we briefly discuss what is
genetic research in this area is part of a larger effort aimed known about the clinical epidemiology of substance use and
at improving prevention and intervention efforts by bringing abuse.
about a better understanding of the origins of substance use
disorders (O’Brien, 2008).
Behavioral genetic research has helped to transform the Substance Use and Substance Use Disorders:
addictions research field. No longer are substance use dis- The Nature of the Phenotype
orders considered a form of moral weakness or an out-
growth of an unresolved dynamic conflict. Rather, there
is now widespread recognition that substance use disor- Five core features of the epidemiology of substance use
ders have a neurological basis and are genetically influ- and abuse are central to understanding behavioral genetic
enced. The present chapter provides an overview of the approaches in this area. First, substance use disorders are
behavioral genetic research that has helped to achieve this relatively common. Consequently, large numbers of indi-
transition. This is an extremely active area for behavioral viduals with clinically relevant levels of substance abuse
genetic research, especially over the past 10 years, and it will be included in community-based samples and popu-
is well beyond the scope of the present review to compre- lation twin surveys. Second, both clinical and sub-clinical
hensively cover all relevant research. This review is conse- patterns of substance use behavior have public health sig-
quently selective but intended to be representative. The scope nificance. Consequently, behavioral genetic research is not
of our review includes behavioral genetic research on the limited to the investigation of substance use disorders,
use and abuse of both common licit (i.e., alcohol) and illicit but rather has considered a broad range of substance use
phenotypes. Third, substance use disorders can be usefully
conceptualized within a developmental framework. This
D. M. Dick (B) framework traces the roots of substance use disorders from
Virginia Institute for Psychiatric and Behavior Genetics, Virginia childhood, prior to substance use initiation, to late ado-
Commonwealth University lescence and early adulthood, when patterns of maladap-
e-mail: ddick@vcu.edu
tive substance use typically emerge. Fourth, substance use

Y.-K. Kim (ed.), Handbook of Behavior Genetics, 433

DOI 10.1007/978-0-387-76727-7 29,  c Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2009
434 D.M. Dick

disorders rarely occur in isolation but rather typically co- Although there is individual variation (Maggs & Schu-
occur with each other and with other mental health problems. lenberg, 2004), the typical course of the development of
Finally, access to substances is a necessary precondition for substance use and abuse in adolescence and early adult-
the development of substance use disorders. Although this hood has been characterized by epidemiological research.
observation may seem trivial, we will show it has significant Initiation of substance use typically begins in early to mid-
consequences for understanding the interplay of genetic and dle adolescence with experimentation with “licit” drugs like
environmental factors in the development of substance use tobacco and alcohol. The majority of individuals will try
disorders. tobacco and alcohol sometime during adolescence (John-
The DSM and ICD distinguish two forms of substance ston, O’Malley, Bachman, & Schulenberg, 2005). Conse-
use disorders (Hasin, 2003). Substance dependence refers quently, more important than whether an adolescent has ever
to a maladaptive pattern of substance use characterized by used tobacco or alcohol is when they start and how rapidly
impaired control, neglect of major social and occupational they escalate in their use of these substances. Relative to
responsibilities, and physical signs of dependence. Sub- the percentage of adolescents who use tobacco or alcohol,
stance abuse refers to a recurrent pattern of substance use a smaller percentage of adolescents will ever use marijuana
despite physical, social, or psychological harm. Although and other illicit drugs. Initiation of substance use after the
substance abuse is likely to be associated with lower lev- mid-twenties is uncommon (Chen & Kandel, 1995). The
els of impairment than substance dependence, substance prevalence of both licit and illicit substance use continues
abuse has a clinical course that suggests it is not merely a to increase throughout adolescence and into early adulthood,
milder form of dependence (Hasin, Grant, & Endicott, 1990). and substance use disorders typically onset in late adoles-
Substance use disorders vary in prevalence across cultures, cence or early adulthood (Kessler et al., 2005). For most indi-
but are among the most common of mental health prob- viduals, however, substance use other than tobacco begins to
lems in nearly all Western countries (Rehm, Room, van den moderate later in adulthood as they marry, initiate careers,
Brink, & Jacobi, 2005; Rehm, Room, van den Brink, & and assume other adult roles (Bachman et al., 2002). For
Jacobi, 2005). Epidemiological studies in the United States, a minority, however, the attainment of adulthood does not
for example, indicate that approximately 25% of the adult result in a moderation of youthful insobriety.
population is nicotine dependent (Breslau, Johnson, Hiripi, While substance availability and social context are impor-
& Kessler, 2001), and that 15–20% of the population has tant contributors, individual-level factors exert a powerful
a lifetime diagnosis of a substance use disorder other than influence on the development of substance use behavior
nicotine dependence (Kessler, Berglund, Demler, Jin, & Wal- (Sher & Trull, 1994; Tarter & Vanyukov, 1994). Early ini-
ters, 2005). The rate of nicotine dependence is similar in tiation of substance use, for example, is not entirely circum-
men and women (Breslau, et al.), although males are approx- stantial, as children who are characterized as impulsive and
imately twice as likely as females to have other substance use oppositional or who suffer from mental health problems like
disorders (Kessler, et al.). attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and conduct
The public health burden of substance use behavior is disorder (CD) are more likely to initiate substance use early
not due entirely to the existence of diagnosable cases. Sub- and develop a substance use disorder than children not
clinical levels of substance use are associated with increased having these disorders (Elkins, McGue, & Iacono, 2007).
risk of driving accidents and violence, and decreased These developmentally early dispositional and mental health
worker productivity (Gmel & Rehm, 2003; Hingson & Win- markers of risk may contribute to another salient feature
ter, 2003). Substance use in adolescence, and especially in of substance use disorders – their substantial comorbidity.
early adolescence, is also a major risk factor for substance Substance abusers typically abuse multiple rather than a
use disorders in adulthood (McGue & Iacono, 2005; McGue, single substance. Smoking is markedly elevated among
Iacono, Legrand, & Elkins, 2001a). Moreover, substance use alcoholics (Istvan & Matarazzo, 1984), who also show sig-
problems can be conceptualized as existing along a dimen- nificantly elevated rates of illicit drug use disorders (Stinson
sion of problematic use rather than as simple discrete enti- et al., 2006). Substance use problems are also highly comor-
ties (Gillespie, Neale, Prescott, Aggen, & Kendler, 2007; bid with mental health problems, especially those character-
Krueger et al., 2004). For these reasons, rather than focus ized by disinhibition or poor impulse control (Krueger, Hicks
exclusively on substance use disorders, behavioral geneti- et al., 2002), and, to a lesser degree, internalizing disorders
cists have investigated a range of substance use phenotypes like anxiety and depression (Grant et al., 2006). This has led
including the initiation of substance use in adolescence, some to hypothesize the existence of one or more general-
quantity–frequency indices of substance use in adulthood, ized dimensions of risk that convey vulnerability not only to
and symptom count scales as quantitative markers of prob- substance use disorders but also to associated mental health
lem use severity. problems.
29 The Genetics of Substance Use and Substance Use Disorders 435

Twin and Adoption Studies: Characterizing cent populations have focused primarily on initiation and
the Nature of Genetic and Environmental quantity/frequency measures rather than with problem or
Influences on Substance Use Phenotypes abusive patterns of alcohol use. Variance component esti-
mates from adolescent twin samples are more variable across
studies than estimates based on adult twin samples. More-
Twin and Adoption Research on Substance Use over, the weighted-average estimates of h2 are lower and
and Abuse c2 are higher in adolescent as compared to adult twin sam-
ples. Significantly, this conclusion is supported by longitu-
Overview: Substance use and abuse is one of the most active dinal as well as cross-sectional studies. In a large sample of
areas of behavioral genetic research. It is not within the scope adolescent Finnish twins followed longitudinally, for exam-
of this chapter to review or summarize every published twin ple, Rose, Dick, Viken, and Kaprio (2001) reported signifi-
and adoption study in this area. Consequently, our focus will cant increases in the heritability of drinking and significant
be on large-scale community-based twin and adoption stud- decreases in the influence of shared environmental factors
ies covering two substances: alcohol and cannabis. We focus from age 16 to 18.5 years. The findings from this study are
on community-based samples because clinically ascertained reproduced in Fig. 29.1.
samples, which overrepresent individuals with severe and Multi-stage biometric models that seek to characterize the
comorbid forms of substance use disorders, may yield biased shared and unique contributions to substance use initiation
estimates (Prescott, Aggen, & Kendler, 2000). We focus on versus substance use progression have been fit to adoles-
studies with large samples since they are likely to yield cent twin data on alcohol use. In a sample of 1,214 adoles-
statistically stable estimates of effects. Finally, we restrict cent twin pairs, for example, Fowler et al. (2007) reported
our analysis to phenotypes related to alcohol and cannabis a heritability estimate of 0.26 and a shared environmental
use because, along with tobacco, these are the most widely influence of 0.65 for drinking initiation. Various indices of
studied substances from a behavioral genetic perspective. drinking progression were assessed in this study (e.g., quan-
Findings from the limited number of twin studies on other tity, binge drinking), and estimates of heritability for these
licit (e.g., caffeine) and illicit (e.g., cocaine, hallucinogens) measures were consistently higher (0.27–0.64) and shared
substances are generally consistent with those from research environmental effects consistently lower (0.00–0.36) than for
on the two substances we focus on here. drinking initiation. Importantly, the association of drinking
Twin and Adoption Research on Drinking and Alcoholism: initiation with drinking progression was only moderate in
Table 29.1 gives standardized variance component estimates magnitude, suggesting that there are unique causal factors
(i.e., h2 , c2 , and e2 ) reported in large-scale, community-based underlying the two types of substance use phenotypes. Stud-
twin studies of alcohol-related phenotypes. The table also ies of adolescent adopted siblings provide additional evi-
gives the sample size weighted-average variance component dence for the existence of strong shared environmental influ-
estimates. Twin studies of adult samples are overwhelm- ence on adolescent drinking behavior. McGue, Sharma, &
ingly consistent: Genetic and non-shared environmental fac- Benson (1996) reported a correlation of 0.24 for an index
tors each account for approximately 50% of the variance of drinking behavior in a sample of 255 adopted adolescent
in alcohol outcomes, while shared environmental factors sibling pairs. The sibling correlation was, however, substan-
appear to have little or no impact. Heritability estimates tially greater for like-sex adopted siblings who were no more
for quantity/frequency measures of alcohol consumption in than 2 years apart in age (r = 0.45) versus unlike sibling
adults appear comparable to those for problem use or depen- pairs who were more than 2 years apart in age (r = 0.05). The
dence. Although early twin and adoption research suggested finding of substantial similarity in drinking behavior among
stronger heritable influences on risk of alcoholism in men only demographically similar siblings, along with the failure
than women (McGue, Pickens, & Svikis, 1992), this gen- in this study to observe significant adopted parent–offspring
der difference has not emerged in larger and more recent resemblance for drinking outcomes, led these researchers to
twin studies (Heath et al., 1997; Prescott, 2002). The find- posit that sibling factors may be a major contributor to the
ing of moderate genetic influences is consistent with earlier shared environmental influence on adolescent drinking.
reviews of twin studies on alcoholism (McGue, 1991, 1994) Although measures of alcohol use clearly show genetic
and is further supported by the repeated finding from adop- influence in adolescence, the more limited number of stud-
tion studies of significant elevations in drinking problems ies investigating alcohol dependence symptoms in early ado-
and alcoholism in the adult reared-away offspring of alco- lescence suggests a very different picture than studies of
holic biological parents (Cloninger, Bohman, et al., 1981; alcohol dependence in adults. Analyses of alcohol depen-
Goodwin et al., 1973). dence symptoms at age 14 in a large sample of Finnish twins
As noted in the recent review by Hopfer et al. (2005), found no evidence of genetic effects in either girls or boys
behavioral genetic studies of drinking behavior in adoles- at this age (Rose, Dick, Viken, & Pulkkinen, 2004). Data
436 D.M. Dick

Table 29.1 Large-scale, community-based twin studies of alcohol-related phenotypes

Studies of adult populations
Biometric estimates
Study Country Sample N Smoking phenotype h2 c2 e2
Jardine & Australia Male 2,745 indivs Weekly consumption 0.36 0.23 0.41
Martin (1984)
Female 4,875 indivs Weekly consumption 0.56 0.00 0.44
Kaprio et al. (1992) Finland Younger Male 898 pairs Weekly consumption 0.64 0.00 0.36
Younger Female 987 pairs Weekly consumption 0.58 0.00 0.42
Older Male 1,388 pairs Weekly consumption 0.48 0.00 0.52
Older Female 1,199 pairs Weekly consumption 0.49 0.00 0.51
Kendler et al. (1994) US Female 1,030 pairs a Alcohol dependence 0.59 0.00 0.41
Swan et al. (1996) US Male Vets 356 pairs Weekly consumption 0.49 0.00 0.51
Heath et al. (1997) Australia Combined Male 5,889 indivs Alcohol dependence 0.64 0.01 0.35
and Female
Kendler et al. (1997) Sweden Male 8,935 Pairs Temperance board registration 0.54 0.14 0.32
Hettema et al. (1999) US Male 1,295 Indivs Weekly consumption 0.60 0.00 0.40
Female 1,871 Indivs Weekly consumption 0.47 0.00 0.53
Prescott & Kendler US Male 3,516 Indivs Alcohol dependence 0.48 0.00 0.52
Weighted average 10,269 pairs b Weekly consumption 0.52 0.03 0.45
18,073pairs b Dependence/temperance 0.55 0.08 0.37
Han et al. (1999) US Male 274 pairs Initiation 0.60 0.23 0.17
Female 225 pairs Initiation 0.10 0.68 0.22
Koopmans Netherlands Male 1553 indivs Initiation 0.00 0.92 0.08
et al. (1999)
Female 1849 indivs Initiation 0.41 0.54 0.05
Maes, Woodfard, US Combined Male 1412 pairs Initiation 0.54 0.17 0.29
et al. (1999) and Female
Rose et al. (2001) Finland Male 1330 indivs Initiation 0.00 0.76 0.24
Female 1380 indivs Initiation 0.18 0.76 0.06
Rhee et al. (2003) US Male 1148 indivs c Initiation 0.41 0.36 0.23
Problem use 0.41e 0.33 0.26
Female 976 indivs c Initiation 0.41 0.22 0.37
Problem use 0.60e 0.17 0.23
Rose et al. (2004) Finland Male 916 indivs Alcohol dependence 0.00 0.76 0.24
Female 694 indivs Alcohol dependence 0.00 0.83 0.17
Hopfer et al. (2005) US Combined Male 2427 pairs d Weekly consumption 0.52 0.00 0.48
and Female
Weighted average 8455 pairs b Initiation/consumption 0.37 0.36 0.27
1867 pairs b Dependence/problem use 0.28 0.49 0.23
h 2 = proportion of variance due to genetic effects; c2 = shared environmental effects; e2 = non-shared environmental effects.
a Parents of the twins are included in the sample; b single individuals counted as half a pair in weighted average; c study includes biological and
adoptive sibling pairs as well as twin pairs; d includes full and half-sibling pairs in addition to twins; e heritability estimate includes combined
additive and non-additive (dominance) effects.

from the Missouri Adolescent Female Twin Study showed Kendler (1999) and Li, Cheng, Ma, and Swan (2003), smok-
a similar pattern of results, with alcohol dependence symp- ing progression is more strongly heritable than smoking
toms in adolescence largely influenced by environmental fac- initiation. Conversely there is greater evidence of shared
tors (Knopik, 2005). These studies suggest that the factors environmental effects on smoking initiation than on smok-
influencing alcohol dependence symptoms that manifest very ing progression. Also, as is found with alcohol, heritable
early in adolescence may differ from the etiological causes effects on smoking appear to increase while shared environ-
of adult alcohol dependence. Longitudinal studies of depen- mental effects appear to decrease during the transition from
dence symptoms from adolescence into adulthood will be early adolescence to early adulthood (Koopmans, vanDoor-
necessary to further explore this question. nen, & Boomsma, 1997). The similar pattern of develop-
The behavioral genetic findings on alcohol use and abuse mental behavioral genetic findings for the two substances are
are quite similar to those with smoking. As reviewed else- consistent with, although clearly not proof of, the existence
where in this volume as well as in the meta-analyses of common mechanisms of risk, a possibility we address
of twin studies of smoking published by Sullivan and below.
29 The Genetics of Substance Use and Substance Use Disorders 437

Age 16 Age 17 Age 18.5






Genetic Shared Non-shared
Environmental Environmental

Fig. 29.1 Proportion of variance in drinking frequency associated with influence of genetic factors increases while that of shared environmental
genetic and environmental factors at three ages in a longitudinal study factors decreases in importance
of Finnish twins (Rose et al., 2001). The figure shows that the relative

Twin Research on Cannabis-Related Phenotypes: A of substantial genetic contributions to each of the individ-
summary of large-scale population-based twin studies of ual substance use and disinhibitory psychopathology disor-
cannabis-related phenotypes is given in Table 29.2; this ders raises the question of whether common genetic factors
literature was also recently reviewed by Agrawal and are the primary source of disorder comorbidity. Behavioral
Lynskey (2006). Studies of adult twins implicate moderate to genetic methodology is well suited to address this question
strong levels of heritable influence. Interestingly, and largely (Neale & Kendler, 1995).
unlike adult twin studies of alcohol and tobacco use, a moder- In a sample of over 3000 pairs of adult male twins
ate level of shared environmental influence is also implicated from the Vietnam Era Twin Registry, Tsuang, Lyons, Meyer
in adult twin studies of cannabis-related phenotypes. As with et al. (1998) reported evidence for the existence of a common
the other two substance phenotypes, heritability estimates vulnerability factor that accounted for most of the genetic
are generally lower while shared environmental influences effects on abuse of marijuana, sedatives, stimulants, and hal-
are generally higher in adolescent as compared to adult twin lucinogens. Only abuse of heroin/opiates showed evidence
samples. Also, as has been found in multi-stage modeling of of substantial unique genetic effects not accounted for by
smoking and alcohol use, heritable influences are weaker and the common liability. Kendler, Myers, & Prescott (2007)
shared environmental influences are stronger on marijuana extended this line of investigation by investigating depen-
use initiation than progression. To our knowledge there have dence on both licit (alcohol, caffeine, and nicotine) and
been no systematic adoption studies of cannabis-related phe- illicit (cocaine and cannabis) substances in a sample of
notypes. 4,865 like-sex male and female twin pairs from the Virginia
Adult Twin Study of Psychiatric and Substance Use Dis-
orders. As in the study by Tsuang and colleagues, Kendler
Multivariate Biometric Models of Multiple et al. found evidence for a general genetic liability to cocaine
and cannabis. They also found evidence for a second gen-
Substance Use Phenotypes eral genetic liability factor that loaded primarily on symp-
toms of alcohol and nicotine dependence. Genetic effects on
Research reviewed thus far has focused on the use and abuse symptoms of caffeine dependence were largely independent
of individual substances. One of the most salient features of of the two liability factors. Interestingly, the genetic liability
substance use disorders, however, is that they rarely occur to licit and illicit substance dependence were highly corre-
in isolation. Substance use disorders are highly comorbid lated (r=0.82), implicating the existence of a general process
with each other as well as with other forms of disinhibitory underlying dependence on a broad range of both licit and
psychopathology (Goldman & Bergen, 1998). The existence illicit substances.
438 D.M. Dick

Table 29.2 Large-scale, community-based twin studies of cannabis-related phenotypes

Studies of adult populations
Biometric estimates
Study Country Sample N Cannabis phenotype h2 c2 e2
Tsuang et al. (1996) US Male veterans 3,372 pairs Abuse/dependence a 0.33 0.29 0.38
Kendler and Prescott (1998) US Female 1,934 indivs Use 0.40 0.35 0.25
Dependence 0.43 0.18 0.39
Kendler et al. (2000) US Male 1,198 pairs Use 0.33 0.34 0.33
Abuse 0.58 0.00 0.42
Lynskey et al. (2002) Australia Male 2,779 indivs Use 0.72 0.00 0.28
Dependence 0.50 0.12 0.38
Female 3,444 indivs Use 0.63 0.17 0.21
Dependence 0.40 0.18 0.46
Weighted average 5,326 pairs b Use 0.54 0.20 0.26
8,698 pairs b Abuse/dependence 0.42 0.19 0.40
Maes, Woodfard, et al. (1999) US Combined male and female 1,412 pairs Initiation 0.22 0.68 0.09
McGue et al. (2000) US Male 289 pairs Initiation 0.26 0.56 0.18
Abuse/dependence 0.54 0.27 0.19
Female 337 pairs Initiation 0.13 0.61 0.26
Abuse/dependence 0.06 0.68 0.26
Miles et al. (2001) US Combined male and female 738 pairs Initiation 0.31 0.47 0.22
Rhee et al. (2003) US Male 1,148 indivsb Initiation 0.39 0.44 0.17
Problem use 0.44 0.35 0.21
Female 976 indivsb Initiation 0.72 0.24 0.04
Problem use 0.22 0.33 0.45
Weighted average 3,838 pairs b Initiation 0.32 0.53 0.14
1,688 pairs b Abuse/dependence/ 0.32 0.40 0.29
problem use
h 2 = proportion of variance due to genetic effects; c2 = shared environmental effects; e2 = non-shared environmental effects.
a DSM-III-R diagnosis of cannabis dependence or abuse; b single individuals counted as half a pair in weighted average.

The comorbidity of substance use disorders with other nalizing psychopathology, including depression (Prescott,
behavioral disorders may provide insights into the nature of Aggen, & Kendler, 2000) and anxiety (Kendler, Prescott,
this general liability. Specifically, substance use disorders Myers, & Neale, 2003). The co-occurrence of these disorders
appear to be strongly comorbid with other forms of dis- may represent self-medication of internalizing symptoms.
inhibitory psychopathology, including antisocial personality Internalizing disorders are often found in individuals whose
and conduct disorder (Krueger & Markon, 2006), while sub- substance use disorders have relatively later onset and are
stance use and misuse in adolescence often co-occurs with possibly secondary to the internalizing disorders (Kuo, Gard-
other indicators of adolescent disinhibitory behavior (Young, ner, Kendler, & Prescott, 2006). There is also evidence for
Rhee, Stallings, Corley, & Hewitt, 2006). In a sample of depressive disorders being secondary to chronic substance
1,048 male and female 17-year old twins, Krueger, Hicks use (e.g., Schuckit, 2006). These findings are consistent with
et al. (2002) found that the phenotypic associations among results from some twin and adoption studies supporting the
multiple substance use and disinhibitory disorders, as well existence of partially distinct etiology of early and later onset
as a personality measure of behavioral constraint (the con- substance use disorders (Cloninger, Bohman, et al., 1981;
verse of impulsivity) could be accounted for by a general McGue, Pickens, et al., 1992).
liability to externalizing psychopathology (Fig. 29.2). Impor-
tantly, this externalizing factor was highly heritable (81%),
with non-significant estimates of residual genetic effects for
Summary of Twin and Adoption Research
all of the specific indicators except the personality mea-
sure. Collectively, these findings suggest that while there are
on Substance Use Phenotypes
substance-specific genetic influences, a large portion of the
genetic influences underlying substance use disorders owes Our review of relevant twin and family research on substance
to a general and highly heritable vulnerability to disinhibitory use and abuse leads us to several general conclusions. First,
psychopathology. substance use phenotypes are uniformly moderately to highly
Evidence from studies of adult twins indicates there is also heritable. Indeed, our survey of twin and adoption research
genetic overlap between substance use disorders and inter- on alcohol and cannabis use and abuse as well as other
29 The Genetics of Substance Use and Substance Use Disorders 439

a2 = .81*
c2 = .00
e2 = .19*

.78 .47
.58 .71 .63

Conduct Alcohol Drug (Low)
Disorder Dependence Dependence Constraint

Unique Unique Unique Unique Unique

a2 = .00 a2 = .06 a2 = .13 a2 = .13 a2 = .37*
c2 = .00 c2 = .26* c2 = .04 c2 = .09 c2 = .00
e2 = .38* e2 = .34* e2 = .32* e2 = .40* e2 = .41

Fig. 29.2 General externalizing model of substance use disorders, dis- c2 = proportion due to shared environmental effects, and e2 = proportion
inhibitory behavior, and personality markers of risk. Variance compo- due to non-shared environmental effects. Findings are reproduced from
nent parameters designated with an ∗ are significantly different from 0 Krueger et al. (2002)
at p < 0.05; a 2 = proportion of variance due to additive genetic effects,

reviews of behavioral genetic research on tobacco suggest Gene Identification for Substance Use
comparable levels of heritability across these three distinct Phenotypes
classes of substances. Second, the magnitude of heritable
effects on substance use phenotypes appears to be devel-
opmentally conditioned, with heritability estimates being Methodologies for Gene Identification
consistently higher in adulthood than in adolescence. This
conclusion is consistent with one of the most robust findings Historically, two primary strategies have been used for gene
to emerge from the behavioral genetic literature: the heri- identification: linkage and association studies. Linkage stud-
tability of a wide range of behavioral phenotypes increases ies have the advantage that they enable researchers to scan
during the transition from adolescence to adulthood (Bergen, the entire genome for possible regions containing genes
Gardner, & Kendler, 2007). influencing a trait of interest, without any a priori knowledge
Our third general conclusion concerns the substantial of where these genes may reside. This can be accomplished
comorbidity that exists among substance use disorders and by testing genetic markers approximately evenly spaced
between substance use disorders and other mental health throughout the genome. Traditionally, this was accomplished
disorders. To a large degree these comorbidities appear to with microsatellite markers spaced every ∼10cM, neces-
reflect a general and highly heritable vulnerability to dis- sitating ∼400 markers to cover the whole genome. Early
inhibitory psychopathology. This conclusion has substantial studies using linkage methods in psychiatric disorders were
implications for gene identification research on substance largely unsuccessful (Egeland et al., 1987) and led to much
use phenotypes in that it implies the existence of genetic early disappointment and frustration. This was based, in
polymorphisms that convey risk across a wide range of sub- part, on the use of linkage methods (called parametric)
stance use and mental health disorders. Nonetheless, it is that required specification of a disease model (e.g., mode
important to recognize that this common genetic vulnera- of inheritance, penetrance, disease allele frequency in the
bility does not account entirely for genetic influences on population). Although parametric linkage had been used
specific substances. Consequently, we also expect there to successfully to map genes for hundreds of Mendelian disor-
be substance-specific genetic influences, possibly related to ders (http://www3.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/Omim/), studying com-
the metabolism or receptor targets of individual substances plex phenotypes introduced a number of new complications,
(Goldman et al., 2005). including the involvement of many genes of small effect,
440 D.M. Dick

genetic heterogeneity, environmental influences, and phe- associations can result. However, because large numbers of
notypic imprecision. Subsequently, linkage methods were single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs; i.e., genetic varia-
created that were better suited for the many complexities tion at the level of a single base of DNA) are now available to
inherent in complex phenotypes such as substance use disor- allow for testing and correcting for population substructure,
ders. These methods, called nonparametric linkage, are based case–control studies have become increasingly popular and
on a concept called “identity by descent” (IBD) marker allele concerns about population stratification have lessened.
sharing. If siblings inherit the same marker allele from the The other method used in association studies is the family-
same parent, the allele is called IBD. If the marker being based method. The most basic form of the family-based test
tested is in close physical proximity to a gene influencing the is called the transmission disequilibrium test (TDT). This
disease or trait under study, then siblings who are similar for method compares the frequency of alleles transmitted to
the trait would be expected to share more IBD marker alleles. affected children from heterozygous parents with the fre-
Conversely, siblings who are dissimilar would be expected quency of alleles not transmitted. The sample needed for the
to exhibit fewer IBD marker alleles near the gene influenc- TDT analysis consists of an affected individual and his/her
ing the trait. Nonparametric linkage methods also allow the parents. The rationale behind the TDT is that for a dial-
inclusion of more extended families beyond sibling pairs in lelic marker, there is a 50/50 chance that a child will inherit
the genetic analysis, as basic statistical genetic probability each of the two possible alleles from a heterozygous par-
can be used to calculate deviations from expected allele shar- ent. Accordingly, in the event of no association, across many
ing across different relative types. trios of affected individuals (with heterozygous parents), we
Although linkage analyses are useful for identifying expect that ∼50% of the individuals will have inherited allele
chromosomal regions likely to harbor genes influencing the 1 and ∼50% of individuals should have inherited allele 2.
phenotype of interest, linkage peaks are often broad, contain- However, if a particular allele is found more often than
ing hundreds of genes, and linkage is imprecise in its ability expected by chance in the sample of affected individuals, this
to localize the underlying susceptibility variant. In addition, indicates that the allele is associated with disease status. In
we expect that many genes involved in complex behavioral this way, we are testing for over-transmission of a particular
phenotypes may have effect sizes too small to be detected in allele to affected individuals.
linkage analyses. Accordingly, the second method of analy- The primary advantage of family-based methods is that
sis, association analysis, has become increasingly popular. they eliminate the need for matched samples, thereby
Association analyses provide a useful tool for several avoiding potential problems associated with population strat-
purposes, including testing the role of potential candidate ification. However, they are generally less powerful than
genes, fine-mapping in regions of linkage, and more recently, case–control methods, and the necessary sample structure
genome-wide analyses. Allelic association refers to a sig- may be more difficult to collect. Affected individuals with
nificantly increased or decreased frequency of a particular both parents are necessary, and only heterozygous parents
marker allele with a disease trait. There are two basic types are informative. Accordingly, the number of trios that will
of association studies: case–control studies and family-based be informative will vary as a function of the allele frequen-
studies. Case–control studies compare the frequency of alle- cies at the marker of interest (e.g., if one allele is very rare,
les between a group of unrelated, affected individuals and a there will be fewer heterozygous parents, requiring more
group of matched controls. The controls should be matched trios to be collected). In addition, for late onset disorders,
to the cases with respect to numerous factors, such as age, such as Alzheimer’s disease, it may be impractical or impos-
gender, and ethnicity, so that they differ only in disease sta- sible to ascertain parents of affected individuals. There are
tus. In this way, differences in allele frequencies between many extensions of the basic TDT, including methods that
the two groups are interpreted as evidence that the gene is use data from additional affected or unaffected siblings or
involved in disease status. from even more extended pedigrees. In addition, the test has
The advantage of this approach lies in its relative sim- been extended to the analysis of quantitative traits in addi-
plicity. The necessary statistics are straightforward and the tion to qualitative traits. There are many excellent references
method is generally powerful for detecting genes of smaller describing methods for linkage and association in great detail
effect than those that can be identified with linkage analy- (e.g., Neale, Ferreira, Medland, & Posthuma, 2008)
sis. Case–control studies are also fairly easy to implement in
terms of sample collection. The primary disadvantage of this
approach is its sensitivity to the existence of population strat- Gene Identification for Alcohol Phenotypes
ification. Population stratification refers to the mismatching
of cases and controls for population substructure (i.e., eth- Linkage Studies of Alcohol Phenotypes: The first large-scale
nicity). If cases and controls are mismatched on ethnicity study aimed at identifying genes contributing to alcohol
and ethnic groups differ in disease risk, then spurious genetic dependence was the Collaborative Study on the Genetics of
29 The Genetics of Substance Use and Substance Use Disorders 441

Alcoholism (COGA), a multi-site collaboration initiated in scan was conducted on a sample of 474 families ascertained
1989 that ascertained families densely affected with alcohol via probands in treatment facilities in Ireland. The strongest
dependence from treatment centers across the United States. evidence of linkage was observed with number of alcohol
An initial genome-wide linkage scan for alcohol dependence dependence symptoms on chromosome 4. There was weaker
was reported on 291 markers, genotyped in 987 individuals evidence of association observed with alcohol dependence
from 105 densely affected families, with an average inter- on several other regions, including 1q, 13q, and 22q for alco-
marker distance of 13.8 cM. Nonparametric linkage analy- hol dependence, and 2q, 9q, and 18p for alcohol dependence
ses yielded evidence of linkage on chromosomes 1 and 7, symptoms (Prescott, Sullivan et al., 2006).
with more modest evidence of linkage on chromosome 2. In summary, a number of different chromosomal regions
In addition, there was evidence for a protective locus on have been identified as potentially containing genes confer-
chromosome 4 (Reich et al., 1998). A subsequent report was ring risk for alcohol dependence and related phenotypes.
published on an additional sample of 157 alcohol-dependent Only the primary reports from the major existent studies
families, ascertained using identical criteria (Foroud, Eden- have been reviewed here, but these findings underscore two
berg, et al., 2000). Additional genotyping was also conducted important points from the linkage literature. First, the mag-
on the initial sample, yielding a total of 351 markers geno- nitude of the lod scores (i.e., the standard test statistic used
typed in both samples. Evidence for linkage on chromosomes in a linkage analysis) has generally been modest, rarely
1 and 7 was present in the second sample, and increased in meeting recommended levels for genome-wide significance
the combined sample. The chromosome 2 finding was spe- (Lander & Kruglyak, 1995). Second, many different chro-
cific to the initial data set only and a new finding of linkage mosomal regions have been implicated, and different studies
on chromosome 3 was identified in the second sample. often identify different regions.
Since these initial reports of linkage with alcohol depen- There are plausible explanations for these results. Mod-
dence phenotypes, a number of additional papers have est lod scores may reflect the small effect size of individual
been published using the COGA data, reporting analyses genes involved in susceptibility to alcohol dependence and
using novel analytic techniques (Williams et al., 1999), the general lack of power of linkage analyses to detect genes
and using other alcohol-related phenotypes of interest, such of small effect. Findings across multiple regions may reflect
as maximum number of drinks in a 24-hour period (Sac- the fact that numerous genes are thought to be involved in
cone et al., 2000), subjective response to alcohol (Schuckit pathways related to risk for dependence. Different findings
et al., 2001), alcohol dependence comorbid with depression emerging across different studies may reflect genetic hetero-
(Nurnberger et al., 2001), and conduct disorder (Dick, Li geneity, whereby a different subset of susceptibility genes
et al., 2004). These papers have identified other chromosomal happens to be operating in different samples. Another con-
regions of interest that may contain genes conferring risk to sideration is that different studies have used different defini-
specific components of the alcohol dependence phenotype, tions of alcohol dependence, including DSMIII-R, DSMIV,
subgroups of alcoholics, and related traits. and ICD10 criteria. Finally, linkage peaks are often broad
COGA has been joined by a number of other genome- and have imprecise localization (Roberts, MacLean, Neale,
wide scans for alcohol dependence. A microsatellite scan Eaves, & Kendler, 1999), making it difficult to determine
was conducted on a sample of 330 individuals from multi- what constitutes a replication. These considerations make
plex alcohol-dependent families recruited through treatment it very difficult to distinguish valid reasons for inconsistent
centers in the Pittsburgh area. Linkage analyses were con- linkage findings across samples from false-positive reports.
ducted incorporating information about clinical, personality, It is thus challenging to determine when to invest the
and event-related potential characteristics, and yielded evi- necessary time and resources to follow up linkage peaks
dence for loci on chromosomes 1, 2, 6, 7, 10, 12, 14, 16, and to attempt to identify specific susceptibility genes in the
17 (Hill et al., 2004). A sample of 152 alcohol-dependent region.
individuals from 32 extended families from a Southwest- Despite this, at least two chromosomal regions have been
ern American Indian tribe produced evidence for linkage on followed up with association analyses that have successfully
chromosomes 11p and 4p (Long et al., 1998). In a sample led to gene identification. These regions are on chromo-
of Mission Indian families, a genome-wide scan was per- somes 4 and 7 (Dick, Jones et al., 2006). As reviewed above,
formed on a panel of 791 microsatellite markers. Although several independent studies found evidence of linkage to
there were no findings with dichotomous alcohol depen- chromosome 4, including with multiple phenotypes in the
dence phenotypes, chromosomes 4 and 12 showed evidence COGA sample (Saccone et al., 2000), as well as in the
of linkage with a severity phenotype, and chromosomes 6, Southwest American Indian study (Long et al., 1998) and
15, and 16 showed linkage with a withdrawal phenotype IASPSAD (Prescott, Sullivan et al., 2006). Chromosome 4
(Ehlers et al., 2004). Finally, in the Irish Affected Sib Pair contains many candidate genes of interest, including a clus-
Study of Alcohol Dependence (IASPSAD), a 4cM genome ter of alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH; involved in ethanol
442 D.M. Dick

metabolism) genes and a cluster of GABA-A receptor genes. involved in many of the behavioral effects of alcohol, includ-
Specific genes that have been identified on these chromo- ing motor incoordination, anxiolysis, sedation, withdrawal
somes are reviewed below. signs, and ethanol preference (Grobin, Matthews, Devaud,
Association Studies of Alcohol Phenotypes: The second & Morrow, 1998). This suggests that the GABA-A recep-
broad approach to gene identification is the association study. tor genes may be good candidates for contributing to the
Two major strategies for association have been used success- genetic risk for alcohol dependence. Chromosome 4 con-
fully in the substance abuse field thus far. The first involves tains the genes GABRA2, GABRA4, GABRB1, and GABRG1.
investigating genetic variation in genes at or near significant COGA systematically genotyped SNPs across each of these
linkage peaks, sometimes called positional candidates. The genes and identified strong evidence of association with one
second involves investigating genetic variation in genes that of the genes, GABRA2, and alcohol dependence (Edenberg,
affect the biological systems thought to underlie substance Dick, et al., 2004). This finding has now been replicated in a
use and abuse outcomes. number of independent samples (Covault, Gelernter, Hessel-
Positional Candidates: Replicated linkage of alcoholism brock, Nellissery, & Kranzler, 2004; Fehr et al., 2006; Lap-
to regions on chromosome 4 has resulted in the targeted palainen et al., 2005; Soyka et al., 2008).
investigation of several genes that map to that chromo- Several other genes on chromosome 4 that were consid-
some, including genetic polymorphisms that affect alcohol ered good potential candidates have also been followed up
metabolism. The primary pathway of ethanol metabolism in the COGA sample with more extensive genotyping to test
involves oxidation to acetaldehyde, catalyzed by alcohol for potential association with alcohol dependence. Associa-
dehydrogenases (ADHs), followed by further oxidation to tion has recently been reported with NFKB1, which encodes
acetate, catalyzed by aldehyde dehydrogenases (ALDHs) a subunit of a transcription factor, and alcohol dependence.
(Hurley, Edenberg, & Li, 2002). Humans have seven ADH NF-κB, the associated protein, regulates many genes rele-
genes tightly clustered on chromosome 4q22 in a head-to-tail vant to brain function, and its actions can be potentiated by
array extending over approximately 365 kb: (from 5 to 3 ) ethanol; thus NFKB1 was considered an excellent candidate
ADH7-ADH1C-ADH1B-ADH1A-ADH6-ADH4-ADH5. The gene for alcoholism (Edenberg, Xuei, Wetherill, et al., 2008).
ADH class I isozymes play the major role in ethanol Additional potential candidates on chromosome 4 remain
metabolism, and genetic polymorphisms have been detected under investigation in COGA based on the rationale that
in two of these genes that code for subunits of proteins which, since chromosome 4 showed evidence of linkage across mul-
in vitro, have greater enzymatic activity, suggesting faster tiple phenotypes and multiple samples, there are likely to be
conversion of ethanol to acetaldehyde in individuals carry- multiple genes in the region related to susceptibility to alco-
ing these alleles. A number of studies have reported lower hol dependence and related traits.
frequencies of both the ADH1B∗ 2 and ADH1C∗ 1 alleles The IASPSAD study has used a systematic approach to
among alcoholics, as compared to non-alcoholics, in a vari- identify genes contributing to the linkage peak on chro-
ety of East Asian populations (e.g., Shen et al., 1997). More mosome 4 observed in its sample. TagSNPs (i.e., SNPS
recently, a study of Jewish men living in Israel found that selected to systematically cover common genetic variation
the ADH1B∗ 2 allele was related to a reduced level of peak in the targeted regions) were genotyped across the 65 genes
weekly alcohol intake (Neumark, Friedlander, Thomasson, located in the 1-lod interval surrounding the linkage peak
& Li, 1998). Additionally, ADH1B∗ 2 was associated with associated with alcohol dependence symptoms in the Irish
lower levels of alcohol consumption in men in a European sample. Association with a number of novel genes was
population (Whitfield et al., 1998). identified, including association between number of alco-
Repeated linkage evidence on chromosome 4 has also led hol dependence symptoms among alcoholics and DKK2, a
to more extensive examination of the other ADH genes on gene thought to be involved in metabolic signaling pathways
chromosome 4. In the COGA study, markers were genotyped (Kalsi et al., 2008).
across all genes on the chromosome 4 cluster, and associa- Chromosome 7 has also been followed-up in the COGA
tion was reported between DSMIV alcohol dependence and project with more extensive genotyping and association
ADH4 (Edenberg, Xuei, Chen, et al., 2006). This has also analyses, as this was the strongest linkage signal in the orig-
been reported in an independent sample of European Amer- inal genome scan (lod = 3.49), and subsequent genotyp-
icans (Luo et al., 2005). In the Irish sample, association has ing conducted as part of the Genetic Analysis Workshop 14
been reported between alcohol dependence and markers in (GAW14) further increased the evidence for linkage (Lod =
several of the ADH genes in the cluster (Kuo et al., 2008). 4.1; Dunn et al., 2005). Association has been detected with
Chromosome 4 also contains a cluster of GABA-A recep- multiple candidate genes that have been tested around the
tor genes in the vicinity of reported linkage peaks. Several linkage region on chromosome 7, including a muscarinic
lines of evidence suggest that GABA, the major inhibitory cholinergic receptor gene, CHRM2 (Wang, Hinrichs, Stock
neurotransmitter in the human central nervous system, is et al., 2004), and two bitter taste receptors, TAS2R16 and
29 The Genetics of Substance Use and Substance Use Disorders 443

TAS2R38 (Wang, Hinrichs, Bertelsen et al., 2007). In addi- dopaminergic transmission potential candidates for involve-
tion to testing markers across candidate genes in the region, ment in alcohol dependence. There are five dopamine recep-
a systematic approach to follow-up was applied, in which tors, although the dopamine D2 receptor gene (DRD2) has
tagSNPs were genotyped across a 2-lod support interval sur- received the greatest study in relation to alcohol-related phe-
rounding the peak lod score from the GAW analyses. This notypes. In 1990, Blum et al. reported an association between
systematic screen of genetic variation across the linkage peak DRD2 and alcoholism (Blum et al., 1990). This association
led to the detection of a novel candidate gene, ACN9, which subsequently has been replicated by several groups (e.g.,
was associated with alcohol dependence (Dick, Aliev, Wang, Neiswanger, Hill, & Kaplan, 1995; Noble, 1998). However,
Grucza et al., 2008). Little is known about the function of the association remains controversial, as many studies have
ACN9 in humans; however, data from yeast indicate involve- failed to replicate an association between DRD2 and alco-
ment in the assimilation of ethanol or acetate into carbo- hol dependence (e.g., Gelernter et al., 1991; Kidd, 1993).
hydrate, suggesting a plausible role for its involvement in A recent meta-analysis suggests that DRD2 is significantly,
alcohol dependence. albeit modestly (pooled odds ratio [OR] of ∼ 1.3), associ-
Biologically Based Candidates: Alcohol Metabolism. The ated with alcoholism (Smith, Watson, Gates, Ball, & Fox-
genes that have been most consistently associated with croft, 2008). It has been suggested that DRD2 may contribute
alcohol dependence are polymorphisms in the alcohol- to a “reward deficiency syndrome”, a collection of addictive,
metabolizing enzymes. As described above in the section on impulsive, or compulsive behaviors, including alcoholism,
positional candidates, multiple ADH genes have been asso- polysubstance abuse, smoking, obesity, attention-deficit dis-
ciated with alcohol dependence; however, the effects asso- order, and gambling. More recently, it has been recognized
ciated with variation in ALDH are more powerful because that the Taq1A polymorphism that is commonly genotyped
it is the rate-limiting step in the metabolic pathway. Specif- in studies investigating DRD2 is actually located in a neigh-
ically, genetic variation in the gene that codes for the mito- boring kinase gene, named ankyrin repeat and kinase domain
chondrial version of the ALDH enzyme, designated ALDH2, containing 1 (ANKK1), a member of a family of proteins
is associated with a markedly reduced capacity to eliminate involved in signal transduction pathways. Although ini-
acetaldehyde. The mutant form of the ALDH2 gene (des- tial genotyping of the Taq1A polymorphism in the COGA
ignated the ALDH2∗ 2 allele) results in a deficient form of sample was negative, more systematic genotyping across
the enzyme and slow rates of acetaldehyde clearance. Since the DRD2/ANKK1 region suggests evidence of association
acetaldehyde levels are associated with many of the dys- between SNPs in the region and alcohol dependence and
phoric effects of alcohol (e.g., dizziness, nausea, flushing), antisociality in the Collaborative Study of the Genetics of
inheritance of the mutant allele is expected to be protective Alcoholism sample (Dick, Wang, et al., 2007)
against heavy drinking and the development of alcoholism. The Serotonin System. Genes involved in the reg-
The ALDH2∗ 2 allele is nearly absent in whites and blacks, ulation of the serotonin (5-hydroxytryptamine; 5-HT)
but it is considerably more common in Asians, with up to system provide plausible candidates for involvement in
43% of the Japanese population carrying this allele (Higuchi, many neuropsychiatric phenotypes, including alcohol
Matsushita, Murayama, Tagaki, & Hayashida, 1995). consumption, abuse, and dependence, because of the role
A potential role for the involvement of ALDH2 in alcohol of serotonin in mood regulation, sleep, aggression, and
dependence was detected as early as 1982, when Harada and appetite. Pharmacological agents that increase 5-HT cause
colleagues reported that ALDH2 deficiency was substantially a reduction in alcohol self-administration in humans.
lower among Japanese alcoholics, suggesting that the defi- The gene encoding the serotonin transporter (5-HTT) on
cient ALDH2∗ 2 allele may play a protective role by reducing chromosome 17q11.2 exhibits functional polymorphism
the risk of alcohol dependence (Harada, Agarwal, Goedde, in the promoter region of the gene (the polymorphism is
Tagaki, & Ishikawa, 1982). Subsequent studies have also designated 5-HTTLPR), with the shorter allele demon-
reported reduced rates of the ALDH2∗ 2 allele among alco- strating lower transcriptional efficiency. There is currently
holics in Asian populations (Shen et al., 1997). ALDH2∗ 2 mixed evidence for association of genetic variants in 5-HTT
confers up to a 10-fold reduction in the risk of alcohol depen- with alcohol use. A recent meta-analysis concluded that
dence, giving it a stronger protective effect than either the there is significant evidence of association between alcohol
ADH1B or ADH1C genes (Shen, et al.). The effect of the dependence and the short allele of 5-HTT (OR=1.18),
ADH1B genotype appears to be independent of, and additive with somewhat greater association among alcohol
with, that of the ALDH2 locus (Chen et al., 1996). dependence comorbid with another psychiatric condition
Dopamine System: Dopamine is believed to play an or characterized by greater severity (Feinn, Nellissery, &
important role in reward behavior. It is thought that the Kranzler, 2005). Additionally, the short allele has been
effects of alcohol are mediated through the reward path- associated with alcohol consumption in a sample of social
way in the mesolimbic system, making genes involved in drinkers (Munafo & Johnstone, 2005).
444 D.M. Dick

Endophenotypes holics (Begleiter, Porjesz, Bihari, & Kissin, 1984; Polich,

et al.). Moreover, individual differences in P3 amplitude are
An important strategy that has been used as a means to substantially heritable (Katsanis, Iacono, McGue, & Carl-
deal with the complications introduced in gene identifica- son, 1997; O’Connor, Morzorati, Christian, & Li, 1994), and
tion efforts by the heterogeneity that characterizes alcohol longitudinal studies report that reduced P3 amplitude pre-
dependence is to study endophenotypes. Endophenotypes are dicts early onset alcohol abuse (Berman, Whipple, Fitch, &
characteristics that represent more basic underlying biologic Noble, 1993; Hill, Steinhauer, Lowers, & Locke, 1995).
features in the gene-to-behavior pathways. This was a strat- Consistent with its characterization as an indicator of
egy first applied to psychiatric disorders by Gottesman and vulnerability to generalized disinhibitory psychopathology
Shields in 1972, and more recently reviewed in Gottesman rather than being a specific marker of alcoholism risk, P3
and Gould (2003). It seems probable that genes act more amplitude reduction has been associated with early adoles-
directly on an endophenotype than on a diagnostic classifi- cent problem behavior (Iacono and McGue, 2006), early
cation (particularly for disorders like substance abuse that onset substance use disorders (Iacono, Carlson, Malone, &
involve behavioral components), and therefore the study of McGue, 2002), adolescent substance use and misuse (Yoon,
endophenotypes may more efficiently lead to the identifi- Iacono, Malone, & McGue, 2006), and general externaliz-
cation of genes. In addition, endophenotypes may provide ing psychopathology (Iacono, et al.). Moreover, Patrick and
information about the pathways leading from genes to the colleagues (Patrick et al., 2006) showed that P3 amplitude
manifestation of clinical disorder. reduction was associated with a latent disinhibitory psy-
There is a substantial body of literature suggesting that chopathology factor, while Hicks et al. (2007) showed that
electrophysiological measures represent relevant endophe- this association was predominantly genetically mediated.
notypes for alcohol dependence. It has been proposed that Taken together, these findings suggest that electrophys-
the genetic predisposition to alcohol dependence involves iological endophenotypes are appropriate biological mark-
central nervous system (CNS) disinhibition/hyperexcitability ers of the genetic predisposition to alcohol dependence and
(Begleiter & Porjesz, 1999) and electrophysiological mea- would have utility in genetic analyses. This has proven to
sures can reflect this CNS disinhibition. Alcoholic individ- be the case in the COGA project, where electrophysiolog-
uals evidence several abnormalities in electrophysiological ical endophenotypes have been used as a complement to
functioning. In the COGA sample, increased beta power clinical diagnoses to hunt for genes involved in the pre-
and theta power in all three bands of resting EEG has been disposition to alcohol dependence. In fact, chromosomes 4
observed in alcohol-dependent individuals, as compared to and 7 were selected preferentially for follow-up based on
controls. An increase in beta power has also been observed in (loosely converging) evidence of linkage with both depen-
the offspring of male alcoholics, further suggesting this may dence diagnoses and electrophysiological endophenotypes.
be a marker of an inherited predisposition to alcohol depen- On both chromosomes, the evidence for linkage was con-
dence, rather than an outcome of chronic alcohol consump- siderably stronger with the electrophysiological endophe-
tion. In addition, the frequency bands of EEG are highly her- notypes (Jones et al., 2004; Porjesz et al., 2002), and the
itable; the averaged heritabilities for the delta, theta, alpha, linkage peaks with the electrophysiological endophenotypes
and beta frequencies are 76, 89, 89, and 86%, respectively were narrower and more directly located over the genes
(vanBeijsterveldt, Molenaar, deGeus, & Boomsma, 1996). that were subsequently identified (GABRA2 and CHRM2).
Perhaps the most extensively studied psychophysiolog- These findings underscore the utility of using endopheno-
ical endophenotype in the substance abuse field is the types to identify genes involved in the predisposition to alco-
amplitude of the P3 event-related brain potential (ERP). hol dependence (as reviewed in (Dick, Jones et al., 2006)).
P3 is a late positive deflection in the ERP wave-form
that is thought to reflect allocation of attentional resources
during memory update (Polich, Pollock, & Bloom, 1994).
Extending Gene Identification Efforts Beyond
Although the precise biological mechanisms underlying the
generation of P3 are not known, it is believed to reflect Alcohol Dependence Diagnoses
neural processes related to disinhibition (Begleiter & Por-
jesz, 1999). In terms of its utility as an endophenotype, P3 Another exciting development in gene identification projects
amplitude evoked in a visual ERP paradigm is on average directed at understanding how genes predispose to alco-
markedly lower among abstinent alcoholics as compared to hol problems has been the expansion of analyses beyond
non-alcoholics (Porjesz & Begleiter, 1998). This associa- adult alcohol dependence. Although early gene identifica-
tion does not appear to be a consequence of alcohol toxi- tion efforts focused largely on alcohol dependence diag-
city on brain function as P3 amplitude reduction has been noses, there has been a new effort to incorporate a devel-
consistently observed among the preadolescent sons of alco- opmental perspective into gene identification efforts and to
29 The Genetics of Substance Use and Substance Use Disorders 445

expand analyses to other clinically relevant phenotypes sug- fication. For substance dependence and related phenotypes,
gested by twin studies. For example, the role of GABRA2, both genes and the environment play an important role (as
first associated with adult alcohol dependence, has been stud- reviewed above), and these genetic and environmental influ-
ied across a sample of individuals ranging in age from 7 to ences are likely to combine in complex ways.
65+, with evidence that GABRA2 is associated with conduct
disorder in childhood/adolescence, and the association with
alcohol dependence does not emerge until the early twenties
(Dick, Bierut et al., 2006). Additional analyses suggest that Gene–Environment Interaction in the Etiology
GABRA2 is also associated with antisocial personality dis- of Substance Use Disorders
order (Dick, Agrawal et al., 2006) and with other forms of
illicit drug dependence (Agrawal et al., 2006; Dick, Bierut, One form of such interplay is gene–environment interaction
et al.), suggesting that this may be a gene involved in a vari- (G×E). G×E can be thought of as the effects of the envi-
ety of forms of disinhibitory psychopathology. A similar pat- ronment being dependent on a person’s genotype, or, equiv-
tern has been found for CHRM2, where the association is alently, as the effects of genotype being dependent on (or
strongest with a latent externalizing factor score consisting moderated by) the environment.
of symptoms of alcohol dependence, other drug dependence, Studies of twins have demonstrated that the magnitude
conduct disorder, adult antisocial behavior, and disinhibitory of importance of genetic effects on substance use can vary
personality traits (Dick, Aliev, Wang, Saccone et al., 2008). as a function of numerous factors, including marital status
Thus, GABRA2 and CHRM2 may be examples of genes that (Heath, Jardine, & Martin, 1989), religiosity (Koopmans,
are involved in alcohol dependence through a general exter- Slutske, van Baal, & Boomsma, 1999), regional residency
nalizing pathway, a pattern originally suggested by multivari- (Dick, Rose, Viken, Kaprio, & Koskenvuo, 2001; Rose
ate twin analyses. et al., 2001), peer deviance (Dick, Viken et al., 2007), and
In addition to broadening the phenotype, other associa- parental monitoring (Dick, Viken, et al.). This suggests that
tion analyses have been directed at analyzing aspects of alco- some environments exacerbate the expression of genetic
hol use and dependence phenotypes. For example, although predispositions, whereas others are protective. Furthermore,
initial analyses of the GABAA receptor genes on chromo- the importance of different environmental factors may vary
some 5 showed no evidence of association with alcohol across developmental periods (Dick, Viken, et al.).
dependence diagnoses in the COGA sample (Dick, Eden- Results from adoption studies are more limited, but
berg et al., 2005), subsequent analyses of drinking-related also suggest some environmental interactions. In studies of
phenotypes, including a broader definition of problematic Swedish adoptees, having a biological father with criminality
use, age of first intoxication, having a history of black- interacted with unstable rearing environment to increase risk
outs and level of response to alcohol, detected association of antisocial alcoholism among males (Cloninger, Sigvards-
with GABRA1 (Dick, Plunkett et al., 2006). These find- son, Bohman, & von Knorring, 1982). In the Iowa adoption
ings are of particular interest since the evidence for the studies, among females, a biological predisposition to alco-
GABAA receptor genes on chromosome 5 came largely holism interacted with conflict in the rearing environment or
from the animal literature where drinking phenotypes, rather adoptive parent psychopathology to increase risk for subse-
than alcohol dependence diagnoses per se, are necessarily quent development of alcoholism (Cutrona et al., 1994).
modeled. Similarly, association has been reported between Gene identification efforts are now attempting to test
the alpha synuclein gene (SNCA), another candidate gene for moderation of effects associated with specific genes as
from the animal literature, and alcohol craving, despite no a function of environmental risk factors. For example, a
association originally detected with dependence diagnoses recent study of the influences of the serotonin transporter
(Foroud, Wetherill, et al., 2007). These findings demonstrate 5-HTTLPR polymorphism on college students’ drinking and
the importance of examining alcohol use variables as pheno- drug use found an interaction between 5-HTTLPR genotypes
types, in addition to a diagnosis of alcohol dependence, in and stressful life events (Covault et al., 2007). The short
order to better understand the genetic susceptibility toward allele of 5-HTTLPR was associated with increased drinking
alcohol problems. and drug use only among individuals who had experienced
multiple negative life events, suggesting these individuals
may be particularly susceptible to stress. There is also pre-
Gene–Environment Interplay liminary evidence of gene–environment interaction associ-
ated with GABRA2, whereby the effect of the genotype dif-
Although classic twin models partition variance into genetic fered by marital status (Dick, Agrawal et al., 2006). Even
and environmental sources of variance, we know that this the effect of the inherited ALDH2 deficiency, which on the
separation into distinct sources of variance is an oversimpli- surface appears to be direct and straightforward (i.e., those
446 D.M. Dick

with ALDH2 deficiency get sick when they drink and so they Active gene–environment correlations occur when indi-
drink less), is complex and culturally conditioned. Higuchi viduals’ genotypes lead them to create or seek out environ-
et al. (1994) reported that the proportion of ALDH2∗ 2 het- ments. For example, individuals with low vulnerability to
erozygotes among Japanese alcoholics has increased over develop substance abuse may also be predisposed to select
time. In 1979, 2.5% of Japanese alcoholics were carriers of protective social situations, such as non-deviant peers and
the ALDH2∗ 2 allele, suggesting a powerful protective effect stable marital relationships. Or, individuals with genetically
since roughly 40–50% of Japanese are carriers. However, influenced characteristics, such as risk-taking or impulsive
the proportion of ALDH2∗ 2 carriers among Japanese alco- personality traits, may create stressful life events which then
holics rose, however, to 8% by 1986, and 13% by 1992. provide a trigger for substance abuse.
Although these latter rates still reflect a protective effect of Finally, evocative gene–environment correlations occur
ALDH2 deficiency, this effect has clearly diminished over when the genotypes of individuals lead to behavior which
time. Higuchi et al. (1994) attributed the increasing fre- evokes reactions in others or the environment that predis-
quency of ALDH2 deficiency among Japanese alcoholics to pose to substance use. In the previously described example of
cultural factors – during the period covered by the study, the Swedish adoptees (Cloninger, Sigvardsson et al., 1982),
Japanese culture had become increasingly encouraging of behavioral deviance of the adolescents could have con-
heavy drinking. So, the consequences of inheriting even a tributed to their unstable rearing environment, increasing
relatively straightforward genetic variant – an allele that can their risk to develop antisocial alcoholism.
make alcohol toxic – will still depend on context. Identifying gene–environment interactions in the context
of such gene–environment correlations is one of the chal-
lenges of behavior genetic research. Approaches such as
extended kinship designs have been applied to substance
use (e.g., Maes, Neale et al., 2006) but it is not pos-
Gene–Environment Correlation in the Etiology sible to test simultaneously all possible mechanisms for
of Substance Use Disorders parent–offspring transmission of risk. Eventually, the use
of measured gene studies will help to disentangle these
As indicated by the examples described above, behavior processes, but currently available studies examine variation
genetic studies of substance use and abuse are moving at single alleles, and these are likely to represent only a
beyond latent variable models to include measured genes and small fraction of the genetically transmitted risk for sub-
measured contextual risk factors. However, some caution is stance use disorders. A complete understanding of these
warranted when interpreting these studies as simply reflect- processes awaits elucidation of all the genetic and environ-
ing gene–environment interactions. Factors such as marital mental processes contributing to the development of these
status, religious affiliation, peer deviance, and stressful life disorders.
events are often assumed to reflect “environmental” risk,
but there is evidence that each of these is also influenced
by genetic factors (e.g., Eaves, Eysenck, & Martin, 1989;
Kendler, Jacobson et al., 2007; Kendler & Prescott, 2006).
Thus, it is plausible that another form of gene–environment
Using Genetic Information to Address Causal
interplay is relevant: gene–environment correlation.
Gene–environment correlation is when individuals whose Hypotheses
genotypes predispose them to develop a condition are at
increased risk to experience predisposing environments. The contributions of behavioral genetic studies to under-
Scarr and McCartney (1983) described three forms of gene– standing the etiology of substance use disorders extend
environment correlations: passive, active, and evocative, all beyond providing estimates of heritability. Twin studies are
of which are likely to come into play in the development of being used to address a number of causal hypotheses about
substance use behaviors. Passive gene–environment correla- substance use. Although these studies have their limita-
tions arise when parental genotypes influence their children’s tions, they provide information that helps provide a more
genetic risk and their environments. A striking example of nuanced context for interpreting the results from epidemi-
this is provided by children of alcoholic parents, who are at ological studies of risk factors for substance use disorders.
increased risk to experience many socio-cultural and psycho- A complete description of all the work done in this area is
logical factors associated with the development of substance beyond the scope of our review. Here we provide several
use disorders, including family conflict, financial difficulties, examples illustrating how behavior genetic studies are being
inadequate parenting and supervision, and heavy drinking used to evaluate the causality of risk factors for substance
role models (McGue, 1997). abuse.
29 The Genetics of Substance Use and Substance Use Disorders 447

Risk Factors: Causal or Correlated? early drinking being a manifestation for behavioral deviance.
Although there are good reasons to try to delay and reduce
From a logical perspective, the existence of causality is easier adolescent alcohol use, these results suggest this targeting
to disprove than prove. The approach used in these studies is drinking onset age may not be an effective way to reduce the
to estimate the basis for the association between a risk factor prevalence of adult alcoholism.
and substance abuse. If the basis is familial (either genetic Drinking and Marital Status. A significant predictor of
or shared environmental) this suggests that the risk factor is alcohol consumption among adults is marital status, with
correlated with, rather than causal for, the outcome. If the married individuals tending to drink less than those who
outcome and risk factors are associated due to individual- are single or divorced (Temple et al., 1991). A longitudi-
specific factors, this is consistent with, but not proof of, a nal study of female twin pairs found limited support for a
causal relation. The behaviors could be causally related or causal association between divorce and drinking (Prescott &
associated through some unmeasured process. Kendler, 2001). Women who would later get divorced drank
Age at First Drink. Early age of onset of alcohol use more heavily in the several years prior to their divorce, and
is associated with increased risk for developing alcoholism their cotwins drank more than other women, regardless of
(Grant & Dawson, 1997). In some studies, the prevalence of cotwin marital status. These results suggest a model of a
alcoholism among individuals who drink before age 15 is as causal association between divorce and drinking is too sim-
high as 50%. Some researchers have interpreted this associa- plistic and there are familial factors that contribute to the
tion as causal – that early drinking directly increases risk for association between drinking and divorce.
later alcohol problems, leading to a call for prevention efforts
aimed at delaying age at first drink. However, an alternative
explanation is that early drinking is just a manifestation of
liability to deviance, and delaying alcohol use would not alter The Gateway Hypothesis
the underlying liability to adolescent problem behavior or to
adult alcoholism. As discussed earlier, there is a strong association between the
The information to test causality comes from twin pairs use of one substance and the subsequent use of other sub-
discordant for early drinking. Under the causal hypothesis, stances. The common liability model posits that the comor-
twins with earlier drinking onset are expected to have higher bidity that exists among multiple substance abuse phenotypes
risk for alcoholism than their later-drinking cotwins. But if and other indicators of disinhibitory psychopathology is due
early drinking is an index of behavioral deviance (which to the existence of a common underlying liability. An alter-
has been found to be highly heritable), we would expect native is the gateway model, which posits that these associ-
that the prevalence of alcoholism would be similar for mem- ations arise because the use/abuse of any specific substance
bers of discordant-onset pairs. The “unexposed” twins (with increases the likelihood of the use/abuse of other, stronger,
a later onset of drinking) would be expected to share their substances as well as disinhibited behavior (Kandel, Yam-
cotwins’ risk for behavioral deviance and thus have a higher aguchi, & Chen, 1992). Consequently, interventions targeted
risk for alcoholism than observed in pairs in which neither at reducing use of substances early in the progression would
twin drank early. under the gateway model reduce other substance abuse and
Results from the VATSPSUD study were inconsistent disinhibited behavior by impeding the progression of exter-
with the causal hypothesis (Prescott & Kendler, 1999a, nalizing behavior, but would not be expected to produce
1999b). The analyses, which examined discordant pair infor- general benefits under the common liability model if the
mation and conducted latent variable modeling in the whole common liability was not the target of the intervention. Both
sample, estimated the overlap between early drinking and twin and measured gene studies have been used to address
alcohol dependence as due almost entirely to shared genetic these alternatives.
liability. For example, among 282 MZ pairs discordant for Discordant Twin-Pair Studies: Lynskey, Heath,
early drinking, there was only a slight increase in the preva- et al., (2003) used the discordant twin-pair design to
lence of alcoholism among twins who drank early relative address the gateway model for the progression from use
to their cotwins who did not. This familial pattern of results of cannabis to use and abuse of other drugs. Among 311
was replicated in a sample of adolescent twins from Min- Australian young adult twin pairs discordant for trying
nesota (McGue, Iacono, Legrand, & Elkins, 2001b). Adoles- cannabis before age 17, progression to other drugs and
cents whose parents used alcohol early were more likely to development of substance abuse were more than twice
begin drinking at a young age and showed strong twin-pair as common among the twins who were early cannabis
resemblance for early drinking. It is also noteworthy that the users than their cotwins who did not use cannabis early.
pair resemblance for early drinking was largely attributable The results suggest that for these pairs, the key variables
to pair similarity for externalizing behaviors, consistent with distinguishing their trajectories were individual-specific
448 D.M. Dick

environmental factors, consistent with early use being in influences, and by evaluating putative causal risk factors. A
the causal chain for later substance use. However, it is also variety of challenges remain, including clarifying the etiolog-
possible that other factors, such as behavioral deviance, ical heterogeneity in the development of these disorders and
are responsible for both the early cannabis use and the unraveling the specific mechanisms of shared genetic risk
subsequent use of other substances. It is noteworthy that for substance and comorbid conditions. We expect that over
the pairs discordant for early cannabis use were atypical, the next decade, molecular genetic studies of susceptibility
representing only 11% of pairs in the sample. This suggests loci will combine with findings from genetic epidemiologic
that genetic and shared environmental factors contribute research and studies of endophenotypes in high-risk popula-
to these behaviors as well. A subsequent study in the tions to add substantially to our knowledge about the matrix
Virginia adult twin sample was less supportive of a causal of risk.
explanation; the association between early cannabis use and
subsequent drug involvement was due primarily to genetic
and family environmental factors (Agrawal, Neale, Prescott, References
& Kendler, 2004).
ALDH2 Deficiency: The existence of ALDH2 deficiency
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Chapter 30

Genetic Analysis of Conduct Disorder and Antisocial Behavior

Soo Hyun Rhee and Irwin D. Waldman

Introduction regard for, and violation of, the rights of others that begins
in childhood or early adolescence and continues into adult-
In this chapter, we examine the evidence for genetic influ- hood” (p. 645). A diagnosis of ASPD requires a history of
ences on conduct disorder and antisocial behavior. First, CD before the age of 15 and three or more of the following
we present results from a meta-analysis of twin and adop- criteria: failure to conform to social norms with respect to
tion studies estimating the relative magnitude of genetic lawful behaviors (i.e., as indicated by repeatedly performing
and environmental influences on antisocial behavior (Rhee acts that are grounds for arrest), deceitfulness, impulsivity,
& Waldman, 2002). Second, we discuss recent studies irritability and aggressiveness, reckless disregard for safety,
that have examined several interesting issues in the eti- consistent irresponsibility, and lack of remorse. Conduct dis-
ology of antisocial behavior, including genotype × envi- order, a criterion for the diagnosis of ASPD, is described
ronment interactions, co-occurrence with other psychiatric by the DSM-IV as “a repetitive and persistent pattern of
disorders, the etiology of psychopathy, and the etiology behavior in which the basic rights of others or major age-
of adolescent-limited versus life-course-persistent antisocial appropriate societal norms or rules are violated” (p. 90,
behavior. Third, we review association studies examining the APA, 1994). It usually occurs in childhood or early ado-
influence of specific candidate genes on antisocial behav- lescence and is manifested as aggression toward people and
ior and linkage studies conducting genome-wide screens for animals, destruction of property, deceitfulness or theft, and
quantitative trait loci (QTLs) influencing antisocial behavior. serious violations of rules. Second, studies examining crim-
In this review, we focused on phenotypes directly related inality (an unlawful act that leads to arrest, conviction, or
to conduct disorder or antisocial behavior. Studies were incarceration) and delinquency (unlawful acts committed as
included if they clearly examined antisocial personality dis- a juvenile) were included. Third, we included studies exam-
order, conduct disorder, criminality, or aggression; if there ining aggression, which is usually studied as a personal-
was empirical evidence suggesting that the measure of anti- ity characteristic and assessed with measures such as the
social behavior used in the study successfully discriminated Adjective Checklist (Gough & Heilbrun, 1972). Fourth, stud-
an antisocial group from a control group; or if there was ies examining an omnibus operationalization that includes
empirical evidence suggesting that the measure used in the aggression and delinquency items, such as the externalizing
study is significantly related to a more established opera- scale from the Child Behavior Checklist (Achenbach & Edel-
tionalization of antisocial behavior. brock, 1983), were included.
Studies examining four operationalizations of antisocial
behavior were included. First, studies examining psychiatric
diagnoses of antisocial personality disorder (ASPD) and con- Current Issues and Research
duct disorder (CD) were included. The Diagnostic and Statis-
tical Manual of Mental Disorders, fourth edition (DSM-IV; A Meta-analysis of Twin and Adoption Studies
American Psychiatric Association [APA], 1994), describes Examining Antisocial Behavior
the essential features of ASPD as “a pervasive pattern of dis-

More than a hundred twin and adoption studies of antiso-

S.H. Rhee (B) cial behavior have been published. Nonetheless, it is diffi-
Institute for Behavioral Genetics, University of Colorado, Boulder, CO cult to draw clear conclusions regarding the magnitude of
80309, USA genetic and environmental influences on antisocial behav-
e-mail: Soo.Rhee@colorado.edu ior given the current literature. The main reason for this

Y.-K. Kim (ed.), Handbook of Behavior Genetics, 455

DOI 10.1007/978-0-387-76727-7 30,  c Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2009
456 S.H. Rhee and I.D. Waldman

difficulty is the considerable heterogeneity of the results in and Moffitt (1993) have suggested that antisocial individuals
this area of research, with published heritability estimates can be divided into a smaller group whose antisocial behav-
(i.e., the magnitude of genetic influences) ranging from very ior is persistent throughout the life course and caused pre-
low (e.g., 0.00; Plomin, Foch, & Rowe, 1981) to very high dominantly by genetic influences and a larger group whose
(e.g., 0.71; Slutske et al., 1997). It is important to remember antisocial behavior is limited to adolescence and caused pre-
that there is not a fixed, absolute heritability for antisocial dominantly by environmental influences. If their hypothesis
behavior. The heritability estimate describes the magnitude is correct, the magnitude of genetic influences on antisocial
of genetic influences in a particular population at a particular behavior should be lower in adolescence than in childhood or
time (Plomin, DeFries, McClearn, & McGuffin, 2001), and adulthood. We also compared the results of twin and adop-
it is possible that the heterogeneity in the results of behavior tion studies. Twin and adoption studies have unique assump-
genetic studies of antisocial behavior may reflect real, sub- tions or biases that can make interpretations of their results
stantive differences as well as those due to methodological difficult. Comparing the results of twin and adoption studies
variations across studies. In the literature, various hypotheses can help determine whether the results of behavior genetic
have been proposed to explain these heterogeneous results studies have been influenced by these unique assumptions or
across studies, including differences in the age of the sample biases. To the degree that the results of twin and adoption
(e.g., Cloninger & Gottesman, 1987), the age of onset of anti- studies are similar, it is more likely that the results reflect
social behavior (e.g., Moffitt, 1993), and the measurement of the true magnitude of genetic and environmental influences.
antisocial behavior (e.g., Plomin, Nitz, & Rowe, 1990). One cannot rule out the possibility, however, that the results
We conducted a meta-analysis of twin and adoption stud- of twin and adoption studies are similar because they share
ies in order to provide a clearer and more comprehen- similar biases to some extent that influence their results in
sive picture of the magnitude of genetic and environmental the same direction.
influences on antisocial behavior. Given previous hypothe- Two types of adoption studies were included in the present
ses proposed to explain the heterogeneity in the results, we meta-analysis: (1) parent–offspring adoption studies (i.e.,
examined the possible moderating effects of three study char- comparing the correlation between adoptees and their adop-
acteristics (i.e., the operationalization of antisocial behavior, tive parents with the correlation between adoptees and their
assessment method, and zygosity determination method) and biological parents) and (2) sibling adoption studies (i.e.,
two participant characteristics (i.e., the age and sex of the comparing the correlation between adoptive siblings with
participants) on the magnitude of genetic and environmental the correlation between biological siblings). When interpret-
influences on antisocial behavior. ing the results of parent–offspring data, it is important to
We tested the operationalization of antisocial behavior consider the possibility that the correlations between the
as a possible moderator given the evidence that antiso- parents and the offspring may be reduced by the age dif-
cial personality disorder, conduct disorder, criminality, and ference between the two generations and that the magnitude
aggression are distinct but related constructs (e.g., Robins & of familial (i.e., genetic and shared environmental) influ-
Regier, 1991). We examined four levels of operationaliza- ences may be underestimated. Genetic influences on a trait
tion, which included diagnosis (ASPD or CD), criminality, may differ from one generation to another because the genes
aggression, and antisocial behavior (an omnibus operational- affecting the same trait may differ in their expression across
ization that included aggression and delinquency items). We age due to genotype–environment interaction. For exam-
tested assessment method and zygosity determination as ple, genetic influences in the younger generation may be
moderators because of evidence suggesting that these are increased because of environmental facilitation of antisocial
potential methodological confounders (e.g., Plomin, 1981; behavior, e.g., via secular increases in substance use and
McCartney, Harris, & Bernieri, 1990). We compared five less-stringent parenting practices (e.g., Lykken, 1997). Also,
assessment methods, including self-report, report by oth- there may be cohort-specific shared environmental influences
ers (i.e., parent and teacher report), official records, objec- other than the cultural transmission from parents to offspring.
tive measures, and reactions to aggressive material as well Therefore, each type of adoption study was compared to the
as three zygosity determination methods, including blood twin studies separately.
grouping, questionnaires, and a combination of blood group- One hundred forty-one twin and adoption studies of anti-
ing and questionnaires. Sex was examined given the con- social behavior were identified by examining the PsycInfo
sistent evidence that antisocial behavior is more prevalent and Medline databases and contacting authors of unpub-
in males than females (e.g., Hyde, 1984; Wilson & Herrn- lished manuscripts identified by abstracts of the Behavior
stein, 1985). Age was examined because of the potential to Genetics Association meetings and searching the Disserta-
test an interesting hypothesis regarding the development of tion Abstracts and ERIC databases. After excluding stud-
antisocial behavior by comparing studies that included chil- ies that were unsuitable given inadequate construct validity,
dren, adolescents, and adults. DiLalla and Gottesman (1989) inability to calculate effect sizes given lack of information,
30 Genetic Analysis of Conduct Disorder and Antisocial Behavior 457

and simultaneous assessment of related disorders, such as genetic influences was estimated in addition to the magnitude
alcoholism, 96 studies remained. Non-independence among of shared environmental influences, the best fitting model
these studies was addressed by either choosing the effect was the ACDE model. Based on this analysis, there were
size from the largest sample when non-independent sam- moderate additive genetic (a2 = 0.32), non-additive genetic
ples had differing sample sizes or by averaging the effect (d2 = 0.09), shared environmental (c2 = 0.16), and non-
sizes across the samples when non-independent samples shared environmental (e2 = 0.43) influences on antisocial
had the same sample size. After addressing the problem of behavior.
non-independence, 10 independent adoption samples and 42 Operationalization was a significant moderator of the
independent twin samples remained. The meta-analysis was magnitude of genetic and environmental influences. This
conducted on these 52 independent samples. The studies means that there was a statistically significant difference
included in the meta-analysis are marked with an asterisk (∗ ) between a model that constrained the parameter estimates
in the References section. to be the same across the different levels of the moderator
Effect sizes were determined in one of three ways. First, and a model that allowed the parameter estimates to dif-
some adoption and twin studies used a continuous variable fer across the different levels of the moderator. The ACE
to measure antisocial behavior and reported either Pearson model was the best fitting model for diagnosis (a2 = 0.44,
product moment or intraclass correlations, which were the c2 = 0.11, e2 = 0.45), aggression (a2 = 0.44, c2 = 0.06,
effect sizes used from these studies in the meta-analysis. Sec- e2 = 0.50), and antisocial behavior (a2 = 0.47, c2 = 0.22,
ond, a dichotomous variable was used, and concordances, e2 = 0.31), whereas the ADE model was the best fitting
percentages, or a contingency table (including the number model for criminality (a2 = 0.33, d2 = 0.42, e2 = 0.25).
of twin pairs with both twins affected, one twin affected, and Within the operationalization of diagnosis, the a2 estimate
neither twin affected) was reported. The information from the was higher in studies examining CD (a2 = 0.50, c2 = 0.11,
concordances or percentages was transformed into a contin- e2 = 0.39), whereas the e2 estimate was higher in studies
gency table, which was then used to estimate the tetrachoric examining ASPD (a2 = 0.36, c2 = 0.10, e2 = 0.54).
correlation (i.e., the correlation between the latent contin- Assessment method also was a significant moderator, with
uous variables that are assumed to underlie the observed the ACE model fitting best for self-report (a2 = 0.39, c2 =
dichotomous variables). For these studies, the tetrachoric 0.06, e2 = 0.55) and report by others (a2 = 0.53, c2 = 0.22,
correlation was the effect size used in the meta-analysis. e2 = 0.25), whereas the AE model fit best for reaction to
Third, we were able to directly estimate the tetrachoric cor- aggressive stimuli (a2 = 0.52, e2 = 0.48). All of the stud-
relation from the raw data for some studies because we had ies using the assessment method of records were also studies
access to the data (e.g., Slutske et al., 1997; Waldman, Levy, examining criminality, for which the ADE model fits best
& Hay, 1995). (a2 = 0.33, d2 = 0.42, e2 = 0.25).
Alternative models positing that antisocial behavior is Age was a significant moderator, with the ACE model fit-
affected by additive genetic influences (A), shared environ- ting best for children (a2 = 0.46, c2 = 0.20, e2 = 0.34),
mental influences (C), non-additive genetic influences (D), adolescents (a2 = 0.43, c2 = 0.16, e2 = 0.41), and adults
and nonshared environmental influences (E) were tested. The (a2 = 0.41, c2 = 0.09, e2 = 0.50). The magnitude of famil-
ACE model, the AE model, the CE model, and the ADE ial influences (a2 and c2 ) decreased with age, whereas the
model were compared. Given that the ACDE model can be magnitude of non-familial influences (e2 ) increased with age.
tested only when both twin and adoption studies are included Operationalization, assessment method, and age were fre-
in the analysis, it was only possible to estimate c2 and d2 quently confounded in the studies included in the meta-
simultaneously when analyzing all of the data included in analysis. For example, parent report was more frequently
the meta-analysis. For other analyses (i.e., the comparison used in studies examining antisocial behavior than in stud-
between twin and adoption studies and the tests of modera- ies examining diagnosis or aggression, as well as in studies
tors), both twin and adoption studies were not always avail- examining children than in studies examining adolescents or
able across different types of studies. Therefore, we were adults. The results of analyses examining age as a signifi-
limited to comparing the ACE, AE, CE, and ADE models cant moderator were not consistent with DiLalla and Gottes-
for analyses other than those that included all data included man’s hypothesis that the magnitude of genetic influences
in the meta-analysis. should be higher in childhood and adulthood than in ado-
lescence. In contrast, the magnitude of genetic influence was
lower in both adolescence and adulthood than in childhood.
Overview of the Results Nonetheless, the presence of confounding among the moder-
ators must be considered, implying that the higher heritabil-
When all available data from both twin and adoption studies ity for childhood may actually reflect the higher heritability
were analyzed together and the magnitude of non-additive for parent report.
458 S.H. Rhee and I.D. Waldman

Zygosity determination method was a significant moder- the small number of studies addressing them in the liter-
ator, such that the ADE model was the best fitting model ature. Below, studies examining genotype × environment
for studies using blood grouping (a2 = 0.14, d2 = 0.33, interaction, co-occurrence with other psychiatric disorders,
e2 = 0.53), whereas the ACE model was the best fitting the etiology of psychopathy, and the etiology of adolescent-
model for studies using the questionnaire method (a2 = 0.43, limited versus life-course-persistent antisocial behavior are
c2 = 0.27, e2 = 0.30) and a combination of the two meth- reviewed.
ods (a2 = 0.39, c2 = 0.11, e2 = 0.50). These parameter
estimates are difficult to interpret, given that studies using
the most stringent method of zygosity determination (i.e., Genotype × Environment Interaction
blood grouping) and the least stringent method of zygosity
determination (i.e., questionnaire) yielded higher estimates In addition to estimating the main effects of genes and envi-
of genetic influences (broad h2 = 0.43–0.47) than studies ronments on various forms of antisocial behavior, researchers
using a combination of the two methods (broad h2 = 0.39). also have examined whether genes and the environment inter-
Although sex was a significant moderator when data from all act to influence antisocial behavior using both the adoption
studies were analyzed, there were no statistically significant design and the twin design, which have differing advantages
sex differences in studies that included both sexes (males: and disadvantages. The adoption study is the ideal method
a2 = 0.43, c2 = 0.19, e2 = 0.38; females: a2 = 0.41, for testing genotype–environment interactions because the
c2 = 0.20, e2 = 0.39). genetic and environmental influences on a trait are disen-
Parent–offspring adoption studies found a lower magni- tangled and can be measured distinctly. Unfortunately, the
tude of familial influences on antisocial behavior (i.e., lower power to test the genotype × environment interaction term
a2 and c2 and higher e2 ) than the twin and sibling adoption may be reduced in adoption studies of antisocial behavior
studies. There are several possible reasons for this result. because of range restriction in the variables used to indi-
First, the age difference between the children and their par- cate the environmental and/or genetic influences on antiso-
ents may lead to lower correlations, given that there may be cial behavior. McClelland & Judd (1993) demonstrated that
age- or cohort-specific genetic and/or environmental influ- restricting the range of the predictor variables will reduce the
ences. This age difference is absent in the twin studies residual variance of the product of the two predictors and, in
and smaller in the sibling adoption studies, thus supporting turn, the statistical power to detect an interaction. The prob-
this explanation. Second, because of the practical obstacles lem with range restriction is especially a concern in adoption
involved in conducting an adoption study, in several stud- studies of antisocial behavior because the chance of adoptees
ies different operationalizations and methods of assessment being placed in adoptive homes with criminal or antisocial
were used in the adoptees and their parents (e.g., criminality adoptive parents is very low. Therefore, the statistical diffi-
via official records in the parents and aggression via self- culties of detecting interactions should be considered in inter-
report in the adoptees). preting adoption studies examining gene–environment inter-
There was no statistically significant difference between actions. In contrast, genotype–environment interactions are
the results of twin studies and the sibling adoption studies. more difficult to test in twin studies because the genetic and
This result should be interpreted cautiously considering the environmental influences on a trait are likely to be correlated.
fact that 42 independent twin samples were compared with On the other hand, range restriction is less of a problem in
only 3 independent sibling adoption samples. Although the twin studies, where the samples are more representative of
power to detect a statistically significant difference between the general population.
the two types of studies may have been limited by the small Data from several adoption studies (Cadoret, Cain, &
number of sibling adoption studies, the parameter estimates Crowe, 1983; Cloninger, Sigvardsson, Bohman, & von Knor-
for the twin studies (a2 = 0.45, c2 = 0.12, e2 = 0.43) and ring, 1982; Mednick, Gabrielli, & Hutchings, 1983) show
the sibling adoption studies (a2 = 0.48, c2 = 0.13, e2 = evidence of genotype–environment interaction for antisocial
0.39) were very similar. behavior. Mednick et al. (1983) conducted a cross-fostering
analysis of Danish adoptees. Among adoptees who had a
criminal background in both their biological and adoptive
parents, 24.5% of them became criminal themselves. This is
Additional Issues in the Etiology of Antisocial
in comparison to 20% of adoptees who have a criminal back-
Behavior ground only in their biological parents, 14.7% of adoptees
who have a criminal background only in their adoptive par-
Several interesting issues in the etiology of antisocial behav- ents, and 13.5% of adoptees with no criminal background.
ior were beyond the scope of the meta-analysis, or we were Cloninger et al. (1982) found similar results for petty crim-
unable to conduct a quantitative review of these issues given inality in Swedish adoptees when they considered both bio-
30 Genetic Analysis of Conduct Disorder and Antisocial Behavior 459

logical variables (i.e., criminal biological parents) and envi- from the lowest (3.5%) to the highest (69.6%) genetic risk
ronmental variables (i.e., negative rearing experiences and group. That is, genetic risk had less effect on conduct prob-
adoptive placement). Among adoptees with both biologi- lems in the non-maltreated group (i.e., the more benign envi-
cal and environmental risks, 40% were criminal. This is in ronment) than in the maltreated group (i.e., the less benign
comparison to 12.1% of those with only biological risk fac- environment).
tors, 6.7% of those with only environmental risk factors, and The Jaffee et al. (2005) study differs from the Rowe
2.9% of those with neither biological nor environmental risk et al. (1999) and Button et al. (2005) studies in several
factors. Also, in a sample of adoptees from Iowa, Cadoret ways, including the specific environmental variable exam-
et al. (1983) found that when both genetic and environmen- ined and the analytical method used. It is possible that
tal risk factors were present, they accounted for a greater the effects of the interaction between genes and family
number of antisocial behaviors than an additive combination warmth/dysfunction on antisocial behavior are different from
of the two kinds of risk factors acting independently. The those of the interaction between genes and physical mal-
genotype–environment interactions were not statistically sig- treatment. Additional studies examining genotype × specific
nificant in Cloninger et al. (1982) or Mednick et al. (1983), environmental influence interactions on antisocial behavior
most likely given reduced power to test an interaction in the are needed.
presence of range restriction.
More recently, several twin studies have examined the
interaction between genes and specific environmental influ- Co-occurrence with Other Psychiatric Disorders
ences. Rowe, Almeida, and Jacobson (1999) examined the
interaction between genetic influences and family warmth Antisocial behavior co-occurs with several other psy-
on aggression and reported that heritability increased and chiatric disorders such as major depressive disorders,
the magnitude of shared environmental influences decreased attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), and drug
with greater family warmth. Rowe et al. suggested the dependence. In recent years, many researchers have exam-
possibility that greater genetic influences are required for ined the degree to which the covariance between antisocial
the expression of aggression in more benign environments, behavior and other psychiatric disorders is due to common
whereas social norms and peer models may lead to the genetic or environmental influences.
expression of aggression in individuals without genetic pre- There is evidence of significant co-occurrence between
disposition in more adverse environments. A recent study conduct disorder (CD) and ADHD, which occur together in
by Button, Scourfield, Martin, Purcell, and McGuffin (2005) 30–50% of the cases in both epidemiological and clinical
supports Rowe et al.’s findings. They examined the interac- samples (Biederman, Newcorn, & Sprich, 1991). The results
tion between genes and family dysfunction and concluded of several multivariate behavior genetic studies examining
that the heritability of antisocial behavior decreased and the co-occurrence between ADHD and CD are largely con-
the magnitude of both shared environmental and nonshared sistent, with most studies (Dick, Viken, Kaprio, Pulkkinen, &
environmental influences increased as family dysfunction Rose, 2005; Nadder, Rutter, Silberg, Maes, & Eaves, 2002;
increased. Nadder, Silberg, Eaves, Maes, & Meyer, 1998; Silberg
Jaffee et al. (2005) examined the effect of the interac- et al., 1996; Thapar, Harrington, & McGuffin, 2001; Wald-
tion between genetic influences and physical maltreatment man, Rhee, & Levy, 2001) reporting a substantial overlap
on conduct problems in a different way. They divided their between the genetic influences on ADHD and the genetic
twin sample into four groups based on levels of genetic risk influences on CD. An exception was Burt, Krueger, McGue,
as a function of their co-twin’s conduct disorder status and and Iacono’s (2001) examination of ADHD, oppositional
the pair’s zygosity (i.e., lowest risk – MZ co-twin with no defiant disorder (ODD), and CD, in which a single shared
CD diagnosis; low risk – DZ co-twin with no CD diagno- environmental factor was the largest contributor to the
sis; high risk – DZ co-twin with CD diagnosis; highest risk covariation among ADHD, ODD, and CD.
– MZ co-twin with CD diagnosis) and absence/presence of Researchers also have noted the high rate of co-
maltreatment. The maltreated group with the highest genetic occurrence between CD and MDD, with reported rates of
risk had the highest probability of a CD diagnosis. There was co-occurrence between depression and CD/ODD ranging
a significant interaction between genetic risk and maltreat- from 21 to 83% (Angold & Costello, 1993). There are three
ment, but the conclusions are different from those reached published studies examining the etiology of the occurrence
by Rowe et al. (1999) and Button et al. (2005). In the non- between CD and MDD or the broader constructs of exter-
maltreated group, there was a 44.2% increase in the probabil- nalizing and internalizing behavior/disorders, and the results
ity of a CD diagnosis from the lowest (1.9%) to the highest of these studies are conflicting. Gjone and Stevenson (1997)
(46.1%) genetic risk group. In the maltreated group, there examined the covariance between parent reports of inter-
was a 66.1% increase in the probability of a CD diagnosis nalizing and externalizing behavior problems in adolescent
460 S.H. Rhee and I.D. Waldman

twins and concluded that although there are both common tricity, and dishonesty. Personality characteristics are empha-
genetic and shared environmental influences on the covari- sized in this condition, rather than overt antisocial acts.
ance between internalizing and externalizing behavior, there Researchers hypothesize that psychopathic individuals, who
is more consistent evidence for common shared environ- represent a subset of individuals diagnosed with CD or
mental influences. O’Connor, McGuire, Reiss, Hetherington, ASPD, may be those who are most likely to engage in life-
and Plomin (1998) examined the covariation between anti- course-persistent antisocial behavior (Viding, Blair, Mof-
social behavior and depressive symptoms assessed using a fitt, & Plomin, 2005) and instrumental aggression (Blair,
composite of parent report, self-report, and observers’ report Peschardt, Budhani, Mitchell, & Pine, 2006), both of which
in adolescents and found that there were moderate genetic, are particularly heritable.
shared environmental, and nonshared environmental influ- Recently, Waldman and Rhee (2006) presented the results
ences on the covariation between the two symptom domains. of a meta-analysis of the small number of behavior genetic
In Kendler, Prescott, Myers, and Neale’s (2003) examina- studies examining psychopathy. These included the stud-
tion of self-reported internalizing and externalizing disorders ies reviewed in the earlier Rhee & Waldman (2002) meta-
in adults, the authors found that genetic factors influencing analysis (Brandon & Rose, 1995; DiLalla, Carey, Gottes-
externalizing disorders had little influence on internalizing man, & Bouchard, 1996; Gottesman, 1963, 1965; Loehlin
disorders, and genetic factors influencing internalizing disor- & Nichols, 1976; Loehlin, Willerman, & Horn, 1987; Taylor,
ders had little influence on externalizing disorders. (They did Iacono, and McGue, 2000; Torgersen, Skre, Onstad, Edvard-
not find a clear distinction for shared environmental influ- sen, & Kringlen, 1993) as well more recent results from
ences and nonshared environmental influences on external- Taylor, Loney, Bobadilla, Iacono, and McGue (2003) and
izing and internalizing disorders.) Several methodological Blonigen, Carlson, Krueger, and Patrick (2003). In contrast
differences among these studies may explain their differing to the aforementioned overall results for antisocial behavior
conclusions, including the specific constructs examined, the (a2 = 0.32, d2 = 0.09, c2 = 0.16, e2 = 0.43), there is little
assessment methods used, and the age of the participants. evidence for shared environmental influences on psychopa-
Conduct disorder also commonly co-occurs with sub- thy, and the AE model fits best (h2 = 0.49, e2 = 0.51).
stance use and substance use disorders. For example, Reebye, The results from an interesting study by Viding
Moretti, and Lessard (1995) reported that 52% of adoles- et al. (2005) were not included in the meta-analysis because it
cent inpatients with CD also had a substance use disor- examined the magnitude of genetic and environmental influ-
der. Researchers have concluded that there are genetic influ- ences on extreme status on psychopathy (whereas the other
ences on the co-occurrence between antisocial behavior and studies examined the etiology of psychopathy in the general
substance use/substance use disorders across a range of population). Viding et al.’s study is also the first examina-
substances. Silberg, Rutter, D’Onofrio, and Eaves (2003) tion of the etiology of psychopathy in children. They exam-
found significant common genetic influences on smoking ined a sample of 7-year-old twin pairs in the general popu-
and conduct disturbance. Slutske et al. (1998) reported that lation and then selected probands based on extremely high
genetic influences accounted for most of the covariance scores on antisocial behavior and callous-unemotional traits.
(with nonshared environmental influences accounting for the Their results are similar to those from the Waldman and
remainder) between CD and alcohol dependence. Miles, van Rhee meta-analysis. Extreme antisocial behavior accompa-
den Bree, and Pickens (2002) found evidence of moder- nied by extreme callous-unemotional traits was highly heri-
ate common genetic influences and low common nonshared table (h2 g = 0.81) with no evidence of shared environmen-
environmental influences on CD and marijuana use. Grove tal influences, but extreme antisocial behavior unaccompa-
et al. (1990) found significant genetic correlations between nied by extreme callous-unemotional traits was less heritable
illegal drug problems and both childhood and adult antisocial (h2 g = 0.30) and affected by shared environmental influ-
behavior. Recently, Button et al. (2006) reported that there ences (c2 g = 0.34).
were moderate genetic, shared environmental, and nonshared Recently, Larsson, Andershed, and Lichtenstein (2006)
environmental influences on the covariance between CD and published a twin study examining the etiology of psychopa-
polysubstance dependence vulnerability. These studies are thy in adolescents. Twins aged 16–17 years were assessed via
consistent in suggesting that common genetic influences play the Youth Psychopathic Traits Inventory (YPI). Their results
a significant role in the substantial co-occurrence of conduct are also consistent with those of previous studies examining
problems and substance use and/or dependence. the etiology of psychopathy, as they found moderate genetic
and nonshared environmental influences and little evidence
of shared environmental influences on all three YPI dimen-
The Etiology of Psychopathy sions (grandiose/manipulative – a2 = 0.51, c2 = 0.03,
e2 = 0.46; callous/unemotional – a2 = 0.43, c2 = 0.00,
Psychopathy is a personality-based construct characterized e2 = 0.57; impulsive/irresponsible – a2 = 0.56, c2 = 0.00,
by superficial charm, lack of empathy, lack of guilt, egocen- e2 = 0.44). A common pathway model (where the covari-
30 Genetic Analysis of Conduct Disorder and Antisocial Behavior 461

ance among the three YPI dimensions is represented by an influences, whereas juvenile antisocial traits were largely
intermediate latent variable) fits the data well, and the her- influenced by shared environmental influences. Taylor,
itability of the latent psychopathic personality factor was Iacono, and McGue (2000) examined antisocial behavior
slightly higher (h2 = 0.63, c2 = 0.00, e2 = 0.37) than those in the co-twins of probands with early-onset and late-onset
of the three YPI dimensions. delinquency. Monozygotic co-twins of probands with early-
Another recent paper by Blonigen, Hicks, Krueger, onset delinquency were more antisocial than dizygotic co-
Patrick, and Iacono (2005) examined the co-occurrence twins of probands with early-onset delinquency, but the
between psychopathic traits and internalizing and externaliz- monozygotic and dizygotic co-twins of probands with late-
ing psychopathology. They found evidence of genetic influ- onset delinquency had similar levels of antisocial behav-
ences on two distinct psychopathic traits, fearless dominance ior. Finally, Jacobson, Neale, Prescott, and Kendler (2001)
(which is characterized by social potency, stress immu- reported that adolescent antisocial behavior had a lower
nity, and fearlessness) and impulsive antisociality (which heritability and a greater magnitude of shared environmen-
is characterized by negative emotionality and low behav- tal influences in their subsample of youth whose antisocial
ioral constraint). Genetic influences on fearless dominance behavior did not persist into adulthood than in their subsam-
were negatively correlated with those on internalizing ple of youth whose antisocial behavior did persist into adult-
psychopathology, whereas genetic influences on impulsive hood.
antisociality were positively correlated with those on exter-
nalizing psychopathology.
Examination of the Influence of Specific Genes
and QTLs on Antisocial Behavior
Genetic Influences on Adolescent-Limited Versus
Life-Course-Persistent Antisocial Behavior Given the evidence of moderate genetic influences on con-
duct disorder and antisocial behavior, many researchers have
In a seminal review paper in 1993, Moffitt hypothesized investigated the relations of specific genes with antisocial
that there are two developmental types of antisocial behavior behavior in linkage and association studies. The number of
that have different etiologies. Life-course-persistent antiso- association and linkage studies examining antisocial behav-
cial behavior begins in early childhood, continues throughout ior is far fewer than those examining disorders or phenotypes
the child’s lifetime, and is posited to show stronger genetic that are often comorbid with antisocial behavior, such as
influences and greater deficits in neuropsychological func- ADHD, alcoholism, and suicidality. Thus, many researchers
tioning. In contrast, adolescent-limited antisocial behavior is examining these overlapping phenotypes also have examined
posited to be more affected by environmental influences such the evidence for association of specific genes with antiso-
as antisocial peer models. Therefore, Moffitt hypothesizes cial behavior in clinical samples with ADHD (e.g., Thapar
that the magnitude of genetic influences should be higher for et al., 2005), alcoholism and drug abuse (e.g., Soyka, Preuss,
antisocial behavior occurring in childhood or adulthood than Koller, Zill, & Bondy, 2004), suicidality (e.g., Zalsman
in adolescence. et al., 2001), and schizophrenia (e.g., Strous et al., 2003). In
The results of the meta-analysis do not support this the present review, we focused on studies of antisocial behav-
hypothesis, as the magnitude of genetic influences on antiso- ior in the general population, clinical samples with antisocial
cial behavior was lower in both adolescence and adulthood behavior, or general psychiatric samples, given the possibil-
than in childhood. However, it is possible that this result is ity that some of the conflicting results and failures to replicate
due to the presence of confounding between age and assess- across studies may be due to sample differences.
ment method (i.e., most studies that examined the heritabil- Broadly speaking, there are two general strategies for
ity of antisocial behavior in childhood used parent reports, identifying quantitative trait loci (QTLs) that contribute to
and most studies that examined the heritability of antisocial the etiology of a disorder or trait, namely linkage and asso-
behavior in adolescence and adulthood used self-reports). ciation. The purpose of a linkage study is to test whether the
Given that studies that use parent reports have yielded higher putative risk-inducing gene is at a particular chromosomal
heritabilities than studies that use self-reports, the higher her- locus, whereas the purpose of an association study is to test
itability for antisocial behavior in childhood may thus reflect whether a particular allele of a candidate gene is associated
the higher heritability for parent report. with the disorder or trait.
Several studies that have examined adolescent-limited and In genome scans, evidence for linkage between a disorder
life-course-persistent antisocial behavior in the same sam- or trait and evenly spaced DNA markers distributed across
ple using the same assessment method have reported results the entire genome is evaluated. Evidence for linkage between
supporting Moffitt’s hypothesis. Lyons et al. (1995) con- any of these DNA markers and the trait or disorder of interest
trasted the etiology of adult and juvenile antisocial traits and implicates a broad segment of the genome that may contain
reported that adult antisocial traits had significant genetic hundreds of genes, and lack of evidence for linkage can, in
462 S.H. Rhee and I.D. Waldman

some cases, be used to exclude genomic segments. Subse- dopaminergic and serotonergic neurotransmitter pathways
quent fine-grained linkage analyses can then use a new set of may be conjectured based on several lines of converging evi-
more tightly grouped markers within the implicated genomic dence suggesting a role for these neurotransmitter systems
region to locate the functional mutation. Thus, genome scans in the etiology and pathophysiology of these traits and their
may be thought of as exploratory searches for putative genes relevant disorders.
that contribute to the etiology of a disorder. The fact that
major genes have been found for many medical diseases via
genome scans without a priori knowledge of those genes’ Association Studies
function or etiological significance is a testament to the use-
fulness of this method. Unfortunately, the power of linkage Dopamine transmission. There is significant co-occurrence
analyses in genome scans is typically quite low, making it between CD and ADHD, with 30–50% of cases having
very difficult, if not impossible, to detect QTLs that account both disorders in both epidemiological and clinical sam-
for less than ∼15% of the variance in a disorder. There- ples (Biederman et al., 1991). Also, several twin studies
fore, the promise for linkage-based genome scans of complex examining the co-occurrence between the two disorders sug-
traits remains largely unknown. gest that there are genetic influences common to both (Dick
In contrast to linkage, association has the statistical power et al., 2005; Nadder et al., 1998, 2002; Silberg et al., 1996;
to detect QTLs that account for a relatively small percent- Waldman et al., 2001). Therefore, specific genes associated
age of the variance in a disorder. A disadvantage of asso- with ADHD also may influence CD.
ciation is that a QTL cannot be detected unless the marker There are several lines of evidence suggesting that the
being examined is very close to the QTL. Therefore, many dopamine transporter gene is associated with ADHD. The
more DNA markers would be needed to conduct a genome dopamine transporter is the site of action of stimulant med-
scan using association, which has been made possible by ications effective in the treatment of ADHD (Winsberg &
recent advances in array-based genotyping technologies. Comings, 1999), and dopamine transporter levels are approx-
Until recently, researchers have used association solely to imately 70% higher in the brains of individuals with ADHD
conduct candidate gene studies. than those of controls (Dougherty et al., 1999). “Knock-
In many ways, candidate gene studies are polar opposites out” mice with a deletion of both copies of the dopamine
of genome scans. In contrast to the exploratory nature of transporter are hyperactive (Giros, Jaber, Jones, Wightman,
genome scans, well-conducted candidate gene studies repre- & Caron, 1996) and in humans, a VNTR polymorphism in
sent a targeted test of the role of specific genes in the etiology the 3 untranslated region of the dopamine transporter gene
of a disorder as the location, function, and etiological rele- has shown association with ADHD in previous studies, with
vance of candidate genes are most often known or strongly the more common 10-repeat allele being the risk allele (e.g.,
hypothesized a priori. Thus, an advantage of well-conducted Cook et al., 1995; Faraone et al., 2005; Mill et al., 2005;
candidate gene studies in comparison with genome scans is Waldman et al., 1998).
that positive findings are easily interpretable because one Given such evidence, two studies have examined the
already knows the gene’s location, function, and etiological evidence of association between this polymorphism of the
relevance, even if the specific polymorphism(s) chosen for dopamine transporter gene and externalizing behavior in
study in the candidate gene is not functional and the func- children. Jorm, Prior, Sanson, Smart, Zhang, and East-
tional mutation(s) in the candidate gene is as yet uniden- eal (2001) examined the association between the DAT1 gene
tified. There are also disadvantages to the candidate gene and externalizing behavior problems and associated temper-
approach given that only previously identified genes can be ament traits in a longitudinal study of children from age
studied. Thus, one cannot find genes that one has not looked 3 to 16 in the general population. They examined whether
for or have yet to be discovered, and because there are rela- children with the 10-repeat/10-repeat, 10-repeat/non 10-
tively few strong candidate genes for psychiatric disorders, repeat, and non 10-repeat/non 10-repeat genotypes differed
the same genes are examined as candidates for almost all in the mean level of behavior problems but found no evi-
psychiatric disorders, regardless of how disparate the disor- dence of association between the DAT1 gene and any of the
ders may be in terms of their symptomatology or conjectured phenotypes examined, including parent reports of hostile-
pathophysiology. aggressive behavior, conduct disorder, socialized aggression,
In well-designed studies, however, knowledge regarding or oppositional behavior, at any age.
the biology of the disorder is used to select genes based on Young et al. (2002) examined the association between
the known or hypothesized involvement of their gene product the same VNTR polymorphism of the DAT1 gene and par-
in the etiology of the trait or disorder (i.e., its pathophysio- ent reports of externalizing behavior at ages 4, 7, and 9.
logical function and etiological relevance). With respect to A community sample of children from twin and adoption
antisocial behavior, genes underlying various aspects of the studies was examined, using a sibling-based association
30 Genetic Analysis of Conduct Disorder and Antisocial Behavior 463

method (Fulker, Cherny, Sham, & Hewitt, 1999) that sepa- examination. Retz et al. divided the subjects into a vio-
rates the allelic effect into between-family effects (that may lent and nonviolent group and found that the S allele was
include possible population stratification effects) and within- significantly over-represented in the violent group. More
family effects (where population stratification is controlled recently, Sakai et al. (2006) found that the S allele is a risk
by the inclusion of siblings). In contrast to evidence from allele for conduct disorder with aggression in a case–control
ADHD studies suggesting that the 10-repeat allele is the risk- study comparing conduct-disordered adolescents and non-
inducing allele, Young et al. found that the 9-repeat was the conduct-disordered controls as well as in a transmission dis-
risk-inducing allele for externalizing behavior at ages 4 and equilibrium test examining conduct-disordered adolescents
7, but not at age 9. Young et al. cite that the less frequent and their parents. Beitchman et al. (2006) reported similar
9-repeat allele has been shown to be the risk-inducing allele results in a study examining three alleles of the 5-HTTLPR
for other phenotypes correlated with externalizing behavior, polymorphism (i.e., S, Lg, and La; La is “high transcrib-
such as alcohol dependence (Sander et al., 1997; Schmidt, ing”; Lg is “low transcribing”, similar to S); they found
Harms, Kuhn, Rommelspacher, & Sander, 1998) and cocaine that the “low-expressing” genotypes of the 5-HTTLPR poly-
intoxication (Gelernter, Kranzler, Satel, & Rao, 1994). morphism (S/S, Lg/S, Lg/Lg) are associated with childhood
Serotonin transmission. Several lines of evidence suggest aggression in a case–control study.
that genes influencing serotonergic neurotransmission In an adoption study sample, Cadoret et al. (2003) found a
may be associated with conduct disorder and antisocial complex pattern of association between the serotonin trans-
behavior. Low cerebrospinal fluid concentrations of porter gene and externalizing behavior (i.e., aggressivity,
5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid, the major metabolite of conduct disorder, and attention-deficit/hyperactivity disor-
serotonin, are found in aggressive subjects (e.g., Kruesi der). In the presence of antisocial biological parents, the
et al., 1990; Lidberg, Tuck, Asberg, Scalia-Tomba, & L allele was associated with increased externalizing behav-
Bertilsson, 1985). Also, pharmacological challenge trials ior, whereas in the presence of alcoholism in the biological
suggest an association between low serotonin functioning parents, the S allele was associated with increased external-
and violence or aggression. For example, aggression is izing behavior. The authors also found a significant genotype
associated with blunted prolactin (PRL) responses to by gender interaction, with the S allele being associated with
the treatment of 5-HT releaser, d-fenfluramine (Coccaro, higher externalizing behavior in males and the S allele being
Kavoussi, Cooper, & Hauger, 1997; Coccaro et al., 1987). associated with lower externalizing behavior in females.
Given this evidence, researchers have examined the Haberstick, Smolen, and Hewitt (2006) also reported mixed
association between antisocial behavior and several genes findings. Family-based association tests were conducted in a
involved in serotonergic transmission, including the twin sample, examining parent and teacher reports of aggres-
serotonin transporter gene, the HTR1B gene, and the sive behavior at ages 7, 9, 10, 11, and 12, with teacher reports
tryptophan hydroxylase gene. also available at age 8. A statistically significant result was
The serotonin transporter is known to influence seroton- obtained only for teacher reports of aggressive behavior at
ergic transmission and several researchers have examined a age 9, with the S allele being the risk allele.
polymorphism in the promoter area with two allelic vari- Given research suggesting that genes involved in sero-
ants that differ in transcriptional activity (5-HTTLPR). The tonin functioning may be candidate genes for aggression and
S or short allele of the polymorphism has lower transcrip- the evidence that 5-HT1B knockout mice show increased
tional activity (Heils et al., 1996) and is associated with a aggression (Saudou et al., 1994), New et al. (2001) examined
blunted response in fenfluramine-induced prolactin release the association between a common polymorphism caused by
pharmacological challenges (e.g., Reist, Mazzanti, Vu, Tran, a silent G to C substitution in the HTR1B gene and self-
& Goldman, 2001), whereas serotonin transporter availabil- reported impulsive aggression in a sample of subjects with
ity is higher in individuals with the L or long allele than in one or more personality disorders but found no evidence of
those with the S allele (Heinz et al., 2000). association.
Baca-Garcia et al. (2004) examined the association Tryptophan hydroxylase (TPH) is the rate-limiting
between the serotonin transporter gene promoter linked enzyme in the serotonin pathway in the conversion of trypto-
region and impulsivity and aggressive behavior among sui- phan into 5-hydroxytryptophan, the direct precursor of 5-HT.
cide attempters and a control group of blood donors and Researchers have examined two common SNPs in intron 7
found no difference among the SS, SL, and LL geno- of the TPH gene, A218C and A779C, that are in strong link-
types in the level of impulsivity or history of aggressive age disequilibrium. The genotypes of these two SNPs were
behavior in either group. In contrast, Retz, Retz-Junginger, found to be identical in nearly 100% of the sample in one
Supprian, Thome, and Rösler (2004) found a significant asso- Japanese study (Kunugi et al., 1999), with the 218A and
ciation between the serotonin transporter gene and violent the 779A being linked and the 218C and 779C alleles being
behavior in a sample of adult males referred for a forensic linked.
464 S.H. Rhee and I.D. Waldman

The results of studies examining the association between have examined a functional 30-bp variable number of tan-
the TPH gene and antisocial behavior are conflicting. Two dem repeat polymorphism in the promoter region of the
studies suggest that the A allele of the A218C/A779C poly- MAOA gene, for example, in which alleles 2 and 3 (i.e.,
morphism is associated with increased antisocial behavior. 3.5 or 4 repeats) have shown greater transcriptional activ-
Manuck et al. (1999) examined association of the A218C ity than alleles 1 and 4 (i.e., 3 or 5 repeats; Sabol, Hu, &
polymorphism of the TPH gene with aggression and anger- Hamer, 1998).
related traits and found that the A allele was associated Manuck, Flory, Ferrell, Mann, and Muldoon (2000) exam-
with higher aggression, a tendency to experience unpro- ined the association between the VNTR polymorphism of
voked anger, and a tendency to express anger outwardly. the MAOA gene and aggression and impulsivity in a male
The A allele was also associated with attenuated peak community sample. In contrast to the results expected based
prolactin response to fenfluramine, although this relation- on the findings from the Dutch kindred study (Brunner, Nel-
ship was only found in men. Hennig, Reuter, Netter, Burk, son, et al., 1993; Brunner, Nelen, et al., 1993) and the trans-
and Landt (2005) examined the association between the genic mouse study (Cases et al., 1995), individuals with the 1
TPH A779C polymorphism and aggression in a community and 4 alleles (i.e., with lower transcriptional activity) scored
sample. They examined two different types of aggression lower on the composite measure of aggression and impul-
assessed by the Buss–Durkee hostility inventory, neurotic sivity than individuals with the 2 and 3 alleles (i.e., with
hostility and aggressive hostility, and found that the A allele higher transcriptional activity). Also, individuals in the 1/4
of the A779C polymorphism of the TPH gene was associated allele group also showed more pronounced central nervous
with aggressive hostility but not neurotic hostility. In con- system serotonergic responsivity than individuals in the 2/3
trast to Hennig et al. and Manuck et al., Staner et al. (2002) allele group in a neuropsychopharmacologic challenge (i.e.,
found that the C allele of the A218C polymorphism was prolactin response to fenfluramine hydrochloride).
associated with a higher level of impulsive aggression in Caspi et al. (2002) examined the interaction between
a sample of nonpsychotic, impulsive inpatients. Similarly, the MAOA gene and maltreatment early in life, given evi-
New et al. (1998) examined the association between the dence that maltreatment in early life alters norepinephrine,
A218C polymorphism and impulsive aggression in a sam- serotonin, and dopamine systems (e.g., Bremner & Vermet-
ple of patients with personality disorders and found that ten, 2001). They hypothesized that maltreated children with
the C allele was associated with higher levels of impulsive a genotype that confers high levels of MAOA expression
aggression. would be less likely to develop antisocial behavior, and
Staner et al. (2002) suggest that the differences in sam- tested this hypothesis in a longitudinal community sample
ple composition may account for the discrepancies in these of male adolescents. The main effect of MAOA on antiso-
results, as the association with the C allele was found in cial behavior was not significant, although the main effect
psychiatric samples (New et al., 1998; Staner et al., 2002) of maltreatment was significant. The effect of maltreatment
and not in community samples (Manuck et al., 1999; Staner on antisocial behavior was much stronger in males with the
et al., 2002). Hennig et al. (2005) suggest that differences genotype conferring low MAOA activity than in males with
in the conclusions may be due to differences in the type of the genotype conferring high MAOA activity. This was a sig-
aggression being examined, as they found evidence for asso- nificant finding, as it is one of the first demonstrations of an
ciation of the A allele with aggressive hostility, but not with interaction between a measured gene and a measured envi-
neurotic hostility, which was more similar to the measure of ronmental influence on a behavioral trait in humans. Caspi et
impulsive aggression examined in New et al. (1998). al.’s results are not necessarily in contrast to those of Manuck
MAOA. Monoamine oxidase A is a degradative enzyme et al., given that among individuals with no maltreatment
that catalyzes deamination of serotonin, norepinephrine, and experience, those with the genotype conferring low MAOA
dopamine. Two lines of evidence suggest that the gene activity had lower antisocial behavior than those with the
coding for MAOA may be related to antisocial behavior. genotype conferring high MAOA activity.
First, deletion of the gene encoding MAOA led to height- Since the publication of Caspi et al.’s results (2002),
ened aggression in transgenic mice (Cases et al. 1995). Sec- several researchers have attempted to replicate the MAOA-
ond, a rare MAOA point mutation resulting in no MAOA by-maltreatment interaction on antisocial behavior, with
enzyme was associated with mild mental retardation and varying results. Huang et al. (2004) found a significant inter-
impulsive aggression in males in a large Dutch kindred action in a psychiatric sample, reporting that the high-activity
(Brunner, Nelson, et al., 1993; Brunner, Nelson, Breakefield, MAOA allele was associated with lower impulsivity in those
Ropers, & van Oost, 1993). Although this mutation is rare reporting early childhood abuse. However, this finding did
and unlikely to predict aggressive behavior in the general not extend to measures of aggression or hostility, and simi-
population, other common allelic variations of the MAOA lar results were not found in females. In males, Huang et al.
gene may be associated with aggression. Several researchers found that childhood abuse was more common in individuals
30 Genetic Analysis of Conduct Disorder and Antisocial Behavior 465

with the low-activity MAOA allele, suggesting evidence of Recently, Kim-Cohen et al. (2006) reported replication of
evocative gene–environment correlation. the Caspi et al. (2002) findings in children assessed at age 5
Foley et al. (2004) examined the interaction between and 7. As in Caspi et al., maltreatment had a stronger effect
the MAOA gene and adverse childhood environment on antisocial behavior in boys with the low MAOA activ-
(i.e., parental neglect, exposure to interparental violence, ity genotype than in boys with the high-activity genotype.
and inconsistent parental discipline) on conduct disor- In addition, Kim-Cohen conducted a meta-analysis of five
der in a community twin sample. They replicated Caspi studies examining the maltreatment by MAOA interaction on
et al.’s (2002) findings, reporting that the low MAOA activ- antisocial behavior (Caspi et al., 2002; Foley et al., 2004;
ity allele was a risk factor for conduct disorder only in Haberstick et al., 2005; Kim-Cohen et al., 2006; Nilsson
the presence of adverse childhood environment. Most of et al., 2005) and found support for the original Caspi et al.
the power to detect this interaction came from the individ- finding.
uals with extremely adverse childhood environment. Foley
et al. (2004) also examined the evidence for evocative
gene–environment correlation, but in contrast to Huang
et al. (2004), found that the low MAOA activity allele did not Linkage Studies
predict exposure to childhood adversity. Nilsson et al. (2005)
found support for the initial Caspi et al. (2002) finding There are no linkage studies of conduct disorder examining a
in a study examining the interaction between MAOA and general population sample or a clinical sample being treated
a broader construct of psychosocial risk (i.e., dwelling in only for conduct problems. However, two recent linkage-
multi-family housing and experiences with violent victim- based genome-wide screens have been conducted in sam-
ization). They reported a stronger effect of psychosocial risk ples ascertained for substance use problems to search for loci
on antisocial behavior in boys with the low-activity MAOA influencing conduct disorder.
genotype than in boys with the high-activity MAOA geno- Dick et al. (2004) published the first genome-wide link-
type. Widom and Brzustowicz (2006) attempted to replicate age scan of conduct disorder in an adult sample collected
the Caspi et al. (2002) finding in participants in a prospective as part of the Collaborative Study on Genetics of Alco-
cohort design study. The interaction between MAOA geno- holism (COGA). They examined retrospectively reported
type and abuse/neglect was replicated in Caucasians but not childhood conduct disorder and conduct disorder symptoms
in non-white participants. in a sample of alcoholic probands and their first-degree rel-
Haberstick et al. (2005) also examined the interaction atives. They conducted nonparametric, multipoint linkage
between MAOA and maltreatment on antisocial behavior analyses using affected sibling pairs, reporting lod scores
in a community sample. Despite having adequate power, equal to or greater than 1.5 for CD diagnosis at chromo-
they were not able to replicate Caspi et al.’s (2002) find- some 19p13 at 35 cM (lod score = 2.14), chromosome 2p11
ing. However, they found a nonsignificant trend in the at 136 cM (lod score = 1.65), chromosome 12q13 at 78
predicted direction, with individuals with the high-activity cM (lod score = 1.79), and chromosome 3q12 at 134 cM
MAOA allele having lower antisocial behavior in the mal- (lod score = 1.60). For CD symptoms as a quantitative trait,
treated group and individuals with the low-activity MAOA suggestive evidence for linkage was found at chromosome
allele having a lower level of antisocial behavior in the non- 1q32 at 34 cM (lod score = 2.17) and at chromosome 19q12
maltreated group. Huizinga et al. (2006) examined the inter- at 46 cM (lod score = 2.1).
action between MAOA and self-reported physical abuse and Stallings et al. (2005) examined evidence for linkage for
violent victimization in participants in the National Youth conduct disorder symptoms in a clinical sample being treated
Survey Family Study. Maltreatment by a parent was signifi- for comorbid substance use disorders and antisocial behav-
cantly related to adolescent and adult antisocial and violence- ioral problems. Using DeFries–Fulker linkage analysis, a
related behavioral problems, but the main effect of MAOA regression-based sibling pair linkage method, they found
and the MAOA-by-maltreatment interaction was not sig- two peaks yielding lod scores greater than 1 for conduct
nificant. Similar results were found for violent victimiza- disorder symptoms, one on chromosome 9q34 at 162 cM
tion. Young et al. (2006) examined the interaction between (lod score = 1.76) and the other on chromosome 17q12 at
MAOA and maltreatment in a group of adolescents being 54 cM (lod score = 1.26). Unfortunately, there are no over-
treated for significant conduct and substance use problems. laps between the suggestive linkage peaks reported in Dick
They were unable to replicate Caspi et al.’s (2002) find- et al. (2004) and Stallings et al. (2005). Although Stallings
ings, reporting that there were no significant differences et al. (2005) found a suggestive peak on chromosome 3q24-
in the relationship between maltreatment and conduct dis- 3q25 at 173 cM with a lod score of 1.63 for substance depen-
order between the low- and high-activity MAOA geno- dence vulnerability, a similar peak was not found for conduct
types. disorder symptoms.
466 S.H. Rhee and I.D. Waldman

Future Directions little consensus in the findings of these studies. There are
several possible reasons for conflicting results and failures
to replicate, including small sample sizes, differences in the
Twin and Adoption Studies
types of samples employed, differences in the range of phe-
notypes examined, differences in analytical approaches, and
The results of Rhee & Waldman’s (2002) meta-analysis sug- the possibility of population stratification. Future directions
gest several future directions for twin and adoption studies for association studies include the need to increase our under-
of antisocial behavior. First, there may be meaningful dis- standing regarding how the various operationalizations of
tinctions in the operationalizations of antisocial behavior that antisocial behavior are related to each other and apply this
need further examination, such as violent versus nonviolent knowledge to the search for specific genes influencing antiso-
crime, criminality versus delinquency, relational versus overt cial behavior. For example, a highly heritable common latent
aggression, and instrumental versus reactive aggression. Sec- phenotype or endophenotype for antisocial behavior may be
ond, multivariate analyses examining the extent to which a better phenotype than conduct disorder symptoms, which
the different operationalizations of antisocial behavior have generally show moderate shared environmental influences.
common or specific genetic and environmental influences The differences across studies suggest a need for increased
are needed. An example of such an analysis is Cloninger collaboration among researchers investigating the genetics
& Gottesman’s (1987) finding that there is little genetic of antisocial behavior. Such collaboration among researchers
overlap between violent and nonviolent crime. Such results examining attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder has been
will be very important to consider in the search for spe- productive (e.g., Kent, 2004). There are many possible can-
cific genes influencing antisocial behavior. Related to this didate genes for antisocial behavior that have yet to be exam-
goal is the clarification of the relation between antisocial ined, and technological advances will allow more intensive,
behavior and possible endophenotypes. Third, the results of systematic studies involving dense mapping or sequencing
the meta-analysis show that there is significant confounding of specific candidate genes and whole genome association
between assessment method and operationalization and age studies.
(e.g., criminality always being assessed using official records Knowledge regarding the neuro-cognitive dysfunctions
and childhood externalizing behavior always being assessed related to antisocial behavior from neuropsychological and
using parent report), suggesting that the assessment methods functional imaging studies has been increasing. For exam-
used in future behavior genetic studies of antisocial behavior ple, Blair et al. (2006) recently reviewed the evidence for
should be diversified given the possibility that results may two neural systems implicated in psychopathy, one involving
reflect the assessment method rather than the operationaliza- the amygdala and the other involving the orbital/ventrolateral
tion of antisocial behavior being assessed. One such example frontal cortex. As the evidence regarding specific genetic
is Arseneault et al.’s (2003) finding that there were strong effects on antisocial behavior becomes clearer, the applica-
genetic influences on antisocial behavior when ratings agreed tion of imaging genomics (i.e., combining neuroimaging and
across mother, teacher, observer, and self-report. Fourth, the genetic analysis to examine genes’ effects on brain informa-
power to test genotype × environment interactions may be tion processing) in the etiology of antisocial behavior will
limited by range restriction in adoption studies. Therefore, become an important future direction.
future behavior genetic studies should consider alternative The first evidence of a specific gene × measured environ-
research design strategies, such as over-sampling extreme ment interaction was found for antisocial behavior 4 years
observations (McClelland & Judd, 1993). For example, such ago (Caspi et al., 2002), resulting in considerable interest
studies may over-sample children with a low genetic pre- in measured gene × environment interactions. Given the
disposition to antisocial behavior who are reared in envi- large number of possible candidate genes and environmental
ronments that predispose them to antisocial behavior. Fifth, risk factors for antisocial behavior, the possibility of type I
studies examining specific shared and nonshared environ- errors and spurious findings should be considered carefully.
mental influences while controlling for genetic influences are Recently, Moffitt, Caspi, and Rutter (2005) have encouraged
needed. careful measured gene × environment interaction hypothesis
testing and have emphasized the importance of specifying a
priori theoretically plausible triads of a gene, an environmen-
tal pathogen, and a behavioral phenotype. They described
Association and Linkage Studies seven strategic steps needed to organize future hypothesis-
driven studies of measured gene × environment interaction,
In comparison to other comorbid disorders such as ADHD which include (1) consulting the quantitative behavioral-
and alcoholism, there are few association and linkage studies genetic literature, (2) identifying a candidate environmen-
of conduct disorder and antisocial behavior. So far, there is tal pathogen for the disorder in question, (3) optimizing
30 Genetic Analysis of Conduct Disorder and Antisocial Behavior 467

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Chapter 31

Schizophrenia and Affective Psychotic Disorders – Inputs

from a Genetic Perspective

Daniel R. Hanson

Introduction maladaptive behaviors, so the distinction can be difficult

without adequate historical information about the ill per-
A person once walked into my inner city, county hospital, son. This chapter focuses on the two most common forms
psychiatry office wearing clothing that he had sewn together of psychoses – schizophrenia and the affective psychoses of
out of old rubber inner tubes. He explained that he made this bipolar and unipolar disorders (formerly known as “manic-
outfit to protect himself from infections – a suit of armor for depressive insanity”). These categories were first demarcated
the age of communicable disease. It was a hot day; the person in the late 19th and early 20th centuries to help distin-
appeared flushed and dehydrated with a dry mouth, absence guish these disorders from the degenerative brain disorders
of perspiration, and pulse of 130. His efforts to protect him- of old age such as senility and Alzheimer’s disease, as well
self had actually placed him in jeopardy of heat stroke, even as the disease induced by the syphilis spirochete infect-
more probable because his psychiatric medications had the ing the brain. The diagnostic foundations for schizophrenia
side effect of altering temperature regulation. How did this and bipolar illness as laid down by Emil Kraepelin (1919),
person’s behavior become so maladaptive? What happens to Bleuler (1911/1950) and Kurt Schneider (1959) still form the
the human brain/mind during the development of psychotic basis for modern-day diagnostic practices described in the
behaviors remains one of greatest puzzles confronting both American Psychiatric Association’s Diagnostic and Statisti-
the sciences and the humanities. The human genome and ner- cal Manual edition IV (DSM-IV-TR, 2000). The classic and
vous system were “designed” by evolution and by experience simplified conceptualizations of schizophrenia describe a
to perceive the environment accurately and respond to the disorder of thought processes (illogical, incoherent) inferred
environment to enhance the adaptation of both the individual from language, disrupted expression of emotion (typically
and the species. With so much at stake, how can the brain flattened or inappropriate), and a deteriorating course after
and mind go so far awry? This chapter will explore some onset in late teenage years or early adulthood. Bipolar ill-
of the behavioral genetic data and theory about the origins ness, by contrast, involves wide swings in emotion from
of psychoses, termed insanity by the legal system and the profound depression to euphoric excitement with a return
public. to normal moods between episodes. We now realize these
The key feature of psychoses involves a loss of con- capsule descriptions are greatly oversimplified and even mis-
tact with reality for long periods while remaining fully alert leading. The course of either of these illnesses may range
and oriented to one’s surroundings. Delirium, by contrast, from malignant deterioration to lengthy social recovery. Both
involves loss of contact with reality but also involves dis- syndromes may involve hallucinations and delusions. For-
turbances where consciousness waxes and wanes, and peo- mal thought disorder occurs in the mood disorders as well
ple become confused. The distinction is crucial since deliria as schizophrenia (Lake, 2007).
are often the result of severe physiological problems that For over a 100 years, schizophrenia and bipolar illness
can be rapidly medically dangerous or fatal. Deliria and were conceptualized as separate entities. However, there have
psychoses both may involve hallucinations, delusions, and been minority dissenters along the way (Ødegaard, 1972;
Strömgren, 1994) and recently there has been an upsurge
in discussions about the overlap between schizophrenia and
bipolar illness using molecular genetic information (Crad-
D.R. Hanson (B)
dock, O’Donovan, & Owen, 2005) – more on this topic later.
Departments of Psychiatry & Psychology, University of Minnesota,
F282/2A West, 2450 Riverside Avenue, Minneapolis, MN 55454, Consequently, this chapter does not automatically assume
612-273-9765, USA that schizophrenia and bipolar illness are completely sep-
e-mail: drhanson@umn.edu arate entities but, instead, attempts to prepare the reader

Y.-K. Kim (ed.), Handbook of Behavior Genetics, 473

DOI 10.1007/978-0-387-76727-7 31,  c Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2009
474 D.R. Hanson

to maintain an open mind about this question. Therefore, and old – per year per unit population), or morbid risk
rather than including the details of the diagnostic criteria (age-adjusted) likelihood of any one individual develop-
for schizophrenia and bipolar disorders, the reader can con- ing the disorder over the course of a lifetime. Behavioral
sult DSM-IV-TR for the current diagnostic concepts. These geneticists prefer the latter statistic for its conceptual sim-
nosologies are certain to change (Craddock, O’Donovan, & plicity and because it reminds us that schizophrenia is a
Owen, 2006; Nordgaard, Arnfred, Handest, & Parnas, 2008) lifelong process affecting individuals. About 1% of the gen-
as the field moves away from diagnostic categories based on eral population will experience schizophrenia and another
behavioral signs and symptoms and moves closer to diag- 1% will experience bipolar illness sometime over the course
nosing mental illness based on endophenotypes (Gottesman of their lifetimes. These 1% rates are remarkably constant
& Gould, 2003) and, ultimately, genomic etiologies. around the globe regardless of culture, geography, or climate.
A third category of psychoses, often described as cyclical The onset of the illness is earlier in men but by the end
psychoses (Leonhard, 1961; Perris & Brockington, 1981), of the risk period the rates are equal for men and women.
are mentioned only in passing. Typically, such psychoses There have been some speculations that the occurrence of
involve an acute onset and an admixture of schizophrenic and schizophrenia is declining (Brewin et al., 1997; Geddes,
affective symptoms followed by recovery though episodes Black, Whalley, & Eagles, 1993; Suvisaari, Haukka, Tan-
may reoccur. This syndrome has received scant attention in skanen, & Lönnqvist, 1999). Whether there is a true decline
the American psychiatric literature (the DSM-IV category of or the changing rates is an artifact of sampling or changing
Brief Psychotic Disorders captures some of the features of diagnostic practices remains debated (Osby et al., 2001). The
the cyclical psychoses) but is more fully integrated into Euro- issue is important for behavioral geneticists because the time
pean and Scandinavian diagnostic practices. There is a con- frame for this proposed decrease is too short for any evo-
sensus that these psychoses are separate from schizophrenia lutionary change in the frequency of the genes involved in
(Peralta, Cuesta, & Zandio, 2007). It is less certain that they these illnesses. If such a decline is real, and if we understood
are separate from bipolar disorder though recent family study why the change occurred, we would have a valuable insight
data suggest that cyclic psychoses are also distinct from bipo- into modifying environmental factors to change or prevent
lar illness (Jabs et al., 2006; Pfuhlmann et al., 2004). the development of illness.
The general population 1% morbid risks are generally
derived using operational definitions of these syndromes that
What We Know About the Common Psychoses are based on specified diagnostic criteria. However, an addi-
tional factor – impairment of function – also enters into
Before entering a detailed discussion of genetic factors in the ascertainment of diagnosable cases. Most of the statis-
schizophrenia and bipolar illness, we need to set the stage tics describing general population rates of mental illness
with some basic facts about these disorders. A clear under- have relied on counting individuals who have entered into
standing of the frequency (base rates) of these illnesses in the treatment and thus imply that there has been some degree
general population provides the basis for comparison of the of disruption of function. It is possible that there are peo-
rates in relatives of affected individuals in a search for famil- ple with the syndromes but whose functional status is suffi-
iality. It is upon these comparisons that behavioral geneticists cient in isolated or supportive environments such that they
build the case for the important roles and causal weights of do not present for treatment. Such cases would not come to
genetic, environmental, epigenetic, and stochastic (chance) professional attention and would escape enumeration. There
factors in the development of these illnesses. The population have been efforts to screen large and representative sam-
rates also give us clues as to how common are the causal ples of the population (Kessler et al., 1994) and in such
factors (genetic and environmental) that contribute to the studies the rates of schizophrenia and bipolar illness are
development of these disorders. Secondly, exploring the phe- higher than the typical 1% rates by as much as twofold.
nomena that precede overt illness gives important insights as Sometimes these undiagnosed cases in the population are
to what kind of causal factors we need to search for and when referred to as “sub-threshold” versions of the syndromes.
in development these factors make their impact. There are many controversies surrounding these population
studies (Murray, Jones, Susser, Van Os, & Cannon, 2003).
To make large population-based epidemiological studies fea-
Frequency of Common Psychoses sible, trained research assistants apply questionnaires and
standardized interviews to gather the data. However, the
Schizophrenia and bipolar mood disorders are relatively data are not based on observations by experienced psychi-
common illness. Rates of an illness can be expressed as atrists or psychologists. Concerns have been raised that the
an incidence (typically, new cases per year per 100,000 survey method leads to an over-diagnosis of mental health
population), prevalence (total cases observed – both new syndromes (Helzer et al., 1985) among other distortions. To
31 Schizophrenia and Affective Psychotic Disorders 475

illustrate, the diagnosis of osteoarthritis is typically made 50

when wear and tear on the body’s joints become so bad that
pain and disability bring the affected person to a healthcare 40 Relative risk
provider for treatment. However, if you went from door to
door asking people if they had a sore joint in recent weeks,
the researcher would find a vastly larger number of peo-
ple with sore joints compared to the number who actually
seek treatment. Which strategy provides the best answer to 20
the question of how common is osteoarthritis? There is no
clear answer – much depends on why one is asking the ques- 10
tion. If the question is asked to guide health care policy for
providing adequate services to help people with disabling
osteoarthritis, the first strategy may be most helpful. If one Maternal Stressful Unmarried Obstetric Lower SES Sib SRP MZ twin
flu life events Comps. affected
is asking the question to find the largest possible market for
selling a treatment for joint pain, the latter strategy may be Fig. 31.1 Relative “potency” of factors associated with an increased
emphasized. It is beyond the scope of this chapter to say rate of schizophrenia. The vertical axis is odds ratios – the degree to
which the risk factor increases the risk above the general population
any more about economic and political forces that influence risk. On the low end of the scale, children exposed in utero to maternal
the process of enumerating diseases – just be aware that influenza have a slight increased risk compared to the general popu-
such forces exist that can either raise or reduce criteria-based lation (odds ratio = 1.1). At the other extreme, individuals with an
results. affected identical twin have a vastly increased risk (odds ratio = 50).
SRP = schizophrenia-related psychosis
The general population rates of illness also provide impor-
tant information about how common the causal factors are
that give rise to these illnesses. When searching for the fac-
tors that contribute to the development of schizophrenia or Knowing that schizophrenia and bipolar illness each
bipolar illness, we need to know if we are looking for rare and affect about 1% of the population, and with a few assump-
abnormal genetic or environmental factors or common and tions about the factors being independent of each other,
ordinary events that are cumulatively toxic. Among studies we can calculate approximate base rates of the individual
of identical twins, if one twin has schizophrenia, the genet- causal contributors. Details and elaborations of the calcula-
ically identical co-twin has the disorder only about 50% of tions can be found in Hanson (2004) and Hanson and Gottes-
the time at the end of the risk period. The less-than-100% man (2007). The surprising result is that the environmental
concordance tells us that there must be something genetic and the genetic risk factors for acquiring schizophrenia or
(G) and something environmental (E) about the causes of this bipolar illness are individually likely to be relatively com-
schizophrenia. Many environmental factors have been pro- mon events. Figure 31.2 illustrates the phenomenon for any
posed including such things as in utero exposure to infection illness with a population rate of 1%. If there are, say, four
(Meyer, Yee, & Feldon, 2007; Smith, Li, Garbett, Mirnics, (horizontal axis) independent causal factors, then we would
& Patterson, 2007), prenatal malnutrition (Hoek, Brown, & expect that each one of these factors, individually, would
Susser, 1998; Hulshoff Pol et al., 2000; St Clair et al., 2005), impact about a third (vertical axis) of the general population.
birth and pregnancy complications (Byrne, Agerbo, Benned- The purpose of Fig. 31.2 is to offer rough “ball-park” esti-
sen, Eaton, & Mortensen, 2007; M. Cannon & Clarke, 2005; mates of the population frequencies of risk factors and it is
Clarke, Harley, & Cannon, 2006), season of birth (Bersani not intended as a rigorous epidemiological model. However,
et al., 2006; McGrath, Saha, Lieberman, & Buka, 2006), Fig. 31.2 serves as a point of departure in thinking about the
and urban and disadvantaged social–economic situations frequency in the population of causal factors. Somewhere
(Byrne, Agerbo, Eaton, & Mortensen, 2004; Cantor-Graae along the curves in Fig. 31.2, we would stop thinking of
& Selten, 2005; Cooper, 2005). Figure 31.1 provides a sum- the risk factors (genetic or environmental) as rare patholog-
mary of the impact (relative risk) of some of these envi- ical events and start thinking of them as common individ-
ronmental influences and contrasts them with the relative ual differences within the normal range (Thomson & Espos-
risk conferred by a genetic relationship to a sibling who has ito, 1999). If this turns out to be true, illness results more
a schizophrenia-related psychosis or an identical twin with from the bad luck of experiencing a combination of risk
schizophrenia. So far, all of the posited environmental factors factors that jointly cause illness but individually are normal
have only weak impact on risk compared to genetic factors. and without deleterious consequences (Becker, 2004; Han-
That is not to say that there are no highly impactful environ- son and Gottesman, 2007). Additionally, if the causal factors
mental factors; there probably are, but we have not identified are rare it would be easier to imagine schizophrenia and bipo-
them yet. lar illness as separate entities, each with their own infrequent
476 D.R. Hanson


Population Frequency of Factors






Number of Independent Factors Leading to Development of Schizophrenia

Fig. 31.2 Possible relationships between the number of factors that This illustration provides a guess as to how common the causal factors
contribute to the development of schizophrenia (with a population base could be in the general population assuming each factor is independent
rate of 1%) and the frequency of causal factors in the general population. of the others and that all factors are about equally common

and separate etiologies. However, if the causal factors are illness in the study sample. To get around this problem, the
common, then it is much more likely that these common fac- sizes of study samples are sometimes statistically adjusted
tors would overlap across both illnesses. for the age structure of the sample (sometimes referred to
by the German term Bezugsziffer – or BZ). To provide a
simple example, if a person had lived through only half of
the empirically known risk period, he/she would be counted
Psychotic Disorders Develop Over Time as only 0.5 in the denominator of a risk calculation that lists
the number affected in the numerator, divided by the total
The range in age of onset of schizophrenia is unusually number of (age-corrected) individuals in the denominator.
broad. Symptoms usually start in the late teenage years or The common psychotic syndromes often show evidence
early twenties, but the illness can start in middle childhood of precursors early in the life of those who eventually break
(Hanson & Gottesman, 1976) and may rarely start in old down. From the time of Bleuler (1911/1950) and Krae-
age (Bridge & Wyatt, 1980; Howard, Rabins, Seeman, & pelin (1919) “It is certain that many a schizophrenia can
Jeste, 2000; Slater & Cowie, 1971). The DSM III statement be traced back into the early years of the patient’s lives. . .”
that schizophrenia could not start after age 45 is clearly false (Bleuler, 1911/1950 p. 252). Likewise, a prodrome of
and this claim was expunged from subsequent editions. Like- unstable affect, sometimes appearing like an attention-deficit
wise, bipolar illness is increasingly recognized in children disorder, is not rare in the lives of individuals who even-
(Correll, Penzner, Frederickson et al., 2007; Correll, Penzner, tually develop bipolar illness and there is growing interest
Frederickson et al., 2007; Somanath, Jain, & Reddy, 2002; in defining the bipolar prodrome (Correll, Penzner, Fred-
Tillman & Geller, 2006) and may onset late in life (Almeida erickson et al., 2007). It is these early forerunners of ill-
& Fenner, 2002) though, like schizophrenia, the peak age ness that motivated the studies of individuals at high risk
of onset is in the late teens or early twenties (Loranger & (Chapter 32 in this volume) in an effort to better under-
Levine, 1978). This variable age of onset presents complica- stand the natural history of these illnesses. Not everyone who
tions to psychiatric geneticists because many of the individ- develops schizophrenia or bipolar illness has a clear pro-
uals in a sample of people at risk (e.g., relatives of a bipolar drome and not all cases have a gradual slide into illness. The
proband) will still be young. These younger folks may not natural history can vary from gradual, undulating, or rapid
have the illness at the time of the study but some will have progression into illness and the subsequent course can, like-
the potential to go on to develop the illness at a later age. wise, be progressive deterioration, undulating, or return to
The net result would be to underestimate the true rates of health (Bleuler, 1978; Tsuang & Winokur, 1975; Winokur
31 Schizophrenia and Affective Psychotic Disorders 477

et al., 1994). The realization of such a variable array of onsets The Genetic Evidence
and course has led to a shift in thinking about degenerative
models vs. developmental models of these illnesses.
Family and Twin Studies
Degenerative models for the major psychoses imply that
after a period of normal development, the brain, or one of its
parts, begins to deteriorate with a commensurate perturbation The evidence supporting a role for genetic factors in
of behavior. However, stating that an illness is degenerative schizophrenia and bipolar disorder comes from multiple
is not particularly helpful. What needs to be done is to deter- strategies that include studies of families, twins, adoptees,
mine when in the life course the degeneration begins and genetic linkages, and searches for candidate SNPs and genes.
how the degeneration is initiated and maintained. Answers Table 31.1 summarizes the classic epidemiological studies of
to the “when?” and “how?” questions would then describe schizophrenia and bipolar illness. These pooled data come
the degenerative process in developmental terms. from scores of studies that cross decades, countries, method-
Developmental models of psychoses implicate abnormal- ological strategies, and diagnostic practices. Yet, in spite
ities of early brain assembly that predispose to future mal- of the differences there is, with rare exception, a consis-
function. The proponents of the model further argue that the tent demonstration of a higher risk for illness in relatives
perturbations of development are limited to the early times of affected individuals compared to general population risks
of development and are discontinuous. Without this quali- and the risk varies consistently with degree of genetic rela-
fier, developmental models are indistinguishable from degen- tionship. Furthermore, the risks are higher for relatives of
erative models where the degeneration commences early in severely affected (early onset) probands and for relatives
the life span. The early abnormalities are not necessarily the from families with many affected individuals. The gender of
cause of psychoses, but, instead, create a state of risk for a the affected proband does not alter risks.
future episode. That is, a diathesis or predisposition is not The 50% (approx.) concordance rate in identical twins is
a disease. Consequently, there must be factors later in life also the best evidence that genetics is not the whole story.
that convert the vulnerability to an illness. These additional Environmental, epigenetic, and stochastic factors, yet to be
factors are presumed to damage development in such a way identified, must also play a role. The study of offspring of
that a predisposition becomes actualized. To gain a complete discordant identical twins is especially illuminating, though
understanding of the syndrome, we must return to the ques- such opportunities are rare. In one such study the risk to chil-
tion of “what happens?.” dren of the parents affected with schizophrenia was 17%;
Following this line of reasoning, the distinction between that was the same as the risk to children born to the unaf-
degenerative and developmental models blurs. In fact, a fected but genetically identical co-twins (Gottesman & Ber-
medical–behavioral condition can be both developmental telsen, 1989). The conclusion is that it is possible for a person
and degenerative as exemplified by Down syndrome (Head to have the gene(s) for psychosis, show no illness, but still
& Lott, 2004; Kornberg et al., 1990; Opitz & Gilbert- pass those genes on to offspring. If we understood how this
Barness, 1990). Some individuals born with Down syndrome works (Wong, Gottesman, & Petronis, 2005), we would be
(trisomy 21) exhibit a number of developmental anomalies better able to prevent or treat these illnesses.
including cardiac malformations, abnormal dermatoglyph- Twin data also help us answer other questions. There
ics, skeletal changes, and muscular hypotonia, to name a few. has been a longstanding debate about the separateness of
As trisomy 21 infants mature, most exhibit degrees of men- unipolar depression and bipolar illness. Bertelsen’s twin
tal retardation. By about age 50, these individuals invariably data from Denmark (Bertelsen, 1978; Bertelsen, Harvald,
develop Alzheimer-like CNS degenerative pathology and it & Hauge, 1977) clearly show that the identical twins of
is observed at autopsy (Head & Lott, 2004). bipolars can have lifelong unipolar syndromes and unipolars

Table 31.1 The risks for schizophrenia or bipolar illness in various categories of genetic relationship
Risk for bipolar illness in
Risk for schizophrenia in relatives of probands with
relatives of probands with bipolar illness (Craddock &
schizophrenia (Gottesman Jones, 1999; Jones, Kent, &
et al., 1982) (%) Craddock, 2004)
First degree 10–15 ∼7%
Second degree 2–3 No data
Identical (MZ) twins 40–50 40–60%
Fraternal (DZ) twins 10–15 0–19%
Adoptees 10–18 Two studies: increased risk
478 D.R. Hanson

can have bipolar identical co-twins. Subsequent data (Ber- point of normal to an opposite pole of mania it would be
telsen, 2005) have confirmed these observations. The clinical hard to explain the mixed state. The bipolar syndrome is a
implications are that there are individuals who appear to have state of emotional dysregulation where any and all emotions
a unipolar depression but who, in fact, are intrinsically bipo- may simultaneously exist in excess. Einat and Manji (2006)
lar (with unexpressed genotypes) and would benefit from have postulated that the faulty regulation occurs at the level
the same mood-stabilizing medications used for bipolar ill- of cellular plasticity – see also Gottesman and Hanson (2005)
ness. There is, for example, a growing literature on using for more on plasticity.
the mood-stabilizing medication lithium to augment antide- The genetic-epidemiological data also speak to the ques-
pressants when severely depressed patient does not respond tion of separateness of schizophrenia and bipolar illness.
to antidepressants alone. In such cases, the lithium is proba- As alluded to previously, these syndromes were originally
bly not simply boosting the antidepressant; it is treating the conceptualized as distinct entities on clinical grounds. The
underlying bipolar illness. The genetic-epidemiological data majority of the genetic-epidemiology studies are consistent
also help us understand the boundaries of these illnesses. with the distinction by failing to show increased rates of
There is substantial evidence that people with bipolar illness bipolar illness in the families of schizophrenia probands or
have increased rates of panic disorder, obsessionality, and schizophrenia in the families of bipolar probands. However,
general anxiety and there is an increase of these syndromes most of the genetic studies were never designed to specifi-
in the relatives of bipolars (Dilsaver, Akiskal, Akiskal, & cally test the question. Investigators typically set out to test
Benazzi, 2006; Edmonds et al., 1998; Joyce et al., 2004; the genetics of just one of these disorders and did so already
Kessler et al., 1994; Merikangas et al., 2007; Merikan- assuming the illnesses were separate. Thus, there may have
gas & Low, 2004; Rzhetsky, Wajngurt, Park, & Zheng, been a built-in bias where, for example, if schizophrenia
2007; Schulze, Hedeker, Zandi, Rietschel, & McMahon, were the focus of the study, and psychotic relatives were
2006; Simon et al., 2003). One way to conceptualize this found, there may have been unwitting and unknown factors
phenomenon is that the core of these syndromes does not lie that led to affected relatives being perceived as having the
in any one of these behavioral manifestations but, instead, same diagnosis as the proband. By contrast, Ødegaard (1972)
there is a basic disruption of brain centers that modulate set out to study psychoses with few preconceived notions
affect/emotion. In other words, the problem with depres- about the separateness of the illnesses. His data from Norwe-
sion (substitute mania, panic, etc.) is not that the brain is gian national registers (Table 31.2) suggest that schizophre-
depressed (excited, aroused) but that the mechanisms that nia and bipolar illness can occur within the same families.
regulate this spectrum of emotion are broken or dysregulated. A few other historical observations have reached similar
If so, it then makes some sense why medications such as the conclusions (Reed, Hartley, Anderson, Phillips, & John-
so-called “antidepressants” not only help with low mood but son, 1973; Tsuang, Winokur, & Crowe, 1980). In more
also with the anxiety syndromes such as panic or obsessive recent times, there has been a reappraisal of the over-
compulsive disorders. This formulation also helps us under- lap between schizophrenia and bipolar illness (Blackwood
stand the syndrome of mixed mania where there is an admix- et al., 2007; Craddock et al., 2006; Maier, Hofgen, Zobel,
ture of negative emotions (depression, irritability, and anger) & Rietschel, 2005; Palo et al., 2007), especially as the field
combined with a high-energy state. If bipolar illness were has moved into linkage studies and the search for candidate
truly a swing from one pole of depression through a mid- genes.

Table 31.2 Diagnostic distribution of Norwegian index patients and their psychotic relatives (Ødegaard, 1972)
Percent of psychotic relatives diag-
nosed as having (not = to risk
Proband diagnosis No. of psychotic relatives figures)
Schizophrenia Reactive Affective
psychoses psychoses
Schizophrenia, severe 109 78 7 15
Schizophrenia, slight 368 71 16 14
Schizophrenia, no defect 179 46 23 31
Reactive psychoses 82 28 48 24
Atypical affective 39 36 28 36
Bipolar psychoses 47 19 11 70
31 Schizophrenia and Affective Psychotic Disorders 479

Linkage Analyses and Candidate Genes that, to a considerable extent, there is some genetic overlap
across these syndromes.
Linkage analyses search for genes or regions of chromo- Candidate genes are genes with known chromosomal
somes that are consistently passed along in families hand in locations that are suspected to be involved in a disease and
hand with illness – i.e., the chromosomal regions are “linked” whose protein product suggests that it could be the disease
to the disease. By knowing what genes lie on the linked seg- gene in question. One way to search for candidate genes
ment of a chromosome, research could hone in on specific starts with some theory about the illness and then looks to
genes in that chromosomal region that contribute to risk. The see if genes related to that theory are linked to the illness.
history of linkage studies of schizophrenia and bipolar illness For example, the neurotransmitter dopamine has long been
has been long and characterized by exciting announcements implicated in schizophrenia, so investigators have been look-
of linkage followed by a disappointing series of failures to ing at candidate genes coding for aberrant dopamine recep-
replicate (Crow, 2007). Linkage analysis for psychiatric syn- tors (of which there are several). Unfortunately, this approach
dromes is particularly precarious because, as we have seen has had little in the way of replicable success. Alternatively,
with discordant identical twin data, the relevant genes (what- candidate genes are identified when highly detailed linkage
ever they are) are often not associated with illness. Further- studies lead investigators to a specific gene that is linked to
more, as we have also seen, there are many uncertainties illness. Table 31.3 summarizes the most promising candidate
about what constitutes “illness.” If we are studying linkage in genes to date but the reader is cautioned that none of these
bipolar illness, should we count unipolar depression, panic, genes are solidly proven to be associated with psychoses
anxiety, or phobias as cases? This is one of the stickiest issues (Sanders et al., 2008). Table 31.4 provides a brief description
confronting the field of human behavior genetics. Hanson, of some of these candidate genes.
Gottesman, and Meehl (1977) offer further discussion of the The striking commonality among these candidate genes
issues of diagnoses and symptom expression as it relates is that, when known, their functions are fundamental and
to prediction in psychiatric genetic endeavors, including the widespread throughout the brain, if not the entire body. They
study of children at risk. In spite of all of the difficulties, involve the kinds of biological mechanisms that fit what we
there have been several loci linked to either schizophrenia, know clinically, entailing early developmental perturbations
bipolar illness, or both, as listed in Table 31.3. This table is followed by later compounding of problems leading to overt
derived from the up-to-date and rigorous review by Craddock illness. Yet, given the fundamental nature of the candidate
et al. (2005). However, given the shifting sands of this line of genes actions, they must be only a tiny bit “off” from normal.
research, the reader is well advised to search for subsequent While it is true that schizophrenia and bipolar illness have a
reviews for updates (http://www.schizophreniaforum.org). It profound effect on those with the illness, the vast majority of
is difficult to draw any firm conclusions about specific genes brain function comes close to working normally. People with
impacting our illnesses of interest. However, the evidence these illnesses walk, talk, think, and feel – all systems are
from linkage studies is shaping up to confirm that the con- operative to some degree and can normalize – unlike brain
tributing genes to schizophrenia and bipolar illness are likely diseases such as stroke, or degenerative disorders such as
to be several to many in number, each with small effects and Alzheimer and Huntington. Whatever is wrong is pervasive

Table 31.3 Linkage sites and candidate genes for schizophrenia and/or bipolar illness (based on Craddock, O’Donovan, & Owen, 2005)
Schizophrenia Bipolar illness Both
Linkage sites 6p24-22 6q16-q22 1q21-q22
1q21-22 12q23-q24 1q42
13q32-34 9p22-p21 2p13-p16
8p21-22 10q21-22 4p-16
6q16-25 14q24-q32 4q-32
22q11-12 13q-32-q3422 6q21-q25
5q21-q33 q11-q22 10q25-26
10p15-p11 Chromosome 18 12q23-q24
1q42 13q32-q34
Candidate genes NRG1 DAOA(G72 DAOA(G72)
Chromosome abnormalities 22q11 1q42
480 D.R. Hanson

Table 31.4 Brief description of candidate genes for schizophrenia and bipolar illness
Candidate gene Function
Neuregulin 1 (NRG1) Synaptogenesis, axon guidance and maintenance,
glial cell development and others
D -Aminoacid oxidase and Uncertain
its activator (DAOA)
Dysbindin (DTNBP1) Glutamate neurotransmitter systems, biogenesis
of lysosome-related organelles
Disrupted in schizophrenia Intracellular transport, neurite structure, neuronal
(DISC1) migration, very active in embryogenesis
Regulator of G-protein Modulates cellular production of “second
signaling 4 (RGS4) messengers” within the cells in response to
external signals (neurotransmitters, hormones)
Brain-derived neurotropic Modify growth, development, survival of
factor (BDNF) neurons, likely involved in CNS plasticity

and profound, yet subtle and mild. No wonder we still have a methyl group to cytosine that, along with adenine, thiamine
not solved this mystery in more than a 100 years of effort. and guanine, form the four-letter alphabet of DNA (Petro-
Because the common psychoses are undoubtedly multifac- nis, 2003; Petronis et al., 2003). This methylation of cytosine
torial in cause, tasks for the future will be to study arrays changes the configuration of the DNA such that the genetic
of candidate genes in relation to each other and in relation information encoded in that area cannot be read and is nulli-
to environmental factors that might influence these genes to fied (Jaenisch & Bird, 2003; Jones & Takai, 2001) – the gene
lead to illness. is essentially turned off. Conversely, removing DNA methy-
lation allows expression of the gene. Failure of methylation
systems leads to clinical syndromes such as Rett syndrome
A Framework for Putting It all Together: that involves mental retardation, autistic-like behaviors, and
Epigenesis, Reaction Surface, and other neuro-developmental anomalies in girls (Shahbazian
Endophenotypes & Zoghbi, 2002). Such epigenetic mechanisms may account
for why, in a rodent model, maternal behavior toward young
offspring affects the size of the offspring’s hippocampus in
Epigenesis adulthood, depending on the offspring’s genotype (Weaver,
Grant, & Meaney, 2002). The nurturing-induced effects on
Human development is more than a simple summation of brain development and stress response persists into maturity
genetic and environmental factors. The concept of epige- (Sapolsky, 2004; Weaver et al., 2004). It is tempting to spec-
nesis moves us closer to understanding the developmental ulate about the power of such findings to help explain how
processes that lead to such disorders as schizophrenia and very early life experiences/exposures may help set the stage
bipolar illness. The term epigenesis originated with embry- for schizophrenia (Petronis et al., 2003) and mood disorders
ological theories suggesting that complex organisms origi- (Caspi et al., 2003; Charney & Manji, 2004) many years
nate from relatively simple undifferentiated cells. Broadly later in life.
speaking, the term currently is used to include all the forces Epigenetic perspectives grapple with complexities of how
that lead to the phenotypic expression of an individual’s multiple genetic factors integrate over time with multiple
genotype (Petronis, 2004; Waddington, 1957). In the early environmental factors through dynamic, often non-linear,
1970s, Gottesman and Shields (1972) introduced the con- sometimes non-reversible, processes to produce behaviorally
cept of epigenesis into psychiatric genetics followed by later relevant endophenotypes and phenotypes. A key epigenetic
elaborations (Gottesman, Shields, & Hanson, 1982). The def- question is how identical twins can be discordant for psy-
inition of “epigenetic” continues to evolve and, to many choses (Cannon et al., 2002; Hulshoff Pol et al., 2004;
molecular biologists, the term refers to the mechanisms by Kuratomi et al., 2007; van Erp et al., 2004; van Haren
which cells change form or function and then transmit that et al., 2004; Wong, Gottesman, & Petronis, 2005).
form or function to future cells in that cell line (Jablonka &
Lamb, 2002; Jaenisch & Bird, 2003; Morange, 2002). Trans-
formation of an undifferentiated embryo cell into a liver cell
and transformation of a normal liver cell into a cancerous cell Reaction Surface
are examples of epigenesis.
The best studied mechanisms for the epigenetic regula- At any time, any one genotype may have a wide array
tion of mammalian gene expression involves the addition of of potential phenotypes, referred to as a “reaction range”
31 Schizophrenia and Affective Psychotic Disorders 481

or “reaction surface” (Turkheimer, Goldsmith, & Gottes- space, as functions of genotypes, environments, and time.
man, 1995). The actual phenotype will depend on the influ- The plot would produce an undulating surface that would
ence of the individual’s other genes and on the specific represent the phenotype for that unique combination of
contexts of environments experienced among a wide array genotype, environment, and time. Such a surface has
of possible environments. Which environment is experienced been referred to as a “reaction surface” (Gottesman
may be stochastic (chance) or may be a function of the & Gould, 2003; Sing, Stengard, & Kardia, 2003) or
individual’s past phenotypes. Indeed, an individual’s pheno- “phenotypic surface” (Nijhout, 2003) and these articles
type (which is partially a result of his/her genotype) may provide informative graphics. Figure 31.3 provides such
lead him/her to select certain environments, thereby estab- an example (Gottesman & Gould, 2003) applied to the
lishing a correlation between genotype and environment ontogenesis of schizophrenia. The illustration demonstrates
(Carey, 2003). a changing reaction surface, a threshold for illness, sug-
The array of possible outcomes for any developmen- gested endophenotypes (some already connected to can-
tal process could, in theory, be plotted in multidimensional didate genes), and a dimension of environmental inputs.

Fig. 31.3 Illustration of a systems biology approach toward explain- edge. Two planes intersect the reaction surface for the liability to devel-
ing complex behavior incorporating dynamic interplay among candi- oping schizophrenia over time indicating levels above which clinical
date genes and gene regions, endophenotypes, and pre- and postnatal diagnoses are manifest (cf. Gottesman & Gould, 2003; Manji, Gottes-
environmental and epigenetic influences (protective or harmful) over man, & Gould, 2003). Copyright 2005 by I.I. Gottesman (used with
the course of development. Question marks indicate gaps in our knowl- permission)
482 D.R. Hanson

Questions for the future include whether or not schizophrenia these terms. Attempts to identify those characteristics that are
and bipolar belong to the same reaction surface or not. genetically mediated – endophenotypes – would require the

1. Endophenotypes that would be associated with the trait in

Endophenotypes the population.
2. The endophenotype would be demonstrably heritable.
It is a long road from genotype through epigenetic pathways 3. The endophenotype is present whether the trait/disease is
to endpoint phenotypes such as schizophrenia and bipolar present or not (e.g., vulnerability marker) but may require
illness. As we have seen, these behavioral phenotypes are a non-harmful triggering/eliciting test analogous to a glu-
of uncertain value in specifying the limits and bounds of the cose tolerance test or a cardiac stress test.
biological entities that contribute to these phenomena. The 4. Within families, endophenotype and trait co-segregate
clinical outcome may be too distant in time and development (but not perfectly – see 3 above).
to define the origins – explorers should not look backward 5. The endophenotype found in families with the trait (espe-
through their telescopes. What are needed are intermediate cially an illness) is found in non-affected family members
traits that sit closer to the genotype end of the developmental at a higher rate than in the general population.
trajectory. In spite of the best efforts to improve the reliabil-
ity of psychiatric classification, the diagnoses in the official An instructive example comes from cardiology and the
nomenclatures are still syndromal and lack validating bio- long QT syndrome. Every normal heartbeat is associated
logical markers. The missing links have been referred to as with a specific pattern of electrical polarization and depolar-
“endophenotypes” (Gottesman & Gould, 2003; Gottesman ization of cardiac muscles. These shifts in polarization can be
and Shields, 1972, Shields & Gottesman 1973). Alternative measured with an electrocardiogram (EKG) and the letters P,
concepts with similar but different meanings include “bio- Q, R, S, and T have been arbitrarily assigned to identify spe-
logical markers,” “intermediate phenotypes,” “risk factors,” cific shifts in polarization. The Q wave indicates the start of
“vulnerability markers,” and “sub-clinical traits.” These depolarization of the ventricles (contraction) and the T wave
terms can be confusing because they are used in different represents ventricular repolarization (relaxation) in prepara-
ways by different authors. Table 31.5 attempts to compare tion for the next beat. If there is a failure of repolarization
and contrast some of the different nuances associated with (inherited, medication side effects) the QT time interval gets

Table 31.5 Terms frequently used in behavioral genetics

Term Definition Example/Elaboration
Endophenotype A heritable and quantitative measure of Long QT interval as a marker for Jervell
neurobiological function associated with and Lange-Nielsen cardio-auditory
illness (see additional elaboration in text) syndrome
Genetic linkage A gene or chromosomal site statistically Illness may be linked to a specific gene
associated with illness but not necessarily a site because the identified gene is
causal factor located close on the chromosome to
some other gene that is the actual
relevant gene
Biological marker A biological trait associated with being at Elevation in the levels of prostatic-specific
increased risk but not necessarily inherited nor antigen is associated with prostate
causal cancer (or prostate inflammation)
Genetic marker A genetic modification associated with increased CAG nucleotide repeats identify
risk for illness Huntington disease
Intermediate phenotype A quantitative measure both associated with the Increased rate of colonic polyps
illness and believed critical to the underlying associated with colon cancer
disease pathophysiology (see distinction with
endophenotypes in text)
Subclinical trait Classification of disease based on specific Fatigue associated with diabetes
clinical features
Liability indicator A factor or test that indicates a person is at These may be endophenotypes or
increased risk for illness genetic/biologic markers
Risk factor Any thing, environmental or genetic, that is Smoking is a risk factor for lung cancer
associated with increased risk if a person has,
or is exposed to, the factor
Candidate gene A gene that , based on current knowledge and See Table 31.4
theory, may be a causal factor for illness
31 Schizophrenia and Affective Psychotic Disorders 483

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Chapter 32

Genetic Risks in Schizophrenia: Cross-National Prospective

Longitudinal High-Risk Studies

Judith G. Auerbach, L. Erlenmeyer-Kimling, Barbara Fish, Sydney L. Hans, Loring J. Ingraham, Joseph Marcus,
Thomas F. McNeil, and Erland Schubert

Introduction risk to adopted-away children of biological parents with

schizophrenia is in the range of that for children brought up
Prospective longitudinal studies are a powerful means to with their own schizophrenic parents (Kety, Wender, Jacob-
identify the causal chains of biological and environmental sen, & Ingraham, 1994; Tienari et al., 2004). Twin studies
factors that underlie the development of serious mental disor- are usually presented as evidence for the role of heredity in
ders. Schizophrenia is one of these disorders. Schizophrenia schizophrenia because of the fivefold or greater concordance
is a multifactorial neurodevelopmental disorder whose spe- rate for the disorder in monozygotic compared with dizygotic
cific molecular genetic, epigenetic, stochastic, and environ- twins. Nevertheless, the consistent finding that concordance
mental bases remain elusive. The chronic debilitating nature in genetically identical monozygotic twins is considerably
of the disorder places a heavy emotional and financial burden below 100% also constitutes evidence for the influence of
on the individual, family, and society. Although the lifetime environmental and epigenetic factors – many acting during
prevalence of schizophrenia is 1% in the general population gestation, as well as throughout later developmental peri-
that has passed through the risk period, it accounts for up ods – that may impinge differentially on the expression of the
to 3% of total national health-care expenditures in Western initially identical genomes and thus lead to discordance for
countries (Knapp, Mangalore, & Simon, 2004). The hypo- the illness in some monozygotic twin pairs (Wong, Gottes-
thetical ability to intervene in the developmental progression man, & Petronis, 2005). What is inherited, therefore, is not
of the disorder at a point before breakdown is contingent the disorder itself but a liability to develop the disorder.
upon the elucidation of early behavioral and other markers Whether schizophrenia is the ultimate outcome depends not
of genetic liability to the disorder and their triggers. In this only on this liability but also on other causal, mediating,
chapter, we focus on research aimed at early detection of moderating, and/or chance factors.
markers that may predict to the later onset of schizophrenia. Models of schizophrenia incorporating biological and
Once these markers are identified, intervention can, at least environmental factors were first formally proposed by
in principle, be targeted to those individuals most at risk for Gottesman and Shields (1967, 1972), Meehl (1962), and
the disorder. Rosenthal (1970). These diathesis–stressor models concep-
tualize schizophrenia as the outcome of gene–environment
interactions. According to such models, individuals differ
not only in their degree of genetic liability to schizophre-
Background nia but also in the type and strength of environmen-
tal/epigenetic stressors to which they may be exposed. The
Strong evidence for genetic factors in schizophrenia comes result is a broad continuum ranging from low to high risks
from family, adoption, and twin studies and more recent to schizophrenia, depending on the joint impact of genetic
molecular approaches (Hanson, this volume). Lifetime and environmental/epigenetic factors. The diathesis–stressor
risk for schizophrenia averages 13% for the offspring of models have gradually contributed to the current concep-
schizophrenia probands, 10% for their siblings, and 6% for tualization of a spectrum ranging from less to more dis-
their parents (Owen, O’Donovan, & Gottesman, 2002). The abling, with schizophrenia as the most extreme expression
(Kendler, McGuire, Gruenberg, & Walsh, 1995). Recogni-
tion of this spectrum of less malignant disorders helps to
J.G. Auerbach (B)
clarify some of the conditions that earlier investigators (e.g.,
Department of Psychology, Ben-Gurion University, Beer-Sheva, Israel Kallmann, 1938; Slater, 1968) struggled to define in twin and
e-mail: judy@bgu.ac.il family studies and casts light on the old idea of “incomplete

Y.-K. Kim (ed.), Handbook of Behavior Genetics, 487

DOI 10.1007/978-0-387-76727-7 32,  c Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2009
488 J.G. Auerbach et al.

penetrance” when thought was focused only on single major view, schizotaxia is expressed in most circumstances as
locus models (either recessive or dominant). Underlying “schizotypy”, a nonpsychotic personality organization that
genetic liability is not always expressed phenotypically as develops into schizophrenia in certain environmental condi-
schizophrenia (Faraone, Green, Seidman, & Tsuang, 2001; tions (cf., Lenzenweger, Maher, & Manschreck, 2005).
Meehl, 1990), or even as major spectrum disorders, as illus- Recently Tsuang, Faraone and colleagues (Faraone
trated by Gottesman and Bertelsen’s (1989) study of off- et al., 2001; Tsuang, Stone, & Faraone, 2000; Tsuang, Stone,
spring of twins discordant for schizophrenia spectrum disor- Tarbox, & Faraone, 2002) have “reformulated” the con-
ders. In monozygotic pairs, the rate of these disorders was the cept of schizotaxia, proposing that schizotaxia is expressed
same in offspring of the schizophrenic twins as in offspring through neuropsychological deficits as well as negative
of the fully discordant cotwins. In dizygotic pairs, how- schizotypal symptoms that are qualitatively similar to, but
ever, offspring of the phenotypically unaffected twin showed milder than, those seen in schizophrenia. The investiga-
much lower rates similar to those found for second-degree tors’ studies suggest that 20–50% of first-degree relatives
relatives (e.g., nieces/nephews) of schizophrenic probands. of schizophrenic probands manifest a “schizotaxic” behav-
Thus, the phenotypically unaffected twins in the monozy- ior profile, not unlike Heston’s (1970) earlier defense of a
gotic pairs, but not the dizygotic pairs, shared the same dominant gene model.
genetic liability as the schizophrenic cotwins but it remained Thus, schizophrenia is currently conceptualized as a
unexpressed. neurodevelopmental disorder grounded in developmental
Nevertheless, first-degree relatives of schizophrenic processes early in life (e.g., Cicchetti & Cannon, 1999;
patients are usually at increased risk not only for schizophre- Gooding & Iacono, 1995; Murray & Fearon, 1999; Walker &
nia itself, but also for several personality disorders, espe- Neumann, 1995; Weinberger, 1986). Fish (Fish, 1957, 1977;
cially schizotypal and perhaps paranoid personality disorders Fish, Marcus, Hans, Auerbach, & Perdue, 1992; Fish &
(e.g., Baron et al., 1985; Erlenmeyer-Kimling et al., 1997; Kendler, 2005) was the first to provide evidence that genetic
Kendler & Gardner, 1997; Kety et al., 1994; Maier, Lichter- liability to the disorder could be detected as a neurointegra-
mann, Minges, & Heun, 1994; Webb & Levinson, 1993) and tive defect in the first weeks of life in infants of mothers with
sometimes schizoid (Kendler et al., 1993) or avoidant per- schizophrenia. Her research set the stage for later prospec-
sonality disorder (Hans, Auerbach, Styr, & Marcus, 2004). tive, longitudinal “high-risk” studies that were intended to
In fact, first-degree relatives often also display schizotypal identify endophenotypic deficiencies in individuals consid-
symptoms that may be insufficient in number or severity ered to be genetically susceptible to schizophrenia. Pearson
to reach diagnostic criteria for schizotypal personality dis- & Kley (1957) formalized the underlying theory of high-
order and, yet, stand out from control or general popula- risk research, but it was Norman Garmezy (cf., Garmezy
tion profiles (Clementz, Grove, Katsanis, & Iacono, 1991; & Streitman, 1974, Part I; Garmezy, 1974, Part II) who
Kendler et al., 1995; Squires-Wheeler et al., 1997). The com- undertook the role of cheerleader and mentor to the emerg-
mon underpinning for these various clinical manifestations ing field of studies, at least those that started in the United
of genetic liability may relate to deficient neurobehavioral States.
Since Kraepelin (1919) first defined dementia praecox,
neurological signs and neurobehavioral deficits (e.g., dis-
turbances in cognitive, motor, psychophysiological perfor-
Approaches Used in Studies of Early
mance) have been a recurring finding in empirical stud- Development in Schizophrenia
ies of schizophrenia (Cox & Ludwig, 1979; Manschreck
& Ames, 1984; Quitkin, Rifkin, & Klein, 1976). These For many years, retrospective accounts – usually unstruc-
deficits have been called “endophenotypes” by Gottesman tured – obtained from schizophrenic individuals and/or
and colleagues (cf., Gottesman & Shields, 1972; Gottes- their relatives provided the only source of information
man & Gould, 2003) because they are more directly expres- about early development of the disorder. Usually, the ret-
sive of gene action than are, for example, hallucinations and rospective accounts were aimed at possible person-based
delusions. Not only are such features seen in individuals and/or environment-based precursors of the illness, in line
with schizophrenia, but they also are more prevalent in first- with then-contemporary hypotheses about the origins of
degree relatives (Clementz, Sweeney, Hirt, & Haas, 1992; schizophrenia. Clearly, however, such sources were likely
Faraone et al., 1995; Holzman et al., 1974; Keefe et al., 1997; to be unreliable and tainted by knowledge of the even-
Pogue-Geile, Garrett, Brunke, & Hall, 1991) than in controls. tual psychiatric outcome and, thus needed to be replaced
Meehl (1962) suggested that the underlying basis of these by newer research approaches (Mednick & McNeil, 1968).
deficits is a neurointegrative defect, a term introduced by The main longitudinal approaches that followed represent
Fish (1957), which Meehl called “schizotaxia”. In Meehl’s an improvement in objectivity and have enhanced our
32 Genetic Risks in Schizophrenia 489

knowledge about possible early behavioral precursors to obtained on birth cohorts, for example, have been used, with
schizophrenia spectrum disorders. linkage to population registers or other record systems, to
Regardless of recruitment approach and type of high-risk identify individual members of the cohort who either have
study, expectations for high-risk research are that some rel- become schizophrenic patients in adulthood or are classi-
atively specific deficits in neurobehavioral traits will differ- fied as being at risk because record searches have tagged
entiate the high risk for schizophrenia (HRS) group from the them as offspring of affected parents. Data from the (US)
no-parental-mental-illness (NMI) comparison group. More- National Collaborative Perinatal Project and from British and
over, when a psychiatric comparison group is included, the New Zealand birth cohort studies have been used in both
neurobehavioral deficits must differentiate between the HRS of these ways (Cannon et al., 2000; Cannon et al., 2002;
group and a group at high risk for other mental disor- Jones, 1995; Jones, Rodgers, Murray, & Marmot, 1994;
ders (HRO), to classify the marker as specific to the lia- Rosso et al., 2000). Data from these studies are valuable
bility to schizophrenia spectrum disorders. Important also because the samples are relatively representative of the pop-
is the fact that the deficit must be present only in a sub- ulation of individuals who develop schizophrenia. Again,
group of the HRS group because not all of these chil- however, the available data on early development may be less
dren will inherit the genetic liability to the disorder, and complete than desired because the original epidemiological
those who do not are not expected to show neurobehavioral investigations were not designed with schizophrenia in mind
impairment. Further cross-sectional differences between off- and typically do not have measures selected specifically for
spring of schizophrenic and offspring of other parent groups their relevance to theories about the development of this dis-
used as control do not necessarily represent antecedents of order.
schizophrenia or “schizophrenicity” (McNeil & Kaij, 1979). (3) Another main approach employs a prospective, lon-
Such differences may simply reflect combined genetic and gitudinal high-risk strategy. In this paradigm, individuals
environmental consequences of having, as opposed to not at high genetic risk to a disorder – usually first-degree rel-
having, a schizophrenic parent. Identification of predictive atives of patients – are targeted as the subject population in
antecedents depends on prospective, longitudinal data, rather infancy or childhood and then followed over time to identify
than cross-sectional comparisons. possible endophenotypic markers as predictors of the disor-
Longitudinal studies differ in their methods of subject der. The high-risk research paradigm is of particular value
recruitment, and in the extent to which some or all of the data in the investigation of disorders with low prevalence in the
come from investigations specifically focused on the devel- general population (Garmezy & Streitman, 1974; Pearson
opment of mental illness or from research initially intended & Kley, 1957). An advantage of this approach, compared
to examine other issues. Three longitudinal approaches can with the other two methods, is that the investigators can
be distinguished, although in practice many studies use some select measures based on their likely relevance to contem-
combination of the second and third approaches. A less porary conceptualizations of schizophrenia. In fact, over the
common approach sometimes taken follows psychiatric out- course of the prospective high-risk studies, a major paradigm
comes in individuals selected for some behaviors thought to shift occurred in the causal models proposed to account for
reflect schizophrenia proneness – e.g., anhedonia, percep- schizophrenia. Psychosocial and psychodynamic hypothe-
tual aberrations (Chapman, Edell, & Chapman, 1980), or a ses, which had dictated the types of material collected ret-
given type of biological response pattern (e.g., autonomic rospectively about the early backgrounds of adult patients,
nervous system responses), as in a study of preschool chil- began to yield their dominance to a growing interest among
dren on the Island of Mauritius (Schulsinger, Mednick, Ven- researchers in the possible biological roots of schizophrenia.
ables, Raman, & Bell, 1975). As it happened, most of the investigators who succeeded in
(1) Follow-back studies examine some aspects of early carrying out longitudinal follow-up of high-risk subjects held
development in known schizophrenic patients and case a biological viewpoint from the beginning and thus tackled
controls, for whom archival records such as teachers’ questions about early development with assessments of bio-
reports, school grades, home movies, etc., are available logical and neurobehavioral characteristics. To a large extent,
(Niemi, Suvisaari, Tuulio-Henriksson, & Lönnqvist, 2003; then, the prospective studies were in the vanguard of the
Walker, Grimes, & Davis, 1993; Walker & Lewine, 1990; trend toward biological psychiatry that was emerging and
Watt, 1978). This type of study, however, is limited by the that has since shaped the current “mainstream” of hypothe-
fact that the available records were not originally intended ses and assessment in schizophrenia research. While many
to provide information about pre-schizophrenic states or measures available when the first high-risk studies began
about precursors of the disorder. Also, follow-back stud- (Fish, 1957, 1977; Mirsky, Silberman, Latz, & Nagler, 1985)
ies cannot typically contribute information about the genet- are considered less sophisticated than those introduced later
ics of schizophrenia. (2) Large epidemiological data sets, on, they nevertheless tapped important trait constructs that
490 J.G. Auerbach et al.

have shown logical consistency over developmental stages predictors of the disorder from prospective, longitudinal
and across studies – even those started at much later dates. studies meeting four specific criteria: (1) the subjects under
An important part of being able to select one’s measures study are offspring of parents with schizophrenia; (2) recruit-
is that they can be adjusted to allow similar trait constructs ment and first assessment occurred before adolescence, thus
(e.g., selective attention, working memory) to be tested at avoiding possible confusion of pre-schizophrenic predictors
different ages. This flexibility in modifying measures is cru- with signs occurring in the prodrome (the disturbed period
cial because it permits assessments of the same construct immediately preceding psychosis onset in many individu-
across different developmental stages. Moreover, an index of als); (3) neurobehavioral (endophenotypic) assessments were
deviance on measures of multiple constructs can be derived a critical part of the assessment battery; and (4) the sam-
and is likely to prove more reliable than a single measure as a ples were followed at least until late adolescence or early
predictor of later schizophrenia (Erlenmeyer-Kimling, 2000; adulthood. Of the six studies considered here, four started
Erlenmeyer-Kimling et al., 2000). with infants, many of whom are only now coming of age, as
Like the other approaches, a prospective longitudinal they mature into late adolescence or young adulthood, during
high-risk strategy is not without its disadvantages. The sam- which schizophrenia typically emerges. Several well-known,
ples are often small and it is difficult to maintain the sam- frequently referenced studies are mentioned where appropri-
ple over time. Selective dropout may affect the validity of ate but are not highlighted because they did not meet the
both cross-sectional and predictive findings. There is also above criteria.
the question of the generalizability to the general population The highlighted studies are two from the United States –
when findings are based on groups at known genetic risk for the New York Infant Study (NYIS) and the New York High-
schizophrenia. A biobehavioral marker with high predictive Risk Project (NYHRP), two from Israel – the Israeli High-
value for individuals at genetic risk for schizophrenia may Risk Study (IHRS) and the Jerusalem Infant Development
not be predictive for individuals without genetic risk. Study (JIDS), one from Sweden – the Swedish High-Risk
Ultimately, the goal of prospective, longitudinal studies of Study (SHRP), and one from Denmark – the Danish Cohort
high-risk populations concerns the two intertwined aspects Study (DCS). Along with the high risk for schizophre-
of prediction, as related to intervention and prevention: the nia (HRS) group, each study includes a no-parental-mental-
search for early indicators/markers that point to later emer- illness (NMI) comparison group, and four studies (NYHRP,
gence of the disorder and offer clues as to what needs to JIDS, SHRP and DCS) also include a comparison group of
be targeted by interventions, and the search for at-risk indi- children at high risk for other mental disorders (HRO). In
viduals who, by displaying these markers, appear to be the general, the studies espoused Paul Meehl’s notion of schizo-
most likely candidates to warrant interventions. When “risk” taxia as a neurointegrative defect that would be manifested
is based on a genetic relationship to a schizophrenic proband, both early in life and in a number of neurodevelopmental
the “what” is likely to be an endophenotype (Gottesman domains. Table 32.1 lists the principal investigators and a
& Gould, 2003), which is more proximal to the biological brief description of each study. Table 32.2 presents the ages
origins of the disorder than are clinical symptoms and rep- (mean and range) and the number of subjects in each parental
resents an intermediary state between the genetic liability diagnostic group at each main assessment period for each
and a possible outcome in the schizophrenia spectrum. As study.
noted previously, the scope of “who” is at highest risk may
not be entirely clear, however, because even individuals with
the genetic liability may not always develop schizophrenia
or major signs of the spectrum personality disorders. For
example, the study noted earlier by Gottesman and Ber-
telsen (1989) clearly demonstrated that the schizophrenic and Abbreviations
phenotypically unaffected members of discordant monozy- Individual study names
gotic twin pairs share the same genetic liability, as evidenced DCS Danish Cohort Study
by their transmission of schizophrenia risk to their offspring IHRS Israeli High-Risk Study
at the same rate. JIDS Jerusalem Infant Development Study
NYIS New York Infant Study
NYHRP New York High-Risk Project
SHRP Swedish High-Risk Project
The Prospective High-Risk Studies
Subject subgroup names
HRS High risk to schizophrenia
This chapter highlights contributions to the search for HRO High risk to other mental disorders
possible genetic liability markers and putative behavioral NMI No parental mental illness
32 Genetic Risks in Schizophrenia 491

Table 32.1 Prospective studies of offspring of schizophrenic parents

Study name Current principal
(abbreviation) Year started investigator(s) Description
New York Infant 1952 B. Fish Sample of schizophrenic and normal women giving birth at a New York
Study (NYIS) City hospital. Infants followed from birth, with examinations at days 1
and 3, months 1–4, 6, 9, 13, 18, and 24, one examination each in
childhood and adolescence, two examinations in adulthood up to mean
age 28
Israeli High-Risk 1967 L. J. Ingraham Sample of offspring of schizophrenic and normal parents, half of each
Study (IHRS) (initiated by D. parent group kibbutz reared, half town reared. Offspring followed from
Rosenthal and mean age 11–31 years, with examinations in childhood, adolescence,
continued by A. and adulthood
New York Sample A: 1971 L. Erlenmeyer- Samples A and B: schizophrenic and affective parents screened from
High-Risk Sample B: 1978 Kimling consecutive admissions at New York state psychiatric hospitals, and
Project (NYHRP) Siblings: 1985 offspring with normal parents from schools or population sampling.
Children followed from mean age 9–40 years, with one examination in
childhood and three examinations in adolescence, and three
examinations in adulthood. Siblings from both samples followed from
age 18 to –60 years
Jerusalem Infant Targets: 1973 Sibs: S. L. Hans J. Marcus Original offspring sample followed from birth with examinations at days
Development 1983 New J. G. Auerbach 3 and 14, months 4, 8, and 12, one examination each in childhood and
Study (JIDS) Recruits: 1991 adolescence. In childhood, siblings recruited and followed from mean
age 10–17 years. New recruits and additional siblings were examined
once only at adolescent ages 12–22
Swedish High-Risk 1973 T. F. McNeil Sample of mentally ill and normal women identified as pregnant and
Project (SHRP) followed to birth of infants. Prenatal testing of mothers, researchers
present at birth, examinations of infants at day 3, weeks 3 and 6,
months 3, 6, and 12, one examination each in childhood, adolescence,
and early adulthood
Danish Cohort 1968 S. A. Mednick Selected from the National Danish Birth Cohort Study (9,148 births) and
Study (DCS) followed from birth with multiple examinations to 12 months by the
epidemiological birth cohort study; 183 offspring of mentally ill parents
identified through the national psychiatric register and 82 offspring of
normal parents followed for the high-risk study with one examination
in childhood ages 11–13 years and adulthood ages 31–32 years

Findings from the Prospective, Longitudinal Three other studies, the SHRP, JIDS, and DCS, with
High-Risk Studies data from birth, also found that HRS infants were char-
acterized by developmental retardation during this period,
and showed a neurobehavioral profile differentiating them
Neurobehavioral Deficits as Possible Endophenotypes
from infants in the NMI and HRO comparison groups.
Again, the behaviors characterized a subset of HRS infants,
Neurobehavioral deficits in infancy, childhood, and adoles-
rather than all of them. In the SHRP, a subset of the HRS
cence are presented in Table 32.3.
infants showed decreased arousal, combined with neuro-
Infancy: Neurobehavioral functioning in HRS infants was
logical abnormalities, and deviant sensitivity to stimulation
first assessed in Fish’s, (1957, 1977) ground-breaking NYIS.
(Schubert, Blennow, & McNeil, 1996). During the first 4
Fish extensively examined a number of aspects of infant
years of life, HRS offspring also showed a higher frequency
development during the first 2 years of life. A subset of
of developmental deviations – including delayed walking,
these infants showed a simultaneous occurrence of retarded
visual dysfunction, language delay, enuresis, poor social
cranial growth, as well as retarded and erratic postural-
competence, and social withdrawal – than offspring in the
motor development on one or more examinations between
comparison groups (Henriksson & McNeil, 2004).
2 and 8 months of age. Fish termed this picture of dis-
In the JIDS, in addition to group differences reflecting
order “pandysmaturation” to reflect the several domains of
developmental delay, a subset of HRS infants were charac-
abnormal development. She regarded pandysmaturation as a
terized by poor functioning in motor and sensorimotor areas
disorder of the timing and integration of neurological matura-
during the first year of life (Marcus, Auerbach, Wilkinson,
tion, which reflected genetic schizotypal traits and predicted
& Burack, 1981). As neonates, these infants showed weak-
a schizotypal outcome (Fish, 1977; Fish et al., 1992; Fish &
nesses in upper-torso control and motor immaturity. At 4,
Kendler, 2005; Fish, Hans, Marcus, & Auerbach, 2005).
492 J.G. Auerbach et al.

Table 32.2 Prospective high-risk studies: Number of subjects by parental groups and ages at different developmental stages
Study Infancy Childhood Adolescence Adulthood
Agea Sample Mean age Sample Mean age Sample ageb Sample
(months) size (range) size (range) size (range) size
NYIS <24 12 HRS 10 (9–11) 12 HRS 16 (15–17) 12 HRS 25 (21–35) 12 HRS
12 NMI 12 NMI 11 NMI 11NMI
IHRS 11 (8–15) 50 HRS 31 (26–34) 44 HRS
50 NMI 43 NMI
Sample A + B 9 (7–12) 109 HRS 15 (10–20) 71 HRS 40 (32–46) 96 HRS
81 HR 67 HRO 73 HRO
162 ONMI 138 NMI 154 NMI
Siblings (A + B) 42(23–60) 46 HRS
47 HRO
76 NMI
Original sample <12 19 HRS (8–12) 15 HRS (12–22)b 15 HRS
20 HRO 18 HR 15 HRO
19 NMI 12 ONMI 10 NMI
Sibling additions (8–12) 10 HRS (12–22)b 9 HRS
10 HR 10 HRO
New recruitment (12–22)b 17 HRS
14 HRO
20 NMI
SHRP <24c,d 44 HRS 6 (5–7) 31 HRS 22 (19–25) 38 HRS
44 HRO 33 HR 37 HRO
88 NMI 97 ONMI 91 NMI
DCS <12 90 HRS (11–13) 90 HRS 81 HRS
93 HRO 93 HR (31–32) 87 HRO
82 NMI 82 ONMI 74 NMI
a Testing
at multiple times within age span. b Age at final testing. c Evaluations also conducted during pregnancy. d Well-baby clinic data (0–4 years)
for HRS 43, HRO 41, NMI 100. NYIS, New York Infant Study; IHRS, Israeli High-Risk Study; NYHRP, New York High-Risk Project; JIDS,
Jerusalem Infant Development Study; SHRP, Swedish High-Risk Project; DCS, Danish Cohort Study; HRS, High risk for schizophrenia group;
HRO, High risk for other psychiatric disorders group; NMI, no parental mental illness group.

8, and 12 months, their levels of fine motor control, eye– including poorer neurological functioning and perceptual-
hand coordination, and gross motor skills were below the age motor deficits (Fish & Hagin, 1973), gross neuromotor
level. In a partial replication of Fish’s study, pandysmatura- skills (Erlenmeyer-Kimling et al., 2000; Marcus, 1974;
tion in the JIDS sample was related to parental diagnosis of Marcus, Hans, Auerbach, & Auerbach, 1993; McNeil,
schizophrenia and to poor functioning on the JIDS cogni- Cantor-Graae, & Blennow, 2003), perceptual-cognitive func-
tive battery in childhood (Fish et al., 1992). Pediatric records tioning (Marcus et al., 1993), and perceptual and atten-
of HRS infants in the DCS showed weaker or absent Moro tional functioning, particularly in tasks with high-processing
reflexes at birth and delays in head control and walking with demands (Erlenmeyer-Kimling & Cornblatt, 1992; Sohlberg
support than infants born to parents with a character disor- & Yaniv, 1985). On a summary measure of performance
der or NMI parents (Mednick, Mura, Schulsinger, & Med- on several attentional tasks calculated for the NYHRP
nick, 1971). (Erlenmeyer-Kimling & Cornblatt, 1992), about 25% of
In another study, The Rochester Longitudinal Study the HRS offspring were consistently impaired across sev-
(Sameroff, Seifer, Zax, & Barocas, 1987), indices of 4- eral assessment rounds. In contrast, 10 and 6% of the
month mental and psychomotor development were signifi- HRO and NMI groups, respectively, showed such impair-
cantly lower for HRS infants than for HRO and NMI infants ments at the first assessment round, in childhood, with lower
but by 12 months, only the difference between the HRS and rates of impairment at later rounds. Short-term memory
HRO infants was significant. deficits, especially in distraction conditions, were found in
School age: The HRS group, or subgroup, in each of the the NYHRP and the IHRS (Erlenmeyer-Kimling & Corn-
highlighted studies differed from the NMI group as well as blatt, 1987; Lifshitz, Kugelmass, & Karov, 1985), although
from the HRO subjects in the NYIS, NYHRP, SHRP, and in the latter study impairments were not found on other
JIDS, with respect to a number of neurobehavioral measures, memory tasks. In the DCS and the JIDS, multiple signs of
32 Genetic Risks in Schizophrenia 493

Table 32.3 Deficits in neurobehavioral functioning characterizing subgroups of offspring of schizophrenics

Study age range Infancy <24 months Childhood 5–13 years Adolescence 10–22 years
NYIS • Cranial growth retardation • Perceptual motor deficits
plus postural-motor
and/or visual-motor delay
by 10 months
IHRS • Poor neurological functioning • Neuromotor deficits
• Perceptual, attentional, motor
NYHRP • Deficits in visual sustained • Deviant in verbal sustained atten-
attention, auditory tion, auditory selective attention
distractibility, under overload, auditory short-
auditory–visual short-term term verbal memory
verbal memory • Attention deficits
• Poor neuromotor functioning • Lower IQ
• Attention deficits
• Lower IQ
JIDS • Motor and sensorimotor • Motor and perceptual motor • Motor cognitive-attentional
deficits in neonatal period deficits deficits
and in first year
SHRP • Reduced arousal, • Deviant neurological and
neurological motoric functioning
abnormalities, deviant
response to stimulation in
neonatal period
• Developmental deviations
DCS • Weak or absent reflexes • Poor neurological functioning
• Gross motor delays
Note: NYIS, New York Infant Study; IHRS, Israeli High-Risk Study; NYHRP, New York High-Risk Project; JIDS, Jerusalem Infant Development
Study; SHRP, Swedish High-Risk Project; DCS, Danish Cohort Study.

neurological dysfunctions characterized a subgroup of HRS individual variability on cognitive measures, and social emo-
subjects in both studies (Marcus, Hans, Lewow, Wilkinson, tional difficulties.
& Burack, 1985). Adolescence: During adolescence, assessments were car-
Two high-risk studies in the US reporting data from ried out in theJIDS, NYHRP, and IHRS on the same
childhood only, the Minnesota High-Risk Studies (Nuechter- trait constructs that had been measured at younger ages.
lein, 1983) and the Stony Brook High-Risk Study (Winters, In both the IHRS (Marcus, Hans, Lewow, Wilkinson, &
Stone, Weintraub, & Neale, 1981), also found attentional Burack, 1985; Marcus, Hans, Mednick, Schulsinger, &
impairments in a higher percentage of the HRS children than Michelsen, 1985) and NYHRP (Erlenmeyer-Kimling &
in the NMI children. In the Minnesota study, these differ- Cornblatt, 1992), the HRS subjects continued to show
ences also held between HRS and HRO offspring whose poorer performance than the NMI or HRO adolescents with
mothers were nonpsychotic, but in the Stony Brook study, respect to neuromotor functioning (IHRS) and to atten-
children of depressed mothers did not differ significantly tional impairment (NYHRP). In the JIDS, poor motoric
from HRS children. and cognitive/attentional functioning was found in 42% of
Supportive evidence for neurobehavioral deficits in high- the HRS adolescents contrasted with 22% of the HRO
risk children also comes from the Helsinki High-Risk follow- and 4% of the NMI. These performance deficits contin-
back study (Niemi et al., 2003) and subsamples of children ued to be seen in the HRS subjects from one assessment
from the epidemiological US National Collaborative Peri- time to the next (Hans et al., 1999), as was true also in
natal Project (Rieder & Nichols, 1979; Rosso et al., 2000). the NYHRP (Winters, Cornblatt, & Erlenmeyer-Kimling,
These studies found that a greater number of HRS chil- 1991).
dren had neurological soft signs than did the NMI children, Although not universally observed in the several high-risk
although in the Collaborative Perinatal Project (Rieder & studies, gender acted as an effect moderator in the JIDS,
Nichols, 1979) this was true only for boys. In the Min- with male children being nearly 4 times more likely to func-
nesota subsample of the US Collaborative Perinatal Project tion poorly than females. Gender plays an important role
(Hanson, Gottesman, & Heston, 1976), a subset of HRS in the developmental trajectory of schizophrenia. In males,
children were characterized by poor motor skills, large intra- schizophrenia is characterized by more neurobehavioral and
494 J.G. Auerbach et al.

neuroanatomical signs and earlier onset (Castle, Sham, & Further support for the predictive value of develop-
Murray, 1998). mental impairments in infancy comes from two studies
Summary of neurobehavioral deficits: Across ages and using different methodologies to investigate the develop-
studies, the strongest candidates for neurobehavioral mark- ment of schizophrenia. The New Zealand (Dunedin) birth
ers of the genetic liability to schizophrenia seem to be cohort study (Cannon et al., 2002) found that schizophreni-
hypoarousal in the neonatal period combined with neu- form disorder at age 26 was predicted by persistent,
romotor impairments, and pandysmaturation from infancy pan-developmental impairment from early childhood. In a
onwards. Attentional impairments, short-term memory follow-back study making use of home movies taken in the
deficits, and neuromotor dysfunctions have usually charac- first 2 years of life, Walker and her colleagues (Walker &
terized a larger subgroup of HRS children and adolescents Lewine, 1990) found more signs of motor delay and move-
than subjects in the comparison groups. ment abnormalities in those children who went on to develop
adult-onset schizophrenia than in their unaffected siblings.
Neurobehavioral Predictors School age and adolescence: At school age and adoles-
cence, neuromotor impairment predicted an adolescent or
Diagnostic assessments were carried out at adolescence adult diagnosis within the schizophrenia spectrum. In these
and/or adulthood for the participants in all six highlighted age periods, cognitive/attentional impairment was predictive
studies. The predictors suggested by each of the six high-risk of schizophrenia. In the NYHRP, global attention deficits,
studies are summarized in Table 32.4. The neurobehavioral gross motor impairment, deficient verbal short-term memory
markers indicative of genetic liability were for the most part in childhood, and the effect of having a schizophrenic ver-
also predictive of a schizophrenia spectrum diagnosis. sus normal or affectively ill parent predicted a later diagno-
Infancy: In the NYIS and JIDS, pandysmaturation in sis of schizophrenia-related psychosis (Erlenmeyer-Kimling
infancy predicted all the spectrum disorders with onsets in et al., 2000). In regression models on each of the neu-
childhood (NYIS), adolescence (NYIS, JIDS), or adulthood robehavioral measures, the schizophrenic parent effect was
(NYIS) (Fish & Kendler, 2005; Fish et al., 2005). In both strong (indicating a strong genetic effect on the neurobe-
studies, poor motor and sensorimotor functioning during havioral measures, themselves), thus highly supporting the
infancy were more prominent in those at-risk infants who suggestion that these measures may be phenotypic indica-
went on to develop a schizophrenia spectrum disorder than tors of the genetic liability to schizophrenia. Childhood ver-
in those who did not (Fish, 1987; Hans et al., 2004). In the bal short-term memory and gross neuromotor deficits, each,
SHRP, visual dysfunction at age 4 was not only predictive of had reasonably high prediction (sensitivity, 83% and 75%,
neurological abnormalities at age 6 (McNeil, Cantor-Graae, respectively) to future schizophrenia in HRS subjects, but
& Blennow, 2003) but also of schizophrenia spectrum disor- also predicted the disorder in some subjects who did not
der in young adulthood (Henriksson & McNeil, 2004; Schu- develop it. A deviance index based on deviance on the three
bert, Henriksson, & McNeil, 2005). neurobehavioral measures together, however, predicted 50%

Table 32.4 Neurobehavioral functioning predictive of schizophrenia spectrum disorders

Study age Infancy <24 months Childhood 5–13 years Adolescence 10–22 years
NYIS • Pandysmaturation • Perceptual motor deficits
• Visual motor deficits
IHRS • Focused attention deficit
• Hyporesponsivity (EDA – best predicts
affective and next schizophrenia spectrum)
NYHRP • Gross neuromotor deficits • Poor neuromotor functioning
• Verbal memory deficits • Poor attention
• Attention deficit
• Lower IQ
JIDS • Poor neurobehavioral functioning (motor • Poor neurobehavioral functioning (motor • Poor neurobehavioral functioning
and sensorimotor functioning) and cognitive-perceptual functioning) (motor and cognitive-attentional
• Pandysmaturation functioning)
SHRP • Poor neurobehavioral functioning
DCS • Neuromotor functioning
• Global deficits in laterality
• Minor physical anomalies
Note: NYIS, New York Infant Study; IHRS, Israeli High-Risk Study; NYHRP, New York High-Risk Project; JIDS, Jerusalem Infant Development
Study; SHRP, Swedish High-Risk Project; DCS, Danish Cohort Study.
32 Genetic Risks in Schizophrenia 495

of the future schizophrenics and showed a relatively low in the Edinburgh High-Risk Study and the Pittsburgh Risk
false-positive rate of 10% in the HRS group, but in the HRO Evaluation Program. A recent report from the former (Job
or NMI groups, no children were deviant on all three mea- et al., 2006), showing decreased gray matter in the temporal
sures at once. The measures showed no relationship to other gyrus in scans taken about 1.5 years after the initial ones,
forms of later illness. has yielded the largest plausible positive predictive value for
The IHRS also noted that attentional measures from age development of schizophrenia in individuals at high genetic
11 were predictive of a schizophrenia spectrum diagnosis in risk that has emerged from high-risk research thus far. Sim-
adulthood (Mirsky, Ingraham, & Kugelmass, 1995). In the ilar reductions in temporal gyrus gray matter were also seen
JIDS, the four HRS individuals diagnosed with a schizophre- in young HRS subjects of the Pittsburg study (Rajarethinam,
nia spectrum disorder in adolescence (Hans et al., 1999) Sahni, Rosenberg, & Keshavan, 2004). Other findings based
showed a stable pattern of poor neurobehavioral function- on MRI data from these two studies support the neurodevel-
ing (motor and cognitive/attentional) at school age and opmental model of schizophrenia and may be expected to
adolescence. provide a convergent picture of brain development.

Other Neurobehavioral Deficits Social Maladjustment as a Possible Endophenotype

Numerous attempts have been made to identify deficits Problems of social adjustment characterize adolescents and
in other neurobehavioral domains; we consider two of adults with schizophrenia (Asarnow & Ben-Meir, 1988;
them here. Smooth-pursuit-eye movement dysfunctions Bellack, Morrison, Wixted, & Mueser, 1990) are predic-
have been assessed in the NYHRP in adulthood (Rosen- tive of later hospitalization for schizophrenia (Davidson
berg et al., 1997) and in childhood in a Colorado study of et al., 1999), and are also associated with poor prognosis
children of schizophrenic parents (Ross, Hommer, Radant, in schizophrenic patients (Eggers & Bunk, 1997; Werry,
Roath, & Freedman, 1996). In both studies, HRS individu- McClellan, & Chard, 1991). Whether these problems are
als showed more dysfunctions and more frequent anticipa- expressions of genetic liability, whether they are associated
tory saccades as has been found with schizophrenic patients with certain neurobehavioral indicators, and whether they
and a number of their unaffected first-degree relatives (Levy, predict later disorder in individuals at genetic risk are ques-
Holzman, Matthysse, & Mendell, 1994). Brain imaging tions of interest. Further questions about the way in which
assessments, based on event-related potentials (ERPs) in growing up with a mentally ill parent may affect social
the NYHRP (Friedman & Squires-Wheeler, 1994; Squires- adjustment, either independently or jointly in interaction
Wheeler, Erlenmeyer-Kimling, & Friedman, 1999), com- with genetic effects, are of interest but cannot be addressed
puted tomography (CT) scans in the Copenhagen High- by the highlighted studies, which contain no systematic sub-
Risk Project (Cannon et al., 1994), and magnetic resonance groups of children reared apart from their biological parents.
imaging (MRI) in the Edinburgh High-Risk Study (Job, Social adjustment has been observed to be poor in all of
Whalley, Johnstone, & Lawrie, 2005; Job et al., 2006) and the highlighted studies. In the SHRP, 4-year-old HRS chil-
the Pittsburgh Risk Evaluation Program (Keshavan, Diwad- dren showed poorer social competence and greater social
kar, Montrose, Rajarethinam, & Sweeney, 2005; Keshavan, withdrawal than HRO or NMI children (Henriksson &
Diwadkar, Montrose, Stanley, & Pettegrew, 2005) have pro- McNeil, 2004). The same was true of school-age chil-
duced increasingly interesting results with advancing tech- dren in both the JIDS and IHRS where social withdrawal
nology. For example, although event-related potentials in was especially characteristic of male HRS subjects (Hans,
the NYHRP showed an association between reduced ampli- Marcus, Henson, Auerbach, & Mirsky, 1992; Sohlberg &
tudes of the P3 wave with poor global adjustment, nega- Yaniv, 1985). Social isolation was also noted in four of five
tive symptoms, and working memory deficit in all three risk pre-schizotypal children and one of the two ADHD children
groups (Squires-Wheeler, Erlenmeyer-Kimling, & Fried- in the NYIS (Carlson & Fish, 2005). In the DCS, Danish 11-
man, 1999), there were no differences among the risk (distin- to 13-year-old children who later developed schizophrenia
guished by parental mental illness) or among the children’s demonstrated lower sociability in videotaped interactions,
diagnostic outcomes in adulthood (Friedman & Squires- as well as more neuromotor deficits, compared to children
Wheeler, 1994). CT scan in abnormalities in the Copenhagen who did not develop a psychiatric disorder or who devel-
High-Risk Project were more frequent in HRS subjects who oped other psychiatric disorders (Schiffman et al., 2004). In
had already developed schizophrenia than in the HRS sub- adolescent HRS subjects, poor social adjustment was also
jects who had not, or in NMI subjects. MRI scans – arguably more common than in either HRO or NMI children in the
the most advanced of the brain imaging technologies con- NYHRP (Cornblatt, Lenzenweger, Dworkin, & Erlenmeyer-
sidered here – have yielded a number of important results Kimling, 1992; Dworkin et al., 1990), the IHRS (Nagler &
496 J.G. Auerbach et al.

Glueck, 1985), and the JIDS (Hans, Auerbach, Asarnow, group. Infant interactive behaviors were remarkably sim-
Styr, & Marcus, 2000). In the JIDS, social problems were ilar across the groups although decreased social behavior
most apparent in impaired relationships with the opposite sex toward the mother at 3 days and 3.5 months was noted
(Hans et al., 2000), but lack of peer engagement and social for the HRS infants (Näslund, Persson-Blennow, McNeil,
problems in adolescence were related only to parent diagnos- & Kaij, 1985; Näslund, Persson-Blennow, McNeil, Kaij,
tic group and not to the adolescents’ own diagnostic status. & Malmquist-Larsson, 1985; Persson-Blennow, Näslund,
Examination of a possible association between neu- McNeil, & Kaij, 1986).
robehavioral markers and social adjustment problems in a More direct evidence of gene–environmental interplay
combined analysis of data from JIDS and IHRS (Hans comes from a Finnish study and a Danish study. Tienari
et al., 1992) showed correlations of perceptual-cognitive and et al. (2004) studied the adopted-away offspring of Finnish
motor indices with social adjustment, social withdrawal, and mothers with schizophrenia and found that the adoptive-
aggression. However, positive correlation between neuro- family environment had a significant impact on the diagnos-
motor signs and social withdrawal was significant only for tic outcome of HRS adoptees compared with NMI adoptees.
boys, i.e., HRS boys with signs of neuromotor dysfunction HRS adoptees exposed to an environment that could be
were also more socially withdrawn. In the NYHRP, attention described as critical/conflictual, constricted, or presenting
deviance in HRS children predicted social deficits in adoles- boundary problems were significantly more likely to be diag-
cence and adulthood (Cornblatt et al., 1992), whereas child- nosed with a schizophrenia spectrum disorder at later ages
hood neuromotor dysfunction predicted affective flattening than were HRS adoptees in more optimal family environ-
in adolescence (Dworkin et al., 1990). ments. In the Danish study, HRS adolescents’ perception
of their relationships with their parents was associated with
psychiatric outcome in adulthood (Schiffman et al., 2002).
Gene–Environment Interactions Those HRS offspring who reported good relations with both
parents were less likely to receive an adult diagnosis of
The role of the childrearing environment as a contributing schizophrenia than those HRS offspring who reported poor
factor in the development of serious mental illness is often relations with both parents (7.0% versus 23.4%, respectively)
given no more than lip service in most high-risk studies. suggesting that good relations with both parents may act as
Notable exceptions are the IHRS (Mirsky et al., 1985) and a protective factor in the development of schizophrenia, or
the SHRS (McNeil & Kaij, 1987). In the IHRS, the childrea- indicate a low genetic risk.
ring setting was part of the research design. Fifty percent
of the children in each group (HRS and NMI) came from
a kibbutz setting and 50% from a town setting. During the Future Directions
period in which the study was conducted, kibbutz children
were raised in group homes and spent a limited amount of The era of prospective longitudinal high-risk studies in
time with their own parents. One of the major findings of schizophrenia starting in childhood or earlier may well be
the study was that the frequency of overall psychopathology over. This is unfortunate, as these studies have defined many
at age 25 was higher for the HRS children who had been neurobehavioral endophenotypes expressed by the under-
raised in the kibbutz. Schizophrenia and schizophrenia spec- lying genetic liability, some of which independently or in
trum disorders, however, occurred only in the HRS group, combination with other factors also show strong promise as
regardless of childrearing setting. Thus, the setting in which predictors of future psychiatric outcome. The overall con-
the child was raised did not in and of itself increase the prob- sistency of the findings across the studies appears to give
ability of a schizophrenia spectrum disorder outcome. them a face validity that is reassuring. Nevertheless, except
The picture is different when quality of parenting behav- for Fish’s NYIS, subjects in the other studies (SHRP, JIDS,
ior is considered. In the IHRS, poor parenting behavior and DCS) starting in infancy have not yet been followed
in the form of over involvement, inconsistency, and hostil- into adulthood through the schizophrenia risk period. Fur-
ity was predictive of an adult spectrum diagnosis in HRS ther follow-up of the subjects in these studies is essen-
offspring, particularly when they had early neurobehav- tial to strengthen and add power to a consolidated database
ioral impairment (Marcus et al., 1987). In the SHRS, men- that confirms predictive relationships between later develop-
tal disturbance as early as age 6 was significantly related ment of schizophrenia and earlier neurobehavioral deficits,
to the psychotic condition of the mother 6–24 months problem behaviors and exposure to environmental stres-
post-partum (McNeil & Kaij, 1987). During the first 12 sors, as others (e.g., Niemi, Suvisaari, Tuulio-Henriksson, &
months of life, negative interaction was more character- Lönnqvist, 2003) have noted.
istic of the HRS mothers than NMI mothers, with HRO A new generation of high-risk studies could then cap-
mothers, for the most part, more similar to the HRS italize on such a database containing the accumulated
32 Genetic Risks in Schizophrenia 497

information imparted by the first-generation studies, while Baron, M., Gruen, R., Rainer, J. D., Kane, J., Asnis, L., & Lord,
using newer methodologies to identify gene functions S. (1985). A family study of schizophrenic and normal control
probands: Implications for the spectrum concept of schizophrenia.
directly, investigate pathological connections in the brain,
American Journal of Psychiatry, 142, 447–455.
and explore gene–environment interaction. To a certain Bellack, A. S., Morrison, R. L., Wixted, J. T., & Mueser, K. T. (1990).
extent, this is what the Edinburgh and Pittsburgh studies, An analysis of social competence in schizophrenia. British Journal
and some others, have already done. It would be particularly of Psychiatry, 156, 809–818.
Cannon, T. D., Bearden, C. E., Hollister, J. M., Rosso, I. M., Sanchez,
helpful if new studies were organized by a central control
L. E., & Hadley, T. (2000). Childhood cognitive functioning in
to ensure use of a common protocol across multiple sites schizophrenia patients and their unaffected siblings: A prospective
to deal with power issues from the start. In an ongoing epi- cohort study. Schizophrenia Bulletin, 26, 379–393.
demiologic birth cohort study from New Zealand which has Cannon, M., Caspi, A., Moffitt, T. E., Harrington, H., Taylor, A.,
Murray, R. M., et al. (2002). Evidence for early-childhood pan-
attempted to identify children at risk for various mental dis- developmental impairment specific to schizophreniform disorder:
orders, Caspi and colleagues (2002) have shown the fruitful- Results from a longitudinal birth cohort. Archives of General Psy-
ness of searching for gene–environment interaction in pre- chiatry, 59, 449–457.
dicting behavioral outcome in individuals subjected to severe Cannon T. D., Mednick S. A., Parnas J., Schulsinger F., Praestholm J.,
& Vestergaard A. (1994). Developmental brain abnormalities in the
early maltreatment. In schizophrenia research, the role of the offspring of schizophrenic mothers. II. Structural brain characteris-
environment as a causal factor in the development of the tics of schizophrenia and schizotypal personality disorder. Archives
disorder has not been greatly emphasized. In part, this is a of General Psychiatry, 51, 955–962.
result of the difficulty of defining precisely which environ- Carlson, G. A., & Fish, B. (2005). Longitudinal course of schizophre-
nia spectrum symptoms in offspring of psychiatrically hospitalized
mental factors are likely to increase the probability of an mothers. Journal of Child and Adolescent Psychopharmacology, 15,
eventual diagnosis. Many authors, over many years, have 362–383.
pointed out that “environment” is unlikely to consist of a Caspi, A., McClay, J., Moffitt, T. E., Mill, J., Martin, J., Craig, I. W.,
single factor, especially a single factor that is the same for et al. (2002). Role of genotype in the cycle of violence in maltreated
children. Science, 297, 851–854.
a large majority of people who develop the illness. Instead, Castle, D. J., Sham, P., & Murray, R. M. (1998). Differences in dis-
environment probably consists of the cumulative effect of tribution of ages of ones in males and females with schizophrenia.
multiple idiosyncratic epigenetic interactions, handily cov- Schizophrenia Research, 33, 179–183.
ered under the rubric of “stress” that increases the odds of Chapman, L. J., Edell, W. S., & Chapman, J. P. (1980). Physical anhedo-
nia, perceptual aberration, and psychosis proneness. Schizophrenia
a pathological outcome. In any event, a new generation of Bulletin, 6, 639–653.
longitudinal studies should take up the challenge of viewing Cicchetti, D., & Cannon, T. D. (1999). Neurodevelopmental processes
“environment” more complexly and considering the possi- in the ontogenesis and epigenesis of psychopathology. Development
bilities of its interactions in biological pathways at numer- and Psychopathology, 11, 375–393.
Clementz, B. A., Grove, W. M., Katsanis, J., & Iacono, W. G. (1991).
ous points along the way. This is an undertaking similar to Psychometric detection of schizotypy: Perceptual aberration and
what needs to be addressed in pharmacogenetics – if it is to physical anhedonia in relatives of schizophrenics. Journal of Abnor-
play a vital part in therapeutic medicine – i.e., evaluating the mal Psychology, 100, 607–612.
role of numerous (but limited for practicality) exogenous and Clementz, B. A., Sweeney, J. A., Hirt, M., & Haas, G. (1992).
Pursuit gain and saccadic intrusions in first-degree relatives of
endogenous influences upon each unique genotype’s respon- probands with schizophrenia. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 99,
sivity to different therapeutic components. Clearly these mul- 327–335.
tisite studies would include the collection of DNA, and all the Cornblatt, B. A., Lenzenweger, M. F., Dworkin, R. H., & Erlenmeyer-
other technological advances that many of the earlier studies Kimling, L. (1992). Childhood attentional dysfunctions predict
social deficits in unaffected adults at risk for schizophrenia. British
missed. Journal of Psychiatry, 161(Suppl. 18), 59–64.
In hindsight, high-risk researchers would probably agree Cox, S. M., & Ludwig, A. M. (1979). Neurological soft signs and psy-
that more progress might have been made if the multi- chopathology: Incidence in diagnostic groups. Canadian Journal of
site design had been applied to the studies, with all of Psychiatry, 24, 668–673.
Davidson, M., Reichenberg, A., Rabinowitz, J., Weiser, M., Kaplan,
them tapping the same domains of measures. Even so it Z., & Mark, M. (1999). Behavioral and intellectual markers for
is impressive that the studies concur in their delineation of schizophrenia in apparently healthy male adolescents. American
neurobehavioral risk. Journal of Psychiatry, 156, 1328–1335.
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Chapter 33

Attention and Working Memory: Animal Models for Cognitive

Symptoms of Schizophrenia – Studies on D2-Like Receptor
Knockout Mice

Claudia Schmauss

Introduction recognized that these studies are correlational in nature,

and that it is difficult to draw causal conclusions about the
The ability of humans and other higher vertebrates to imple- function of the various brain regions based on their activation
ment and orchestrate behavioral strategies that are geared (Raz, 2004).
towards defined goals is governed by fundamental cognitive The majority of animal studies on higher cognitive func-
functions of attentional control and working memory that tion relies on research on primates because of the anatomic
control lower-level sensory, memory, and motor operations relatedness of their brains to the human brain, the high
for the purpose of achieving these goals. Studies on patients degree of genetic homology between both species, and the
with distinct brain lesions have provided the foundation to high visual acuity of both species that enables the appli-
delineate a structure–function relationship of such cognitive cation of highly similar cognitive tasks that are based on
functions. Moreover, recent advances in brain imaging using visual features. Moreover, primates can implement complex
positron emission tomography (PET) and functional mag- plans and exhibit sophisticated goal-directed behaviors. Nev-
netic resonance imaging (fMRI) have added a new dimension ertheless, rodent models of higher cognitive functions are
to the study of this structure–function relationship, namely being increasingly explored because such models have the
the potential of investigating functional interactions among potential to complement primate studies in at least three
various brain regions in subjects performing defined cogni- important ways. (1) Investigations of cognitive phenotypes
tive tasks. Hence, the last decade of research on higher cog- of mice carrying mutations in distinct neuronal genes allow
nitive functions yielded a wealth of new knowledge about probing isolated sets of genes for their role in higher cog-
the multiplicity of brain regions that are activated at different nitive function. Such studies are of significance because
stages of information processing. very little is presently known about the genes involved in
To date, almost all studies on higher cognitive func- cognitive network activation. Although some genetic vari-
tion are conducted on non-human and human primates, ations have been shown to correlate with impaired per-
and they mostly employ psychological and neuroimag- formances in cognitive tasks requiring attention and/or
ing/electrophysiological techniques. Psychological studies working memory (Blasi et al., 2005; Bertolino et al., 2006;
yielded a number of interesting results regarding the deficits Egan et al., 2001; Fan, Fossella, Sommer, Wu, & Pos-
of cognitive performance in various psychiatric illnesses. ner, 2003; Glickstein, Hof, & Schmauss, 2002; Glickstein,
A limitation of these studies is, however, that they can- DeSteno, Hof, & Schmauss, 2005), the molecular biolog-
not examine the neural mechanisms of these cognitive pro- ical underpinnings of these cognitive functions are largely
cesses. Neuroimaging and electrophysiological studies have unknown. (2) A comparative analysis of gene expression
powerfully illuminated the anatomic areas involved in atten- profiles can be performed on lines of mice (or rats) selec-
tion and working memory, and they have provided impor- tively bred for high or low cognitive task performance
tant insight into functional aspects of the neural processes and thus facilitate the identification of genes involved in
underlying these cognitive functions. It is, however, also modulating cognitive functioning. (3) Brains of rodents are
readily available for high-resolution anatomic studies on
cognitive network activation that can span from global net-
work identification to the cellular functions within any given
C. Schmauss (B)
Department of Psychiatry and Molecular Therapeutics, Columbia network.
University and New York State Psychiatric Institute, New York, NY The objective of this chapter is to provide a brief overview
10032, USA of the anatomic regions and neurotransmitter systems that
e-mail: cs581@columbia.edu
support working memory and attention and to describe

Y.-K. Kim (ed.), Handbook of Behavior Genetics, 501

DOI 10.1007/978-0-387-76727-7 33,  c Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2009
502 C. Schmauss

several behavioral paradigms that probe different cogni- ory, and action. Theoretical concepts of working memory
tive domains of attentional control in rodents. Moreover, assume a limited capacity system, termed “the central exec-
results of studies that applied some of these paradigms to utive”, whose multidimensional coding allows different sys-
mice lacking dopamine D2 and D3 receptors are discussed tems to be integrated. This “central executive” is assisted by
in view of the extent to which these studies could pro- two subsidiary storage systems, termed phonological loop
vide new knowledge of the role of dopamine and its recep- (which is based on sound and language and temporarily rep-
tors in working memory and other domains of attentional resents new phoneme sequences) and visuospatial sketchpad
controls. (which maintains and manipulates visuospatial representa-
tions) (for review see Baddeley, 2003).
Working memory has at least four components: (1) encod-
ing, (2) control of attention, (3) maintenance of informa-
Anatomic Structures and Neurotransmitter
tion, and (4) resistance to interference. Hence, working mem-
Systems Supporting Attention and Working ory is clearly distinct from the permanent inscription on
Memory neuronal circuitry due to learning and, in contrast to long-
term memory (associated with proper hippocampal func-
Attentional control is governed by a system of anatomi- tion), working memory is primarily a prefrontal cortical
cal areas carrying out the function of three different con- function (Goldman-Rakic, 1995) which, as further discussed
trol systems: selecting, orienting, and alerting (Posner & below, is highly susceptible to disruptions under conditions
Petersen, 1990). These three functions are differently modu- of altered dopamine-mediated signaling. Furthermore, in
lated by different neurotransmitter systems: Cholinergic sys- contrast to tasks that test “attention”, correct responses in
tems originating in the basal forebrain play an important role working memory tests are guided by a representation of the
in orienting, the norepinephrine system originating in the prior stimulus, information must be updated on a trial-to-trial
locus coeruleus plays a role in alerting, and the mesocortical basis, and the execution of correct responses relies on the
dopamine system targets those prefrontal cortical and ante- memory of the most recent response (Goldman-Rakic, 1995).
rior cingulate areas involved in executive (“selecting”) atten- In the primate, working memory tasks lead to activa-
tion (for reviews see Posner & Petersen, 1990; Sarter, Givens, tion of not only the prefrontal cortex, but also the hip-
& Bruno, 2001; Raz, 2004; Raz & Buhle, 2006). Attention pocampus and posterior parietal cortex, and it is thought
can be “selective” or “sustained”. Selective attention requires that working memory relies on a re-entrant network organi-
directing attention to a specific (external or internal) object zation that enables the prefrontal cortex and the hippocam-
and suppressing attention to irrelevant objects. Related to pus to operate with other cortical and subcortical structures
selective attention is attentional shifting, a process involving as an integrated unit (Friedman & Goldman-Rakic, 1994).
engagement of attention on a stimulus, disengagement from Hence, some anatomic structures support both attention and
this stimulus, and engagement on another relevant one. Sus- working memory, and an overlapping anatomic network
tained attention (duration, once an object has been selected) is particularly evident for selecting the network of atten-
requires that task performance continues to be accurate over tion, i.e., a higher-level metacognitive attentional system
an extended period of time, i.e., that relevant stimuli continue (executive attention) that is also concerned with working
to be selected and irrelevant stimuli continue to be ignored memory.
(Kindlon, 1998; Sarter et al., 2001).
Imaging studies in humans revealed that the orienting net-
work of attention relies heavily on activation of the parietal
Working Memory and Attention Deficits
system (superior and temporal parietal, frontal eye fields,
superior colliculus), the selecting network involves activation in Major Mental Disorders
of the anterior cingulate cortex, the lateral ventral prefrontal
cortex (PFC), and the basal ganglia, and the alerting network Deficits in working memory and other domains of atten-
involves activation of the locus coeruleus and the right frontal tional controls are symptoms of a variety of psychi-
and parietal cortex (for reviews see Posner & Petersen, 1990; atric disorders, most notably schizophrenia, mood disor-
Raz, 2004; Raz & Buhle, 2006). ders, autism, attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder, and
At difference to the complex and multidimensional con- obsessive–compulsive disorders. Although neither attention
structs of attention, working memory is defined as the ability nor working memory is implemented in a unitary fashion,
to hold relevant information “on-line” over a short period attention and working memory processes interact in sev-
of time and subject it to further processing to enable accu- eral ways: (1) attention acts as a “gatekeeper” that deter-
rate executive functioning. As such, working memory can be mines which item occupies the limited space of working
viewed as the interface between perception, long-term mem- memory, (2) attention facilitates the early identification of
33 Attention and Working Memory 503

new sensory information and recruits it for active mainte- Rosvold, and Goldman-Rakic (1979) showed that lesions
nance in working memory, and (3) attention functions as an of the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex of monkeys with
“executive process” that actively manipulates and updates the 6-hydroxydopamine (6-OHDA) elicited a delay-dependent
content of working memory. Hence, working memory and (at impairment in the performance on a spatial delayed response
least “selective”) attention are closely intertwined to enable task. Moreover, Collins, Wilkinson, Everitt, Robbins, and
goal-driven processing by increasing accessibility of relevant Roberts (2000) showed that such lesions also impaired the
over irrelevant information (Awh, Vogel, & Oh, 2006). It acquisition of this task. Additional evidence for a role of
is thus not surprising that disorders affecting fundamental dopamine in cognition came from studies of patients with
mechanisms of working memory can give rise to numer- Parkinson’s disease. Early in the course of the disease, i.e.,
ous difficulties, including difficulties in focusing attention prior to pharmacological intervention, such patients exhibit
(Etchepareborda & Abas-Mas, 2005). For example, a recent several cognitive deficits, including spatial working memory
meta-analysis of studies on children with ADHD revealed deficits, and subsequent L-DOPA treatment reverses some
that these children had, in fact, prominent working memory of these deficits (Owens et al., 1992). Conversely, exces-
impairments (Martinussen, Hayden, Hogg-Johnson, & Tan- sive dopamine signaling caused by stress also produces
nock, 2005). Moreover, as discussed further below, work- working memory deficits, and these deficits are reversed by
ing memory deficits are prominent in schizophrenia (Park D1-antagonist treatment (Arnsten & Goldman-Rakic, 1998).
& Holzman, 1992; Weinberger, Berman, & Zec, 1986), and Indeed, evidence suggests that the activity of prefrontal
schizophrenic patients often exhibit impairments of atten- cortical dopamine D1-receptors plays a critical role in the
tion/vigilance (Nuechterlein et al., 2004). Although a causal control of working memory. Microinjection of dopamine
relationship between the working memory and attention D1- (but not D2-) receptor antagonists into the dorsolat-
deficits in many of the psychiatric disorders appears plau- eral prefrontal cortex disrupts memory-guide saccades in
sible, direct proof of such a functional relationship remains the monkey (Sawaguchi & Goldman-Rakic, 1991) and ion-
elusive (Kindlon, 1998). tophoretic application of D1-selective ligands revealed a non-
To date, cognitive dysfunctions in psychiatric disorders linear relationship between D1 receptor activation and the
are perhaps the most extensively studied in schizophrenic strengths of memory fields in prefrontal pyramidal neurons
patients (Barch, 2006). Dysfunctions of working memory of monkeys (Williams & Goldman-Rakic, 1995). The latter
and attentional processes occur prior to the onset of clini- data have let the authors to postulate that there is not just
cally manifest schizophrenia, and they persist throughout the an optimal window for D1-receptor stimulation to enable
course of the disease (Erlenmeyer-Kimling, 2000; Peuskens, optimal working memory performance, but an inverted
Demily, & Thibaut, 2005). Whereas previous research has U-shaped relationship between the strengths of memory
primarily focused on the positive symptoms of the disease fields and the level of D1-receptor activation. This postulate
(delusions, hallucinations, and thought disorders) and on the is supported by findings that subjects with low baseline per-
treatment of these symptoms with antipsychotic drugs, it is formance in working memory tasks improve upon indirect
now recognized that cognitive dysfunctions are core psy- dopamine-receptor stimulation via amphetamine administra-
chopathological features of the disease that are largely refrac- tion whereas those with optimal performance deteriorate,
tory to conventional antipsychotic treatment. and these phenomena correlate with signal intensities in
Patients with schizophrenia exhibit impairments in a vari- the right dorsolateral prefrontal cortex measured with func-
ety of cognitive domains, most notably perception and atten- tional magnetic resonance imaging (Mattay et al., 2000).
tion, short- and long-term memory, executive and motor Similar results were obtained in experiments on rodents
function (Peuskens et al., 2005). Working memory deficits, that exhibit different levels of baseline performance in the
however, are the most commonly observed cognitive dys- five-choice serial reaction time task (a test of sustained
function and, as a core deficit, the extent of working attention further described below) (Granon et al., 2000),
memory impairment is thought to be the best predictor suggesting that suitable doses of D1 agonists improve work-
of social integration and the propensity for relapse (for ing memory and higher doses disrupt it, and that the effi-
review see Goldman-Rakic, Castner, Svensson, Siever, & cacy of D1-agonist stimulation depends on the baseline
Williams, 2004). working memory performance. Moreover, since one char-
acteristic of working memory is its resistance to interfer-
ence, it has been hypothesized that that D1-receptor acti-
The Role of Dopamine in Working Memory vation prevents distraction during delay periods of working
memory tasks and thus stabilizes stimulus representations
Optimal working memory performance is critically depen- (Robbins, 2005).
dent upon the integrity of dopaminergic innervation of the Finally, several human studies have shown that genetic
prefrontal cortex. In a seminal study, Brozoski, Brown, variances of dopamine-related genes (catecholamine-O-
504 C. Schmauss

methyltransferase, dopamine transporter) differentially affect D1-receptor function plays a pivotal role therein. However,
higher cognitive functions and prefrontal cortical activation while these studies focused exclusively on dopamine D1
(Blasi et al., 2005; Bertolino et al., 2006; Egan et al., 2001), receptors, they have seldom addressed the role of D2-like
and much has been learned about the limits of cognitive receptors in modulating prefrontal cortical D1-receptor acti-
functions such as working memory and attention and the vation. For example, the study of Castner et al. (2000)
role of dopamine from the study of schizophrenic patients showed that monkeys chronically treated with the typical
(Barch, 2006). Such patients are almost exclusively treated neuroleptic drug haloperidol also exhibited working mem-
with neuroleptic drugs that block either D2-like dopamine ory deficits and that intermittent application of a D1 agonist
receptors (typical neuroleptics like haloperidol) or both leads to long-lasting improvement of this dysfunction. This
D2- and 5-HT2-like receptors (atypical neuroleptics like finding suggested that normal cognitive function requires a
clozapine). It is now recognized that typical neuroleptics, balanced activity of D1- and D2-like dopamine receptors.
although efficacious in ameliorating the positive symptoms Indeed, subsequent studies on knockout mice lacking D2
of schizophrenia, are ineffective in the treatment of deficits and D3 receptors illustrated that chronic D2-like receptor
in working memory and attentional control. Moreover, as blockade alters agonist-promoted activity of D1 receptors
further discussed below, three animal studies have shown (Schmauss, 2000; Glickstein et al., 2002). As further dis-
clearly that chronic blockade of D2-like dopamine recep- cussed below, these studies have shown that inactivation of
tors (either with haloperidol or in knockout mice) induces D2- and D3-receptors (as achieved by chronic neuroleptic
working memory deficits (Castner, Williams, & Goldman- treatment) decreases agonist-stimulated D1 receptor activa-
Rakic, 2000; Glickstein et al., 2002) and that inactivation of tion in the medial prefrontal cortex and that mice lacking D2
D2 receptors in knockout mice impairs their performance in and D3 receptors have spatial working memory deficits.
an attention-set-shifting task (Glickstein et al., 2005). It is
evident from earlier studies (Glickstein et al., 2002, 2005)
that compromised D1-receptor function in the mPFC alone
is insufficient to account for the deficits in attentional con-
D1 Receptor Function in the Forebrain of Mice
trol and working memory, and that more research is needed Lacking Dopamine D2 and D3 Receptors
to understand how inactivation of D2-like receptors leads to
disrupted cognitive functioning. Studies on knockout mice lacking individual dopamine
receptors revealed clearly that normal motor and cogni-
tive function requires an intricately balanced activity of all
Cognitive Functions Studied in Wild-Type dopamine receptors (Schmauss, 2000; Glickstein et al., 2002;
and Mutant Mouse Models: Dopamine Glickstein & Schmauss, 2004). The conclusion that genetic
manipulations that selectively targeted either dopamine D2
D1 Receptor Function in Mice Lacking
or D3 receptors also lead to decreased agonist-stimulated D1
D2 and D3 Receptors receptor function originated from studies on D1-receptor-
dependent induction of expression of mRNA encoding
Genetic, molecular, and high-resolution anatomic studies on the immediate early gene c-fos. In these studies, D2 and
networks that support major cognitive processes in primates D3 receptor knockout mice exhibited blunted neocortical
are hampered by the limited availability of brain tissue. c-fos responses to D1-agonist stimulation although their D1-
Hence, there is a need for complementary studies on lower receptor expression levels were unaltered. A single phar-
vertebrates, including studies on genetically modified mice macological stimulation of D1 receptors in these mutants
with altered expression of genes implicated in the control of with either a selective D1 agonist or the indirect dopamine
higher cognitive function. receptor agonist methamphetamine, however, led to a long-
As outlined above, studies on non-human and human term (as much as 2 weeks) rescue of D1-receptor function in
primates have provided substantial insight into the role the forebrain neocortex of these mutants (Schmauss, 2000).
of prefrontal cortical dopamine and dopamine D1 recep- Hence, although chronic inactivation of D2 and D3 receptors
tors in the control of working memory. These studies blunts neocortical D1-receptor function in vivo, this situation
have extended the conceptual thinking about the role of is not irreversible. It is noteworthy, however, that the long-
dopamine in schizophrenia beyond dopamine D2-like recep- term increase in agonist-promoted neocortical D1-receptor
tors, the main targets of neuroleptic drugs, and the subcor- function induced by either a single dose of methamphetamine
tical hyperdopaminergia that justifies neuroleptic treatment. or a selective D1 agonist is only detected in brains with either
They have opened avenues for considering that prefrontal naturally low (preadolescent mice) or abnormally blunted
cortical hypodopaminergia also contributes to the core psy- (D2 and D3 knockout mice) c-fos expression in response to
chopathology of schizophrenia and that decreased dopamine D1 agonist stimulation (Schmauss, 2000).
33 Attention and Working Memory 505

D1 Receptor Activation in the Medial Prefrontal mediate in the PL, and lowest in the IL subregions (Glick-
Cortex of Mice Lacking Dopamine D2 and D3 stein et al., 2002). A single dose of methamphetamine, how-
Receptors ever, administered 1 week prior to the D1-agonist challenge,
led to robustly increased expression of Fos immunoreac-
tivity in both D2 and D3 mutants (but not in wild type),
A stereological assessment of the number of neurons and this increase was highest in the AC and lowest in the
expressing Fos immunoreactivity in response to D1-agonist IL subregions, and it was larger in D2 mutants compared
stimulation showed that the blunted neocortical c-fos with D3 mutants. In fact, in the AC and PL, D1-agonist-
response of D2 and D3 mutants was most prominent in the stimulated c-fos responses of methamphetamine-pretreated
medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC; Glickstein et al., 2002). D2 mutants were indistinguishable from wild type. Hence,
This was of particular interest because the rodent mPFC is methamphetamine pre-treatment let to a long-term rescue of
the functional homologue of the dorsolateral PFC of the pri- agonist-promoted D1-receptor function in the mPFC.
mate. Like the primate PFC, the rodent mPFC is anatomi- Given the well-documented role of prefrontal cortical
cally defined by its reciprocal connections to the mediodorsal D1 receptors in the control of working memory, it was of
thalamus as well as reciprocal cortico-cortical connections, interest to test whether D2 and D3 mutants also exhibit
and several functional properties mediated by the rodent working memory deficits and whether methamphetamine
mPFC are homologous to the dorsolateral PFC of the pri- pre-treatment, known to rescue D1-receptor function in the
mate, most notably the control of working memory, attention, mPFC, would also restore normal working memory perfor-
and attention shifts (Uylings, Groenewegen, & Kolb, 2003). mance. As shown below, D2 and D3 mutants have indeed
In fact, the recognition of this functional homology between working memory deficits. Interestingly, however, the ability
the primate dorsolateral PFC and the mPFC stimulated stud- of methamphetamine pre-treatment to restore normal work-
ies on higher cognitive functions in rats and mice. ing memory function differs between both mutants.
Figure 33.1 schematically illustrates the anatomic topog-
raphy of the three subregions of the mouse mPFC, the
anterior cingulate (AC), prelimbic (PL), and infralimbic (IL)
cortex, and their neuronal cytoarchitecture revealed by label- Cognitive Functions Studied in Wild-Type and
ing with an antibody directed against the neuronal protein
Mutant Mouse Models: Working Memory
NeuN. In the mPFC of D2- and D3-receptor mutant mice,
the number of neurons expressing Fos immunoreactivity in
response to a D1 agonist challenge was reduced in superfi- Delayed Alternation: Tests of Spatial Working
cial (II/III) and deeper (V/VI) laminar territories of all three Memory of Rodents
subregions, and this reduction was largest in the AC, inter-
In rodents, working memory tests are primarily testing spa-
tial working memory and such tests are conducted in two- (T-
and Y-maze) or eight-arm (8-arm radial maze) test chambers.
The most commonly used test paradigm is the delayed alter-
nation task performed in a T-maze which has been shown
to be a valuable tool for evaluating spatial working mem-
ory deficits associated with prefrontal cortical dysfunction
in all mammalian species (Markowitsch & Pritzel, 1977;
Moran, 1993; Van Haaren, De Bruin, Heinsbroek, & Van de
Poll, 1985). This test was originally developed for rats, but it
has been used successfully in studies on knockout mice (see,
for example, Glickstein et al., 2002). Briefly, mice are trained
(over a period of 10–14 days) for alternate arm entries in the
T-maze until they reach ∼80% correct arm entries on two
consecutive days with no inter-trial delay (10 trials per test).
Fig. 33.1 The mouse medial prefrontal cortex. Schematic illustration On subsequent days, they are tested using a variable delay
of the regional extent of the mouse medial prefrontal cortex in a coro- (5 s to 1 min) until a delay period is reached that impairs the
nal section taken 5.5 mm rostral from the interaural line and its neu-
ronal cytoarchitecture revealed by immunolabeling with an antibody
performance to chance levels of correct arm entry (i.e., 50%).
directed against NeuN. M, motor cortex; Str, striatum; AC, anterior As expected from results of the studies described above,
cingulate cortex; PL, prelimbic cortex; IL, infralimbic cortex. Adopted both D2 and D3 mutants exhibited working memory deficits
from Glickstein et al. (2002) with increasing impairments at increasing delay periods.
506 C. Schmauss

These deficits were more severe in D2 mutants which + +

exhibited significantly lower performance compared with
wild type already at the 5-s delay intervals. These behav-
ioral differences paralleled the above-described differences line relevant line relevant
between both mutants in the magnitude of D1-agonist-
stimulated c-fos responses in the AC and PL subregions + +
of the mPFC. Pre-treatment of these mutants with a sin-
gle dose of methamphetamine rescued their working mem-
ory performance within 1 week following methamphetamine EDS Rev
shape relevant shape relevant
administration. However, the same treatment had no effect
on the working memory test performance of D3 mutants.
These findings illustrate that the working memory deficits of B relevant stimulus

D2 mutants can be solely attributed to their decreased D1- SD

receptor function. However, since diminished D1-receptor
function alone cannot explain the resistance of D3 mutants CD
to methamphetamine pre-treatment it appears that signaling
through D3 receptors is also essential for proper working
memory performance. The extent to which D3-receptor inac- ODOR 3 ODOR 4 ODOR 3
tivation alters the activation of those cognitive networks that
support working memory remains to be further investigated. IDSrev
Because attention and working memory are fundamen- ODOR 4 ODOR 3

tal cognitive processes that interact with one another it was EDS
of interest to test whether the working memory deficits of ODOR 5 ODOR 6
D2 and D3 mutant mice are also accompanied by deficits
Fig. 33.2 Attention set-shifting tests designed for humans (A) and
in other domains of attentional control. The following sec- rodents (B). Whereas the human test relies on visual stimuli (lines
tion addresses this question along with a brief description of and shapes), the rodent version of the test uses olfactory (odors) and
experimental paradigms that are suitable for testing different somatosensory (texture of digging medium) stimulus dimensions. In
domains of attentional control in rodents. (A), the + sign indicates the reward option. In (B), the relevant stim-
uli on the right indicates reward location. SD, simple discrimination;
CD, compound discrimination; IDS, intradimensional set shift; EDS,
extradimensional set shift; Rev, reversal


At present, very few studies of attentional control in rodents As illustrated in Fig. 33.2A, a stimulus pair can consist of
have used the mouse. The behavioral paradigms successfully a shape and a line but, at any given time, only one aspect
developed for the rat, however, are generally applicable to the of the pair (shape or line) is relevant. In such a continu-
mouse, and some of the most commonly employed experi- ous attentional performance test, subjects first complete a
mental paradigms are briefly described below. compound discrimination (CD) in which, for example, the
line represents the relevant (guiding) stimulus dimension. In
the following intradimensional set-shifting phase (IDS), new
shapes and lines are presented but lines remain the relevant
dimension. In an extradimensional set-shifting phase (EDS),
A Two-Choice Discrimination Attentional
however, the previously relevant dimension (line) becomes
Set-Shifting Tasks Designed for Rodent irrelevant and the previously irrelevant dimension (shape)
guides the correct response selection. Finally, set rules are
Attention-set-shifting tasks typically involve a series of com- reversed (Rev), i.e., the previously relevant stimulus property
pound discriminations that require the subject to learn task (a distinct line type) is no longer relevant, but the previously
rules, maintain and shift attentional sets, and to reverse pre- irrelevant one guides correct response selection.
viously acquired rules. When applied to humans or primates, In contrast to primates, the ability of rodents to discrimi-
such tasks are usually based on different visual features of a nate visual stimuli by pattern and shape is greatly diminished.
stimulus, such as filled shapes versus configurations of lines Thus, the application of attention-set-shifting tasks to
superimposed on these shapes. rodents necessitates the use of stimulus dimensions that are
33 Attention and Working Memory 507

appropriate for this species. Hence, Birrell and Brown (2000) structures control cognitive processes and/or performance in
have adopted the general principles of the attention-set- the different phases of the task.
shifting task to rats by using two new stimulus dimensions,
odor and texture. In this paradigm, terra cotta pots are used
as digging bowls and their rims are scented with perfumed
oil to produce a lasting odor. The bowls contain a food pellet Performance of D2 and D3 Mutant Mice in the
buried underneath different digging media. As shown in Attention-Set-Shifting Task
Fig. 33.2B, two pots are presented in each trial. Animals
are first trained to dig in unscented small bowls filled with Because working memory is required across the differ-
familiar bedding to retrieve a food reward that is deeply ent cognitive domains of attentional control, Glickstein
buried underneath the bedding. Then, animals are trained in et al. (2005) tested whether the working memory deficits of
two simple discriminations (SD) of either odor D2 and D3 mutants would lead to impairments in the perfor-
(patchouli/jasmine, mango/vanilla, tea rose/dewberry, mance of these mutants in the attention-set-shifting task illus-
fuzzy peach/woody sandalwood, etc.) or digging media trated in Fig. 33.2B. Interestingly, the cognitive phenotype
of different textures (wood chips/alpha dry bedding, revealed by this task differed quite substantially. D2 mutants
glass beads/Eppendorf tube lids, ribbon/yarn, shredded exhibited significant impairment in the first compound dis-
paper/shredded rubber, etc.) to a criterion of six consecutive crimination (CD) of the task, indicating difficulties in the
correct trials. The order of the two SDs and relevant stimulus acquisition of the rules that governed the task. Once they
dimensions (odor or digging medium) are randomized have learned the rules after a significantly increased num-
across animals. After an SD between two odors or two ber of trials to criterion in the CD, they proceeded through
digging media, a compound discrimination (CD) follows in the remaining phases of the test in a manner indistinguish-
which a new dimension is added to the stimuli presented able from wild type. Interestingly, in contrast to the effect of
in the initial SD. This new dimension, however, is not a methamphetamine on the working memory performance of
reliable indicator of the food location. The next test phase these mutants, pre-treatment with methamphetamine did not
requires an intradimensional shift of attention. The IDS is improve the performance of these mutants in the CD phase
another CD in which both relevant and irrelevant stimuli of the test.
are changed, but the previously relevant stimulus dimension At difference to D2 mutants, D3 mutants outperformed
(odor or digging medium) remains the same. This IDS is wild-type controls in set-shifting phases of the task, and
then subjected to reversal rules, i.e., the previously negative their response accuracy was significantly better under rever-
stimulus becomes a positive one but the irrelevant stimulus sal conditions (IDSRev). These differences in task perfor-
dimension is still not predicting the reward location. Finally, mance were also reflected in differences in the number of
in a task requiring an extradimensional shift of attention mPFC neurons that expressed Fos immunoreactivity in tested
(EDS), the formerly irrelevant dimension becomes relevant animals. After completion of either CD or EDS phases of the
and the originally guiding dimension loses its predictive test (see Fig. 33.2B), neuronal activation (as indicated by Fos
value. Also this test phase is subjected to reversal rules. expression) was highest in D3 mutants, intermittent in wild
In all test phases, animals have to reach a criterion of six type, and lowest in D2 mutants. Hence, Fos expression levels
consecutive correct trials, and each sensory stimulus is used appear to correlate directly with the response accuracies of
in only one test phase. the three genotypes.
The attention-set-shifting paradigm described above Interestingly, in wild-type animals, test-induced activation
engages processes from several cognitive domains, ranging of the AC subregion of the mPFC exceeded that of PL/IL
from associative (procedural) learning (CD), selective atten- subregions. This difference, however, was never detected
tion (maintaining sets), shifting between perceptual stimuli in D3 mutants. It is of interest to note that the rodent
or dimension (IDS, EDS), and reversal learning. Studies of mPFC also has features of other cortical regions of pri-
Brown and colleagues (Birrell and Brown, 2000; McAlonan mates, most notably the anterior cingulate cortex (Uylings
& Brown, 2003) have shown that different phases of the test et al., 2003). In primates, one interpretation of neuronal
are differently affected by lesions of the orbital and medial activation in the AC during tasks requiring attention and
prefrontal cortex of the rat: Whereas lesions of the medial response selection is that the AC monitors conflict between
prefrontal cortex (mainly confined to IL and PL subregions) different action plans (“performance monitoring”; Botvinick,
impair EDS performance but not reversal learning (Birrell Braverm, Barch, Carter, & Cohen, 2001; MacDonald, Cohen,
and Brown, 2000), reversal learning, but not set shifting, Stenger, & Carter, 2000) to signal greater cognitive con-
is impaired in rats with orbital prefrontal lesions (McAlo- trol to the dorsolateral PFC. This decreases conflict, and in
nan & Brown, 2003), suggesting that different neocortical subsequent trial with correct response selection, activation
508 C. Schmauss

of the AC decreases and activation of the dorsolateral PFC A

increases (Kerns et al., 2004). It is thus tempting to spec-
ulate that the AC subregion of the rodent mPFC has sim-
ilar influences on the IL and PL subregions, and that the
higher response accuracy of D3 mutants is partly due to their invalid

higher PL/IL activation that signals less conflict and hence

greater cognitive control (see Glickstein et al., 2005). double
Finally, it was noted that D3, but not D2, mutants exhib- alerting
ited prolonged response latencies in all test phases of the no cue
attention set-shifting task illustrated in Fig. 33.2B. The rea-
sons for this prolonged response latency is presently unclear. nose poke …… ……
It is possible that D3 mutants have subtle abnormalities in cue …………………....………… ……
target ……………………….……. ……
information processing that cannot be uncovered with the ………………………………..
attention set-shifting task. For example, the higher neuronal
activation in the mPFC of these mutants could also be due to
the inability of these mutants to ignore irrelevant stimuli so
that both relevant and irrelevant information are continuously
co-processed. Such potential deficit in optimizing cognitive
control of selective attention could perhaps be unraveled
with some of the additional cognitive tests that are described
below. food

Rodent Tests of Selective Attention

In contrast to the complexity of cognitive domains engaged Fig. 33.3 Rodent tests of selective and sustained attention. (A) The
by the attention-set-shifting task described above, several cued target detection test (selective attention). (B) The 5-choice serial
other behavioral paradigms have been developed that focus reaction time task (sustained attention). In (A), rectangles represent dis-
penser enclosures and cycles represent cue lights. Unfilled rectangles
on a more limited set of cognitive domains. Among them and cue lights indicate that they are illuminated. The timing of CTD
is the cued target detection task (CTD), a task of selective events is indicated on the bottom. Nose-pokes trigger the cue and dis-
(also called transient, exogenous, or reflexive) visuospatial penser light after a variable interval. Once the cue is presented, the ani-
attention developed by Posner and colleagues (Posner, 1980). mal withdraws its nose and moves to the reward dispenser. Adopted
from Stewart et al. (2001). For the 5-CSRTT schematically illustrated
This test examines the orienting and alerting components of in (B), a test chamber with a rear magazine equipped with a pellet dis-
attention and eliminates sustained attentional components. In penser and nose-poke detector is used. The front of the chamber has an
the CTD, attention is evoked by an abrupt, peripheral visual array of five equally spaced holes, each containing a light bulb and an
stimulus that serves as a cue for the location of a subsequent infrared nose-poke detector. During the test duration, the animal scans
the array of holes and, when the animal responds correctly (nose poke)
visual target. The test requires that the animals maintain fix- to the light stimulus presented in one of them, it obtains a food reward.
ation during the presentation of the cue and target. The ori-
enting reaction to the cue is mediated by shifts in attention
(called covert orienting; Posner (1980)). As schematically
illustrated in Fig. 33.3A, four types of trials are presented to a “validity effect” (VE). The other two components of
in this test. the task measure stimulus “alerting” effects defined as the
One is a “valid” trial in which both cue and target are temporal benefits of response time provided by the abrupt
located on the same side of the fixation. The other is an stimulus onset. In one test component, double cues are pre-
“invalid” trial that positions cue and target in opposite sides sented, but the target appears subsequently at only one of
of the fixation. These two trials test the orienting component them. Hence, the cue lacks explicit spatial information and
of attention. In the valid trial, the benefits of spatial informa- requires no orienting response. However, the cue provides
tion for facilitating target detection or discrimination is mea- temporal information as it informs the subject of the target
sured and the invalid trial estimates the cost of misorienting. appearance. In the fourth component, no cues are presented
The time to detect the target when it is congruent with the prior to target presentations and the difference between reac-
cue is shorter than the time to detect incongruent cues and tion times in the double cued and non-cued target tests is
targets, and this difference in the reaction times is referred termed “alerting affect” (AE).
33 Attention and Working Memory 509

This test proved valuable in studies on rats that examined To date, studies on LI employed procedures typically
the role of nicotinic cholinergic neurotransmission in modu- used with rats, including conditioned suppression, condi-
lating the orienting component of attention (Stewart, Burke, tioned avoidance, conditioned taste aversion, and classical
& Marrocco, 2001) and it is likely that similar studies on defensive and appetitive conditioning (Lubow, 2005), and
wild-type and knockout mice will provide novel insight into these LI paradigms have been successfully used in wild-type
the role of individual molecules in the control of orienting and knockout mice (Caldarone, Duman, & Piccioto, 2000;
and alerting components of attention. Miyakawa et al., 2003). It is plausible that appropriate mod-
Another process related to selective attention is termed ifications of the SD and CD components of the attention-
latent inhibition (LI), a negative transfer phenomenon char- set-shifting task described above will also provide a suitable
acterized by an impaired generation of a conditioned test of LI in the mouse. For example, during the SD, a novel
response to a stimulus that had been pre-exposed without stimulus could be a scented bowl that does not contain a food
consequences. LI reflects a stimulus-specific decline of atten- pellet and is paired with the presentation of the non-scented
tion as a function of repeated irrelevant (non-reinforced) bowl containing the food pellet. The test phase is completed
stimulus pre-exposure (Lubow, 2005). This acquired irrele- when the animal disregards the scented bowl over several
vance of the stimulus reduces this stimulus’ ability to enter consecutive trials. Then, in the CD, the same scented bowl
into associative relationships compared with novel stimuli would signal reward, but it is presented along with new stim-
or interferes with the subsequent expression of such asso- ulus properties of the second dimension (digging media) and
ciative relationships. Tests of latent inhibition are thought another scented bowl that does not contain the food reward.
to be a valid model for dysfunctions of selective attention The number of trials necessary to induce inattentiveness to
in schizophrenia that are due to high distractibility, i.e., in the irrelevant stimulus in the SD and the number of trials
schizophrenia, irrelevant stimuli attract attention and, when necessary to attend the previously irrelevant stimulus as the
repeated, these stimuli continue to be subjected to cognitive relevant in the CD should provide an estimate of the extent
processing and thus, the normal shift of the processing from of LI in wild type and different dopamine receptor knock-
a controlled to an automatic mode is inhibited (for review see out mice when these data are compared with corresponding
Lubow, 2005). results obtained from animals not exposed to a negative stim-
Weiner (2003) proposes a “two-headed” LI model that ulus in the SD that becomes the positive stimulus in the CD.
describes two extremes of deficient cognitive switching:
disrupted LI and persistent LI. In animal models, dis-
rupted LI occurs under conditions that lead to LI in nor-
mal animals, and persistent LI is observed under condi- Rodent Tests of Sustained Attention
tions that disrupt LI in normal animals. These two extremes
reflect enhanced and delayed switching between associa- The CTD task described above tests reflexive attention,
tions acquired during non-reinforced preexposure (stimulus- i.e., the most primitive form of attention that is engaged
no event) and during subsequent conditioning (stimulus rein- with shortest response latency whenever an abrupt sensory
forcement), they are differentially modulated by dopamine, stimulus is presented. At difference, voluntary, sustained
and they result from dysfunction in different brain circuitries. attention requires conscious mental activity, is more slowly
Enhanced dopaminergic neurotransmission as well as stress activated than reflexive attention, and is controlled by cog-
disrupt LI and thus promote rapid switching of responses nitive demand (Beane & Marrocco, 2004). Two tests of
according to the stimulus-reinforcement contingency. On sustained attention have been used in rodents. One is the
the contrary, blockade of dopaminergic neurotransmission sustained attention task (SAT; McGaughy & Sarter, 1995)
enhances the control of the stimulus-no event contingency in which rats press one of two levers if a target occurs in a
and retards switching to a new stimulus-reinforcement asso- defined time window and targets are presented in about half
ciation (Shalev & Weiner, 2001; Weiner, 2003; Lubow, 2005; of the trials and omitted from the remaining trails. This test
Young, Moran, & Joseph, 2005). Studies in rats have shown may not find a broad applicability to mice due to the difficulty
that the dopaminergic innervation of the nucleus accumbens of mice to engage the motor act of lever pressing.
plays a critical role in LI (for review see Young et al., 2005). Another test of sustained attention is the five-choice serial
Damage to the shell of the nucleus accumbens disrupts LI, reaction time task (5-CSRTT) developed by Robbins and
while damage to the core leads to abnormally persistent LI. colleagues (Carli, Robbins, Evenden, & Everitt, 1983; for
The effects of shell lesions are also paralleled by lesions in review see Robbins, 2002). In this test, rats must attend to
the entorhinal cortex, and lesions of the hippocampus and an array of potential target locations, but respond only to the
the basolateral nucleus of the amygdala produce abnormal one that is illuminated. Typically, rodents scan a horizontal
LI phenotypes resembling that of core lesions of the nucleus array of five spatial apertures for the location of a brief visual
accumbens (Weiner, 2003). target stimulus over a large number of trials (see Fig. 33.3B).
510 C. Schmauss

Studies employing this test have shown that ablations of genes in cognitive function in the mouse. Such future studies
different neurotransmitters affect different task-related mea- will not only be delimited to knockout mice but also take
sures. For example, cholinergic lesions affect response further advantage of the impressive repertoire of genetically
accuracy, noradrenergic lesions increase distractibility, tractable inbred strains of mice to conduct comparative stud-
serotonergic lesions increase impulsivity, and dopaminergic ies of cognitive function between them to ultimately deter-
lesions slow responding (for reviews see Dalley, Cardinal, & mine the genetic underpinnings of efficient or disrupted cog-
Robbins, 2004; Robbins, 2002). nitive control.
The 5-CSRTT has been widely used in studies on rats Finally, high-resolution anatomic studies on brains of
(for review see Robbins, 2002). However, Humby, Laird, mice will complement studies on primates to facilitate the
Davies, and Wilkinson (1999) were the first to demon- process of identifying anatomic networks, their interactions,
strate the successful application of this test to mice, and and the cellular contributions to specific network activation
they showed that systematic manipulations of task parame- necessary for efficient attentional control. Thus, although
ters could uncover behavioral differences between F1 gen- current studies of cognitive functions in knockout and genet-
erations of C57Bl/6xDBA/2 and C57Bl/6x129Sv inbred ically distinct strains of mice are still in their earliest stage,
strains of mice in response to pharmacological manipulations studies on these mice promise a powerful contribution to the
of central cholinergic neurotransmission. Moreover, Young field of cognitive neuroscience.
et al. (2004) successfully used the 5-CSRTT in wild-type
mice and mutant littermates lacking the α7 nicotinic acetyl-
choline receptor (nAChR) and showed that nicotine improves References
sustained attention in normal mice and that the α7 nAChR
plays a significant role in attentional control processes. Thus, Arnsten, A. F., & Goldman-Rakic, P. S. (1998). Noise stress impairs
the 5-CSRTT has already made its entry into cognitive stud- prefrontal cortical cognitive function in monkeys: Evidence for a
ies on knockout mice and comparative cognitive studies of hyperdopaminergic mechanism. Archives of General Psychiatry, 55,
different inbred strains. Awh, E., Vogel, E. K., & Oh, S.-H. (2006). Interactions between atten-
tion and working memory. Neuroscience, 139, 201–208.
Baddeley, A. (2003). Working memory: Looking back and looking for-
Conclusion and Future Directions ward. Nature Reviews. Neuroscience, 4, 829–839.
Barch, D. M. (2006). What can research on schizophrenia tell us about
the cognitive neuroscience of working memory? Neuroscience, 139,
Despite the predominant focus of research on primates, there 73–84.
is a role for mice in studies of higher cognitive function. The Beane, M., & Marrocco, R. T. (2004). Norepinephrine and acetyl-
choline mediation of the components of reflexive attention: Impli-
study of the mouse promises a unique advantage, namely the
cations for attention deficit disorders. Progress in Neurobiology, 74,
availability of genetically engineered knockout lines with tar- 167–181.
geted disruptions of genes thought to be involved in shaping Bertolino, A., Blasi, G., Latorre, V., Rubino, V., Rampino, A., Sinibaldi,
higher cognitive function. As illustrated here, some progress L., et al. (2006). Additive effects of genetic variation in dopamine
regulating genes on working memory cortical activity in human
has been made, for example, with studies on the cogni-
brain. Journal of Neuroscience, 26, 3918–3922.
tive functions of knockout mice lacking dopamine D2 and Birrell, J. M., & Brown, V. J. (2000). Medial frontal cortex mediates
D3 receptors, and this progress was possible by the ability perceptual attention set shifting in the rat. Journal of Neuroscience,
to combine genetic engineering with quantitative anatomic, 20, 4320–4324.
Blasi, G., Mattay, V. S., Bertolino, A., Elvervåg, B., Callicott, J. H., Das,
molecular, and behavioral analyses. As a result, these stud- S., et al. (2005). Effect of catechol-O-methyltransferase val158 met
ies could provide a plausible link between D2-like receptor genotype on attentional control. Journal of Neuroscience, 25,
inactivation and decreased D1-receptor function in the mPFC 5038–5045.
that ultimately leads to working memory deficits. Moreover, Botvinick, M. M., Braverm T. S., Barch, D. M., Carter, C. S., & Cohen,
J. D. (2001). Conflict monitoring and cognitive control. Psycholog-
these studies revealed differential effects of individual sub- ical Review, 108, 624–652.
types of D2-like receptors in other domains of attentional Brozoski, T. J., Brown, R. M., Rosvold, H. E., & Goldman-Rakic, P. S.
control, and they begun to illuminate the reasons why chronic (1979). Cognitive deficits caused by regional depletion of dopamine
administration of neuroleptic drugs that block D2-like recep- in prefrontal cortex of rhesus monkey. Science, 205, 929–932.
Caldarone, B. J., Duman, C. H., & Piccioto, M. R. (2000). Fear condi-
tors cannot improve cognitive deficits. tioning and latent inhibition in mice lacking the high affinity sub-
It is evident that studies on cognitive functions of mice class of nicotinic acetylcholine receptors in the brain. Neurophar-
have benefited tremendously from the behavioral paradigms macology, 39, 2779–2784.
that were systematically developed for the rat prior to the Carli, M., Robbins, T. W., Evenden, J. L., & Everitt, B. J. (1983). Effects
of lesions to ascending noradrenergic neurons on performance of
era of knockout mice. It is possible that a standard battery a 5-choice serial reaction task in rats; implications for theories of
of cognitive behavioral tests (optimized for the mouse) will dorsal noradrenergic bundle function based on selective attention
be recommended for studies that probe the role of novel and arousal. Behavioural Brain Research, 9, 361–380.
33 Attention and Working Memory 511

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Chapter 34

Future Directions for Behavior Genetics

Yong-Kyu Kim

The Handbook has been organized into (1) an introduction; (4) longitudinal studies are warranted to see how specific
(2) quantitative methods and models in behavior genetics; (3) environments affect gene expression with age; (5) multivari-
genetics of cognition; (4) genetics of personality; (5) genetics ate analysis showing how specific environmental influence
of psychopathology; and (6) conclusion. The Handbook has interacts with genetic effects needs to be further developed;
selected 33 current topics and issues in behavior genetics. (6) knowledge of endophenotypes will increase the power to
Twenty-four studies of human behaviors and nine studies of detect the genes involved and clarify the pathways between
animal models have been presented. genetic predisposition and the disorders; (7) powerful tech-
Directions for future research on the selected topics have nologies, i.e., neuroimaging, are warranted to look at the
been highlighted in each chapter. Complex disorders or traits effects of genes in the structures and function of the brains;
that have been presented here are polygenic and multifacto- and (8) further development of animal models will contribute
rial, and thus they are influenced by both genes and environ- to our understanding of human behavioral research.
ment, as well as by interactions between these two factors, When I outlined the Handbook, I focused upon the com-
and probably epigenetic factors that regulate the expression plex disorders in humans and animal models of the disorders.
of implicated genes (a field still in its infancy). The quan- It was extremely difficult to put all of the broad domains in
titative genetic approaches using twin, adoption, or family behavior genetics into a single book. Given the necessity of
studies determine the influences of genetic and environmen- page limits, several important domains in behavior genetics
tal factors (a2 , d2 , c2 , and e2 ) on the behaviors of inter- have been missed.
est. For most disorders or traits discussed in the Handbook, Epigenetics. The theory of epigenesis suggests that com-
MZ twins almost always show higher correlations than DZ plex organisms form from relatively simple undifferentiated
twins, suggesting that there is some genetic influence on the cells through a series of radical transformations. Various tis-
traits. However, the presence of the discordant MZ co-twins sues or organs contain the same set of genes, but perform
of probands with the disorders indicates that (1) non-shared very different functions. Epigenetics involves modifications
environment is important; (2) unique environment can dif- of the activation of certain genes during the development
ferentially influence expression of the same genes that the of complex organisms, and thus describes any aspect other
co-twins share; (3) multiple genes, interaction of the genes, than DNA sequence that influences the development of an
and/or interaction of genes and environment play roles in the organism. The epigenetic factors are not static, but change
development of the traits; and (4) epigenetic factors not yet over time (Gottesman, 2004). Such instability of epigenetic
identified play a role in masking gene expression. This list modification leads to differences in gene activity even within
suggests that (1) future research in behavior genetics will be pairs of MZ twins. For example, Wong, Gottesman, and
enhanced by studying non-shared environmental sources of Petronis (2005) suggest that epigenetic factors play a role
variation; (2) there is a need to identify more genes directly in substantial phenotypic variation observed in genetically
involved in the behavior with the advance in molecular genet- identical organisms, i.e., MZ twins and inbred animals, in the
ics; (3) interactions between genes and environment, as well absence of either genetic background differences or identifi-
as gene-environment correlation, are to be further explored; able environmental variation. Specific epigenetic processes
include paramutation, genomic imprinting, gene silencing,
X chromosome inactivation, etc.
Y.-K. Kim (B) Endophenotypes. Endophenotypes are measurable inter-
Department of Genetics, University of Georgia, Athens, GA 30602, nal phenotypes and fill the gap (epigenetic pathways)
USA between genes and complex disorders. The identification
e-mail: yongkyu@uga.edu of endophenotypes can help to resolve the etiologies of

Y.-K. Kim (ed.), Handbook of Behavior Genetics, 515

DOI 10.1007/978-0-387-76727-7 34,  c Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2009
516 Y.-K. Kim

the disorders, for example, multiple genes. Recently, a also caused by a small deletion in chromosome 15 depending
number of attempts to determine candidate endopheno- on which parental chromosome is affected. Williams syn-
types have been successfully made in several complex dis- drome has a small deletion in chromosome 7. These
orders, i.e., schizophrenia, mood disorders, AD, ADHD, syndromes are associated with mental disorders. Turner
alcoholism, and personality disorders (see Gottesman, 2004 syndrome (TS) is the most common chromosomal abnor-
Gottesman & Gould, 2003; for further information, see also mality (XO) in females, and TS patients are susceptible
Chapters 31 in this volume). to a range of disorders, including hypertension and poor
Circadian rhythm. A circadian rhythm is a roughly social activity during adolescence and adulthood (Elsheikh,
24-hour cycle in the biochemical, physiological, or behav- Dunger, Conway, & Wass, 2002). Research on the behav-
ioral processes of living organisms including bacteria, fungi, ioral disorders associated with chromosomal abnormality is
plants, and animals (see Dunlap, 1999 for review). It is driven required.
by a feedback loop of gene transcription in the suprachias- Obesity. Although the Handbook has one chapter on exer-
matic nucleus in the hypothalamus. Clock and related genes cise behavior in health psychology, health-related issues
have been isolated from many species. Several human com- such as obesity or wellbeing have not been discussed. Obe-
plex disorders are known to bear a striking resemblance sity is a major risk factor for several medical disorders.
to the phenotypes of mutant animals (Wagner-Smith & Current studies show that not only is it heritable and runs
Kay, 2000). Currently neural and genetic networks to explain in families, but it is also influenced by environment such as
how genes and their products, as well as environments, inter- stress. A few candidate genes for obesity have been iden-
act to determine such a complex trait are being studied. tified. Obesity is also highly comorbid with eating disor-
Learning and memory. Learning is an adaptive behavior, ders and psychopathological diseases. Behavioral genetic
and memory resulting from prior experience is stored in the research on other health medicine issues, i.e., blood pres-
hippocampus. Using animal models, especially Drosophila, sure, hypertension, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease are
behavioral screens for learning mutants isolated from chem- warranted.
ical mutagenesis or targeted mutations have identified many Aging. Senescence means a decline in health and function
genes that influence the development of neuroanatomical associated with aging. Thus, when we age, we are changed
structure and the biochemical pathways underlying behav- physically, psychologically, and socially. Aging is one of
ioral plasticity. Further, neuroscientists have attempted to the universal concerns in human beings. Chapter 7 has dis-
identify neuronal mechanisms by which genes have their cussed changes in cognitive abilities in the aging process.
effects in the brain. For example, biochemical analysis of Longitudinal studies of cognitive aging show a decrease in
dunce and rutabaga in D. melanogaster suggests that cyclic heritability in late adulthood, which results from increasing
AMP (cAMP) is crucial for learning and memory, as well as non-shared environmental variance, i.e., lifestyle variables or
for synaptic plasticity and that several mutations affect the disease. Alzheimer’s disease is the most common form of
cAMP signaling and block the memory processing (Dubnau dementia, representing approximately two-thirds of demen-
& Tully, 1998). Currently, the QTL analyses for learning tia cases, and prevalence rates for AD increase with age.
disorders have been reported for reading disabilities and Considerable variation in longevity exists between individ-
speech/language disorders (see this volume). Molecular find- uals. Longevity is known to be associated with low rates
ings for dementia come from research on Alzheimer’s dis- of chronic illness and healthy lifestyle. Sibling studies show
ease (AD), i.e., APOE4 gene. Knock-out mouse models for moderate genetic influence on longevity. Currently, genome-
AD-related genes are generated for studies of cognitive neu- wide linkage and association studies to find candidate genes
roscience. Powerful neuroimaging tools facilitate the process for longevity from the populations with high longevity rate
of identifying anatomic networks of cognitive decline and the are in progress. Research on the loss of expression of spe-
changes of brain structure and function with age. cific genes at both the mRNA level and the protein level is
Chromosomal abnormality. A single-base deletion or warranted.
insertion in the DNA codon produces different amino acids Social behavior. Behavior genetics focuses upon the
and proteins, and subsequently alters the function of the nature and origins of individual differences in human or
proteins. Chromosomal abnormality is caused by mutations animal behaviors. In mammals, altruistic behavior, i.e.,
during cell division and involves gross genetic imbalance alarming calls or postures, has been well studied from the
which contributes to multiple defects including behavioral ecological and evolutionary points of view. Although indi-
problems. For instance, Huntington’s disease and Fragile viduals displaying such altruistic behavior are directly sub-
X syndrome are caused by expanded triplet repeats in the ject to predation, their genes indirectly pass onto future gen-
Htt gene and FMR1 gene, respectively, and these disorders erations via surviving relatives, and thus increase inclusive
cause mental retardation and other neurodegenerative disor- fitness (Hamilton, 1968). Another well-known social behav-
ders. Angelman syndrome and Prader–Willi syndrome are ior is Parental care. Females of most animal species, includ-
34 Conclusion: Future Directions for Behavior Genetics 517

ing humans, provide offspring with unselfish parental care. QTL approaches to sexual isolation between populations or
Parental investment plays a role in enhancing the fitness of between species are to be encouraged.
individuals. Although ecological studies demonstrate that it Readers can get additional information on behavior
depends upon the mating systems in nature, investigations genetics from thoughtfully organized books that must be
into specific genes contributing to the social behavior are in any selected reading list (Carey, 2003; DiLalla, 2004;
almost entirely lacking. Ehrman, Maxson, & Kim, 2009; Jang, 2005; McGuffin,
Evolutionary psychology. Darwin (1871) stated that con- Owen, & Gottesman, 2004; Plomin, DeFries, Craig, &
spicuous traits such as large body size, bright colorful McGuffin, 2003; Plomin, DeFries, McClearn, & McGuf-
plumage, or elaborate courtship are favored to attract mates fin, 2008). The following sources can also reveal the
and enhance the reproductive success of individuals. The most recent discoveries and efforts in behavior genetics:
exaggerated traits supposedly indicate the physical and http://www.faseb.org for the American Society of Human
genetic quality of individuals that possess the traits. Individ- Genetics; http://www.bga.org for the Behavior Genetics
uals of the same sex vigorously compete to acquire mating Association; http://ww.ists.qimr.edu.au for the International
with opposite-sex individuals by displaying the conspicuous Society for Twin Studies; http://www.ispg.net for the Interna-
traits or by directly fighting with each other. The genetic tional Society of Psychiatric Genetics; http://www.brain.com
mechanisms of sexually selected traits or behaviors have for research on the brain; http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
been intensively studied in animal models. There is evidence for the database of single-base nucleotide substitu-
in Drosophila melanogaster that males who mate the fastest tions and short deletion and insertion polymorphism;
also copulate more often, more successfully, and leave more http://www.nhgri.nih.gov for the database of human genes
progeny (Fulker, 1966). More aggressive males are also more and genetic disorders; http://www.biomedcentral.com; and
successful in mating with females (see this volume). Simi- http://www.jbiol.com for access to recently published
larly, in humans, men prefer attractive women, and women articles.
prefer males with high social status (Buss, 1989). Little, how- In conclusion, behavior genetics is now becoming an
ever, is known about the genetic architecture of this adaptive even more important domain in human and animal behav-
behavior. ior research with new findings, methods, and designs. The
Behavior and evolution. Genetics concerns the genetic advances in molecular genetics and quantitative genetics will
constitution of organisms and the laws governing the trans- improve our understanding of specific genes associated with
mission of hereditary information from one generation to the complex traits or disorders and of gene–environment interac-
next generation at the individual levels. However, popula- tion and correlation for traits. The goal of behavior genetics
tion genetics concern the genetic constitution of populations is to find specific genes associated with a particular disor-
(of a given species) and deal with the genetic variation of der and to provide environmental prevention of the disorder
particular genes from generation to generation. The genetic before it appears. This is the motivation of the Handbook
variants include morphological characters, chromosomal of Behavior Genetics. I hope that the Handbook will be a
inversions, gene polymorphisms, blood group polymor- useful reference for young scientists of behavior genetics.
phisms, DNA sequences, mating behavior, and so on. In The Handbook will contribute to our understanding of behav-
the Biological Species Concept, species is defined as mem- ior genetics and future research endeavors in the twenty-first
bers of a group that are interbreeding with each other, century.
but are reproductively isolated from those of other groups
(Dobzhansky, 1940; Mayr, 1963). There are two types of
reproductive isolating mechanisms: (1) premating isolation References
and (2) postmating isolation. When two different species
mate with each other in nature or in the laboratory, they usu- Buss, D. M. (1989). Sex differences in human mate preferences: Evo-
ally produce reproductively sterile hybrids and, thus, genes lutionary hypotheses tested in 37 cultures. Behavioral and Brain
Sciences, 12, 1–49.
cannot pass onto the next generation. Therefore, premat- Carey, G. (2003). Human genetics for the social sciences. Thousand
ing isolation, that is sexual isolation or behavioral isolation, Oaks, CA: Sage.
is evolved. Sexual isolation is known to be a by-product Darwin, C. (1871). The descent of man, and selection in relation to sex.
of genetic differentiation resulting from adaptation to new London: J. Murray.
DiLalla, L. F. (2004). Behavior genetics principles: Perspectives in
environments. Individuals in the same species share species- development, personality, and psychopathology. Washington, DC:
specific courtship and pheromone profiles (Paterson, 1985) American Psychological Association.
and new species are formed when gene flow between popula- Dubnau, J., & Tully, T. (1998). Gene discovery in Drosophila: New
tions is blocked. Considerable genetic variation in courtship insights for learning and memory. Annual Review of Neuroscience,
21, 407–444.
and pheromone profiles exists in natural populations. The Dunlap, J. C. (1999). Molecular bases for circadian clocks. Cell, 96,
518 Y.-K. Kim

Dobzhansky, Th. (1940). Speciation as a stage in evolutionary diver- Mayr, E. (1963). Animal species and evolution. Cambridge, MA: Har-
gence. American Naturalist, 74, 312–321. vard University Press.
Ehrman, L., Maxson, S., & Kim, Y.-K. (2009). Behavior Genetics and McGuffin, P., Owen, M. J., & Gottesman, I. I. (2004). Psychiatric genet-
Evolution (3rd ed.) Oxford: Oxford University Press. ics and genomics. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Elsheikh, M., Dunger, D. B., Conway, G. S., & Wass, J. A. H. (2002). Paterson, H. E. H. (1985). The recognition concept of species. In E. S.
Turner’s syndrome in adulthood. Endocrine Reviews, 23, 120–140. Vrba (Ed.), Species and speciation. Transvaal Museum Monograph,
Fulker, D. W. (1966). Mating speed in male Drosophila melanogaster: 4 (pp. 21–29). Pretoria: Transvaal Museum.
A psychogenetic analysis. Science, 153, 203–205. Plomin, R., DeFries, J. C., Craig, I. W., & McGuffin, P. (2003). Behav-
Gottesman, I. I. (2004). Postscript: Eyewitness to the maturation of ioral genetics in the postgenomic era. Washington, DC: American
behavioral genetics. In L. F. DiLalla (Ed.), Behavior genetics prin- Psychological Association.
ciples: Perspectives in development, personality, and psychopathol- Plomin, R., DeFries, J. C., McClearn, G. E., & McGuffin, P. (2008).
ogy (pp. 217–223). Washington, DC: American Psychological Behavioral genetics (5th ed.). New York: Worth.
Association. Wagner-Smith, K., & Kay, S. A. (2000). Circadian rhythm genet-
Gottesman, I. I., & Gould, T. D. (2003). The endophenotype concept in ics: From flies to mice to humans. Nature genetics, 26,
psychiatry: Etymology and strategic intentions. American Journal 23–27.
of Psychiatry, 160, 636–645. Wong, A. H. C., Gottesman, I. I., & Petronis, A. (2005). Phenotypic
Hamilton, D. W. (1968). The genetical theory of social behaviour. Jour- differences in genetically identical organisms: The epigenetic per-
nal of Theoretical Biology, 7, 1–52. spective. Human Molecular Genetics, 14, R11–R18.
Jang, K. L. (2005). The behavioral genetics of psychopathology: A clin-
ical guide. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.

A future directions for, 516

A218C/A779C polymorphism, antisocial behavior, 464 smoking development and, 411
Aarnio, M., 346, 347, 349, 354 See also Cognitive aging; Primary aging; Secondary aging;
Abas-Mas, L., 503 Tertiary aging
Abecasis, G. R., 36–37, 39, 41–42, 44 Agerbo, E., 475
Abramson, L. Y., 232 Aggen, S. H., 355, 438
Abreu, M. E., 287 Agrawal, A., 423–424, 437, 445–446, 448
Abuse, substance, See Substance use and substance use disorders Aguilar, R., 282, 284
ACE model, 28–29 Aiba, A., 163–164
Acerbo, M. J., 283 Ainsworth, B. E., 345
Achenbach, T. M., 256, 372, 381, 383, 455 Aitken, A. C., 25
Acoustic startle (AS) response, in rats, 287 Ajuriaguerra, J., 334
Active GE correlation, 210–211 Akeson, E. C., 180
Activity level, in childhood temperament, 251–252, 253–254 Akil, H., 286
See also under Childhood temperament Akil, M., 105
Adams, M. D., 198 Akiskal, H., 478
Adams, M. J., 113 Akiskal, K., 478
Adams, N., 281 Al Koudsi, N., 426
Addington, A. M., 374 Al Mamun, A., 423
Additive value, 20 Alarcón, M., 404, 405
Adler, L. E., 72 Albert, M. S., 166
Adolescence Albino, G., 83
adolescent-limited versus life-course-persistent antisocial Albright, A., 343
behavior, 461 Alcohol phenotypes
anxiety in, 379–392, See also under Anxiety association studies of, 442
depression in, 379–392, See also under Depression gene identification for, 440–443
prospective longitudinal studies, schizophrenia, 496 Alcohol, smoking and, 424
smoking in, 421–423 Aliev, F., 443, 445
twin study, 422 Alkire, M. T., 91, 92, 148
Adoption studies Alkon, D. L. 168
antisocial personality disorder (ASPD), meta-analysis, 455–458 Allebeck, P., 334
effect sizes, determination, 64 Allele frequencies, 22–23
parent–offspring adoption studies, 456 Alleles, 19
sibling adoption studies, 456 Allen, J. J. B., 233
of depression/anxiety, 388–389 Allen, S., 414
sexual orientation, 269, 271 Allik, J., 225
substance use and substance use disorders, 433–437 Allison, D. B., 41
Adrian, C., 381 Allison, K. R., 354
Adult exercise behavior, lack of common environmental influences on, Allport, G. W., 223, 232
352–353 Almasy, L., 58
Adult Temperament Questionnaire (ATQ), 257 Almeida, D. M., 459
Affected sibling pair (ASP) method, in sexual orientation, 272 Almeida, O. P., 476
Affective psychotic disorders, 473–483 Alonso-Pimentel, H., 188
genetic evidence, 477–480 Altafaj, X., 181–182
See also Common psychoses Althoff, R. R., 366
Agarwal, D. P., 443 Aluja, A., 223
Age/Aging Alzheimer disease (AD)
age of onset, 382 antioxidants in, 106
behavioral genetic investigations, 101–108 candidate genes and, 106

520 Index

Alzheimer disease (AD) (cont.) behavior and genetics and, 61–64

Drosophila model of, 197–204, See also Drosophila model of AD bipolar disorder, 71–72
fly model vs. mouse model comparison, 201–203 cognitive deficits, 67–68
educational attainment, 107 environment role in, 69
head injury causing, 106 genetics and behavior, 64
in rodents human characteristics, 64
dementias, 166–168 human intelligence and cognitive function, 64
learning and memory in, 167 human personality and temperament, 65–66
neurofibrillary tangles, 167 language
seconary aging causing, 106 in animals, 67
Amargos-Bosch, M., 105 in humans, 67
Ambrose, N. G., 128, 132 learning disability, 68–69
Ambrosio, E., 286 mental retardation, 68–69
Ames, D., 488 mood disorders, 71–72
Amiel-Tison, C., 83 personality disorders, 70–71
Amphetamine (AMP) administration, 283 pervasive developmental disorders, 69–70
Amplification effect, personality, 231 pleiotropy, 64
Amyloid-β 40 (Aβ40) amino acid peptide polygenicity, 64
in Drosophila model of AD, 197–204 psychopathology, 73–74
age-dependent behavioral defects induced by, 201 psychoses, 72–73
late-onset progressive neuronal cell loss induced by, 201 schizophrenia, 72–73
learning ability loss in, 202 speech/language disorders in, 67–68
senile plaques, 202 temperamental disorders, 70
toxicity detection, 202–203 validity of, 62–64
transgenic flies expressing, 200 cognitive abilities, examining, 62
Amyloid-β 42 (Aβ42) amino acid peptide quantitative trait loci (QTLs), 62
in Drosophila model of AD, 197–204 resident–intruder designs, 62–63
age-dependent behavioral defects induced by, 201 Anisman, H., 71
amyloid deposits formation, 200 Annett, M., 337
climbing disability of, 203 Ansorge, M. S., 242
late-onset progressive neurodegeneration in, 201, 204 Anstey, K., 107
late-onset progressive neuronal cell loss induced by, 201 Antioxidants, Alzheimer’s disease and, 106
learning ability loss in, 202 Antisocial personality disorder (ASPD)/Antisocial behavior
senile plaques, 202 adolescent-limited versus life-course-persistent antisocial behavior
shortened life span of, 203 genetic influences on, 459
toxicity detection, 202–203 adoption studies
transgenic flies expressing, 200 future, 466
An, P., 354 meta-analysis, 455–458
Anastasi, A., 261 association studies, 462–465
Ancient times, of behavior genetics, 3–4 future, 466
Andel, R., 107 co-occurrence with conduct disorder, 459–460
Andersen-Wood, L., 405 etiology of psychopathy, 460–461
Andershed, H., 460 genetic analysis of, 455–467
Anderson, B., 161 genotype × environment interaction, 458–459
Anderson, C., 273 linkage studies, 465
Anderson, E., 163 future, 466
Anderson, G. M., 405, 406 QTLs on, 461–465
Anderson, L. O., 339 twin studies
Anderson, V., 478 future, 466
Anderson, W. W., 320, 322 meta-analysis, 455–458
Andersson, M., 317 Antonarakis, S. E., 175, 179
Ando, J., 223, 226 Anxiety
Andreski, P., 424 in childhood and adolescence, 379–392
Andrews, G., 89 adoption studies, 388–389
Andrews, J. A., 379 age of onset, 382
Anger/Frustration, in childhood temperament, 254–255 ‘bottom-up’ studies, 380–381
See also under Childhood temperament comorbidity of, 380
Angiotensin I-converting enzyme (ACE) gene/polymorphism environmental factors in very early life, 391
exercise behavior and, 355 family studies, 380–381
linkage and association analyses of, 39–40 gene–environment interplay, 389–390
Angleitner, A., 65, 89, 225 generational transmission, 391
Angold, A., 363, 378–380, 386, 387–388, 459 high levels symptoms, 386–387
Animals, as human behavior models, 61–74 indirect genetic mechanisms and intermediate phenotypes, 391
animal intelligence and cognitive function, 65 issues from family studies, 382–383
anxiety disorders, 72–73 longitudinal studies, 388
autism, 69–70 outcomes of, 379
Index 521

person–environment correlation, 391–392 liability to, 374

‘top-down’ studies, 380 measurement invariance with respect to sex, 370–371
twin studies of internalizing symptoms, 386 molecular genetic studies of, 374–375
twin studies, 383–386 multiple informants, 372
depression and multiple regression model, 369
covariation between, 387 phenotype definitions, 375
familial relationship between, 383 prevalence of, 361–363
disorders, animal models of, 70–71 questionnaire data and diagnostic interviews, relation between,
epidemiology of, 379 369–370
familial transmission regression model, 369
from mothers and fathers to offspring, 383 sex differences in genetic influences on, 365
Apolipoprotein (ApoE) gene, 150 qualitative, 365
Apolipoprotein E (APOE) genes, in primary aging, 105 quantitative, 365
Aram, D. M., 127 subtypes of, genetic heterogeneity, question of, 372–374
Arbelle, S., 245–246 Attention, 506–510
Arcos-Burgos, M., 374 attention problems
Arden, N. K., 353 genetics of, 361–375
Ardila, A., 132 heritabilities for, 368
Arey, L. B., 81 attention-set-shifting task, 507–508
Arginine-vasopressin (AVP), 243 D2 and D3 mutant mice performance in, 507–508
Arneson, C. L., 26 rodent tests of selective attention, 508–509
Arney, F., 362 cued target detection task (CTD), 508
Arnfred, S., 474 five-choice serial reaction time task (5-CSRTT), 509–510
Arnold, S. E., 166 latent inhibition (LI) model, 509
Arnsten, A. F., 503 sustained attention, rodent tests of, 509–510
Aro, H., 414 two-choice discrimination attentional set-shifting tests, 504–505,
Arseneault, L., 384, 466 See also Discrimination attention set-shifting tests
Asarnow, J. R., 495 Atwood, L. D., 140–141
Asarnow, R. F., 496 Atzaba-Poria, N., 213
Asberg, M., 463 Aubert, M. L., 282
Ashby, L., 381 Aubry, J.-M., 282, 289
Ashe, K., 167 Audrain-McGovern, J., 426
Asherson, P., 254, 366 Auerbach, A. G., 492
Ashley-Koch, A. E., 405 Auerbach, J. G., 245, 488, 491–492, 495–496
Ashton, M. C., 225 August, G. J., 399
Asperger’s syndrome, 400 Auluck, P. K., 204
Aspi, J., 190, 192, 320 Austin, L., 168
Association mapping of QTLs, 37–40 Autism, genetics of, 397–406
advantages, 39 animal models of, 69–70
Association studies associated features, 398
of alcohol phenotypes, 442 atypical autism, 400
antisocial behavior, 461–465 broadening the definition of autism phenotype, 400–402
A218C/A779C polymorphism, 464 compound phenotypes, 402–404
Dopamine transmission, 462 course, 398
family-based, 463 current issues, 400–405
MAOA, 464–465 dimensions versus categories, 402
Serotonin transmission, 463 environmental risk factors, 399–400
Tryptophan hydroxylase (TPH), 463 environmental risks, 405
of childhood temperament, 258–259 epidemiology, 397–398
of reading disability, 119 genetic and environmental determinants, 398–399
of sexual orientation, 272, 275 genetic architecture, 404
smoking behavior, 425–426 heterogeneity, 404
substance use and substance use disorders, 439 imprinted genes, 405
Assortative mating, 354 molecular genetics, 405
Atlantic, The, 8 prognosis, 398
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) variable expression, 402
in children, genetic epidemiological studies, 363–369 Autobiography, 4
combined type, 361 Autosomal genetic abnormalities and brain morphology, 141–149
DeFries–Fulker Regression, 369 Awh, E., 503
genetics of, 361–375 Aylward, E. H., 141–143, 148
heritabilities for, 365 Aziz, M., 399
heritability in adults, 374
hyperactive/impulsive type, 361 B
inattentive type, 361 Baaré, W. F. C., 92, 138–139
informant differences, 365–368 Babyak, M., 355
latent class analysis (LCA), 373 Baca-Garcia, E., 463
522 Index

Bachman, J. G., 434 Beasley, T. M., 41

Bachmanov, A., 63, 288 Beck, C. D., 199
Bachner-Melman, R., 242, 243, 244 Becker, K. G., 475–476
Bäckman, L., 107 Bed nuclei of the stria terminalis (BNST), 287
Baddeley, A., 502 Beem, A. L., 354, 421
Baettig, K., 282 Begleiter, H., 233, 444
Baghurst, P., 362–363 Begleitner, H., 233
Baier, A., 324 Behan, O. P., 334
Bailey, A. M., 65, 399, 401–402 Behavior and evolution, future directions for, 517
Bailey, C. H., 164 Behavior Genetics, 5, 6
Bailey, J. M., 269, 270–272, 276, 277 Behavior Genetics Association, 5, 6
Bailey, J. N., 398 Behavioral inhibition/shyness/fear, in childhood temperament,
Baird, G., 398–399 255–257
Baker, L. A., 29, 107 Beidel, D. C., 380–381
Bakker, C. E., 68 Beijsterveldt van, C. E. M., 365, 368
Bakker, C. R., 165 Beitchman, J. H., 463
Bakker, S. C., 374 Beitner-Johnson, D., 287
Bakker, T. C. M., 190, 305, 308 Bell Curve, The, 8
Bakwin, H., 113 Bell, A. P., 270–271
Baldessarini, R. J., 283 Bell, B., 489
Baler, R. D., 424 Bell, S., 287, 290
Bales, K. R., 167 Bellack, A. S., 495
Ball, D., 443 Bell-Dolan, D. J., 383
Balschun, D., 164 Belluci, S., 178
Baltes, P. B., 103 Bellugi, U., 148, 178
Bannerman, D. M., 163 Belmaker, R. H., 241
Bantin–Kingman SD vs. Bantin–Kingman Wistar rats, 285 Belmont, B., 381
Barbosa, J. A., 62 Belmonte, P. L., 72
Barch, D. M., 503, 504, 507 Belsky, J., 209–210, 215
Bardo, M. T., 282 Belton, E., 128
Barker, R. A., 391 Benasich, A. A., 127–128
Barkley, R. A., 361 Benazzi, F., 478
Barman, S. K., 412, 422 Benhaim-Luzon, V., 412
Barnea-Goraly, N., 147 Benhassine, N., 164
Barnes, C. L., 166 Benishay, D. S., 270
Barocas, R., 492 Benjamin, J., 223–224, 230, 240, 245
Baron, M., 488 Benjamin, L., 259
Baron-Cohen, S., 401, 404 Ben-Meir, S., 495
Barr, C. S., 243, 312 Bennedsen, B., 475
Barry, J. G., 131 Benner, A., 405
Bartels, M., 68, 83, 88, 262, 365, 388 Bennet-Clark, H. C., 188, 189
Bartlett, C. W., 129–130 Bennett, A. J., 312
Bartley, A. J., 92 Bennett, K. S., 364
Bartolucci, G., 403 Benowitz, N. L., 412–413, 426
Bartzokis, G., 137 Benson, D. F., 334
Basolo, A. L., 190 Benus, R. F., 308
Basran, J., 106 Benzer, S., 199–200, 302
Bassett, A. S., 149 Beresford, T., 417
Basso, O., 333 Berg van den, S. M., 375
Bates, E. A., 127 Berg, K., 9, 107
Bates, J. E., 252–253, 263 Berg, S., 107
Bates, T. C., 64 Bergem, A. L., 106
Bateson, P., 66 Bergeman, C. S., 101, 214
Bätig, K., 282 Bergen, A. W., 424, 437
Batra, V., 415 Bergen, S. E., 439
Batten, N., 256 Berger, K. S., 101
Bättig, K., 282, 289 Berger-Sweeney, J., 165
Baudry, M., 163 Berglund, P., 434
Bauer, L., 233 Berlin, J. A., 355
Baumgaertel, A., 363–364 Berman, K. F., 92, 503
Baumgartel, K., 168 Berman, S. A., 224
Baunack, E., 94 Berman, S. M., 444
Baxter, L. L., 180 Bernieri, F., 456
Bayer, T. A., 202 Berrettini, W. H., 412–413, 415
Bayés, M., 177 Berrettini, W., 426
Beane, M., 509 Berridge, K. C., 282–283
Index 523

Bersani, G., 475 Blau, A., 338

Bertelsen, A., 477–478, 490 Bleichrodt, N., 83–84
Bertelsen, S., 443 Blendy, J. A., 165
Bertholet, J.-Y., 305 Blennow, G., 491–492
Bertilsson, L., 463 Bleuler, E., 473, 476
Bertolino, A., 501, 504 Bliss, R., 414
Berton, O., 284 Blizard, D. A., 65, 70–71, 281
Bertram, L., 197 Blondal, T., 413
Bertrand, D., 413 Blonigen, D. M., 460–461
Berument, S. K., 403 Bloodstein, O., 132
Besson, M., 204 Bloom, F. E., 444
Betancur, C., 405 Blouin, A. G., 191
Beunen, G., 346–347, 348, 352 Blows, M. W., 320
Bichler, Z., 165 Blum, K., 443
Biddle, K., 115 Blumenthal, J. A., 355
Biederman, J., 363, 370, 373, 381, 383, 459, 462 Boake, C. R. B., 325
Biegon, A., 65 Bobadilla, L., 460
Bierut, L. J., 282, 426, 445 Bobb, A. J., 374
Bihari, B., 444 Bock, R. D., 29
Bilder, R. M., 105–106 Bocklandt, S., 275
Bilen, J., 197 Boddaert, N., 145, 178
Billings, L. M., 167 Bogaert, A. F., 277
Billman, J., 253 Boguski, M. S., 198
Billy, J. O. G., 269 Bohman, M., 290, 435–438, 445, 458
Bingley, P., 84 Bohus, B., 282, 288
Biologically based candidates, substance use and substance use Boivin, M., 211
disorders, 443 Boker, S. M., 27–28, 31, 35, 363
Biometric approaches Boklage, C., 338
to familial resemblance study Bolduc, E. A., 381
substance use, 437 Bolivar, V. J., 69, 162
Biometrical models in behavioral genetics, 15–31 Bollen, K. A., 26
binary and ordinal measures, 18–19 Bolton, P. F., 397–406
breeding experiments, 21–26 Bond, J., 150
covariation, measuring, 16–19 Bondy, B., 461
genetic covariance between relatives, 22–25 Bonelli, R. M., 152
historical background, 15–19 Bonini, N. M., 197, 204
model-fitting and statistical considerations, 28–30 Boomsma, D. I., 47, 50, 52, 56, 58, 68, 83, 88, 104, 137–138, 152, 263,
maximum likelihood estimation (MLE), 29 276, 344, 346, 349, 354, 365–366, 371, 375, 385–386, 388,
variation, measuring, 16–19 412, 420–421, 436, 444, 445
See also under Relatives Borchelt, D. R., 167, 198
Bipolar mood disorders, 474 Boreham, J., 411
animal models of, 71–72 Borkenau, P., 65, 89
frequency of, 474–476 Bornstein, M. H., 209
Bird, A., 480 Borowiecki, J. J., 353
Bird, H., 370 Botstein, D., 62, 227
Birmaher, B., 379–380 Bottom-up studies, depression, 381
Birnbaum, E. A., 307, 308 Botvinick, M. M., 507
Birrell, J. M., 507 Bouchard, C., 344, 346, 352–353
Birren, J. E., 104 Bouchard, T. J. J., 64, 83, 85–87, 213–214, 460
Birth cohort, smoking behavior and, 411 Boule, N. G., 354
Bish, J. P., 147 Bourgeron, T., 69
Bishop, D. V., 127, 131, 401–402 Bourtchuladze, R., 164
Bivariate twin design, 48–50 Boutin, P., 399
direction of causation model, 57 Bowens, N. M., 204
Bjorklund, A., 163 Bowers, B. J., 62
Black, R., 474 Bowers, P. G., 115
Blacker, D., 106 Bowler, J. V., 106
Black–white IQ differences, 8 Boyd, N. R., 414
Black–White Test Score Gap, The, 8 Boyle, M. H., 364
Blackwood, D. H., 478 Braak, E., 166
Blair, R. J. R., 460, 466 Brachten, R., 285
Blair, S. N., 344 Bradley, A., 181
Blanchard, D. C., 309 Bradley, R. H., 214
Blanchard, R., 275, 277 Bradshaw, J. L., 337
Blangero, J., 58 Bradshaw, S., 269
Blasi, G., 501, 504 Brady, E. U., 380
524 Index

Braida-Fragoso, N., 402 Burge, D., 381

Brain imaging assessments, 495 Bürger, R., 191–192
Brain microdialysis studies, of personality differences in Burgess, K. B., 253
rats, 283 Burgess, S., 115
Brain, P. F., 307 Burgio, G. R., 175
Brain volume, See Human brain volume Burk, C., 464
Brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) gene, 150 Burke, P., 381
Brambilla, R., 164 Burke, S., 509
Branchi, I., 165 Burnet, B., 188
Brand, A. H., 198 Burney, E., 381
Brandon, K., 460 Burns, B. J., 379
Braungart, J. M., 254 Burns, B. M., 83
Braungart-Rieker, J., 218 Burt, C., 8, 333, 338
Braverm, T. S., 507 Burt, S. A., 366, 459
Breakefield, X. O., 464 Busch, R. M., 224
Bredow, M., 137 Bush, A. I., 168
Breeding experiments, 15, 21–26 Busjahn, A., 16
Bremner, R., 403 Buskila, D., 243
Breslau, N., 424, 434 Buss, A. H., 254
Breton, J. J., 362–363 Buss, D. M., 517
Brewer, D. J., 3 Busse, E. W., 101
Brewin, J., 474 Bussell, D. A., 213
Bridge, T., 476 Butcher, L. M., 168
Briskman, J., 406 Butlin, R. K., 190
Broadhurst, P. L., 281 Butters, N., 166
Broca, P., 332 Button, T. M. M., 231, 260, 459–460
Brocke, B., 230 Buxbaum, J. D., 402, 404–405
Brockington, I., 474 Buxbaum, S., 41
Broms, U., 411–412, 416, 417, 419, 420 Byers, D., 199
Brook, J., 379–380 Byrne, B., 114–116, 118
Brooks, S. P., 165 Byrne, M., 475
Brown, A. S., 475 Byrne, R. W., 332
Brown, G. W., 389
Brown, J. H., 177, 181–182 C
Brown, J., 364 Caccamo, A., 167
Brown, R. E., 302 Cacoyianni, Z., 318, 322
Brown, R. G. B., 148, 188 Cador, M., 282
Brown, R. M., 503 Cadoret, R. J., 458–459, 463
Brown, V. J., 507 CADPS2, candidate gene, 69
Brownstein, J. N., 343 Caggiula, A.R., 413–414
Brozoski, T. J., 503 Cailhol, S., 284
Bruder, G. E., 106 Cain, C. A., 458
Brugman, A. M., 405 Cairns, R. B., 308
Bruneval, C., 284 Cairo, S., 148
Brunke, J. J., 488 Caldarone, B. J., 509
Brunner, D., 70 Calderon, R., 381
Brunner, H. G., 464 Caldwell, B. M., 214
Bruno, J. P., 502 Calle, M. E., 411–412
Brush, F. R., 61, 281, 282 Calnan, M., 333
Bruun, K., 414 Camarata, S., 129
Bryan, E. M., 89 Campbell, M., 399
Bryden, M. P., 334 Campbell, S. B., 253
Bryson, S. E., 398, 403 Campbell, S. C. 285
Brzustowicz, L. M., 465 Campesan, S., 193
Bucholz, K. K., 383, 386 Candidate genes
Budhani, S., 460 Alzheimer’s disease and, 106
Buhle, J., 502 approach, in Drosophila species, 193–194
Buhot, M.-C., 164 psychotic disorders, 479–480
Bui, D., 167 Cannabis use, 423–424
Buka, S., 475 Cholesky model, 423–424
Bullmore, E. T., 138 common liability model, 423–424
Bulmer, M. G., 89 environmental influences, 423
Bunk, D., 495 gateway hypothesis, 423
Bunney, W. E. Jr., 71, 73 two-stage model, 423
Bunzow, J. R., 240 Cannabis-related phenotypes, twin research on, 438
Burack, C.M., 493 Cannon, M., 474–475, 480, 489, 494, 495
Index 525

Cannon, T. D., 150, 488, 489 Chandler, A., 319

Cantor, J. M., 277 Chandra, T., 94
Cantor, R. M., 404 Chaouloff, F., 284, 290
Cantor-Graae, E., 475, 492 Chapman, J. P., 489
Cantwell, D. P., 386 Chapman, L. J., 489
Capecchi, M. R., 62 Chapman, R. S., 177
Capitanio, J. P., 66 Character dimensions, 226
Capitman, J., 424 Chard, L., 495
Caporaso, N., 424 Charney, D. S., 480
Caravale, B., 83 ‘Chase-away hypothesis’ concept, Drosophila species, 190
Cardinal, R. N., 510 Chastain, R. L., 9
Cardon, L. R., 18–19, 35–36, 39, 41–43, 51, 387, 419 Chaugule, B., 333
Cardoso de Oliveira, C., 191 Chavarria, K. A., 95
Carey, G., 17, 49, 225, 234, 371, 460, 517 Cheah, C. S. L., 253
Carlborg, O., 245 Cheh, M. A., 304
Carlesimo, G. A., 178 Chelminski, I., 232
Carlezon, W. A., 164 Chen, C., 162
Carli, M., 509 Chen, H. J., 442
Carlin, J. B., 391 Chen, K., 434, 447
Carlson, C. L., 363 Chen, S., 204, 321
Carlson, G. A., 495 Chen, W. J., 370, 443
Carlson, J. N., 285 Cheng, J. F., 180
Carlson, S. R., 444, 460 Cheng, R., 415, 418, 421, 436
Carmelli, D., 89, 92, 103, 137–139, 141, 419 Cherner, M.., 256
Caron, M. G., 462 Cherniske, E. M., 145
Carr, J., 177 Cherny, S. S., 37, 41–42, 44, 47, 256, 462–463
Carter, C. S., 507–508 Chiang, A., 324
Carter-Saltzman, L., 334 Chiappe, P., 252
Cartwright, W. S., 433 Chiarelli, B., 414
Casas, C., 202 Chien, A. J., 232
Case–control studies, substance use and substance use Chilcoat, H. D., 424
disorders, 440 Childhood
Casella, G., 30 anxiety in, 379–392, See also under Anxiety
Cases, O., 310–311, 464 depression in, 379–392, See also under Depression
Caspersen, C. J., 343–344 Childhood temperament, genetics of, 251–263
Caspi, A., 31, 84, 108, 211, 231, 243–244, 251, 253, 383, 390, activity level, 251–252, 253–254
464–466, 480, 497 Colorado Adoption Project (CAP), 254
Castanon, N., 282, 284, 290 emotionality–activity–sociability–impulsivity rating scales
Castellanos, F. X., 361, 374 (EASI), 254
Castermans, D., 405 infant behavior record (IBR), 253
Castle, D. J., 494 Louisville Twin Study (LTS), 253
Castle, W. E., 22 MacArthur Longitudinal Twin Study (MALTS), 254
Castner, S. A., 503–504 twin and adoption studies, 253–254
Catechol-O-methyltransferase (COMT), 105 anger/frustration, 251–252, 254–255
Cath, D. C., 56 association studies, 258–259
Causation behavioral inhibition/fear, 251–252, 255–256
direction of, 57–58 DZ twin correlations, 256
models of, 57 MZ twin correlations, 256, 257
no causation, 57 dimensions of, identifying, 251–252
reciprocal causation, 57 significance of, 252–253
unidirectional causation, 57 effortful control, 251–253, 257–258
Cavallaro, S., 168 Adult Temperament Questionnaire (ATQ), 257
Cavelaars, A. E., 411 attentional focusing, 257
Cederlöf, R., 414 inhibitory control in early childhood, 257
Cederlund, M., 400 twin study, 257
Centi-Morgan (cM) intervals, 36 emotion regulation, 252–253
Cepeda-Benito, A., 414 endophenotypes and, 261–262
Cerhab, J. R., 334 candidate endophenotypes, identifying, 261–262
Cessation, smoking, 413 cortisol as candidate endophenotype, 262
Cestari, V., 163 environment interaction
Chabert, C., 180–182 genetic risk by, 260
Chae, S., 165 heritability by, 260
Chakrabarti, S., 400 gene–environment correlation, 261
Chall, J. S., 113 passive, 261
Chamberlain, H. D., 337 reactive, 261
Chan, H. Y., 302 active, 261
526 Index

Childhood temperament (cont.) Cochran, G., 95

gene–environment interaction, 259–260 Coffey, C., 391
serotonin transporter gene (5-HTT), 259–260 Cognitive aging, behavioral genetic investigations,
hierarchical multiple regression analyses, 256 101–108
linkage studies, 258–259 dynamic models, 107–108
negative affect, 253 genes related to, identifying, 108
positive affect, 251–252, 258 late life changes implications in heritability, 102–103
quantitative trait loci (QTL), 258 longitudinal investigations, 102–103
reactive temperaments general cognitive ability, 101–103
twin and adoption studies of, 253–258 memory, 103
regulatory temperaments processing speed, 103
twin and adoption studies of, 253–258 spatial ability, 103
Childress, A. R., 401 verbal ability, 103
Chin, S. S., 399 primary aging, 101–106
Chishti, M. A., 167 general cognitive ability, 101–103
Chitkara, B., 138 general cognitive ability, 101–102
Chivers, M. L., 277 memory, 102
Choi, W. S., 413 processing speed, 102
Cholesky decomposition, 37 spatial ability, 102
Cholesky factorization, 48–49 verbal ability, 102
Cholesky model, Cannabis use, 423 covariates of, 104–105
Chomsky, N., 67 primary, secondary, and tertiary, distinguishing, 108
Chorlian, D. B., 233 specific cognitive abilities, 103–104
Chou, S. P., 424 gene–environment interactions, 108
Choudhury, N., 127 See also Secondary aging
Chourbaji, S., 71 Cognitive deficits, 67–68
Chowdari, K. V., 72 Cognitive function
Christal, R. E., 65 animal intelligence and, 65
Christensen, H., 107 human intelligence and, 64–65
Christensen, K., 82, 84–85, 102, 346, 347–348 in trisomy, 67–68, 175–183
Christenson, G. M., 343 Cohane, G. H., 353
Christian, J. C., 419, 444 Cohen, D J., 258
Chromosomal abnormalities Cohen, J. D., 507–508
future directions for, 516 Cohen, L. M., 423, 424
and language disorders, 131 Cohen, P., 379, 380
and speech disorders, 131 Cohen, R. D., 343
Chromosomal bases of cognitive defects, 176 Colditz, G. A., 355
Chromosome-phenotype correlation, in Down’s Cole, D. A., 386
Syndrome, 181 Cole, P. M., 253
Chui, H. C., 166 Cole, T. J., 162
Cicchetti, D., 488 Colegrave, N., 191
Cigarette smoking, See Smoking behavior Collier, D. A., 72
Circadian rhythm, future directions for, 516 Collins, P. F., 224, 503
Ciresi, G., 106 Collins, R. L., 338
Citron, M., 167 Colorado Adoption Project (CAP), 254
Clairborne, J. H., 339 Comings, D. E., 462
Clark, D., 176–177, 181 Common liability model, Cannabis use, 423
Clark, F. M., 285 Common pathway (CP) model, 227–229
Clark, M. A., 343 Common psychoses, 474–476
Clark, M. M., 339–340 frequency of, 474–476
Clark, T. G., 3, 224, 241 Communication in animals, 67
Clarke, A., 405 Co-morbidity
Clarke, M. C., 475 direction of causation, 57–58
Clasen, L., 161 disorder, 56
Cleary, J. P., 202 due to artifacts of diagnostic criteria, 55
Cleave, P. L., 127 due to drawing boundaries in the wrong places,
Clementz, B. A., 488 55–56
Clifford, C., 138 due to etiological relationships, 56
Clinical impairment, DSL studies, 129 due to sampling and base rates, 55
Cloninger, C. R., 223, 226, 239, 240, 244, 245, 290, 435, 438, 445, epidemiological study designs, 56
446, 456, 458–459, 466 family study designs, 56
Clubley, E., 401 Klein and Riso model 8, 56
Coan, J. A., 233 longitudinal study designs, 56
Coats, J. K., 302 models, 55–58
Cocaine (COC) administration, 283 of smoking behaviors, 423–425, See also Cannabis use
Coccaro, E. F., 241 Composite scores, offensive aggression in mice, 301
Index 527

Compound discrimination (CD), 506 Covariation, 52

Conduct disorder (CD) measuring, 16–19
co-occurrence with ASPD, 459–460 Pearson’s formula, 19
genetic analysis of, 455–467 Covault, J., 442, 445
genotype × environment interaction, 458–459 Coventry, W. L., 31, 230
See also Antisocial personality disorder (ASPD) Cowie, V., 476
Cone, R. D., 302 Cowling, D. E., 188
Confirmatory factor analysis, 50–51 Cox, N. J., 128
Conger, K. J., 215, 216 Cox, S. M., 488
Conger, R. D., 209, 216 Coyne, J. A., 320
Connectionist model, 126 Coyne, J. C., 331, 388–389
Connell, A. M., 381–383 Crabbe, J. C., 63–64, 288
Conners, F., 117 Craddock, N., 473, 477–478, 479
Conquet, F., 163 Craig, C. L., 343
Constantino, J. N., 361, 401, 402–404 Craig, I. W., 129, 224
Conterio, F., 414 Crain-Thoreson, C., 113
Conti, L. H., 287 Crane, J. W., 293
Conway, G. S., 516 Crawford, D. M., 337
Conway, M. A., 252 Crawford, F. C., 224
Cook, E. H., 399, 405, 406, 462 Crawford, J. E., 337
Cook, M., 162 Crawley, J. N., 62–63, 69, 70, 289
Cookson, W. O., 36 Cremer, H., 164
Coolidge, F. L., 366 Crespo, C. J., 343
Cools, A. R., 285–286 Crestani, F., 164
Cooper, B., 475 Crick, F. H., 16
Cooper, P. J., 381 Crinella, F. M., 73
Cooper, V., 380 Crnic, K., 209
Copeland, W., 370 Crnic, L. S., 181
Corballis, M. C., 332, 338 Crocker, A. D., 291
Corda, M. G., 281–283, 292 Crofton, J., 414
Coren, S., 333–334 Cronk, N. J., 386
Corey, D.M., 339 Crossley, S. A., 189
Corley, R. P., 56, 70, 114, 229, 255, 366, 438 Cross-trait cross-twin correlations (CTCT), 47
Cornblatt, B. A., 492–493, 495–496 Crow, J. F., 22–23, 25
Correll, C. U., 476 Crow, T., 479
Cortes, J. S., 168 Crowe, M., 107
Cortisol Crowe, R. R., 458–459, 478
as candidate endophenotype for childhood Crowther, D. C., 199–200
temperament, 262 Crusio, W. E., 305, 406
basal cortisol, 262 Cryan, J. F., 70, 164
reactive cortisol, 262 Cudeck, R., 26
Coss, L., 333–334 Cued target detection task (CTD), 508
Costa, A. C., 175 Cuesta, M., 474
Costa, P. T. Jr., 65, 240, 412 Cuffe, S. P., 362–364
Costa, P. T., 224, 225 Cui, Z., 163
Costa, R. M., 166 Culverhouse, R., 282–283
Costello, E. J., 362–363, 379–380, 386–387, 459–460 Cummings, E., 215
Costet, P., 164 Cummings, J. L., 197
Courchesne, E., 398 Cunningham, D. J., 335
Courtship songs, in Drosophila species, 187–194, 320 Curran, K. M., 344
evolution, phylogenetic patterns in, 188–189 Curran, S., 405
selective forces affecting, 189–191 Curtiss, S., 128
‘chase-away hypothesis’, 190 Cutrona, C. E., 445
‘sensory bias’ concept, 190 Cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR), 130
coevolution of male songs and female song preferences, Cytochrome P450 (CYP19), in sexual orientation study, 275
intraspecific sexual selection, 191–192 D
pulse traits of the song, 189–190 D’Adamo, P., 68, 166
sexual selection within species, 189–190 D’Agata, V., 168
as species recognition signal, 190–191 D’Agostino, R. B., 333–334
variation, genetic analysis of, 191–194 D’Amico, D., 414
candidate gene approach, 193–194 D’Angio, M., 282, 292–293
interpulse interval (IPI), 192 D’Hooge, R., 68
QTL Mapping, 192–193 D’Onofrio, B., 90, 231–232, 424, 460
quantitative, 191–192 D2-like receptor knockout mice, 501–510
Covariance matrices, 29, 42 Dale, P. S., 113, 115, 117, 129
528 Index

Dalley, J. W., 293, 510 Dementias of Alzheimer type in rodents, 166–167

Daly, M. J., 36 Demily, C., 503
Damasio, A. R., 166 Deminiére, J.-M., 286
Dani, J. A., 424–425 Demler, O., 434
Daniels, M., 89 Dencker, S. J., 414
Danish Cohort Study (DCS), 490–494 Deng, H. W., 58
Danoff, S. K., 148 Dennis, N. R., 399, 405
Darwin, C., 4–5, 15, 61, 187, 517 Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA), 16
Data from relatives, modeling, 26–30 Depression
See also under Relatives anxiety and
Davey-Smith, G., 448 covariation between, 387
David, J. R., 319 familial relationship between, 383
Davids, E., 283 in childhood and adolescence, 379–392
Davidson, M., 495 epidemiology of, 379–380
Davidson, R. J., 233 familial transmission
Davies, P. B., 166 from mothers and fathers to offspring, 383
Davies, W., 510 person–environment correlation, 391–392
Davis, C. J., 114–116, 118 adoption studies, 388–389
Davis, D. M., 489 bottom-up studies, 381
Davis, D. W., 83 comorbidity of, 380
Davis, H. P., 164 environmental factors in very early life, 391
Davis, R. L., 198, 199 gene–environment interplay, 389–390
Davis, S. A., 403 generational transmission, 391
Davisson, M. T., 180 high levels symptoms, 386–387
Dawood, K., 269, 272–273, 276 indirect genetic mechanisms and intermediate phenotypes, 391
Dawson, D. A., 424, 447 longitudinal studies, 387–388
Dawson, J. L. M. B., 334–336 outcomes of, 379, 380
Day, M., 163 top-down studies, 381
Day, T. A., 293 top-down studies in offspring, 381–382
Day, T. H., 190 twin studies, 383–384
de Bildt, A., 406 twin studies of internalizing symptoms, 386
De Bruin, J. P., 505 smoking and, 424–425
de Frias, C. M., 105–106 DRD2 A2 allele in, 424
de Geus, E. J. C., 50, 83–84, 104, 231–232, 262, 343, 346–347, 353 Depue, R. A., 224
de Kloet, E. R., 162 Derks, E. M., 58, 365, 369–371, 372–374, 375
De Lange, M., 355 Dermitzakis, E. T., 175
de Leeuw, F. E., 152 Descent of Man, The, 4–5, 15, 310
de Leon, J., 425 Desplan, C., 204
De Luca, A., 241, 245 DeStefano, A. L., 152
De Moor, M., 354 DeSteno, D. A., 501
De Nil, L. F., 339 Deteresa, R., 166
de Quervain, D. J. F., 105 DeThorne, L. S., 114, 118, 128
de Souza, L., 398 Detterman, D. K., 6, 114, 117
De Stavola, B. L., 84 Deutsch, J. A., 162
de Vries, H., 412, 414 Deutsch, S., 175, 179
De Wall, F., 332 Devaud, L. L., 442
Deacon, R. M. J., 63, 163 Devauges, V., 65
Deary, I. J., 64, 84, 92, 105 Devenny, D. A., 176
Deater-Deckard, K., 114–116, 118, 212–213, 216, 218, 261, 386–387 DeVet, K., 253
DeCarli, C., 137–138, 152 Deviation (d), 20
Declarative memory Devine, D. P., 286
in mouse models of TRS21, 182–183 Devlin, B., 89, 380, 383
impairment, 183 Diallelic system, 20
Defense in mice, 301 Diamond, M., 271
DeFries, J. C., 15–16, 18, 43, 85, 113–115, 117, 119–120, 159, 210, Diathesis–stressor models, schizophrenia, 487
214, 224, 231, 254, 261, 275–276, 346, 363, 369, 383, 387, Dibble, E., 258
456, 517 DiChiara, G., 292–293
DeFries–Fulker analyses/regression, 17, 43–44, 255–257, 465 Dick, D. M., 218, 366, 417, 420, 422, 435, 441, 442, 443–445, 459,
in ADHD, 369 462, 465
of reading disability, 117 Die Zwillingpathologie, 16
Degen, S. B., 285–286 Dierick, H. A., 324, 325
deGeus, E. J. C., 444 Dietrich, M., 363
Dekker, M. C., 386 Diffusion tensor imaging (DTI)-fiber tracking, 153
Delabar, J. M., 179 DiFranza, J. R., 412
Delacour, J., 282 Digman, J. M., 229
Delgado, D., 73 DiLalla, D. L., 403
Index 529

DiLalla, L. F., 456, 460, 517 transmission

Dilsaver, S., 478 antisocial behavior association studies, 462–463
Dimiceli, S., 402 Dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC), 150
Dina, C., 244 Dougherty, D., 462
Dineley, K. T., 167 Dow, M. A., 317, 325
Ding, L., 413 Down, J. L. H. 176
Dingemanse, N. J., 66 Down’s Syndrome, 400
Dionaea muscipula, 15 brain abnormality in, 141–148, 150
Dirks, A., 71 brain phenotypes in, 176–179
Disability, reading, 116–117 chromosomal bases of cognitive defects, 176
measuring/classification, 116–117 chromosome-phenotype correlation, 181
DeFries–Fulker analyses, 117 cognitive functions in, 175–183
liability threshold analyses, 117 cognitive patterns in, 176–179
proband concordance rates, comparing, 116 extra copy of human origin, 180–181
Discrimination attention set-shifting tests extra copy of mouse origin, 179–181
compound discrimination (CD), 506 Human Chromosome 21 (HSA21), 178
designed for humans, 506 long-term potentiation, 183
designed for rodent, 506–507 MMU10 syntenies, 181
extradimensional shift of attention (EDS), 507 MMU17 syntenies, 181
simple discriminations (SD), 507 mouse models of
Dishman, R. K., 343 Cognitive Processes in, 182–183
Disorders of speech and language (DSL) studies, 125–127 declarative memory, 182–183
concepts, 125–126 non-declarative memory, 182–183
connectionist model, 126 mouse models vs. humans, 181–182
distributed processing (PDP), 126 attention impairment, 182
familiality of, 127–128 cognitive flexibility, 182
FOXP2 gene in, 129 long-term memory deficits, 182
heritability of, 127–128 spatial cues, 181
KE Family, 128–129 neurogenetic analysis, 175–183
lexical representations, 125 over-expression of single human genes, 181
molecular-genetic studies of, 129–131 partial trisomy, 181
morphological representations, 125 and William–Beuren Syndrome, comparative neuropsychology,
phenotypes for, defining, 125–127 177–178
pragmatic representation, 125 auditory rote memory, 178
semantic representations, 125 elastin (ELN) in, 177
syntactic representations, 125 language development, 178
terminology, 125–126 volumetric studies, 178
theories, 125–126 Downey, G., 388
typologies, 126–127 Doyle, A. E., 262
DSM-IV, 126 Doyle, T. F., 178
ICD-10, 126 Drago, J., 164
See also Molecular-genetic studies Drain, P., 199
Distributed processing (PDP), 126 Drayna, D., 130
Diwadkar, V. A., 495 Drew, K. L., 285
Dluzen, D. E., 163 Drigalenko, E., 41
Dobson, K., 382 Driscoll, P., 61, 281–293
Dobzhansky, Th., 517 Dronkers, N. F., 128, 131
Dodart, J. C., 167–168 Drosophila model of AD, 197–204
Dolan, C. V., 52, 58, 88, 276, 365 fly model to mouse models, comparison, 201–203
Doll, R., 411 neurodegenerative diseases study
Dominance deviation, 20 advantages, 198–200
Dominguez, V., 411 CREB in, 199
Donarum, E. A., 68 Gal4/UAS system overexpression, 198
Donker, D., 84 odor-aversion learning using electric-shock
Donny, E., 413–414 reinforcement, 200
Donohew, R. L., 282 See also under Amyloid-β 40 (Aβ40); Amyloid-β 42 (Aβ42)
Doolittle, D., 15–16 Drosophila species
Dopamine system aggressive behavior in, 321–322
administration, 283 boxing, 321
dopamine D1 receptor function, 501–502, See also under Working chasing, 321
memory fencing, 321
dopamine D4 receptor, 223–224, 242 genetic perspectives, 322–325
animal studies, 242–243 genetics of, 324–325
dopamine transporter 1 (DAT1) gene, 150 head-butting, 321
role in working memory, 503–504 holding, 321
substance use and substance use disorders, 443 lunging, 321
530 Index

Drosophila species (cont.) Ebstein, R. P., 223–224, 240

neurological perspectives, 322–324 Edelbrock, C. S., 368, 453
in reproductive isolation, 322 Edell, W. S., 489
tussling, 321 Edelman, G., 96
complex acoustic signals evolution in, 187–194, See also Courtship Edenberg, H. J., 441–442, 445
songs Edgin, J., 176–177
mate competition, 319–321 Edmonds, L. K., 478
courtship songs, 320–321 Edvardsen, J., 460
mate preference tests, 320 Edwards, A. C., 325, 326
mushroom bodies as site for associative learning, 323–324 Edwards, A. L., 17
genetic screening for learning-defective mutant flies, 324 Edwards, J., 127–128
in memory processing, 324 Edwards, S., 355
QTL mapping, 192–193 Effortful control, childhood temperament, 251–253, 257–258
sexual selection in, 317–326 Egan, M. F., 105, 501, 504
ecological perspectives, 318–322 Egeland, J. A., 439
evolutionary perspectives, 318–322 Eggers, C., 495
territoriality, 318–319 Egli, M., 424
social experience and learning, 322–323 Ehlers, C. L., 441
Duman, R. S., 164 Ehlert, F.J., 164
du Mazaubrun, C., 399 Ehringer, M. A., 70
Du Rocher Schudlich, T., 215 Ehrman, L., 317, 332–337, 338, 517
Dual-mechanism theory, 126 Ehrman, R., 413
Dubai, Y., 324 Eichhammer, P., 242
Dubnau, J., 324, 516 Eilertsen, D. E., 369, 387
Dubrova, Y., 193 Einat, H., 478
Duc, T. V., 412 Eiraldi, R. B., 370
Ducci, F., 433 Eisenberg, N., 244
Dudai, Y., 199 Eisenson, J., 333
Dudek, B. C., 63 Elastin (ELN), 177
Duff, K., 167 Electroencephalographic (EEG) asymmetry, 233
Duffy, D. L., 31, 57 Eley, T. C., 256, 382, 384–388, 390
Duke, N. K., 116 Elgersma, Y., 162
Dulac, C., 302 Eliez, S., 146–148, 149
Dulluc, J., 282 Elkins, I. J., 211, 434, 447
Duman, C. H., 509 Ellenbroek, B. A., 285–286
Duncan, J., 92 Ellis, L. B., 322–323
Dunger, D. B., 516 Ellmore, T. M., 92
Dunlap, J. C., 516 Elmer, G. I., 286
Dunn, E. J., 355 Elsheikh, M., 516
Dunn, G., 442 Elston, R. C., 36, 41
Dunn, H. G., 333 Emde, R. N., 244, 255
Dunn, J., 216, 252 Emery, C. F., 105
Dunne, M. P., 269 Emotionality–activity–sociability–impulsivity rating scales
Dunner, D. L., 232 (EASI), 254
Dunnett, S. B., 165 Enck, P., 290
Dupree, M. G., 275 Endicott, J., 434
Durazzo, T. C., 424 Endophenotypes, 20
Durston, S., 150 designation, criteria, 91
Dworkin, R. H., 495–496 of cognitive ability, 91
Dye, D. A., 225 future directions for, 515–516
Dysfluency (stuttering), 339 identification, 92
PET studies, 92
E role in MZ–DZ twin studies of general mental ability, 92–95
Eagles, J., 474 substance use and substance use disorders, 444
Early life SES-related factors, Alzheimer’s disease and, 107 temperament and, 261–262
Easteal, S., 462 candidate endophenotypes, identifying, 262
Eaton, W. W., 475 concept, 261–262
Eaves, L. J., 17, 31, 47–48, 57, 89, 209–211, 225–226, 227, 230–231, Engedal, K., 106
276, 353, 365–366, 371–372, 375, 380, 384–386, 389–391, Engels, R., 412
415, 417, 441, 446, 459–460 Environmental effects/influences
Ebbinghaus, H., 3 Cannabis use, 423
Ebers, G., 273 genetic risk in childhood temperament by, 260
Ebert, P. D., 307–308 on general intelligence, 88
Ebly, E. M., 106 parenting practices, 89–91
Ebner, K., 293 prenatal environments, 89
Ebrahim, S., 448 on reading skill, identifying, 119–120, See also under Reading skill
Index 531

on sexual orientation, 276–277 Expression of the Emotions in Man and Animals, The, 4, 61
of smoking, 415 Extremes of reading ability/disability, classification, 116–118
initiation, 415–418 Eysenck, H. J., 42, 223, 230, 232, 414–415, 446
twin data Eysenck, S. B. G., 42, 223
multivariate genetic analysis, 47–50 Ezerman, E. B., 285
Environmental risk factors, Autism, 399–400
Epigenetics, future directions for, 515 F
Epistasis, 25 Faber-Zuschratter, H., 287
personality and, 244–245 Fabsitz, R. R., 419
Erath, S., 414 Factor analysis, 50–52
Erckenbrecht, J. F., 290 confirmatory factor analysis, 50
Erickson, M., 372 exploratory factor analysis, 50
Eriksen, J., 201 phenotypic factor analytic techniques, 50
Eriksen, M., 411 standard factor analysis, 51
Erkanli, A., 31, 363, 379–380, 389 two factor models, 51
Erlenmeyer-Kimling, L., 83, 334, 488, 490, 492–495, 503 Fagerström, K. O., 414
Ernfors, P., 163 Fagot, B. I., 212, 258
Eron, L. D., 209 Falconer, D. S., 22–23, 25, 42–43, 108, 117, 325, 354
Escorihuela, R. M., 282, 287–289 Falkner, F., 52–53
Eslinger, P. J., 103 Familiality of DSL studies, 127–128
Esposito, G., 92 Family relationships, 209–218
Esposito, M. S., 475 family environment, 218
Esquirol, J. E. D., 176 family subsystems, associations among, 215–216
Essay Concerning Human Understanding, An, 4 marriage, 216–217
Essex, M. J., 232 parenting, 215–216
Etchepareborda, M. C., 503 siblings, 217–218
Etges, W. J., 188, 191 See also Parenting behavior; Sibling relationships
Etter, J. F., 412 Family studies
Evans, D. M., 37 anxiety, 380–381
Evans, J., 382 on exercise behavior, 346
Evenden, J. L., 509–510 psychotic disorders, 476–478
Everitt, B. J., 282, 293, 503, 509–510 sexual orientation, 270–271
Evocative GE correlation, 210 substance use and substance use disorders, 439–440
Evolutionary psychology, future directions for, 517 Fan, J., 501
Ewans, D. E., 177 Fan, X.-M., 284
Ewing, A. W., 187–189, 192, 319 Fane, B. A., 406
Ewing, L. J., 253 Faraone, S. V., 363, 370, 373–374, 381, 462, 488
Ewing, L. S., 320 Farber, S. L., 415
Exercise behavior Farkas, A. J., 413
across the life span Farmer, E. M., 379–380
genetic architecture of, 352 Farnham, J. M., 406
adult exercise behavior Fattore, L., 283
lack of common environmental influences on, Fava, J. L., 413
352–353 Fawn-hooded (FH) rats, 285
angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) gene, 355 Feany, M. B., 197
assortative mating, 354 Fear/anxiety
definition of, 343–344 in rats
European Health and Behavior Study (EHBS), 344–346 acoustic startle, 287–288
exercise ability, components of, 352 notorious EPM, 288–290
aerobic endurance, 354 Fearon, P., 488
muscular strength, 354 Feaver, J., 66
family studies on, 346 Federenko, I., 262
genes and ages, 353–354 Feer, H., 282–283
genetics of, 343–356 Fehr, C., 442
insertion/deletion (I/D) polymorphism, 355–356 Feinberg, M., 212, 216
light-to-moderate exercise, 344 Feinn, R., 443
metabolic equivalents (METs), 345 Feldon, J., 292, 475
pan-European study (PAN), 345 Felsenfeld, S., 128
prevalence of, 344–346 Feng, R., 163
regular exercisers, 344 Fennema-Notestine, C., 141–143
sedentary level, 343–344 Fenner, S., 476
twin studies on, 346–350 Ferguson, J. N., 243
physical activity, 350–351 Fergusson, D. M., 379–380, 424
vigorous exercisers, 343–344 Ferkany, J. W., 287
Exploratory factor analysis, 50 Fernandes, C., 72, 286–287
Expression of Man and Animals, The, 310 Fernandez, J. R., 41
532 Index

Fernández-Teruel, A., 281–282, 284–285, 287–288 FOXP2 gene in DSL studies, 129
Ferreira, M. A. R., 440 Fraga, M. F., 94
Ferri, C. P., 106 Fragile X syndrome, 165
Ferveur, J.-F., 319–320 Francks, C., 119
Feurer, I. D., 363 Franco, N., 379
Feyereisen, R., 325 Frangione, B., 168
Fibromyalgia, 243 Frangou, S., 148
Fidler, D. J., 398 Frank, E., 351
Field, A. E., 353 Frankish, C. R., 252
Field, J., 269 Frankland, P. W., 163
File, S. E., 285, 288 Franks, R. D., 72
Filipkowski, R. K., 163 Fransen, E., 166
Finch, C. E., 103 Fraternal birth order effect, 275
Finch, G., 331 Fratiglioni, L., 166
Finck, D., 252 Fraying, T. M., 426
Finelli, A., 199–200 Frederickson, A. M., 476
Finkel, D., 88, 101–108 Fredericson, E., 307, 308
Finkelstein, D. I., 164 Frederiksen, H., 346–348, 350
Finland, smoking behavior studies at, 421 Fredman, G., 113
Finn, D. A., 63, 288 Freedman, D. X., 406
First-generation filial (F1), 21 Freedman, R., 72, 495
Fisch, G. S., 61, 68 Freeman, B. J., 399, 404
Fish, B., 488–489, 491–492, 495 Freeman, F. N., 85, 86
Fisher, J., 370 Freyer, G., 412
Fisher, R. A., 15, 17, 20, 23, 26, 29, 38, 317, 319, 414 Friberg, L., 85, 414–415
Fisher, S. E., 43, 64, 119, 128–129, 150 Friedlander, Y., 442
Fit function, 29 Friedman, D., 373, 495
Fitch, R. J., 444 Friedman, E., 291
Five Factor Model (FFM), 65 Friedman, G. D., 414–415
Five factor theory (FFT) of personality, 225 Friedman, H. R., 502
Five-choice serial reaction time task (5-CSRTT), 509–510 Friedrich, W. N., 370
Flaherty, L., 162 Frith, U., 406
Flay, B. R., 412 Froehlich, J.C., 291
Fleminger, S., 106 Frye, D., 253
Fletcher, K., 412 Fu, Q., 424–425
Fletcher, R., 82 Fudge, H., 380–381
Flinders resistant (FRL) lines of rats, 291 Fuemm, H., 282
Flinders sensitive (FSL) lines of rats, 291 Fulker, D. W., 18, 19, 25, 29, 31, 37–39, 41–43, 47, 115, 211, 212, 214,
Flint, J., 64, 70, 138, 163, 224, 241, 244 216–218, 254, 287, 369, 386–387, 462–463, 517
Flory, J., 166 Full Information Maximum Likelihood (FIML), 30
Flynn, J. R., 8 Fullard, W., 256
Foch, T. T., 113, 456 Fuller, J. L., 3, 15–16, 19
Foley, D. L., 31, 379, 465 Fullerton, J., 70, 244
Folkers, E., 199 Fults, D.W., 399
Folstein, S. E., 399–400, 401 Fümm, H., 289
Fombonne, E., 380, 398–400 Funnell, E., 177
Fonte, C., 413 Future directions for behavior genetics, 515–517
Foorman, B. R., 119 aging, 516
Ford, T., 362, 379–380 behavior and evolution, 517
Foroud, T., 441, 445 chromosomal abnormality, 516
Forrest, W., 41 circadian rhythm, 516
Forsberg, H., 114 endophenotypes, 515–516
Fortier, M. D., 352 epigenetics, 515
Fortin, E., 161 evolutionary psychology, 517
Fortini, M. E., 198 learning and memory, 516
Fossella, J., 501 obesity, 516
Fotaki, V., 182 social behavior, 516–517
Foundas, A. L., 339
Four-variate twin model, 50–52 G
Cholesky factorization, 50 Gabrielli, W. F., 458–459
common pathway models, 52 Gaddis, L., 252
independent pathway model, 51 Gadian, D. G., 128
Fowler, T., 435 Gadow, K. D., 363, 370
Fox, M. B., 381 Gagne, J. R. 251–263
Fox, N. A., 233 Gagnon, J. H., 269
Foxcroft, D., 443 Galaburda, A., 178
Index 533

Gale, C.R., 137 genetic information to address causal hypotheses, 446

Gale, J. S., 21, 47–48 in etiology of, 446
Galejs, I., 252 passive, 446
Galsworthy, M. J., 160–161 risk factors, 447
Galton, F., 5, 16, 61–62, 81 See also Family relationships; Parenting behavior
Games, D., 167, 201 General family environment, 214
Gammie, S. C., 307 General mental ability, twin studies, 81–96
Gammon, G. D., 381 See also MZ–DZ twin studies
Gana, K., 226 Genes
Gandy, S., 198 for general mental ability, 92–95
Ganiban, J., 212 ACE, 94
Garber, J., 381 evolution and, 94
Garbett, K., 475 in MZ twins, 94
Gardner, C. O., 438–439, 488 MZ apart twins, 94
Gardner, H., 160 polymorphisms associated, 93
Garmezy, N., 488 renin–angiotensin system, 94
Garrett, A. H., 488 identification projects, 444–445
Gass, P., 71 antisocial personality disorder, 445
Gates, S., 443 related to primary aging, identifying, 105–106
Gateway hypothesis, 447–448 Genetic correlations, twin data, multivariate genetic analysis, 47–50
Cannabis use, 423 Genetic covariance between relatives, 22–25
substance use and substance use disorders Genetic effects, on reading skill, identifying, 118–120
ALDH2 deficiency, 448 See also under Reading skill
discordant twin-pair studies, 447–448 Genetic risk, in childhood temperament by environment
Gatsonis, C., 380 interaction, 260
Gatto, G. J., 290 Genetics as a Tool in the Study of Behavior, 310
Gatward, R., 379–380 Genome-wide screens of DSL phenotypes, 129–130
Gatz, M., 88, 102–103, 105, 107 Genotype, 19–20
Gatzanis, S., 389 Gentsch, C., 282, 283, 285
Gaub, M., 363 George, E. I., 30
Gautier, M., 176 Gerard, J. P., 412
Gayán, J., 43, 114, 116–118 Gérard-Desplanches, 178
Gayle, D., 282 Gerdes, M., 285
Gayle, J., 399 Gergen, K.-J., 244
Gazzaniga, M. S., 92 Gerlai, R., 163
Ge, X., 212 Gervai, J., 245
Geddes, J., 474 Gervais, M., 15–16
Geffen, G. M., 95 Geschwind, D. H., 67, 138, 404
Gehrig, C., 179 Geschwind, N., 332, 334, 336
Gelernter, J., 425, 442–443, 463 Gesturing, 332
Geller, B., 382, 476 Geyer, C. J., 52
Geman, D., 30 Ghaziuddin, M., 400
Geman, S., 30 Ghisletta, P., 103
Gender, smoking behavior and, 413–414 Gibney, M. J., 343
Gene×gene interactions, personality and, 244–245 Giedd, J. N., 137
Gene–environment (GE) correlation, 82, 209–218 Giers, D., 179–180
active, 210, 389 Giese, K. P., 162, 164
antisocial personality disorder (ASPD), 460 Gil, L., 282, 287
anxiety, 389–390 Gilbert-Barness, E., 477
conduct disorder (CD), 460–461 Gilburn, A. S., 190
depression, 389–390 Gilger, J. W., 369
evocative, 210, 389 Gill, P., 87
general family environment, 214 Gillberg, C., 398, 400
in reading skill, 119 Gillberg, I. C., 400
in smoking initiation and persistence, 420 Gillespie, N. A., 226, 230, 434
parental monitoring, 420 Gilliam, T. C., 404
religiosity, 420 Gillis, J. J., 115, 117, 369
parent–child relationship environment, 209–211 Gilman, S., 168
passive, 210, 389 Gilpin, E. A., 413
substance use disorders, 445–446 Gingras, M. A., 285–286
5-HTTLPR genotypes, 445 Ginsburg, B. E., 301, 302, 309
active, adoption studies, 446 Giora, A., 106
ALDH2 deficiency, 445–446 Giorgi, O., 281–283, 288, 289, 292
evocative, 446 Giorgini, F., 197
GABRA2, 445–446 Giraud, T., 243
gene identification, 444–446 Giros, B., 462
534 Index

Giskes, K., 411, 414 Gray, F. L., 177

Gitton, Y., 179 Gray, J. A., 233
Givens, B., 502 Gray, J. R., 92
Gjessing, 18 Gray, R., 411
Gjone, H., 368–369, 385–386, 459–460 Gray, V., 177
Glas, C. A., 375 Greaney, M. L., 343
Glasson, E. J., 398 Greeks, 3
Glayde Whitney Affair, 6 Green, A. I., 488
Gleason, J. M., 187–188, 192–193, 320 Green, K. N., 167
Glendinning, A., 414 Green, P., 41
Glenner, G. G., 197 Green, W., 399
Glick, S. D., 285 Greenberg, B. D., 167, 253
Glickstein, S. B., 501, 504–505, 507–508 Greenberg, D. A., 405
Glover, V., 383 Greenspan, R. J., 204, 325
Glowinski, A. L., 383, 386–387 Greenstein, D., 161
Gluck, L., 83 Greenwald, S., 381–382
Glueck, Z., 496 Greenwood, R., 84
Gmel, G., 434 Gregory, P., 333
Goedde, H. W., 443 Grice, S. J., 406
Goedert, M., 166 Griffiths, P. D., 399
Gogtay, N., 161 Grigorenko, E. L., 43, 118–119
Goldberg, L.R., 228 Grillet, M., 320
Goldberg, S. R., 286 Grillon, C., 287
Golding, J., 84, 383 Grimes, K. E., 489
Goldman, D., 241, 433, 437, 439, 463 Gritsenko, I., 224
Goldman, M., 253 Grobe, J. E., 413
Goldman-Rakic, P. S., 503–504 Grobin, A. C., 442
Goldsmith, H. H., 26, 31, 212, 232, 251–253, 254–258, 262, 481 Groenewegen, H. J., 505
Goldstein, S. G., 370 Groenink, L., 71
Golic, K. G., 193 Gropp, A., 179
Golimbet, V. E., 242 Grotewiel, M. S., 199
Gollan, J., 382 Grove, W. M., 488
Goodall, J., 331 Gruber, C. P., 403
Gooding, D. C., 488 Grucza, R. A., 443
Goodman, E., 424 Gruenberg, A. M., 487–488
Goodman, R., 90, 362, 365, 367 ‘g’ Scores exploration in rodents, 161
Goodman, S. H., 381–383 Gudmundsson, L. J., 413
Goodwin, R. D., 379–380, 424 Guillot, P. V., 304
Goody, A., 84 Guitart, X., 285
Goodyer, I. M., 381, 389 Guitart-Masip, M., 282, 292
Göpfert, M. C., 187 Gurrera, R. J., 246
Gordon, J.W., 62 Gustavsson, G., 413
Gortner, E., 382 Gutierrez-Fisac, J. L., 411–412
Gosling, S. D., 66 Guttler, F., 94
Gotlib, I. H., 383 Guze, S. B., 272
Gottesman, I. I., 20, 72, 91, 94, 224, 231, 233, 245, 406, 444, 456, 460,
466, 474–478, 479–483, 487, 490, 493, 515–516 H
Gough, H. G., 453 Haas, G., 488
Gould, J. L., 67 Haase, A., 343–345
Gould, M. S., 370 Haberstick, B. C., 463, 465
Gould, T. D., 20, 72, 91, 224, 233, 245, 406, 444, 474, 481–482, 488, Hackett, G., 406
490, 516 Hadden, L. L., 398
Gouras, G. K., 202 Hadzi-Pavlovic, B., 382
Grady, D. L., 242 Haffner, S., 425
Grady, W. R., 269 Hagerman, R. J., 399
Graetz, B. W., 362–363 Hagin, R., 492
Graham, J., 178 Haier, R. J., 92, 148
Graham, P., 113 Haile, C. N., 71
Grand mean (µ), 20 Haines, J., 129
Granon, S., 69, 503 Hakko, H., 424
Grant, B. F., 423, 434, 447 Halasz, J., 306
Grant, J. D., 423 Halberstadt, L. J., 232
Grant, R. J., 480 Haley, A., 90, 231
Grant, S. G., 162 Haley, C. S., 245
Granville, D., 333 Halit, H., 406
Graw, J. M., 258 Hall, C. S., 281
Index 535

Hall, J. C., 191, 193 Harries, K., 252

Hall, J. G., 338–339 Harrington, H., 31
Hall, J. K., 488 Harrington, N. G., 282
Haller, J., 306 Harrington, R., 371, 379–380, 381, 384, 459
Hallmayer, J., 401 Harris, G. J., 142
Halperin, R. F., 68 Harris, M. J., 456
Halpern, D. F., 333–334 Harris, P. R., 343
Halsey, E. J., 188 Harris, R. A., 424, 425
Halverson, C. F., 252 Harris, T. O., 389
Hamagami, F., 104 Harris, W. A., 199
Hamartin, 399 Harris-Cerruti, C., 181–182
Hamel, E., 166 Harrison, J. E., 399
Hamer, D. H., 224, 263, 269, 273–275, 464 Hart, S. A., 113
Hamilton, A. S., 411, 415–417, 419 Hartley, C., 478
Hamilton, D.W., 516 Hartman, C. A., 58
Hamilton, W. D., 244 Harvald, B., 477
Hammen, C., 381 Harvey, E., 423
Hammer, J., 406 Haseman, J. K., 36, 41
Hammill, D. D., 115 Hasher, L., 252
Hampel, H., 175, 178 Hasin, D. S., 424, 434
Han, C., 422 Hassing, L. B., 107
Handedness, 331–340 Hassold, T., 179
dysfluency (stuttering), 339 Hatsukami, D., 414
etiology, 337–338 Hatta, T., 334
learned lefthander, 339 Hatton, D. D., 399
normal lefthander, 338 Hattori, M., 175, 178
pathological lefthander, 338 Hauge, M., 477
gesturing, 332 Haukka, J. K., 474
historical perspective, 331–332 Haustein, K. O., 414, 425
lefthanders, uniqueness, question of, 333–334 Havlena, J., 87
motor control, 332 Hay, D. A., 364, 369, 459
problems of, 332–333 Hay, D. F., 386
proportions, 334–336 Hayakawa, K., 85, 102
research and issues, 336–340 Hayashida, M., 443
righthanders, 332 Hayden, J., 503
self-classification by writing hand, 337 Hayes, L. J., 73
superstitions and myths, 332–333 Hayiou-Thomas, M. E., 117
America, 333 Hazell, P. L., 362
Catholic Church, 332–333 Hazlett, H. C., 398
Eskimos, 333 H–E regression test, 41
India, 333 Head injury, 106
Middle Eastern countries, 333 Head, E., 148, 477
Morocco, 333 Head, K., 91
writing position, 339–340 Heath, A. C., 9, 31, 57–58, 89, 107, 225–226, 230, 368, 383, 386,
Handest, P., 474 415–417, 418–419, 424, 436, 445, 447
Haney, M., 282, 283 Heath, G. W., 343
Hannah, J. N., 363–364 Hebebrand, J., 374
Hannah, M. C., 414 Hebrews, 3
Hans, S. L., 488, 491–496 Hecaen, H., 334
Hansen, C., 379 Hecht, B. R., 84
Hanson, D. R., 473–483, 493 Hecht, S., 115
Happe, F., 402–404, 406 Heckman, N., 52
Happonen, M., 384 Hedeker, D., 412, 478
Harada, S., 443 Hédou, G., 292
Hardie, T.L., 416 Heed, W. B., 188
Hardy, A., 413 Heeren, D., 285
Hardy, J., 167, 198 Hegland, S. M., 252
Hardyk, C., 333 Heidbreder, C. A., 292
Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium, 23 Heilbrun, A. B., 453
Hariharan, I. K., 198 Heilman, K.M., 339
Hariri, A. R., 242, 260, 391 Heils, A., 463
Harlaar, N., 88, 115, 117 Heiman, N., 230
Harley, M., 475 Heinsbroek, R. P., 505
Harmon-Jones, E., 233 Heisenberg, M., 324
Harms, H., 463 Helakorpi, S., 411–414
Harold, G. T., 381, 386, 389, 390 Heller, R. F., 346, 347, 349
536 Index

Hellhammer, D. H., 262 Arthur Jensen, 8

Helmerhorst, F. M., 84 from ancient times to the Renaissance, 3–4
Helzer, J., 474–475 Black–White Test Score Gap, The, 8
Hen, R., 70, 164 Glayde Whitney affair, 9
Henderson, N. R., 190 Greeks, 3
Henderson, S., 89 Hebrews, 3
Hendley, E. D., 283 institutional history, 6–10
Hendricks, J. C., 204 IQ gap, 8
Hendry, L., 414 Lawrence Summers, 9–10
Hennig, J., 464 major behavior genetics centers, 7
Henriksson, K. M., 489, 494–495 middle ages, 4
Henry, B., 253 modern era
Heo, M., 41 nature–nurture controversy in, 4–5
Hereditary Genius, 62 New Know-Nothings, The, 8
Heritability public controversies–group differences, 7–8
of ADHD in adults, 374 Race Differences in Intelligence, 8
of brain volume, 137 Race, IQ and Jensen, 8
of DSL studies, 127–128 Renaissance, 4
estimates, consistency of, 230–232 Romans, 3
gene–environment interaction issues, 230 sex differences, 9–10
methodological issues, 230 short history of, 5
Herman, B. H., 15–16 social class and IQ, 8–9
Herndon, R. W., 214 twentieth century, 5
Heron, J., 383 Ho, A. K., 141
Herrnstein, R. J., 8, 456 Ho, M. K., 425–426
Hersen, M., 379–380 Hoberman, H. M., 380
Hershberger, S. L., 86 Hock, C., 168
Herskind, A.-M., 84 Hodapp, R. M., 177
Hertz-Picciotto, I., 406 Hodgson, S., 128
Hervas, A., 367 Hoek, H. W., 475
Herzog, A., 96 Hoekstra, R. A., 68
Hesketh, L. J., 177 Hof, P. R., 166, 501
Hesselbrock, V., 233, 442 Hofer, S. M., 105
Hesselink, J., 141, 148 Hoffman, L., 127
Heston, L. L., 271, 488, 493 Hoffmann, A. A., 317–321, 322–325
Heterozygous alleles, 19–20 Hofgen, B., 478
Hetherington, E. M., 66, 210–212, 215–218, 234, 276, 386, 389, 460 Hofstede, G., 336
Hetherington, M., 387 Hogan, D. B., 106
Heun, R., 488 Hogg-Johnson, S., 503
Hewitt, J. K., 37, 41–42, 56, 70, 114, 229, 366, 372, 417–418, Hogh, P., 105
438, 463 Hoikkala, A., 187, 188–193, 319
Heymann-Mönnikes, I., 289 Holder, M. K., 336
Hicks, B. M., 434, 444, 461 Hollocher, H., 191
Hicks, M. S., 106 Holly, A., 89
Hierarchical multiple regression analyses, of childhood Holm, N. V., 82
temperament, 256 Holmes, A., 70–71, 312
Higgins, G. A., 167 Holsboer, F., 162
Higgins, J. N. P., 399 Hölscher, C., 164
High responder (HR) rats, 286–287 Holst, C., 415
personality differences in, 285 Holy, T. E., 67
High risk for schizophrenia (HRS), 489 Holzinger, K. J., 85–86
Higley, J. D., 243 Holzman, P. S., 488, 45, 503
Higuchi, S., 443, 446 Home Observation for Measurement of the Environment (HOME), 214
Hill, D. J., 421 Hommer, D., 495
Hill, J., 380, 381 Homo erectus, 331
Hill, S. Y., 441, 443 Homo sapiens, 331
Hillman, R. E., 398 Homogamy, 21
Hinds, P. A., 285 Homosexuality, studies, genetic influences on, 269–277
Hingson, R., 434 See also Sexual orientation
Hinrichs, A. L., 282–283, 442–443 Homozygous alleles, 19–20
Hinton, K., 191 Honer, W. G., 72
Hipwell, A. E., 382 Hong, Y., 72
Hiripi, E., 434 Hood, K. E., 308
Hirshfeld, D. R., 381 Hoogenraad, C. C., 148
Hirt, M., 488 Hopfer, C. J., 436
History of behavior genetics, 3–10 Hopper, J. L., 41, 414, 421
Index 537

Hops, H., 379 Hurst, J. A., 128

Hormone receptors, in rodents cognition, 162–163 Hutchings, B., 458
Horn, J. M., 87, 101, 333, 460 Hutton, M., 201–202
Horne, M. K., 164 Huttunen, S., 191–193
Horvath, C., 276 Huurre, T., 414
Horvath, S., 275 Huynh, L. X., 406
Horwood, L. J., 379, 424 Hwang, B. H., 292
Hotelling, H., 50 Hyde, J. S., 307, 456
Houle, D., 190 Hyman, B. T., 166, 202
Hovell, M. F., 353 Hymowitz, N., 412
Howard, R., 476 Hyperactivity
Howe, G. W., 212 genetics of, 361–375
Howes, S. R., 293 heritabilities for, 367
Howie, P., 89
Howlin, P., 398 I
Hoy, R., 187, 189 I.Q. in the Meritocracy, 8
Hrubec, Z., 414–415 Iacono, W. G., 89, 211, 214, 365–366, 385, 422, 434, 447, 460, 461,
Hsiao, K. K., 167, 202 488, 497
Hsu, E., 166 Identity by descent (IBD) marker allele, substance use and
5-HTTLPR promoter allele, in personality molecular genetics, 242 abuse, 440
Hu, F. B., 343, 412 Idury, R. M., 41
Hu, N., 273 Iijima, K., 200
Hu, S., 273–274, 464 Inbred strains, 21–22
Huang, Y., 96, 464–465 Independent pathway (IP) model, 227–228
Huber, D., 288 Infancy, prospective longitudinal studies, schizophrenia, 489–490, 492
Huber, R., 204 Ingraham, L. J., 487, 495
Hudziak, J. J., 58, 70, 361, 365, 3, 366, 368, 374, 386, 404 Inheritance and personality, 227–229
Huerta, P. T., 163 Inherited traits, statistical model of, 62
Huesmann, L. R., 209 Inhibitory control in early childhood assessment, 257
Huey, L. Y., 291 Inlow, J. K., 94, 165
Huganir, R. L., 164 Inoue-Murayama, M., 243
Hughes, C., 252–253, 406 Inquiries into Human Faculty, 5
Huizinga, D., 465 Insel, T. R., 243
Huizink, A. C., 423 Insertion/deletion (I/D) polymorphism exercise behavior and, 355
Hulley, S. B., 414–415 Institutional history of behavior genetics, 6–10
Hulshoff Pol, H. E., 137–140, 151, 475, 480 Intellectual differences between twins and singletons, 83–85
Human behavior models, 61–74 birth weight-IQ correlations, 83
Galton and his statistical model of inherited traits, 62 overall IQ, 83
See also under Animals verbal IQ, 83
Human brain volume, 137–153 Intelligence
autosomal genetic abnormalities and, 141–149 brain volume and, 137
Down syndrome, 143–146, 148 cognitive function and, 64–65
Huntington’s disease (HD), 141–147 IQ gap, 8
Velocardiofacial syndrome (VCFS), 146, 149 black–white IQ differences, 8
Williams syndrome (WS), 148–149 IQ, Herrnstein on, 8–9
brain morphology, 138–149 Irons, D. E., 448
current research, 138–150 Isaacs, C., 401
methods, 138 Ishikawa, B., 443
heritability of, 137 Isohanni, M., 424
intelligence and, 137 Isoherranen, E., 189–190
study limitations, 151–152 Israeli High-Risk Study (IHRS), 490–494
twin studies, 138–141 Istvan, J., 434
See also Huntington’s disease (HD) Item Response Theory (IRT), 375
Human Chromosome 21 (HSA21), 178 Ito, H., 243
mouse models of, 179–180 Iwatsubo, T., 200
properties of, 178–179
Humby, T., 510 J
Hummel, T., 204 Jaber, M., 462
Humphrey, A., 405 Jablonka, E., 480
Humphries, S. E., 355 Jabs, B., 474
Hungerford, L. R., 343 Jackson, G. R., 197, 199–200
Hunt, M., 8 Jackson, J. F., 179
Huntington’s disease (HD), brain abnormality in, 141–147 Jacob, M. E., 317, 318, 320, 326
Hur, Y.-M., 16 Jacob, P., 426
Hurley, T. D., 442 Jacobi, F., 434
Hurley, M. M., 339 Jacobs, K. B., 41
538 Index

Jacobs, N., 89 Joyce, P. R., 478

Jacobsen, B., 487 Joyner, C., 374
Jacobsen, H., 167 Joynson, R. B., 82
Jacobson, K. C., 446, 459, 461 Judd, C. M., 458, 466
Jaenisch, R., 480 Judd, L. L., 291
Jaffee, S. R., 391, 459 Juel-Nielsen, N., 85
Jain, S., 476 Juffer, F., 87
Jallon, J.-M., 320, 322 Jummonville, J. E., 301
Jamain, S., 69, 405, 406 Jung, R. E., 91
Jamon, M., 180–181 Juntunen, J., 85
Jamot, L., 305
Jan, Y. N., 199 K
Jancke, L., 96 Kabbaj, M., 286
Jane-Llopis, E., 423–424 Kahlem, P., 179
Jang, K. L., 65, 72, 223, 225, 226–234, 517 Kahn, R. S., 137
Janowsky, D. S., 291 Kaij, L., 414, 489, 496
Janus, C., 167–168 Kallmann, F. J., 271
Jardine, R., 445 Kalsi, G., 442
Jarvelin, M. R., 424 Kamhi, A. G., 113, 116
Jarvik, L. F., 83 Kamin, L. J., 275
Jarvis, M. J., 413, 414 Kampov-Polevoy, A., 291
Jatzke, S., 230 Kandel, D. B., 434, 447
Jefferis, G. S., 204 Kandel, E. R., 105, 162, 164, 181
Jeffery, R. W., 343 Kane, P., 381–382
Jellinger, K. A., 108 Kaneshiro, K., 187, 189
Jencks, C., 8 Kaplan, B. B., 443
Jennings, S., 399 Kaplan, G. A., 343
Jensen, A. R., 8 Kaprio, J., 85, 232, 346, 365, 366, 384, 411, 412–414, 423, 435,
Jernigan, T. L., 142 445, 459
Jerusalem Infant Development Study (JIDS), 490–494 Karayiorgou, M., 72
Jeste, D. V., 476 Kardia, S., 481
Jiang, Y. H., 405 Karmiloff-Smith, A., 177
Jin, P., 165 Karov, M., 492–493
Jin, R., 434 Karustis, J. L., 370
Jinks, J. L., 19, 20, 22, 25, 35 Karvonen, S., 420
Job, D. E., 495 Kas, M. J., 72
Jocklin, V., 213 Käsermann, H. P., 284
Joels, M., 162 Kassel, J. D., 424
Johansson, B., 103–104, 107 Kassubek, J., 141, 143
John, U., 424 Kates, W. R., 146–149
Johnson, A. M., 269 Kato, K., 85
Johnson, C. C., 412, 414 Katsanis, J., 444, 488
Johnson, E. O., 434 Katzmarzyk, P. T., 352
Johnson, J., 380 Kaufman, A. S., 9
Johnson, N., 478 Kaufmann, E., 129
Johnson, W., 86, 213–214, 228, 232, 434 Kawahara, S., 163
Johnston, L. D., 434 Kay, S. A., 516
Johnstone, E. C., 443, 495 Kazdin, A. E., 379, 380
Jones, A. E., 290 Kearney, J., 343
Jones, D. W., 92, 96, 138 Keating, M., 483
Jones, F., 343 Keck, M. E., 289
Jones, K. A., 444 Keefe, R. S., 488
Jones, L., 165 Keeler, G., 363, 379
Jones, M. B., 399, 400, 406 Kehoe, P., 106
Jones, P., 474–475, 480, 489 Keirse, M. J. N., 84
Jones, S. E., 308 Keith, L. G., 81–82
Jones, S. R., 462 Kelkar, A., 199–200
Jones, W., 145, 148 Keller, M. B., 381
Jonsson, E., 414–415 Keller, M. C., 31, 230
Joodmardi, E., 72 Kema, I. P., 405, 406
Jope, R. S., 166 Kemper, H. C. G., 352
Jorde, L. B., 399 Kemphorne, O., 64
Jöreskog, K. G., 29, 47 Kendall, P. C., 380
Jorm, A. F., 462 Kendler, K. S., 20, 31, 55–57, 70, 89, 211, 230–232, 260, 271–272,
Joseph, M. H., 509 276, 353, 355, 382, 390, 415, 418–419, 421–422, 424,
Joseph, R. M., 132 434–439, 441, 446–448, 460, 461, 487–488, 491, 494
Index 539

Kennedy, J. K. J., 168 Koivusilta, L., 414

Kent, L., 466 Kolb, B., 505
Kenyon, T. K., 201 Kolbus, U., 179–180
Kerdelhué, B., 176 Kolevzon, A., 402
Kerns, J. G., 508 Koller, G., 461
Kersebaum, S., 338 Kolvin, I., 389
Kervinen, K., 85 Konsman, J. P., 288
Kesaniemi, Y. A., 85 Konsolaki, M., 200
Keshavan, M. S., 495 Kontush, A., 106
Kesslak, J. P., 144, 148 Koolhaas, J. M., 282, 288
Kessler, R. C., 57, 89, 230, 379, 423, 424, 434, 474, 478 Koopmans, J. R., 231, 344, 346, 347–349, 421, 436, 445
Kessler, S., 302, 322–323 Kopp, C. B., 252–253
Kestilä, L., 412, 414 Korenberg, J. R., 178–179
Keteyian, S. J., 343 Korhonen, T., 423–425
Kety, S. S., 487–488 Kornberg, J., 477
Kew, J. N.-C., 163 Kornberg, T. B., 199–200
Kidd, K. K., 20, 443 Koshibu, K., 168
Kido, A., 324 Koskenvuo, M., 85, 232, 412, 414–415
Kiers, H., 223 Kosslyn, S. M., 162
Kigar, D. L., 96, 141 Kosten, T. A., 71
Kilifarski, M., 404 Kosten, T. R., 71
Kim, Y.-K., 317–326 Kotilinek, L. A., 168
Kim, D., 165 Kotler, M., 230
Kim, H., 94 Kovacs, M., 380, 383
Kim, S. J., 405 Kovas, Y., 64, 73
Kim-Cohen, J., 311, 383, 465 Koza, R. A., 354
Kimura, M., 22, 25 Kraepelin, E., 473, 476, 488
Kindlon, D. J., 502–503 Kraft, M. K., 343
King, A. C., 252, 343, 353 Kranzler, H. R., 442, 443, 463
King, M. C., 271, 414–415 Krasuski, J. S., 144
Kinsbourne, M., 333 Krauter, K. S., 229, 366
Kippenhan, J. S., 148 Kravitz, E. A., 204, 317–318
Kipps, C. M., 141, 143 Krege, J. H., 94
Kirby, B. S., 92 Kremers, S., 412
Kirino, Y., 163 Krieger, M. J., 243
Kirk, K. M., 269, 271 Kringlen, E., 106, 460
Kirkpatrick, M., 52, 317 Krinsky-McHale, S. J., 176, 181, 182
Kirkwood, T. B. L., 103 Kroll, R. M., 339
Kirschbaum, C., 262, 263 Kromer, L. F., 285
Kishimoto, Y., 163 Krueger, R. F., 56, 213–214, 228, 232, 366, 434, 438, 439, 459,
Kissin, B., 444 460, 461
Kitamoto, T., 204 Kruger, A. C., 84
Kitazawa, M., 167 Kruglyak, L., 36, 44, 441
Klaper, R., 194 Kruk, M. R., 306–307, 310
Klappert, K., 190 Krynicki, V. E., 334
Klatsky, A. L., 414–415 Kugelmass, S., 492, 495
Klauck, S. M., 405 Kuhlemeier, K. V., 333–334
Klein, D. F., 488 Kuhlman, D. M., 223
Klein, D. N., 55–56, 381, 383 Kuhn, J. W., 390
Klepinger, D. H., 269 Kuhn, S., 463
Klerman, G. L., 380 Kujala, U. M., 346, 423
Kley, I. B., 488–489 Kulikov, A. V., 304
Kline, J. P., 233 Kumakiri, C., 226
Kluczynski, J., 285 Kumar, R. C., 382
Kluger, A. N., 224, 241 Kummer, H., 331
Klump, K. L., 89 Kuntsi, J., 254, 365, 366, 367
Klungsoyr, O., 424 Kunugi, H., 463
Knafo, A., 258 Kuo, P.-H., 438, 442
Knapp, M., 487 Kupper, N., 50, 355
Knickmeyer, R., 406 Kuratomi, G., 480
Knöchel, W., 129 Kuravsky, L. S., 95
Knollema, S., 288 Kurotaki, N., 151
Knopik, V. S., 114–115, 436 Kurtz, D. L., 291
Kobayashi, Y., 85 Kuse, A. R., 114
Kochanska, G., 252–253 Kutcher, S., 381
Koepfer, H. R., 322–323 Kuwata, T., 84
540 Index

Kyin, M., 163 Ledent, C., 312

Kyriacou, C. P., 191, 193, 320 LeDoux, J. E., 63
Lee, A. Y., 204
L Lee, G., 324–325
LaBuda, M. C., 18, 43, 82 Lee, J., 165
Lachman, H. M., 105–106 Lee, K., 225
Lacy, R. C., 322 Lee, V. M., 166, 201, 204
LaFerla, F. M., 167 Leekam, S. R., 253
Lafollette, H., 73 Lefkowitz, M. M., 209
Lahelma, E., 414 Lefthanders, uniqueness, question of, 333–334
Lahey, M., 127–128 Legrand, L. N., 385, 434, 447
Lai, C. S. L., 128–129, 150 Lehmann, E. L., 20
Laird, F. M., 510 Leil, T. A., 168
Lajonchere, C., 401, 402 Leitner, T., 3
Lakatos, K., 245 Lejeune, J., 176
Lake, C., 473 Lemaire, V., 284
Lakka, T. A., 354 Lemery, K. S., 232
Lamb, B. T., 167 Lemery-Chalfant, K., 26, 257
Lamb, M., 480 LeMoal, M., 282, 286
Lambert, D. M., 190 Lemon, W. J., 168
Landa, R., 401 Lengua, L. J., 252–253, 370
Lander, E. S., 36, 41, 62, 227, 441 Lenroot, R., 161
Lander–Green algorithm, 41 Lenzenweger, M. F., 488, 495
Landgraf, R., 70, 289 Leon, A. S., 355
Landreth, G. E., 164 Leon, D. A., 84
Landt, O., 464 Leonard, S., 246, 413
Lang, D., 72 Leone, F. T., 415
Langinvainio, H., 415 Leonhard, K., 474
Language, 331–332 Lerch, J., 161
in animals, 67 Lerman, C., 412, 424–425
disorders/impairment, 125–132, See also Disorders of speech and Lerner, U. H., 355
language (DSL) studies LeRoy, I., 304
in humans, 67–68 Lesch, K. P., 224, 230, 391, 405
in nonhuman animals, 67 Lesne, S., 202
Lappalainen, J., 442 Lessard, J. C., 460
Large-scale genotyping, 16 Lessem, J. M., 44
Larson, E. B., 107 Lessov, C. N., 413, 419, 421
Larsson, H., 365, 460–461 Lessov-Schlaggar, C. N., 419–420, 426
Larsson, J., 365 Leszl, J., 179
LaRue, A., 103 Letsch, E. A., 224
Lashley jumping stand, 65 Letwin, N. E., 168
Lasser, K., 424 Leu, D. J., 343
Last, C. G., 379–380, 383 Levan, A., 176
Latent inhibition (LI) model, 509 Leve, L. D., 212, 258
Latz, A., 489 Levenson, J. M., 165
Lau, J. Y. F., 388 Leventhal, B. L., 406
Lauderdale, D. S., 346, 347–349 Levine, P. M., 476
Laumann, E. O., 269 Levinson, D. F., 488
Lavigne, J. V., 362 Levis, B., 130
Law of independent assortment, 22 Levitin, D. J., 148
Law of Segregation, 21 Levy, D. L., 495
Law, J. W. S., 166 Levy, F., 364, 369, 457, 459
Lawley, D. N., 29, 50 Levy, J., 337, 339
Lawrie, S. M., 495 Lewine, R. J., 489
Laws, G., 128, 181–182 Lewinsohn, P. M., 379–381, 386
Lazarus, N. B., 343 Lewis, B. A., 68
Le Conteur, A., 399 Lewontin, R. C., 275–276
Le Houezec, J., 413 Lexical models of personality, 225
Le, P. T., 198 Lexical representations, 125
Leahy, R. M., 168 Leypold, B. G., 302, 309
Learned lefthander, 339 Li, F., 167
Learning and memory, future directions for, 516 Li, J., 475
Learning disability, animal models of, 68–69 Li, M. D., 415, 416–418, 421, 424, 425
Leblanc, C., 344, 346 Li, T.-K., 15–16, 290–292, 442
Leboyer, M., 47, 406 Li, Y., 283
Leckman, J. F., 381 Liability threshold analyses, of reading disability, 117
Index 541

Liability threshold model, 18 Loos, R. J. F., 355

Liang, H., 382 López-Aumatell, R., 287
Lichtenberg, P., 245 Lopez-Rangel, E., 338
Lichtenberger, L., 178 Loranger, A. W., 476
Lichtenstein, P., 212, 214, 365, 460–461 Lord, C., 403
Lichtermann, D., 488 Lorentzon, M., 355
Lichtsteiner, M., 282, 283, 285 Lorentzon, R., 355
Lidberg, L., 463 Lotspeich, L. J., 402
Lidsky, A. S., 94 Lott, I. T., 148, 477
Lieberman, D. E., 475 Lotter, V., 398
Life span twin studies, 87–88 Lou, X. Y., 425
Lifshitz, M., 492–493 Louisville Twin Study (LTS), 253
Light-to-moderate exercise, 344 Loukola, A., 425
measures of, 344 Lovestone, S., 106
Liimatainen, J. O., 188–192 Low responder (LR) rats, 286–287
Likelihood ratio test, 30 personality differences in, 286
Lindenberger, U., 103 Low, N. C., 478
Lindl, K. A., 163 Lowe, N., 242
Lindzey, G., 7–8 Lowers, L., 444
Linear growth curve model, 53–54 Lu, S.-F., 306
Link, C. D., 197, 201 Lu, T., 105
Linkage analysis/studies Lu, Y.-M., 163, 164
of antisocial behavior, 465 Lubow, R. E., 509
DeFries–Fulker linkage analysis, 465 Luciano, M., 83, 95
genome-wide linkage, 465 Ludwig, A. M., 488
of childhood temperament, 258–259 Lukong, J., 130
linkage mapping of QTLs, 35–357 Lumeng, L., 15–16, 290, 292
multivariate QTL linkage mapping, 37 Lumme, J., 188, 189, 191–192
psychotic disorders, 479–480 Lundeberg, J., 3
of sexual orientation, 272, 273–275 Lundman, T., 414–415
smoking behavior, 425–426 Luo, D., 117–118
substance use and substance use disorders, 439–440 Luo, J., 3
Linke, D. B., 338 Luo, L., 200
Linke, R., 287, 289 Luo, X. G., 442
Linnarsson, S., 163 Luria, A. R., 332
Lintonen, T., 412 Lykken, D. T., 85, 213, 456
Liposits, Z., 306 Lyle, R., 175, 179
Lipp, H. P., 63, 68, 165, 166, 281 Lynch, G. S., 163
Liu, H. P., 72, 175 Lynch, K. G., 417
Liu, J., 58, 404 Lynch, M., 19, 21–22, 371, 375
Liu, X., 58 Lynskey, M. T., 383, 415, 423, 424, 438, 447
Liu, Y., 58 Lyon, E. R., 425
Livesley, W. J., 65, 72, 223, 225, 229 Lyons, M. J., 437
Livingstone, M. S., 189, 199
Loat, C. S., 244 M
Lobaugh, N., 182 M’Harzi, M., 282
Locke, J., 4, 444 Ma, J. Z., 415, 425, 436
Lockyer, L., 399 MacArthur Longitudinal Twin Study (MALTS), 254–257
Locurto, C., 161 Maccario, R., 175
Locus, 19 Maccoby, E. E., 209
heritability, 20 Maccoun, R. J., 423
heterogeneity, personality and, 244–245 Macdonald, H., 399–404
Loehlin, J. C., 8, 17, 87, 89, 210, 225, 230, 244, 251, 261, 263, Machin, G. A., 81–82
384, 460 MacIver, C. R., 287
Logan, G., 253 Mack, W. J., 166
Logue, S. F., 63 Mackay, J., 411
Loney, B. R., 460 Mackay, T. F. C., 42–43, 192, 320–321, 354
Loney, J., 370 Macke, J. P., 275
Long, J. C., 31, 441–442 MacLean, C. J., 424, 441
Longitudinal analysis of twin data, 52–54 MacLean, J. E., 401
latent growth curve model, 54 Macphail, E. M., 65, 73
linear growth curve model, 53–54 Madden, P. A., 383, 386, 414–416, 424
Markov model, 52 Maes, H. H., 25, 28, 35, 51, 363, 418, 421–422, 423, 436, 438, 446, 459
random growth curve models, 52–53 Magnus, P., 9, 85
Longitudinal twin studies, 87–88 Magnuson, V. L., 273
Lönnqvist, J. K., 474, 489 Magoon, M. W., 84
542 Index

Maher, B. A., 488 Mathews, A., 355

Maia, J. A. R., 346–347, 348, 351 Mathews, J. D., 414–415
Maier, W., 478, 488 Mathiesen, K. S., 66
Makino, J., 307–308 Mathis, C., 167
Malenka, R. C., 163–164 Matson-Koffman, D. M., 343
Maley, A., 401 Matsuda, M., 191
Malhotra, A. K., 106 Matsui, M., 164
Malina, R. M., 343, 352 Matsumoto, K., 198
Malinow, R., 163 Matsushita, S., 443
Malmquist-Larsson, A., 496 Mattay, V. S., 503
Malone, S. M., 444 Matthews, D. B., 442
Malykh, S. B., 95 Matthysse, S., 495
Manabe, T., 164 Mattson, M. P., 166
Mandiyan, V. S., 302 Matytsina, I., 423–424
Mangalore, R., 487 Matzel, L. D., 161, 162
Manickam, P., 168 Mauthner, N., 253
Manji, H. K., 478, 480 Mawhood, L., 398
Mann, C. C., 15–16 Maximum likelihood estimation (MLE), 29
Manning, A., 319–320 Maxson, S. C., 301, 302, 309, 517
Mannle, S., 84 Maxwell, A. E., 26, 50
Manowitz, J. W., 337 Maxwell, C. J., 106
Manschreck, T. C., 488 Maybery, M., 401
Mansuy, I. M., 168 Mayeux, R., 103, 105
Manuck, S. B., 464 Mayr, E., 517
Mapping, 16 Mazzanti, C., 463
Marchant, L. F., 331 Mazzi, D., 190
Marcus, J., 487–488, 491–493, 495, 496 Mazzocco, M. M. M., 73
Marin, D. B., 106 Mazzucchelli, C., 164
Markkanen, T., 414–415 McAlonan, G. M., 406
Markon, K. E., 56, 438 McAlonan, K., 507
Markow, T. A., 188, 318, 319, 322 McArdle, J. J., 18, 27, 31, 52, 53, 104
Markowitsch, H. J., 505–506 McBride, W. J., 292
Marks, M., 382 McBurney, A., 333
Marlow, A. J., 43, 58 McCaffery, J. M., 424–425
Marmot, M., 489 McCall, T., 399
Marquis, J., 127 McCarthy, M. I., 426
Marriage, 216–217 McCartney, K., 210, 261, 389, 446, 456
genetic and environmental influences on, 216–217 McCauley, E., 381
child outcome, 217 McCauley, J. L., 405
marital conflict, 217 McClay, J., 231
marital relationships, 213–214 McClearn, G. E., 85, 88, 102, 105, 113, 159, 214, 275–276, 346–347,
Marriott, M., 253 363, 383, 456, 517
Marrocco, R. T., 509 McClellan, J. M., 495
Marsh, J. L., 197, 200, 203 McClelland, G. H., 458, 466
Marshall, C. R., 127 McClelland, J. L., 126
Martens, G. J. M.., 286 McColl, C. D., 164
Martin, J. R., 204, 271, 294, 401 McCracken, J. T., 242, 373
Martin, N. G., 31, 47–48, 57, 83, 95, 107, 108, 152, 225–226, 230, McCrae, R. R., 65, 224, 225, 229–230, 240
231, 260, 269, 365, 367, 372, 384, 418, 445, 459 McCutcheon, A. L., 373
Martin, R. P., 252 McDaniel, W. F., 65
Martinez, J. A., 343 McDermut, W., 232
Martinez, P., 381 McDevitt, S. C., 253
Martinez-Gonzalez, M. A., 343–345 McDonald, E., 271
Martinussen, R., 503 McDonald, R. J., 163
Marton, P., 381 McDougall, P. T., 66
Martyn, C. N., 137 McGaugh, J. L., 167
Marx, J. F., 343 McGaughy, J., 509
Masliah, E., 166 McGinnis, J. M., 343
Mason-Brothers, A., 399 McGough, J., 373
Masugi, M., 164 McGowan, E., 201–203
Matarazzo, J. D., 434 McGrath, J. J., 475
Mate competition, among Drosophila species, 319–321 McGrew, W. C., 331
Mathé, A. A., 291 McGue, M. K., 64, 82, 88, 89, 102, 105, 211–214, 365–366, 385, 422,
Matheny, A. P., 252, 253, 256 435, 438, 444, 446–447, 459, 460
Mather, K., 19, 20, 22–23, 25 McGuffin, P., 85, 159, 224, 231, 260, 346, 362, 365, 367, 371, 383,
Matheson, K., 71 384, 385, 386, 387, 389, 404, 456, 459, 517
Index 543

McGuire, M., 487–488 Michelsen, N., 493

McGuire, S. A., 87 Mick, E., 373
McGuire, S. E., 66, 198, 210, 215, 216, 387, 389, 460 Microcephalin gene (MCPH1), 150
McHugh, T. J., 163 Microsatellite markers, 16
McKenzie, C. A., 39–40 Miczek, K. A., 304, 306, 309, 310
McKeown, R. E., 363 Middeldorp, C. M., 56
McKinney, W. T. Jr., 71, 73 Middle ages, behavior genetics during, 4
McLean, J. T., 9 Miles, D. R., 460
McLellan, A. T., 283, 413 Miles, J. H., 398
McLoughlin, V., 113–114 Mill, J. S., 4–5, 462
McMahon, F. J., 478 Miller, B. L., 138
McManus, C., 334 Miller, G. F., 95
McManus, M. T., 168 Mills, D., 178
McNeil, T. F., 488–489, 491–492, 494–496 Milne, B. J., 31
McStephen, M., 364, 369 Milner, B., 181
Meaburn, E., 129 Milner, K. M., 399, 405
Meaney, M. J., 282, 383, 391, 480 Mineur, Y. S., 406
Measurement invariance (MI) with respect to sex in ADHD, Minges, J. R., 488
370–371 Minichiello, L., 162–163
genetic dominance or rater bias/sibling interaction, Minton, J., 399
371–372 Miranda-Linne, F. M., 403
twin studies, 371 Mirnics, K., 475
Mederer, A., 162 Mirsky, A. F., 489, 495, 496
Medland, S. E., 37, 336, 440 Miscimarra, L. E., 131–132
Mednick, B., 492 Mishina, M., 163
Mednick, S. A., 458–459, 491, 492, 493 Mitchell, D. G. V., 381, 460
Meehl, P. E., 479, 487–488 Mitchell, J., 381
Meeker, J., 413 Miyakawa, T., 72, 509
Meelis, W., 306 Miyamoto, Y., 163
Meerlo, P., 282 Miyan, J. A., 188
Meguerditchian, A., 332 Mo, A., 399
Mehta, P. D., 168 Model-fitting, biometrics, and statistical considerations,
Melin, L., 403 28–31
Mellenbergh, G. J., 371 Moechars, D., 167, 304
Meltzer, H., 362, 379 Moehring, A. J., 321
Mendelian gene, 20 Moffit, T. B., 84
Mendell, N. R., 495 Moffitt, T. E., 31, 211, 243, 253, 383, 390, 460, 461, 466
Mendl, M, 66 Mohajeri, H. M., 166
Meng, H., 119 Moilanen, I., 417
Mental disorders, working memory and attention deficits in, 502–503 Moisan, M.-P., 282
Mental retardation Molecular genetic approaches/studies
animal models of, 68–69 of ADHD, 374–375
in rodents, 165–166 to cognition research in rodents, 161–165, 168–169
Meredith, W., 371 of sexual orientation, 272–275
Merette, C., 403 Molecular genetics of personality, 239–246
Merikangas, K. R., 274, 380, 381, 478 arginine-vasopressin (AVP), 243
Merlin, V., 290 epistasis, 244–245
Merrell, D. J., 337 everyday speech approach, 240
Merrill, R.M., 412 fibromyalgia, 243
Merriman, C., 16, 82 gene×gene interactions, 244–245
Mervis, C. B., 178 gene–environment interactions, 243–244
Metalsky, G. I., 232 5-HTTLPR promoter allele, 240–242
Metten, P., 71 linkage studies, 244
Meyer, J. M., 227, 437, 459 locus heterogeneity, 244–245
Meyer, U., 475 meta-analyses, 241
Meyerhoff, D. J., 424 noradrenergic (NE) pathways, 240
Meyer-Lindenberg, A., 145, 178, 311–312 psychopathology, approaches based on, 239
Micali, N., 400, 402 reviews, 241
Mice Temperament and Character Inventory (TCI), 240
cognitive studies, See Rodents, cognition in theoretical approaches, 239–240
offensive aggression in, 301–313, See also Offensive thrill seeker – Dopamine D4 receptor, 242
aggression Tridimensional Personality Questionnaire (TPQ),
Michael, R. T., 269 239–240
Michaels, S., 269 Worry Wart – Serotonin Transporter SLC6A4, 241
Michalon, A., 168 animal studies, 241–242
Micheau, J., 163 imaging, 242
544 Index

Molecular-genetic studies of DSL, 129–131 Mouse models of TRS21, 179

chromosomal abnormalities and, 131 Moy, S. S., 69
genome-wide screens of DSL phenotypes, 129–130 Mrazek, D. A., 368, 386
clinical impairment, 129 Mucke, L., 167
language impairment, 129 Mudde, A., 412
reading impairment, 129 Mueser, K. T., 495
regional studies of DSL phenotypes, 130–131 Mufson, L., 380, 381
Molenaar, P. C. M., 52, 276, 344, 365, 444 Mulaik, S. A., 50
Momozawa, Y., 243 Mulder, E. J., 405, 406
Monaco, A. P., 67, 128–129 Müller, U., 162
Monahan, E., 302 Mullis, K., 16
Moneva, E., 284 Multhaup, G., 202
Monlèon, S., 161 Multiple regression model, in ADHD, 369
Mönnikes, H., 289 Multi-stage biometric models, substance use and substance use
Monoamine oxidase A (MAOA) gene, 150, 231 disorders, 435
antisocial behavior, 464–465 Multi-trait models, 65
Monogenic gene, 20 Multivariate analysis of reading, 117–118
Montgomery, G. W., 65, 162 Multivariate biometric models, of multiple substance use phenotypes,
Montgomery, H. E., 355 437–439
Montrose, D. M., 495 Multivariate genetic analysis, 47–58
Mood disorders, animal models of, 71–72 bivariate twin design, 48
Moody, T. W., 289 co-morbidity models, 55–58
Moon, J., 176–177 environmental correlations, determining, 47–50
Moore, C. G., 363 four-variate twin model, 50–51
Moore, K. A., 355 genetic correlations, determining, 47–50
Moore, L. R., 241 genetic factor models, 50–52
Moos, B. S., 214 non-shared environmental correlation, 49
Moos, R. H., 214 shared environmental correlation, 48–49
Moran, J. L., 168 twin data, 47–50
Moran, P. M., 505, 509 See also Factor analysis; Longitudinal analysis
Moran, T. H., 180 Multivariate QTL linkage mapping, 37
Morange, M., 480 Munafo, M. R., 223, 224, 241, 259, 443
Morante, J., 204 Mundy, P., 403
Moretti, M. M., 460 Mura, M., 492
Moretti, P., 70 Muramoto, T., 199–200
Morey, D. F., 3 Murayama, M., 443
Morgan, C., 302 Murphy, D. L., 71, 240, 253
Morgan, M. J., 332, 338 Murphy, J. M., 290, 424
Mori, H., 163 Murphy, M. P., 163, 398, 401–302
Moriya, T., 163 Murray, J. C., 8, 129
Morley, B. J., 65 Murray, K. T., 252, 253, 384
Morley, K. I., 63, 162, 415–417, 419 Murray, R. M., 138, 382, 474, 488, 489, 494
Morley, R., 391 Mushroom bodies (MBs) as associative learning site, 322
Morméde, P., 282, 284, 290 Mustanski, B. S., 275, 277
Morphine (MOR) administration, 283 Mustillo, S., 363, 379
Morphological representations, 125 Muthén, B. O., 363
Morrell, H. E. R., 423, 424 Muthén, L. K., 363
Morris water maze (MWM), 65 Myers, J., 232, 438, 460
Morris, J. C., 106, 166 Myths in handedness, 332–333
Morris, M. C., 106 See also under Handedness
Morris, R. G. M., 163 MZ–DZ twin studies of general mental ability,
Morrison, C. H., 293 81–96
Morrison, J. H., 166 DZ twins reared apart (DZA), 85–86
Morrison, R. L., 495 DZ twins reared together (DZT), 85–86
Morris-Yates, A., 89 endophenotypes in, 91–92
Morrow, A. L., 442 environmental influences on, 88
Mortensen, E. L., 105 gene–environment interactions (G × E) influence,
Mortensen, P. B., 475 82–83
Morzorati, S., 444 MZ twins reared apart (MZA), 85–86
Moscicki, A. B., 413 MZ twins reared together (MZT), 85–86
Moscovitch, M., 339 placental arrangements, 89
Moses, J., 355 twin-family designs, 85
Moss, H. B., 417 twins reared apart and together, 85–86
Mossner, R., 312 twin–singleton differences, 83–85
Motor control, 332 birth weight-IQ correlations, 83–84
Mott, R., 244–245 intellectual, 83
Index 545

naturally vs. artificially conceived twins, 84 Neurobehavioral predictors

overall IQ, 83 schizophrenia, 494–495
private language, 84 adolescence, 494–495
shared verbal understanding, 84 infancy, 494
verbal IQ, 83 school age, 494–495
See also Genes; Life span twin studies; Longitudinal twin studies; Neurogenetic analysis in trisomy, 175–183
Twin studies; Virtual twins (VT) Neuroticism (N), 223, 224
trait neuroticism, 224
Neville, B. G., 405
N New Know-Nothings, The, 8
Nadder, T. S., 459, 462 New York High-Risk Project (NYHRP), 490–494
Nadel, L., 175–177 New York Infant Study (NYIS), 490–494
Nagler, S., 489, 495 New, A. S., 464
Nagylaki, T., 337 Newbury, D. F., 129
Nahas, A. D., 334 Newcorn, J., 459
Nakamura, C. Y., 252 Newman, H. H., 81
Nakatsuka, Z., 334 Newman, H. N., 85–86
Nakazawa, K., 163 Newman, T. K., 243, 311
Nan, X., 69–70 Newport, D. J., 71
Narayanan, V., 68 Niaura, R., 413, 424
Nash, M. W., 42–43 Nicholls, R. C., 230
Näslund, B., 496 Nichols, P. L., 493
Nature–nurture controversy in the modern era, 4–5 Nichols, R. C., 89, 460
Autobiography, 4 Nicotine
Charles Darwin, 4–5 dependence, demographics of, 413–414
Descent of Man, The, 4, 5 Nicotine Addiction Genetics (NAG) Project, 425
Essay Concerning Human Understanding, An, 4 nicotine dependency (ND), 418, 421
Expression of the Emotions in Man and Animals, The, 4 risk of, 411
Francis Galton, 5 tolerance, 413
John Locke, 4 Niemi, L. T., 489, 493, 496
John Stuart Mill, 4 Nievergelt, C., 275
Nature and Nurture, 5 Nigg, J. T., 252–253
Origin of Species, The, 4 Nijhout, H., 481
Some Thoughts Concerning Education, 4 Nil, R., 282
Navarro, P., 411–412 Nilsen, S. P., 317–318
Neale and Kendler formulation, 56 Nilsson, K. W., 465
Neale, M. C., 371 Nimchinsky, E. A., 164
Neale, B. M., 437, 440 Nishimura, C., 129
Neale, J. M., 493 Nitz, K., 456
Neale, M. C., 19, 28–31, 35–37, 44, 47, 51, 53, 55–58, 89, 230, 232, NMDA receptors in spatial learning, in rodents cognition, 163
353, 363, 368, 372, 382, 387, 418, 421, , 423, 434, 440, 441, Noble, E. P., 224, 443, 444
446, 460, 461 Noblett, K. L., 241
Necoechea, D. M., 115 Nokelainen, P., 138
Neergaard-Henrichsen, C., 179 Nolan, E. E., 363–364
Neiderhiser, J. M., 209–218, 234, 389 Nolan, K. A., 105–106
Neils, J., 127 Non centrality parameters (NCPs), 42
Neiner, J. A., 343 Non-declarative memory, in mouse models of TRS21, 181–183
Neiswanger, K., 443 Non-glutamate receptor genes, in rodents cognition, 164
Nekrasova, T., 164 Nonhuman animals, language abilities in, 66
Nellissery, M., 442, 443–444 Non-shared environmental influence, 48
Nelson, L. J., 251 on parenting, 212
Nelson, M., 464 Noor, M. A. F., 191, 320
Nemanov, L., 224 No-parental-mental-illness (NMI), 489
Nemeroff, C. B., 71 Noradrenergic (NE) pathways, in personality, 240
NEO-PI-R neuroticism scale, 224 Nordgaard, J., 474
Nesselroade, J. R., 85, 214 Nordstrom, P., 355
Nestler, E. J., 164, 282–283, 287 Norlin, E. M., 304
Netter, P., 464 Normal lefthander, 338
Nettleton, N. C., 337 North III, E. R., 179
Neubauer, A. C., 102, 104 Northstone, K., 84
Neubauer, S., 411 Notarangelo, L. D., 175
Neuman, R. J., 361, 362, 374, 382 Nottebohm, F., 332
Neumann, C. S., 488 Nottebohm, M. E., 332
Neumann, I. D., 289 Nottelmann, E., 381
Neumark, Y. D., 442 Novak, S. P., 424
Neurobehavioral deficits, 495 Nowak, K. L., 290
546 Index

Noyes, J., 252 Oguma, Y., 191

Nuechterlein, K. H., 493, 503 Oh, S.-H., 503
Nurmi, E. L., 404–405 Ohba, Y., 102
Nurnberger, J. I., 441 Oitzl, M. S., 162
Nussbaum, R. L., 106 Oki, T., 164
Nygard, J. F., 424 Okuyama, Y., 242
Olafsdottir, I., 413
O Oldfield, R. C., 336
O’Brien, C. P., 282, 413, 433 Olejnik, S., 252
O’Brien, E. K., 130 Olivardia, R., 353
O’Callaghan, F. J., 137 Oliver, D. L., 106
O’Connor, S., 233, 444 Olivier, B., 71
O’Connor, T. G., 213, 217, 382, 383, 387, 391, 460 Olson, J. M., 41
O’Dell, K. M. C., 324 Olson, L. E., 180–181
O’Doherty, A., 180 Olson, R. K., 114–118
O’Donovan, M. C., 72, 374, 473–474, 487 Olsson, C. A., 391
O’Grady, P. M., 188, 194, 318 Onoi, M., 85
O’Loughlin, J., 412 Onstad, S., 460
O’Malley, P. M., 434 Oostra, B. A., 165
O’Tuathaigh, C. M., 72 Opitz, J., 477
Oakley, H., 202 Oppenheim, J. S., 92
Oates, N. A., 277 Orenstein, D. R., 343
Obesity, future directions for, 516 Orgogozo, J. M., 168
Oddo, S., 167, 202 Origin of Species, The, 4, 10, 61, 310
Ødegaard, Ø., 473, 478 Orleans, C. T., 343, 414
Odyssey, 3 Orlebeke, J. F., 344, 421
Offenbaecher, M., 243 Ormel, J., 343
Offensive aggression in mice, 301–313 Oroszi, G., 433
adult mice, test for, 311 Orr, H. A., 331
Maoa gene in, 310–311 Orthographic coding, 117–118
Multidimensional Personality Questionnaire Aggression Orvaschel, H., 380–381
scale, 311 Osborn, A. J., 198
Slc6a4, 312 Osby, U., 474
comparative genetics of, 309–313 Osher, Y., 224, 230
aggression of mice and humans, 309 Osler, M., 415
composite scores, 301 Ossadtchi, A., 168
description, 301–302 Ott, U., 245
in females, genetic effects on, 307–309 Outeiro, T. F., 197
NC100 lines, 308 Over, K. F., 191
NC900 lines, 308 Overall reading ability, 115
non-pregnant, non-lactating females, 307–308 Over-expression of single human genes, 181
resident-intruder test, 305 Overkamp, G. J. F., 282
TA (Turku Aggressive) lines, 308 Overstreet, D. H., 285, 291–292
TNA selected (Turku non-aggressive) lines, 308 Owen, M. J., 72, 374, 473–474, 487
life history, 302 Ozkaragoz, T., 224
components of, 301–302 Ozonoff, S., 406
long attack latency (LAL), 305
in males, genetic effects on, 302–306 P
hormones, 303 Päallysaho, S., 192–193
neurotransmitters, 303 Pachtman, E., 72
olfaction, 303 Paetzold, F., 230
signaling, 303 Paillette, M., 320
measurement, 301–302 Palfai, T., 253
motor patterns of, 301 Pallonen, U. E., 413
resident-intruder test, 302 Palmer, A. A., 406
serotonin transporter (5HTT) gene in, 310 Palmer, P., 406
short attack latency (SAL), 305 Palo, O. M., 478
single scores, 301 Panhuysen, C., 425
standard opponent test, 302 Papaj, D. R., 322
test parameters, 302 Papandonatos, G. D., 424
components of, 302–304 Paratore, S., 168
See also Defense Paré, W. P., 285
Offord, D. R., 364 Parenting behavior, 210–213
Ogawa, S., 307 child-based designs, 210–211
Ogdie, M. N., 374 influencing general intelligence, 88
Ogren, S.O., 72 marital relationships, 213–214
Index 547

nonshared environmental influences, 212 Payne, N., 343

parent-based designs, 210–211 Payne, T. J., 425
parent–child relationship environment, 209–210 Pearson, J. S., 488–489
shared environmental influences, 211 Pearson, K., 18, 22, 25
sibling relationships, 213 Pearson, R., 4, 8
Twin/Offspring Study in Sweden (TOSS), 212 Pearson’s formula for covariance, 19
See also Family relationships Pearson–Aitken formulae, 25
Parent–offspring adoption studies, 458 Pedersen, N. L., 85, 88, 102–104, 105, 107, 214
antisocial personality disorder (ASPD), 457 Pedersen, W. A., 166
age, 460 Pedigree study, of sexual orientation, 273–274
assessment method, 460 Peixoto, A. A., 193
effect sizes, determination, 59 Pembrey, M. E., 67, 128
operationalization, 458 Pennington, B. F., 58, 91, 115, 139, 176–177, 181, 369, 406
zygosity determination method, 458 Penninkilampi-Kerola, V., 417
Paris, J., 230 Pensky, E., 215
Parish, C. L., 165 Penzner, J. B., 476
Park, N., 478 Peper, J. S., 153
Park, R. J., 399, 405 Pepperberg, I. M., 331
Park, S., 503 Peralta, V., 474
Parker, D., 290 Perdue, S., 488
Parker, G., 382 Pere, L., 412
Parnas, J., 474 Pereira, M. A., 344
Paronis, C. A., 424 Perelle, I. B., 330–336
Partanen, J., 414 Perkins, K.A., 413–414
Parthoens, E., 405 Perlman, L. M., 82
Partial Trisomy 21, in Down’s Syndrome, 181 Perlmann, T., 72
Partridge, L., 319 Perneger, T. V., 412
Pask, T., 165 Perner, J., 253
Passamonti, L., 246 Perquin, D. A. M., 84
Passive GE correlation, 210 Perrimon, N., 198
Passive gene–environment correlation, in childhood Perrin, S., 379–380
temperament, 261 Perris, C., 474
Passolunghi, M. C., 252 Perry, B. D., 406
Pate, R. R., 344 Persistent smoking, 412–413, 424–425
Paterson, A. D., 277 two-stage modeling, 418
Paterson, H. E. H., 517 Personality, 223–234
Path diagram, 27 amplification effect, 231
variables, 27 character dimensions, 226
causal relationship between, 26 cooperativeness (CO), 226
correlational relationship between, 26 self-directedness (SD), 226
latent, 27 self-transcendence (ST), 226
mean structures in, graphical representation, 27 common pathway (CP) model, 227–229
observed, 27 defining, 239–240
path chains between, tracing, 27 disorders, animal models of, 70–71
Pathological lefthander, 338 dopamine receptor D4 (DRD4) allele, 223
Patja, K., 411 electroencephalographic (EEG) asymmetry, 233
Patkar, A. A., 415 event-related brain potential (ERP), 233
Paton, S. M., 414 five factor model (FFM), 225
Patrick, C. J., 444, 460, 461 genotype–environment, 231
Pattatucci, A. M. L., 269, 273 passive, 231
Patterson, C., 240 reactive, 231
Patterson, D., 175 heritability estimates, consistency of, 230–232
Patterson, G., 215 impacting psychopathology, 230
Patterson, J. T., 81 independent pathway (IP) model, 227–229
Patterson, K., 127 inheritance, 227–229
Patterson, P., 475 lexical models of personality, 225
Pattie, A., 84 measuring, 239–240
Patton, G. C., 391 monoamine oxidase A (MAOA) gene, 231
Paul, J., 333 NEO-PI-R neuroticism scale, 224
Paul, S. M., 167–168 neuroticism, genes regulating, 224
Paulauskas, S. L., 380 personality theory, role of, 229–230
Paulsen, J. S., 141–142 phenotype in, understanding, 225–227
Paus, T., 137 scores of a personality scale, genetic correlations
Pawlby, S. J., 383 between, 227
Paya-Cano, J. L., 161 serotonergic system, genes regulating, 224
Paylor, R., 63, 70, 72, 162, 164 Temperament and Character Inventory (TCI), 223–227
548 Index

Personality (cont.) Pletcher, S. D., 52

harm avoidance, 224 Plomin, R., 64, 65, 73, 85–90, 108, 113–114, 117, 120, 128, 129,
novelty seeking, 224 159, 160–161, 162, 168, 210–217, 224, 231, 254–256, 258,
reward dependence, 226 260–261, 275–276, 346, 363, 365, 366, 383, 386, 387–389,
temperament and, 64 403, 456, 460, 517
See also Molecular genetics of personality; Rats Plotkin, D. J., 62
Person–environment correlation Plumet, M. H., 406
anxiety, 391 Plunkett, J., 445
depression, 391 Poelhuis, C. W. K., 87
Persson-Blennow, I., 496 Pogue-Geile, M. F., 488
Perusse, L., 344, 346–347, 349, 354–355 Poirier, R., 165
Pervasive developmental disorders (PDD), 68, 397 Polich, J., 444
animal models of, 68–69 Pollock, V. E., 444
Peschardt, K. S., 460 Polygenic trait, 20
Petersen, I., 84 Polygenicity, 64
Petersen, S. E., 502 Polymerase chain reaction (PCR), 16
Petkov, P. M., 168 Pomiankowski, A., 187
Peto, R., 411 Pope, H. G., 353
Petraitis, J., 412 Population-based case-control method, of sexual orientation, 275
Petrill, S. A., 114–116, 118, 120, 261 Porjesz, B., 233, 444–445
Petrinovich, L. F., 333 Porter, N., 4
Petronis, A., 94, 477, 480, 487, 515 Positional candidates, substance use and substance use disorders, 443
Pettegrew, J. W., 495 Positive affect, childhood temperament, 251–252, 258
Peuskens, J., 503 Posner, M. I., 252, 502, 508
Pezawas, L., 312 Posthuma, D., 47, 54, 84, 92, 104, 137–139, 371, 440
Pfefferbaum, A., 92, 141 Poulton, R., 31
Pfuhlmann, B., 474 Poustka, A., 405
Phenotypes, 19 Poustka, F., 405
for DSL studies, defining, 125–127 Powell, C. M., 162
phenotypic factor analytic techniques, 50 Powell, K. E., 343
Phillips, A., 3 Power, T. J., 370
Phillips, K., 253 Powers, R. E., 166
Phillips, S. D. F., 192 Prabhu, V., 231
Phillips, V., 478 Pragmatic representation, 125
Phoenix, J. L., 69 Prättälä, R., 411
Phonemes, 125 Prenatal environment influence on general intelligence, 88
Phonetic representation, 125 Prescott, C. A., 18, 232, 390, 436, 437–438, 441, 446–448, 460, 461
Phonological awareness (PA), reading skills, 113, 115 Prescott, E., 415
Phylogenetic patterns Preuss, U.W., 461
in courtship song evolution Price, D. K., 322
of Drosophila species, 188–189 Price, D. L., 198
selective forces affecting, 189–191 Price, J. L., 166
Physical activity (PA), twin studies on, 348–349 Price, T. S., 88, 366, 369, 391
Piazza, P. V., 286 Primary aging, 101–106
Piccioto, M. R., 509 general cognitive ability, 101–103
Pickens, R. W., 82, 435, 438, 460 genes related to, identifying, 105–106
Pickles, A., 379–382, 398, 399, 401–404 APOE genes, 105
Pierce, J. P., 413 catechol-O-methyltransferase (COMT), 105
Pike, A., 213, 215, 389–390 Serotonin 2A (HTR2A), 105
Pillard, R. C., 270–271, 276 primary cognitive aging, covariates of, 104–105
Pine, D. S., 379–380 See also under Cognitive aging
Pinker, S., 9, 87, 125 Prior, M., 462
Pinnock, T. Y., 364 Pritzel, M., 505
Pinter, J. D., 143, 148 Private language, singleton–twin difference, 84
Piras, G., 282–283, 289 Proietto, J., 343
Pirozzolo, F. J., 333 Prokhorov, A. V., 413
Pisula, W., 282 Prom, E. C., 311
Pitkänen. T., 422 Prospective longitudinal studies, schizophrenia, 487–497
Pittenger, C., 164 diathesis–stressor models, 487
Piven, J., 399, 406 follow-back studies, 489
Pizzari, T., 190 large epidemiological data sets, 489
Plassman, B. L., 106 neurobehavioral deficits as possible endophenotypes, 493–496
Plato, 3–5 adolescence, 496
Platt, B., 163 infancy, 493–496
Pleck, J., 383 school age, 494
Pleiotropy, 20, 64 neurobehavioral predictors, 494–496
Index 549

prospective high-risk studies, 490–491 Radcliffe, R. A., 62

Danish Cohort Study (DCS), 490–494 Radke-Yarrow, M., 381
Israeli High-Risk Study (IHRS), 490–494 Raeber, A. J., 199
Jerusalem Infant Development Study (JIDS), 490–494 Raffety, B., 382
New York High-Risk Project (NYHRP), 490–494 Raggatt, P., 406
New York Infant Study (NYIS), 490–494 Rahkonen, O., 414
Swedish High-Risk Project (SHRP), 490–494 Rainio, S., 412
prospective, longitudinal high-risk strategy, 487–488 Rajarethinam, R., 495
social maladjustment as a possible endophenotype, 495–496 Raman, A. C., 489
Proudfit, H. K., 285 Ramboz, S., 70
Prusiner, S. B., 199 Ramchandani, P., 382
Prusoff, B. A., 381 Ramos, A., 282
Przybeck, T., 223 Rampon, C., 163
Psychopathology Random growth curve models, 52–53
human psychopathology, animal models of, 68–74 Rankinen, T., 354, 355
impacting personality, 232 Rantasalo, I., 414
Psychoses, animal models of, 72 Rao, D. C., 354
Psychotic disorders Rao, P. A., 463
degenerative models, 477 Rapid Automatized Naming (RAN), 115, 118
development, 476–477 Rapoport, J. L., 374
developmental models, 477 Rasanen, P., 424
endophenotypes, 482–483 Rashotte, C. A., 115
epigenesis, 480 Rasmussen, E. R., 374
reaction surface, 480–482 Rats, personality differences in, 281–293
reprise, 483 amphetamine (AMP) administration, 283
symptoms, 476 anxiety model, 282
See also Affective psychotic disorders; Common psychoses Bantin–Kingman SD vs. Bantin–Kingman Wistar rats, 285
Public controversies–group differences, 7–8 brain microdialysis studies, 283
Puentes, F., 337 cocaine (COC) administration, 283
Puig-Antich, J., 381 dopamine (DA) administration, 283
Pulkkinen, L., 365, 366, 384, 412, 417, 435, 459 fawn-hooded (FH) rats, 285
Punnett square, 21 fear/anxiety
genotypic frequencies from, 21 acoustic startle, 287–288
Purcell, S., 31, 41–42, 95, 231, 260, 353, 459 bed nuclei of the stria terminalis (BNST), 287
Putnam, S. P., 253 notorious EPM, 288–290
self-grooming, 290
Q high responder (HR) rats, 286
Quantitative genetic approaches to cognition in rodents, 160–161, 168 low responder (LR) rats, 286
Quantitative genetic studies in humans, 160 morphine (MOR) administration, 283
Quantitative Trait Loci (QTL) mapping, 37–40, 461 neurochemical ODDS and END(ING)S, 292–293
antisocial behavior, 461–465 proactive coping, 282
association mapping, 37–40 profiling Wistar and SD Rats, 285–287
centi-Morgan (cM) intervals, 36 reactive coping, 286
Cholesky decomposition in, 37 Roman high avoidance (RHA) rat lines, 281
in Drosophila species, 187, 190–191 Roman low avoidance (RLA) rat lines, 281
linkage mapping of, 37–40 spontaneously hypertensive rat (SHR), 283, 284–285
LOD score, 36 Sprague-Dawley (SD) vs. Harlan Wistar, 285
multivariate QTL linkage mapping, 37 Wistar–Kyoto (WKY) rats, 283
in reading disability, 118–119 Raven Standard Progressive Matrices (Raven SPM), 52
regression models, 41 Rawlins, J. N., 63
See also Regression models Ray, L. A., 427
Quinn, W. G., 162, 199, 200 Rayner, K., 333
Quinton, D., 389 Raz, A., 501–502
Quitkin, F., 488 Raz, N., 144, 148, 177
Razafimanalina, R., 282
R Reactive gene–environment correlation, in childhood
Réale, D., 66 temperament, 261
Raaschou-Nielsen, E., 414 Reactive temperaments, childhood, twin and adoption studies of,
Rabe-Hesketh, S., 18, 106 253–258
Rabenstein, R. L., 164 Reader, S. M., 66
Rabins, P. V., 476 Reading comprehension, 116
Race Differences in Intelligence, 8 Reading impairment, DSL studies, 129
Race, IQ and Jensen, 8 Reading skill, behavioral genetic perspective, 113–121
Rack, J. P., 115 behavioral genetic findings, 115–120
Racsma’ny, M., 252 Colorado Adoption Project, 114
Radant, A., 495 Colorado Reading Study, 114
550 Index

Reading skill, behavioral genetic perspective (cont.) Reproductive Isolation

extremes of reading ability/disability aggressiveness role among Drosophila species, 321–322
classification, 116–117 Republic, 3
genetic and environmental effects, identifying, 118–120 Rescorla, L. A., 372
association studies, 119 Resemblance between relatives, coefficients of, 25–26
Family Literacy Environment, 119 Resident-intruder test, offensive aggression in mice, 302, 305
molecular genetics, 118–119 Restifo, L. L., 95, 165
parental reading behaviors, 119 Rett syndrome, 69
passive gene–environment correlation, 120 Rettew, D. C., 366
‘learning to read’, 113 Retz, W., 463
multivariate analysis of, 117–118 Retz-Junginger, P., 463
Colorado Twin Study, 118 Reuter, M., 464
RAN and PA, association between, 118 Reveley, A. M., 138–139
Queensland Institute of Medical Research Twin Project, 114 Reveley, M. A., 138–139
Register for Child Twins, 114 Reymond, A., 175, 179
The International Longitudinal Twin Study, 114 Reynolds, C. A., 88, 102–105, 107
Twins Early Development Study (TEDS), 114 Reynolds, C. R., 9, 386
univariate analysis, 115–116 Reynoso, J. T., 414
orthographic coding, 116–117 Rezvani, A. H., 285, 291
overall reading ability, 115 Rhee, S H., 56, 58, 70, 369, 422, 427, 438, 458,
phonological awareness, 115 459–460, 466
Rapid Automatized Naming (RAN), 115 Riala, K., 424
reading comprehension, 116 Riaz, N., 130
Western Reserve Reading Project, 114 Ricceri, L., 165
Western Reserve Twin Project, 114 Ricci, D., 130
See also Disability, reading Rice, F., 381–382, 384–386, 389–390
Rebello Britto, P., 120 Rice, G., 273
Reciprocal causation, 57 Rice, J. P., 381
Reddy, Y., 476 Rice, M. L., 127
Reebye, P., 460 Rice, T., 354, 355
Reed, S., 478 Richards, B. O., 386
Reed, T., 89, 137 Richards, C., 380
Reeve-Daly, M. P., 36 Richardson, K., 333
Reeves, R. H., 179–180 Richman, W. A., 127
Reeves, T. H., 180 Richtsmeier, J. T., 179–180
Regidor, E., 411 Riedel, G., 163
Regier, D. A., 456 Rieder, R. O., 493
Regional studies of DSL phenotypes, 130–131 Riemann, R., 65, 89, 229
Regression coefficient, 17–18 Rietschel, M., 478
Regression models, 41–44 Rietveld, M. J. H., 83, 88, 365, 368, 371
in ADHD, 369 Rife, D. C., 336, 337
Defries–Fulker regression, 43–44 Rifkin, A., 488
Haseman–Elston approach, 41 Righthanders, 332
extensions to, 41–43 Rijsdijk, F. V., 41, 52–53, 366
variance components (VC) approach, 42 Riley, B., 390
Regular exercisers, 343 Rimpelä, A., 412, 414
Regulatory temperaments, childhood, twin and adoption studies of, Rimpelä, M., 412
253–258 Rinehart, N. J., 398
Rehm, J., 433–434 Ringo, J. M., 318, 319
Reich, T., 272, 282, 441 Risch, H. A., 411
Reichardt, H. M., 162 Risch, N., 19, 69, 273–274, 402
Reid, J. B., 212, 258 Risch, S. C., 291
Reid, M., 339 Riso, L. P., 55
Reillo, P. R., 190 Rissanen, A., 414
Reisel, D., 163 Ritchie, M. G., 187–193, 320
Reiss, A. L., 73, 146–148 Ritvo, A. M., 399
Reiss, D., 66, 210, 211–217, 234, Ritvo, E. R., 399, 404
276, 386, 387, 460 Rivest, R. W., 282
Relatives Roath, M., 495
data from, modeling, 26–30 Robbins, T. W., 293, 509, 510
structural equation modeling, 26–28 Robert, D., 187
univariate model for twin data, 27–28 Roberts, A. C., 503
genetic covariance between, 22–25 Roberts, B. W., 251
resemblance between, coefficients of, 25–26 Roberts, R. E., 379
Renaissance, 4 Roberts, S. B., 441
Rende, R. D., 16, 211, 213, 368, 380, 383, 384, 386 Robichaux-Keene, N., 224
Index 551

Robin, C., 317, 324 Ross, R. G., 495

Robinette, D., 419 Ross, S. A. 164
Robins, L. N., 456 Rosso, I. M., 489, 493
Robinson, T. E., 282 Rosvold, H. E., 503
Robles, Y., 168 Rothbart, M. K., 251–252, 253, 257–258
Robson, K. J., 94 Rots, N. Y., 285
Rodents, cognition in, 159–169 Roubertoux, P. L., 176, 178, 180–183, 301, 302, 304–306
clustering hierarchy, 160 Rousse, I., 162
CREB isoforms in, 164 Rovelet-Lecrux, A., 198
‘g’ scores exploration, 161 Rowe, D. C., 9, 211, 456, 459
hormone receptors, 162 Rowe, L., 190
modeling human cognitive disabilities in, 165–167 Rowe, R., 379
critical interpretation problems, 166 Rowland, T. W., 343
mental retardation, 165–166 Roy, K., 382
senile dementia of Alzheimer type, 166–167, See also under Rubin, E. M., 180
Alzheimer disease Rubin, K. H., 253
molecular genetic approaches, 161, 168 Rubinstein, M. L., 412
mouse models, 159–160 Ruddle, F. H., 62
NMDA receptors in spatial learning, 163 Rudiger, L. P., 368
non-glutamate receptor genes, 164 Rumelhart, D. E., 126
psychometric research, 168 Rushton, J. P., 8
quantitative approach, 159 Russell, J., 253
quantitative genetic approach, 160–161 Rutherford, S. L., 93
sensory stimulation, 164 Rutter, M., 55, 84, 209–211, 218, 371, 379–382, 385–386, 388, 390,
signaling cascades, 164 398–401, 403–405, 424, 459–460
synaptic plasticity mechanisms, 162 Rzhetsky, A., 478
up- or downregulate expression, 165
See also Offensive aggression; Rats
Roder, J., 182 S
Rodger, R. S., 403 Saarikettu, M., 190, 191, 320
Rodgers, B., 489 Saarni, S. E., 414
Rodgers, J. L., 9 Sabatini, B. L., 164
Rodgers, R. J., 288–289 Sabol, S. Z., 464
Rodier, P. M., 398 Saccone, N. L., 441–442
Rodriguez, D., 424 Saccone, S. F., 425
Roeder, K., 89 Sack, W. H., 379
Rogers, H., 254 Sadakata, T., 69
Rogers, S. J., 403, 406 Sadowski, C. A., 370
Rohde, L. A., 362 Sago, H., 180–181
Rohde, P., 381, 386 Sagvolden, T., 283
Roizen, N. J., 175 Saha, S., 475
Rojas, P., 72 Sahni, S., 495
Roman high avoidance (RHA) rat lines, 281–293 Sakai, J. T., 463
Roman low avoidance (RLA) rat lines, 281–293 Sakimura, K., 163
Romans, 3 Salisbury, H., 370
Rommelspacher, H., 463 Sallis, J. F., 343, 353
Ronald, A., 88, 365, 366, 402–404 Salmen, T., 355
Ronalds, G. A., 84 Salmond, C. H., 128
Rondi-Reig, L., 163 Salvaterra, P. M., 204
Rong, Y. S., 193 Salzman, K. L., 399
Room, R., 433–434 Sameroff, A. J., 492
Roozendaal, B., 282 Samit, C., 399
Ropers, H. H., 464 Samuel, W., 166
Rorth, P., 198 Sandanger, I., 424
Rosahl, T.W., 167 Sander, T., 463
Rosas, H. D., 141–142 Sanders, A. R., 273–274, 473
Rose, R. J., 232, 365, 366, 384, 411–412, 417, 420, 423, 424, 437, 446, Sanders, M., 413, 414
459, 460 Sandnabba, N. K., 308
Rose, S., 275 Sang, T. K., 197
Rosenbaum, J. F., 380 Sanson, A., 462
Rosenbaum, M., 380 Santos, K. F., 152
Rosenberg, D. R., 495 Sapolsky, R. M., 480
Rosenman, R. H., 89, 419 Sara, S. J., 65
Rosenthal, D., 271 Sarasin, P., 331
Rösler, M., 463 Sarlio-Lahteenkorva, S., 414
Ross, K. G., 243, 371, 384 Sarna, S., 414
552 Index

Sarrieau, A., 284 Schneider, K., 473

Sarter, M., 502, 509 Schnurr, T., 402
Sasco, A. J., 412, 414 Scholtzova, H., 168
Satel, S., 463 School age, prospective longitudinal studies, schizophrenia, 494
Satz, P., 338 Schoots, O., 242
Saucier, G., 228 Schork, N. J., 37
Saudino, K. J., 66, 252, 254, 257, 365, 367 Schousboe, K., 355
Saudou, F., 463 Schubert, E.W., 491, 494
Sauvage, M., 162 Schuckit, M. A., 438, 441
Savage, V. R., 286 Schulenberg, J. E., 434
Savageau, J. A., 412 Schulsinger, F., 489, 492, 493
Savolainen, P., 3 Schultz, L. R., 424
Sawaguchi, T., 503 Schulz, P. E., 282
Sawyer, M. G., 362, 363 Schulze, T. G., 478
Sawyer, T. F., 307 Schwandt, M. L., 243
Scalia-Tomba, G. P., 463 Schwegler, H., 287, 290
Scamvougeras, A., 96, 140 Scott, J. P., 251, 301
Scangos, G. A., 62 Scourfield, J., 231, 260, 365, 384, 386, 404, 459
Scano, P., 282 Seabrook, G. R., 167
Scarr, S., 90, 210, 261, 389, 446 Seaman, M. I., 242
Scatton, B., 282 Seckl, J. R., 383, 391
Schachar, R., 253 Second generation filial (F2), 21
Schachner, M., 166 Secondary aging, 106–107
Schaefer, M., 336 causing Alzheimer’s disease, 106
Schaie, K. W., 101 antioxidants in, 106
Schalkwyk, L. C., 72 candidate genes and AD, 106
Scharff, C., 67 early life SES-related factors, 107
Schatschneider, C., 114, 116 educational attainment, 107
Schekatolina, S., 106 head injury causing, 106
Schellinck, H. M., 302 dementias, 106
Schiffman, J., 495–496 Sedentary exercise level, 344
Schinka, J. A., 224, 241 Seefeldt, V., 343
Schizophrenia, 473–483 Seeley, J. R., 379–381, 386
animal models of, 72 Seeman, M. V., 476
candidate genes, 479–480 Segal, N. L., 64, 82–84, 86–88, 95
cognitive symptoms of, 501–510 Segu, L., 164
early development Séguin, E., 176
study approaches, 488–490 Seidenberg, M. S., 126
endophenotypes, 482–483 Seidman, L. J., 488
epigenesis, 480 Seifer, R., 492
family studies, 477–478 Selcher, J. C., 164
frequency of, 474–476 Self-directedness (SD), 226
genetic evidence, 477–480 Self-transcendence (ST), 224
genetic risks in, 485–495, See also under Prospective Selkoe, D. J., 166, 167, 198
longitudinal studies Selten, J. P., 475
high risk for schizophrenia (HRS), 489 Semantic representations, 125
linkage analyses, 479–480 Sempos, C. T., 343
no-parental-mental-illness (NMI), 489 Sen, S., 241, 245
reaction surface, 480–482 Senile dementia of Alzheimer type, 166–167
reprise, 483 Senore, C., 412
smoking and, 426 ‘Sensory bias’ concept, Drosophila species, 190
twin studies, 477–478 Sérégaza, Z., 180–182
Schlaug, G., 96 Serotonin system, 259
Schloredt, K., 381 antisocial behavior association studies, 464
Schlötterer, C., 192 serotonin 2A (HTR2A), 105
Schmauss, C., 501, 504 serotonin transporter gene (5-HTT), in childhood
Schmeidler, J., 402 temperament, 259
Schmid, W., 162 substance use and substance use disorders, 445
Schmidt, C. K., 26, 180 Serrano, A., 282
Schmidt, L. G., 463 Sevin, J. A., 403
Schmidt, N. L., 26 Sex differences
Schmitt, J. E., 145–147 in genetic influences on ADHD, 365
Schmitt, W. B., 163 Lawrence H. Summers, 9–10
Schmitz, S., 37, 47, 368, 385–386, 388 Sexual orientation
Schnaider-Beeri, M., 106 adoption studies, 270
Schneider, J., 370 adoptive siblings, 271
Index 553

affected sibling pair (ASP) method, 272 Shucksmith, J., 414

association studies, 272, 275 Shugart, Y. Y., 130
cytochrome P450 (CYP19), 275 Shulman, J. M., 197
population-based case-control method, 275 Shulman, L. M., 197
behavior genetic studies, 269–270 Sibling adoption studies
distribution of, 269 antisocial personality disorder (ASPD), 456
environmental influences, 276–277 age, 453
familial factors influencing, 270–271 assessment method, 456
family studies, 270–271 effect sizes, determination, 58
fraternal birth order effect, 275 operationalization, 458
genetic influences on, 270–277 Sibling relationships, 211, 213–214
linkage analysis, 272, 273–274 Sibship data, 43
methodological issues, 275–276 Siddiqui, O., 412
ascertainment bias, 276 Siegel, J., 282, 290
molecular genetic studies, 272–275 Siegel, L. S., 252
pedigree study, 273–274 Siegfried, Z., 224
prevalence, 269 Siever, L. J., 503
twin studies, 269, 271–272 Signaling cascades, in rodents cognition, 164
X-linkage, 274 Sigurdsson, E. M., 168
Sexual selection Sigvardsson, S., 290, 445–446, 458
intersexual selection, 317 Silberg, J. L., 31, 209–210, 372, 379–380, 385–387, 389–391, 424,
intrasexual selection, 317 459, 460, 462
types of, 317 Silberman, E. K., 489–490
See also under Drosophila species Silman, A. J., 381
Shafey, O., 411 Silva, A. J., 162, 163, 166
Shah, N. M., 302 Silventoinen, K., 414
Shahbazian, M. D., 166, 480 Silverman, J. M., 106, 402, 404
Shahbazian, M., 70 Silverman, W. P., 176
Shalev, U., 509 Simon, H., 286
Sham, P. C., 36–37, 41–42, 138, 227, 463, 494 Simon, J. H., 146
Shamir, H., 215 Simon, N. G., 306, 478
Shankman, S. A., 381 Simon, T. J., 146–147
Shanks, N., 73 Simonen, R. L., 346, 352, 354–355
Shao, Y., 404–405 Simonoff, E., 365, 367, 371–372, 379
Shapiro, R. M., 285 Simple discriminations (SD), 507
Shared environmental influences, 48 Sinclair, J. D., 291
on parenting, 211 Sines, J. O., 384
Shared verbal understanding, singleton–twin difference, 84 Sing, C., 481
Sharma, A., 94, 282, 435 Singer, S. M., 113
Sharp, P. A., 168 Singer, T., 103
Sharpe, S., 252 Singh, R. N., 323
Sharpen, J., 252 Single Nucleotide Polymorphism (SNP), 19
Shaver, P. R., 230 Single scores, offensive aggression in mice, 301
Shaw, P., 161 Singleton–twin differences, 83–85
Shelbourne, P. F., 304 birth weight-IQ correlations, 83
Shelton, K. H., 390 intellectual, 83
Shen, Y. C., 443 naturally vs. artificially conceived twins, 84
Shenassa, E. D., 415 overall IQ, 83
Shephard, R. J., 343 private language, 84
Sher, K. J., 232, 434 shared verbal understanding, 84
Sheridan, L., 187 verbal IQ, 83
Sherman, D. K., 365–368 Sirard, J. R., 344
Sherman, S., 179 Sisodia, S. S., 198
Sherwood, N. E., 343 Sisson, D. F., 282
Shields, J., 85, 271, 415, 480, 482, 487, 488 Skerry, J. E., 92
Shields, P. G., 424 Skinner, R., 401
Shiffman, S., 413, 414 Skinner’s operant experimental chamber, 65
Shih, R. A., 72 Skoog, K., 414
Shimizu, E., 163 Skre, I., 460
Shimizu, T., 85, 102 Skrondal, A., 18
Shin, H. S., 165 Skrzipek, K. H., 318
Shiner, R. L., 251 Skupski, M. P., 198
Shinohara, T., 180 Slater, E., 476
Shors, T. J., 162 Slomkowski, C. L., 211, 217
Short history of behavior genetics, 5 Sluka, K. A., 285
Shriberg, L. D., 127, 131 Slutske, W. S., 386, 420, 445, 456–457, 460
554 Index

Sluyter, F., 262, 285, 305 Soumireu-Mourat, B., 180–181

Small, B. J., 107, 166 Soyka, M., 442, 461
Small, S. A., 103 Spadino, E. J., 339
Smalley, S. L., 373, 398 Spangler, H. G., 188
Smart, D., 462 Spearman, C., 50, 64, 159–160
Smith, C. J., 106, 402, 404 Specific cognitive abilities, 103–104
Smith, D. J., 168, 180–181 relationships among, 104
Smith, L., 339, 443 Spector, T. D., 353
Smith, S. D., 115, 118, 128, 131, 475 Speech disorders, 125–132
Smithies, O., 94 See also Disorders of speech and language (DSL) studies
Smoking behavior, genetics of, 411–427 Speech/language disorders in, 67–68
in adolescence, 421–423 Sperry, R. W., 338–339
alcohol and, 424 Spieth, H. T., 317, 318
association studies, 425–426 Spiker, D., 402–403
birth cohort, 413 Spinath, F. M., 64, 65, 88, 89, 108, 114, 115
cessation, 413 Spires, T. L., 202
comorbidities of, 423–425 Spirig, D. H., 168
and cannabis, 423–424 Spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR)
smoking, 424–425 as models, 284–285
demographics of, 413–414 personality differences in, 281
depression and, 424–425 Spotts, E. L., 210, 214, 216–217
developmental age, 413 Sprafkin, J., 363, 370
environmental influences of, 415 Sprague-Dawley (SD) vs. Harlan Wistar rats, 285
gender, 413–414 Spratling, M. W., 406
gene–environment interactions Sprengel, R., 163
parental monitoring, 420 Sprich, S., 459
religiosity, 420 Springer, S. P., 333
in smoking initiation and persistence, 420–421 Spuhler, J. N., 8
intermittent smokers, 426 Squire, L. R., 164, 181
light smokers, 426 Squires-Wheeler, E., 488, 495
linkage studies, 426–427 St Clair, D., 475
molecular genetic analyses of, 425–426 St John, R. D., 307
Nicotine Addiction Genetics (NAG) Project, 425 Staghezza Jaramillo, B., 370
nicotine dependence, 421 Stallings, M. C., 56, 229, 366, 417, 427, 438, 465
demographics of, 413–414 Standard factor analysis, 51
risk of, 411 Standard opponent test, offensive aggression in mice, 302
nicotine tolerance, 413 Staner, L., 464
persistent smoking, 412–413, 424–425 Stanger, C., 370
Schizophrenia and, 425 Stanley, J. A., 495
smoking amount (SA), 419 Stapleton, J., 413
smoking initiation (SI), 412 Stead, J. D. H., 286
environmental influences on, 415–418 Steckler, T., 162
genetic influences on, 415–418 Stedron, J., 176–177
socioeconomic status (SES), 414 Stefansson, H., 72
studies at Finland, 411–412 Steffenburg, S., 399–400, 404
twin studies of, 414–415 Steichen, J. J., 83
See also Cannabis use Steiger, J. H., 29
Smolen, A., 463 Steimer, T., 282, 284, 286–290
Smooth-pursuit-eye movement dysfunctions, 495 Stein, A., 382
Snieder, H., 50, 344 Stein, C. M., 130–132
Snook, R.., 190 Stein, M. B., 218
Snow, C. E., 113 Steinhauer, S., 444
Social behavior, future directions for, 516 Steinmetz, H., 96
Social class, Herrnstein on, 8–9 Stella, J., 403
Sohlberg, S. C., 492, 495 Stengard, J., 481
Sokol, D. K., 89 Stephan, D. A., 68
Sol, D., 66 Stephens, T., 343
Solanto, M. V., 283 Steptoe, A., 343–345, 355
Solomon, A., 380 Stern, Y., 103
Somanath, C., 476 Sternberg, R. J., 64
Some Thoughts Concerning Education, 4 Stevenson, J., 90, 113–114, 256, 365, 367–369, 385–387, 459
Sommer, T., 501 Stewart, C., 508–509
Song, H. J., 199 Stewart, M. A., 399
Song, L., 166 Stewart, R. B., 290, 291
Sörbom, D., 29–30, 47 Steyaert, J., 405
Sorensen, T. I., 415, 424 Stimus, A., 233
Index 555

Stinson, F. S., 424, 434 Sulzby, E., 113

Stocker, C., 211 Summers, L. H., 9
Stohs, J. H., 95 Sun, D., 425
Stone, A. S., 493 Sundet, J. M., 9, 102, 368–369, 386–387
Stone, W. S., 488 Superstitions in handedness, 332–333
Stoop, R., 288 See also under Handedness
Stork, O., 164 Supprian, T., 463
Stowe, Z. N., 71 Surtees, P. G., 343
Strauss, C. C., 383 Susser, E., 474, 475
Strawbridge, W. J., 343 Sustained attention task (SAT), rodents, 509–560
Streitman, S., 489 Sutcliffe, J. S., 404–405
Strobel, A., 230, 245, 259 Sutherland, I., 411
Stromberg, B., 84 Suvanto, L., 190, 192
Strömgren, E., 473 Suvisaari, J. M., 474, 489
Stroud, L. R., 424 Svartengren, M. S., 105
Strous, R. D., 461 Svensson, T. H., 503
Structural equation modeling, 26–28 Svikis, D. S., 82, 435
alternative matrix specifications, 27 Svoboda, K., 164
See also Path diagram Svrakic, D., 223
Stubbe, J. H., 344, 346–347, 348, 350 Swan, G. E., 92, 103, 415, 419, 426, 436
Sturchler-Pierrat, C., 167 Swanson, H. L., 115, 118
Styr, B., 488, 496 Swanson, J. M., 333
Substance use and substance use disorders Sweatt, J. D., 162, 164, 165, 167
adoption studies, 435–439 Swedish High-Risk Project (SHRP), 490–494
alcoholism, 441 Sweeney, J. A., 495
drinking, 441 Swerdlow, N. R., 246
research on, 435–439 Swillen, A., 149
familial resemblance, biometric approaches to study, 435 Synaptic plasticity mechanisms
gateway hypothesis, 447–448 in rodents cognition research, 161
gene–environment interplay, 445–446, See also under mutation-induced deficit in, 162
Gene–environment (GE) correlation Syntactic representations, 125
age at first drink, 446 Szatmari, P., 364, 399–401, 403, 406
drinking and marital status, 447 Szczygielski, J., 202
risk factors, 447–448 Sziber, P. P., 199
genetics of, 433–448
multi-stage biometric models, 435
multivariate biometric models, 437 T
phenotypes Tabuchi, K., 69
genetic and environmental influences on, 435–439 Taché, Y., 289
nature, 435–436 Tadevosyan-Leyfer, O., 403
phenotypes, gene identification for, 439–446 Tagaki, S., 443
alcohol phenotypes, gene identification for, 440–443 Tager-Flusberg, H., 132
association studies, 442 Tajima, F., 191
biologically based candidates, 443 Takahashi, T. N., 398
case–control studies, 440 Takahashi, R. H., 202
chromosome 4, 442 Takai, D., 480
chromosome 7, 442 Taketo, M. M., 164
Dopamine system, 443 Tallal, P., 128, 131–132
Endophenotypes, 444 Tambs, K., 9, 66
family-based studies, 440 Tanfer, K., 269
identity by descent (IBD) marker allele, 440 Tang, M., 103
linkage studies, 440 Tang, Y. P., 163
methodologies for, 439–440 Tanner, J. E., 332
positional candidates, 442 Tannock, R., 253, 361, 503
serotonin system, 443 Tanskanen, A. J., 474
transmission disequilibrium test (TDT), 440 Tanzi, R. E., 197, 198
twin studies, 435–439 Tarazi, F. I., 283
alcoholism, 441 Tarbox, S. I., 488
cannabis-related phenotypes, 437 Tarter, R. E., 434
drinking, 437 Tassebehji, M., 177
research on, 435–439 Tauber, E., 320
Sugama, S., 147 Taylor, A., 383
Sugden, K., 390 Taylor, B., 433
Sullivan, E. V., 92, 137, 141 Taylor, D., 120
Sullivan, P. F., 382, 387, 415, 418, 423, 436, 441 Taylor, H. F., 85
Sullivan, R., 161 Taylor, J., 460–461
556 Index

Taylor, K., 406 Toddler Temperament Scale, 256

Teale, W. H., 113 Todorov, A.A., 415
Teipel, S. J., 144, 175, 178 Toga, A.W., 92, 161
Tellegen, A., 64, 224 Tolerance, nicotine, 413
Temperament Tolman, E. C., 65
activity, 66 Tomaiuolo, F., 145, 148, 178
attentiveness/perseverance, 66 Tomarken, A. J., 233
disorders Tomasello, M., 84, 332
animal models of, 70 Tomblin, J. B., 127, 129
emotionality, 66 Tomioka, S., 102
genetics of, 251–263, See also Childhood temperament Tonegawa, S., 162, 163
human personality and, 65 Tong, X. K., 166
reactivity, 66 Top-down studies, depression, 380–381
sociability, 66 Torgersen, J., 338
Temperament and Character Inventory (TCI) scales, 223–229, 240 Torgersen, S., 460
harm avoidance, 224 Torgesen, J. K., 115
novelty seeking, 224 Torrey, E. F., 276
reward dependence, 226 Tou, J. C. L., 343
Temple, M. T., 447 Towers, H., 210, 365
Templeton, A. R., 321 Tozzi, C., 83
Teran-Garcia, M., 354 Trainin, G., 115
Terracciano, A., 225, 412 Trait neuroticism, 224
Territoriality, Drosophila species, 318–319 Tramo, M. J., 92
Terry, R. D., 166, 202 Tran, D., 463
Tertiary aging, 107 Transmission disequilibrium test (TDT), 440
Teti, L. O., 253 Tregenza, T., 192
Thapar, A., 366–367, 371, 374, 381, 384–386, 387–389, 404, Trejo, V., 89
459, 461 Treloar, S. A., 107
Thede, L. L., 366 Tremblay, A., 344
Thibaut, F., 503 Tridimensional Personality Questionnaire (TPQ), 239–240
Thieben, M. J., 141 Trisomy 21 (TRS21). See Down’s Syndrome
Thielen, R. J., 292 Trojanowski, J. Q., 166, 201, 204
Thomas, C. L., 67 Troncoso, J., 180
Thomas, E., 15 Troughton, E., 209
Thomas, G. M., 164 Trouillet, R., 226
Thomas, J. G., 179 Trouton, A., 114
Thomas, K. R., 67 True, W. R., 421, 424
Thomas, M. A., 194 Trull, T. J., 70, 232, 434
Thomas, R. K., 63 Tryon, R. C., 15
Thomasson, H. R., 442 Tryptophan hydroxylase (TPH), antisocial behavior association
Thome, J., 463 studies, 463
Thomis, M. A., 346, 347, 353–354 Tsai, L., 399
Thompson, L. A., 114–117, 119, 128, 368 Tsai, S.-J., 105
Thompson, L. M., 197, 200, 203 Tsang, S., 168
Thompson, L., 114, 117 Tseng, B. P., 167
Thompson, P. J., 412 Tsien, J. Z., 163
Thompson, P. M., 92–93, 139, 161, 178 Tsuang, M. T., 370, 402, 438, 476, 478, 488
Thompson, R., 73 Tuberin, 399
Thompson, W. R., 3, 19 Tuchman, R., 403
Thomson, G., 475 Tuck, J. R., 463
Thorburn, A.W., 343 Tully, L. A., 84
Thorndike, E. L., 16, 62 Tully, T., 199–200, 516
Thorndike, R. L., 161 Tupes, E. C., 65
Thornquist, M., 223 Turkheimer, E., 90, 93, 224, 231, 481
Thornton, L. M., 271 Turner, S. M., 380
Thorpe, K., 84 Turner, W. J., 276
Thurstone, L. L., 50 Turpin, R., 176
Tidswell, T., 253 Twentieth century, behavior genetics during, 5
Tienari, P., 496 Twenty-Seventh Yearbook, 5
Tijhuis, M., 343 Twin studies/correlations
Tijo, H., 176 alcoholism, 435
Tillman, R., 476 and human brain morphology, 138–141
Timberlake, D. S., 420 global gray, 151
Tobeña, A., 282, 285 global white matter, 151
Todd, R. D., 361, 368, 372–374, 382, 402, 404 drinking, 435
Toddler Behavioral Assessment Questionnaire (TBAQ), 254 on exercise behavior, 346–350
Index 557

in adults, 347 Van Os, J., 474

Dutch twin study, 347 van Swinderen, B., 204
environmental and genetic influences in adolescence, 347 Van Tol, H. H., 240, 242
Finnish twin study, 350 vanBeijsterveldt, C. E. M., 444
Leuven Longitudinal Twin Study, 347 Vandenberg, S. G., 16, 52, 83, 114
of general mental ability, 81–96, See also MZ–DZ twin studies Vandenbree, M. B. M., 344
longitudinal analysis of, 52–54 vanderEnde, J., 386
multivariate analysis of, 47–50 vanDoornen, L. J. P., 434
MZ and DZ phenotypic correlations, 423–424 Vanyukov, M., 434
psychotic disorders, 475–476 Vargha-Khadem, F., 67, 128, 132, 149
sexual orientation, 271–272 Variable expression, Autism, 402
of smoking behavior, 414–415 Variable number tandem repeat (VNTR)
cannabis-related phenotypes, 437 polymorphism, 241
substance use and substance use disorders, 435–439 Variance components (VC) approach, 41
Twins Early Development Study (TEDS), 114 Variation
univariate model for data, 27 measuring, 16–19
See also MZ–DZ twin studies summarizing, 16–18
Twisk, J. W. R., 352 Varo, J. J., 343
Two-allele system, 19 Vauclair, J., 332
Two-stage model, Cannabis use, 423 Vaugeois, J. M., 71
Tyndale, R. F., 424–426 Vaupel, J. W., 82
Veenstra-VanderWeele, J., 405
U Veinante, P., 288
Ueda, A., 321 Vekovischeva, O. Y., 304
Ueda, R., 198 Velley, L., 282
Ugazio, A. G., 175 Velocardiofacial syndrome (VCFS), 149
Uhl, G. R., 426 brain abnormality in, 141
Unidirectional causation, 57 Velucci, S. V., 285
United Kingdom, DSL studies in, 128–129 Venables, P. H., 489
Univariate analysis of reading skills, 115–116 Verhaeghen, P., 103
overall reading ability, 115 Verhoeven, L., 126
phonological awareness, 115 Verhulst, F. C., 365, 386, 388
Univariate model for twin data, 27 Vernon, P. A., 52, 65, 218, 223
Up- or down regulate expression, in rodents, 165 Verweij, C. J., 68
Urani, A., 71 Vesterdal, W. J., 9
Uutela, A., 411 Vicari, S., 83, 176–177, 181
Uylings, H. B.M., 505, 507 Victoroff, J., 166
Viding, E., 460
V Vierikko, E., 365, 371
Valentini, V., 282, 289 Viglinskaya, I. V., 291
van Amelsvoort, T., 149 Vigorous exercisers, 343
van Baal, G. C. M., 83, 88, 231, 420, 445 Vikat, A., 414
van Balkom, H., 126 Viken, R. J., 232, 366, 384, 412, 417, 420,
van Beijsterveldt, C. E. M., 58, 83, 386 422, 435, 445, 459
Van Craenenbroeck, K., 242 Vilain, E., 275
Van de Poll, N. E., 505 Vink, J. M., 354, 415, 420–421
van den Bree, M. B., 384, 460 Virtual twins (VT), 86–87
van den Brink, W., 434 adopted–adopted pairs, 86
Van den Oord, E. J., 379, 387–388 adopted–biological pairs, 86
van der Lely, H. K., 127 classes, 87
Van der Meere, J., 384 full-scale IQ, 87
Van Doornen, L. J. P., 344, 421 performance IQ, 87
Van Dyck, R.,56 verbal IQ, 87
Van Eerdewegh, P., 58 Visscher, P. M., 30, 41
van Erp, T. G., 480 Vittum, J., 390
Van Haaren, F., 505 Vize, C. M., 381
van Haren, N. E., 480 Vogel, E. K., 503
Van Hoesen, G. W., 166 Volavka, J., 105
Van Horn, J. D., 92 Volk, H. E., 374
Van Ijzendoorn, M. H., 87 Volkmar, F. R., 401, 403
van Leuven, F., 167 Volkow, N. D., 424
Van Loo, K. M. J., 286 von Knorring, A. -L., 445, 458
Van Loon, A. J. M., 343 Vorstman, J. A., 405
van Mechelen, W., 352 Vrontou, E., 318, 325
van Oortmerssen, G. A., 305, 308 Vu, R., 463
Van Oost, B. A., 464 Vuoristo, M., 189
558 Index

W Weiner, W. J., 197

Waddell, S., 162, 200, 324 Weinrich, J. D., 270
Wadden, N. P., 403 Weinstein, S. P., 415
Waddington, C. H., 93 Weintraub, S., 493
Wade, C. E., 343 Weis, C., 162
Wadsworth, J., 269 Weis, J., 202
Wadsworth, M., 370 Weis, S., 143–144
Wadsworth, S. J., 114 Weiss, S., 41
Wagner, G. P., 190–191 Weissman, M. M., 380–383
Wagner, R. K., 115 Welch, J. P., 398
Wagner, S., 302 Weller, A., 70
Wagner-Smith, K., 516 Weller, M., 164
Wahlsten, D., 63, 64, 288 Wellings, K., 269
Wainwright, M. A., 95 Wellis, V. G., 148–149
Wainwright, M. S., 406 Welzl, H., 68, 73, 164, 165
Wainwright, N.W., 239 Wender, P. H., 487
Wajngurt, D., 478 Wendland, J. R., 311, 312
Walden, B., 211 Werry, J. S., 495
Walder, L. O., 209 Wersinger, S. R., 309
Waldman, I. D., 369, 379, 459, 460, 462–464, 466 West, R., 413
Waldo, M. C., 72 Westaway, D., 167–168
Waldron, M., 90, 121, 224, 231 Westin, A., 413
Walker, C.-D., 282 Westlund, K. N., 285
Walker, D. L., 284, 289 Wetherill, L. F., 442, 445
Walker, E. F., 488–489, 494 Wetzels, J., 412
Wallace, B., 320 Wexler, K., 127
Waller, N. G., 230 Whalley, H. C., 495
Walsh, B., 19, 21–22, 371, 375 Whalley, L. J., 84
Walsh, D. M., 202, 487 Wheatley, K., 411
Walsh-Allis, G., 381 Wheeler, C. J., 320
Walter, S., 401 Wheeler, D. A., 193
Waltereit, R., 164 Wheeler, R. E., 233
Walters, E. E., 57, 434 Wheelwright, S., 401
Walters, S. R., 69 Whipple, S. C., 444
Wang, H., 163 Whitam, F. L., 271
Wang, J. C., 442–443 Whitbeck, L. B., 382
Wang, K., 233 White, A., 252
Wang, M., 168 White, C. D., 148–149
Wang, P. P., 148 White, D. L., 166
Wang, Y., 204 White, K., 200
Wang, Z., 302 White, N. S., 92, 140–143
Wardle, J., 343 White, S. A., 67
Warner, V., 380–381, 383 White, V. M., 421
Warren, S. T., 165 Whitehouse, P. J., 166
Warwick Daw, E., 106 Whitehurst, G. J., 113
Wass, J. A. H., 516 Whitfield, J. B., 442
Watanabe, H., 175, 178 Whitney, G., 9
Waterhouse, L., 403 Whorf, B., 67
Watkins, K. E., 67, 131–132, 149–150 Wickramaratne, P. J., 380–382
Watson, J. B., 5, 62 Widiger, T. A., 70
Watson, J. D., 16 Widom, C. S., 465
Watson, M., 443 Wiersma, A., 282, 288
Watt, N. F., 489 Wigger, A., 70, 289
Waudby, C. J., 232 Wightman, R. M., 462
Wearing, A. J., 421 Wilcock, J., 287
Weaver, I. C. G., 93, 480 Wilcox, J. A., 402
Webb, C. T., 488 Wile, A., 336
Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (WAIS), 52 Wileyto, E. P., 424
Weeber, E. J., 165 Wilhelm, K., 382
Wehner, J. M., 62, 63, 162 Wilkerson, S. A., 83
Wei, L. J., 41 Wilkin, S., 333
Weickert, C. S., 150 Wilkinson, G. S., 190, 318
Weinbeck, M., 290 Wilkinson, L. S., 493, 503, 510
Weinberg, W., 81 Willcutt, E. G., 58, 369
Weinberger, D. R., 92, 96, 138, 141, 242, 488, 503 Willemen, A., 285
Weiner, I., 509 Willemsen, G., 354, 415, 421
Index 559

Willerman, L., 87, 460 delayed alternation, 505–506

William–Beuren Syndrome dopamine D1 receptor function
TRS21 and, comparative neuropsychology, 177–178 in forebrain of mice lacking Dopamine D2 and
Williams, A. G., 355 D3 receptors, 504
Williams syndrome (WS), 151–152 in the medial prefrontal cortex of mice lacking Dopamine D2
Williams, G. V., 503–504 and D3 receptors, 505
Williams, H. J., 72 in mice lacking D2 and D3 receptors, 504
Williams, J. M., 423–425 dopamine role in, 503–504
Williams, J. T., 58, 441 in major mental disorders, 502–503
Williams, M. A., 191, 192 neurotransmitter systems supporting, 502
Willig, F., 282 tests of spatial working memory of rodents, 505–506
Willis-Owen, S. A., 70, 241, 259 See also Attention
Wilquet, V., 405 Worry Wart – Serotonin Transporter SLC6A4, 241–242
Wilson, A., 413–414 animal studies, 241–242
Wilson, G.N., 176–177, 181 Wostear, G., 380
Wilson, J. Q., 456 Wright, I. C., 139
Wilson, L. E., 89 Wright, M. I., 95
Wilson, M. A., 163 Wright, S., 26
Wilson, R. S., 83, 88 Wright, M. J., 83
Wilson, V., 84 Writing hand, self-classification of handedness by, 337
Wimmer, H., 253 Writing position, 339–340
Winblad, B., 166 Wu, J.-Y., 292
Windle, M., 423–424 Wu, K. H., 199
Windle, R. C., 423–424 Wu, Y., 501
Windsor, R. A., 414 Wust, S., 262
Winebarger, A. A., 212, 258 Wyatt, R., 476
Winnicki, M., 355
Winocur, G., 182 X
Winokur, G., 476, 478 Xia, X., 167
Winsberg, B. G., 462 Xie, G., 28, 35, 363
Winslow, J., 243 Xing, Q. H., 242
Winter, M., 434 X-linkage analysis, in sexual orientation, 274
Winter, T., 346, 420 Xu, X., 37, 41
Winters, D., 333 Xuei, X. L., 442–443
Winters, K. C., 493
Wirths, O., 202 Y
Wise, B., 114 Yacoubi, M., 71
Wishart, J. G., 177 Yadid, G., 291–292
Wisniewski, T., 168 Yairi, E., 128, 132
Wistar–Kyoto (WKY) rats, 283–284 Yamada, H., 191
Witelson, S. F., 96, 141 Yamada, S., 164
Wittke-Thompson, J. K., 130 Yamagata, S., 65, 225, 257
Wixted, J. T., 495 Yamaguchi, K., 423, 447
Wolf, H., 223, 230 Yan, Y., 168
Wolf, M. E., 115, 282 Yang, H., 165, 199
Wolf, P. A., 333 Yang, R. J., 71
Wolfarth, B., 355 Yaniv, S., 492, 495
Wolfer, D. P., 63, 68, 165–166 Yashin, A. I., 82
Wolff, M., 164 Yasin, I., 128
Wolraich, M. L., 362–363 Yasuyama, K., 204
Wong, A. H. C., 94, 477, 480, 487, 515 Yates, W., 209
Wong, C. W., 197 Ye, W., 381
Woo, S. L., 94 Yee, B., 475
Wood, A. C., 254 Yeo, R. A., 91
Wood, C., 369 Yeomans, D. C., 285
Woodcock, B. G., 425 Yilmazer-Hanke, D. M., 287–290, 293
Woodhouse, W., 398 Yin, J. C., 199
Woods, D. R., 355 Yonan, A. L., 404, 406
Woods, R. P., 150 York, T. P., 93
Woodson, P., 282 You, M., 168
Woodward, L. J., 380 Young, A. M. J., 509–510
Woodward, T. S., 72 Young, L. J., 243
Woodworth, S., 209–210 Young, R.M., 224
Working memory, 501–510 Young, S. E., 70, 229, 366, 438, 463, 465
anatomic structures supporting, 502 Youngblade, L., 215
components, 504 Yu, J., 73
560 Index

Yu, Y. W., 246 Zhang, X., 129

Yule, G. U., 22 Zhang, Y., 3, 462
Yurkovic, A., 322 Zhao, J. H., 41
Zheng, H., 167
Z Zheng, T., 478
Zahn-Waxler, C. 265 Zhu, X. R., 199
Zalsman, G., 461 Zhu, Y., 180
Zandi, P. P., 72, 478 Ziedonis, D., 423–425
Zandio, M., 474 Zill, P., 461
Zarow, C., 166 Zimmerman, M., 232
Zax, M., 492 Zinbarg, R., 379
Zdravkovic, S., 355 Zobel, A., 478
Zeier, H., 282 Zoghbi, H., 480
Zeiss, A., 380 Zucker, K. J., 277
Zelaso, P. D., 253 Zuckerman, M., 223
Zerbin-Rüdin, E., 113 Zweifel, M., 291
Zhang, H., 425 Zwiers, M. P., 137
Zhang, J., 180 Zygosity determination method, antisocial personality disorder
Zhang, K., 283 (ASPD), 458
Zhang, S., 163 Zyrianova, N. M., 95

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