Vocabulary Letter: Paid Leave - Baja Remunerada

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Vocabulary Letter P

1. Paid Leave – Baja Remunerada (time away from work by an employee for which the employee
receives compensation, and is limited to sick time, vacation time, compensatory time)

2. Part-Time Employment – Empleo A Tiempo Parcial (type of job that is done for less than the
normal amount of hours invested, or for less than the full duration that it is normally done.)

3. Pay – Salario, Nómina (is a form of payment from an employer to an employee, which may be
specified in an employment contract.)

4. Pay Cut / Pay Rise – Reducción / Aumento De Salario (is the increase/decrease in the value
of remuneration for work, it can be according to the will of the employer or legal conditions)

5. Payroll – Nómina (a list of a company's employees and the amount each earns, or the total earnings a
business gives to its employees.)

6. Payroll Tax – Impuesto Sobre La Nómina (is a percentage withheld from an employee's pay by
an employer who pays it to the government on the employee's behalf.)

7. Payroll System they are useful to carry out the payroll of any company. these types of systems are
essential so that the settlement of payroll continues to be one of the most important tasks of your company,
but that in turn, does not involve too much time. if you do not have a payroll system, it is important that you
keep in mind how it works, so that you later evaluate whether or not you should implement one.

8. Pay Scale salary scales can be conceived as indicators of the predetermined relationship between salary
and the category or hierarchy of positions grouped by their similar complexity, responsibility and
organizational impact.
9. Pay Slip it is the sum of the financial records of employee wages, including wages, bonuses, and
deductions. in accounting, payroll refers to the amount paid to employees for the services they rendered
over a certain period of time.

10. Pension Fund it is a separate patrimony to the administrator, which grows with the contributions made
by all the affiliates and is invested in search of the best performance. these funds are deposited or posted to
individual accounts that belong to the affiliate customer.
11. Pension Scheme the pension system is a social protection mechanism to provide income to people who
lose their capacity for self-generation due to advanced age (old age rights and benefits), disability (disability
rights and benefits) or death of one of the sources main income of a family (rights and survival benefits).

12. Period Of Notice the notice is a period of time in which one of the parties to the employment contract
communicates in advance some type of incident, whether temporary or permanent, that affects the
employment relationship.

13. Permanent Disability – Incapacidad Permanente: permanent disability due to accident

(immediate and deferred payment).

14. Permanent Job – Trabajo Fijo / Permanente: permanent employees work for an employer and
are paid directly by that employer.

15. Personnel / Staff – Personal, Plantilla: a group of people employed by a company, individual, for
executive, clerical, sales work, etc.

16. Persones Department – Departamento De Personal: the department in an organization

dealing with matters involving employees, as hiring, training, labor relations, and benefits.

17. Production Bonus – Bonificación Por Producción: a performance bonus is compensation

beyond normal wages.

18. Professional Qualifications – Cualificación Profesional: professional qualifications are

vocational training courses that relate to a specific industry or career path.

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