Advantage GCS Modbus Protocol Support 6v8

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Electrospeed Advantage / Electrospeed GCS

Modbus Protocol Support Manual

This document includes updates supporting:

Advantage firmware Release 12.10
GCS System Control firmware version Sys8v80

Version 6.8
September 16, 2014

© 2014 Baker Hughes Incorporated. All rights reserved

Table of Contents
OVERVIEW ................................................................................................................................................ 4
INTRODUCTION........................................................................................................................................ 4
FUNCTION CODE SUPPORT ................................................................................................................... 5
READ OUTPUT COIL STATUS (FUNCTION CODE 01) ...................................................................... 5
READ INPUT STATUS (FUNCTION CODE 02) .................................................................................... 5
READ OUTPUT REGISTERS (FUNCTION CODE 03) ......................................................................... 6
READ INPUT REGISTERS (FUNCTION CODE 04) ............................................................................. 6
FORCE SINGLE COIL (FUNCTION CODE 05) ..................................................................................... 7
PRESET SINGLE REGISTER (FUNCTION CODE 06) ......................................................................... 7
WRITE MULTIPLE COILS (FUNCTION CODE 15) ............................................................................... 8
WRITE MULTIPLE OUTPUT REGISTERS (FUNCTION CODE 16) ..................................................... 8
ERROR / EXCEPTION RESPONSE ......................................................................................................... 9
ERROR RESPONSE FUNCTION CODE .............................................................................................. 9
EXCEPTION RESPONSE CODE .......................................................................................................... 9
STATUS AND REGISTER ADDRESSES ............................................................................................... 10
TABLE 1: INPUT STATUS REGISTERS 10001+ ................................................................................ 10
TABLE 2: OUTPUT STATUS REGISTERS 00001+ ............................................................................ 15
TABLE 3: INPUT REGISTERS 30001+ ............................................................................................... 21
TABLE 3A: PACKED DIGITALS .......................................................................................................... 27
TABLE 4: OUTPUT REGISTERS 40001+ ........................................................................................... 28
USER PLC BLOCKS AND POINTS ....................................................................................................... 42
FREQUENCY AVOIDANCE PARAMETERS.......................................................................................... 52
SHUTDOWN POINT IDENTIFIERS ........................................................................................................ 53
TABLE 5: SHUTDOWN AND LOCKOUT CAUSES (DESCRIPTION) ................................................. 53
TABLE 6: SHUTDOWN AND LOCKOUT CAUSES (CODES) ............................................................. 57
GCS SUPPORT OF MODBUS USER FUNCTION CODE 65 ................................................................. 62
SHUTDOWN HISTORY ....................................................................................................................... 63
STARTUP WAVEFORM....................................................................................................................... 66
EVENTS ............................................................................................................................................... 69
AMPCHARTING ................................................................................................................................... 71
OUTPUT FREQUENCY CONTROL VIA MODBUS ................................................................................ 76
KEYPAD FREQUENCY MODE ........................................................................................................... 77
ANALOG FOLLOWER MODE ............................................................................................................. 77
PID CONTROL MODE ......................................................................................................................... 79
CUSTOM MODBUS MAPS ..................................................................................................................... 83
SETUP .................................................................................................................................................. 84
RUN TIME & DOWN TIME ACCUMULATION........................................................................................ 89
RUN TIME ACCUMULATION .............................................................................................................. 89
DOWN TIME ACCUMULATION ........................................................................................................... 90
SERIAL PORTS ....................................................................................................................................... 91
GCS SYSTEM CONTROL BOARD (SCB) ........................................................................................... 91
RS-232 PORTS ........................................................................................................................................ 92
CABLE PINOUT ................................................................................................................................... 92
INDICATOR LEDS ............................................................................................................................... 92
RS-485 PORTS ........................................................................................................................................ 93

CONNECTIONS ................................................................................................................................... 93
INDICATOR LEDS ............................................................................................................................... 93
RS-485 LINE TERMINATION............................................................................................................... 93
ETHERNET PORTS ................................................................................................................................ 94
INDICATOR LEDS ............................................................................................................................... 94
APPENDIX A ........................................................................................................................................... 95
TABLE 7: EVENT NUMERICS ............................................................................................................. 95
TABLE 8: ALARM POINT IDS .............................................................................................................. 96
TABLE 9: SETPOINT POINT IDS ...................................................................................................... 100

This document provides the technical specifications of the Modbus RTU protocol support included with all
Centrilift’s Graphic Control System (GCS) and Electrospeed Advantage control systems. All modules within
these groups utilize the same register address map to facilitate exchanging model types with minimal
disruptions to the central SCADA system’s configuration.

The GCS and Advantage products support a subset of the functions of Modicon Modbus Protocol in RTU (or
binary) format as described in Modicon Modbus Protocol Reference Guide PI-MBUS-300, Rev C, dated
January 1991. Specifically, the supported Modbus function codes are:

Read Output Coil Status: Function Code 01

Read Input Status: Function Code 02
Read Output Registers: Function Code 03
Read Input Registers: Function Code 04
Force Single Coil: Function Code 05
Preset Single Register: Function Code 06
Write Multiple Coils: Function Code 15
Write Multiple Output Registers: Function Code 16

This document describes the supported functions and the response to each valid request from the host. It is
intended to be used in conjunction with the Modicon Modbus protocol definition and applies to GCS (Graphic
Control System) system controller software revision 8.62 or higher and Advantage firmware Release 12.4 or
higher. All numeric values shown in the function code request and response examples are in hexadecimal
(base 16) format, even when not denoted with an “H”.

This portion of the document provides examples of each MODBUS function code that is supported by the GCS
and Advantage controllers. For a complete list of register address, refer to tables 1 through 4 in this manual.


Digital output states are read by the host via Function Code 01, “Read Output Status”. The first “coil” of this
block reflects the state of the motor contactor or RUN state of the controller. If the motor is shut down Coil 0200
H will be set; if it has been requested to start, Coil 0200 H will be clear. All other output status coils will return
their status in the same fashion. For a complete list of the registers, see the tables at the end of this document.

Example – Function Code 01




01H 01H 02H 00H 00H 01H FCH 72H




01H 01H 01H 00H 51H 88H


Status inputs are accessed by the host via Function Code 02H, “Read Input Status”. These status locations
receive their values from devices connected to the I/O channels available or internal processes such as alarms,
and can only be read, not altered within the system unit or via Modbus protocol.

For a complete list of the registers, see the tables at the end of this document.

Example: Function Code 2




01H 02H 01H 00H 00H 10H 78H 3AH




01H 02H 02H 00H 15H 78H 77H

Output registers are read via Function Code 03, “Read Output Registers”. Up to 125 registers can be obtained
by one request.

For a complete list of the registers, see the tables at the end of this document.

Example: Function Code 3




01H 03H 02H 34H 00H 02H 84H 7DH




01H 03H 04H 00 01 00 00 ABH F3H


Analog inputs are read via Function Code 04, “Read Input Registers”. These registers locations receive their
values from devices connected to the I/O channels available to the controllers and can only be read, not altered
directly within the controller or via Modbus protocol. The controllers allow up to 125 registers to be obtained by
one request. For a complete list of the registers, see the tables at the end of this document.

Example: Function Code 4




01H 04H 01H 30H 00H 06H 71H FBH




01H 04H 0CH 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 95H B7H

Individual digital outputs (coils) are modified by the Modbus host via Function Code 05, “Force Single Coil”. The
GCS controller has three (3) physical digital outputs onboard (relay contacts) and the Advantage has five (5)
but they also contain many virtual digital outputs that are used to control various processes in the controller.
Expansion I/O modules can be connected to a controller thereby increasing the available physical digital
outputs (relay contacts)

Example: Function Code 5



01H 05H 02H 00H FFH 00H 8DH 82H



01H 05H 02H 00H FFH 00H 8DH 82H


Individual output registers are modified by the host via Function Code 06, “Preset Single Register”.

For a complete list of the registers, see the tables at the end of this document.

Example: Function Code 6



01H 06H 02H 38H 00H 0FH 49H BBH



01H 06H 02H 38H 00H 0FH 49H BBH

Multiple digital outputs are modified by the host in a single message via Function Code 15, “Write Multiple
Coils”. The GCS controller has three (3) physical digital outputs (relay contacts) and the Advantage has five (5)
but they also contain many virtual digital outputs that are used to control various processes in the controller.
Additional digital outputs can be added to a system by using Expansion I/O modules. For a complete list of the
output status points, see the tables at the end of this document.

Example: Function Code 15




01H 0FH 02H 02H 00H 01H 01H 00H 56H B5H




01H 0FH 02H 02H 00H 01H 34H 73H


Multiple output registers are modified by the host via Function Code 16, “Write Multiple Output Registers”. For
a complete list of the registers, see the tables at the end of this document.

Example: Function Code 16




01H 10H 02H 20H 00H 01H 02H 00H 22H F0H 78H




01H 10H 02H 20H 00H 01H 01H BBH

When an error or exception occurs within a controller in response to a host request, it sends a response
message back to the host consisting of the slave address, an error response code (the function code with the
high order bit set to one), an exception response code and the CRC error detection word. The following tables
list the error response function code and the exception response code.


02 82
03 83
04 84
05 85
06 86
0F 8F
10 90


01 Illegal Function The requested function is not supported
02 Illegal Data Address The request contains an out of range data address
03 Illegal Data Value The request contains out of range data values

The following tables (Tables 1 – 4) list the available MODBUS style registers including the register description,
the hexadecimal register address and the decimal address equivalent formatted in typical SCADA software

The right-most column may contain a single letter code denoting that particular register is of meaning only when
being accessed on the pertinent controller or module. The applicable controllers at present are the
Electrospeed GCS (E), VORTEX GCS (V) and Advantage (A). The applicable modules are the Expansion I/O
Module (M), the Remote Data Communication Module (R), Centinel Interface Module (C), and the Neural
Interface Module (N).

10001 to 10250 are user configurable Status Registers. See “Custom ModBus Maps” for information on how to
re-map the ModBus registers to suit your needs.

Table 1: Input Status Registers 10001+

(V =Vortex, E =Electrospeed, M =Expansion Module, R =RDCM, C =Centinel, A =Advantage)
Software Description Long Description Reg Addr Scada Addr
DIGITAL_IN1_SD_ALARM Digital Input 1 Shutdown Alarm 0x0100 10257
DIGITAL_IN2_SD_ALARM Digital Input 2 Shutdown Alarm 0x0101 10258
IUNBAL_SD_ALARM Current Unbalance Shutdown Alarm 0x0102 10259 V
VUNBAL_SD_ALARM Voltage Unbalance Shutdown Alarm 0x0103 10260
OVERVOLT_SD_ALARM Over Voltage Shutdown Alarm 0x0104 10261
UNDERVOLT_SD_ALARM Under Voltage Shutdown Alarm 0x0105 10262
UNDERLOAD_SD_ALARM Undercurrent Shutdown Alarm 0x0106 10263
OVERLOAD_SD_ALARM Over current Shutdown Alarm 0x0107 10264
CONTACTOR Status of motor contactor 0x0108 10265
RED Relay contact Status for Red panel light 0x0109 10266
AUTO Optional HOA mode switch in “AUTO” 0x010A 10267
HAND Optional HOA mode switch in “HAND” 0x010B 10268
LOCKOUT Status of Auto restarts Lockout / permit 0x010C 10269
START Optional Start switch input status 0x010D 10270
ROTATION_ALARM Incoming phase rotation change alarm 0x010E 10271
ANALOG1_HI_THLD_SD_ALARM High Threshold Shutdown Alarm 0x010F 10272
ANALOG1_LO_THLD_SD_ALARM Low Threshold Shutdown Alarm 0x0110 10273
ANALOG2_HI_THLD_SD_ALARM High Threshold Shutdown Alarm 0x0111 10274
ANALOG2_LO_THLD_SD_ALARM Low Threshold Shutdown Alarm 0x0112 10275
DIGITAL_IN1_SDSTATE_TRUE Digital In 1 in Alarm, in Shutdown Delay 0x0114 10277
DIGITAL_IN2_SDSTATE_TRUE Digital In 2 in Alarm, in Shutdown Delay 0x0115 10278
OVERLOAD_HI_THLD_XCEED Overload in Alarm, in Shutdown Delay 0x0116 10279
UNDERLOAD_LO_THLD_XCEED Underload in Alarm, in Shutdown Delay 0x0117 10280
ANALOG1_HI_THLD_XCEED Analog1 Hi in Alarm, in Shutdown Delay 0x0118 10281
DIGITAL_IN3_SD_ALARM Digital Input 3 Shutdown Alarm 0x0119 10282
OVERVOLT_HI_THLD_XCEED Over Voltage Alarm, in Shutdown Delay 0x011A 10283
UNDERVOLT_LO_THLD_XCEED Under Voltage Alarm, in Shutdown Delay 0x011B 10284
ROTATION_SDSTATE_TRUE Incoming Phase Rotation has Changed 0x011C 10285
ANALOG1_LO_THLD_XCEED Analog1 Lo in Alarm, in Shutdown Delay 0x011D 10286
ANALOG2_HI_THLD_XCEED Analog 2 Hi in Alarm, in Shutdown Delay 0x011E 10287
ANALOG2_LO_THLD_XCEED Analog 2 Lo in Alarm, in Shutdown Delay 0x011F 10288
PCM_CONSTANT_TORQUE Constant Torque Mode 0x0120 10289
PCM_ILIMIT Current Limit Active 0x0121 10290
DIGITAL_IN1 On board Digital Input 1 0x0122 10291
DIGITAL_IN2 On board Digital Input 2 0x0123 10292
DIGITAL_IN3 On board Digital Input 3 0x0124 10293

(V =Vortex, E =Electrospeed, M =Expansion Module, R =RDCM, C =Centinel, A =Advantage)
Software Description Long Description Reg Addr Scada Addr
IO1DI1_DEBOUNCED I/O Module 1 Digital Input 1 0x0125 10294 M
IO1DI2_DEBOUNCED I/O Module 1 Digital Input 2 0x0126 10295 M
IO1DI3_DEBOUNCED I/O Module 1 Digital Input 3 0x0127 10296 M
IO2DI1_DEBOUNCED I/O Module 2 Digital Input 1 0x0128 10297 M
IO2DI2_DEBOUNCED I/O Module 2 Digital Input 2 0x0129 10298 M
IO2DI3_DEBOUNCED I/O Module 2 Digital Input 3 0x012A 10299 M
IO3DI1_DEBOUNCED I/O Module 3 Digital Input 1 0x012B 10300 M
IO3DI2_DEBOUNCED I/O Module 3 Digital Input 2 0x012C 10301 M
IO3DI3_DEBOUNCED I/O Module 3 Digital Input 3 0x012D 10302 M
IO1DI1_DETECT_AC I/O Module 1 Digital Input 1 (AC Input) 0x012E 10303 M
IO1DI2_DETECT_AC I/O Module 1 Digital Input 2 (AC Input) 0x012F 10304 M
IO1DI3_DETECT_AC I/O Module 1 Digital Input 3 (AC Input) 0x0130 10305 M
IO2DI1_DETECT_AC I/O Module 2 Digital Input 1 (AC Input) 0x0131 10306 M
IO2DI2_DETECT_AC I/O Module 2 Digital Input 2 (AC Input) 0x0132 10307 M
IO2DI3_DETECT_AC I/O Module 2 Digital Input 3 (AC Input) 0x0133 10308 M
IO3DI1_DETECT_AC I/O Module 3 Digital Input 1 (AC Input) 0x0134 10309 M
IO3DI2_DETECT_AC I/O Module 3 Digital Input 2 (AC Input) 0x0135 10310 M
IO3DI3_DETECT_AC I/O Module 3 Digital Input 3 (AC Input) 0x0136 10311 M
PASSWORD_INVALID User Password is invalid / expired 0x0138 10313
CSU_OPEN_CIRCUIT Centinel Open Circuit Alarm 0x0139 10314 C
CSU_SHORT_CIRCUIT Centinel Short Circuit Alarm 0x013A 10315 C
CSU_SIGNAL_LOSS Centinel Signal Loss Alarm 0x013B 10316 C
CSU_EXCESSIVE_NOISE Centinel Excessive Noise Alarm 0x013C 10317 C
CSU_COMM_FAILURE Centinel Communication Failure Alarm 0x013D 10318 C
IUNBAL_HI_THLD_XCEED Current Unbalance Threshold exceeded 0x013E 10319 V
VUNBAL_HI_THLD_XCEED Voltage Unbalance Threshold exceeded 0x013F 10320
PCM STATUS WORD 1 Power Conversion Module
PCM_RUNNING Running 0x0140 10321
PCM_STOPPED Stopped: All gate signals inhibited 0x0141 10322
PCM_STOPPING Stopping: Command acknowledged 0x0142 10323
PCM_ACCEL Accelerating 0x0143 10324
PCM_DECEL Decelerating 0x0144 10325
PCM_ILIMIT Current Limit 0x0145 10326
PCM_BUS_VOLTS_BIT DC Bus voltage High Threshold 0x0146 10327
PCM STATUS WORD 2 Power Conversion Module
PCM_FAULT PCM Fault word is active 0x0147 10328
PCM_INVERTER_ROTATION Output inverter phase rotation 0x0148 10329
PCM_CONVERTER1_ROTATION Converter 1 input phase rotation 0x0149 10330
PCM_CONVERTER2_ROTATION Converter 2 input phase rotation 0x014A 10331
PCM_PHASED Input phase rotation determined 0x014B 10332
PCM_IN_SYNC_DELAY Inverter in synchronization delay 0x014C 10333
PCM_PHASE_LOCKED Converter Zero Crossing established 0x014D 10334
PCM Fault Word Power Conversion Module
PCM_FAULT PCM Fault word is active 0x014E 10335
PCM_PHASE_APOSITIVE_IOT A Ø Positive Instantaneous overload 0x014F 10336
PCM_PHASE_BPOSITIVE_IOT B Ø Positive Instantaneous overload 0x0150 10337
PCM_PHASE_CPOSITIVE_IOT C Ø Positive Instantaneous overload 0x0151 10338
PCM_PHASE_ANEGATIVE_IOT A Ø Negative Instantaneous overload 0x0152 10339
PCM_PHASE_BNEGATIVE_IOT B Ø Positive Instantaneous overload 0x0153 10340
PCM_PHASE_CNEGATIVE_IOT C Ø Positive Instantaneous overload 0x0154 10341
PCM_ZERO_CROSSING_FAULT Input Zero Crossing signal loss 0x0155 10342
PCM_SYSTEM_ERROR Processor software or hardware fault 0x0156 10343
PCM_CONVERTER_FAULT Input converter fault 0x0157 10344
PCM_INVERTER_FAULT, Output inverter fault 0x0158 10345

(V =Vortex, E =Electrospeed, M =Expansion Module, R =RDCM, C =Centinel, A =Advantage)
Software Description Long Description Reg Addr Scada Addr
PCM_OVER_CURRENT_A_FAULT A Ø Peak Over current 0x0159 10346
PCM_OVER_CURRENT_B_FAULT B Ø Peak Over current 0x015A 10347
PCM_OVER_CURRENT_C_FAULT C Ø Peak Over current 0x015B 10348
PCM_BUS_OVER_VOLTAGE_FLT DC Bus overvoltage 0x015C 10349
RCB_COMM_ERROR Remote Converter Board Com. Failure 0x015D 10350
STATUS WORD 3 Power Conversion Module
PCM_TORQUE_ILIMIT Output Torque/Current Limit 0x015E 10351
HOA_STOP Hand-Off-Auto in Stop 0x015F 10352 V
DRIVE_STOPPED_MANUALLY Keypad / HOA switch Stop 0x0160 10353
RDCM_DEV1_TAG01 RDCM – Device 1 – Data Tag 1 0x0165 10358 R
RDCM_DEV1_TAG02 RDCM – Device 1 – Data Tag 2 0x0166 10359 R
RDCM_DEV1_TAG03 RDCM – Device 1 – Data Tag 3 0x0167 10360 R
RDCM_DEV1_TAG04 RDCM – Device 1 – Data Tag 4 0x0168 10361 R
RDCM_DEV1_TAG05 RDCM – Device 1 – Data Tag 5 0x0169 10362 R
RDCM_DEV1_TAG06 RDCM – Device 1 – Data Tag 6 0x016A 10363 R
RDCM_DEV1_TAG07 RDCM – Device 1 – Data Tag 7 0x016B 10364 R
RDCM_DEV1_TAG08 RDCM – Device 1 – Data Tag 8 0x016C 10365 R
RDCM_DEV1_TAG09 RDCM – Device 1 – Data Tag 9 0x016D 10366 R
RDCM_DEV1_TAG10 RDCM – Device 1 – Data Tag 10 0x016E 10367 R
RDCM_DEV1_TAG11 RDCM – Device 1 – Data Tag 11 0x016F 10368 R
RDCM_DEV1_TAG12 RDCM – Device 1 – Data Tag 12 0x0170 10369 R
RDCM_DEV2_TAG01 RDCM – Device 2 – Data Tag 1 0x0171 10370 R
RDCM_DEV2_TAG02 RDCM – Device 2 – Data Tag 2 0x0172 10371 R
RDCM_DEV2_TAG03 RDCM – Device 2 – Data Tag 3 0x0173 10372 R
RDCM_DEV2_TAG04 RDCM – Device 2 – Data Tag 4 0x0174 10373 R
RDCM_DEV2_TAG05 RDCM – Device 2 – Data Tag 5 0x0175 10374 R
RDCM_DEV2_TAG06 RDCM – Device 2 – Data Tag 6 0x0176 10375 R
RDCM_DEV2_TAG07 RDCM – Device 2 – Data Tag 7 0x0177 10376 R
RDCM_DEV2_TAG08 RDCM – Device 2 – Data Tag 8 0x0178 10377 R
RDCM_DEV2_TAG09 RDCM – Device 2 – Data Tag 9 0x0179 10378 R
RDCM_DEV2_TAG10 RDCM – Device 2 – Data Tag 10 0x017A 10379 R
RDCM_DEV2_TAG11 RDCM – Device 2 – Data Tag 11 0x017B 10380 R
RDCM_DEV2_TAG12 RDCM – Device 2 – Data Tag 12 0x017C 10381 R
RDCM_DEV3_TAG01 RDCM – Device 3 – Data Tag 1 0x017D 10382 R
RDCM_DEV3_TAG02 RDCM – Device 3 – Data Tag 2 0x017E 10383 R
RDCM_DEV3_TAG03 RDCM – Device 3 – Data Tag 3 0x017F 10384 R
RDCM_DEV3_TAG04 RDCM – Device 3 – Data Tag 4 0x0180 10385 R
RDCM_DEV3_TAG05 RDCM – Device 3 – Data Tag 5 0x0181 10386 R
RDCM_DEV3_TAG06 RDCM – Device 3 – Data Tag 6 0x0182 10387 R
RDCM_DEV3_TAG07 RDCM – Device 3 – Data Tag 7 0x0183 10388 R
RDCM_DEV3_TAG08 RDCM – Device 3 – Data Tag 8 0x0184 10389 R
RDCM_DEV3_TAG09 RDCM – Device 3 – Data Tag 9 0x0185 10390 R
RDCM_DEV3_TAG10 RDCM – Device 3 – Data Tag 10 0x0186 10391 R
RDCM_DEV3_TAG11 RDCM – Device 3 – Data Tag 11 0x0187 10392 R
RDCM_DEV3_TAG12 RDCM – Device 3 – Data Tag 12 0x0188 10393 R
GDICOMM_FAILURE, Graphics Display Communication Failure 0x0189 10394
FIRST_AUX_IO_COMM_FAILURE Expansion I/O 1 Communication Failure 0x018A 10395 M
SECOND_AUX_IO_COMM_FAILURE Expansion I/O 2 Communication Failure 0x018B 10396 M
THIRD_AUX_IO_COMM_FAILURE Expansion I/O 3 Communication Failure 0x018C 10397 M
RDCM_COMM_FAILURE RDCM Communication Failure 0x018D 10398 R
CSU_COMM_FAILURE Centinel Communication Failure 0x018E 10399 C
XCVR_COMM_FAIL Centinel Gauge Communication Failure 0x018F 10400 C
RDCM_DEV1_COMM_FAIL RDCM Device 1 Communication Failure 0x0190 10401 R
RDCM_DEV2_COMM_FAIL RDCM Device 2 Communication Failure 0x0191 10402 R

(V =Vortex, E =Electrospeed, M =Expansion Module, R =RDCM, C =Centinel, A =Advantage)
Software Description Long Description Reg Addr Scada Addr
RDCM_DEV3_COMM_FAIL RDCM Device 3 Communication Failure 0x0192 10403 R
DATA_LOGGING_ENABLED Data Logging Enabled 0x0193 10404
SERIAL_COMM_SDSTATE Telemetry Fail Shutdown State 0x0194 10405
RCB_BOARD_COUNT_FAULT Remote Converter Board Count Fault 0x0195 10406
PCM_INITIATED_ESTOP_FAULT PCM Initiated Estop Fault 0x0196 10407
RDCM_DEV1_COMM_FAIL_SDSTATE RDCM Device 1 Com Fail Shutdown State 0x0197 10408 R
RDCM_COMM_FAIL_SDSTATE RDCM Communication Fail Shutdown State 0x0198 10409 R
PCM_PWM_FILTER_ATTACHED PCM PWM Filter Attached 0x0199 10410
FIRST_START First Start 0x019A 10411
FIRST_AUX_IO_COMM_FAIL_SDSTATE Expansion I/O 1 Comm Fail Shutdown State 0x019B 10412 M
SECOND_AUX_IO_COMM_FAIL_SDSTA Expansion I/O 2 Comm Fail Shutdown State 0x019C 10413 M
THIRD_AUX_IO_COMM_FAIL_SDSTAT Expansion I/O 3 Comm Fail Shutdown State 0x019D 10414 M
DRIVE_PARAMETERS_IN_RPM Drive Parameters in RPM 0x019E 10415
0= no, 1= yes
RDCM_DEV2_COMM_FAIL_SDSTATE RDCM Device 2 Comm Fail Shutdown State 0x019F 10416 R
RDCM_DEV3_COMM_FAIL_SDSTATE RDCM Device 3 Comm Fail Shutdown State 0x01A0 10417 R
UAB1_THLD_XCEED User Alarm Block 1 Threshold Exceeded 0x01A1 10418
UAB2_THLD_XCEED User Alarm Block 2 Threshold Exceeded 0x01A2 10419
UAB3_THLD_XCEED User Alarm Block 3 Threshold Exceeded 0x01A3 10420
UAB4_THLD_XCEED User Alarm Block 4 Threshold Exceeded 0x01A4 10421
UAB5_THLD_XCEED User Alarm Block 5 Threshold Exceeded 0x01A5 10422
UAB6_THLD_XCEED User Alarm Block 6 Threshold Exceeded 0x01A6 10423
UAB7_THLD_XCEED User Alarm Block 7 Threshold Exceeded 0x01A7 10424
UAB8_THLD_XCEED User Alarm Block 8 Threshold Exceeded 0x01A8 10425
UAB1_THLD_ALARM User Alarm Block 1 Threshold Alarm 0x01A9 10426
UAB2_THLD_ALARM User Alarm Block 2 Threshold Alarm 0x01AA 10427
UAB3_THLD_ALARM User Alarm Block 3 Threshold Alarm 0x01AB 10428
UAB4_THLD_ALARM User Alarm Block 4 Threshold Alarm 0x01AC 10429
UAB5_THLD_ALARM User Alarm Block 5 Threshold Alarm 0x01AD 10430
UAB6_THLD_ALARM User Alarm Block 6 Threshold Alarm 0x01AE 10431
UAB7_THLD_ALARM User Alarm Block 7 Threshold Alarm 0x01AF 10432
UAB8_THLD_ALARM User Alarm Block 8 Threshold Alarm 0x01B0 10433
CONTACTOR_FAILURE_ALARM Contactor Failure Alarm 0x01B2 10435 V
DRIVE_READY_TO_RUN Drive Ready to Run 0x01B3 10436
0= no, 1= yes
CSU_HAS_RT_CLOCK, Centinel Has a Real-Time Clock (CIM-COM) 0X01B4 10437 A
DIGITAL_IN3_SDSTATE_TRUE Digital Input 3 Shutdown State is True 0X01B5 10438 A
DIGITAL_IN4, Digital Input 4 (ASBB) 0X01B6 10439 A
DIGITAL_IN5, Digital Input 5 (ASBB) 0X01B7 10440 A
DIGITAL_IN6, Digital Input 6 (AAIB) 0X01B8 10441 A
DIGITAL_IN7, Digital Input 7 (AAIB) 0X01B9 10442 A
DIGITAL_IN8, Digital Input 8 (AAIB) 0X01BA 10443 A
DIGITAL_OUT4, Digital Output 4 (ASBB) 0X01BB 10444 A
DIGITAL_OUT5, Digital Output 5 (ASBB) 0X01BC 10445 A
DIGITAL_OUT6, Digital Output 6 (AAIB) 0X01BD 10446 A
DIGITAL_OUT7, Digital Output 7 (AAIB) 0X01BE 10447 A
DIGITAL_OUT8, Digital Output 8 (AAIB) 0X01BF 10448 A
CLOCK_IS_SET, System Clock is Set 0X01C0 10449 A
0= Default Setup, 1= Default Setup Bypassed
SETUP_IS_DONE, Setup is Done 0X01C1 10450 A
0= Default Setup, 1= Default Setup Bypassed
APC_INV2_APOS_IOT, Inverter 2 Phase A Positive IOT 0X01C2 10451 A
APC_INV2_BPOS_IOT, Inverter 2 Phase B Positive IOT 0X01C3 10452 A
APC_INV2_CPOS_IOT, Inverter 2 Phase C Positive IOT 0X01C4 10453 A
APC_INV2_ANEG_IOT, Inverter 2 Phase A Negative IOT 0X01C5 10454 A

(V =Vortex, E =Electrospeed, M =Expansion Module, R =RDCM, C =Centinel, A =Advantage)
Software Description Long Description Reg Addr Scada Addr
APC_INV2_BNEG_IOT, Inverter 2 Phase B Negative IOT 0X01C6 10455 A
APC_INV2_CNEG_IOT, Inverter 2 Phase C Negative IOT 0X01C7 10456 A
APC_INV3_APOS_IOT, Inverter 3 Phase A Positive IOT 0X01C8 10457 A
APC_INV3_BPOS_IOT, Inverter 3 Phase B Positive IOT 0X01C9 10458 A
APC_INV3_CPOS_IOT, Inverter 3 Phase C Positive IOT 0X01CA 10459 A
APC_INV3_ANEG_IOT, Inverter 3 Phase A Negative IOT 0X01CB 10460 A
APC_INV3_BNEG_IOT, Inverter 3 Phase B Negative IOT 0X01CC 10461 A
APC_INV3_CNEG_IOT, Inverter 3 Phase C Negative IOT 0X01CD 10462 A
APC_INV4_APOS_IOT, Inverter 4 Phase A Positive IOT 0X01CE 10463 A
APC_INV4_BPOS_IOT, Inverter 4 Phase B Positive IOT 0X01CF 10464 A
APC_INV4_CPOS_IOT, Inverter 4 Phase C Positive IOT 0X01D0 10465 A
APC_INV4_ANEG_IOT, Inverter 4 Phase A Negative IOT 0X01D1 10466 A
APC_INV4_BNEG_IOT, Inverter 4 Phase B Negative IOT 0X01D2 10467 A
APC_INV4_CNEG_IOT, Inverter 4 Phase C Negative IOT 0X01D3 10468 A
APC_CNV_MISMATCH_1, Converter 1 Mismatch 0X01D4 10469 A
APC_CNV_MISMATCH_2, Converter 2 Mismatch 0X01D5 10470 A
APC_CNV_MISMATCH_3, Converter 3 Mismatch 0X01D6 10471 A
APC_CNV_MISMATCH_4, Converter 4 Mismatch 0X01D7 10472 A
APC_CNV1_ABSENT, Converter 1 Absent 0X01D8 10473 A
APC_CNV1_PHS_UNLOCK, Converter 1 Phase Unlock 0X01D9 10474 A
APC_CNV2_PHS_UNLOCK, Converter 2 Phase Unlock 0X01DA 10475 A
APC_CNV3_PHS_UNLOCK, Converter 3 Phase Unlock 0X01DB 10476 A
APC_CNV4_PHS_UNLOCK, Converter 4 Phase Unlock 0X01DC 10477 A

Table 2: Output Status Registers 00001+
00001 to 00250 are user configurable Status Registers. See “Custom ModBus Maps” for information on how to
re-map the ModBus registers to suit your needs.


READ STATUS (Read Output Coil Status = FUNCTION CODE 01)
WRITE OUTPUTS (Force Multiple Coils = FUNCTION CODE 15)
(V =Vortex, E =Electrospeed, M =Expansion Module, R =RDCM, C =Centinel, A =Advantage)
Software Description Long Description Reg Addr Scada Adr
CENTRAL_SHUTDOWN_REQUEST SCADA / Remote Control Shutdown (VMC-100) 0x0200 00513
RESTART_ON_OVERLOAD_ENBL Restart on Overload Enable 0x0201 00514
OVERLOAD_LOCK_ENBL Disallow Restart if Overload Shutdown 0x0202 00515
OVERLOAD_ALARM_ENBL Alarm or Ignore Overload condition 0x0203 00516 V
UNDERLOAD_LOCK_ENBL Disallow Restart if Underload Shutdown 0x0204 00517
UNDERLOAD_ALARM_ENBL Alarm or Ignore Underload condition 0x0205 00518
UNDERVOLT_LOCK_ENBL Disallow Restart if Under Volt Shutdown 0x0206 00519
UNDERVOLT_ALARM_ENBL Alarm or Ignore Under Volt condition 0x0207 00520
OVERVOLT_LOCK_ENBL Disallow Restart if OverVolt Shutdown 0x0208 00521
OVERVOLT_ALARM_ENBL Alarm or Ignore OverVolt condition 0x0209 00522
VUNBAL_LOCK_ENBL Disallow Restart if OverVolt Shutdown 0x020A 00523
VUNBAL_ALARM_ENBL Alarm or Ignore OverVolt condition 0x020B 00524
IUNBAL_LOCK_ENBL No Restart \ Amps Unbalance Shutdown 0x020C 00525
IUNBAL_ALARM_ENBL Alarm \ Ignore Amps Unbalance 0x020D 00526
DIGITAL_IN2_LOCK_ENBL Disallow Restart if Digital In2 Shutdown 0x020E 00527
DIGITAL_IN2_ALARM_ENBL Alarm or Ignore Digital In2 condition 0x020F 00528
DIGITAL_IN1_LOCK_ENBL Disallow Restart if Digital In1 Shutdown 0x0210 00529
DIGITAL_IN1_ALARM_ENBL Alarm or Ignore Digital In1 condition 0x0211 00530
ANALOG1_HI_THLD_LOCK_ENBL Disallow Restart if Analog In1 Shutdown 0x0212 00531
ANALOG1_HI_THLD_ALARM_ENBL Alarm or Ignore Analog In1 high condition 0x0213 00532
ROTATION_LOCK_ENBL Disallow Restart if Rotation Shutdown 0x0214 00533
ROTATION_ALARM_ENBL Alarm or Ignore Rotation condition 0x0215 00534
ANALOG1_LO_THLD_LOCK_ENBL Disallow Restart if Analog In1 Shutdown 0x0216 00535
ANALOG1_LO_THLD_ALARM_ENBL Alarm or Ignore Analog In1 low condition 0x0217 00536
WAIT_FOR_RESTART_TIMER No operator starts until timer expires 0x0218 00537
SCADA_START SCADA / Remote Control Start command 0x0219 00538
SCADA_STOP SCADA / Remote Control Stop command 0x021A 00539
ANALOG2_HI_THLD_LOCK_ENBL Disallow Restart if Analog In2 Shutdown 0x021B 00540
ANALOG2_HI_THLD_ALARM_ENBL Alarm or Ignore Analog In2 condition 0x021C 00541
ANALOG2_LO_THLD_LOCK_ENBL Disallow Restart if Analog In2 Shutdown 0x021D 00542
ANALOG2_LO_THLD_ALARM_ENBL Alarm or Ignore Analog In2 low condition 0x021E 00543
KEYPAD_AUTO Allow auto-restarts without External HOA switch 0x021F 00544
ANALOG1_HI_THLD_ARP_ENBL Analog1 HI Auxiliary Restart Parameters enable 0x0220 00545
ANALOG1_LO_THLD_ARP_ENBL Analog1 LO Auxiliary Restart Parameters enable 0x0221 00546
ANALOG2_HI_THLD_ARP_ENBL Analog2 HI Auxiliary Restart Parameters enable 0x0222 00547
ANALOG2_LO_THLD_ARP_ENBL Analog2 LO Auxiliary Restart Parameters enable 0x0223 00548
DIGITAL_IN1_ARP_ENBL Digital In 1 Auxiliary Restart Parameters enable 0x0224 00549
DIGITAL_IN2_ARP_ENBL Digital In 2 Auxiliary Restart Parameters enable 0x0225 00550
IUNBAL_ARP_ENBL Amps Unbalance Aux Restart Parameters enable 0x0226 00551
OVERLOAD_ARP_ENBL Overload Auxiliary Restart Parameters enable 0x0227 00552
OVERVOLT_ARP_ENBL OverVolt Auxiliary Restart Parameters enable 0x0228 00553
UNDERLOAD_ARP_ENBL Underload Auxiliary Restart Parameters enable 0x0229 00554
UNDERVOLT_ARP_ENBL UnderVolt Auxiliary Restart Parameters enable 0x022A 00555
VUNBAL_ARP_ENBL Volt Unbal Auxiliary Restart Parameters enable 0x022B 00556
INVERT_FREQ_ARP_ENBL Inverter Freq. Aux. Restart Parameters enable 0x022C 00557
PWR_FACTOR_THLD_ARP_ENBL Power Factor Auxiliary Restart Parameter enable 0x022D 00558 V
HSINK1_THLD_ARP_ENBL HeatSink1 Auxiliary Restart Parameters enable 0x022E 00559

READ STATUS (Read Output Coil Status = FUNCTION CODE 01)
WRITE OUTPUTS (Force Multiple Coils = FUNCTION CODE 15)
(V =Vortex, E =Electrospeed, M =Expansion Module, R =RDCM, C =Centinel, A =Advantage)
Software Description Long Description Reg Addr Scada Adr
HSINK2_THLD_ARP_ENBL HeatSink2 Auxiliary Restart Parameters enable 0x022F 00560
HSINK3_THLD_ARP_ENBL HeatSink3 Auxiliary Restart Parameters enable 0x0230 00561
HSINK4_THLD_ARP_ENBL HeatSink4 Auxiliary Restart Parameters enable 0x0231 00562
INDUCTOR_THLD_ARP_ENBL Inductor Temp. Aux. Restart Parameters enable 0x0232 00563
AMBIENT_THLD_ARP_ENBL Ambient Temp. Aux. Restart Parameters enable 0x0233 00564
AUX_THLD_ARP_ENBL Aux. Temp Aux. Restart Parameters enable 0x0234 00565
OUT_FREQ_THLD_ARP_ENBL Output Freq. Aux. Restart Parameters enable 0x0235 00566
ROTATION_ARP_ENBL Rotation shutdown Aux. Restart enable 0x0236 00567 V
PCM_FAULT_ARP_ENBL Power Conversion Module Fault ARP enable 0x0237 00568
SERIAL_COMM_ALARM_ENBL Serial / SCADA com. Failure alarm enable 0x0238 00569
UTILITY_FREQ_THLD_ALARM_ENB Input Power Frequency Alarm enable 0x0239 00570
UTILITY_FREQ_THLD_LOCK_ENBL Input Power Frequency Lockout enable 0x023A 00571
UTIL_FREQ_THLD_ARP_ENBL Input Power Hz Aux. Restart Parameters enable 0x023B 00572
UNLIM_UNDERLOAD_RESTARTS Unlimited Underload Restarts enabled 0x023C 00573
IO1_COMM_FAIL_ALARM_ENBL IO Module 1, CITIBus com. Failure alarm enable 0x023D 00574
IO1_COMM_FAIL_LOCK_ENBL IO Module 1, CITIBus com. Failure lockout enable 0x023E 00575
IO2_COMM_FAIL_ALARM_ENBL IO Module 2, CITIBus com. Failure alarm enable 0x023F 00576
IO2_COMM_FAIL_LOCK_ENBL IO Module 2, CITIBus com. Failure lockout enable 0x0240 00577
IO3_COMM_FAIL_ALARM_ENBL IO Module 3, CITIBus com. Failure alarm enable 0x0241 00578
IO3_COMM_FAIL_LOCK_ENBL IO Module 3, CITIBus com. Failure lockout enable 0x0242 00579
CSU_RESTART_SOFTWARE Centinel Interface Module Manual Gauge Reset 0x0243 00580 C
CSU_DATA_IN_METRIC Centinel Interface Module Data in Metric see below 0x0244 00581 C
Changed to 40760 for syscon 8v477 & CIM2v444
CSU_COMM_FAIL_ALM_ENBL Centinel Interface Module CITIBus Fail alarm enbl 0x0245 00582 C
CSU_COM_FAIL_LOCK_ENBL Centinel Module CITIBus Fail lockout enable 0x0246 00583 C
IO1AI1_HI_THLD_ALARM_ENB IO Module 1, Analog In #1 Hi Thld alarm enable 0x0247 00584 M
IO1AI1_HI_THLD_ARP_ENBL IO1AI1 Hi Thld Aux. Restart Parameters enable 0x0248 00585 M
IO1AI1_HI_THLD_LOCK_ENBL IO Module 1, Analog In #1 Hi Thld lockout enable 0x0249 00586 M
IO1AI2_HI_THLD_ALARM_ENBL IO Module 1, Analog In #2 Hi Thld alarm enable 0x024A 00587 M
IO1AI2_HI_THLD_ARP_ENBL IO1AI2 Hi Thld Aux. Restart Parameters enable 0x024B 00588 M
IO1AI2_HI_THLD_LOCK_ENBL IO Module 1, Analog In #2 Hi Thld lockout enable 0x024C 00589 M
IO2AI1_HI_THLD_ALARM_ENBL IO Module 2, Analog In #1 Hi Thld alarm enable 0x024D 00590 M
IO2AI1_HI_THLD_ARP_ENBL IO2AI1 Hi Thld Aux. Restart Parameters enable 0x024E 00591 M
IO2AI1_HI_THLD_LOCK_ENBL IO Module 2, Analog In #1 Hi Thld lockout enable 0x024F 00592 M
IO2AI2_HI_THLD_ALARM_ENBL IO Module 2, Analog In #2 Hi Thld alarm enable 0x0250 00593 M
IO2AI2_HI_THLD_ARP_ENBL IO2AI2 Hi Thld Aux. Restart Parameters enable 0x0251 00594 M
IO2AI2_HI_THLD_LOCK_ENBL IO Module 2, Analog In #2 Hi Thld lockout enable 0x0252 00595 M
IO3AI1_HI_THLD_ALARM_ENBL IO Module 3, Analog In #1 Hi Thld alarm enable 0x0253 00596 M
IO3AI1_HI_THLD_ARP_ENBL IO3AI1 Hi Thld Aux. Restart Parameters enable 0x0254 00597 M
IO3AI1_HI_THLD_LOCK_ENBL IO Module 3, Analog In #1 Hi Thld lockout enable 0x0255 00598 M
IO3AI2_HI_THLD_ALARM_ENBL IO Module 3, Analog In #2 Hi Thld alarm enable 0x0256 00599 M
IO3AI2_HI_THLD_ARP_ENBL IO3AI2 Hi Thld Aux. Restart Parameters enable 0x0257 00600 M
IO3AI2_HI_THLD_LOCK_ENBL IO Module 3, Analog In #2 Hi Thld lockout enable 0x0258 00601 M
IO1AI1_LO_THLD_ALARM_ENBL IO Module 1, Analog In #1 Low Thld alarm enable 0x0259 00602 M
IO1AI1_LO_THLD_ARP_ENBL IO1AI1 Low Thld Aux. Restart Parameters enable 0x025A 00603 M
IO1AI1_LO_THLD_LOCK_ENBL IO Module 1, Analog In #1 Low Thld lockout enbl 0x025B 00604 M
IO1AI2_LO_THLD_ALARM_ENBL IO Module 1, Analog In #2 Low Thld alarm enable 0x025C 00605 M
IO1AI2_LO_THLD_ARP_ENBL IO1AI2 Low Thld Aux. Restart Parameters enable 0x025D 00606 M
IO1AI2_LO_THLD_LOCK_ENBL IO Module 1, Analog In #2 Low Thld lockout enbl 0x025E 00607 M
IO2AI1_LO_THLD_ALARM_ENBL IO Module 2, Analog In #1 Low Thld alarm enable 0x025F 00608 M
IO2AI1_LO_THLD_ARP_ENBL IO2AI1 Low Thld Aux. Restart Parameters enable 0x0260 00609 M
IO2AI1_LO_THLD_LOCK_ENBL IO Module 2, Analog In #1 Low Thld lockout enbl 0x0261 00610 M

READ STATUS (Read Output Coil Status = FUNCTION CODE 01)
WRITE OUTPUTS (Force Multiple Coils = FUNCTION CODE 15)
(V =Vortex, E =Electrospeed, M =Expansion Module, R =RDCM, C =Centinel, A =Advantage)
Software Description Long Description Reg Addr Scada Adr
IO2AI2_LO_THLD_ALARM_ENBL IO Module 2, Analog In #2 Low Thld alarm enable 0x0262 00611 M
IO2AI2_LO_THLD_ARP_ENBL IO2AI2 Low Thld Aux. Restart Parameters enable 0x0263 00612 M
IO2AI2_LO_THLD_LOCK_ENBL IO Module 2, Analog In #2 Low Thld lockout enbl 0x0264 00613 M
IO3AI1_LO_THLD_ALARM_ENBL IO Module 3, Analog In #1 Low .Thld alarm enable 0x0265 00614 M
IO3AI1_LO_THLD_ARP_ENBL IO3AI1 Low Thld Aux. Restart Parameters enable 0x0266 00615 M
IO3AI1_LO_THLD_LOCK_ENBL IO Module 3, Analog In #1 Low Thld lockout enbl 0x0267 00616 M
IO1DI1_ALARM_ENBL IO Module 1 Digital In #1 Alarm enable 0x0268 00617 M
IO1DI1_ARP_ENBL IO1DI1 Aux. Restart Parameters enable 0x0269 00618 M
IO1DI1_LOCK_ENBL IO Module 1 Digital In #1 lockout enable 0x026A 00619 M
IO1DI1_SDSTATE IO Module 1 Digital In #1 Shutdown State 0x026B 00620 M
IO1DI2_ALARM_ENBL IO Module 1 Digital In #2 Alarm enable 0x026C 00621 M
IO1DI2_ARP_ENBL IO1DI2 Aux. Restart Parameters enable 0x026D 00622 M
IO1DI2_LOCK_ENBL IO Module 1 Digital In #2 lockout enable 0x026E 00623 M
IO1DI2_SDSTATE IO Module 1 Digital In #2 Shutdown State 0x026F 00624 M
IO2DI1_ALARM_ENBL IO Module 2 Digital In #1 Alarm enable 0x0270 00625 M
IO2DI1_ARP_ENBL IO2DI1 Aux. Restart Parameters enable 0x0271 00626 M
IO2DI1_LOCK_ENBL IO Module 2 Digital In #1 lockout enable 0x0272 00627 M
IO2DI1_SDSTATE IO Module 2 Digital In #1 Shutdown State 0x0273 00628 M
IO2DI2_ALARM_ENBL IO Module 2 Digital In #2 Alarm enable 0x0274 00629 M
IO2DI2_ARP_ENBL IO2DI2 Aux. Restart Parameters enable 0x0275 00630 M
IO2DI2_LOCK_ENBL IO Module 2 Digital In #2 lockout enable 0x0276 00631 M
IO2DI2_SDSTATE IO Module 2 Digital In #2 Shutdown State 0x0277 00632 M
IO3DI1_ALARM_ENBL IO Module 3 Digital In #1 Alarm enable 0x0278 00633 M
IO3DI1_ARP_ENBL IO3DI1 Aux. Restart Parameters enable 0x0279 00634 M
IO3DI1_LOCK_ENBL IO Module 3 Digital In #1 lockout enable 0x027A 00635 M
IO3DI1_SDSTATE IO Module 3 Digital In #1 Shutdown State 0x027B 00636 M
IO3DI2_ALARM_ENBL IO Module 3 Digital In #2 Alarm enable 0x027C 00637 M
IO3DI2_ARP_ENBL IO3DI2 Aux. Restart Parameters enable 0x027D 00638 M
IO3DI2_LOCK_ENBL IO Module 3 Digital In #2 lockout enable 0x027E 00639 M
IO3DI2_SDSTATE IO Module 3 Digital In #2 Shutdown State 0x027F 00640 M
IO3AI2_LO_THLD_ALARM_ENBL IO Module 3, Analog In #2 Low Thld alarm enable 0x0280 00641 M
IO3AI2_LO_THLD_ARP_ENBL IO3AI2 Low Thld Aux. Restart Parameters enable 0x0281 00642 M
IO3AI2_LO_THLD_LOCK_ENBL IO Module 3, Analog In #2 Low Thld lockout enbl 0x0282 00643 M
IO1DI3_ALARM_ENBL IO Module 1 Digital In #3 Alarm enable 0x0283 00644 M
IO1DI3_ARP_ENBL IO1DI3 Aux. Restart Parameters enable 0x0284 00645 M
IO1DI3_LOCK_ENBL IO Module 1 Digital In #3 lockout enable 0x0285 00646 M
IO1DI3_SDSTATE IO Module 1 Digital In #3 Shutdown State 0x0286 00647 M
DIGITAL_IN1_SDSTATE On board Digital Input #1 Active Alarm State 0x0287 00648
DIGITAL_IN2_SDSTATE On board Digital Input #2 Active Alarm State 0x0288 00649
INVERT_FREQ_LOCK_ENABLE Inverter Frequency Lockout Enable 0x0289 00650
IO2DI3_ALARM_ENBL IO Module 2 Digital In #3 Alarm enable 0x028B 00652 M
IO2DI3_ARP_ENBL IO2DI3 Aux. Restart Parameters enable 0x028C 00653 M
IO2DI3_LOCK_ENBL IO Module 2 Digital In #3 lockout enable 0x028D 00654 M
IO2DI3_SDSTATE IO Module 2 Digital In #3 Shutdown State 0x028E 00655 M
AUX_TEMP_THLD_LOCK_ENBL Auxiliary Temperature Threshold Lockout Enable 0x028F 00656
OUTPUT_FREQ_THLD_LOCK_EN Output Frequency Threshold Lockout Enable 0x0290 00657
DIGITAL_IN3_LOCK_ENBL On board Digital Input #3 Lockout Enable 0x0291 00658
DIGITAL_IN3_SDSTATE On board Digital Input #3 Active Alarm State 0x0292 00659
IO3DI3_ALARM_ENBL IO Module 3 Digital In #3 Alarm enable 0x0293 00660 M
IO3DI3_ARP_ENBL IO3DI3 Aux. Restart Parameters enable 0x0294 00661 M
IO3DI3_LOCK_ENBL IO Module 3 Digital In #3 lockout enable 0x0295 00662 M
IO3DI3_SDSTATE IO Module 3 Digital In #3 Shutdown State 0x0296 00663 M

READ STATUS (Read Output Coil Status = FUNCTION CODE 01)
WRITE OUTPUTS (Force Multiple Coils = FUNCTION CODE 15)
(V =Vortex, E =Electrospeed, M =Expansion Module, R =RDCM, C =Centinel, A =Advantage)
Software Description Long Description Reg Addr Scada Adr
DIGITAL_IN3_ARP_ENBL On board Dig In #3 Aux Restart Parameters Enbl 0x0297 00664
SERIAL_COMM_LOCK_ENBL Serial Communications Lockout Enable 0x0298 00665
SERIAL_COMM_ARP_ENBL Serial Comms Aux Restart Parameters Enable 0x0299 00666
UAB1_THLD_ALARM_ENBL User Alarm Block 1 Alarm Enable 0x029A 00667
UAB1_THLD_ARP_ENBL User Alarm Block 1 Aux. Restarts Enable 0x029B 00668
UAB1_THLD_LOCK_ENBL User Alarm Block 1 Lockout Enable 0x029C 00669
UAB2_THLD_ALARM_ENBL User Alarm Block 2 Alarm Enable 0x029D 00670
UAB2_THLD_ARP_ENBL User Alarm Block 2 Aux. Restarts Enable 0x029E 00671
UAB2_THLD_LOCK_ENBL User Alarm Block 2 Lockout Enable 0x029F 00672
UAB3_THLD_ALARM_ENBL User Alarm Block 3 Alarm Enable 0x02A0 00673
UAB3_THLD_ARP_ENBL User Alarm Block 3 Aux. Restarts Enable 0x02A1 00674
UAB3_THLD_LOCK_ENBL User Alarm Block 3 Lockout Enable 0x02A2 00675
UAB4_THLD_ALARM_ENBL User Alarm Block 4 Alarm Enable 0x02A3 00676
UAB4_THLD_ARP_ENBL User Alarm Block 4 Aux. Restarts Enable 0x02A4 00677
UAB4_THLD_LOCK_ENBL User Alarm Block 4 Lockout Enable 0x02A5 00678
UAB5_THLD_ALARM_ENBL User Alarm Block 5 Alarm Enable 0x02A6 00679
UAB5_THLD_ARP_ENBL User Alarm Block 5 Aux. Restarts Enable 0x02A7 00680
UAB5_THLD_LOCK_ENBL User Alarm Block 5 Lockout Enable 0x02A8 00681
UAB6_THLD_ALARM_ENBL User Alarm Block 6 Alarm Enable 0x02A9 00682
UAB6_THLD_ARP_ENBL User Alarm Block 6 Aux. Restarts Enable 0x02AA 00683
UAB6_THLD_LOCK_ENBL User Alarm Block 6 Lockout Enable 0x02AB 00684
UAB7_THLD_ALARM_ENBL User Alarm Block 7 Alarm Enable 0x02AC 00685
UAB7_THLD_ARP_ENBL User Alarm Block 7 Aux. Restarts Enable 0x02AD 00686
UAB7_THLD_LOCK_ENBL User Alarm Block 7 Lockout Enable 0x02AE 00687
UAB8_THLD_ALARM_ENBL, User Alarm Block 8 Alarm Enable 0x02AF 00688
UAB8_THLD_ARP_ENBL, User Alarm Block 8 Aux. Restarts Enable 0x02B0 00689
UAB8_THLD_LOCK_ENBL, User Alarm Block 8 Lockout Enable 0x02B1 00690
RDCM_DEV1_COMM_FAIL_LOCK_EN RDCM Device 1 Comm Failure Lockout Enable 0x02B2 00691 R
RDCM_DEV1_COMM_FAIL_ARP_ENB RDCM Device 1 Com Fail Aux Restarts Enable 0x02B3 00692 R
RDCM_COMM_FAIL_LOCK_ENBL RDCM Comm Failure Lockout Enable 0x02B4 00693 R
MODBUS_USES_SECURITY_CHECKS Modbus Uses Security Checks 0x02B5 00694
FSM_STATUS Frequency Sweep Mode Status 0x02B6 00695
PCM_CNV2_OFFLINE Converter 2 Offline 0x02B7 00696
PCM_MOTOR_START_FAULT Motor Failed to start 0x02B8 00697
PCM_0XING_FILTER_ENBL PCM Zero Crossing Filter Enable 0x02B9 00698
PCM_PWM_CURRENT_SHARE_ENBL PCM PWM Current Share Enable 0x02BA 00699
RDCM_DEV2_COMM_FAIL_LOCK_EN RDCM Device 2 Comm Failure Lockout Enable 0x02BB 00700 R
RDCM_DEV2_COMM_FAIL_ARP_ENB RDCM Device 2 Com Fail Aux Restarts Enable 0x02BC 00701 R
RDCM_DEV3_COMM_FAIL_LOCK_EN RDCM Device 3 Comm Failure Lockout Enable 0x02BD 00702 R
RDCM_DEV3_COMM_FAIL_ARP_ENB RDCM Device 3 Com Fail Aux Restarts Enable 0x02BE 00703 R
XCVR_COMM_FAIL_ALARM_ENBL Centinel Gauge Comm Fail Alarm Enable 0x02BF 00704 C
XCVR_COMM_FAIL_LOCK_ENBL Centinel Gauge Comm Fail Lockout Enable 0x02C0 00705 C
XCVR_COMM_FAIL_SDSTATE Centinel Gauge Comm Fail Shutdown State 0x02C1 00706 C
XCVR_COMM_FAIL_ARP_ENBL Centinel Gauge Comm Fail Aux Restarts Enable 0x02C2 00707 C
SCADA_IS_READONLY Scada is Read Only 0x02C3 00708
DEFAULT_RTS_STATE Default Request-to-Send State 0x02C4 00709
0= Space, 1= Mark
APC_COMMAND Single Phase Volts Enable 0x02C7 00712 A
APC_COMMAND Current Sharing Enable 0x02C8 00713 A
APC_COMMAND Backspin Starts Enable 0x02CD 00718 A
APC_COMMAND Backspin Detect Enable 0x02CF 00720 A
APC_COMMAND MaxStart Enable 0x02D3 00724 A

READ STATUS (Read Output Coil Status = FUNCTION CODE 01)
WRITE OUTPUTS (Force Multiple Coils = FUNCTION CODE 15)
(V =Vortex, E =Electrospeed, M =Expansion Module, R =RDCM, C =Centinel, A =Advantage)
Software Description Long Description Reg Addr Scada Adr
APC_COMMAND RideThru Enable 0x02D4 00725 A
0= Disable, 1= Enable (applies to all previous Enables)
GAS_PURGE_ENABLE Gas Purge Enable 0x02D8 00729 A


READ STATUS (Read Output Coil Status = FUNCTION CODE 01)
COIL OUTPUTS (Force Multiple Coils = FUNCTION CODE 15)
(V =Vortex, E =Electrospeed, M= Expansion Module, R =RDCM, A =Advantage)
Software Description Long Description Reg Addr Scada Adr
EXTERNAL_HOA External Mode Switch enable / disable 0x0300 00769
SINGLE_PTCONFIGURATION One / two voltage monitoring transformers 0x0301 00770
DAY_LIGHT_SAVINGS Enable/disable Daylight Savings Time 0x0302 00771
PWR_FACTOR_THLD_ALRM_ENBL Alarm or Ignore low power factor condition 0x0303 00772 V
PWR_FACTOR_THLD_LOCK_ENBL Disallow Restart if power factor shutdown 0x0304 00773 V
RESET_HISTORY_DATABASE Resets / clears historical data files 0x0305 00774
VCA0_XING_ALARM Main input voltage zero crossing failure 0x0306 00775
PCM_INVERTER_IN_TEST_MODE Power conversion module in “test mode” 0x0307 00776
DIGITAL_OUT1 Onboard digital output 1 0x0308 00777
DIGITAL_OUT2 Onboard digital output 2 0x0309 00778
DIGITAL_OUT3 Onboard digital output 3 0x030A 00779
IO1DO1_RAW IO Module 1 Digital output 1 0x030B 00780 M
IO1DO2_RAW IO Module 1 Digital output 2 0x030C 00781 M
IO1DO3_RAW IO Module 1 Digital output 3 0x030D 00782 M
IO2DO1_RAW IO Module 2 Digital output 1 0x030E 00783 M
IO2DO2_RAW IO Module 2 Digital output 2 0x030F 00784 M
IO2DO3_RAW IO Module 2 Digital output 3 0x0310 00785 M
IO3DO1_RAW IO Module 3 Digital output 1 0x0311 00786 M
IO3DO2_RAW IO Module 3 Digital output 2 0x0312 00787 M
IO3DO3_RAW IO Module 3 Digital output 3 0x0313 00788 M
KW_TRIP_LO_THLD_ALARM_ENBL Kilowatt Low Threshold alarm enable 0x0314 00789 V
KW_TRIP_LO_THLD_ARP_ENBL Kilowatt Lo-Thld Aux. Restart Parameters 0x0315 00790 V
KW_TRIP_LO_THLD_LOCK_ENBL Kilowatt Low Threshold lockout enable 0x0316 00791 V
KW_TRIP_HI_THLD_ALARM_ENBL Kilowatt High Threshold alarm enable 0x0317 00792 V
KW_TRIP_HI_THLD_ARP_ENBL Kilowatt High Thld Aux. Restart Parameters 0x0318 00793 V
KW_TRIP_HI_THLD_LOCK_ENBL Kilowatt High Threshold lockout enable 0x0319 00794 V
RDCM_DEV1_TAG01 RDCM – Device 1 – Data Tag 1 0x031A 00795 R
RDCM_DEV1_TAG02 RDCM – Device 1 – Data Tag 2 0x031B 00796 R
RDCM_DEV1_TAG03 RDCM – Device 1 – Data Tag 3 0x031C 00797 R
RDCM_DEV1_TAG04 RDCM – Device 1 – Data Tag 4 0x031D 00798 R
RDCM_DEV1_TAG05 RDCM – Device 1 – Data Tag 5 0x031E 00799 R
RDCM_DEV1_TAG06 RDCM – Device 1 – Data Tag 6 0x031F 00800 R
RDCM_DEV1_TAG07 RDCM – Device 1 – Data Tag 7 0x0320 00801 R
RDCM_DEV1_TAG08 RDCM – Device 1 – Data Tag 8 0x0321 00802 R
RDCM_DEV1_TAG09 RDCM – Device 1 – Data Tag 9 0x0322 00803 R
RDCM_DEV1_TAG10 RDCM – Device 1 – Data Tag 10 0x0323 00804 R
RDCM_DEV1_TAG11 RDCM – Device 1 – Data Tag 11 0x0324 00805 R
RDCM_DEV1_TAG12 RDCM – Device 1 – Data Tag 12 0x0325 00806 R
RDCM_DEV2_TAG01 RDCM – Device 2 – Data Tag 1 0x0326 00807 R
RDCM_DEV2_TAG02 RDCM – Device 2 – Data Tag 2 0x0327 00808 R

READ STATUS (Read Output Coil Status = FUNCTION CODE 01)
COIL OUTPUTS (Force Multiple Coils = FUNCTION CODE 15)
(V =Vortex, E =Electrospeed, M= Expansion Module, R =RDCM, A =Advantage)
Software Description Long Description Reg Addr Scada Adr
RDCM_DEV2_TAG03 RDCM – Device 2 – Data Tag 3 0x0328 00809 R
RDCM_DEV2_TAG04 RDCM – Device 2 – Data Tag 4 0x0329 00810 R
RDCM_DEV2_TAG05 RDCM – Device 2 – Data Tag 5 0x032A 00811 R
RDCM_DEV2_TAG06 RDCM – Device 2 – Data Tag 6 0x032B 00812 R
RDCM_DEV2_TAG07 RDCM – Device 2 – Data Tag 7 0x032C 00813 R
RDCM_DEV2_TAG08 RDCM – Device 2 – Data Tag 8 0x032D 00814 R
RDCM_DEV2_TAG09 RDCM – Device 2 – Data Tag 9 0x032E 00815 R
RDCM_DEV2_TAG10 RDCM – Device 2 – Data Tag 10 0x032F 00816 R
RDCM_DEV2_TAG11 RDCM – Device 2 – Data Tag 11 0x0330 00817 R
RDCM_DEV2_TAG12 RDCM – Device 2 – Data Tag 12 0x0331 00818 R
RDCM_DEV3_TAG01 RDCM – Device 3 – Data Tag 1 0x0332 00819 R
RDCM_DEV3_TAG02 RDCM – Device 3 – Data Tag 2 0x0333 00820 R
RDCM_DEV3_TAG03 RDCM – Device 3 – Data Tag 3 0x0334 00821 R
RDCM_DEV3_TAG04 RDCM – Device 3 – Data Tag 4 0x0335 00822 R
RDCM_DEV3_TAG05 RDCM – Device 3 – Data Tag 5 0x0336 00823 R
RDCM_DEV3_TAG06 RDCM – Device 3 – Data Tag 6 0x0337 00824 R
RDCM_DEV3_TAG07 RDCM – Device 3 – Data Tag 7 0x0338 00825 R
RDCM_DEV3_TAG08 RDCM – Device 3 – Data Tag 8 0x0339 00826 R
RDCM_DEV3_TAG09 RDCM – Device 3 – Data Tag 9 0x033A 00827 R
RDCM_DEV3_TAG10 RDCM – Device 3 – Data Tag 10 0x033B 00828 R
RDCM_DEV3_TAG11 RDCM – Device 3 – Data Tag 11 0x033C 00829 R
RDCM_DEV3_TAG12 RDCM – Device 3 – Data Tag 12 0x033D 00830 R
CSU_GAUGE_COMMISSIONED Centinel Gauge Commissioned 0x033e 00831 A
FAN_ON Cooling Fan Control 0x033f 00832 A
FPWM_FILTER_CONTROL FPWM Filter Control 0x0340 00833 A
DIGITAL_OUT4 Digital Output 4 (onboard) 0x0341 00834 A
DIGITAL_OUT5 Digital Output 5 (onboard) 0x0342 00835 A
DIGITAL_OUT6 Digital Output 6 (optional AAIB) 0x0343 00836 A
DIGITAL_OUT7 Digital Output 7 (optional AAIB) 0x0344 00837 A
DIGITAL_OUT8 Digital Output 8 (optional AAIB) 0x0345 00838 A

Table 3: Input Registers 30001+
To the right of the SCADA address is a multiplier/format column. The multiplier denotes the amount of
multiplication to the scaled value in order for the controller to transmit a whole number. For example:
x10: Scaled Value x 10 = SCADA Value
x100: Scaled Value x 100 = SCADA Value
x1000: Scaled Value x 1000 = SCADA Value
A blank space implies a ‘x1’ multiplier referencing the scaled value from the controller or module as a whole
number and no conversion is necessary at the Modbus host computer.
The vast majority of values are formatted as signed integers, eg. values have the range -32768 to 32767. The
small number that require maximum values over 32767 are formatted as unsigned integers, eg. values have the
range 0 to 65535, and are denoted with a ‘U’.

A note of clarity regarding voltage and current addresses:

Vortex GCS Electrospeed Vortex GCS Electrospeed
IA_MOTOR: Input/Output Output IA_SCALED: n/a Input
IB_MOTOR: Input/Output Output IB_SCALED: n/a Input
IC_MOTOR: Input/Output Output IC_SCALED: n/a Input
VAB_MOTOR: Input/Output Output VAB_SCALED: n/a Input
VBC_MOTOR: Input/Output Output VBC_SCALED: n/a Input
VCA_MOTOR: Input/Output Output VCA_SCALED: n/a Input

30001 to 30250 are user configurable Status Registers. See “Custom ModBus Maps” for information on how to
re-map the ModBus registers to suit your needs.


(V =Vortex, E =Electrospeed, M= I/O Module, C=Centinel, R=RDCM, A =Advantage)
Mult /
Software Description Long Description Reg Adr Scada Adr Format
IA_MOTOR Scaled Output Current Phase A 0x0101 30258
IB_MOTOR Scaled Output Current Phase B 0x0102 30259
IC_MOTOR Scaled Output Current Phase C 0x0103 30260
VAB_MOTOR Scaled In/Output Voltage Phase A to B 0x0104 30261
VBC_MOTOR Scaled In/Output Voltage Phase B to C 0x0105 30262
VCA_MOTOR Scaled In/Output Voltage Phase C to A 0x0106 30263
POWER_FACTOR Efficiency of Power usage (0 – 100%) 0x0107 30264 V
TIME_TIL_RESTART_MINUTES Time until motor is auto restarted 0x0108 30265
ANALOG1 Scaled value of Analog input #1 0x0109 30266
RESET_RUN_TIME_HOURS User Resetable motor runtime counter 0x010A 30267
TOTAL_RUN_TIME_HOURS Non-resetable motor runtime counter 0x010B 30268
STARTS_ACCUMULATOR Total motor starts 0x010C 30269
VUNBAL Present value of Input Voltage Unbalance 0x010D 30270 x100
IUNBAL Present value of output Current Unbalance 0x010E 30271 x100 V
RUN_TIME_HOURS Motor runtime since last start counter 0x010F 30272
NUMBER_OF_STARTS Number of “Auto” restarts attempted 0x0110 30273
ANALOG2 Scaled value of Analog input #2 0x0111 30274
TIME_TIL_RESTART_SECONDS Time until motor is auto restarted 0x0112 30275
RUN_TIME_MINUTES Run time since last start 0x0113 30276
RUN_TIME_SECONDS Run time since last start 0x0114 30277
RUN_TIME_DAYS Run time since last start 0x0115 30278
TOTAL_RUN_TIME_DAYS Accumulated Run time since commissioning 0x0116 30279
TOTAL_RUN_TIME_MINUTES Accumulated Run time since commissioning 0x0117 30280
TOTAL_RUN_TIME_SECONDS Accumulated Run time since commissioning 0x0118 30281
RESET_RUN_TIME_DAYS Run time since last user reset 0x0119 30282
RESET_RUN_TIME_MINUTES Run time since last user reset 0x011A 30283
RESET_RUN_TIME_SECONDS Run time since last user reset 0x011B 30284
IN_SERVICE_YEAR Commissioning date 0x011C 30285

(V =Vortex, E =Electrospeed, M= I/O Module, C=Centinel, R=RDCM, A =Advantage)
Mult /
Software Description Long Description Reg Adr Scada Adr Format
IN_SERVICE_MONTH Commissioning date 0x011D 30286
IN_SERVICE_DAY Commissioning date 0x011E 30287
TOTAL_DOWN_TIME_DAYS Accumulated Down time since first shutdown 0x011F 30288
TOTAL_DOWN_TIME_HOURS Accumulated Down time since first shutdown 0x0120 30289
TOTAL_DOWN_TIME_MINUTES Accumulated Down time since first shutdown 0x0121 30290
DOWN_TIME_DAYS Down time since last shutdown 0x0122 30291
DOWN_TIME_HOURS Down time since last shutdown 0x0123 30292
DOWN_TIME_MINUTES Down time since last shutdown 0x0124 30293
TOTAL_DOWN_TIME_SECONDS Accumulated Down time since first shutdown 0x0125 30294
DOWN_TIME_SECONDS Down time since last shutdown 0x0126 30295
DRIVE_MODEL_NO Electrospeed model number 0x0127 30296
PCM_CT_RATIO Power Conversion Module CT Ratio 0x0128 30297
OUTPUT_FREQUENCY Present operating output frequency 0x0129 30298 x10
IA_SCALED Input current phase A 0x012A 30299
IB_SCALED Input current phase B 0x012B 30300
IC_SCALED Input current phase C 0x012C 30301
VAB_SCALED Input Voltage phase AB 0x012D 30302
VBC_SCALED Input Voltage phase BC 0x012E 30303
VCA_SCALED Input Voltage phase CA 0x012F 30304
CSU_PRESSURE Centinel Downhole Pressure Reading see below 0x0130 30305 U C
Pressure Scale factor PSI = X10, BAR = X100
CSU_TEMPERATURE Centinel Downhole Temperature Reading 0x0131 30306 x10 C
CSU_MOTOR_TEMPERATURE Centinel Downhole Motor Temp Reading 0x0132 30307 x10 C
CSU_FLUID_RESISTANCE Centinel Downhole Fluid Resistance Reading 0x0133 30308 U C
CSU_SERIAL_NUM_LO Centinel Downhole Tool Serial Number (low) 0x0134 30309 U C
CSU_SERIAL_NUM_HI Centinel Downhole Tool Serial Number (high) 0x0135 30310 U C
CSU_PROG_REV_NUM Centinel Interface Unit Software revision. 0x0136 30311 x100,U C
CSU_GAUGE_TYPE Centinel Downhole Guage type. 0x0137 30312 C
DATALOG_FILE_FORMAT Datalog File Format 0x0138 30313
IO1AI1_FINISHED IO1 Analog input 1 “scaled” value 0x0139 30314 M
IO1AI2_FINISHED IO1 Analog input 2 “scaled” value 0x013A 30315 M
IO2AI1_FINISHED IO2 Analog input 1 “scaled” value 0x013B 30316 M
IO2AI2_FINISHED IO2 Analog input 2 “scaled” value 0x013C 30317 M
IO3AI1_FINISHED IO3 Analog input 1 “scaled” value 0x013D 30318 M
IO3AI2_FINISHED IO3 Analog input 2 “scaled” value 0x013E 30319 M
IO1AI1_AVERAGE_FAST IO1 Analog input 1 “fast” averaged signal value 0x013F 30320 M
IO1AI2_AVERAGE_FAST IO1 Analog input 2 “fast” averaged signal value 0x0140 30321 M
IO2AI1_AVERAGE_FAST IO2 Analog input 1 “fast” averaged signal value 0x0141 30322 M
IO2AI2_AVERAGE_FAST IO2 Analog input 2 “fast” averaged signal value 0x0142 30323 M
IO3AI1_AVERAGE_FAST IO3 Analog input 1 “fast” averaged signal value 0x0143 30324 M
IO3AI2_AVERAGE_FAST IO3 Analog input 2 “fast” averaged signal value 0x0144 30325 M
IO1AI1_AVERAGE_SLOW IO1 Analog input 1 “slow” averaged signal value 0x0145 30326 M
IO1AI2_AVERAGE_SLOW IO1 Analog input 2 “slow” averaged signal value 0x0146 30327 M
IO2AI1_AVERAGE_SLOW IO2 Analog input 1 “slow” averaged signal value 0x0147 30328 M
IO2AI2_AVERAGE_SLOW IO2 Analog input 2 “slow” averaged signal value 0x0148 30329 M
IO3AI1_AVERAGE_SLOW IO3 Analog input 1 “slow” averaged signal value 0x0149 30330 M
IO3AI2_AVERAGE_SLOW IO3 Analog input 2 “slow” averaged signal value 0x014A 30331 M
IO1AI1_RAW IO1 Analog input 1 raw A/D counts 0x014B 30332 M
IO1AI2_RAW IO1 Analog input 2 raw A/D counts 0x014C 30333 M
IO2AI1_RAW IO2 Analog input 1 raw A/D counts 0x014D 30334 M
IO2AI2_RAW IO2 Analog input 2 raw A/D counts 0x014E 30335 M
IO3AI1_RAW IO3 Analog input 1 raw A/D counts 0x014F 30336 M
IO3AI2_RAW IO3 Analog input 2 raw A/D counts 0x0150 30337 M

(V =Vortex, E =Electrospeed, M= I/O Module, C=Centinel, R=RDCM, A =Advantage)
Mult /
Software Description Long Description Reg Adr Scada Adr Format
PACKED_DIGITALS1 See Table 3a at the end of this section 0x0151 30338
PACKED_DIGITALS2 See Table 3a at the end of this section 0x0152 30339
PACKED_DIGITALS3 See Table 3a at the end of this section 0x0153 30340
PCM_STATUS1 Copy of PCM Status word 1 0x0154 30341 U
PCM_STATUS2 Copy of PCM Status word 2 0x0155 30342 U
PCM_FAULT_WORD Copy of PCM Fault word 0x0156 30343
IO1AI1_RMS IO1 Analog in 1 RMS of AC input signal 0x0157 30344 M
IO1AI2_RMS IO1 Analog in 2 RMS of AC input signal 0x0158 30345 M
IO2AI1_RMS IO2 Analog in 1 RMS of AC input signal 0x0159 30346 M
IO2AI2_RMS IO2 Analog in 2 RMS of AC input signal 0x015A 30347 M
IO3AI1_RMS IO3 Analog in 1 RMS of AC input signal 0x015B 30348 M
IO3AI2_RMS IO3 Analog in 2 RMS of AC input signal 0x015C 30349 M
IO1AI1_MAXIMUM IO1 Analog in 1 Peak input signal 0x015D 30350 M
IO1AI2_MAXIMUM IO1 Analog in 2 Peak input signal 0x015E 30351 M
IO2AI1_MAXIMUM IO2 Analog in 1 Peak input signal 0x015F 30352 M
IO2AI2_MAXIMUM IO2 Analog in 2 Peak input signal 0x0160 30353 M
IO3AI1_MAXIMUM IO1 Analog in 1 Peak input signal 0x0161 30354 M
IO3AI2_MAXIMUM IO1 Analog in 2 Peak input signal 0x0162 30355 M
IO1AI1_MINIMUM IO1 Analog in 1 Lowest value of input signal 0x0163 30356 M
IO1AI2_MINIMUM IO1 Analog in 2 Lowest value of input signal 0x0164 30357 M
IO2AI1_MINIMUM IO2 Analog in 1 Lowest value of input signal 0x0165 30358 M
IO2AI2_MINIMUM IO2 Analog in 2 Lowest value of input signal 0x0166 30359 M
IO3AI1_MINIMUM IO1 Analog in 1 Lowest value of input signal 0x0167 30360 M
IO3AI2_MINIMUM IO1 Analog in 2 Lowest value of input signal 0x0168 30361 M
PCM_REVISION_NUMBER Power Conversion Module Software Revision 0x0169 30362 x100
CSU_PROG_REV_NUM Centinel Interface Unit Software revision. 0x016A 30363 x100 C
IO1_SOFTWARE_REVISION I/O Module #1 Software Revision 0x016B 30364 x100 M
IO2_SOFTWARE_REVISION I/O Module #2 Software Revision 0x016C 30365 x100 M
IO3_SOFTWARE_REVISION I/O Module #3 Software Revision 0x016D 30366 x100 M
PROGRAM_REVISION_NUMBER GCS Host Controller Software Revision 0x016E 30367 x100
RDCM_PROG_REV_NUM Rdcm Software Revision Number 0x016F 30368 x100 R
DISPLAY_PROG_REV_NUMBER Graphics Display Program Revision Number 0x0170 30369 x100
INDUCTOR_TEMP_THLD Inductor Temperature Threshold 0x0173 30372
AMBIENT_TEMP_THLD Ambient Temperature Threshold 0x0174 30373
PCM_MOTOR_TORQUE_SCALED “Torque Control” Output Pump Torque (lbft) 0x0175 30374
PCM_PUMP_RPM Pump RPM after Gear box 0x0176 30375
PCM_MOTOR_TORQUE “Torque Control” Output Motor Torque (%) 0x0177 30376
PCM_MOTOR_RPM Motor RPM (based on # of motor poles) 0x0178 30377
XCVR_COMM_FAIL Centinel Gauge Communication Failure 0x0179 30378 C
RDCM_DEV1_TAG01 RDCM – Device 1 – Data Tag 1 0x017A 30379 R
RDCM_DEV1_TAG02` RDCM – Device 1 – Data Tag 2 0x017B 30380 R
RDCM_DEV1_TAG03 RDCM – Device 1 – Data Tag 3 0x017C 30381 R
RDCM_DEV1_TAG04 RDCM – Device 1 – Data Tag 4 0x017D 30382 R
RDCM_DEV1_TAG05 RDCM – Device 1 – Data Tag 5 0x017E 30383 R
RDCM_DEV1_TAG06 RDCM – Device 1 – Data Tag 6 0x017F 30384 R
RDCM_DEV1_TAG07 RDCM – Device 1 – Data Tag 7 0x0180 30385 R
RDCM_DEV1_TAG08 RDCM – Device 1 – Data Tag 8 0x0181 30386 R
RDCM_DEV1_TAG09 RDCM – Device 1 – Data Tag 9 0x0182 30387 R
RDCM_DEV1_TAG010 RDCM – Device 1 – Data Tag 10 0x0183 30388 R
RDCM_DEV1_TAG011 RDCM – Device 1 – Data Tag 11 0x0184 30389 R
RDCM_DEV1_TAG012 RDCM – Device 1 – Data Tag 12 0x0185 30390 R
RDCM_DEV2_TAG01 RDCM – Device 2 – Data Tag 1 0x0186 30391 R
RDCM_DEV2_TAG02 RDCM – Device 2 – Data Tag 2 0x0187 30392 R

(V =Vortex, E =Electrospeed, M= I/O Module, C=Centinel, R=RDCM, A =Advantage)
Mult /
Software Description Long Description Reg Adr Scada Adr Format
RDCM_DEV2_TAG03 RDCM – Device 2 – Data Tag 3 0x0188 30393 R
RDCM_DEV2_TAG04 RDCM – Device 2 – Data Tag 4 0x0189 30394 R
RDCM_DEV2_TAG05 RDCM – Device 2 – Data Tag 5 0x018A 30395 R
RDCM_DEV2_TAG06 RDCM – Device 2 – Data Tag 6 0x018B 30396 R
RDCM_DEV2_TAG07 RDCM – Device 2 – Data Tag 7 0x018C 30397 R
RDCM_DEV2_TAG08 RDCM – Device 2 – Data Tag 8 0x018D 30398 R
RDCM_DEV2_TAG09 RDCM – Device 2 – Data Tag 9 0x018E 30399 R
RDCM_DEV2_TAG010 RDCM – Device 2 – Data Tag 10 0x018F 30400 R
RDCM_DEV2_TAG011 RDCM – Device 2 – Data Tag 11 0x0190 30401 R
RDCM_DEV2_TAG012 RDCM – Device 2 – Data Tag 12 0x0191 30402 R
RDCM_DEV3_TAG01 RDCM – Device 3 – Data Tag 1 0x0192 30403 R
RDCM_DEV3_TAG02 RDCM – Device 3 – Data Tag 2 0x0193 30404 R
RDCM_DEV3_TAG03 RDCM – Device 3 – Data Tag 3 0x0194 30405 R
RDCM_DEV3_TAG04 RDCM – Device 3 – Data Tag 4 0x0195 30406 R
RDCM_DEV3_TAG05 RDCM – Device 3 – Data Tag 5 0x0196 30407 R
RDCM_DEV3_TAG06 RDCM – Device 3 – Data Tag 6 0x0197 30408 R
RDCM_DEV3_TAG07 RDCM – Device 3 – Data Tag 7 0x0198 30409 R
RDCM_DEV3_TAG08 RDCM – Device 3 – Data Tag 8 0x0199 30410 R
RDCM_DEV3_TAG09 RDCM – Device 3 – Data Tag 9 0x019A 30411 R
RDCM_DEV3_TAG010 RDCM – Device 3 – Data Tag 10 0x019B 30412 R
RDCM_DEV3_TAG011 RDCM – Device 3 – Data Tag 11 0x019C 30413 R
RDCM_DEV3_TAG012 RDCM – Device 3 – Data Tag 12 0x019D 30414 R
HSINK1_TEMP Heatsink 1 Temperature 0x019E 30415
HSINK2_TEMP Heatsink 2 Temperature 0x019F 30416
HSINK3_TEMP Heatsink 3 Temperature 0x01A0 30417
HSINK4_TEMP Heatsink 4 Temperature 0x01A1 30418
INDUCTOR_TEMP Inductor Temperature 0x01A2 30419
AMBIENT_TEMP Ambient Temperature 0x01A3 30420
AUX_TEMP Auxiliary Temperature 0x01A4 30421
CSU_FAULT_WORD Centinel Fault Word 0x01A5 30422 C
CSU_TOTAL_GRC_PACKETS Centinel Total GRC Packets 0x01A6 30423 U C
CSU_TOTAL_GRC_ERRORS Centinel Total GRC Errors 0x01A7 30424 U C
CSU_GAUGE_STATE Centinel Gauge State 0x01A8 30425 C
CSU_GAUGE_STATE_MODIFIER Centinel Gauge State Modifier 0x01A9 30426 C
CSU_ANALOG_OUT_TO_PS Centinel Analog Output to Power Supply 0x01AA 30427 x10 C
HSINK1_TEMP_THLD Heatsink 1 Temperature Threshold 0x01AB 30428
HSINK2_TEMP_THLD Heatsink 2 Temperature Threshold 0x01AC 30429
HSINK3_TEMP_THLD Heatsink 3 Temperature Threshold 0x01AD 30430
HSINK4_TEMP_THLD Heatsink 4 Temperature Threshold 0x01AE 30431
AVERAGE_INPUT_AMPS Average Input Amperage 0x01AF 30432
AVERAGE_INPUT_VOLTS Average Input Voltage 0x01B0 30433
RCB_EXPECTED_BOARDS Remote Converter Board Expected Boards 0x01B1 30434
RDCM_NODE_STATUS RDCM Node Status 0x01B2 30435 R
MAX_STARTS Maximum Starts 0x01B3 30436
GDI_LANGUAGE Graphics Display Interface Language 0x01B4 30437
THERMAL_CAPACITY_USED Thermal Capacity Used 0x01B5 30438 x10 V
PCM_IRATED_RMS PCM Current Rated RMS 0x01B6 30439
PCM_IMAG_RMS PCM Current Magnetizing RMS 0x01B7 30440
CSU_VIBRATION_X Centinel Vibration X 0x01B8 30441 x100 C
CSU_VIBRATION_Y Centinel Vibration Y 0x01B9 30442 x100 C
DOWNHOLE_VOLTS Downhole Voltage 0x01BA 30443
DOWNHOLE_IA Downhole Current A 0x01BB 30444
DOWNHOLE_IB Downhole Current B 0x01BC 30445

(V =Vortex, E =Electrospeed, M= I/O Module, C=Centinel, R=RDCM, A =Advantage)
Mult /
Software Description Long Description Reg Adr Scada Adr Format
DOWNHOLE_IC Downhole Current C 0x01BD 30446
FSM_FREQ_SETPOINT MaxPoint Frequency Setpoint 0x01C8 30457
FSM_OPERATING_FREQ MaxPoint Operating Temp 0x01C9 30458
FSM_FREQ_CHANGE MaxPoint Frequency Change 0x01CA 30459 x10
FSM_NUMBER_OF_STEPS MaxPoint Number of Steps 0x01CB 30460 x10
FSM_PERIOD_HOURS MaxPoint Period Hours 0x01CC 30461
FSM_PERIOD_MINUTES MaxPoint Minutes 0x01CD 30462
FSM_LO_SPEED_CLAMP MaxPoint Low Speed Clamp 0x01CE 30463
FSM_HI_SPEED_CLAMP MaxPoint High Speed Clamp 0x01CF 30464
FSM_STARTING_FREQ MaxPoint Starting Frequency 0x01D0 30465 x10
CSU_CHANNEL_CONFIG Centinel Channel Configuration 0x01D1 30466
CSU_CURRENT_LEAKAGE Centinel Ground Fault current leakage (mA) 0x01D7 30472 x100 U C
VOLTAGE SAG TIMESTAMP HIGH Input Voltage Sag High Word Timestamp 0x01D9 30474
VOLTAGE SAG TIMESTAMP LOW Input Voltage Sag Low Word Timestamp 0x01DA 30475
PCM VOLTAGE SAG COUNTER Total Number of Input Voltage Sag Events 0x01DB 30476 U
NNI_PROG_REV_NUM Neural Interface Module Software Revision 0x01DF 30480 N
NNI_FLOWRATE Neural Interface Module Flow Rate 0x01E0 30481 N
NNI_OUTPUT_1 Neural Interface Module Output 1 0x01E4 30485 N
NNI_OUTPUT_2 Neural Interface Module Output 2 0x01E5 30486 N
NNI_OUTPUT_3 Neural Interface Module Output 3 0x01E6 30487 N
NNI_OUTPUT_4 Neural Interface Module Output 4 0x01E7 30488 N
NIM Flow Rate and Outputs 1-4 in BPD
EXTERNAL_AMBIENT External Ambient Temperature 0X01E8 30489 A
REMOTE_1_HEATSINK_1 Remote Cab 1 Heatsink 1 Temperature 0X01E9 30490 A
REMOTE_1_HEATSINK_2 Remote Cab 1 Heatsink 2 Temperature 0X01EA 30491 A
REMOTE_1_INDUCTOR Remote Cab 1 Inductor Temperature 0X01EB 30492 A
REMOTE_2_HEATSINK_1 Remote Cab 2 Heatsink 1 Temperature 0X01EC 30493 A
REMOTE_2_HEATSINK_2 Remote Cab 2 Heatsink 2 Temperature 0X01ED 30494 A
REMOTE_2_INDUCTOR Remote Cab 2 Inductor Temperature 0X01EE 30495 A
REMOTE_3_HEATSINK_1 Remote Cab 3 Heatsink 1 Temperature 0X01EF 30496 A
REMOTE_3_HEATSINK_2 Remote Cab 3 Heatsink 2 Temperature 0X01F0 30497 A
REMOTE_3_INDUCTOR Remote Cab 3 Inductor Temperature 0X01F1 30498 A
ANALOG3 Analog Input 3 (optional AAIB) 0X01F2 30499 A
ANALOG4 Analog Input 4 (optional AAIB) 0X01F3 30500 A
ANALOG5 Analog Input 5 (optional AAIB) 0X01F4 30501 A
ANALOG6 Analog Input 6 (optional AAIB) 0X01F5 30502 A
FPWM_A1 Cabinet 1 FPWM Fltr Amps A 0X01F6 30503 A
FPWM_B1 Cabinet 1 FPWM Fltr Amps B 0X01F7 30504 A
FPWM_C1 Cabinet 1 FPWM Fltr Amps C 0X01F8 30505 A
FPWM_A2 Cabinet 2 FPWM Fltr Amps A 0X01F9 30506 A
FPWM_B2 Cabinet 2 FPWM Fltr Amps B 0X01FA 30507 A
FPWM_C2 Cabinet 2 FPWM Fltr Amps C 0X01FB 30508 A
FPWM_A3 Cabinet 3 FPWM Fltr Amps A 0X01FC 30509 A
FPWM_B3 Cabinet 3 FPWM Fltr Amps B 0X01FD 30510 A
FPWM_C3 Cabinet 3 FPWM Fltr Amps C 0X01FE 30511 A
FPWM_A4 Cabinet 4 FPWM Fltr Amps A 0X01FF 30512 A
FPWM_B4 Cabinet 4 FPWM Fltr Amps B 0X0200 30513 A
FPWM_C4 Cabinet 4 FPWM Fltr Amps C 0X0201 30514 A
FPWM_CAB1_IMBALANCE FPWM Filter Imbalance in Cabinet 1 0X0202 30515 A
FPWM_CAB2_IMBALANCE FPWM Filter Imbalance in Cabinet 2 0X0203 30516 A
FPWM_CAB3_IMBALANCE FPWM Filter Imbalance in Cabinet 3 0X0204 30517 A
FPWM_CAB4_IMBALANCE FPWM Filter Imbalance in Cabinet 4 0X0205 30518 A
INPUT_IA Input Current Phase A 0X0206 30519 A
INPUT_IB Input Current Phase B 0X0207 30520 A

(V =Vortex, E =Electrospeed, M= I/O Module, C=Centinel, R=RDCM, A =Advantage)
Mult /
Software Description Long Description Reg Adr Scada Adr Format
INPUT_IC Input Current Phase C 0X0208 30521 A
OUTPUT_VOLTS_ATOB Output Voltage A-B 0X0209 30522 A
OUTPUT_VOLTS_BTOC Output Voltage B-C 0X020A 30523 A
OUTPUT_VOLTS_CTOA Output Voltage C-A 0X020B 30524 A
MOTOR_VOLTS_ATOB Motor Voltage A-B 0X020C 30525 A
MOTOR_VOLTS_BTOC Motor Voltage B-C 0X020D 30526 A
MOTOR_VOLTS_CTOA Motor Voltage C-A 0X020E 30527 A
CNV1_BAMPS Converter 1 Current Sharing Amps 0X020F 30528 A
CNV2_BAMPS Converter 2 Current Sharing Amps 0X0210 30529 A
CNV3_BAMPS Converter 3 Current Sharing Amps 0X0211 30530 A
CNV4_BAMPS Converter 4 Current Sharing Amps 0X0212 30531 A
APC_NUMBER_OF_CONVERTERS Number of Expected Converters 0X0215 30534 A
CNV1_VATOB Converter 1 A-B Voltage 0X0216 30535 A
CNV1_VBTOC Converter 1 B-C Voltage 0X0217 30536 A
CNV1_VCTOA Converter 1 C-A Voltage 0X0218 30537 A
CNV2_VATOB Converter 2 A-B Voltage 0X0219 30538 A
CNV2_VBTOC Converter 2 B-C Voltage 0X021A 30539 A
CNV2_VCTOA Converter 2 C-A Voltage 0X021B 30540 A
CNV3_VATOB Converter 3 A-B Voltage 0X021C 30541 A
CNV3_VBTOC Converter 3 B-C Voltage 0X021D 30542 A
CNV3_VCTOA Converter 3 C-A Voltage 0X021E 30543 A
CNV4_VATOB Converter 4 A-B Voltage 0X021F 30544 A
CNV4_VBTOC Converter 4 B-C Voltage 0X0220 30545 A
CNV4_VCTOA Converter 4 C-A Voltage 0X0221 30546 A
APC_RIDE_THRU_MIN_VOLTS Voltage Sag Minimum Voltage 0X0222 30547 A
APC_RIDE_THRU_MAX_VOLTS Voltage Sag Maximum Voltage 0X0223 30548 A
SURFACE_VOLTS_ATOB Txfmr Output Voltage A-B 0X0224 30549 A
SURFACE_VOLTS_BTOC Txfmr Output Voltage B-C 0X0225 30550 A
SURFACE_VOLTS_CTOA Txfmr Output Voltage C-A 0X0226 30551 A
TRANSFORMER_TAP_CALCULATE Calculated Transformer Tap 0X0227 30552 A
APC_CONVERTER_STATUS_0 Converter Status Zero 0X0228 30553 A
APC_CONVERTER_STATUS_1 Converter Status One 0X0229 30554 A
APC_CONVERTER_STATUS_2 Converter Status Two 0X022A 30555 A
APC_CONVERTER_STATUS_3 Converter Status Three 0X022B 30556 A
APC_CNV1_VLTG_IMBALANCE Converter 1 Voltage Unbalance 0X022C 30557 A
APC_CNV2_VLTG_IMBALANCE Converter 2 Voltage Unbalance 0X022D 30558 A
APC_CNV3_VLTG_IMBALANCE Converter 3 Voltage Unbalance 0X022E 30559 A
APC_CNV4_VLTG_IMBALANCE Converter 4 Voltage Unbalance 0X022F 30560 A
APC_CNV_ENABLED_ERR Converter Enable Error 0X0230 30561 A
APC_CNV12_VLTG_IMBALANCE Convert 1 vs 2 Voltage Unbalance 0X0231 30562 A
APC_CNV13_VLTG_IMBALANCE Convert 1 vs 3 Voltage Unbalance 0X0232 30563 A
APC_CNV14_VLTG_IMBALANCE Convert 1 vs 4 Voltage Unbalance 0X0233 30564 A
APC_RIDE_THRU_IS_SAG Input Voltage Sag 0X0234 30565 A
APC_RIDE_THRU_IS_SLTGF Input Voltage Surge 0X0235 30566 A
APC_RIDE_THRU_LOW_VAB Low Control Power Input Volts 0X0236 30567 A
APC_RIDE_THRU_FAULT Ride Thru Fault 0X0237 30568 A
APC_RIDE_THRU_SURGE_THLD Voltage Surge Threshold Trip 0X0238 30569 A
APC_RIDE_THRU_SURGE_DUR Voltage Surge Time Fault 0X0239 30570 A
FAULT_3PHASE_INPUT_V_SAG 3 Ø Input Voltage Sag 0X023B 30572 A
FAULT_1PHASE_INPUT_V_SAG 1 Ø Input Voltage Sag 0X023C 30573 A
STEP_UP_XFMR_RATED_INPUT_V Step Up Transformer Rated Input Volts 0X023D 30574 A
INPUT_KVA Input KVA 0X023E 30575 A
DRIVE_OUTPUT_KVA Drive Output KVA 0X023F 30576 A

(V =Vortex, E =Electrospeed, M= I/O Module, C=Centinel, R=RDCM, A =Advantage)
Mult /
Software Description Long Description Reg Adr Scada Adr Format
DRIVE_OUTPUT_KW Drive Output Kilowatts 0X0240 30577 A
DRIVE_OUTPUT_POWER_FACTOR Drive Output Power Factor 0X0241 30578 A
DRIVE_EFFICIENCY Drive Efficiency 0X0242 30579 A
INPUT_POWER_CT_RATIO Input Current Transformer Ratio 0X0243 30580 A
INPT_PWR_MEASURE_CONFIG Input Power Option Installed 0X0244 30581 A
MOTOR_KW Motor Kilowats 0X0245 30582 A
TOTAL_INPUT_THD Input Total Harmonic Distortion 0X0246 30583 A
KILO_WATTS Instantaneous Power 0X0247 30584 A
KILO_WATT_HOURS Kilowatt Hours 0X0248 30585 A
MEGA_WATT_HOURS Megawatt Hours 0X0249 30586 A
GIGA_WATT_HOURS Gigawatt Hours 0X024A 30587 A
CNV1_VA_A Converter 1 Phase A VA 0X024C 30589 A
CNV1_VA_B Converter 1 Phase B VA 0X024D 30590 A
CNV1_VA_C Converter 1 Phase C VA 0X024E 30591 A
CNV1_KWA Converter 1 Phase A KiloWatts 0X024F 30592 A
CNV1_KWB Converter 1 Phase B KiloWatts 0X0250 30593 A
CNV1_KWC Converter 1 Phase C KiloWatts 0X0251 30594 A
DS_STARTUP_BYPASS_COUNTER MaxRate-Gas Control Bypass Countdown 0X0252 30595 A
GAS_PURGE_COUNT Gas Purge Number of Attempts 0X0253 30596 A
GAS_PURGE_BYPASS_COUNTER Gas Purge Remaining Bypass Delay 0X0254 30597 A
GAS_PURGE_MACHINE_STATE Gas Purge Machine State 0X0255 30598 A
0= Initializing, 1= Waiting for Enable/Start, 2= In Bypass Delay, 3= Looking for Thres Trigger, 4= Timing Thres Trigger, 5= Initiating Gas Purge,
6= Running at Low Speed, 7= Initiating Return to demanded speed, 8= Waiting for drive to accel, 9= Freq recovered as expect, 10= Awaiting shdown




Packed Digitals 1 – The bits in this 16-bit word will be set if the threshold is exceeded whether the alarm is
enabled or disabled.

Packed Digitals 2 – The bits in alarm in this 16-bit word will be set as the Drive is shutting down (decelerating)
towards a stop. After stop the bits are cleared.

Packed Digitals 3 – The bits will show the active state of these inputs/outputs while running or stopped.

Table 4: Output Registers 40001+
The system analog input and output registers (present value, minimum and maximum) are whole numbers by
default. However, the decimal point position of these analogs can be edited during a local setup via the ‘Max-
imum Reading’ menu item on the display unit. The decimal point position can be edited to yield a Scada value
multiplier of x10 – x10000. The same multiplier is applied to the present value and minimum reading.

40001 to 40250 are user configurable Status Registers. See “Custom ModBus Maps” for information on how to
re-map the ModBus registers to suit your needs.


(V =Vortex, E =Electrospeed, M =I/O Module, R =RDCM, C =Centinel, A =Advantage)
Mult /
Software Description Long Description Reg Adr Scada Adr Format
RESTART_DELAY_MINUTES User set restart time delay 0x0201 40514
CTRATIO Current transformer ratio XXX:1 0x0202 40515 V
OVERLOAD_HI_THLD Overload shutdown threshold 0x0203 40516
UNDERLOAD_LO_THLD Underload shutdown threshold 0x0204 40517
OVERVOLT_HI_THLD Overvoltage shutdown threshold 0x0205 40518
UNDERVOLT_LO_THLD Undervoltage shutdown threshold 0x0206 40519
ROTATION_SDSTATE Live status of Rotation alarm 0x0207 40520
USER_PASSWORD Security password, level 1 0x0208 40521
ANALOG1_SPAN Analog 1 Span Maximum Reading 0x0209 40522
ANALOG1_LO_THLD Analog 1 Low Alarm Threshold 0x020A 40523
VUNBAL_HI_THLD Voltage Unbalance Alarm Threshold 0x020B 40524 x100
IUNBAL_HI_THLD Current Unbalance Alarm Threshold 0x020C 40525 x100 V
NUMBER_OF_ALLOWED_START Allowed # of automatic restarts before lockout 0x020D 40526
RESET_COUNTER_DELAY_MIN Time motor must run to reset # of auto-restarts 0x020E 40527
OVERLOAD_LEGACY Reserved for VMC-100 compatibility 0x020F 40528 V
UNDERLOAD_LEGACY Reserved for VMC-100 compatibility 0x0210 40529 V
UNDERVOLT_LEGACY Reserved for VMC-100 compatibility 0x0211 40530 V
OVERVOLT_LEGACY Reserved for VMC-100 compatibility 0x0212 40531 V
VUNBAL_LEGACY Reserved for VMC-100 compatibility 0x0213 40532 V
IUNBAL_LEGACY Reserved for VMC-100 compatibility 0x0214 40533 V
DIGITAL_IN2_LEGACY Reserved for VMC-100 compatibility 0x0215 40534 V
DIGITAL_IN1_LEGACY Reserved for VMC-100 compatibility 0x0216 40535 V
ANALOG1_HI_LEGACY Reserved for VMC-100 compatibility 0x0217 40536 V
OVERLOAD_SD_DELAY Overload Alarm shutdown delay 0x0218 40537
UNDERLOAD_SD_DELAY Underload Alarm shutdown delay 0x0219 40538
UNDERVOLT_SD_DELAY Undervoltage Alarm shutdown delay 0x021A 40539
OVERVOLT_SD_DELAY Overvoltage Alarm shutdown delay 0x021B 40540
VUNBAL_SD_DELAY Voltage Unbalance Alarm shutdown delay 0x021C 40541
IUNBAL_SD_DELAY Current Unbalance Alarm shutdown delay 0x021D 40542 V
DIGITAL_IN2_SD_DELAY Digital Input 2 Alarm shutdown delay 0x021E 40543
DIGITAL_IN1_SD_DELAY Digital Input 1 Alarm shutdown delay 0x021F 40544
ANALOG1_HI_THLD_SD_DELAY Analog In 1 High Threshold Alarm shutdown dly 0x0220 40545
OVERLOAD_BP_DELAY Overload Alarm Start Bypass delay 0x0221 40546 x10
UNDERLOAD_BP_DELAY Underload Alarm Start Bypass delay 0x0222 40547
UNDERVOLT_BP_DELAY Undervoltage Alarm Start Bypass delay 0x0223 40548
OVERVOLT_BP_DELAY Overvoltage Alarm Start Bypass delay 0x0224 40549
VUNBAL_BP_DELAY Voltage Unbalance Alarm Start Bypass delay 0x0225 40550
IUNBAL_BP_DELAY Current Unbalance Alarm Start Bypass delay 0x0226 40551 V
DIGITAL_IN2_BP_DELAY Digital In 2 Alarm Start Bypass delay 0x0227 40552
DIGITAL_IN1_BP_DELAY Digital In 1 Alarm Start Bypass delay 0x0228 40553
ANALOG1_HI_THLD_BP_DELAY Analog In 1 Hi Thld Alarm Start Bypass delay 0x0229 40554

(V =Vortex, E =Electrospeed, M =I/O Module, R =RDCM, C =Centinel, A =Advantage)
Mult /
Software Description Long Description Reg Adr Scada Adr Format
PROGRESS_RESTART_INC Progressive Restart Time Delay Increment 0x022B 40556
VCA_PERIOD Period of Voltage CA wave form in “counts” 0x022C 40557
WAIT_FOR_RESTART_TIMER Disable all starts until Restart Time delay expires 0x022D 40558
LOCKOUT_PASSWORD_ENBL Password required to clear lockout condition 0x022F 40560
CENTRAL_SHUTDOWN_REQUEST System shutdown from SCADA/Central PC 0x0230 40561
VCA_FREQUENCY Voltage CA Frequency 0x0231 40562 x10 V
POWER_SUPPLY_COMPENSATION Power Supply Compensation 0x0232 40563 V
LEVEL2_PASSWORD Level 2 security password 0x0233 40564
RTU_ADDRESS SCADA system terminal address 0x0234 40565
TRANSMIT_DELAY Time delay between RTS/PTT and transmit 0x0235 40566
CT_PHASE Current transformer phasing 0x0236 40567
USER_PASSWORD_TIMEOUT Inactivity delay before blanking user password 0x0238 40569
UPDATE_FLASH_NOW Force write of parameters to nonvolatile Memory 0x0239 40570
PWR_FACTOR_THLD Power factor alarm shutdown thld (0 – 100%) 0x023A 40571 V
PWR_FACTOR_THLD_SD_DELAY Power factor alarm shutdown time delay 0x023B 40572 V
PWR_FACTOR_THLD_BP_DELAY Power factor alarm start bypass time delay 0x023C 40573 V
ANALOG2_SPAN Analog 2 span Maximum Reading 0x023E 40575
ANALOG1_HI_THLD Analog 1 High Alarm Threshold 0x023F 40576
COMMUNICATIONS_PROTOCOL Communications Language 0=Modbus 0x0240 40577
ROTATION_LEGACY Reserved for VMC-100 compatibility 0x0241 40578 V
KILO_WATTS Instantaneous power consumption 0x0242 40579
GIGA_WATT_HOURS Accumulated power consumption in GigaWatts 0x0243 40580 V
MEGA_WATT_HOURS Accumulated power consumption in MegaWatts 0x0244 40581 V
KILO_WATT_HOURS Accumulated power consumption in KiloWatts 0x0245 40582 V
BAUD_RATE RS-232 ports 29omm.. Rate in bits per second 0x0247 40584
0= 300, 1= 600, 2= 1200, 3= 2400, 4= 4800, 5= 9600
ANALOG1_LO_LEGACY Reserved for VMC-100 compatibility 0x0248 40585 V
TIMERS_IN_MINUTES Reserved for VMC-100 compatibility 0x0249 40586 V
CITIBUS_NODE_STATUS CITIBus communications status 0x024A 40587 U
RESET_ALL_SETPOINTS Force all setpoints to factory default values 0x024B 40588
IA_SPAN Phase A current Scaler 0x024C 40589 V
IB_SPAN Phase B current Scaler 0x024D 40590 V
IC_SPAN Phase C current Scaler 0x024E 40591 V
VAB_SPAN Phase AB voltage Scaler 0x024F 40592
VBC_SPAN Phase BC voltage Scaler 0x0250 40593
VCA_SPAN Phase CA voltage Scaler 0x0251 40594
WATCHDOG_RESETS Microprocessor Reset Status Register 0x0252 40595
SET_REAL_TIME_CLOCK Force real time clock to new “SET” values 0x0253 40596
SET_DAY_OF_WEEK New setting for real time day of week:1=Sunday 0x0254 40597
SET_SECONDS New setting for real time seconds: 0-59 0x0255 40598
SET_MINUTES New setting for real time minutes: 0-59 0x0256 40599
SET_HOURS New setting for real time hours: 0-24 0x0257 40600
SET_DATE New setting for real time date: 1-31 0x0258 40601
SET_MONTH New setting for real time month: 1-12 0x0259 40602
SET_YEAR New setting for real time year: 1900 -2035 0x025A 40603
ANALOG1_HI_THLD_AUTO_RST Analog 1 Hi-Threshold ARP restarts allowed 0x025B 40604
ANALOG1_LO_THLD_AUTO_RST Analog 1 Lo-Threshold ARP restarts allowed 0x025C 40605
ANALOG2_HI_THLD_AUTO_RST Analog 2 Hi-Threshold ARP restarts allowed 0x025D 40606
ANALOG2_LO_THLD_AUTO_RST Analog 2 Lo-Threshold ARP restarts allowed 0x025E 40607
DIGITAL_IN1_AUTO_RESTART Digital Input 1 ARP restarts allowed 0x025F 40608
DIGITAL_IN2_AUTO_RESTART Digital Input 2 ARP restart allowed 0x0260 40609

(V =Vortex, E =Electrospeed, M =I/O Module, R =RDCM, C =Centinel, A =Advantage)
Mult /
Software Description Long Description Reg Adr Scada Adr Format
IUNBAL_AUTO_RESTARTS Current Unbalance ARP restarts allowed 0x0261 40610 V
OVERLOAD_AUTO_RESTARTS Overload ARP restarts allowed 0x0262 40611
OVERVOLT_AUTO_RESTARTS OverVolt ARP restarts allowed 0x0263 40612
UNDERLOAD_AUTO_RESTARTS Underload ARP restarts allowed 0x0264 40613
UNDERVOLT_AUTO_RESTARTS Undervoltage ARP restarts allowed 0x0265 40614
VUNBAL_AUTO_RESTARTS Voltage Unbalance ARP restarts allowed 0x0266 40615
PWR_FACTOR_THLD_AUTO_RST Power factor ARP restarts allowed 0x0268 40617 V
HSINK1_THLD_AUTO_RESTART Heat Sink 1 ARP restarts allowed 0x0269 40618
HSINK2_THLD_AUTO_RESTART Heat Sink 2 ARP restarts allowed 0x026A 40619
HSINK3_THLD_AUTO_RESTART Heat Sink 3 ARP restarts allowed 0x026B 40620
HSINK4_THLD_AUTO_RESTART Heat Sink 4 ARP restarts allowed 0x026C 40621
INDUCTOR_THLD_AUTO_RST Inductor temp sensor ARP restarts allowed 0x026D 40622
AMBIENT_THLD_AUTO_RST Ambient temp sensor ARP restarts allowed 0x026E 40623
AUX_THLD_AUTO_RESTARTS Auxiliary temp sensor ARP restarts allowed 0x026F 40624
OUT_FREQ_THLD_AUTO_RST Output frequency ARP restarts allowed 0x0270 40625
ROTATION_AUTO_RESTARTS Rotation ARP restarts allowed 0x0271 40626 V
PCM_FAULT_AUTO_RESTARTS PCM Fault ARP restarts allowed 0x0272 40627
ANALOG1_HI_THLD_RST_DLY Analog 1 Hi threshold ARP restart delay 0x0273 40628
ANALOG1_LO_THLD_RST_DLY Analog 1 Lo threshold ARP restart delay 0x0274 40629
ANALOG2_HI_THLD_RST_DLY Analog 2 Hi threshold ARP restart delay 0x0275 40630
ANALOG2_LO_THLD_RST_DLY Analog 2 Lo threshold ARP restart delay 0x0276 40631
DIGITAL_IN1_RESTART_DLY Digital input 1 ARP restart delay 0x0277 40632
DIGITAL_IN2_RESTART_DLY Digital input 2 ARP restart delay 0x0278 40633
IUNBAL_RESTART_DELAY Current Unbalance ARP restart delay 0x0279 40634 V
OVERLOAD_RESTART_DELAY Overload ARP restart delay 0x027A 40635
OVERVOLT_RESTART_DELAY Overvoltage ARP restart delay 0x027B 40636
UNDERLOAD_RESTART_DELAY Underload ARP restart delay 0x027C 40637
UNDERVOLT_RESTART_DELAY Undervoltage ARP restart delay 0x027D 40638
VUNBAL_RESTART_DELAY Voltage Unbalance ARP restart delay 0x027E 40639
PWR_FACTOR_THLD_RST_DLY Power Factor ARP restart delay 0x0280 40641 V
HSINK1_THLD_RESTART_DLY Heat sink 1 ARP restart delay 0x0281 40642
HSINK2_THLD_RESTART_DLY Heat sink 2 ARP restart delay 0x0282 40643
HSINK3_THLD_RESTART_DLY Heat sink 3 ARP restart delay 0x0283 40644
HSINK4_THLD_RESTART_DLY Heat sink 4 ARP restart delay 0x0284 40645
INDUCTOR_THLD_RST_DELAY Inductor temp sensor ARP restart delay 0x0285 40646
AMBIENT_THLD_RST_DELAY Ambient temp sensor ARP restart delay 0x0286 40647
AUX_THLD_RESTART_DELAY Auxiliary temp sensor ARP restart delay 0x0287 40648
OUT_FREQ_THLD_RST_DELAY Output frequency ARP restart delay 0x0288 40649
ROTATION_RESTART_DELAY Rotation ARP restart delay 0x0289 40650
PCM_FAULT_RESTART_DELAY PCM Fault ARP restart delay 0x028A 40651
UNLIM_UNDERLOAD_RESTARTS Unlimited restarts allowed for underload shdwn 0x028C 40653
UTILITIES_FREQ_LO_THLD Input power Low frequency alarm threshold 0x028D 40654 x10
UTILITIES_FREQ_HI_THLD Input power High frequency alarm threshold 0x028E 40655 x10
UTILITIES_FREQ_THLD_BP_DELAY Input power frequency alarm bypass delay 0x028F 40656
UTIL_FREQ _AUTO_RESTARTS Input power frequency alarm Aux. restarts 0x0290 40657
UTIL_FREQ _RESTART_DELAY Input power frequency alarm restart delay 0x0291 40658
UTILITIES_FREQ_THLD_SD_DELAY Input power frequency alarm shutdown delay 0x0292 40659
SERIAL_COMM_SD_DELAY Serial / SCADA 30omm.. Fail shutdown delay 0x0293 40660
EXTERNAL_BEACONS Number of External Beacon Lights 0x0294 40661
0= NONE, 1= ONE, 2= THREE
INVERTER_PID_MANUAL_SETPNT Manual Setpoint for PID speed control 0x0295 40662
VBOOST V Boost 0x0296 40663

(V =Vortex, E =Electrospeed, M =I/O Module, R =RDCM, C =Centinel, A =Advantage)
Mult /
Software Description Long Description Reg Adr Scada Adr Format
VBOOST_SYNC V Boost During Sync Period 0x0297 40664
IO1AO1_FINISHED IO1 Analog output 1 “scaled” value 0x0298 40665 M
IO1AO2_FINISHED IO1 Analog output 2 “scaled” value 0x0299 40666 M
IO2AO1_FINISHED IO2 Analog output 1 “scaled” value 0x029A 40667 M
IO2AO2_FINISHED IO2 Analog output 2 “scaled” value 0x029B 40668 M
IO3AO1_FINISHED IO3 Analog output 1 “scaled” value 0x029C 40669 M
IO3AO2_FINISHED IO3 Analog output 2 “scaled” value 0x029D 40670 M
IO1AI1_HI_THLD IO1 Analog input 1 Hi alarm threshold 0x029E 40671 M
IO1AI1_HI_THLD_AUTO_RESTART IO1 Analog input 1 Aux. Restarts 0x029F 40672 M
IO1AI1_HI_THLD_BP_DELAY IO1 Analog input 1 Alarm bypass delay 0x02A0 40673 M
IO1AI1_HI_THLD_RESTART_DELAY IO1 Analog input 1 Aux. Restart delay 0x02A1 40674 M
IO1AI1_HI_THLD_SD_DELAY IO1 Analog input 1 alarm shutdown delay 0x02A2 40675 M
IO1AI1_INST_TYPE IO1 Analog input 1 Instrument Typ (4-20/0-10V) 0x02A3 40676 M
0= 0-10V, 1= 0-5V, 2= 4-20mA, 3= 10-50mA
IO1AI2_HI_THLD IO1 Analog input 2 Hi alarm threshold 0x02A4 40677 M
IO1AI2_HI_THLD_AUTO_RESTART IO1 Analog input 2 Aux. Restarts 0x02A5 40678 M
IO1AI2_HI_THLD_BP_DELAY IO1 Analog input 2 Alarm bypass delay 0x02A6 40679 M
IO1AI2_HI_THLD_RESTART_DELAY IO1 Analog input 2 Aux. Restart delay 0x02A7 40680 M
IO1AI2_HI_THLD_SD_DELAY IO1 Analog input 2 alarm shutdown delay 0x02A8 40681 M
IO1AI2_INST_TYPE IO1 Analog input 2 Instrument Typ (4-20/0-10V) 0x02A9 40682 M
0= 0-10V, 1= 0-5V, 2= 4-20mA, 3= 10-50mA
IO2AI1_HI_THLD IO2 Analog input 1 Hi alarm threshold 0x02AA 40683 M
IO2AI1_HI_THLD_AUTO_RESTART IO2 Analog input 1 Aux. Restarts 0x02AB 40684 M
IO2AI1_HI_THLD_BP_DELAY IO2 Analog input 1 Alarm bypass delay 0x02AC 40685 M
IO2AI1_HI_THLD_RESTART_DELAY IO2 Analog input 1 Aux. Restart delay 0x02AD 40686 M
IO2AI1_HI_THLD_SD_DELAY IO2 Analog input 1 alarm shutdown delay 0x02AE 40687 M
IO2AI1_INST_TYPE IO2 Analog input 1 Instrument Typ (4-20/0-10V) 0x02AF 40688 M
0= 0-10V, 1= 0-5V, 2= 4-20mA, 3= 10-50mA
IO2AI2_HI_THLD IO2 Analog input 2 Hi alarm threshold 0x02B0 40689 M
IO2AI2_HI_THLD_AUTO_RESTART IO2 Analog input 2 Aux. Restarts 0x02B1 40690 M
IO2AI2_HI_THLD_BP_DELAY IO2 Analog input 2 Alarm bypass delay 0x02B2 40691 M
IO2AI2_HI_THLD_RESTART_DELAY IO2 Analog input 2 Aux. Restart delay 0x02B3 40692 M
IO2AI2_HI_THLD_SD_DELAY IO2 Analog input 2 alarm shutdown delay 0x02B4 40693 M
IO2AI2_INST_TYPE IO2 Analog input 2 Instrument Typ (4-20/0-10V) 0x02B5 40694 M
0= 0-10V, 1= 0-5V, 2= 4-20mA, 3= 10-50mA
IO3AI1_HI_THLD IO3 Analog input 1 Hi alarm threshold 0x02B6 40695 M
IO3AI1_HI_THLD_AUTO_RESTART IO3 Analog input 1 Aux. Restarts 0x02B7 40696 M
IO3AI1_HI_THLD_BP_DELAY IO3 Analog input 1 Alarm bypass delay 0x02B8 40697 M
IO3AI1_HI_THLD_RESTART_DELAY IO3 Analog input 1 Aux. Restart delay 0x02B9 40698 M
IO3AI1_HI_THLD_SD_DELAY IO3 Analog input 1 alarm shutdown delay 0x02BA 40699 M
IO3AI1_INST_TYPE IO3 Analog input 1 Instrument Typ (4-20/0-10V) 0x02BB 40700 M
0= 0-10V, 1= 0-5V, 2= 4-20mA, 3= 10-50mA
IO3AI2_HI_THLD IO3 Analog input 2 Hi alarm threshold 0x02BC 40701 M
IO3AI2_HI_THLD_AUTO_RESTART IO3 Analog input 2 Aux. Restarts 0x02BD 40702 M
IO3AI2_HI_THLD_BP_DELAY IO3 Analog input 2 Alarm bypass delay 0x02BE 40703 M
IO3AI2_HI_THLD_RESTART_DELAY IO3 Analog input 2 Aux. Restart delay 0x02BF 40704 M
IO3AI2_HI_THLD_SD_DELAY IO3 Analog input 2 alarm shutdown delay 0x02C0 40705 M
IO3AI2_INST_TYPE IO3 Analog input 2 Instrument Typ (4-20/0-10V) 0x02C1 40706 M
0= 0-10V, 1= 0-5V, 2= 4-20mA, 3= 10-50mA
IO1AI1_LO_THLD IO1 Analog input 1 Low alarm threshold 0x02C2 40707 M
IO1AI1_LO_THLD_AUTO_RESTART IO1 Analog input 1 Low Aux. Restarts 0x02C3 40708 M
IO1AI1_LO_THLD_BP_DELAY IO1 Analog input 1 Low Alarm bypass delay 0x02C4 40709 M

(V =Vortex, E =Electrospeed, M =I/O Module, R =RDCM, C =Centinel, A =Advantage)
Mult /
Software Description Long Description Reg Adr Scada Adr Format
IO1AI1_LO_THLD_RESTRT_DELAY IO1 Analog input 1 Low Aux. Restart delay 0x02C5 40710 M
IO1AI1_LO_THLD_SD_DELAY IO1 Analog input 1 Low alarm shutdown delay 0x02C6 40711 M
IO1AI2_LO_THLD IO1 Analog input 2 Low alarm threshold 0x02C7 40712 M
IO1AI2_LO_THLD_AUTO_RESTART IO1 Analog input 2 Low Aux. Restarts 0x02C8 40713 M
IO1AI2_LO_THLD_BP_DELAY IO1 Analog input 2 Low Alarm bypass delay 0x02C9 40714 M
IO1AI2_LO_THLD_RESTRT_DELAY IO1 Analog input 2 Low Aux. Restart delay 0x02CA 40715 M
IO1AI2_LO_THLD_SD_DELAY IO1 Analog input 2 Low alarm shutdown delay 0x02CB 40716 M
IO2AI1_LO_THLD IO2 Analog input 1 Low alarm threshold 0x02CC 40717 M
IO2AI1_LO_THLD_AUTO_RESTART IO2 Analog input 1 Low Aux. Restarts 0x02CD 40718 M
IO2AI1_LO_THLD_BP_DELAY IO2 Analog input 1 Low Alarm bypass delay 0x02CE 40719 M
IO2AI1_LO_THLD_RESTRT_DELAY IO2 Analog input 1 Low Aux. Restart delay 0x02CF 40720 M
IO2AI1_LO_THLD_SD_DELAY IO2 Analog input 1 Low alarm shutdown delay 0x02D0 40721 M
IO2AI2_LO_THLD IO2 Analog input 2 Low alarm threshold 0x02D1 40722 M
IO2AI2_LO_THLD_AUTO_RESTART IO2 Analog input 2 Low Aux. Restarts 0x02D2 40723 M
IO2AI2_LO_THLD_BP_DELAY IO2 Analog input 2 Low Alarm bypass delay 0x02D3 40724 M
IO2AI2_LO_THLD_RESTRT_DELAY IO2 Analog input 2 Low Aux. Restart delay 0x02D4 40725 M
IO2AI2_LO_THLD_SD_DELAY IO2 Analog input 2 Low alarm shutdown delay 0x02D5 40726 M
IO3AI1_LO_THLD IO3 Analog input 1 Low alarm threshold 0x02D6 40727 M
IO3AI1_LO_THLD_AUTO_RESTART IO3 Analog input 1 Low Aux. Restarts 0x02D7 40728 M
IO3AI1_LO_THLD_BP_DELAY IO3 Analog input 1 Low Alarm bypass delay 0x02D8 40729 M
IO3AI1_LO_THLD_RESTRT_DELAY IO3 Analog input 1 Low Aux. Restart delay 0x02D9 40730 M
IO3AI1_LO_THLD_SD_DELAY IO3 Analog input 1 Low alarm shutdown delay 0x02DA 40731 M
IO3AI2_LO_THLD IO3 Analog input 2 Low alarm threshold 0x02DB 40732 M
IO3AI2_LO_THLD_AUTO_RESTART IO3 Analog input 2 Low Aux. Restarts 0x02DC 40733 M
IO3AI2_LO_THLD_BP_DELAY IO3 Analog input 2 Low Alarm bypass delay 0x02DD 40734 M
IO3AI2_LO_THLD_RESTRT_DELAY IO3 Analog input 2 Low Aux. Restart delay 0x02DE 40735 M
IO3AI2_LO_THLD_SD_DELAY IO3 Analog input 2 Low alarm shutdown delay 0x02DF 40736 M
KW _LO_THLD_AUTO_RESTARTS Kilowatt Low Threshold Aux. Restarts 0x02E0 40737 V
KW_TRIP_LO_THLD_BP_DELAY Kilowatt Low Threshold Alarm Bypass Delay 0x02E1 40738 V
KW _LO_THLD_RESTART_DELAY Kilowatt Low Threshold Aux. Restart Delay 0x02E2 40739 V
KW_TRIP_LO_THLD_SD_DELAY Kilowatt Low Threshold Alarm Shutdown Delay 0x02E3 40740 V
KW _HI_THLD_AUTO_RESTARTS Kilowatt Hi-Threshold Aux. Restarts 0x02E4 40741 V
KW_TRIP_HI_THLD_BP_DELAY Kilowatt Hi-Threshold Alarm Bypass Delay 0x02E5 40742 V
KW _HI_THLD_RESTART_DELAY Kilowatt Hi-Threshold Aux. Restart Delay 0x02E6 40743 V
KW_TRIP_HI_THLD_SD_DELAY Kilowatt Hi-Threshold Alarm Shutdown Delay 0x02E7 40744 V
FSC_IOT_HI_THLD Fixed Speed Controller IOT Threshold 0x02E8 40745 V
CSU_GAUGE_DETECTION_METHOD Centinel Downhole Gauge Detection Method 0x02E9 40746 C
CSU_PRESSURE_OFFSET Centinel Pressure Gauge Offset 0x02EA 40747 x10 C
CSU_TEMPERATURE_OFFSET Centinel Temperature Gauge Offset 0x02EB 40748 x10 C
CSU_MOTOR_TEMPERATURE_OFFS Centinel Motor Temperature Offset 0x02EC 40749 x10 C
CSU_FLUID_RESISTANCE_OFFSET Centinel Fluid Resistance Offset 0x02ED 40750 C
SLIP_COMPENSATION Slip Compensation 0x02EE 40751 x10 V
VCLAMP Voltage Clamp 0x02F0 40753
BEACON_LIGHTS_MODE Beacon Lights Mode 0x02F1 40754
MODEM_CONTROL Hardware Handshake 0x02F2 40755
0= none, 1= RTS, 2= R/CTS
AMP_CHART_MODE Amp Chart Mode 0x02F3 40756
PCM_MOTOR_RATED_TORQUE Maximum Motor Torque Allowed 0x02F4 40757 U
PCM_GEAR_RATIO Gear Box Ratio (ESPCP or Rod Driven PCP) 0x02F5 40758 x100
PCM_TORQUE_LIMIT Output Torque Control Maximum Limit (%) 0x02F6 40759

(V =Vortex, E =Electrospeed, M =I/O Module, R =RDCM, C =Centinel, A =Advantage)
Mult /
Software Description Long Description Reg Adr Scada Adr Format
CSU_UNITS_SELECT Engineering units selection, see below 0x02F7 40760 C
0=°F & PSI, 1=°C & BAR, 2=°C & PSI, 3=°F & BAR
INVERTER_FOLLOWER_SETPOINT VSD Analog follower setpoint (signal source) 0x02F8 40761
INVERTER_PID_SETPOINT VSD PID control setpoint (speed demand source) 0x02F9 40762
INVERTER_PID_FEEDBACK VSD PID control feedback signal source 0x02FA 40763
PWM_FILTER_SERVICE_LIGHT PWM Filter Service Light 0x02FB 40764
PWM_FILTER_RESET_INPUT PWM Filter Reset Input 0x02FC 40765
PWM_FILTER_AUX_CONTACTS PWM Filter Auxiliary Contacts 0x02FD 40766
PWM_FILTER_ENGAGE PWM Filter Engage 0x02FE 40767
CSU_AUTO_RANGING_METHOD Centinel Automatic Ranging Method 0x02FF 40768 A


(V =Vortex, E =Electrospeed, M =I/O Module, R =RDCM, C =Centinel, A =Advantage)
Mult /
Software Description Long Description Reg Adr Scada Adr Format
ANALOG1_LO_THLD_BP_DELAY Analog 1 Low Threshold Bypass time delay 0x0300 40769
ANALOG1_LO_THLD_SD_DELAY Analog 1 Low Threshold shutdown time delay 0x0301 40770
ANALOG2_HI_THLD Analog Input 2 high alarm threshold 0x0302 40771
ANALOG2_HI_THLD_BP_DELAY Analog 2 high threshold Bypass time delay 0x0303 40772
ANALOG2_HI_THLD_SD_DELAY Analog 2 high threshold shutdown time delay 0x0304 40773
ANALOG2_LO_THLD Analog Input 2 low alarm threshold 0x0305 40774
ANALOG2_LO_THLD_BP_DELAY Analog 2 low threshold Bypass time delay 0x0306 40775
ANALOG2_LO_THLD_SD_DELAY Analog 2 low threshold shutdown time delay 0x0307 40776
EXTERNAL_RESETS Microprocessor Reset Status Register 0x0308 40777
POWER_UP_RESETS Microprocessor Reset Status Register 0x0309 40778
LOSS_OF_CLOCK_RESETS Microprocessor Reset Status Register 0x030A 40779
BUS_ERROR_RESETS Microprocessor Reset Status Register 0x030B 40780
ILLEGAL_INST_RESETS Microprocessor Reset Status Register 0x030C 40781
DIV_BY_ZERO_RESETS Microprocessor Reset Status Register 0x030D 40782
SECURITY_JUMPER_IN_PLACE Electrospeed security jumper status 0x030E 40783
RUN FREQUENCY User Set Output Frequency 0x030F 40784 x10
REAL_TIME_DAY_OF_WEEK Day of the week in numbers: Sunday = 1 0x0310 40785
REAL_TIME_SECONDS Real time clock’s seconds value 0x0311 40786
REAL_TIME_MINUTES Real time clock’s minutes value 0x0312 40787
REAL_TIME_HOURS Real time clock’s hours value 0x0313 40788
REAL_TIME_DATE Real time clock’s date value 0x0314 40789
REAL_TIME_MONTH Real time clock’s month value: Jan = 1 0x0315 40790
REAL_TIME_YEAR Real time clock’s year value 0x0316 40791
ROTATION Rotation alarm setpoint 0x0317 40792
FIRST_LAST_SD VMC-100 compatibility : cause of last shutdown 0x0318 40793
SECOND_LAST_SD VMC-100 compatibility : cause of 2 last shdwn 0x0319 40794
THIRD_LAST_SD VMC-100 compatibility : cause of 3 last shdwn 0x031A 40795
FOURTH_LAST_SD VMC-100 compatibility : cause of 4 last shdwn 0x031B 40796
FIFTH_LAST_SD VMC-100 compatibility : cause of 5 last shdwn 0x031C 40797
ACCEL_FOR60_HZ Time to accelerate output frequency by 60 Hz. 0x031D 40798
DECCEL_FOR60_HZ Time to decelerate output frequency by 60 Hz. 0x031E 40799
VOLTS_AT60_HZ Voltage at 60Hz setpoint 0x031F 40800
RATED_I Rated output current for present model number 0x0320 40801

(V =Vortex, E =Electrospeed, M =I/O Module, R =RDCM, C =Centinel, A =Advantage)
Mult /
Software Description Long Description Reg Adr Scada Adr Format
REGULATOR_GAIN Regulator gain percentage 0x0321 40802
RUNNING_ILIMIT Current limit while running 0x0322 40803
SYNC_DELAY Frequency sync. Time delay 0x0323 40804
SYNC_FREQUENCY_SETPOINT Frequency sync. Setpoint 0x0324 40805 x10
SYNC_ILIMIT Current limit during sync. Delay 0x0325 40806
HIGH_SPEED_CLAMP Maximum frequency permitted 0x0326 40807 x10
PCM_INVERTER_MODE_STPNT Power Conversion Module Inverter mode 0x0327 40808
0= ESP, 1= HYB, 2= PWM
PCM_CONVERTER_MODE_STPNT Power Conversion Module Converter mode 0x0328 40809
LOW_SPEED_CLAMP Minimum frequency permitted 0x0329 40810 x10
INVERTER_PID_CNTRL_MODE Inverter PID controller mode. 0x032A 40811
PCM_INVERTER_ROTATION_SETPNT Inverter Rotation Setpoint 0x032B 40812
IO3AI2_LO_THLD_ALARM_ENBL IO3 Analog In 2 Low Threshold alarm enable 0x032C 40813 M
IO3AI2_LO_THLD_ARP_ENBL IO3 Analog In 2 Low Thld Aux. Restarts enable 0x032D 40814 M
SCI_DATA_FORMAT Data Format 0x032D 40815
0= 8N1, 1= 8E1, 2= 8O1, 3= 8N2, 4= 8E2, 5= 8O2
RESTART_STAGGER_TIME Restart Stagger Time 0x032F 40816 V
IO3AI2_LO_THLD_LOCK_ENBL IO3 Analog In 2 Low Threshold lockout enable 0x0330 40817 M
ANALOG1_OFFSET Analog In 1 Minimum Reading 0x0331 40818
ANALOG2_OFFSET Analog In 2 Minimum Reading 0x0332 40819
IO1AI1_INPUT_FREQUENCY IO1 Analog input 1 measured frequency 0x0333 40820 x100 M
IO1AI2_INPUT_FREQUENCY IO1 Analog input 2 measured frequency 0x0334 40821 x100 M
IO2AI1_INPUT_FREQUENCY IO2 Analog input 1 measured frequency 0x0335 40822 x100 M
IO2AI2_INPUT_FREQUENCY IO2 Analog input 2 measured frequency 0x0336 40823 x100 M
IO3AI1_INPUT_FREQUENCY IO3 Analog input 1 measured frequency 0x0337 40824 x100 M
IO3AI2_INPUT_FREQUENCY IO3 Analog input 2 measured frequency 0x0338 40825 x100 M
IO1AI1_SPAN IO1 Analog input 1 Maximum Reading 0x0339 40826 M
IO1AI1_OFFSET IO1 Analog input 1 Minimum Reading 0x033A 40827 M
IO1AI2_SPAN IO1 Analog input 2 Maximum Reading 0x033B 40828 M
IO1AI2_OFFSET IO1 Analog input 2 Minimum Reading 0x033C 40829 M
IO2AI1_SPAN IO2 Analog input 1 Maximum Reading 0x033D 40830 M
IO2AI1_OFFSET IO2 Analog input 1 Minimum Reading 0x033E 40831 M
IO2AI2_SPAN IO2 Analog input 2 Maximum Reading 0x033F 40832 M
IO2AI2_OFFSET IO2 Analog input 2 Minimum Reading 0x0340 40833 M
IO3AI1_SPAN IO3 Analog input 1 Maximum Reading 0x0341 40834 M
IO3AI1_OFFSET IO3 Analog input 1 Minimum Reading 0x0342 40835 M
IO3AI2_SPAN IO3 Analog input 2 Maximum Reading 0x0343 40836 M
IO3AI2_OFFSET IO3 Analog input 2 Minimum Reading 0x0344 40837 M
IO1AO1_SPAN IO1 Analog output 1 Maximum Reading 0x0345 40838 M
IO1AO1_OFFSET IO1 Analog output 1 Minimum Reading 0x0346 40839 M
IO1AO1_INST_TYPE IO1 Analog output 1 Instrument Type 0x0347 40840 M
PCM_MOTOR_POLES PCM Number of Motor Poles 0x0348 40841
IO1AO2_SPAN IO1 Analog output 2 Maximum Reading 0x0349 40842 M
IO1AO2_OFFSET IO1 Analog output 2 Minimum Reading 0x034A 40843 M
IO1AO2_INST_TYPE IO1 Analog output 2 Instrument Type 0x034B 40844 M
PCM_MOTOR_RATED_RPM PCM Motor Rated RPM 0x034C 40845
IO2AO1_SPAN IO2 Analog output 1 Maximum Reading 0x034D 40846 M
IO2AO1_OFFSET IO2 Analog output 1 Minimum Reading 0x034E 40847 M
IO2AO1_INST_TYPE IO2 Analog output 1 Instrument Type 0x034F 40848 M
AMP_CHART_SAMPLE_RATE Ampchart Scan... Rate 0x0350 40849

(V =Vortex, E =Electrospeed, M =I/O Module, R =RDCM, C =Centinel, A =Advantage)
Mult /
Software Description Long Description Reg Adr Scada Adr Format
IO2AO2_SPAN IO2 Analog output 2 Maximum Reading 0x0351 40850 M
IO2AO2_OFFSET IO2 Analog output 2 Minimum Reading 0x0352 40851 M
IO2AO2_INST_TYPE IO2 Analog output 2 Instrument Type 0x0353 40852 M
STOP_START_DIGITAL_IN Stop / Start Digital Input 0x0354 40853
IO3AO1_SPAN IO3 Analog output 1 Maximum Reading 0x0355 40854 M
IO3AO1_OFFSET IO3 Analog output 1 Minimum Reading 0x0356 40855 M
IO3AO1_INST_TYPE IO3 Analog output 1 Instrument Type 0x0357 40856 M
WAITING_FOR_RESTART_TIMER Waiting for Restart Timer 0x0358 40857
IO3AO2_SPAN IO3 Analog output 2 Maximum Reading 0x0359 40858 M
IO3AO2_OFFSET IO3 Analog output 2 Minimum Reading 0x035A 40859 M
IO3AO2_INST_TYPE IO3 Analog output 2 Instrument Type 0x035B 40860 M
IO1DI1_AUTO_RESTARTS IO1 Digital in 1 Aux. Restarts 0x035C 40861 M
IO1DI1_BP_DELAY IO1 Digital in 1 Alarm Bypass Delay 0x035D 40862 M
IO1DI1_RESTART_DELAY IO1 Digital in 1 Aux. Restart Delay 0x035E 40863 M
IO1DI1_SD_DELAY IO1 Digital in 1 Alarm Shutdown Delay 0x035F 40864 M
IO1DI2_AUTO_RESTARTS IO1 Digital in 2 Aux. Restarts 0x0360 40865 M
IO1DI2_BP_DELAY IO1 Digital in 2 Alarm Bypass Delay 0x0361 40866 M
IO1DI2_RESTART_DELAY IO1 Digital in 2 Aux. Restart Delay 0x0362 40867 M
IO1DI2_SD_DELAY IO1 Digital in 2 Alarm Shutdown Delay 0x0363 40868 M
IO2DI1_AUTO_RESTARTS IO2 Digital in 1 Aux. Restarts 0x0364 40869 M
IO2DI1_BP_DELAY IO2 Digital in 1 Alarm Bypass Delay 0x0365 40870 M
IO2DI1_RESTART_DELAY IO2 Digital in 1 Aux. Restart Delay 0x0366 40871 M
IO2DI1_SD_DELAY IO2 Digital in 1 Alarm Shutdown Delay 0x0367 40872 M
IO2DI2_AUTO_RESTARTS IO2 Digital in 2 Aux. Restarts 0x0368 40873 M
IO2DI2_BP_DELAY IO2 Digital in 2 Alarm Bypass Delay 0x0369 40874 M
IO2DI2_RESTART_DELAY IO2 Digital in 2 Aux. Restart Delay 0x036A 40875 M
IO2DI2_SD_DELAY IO2 Digital in 2 Alarm Shutdown Delay 0x036B 40876 M
IO3DI1_AUTO_RESTARTS IO3 Digital in 1 Aux. Restarts 0x036C 40877 M
IO3DI1_BP_DELAY IO3 Digital in 1 Alarm Bypass Delay 0x036D 40878 M
IO3DI1_RESTART_DELAY IO3 Digital in 1 Aux. Restart Delay 0x036E 40879 M
IO3DI1_SD_DELAY IO3 Digital in 1 Alarm Shutdown Delay 0x036F 40880 M
IO3DI2_AUTO_RESTARTS IO3 Digital in 2 Aux. Restarts 0x0370 40881 M
IO3DI2_BP_DELAY IO3 Digital in 2 Alarm Bypass Delay 0x0371 40882 M
IO3DI2_RESTART_DELAY IO3 Digital in 2 Aux. Restart Delay 0x0372 40883 M
IO3DI2_SD_DELAY IO3 Digital in 2 Alarm Shutdown Delay 0x0373 40884 M
IO1DI1_PERIOD IO1 Digital in 1 AC signal period 0x0374 40885 M
IO1DI1_PULSE_ACC IO1 Digital in 1 Pulse accumulator 0x0375 40886 M
IO1DI2_PERIOD IO1 Digital in 2 AC signal period 0x0376 40887 M
IO1DI2_PULSE_ACC IO1 Digital in 2 Pulse accumulator 0x0377 40888 M
IO1DI3_PERIOD IO1 Digital in 3 AC signal period 0x0378 40889 M
IO1DI3_PULSE_ACC IO1 Digital in 3 Pulse accumulator 0x0379 40890 M
IO2DI1_PERIOD IO2 Digital in 1 AC signal period 0x037A 40891 M
IO2DI1_PULSE_ACC IO2 Digital in 1 Pulse accumulator 0x037B 40892 M
IO2DI2_PERIOD IO2 Digital in 2 AC signal period 0x037C 40893 M
IO2DI2_PULSE_ACC IO2 Digital in 2 Pulse accumulator 0x037D 40894 M
IO2DI3_PERIOD IO2 Digital in 3 AC signal period 0x037E 40895 M
IO2DI3_PULSE_ACC IO2 Digital in 3 Pulse accumulator 0x037F 40896 M
IO3DI1_PERIOD IO3 Digital in 1 AC signal period 0x0380 40897 M
IO3DI1_PULSE_ACC IO3 Digital in 1 Pulse accumulator 0x0381 40898 M
IO3DI2_PERIOD IO3 Digital in 2 AC signal period 0x0382 40899 M
IO3DI2_PULSE_ACC IO3 Digital in 2 Pulse accumulator 0x0383 40900 M

(V =Vortex, E =Electrospeed, M =I/O Module, R =RDCM, C =Centinel, A =Advantage)
Mult /
Software Description Long Description Reg Adr Scada Adr Format
IO3DI3_PERIOD IO3 Digital in 3 AC signal period 0x0384 40901 M
IO3DI3_PULSE_ACC IO3 Digital in 3 Pulse accumulator 0x0385 40902 M
IO1DO1_FLASH_RATE IO1 Digital out 1 ON/OFF Rate 0x0386 40903 M
IO1DO1_PULSE_COUNT IO1 Digital out 1 Output pulse count 0x0387 40904 M
IO1DO2_FLASH_RATE IO1 Digital out 2 ON/OFF Rate 0x0388 40905 M
IO1DO2_PULSE_COUNT IO1 Digital out 2 Output pulse count 0x0389 40906 M
IO1DO3_FLASH_RATE IO1 Digital out 3 ON/OFF Rate 0x038A 40907 M
IO1DO3_PULSE_COUNT IO1 Digital out 3 Output pulse count 0x038B 40908 M
IO2DO1_FLASH_RATE IO2 Digital out 1 ON/OFF Rate 0x038C 40909 M
IO2DO1_PULSE_COUNT IO2 Digital out 1 Output pulse count 0x038D 40910 M
IO2DO2_FLASH_RATE IO2 Digital out 2 ON/OFF Rate 0x038E 40911 M
IO2DO2_PULSE_COUNT IO2 Digital out 2 Output pulse count 0x038F 40912 M
IO2DO3_FLASH_RATE IO2 Digital out 3 ON/OFF Rate 0x0390 40913 M
IO2DO3_PULSE_COUNT IO2 Digital out 3 Output pulse count 0x0391 40914 M
IO3DO1_FLASH_RATE IO3 Digital out 1 ON/OFF Rate 0x0392 40915 M
IO3DO1_PULSE_COUNT IO3 Digital out 1 Output pulse count 0x0393 40916 M
IO3DO2_FLASH_RATE IO3 Digital out 2 ON/OFF Rate 0x0394 40917 M
IO3DO2_PULSE_COUNT IO3 Digital out 2 Output pulse count 0x0395 40918 M
IO3DO3_FLASH_RATE IO3 Digital out 3 ON/OFF Rate 0x0396 40919 M
IO3DO3_PULSE_COUNT IO3 Digital out 3 Output pulse count 0x0397 40920 M
IO1AO1_RAW IO1 Analog out 1 RAW A/D counts 0x0398 40921 M
IO1AO2_RAW IO1 Analog out 2 RAW A/D counts 0x0399 40922 M
IO2AO1_RAW IO2 Analog out 1 RAW A/D counts 0x039A 40923 M
IO2AO2_RAW IO2 Analog out 2 RAW A/D counts 0x039B 40924 M
IO3AO1_RAW IO3 Analog out 1 RAW A/D counts 0x039C 40925 M
IO3AO2_RAW IO3 Analog out 2 RAW A/D counts 0x039D 40926 M
IO1_RESET_MIN_MAX IO1 Analog input Reset Min/Max readings 0x039E 40927 M
IO2_RESET_MIN_MAX IO2 Analog input Reset Min/Max readings 0x039F 40928 M
IO3_RESET_MIN_MAX IO3 Analog input Reset Min/Max readings 0x03A0 40929 M
DHT_TURNS_RATIO Step-up Output transformer turns ratio 0x03A1 40930 x1000
UAB1_THLD User Alarm Block 1 Threshold 0x03A2 40931 x(?)
Multiplier value is dependant on the Data Source
UAB1_THLD_SD_DELAY User Alarm Block 1 Alarm Shutdown Delay 0x03A3 40932
UAB1_THLD_BP_DELAY User Alarm Block 1 Alarm Bypass Delay 0x03A4 40933
UAB1_THLD_SD_TIMER User Alarm Block 1 Alarm Shutdown Timer 0x03A5 40934
UAB1_THLD_RESTART_DELAY User Alarm Block 1 Restart Delay 0x03A6 40935
UAB1_THLD_AUTO_RESTARTS User Alarm Block 1 Aux. Restarts 0x03A7 40936
UAB2_THLD User Alarm Block 2 Threshold 0x03A8 40937 x(?)
Multiplier value is dependant on the Data Source
UAB2_THLD_SD_DELAY User Alarm Block 2 Alarm Shutdown Delay 0x03A9 40938
UAB2_THLD_BP_DELAY User Alarm Block 2 Alarm Bypass Delay 0x03AA 40939
UAB2_THLD_SD_TIMER User Alarm Block 2 Alarm Shutdown Timer 0x03AB 40940
UAB2_THLD_RESTART_DELAY User Alarm Block 2 Restart Delay 0x03AC 40941
UAB2_THLD_AUTO_RESTARTS User Alarm Block 2 Aux. Restarts 0x03AD 40942
UAB3_THLD User Alarm Block 3 Threshold 0x03AE 40943 x(?)
Multiplier value is dependant on the Data Source
UAB3_THLD_SD_DELAY User Alarm Block 3 Alarm Shutdown Delay 0x03AF 40944
UAB3_THLD_BP_DELAY User Alarm Block 3 Alarm Bypass Delay 0x03B0 40945
UAB3_THLD_SD_TIMER User Alarm Block 3 Alarm Shutdown Timer 0x03B1 40946
UAB3_THLD_RESTART_DELAY User Alarm Block 3 Restart Delay 0x03B2 40947
UAB3_THLD_AUTO_RESTARTS User Alarm Block 3 Aux. Restarts 0x03B3 40948
UAB4_THLD User Alarm Block 4 Threshold 0x03B4 40949 x(?)

(V =Vortex, E =Electrospeed, M =I/O Module, R =RDCM, C =Centinel, A =Advantage)
Mult /
Software Description Long Description Reg Adr Scada Adr Format
Multiplier value is dependant on the Data Source
UAB4_THLD_SD_DELAY User Alarm Block 4 Alarm Shutdown Delay 0x03B5 40950
UAB4_THLD_BP_DELAY User Alarm Block 4 Alarm Bypass Delay 0x03B6 40951
UAB4_THLD_SD_TIMER User Alarm Block 4 Alarm Shutdown Timer 0x03B7 40952
UAB4_THLD_RESTART_DELAY User Alarm Block 4 Restart Delay 0x03B8 40953
UAB4_THLD_AUTO_RESTARTS User Alarm Block 4 Aux. Restarts 0x03B9 40954
UAB5_THLD User Alarm Block 5 Threshold 0x03BA 40955 x(?)
Multiplier value is dependant on the Data Source
UAB5_THLD_SD_DELAY User Alarm Block 5 Alarm Shutdown Delay 0x03BB 40956
UAB5_THLD_BP_DELAY User Alarm Block 5 Alarm Bypass Delay 0x03BC 40957
UAB5_THLD_SD_TIMER User Alarm Block 5 Alarm Shutdown Timer 0x03BD 40958
UAB5_THLD_RESTART_DELAY User Alarm Block 5 Restart Delay 0x03BE 40959
UAB5_THLD_AUTO_RESTARTS User Alarm Block 5 Aux. Restarts 0x03BF 40960
UAB6_THLD User Alarm Block 6 Threshold 0x03C0 40961 x(?)
Multiplier value is dependant on the Data Source
UAB6_THLD_SD_DELAY User Alarm Block 6 Alarm Shutdown Delay 0x03C1 40962
UAB6_THLD_BP_DELAY User Alarm Block 6 Alarm Bypass Delay 0x03C2 40963
UAB6_THLD_SD_TIMER User Alarm Block 6 Alarm Shutdown Timer 0x03C3 40964
UAB6_THLD_RESTART_DELAY User Alarm Block 6 Restart Delay 0x03C4 40965
UAB6_THLD_AUTO_RESTARTS User Alarm Block 6 Aux. Restarts 0x03C5 40966
UAB7_THLD User Alarm Block 7 Threshold 0x03C6 40967 x(?)
Multiplier value is dependant on the Data Source
UAB7_THLD_SD_DELAY User Alarm Block 7 Alarm Shutdown Delay 0x03C7 40968
UAB7_THLD_BP_DELAY User Alarm Block 7 Alarm Bypass Delay 0x03C8 40969
UAB7_THLD_SD_TIMER User Alarm Block 7 Alarm Shutdown Timer 0x03C9 40970
UAB7_THLD_RESTART_DELAY User Alarm Block 7 Restart Delay 0x03CA 40971
UAB7_THLD_AUTO_RESTARTS User Alarm Block 7 Aux. Restarts 0x03CB 40972
UAB8_THLD User Alarm Block 8 Threshold 0x03CC 40973 x(?)
Multiplier value is dependant on the Data Source
UAB8_THLD_SD_DELAY User Alarm Block 8 Alarm Shutdown Delay 0x03CD 40974
UAB8_THLD_BP_DELAY User Alarm Block 8 Alarm Bypass Delay 0x03CE 40975
UAB8_THLD_SD_TIMER User Alarm Block 8 Alarm Shutdown Timer 0x03CF 40976
UAB8_THLD_RESTART_DELAY User Alarm Block 8 Restart Delay 0x03D0 40977
UAB8_THLD_AUTO_RESTARTS User Alarm Block 8 Aux. Restarts 0x03D1 40978
PID_SAMPLE_RATE Output Frequency control PID iteration timer 0x03D2 40979 x10
UPID_SAMPLE_RATE User PID control iteration timer ( repeat rate) 0x03D3 40980 x10
TIME_BETWEEN_ASYNC_CHAR Intercharacter Delay 0x03D8 40985
AUX_TEMP_THLD Auxiliary Temperature Threshold 0x03D9 40986
AUX_TEMP_THLD_BP_DELAY Auxiliary Temperature Threshold Bypass Delay 0x03DA 40987
AUX_TEMP_THLD_SD_DELAY Auxiliary Temperature Thresholld Shutdown Dly 0x03DB 40988
XCVR_COMM_FAIL_BP_DELAY Centinel Gauge Comm Failure Bypass Delay 0x03DC 40989 C
XCVR_COMM_FAIL_SD_DELAY Centinel Gauge Comm Failure Shutdown Delay 0x03DD 40990 C
XCVR_COMM_FAIL_SD_TIMER Centinel Gauge Comm Failure Shutdown Timer 0x03DE 40991 C
XCVR_COM_FAIL_AUTO_RESTART Centinel Gauge Comm Failure Aux. Restarts 0x03DF 40992 C
XCVR_COM_FAIL_RESTRT_DELAY Centinel Gauge Comm Failure Aux. Restart Dly 0x03E0 40993 C
UAB1_DATA_SOURCE User Alarm Block 1 Data Source Point ID# 0x03E1 40994
UAB2_DATA_SOURCE User Alarm Block 2 Data Source Point ID# 0x03E2 40995
UAB3_DATA_SOURCE User Alarm Block 3 Data Source Point ID# 0x03E3 40996
UAB4_DATA_SOURCE User Alarm Block 4 Data Source Point ID# 0x03E4 40997
UAB5_DATA_SOURCE User Alarm Block 5 Data Source Point ID# 0x03E5 40998
UAB6_DATA_SOURCE User Alarm Block 6 Data Source Point ID# 0x03E6 40999
UAB7_DATA_SOURCE User Alarm Block 7 Data Source Point ID# 0x03E7 41000

(V =Vortex, E =Electrospeed, M =I/O Module, R =RDCM, C =Centinel, A =Advantage)
Mult /
Software Description Long Description Reg Adr Scada Adr Format
UAB8_DATA_SOURCE User Alarm Block 8 Data Source Point ID# 0x03E8 41001
UAB1_ALARM_TYPE User Alarm Block 1 Alarm Type (Lo= 0, Hi= 1) 0x03E9 41002
UAB2_ALARM_TYPE User Alarm Block 2 Alarm Type (Lo= 0, Hi= 1) 0x03EA 41003
UAB3_ALARM_TYPE User Alarm Block 3 Alarm Type (Lo= 0, Hi= 1) 0x03EB 41004
UAB4_ALARM_TYPE User Alarm Block 4 Alarm Type (Lo= 0, Hi= 1) 0x03EC 41005
UAB5_ALARM_TYPE User Alarm Block 5 Alarm Type (Lo= 0, Hi= 1) 0x03ED 41006
UAB6_ALARM_TYPE User Alarm Block 6 Alarm Type (Lo= 0, Hi= 1) 0x03EE 41007
UAB7_ALARM_TYPE User Alarm Block 7 Alarm Type (Lo= 0, Hi= 1) 0x03EF 41008
UAB8_ALARM_TYPE User Alarm Block 8 Alarm Type (Lo= 0, Hi= 1) 0x03F0 41009
RDCM_DEV1_TAG01 RDCM – Device 1 – Data Tag 1 0x0408 41033 R
RDCM_DEV1_TAG02 RDCM – Device 1 – Data Tag 2 0x0409 41034 R
RDCM_DEV1_TAG03 RDCM – Device 1 – Data Tag 3 0x040A 41035 R
RDCM_DEV1_TAG04 RDCM – Device 1 – Data Tag 4 0x040B 41036 R
RDCM_DEV1_TAG05 RDCM – Device 1 – Data Tag 5 0x040C 41037 R
RDCM_DEV1_TAG06 RDCM – Device 1 – Data Tag 6 0x040D 41038 R
RDCM_DEV1_TAG07 RDCM – Device 1 – Data Tag 7 0x040E 41039 R
RDCM_DEV1_TAG08 RDCM – Device 1 – Data Tag 8 0x040F 41040 R
RDCM_DEV1_TAG09 RDCM – Device 1 – Data Tag 9 0x0410 41041 R
RDCM_DEV1_TAG010 RDCM – Device 1 – Data Tag 10 0x0411 41042 R
RDCM_DEV1_TAG011 RDCM – Device 1 – Data Tag 11 0x0412 41043 R
RDCM_DEV1_TAG012 RDCM – Device 1 – Data Tag 12 0x0413 41044 R
RDCM_DEV2_TAG01 RDCM – Device 2 – Data Tag 1 0x0414 41045 R
RDCM_DEV2_TAG02 RDCM – Device 2 – Data Tag 2 0x0415 41046 R
RDCM_DEV2_TAG03 RDCM – Device 2 – Data Tag 3 0x0416 41047 R
RDCM_DEV2_TAG04 RDCM – Device 2 – Data Tag 4 0x0417 41048 R
RDCM_DEV2_TAG05 RDCM – Device 2 – Data Tag 5 0x0418 41049 R
RDCM_DEV2_TAG06 RDCM – Device 2 – Data Tag 6 0x0419 41050 R
RDCM_DEV2_TAG07 RDCM – Device 2 – Data Tag 7 0x041A 41051 R
RDCM_DEV2_TAG08 RDCM – Device 2 – Data Tag 8 0x041B 41052 R
RDCM_DEV2_TAG09 RDCM – Device 2 – Data Tag 9 0x041C 41053 R
RDCM_DEV2_TAG010 RDCM – Device 2 – Data Tag 10 0x041D 41054 R
RDCM_DEV2_TAG011 RDCM – Device 2 – Data Tag 11 0x041E 41055 R
RDCM_DEV2_TAG012 RDCM – Device 2 – Data Tag 12 0x041F 41056 R
RDCM_DEV3_TAG01 RDCM – Device 3 – Data Tag 1 0x0420 41057 R
RDCM_DEV3_TAG02 RDCM – Device 3 – Data Tag 2 0x0421 41058 R
RDCM_DEV3_TAG03 RDCM – Device 3 – Data Tag 3 0x0422 41050 R
RDCM_DEV3_TAG04 RDCM – Device 3 – Data Tag 4 0x0423 41060 R
RDCM_DEV3_TAG05 RDCM – Device 3 – Data Tag 5 0x0424 41061 R
RDCM_DEV3_TAG06 RDCM – Device 3 – Data Tag 6 0x0425 41062 R
RDCM_DEV3_TAG07 RDCM – Device 3 – Data Tag 7 0x0426 41063 R
RDCM_DEV3_TAG08 RDCM – Device 3 – Data Tag 8 0x0427 41064 R
RDCM_DEV3_TAG09 RDCM – Device 3 – Data Tag 9 0x0428 41065 R
RDCM_DEV3_TAG010 RDCM – Device 3 – Data Tag 10 0x0429 41066 R
RDCM_DEV3_TAG011 RDCM – Device 3 – Data Tag 11 0x042A 41067 R
RDCM_DEV3_TAG012 RDCM – Device 3 – Data Tag 12 0x042B 41068 R
OUTPUT_FREQ_THLD_BP_DELAY Output Frequency Threshold Bypass Delay 0x042C 41069
OUTPUT_FREQ_THLD_SD_DELAY Output Frequency Threshold Shutdown Delay 0x042D 41070
DIGITAL_IN3_BP_DELAY Onboard Digital Input 3 Bypass Delay 0x042E 41071
DIGITAL_IN3_SD_DELAY Onboard Digital Input 3 Shutdown Delay 0x042F 41072
DIGITAL_IN3_AUTO_RESTARTS Onboard Digital Input 3 Auto Restarts 0x0430 41073
DIGITAL_IN3_RESTART_DELAY Onboard Digital Input 3 Restart Delay 0x0431 41074

(V =Vortex, E =Electrospeed, M =I/O Module, R =RDCM, C =Centinel, A =Advantage)
Mult /
Software Description Long Description Reg Adr Scada Adr Format
ANALOG1_INST_TYPE Onboard Analog Input 1 Instrument Type 0x0432 41075
ANALOG2_INST_TYPE Onboard Analog Input 2 Instrument Type 0x0433 41076
SERIAL_COMM_BP_DELAY Serial Communication Bypass Delay 0x0434 41077
SERIAL_COMM_HOLDBACK_DELAY Serial Communication Holdback Delay 0x0435 41078
SERIAL_COMM_RESTART_DELAY Serial Communication Restart Delay 0x0436 41079
SERIAL_COMM_AUTO_RESTARTS Serial Communication Auto Restarts 0x0437 41080
SERIAL_COMM_HOLDBACK_TIMER Serial Communication Holdback Timer 0x0438 41081
RDCM_DEV1_COMM_FAIL_BP_DELAY RDCM Device 1 Comm Failure Bypass Delay 0x0439 41082 R
RDCM_DEV1_COM_FAIL_SD_DELAY RDCM Device 1 Comm Failure Shutdown Delay 0x043A 41083 R
RDCM_DV1_COM_FAIL_AUTO_RESTA RDCM Device 1 Comm Failure Auto Restarts 0x043B 41084 R
RDCM_DV1_COM_FAIL_RESTRT_DEL RDCM Device 1 Comm Failure Restart Delay 0x043C 41085 R
IO1DI3_AUTO_RESTARTS Expansion I/O 1 Digital Input 3 Auto Restarts 0x043D 41086 M
IO1DI3_BP_DELAY Expansion I/O 1 Digital Input 3 Bypass Delay 0x043E 41087 M
IO1DI3_RESTART_DELAY Expansion I/O 1 Digital Input 3 Restart Delay 0x043F 41088 M
IO1DI3_SD_DELAY Expansion I/O 1 Digital Input 3 Shutdown Delay 0x0440 41089 M
IO2DI3_AUTO_RESTARTS Expansion I/O 2 Digital Input 3 Auto Restarts 0x0441 41090 M
IO2DI3_BP_DELAY Expansion I/O 2 Digital Input 3 Bypass Delay 0x0442 41091 M
IO2DI3_RESTART_DELAY Expansion I/O 2 Digital Input 3 Restart Delay 0x0443 41092 M
IO2DI3_SD_DELAY Expansion I/O 2 Digital Input 3 Shutdown Delay 0x0444 41093 M
IO3DI3_AUTO_RESTARTS Expansion I/O 3 Digital Input 3 Auto Restarts 0x0445 41094 M
IO3DI3_BP_DELAY Expansion I/O 3 Digital Input 3 Bypass Delay 0x0446 41095 M
IO3DI3_RESTART_DELAY Expansion I/O 3 Digital Input 3 Restart Delay 0x0447 41096 M
IO3DI3_SD_DELAY Expansion I/O 3 Digital Input 3 Shutdown Delay 0x0448 41097 M
IO1AI1_SLOW_AVE_TIME Expansion I/O 1 Analog Input 1 Slow Avg Time 0x0449 41098 M
IO1AI2_SLOW_AVE_TIME Expansion I/O 1 Analog Input 2 Slow Avg Time 0x044A 41099 M
IO2AI1_SLOW_AVE_TIME Expansion I/O 2 Analog Input 1 Slow Avg Time 0x044B 41100 M
IO2AI2_SLOW_AVE_TIME Expansion I/O 2 Analog Input 2 Slow Avg Time 0x044C 41101 M
IO3AI1_SLOW_AVE_TIME Expansion I/O 3 Analog Input 1 Slow Avg Time 0x044D 41102 M
IO3AI2_SLOW_AVE_TIME Expansion I/O 3 Analog Input 2 Slow Avg Time 0x044E 41103 M
ROC_MODE Slow Acceleration Change Mode 0x044F 41104
0= never, 1= @ Strt, 2= always
ROC_HOURS Slow Acceleration Hours 0x0450 41105
ROC_MINUTES Slow Acceleration Minutes 0x0451 41106
ROC_SECONDS Slow Acceleration Seconds 0x0452 41107
ROC_DELTA_FREQUENCY Slow Acceleration Rate Frequency 0x0453 41108 x10
KW_TRIP_LO_THLD KiloWatt Trip Low Threshold 0x0454 41109 V
KW_TRIP_HI_THLD KiloWatt Trip High Threshold 0x0455 41110 V
FSM_STEP_SIZE Frequency Sweep Mode Step Change 0x0456 41111 x10
FSM_ENDING_FREQ Frequency Sweep Mode Target Frequency 0x0457 41112 x10
PCM_STARTING_MODE PCM Starting Mode 0x0458 41113
0= norm, 1= MAXStrt
IO1AO1_SOURCE Expansion I/O 1 Analog Output 1 Source 0x0459 41114 M
IO1AO2_SOURCE Expansion I/O 1 Analog Output 2 Source 0x045A 41115 M
IO2AO1_SOURCE Expansion I/O 2 Analog Output 1 Source 0x045B 41116 M
IO2AO2_SOURCE Expansion I/O 2 Analog Output 2 Source 0x045C 41117 M
IO3AO1_SOURCE Expansion I/O 3 Analog Output 1 Source 0x045D 41118 M
IO3AO2_SOURCE Expansion I/O 3 Analog Output 2 Source 0x045E 41119 M
CTS_TIMEOUT Clear-to-Send Timeout 0x045F 41120
RDCM_DEV2_COM_FAIL_BP_DELAY RDCM Device 2 Comm Fail Bypass Delay 0x0460 41121 R
RDCM_DEV2_COM_FAIL_SD_DELAY RDCM Device 2 Comm Fail Shutdown Delay 0x0461 41122 R
RDCM_DV2_COM_FAIL_AUTO_RESTA RDCM Device 2 Comm Fail Auto Restarts 0x0462 41123 R
RDCM_DV2_COM_FAIL_RESTRT_DEL RDCM Device 2 Comm Fail Restart Delay 0x0463 41124 R

(V =Vortex, E =Electrospeed, M =I/O Module, R =RDCM, C =Centinel, A =Advantage)
Mult /
Software Description Long Description Reg Adr Scada Adr Format
RDCM_DEV3_COMM_FAIL_BP_DELAY RDCM Device 3 Comm Fail Bypass Delay 0x0464 41125 R
RDCM_DEV3_COM_FAIL_SD_DELAY RDCM Device 3 Comm Fail Shutdown Delay 0x0465 41126 R
RDCM_DV3_COM_FAIL_AUTO_RESTA RDCM Device 3 Comm Fail Auto Restarts 0x0466 41127 R
RDCM_DV3_COM_FAIL_RESTRT_DEL RDCM Device 3 Comm Fail Restart Delay 0x0467 41128 R

NNI_PTBG_SOURCE Neural Interface Tubing Pressure Source 0x0474 41141 N

NNI_PDP_SOURCE Neural Interface Discharge Pressure Source 0x0475 41142 N
NNI_PIP_SOURCE Neural Interface Intake Pressure Source 0x0476 41143 N
NNI_FREQUENCY_SOURCE Neural Interface Frequancy Source 0x0477 41144 N
Source is the Point ID of GCS signal used
NNI_PTBG_MANUAL Neural Interface Manual Tubing Pressure 0x0478 41145 x10 N
Pressure in psig
NNI_PDP_MANUAL Neural Interface Manual Discharge Pressure 0x0479 41146 x10 N
NNI_PIP_MANUAL, Neural Interface Manual Intake Pressure 0x047A 41147 x10 N
Pressure in psia
NNI_FREQUENCY_MANUAL Neural Interface Manual Frequancy 0x047B 41148 x10 N
NNI_NEURAL_NET_TYPE Neural Interface Guage type 0x047C 41149 N
0 to 3 = Guage Type 1 to 4, See Neuraflow manual for guage type discreptions
FPWM_FILTER_CT_RATIO, FPWM Filter CT Ratio 0x047D 41150 A
APC_MOTOR_RATED_VOLTAGE, Rated Motor Voltage 0x047E 41151 A
APC_MOTOR_RATED_HORSEPOWER Rated Motor Horsepower 0x047F 41152 A
DISPLAY_UNITS, Units of Measure 0x0480 41153 A
DRIVE_APPLICATION, Application Type 0x0481 41154 A
WELL_CONDITIONS, Well Conditions 0x0482 41155 A
CABLE_LENGTH, Cable Length 0x0483 41156 A
TRANSFORMER_TAP_AVAILABLE, Actual Transformer Tap 0x0484 41157 A
DH_CT_RATIO, Motor Current Xfmr Ratio 0x0485 41158 A
MOTOR_CABLE_V_PER_1K_FEET, Cable Voltage Drop per 1000 ft 0x0486 41159 A
MOTOR_CABLE_SIZE, Motor Cable Size 0x0487 41160 A
PCM_IRATED_RMS, Motor Nameplate Current 0x0488 41161 A
PCM_IMAG_RMS, Motor Magnetizing Current 0x0489 41162 A
INPUT_SERVICE_VOLTAGE, Power System Voltage 0x048A 41163 A
SURFACE_TRANSFORMER_LOSS, Surface Transformer Loss 0x048B 41164 A
DS_MODE MaxRate-GasControl Wellbore Type 0x048C 41165 A
0= Vertical, 1= Horizontal, 2= Extreme
DS_STARTUP_BYPASS_DELAY MaxRate-GasControl Pressure Bypass Delay 0x048D 41166 A
DS_PRESSURE_FEEDBACK MaxRate-GasControl Pressure Feedback Rd 0x048E 41167 A
DS_PRESSURE_SETPOINT MaxRate-GasControl Desired Pressure 0x048F 41168 x(?) A
Multiplier value is dependant on the Data Source
DS_AMPS_SETPOINT MaxRate-GasControl Desired Amps * 0x0490 41169 A
GAS_PURGE_DET_THRESHOLD Gas Purge Detect Threshold – Amps 0x0495 41174 A
GAS_PURGE_TRIGGER_MODE Gas Purge Trigger Mode 0x0496 41175 A
0= Amps, 1= Torque, 2= HS Clamp
GAS_PURGE_LIMIT Gas Purge Max Number of Attempts 0x0497 41176 A
GAS_PURGE_DETECTION_TIME Gas Event Detection Time (sec) 0x0498 41177 A
GAS_PURGE_LOW_SPEED_TIME Gas Purge Low Speed Time (min) 0x0499 41178 A
GAS_PG_STARTUP_BYPASS_DELAY Gas Purge Startup Bypass Delay (min) 0x049A 41179 A
GAS_PG_ATTEMPTS_EXCEEDED_SD Gas Purge Number of Attempts 0x049B 41180 A
GAS_PURGE_TORQUE_THRESHOLD Gas Purge Detect Threshold – Torque 0x049D 41182 A
GAS_PURGE_HSC_OFFSET Gas Purge Detect Offset - HS Clamp (Hz) 0x049E 41183 x10 A
INVERTER_FOLLOWER_DIRECTION Inverter Analog Follower Direction 0x16BD 45822
0= FWD, 1= REV

(V =Vortex, E =Electrospeed, M =I/O Module, R =RDCM, C =Centinel, A =Advantage)
Mult /
Software Description Long Description Reg Adr Scada Adr Format
INVERTER_PID_PROPORTIONAL Inverter PID Proportional 0x16C4 45829 x10
INVERTER_PID_INTEGRAL Inverter PID Integral 0x16C5 45830 x10
INVERTER_PID_DERIVATIVE Inverter PID Derivative 0x16C6 45831 x10
INVERTER_PID_DIRECTION Inverter PID Direction 0x16C7 45832
0= FWD, 1= REV

* MaxRate-GasControl Desired Amps (41169) can be set only until the Bypass Countdown is zero and the
Pressure loop starts.

User PLC Blocks and Points
PLC programs which can be developed and loaded into the GCS or Advantage VSD and motor controller consist of two types of structures: User
PCL Blocks and User Points. The User Points can also be used in PID control mode calculations and as signal sources for analog outputs.
All members of the User PLC Block and User Point structures contain a Modbus address for telemetry purposes. A full description of the members
is listed below.

User PLC Block User Point

Block Type Input 0
Block Identifier Input 1
Node Required Input 2
Flags Input 3
Working Storage Function Identifier
Enabling Point Present Value
Point Identifier 0 Factory Default
Point Identifier 1 Minimum
Point Identifier 2 Maximum
Point Identifier 3 Bit Field
Point Identifier 4 Working Storage
Point Identifier 5 CITIbus Device
Point Identifier 6 Exponent
Point Identifier 7 Units


Block Block Node Work Enblg
User Block # Type ID Req’d Flags Storage Pnt PID0 PID1 PID2 PID3 PID4 PID5 PID6 PID7
User Block 0 41281 41282 41283 41284 41285 41286 41287 41288 41289 41290 41291 41292 41293 41294
User Block 1 41295 41296 41297 41298 41299 41300 41301 41302 41303 41304 41305 41306 41307 41308
User Block 2 41309 41310 41311 41312 41313 41314 41315 41316 41317 41318 41319 41320 41321 41322
User Block 3 41323 41324 41325 41326 41327 41328 41329 41330 41331 41332 41333 41334 41335 41336
User Block 4 41337 41338 41339 41340 41341 41342 41343 41344 41345 41346 41347 41348 41349 41350
User Block 5 41351 41352 41353 41354 41355 41356 41357 41358 41359 41360 41361 41362 41363 41364
User Block 6 41365 41366 41367 41368 41369 41370 41371 41372 41373 41374 41375 41376 41377 41378
User Block 7 41379 41380 41381 41382 41383 41384 41385 41386 41387 41388 41389 41390 41391 41392
User Block 8 41393 41394 41395 41396 41397 41398 41399 41400 41401 41402 41403 41404 41405 41406
User Block 9 41407 41408 41409 41410 41411 41412 41413 41414 41415 41416 41417 41418 41419 41420
User Block 10 41421 41422 41423 41424 41425 41426 41427 41428 41429 41430 41431 41432 41433 41434
Block Block Node Work Enblg
User Block # Type ID Req’d Flags Storage Pnt PID0 PID1 PID2 PID3 PID4 PID5 PID6 PID7
User Block 11 41435 41436 41437 41438 41439 41440 41441 41442 41443 41444 41445 41446 41447 41448
User Block 12 41449 41450 41451 41452 41453 41454 41455 41456 41457 41458 41459 41460 41461 41462
User Block 13 41463 41464 41465 41466 41467 41468 41469 41470 41471 41472 41473 41474 41475 41476
User Block 14 41477 41478 41479 41480 41481 41482 41483 41484 41485 41486 41487 41488 41489 41490
User Block 15 41491 41492 41493 41494 41495 41496 41497 41498 41499 41500 41501 41502 41503 41504
User Block 16 41505 41506 41507 41508 41509 41510 41511 41512 41513 41514 41515 41516 41517 41518
User Block 17 41519 41520 41521 41522 41523 41524 41525 41526 41527 41528 41529 41530 41531 41532
User Block 18 41533 41534 41535 41536 41537 41538 41539 41540 41541 41542 41543 41544 41545 41546
User Block 19 41547 41548 41549 41550 41551 41552 41553 41554 41555 41556 41557 41558 41559 41560
User Block 20 41561 41562 41563 41564 41565 41566 41567 41568 41569 41570 41571 41572 41573 41574
User Block 21 41575 41576 41577 41578 41579 41580 41581 41582 41583 41584 41585 41586 41587 41588
User Block 22 41589 41590 41591 41592 41593 41594 41595 41596 41597 41598 41599 41600 41601 41602
User Block 23 41603 41604 41605 41606 41607 41608 41609 41610 41611 41612 41613 41614 41615 41616
User Block 24 41617 41618 41619 41620 41621 41622 41623 41624 41625 41626 41627 41628 41629 41630
User Block 25 41631 41632 41633 41634 41635 41636 41637 41638 41639 41640 41641 41642 41643 41644
User Block 26 41645 41646 41647 41648 41649 41650 41651 41652 41653 41654 41655 41656 41657 41658
User Block 27 41659 41660 41661 41662 41663 41664 41665 41666 41667 41668 41669 41670 41671 41672
User Block 28 41673 41674 41675 41676 41677 41678 41679 41680 41681 41682 41683 41684 41685 41686
User Block 29 41687 41688 41689 41690 41691 41692 41693 41694 41695 41696 41697 41698 41699 41700
User Block 30 41701 41702 41703 41704 41705 41706 41707 41708 41709 41710 41711 41712 41713 41714
User Block 31 41715 41716 41717 41718 41719 41720 41721 41722 41723 41724 41725 41726 41727 41728
User Block 32 41729 41730 41731 41732 41733 41734 41735 41736 41737 41738 41739 41740 41741 41742
User Block 33 41743 41744 41745 41746 41747 41748 41749 41750 41751 41752 41753 41754 41755 41756
User Block 34 41757 41758 41759 41760 41761 41762 41763 41764 41765 41766 41767 41768 41769 41770
User Block 35 41771 41772 41773 41774 41775 41776 41777 41778 41779 41780 41781 41782 41783 41784
User Block 36 41785 41786 41787 41788 41789 41790 41791 41792 41793 41794 41795 41796 41797 41798
User Block 37 41799 41800 41801 41802 41803 41804 41805 41806 41807 41808 41809 41810 41811 41812
User Block 38 41813 41814 41815 41816 41817 41818 41819 41820 41821 41822 41823 41824 41825 41826
User Block 39 41827 41828 41829 41830 41831 41832 41833 41834 41835 41836 41837 41838 41839 41840
User Block 40 41841 41842 41843 41844 41845 41846 41847 41848 41849 41850 41851 41852 41853 41854
User Block 41 41855 41856 41857 41858 41859 41860 41861 41862 41863 41864 41865 41866 41867 41868
User Block 42 41869 41870 41871 41872 41873 41874 41875 41876 41877 41878 41879 41880 41881 41882
User Block 43 41883 41884 41885 41886 41887 41888 41889 41890 41891 41892 41893 41894 41895 41896
User Block 44 41897 41898 41899 41900 41901 41902 41903 41904 41905 41906 41907 41908 41909 41910
User Block 45 41911 41912 41913 41914 41915 41916 41917 41918 41919 41920 41921 41922 41923 41924

Block Block Node Work Enblg
User Block # Type ID Req’d Flags Storage Pnt PID0 PID1 PID2 PID3 PID4 PID5 PID6 PID7
User Block 46 41925 41926 41927 41928 41929 41930 41931 41932 41933 41934 41935 41936 41937 41938
User Block 47 41939 41940 41941 41942 41943 41944 41945 41946 41947 41948 41949 41950 41951 41952

Input Input Input Input Funct Pres Fact Bit Work CB
User Point # 0 1 2 3 Id Value Def Min Max Field Stor Dev Exp Units Stage
User Point 0 41953 41954 41955 41956 41957 41958 41959 41960 41961 41962 41963 41964 41965 41966 41967
User Point 1 41968 41969 41970 41971 41972 41973 41974 41975 41976 41977 41978 41979 41980 41981 41982
User Point 2 41983 41984 41985 41986 41987 41988 41989 41990 41991 41992 41993 41994 41995 41996 41997
User Point 3 41998 41999 42000 42001 42002 42003 42004 42005 42006 42007 42008 42009 42010 42011 42012
User Point 4 42013 42014 42015 42016 42017 42018 42019 42020 42021 42022 42023 42024 42025 42026 42027
User Point 5 42028 42029 42030 42031 42032 42033 42034 42035 42036 42037 42038 42039 42040 42041 42042
User Point 6 42043 42044 42045 42046 42047 42048 42049 42050 42051 42052 42053 42054 42055 42056 42057
User Point 7 42058 42059 42060 42061 42062 42063 42064 42065 42066 42067 42068 42069 42070 42071 42072
User Point 8 42073 42074 42075 42076 42077 42078 42079 42080 42081 42082 42083 42084 42085 42086 42087
User Point 9 42088 42089 42090 42091 42092 42093 42094 42095 42096 42097 42098 42099 42100 42101 42102
User Point 10 42103 42104 42105 42106 42107 42108 42109 42110 42111 42112 42113 42114 42115 42116 42117
User Point 11 42118 42119 42120 42121 42122 42123 42124 42125 42126 42127 42128 42129 42130 42131 42132
User Point 12 42133 42134 42135 42136 42137 42138 42139 42140 42141 42142 42143 42144 42145 42146 42147
User Point 13 42148 42149 42150 42151 42152 42153 42154 42155 42156 42157 42158 42159 42160 42161 42162
User Point 14 42163 42164 42165 42166 42167 42168 42169 42170 42171 42172 42173 42174 42175 42176 42177
User Point 15 42178 42179 42180 42181 42182 42183 42184 42185 42186 42187 42188 42189 42190 42191 42192
User Point 16 42193 42194 42195 42196 42197 42198 42199 42200 42201 42202 42203 42204 42205 42206 42207
User Point 17 42208 42209 42210 42211 42212 42213 42214 42215 42216 42217 42218 42219 42220 42221 42222
User Point 18 42223 42224 42225 42226 42227 42228 42229 42230 42231 42232 42233 42234 42235 42236 42237
User Point 19 42238 42239 42240 42241 42242 42243 42244 42245 42246 42247 42248 42249 42250 42251 42252
User Point 20 42253 42254 42255 42256 42257 42258 42259 42260 42261 42262 42263 42264 42265 42266 42267
User Point 21 42268 42269 42270 42271 42272 42273 42274 42275 42276 42277 42278 42279 42280 42281 42282
User Point 22 42283 42284 42285 42286 42287 42288 42289 42290 42291 42292 42293 42294 42295 42296 42297
User Point 23 42298 42299 42300 42301 42302 42303 42304 42305 42306 42307 42308 42309 42310 42311 42312
User Point 24 42313 42314 42315 42316 42317 42318 42319 42320 42321 42322 42323 42324 42325 42326 42327
User Point 25 42328 42329 42330 42331 42332 42333 42334 42335 42336 42337 42338 42339 42340 42341 42342
User Point 26 42343 42344 42345 42346 42347 42348 42349 42350 42351 42352 42353 42354 42355 42356 42357
User Point 27 42358 42359 42360 42361 42362 42363 42364 42365 42366 42367 42368 42369 42370 42371 42372
User Point 28 42373 42374 42375 42376 42377 42378 42379 42380 42381 42382 42383 42384 42385 42386 42387
User Point 29 42388 42389 42390 42391 42392 42393 42394 42395 42396 42397 42398 42399 42400 42401 42402
User Point 30 42403 42404 42405 42406 42407 42408 42409 42410 42411 42412 42413 42414 42415 42416 42417
User Point 31 42418 42419 42420 42421 42422 42423 42424 42425 42426 42427 42428 42429 42430 42431 42432
User Point 32 42433 42434 42435 42436 42437 42438 42439 42440 42441 42442 42443 42444 42445 42446 42447
User Point 33 42448 42449 42450 42451 42452 42453 42454 42455 42456 42457 42458 42459 42460 42461 42462
User Point 34 42463 42464 42465 42466 42467 42468 42469 42470 42471 42472 42473 42474 42475 42476 42477
User Point 35 42478 42479 42480 42481 42482 42483 42484 42485 42486 42487 42488 42489 42490 42491 42492
User Point 36 42493 42494 42495 42496 42497 42498 42499 42500 42501 42502 42503 42504 42505 42506 42507
User Point 37 42508 42509 42510 42511 42512 42513 42514 42515 42516 42517 42518 42519 42520 42521 42522

Input Input Input Input Funct Pres Fact Bit Work CB
User Point # 0 1 2 3 Id Value Def Min Max Field Stor Dev Exp Units Stage
User Point 38 42523 42524 42525 42526 42527 42528 42529 42530 42531 42532 42533 42534 42535 42536 42537
User Point 39 42538 42539 42540 42541 42542 42543 42544 42545 42546 42547 42548 42549 42550 42551 42552
User Point 40 42553 42554 42555 42556 42557 42558 42559 42560 42561 42562 42563 42564 42565 42566 42567
User Point 41 42568 42569 42570 42571 42572 42573 42574 42575 42576 42577 42578 42579 42580 42581 42582
User Point 42 42583 42584 42585 42586 42587 42588 42589 42590 42591 42592 42593 42594 42595 42596 42597
User Point 43 42598 42599 42600 42601 42602 42603 42604 42605 42606 42607 42608 42609 42610 42611 42612
User Point 44 42613 42614 42615 42616 42617 42618 42619 42620 42621 42622 42623 42624 42625 42626 42627
User Point 45 42628 42629 42630 42631 42632 42633 42634 42635 42636 42637 42638 42639 42640 42641 42642
User Point 46 42643 42644 42645 42646 42647 42648 42649 42650 42651 42652 42653 42654 42655 42656 42657
User Point 47 42658 42659 42660 42661 42662 42663 42664 42665 42666 42667 42668 42669 42670 42671 42672
User Point 48 42673 42674 42675 42676 42677 42678 42679 42680 42681 42682 42683 42684 42685 42686 42687
User Point 49 42688 42689 42690 42691 42692 42693 42694 42695 42696 42697 42698 42699 42700 42701 42702
User Point 50 42703 42704 42705 42706 42707 42708 42709 42710 42711 42712 42713 42714 42715 42716 42717
User Point 51 42718 42719 42720 42721 42722 42723 42724 42725 42726 42727 42728 42729 42730 42731 42732
User Point 52 42733 42734 42735 42736 42737 42738 42739 42740 42741 42742 42743 42744 42745 42746 42747
User Point 53 42748 42749 42750 42751 42752 42753 42754 42755 42756 42757 42758 42759 42760 42761 42762
User Point 54 42763 42764 42765 42766 42767 42768 42769 42770 42771 42772 42773 42774 42775 42776 42777
User Point 55 42778 42779 42780 42781 42782 42783 42784 42785 42786 42787 42788 42789 42790 42791 42792
User Point 56 42793 42794 42795 42796 42797 42798 42799 42800 42801 42802 42803 42804 42805 42806 42807
User Point 57 42808 42809 42810 42811 42812 42813 42814 42815 42816 42817 42818 42819 42820 42821 42822
User Point 58 42823 42824 42825 42826 42827 42828 42829 42830 42831 42832 42833 42834 42835 42836 42837
User Point 59 42838 42839 42840 42841 42842 42843 42844 42845 42846 42847 42848 42849 42850 42851 42852
User Point 60 42853 42854 42855 42856 42857 42858 42859 42860 42861 42862 42863 42864 42865 42866 42867
User Point 61 42868 42869 42870 42871 42872 42873 42874 42875 42876 42877 42878 42879 42880 42881 42882
User Point 62 42883 42884 42885 42886 42887 42888 42889 42890 42891 42892 42893 42894 42895 42896 42897
User Point 63 42898 42899 42900 42901 42902 42903 42904 42905 42906 42907 42908 42909 42910 42911 42912
User Point 64 42913 42914 42915 42916 42917 42918 42919 42920 42921 42922 42923 42924 42925 42926 42927
User Point 65 42928 42929 42930 42931 42932 42933 42934 42935 42936 42937 42938 42939 42940 42941 42942
User Point 66 42943 42944 42945 42946 42947 42948 42949 42950 42951 42952 42953 42954 42955 42956 42957
User Point 67 42958 42959 42960 42961 42962 42963 42964 42965 42966 42967 42968 42969 42970 42971 42972
User Point 68 42973 42974 42975 42976 42977 42978 42979 42980 42981 42982 42983 42984 42985 42986 42987
User Point 69 42988 42989 42990 42991 42992 42993 42994 42995 42996 42997 42998 42999 43000 43001 43002
User Point 70 43003 43004 43005 43006 43007 43008 43009 43010 43011 43012 43013 43014 43015 43016 43017
User Point 71 43018 43019 43020 43021 43022 43023 43024 43025 43026 43027 43028 43029 43030 43031 43032
User Point 72 43033 43034 43035 43036 43037 43038 43039 43040 43041 43042 43043 43044 43045 43046 43047
User Point 73 43048 43049 43050 43051 43052 43053 43054 43055 43056 43057 43058 43059 43060 43061 43062
User Point 74 43063 43064 43065 43066 43067 43068 43069 43070 43071 43072 43073 43074 43075 43076 43077
User Point 75 43078 43079 43080 43081 43082 43083 43084 43085 43086 43087 43088 43089 43090 43091 43092

Input Input Input Input Funct Pres Fact Bit Work CB
User Point # 0 1 2 3 Id Value Def Min Max Field Stor Dev Exp Units Stage
User Point 76 43093 43094 43095 43096 43097 43098 43099 43100 43101 43102 43103 43104 43105 43106 43107
User Point 77 43108 43109 43110 43111 43112 43113 43114 43115 43116 43117 43118 43119 43120 43121 43122
User Point 78 43123 43124 43125 43126 43127 43128 43129 43130 43131 43132 43133 43134 43135 43136 43137
User Point 79 43138 43139 43140 43141 43142 43143 43144 43145 43146 43147 43148 43149 43150 43151 43152
User Point 80 43153 43154 43155 43156 43157 43158 43159 43160 43161 43162 43163 43164 43165 43166 43167
User Point 81 43168 43169 43170 43171 43172 43173 43174 43175 43176 43177 43178 43179 43180 43181 43182
User Point 82 43183 43184 43185 43186 43187 43188 43189 43190 43191 43192 43193 43194 43195 43196 43197
User Point 83 43198 43199 43200 43201 43202 43203 43204 43205 43206 43207 43208 43209 43210 43211 43212
User Point 84 43213 43214 43215 43216 43217 43218 43219 43220 43221 43222 43223 43224 43225 43226 43227
User Point 85 43228 43229 43230 43231 43232 43233 43234 43235 43236 43237 43238 43239 43240 43241 43242
User Point 86 43243 43244 43245 43246 43247 43248 43249 43250 43251 43252 43253 43254 43255 43256 43257
User Point 87 43258 43259 43260 43261 43262 43263 43264 43265 43266 43267 43268 43269 43270 43271 43272
User Point 88 43273 43274 43275 43276 43277 43278 43279 43280 43281 43282 43283 43284 43285 43286 43287
User Point 89 43288 43289 43290 43291 43292 43293 43294 43295 43296 43297 43298 43299 43300 43301 43302
User Point 90 43303 43304 43305 43306 43307 43308 43309 43310 43311 43312 43313 43314 43315 43316 43317
User Point 91 43318 43319 43320 43321 43322 43323 43324 43325 43326 43327 43328 43329 43330 43331 43332
User Point 92 43333 43334 43335 43336 43337 43338 43339 43340 43341 43342 43343 43344 43345 43346 43347
User Point 93 43348 43349 43350 43351 43352 43353 43354 43355 43356 43357 43358 43359 43360 43361 43362
User Point 94 43363 43364 43365 43366 43367 43368 43369 43370 43371 43372 43373 43374 43375 43376 43377
User Point 95 43378 43379 43380 43381 43382 43383 43384 43385 43386 43387 43388 43389 43390 43391 43392
User Point 96 43393 43394 43395 43396 43397 43398 43399 43400 43401 43402 43403 43404 43405 43406 43407
User Point 97 43408 43409 43410 43411 43412 43413 43414 43415 43416 43417 43418 43419 43420 43421 43422
User Point 98 43423 43424 43425 43426 43427 43428 43429 43430 43431 43432 43433 43434 43435 43436 43437
User Point 99 43438 43439 43440 43441 43442 43443 43444 43445 43446 43447 43448 43449 43450 43451 43452
User Point 100 43453 43454 43455 43456 43457 43458 43459 43460 43461 43462 43463 43464 43465 43466 43467
User Point 101 43468 43469 43470 43471 43472 43473 43474 43475 43476 43477 43478 43479 43480 43481 43482
User Point 102 43483 43484 43485 43486 43487 43488 43489 43490 43491 43492 43493 43494 43495 43496 43497
User Point 103 43498 43499 43500 43501 43502 43503 43504 43505 43506 43507 43508 43509 43510 43511 43512
User Point 104 43513 43514 43515 43516 43517 43518 43519 43520 43521 43522 43523 43524 43525 43526 43527
User Point 105 43528 43529 43530 43531 43532 43533 43534 43535 43536 43537 43538 43539 43540 43541 43542
User Point 106 43543 43544 43545 43546 43547 43548 43549 43550 43551 43552 43553 43554 43555 43556 43557
User Point 107 43558 43559 43560 43561 43562 43563 43564 43565 43566 43567 43568 43569 43570 43571 43572
User Point 108 43573 43574 43575 43576 43577 43578 43579 43580 43581 43582 43583 43584 43585 43586 43587
User Point 109 43588 43589 43590 43591 43592 43593 43594 43595 43596 43597 43598 43599 43600 43601 43602
User Point 110 43603 43604 43605 43606 43607 43608 43609 43610 43611 43612 43613 43614 43615 43616 43617
User Point 111 43618 43619 43620 43621 43622 43623 43624 43625 43626 43627 43628 43629 43630 43631 43632
User Point 112 43633 43634 43635 43636 43637 43638 43639 43640 43641 43642 43643 43644 43645 43646 43647
User Point 113 43648 43649 43650 43651 43652 43653 43654 43655 43656 43657 43658 43659 43660 43661 43662

Input Input Input Input Funct Pres Fact Bit Work CB
User Point # 0 1 2 3 Id Value Def Min Max Field Stor Dev Exp Units Stage
User Point 114 43663 43664 43665 43666 43667 43668 43669 43670 43671 43672 43673 43674 43675 43676 43677
User Point 115 43678 43679 43680 43681 43682 43683 43684 43685 43686 43687 43688 43689 43690 43691 43692
User Point 116 43693 43694 43695 43696 43697 43698 43699 43700 43701 43702 43703 43704 43705 43706 43707
User Point 117 43708 43709 43710 43711 43712 43713 43714 43715 43716 43717 43718 43719 43720 43721 43722
User Point 118 43723 43724 43725 43726 43727 43728 43729 43730 43731 43732 43733 43734 43735 43736 43737
User Point 119 43738 43739 43740 43741 43742 43743 43744 43745 43746 43747 43748 43749 43750 43751 43752
User Point 120 43753 43754 43755 43756 43757 43758 43759 43760 43761 43762 43763 43764 43765 43766 43767
User Point 121 43768 43769 43770 43771 43772 43773 43774 43775 43776 43777 43778 43779 43780 43781 43782
User Point 122 43783 43784 43785 43786 43787 43788 43789 43790 43791 43792 43793 43794 43795 43796 43797
User Point 123 43798 43799 43800 43801 43802 43803 43804 43805 43806 43807 43808 43809 43810 43811 43812
User Point 124 43813 43814 43815 43816 43817 43818 43819 43820 43821 43822 43823 43824 43825 43826 43827
User Point 125 43828 43829 43830 43831 43832 43833 43834 43835 43836 43837 43838 43839 43840 43841 43842
User Point 126 43843 43844 43845 43846 43847 43848 43849 43850 43851 43852 43853 43854 43855 43856 43857
User Point 127 43858 43859 43860 43861 43862 43863 43864 43865 43866 43867 43868 43869 43870 43871 43872
User Point 128 43873 43874 43875 43876 43877 43878 43879 43880 43881 43882 43883 43884 43885 43886 43887
User Point 129 43888 43889 43890 43891 43892 43893 43894 43895 43896 43897 43898 43899 43900 43901 43902
User Point 130 43903 43904 43905 43906 43907 43908 43909 43910 43911 43912 43913 43914 43915 43916 43917
User Point 131 43918 43919 43920 43921 43922 43923 43924 43925 43926 43927 43928 43929 43930 43931 43932
User Point 132 43933 43934 43935 43936 43937 43938 43939 43940 43941 43942 43943 43944 43945 43946 43947
User Point 133 43948 43949 43950 43951 43952 43953 43954 43955 43956 43957 43958 43959 43960 43961 43962
User Point 134 43963 43964 43965 43966 43967 43968 43969 43970 43971 43972 43973 43974 43975 43976 43977
User Point 135 43978 43979 43980 43981 43982 43983 43984 43985 43986 43987 43988 43989 43990 43991 43992
User Point 136 43993 43994 43995 43996 43997 43998 43999 44000 44001 44002 44003 44004 44005 44006 44007
User Point 137 44008 44009 44010 44011 44012 44013 44014 44015 44016 44017 44018 44019 44020 44021 44022
User Point 138 44023 44024 44025 44026 44027 44028 44029 44030 44031 44032 44033 44034 44035 44036 44037
User Point 139 44038 44039 44040 44041 44042 44043 44044 44045 44046 44047 44048 44049 44050 44051 44052
User Point 140 44053 44054 44055 44056 44057 44058 44059 44060 44061 44062 44063 44064 44065 44066 44067
User Point 141 44068 44069 44070 44071 44072 44073 44074 44075 44076 44077 44078 44079 44080 44081 44082
User Point 142 44083 44084 44085 44086 44087 44088 44089 44090 44091 44092 44093 44094 44095 44096 44097
User Point 143 44098 44099 44100 44101 44102 44103 44104 44105 44106 44107 44108 44109 44110 44111 44112
User Point 144 44113 44114 44115 44116 44117 44118 44119 44120 44121 44122 44123 44124 44125 44126 44127
User Point 145 44128 44129 44130 44131 44132 44133 44134 44135 44136 44137 44138 44139 44140 44141 44142
User Point 146 44143 44144 44145 44146 44147 44148 44149 44150 44151 44152 44153 44154 44155 44156 44157
User Point 147 44158 44159 44160 44161 44162 44163 44164 44165 44166 44167 44168 44169 44170 44171 44172
User Point 148 44173 44174 44175 44176 44177 44178 44179 44180 44181 44182 44183 44184 44185 44186 44187
User Point 149 44188 44189 44190 44191 44192 44193 44194 44195 44196 44197 44198 44199 44200 44201 44202
User Point 150 44203 44204 44205 44206 44207 44208 44209 44210 44211 44212 44213 44214 44215 44216 44217
User Point 151 44218 44219 44220 44221 44222 44223 44224 44225 44226 44227 44228 44229 44230 44231 44232

Input Input Input Input Funct Pres Fact Bit Work CB
User Point # 0 1 2 3 Id Value Def Min Max Field Stor Dev Exp Units Stage
User Point 152 44233 44234 44235 44236 44237 44238 44239 44240 44241 44242 44243 44244 44245 44246 44247
User Point 153 44248 44249 44250 44251 44252 44253 44254 44255 44256 44257 44258 44259 44260 44261 44262
User Point 154 44263 44264 44265 44266 44267 44268 44269 44270 44271 44272 44273 44274 44275 44276 44277
User Point 155 44278 44279 44280 44281 44282 44283 44284 44285 44286 44287 44288 44289 44290 44291 44292
User Point 156 44293 44294 44295 44296 44297 44298 44299 44300 44301 44302 44303 44304 44305 44306 44307
User Point 157 44308 44309 44310 44311 44312 44313 44314 44315 44316 44317 44318 44319 44320 44321 44322
User Point 158 44323 44324 44325 44326 44327 44328 44329 44330 44331 44332 44333 44334 44335 44336 44337
User Point 159 44338 44339 44340 44341 44342 44343 44344 44345 44346 44347 44348 44349 44350 44351 44352
User Point 160 44353 44354 44355 44356 44357 44358 44359 44360 44361 44362 44363 44364 44365 44366 44367
User Point 161 44368 44369 44370 44371 44372 44373 44374 44375 44376 44377 44378 44379 44380 44381 44382
User Point 162 44383 44384 44385 44386 44387 44388 44389 44390 44391 44392 44393 44394 44395 44396 44397
User Point 163 44398 44399 44400 44401 44402 44403 44404 44405 44406 44407 44408 44409 44410 44411 44412
User Point 164 44413 44414 44415 44416 44417 44418 44419 44420 44421 44422 44423 44424 44425 44426 44427
User Point 165 44428 44429 44430 44431 44432 44433 44434 44435 44436 44437 44438 44439 44440 44441 44442
User Point 166 44443 44444 44445 44446 44447 44448 44449 44450 44451 44452 44453 44454 44455 44456 44457
User Point 167 44458 44459 44460 44461 44462 44463 44464 44465 44466 44467 44468 44469 44470 44471 44472
User Point 168 44473 44474 44475 44476 44477 44478 44479 44480 44481 44482 44483 44484 44485 44486 44487
User Point 169 44488 44489 44490 44491 44492 44493 44494 44495 44496 44497 44498 44499 44500 44501 44502
User Point 170 44503 44504 44505 44506 44507 44508 44509 44510 44511 44512 44513 44514 44515 44516 44517
User Point 171 44518 44519 44520 44521 44522 44523 44524 44525 44526 44527 44528 44529 44530 44531 44532
User Point 172 44533 44534 44535 44536 44537 44538 44539 44540 44541 44542 44543 44544 44545 44546 44547
User Point 173 44548 44549 44550 44551 44552 44553 44554 44555 44556 44557 44558 44559 44560 44561 44562
User Point 174 44563 44564 44565 44566 44567 44568 44569 44570 44571 44572 44573 44574 44575 44576 44577
User Point 175 44578 44579 44580 44581 44582 44583 44584 44585 44586 44587 44588 44589 44590 44591 44592
User Point 176 44593 44594 44595 44596 44597 44598 44599 44600 44601 44602 44603 44604 44605 44606 44607
User Point 177 44608 44609 44610 44611 44612 44613 44614 44615 44616 44617 44618 44619 44620 44621 44622
User Point 178 44623 44624 44625 44626 44627 44628 44629 44630 44631 44632 44633 44634 44635 44636 44637
User Point 179 44638 44639 44640 44641 44642 44643 44644 44645 44646 44647 44648 44649 44650 44651 44652
User Point 180 44653 44654 44655 44656 44657 44658 44659 44660 44661 44662 44663 44664 44665 44666 44667
User Point 181 44668 44669 44670 44671 44672 44673 44674 44675 44676 44677 44678 44679 44680 44681 44682
User Point 182 44683 44684 44685 44686 44687 44688 44689 44690 44691 44692 44693 44694 44695 44696 44697
User Point 183 44698 44699 44700 44701 44702 44703 44704 44705 44706 44707 44708 44709 44710 44711 44712
User Point 184 44713 44714 44715 44716 44717 44718 44719 44720 44721 44722 44723 44724 44725 44726 44727
User Point 185 44728 44729 44730 44731 44732 44733 44734 44735 44736 44737 44738 44739 44740 44741 44742
User Point 186 44743 44744 44745 44746 44747 44748 44749 44750 44751 44752 44753 44754 44755 44756 44757
User Point 187 44758 44759 44760 44761 44762 44763 44764 44765 44766 44767 44768 44769 44770 44771 44772
User Point 188 44773 44774 44775 44776 44777 44778 44779 44780 44781 44782 44783 44784 44785 44786 44787
User Point 189 44788 44789 44790 44791 44792 44793 44794 44795 44796 44797 44798 44799 44800 44801 44802

Input Input Input Input Funct Pres Fact Bit Work CB
User Point # 0 1 2 3 Id Value Def Min Max Field Stor Dev Exp Units Stage
User Point 190 44803 44804 44805 44806 44807 44808 44809 44810 44811 44812 44813 44814 44815 44816 44817
User Point 191 44818 44819 44820 44821 44822 44823 44824 44825 44826 44827 44828 44829 44830 44831 44832
User Point 192 44833 44834 44835 44836 44837 44838 44839 44840 44841 44842 44843 44844 44845 44846 44847
User Point 193 44848 44849 44850 44851 44852 44853 44854 44855 44856 44857 44858 44859 44860 44861 44862
User Point 194 44863 44864 44865 44866 44867 44868 44869 44870 44871 44872 44873 44874 44875 44876 44877
User Point 195 44878 44879 44880 44881 44882 44883 44884 44885 44886 44887 44888 44889 44890 44891 44892
User Point 196 44893 44894 44895 44896 44897 44898 44899 44900 44901 44902 44903 44904 44905 44906 44907
User Point 197 44908 44909 44910 44911 44912 44913 44914 44915 44916 44917 44918 44919 44920 44921 44922
User Point 198 44923 44924 44925 44926 44927 44928 44929 44930 44931 44932 44933 44934 44935 44936 44937
User Point 199 44938 44939 44940 44941 44942 44943 44944 44945 44946 44947 44948 44949 44950 44951 44952
User Point 200 44953 44954 44955 44956 44957 44958 44959 44960 44961 44962 44963 44964 44965 44966 44967
User Point 201 44968 44969 44970 44971 44972 44973 44974 44975 44976 44977 44978 44979 44980 44981 44982
User Point 202 44983 44984 44985 44986 44987 44988 44989 44990 44991 44992 44993 44994 44995 44996 44997
User Point 203 44998 44999 45000 45001 45002 45003 45004 45005 45006 45007 45008 45009 45010 45011 45012
User Point 204 45013 45014 45015 45016 45017 45018 45019 45020 45021 45022 45023 45024 45025 45026 45027
User Point 205 45028 45029 45030 45031 45032 45033 45034 45035 45036 45037 45038 45039 45040 45041 45042
User Point 206 45043 45044 45045 45046 45047 45048 45049 45050 45051 45052 45053 45054 45055 45056 45057
User Point 207 45058 45059 45060 45061 45062 45063 45064 45065 45066 45067 45068 45069 45070 45071 45072
User Point 208 45073 45074 45075 45076 45077 45078 45079 45080 45081 45082 45083 45084 45085 45086 45087
User Point 209 45088 45089 45090 45091 45092 45093 45094 45095 45096 45097 45098 45099 45100 45101 45102
User Point 210 45103 45104 45105 45106 45107 45108 45109 45110 45111 45112 45113 45114 45115 45116 45117
User Point 211 45118 45119 45120 45121 45122 45123 45124 45125 45126 45127 45128 45129 45130 45131 45132
User Point 212 45133 45134 45135 45136 45137 45138 45139 45140 45141 45142 45143 45144 45145 45146 45147
User Point 213 45148 45149 45150 45151 45152 45153 45154 45155 45156 45157 45158 45159 45160 45161 45162
User Point 214 45163 45164 45165 45166 45167 45168 45169 45170 45171 45172 45173 45174 45175 45176 45177
User Point 215 45178 45179 45180 45181 45182 45183 45184 45185 45186 45187 45188 45189 45190 45191 45192
User Point 216 45193 45194 45195 45196 45197 45198 45199 45200 45201 45202 45203 45204 45205 45206 45207
User Point 217 45208 45209 45210 45211 45212 45213 45214 45215 45216 45217 45218 45219 45220 45221 45222
User Point 218 45223 45224 45225 45226 45227 45228 45229 45230 45231 45232 45233 45234 45235 45236 45237
User Point 219 45238 45239 45240 45241 45242 45243 45244 45245 45246 45247 45248 45249 45250 45251 45252
User Point 220 45253 45254 45255 45256 45257 45258 45259 45260 45261 45262 45263 45264 45265 45266 45267
User Point 221 45268 45269 45270 45271 45272 45273 45274 45275 45276 45277 45278 45279 45280 45281 45282
User Point 222 45283 45284 45285 45286 45287 45288 45289 45290 45291 45292 45293 45294 45295 45296 45297
User Point 223 45298 45299 45300 45301 45302 45303 45304 45305 45306 45307 45308 45309 45310 45311 45312
User Point 224 45313 45314 45315 45316 45317 45318 45319 45320 45321 45322 45323 45324 45325 45326 45327
User Point 225 45328 45329 45330 45331 45332 45333 45334 45335 45336 45337 45338 45339 45340 45341 45342
User Point 226 45343 45344 45345 45346 45347 45348 45349 45350 45351 45352 45353 45354 45355 45356 45357
User Point 227 45358 45359 45360 45361 45362 45363 45364 45365 45366 45367 45368 45369 45370 45371 45372

Input Input Input Input Funct Pres Fact Bit Work CB
User Point # 0 1 2 3 Id Value Def Min Max Field Stor Dev Exp Units Stage
User Point 228 45373 45374 45375 45376 45377 45378 45379 45380 45381 45382 45383 45384 45385 45386 45387
User Point 229 45388 45389 45390 45391 45392 45393 45394 45395 45396 45397 45398 45399 45400 45401 45402
User Point 230 45403 45404 45405 45406 45407 45408 45409 45410 45411 45412 45413 45414 45415 45416 45417
User Point 231 45418 45419 45420 45421 45422 45423 45424 45425 45426 45427 45428 45429 45430 45431 45432
User Point 232 45433 45434 45435 45436 45437 45438 45439 45440 45441 45442 45443 45444 45445 45446 45447
User Point 233 45448 45449 45450 45451 45452 45453 45454 45455 45456 45457 45458 45459 45460 45461 45462
User Point 234 45463 45464 45465 45466 45467 45468 45469 45470 45471 45472 45473 45474 45475 45476 45477
User Point 235 45478 45479 45480 45481 45482 45483 45484 45485 45486 45487 45488 45489 45490 45491 45492
User Point 236 45493 45494 45495 45496 45497 45498 45499 45500 45501 45502 45503 45504 45505 45506 45507
User Point 237 45508 45509 45510 45511 45512 45513 45514 45515 45516 45517 45518 45519 45520 45521 45522
User Point 238 45523 45524 45525 45526 45527 45528 45529 45530 45531 45532 45533 45534 45535 45536 45537
User Point 239 45538 45539 45540 45541 45542 45543 45544 45545 45546 45547 45548 45549 45550 45551 45552
User Point 240 45553 45554 45555 45556 45557 45558 45559 45560 45561 45562 45563 45564 45565 45566 45567
User Point 241 45568 45569 45570 45571 45572 45573 45574 45575 45576 45577 45578 45579 45580 45581 45582
User Point 242 45583 45584 45585 45586 45587 45588 45589 45590 45591 45592 45593 45594 45595 45596 45597
User Point 243 45598 45599 45600 45601 45602 45603 45604 45605 45606 45607 45608 45609 45610 45611 45612
User Point 244 45613 45614 45615 45616 45617 45618 45619 45620 45621 45622 45623 45624 45625 45626 45627
User Point 245 45628 45629 45630 45631 45632 45633 45634 45635 45636 45637 45638 45639 45640 45641 45642
User Point 246 45643 45644 45645 45646 45647 45648 45649 45650 45651 45652 45653 45654 45655 45656 45657
User Point 247 45658 45659 45660 45661 45662 45663 45664 45665 45666 45667 45668 45669 45670 45671 45672
User Point 248 45673 45674 45675 45676 45677 45678 45679 45680 45681 45682 45683 45684 45685 45686 45687
User Point 249 45688 45689 45690 45691 45692 45693 45694 45695 45696 45697 45698 45699 45700 45701 45702
User Point 250 45703 45704 45705 45706 45707 45708 45709 45710 45711 45712 45713 45714 45715 45716 45717
User Point 251 45718 45719 45720 45721 45722 45723 45724 45725 45726 45727 45728 45729 45730 45731 45732
User Point 252 45733 45734 45735 45736 45737 45738 45739 45740 45741 45742 45743 45744 45745 45746 45747
User Point 253 45748 45749 45750 45751 45752 45753 45754 45755 45756 45757 45758 45759 45760 45761 45762
User Point 254 45763 45764 45765 45766 45767 45768 45769 45770 45771 45772 45773 45774 45775 45776 45777
User Point 255 45778 45779 45780 45781 45782 45783 45784 45785 45786 45787 45788 45789 45790 45791 45792

(V =Vortex, E =Electrospeed) Scada Addr
Avoidance Frequency 1 – Frequency (x10) Eg. 1.5Hz = 15 45893
Avoidance Frequency 1 – Dead Band (x10) Eg. 0.5Hz = 5 45894
Avoidance Frequency 1 – Units Hz = 7, RPM = 31 45895
Avoidance Frequency 1 – Exponent Speed in Hz = FFFF, Speed in RPM = 0 45896
Avoidance Frequency 2 – Frequency 45897
Avoidance Frequency 2 – Dead Band 45898
Avoidance Frequency 2 – Units 45899
Avoidance Frequency 2 – Exponent 45900
Avoidance Frequency 3 – Frequency 45901
Avoidance Frequency 3 – Dead Band 45902
Avoidance Frequency 3 – Units 45903
Avoidance Frequency 3 – Exponent 45904
Avoidance Frequency 4 – Frequency 45905
Avoidance Frequency 4 – Dead Band 45906
Avoidance Frequency 4 – Units 45907
Avoidance Frequency 4 – Exponent 45908
Avoidance Frequency 5 – Frequency 45909
Avoidance Frequency 5 – Dead Band 45910
Avoidance Frequency 5 – Units 45911
Avoidance Frequency 5 – Exponent 45912

Shutdown Point Identifiers
When a shutdown occurs, the cause of the shutdown returned via MODBUS will be simply a number in
hexadecimal. The numbers are shown in the tables are converted to decimal. There are scada addresses
provided for the last five (5) recorded shutdowns. The addresses are output registers and are listed below.


Cause of last shutdown 0x0318 40793
Cause of 2 last shdwn 0x0319 40794
Cause of 3 last shdwn 0x031A 40795
Cause of 4 last shdwn 0x031B 40796
Cause of 5 last shdwn 0x031C 40797

The following Tables list the shutdown and lockout codes and their associated descriptor. Table 5 is grouped by
description type. Table 6 is sorted on the shutdown code.



Analog Input 1 High Threshold Shutdown External Signal 50 48

Analog Input 1 Low Threshold Shutdown External Signal 61 59
Analog Input 2 High Threshold Shutdown External Signal 74 72
Analog Input 2 Low Threshold Shutdown External Signal 84 82

Centinel Communications Failure Alarm Int Drive Signal 1247 1248

Centinel Receiver Com Fail Int Drive Signal 1520 1518

Digital Input 1 Shutdown External Signal 104 102

Digital Input 2 Shutdown External Signal 116 114
Digital Input 3 Shutdown External Signal 572 570

Current Unbalance Shutdown Downhole 150 148

Voltage Unbalance Shutdown Input Power 306 304
Overload Shutdown Downhole 175 173
Underload Shutdown Downhole 268 264
Over Voltage Shutdown Input Power 187 185
Under Voltage Shutdown Input Power 280 276
Inverter Frequency Alarm Int Drive Signal 314 315
Power Factor Alarm Input Power 356 357

Heatsink 1 Shutdown Int Drive Signal 394 392

Heatsink 2 Shutdown Int Drive Signal 406 404
Heatsink 3 Shutdown Int Drive Signal 418 416
Heatsink 4 Shutdown Int Drive Signal 430 428
Inductor Temp Shutdown Int Drive Signal 442 440
Ambient Temp Shutdown Int Drive Signal 454 452
Auxiliary Temp Shutdown External Signal 468 466

Max Gas Purge Attempts Exceeded Downhole 1837

Gas Purge Low Speed Shutdown Downhole 1838


Low Speed Shutdown Downhole 478 476

VCA Zero Crossing Alarm Input Power 620 618

Telemetry Fail Shutdown Delay Int Drive Signal 642 643

Input Frequency Fault Input Power 663 664

Exp I/O 1 AI1 High Threshold Shutdown External Signal 895 892
Exp I/O 1 AI1 Low Threshold Shutdown External Signal 1096 1093
Exp I/O 1 AI2 High Threshold Shutdown External Signal 909 906
Exp I/O 1 AI2 Low Threshold Shutdown External Signal 1109 1106
Exp I/O 1 DI1 Shutdown External Signal 978 975
Exp I/O 1 DI2 Shutdown External Signal 991 988
Exp I/O 1 DI3 Shutdown External Signal 1004 1001
Exp I/O 2 AI1 High Threshold Shutdown External Signal 923 920
Exp I/O 2 AI1 Low Threshold Shutdown External Signal 1122 1119
Exp I/O 2 AI2 High Threshold Shutdown External Signal 937 934
Exp I/O 2 AI2 Low Threshold Shutdown External Signal 1135 1132
Exp I/O 2 DI1 Shutdown External Signal 1017 1014
Exp I/O 2 DI2 Shutdown External Signal 1030 1027
Exp I/O 2 DI3 Shutdown External Signal 1043 1040
Exp I/O 3 AI1 High Threshold Shutdown External Signal 951 948
Exp I/O 3 AI1 Low Threshold Shutdown External Signal 1148 1145
Exp I/O 3 AI2 High Threshold Shutdown External Signal 965 962
Exp I/O 3 AI2 Low Threshold Shutdown External Signal 1161 1158
Exp I/O 3 DI1 Shutdown External Signal 1056 1053
Exp I/O 3 DI2 Shutdown External Signal 1069 1066
Exp I/O 3 DI3 Shutdown External Signal 1082 1079
Neura-Flow Com Fail Fault External Signal 1642

Kilowatt Monitor Low Threshold Shutdown External Signal 1265 1262

Kilowatt Monitor High Threshold Shutdown External Signal 1278 1275

User Alarm 1 Shutdown External Signal 1394 1395

User Alarm 2 Shutdown External Signal 1407 1408
User Alarm 3 Shutdown External Signal 1420 1421
User Alarm 4 Shutdown External Signal 1433 1434
User Alarm 5 Shutdown External Signal 1446 1447
User Alarm 6 Shutdown External Signal 1459 1460
User Alarm 7 Shutdown External Signal 1472 1473
User Alarm 8 Shutdown External Signal 1485 1486

Remote Data Com Module Com Failure Int Drive Signal 827 828
Remote Device One Com Failure Alarm External Signal 814 812
Remote Device Two Com Failure Alarm External Signal 1494 1492
Remote Device Three Com Failure Alarm External Signal 1507 1505

Motor State Sync Error Input Power 859

Rotation Alarm Input Power 227 230


Converter #2 Off Line Int Drive Signal 1326

Remote Converter Board Count Fault Int Drive Signal 775
PCM Fault Int Drive Signal 193 195
Unknown PCM Fault Int Drive Signal 786
PCM Phase Lock Input Power 325

Manual Keypad Lockout External Signal 155

SCADA Stop External Signal 610
Run/Stop Digital Input Alarm External Signal 1382
Central Shutdown External Signal 92
Hand-Off-Auto Stop External Signal 127

Advantage Graphic Display Com Failure Int Drive Signal 482

Invalid Clock Alarm Int Drive Signal 647
Personality Module Missing External Signal 1300

Exp I/O Module 1 Communication Int Drive Signal 1223 1224

Exp I/O Module 2 Communication Int Drive Signal 1229 1230
Exp I/O Module 3 Communication Int Drive Signal 1235 1236

Power Fail Input Power 650

Power On Reset External Signal 484
External Reset External Signal 483

APC Inverter 2 – Phase A+ IOT External Signal 1745

APC Inverter 2 – Phase B+ IOT External Signal 1746
APC Inverter 2 – Phase C+ IOT External Signal 1747
APC Inverter 2 – Phase A- IOT External Signal 1748
APC Inverter 2 – Phase B- IOT External Signal 1749
APC Inverter 2 – Phase C- IOT External Signal 1750
APC Inverter 3 – Phase A+ IOT External Signal 1751
APC Inverter 3 – Phase B+ IOT External Signal 1752
APC Inverter 3 – Phase C+ IOT External Signal 1753
APC Inverter 3 – Phase A- IOT External Signal 1754
APC Inverter 3 – Phase B- IOT External Signal 1755
APC Inverter 3 – Phase C- IOT External Signal 1756
APC Inverter 4 – Phase A+ IOT External Signal 1757
APC Inverter 4 – Phase B+ IOT External Signal 1758
APC Inverter 4 – Phase C+ IOT External Signal 1759
APC Inverter 4 – Phase A- IOT External Signal 1760
APC Inverter 4 – Phase B- IOT External Signal 1761
APC Inverter 4 – Phase C- IOT External Signal 1762
APC Converter 1 Mismatch Input Power 1763
APC Converter 2 Mismatch Input Power 1764
APC Converter 3 Mismatch Input Power 1765
APC Converter 4 Mismatch Input Power 1766
APC Converter 1 Voltage Imbalance Input Power 1767
APC Converter 1 Absent Input Power 1768


APC Converter 1 Phase Unlock Input Power 1769

APC Converter 2 Voltage Imbalance Input Power 1770
APC Converter 3 Voltage Imbalance Input Power 1771
APC Converter 4 Voltage Imbalance Input Power 1772
APC Converter Enable Error Input Power 1773
APC Converter 1-to-2 Voltage Imbalance Input Power 1774
APC Converter 1-to-3 Voltage Imbalance Input Power 1775
APC Converter 1-to-4 Voltage Imbalance Input Power 1776
APC Converter 2 Phase Unlock Input Power 1777
APC Converter 3 Phase Unlock Input Power 1778
APC Converter 4 Phase Unlock Input Power 1779
APC Input Voltage Sag Input Power 1781
APC Input Voltage Surge Input Power 1782
APC Ride-Thru Low Voltage A-B Input Power 1783
APC Ride-Thru Fault Input Power 1784
APC Ride-Thru Surge Threshold Trip Input Power 1785
APC Ride-Thru Surge Duration Fault Input Power 1786
3-Phase Input Voltage Sag (w/o Ride-thru) Input Power 1788
1-Phase Input Voltage Sag (w/o Ride-thru) Input Power 1789

The Electrospeed GCS drive can be configured to incorporate several remote converter circuit boards to
increase the output current range and/or minimize input harmonic content. When such a drive is configured, it
can generate the following shutdown fault codes.


Phase A- IOT 200 (0xC8) 4296 8392 12488
Phase A+ IOT 201 (0xC9) 4297 8393 12489
Phase B- IOT 202 (0xCA) 4298 8394 12490
Phase B+ IOT 203 (0xCB) 4299 8395 12491
Phase C- IOT 204 (0xCC) 4300 8396 12492
Phase C+ IOT 205 (0xCD) 4301 8397 12493
PCM System Error 207 (0xCF) 4303 8399 12495
PCM Zero X-ing fault 208 (0xD0) 4304 8400 12496
PCM Communications Error 342 (0x156) 4438 8534 12630
PCM Converter Fault 344 (0x158) 4440 8536 12632
PCM Inverter Fault 345 (0x159) 4441 8537 12633
PCM Initiated E-Stop Fault 799 (0x31F) 4895 8991 13087
RCB Communications Fault 885 (0x375) 4981 9077 13173
PCM Overcurrent A Fault 1293 (0x50D) 5389 9485 13581
PCM Overcurrent B Fault 1294 (0x50E) 5390 9486 13582
PCM Overcurrent C Fault 1295 (0x50F) 5391 9487 13583
PCM Bus Overvoltage Fault 1296 (0x510) 5392 9488 13584
PCM Motor Stall Fault 1360 (0x550) 5456 9552 13648
PCM Ride-Thru Lo-speed Fault 1598 (0x63E) 5694 9790 13886
PCM Ride-Thru Maximum Cycles Fault 1599 (0x63F) 5695 9791 13887



50 48 Analog Input 1 High Threshold Shutdown External Signal

61 59 Analog Input 1 Low Threshold Shutdown External Signal
74 72 Analog Input 2 High Threshold Shutdown External Signal
84 82 Analog Input 2 Low Threshold Shutdown External Signal
92 Central Shutdown External Signal
104 102 Digital Input 1 Shutdown External Signal
116 114 Digital Input 2 Shutdown External Signal
127 Hand-Off-Auto Stop External Signal
150 148 Current Unbalance Shutdown Downhole
155 Manual Keypad Lockout External Signal
175 173 Overload Shutdown Downhole
187 185 Over Voltage Shutdown Input Power
193 195 PCM Fault Int Drive Signal
200 Phase A- IOT External Signal
201 Phase A+ IOT External Signal
202 Phase B- IOT External Signal
203 Phase B+ IOT External Signal
204 Phase C- IOT External Signal
205 Phase C+ IOT External Signal
207 PCM System Error Int Drive Signal
208 PCM Zero X-ing Fault Input Power
227 230 Rotation Alarm Input Power
268 264 Underload Shutdown Downhole
280 276 Under Voltage Shutdown Input Power
306 304 Voltage Unbalance Shutdown Input Power
314 315 Inverter Frequency Alarm Int Drive Signal
325 PCM Phase Lock Int Drive Signal
342 PCM Communications Error Int Drive Signal
344 PCM Converter Fault Int Drive Signal
345 PCM Inverter Fault Int Drive Signal
356 357 Power Factor Alarm Input Power
394 392 Heatsink 1 Shutdown Int Drive Signal
406 404 Heatsink 2 Shutdown Int Drive Signal
418 416 Heatsink 3 Shutdown Int Drive Signal
430 428 Heatsink 4 Shutdown Int Drive Signal
442 440 Inductor Temp Shutdown Int Drive Signal
454 452 Ambient Temp Shutdown Int Drive Signal
468 466 Auxiliary Temp Shutdown External Signal
478 476 Low Speed Shutdown Downhole
482 Advantage Graphic Display Com Failure Int Drive Signal
483 External Reset External Signal
484 Power On Reset External Signal
572 570 Digital Input 3 Shutdown External Signal
610 SCADA Stop External Signal
620 618 VCA Zero Crossing Alarm Input Power


642 643 Telemetry Fail Shutdown Delay Int Drive Signal

647 Invalid Clock Alarm Int Drive Signal
650 Power Fail Input Power
663 664 Input Frequency Fault Input Power
775 Remote Converter Board Count Fault Int Drive Signal
786 Unknown PCM Fault Int Drive Signal
799 PCM Initiated E-Stop Fault Int Drive Signal
814 812 Remote Device One Com Failure Alarm Shdn External Signal
827 828 Remote Data Com Module Com Failure Int Drive Signal
859 Motor State Sync Error Input Power
885 RCB Communications Fault Int Drive Signal
895 892 Exp I/O 1 AI1 High Threshold Shutdown External Signal
909 906 Exp I/O 1 AI2 High Threshold Shutdown External Signal
923 920 Exp I/O 2 AI1 High Threshold Shutdown External Signal
937 934 Exp I/O 2 AI2 High Threshold Shutdown External Signal
951 948 Exp I/O 3 AI1 High Threshold Shutdown External Signal
965 962 Exp I/O 3 AI2 High Threshold Shutdown External Signal
978 975 Exp I/O 1 DI1 Shutdown External Signal
991 988 Exp I/O 1 DI2 Shutdown External Signal
1004 1001 Exp I/O 1 DI3 Shutdown External Signal
1017 1014 Exp I/O 2 DI1 Shutdown External Signal
1030 1027 Exp I/O 2 DI2 Shutdown External Signal
1043 1040 Exp I/O 2 DI3 Shutdown External Signal
1056 1053 Exp I/O 3 DI1 Shutdown External Signal
1069 1066 Exp I/O 3 DI2 Shutdown External Signal
1082 1079 Exp I/O 3 DI3 Shutdown External Signal
1096 1093 Exp I/O 1 AI1 Low Threshold Shutdown External Signal
1109 1106 Exp I/O 1 AI2 Low Threshold Shutdown External Signal
1122 1119 Exp I/O 2 AI1 Low Threshold Shutdown External Signal
1135 1132 Exp I/O 2 AI2 Low Threshold Shutdown External Signal
1148 1145 Exp I/O 3 AI1 Low Threshold Shutdown External Signal
1161 1158 Exp I/O 3 AI2 Low Threshold Shutdown External Signal
1223 1224 Exp I/O Module 1 Communication Int Drive Signal
1229 1230 Exp I/O Module 2 Communication Int Drive Signal
1235 1236 Exp I/O Module 3 Communication Int Drive Signal
1247 1248 Centinel Communications Failure Alarm Int Drive Signal
1265 1262 Kilowatt Monitor Low Threshold Shutdown External Signal
1278 1275 Kilowatt Monitor High Threshold Shutdown External Signal
1293 PCM Overcurrent A Fault Int Drive Signal
1294 PCM Overcurrent B Fault Int Drive Signal
1295 PCM Overcurrent C Fault Int Drive Signal
1296 PCM Bus Overvoltage Fault Int Drive Signal
1300 Personality Module Missing External Signal
1326 Converter 2 Off Line Int Drive Signal
1360 PCM Motor Stall Fault Downhole
1382 Run/Stop Digital Input Alarm External Signal
1394 1395 User Alarm 1 Shutdown External Signal
1407 1408 User Alarm 2 Shutdown External Signal


1420 1421 User Alarm 3 Shutdown External Signal

1433 1434 User Alarm 4 Shutdown External Signal
1446 1447 User Alarm 5 Shutdown External Signal
1459 1460 User Alarm 6 Shutdown External Signal
1472 1473 User Alarm 7 Shutdown External Signal
1485 1486 User Alarm 8 Shutdown External Signal
1494 1492 Remote Device Two Com Failure Alarm External Signal
1507 1505 Remote Device Three Com Failure Alarm External Signal
1520 1518 Centinel Receiver Com Fail Int Drive Signal
1598 PCM Ride-Thru Lo-speed Fault Int Drive Signal
1599 PCM Ride-Thru Maximum Cycles Fault Int Drive Signal
1642 Neura-Flow Com Fail Fault External Signal
1745 APC Inverter 2 – Phase A+ IOT External Signal
1746 APC Inverter 2 – Phase B+ IOT External Signal
1747 APC Inverter 2 – Phase C+ IOT External Signal
1748 APC Inverter 2 – Phase A- IOT External Signal
1749 APC Inverter 2 – Phase B- IOT External Signal
1750 APC Inverter 2 – Phase C- IOT External Signal
1751 APC Inverter 3 – Phase A+ IOT External Signal
1752 APC Inverter 3 – Phase B+ IOT External Signal
1753 APC Inverter 3 – Phase C+ IOT External Signal
1754 APC Inverter 3 – Phase A- IOT External Signal
1755 APC Inverter 3 – Phase B- IOT External Signal
1756 APC Inverter 3 – Phase C- IOT External Signal
1757 APC Inverter 4 – Phase A+ IOT External Signal
1758 APC Inverter 4 – Phase B+ IOT External Signal
1759 APC Inverter 4 – Phase C+ IOT External Signal
1760 APC Inverter 4 – Phase A- IOT External Signal
1761 APC Inverter 4 – Phase B- IOT External Signal
1762 APC Inverter 4 – Phase C- IOT External Signal
1763 APC Converter 1 Mismatch Input Power
1764 APC Converter 2 Mismatch Input Power
1765 APC Converter 3 Mismatch Input Power
1766 APC Converter 4 Mismatch Input Power
1767 APC Converter 1 Voltage Imbalance Input Power
1768 APC Converter 1 Absent Input Power
1769 APC Converter 1 Phase Unlock Input Power
1770 APC Converter 2 Voltage Imbalance Input Power
1771 APC Converter 3 Voltage Imbalance Input Power
1772 APC Converter 4 Voltage Imbalance Input Power
1773 APC Converter Enable Error Input Power
1774 APC Converter 1-to-2 Voltage Imbalance Input Power
1775 APC Converter 1-to-3 Voltage Imbalance Input Power
1776 APC Converter 1-to-4 Voltage Imbalance Input Power
1777 APC Converter 2 Phase Unlock Input Power
1778 APC Converter 3 Phase Unlock Input Power
1779 APC Converter 4 Phase Unlock Input Power
1781 APC Input Voltage Sag Input Power


1782 APC Input Voltage Surge Input Power

1783 APC Ride-Thru Low Voltage A-B Input Power
1784 APC Ride-Thru Fault Input Power
1785 APC Ride-Thru Surge Threshold Trip Input Power
1786 APC Ride-Thru Surge Duration Fault Input Power
1788 3-Phase Input Voltage Sag (w/o Ride-thru) Input Power
1789 1-Phase Input Voltage Sag (w/o Ride-thru) Input Power
1837 Max Gas Purge Attempts Exceeded Downhole
1838 Gas Purge Low Speed Shutdown Downhole
4296 RCB2 – Phase A- IOT External Signal
4297 RCB2 – Phase A+ IOT External Signal
4298 RCB2 – Phase B- IOT External Signal
4299 RCB2 – Phase B+ IOT External Signal
4300 RCB2 – Phase C- IOT External Signal
4301 RCB2 – Phase C+ IOT External Signal
4303 RCB2 – System Error Int Drive Signal
4304 RCB2 – Zero X-ing fault Input Power
4438 RCB2 – CITIBus communications error Int Drive Signal
4440 RCB2 – PCM Converter Fault Int Drive Signal
4441 RCB2 – PCM Inverter Fault Int Drive Signal
4895 RCB2 – PCM Initiated Estop Int Drive Signal
4981 RCB2 – RCB Communications Fault Int Drive Signal
5389 RCB2 – PCM Overcurrent A Fault Int Drive Signal
5390 RCB2 – PCM Overcurrent B Fault Int Drive Signal
5391 RCB2 – PCM Overcurrent C Fault Int Drive Signal
5392 RCB2 – PCM Bus Overvoltage Int Drive Signal
5456 RCB2 – PCM Motor Stall Fault Downhole
5694 RCB2 – PCM Ride-Thru Lo-speed Fault Input Power
5695 RCB2 – PCM Ride-Thru Maximum Cycles Fault Input Power
8392 RCB3 – Phase A- IOT External Signal
8393 RCB3 – Phase A+ IOT External Signal
8394 RCB3 – Phase B- IOT External Signal
8395 RCB3 – Phase B+ IOT External Signal
8396 RCB3 – Phase C- IOT External Signal
8397 RCB3 – Phase C+ IOT External Signal
8399 RCB3 – System Error Int Drive Signal
8400 RCB3 – Zero X-ing fault Input Power
8534 RCB3 – CITIBus communications error Int Drive Signal
8536 RCB3 – PCM Converter Fault Int Drive Signal
8537 RCB3 – PCM Inverter Fault Int Drive Signal
8991 RCB3 – PCM Initiated Estop Int Drive Signal
9077 RCB3 – RCB Communications Fault Int Drive Signal
9485 RCB3 – PCM Overcurrent A Fault Int Drive Signal
9486 RCB3 – PCM Overcurrent B Fault Int Drive Signal
9487 RCB3 – PCM Overcurrent C Fault Int Drive Signal
9488 RCB3 – PCM Bus Overvoltage Int Drive Signal
9552 RCB3 – PCM Motor Stall Fault Downhole
9790 RCB3 – PCM Ride-Thru Lo-speed Fault Input Power


9791 RCB3 – PCM Ride-Thru Maximum Cycles Fault Input Power

12488 RCB4 – Phase A- IOT External Signal
12489 RCB4 – Phase A+ IOT External Signal
12490 RCB4 – Phase B- IOT External Signal
12491 RCB4 – Phase B+ IOT External Signal
12492 RCB4 – Phase C- IOT External Signal
12493 RCB4 – Phase C+ IOT External Signal
12495 RCB4 – System Error Int Drive Signal
12496 RCB4 – Zero X-ing fault Input Power
12630 RCB4 – CITIBus communications error Int Drive Signal
12632 RCB4 – PCM Converter Fault Int Drive Signal
12633 RCB4 – PCM Inverter Fault Int Drive Signal
13087 RCB4 – PCM Initiated Estop Int Drive Signal
13173 RCB4 – RCB Communications Fault Int Drive Signal
13581 RCB4 – PCM Overcurrent A Fault Int Drive Signal
13582 RCB4 – PCM Overcurrent B Fault Int Drive Signal
13583 RCB4 – PCM Overcurrent C Fault Int Drive Signal
13584 RCB4 – PCM Bus Overvoltage Int Drive Signal
13648 RCB4 – PCM Motor Stall Fault Downhole
13886 RCB4 – PCM Ride-Thru Lo-speed Fault Input Power
13887 RCB4 – PCM Ride-Thru Maximum Cycles Fault Input Power

GCS support of Modbus User Function Code 65
Modicon’s modbus protocol states that Modbus Function Codes 65 through 72 inclusive will be reserved for
user functions and will not be used by any Modicon products. GCS system controllers use Function Code 65 to
enable the transfer of:

- Shutdown history records

- Startup current waveform records (only VORTEX GCS motor controller)
- Event records
- Ampchart records

In the following documentation, the following data type definitions apply:

unsigned char 8 bits, 0 to 255

signed char 8 bits, -128 to +127
unsigned short 16 bits, 0 to 65535
signed short 16 bits, -32768 to + 32767
Pvalue signed short, 16 bits, -32768 to + 32767
PointId signed short, 16 bits, -32768 to + 32767
Time unsigned 32 bits, 0 to 4294967295

When retrieving information from a GCS unit using function code 65, the query will always adhere to the
following form:



01H 41H 00H 00H 00H 00H 3DH C5H

rtuAddress is the modbus address of the GCS unit being queried
functionCode is always 65 (41 HEX)
startingAddress is:

0: to retrieve shutdown history records.

1: to retrieve startup current waveform records.
2: to retrieve event records.
3: to retrieve ampchart data (with 4 minute average plus 4 minute minimum & maximum readings.)
6: to retrieve ampchart data (with 4 minute average plus 4 x 1 minute minimum & maximum readings.)

pointCount is 0 if the packet marks the first packet of an exchange and is 1 if the packet is the
continuation of the exchange.

The first four bytes of the GCS’s response will always be the RTU address, the function code and a block count.
The block count will be positive as long there is un-transferred data within the GCS unit. To signal the last
packet, the block count (signed short integer) goes negative. The negative number is to be interpreted as ( –1 *
(the number of records within the packet)). For example, if the block count was returned as FFEC hex, convert
that value into the decimal equivalent as follows:

FFEC = 65,516 ------ 0x10000= 65,536 ------ 65,516 – 65536 = -20 ------ -20 * -1 = 20 records

The following describes the data dependant responses by the GCS controller to Modbus 65 packets.

Shutdown history data is transferred in a packet formatted as:
typedef struct
unsigned char rtuAddress;
unsigned char functionCode;
signed short blockCount;
unsigned short crc;


The structures data, of type shutDownHistory is organized as:

typedef struct historyTag

time_t 63abeled63p;
Pvalue ampsA;
Pvalue ampsB;
Pvalue ampsC;
Pvalue voltAB;
Pvalue voltBC;
Pvalue voltCA;
Pvalue analogIn1;
Pvalue analogIn2;
PointId causeOfShutdown;
PointId lockout;

ampsA, ampsB and ampsC are the three phase current at the time of the decision to shutdown.
VoltAB, voltBC and voltCA are the phase to phase voltage at the time of the decision to shutdown.
AnalogIn1 and analogIn2 are the value at the analog inputs of the GCS system controller.
CauseOfShutdown is a number indicating why the shutdown happened.
Lockout is a number indicating if the motor start was locked out because of the shutdown.

Note: The CauseOfShutdown and Lockout numbers are defined in Table 5.

The 63abeled63p is a signed 32bit integer that holds the number of seconds since January 1, 1970 and can be
de-coded using the library routines supplied with most C compilers.

Cause of shutdown Amps Phase c (high) RTU Address



Cause of lockout Function Code

amps Phase c (low)

Block Count

Cause of lockout Voltage phase Ab (high)

(point-id low) (high)
Block Count

Start of Shutdown Voltage phase Ab (Low)

History record #2 (low)

Start of Shutdown
Shutdown History Voltage phase bc

History record #1

(time Stamp) (high)
Shutdown History

Shutdown History Voltage phase bc (time Stamp)


(time Stamp) (low)
Response: (only part of the response is shown)

Shutdown History

(time Stamp)

Shutdown History Voltage phase ca


(time Stamp)

65H Shutdown History

Voltage phase ca (low) (time Stamp)
Shutdown History


(time Stamp)

Shutdown History
Example – Function Code 65 (Read Shutdown History Records)


Amps Phase A Analog input #1 (high) (time Stamp)


Amps Phase A

Analog input #1 (low) (high)


Amps Phase A


Analog input #2 (high) (low)

amps Phase b

2CH Analog input #2 (low) (high)


amps Phase b

Cause of shutdown (low)




Convert the hexadecimal values into decimal notation and history record #1 in the above example yields the
following information:

Shutdown occurred on April 23, 2003 at the time of 10:04:29. (Time integer value: 3E A6 65 2D hex.)

The three phase currents were: Phase A = 79 amps (004F hex)

Phase B = 78 amps (004E hex)
Phase C = 80 amps (0050 hex)

The three phase volts were: Phase AB = 481 volts AC (01E1 hex)
Phase BC = 484 volts AC (01E4 hex)
Phase CA = 483 volts AC (01E3 hex)

Analog input #1’s value was: 1150 (047E hex)

Analog input #2’s value was: 300 (012C hex)

The cause of shutdown was: Overload (point ID # 175) (00AF hex)

The cause of lockout was: Overload Lockout (point ID # 173) (00AD hex).

*** This waveform data is only valid for the Vortex GCS motor controller. The Electrospeed GCS and Advantage
Drives do not log startup analog values. ***

Startup waveform data consists of the three motor currents and voltages sampled at 600 readings per second
for 2 seconds after the start of the motor.

The response packet composition for this data is:

typedef struct
unsigned char rtuAddress;
unsigned char functionCode;
signed short blockCount;
highSpeedTrend data[TREND_RECORDS_PER_PACKET];
unsigned short crc;


The structures data, of type highSpeedTrend is organized as:

typedef struct HSTrend

Pvalue ampsA;
Pvalue ampsB;
Pvalue ampsC;
Pvalue voltAB;
Pvalue voltBC;
Pvalue voltCA;

ampsA, ampsB and ampsC are the instantaneous values of the three phase currents and VoltAB,
voltBC and voltCA are the phase to phase voltage at the time of the sample.

To fetch the time at which the motor was started, build a request packet with its startingAddress field set to 1
and its pointCount set to –1. The GCS units will return a packet formatted as

typedef struct
unsigned char rtuAddress;
unsigned char functionCode;
signed short blockCount;
time_t 66abeled66p;
unsigned short crc;

Example – Function Code 65 (Startup Waveform Records)

First, send a message with a point count of -1 (FFFE hex), to retrieve the “start time” of the last motor start.




01H 41H 00H 01H FFH FEH ACH 75H

Response: (Last motor start time stamp) Time of last motor

Last Motor start

Last Motor start

Last Motor start

Last Motor start

Function Code
RTU Address

(time Stamp)

(time Stamp)

(time Stamp)

(time Stamp)
start attempt
Block Count

Block Count



01H 41H 00H 01H 3EH 64H BEH 86H 51H 36H

The time integer “3E64BE86” converts to March 4, 2003 at 14:56:06.

Query: Next, retrieve the first 20 of 1200 samples by using function code 65.



01H 41H 00H 01H 00H 00H 6CH 05H

Response: (only part of the response is shown)

Start of High Speed

Voltage Phase AB

Voltage Phase AB
Current Phase C
Current Phase A

Current Phase A

Current Phase B

Current Phase B

Current Phase C
Trend packet #1
Function Code
RTU Address

Block Count

Block Count









01H 41H 00H 14H 00H 08H 00H 10H FFH EBH 01H 15H

Start of High Speed
Voltage Phase BC

Voltage Phase BC

Voltage Phase CA

Voltage Phase CA

Voltage Phase AB

Voltage Phase AB
Current Phase A

Current Phase A

Current Phase B

Current Phase B

Current Phase C

Current Phase C
Trend packet #2










FEH CDH 00H 1EH 00H 00H FFH F0H 00H 10H 00H 69H

Start of High Speed

Voltage Phase BC

Voltage Phase BC

Voltage Phase CA

Voltage Phase CA

Current Phase A

Current Phase A
Trend packet #3







Query: Now retrieve the remaining data by setting the point count to 0001 and repeat the request for data until
the block count value in the response switches to a negative number as shown below.



01H 41H 00H 01H 00H 01H ADH C5H

Response: (only part of the response is shown)

Start of High Speed

Voltage Phase AB

Voltage Phase AB
Current Phase A

Current Phase A

Current Phase B

Current Phase B

Current Phase C

Current Phase C
Function Code
RTU Address

Trend packet
Block Count

Block Count










01H 41H FFH ECH 00H 73H FFH 59H 00H 35H FFH B9H …

As illustrated in the example above, the GCS responded with a block count of FFEC hex or -19 decimal. This
indicates that there are no more un-retrieved waveforms packets and that this message contains the normal 20

The instantaneous values of the current and voltage can be graphed by using common PC software such as
MS Excel spreadsheet.

Event data is transferred in a packet formatted as:

typedef struct
unsigned char rtuAddress;
unsigned char functionCode;
signed short blockCount;
anEventRecord eventRecord[EVENT_RECORDS_PER_PACKET];
unsigned short crc;


The structures data of type anEventRecord are organized as:

typedef struct
time_t 69abeled69p;
unsigned char EventType;
unsigned char Exponent;
PointId PointIdent;
Pvalue ValueBeforeEvent;
Pvalue ValueAfterEvent;

where, the field

EventType is a numeric that identifies the event.
Exponent is a number used to locate the decimal point when displaying the before and after values.
PointIdent is a number describing an entity associated with the event.
ValueBeforeEvent is the entities’ value before it was changed.
ValueAfterEvent is the entities’ value after it was changed.

Note: The event type numbers are defined in Table 6.

Query: Retrieve the first packet of event history by setting the point count to 0000H.



01H 41H 00H 02H 00H 00H 9CH 05H

Response: (First packet of event history, only the first portion of the reply is shown)
Block Count (high)

Block Count (Low)

Value before event

Event Occurrence
Event Occurrence

Event Occurrence

Event Occurrence

Event Occurrence
Start of Event #1

Start of Event #2
Value after event
Function Code

Point ID (high)

Point ID (low)
RTU Address

(time Stamp)

(time Stamp)

(time Stamp)
(time Stamp)

(time Stamp)
Event Type


01H 41H 00H 14H 3EH A6H 7AH 4FH 02H 00H 00H A7H 0H 0H ……

The time integer “3EA67A4F” converts to April 23, 2003 at 11:34:39 am.
The Event type is reported as a “02” which is defined as an “Alarm return to normal” or Alarm_RTN
The exponent is reported as a “00” which means there is no decimal point in the value.
The Event Point Identifier is reported as 00A7 or 167 decimal. Table 5 lists Point ID 167 as being Overload
Alarm. Since this event had no data values associated with it, the before and after values are left at zero.

Query: Continue to retrieve the next 20 event records by setting the point count to 0001H, until the block count
in the reply turns negative as shown in the example below.



01H 41H 00H 02H 00H 01H 5DH C5H

Response: (Last packet of event history, only part of the reply is shown)
Block Count (high)

Block Count (Low)

Value before event

Event Occurrence
Event Occurrence

Event Occurrence

Event Occurrence
Start of Event #1

Start of Event #2
Value after event
Function Code

Point ID (high)

Point ID (low)
RTU Address

(time Stamp)

(time Stamp)

(time Stamp)
(time Stamp)

Event Type


01H 41H FFH F1H 3EH A6H 63H 9EH 03H 00H 00H 5BH 00H 02H

The reply illustrated above shows a block count of FFF1H (-15 decimal). That means there are no more event
records to be retrieved and that this packet does contain 15 event records.

Refer to Appendix A that contains tables associated with deciphering the values returned from an event
response. Table 7 lists the event numerics that are returned in the ‘Event Type’ position. Table 8 lists the alarm
descriptions and Table 9 lists the setpoint descriptions that can be returned in the ‘Point ID (high)’ and ‘Point ID
(low)’ positions.

The GCS motor controllers record the motor current present on Phase B of the power system. This current data
is sampled at high speeds and converted to RMS values. The high speed values are averaged over a four
minute period and the minimum and maximum values are recorded in each 1 minute portion of the four minute
period. There are two tables of amp chart data that are available via the function code 65. The first, accessed
with a starting address of 3 in the function code 65 query is comprised of four minute packets containing the
minimum, maximum and average current during each time period. The second table, accessed with a starting
address of 6, is comprised of a single four minute average and four one minute minimum and maximum values.
The second table contains more data and is correspondingly longer. The following will describe the two
methods separately.

Ampchart: Four minute average, minimum and maximum values

The ampchart data consisting of four minute averages and minimum / maximum values is accessed using a
starting address of 3, within a Function Code 65 query.

This Ampchart data is transferred in packets formatted as:

typedef struct
unsigned char rtuAddress;
unsigned char functionCode;
signed short blockCount;
aFourMinuteAmpchartRecord data[FOUR_MINUTE_AC_RECORDS_PER_PACKET];
unsigned short crc;


The structures data, of type aOneMinuteAmpchartRecord, are organized

typedef struct
time_t 71abeled71p;
Pvalue average;
Pvalue minimum;
Pvalue maximum;

the field of this structure are defined as:

71abeled71p is the time of the current recording..

Average is the average of the current over a four minute period.
Minimum and Maximum are the lowest and high currents measured during the four minute period.

Query: Retrieve the first packet of four minute ampchart records by setting the point count to 0000H.



01H 41H 00H 03H 00H 00H 5DH C5H

Response: (Only the first portion is shown)

Amp Chart recorded

Block Count (high)

Block Count (Low)

Start of Record #1

Maximum (High)

Maximum (Low)
Minimum (High)
Function Code

Minimum (low)
Average (high)

Average (Low)
RTU Address

(time Stamp)
(time Stamp)

(time Stamp)

(time Stamp)

01H 41H 00H 18H 3EH A6H 9FH ACH 00H 16H 00H 15H 00H 17H

Amp Chart recorded

Amp Chart recorded

Amp Chart recorded

Amp Chart recorded

Amp Chart recorded

Amp Chart recorded

Amp Chart recorded

Start of Record #2

Start of Record #3
Maximum (High)

Maximum (Low)
Minimum (High)

Minimum (low)
Average (high)

Average (Low)
(Time Stamp)

(Time Stamp)

(Time Stamp)

(Time Stamp)

(Time Stamp)
(Time Stamp)

(Time Stamp)

3EH A6H A0H 9CH 00H 18H 00H 17H 00H 19H 3EH A6H ……

In the example response above:

The block count 0018H indicates that 24 ampchart records are contained in this packet.

Record #1 reports a time stamp of 3EA69FAC Hex or 2003/04/23 14:14:04

The average current during the four minute period was 0016Hex = 22 amps (decimal)
The minimum current value was 0015Hex = 21 amps (decimal)
The maximum current value was 0017Hex = 23 amps (decimal)

Record #2 reports a time stamp of 3EA6A09C Hex or 2003/04/23 14:18:04

The average current during the four minute period was 0018Hex = 24 amps (decimal)
The minimum current value was 0017Hex = 23 amps (decimal)
The maximum current value was 0019Hex = 25 amps (decimal)

Ampchart: Four minute average, plus one minute minimum and maximum values

The ampchart data consisting of a four minute average and four, one minute minimum / maximum values is
accessed using a starting address of 6, within a Function Code 65 query.

This Ampchart data is transferred in packets formatted as:

typedef struct
unsigned char rtuAddress;
unsigned char functionCode;
signed short blockCount;
aOneMinuteAmpchartRecord data[ONE_MINUTE_AC_RECORDS_PER_PACKET];
unsigned short crc;


The structures data, of type aOneMinuteAmpchartRecord, are organized

typedef struct
time_t 73abeled73p;
Pvalue average;
anAmpChartReadingRecord oneMinuteReadings[ONE_MINUTE_READINGS_PER_RECORD];


the fields in this structure are defined as:

73abeled73p is the time of the most recent reading. This field is updated every minute.
Average is the average of the current over a four minute period.

The structures: oneMinuteReadings, of type anAmpChartReadingRecord, are organized as

typedef struct
Pvalue minimum;
Pvalue maximum;

where 73abeled and maximum are the extremes of phase B current in amps measured during the one minute

Query: The first message requesting ampchart data must have a point count value of zero, as shown below.



01H 41H 00H 06H 00H 00H DDH C4H

Response: (only part of the response is shown)

Maximum 1 minute

Maximum 1 minute
Minimum 1 minute
Ampchart recorded

Ampchart recorded

Ampchart recorded

Ampchart recorded
Block Count (high)

Block Count (Low)

Minimum1 minute
Start of Ampchart
Function Code

Average (high)

Average (low)
RTU Address

(Time Stamp)
(Time Stamp)

(Time Stamp)

(Time Stamp)


record #1



01H 41H 00H 0BH 3EH A6H 9FH ACH 00H 16H 00H 15H 00H 17H




Maximum 3 minute
Minimum 2 minute

Minimum 4 minute

Minimum 4 minute
Minimum 3 minute

Minimum 3 minute

Ampchart recorded
Start of Ampchart

(Time Stamp)










Maximum 2

Maximum 2

Maximum 3

Maximum 4

Maximum 4
Minimum 2

record #2










00H 15H 00H 17H 00H 15H 00H 17H 00H 15H 00H 17H ….

In the example response above:

The block count 000BH indicates that 11 ampchart records are contained in this packet.

Record #1 reports a time stamp of 3EA69FAC Hex or 2003/04/23 14:14:04

The average current during the four minute period was 0016Hex = 22 amps (decimal)
The minimum current value during all four one minute sample periods was 0015Hex = 21 amps
The maximum current value during all four one minute sample periods was 0017Hex = 23 amps )

After using a point count of 0000H to initiate the transfer of the ampchart records, use a point count of 0001 for
all subsequent queries until the block count value is returned as a negative value. As in all function code 65
transfers, a negative block count indicates that the response contains the final records to be transferred and the
negative value multiplied by negative 1 represents the number of records in this message. An example is
shown below:

Query: The point count is set to one to continue the transfer of ampchart records.



01H 41H 00H 06H 00H 01H DDH C4H

Response: (only part of the response is shown)

Maximum 1 minute

Maximum 1 minute
Minimum 1 minute
Ampchart recorded
Ampchart recorded

Ampchart recorded

Ampchart recorded
Block Count (high)

Block Count (Low)

Minimum1 minute
Start of Ampchart
Function Code

Average (high)

Average (low)
RTU Address

(Time Stamp)

(Time Stamp)

(Time Stamp)

(Time Stamp)


record #1



01H 41H FFH FEH 3EH A9H 5DH A3H 00H 06H 00H 06H 00H 06H




Maximum 3 minute
Minimum 2 minute

Minimum 4 minute

Minimum 4 minute
Minimum 3 minute

Minimum 3 minute

Ampchart recorded
Start of Ampchart

(Time Stamp)










Maximum 2

Maximum 2

Maximum 3

Maximum 4

Maximum 4
Minimum 2

record #2










00H 06H 00H 06H 00H 06H 00H 06H 00H 06H 00H 06H ….

In the example response above:

The block count FFFEH indicates that this response contains the last un-transferred records of the
ampchart and that a total of 2 records are contained in this packet. (10000H – FFFEH) = 2

Record #1 reports a time stamp of 3EA95DA3 Hex or 2003/04/25 16:09:07

The average current during the four minute period was 0006Hex = 06 amps (decimal)
The minimum current value during all four one minute sample periods was 0006Hex = 06 amps
The maximum current value during all four one minute sample periods was 0006Hex = 06 amps )

Output Frequency Control via Modbus
The Electrospeed GCS and Advantage are variable frequency controllers and as listed below, have three
methods of controlling the output frequency. For more detailed information on each mode of operation, consult
the GCS and Advantage operator’s manuals.

Keypad Frequency Setpoint

In this method of speed control, the user enters a desired output frequency, and the drive will ramp its output up
or down in frequency to achieve the setpoint.

Analog Follower Frequency Control

In this method of speed control, the GCS drive is provided with an analog signal to one of its analog inputs.
The drive reads the present value of this signal and retrieves the zero and span values associated with that
input. The present value of the analog signal is converted into a percentage of full scale value by the following

Percentage of full scale = (Present Value of input / full scale value of input) * 100

Next the GCS drive’s High Speed clamp and Low Speed clamp settings are determined. The Low Speed clamp
is designated as 0% speed, while the High Speed Clamp is designated as 100% speed. The controller then
calculates the actual frequency value that corresponds to the percentage of full scale and uses that value as the
desired output frequency. Additionally, the drive can be set to react in forward or reverse. In forward acting, as
the analog setpoint signal is increased, the drive frequency increases. In reverse acting, as the analog setpoint
is increased, the drive frequency decreases.

Proportional, Integral, Derivative (PID) Frequency Control

In this method of speed control, the GCS drive is provided with a setpoint signal and a feedback signal. Using
the industry standard PID control algorithm, the drive will increase or decrease its output frequency in order to
cause the feedback signal to equal the setpoint signal. In this control method, the setpoint signal can be a
manually entered value or a varying analog signal. The feedback signal must be analog signal. In this control
mode, the drive can also be set to forward or reverse acting as described in the previous Type 2. To calibrate or
tune the drive’s reactions to varying input signals, the user can enter gain factors for each of the proportional,
integral and derivative terms of the PID algorithm.

MaxPoint Frequency Control

This frequency control mode is used to automatically adjust or sweep the output frequency up or down within
the high speed and low speed clamp settings in setable steps over a period of time. At the end of the sweep
mode, the drive’s control mode will automatically revert to the Keypad Frequency Setpoint mode.

MaxRate - Gas Control

This newest control mode was created for use in well applications with highly variable gas content. The mode is
designed to operate these type of wells at the optimal speed in order to keep the drive running and avoid a gas-
lock condition that could cause a shutdown, or if left unchecked, damage the pump and motor.

Writing to the output register address 40811 sets the drive’s control mode.

Control Type: Modbus Address 40811 (0x032A)

Keypad Frequency Setpoint = Modbus Address 40811 = 1
Analog Follower mode = Modbus Address 40811 = 2
PID Control mode = Modbus Address 40811 = 3
MaxPoint mode = Modbus Address 40811 = 4
MaxRate-Gas Control mode = Modbus Address 40811 = 5

If Keypad Frequency Setpoint is selected (Modbus Address 40811 = 1), the user can set the frequency by
writing 10 times the desired value (in decimal) to Modbus address: 40784 (0x030F).

Modbus Address Description Setting

40811 Control Mode 1
40784 Set Frequency Desired value (x10)

For example: To set the frequency to 59.5 Hz, write the value of 595 to address 40784.
If Analog Follower Mode is selected (Modbus Address 40811 = 2), the user can configure which analog input is
used as the setpoint and whether the controller is forward or reverse acting.

Modbus Address Description Setting

40811 Control Mode 2
45822 Analog Follower Control Direction 0= Forward, 1= Reverse
40761 Setpoint Input 42= default (AI1)

Setpoint input for Analog Follower mode, located at Modbus address 40761 (0x02F8) can accept the following
decimal values including User Points at 3840-4095:

Description Point Id Set Value at Modbus Address 40761 to :

OnBoard Analog Input #1: 42 (Modbus address 40761 = 42 decimal)
OnBoard Analog Input #2: 67 (Modbus address 40761 = 67 decimal)

Expansion I/O Module 1, Analog Input #1: 1213 (Modbus address 40761 = 1213 decimal)
Expansion I/O Module 1, Analog Input #2: 1214 (Modbus address 40761 = 1214 decimal)

Expansion I/O Module 2, Analog Input #1: 1215 (Modbus address 40761 = 1215 decimal)
Expansion I/O Module 2, Analog Input #2: 1216 (Modbus address 40761 = 1216 decimal)

Expansion I/O Module 3, Analog Input #1: 1217 (Modbus address 40761 = 1217 decimal)
Expansion I/O Module 3, Analog Input #2: 1218 (Modbus address 40761 = 1218 decimal)

Centinel Intake Pressure 829 (Modbus address 40761 = 829 decimal)

Centinel Intake Temperature 830 (Modbus address 40761 = 830 decimal)
Centinel Motor Temperature 831 (Modbus address 40761 = 831 decimal)

RDCM_DEVICE_1_TAG_1 1562 (Modbus address 40761 = 1562 decimal)

RDCM_DEVICE_1_TAG_2 1563 (Modbus address 40761 = 1563 decimal)
RDCM_DEVICE_1_TAG_3 1564 (Modbus address 40761 = 1564 decimal)
RDCM_DEVICE_1_TAG_4 1565 (Modbus address 40761 = 1565 decimal)
RDCM_DEVICE_1_TAG_5 1566 (Modbus address 40761 = 1566 decimal)
RDCM_DEVICE_1_TAG_6 1567 (Modbus address 40761 = 1567 decimal)
RDCM_DEVICE_1_TAG_7 1568 (Modbus address 40761 = 1568 decimal)
RDCM_DEVICE_1_TAG_8 1569 (Modbus address 40761 = 1569 decimal)
RDCM_DEVICE_1_TAG_9 1570 (Modbus address 40761 = 1570 decimal)
RDCM_DEVICE_1_TAG_10 1571 (Modbus address 40761 = 1571 decimal)
RDCM_DEVICE_1_TAG_11 1572 (Modbus address 40761 = 1572 decimal)
RDCM_DEVICE_1_TAG_12 1573 (Modbus address 40761 = 1573 decimal)
RDCM_DEVICE_2_TAG_1 1574 (Modbus address 40761 = 1574 decimal)
RDCM_DEVICE_2_TAG_2 1575 (Modbus address 40761 = 1575 decimal)
RDCM_DEVICE_2_TAG_3 1576 (Modbus address 40761 = 1576 decimal)

RDCM_DEVICE_2_TAG_4 1577 (Modbus address 40761 = 1577 decimal)
RDCM_DEVICE_2_TAG_5 1578 (Modbus address 40761 = 1578 decimal)
RDCM_DEVICE_2_TAG_6 1579 (Modbus address 40761 = 1579 decimal)
RDCM_DEVICE_2_TAG_7 1580 (Modbus address 40761 = 1580 decimal)
RDCM_DEVICE_2_TAG_8 1581 (Modbus address 40761 = 1581 decimal)
RDCM_DEVICE_2_TAG_9 1582 (Modbus address 40761 = 1582 decimal)
RDCM_DEVICE_2_TAG_10 1583 (Modbus address 40761 = 1583 decimal)
RDCM_DEVICE_2_TAG_11 1584 (Modbus address 40761 = 1584 decimal)
RDCM_DEVICE_2_TAG_12 1585 (Modbus address 40761 = 1585 decimal)
RDCM_DEVICE_3_TAG_1 1586 (Modbus address 40761 = 1586 decimal)
RDCM_DEVICE_3_TAG_2 1587 (Modbus address 40761 = 1587 decimal)
RDCM_DEVICE_3_TAG_3 1588 (Modbus address 40761 = 1588 decimal)
RDCM_DEVICE_3_TAG_4 1589 (Modbus address 40761 = 1589 decimal)
RDCM_DEVICE_3_TAG_5 1590 (Modbus address 40761 = 1590 decimal)
RDCM_DEVICE_3_TAG_6 1591 (Modbus address 40761 = 1591 decimal)
RDCM_DEVICE_3_TAG_7 1592 (Modbus address 40761 = 1592 decimal)
RDCM_DEVICE_3_TAG_8 1593 (Modbus address 40761 = 1593 decimal)
RDCM_DEVICE_3_TAG_9 1594 (Modbus address 40761 = 1594 decimal)
RDCM_DEVICE_3_TAG_10 1595 (Modbus address 40761 = 1595 decimal)
RDCM_DEVICE_3_TAG_11 1596 (Modbus address 40761 = 1596 decimal)
RDCM_DEVICE_3_TAG_12 1597 (Modbus address 40761 = 1597 decimal)
<edit> 0 – 1597 & 3840 – 4095 (Modbus address 40761 = ?? decimal)

Example: Using Analog Follower mode via a Setpoint Input from SCADA

1. Pick an unused User Point

We will utilize a user programmable ‘variable’ called a ‘user point’ to allow the SCADA system to write a value
for the analog follower level. The GCS system has 256 of these programmable elements ranging from 0 to 255.

Caution: If the GCS or Advantage has a custom programmed function or ‘user PLC function’, you may need to
select a different User Point than the following example.

We will use ‘user point 00’, whose present value field has a modbus address of 41958. (See pg 42 of this
document for the full list of Modbus address for each User Point).

2. Setup the user point as desired

The user points are access via the ‘Prog Logic Funct’ option from the Main menu. Select the ‘Edit User Point’
option from the “Prog Funct Setup’ menu.

When the ‘edit user point’ menu first opens, you should see the setup screen for
‘Point ID 0’. To change to an alternate User Point, place the cursor on the Point ID
line and edit the ID # or use the right & left arrow keys to scroll to the next User
Point. As explained in step 1, we will select user Point ID 0 for this example.

We can configure the user point range in many ways. For this example, we will set

the minimum to 0, the maximum to 1000, an exponent of -1 (100.0) and the units of %. This will allow us to
write a value between 0 and 1000 that represents a percentage from 0 to 100.0 % with one decimal of accuracy.

3. Configure Analog Follower mode & Setpoint Input

The next step is to setup the Analog follower mode. The output frequency control menu option appears on the
Prog Funct Setup menu (see above).

a. Set the Control Mode to Analog Follower (An Fol).

b. Set the Setpoint input to User Point 0000. (Scroll to the end of the list, select <edit> and enter 4095).

4. Test operation via modbus

The system can be tested by running the drive and adjusting the Present value of User Point 00 from the Edit
User Point menu (see above) Alternately, use CentriMATION to write a value (0-1000 = 0-> 100.0 %) to
Modbus address 41958. You should see the value written appear in the present value field of User Point 00.

The drive output frequency should change from low speed clamp to high speed clamp as a percentage.


If PID Control mode is selected (Modbus Address 40811 = 3), the user can configure the analog input used as
the setpoint, the analog input used as the feedback, the values of proportional, integral and derivative gains and
whether the controller is forward or reverse acting.

Modbus Address Description Setting

40811 Control Mode 3
45829 PID Proportional Gain 30= default (3.0)
45830 PID Integral Gain 30= default (3.0)
45831 PID Derivative Gain 0= default (0.0)
45832 PID Control Direction 0= Forward, 1= Reverse
40762 Setpoint Input 860= default (Manual Setpoint)
40763 Feedback Input 42= default (AI1)
40662* Value of Manual Setpoint Desired value

*Only enter a value in 40662 if the Setpoint Input is set to Manual Set.

Setpoint input for PID Control mode is located at Modbus address 40762 (0x02F9). This setpoint can accept the
following decimal values:

Description Point Id Set Value at Modbus Address 40762 to:

OnBoard Analog Input #1: 42 (Modbus address 40762 = 42 decimal)
OnBoard Analog Input #2: 67 (Modbus address 40762 = 67 decimal)

Expansion I/O Module 1, Analog Input #1: 1213 (Modbus address 40762 = 1213 decimal)
Expansion I/O Module 1, Analog Input #2: 1214 (Modbus address 40762 = 1214 decimal)

Expansion I/O Module 2, Analog Input #1: 1215 (Modbus address 40762 = 1215 decimal)
Expansion I/O Module 2, Analog Input #2: 1216 (Modbus address 40762 = 1216 decimal)

Expansion I/O Module 3, Analog Input #1: 1217 (Modbus address 40762 = 1217 decimal)
Expansion I/O Module 3, Analog Input #2: 1218 (Modbus address 40762 = 1218 decimal)

Centinel Intake Pressure 829 (Modbus address 40762 = 829 decimal)

Centinel Intake Temperature 830 (Modbus address 40762 = 830 decimal)
Centinel Motor Temperature 831 (Modbus address 40762 = 831 decimal)

RDCM_DEVICE_1_TAG_1 1562 (Modbus address 40762 = 1562 decimal)

RDCM_DEVICE_1_TAG_2 1563 (Modbus address 40762 = 1563 decimal)
RDCM_DEVICE_1_TAG_3 1564 (Modbus address 40762 = 1564 decimal)
RDCM_DEVICE_1_TAG_4 1565 (Modbus address 40762 = 1565 decimal)
RDCM_DEVICE_1_TAG_5 1566 (Modbus address 40762 = 1566 decimal)
RDCM_DEVICE_1_TAG_6 1567 (Modbus address 40762 = 1567 decimal)
RDCM_DEVICE_1_TAG_7 1568 (Modbus address 40762 = 1568 decimal)
RDCM_DEVICE_1_TAG_8 1569 (Modbus address 40762 = 1569 decimal)
RDCM_DEVICE_1_TAG_9 1570 (Modbus address 40762 = 1570 decimal)
RDCM_DEVICE_1_TAG_10 1571 (Modbus address 40762 = 1571 decimal)
RDCM_DEVICE_1_TAG_11 1572 (Modbus address 40762 = 1572 decimal)
RDCM_DEVICE_1_TAG_12 1573 (Modbus address 40762 = 1573 decimal)
RDCM_DEVICE_2_TAG_1 1574 (Modbus address 40762 = 1574 decimal)
RDCM_DEVICE_2_TAG_2 1575 (Modbus address 40762 = 1575 decimal)
RDCM_DEVICE_2_TAG_3 1576 (Modbus address 40762 = 1576 decimal)
RDCM_DEVICE_2_TAG_4 1577 (Modbus address 40762 = 1577 decimal)
RDCM_DEVICE_2_TAG_5 1578 (Modbus address 40762 = 1578 decimal)
RDCM_DEVICE_2_TAG_6 1579 (Modbus address 40762 = 1579 decimal)
RDCM_DEVICE_2_TAG_7 1580 (Modbus address 40762 = 1580 decimal)
RDCM_DEVICE_2_TAG_8 1581 (Modbus address 40762 = 1581 decimal)
RDCM_DEVICE_2_TAG_9 1582 (Modbus address 40762 = 1582 decimal)
RDCM_DEVICE_2_TAG_10 1583 (Modbus address 40762 = 1583 decimal)
RDCM_DEVICE_2_TAG_11 1584 (Modbus address 40762 = 1584 decimal)
RDCM_DEVICE_2_TAG_12 1585 (Modbus address 40762 = 1585 decimal)
RDCM_DEVICE_3_TAG_1 1586 (Modbus address 40762 = 1586 decimal)
RDCM_DEVICE_3_TAG_2 1587 (Modbus address 40762 = 1587 decimal)
RDCM_DEVICE_3_TAG_3 1588 (Modbus address 40762 = 1588 decimal)
RDCM_DEVICE_3_TAG_4 1589 (Modbus address 40762 = 1589 decimal)
RDCM_DEVICE_3_TAG_5 1590 (Modbus address 40762 = 1590 decimal)
RDCM_DEVICE_3_TAG_6 1591 (Modbus address 40762 = 1591 decimal)
RDCM_DEVICE_3_TAG_7 1592 (Modbus address 40762 = 1592 decimal)
RDCM_DEVICE_3_TAG_8 1593 (Modbus address 40762 = 1593 decimal)
RDCM_DEVICE_3_TAG_9 1594 (Modbus address 40762 = 1594 decimal)
RDCM_DEVICE_3_TAG_10 1595 (Modbus address 40762 = 1595 decimal)
RDCM_DEVICE_3_TAG_11 1596 (Modbus address 40762 = 1596 decimal)
RDCM_DEVICE_3_TAG_12 1597 (Modbus address 40762 = 1597 decimal)

Manual Setpoint 860 (Modbus address 40762 = 860 decimal)

Note: Take care that both the setpoint and feedback inputs do not contain the same value.

Feedback input for PID Control mode is located at Modbus address 40763 (0x02FA). This setpoint can accept
the following decimal values:

Description Point Id Set Value at Modbus Address 40763 to:
OnBoard Analog Input #1: 42 (Modbus address 40763 = 42 decimal)
OnBoard Analog Input #2: 67 (Modbus address 40763 = 67 decimal)

Expansion I/O Module 1, Analog Input #1: 1213 (Modbus address 40763 = 1213 decimal)
Expansion I/O Module 1, Analog Input #2: 1214 (Modbus address 40763 = 1214 decimal)

Expansion I/O Module 2, Analog Input #1: 1215 (Modbus address 40763 = 1215 decimal)
Expansion I/O Module 2, Analog Input #2: 1216 (Modbus address 40763 = 1216 decimal)

Expansion I/O Module 3, Analog Input #1: 1217 (Modbus address 40763 = 1217 decimal)
Expansion I/O Module 3, Analog Input #2: 1218 (Modbus address 40763 = 1218 decimal)

Centinel Intake Pressure 829 (Modbus address 40763 = 829 decimal)

Centinel Intake Temperature 830 (Modbus address 40763 = 830 decimal)
Centinel Motor Temperature 831 (Modbus address 40763 = 831 decimal)

Output Current A 128 (Modbus address 40763 = 128 decimal)

Output Current B 133 (Modbus address 40763 = 133 decimal)
Output Current C 137 (Modbus address 40763 = 137 decimal)

RDCM_DEVICE_1_TAG_1 1562 (Modbus address 40763 = 1562 decimal)

RDCM_DEVICE_1_TAG_2 1563 (Modbus address 40763 = 1563 decimal)
RDCM_DEVICE_1_TAG_3 1564 (Modbus address 40763 = 1564 decimal)
RDCM_DEVICE_1_TAG_4 1565 (Modbus address 40763 = 1565 decimal)
RDCM_DEVICE_1_TAG_5 1566 (Modbus address 40763 = 1566 decimal)
RDCM_DEVICE_1_TAG_6 1567 (Modbus address 40763 = 1567 decimal)
RDCM_DEVICE_1_TAG_7 1568 (Modbus address 40763 = 1568 decimal)
RDCM_DEVICE_1_TAG_8 1569 (Modbus address 40763 = 1569 decimal)
RDCM_DEVICE_1_TAG_9 1570 (Modbus address 40763 = 1570 decimal)
RDCM_DEVICE_1_TAG_10 1571 (Modbus address 40763 = 1571 decimal)
RDCM_DEVICE_1_TAG_11 1572 (Modbus address 40763 = 1572 decimal)
RDCM_DEVICE_1_TAG_12 1573 (Modbus address 40763 = 1573 decimal)
RDCM_DEVICE_2_TAG_1 1574 (Modbus address 40763 = 1574 decimal)
RDCM_DEVICE_2_TAG_2 1575 (Modbus address 40763 = 1575 decimal)
RDCM_DEVICE_2_TAG_3 1576 (Modbus address 40763 = 1576 decimal)
RDCM_DEVICE_2_TAG_4 1577 (Modbus address 40763 = 1577 decimal)
RDCM_DEVICE_2_TAG_5 1578 (Modbus address 40763 = 1578 decimal)
RDCM_DEVICE_2_TAG_6 1579 (Modbus address 40763 = 1579 decimal)
RDCM_DEVICE_2_TAG_7 1580 (Modbus address 40763 = 1580 decimal)
RDCM_DEVICE_2_TAG_8 1581 (Modbus address 40763 = 1581 decimal)
RDCM_DEVICE_2_TAG_9 1582 (Modbus address 40763 = 1582 decimal)
RDCM_DEVICE_2_TAG_10 1583 (Modbus address 40763 = 1583 decimal)
RDCM_DEVICE_2_TAG_11 1584 (Modbus address 40763 = 1584 decimal)
RDCM_DEVICE_2_TAG_12 1585 (Modbus address 40763 = 1585 decimal)
RDCM_DEVICE_3_TAG_1 1586 (Modbus address 40763 = 1586 decimal)
RDCM_DEVICE_3_TAG_2 1587 (Modbus address 40763 = 1587 decimal)
RDCM_DEVICE_3_TAG_3 1588 (Modbus address 40763 = 1588 decimal)
RDCM_DEVICE_3_TAG_4 1589 (Modbus address 40763 = 1589 decimal)
RDCM_DEVICE_3_TAG_5 1590 (Modbus address 40763 = 1590 decimal)
RDCM_DEVICE_3_TAG_6 1591 (Modbus address 40763 = 1591 decimal)
RDCM_DEVICE_3_TAG_7 1592 (Modbus address 40763 = 1592 decimal)
RDCM_DEVICE_3_TAG_8 1593 (Modbus address 40763 = 1593 decimal)
RDCM_DEVICE_3_TAG_9 1594 (Modbus address 40763 = 1594 decimal)
RDCM_DEVICE_3_TAG_10 1595 (Modbus address 40763 = 1595 decimal)

RDCM_DEVICE_3_TAG_11 1596 (Modbus address 40763 = 1596 decimal)
RDCM_DEVICE_3_TAG_12 1597 (Modbus address 40763 = 1597 decimal)

Note: Take care that both the setpoint and feedback inputs do not contain the same value.

Custom Modbus Maps

The Custom Modbus Map feature of the GCS and Advantage product lines will be helpful to system integrators
who wish to optimize the number of Modbus polls to the a given Drive or Motor Controller on their SCADA
system. By using the Custom Modbus feature the system integrator can pick and choose up to 250 registers
from anywhere in the Modbus map and “re-Map” them to the “top” of the Modbus map starting at X0001 through
to X0250. A total of 250 Modbus addresses may be re-mapped into any order the SCADA integrator desires.

A custom Modbus map can be created using the display and then saved onto a compact flash (CF) card on a
GCS and Advantage drive. On the Advantage Drive, there is also the option of saving the drive configuration,
which includes the custom Modbus map to a USB Door Drive.

By saving the Custom Modbus Map, the map may be easily copied onto each unit in the field using a CF card
or USB stick. It also allows file editing using a PC to create/edit the map prior to downloading to a Drive or
Vortex GCS motor controller.


One major function of a SCADA system is the monitoring and trending of field data. The data points to be
monitored are often unique to specific customers and applications. While the list of data points may vary, the
requirement to transfer the data as efficiently as possible is a common request. Efficiency is usually measured
in terms of the number and length of data transfers to remote field devices.

As features are added to the Drives, the Modbus Addresses for new types of data (eg, Torque, Centinel
Pressure) are added to the end of the Modbus list. Over time, the ModBus map has grown long and the data
that customers most often want is separated by other less important registers.

For example, consider that a customer may want to monitor:

Phase A Amps (30258),
Frequency (30298) and
Motor Torque (30376)

This would require the customer read 118 registers in one long message, or make 3 separate scans of one
register each. Either way this equates to a large amount of time spent retrieving 3 registers of data.

To mitigate this, and allow customers to optimize the exchange of data, we have added Custom Modbus
Mapping capabilities to the features list. Customers will have the ability to create their own optimized list of up
to 250 registers to suit their specific data requirements.

The custom input registers (30xxx) are a unique type of register. These custom registers can be configured to
‘read’ data from any of the other register types, 30xxx, 40xxx, 00xxx and 10xxx. For example, the custom
modbus map file could be configured as shown below:

; [User Mbus RO Analog]

30001 10265 ; Contactor (replies with 0x0000 or 0x0001)
30002 00834 ; Digital Out 4 (replies with 0x0000 or 0x0001)
30003 30258 ; Current A
30004 30259 ; Current B
30005 40793 ; Last Shutdown Cause

The Custom ModBus Map feature operates the same way on GCS and Advantage product lines. In this
application guide an Advantage Drive will be used in the example. To setup your Custom ModBus Map on the
display, navigate from the Main Menu to the Scada Setup screen. Select the “Cstm Modbus Maps” line and
press Enter.

You will see the “Custom ModBus Maps” Screen. Select the “Custom Input Registers” and press Enter.

Edit the “System Adrs” (System Address) column so it contains the Modbus address that you want to re-map to
30001, 30002, 30003…. The ModBus addresses may be in any order you wish.

NOTE: A Modbus Read or Write to a custom address that has zero for a system address will return an “illegal
address” error message.

Your “Custom Input Register” ModBus Map may now look like this:
30001 is now the same as 30298 = Operating Frequency
30002 is now the same as 30258 = Current A
30003 is now the same as 30259 = Current B
30004 is now the same as 30260 = Current C
30005 is now the same as 30261 = Output Volts
30006 is now the same as 30266 = Onboard Analog 1
30007 is now the same as 30274 = Onboard Analog 2
30008 is now the same as 30376 = PCM Motor Torque

You can now read in one poll of 8 registers what would have taken one read of 118 registers before you created
this Custom Modbus Map.

You may create your own Custom Modbus Maps in the same way for:
 “Custom Output Status” registers starting at 00001
 “Custom Input Status” registers starting at 10001
 And “Custom Output Registers” starting at 40001

Saving Custom Modbus Maps to Setpoint / Configuration Files

1. Compact Flash Card (GCS & Advantage)

You may create your Custom Modbus Map by editing a Setpoint file and loading the Custom Modbus Map via
the CF Card and the “Load/Save Setup” function of the display.

First save the existing Custom Modbus Map even if none exists. This will give you a valid Setpoint File to begin

To save a Setpoint File, insert a CF Card into the Display. Navigate to the Load/Save Setup screen and press
Enter on ‘Save Setup to PC Card’.

This screen will be entered. Do not create the file at this point. Press the Left key, press Enter on ‘Invert
Selection’ and only check ‘Custom Modbus Maps’.

Press the Left key again to enter this screen once more and press Enter to create a setpoint file with only the
custom modbus map information. Note the format of the filename:

YY-MM-DD Setup.txt

2. USB Door Drives (Advantage)

To save a Drive configuration (which includes the custom Modbus map) to a USB stick, the user must first save
the drive history by the ‘Get Historical Data’ parameter. This operation not only saves the well history for chosen
period of time, it also saves a copy of the changed setpoints in a file in the directory
\WellData\GenericSite\Setpoints. If a site name was already entered on the Site Information screen,
‘GenericSite’ will be replaced with that name.
The filename format is:


The text file will contain the custom modbus map information plus other non-default sections of the drive
configuration. These other sections and headers can be deleted if only the custom modbus map information is

Example Custom Modbus Map Setpoint File

Here is an example of a custom modbus map created for an Advantage Drive. The map can be loaded via a
USB Door Drive for convenience.
; From Advantage system controller
; Saved to USB drive Jul 12 2013 at 11:18:03
; From Advantage system controller 1.257
; AGD 0.553
; APC 3.84
; NIM 0.00
; XIO1 0.00
; XIO2 0.00
; XIO3 0.00
; Notes:
; [User Mbus RO Analog]
30001 30298 ; Operating Frequency
30002 30258 ; Current A
30003 30259 ; Current B
30004 30260 ; Current C
30005 30261 ; Output Volts
30006 30266 ; Analog 1
30007 30274 ; Analog 2
30008 30376 ; Motor Torque (not in the “Basic Modbus Doc”)
[User Mbus RW Analog]
40001 40784 ; Keypad Frequency
40002 40517 ; Underload Setpoint
40003 40516 ; Overload Setpoint
40004 40800 ; Volts @ 60
40005 40803 ; Current limit Setpoint

40006 40798 ; Acceleration Time
40007 40799 ; Deceleration Time
40008 40810 ; Low Speed Clamp x10
40009 40807 ; High Speed Clamp x10
40010 40793 ; Cause of last shutdown
[User Mbus RO Digital]
10001 10291 ; Digital Input #1 0 = Open, 1 = Closed
10002 10292 ; Digital Input #2 0 = Open, 1 = Closed
10003 10293 ; Digital Input #3 0 = Open, 1 = Closed
10004 10265 ; Run Status 0 = Running, 1 = Stopped
10005 10294 ; I/O Module 1 Digital Input #1
10006 10295 ; I/O Module 1 Digital Input #2
10007 10296 ; I/O Module 1 Digital Input #3
10008 10269 ; LockOut status 1 = Locked out
10009 10271 ; Inverter Output Rotation 0 = Reverse, 1 = Forward
10010 10290 ; Ilimit State 1 = in Ilimit
[User Mbus RW Digital]
00001 00513 ; Central Shutdown 0xff00 = shutdown, 0x0000 = allow restart
00002 00538 ; SCADA Start 0xff00 = Start
00003 00539 ; SCADA Stop 0xff00 = Stop
[end of data]

 The Header of the file contains the date and the software versions of the components on the CITIBus™.
The Header must begin and end with a “;” The header must also contain valid software revisions for the
display and system controller.
 The section titles must be in square brackets and be exactly as shown above or the Display will reject
the file or reject an improperly labeled section.
 You may “comment” lines with a semi-colon “;“ as shown above for clarity.

Loading Custom Modbus Maps From Setpoint / Configuration Files

1. Compact Flash Card (GCS & Advantage)

Loading the custom modbus map file to a GCS or Advantage drive using a CF card is detailed below.

To load a Setpoint File, insert a CF Card into the Display. Navigate to the Load/Save Setup screen and press
Enter on ‘Load Setup From PC Card’.

This screen below will be entered. Use the cursor to highlight the desired file and press Enter. If the correct
filename is displayed under [Filename], press Enter on ‘Load Setup From PC Card’.

After the loading process is complete, the contents of the setpoint file are loaded into the system.

2. USB Door Drives (Advantage)

When the drive history is saved to a USB door drive, the configuration file is saved to this location:


The filename can be changed and the contents of the file can be edited to delete sections and create custom
modbus maps. In order to load a configuration file into an Advantage drive, copy or move the file to this location:


Insert the USB door drive and allow the system to evaluate the integrity and capacity of the memory stick. If a
configuration file exists in the proper location, the ‘Load Configuration File’ parameter will be displayed. Use the
Down / Up keys to cursor to the parameter and press Enter.

All configuration text files will be displayed. If there are more than one, cursor to the desired file and press Enter.
The display will return to the USB Features screen and the message box will display the status of the copy.
After the loading process is complete, the contents of the configuration file are loaded into the system.

Run Time & Down Time Accumulation
In the Advantage and GCS systems, there are 3 sets of run time registers, and 2 sets of down time registers.
The values appear on the Run History screen in the menu system, accessible from the Datalog & History option
on the main menu.

There are common concepts with all the accumulated times. All of the times are stored in a set of 4 Modbus
registers. Each set of registers contains the following:

 Day – accumulation of days, incremented when the hours register wraps from 23 to 0, limited to 32767
 Hour – accumulation of hours in the day, incremented when the minutes register wraps from 59 to 0
 Minute – accumulation of minutes in the hour, incremented when the seconds register wraps from 59 to
 Second – value of seconds in the minute which will wrap from 59 to 0

All the time registers are set to 0 whenever the ‘Reset Setpoints” parameter is set to YES. (NOTE that setting
the Reset Setpoints parameter will also clear all settings in the drive and this operation should only be used
when a unit is moved to a new location and re-commissioned.)

Run Time Accumulation

The three types of run time tracked in the system are: Total Run Time, Run Time and Resetable Run Time.

Total Run Time is the total accumulated time that the motor has run since being commissioned. (See above)

Description: Modbus Register:

Total Run Time Days: 30279
Total Run Time Hours: 30268
Total Run Time Minutes: 30280
Total Run Time Seconds: 30281

Run Time is the accumulated run time since the motor was last started. This time will be reset to 0 when the
motor is shut down.

Description: Modbus Register:

Run Time Days: 30278
Run Time Hours: 30272
Run Time Minutes: 30276
Run Time Seconds: 30277

Resettable Run Time is an accumulation of run time since the parameter “Reset Run Time” was set to a value
of YES (1). This parameter is available on the Starts menu accessible from the Basic Setup option on the main

Description: Modbus Register:

Resettable Run Time Days: 30282
Resettable Run Time Hours: 30267
Resettable Run Time Minutes: 30283
Resettable Run Time Seconds: 30284

Down Time Accumulation
The two types of down time accumulated in the system are: Total Down Time and Down Time.

Total Down Time: Similar to the Total Run Time, these registers accumulate the total amount of time that the
well has been stopped, since commissioning.

Description: Modbus Register:

Total Down Time Days: 30288
Total Down Time Hours: 30289
Total Down Time Minutes: 30290
Total Down Time Seconds: 30294

Down Time: Similar to the Run Time accumulation, these registers count the time the well has been stopped
since the last time it was shut down or lost power.

Description: Modbus Register:

Down Time Days: 30291
Down Time Hours: 30292
Down Time Minutes: 30293
Down Time Seconds: 30295

Serial Ports
To allow SCADA communications to the drive control products, the Electrospeed Advantage (ADV) and
Electrospeed GCS (GCS) system boards contain a variety of hardware interfaces with a wired connection. They
are RS-232, RS-485 and Ethernet ports.

Advantage System Control Board/Basic System Control Board (ASCB/BSCB)


Indicators Ethernet



GCS System Control Board (SCB)


Port RS-485


RS-232 Ports
Cable Pinout
The ADV and GCS Drives each have a dedicated RJ-12 (6-Pin) Connector port for RS-232 communciations
and they share a common pin-out. The menu systems allow port configuration for RTU address, data format,
baud rates and handshaking. Baud rates up to 115.2Kbps are supported. The Serial Port section on the
previous page shows port locations on various system boards.

(Tab side



Pin # Description
1 3 5
2 4 6 1 Shield
Component 2 Rx Data in
Side View 3 TxData out RJ-12
4 Signal GND
Jack - Front
5 CTS in
6 RTS out Openning
PCB Pinout

Advantage & GCS Telemetry Connector
(RS-232) Pinout

Indicator LEDs
The TX and RX indicator lights are located near the RJ-12 connectors on the system boards for the Advantage
and GCS Drives.

RS-485 Ports
The ADV and GCS Drives each have a dedicated 3-Terminal screw down style (3-Pin) Connector port for RS-
485 communciations. The RS-485 port supports 2 wire connections. The connections are labeled:

IGND – Isolated Ground

A – RS-485 data “A” connection
B – RS-485 data “B” connection

For a typical RS-485 connection simply connect A-to-A, B-to-B and IGND-to-IGND in the RS-485 loop. Due to
differences in interpretation of the RS-485 standard, it is often necessary to cross the A and B connections
when interfacing to third party devices. (A-to-B, B-to-A) This operation will not damage the equipment and if
A/B signals are connected backwards the result will simply be a lack of communication until properly connected.

Indicator LEDs
The TX and RX indicator lights for the RS-485 port are located on the GCS Syscon Riser board for the GCS
Drive. The TX and RX indicator lights for the RS-485 port are located near the RS-485 Connector on the
System board for the ADV Drive.

RS-485 Line Termination

Advantage Drive:
There are two (2) slide switches near the RS-485 Connector used to enable/disable termination and fail-safe
biasing. The marking on the board above the switches denote the function of each switch and can be seen on
the picture on pg 88.

GCS Drive:
There are 3 jumpers on the Syscon Riser board that have the following functions:
JP1: 120 Ohm Termination Resistor – This jumper should be installed ONLY if the drive is the last device on
the RS-485 Bus.
JP2: Fail-safe Biasing Jumper
JP3: Fail-safe Biasing Jumper (JP2/JP3 used together)

(Fail-safe Biasing jumpers may be required in electrically noisy conditions. Fail safe biasing should only be
installed on one device on the RS-485 bus. Ensure the central unit does not already have fail-safe biasing
capability enabled).

Dual Serial Port Notes:

- The two serial ports can be used simultaneously.
- The RTU Address can be set unique to each port (or set the same if desired).
- Custom Modbus Mapping established by the user applies to both serial ports.

Ethernet Ports
The system board in the Advantage drive contains two (2) independent Ethernet ports, via RJ-45 modular
connectors, to allow Ethernet connectivity. Firmware release 12.10 contains software support for this
communication. ENET1 is internally routed to the weatherproof port on the cabinet door and ENET2 remains
accessible on the system board.

Both ports support the ModbusTCP protocol. ModbusTCP is an ethernet version of the ModbusRTU protocol
which is supported by all of our product lines. The display unit of the Advantage drive allows the setup of each
port to enter IP, Subnet and Gateway addresses. The ‘Ethernet Setup’ screen is located under SCADA &
Security & System -> SCADA Setup -> Ethernet Setup and the default settings are shown below.

Connection to an Ethernet Network

The process of connecting the Advantage drive to a network involves these basic steps:
1. Make the physical or wireless connection
2. Configure the Ethernet port settings
3. Confirm that a physical LINK is established
4. Test the connection with a PING (optional)

Use a wired connection between the Advantage drive and the Access Point or PC. Configure the IP address,
Subnet mask and Gateway of Port 1 or 2. The IP address is static, not dynamic, meaning that it is manually
assigned and remains fixed.
1. IP address – For connections to a hub, access point or router that has an active DHCP server, the
default setting may work as is. For direct to PC connections, the user will have to search for the PC IP
settings and change the Drive’s IP Address accordingly.
2. Subnet mask – In most cases the default subnet mask will be sufficient but the IP settings of the
connected device should be confirmed.
3. Gateway – This default setting will also be already setup correctly especially if the IP address did not
have to change. The first set of three numbers is required to match the IP address. If the default value
needs to change, find and set the Gateway IP to match the connected PC or router.

Confirm that the link is established by monitoring the blinking pattern of the LINK LED on the system board. See
the next section for more information.

Indicator LEDs
Each of the Ethernet ports contains two (2) indicator LED’s labeled LINK and SPD. The LINK LED will indicate
that there is an established link with the Ethernet server (LED On) and that there is data transfer (LED blinking).
It will flash quickly when a physical connection is first made, and stay on after that point. If the LED is blinking
constantly (50% duty cycle), there is a problem with the cable, the connection or the system board that is
preventing the two devices from automatically forming a network ‘link’.
The SPD LED is used to indicate the speed in which a link is made; 10 Base-T (LED Off) or 100 Base-T (LED

Appendix A
The following three (3) tables are provided as reference data for the section ‘GCS support of Modbus User
Function Code 65’. The tables can be used to decipher the responses when the Event Records are


The following Table lists the descriptor associated with each number provided in the Event Type position of the


Change from Normal CFN 1

Return to Normal RTN 2
Setpoint Change SPC 3
Shutdown Event SDE 4
Startup Event SUE 5

CITIBus Node Loss CNL 6

CITIBus Node Recovery CNR 7
Initial Program Load IPL 8
Factory Default Change FDC 9
Minimum Change MNC 10

Maximum Change MXC 11

Bitfield Change BFC 12
Exponent Change EXC 13
Units Change UNC 14
Stage Change STC 15

Primary Power Failure PPF 16

Unknown PCM Fault Code UPF 17
Real Time Clock Change RTC 18
Setpoints Reloaded SPR 19
Input Voltage Sag SAG 20

Expansion I/O Factory Cal EFC 21

Frequency Avoidance Change FAC 22
Output Control Change OCC 23
User Block Change UBC 24
User Point Change UPC 25

Hardware Reset RST 26

User PID Table Change UPC 27
MaxRate-GasControl Table Change GTC 28
Input Voltage Surge SRG 29
RDCM Table Change RTC 30-34
Gas Purge Attempted GPA 35


Gas Purge Successful GPS 36

The following Table lists the descriptor associated with each alarm ID. The alarm ID is a decimal number
converted from the hexadecimal number provided in the Point ID (high) and Point ID (low) fields in the record of
the event response.
For example: A response may return a record where Point ID(high)= 01H, Point ID(low)= 04H. The complete Point ID
is 0104H and converting to decimal is “260” or “Underload Alarm”.


45 Analog Input 1 High Threshold Alarm

56 Analog Input 1 Low Threshold
69 Analog Input 2 High Threshold Alarm
79 Analog Input 2 Low Threshold
92 Central Shutdown
98 Digital Input 1 Alarm
110 Digital Input 2 Alarm
142 Current Unbalance Alarm
159 Lockout
167 Overload Alarm
179 Over Voltage Alarm
200 Ø A Neg Instantaneous Overcurrent Trip (IOT)
201 Ø A Pos Instantaneous Overcurrent Trip (IOT)
202 Ø B Neg Instantaneous Overcurrent Trip (IOT)
203 Ø B Pos Instantaneous Overcurrent Trip (IOT)
204 Ø C Neg Instantaneous Overcurrent Trip (IOT)
205 Ø C Pos Instantaneous Overcurrent Trip (IOT)
207 PCM System Error
208 PCM zero Crossing Fault
227 Rotation Alarm
260 Underload Alarm
272 Under Voltage Alarm
298 Voltage Unbalance Alarm
312 Inverter Frequency Alarm
342 PCM Communications Error
344 Converter Fault
345 Inverter Fault
354 Power Factor Alarm
389 Heatsink 1 Alarm
401 Heatsink 2 Alarm
413 Heatsink 3 Alarm
425 Heatsink 4 Alarm
437 Inductor Temp Alarm
449 Ambient Temp Alarm
458 External Hand-off-auto Off
463 Auxiliary Temp Alarm


473 Low Speed Alarm

567 Digital Input 3 Alarm
608 Manual Keypad Lockout
610 SCADA Stop
615 VCA Zero Crossing Alarm
626 PCM Bus Volts
640 Telemetry Fail
647 Invalid Clock Alarm
661 Input Frequency
770 Centinel Open Circuit
771 Centinel Short Circuit
772 Centinel Signal Loss
773 Centinel Excessive Noise
775 System Control Board Enumeration Error
809 Remote Device One Communications Failure Alarm
827 Remote Data Communication Module Communication Failure
841 Contactor Failure Alarm
859 Motor State Sync Error
870 Maximum Starts
872 1st Start
885 Remote Converter Board Communication Error
887 Exp I/O 1 AI1 High Threshold Alarm
901 Exp I/O 1 AI2 High Threshold Alarm
915 Exp I/O 2 AI1 High Threshold Alarm
929 Exp I/O 2 AI2 High Threshold Alarm
943 Exp I/O 3 AI1 High Threshold Alarm
957 Exp I/O 3 AI2 High Threshold Alarm
970 Exp I/O 1 DI1 Present Value
983 Exp I/O 1 DI2 Present Value
996 Exp I/O 1 DI3 Present Value
1009 Exp I/O 2 DI1 Present Value
1022 Exp I/O 2 DI2 Present Value
1035 Exp I/O 2 DI3 Present Value
1048 Exp I/O 3 DI1 Present Value
1061 Exp I/O 3 DI2 Present Value
1074 Exp I/O 3 DI3 Present Value
1088 Exp I/O 1 AI1 Low Threshold
1101 Exp I/O 1 AI2 Low Threshold
1114 Exp I/O 2 AI1 Low Threshold
1127 Exp I/O 2 AI2 Low Threshold
1140 Exp I/O 3 AI1 Low Threshold
1153 Exp I/O 3 AI2 Low Threshold
1223 Exp I/O Module 1 Communication
1229 Exp I/O Module 2 Communication
1235 Exp I/O Module 3 Communication
1247 Centinel Communications Failure Alarm
1257 Kilowatt Monitor Low Threshold
1270 Kilowatt Monitor High Threshold Alarm


1293 A Phase Over Current

1294 B Phase Over Current
1295 C Phase Over Current
1296 DC Bus Over Voltage
1297 Instant Overcurrent Trip Alarm
1300 Personality Module Missing
1307 Invalid Password
1315 Wait Restart Timer
1326 Converter 2 Off-Line
1382 Run/Stop Digital Input Alarm
1392 User Alarm 1 Alarm
1405 User Alarm 2 Alarm
1418 User Alarm 3 Alarm
1431 User Alarm 4 Alarm
1444 User Alarm 5 Alarm
1457 User Alarm 6 Alarm
1470 User Alarm 7 Alarm
1483 User Alarm 8 Alarm
1489 Remote Device Two Communication Failure Alarm
1502 Remote Device Three Communication Failure Alarm
1598 Voltage Sag Low Speed Trip
1599 Voltage Sag Time Fault
1642 Neuraflow Communications Failure Alarm
1693 FPWM Filter Imbalance in Cabinet 1
1694 FPWM Filter Imbalance in Cabinet 2
1695 FPWM Filter Imbalance in Cabinet 3
1696 FPWM Filter Imbalance in Cabinet 4
1745 INV 2 ØA + Instantaneous Overcurrent Trip (IOT)
1746 INV 2 ØB + Instantaneous Overcurrent Trip (IOT)
1747 INV 2 ØC + Instantaneous Overcurrent Trip (IOT)
1748 INV 2 ØA - Instantaneous Overcurrent Trip (IOT)
1749 INV 2 ØB - Instantaneous Overcurrent Trip (IOT)
1750 INV 2 ØC - Instantaneous Overcurrent Trip (IOT)
1751 INV 3 ØA + Instantaneous Overcurrent Trip (IOT)
1752 INV 3 ØB + Instantaneous Overcurrent Trip (IOT)
1753 INV 3 ØC + Instantaneous Overcurrent Trip (IOT)
1754 INV 3 ØA - Instantaneous Overcurrent Trip (IOT)
1755 INV 3 ØB - Instantaneous Overcurrent Trip (IOT)
1756 INV 3 ØC - Instantaneous Overcurrent Trip (IOT)
1757 INV 4 ØA + Instantaneous Overcurrent Trip (IOT)
1758 INV 4 ØB + Instantaneous Overcurrent Trip (IOT)
1759 INV 4 ØC + Instantaneous Overcurrent Trip (IOT)
1760 INV 4 ØA - Instantaneous Overcurrent Trip (IOT)
1761 INV 4 ØB - Instantaneous Overcurrent Trip (IOT)
1762 INV 4 ØC - Instantaneous Overcurrent Trip (IOT)
1763 Converter 1 Mismatch
1764 Converter 2 Mismatch
1765 Converter 3 Mismatch


1766 Converter 4 Mismatch

1767 Converter 1 Voltage Unbalance
1768 Converter 1 Absent
1769 Converter 1 Phase Unlock
1770 Converter 2 Voltage Unbalance
1771 Converter 3 Voltage Unbalance
1772 Converter 4 Voltage Unbalance
1773 Converter Enable Error
1774 Convert 1 vs 2 Voltage Unbalance
1775 Convert 1 vs 3 Voltage Unbalance
1776 Convert 1 vs 4 Voltage Unbalance
1777 Converter 2 Phase Unlock
1778 Converter 3 Phase Unlock
1779 Converter 4 Phase Unlock
1802 FPWM Filter Underload Cabinet #1
1803 FPWM Filter Underload Cabinet #2
1804 FPWM Filter Underload Cabinet #3
1805 FPWM Filter Underload Cabinet #4
1764 CNV 2 Mismatch
1765 CNV 3 Mismatch
1766 CNV 4 Mismatch
1767 CNV 1 Vunbalance
1768 CNV 1 Absent
1769 CNV 1 Ø Unlock
1770 CNV 2 Vunbalance
1771 CNV 3 Vunbalance
1772 CNV 4 Vunbalance
1773 CNV Enable Error
1774 CNV 1-2 Vunbalance
1775 CNV 1-3 Vunbalance
1776 CNV 1-4 Vunbalance
1777 CNV 2 Ø Unlock
1778 CNV 3 Ø Unlock
1779 CNV 4 Ø Unlock
1300 NO PMOD
1693 FPWM C1 Imbalance
1694 FPWM C2 Imbalance
1695 FPWM C3 Imbalance
1696 FPWM C4 Imbalance
1802 FPWM C1 Underload
1803 FPWM C2 Underload
1804 FPWM C3 Underload
1805 FPWM C4 Underload

The following Table lists the descriptor associated with each Setpoint ID. The Setpoint ID is a decimal number
converted from the hexadecimal number provided in the Point ID (high) and Point ID (low) fields in the record of
the response.
For example: A response may return a record where Point ID(high)= 00H, Point ID(low)= 2CH. The complete Point ID
is 002CH and converting to decimal is “44” or “Analog Input 1 High Threshold”.


1 Acceleration Time
2 Deceleration Time
4 High Speed Clamp
17 PCM Stopping Mode
18 Drive Rated Current
19 Regulator Gain
21 Run Ilimit
22 Sync Delay
24 Sync Ilimit
26 Volts At Sixty Hertz
27 Inverter Mode
28 Inverter Rotation
29 Converter Mode
32 VBoost
33 VBoost Sync
34 Low Speed Clamp
35 Slip Compensation
37 Sync Frequency
40 VClamp
44 Analog Input 1 High Threshold
46 Analog Input 1 High Threshold Trip Enable
47 Analog Input 1 High Threshold Bypass Delay
49 Analog Input 1 High Threshold Lockout Enable
51 Analog Input 1 High Threshold Shutdown Delay
55 Analog Input 1 Low Threshold
57 Analog Input 1 Low Threshold Alarm Enable
58 Analog Input 1 Low Threshold Bypass Delay
60 Analog Input 1 Low Threshold Lockout Enable
62 Analog Input 1 Low Threshold Shutdown Delay
66 Analog Input 1 Span
68 Analog Input 2 High Threshold
70 Analog Input 2 High Threshold Trip Enable
71 Analog Input 2 High Threshold Bypass Delay
73 Analog Input 2 High Threshold Lockout Enable
75 Analog Input 2 High Threshold Shutdown Delay
78 Analog Input 2 Low Threshold
80 Analog Input 2 Low Threshold Alarm Enable
81 Analog Input 2 Low Threshold Bypass Delay


83 Analog Input 2 Low Threshold Lockout Enable

85 Analog Input 2 Low Threshold Shutdown Delay
89 Analog Input 2 Span
92 Central Shutdown
96 Current Transformer Ratio
99 Digital Input 1 Alarm Enable
100 Digital Input 1 Bypass Delay
101 Digital Input 1
103 Digital Input 1 Lockout Enable
105 Digital Input 1 Shutdown Delay
106 Digital Input 1 Active Alarm State
111 Digital Input 2 Alarm Enable
112 Digital Input 2 Bypass Delay
115 Digital Input 2 Lockout Enable
117 Digital Input 2 Shutdown Delay
118 Digital Input 2 Active Alarm State
131 Current A Scaler
136 Current B Scaler
140 Current C Scaler
143 Current Unbalance Alarm Enable
144 Current Unbalance Bypass Delay
145 Current Unbalance Setpoint
147 Current Unbalance
149 Current Unbalance Lockout Enable
151 Current Unbalance Shutdown Delay
153 Internal Automatic Restart Enable
158 External Lights Mode
159 Lockout
160 Password To Clear Lockout
161 Level 2 Password
164 Maximum Allowed Starts
168 Overload Alarm Enable
169 Overload Bypass Delay
170 Overload Setpoint
172 Overload
174 Overload Lockout Enable
176 Overload Shutdown Delay
180 Over Voltage Alarm Enable
181 Over Voltage Bypass Delay
182 Over Voltage Setpoint
184 Over Voltage
186 Over Voltage Lockout Enable
188 Over Voltage Shutdown Delay
211 Progressive Restart Time
222 Starts Counter Reset Time
224 Restart Delay
225 Restart On Overload
228 Rotation Alarm Enable


231 Rotation Lockout Enable

232 Inverter Rotation Setpoint
235 Run Time Hours
236 Run Time Minutes
237 Run time Seconds
247 Single Phase Volts
254 Timer in Minutes
261 Underload Alarm Enable
262 Underload Bypass Delay
263 Underload
265 Underload Lockout Enable
266 Underload Setpoint
269 Underload Shutdown Delay
273 Under Voltage Alarm Enable
274 Under Voltage Bypass Delay
275 Under Voltage
277 Under Voltage Lockout Enable
278 Under Voltage Setpoint
281 Under Voltage Shutdown Delay
286 Voltage AB Scaler
290 Voltage BC Scaler
295 Voltage CA Scaler
299 Voltage Unbalance Alarm Enable
300 Voltage Unbalance Bypass Delay
301 Voltage Unbalance Setpoint
303 Voltage Unbalance
305 Voltage Unbalance Lockout Enable
307 Voltage Unbalance Shutdown Delay
309 Wait For Restart Time
310 Set Frequency
316 Inverter Frequency Alarm High Threshold
317 Inverter Frequency Alarm Alarm Enable
318 Inverter Frequency Alarm Shutdown Delay
319 Inverter Frequency Alarm Bypass Delay
320 Inverter Frequency Alarm Lockout Enable
321 External Hand-off-auto
330 Active Control Mode
332 Inverter PID Direction
333 Inverter PID Integral Gain
334 Inverter PID Derivative Gain
335 Inverter PID Proportional Gain
336 Analog Input 1 Minimum Reading
337 Analog Input 2 Minimum Reading
340 Reset History Database
343 Current Transformer Phase
347 User Password Timeout
348 Power Factor Alarm Setpoint
349 Power Factor Alarm Alarm Enable


350 Power Factor Alarm Shutdown Delay

351 Power Factor Alarm Bypass Delay
352 Power Factor Alarm Lockout Enable
358 Total Run Time Hours
359 Total Run Time Minutes
360 Total Run Time Seconds
362 Resetable Run Time Hours
363 Resetable Run Time Minutes
364 Resetable Run Time Seconds
365 Reset History Database Counter
379 Ampchart Mode
382 Data Log File Format
388 Heatsink 1 Threshold
390 Heatsink 1 Alarm Enable
391 Heatsink 1 Bypass Delay
393 Heatsink 1 Lockout Enable
395 Heatsink 1 Shutdown Delay
400 Heatsink 2 Threshold
402 Heatsink 2 Alarm Enable
403 Heatsink 2 Bypass Delay
405 Heatsink 2 Lockout Enable
407 Heatsink 2 Shutdown Delay
412 Heatsink 3 Threshold
414 Heatsink 3 Alarm Enable
415 Heatsink 3 Bypass Delay
417 Heatsink 3 Lockout Enable
419 Heatsink 3 Shutdown Delay
424 Heatsink 4 Threshold
426 Heatsink 4 Alarm Enable
427 Heatsink 4 Bypass Delay
429 Heatsink 4 Lockout Enable
431 Heatsink 4 Shutdown Delay
436 Inductor Temp Threshold
438 Inductor Temp Alarm Enable
439 Inductor Temp Bypass Delay
441 Inductor Temp Lockout Enable
443 Inductor Temp Shutdown Delay
448 Ambient Temp Threshold
450 Ambient Temp Alarm Enable
451 Ambient Temp Bypass Delay
453 Ambient Temp Lockout Enable
455 Ambient Temp Shutdown Delay
462 Auxiliary Temp Threshold
464 Auxiliary Temp Alarm Enable
465 Auxiliary Temp Bypass Delay
467 Auxiliary Temp Lockout Enable
469 Auxiliary Temp Shutdown Delay
474 Low Speed Alarm Enable


475 Low Speed Bypass Delay

477 Low Speed Lockout Enable
479 Low Speed Shutdown Delay
490 Number of Analog Input 1 Auto Restarts Allowed
491 Number of Analog Input 1 Low Threshold Auto Restarts
492 Number of Analog Input 2 Auto Restarts Allowed
493 Number of Analog Input 2 Low Threshold Auto Restarts
494 Number of Digital Input 1 Auto Restarts Allowed
495 Number of Digital Input 2 Auto Restarts Allowed
496 Number of Current Unbalance Auto Restarts Allowed
497 Number of Overload Auto Restarts Allowed
498 Number of Over Voltage Auto Restarts Allowed
499 Number of Underload Auto Restarts Allowed
500 Number of Under Voltage Auto Restarts Allowed
501 Number of Voltage Unbalance Auto Restarts Allowed
502 Number of Inv Freq Auto Restarts Allowed
503 Number of Power Factor Auto Restarts Allowed
504 Number of Heatsink 1 Auto Restarts Allowed
505 Number of Heatsink 2 Auto Restarts Allowed
506 Number of Heatsink 3 Auto Restarts Allowed
507 Number of Heatsink 4 Auto Restarts Allowed
508 Number of Inductor Temp Auto Restarts Allowed
509 Number of Ambient Temp Auto Restarts Allowed
510 Number of Auxiliary Temp Auto Restarts Allowed
511 Number of Low Speed Auto Restarts Allowed
512 Number of Rotation Auto Restarts Allowed
513 Number of Heatsink 1 Auto Restarts Allowed
514 Analog Input 1 High Threshold Restart Delay
515 Analog Input 1 Low Threshold Restart Delay
516 Analog Input 2 High Threshold Restart Delay
517 Analog Input 2 Low Threshold Restart Delay
518 Digital Input 1 Restart Delay
519 Digital Input 2 Restart Delay
520 Current Unbalance Restart Delay
521 Overload Restart Delay
522 Over Voltage Restart Delay
523 Underload Restart Delay
524 Under Voltage Restart Delay
525 Voltage Unbalance Restart Delay
526 Inverter Frequency Restart Delay
527 Power Factor Restart Delay
528 Heatsink 1 Restart Delay
529 Heatsink 2 Restart Delay
530 Heatsink 3 Restart Delay
531 Heatsink 4 Restart Delay
532 Inductor Temp Restart Delay
533 Ambient Temp Restart Delay
534 Auxiliary Temp Restart Delay


535 Low Speed Restart Delay

536 Rotation Restart Delay
537 PCM Flt Rstrt Dly
538 Analog Input 1 High Threshold Aux Restrt Parms
539 Analog Input 1 Low Threshold Aux. Restrt Parms
540 Analog Input 2 High Threshold Aux Restrt Parms
541 Analog Input 2 Low Threshold Aux. Restrt Parms
542 Digital Input 1 Auxiliary Restart Parameters
543 Digital Input 2 Auxiliary Restart Parameters
544 Current Unbalance Auxiliary Restart Parameters
545 Overload Auxiliary Restart Parameters
546 Over Voltage Auxiliary Restart Parameters
547 Underload Auxiliary Restart Parameters
548 Under Voltage Auxiliary Restart Parameters
549 Voltage Unbalance Auxiliary Restart Parameters
550 Inverter Frequency Auxiliary Restart Parameters
551 Power Factor Auxiliary Restart Parameters
552 Heatsink 1 Auxiliary Restart Parameters
553 Heatsink 2 Auxiliary Restart Parameters
554 Heatsink 3 Auxiliary Restart Parameters
555 Heatsink 4 Auxiliary Restart Parameters
556 Inductor Temp Auxiliary Restart Parameters
557 Ambient Temp Auxiliary Restart Parameters
558 Auxiliary Temp Auxiliary Restart Parameters
559 Low Speed Auxiliary Restart Parameters
560 Rotation Auxiliary Restart Parameters
561 PCM Flt Aux Rstrt Parm
562 Staggered Start Time
565 Level 1 Password
568 Digital Input 3 Alarm Enable
569 Digital Input 3 Bypass Delay
571 Digital Input 3 Lockout Enable
573 Digital Input 3 Shutdown Delay
574 Digital Input 3 Active Alarm State
577 Number of Digital Input 3 Auto Restarts Allowed
578 Digital Input 3 Restart Delay
579 Digital Input 3 Auxiliary Restart Parameters
580 Underload Infinite Restarts
581 Setpoint Input
588 Analog Input 1 Instrument Type
589 Analog Input 2 Instrument Type
590 Setpoint Input
591 Feedback Input
592 PCM vab offset
593 Voltage AB Factory Span
594 PCM Bus Volts Offset
595 Bus Volts Factory Span
596 PCM vca Offset


597 Voltage CA Factory Span

598 PCM DC Link Offset
599 DC Link Amperage Factory Span
600 PCM Input Amps Offset
601 Input Amperage Factory Span
602 PCM IA Offset
603 Output Current A Factory Span
604 PCM IB Offse
605 Output Current B Factory Span
606 PCM IC Offset
607 Output Current C Factory Span
608 Manual Keypad Lockout
624 Well Temperature
625 PCM Test Mode
627 Datalog Status
629 Telemetry Fail
630 Telemetry Fail Alarm Enable
631 Telemetry Fail Bypass Delay
632 Telemetry Fail Alarm Holdoff Delay
633 Telemetry Fail Lockout Enable
634 Telemetry Fail Shutdown Delay
635 Telemetry Fail Restart Delay
636 Number of Telemetry Fail Auto Restarts Allowed
637 Telemetry Fail Auxiliary Restart Parameters
644 Invalid Clock Alarm Enable
651 Input Frequency Low Threshold
652 Input Frequency High Threshold
653 Input Frequency High Threshold Trip Enable
654 Input Frequency Bypass Delay
655 Input Frequency Lockout Enable
656 Number of Input Frequency Auto Restarts Allowed
657 Input Frequency Restart Delay
658 Input Frequency Auxiliary Restart Parameters
659 Input Frequency Shutdown Delay
668 Exp I/O 1 DI1 Pulse Accumulator
672 Exp I/O 1 DI2 Pulse Accumulator
676 Exp I/O 1 DI3 Pulse Accumulator
677 Exp I/O 1 DO1 Flash Rate
680 Exp I/O 1 DO2 Flash Rate
683 Exp I/O 1 DO3 Flash Rate
703 Exp I/O 2 DI1 Pulse Accumulator
707 Exp I/O 2 DI2 Pulse Accumulator
711 Exp I/O 2 DI3 Pulse Accumulator
712 Exp I/O 2 DO Flash Rate
715 Exp I/O 2 DO2 Flash Rate
718 Exp I/O 2 DO3 Flash Rate
738 Exp I/O 3 DI1 Pulse Accumulator
742 Exp I/O 3 DI2 Pulse Accumulator


746 Exp I/O 3 DI3 Pulse Accumulator

747 Exp I/O 3 DO1 Flash Rate
750 Exp I/O 3 DO2 Flash Rate
753 Exp I/O 3 DO3 Flash Rate
774 Number Of System Control Board
777 Gear Ratio
810 Remote Device One Com Failure Alarm Alarm Enable
811 Remote Device One Com Failure Alarm Bypass Delay
813 Remote Device One Com Failure Alarm Lockout Enable
815 Remote Device One Com Failure Alarm Shutdown Delay
819 Remote Device One Com Failure Alarm Auxiliary Restart Para
820 Number of Remote Device One Com Fail Alarm Auto Restart
821 Remote Device One Com Failure Alarm Restart Delay
823 Remote Data Com Module Com Failure
824 Remote Data Com Module Com Failure Alarm Enable
825 Remote Data Com Module Com Failure Lockout Enable
840 Centinel Units
846 Centinel Power Supply Control
848 Centinel Gauge Detection Method
849 Centinel Pressure Offset
850 Centinel Temperature Offset
851 Centinel Motor Temperature Offset
852 Centinel Fluid Resistance Offset
855 Remote converter board Type
856 Remote converter board Address
860 Inverter Manual Setpoint
871 System Language
873 Power Supply Compensation
877 External Lights
878 PID Sample Rate
879 User PID Sample Rate
886 Exp I/O 1 AI1 High Threshold
888 Exp I/O 1 AI1 High Threshold Trip Enable
889 Exp I/O 1 AI1 High Threshold Aux Restrt Parms
890 Number of Exp I/O 1 AI1 Auto Restarts Allowed
891 Exp I/O 1 AI1 High Threshold Bypass Delay
893 Exp I/O 1 AI1 High Threshold Lockout Enable
894 Exp I/O 1 AI1 High Threshold Restart Delay
896 Exp I/O 1 AI1 High Threshold Shutdown Delay
899 Exp I/O 1 AI1 Instrument Type
900 Exp I/O 1 AI2 High Threshold
902 Exp I/O 1 AI2 High Threshold Trip Enable
903 Exp I/O 1 AI2 High Threshold Aux Restrt Parms
904 Number of Exp I/O 1 AI2 Auto Restarts Allowed
905 Exp I/O 1 AI2 High Threshold Bypass Delay
907 Exp I/O 1 AI2 High Threshold Lockout Enable
908 Exp I/O 1 AI2 High Threshold Restart Delay
910 Exp I/O 1 AI2 High Threshold Shutdown Delay


913 Exp I/O 1 AI2 Instrument Type

914 Exp I/O 2 AI1 High Threshold
916 Exp I/O 2 AI1 High Threshold Trip Enable
917 Exp I/O 2 AI1 High Threshold Aux Restrt Parms
918 Number of Exp I/O 2 AI1 Auto Restarts Allowed
919 Exp I/O 2 AI1 High Threshold Bypass Delay
921 Exp I/O 2 AI1 High Threshold Lockout Enable
922 Exp I/O 2 AI1 High Threshold Restart Delay
924 Exp I/O 2 AI1 High Threshold Shutdown Delay
927 Exp I/O 2 AI1 Instrument Type
928 Exp I/O 2 AI2 High Threshold
930 Exp I/O 2 AI2 High Threshold Trip Enable
931 Exp I/O 2 AI2 High Threshold Aux Restrt Parms
932 Number of Exp I/O 2 AI2 Auto Restarts Allowed
933 Exp I/O 2 AI2 High Threshold Bypass Delay
935 Exp I/O 2 AI2 High Threshold Lockout Enable
936 Exp I/O 2 AI2 High Threshold Restart Delay
938 Exp I/O 2 AI2 High Threshold Shutdown Delay
941 Exp I/O 2 AI2 Instrument Type
942 Exp I/O 3 AI1 High Threshold
944 Exp I/O 3 AI1 High Threshold Trip Enable
945 Exp I/O 3 AI1 High Threshold Aux Restrt Parms
946 Number of Exp I/O 3 AI1 Auto Restarts Allowed
947 Exp I/O 3 AI1 High Threshold Bypass Delay
949 Exp I/O 3 AI1 High Threshold Lockout Enable
950 Exp I/O 3 AI1 High Threshold Restart Delay
952 Exp I/O 3 AI1 High Threshold Shutdown Delay
955 Exp I/O 3 AI1 Instrument Type
956 Exp I/O 3 AI2 High Threshold
958 Exp I/O 3 AI2 High Threshold Trip Enable
959 Exp I/O 3 AI2 High Threshold Aux Restrt Parms
960 Number of Exp I/O 3 AI2 Auto Restarts Allowed
961 Exp I/O 3 AI2 High Threshold Bypass Delay
963 Exp I/O 3 AI2 High Threshold Lockout Enable
964 Exp I/O 3 AI2 High Threshold Restart Delay
966 Exp I/O 3 AI2 High Threshold Shutdown Delay
969 Exp I/O 3 AI2 Instrument Type
971 Exp I/O 1 DI1 Alarm Enable
972 Exp I/O 1 DI1 Auxiliary Restart Parameters
973 Number of Exp I/O 1 DI1 Auto Restarts Allowed
974 Exp I/O 1 DI1 Bypass Delay
976 Exp I/O 1 DI1 Lockout Enable
977 Exp I/O 1 DI1 Restart Delay
979 Exp I/O 1 DI1 Shutdown Delay
980 Exp I/O 1 DI1 Active Alarm State
984 Exp I/O 1 DI2 Alarm Enable
985 Exp I/O 1 DI2 Auxiliary Restart Parameters
986 Number of Exp I/O 1 DI2 Auto Restarts Allowed


987 Exp I/O 1 DI2 Bypass Delay

989 Exp I/O 1 DI2 Lockout Enable
990 Exp I/O 1 DI2 Restart Delay
992 Exp I/O 1 DI2 Shutdown Delay
993 Exp I/O 1 DI2 Active Alarm State
997 Exp I/O 1 DI3 Alarm Enable
998 Exp I/O 1 DI3 Auxiliary Restart Parameters
999 Number of Exp I/O 1 DI3 Auto Restarts Allowed
1000 Exp I/O 1 DI3 Bypass Delay
1002 Exp I/O 1 DI3 Lockout Enable
1003 Exp I/O 1 DI3 Restart Delay
1005 Exp I/O 1 DI3 Shutdown Delay
1006 Exp I/O 1 DI3 Active Alarm State
1010 Exp I/O 2 DI1 Alarm Enable
1011 Exp I/O 2 DI1 Auxiliary Restart Parameters
1012 Number of Exp I/O 2 DI1 Auto Restarts Allowed
1013 Exp I/O 2 DI1 Bypass Delay
1015 Exp I/O 2 DI1 Lockout Enable
1016 Exp I/O 2 DI1 Restart Delay
1018 Exp I/O 2 DI1 Sd Dly
1019 Exp I/O 2 DI1 Active Alarm State
1023 Exp I/O 2 DI2 Alarm Enable
1024 Exp I/O 2 DI2 Auxiliary Restart Parameters
1025 Number of Exp I/O 2 DI2 Auto Restarts Allowed
1026 Exp I/O 2 DI2 Bypass Delay
1028 Exp I/O 2 DI2 Lockout Enable
1029 Exp I/O 2 DI2 Restart Delay
1031 Exp I/O 2 DI2 Sd Dly
1032 Exp I/O 2 DI2 Active Alarm State
1036 Exp I/O 2 DI3 Alarm Enable
1037 Exp I/O 2 DI3 Auxiliary Restart Parameters
1038 Number of Exp I/O 2 DI3 Auto Restarts Allowed
1039 Exp I/O 2 DI3 Bypass Delay
1041 Exp I/O 2 DI3 Lockout Enable
1042 Exp I/O 2 DI3 Restart Delay
1044 Exp I/O 2 DI3 Sd Dly
1045 Exp I/O 2 DI3 Active Alarm State
1049 Exp I/O 3 DI1 Alarm Enable
1050 Exp I/O 3 DI1 Auxiliary Restart Parameters
1051 Number of Exp I/O 3 DI1 Auto Restarts Allowed
1052 Exp I/O 3 DI1 Bypass Delay
1054 Exp I/O 3 DI1 Lockout Enable
1055 Exp I/O 3 DI1 Restart Delay
1057 Exp I/O 3 DI1 Sd Dly
1058 Exp I/O 3 DI1 Active Alarm State
1062 Exp I/O 3 DI2 Alarm Enable
1063 Exp I/O 3 DI2 Auxiliary Restart Parameters
1064 Number of Exp I/O 3 DI2 Auto Restarts Allowed


1065 Exp I/O 3 DI2 Bypass Delay

1067 Exp I/O 3 DI2 Lockout Enable
1068 Exp I/O 3 DI2 Restart Delay
1070 Exp I/O 3 DI2 Shutdown Delay
1071 Exp I/O 3 DI2 Active Alarm State
1075 Exp I/O 3 DI3 Alarm Enable
1076 Exp I/O 3 DI3 Auxiliary Restart Parameters
1077 Number of Exp I/O 3 DI3 Auto Restarts Allowed
1078 Exp I/O 3 DI3 Bypass Delay
1080 Exp I/O 3 DI3 Lockout Enable
1081 Exp I/O 3 DI3 Restart Delay
1083 Exp I/O 3 DI3 Shutdown Delay
1084 Exp I/O 3 DI1 Active Alarm State
1087 Exp I/O 1 AI1 Low Threshold
1089 Exp I/O 1 AI1 Low Threshold Alarm Enable
1090 Exp I/O 1 AI1 Low Threshold Aux. Restrt Parms
1091 Number of Exp I/O 1 AI1 Low Threshold Auto Restarts
1092 Exp I/O 1 AI1 Low Threshold Bypass Delay
1094 Exp I/O 1 AI1 Low Threshold Lockout Enable
1095 Exp I/O 1 AI1 Low Threshold Restart Delay
1097 Exp I/O 1 AI1 Low Threshold Shutdown Delay
1100 Exp I/O 1 AI2 Low Threshold
1102 Exp I/O 1 AI2 Low Threshold Alarm Enable
1103 Exp I/O 1 AI2 Low Threshold Aux. Restrt Parms
1104 Number of Exp I/O 1 AI2 Low Threshold Auto Restarts
1105 Exp I/O 1 AI2 Low Threshold Bypass Delay
1107 Exp I/O 1 AI2 Low Threshold Lockout Enable
1108 Exp I/O 1 AI2 Low Threshold Restart Delay
1110 Exp I/O 1 AI2 Low Threshold Shutdown Delay
1113 Exp I/O 2 AI1 Low Threshold
1115 Exp I/O 2 AI1 Low Threshold Alarm Enable
1116 Exp I/O 2 AI1 Low Threshold Aux. Restrt Parms
1117 Number of Exp I/O 2 AI1 Low Threshold Auto Restarts
1118 Exp I/O 2 AI1 Low Threshold Bypass Delay
1120 Exp I/O 2 AI1 Low Threshold Lockout Enable
1121 Exp I/O 2 AI1 Low Threshold Restart Delay
1123 Exp I/O 2 AI1 Low Threshold Shutdown Delay
1126 Exp I/O 2 AI2 Low Threshold
1128 Exp I/O 2 AI2 Low Threshold Alarm Enable
1129 Exp I/O 2 AI2 Low Threshold Aux. Restrt Parms
1130 Number of Exp I/O 2 AI2 Low Threshold Auto Restarts
1131 Exp I/O 2 AI2 Low Threshold Bypass Delay
1133 Exp I/O 2 AI2 Low Threshold Lockout Enable
1134 Exp I/O 2 AI2 Low Threshold Restart Delay
1136 Exp I/O 2 AI2 Low Threshold Shutdown Delay
1139 Exp I/O 3 AI1 Low Threshold
1141 Exp I/O 3 AI1 Low Threshold Alarm Enable
1142 Exp I/O 3 AI1 Low Threshold Aux. Restrt Parms


1143 Number of Exp I/O 3 AI1 Low Threshold Auto Restarts

1144 Exp I/O 3 AI1 Low Threshold Bypass Delay
1146 Exp I/O 3 AI1 Low Threshold Lockout Enable
1147 Exp I/O 3 AI1 Low Threshold Restart Delay
1149 Exp I/O 3 AI1 Low Threshold Shutdown Delay
1152 Exp I/O 3 AI2 Low Threshold
1154 Exp I/O 3 AI2 Low Threshold Alarm Enable
1155 Exp I/O 3 AI2 Low Threshold Aux. Restrt Parms
1156 Number of Exp I/O 3 AI2 Low Threshold Auto Restarts
1157 Exp I/O 3 AI2 Low Threshold Bypass Delay
1159 Exp I/O 3 AI2 Low Threshold Lockout Enable
1160 Exp I/O 3 AI2 Low Threshold Restart Delay
1162 Exp I/O 3 AI2 Low Threshold Shutdown Delay
1165 Exp I/O 1 AI1 Slow Average Time
1166 Exp I/O 1 AI2 Slow Average Time
1167 Exp I/O 2 AI1 Slow Average Time
1168 Exp I/O 2 AI2 Slow Average Time
1169 Exp I/O 3 AI1 Slow Average Time
1170 Exp I/O 3 AI2 Slow Average Time
1171 Exp I/O 1 AI1 Input Frequency
1172 Exp I/O 1 AI2 Input Frequency
1173 Exp I/O 2 AI1 Input Frequency
1174 Exp I/O 2 AI2 Input Frequency
1175 Exp I/O 3 AI1 Input Frequency
1176 Exp I/O 3 AI2 Input Frequency
1177 Exp I/O 1 AI1 Maximum Reading
1178 Exp I/O 1 AI1 Minimum Reading
1179 Exp I/O 1 AI2 Maximum Reading
1180 Exp I/O 1 AI2 Minimum Reading
1181 Exp I/O 2 AI1 Maximum Reading
1182 Exp I/O 2 AI1 Minimum Reading
1183 Exp I/O 2 AI2 Maximum Reading
1184 Exp I/O 2 AI2 Minimum Reading
1185 Exp I/O 3 AI1 Maximum Reading
1186 Exp I/O 3 AI1 Minimum Reading
1187 Exp I/O 3 AI2 Maximum Reading
1188 Exp I/O 3 AI2 Minimum Reading
1189 Exp I/O 1 AO1 Maximum Reading
1190 Exp I/O 1 AO1 Minimum Reading
1191 Exp I/O 1 AO1 Instrument Type
1193 Exp I/O 1 AO2 Maximum Reading
1194 Exp I/O 1 AO2 Minimum Reading
1195 Exp I/O 1 AO2 Instrument Type
1197 Exp I/O 2 AO1 Maximum Reading
1198 Exp I/O 2 AO1 Minimum Reading
1199 Exp I/O 2 AO1 Instrument Type
1201 Exp I/O 2 AO2 Maximum Reading
1202 Exp I/O 2 AO2 Minimum Reading


1203 Exp I/O 2 AO2 Instrument Type

1205 Exp I/O 3 AO1 Maximum Reading
1206 Exp I/O 3 AO1 Minimum Reading
1207 Exp I/O 3 AO1 Instrument Type
1209 Exp I/O 3 AO2 Maximum Reading
1210 Exp I/O 3 AO2 Minimum Reading
1211 Exp I/O 3 AO2 Instrument Type
1219 Exp I/O Module 1 Com Setpoint
1220 Exp I/O Module 1 Com Low Threshold Alarm Enable
1221 Exp I/O Module 1 Com High Threshold Lockout Enable
1225 Exp I/O Module 2 Com Setpoint
1226 Exp I/O Module 2 Com Low Threshold Alarm Enable
1227 Exp I/O Module 2 Com High Threshold Lockout Enable
1231 Exp I/O Module 3 Com Setpoint
1232 Exp I/O Module 3 Com Low Threshold Alarm Enable
1233 Exp I/O Module 3 Com High Threshold Lockout Enable
1237 Slow Acceleration
1238 Acceleration Rate Time Hours
1239 Acceleration Rate Time Minutes
1240 Acceleration Rate Time Seconds
1241 Acceleration Rate Frequency
1243 Centinel Communication Failure Shutdown State
1244 Centinel Communication Failure Alarm Enable
1245 Centinel Communication Failure Lockout Enable
1256 Kilowatt Monitor Low Threshold
1258 Kilowatt Monitor Low Threshold Alarm Enable
1259 Kilowatt Monitor Low Threshold Aux. Restrt Parms
1260 Number of Kilowatt Monitor Low Threshold Auto Restarts
1261 Kilowatt Monitor Low Threshold Bypass Delay
1263 Kilowatt Monitor Low Threshold Lockout Enable
1264 Kilowatt Monitor Low Threshold Restart Delay
1266 Kilowatt Monitor Low Threshold Shutdown Delay
1269 Kilowatt Monitor High Threshold
1271 Kilowatt Monitor High Threshold Trip Enable
1272 Kilowatt Monitor High Threshold Aux Restrt Parms
1273 Number of Kilowatt Monitor Auto Restarts Allowed
1274 Kilowatt Monitor High Threshold Bypass Delay
1276 Kilowatt Monitor High Threshold Lockout Enable
1277 Kilowatt Monitor High Threshold Restart Delay
1279 Kilowatt Monitor High Threshold Shutdown Delay
1283 Ampchart Scan Rate
1284 Motor Nameplate Current
1285 Motor Magnetizing Current
1286 Number Of Motor Poles
1287 Motor Rated RPM
1288 Torque Limit
1298 Instant Overcurrent Trip High Threshold
1307 Invalid Password


1311 PID:1311 NoBaseDesc

1313 Run/Stop Digital Input
1316 MaxPoint Setpoint
1317 PID:1317 NoBaseDesc
1318 MaxPoint Enable
1321 MaxPoint Step Change
1322 MaxPoint Time Hours
1323 MaxPoint Time Minutes
1324 MaxPoint Low Speed Clamp
1325 MaxPoint
1327 MaxPoint Starting Frequency
1328 MaxPoint Target Frequency
1329 User PID index
1330 User PID Setpoint Input
1331 User PID Feedback Input
1332 User PID Output Point
1333 User PID Proportional Gain
1334 User PID Integral Gain
1335 User PID Derivative Gain
1336 User PID Controller Direction
1337 User PID Enable
1338 User PID Manual Setpoint
1342 PWM Filter Fault Beacon
1343 PWM Filter Reset Switch
1349 Ride Through Enabled
1350 Ride Through Duration
1358 PWM Filter Contactor Status
1359 FPWM Filter Contactor Control
1361 Zero Crossing Filter
1362 Current Sharing
1364 Starting Mode
1365 Speed In RPM
1366 Exp I/O 1 AO1 Signal Source
1367 Exp I/O 1 AO2 Signal Source
1368 Exp I/O 2 AO1 Signal Source
1369 Exp I/O 2 AO2 Signal Source
1370 Exp I/O 3 AO1 Signal Source
1371 Exp I/O 3 AO2 Signal Source
1385 User Alarm 1 Threshold
1386 User Alarm 1 Alarm Enable
1387 User Alarm 1 Shutdown Delay
1388 User Alarm 1 Bypass Delay
1389 User Alarm 1 Auxiliary Restart Parameters
1390 User Alarm 1 Lockout Enable
1396 User Alarm 1 Restart Delay
1397 Number of User Alarm 1 Auto Restarts Allowed
1398 User Alarm 2 Threshold
1399 User Alarm 2 Alarm Enable


1400 User Alarm 2 Shutdown Delay

1401 User Alarm 2 Bypass Delay
1402 User Alarm 2 Auxiliary Restart Parameters
1403 User Alarm 2 Lockout Enable
1409 User Alarm 2 Restart Delay
1410 Number of User Alarm 2 Auto Restarts Allowed
1411 User Alarm 3 Threshold
1412 User Alarm 3 Alarm Enable
1413 User Alarm 3 Shutdown Delay
1414 User Alarm 3 Bypass Delay
1415 User Alarm 3 Auxiliary Restart Parameters
1416 User Alarm 3 Lockout Enable
1422 User Alarm 3 Restart Delay
1423 Number of User Alarm 3 Auto Restarts Allowed
1424 User Alarm 4 Threshold
1425 User Alarm 4 Alarm Enable
1426 User Alarm 4 Shutdown Delay
1427 User Alarm 4 Bypass Delay
1428 User Alarm 4 Auxiliary Restart Parameters
1429 User Alarm 4 Lockout Enable
1435 User Alarm 4 Restart Delay
1436 Number of User Alarm 4 Auto Restarts Allowed
1437 User Alarm 5 Threshold
1438 User Alarm 5 Alarm Enable
1439 User Alarm 5 Shutdown Delay
1440 User Alarm 5 Bypass Delay
1441 User Alarm 5 Auxiliary Restart Parameters
1442 User Alarm 5 Lockout Enable
1448 User Alarm 5 Restart Delay
1449 Number of User Alarm 5 Auto Restarts Allowed
1450 User Alarm 6 Threshold
1451 User Alarm 6 Alarm Enable
1452 User Alarm 6 Shutdown Delay
1453 User Alarm 6 Bypass Delay
1454 User Alarm 6 Auxiliary Restart Parameters
1455 User Alarm 6 Lockout Enable
1461 User Alarm 6 Restart Delay
1462 Number of User Alarm 6 Auto Restarts Allowed
1463 User Alarm 7 Threshold
1464 User Alarm 7 Alarm Enable
1465 User Alarm 7 Shutdown Delay
1466 User Alarm 7 Bypass Delay
1467 User Alarm 7 Auxiliary Restart Parameters
1468 User Alarm 7 Lockout Enable
1474 User Alarm 7 Restart Delay
1475 Number of User Alarm 7 Auto Restarts Allowed
1476 User Alarm 8 Threshold
1477 User Alarm 8 Alarm Enable


1478 User Alarm 8 Shutdown Delay

1479 User Alarm 8 Bypass Delay
1480 User Alarm 8 Auxiliary Restart Parameters
1481 User Alarm 8 Lockout Enable
1487 User Alarm 8 Restart Delay
1488 Number of User Alarm 8 Auto Restarts Allowed
1490 Remote Device Two Com Failure Alarm Alarm Enable
1491 Remote Device Two Com Failure Alarm Bypass Delay
1493 Remote Device Two Com Failure Alarm Lockout Enable
1495 Remote Device Two Com Failure Alarm Shutdown Delay
1496 Remote Device Two Com Failure Alarm Present Value
1499 Remote Device Two Com Fail Alarm Auxiliary Restart Para
1500 Number of Remote Device Two Com Fail Alarm Auto Restart
1501 Remote Device Two Com Failure Alarm Restart Delay
1503 Remote Device Three Com Failure Alarm Alarm Enable
1504 Remote Device Three Com Failure Alarm Bypass Delay
1506 Remote Device Three Com Failure Alarm Lockout Enable
1508 Remote Device Three Com Failure Alarm Shutdown Delay
1509 Remote Device Three Com Failure Alarm Present Value
1512 Remote Device Three Com Fail Alarm Auxiliary Restart Para
1513 Num of Remote Device Three Com Fail Alarm Auto Restrts
1514 Remote Device Three Com Failure Alarm Restart Delay
1516 Centinel receiver Com fail Alarm Enable
1517 Centinel Receiver Com Fail Bypass Delay
1519 Centinel Receiver Com Fail Lockout Enable
1521 Centinel Receiver Com Fail Shutdown Delay
1522 Centinel Receiver Com Fail Present Value
1525 Centinel Receiver Com Fail Alarm Enable
1526 Num of Centinel Receiver Com Fail Auto Restarts Allowed
1527 Centinel Receiver Com Fail Restart Delay
1533 Exp I/O 0 AI1 Slow Average Time
1534 Exp I/O 0 AI1 Maximum Scale Value
1540 Exp I/O 0 AI2 Slow Average Time
1541 Exp I/O 0 AI2 Maximum Scale Value
1543 Exp I/O 0 AO1 Instrument Type
1544 Exp I/O 0 AO1 Offset
1546 Exp I/O 0 AO1 Span
1548 Exp I/O 0 AO2 Instrument Type
1549 Exp I/O 0 AO2 Offset
1551 Exp I/O 0 AI2 Maximum Scale Value
1552 Exp I/O 0 DO1 Flash Rate
1555 Exp I/O 0 DO2 Flash Rate
1558 Exp I/O 0 DO3 Flash Rate
1562 Remote Device One Tag 1
1563 Remote Device One Tag 2
1564 Remote Device One Tag 3
1565 Remote Device One Tag 4
1566 Remote Device One Tag 5


1567 Remote Device One Tag 6

1568 Remote Device One Tag 7
1569 Remote Device One Tag 8
1570 Remote Device One Tag 9
1571 Remote Device One Tag 10
1572 Remote Device One Tag 11
1573 Remote Device One Tag 12
1574 Remote Device Two Tag 1
1575 Remote Device Two Tag 2
1576 Remote Device Two Tag 3
1577 Remote Device Two Tag 4
1578 Remote Device Two Tag 5
1579 Remote Device Two Tag 6
1580 Remote Device Two Tag 7
1581 Remote Device Two Tag 8
1582 Remote Device Two Tag 9
1583 Remote Device Two Tag 10
1584 Remote Device Two Tag 11
1585 Remote Device Two Tag 12
1586 Remote Device Three Tag 1
1587 Remote Device Three Tag 2
1588 Remote Device Three Tag 3
1589 Remote Device Three Tag 4
1590 Remote Device Three Tag 5
1591 Remote Device Three Tag 6
1592 Remote Device Three Tag 7
1593 Remote Device Three Tag 8
1594 Remote Device Three Tag 9
1595 Remote Device Three Tag 10
1596 Remote Device Three Tag 11
1597 Remote Device Three Tag 12
1600 Centinel Automatic Ranging Method
1605 PCM Ride Thru Counter
1606 MaxRate Torque Monitor Time
1607 MaxRate Torque Stabilization Time
1608 MaxRate Gaslock Torque Threshold
1609 MaxRate Gaslock Separation Time
1610 MaxRate Gaslock Separation Max Attempts
1611 MaxRate Separation Add Time
1612 MaxRate Break Gaslock Frequency
1613 MaxRate Break Gaslock Delay
1614 MaxRate Low Torque Time
1617 Enable MaxRate
1623 Neuraflow Tubing Pressure Source
1624 Neuraflow Discharge Pressure Source
1625 Neuraflow Intake Pressure Source
1626 Neuraflow Frequency Source
1627 Neuraflow Manual Tubing Pressure


1628 Neuraflow Manual Discharge Pressure

1629 Neuraflow Manual Intake Pressure
1630 Neuraflow Manual Frequency
1631 Neuraflow Net Select
1638 Neuraflow Com Failure Shutdown State
1639 Neuraflow Com Failure Alarm Enable
1640 Neuraflow Com Failure Lockout Enable
1645 PWM Filter Fault Alarm
1711 Rated Motor Voltage
1712 Rated Motor Horsepower
1714 PCM Command Word
1715 Number of Expected Converters
1733 Units of Measure
1734 Application Type
1735 Well Conditions
1736 Cable Length
1737 Calculated Transformer Tap
1738 Actual Transformer Tap
1739 System Clock is Set
1740 Setup Done
1780 Motor Current Xfmr Ratio
1790 Step Up Transformer Rated Input Volts
1791 Cable Voltage Drop per 1000 ft
1792 Motor Cable Size
1799 Input Power Option Installed
1806 Frequency that Motor Parameters are based on.
1807 Frequency that Step Up Transformer is rated for.
1808 Step Up Transformer Saturation Level
1809 Motor Efficiency
1810 Power System Voltage
1811 Surface Transformer Loss
1818 Type of Wellbore
1819 Pressure control bypass delay after start
1821 Pressure Feedback Reading
1822 Desired Pressure
1823 Desired Amps
1825 Clamp Modifier
1828 GasPurge Detect Threshold
1829 GasPurge Enable
1830 GasPurge Trigger Mode
1832 Maximum Number of GasPurge Attempts
1833 Gas Event Detection Time
1834 GasPurge Low Speed Time
1835 GasPurge Startup Bypass Delay
1840 GasPurge Torque Threshold
1841 GasPurge High Speed Clamp Offset


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