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Institute of Turkish Studies: Board of Governors

Minutes of the Meeting of November 3, 2018

Conference Call
November 3, 2018

Present: Amb. Ross Wilson, Chair, presiding; Dr. Adnan Akant, Dr. Steven Cook, Dr.
Walter Denny, Dr. Edward Erickson, Dr. Sibel Erol, Dr. Sylvia Ö nder, Dr. Kent Schull,
Dr. Angela Stent, Dr. Jenny White ; Dr. Sinan Ciddi, Executive Director, ex officio.

Absent: Amb. James Jeffrey, Dr. Birol Yesilada

Documents: Agenda, Estimated Budget (Sep 2018-Aug 2019), Financial statements

as of Sep 30, 2018 and 2017, Accountant’s Compilation Report, Dr Cook’s Options
for the Future, SUNY Binghamton memo on Grant status

Amb. Wilson called the meeting to order at 10.15 am.


It was MOVED and SECONDED to approve the minutes of the previous meeting.
The motion was CARRIED by unanimous vote.


Dr. Ciddi discussed the financial situation. His teaching and advising at
Georgetown is going well and he is remaining very busy. Regarding the financial
statement, he has assumed all administrative duties (thus reducing expenditures).
We have paid all grants from the last cycle, with small exceptions. The Budget
Recommendations will depend on the three options that Dr. Cook has sent around.
Dr. Ciddi told all that his USG job offer has been withdrawn and he is looking
for employment elsewhere.
Amb. Wilson discussed the proposed budget for next year. He thinks that
$100,000 is affordable for grants the coming academic year. Dr. Akant asked if the
$35K from Binghamton is included or not. Dr. Ciddi noted that his proposal used the
term “up to $100K” and clarified that the $35 K has already been factored in to
expenditures. Dr. White asked about the tax liability issue from the last board
meeting. Dr. Cook and Amb. Wilson has sent a letter to IRS stating that we have no
liability. The IRS replied that they have received our letter and are looking into it. Dr.
Cook’s tax specialist advisor thinks that the IRS will drop it. Dr. Akant asked about
the exact amount and Dr. Ciddi noted that it is a three year penalty (the amount is to
be determined).
Dr. Denny is concerned about Option 3 (see Dr. Cook’s memo) and that the
proposed $100K grant proposal does not interfere with the continuation of the
institute. He asked, after $100K is taken out, how much is left. Amb. Wilson noted
we would have about $89K left.
Dr. Ciddi reminded us that we don’t have to spend “up to” money and he
requested that his proposed budget be approved it as is. Dr. Ö nder mentioned that
someone will still have to process all grants (into AY 19-20). Dr. Ciddi assured us
that he can do this. Dr. Denny remained concerned about the last sentence of Option
3. Dr. Cook asked about the cost of web posting. Dr. Ciddi noted we pay $15.00 an
hour to update and the web site itself costs in the low $100s per year.
Dr. Cook’s opinion is that we have to decide on the future before we decide
on a budget. He thinks that “wind down options” determine grants. Dr. Stent asked
about donor status. Amb. Wilson noted that we have none on the horizon. Dr. Akant
inquired whether that was because we can’t persuade them or the projects don’t
interest them? He also wondered whether politics affected donors (there are lots of
wealthy Turks). Amb. Wilson noted that all three reasons have negatively affected
Dr. Cook returned to his memo and suggested that Option1 is the way ahead.
He sees no real prospects given global circumstances, and not much possibility of
raising money. Dr. Akant added that he sees no light at the end of the tunnel for 3-5
years (because of Turkish politics). Dr. Ö nder said that the state of Turkish Studies
is not strong in America and she would like to go into a sleep mode, leaving open the
possibility of a future revival of the ITS. Amb. Wilson is skeptical about any future
support from the Turkish government which he thinks will not come back. He
continued by stating the trust money is gone and thinks that Turkish government
won’t find new money.
Amb. Wilson maintained that achieving long term funding is not realistic.
With that said, he would like the ITS to remain in business as long as possible and
fund grants through the next academic year. Amb. Wilson also noted that we will
likely make amendments to the By-Laws if we wind down. Dr. White agreed but
cautioned “as long as its managed well.” Dr. Cook recommended that Dr. Ciddi and a
sub-committee be appointed to draft a report on expenses for going out of business.
Dr. Cook also recommended $75K for grants. He asked rhetorically “What do we do
with excess funds? ARIT, Fulbright?” (Dr. Cook also noted that, either way, staying in
business or going out of business, will incur accounting expenses). Dr. Erol asked if
Dr. Ciddi is keeping the Koç & Kent family in the loop, etc. Amb. Wilson noted that
our agreements with them included language that we will let them know if our
situation changes and, further, there is no need to tell them until we make a
Dr. Schull asked about contacting a new “deep pockets” individual. He
wanted to feel out the board because he is meeting this individual in December. Dr.
Schull supports another round of grants especially in view of the Koç partnership.
He likes Amb. Wilsons proposal and appreciates Dr. Cook’s work and input. The
board consensus is that is fine to continue to connect with potential high-value
Amb. Wilson moved on to the By-Laws by noting that the minimum board is
composed of seven individuals and he suggested that we could reduce the number
of members. Dr. Stent likes the idea of leaving vacancies open and Dr. Ö nder thinks
that we should just leave the board alone. All agreed not to “fiddle with the board
numbers” at this time.

It was MOVED and SECONDED to approve the recommended 2018-2019 budget

with a sum of up to $100K for grants. The motion was CARRIED by unanimous vote.

It was MOVED and SECONDED to form a sub-committee to develop a written budget

of shut-down costs, including accounting, archiving costs, and other administrative
costs as may be necessary. The motion was CARRIED by unanimous vote.

Dr. White asked about grants committee members in May. Amb. Wilson
replied that normal grants committees will proceed unless we decide something in
the interim. Dr. Denny reminded all to keep silent about the impending closure
because it would help to keep our options open. Amb. Wilson noted that our official
position is that the ITS is still in business and still looking for lines of funding.

Dr. Cook volunteered to chair the sub-committee with Dr. Ciddi’s assistance.

III FUTURE OF ITS AND FUNDRAISING (Agenda item – see above)


Dr. Ciddi explained the situation (see Binghamton memo). Dr. Schull then
explained the SUNY Binghamton budget crisis and noted that SUNY Binghamton
wants to keep its promise. He thinks that filling this position is the only chance to
keep the Ottoman program going at Binghamton. Amb. Wilson wondered if we will
be around until August 2020 and made the case that $35K is a big number (playing
the devil’s advocate). Dr. Ö nder said that if we don’t support tenure track lines “we
are funding dissertation grants to nowhere.” All were concerned about the long gap
needed to advertise and fill the position. Dr. Cook noted that we would know earlier,
in the fall 2019, and Dr. Schull said that a decision would be made by December
2019 at the latest. Discussion followed. Dr. Ö nder restated the importance of
supporting tenure track positions in Turkish Studies and also stated her
recommendation that ARIT is a worthy of any excess funds if the ITS shuts down.

It was MOVED and SECONDED subject to the availability of funds to approve the
Provost’s request to fund the final third year payment of the SUNY Binghamton
grant, subject to the conditions of the original application. The motion was
CARRIED by unanimous vote (Dr. Schull recused himself from the vote).

Dr. Erickson and Amb. Wilson have agreed to renew their three-year terms.
Amb. Wilson noted that he is heading to Tiblisi, Georgia for 4-6 months, and cannot
guarantee making the May meeting. He thinks that Dr. Erickson or Dr. Denny can
chair that meeting. Dr. Akant and Dr. Erol have elected not to renew their terms. Dr.
Akant made remarks noting that “Ten years has been great, he has enjoyed the
experience and interacting with all board members. He hopes that the ITS can keep
going and wishes the ITS well.” Dr. Erol also gave brief remarks, noting that her
decision was the result family matters and she also “wished the ITS well.” On behalf
of the board, Amb. Wilson thanked them both for their work and for their support.

It was MOVED and SECONDED to approve the renewal of three-year terms for
Ambassador Ross Wilson and Dr. Edward Erickson. The motion was CARRIED by
unanimous vote.





At 11.53 pm, it was MOVED and SECONDED to ADJOURN. The motion was
unanimously CARRIED.

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