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Institute of Turkish Studies: Board of Governors

Minutes of the Meeting of May 14, 2016

Holiday Inn Hotel, Martin Room
625 First St,
Alexandria, VA 22314

Present: Amb. Ross Wilson, Chair, presiding; Dr. Walter Denny, Dr. Adnan Akant, Dr.
David Cuthell, Dr. Edward Erickson, Dr. Sibel Erol, , Dr. Sylvia Ö nder, Dr. Jenny
White, Dr. Birol Yesilda ; Dr. Sinan Ciddi, Executive Director, ex officio.

Absent: Dr. George Gawrych

Documents: Agenda, Auditor’s Report and Financial Statement, CVs: Cook and Stent,
Grants Committee I & II Recommendations, Scope of Consulting Agreement with
Whisnant LLC, ITS Fundraising Initiatives, ITS Narrative

Amb. Wilson called the meeting to order at 9.15 am.

Ambassador Wilson opened the meeting with a review of the current ITS finances,
including a brief explanation of the Georgetown offer of contributing $60K to the
Executive Director’s (ED) salary for three years. He outlined the circumstances of
the collapse of the SUNY Binghamton negotiations. He noted that the final Turkish
government payment of $288K increased the total ITS holdings to $869K (as of
March 31, 2016), which can maintain the ITS for three years at the current rate of
expenditures. This creates strategic breathing space for the ITS to transition into a
new donation-based institution. David Cuthell and Jenny White extended kudos to
all who have helped in these matters.


It was MOVED and SECONDED to approve the minutes of the previous meeting.
The motion was CARRIED by unanimous vote.


Dr. Ciddi presented the highlights of his recent activity. He noted the Turkish
government’s decision to cut its funding for ITS necessitated scaled down events. He
also noted that the ITS needs to present the public face that it is still in business and
that operations continue as usual. He discussed the perception of the ITS by the
academic community that the funding loss was politically driven. He and Professor
White have given public statements relating to this. Dr. Akant asked if any media
had responded with the idea that this is a good thing or not.The ED replied that
public and media opinion is generally favorable. The ED also noted that he had
delivered a public statement at the most recent MESA conferernce.
The ED explained that a large share of his time has been spent approaching
SUNY Binghamton and Georgetown and reconciling offers. The outcome had been
very favorable with Georgetown offering a funding line for the ED’s position for
three years. He has taught two course and supervised two graduate thesis. He has
developed a comprehensive data base of past grantees. Ambassador Wilson
remarked that, although the ITS Executive Committee had restricted the ED’s travel
in November, our resources allows the ED to fund travel for programs and
promotion of ITS around the country. The ED replied that he has been able to travel
by invitation. Professor White asked if rumors about the ITS going out of business
had hurt grants applications. The ED explained that we were late in opening the
applications window and that 2016/17 grant applications were down by about half.


It was MOVED and SECONDED to approve re-election of Ambassador Wilson to the

board as Chairman for one year. The motion was CARRIED by unanimous vote.

It was MOVED and SECONDED to approve re-election of Dr. Sylvia Ö nder to the
board for a period of three years. The motion was CARRIED by unanimous vote.

Discussion followed about the composition of the board and the creation of an
advisory committee. It was MOVED and SECONDED to amend the By-Laws to
increase the board from 12 to 17. The motion was CARRIED by unanimous vote.

New board members. Ambassador Wilson nominated Dr. Steven Cook (Council on
Foreign Relations) and Professor Angela Stent (Director, Center for Eurasian,
Russian, and East European Studies, Georgetown University). Discussion followed. It
was MOVED and SECONDED that the Chair invite Dr. Cook and Professor Stent to
join the ITS Board of Governors. The motion was CARRIED by unanimous vote.


GRANTS: AY 2016-17

Grant Committee 1. Professor White explained that the committee’s

recommendations. In summary, Summer Language Grants total $25K, Conference
Grants total $7K, the Mark Pinson grant totals $2K, and Post-Doc summer research
Grants total $1,450.

Grant Committee 2. Professor Denny explained the committee’s recommendations.

In summary, Publication Grants total $8,666 and Dissertation Writing Grants total

It was MOVED and SECONDED to approve the recommendations of Grants

Committee I and II. The motion was CARRIED by unanimous vote
Professor Cuthell asked if we are changing a long-held convention not to fund
applicants from heavily endowed institutions, such as Yale, Harvard, and Princeton
that one could assume have funds for their scholars. which are. Discussion followed,
including on the related matter of multiple grant awards that applicants might
accrue from different donors. This resulted in a consensus that ITS should consider
applicants from such institutions for grants and a consensus to change the policy on
awards notification as follows:

Change to Grants policy administration: Effective immediately, all Notifications of

Award contain the proviso that the recipient report in writing other amounts being
received not previously reported. Further the ED is authorized by the board to
reduce an ITS award accordingly in consultation with the relevant Board committee

It was MOVED and SECONDED to approve the change to Grants policy

administration. The motion was CARRIED by unanimous vote.


The board reviewed the auditor’s financial statement. The Chair reviewed his
calculations that a general figure of annual ITS expenditures, in light of the $60k tht
Georgetown will provide toward the ED’s salary, is approximately $200K ($55K
toward ED compensation, $45K for operating expenses, and $100K in annual
grants) which enables us to continue for three years even if no new money is
obtained. The Chair pointed out that this figure is also a good initial annual
fundraising goal – that which would make ITS a sustainable organization. He opined
this is attainable and he registered the opinion that the ITS has an 18-24 month
window to develop a funding stream of this sort. Discussion followed.


Ambassador Wilson and Professor Cuthell summarized Steve Whisnant’s draft work
plan (June-Nov) which includes a development plan, working on the “pitch,”
developing a prospect pool (100-130 targets), developing strategies for going after
the top tier donors, advice on the internal controls piece (IRS and fiduciary
responsibilities), assistance with preparing the “ITS board members as pitchers.”
They explained that Whisnant suggested the ITS play up our Georgetown affiliation,
create advisory board, give fundraising soirees, conduct fundraising conference, and
consider using the November board meeting to launch the new ITS with a major
event of some kind. They affirmed that each board member has to commit to help
fund raising. Discussion followed.
The ED explained that the ITS Web Site has an electronic portal to make
giving easier. Professor Denny noted that the board must undertake a cultural
change in how views itself and affirmed that it must remake itself into a fund raising
board, as opposed to its previous identity. Professor White asked that products with
which to approach potential donors be made available as soon as possible.
Ambassador Wilson affirmed that, according to Whisnant, we should focus
on top tier donors, who can start with annual donations in the $10-$20K (or more)
range. Professor Yesilda suggested that significant funding can also come from small
donors. Professor Denny added that we immediately need testimonials and photos
from past grants recipients. Professor Ö nder offered to assist with a November
event/dinner at Georgetown.
The board discussed the subject of a Fundraising Committee and settled on
an ad hoc committee composed of Ambassador Wilson, Professor Cuthell, Mr. Akant,
and Dr. Ciddi.
The ED discussed fundraising initiatives to date. Discussion followed. The
Chair noted, with board consensus, that everything that we undertake should
generate money. The board discussed having the November meeting in New York
City in conjunction with a major fundraising event, which would premier the new

VII DATE OF NEXT BOARD MEETING: November 12, 2016 in New York City.
(board members will stay the night for the event)



At 12.15 pm, it was MOVED and SECONDED to ADJOURN. The motion was
unanimously CARRIED.

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