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Tinambacan Janella S.

9 – St. John

The Western classical tradition is the reception of classical Greco-Roman antiquity by later
cultures, especially the post-classical West, involving texts, imagery, objects, ideas, institutions,
monuments, architecture, cultural artifacts, rituals, practices, and sayings.

In the history of art, prehistoric art is all art produced in preliterate, prehistorical cultures

beginning somewhere in very late geological history, and generally continuing until that culture
either develops writing or other methods of record-keeping, or makes significant contact with
another culture that has, and that makes some record of major historical events. At this
point ancient art begins, for the older literate cultures. The end-date for what is covered by the
term thus varies greatly between different parts of the world.

Neanderthal arts – Neanderthals, long perceived to have been unsophisticated and brutish,
really did paint stalagmites in a Spanish cave more than 60,000 years ago, according to a study
published on Monday. ... What's more, their texture did not match natural samples taken from
the caves, suggesting the pigments came from an external source.

The Löwenmensch figurine or Lion-man of the Hohlenstein-Stadel is a prehistoric ivory

sculpture discovered in the Hohlenstein-Stadel, a German cave in 1939. The German name,
Löwenmensch, meaning "lion-person", is used most frequently because it was discovered and is
exhibited in Germany.

A Venus figurine is any Upper Palaeolithic statuette portraying a woman, usually carved in the

round.[1] Most have been unearthed in Europe, but others have been found as far away
as Siberia, and distributed across much of Eurasia.

Cave art, generally, the numerous paintings and engravings found in caves and shelters dating

back to the Ice Age (Upper Paleolithic), roughly between 40,000 and 14,000 years ago. See
also rock art.

Megalithic art refers to art either painted or carved onto megaliths in prehistoric Europe.
Elizabeth Shee Twohig has coined the term Megalithic art in her study of 'The Megalithic Art of
Western Europe'.

Stonehenge is a prehistoric monument on Salisbury Plain in Wiltshire, England, two miles west
of Amesbury. It consists of an outer ring of vertical sarsen standing stones, each around 13 feet
high, seven feet wide, and weighing around 25 tons, topped by connecting horizontal lintel

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