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Paper 4

Cade Speroni
OGL 200
Summer 2018 (A)
14 June 2018

Part 1: JFK – A Vision for the Future

Chapter 7 of your textbook discusses creating a vision, chapter 5 discusses attending to tasks
and relationships, and chapter 8 discusses creating a constructive climate. John F. Kennedy is
known as one of most visionary U.S. Presidents. Analyze his famous 1962 “Man on the Moon”
speech (posted under module 4 write) to see what made him an effective leader. Be sure to tie
your answers to the Northouse textbook.

1. What is JFK’s vision for the future?

To unite the country through exploration and to go to the moon. JFK’s vision was for
America to reach new heights and accomplishments for humanity.

2. What made JFK such an effective leader? How was he able to motive and inspire?

JFK was an effective leader because he was strong, charismatic, and handsome. His speech
really touched everyone in America and inspired them. He inspired them by his own
accomplishments and by referring to the accomplishments of humanity. (steam engine,
airplanes, nuclear power, etc.) JFK also organizes his speech, so it is interesting and creative.
Referring to the progression of humanity as only a few years.

3. Name the visionary characteristics illustrated in JFK’s speech.

JFK makes a clear vision that throughout man-kind we have progressed and moved forward
with much momentum. JFK makes his speech creative and inspires us that we will reach the
moon, and make that accomplishment appear as if it is just another step for man-kind.

4. How would you describe JFK’s Task-Relationship style? Where would you place him on the

I would place JFK right in the center of Task and the middle of the continuum. JFK is very
motivated by the accomplishments of humans and the US. JFK uses that determination to
enhance the relationship he has with the American people by focusing on the tasks. He
unites them through his speech and encourages team work and determination to
accomplish large goals that he portrays as a minor step for man-kind.
5. How did JFK try to set a positive tone for our country?

JFK make his speech feel positive by the encouragement he gives. He goes though the
history of humanity and our accomplishments. Accomplishments were huge at the time, yet
only a mere step over the course of history. He encourages us that reaching the moon is the
same. Just another step for humans and a goal that is attenable. A goal that we will (and we
did) accomplish.

Part 2: Complete the “Task and Relationship Questionnaire” (page 111), the “Leadership Vision
Questionnaire” (page 154) and the “Organizational Climate Questionnaire” (page 177) and
answer the following questions:

*If you have the interactive eBook version of this text, log in to access the Leadership Profile
Tool. After completing this chapter’s questionnaire, you will receive individualized feedback and
practical suggestions for further strengthening your leadership based on your responses in this

1. Report your scores on the three questionnaires

Task score: 42 very high

Relationship score: 37 med high

Visioning ability skill: 42 very high

Providing structure: 22

Clarifying norms: 21

Building cohesiveness: 25

Promoting standards of excellence: 25

2. How would you describe your own style in relation to task and relationship orientations?
What are your strengths and weaknesses?

I would describe my style as task oriented. I feel a sense so completion and

accomplishment when task are completed quickly and efficiently. When we become distracted
or lag I get anxious and upset when we take a long time. That would be a weakness for me. I
could improve on my patience, especially while training other or working with other people
who have different working styles. But my speed and determination are my strengths. I can
work quickly and efficiently and take pride in that.
3. What biases do you maintain regarding task style and relationship style? How do your biases
affect your leadership?

Being very task oriented I must maintain a relationship to motivate others as well as be
able to work well with them. A biased I face is that the task is the primary objective and the
relationship second. Even though they may not want to do it or want to take a break, if it is
efficient and smoother I will try to motivate them to keep working with me and take a break
after. I prefer to complete a task before taking a break, I do not like working then taking a break
and returning to the same task.

4. How would you describe your own values and purpose in life? In what way is your
leadership influenced by these values?

I have very strong values and a strong work ethic. I like to work hard, and when I make
mistakes I will admit to them. I think this is a good trait to have when leading because I can be a
firsthand example when I tell others to do the right thing and to work hard. I am also trust
worthy and knowledgeable about my job so when working people trust my advice. Both of
those traits influence my leadership styles. So, when people do not trust, or believe, me I make
a point to prove to them why and where I got that information. When getting a new employee
that may happen.

5. Creating a vision usually involves trying to change others by persuading them to accept
different values and different ways of doing things. Are you comfortable influencing people in
this way?

Yes, I am. I am not the type of person to seek out confrontations or disagreement,
although I am not the type of person to shy away from them. I can be respectful and be an
attentive listener when they are sharing their point. At times when we have had a disagreement
and I was wrong, I will admit to it and learn from it. So trying to influence others in either type
of situation I believe I can be very persuasive.

6. What are your strengths and weaknesses regarding establishing a constructive climate for a
group or an organization?

A strength I have in a group is I can take charge and understand everyone’s emotions
easily. I can be charismatic and strong within the group, but without being a brut. I am
trustworthy and have strong values that people can look towards. I can admit when I am wrong
or if I do not know the answer. When I do not know the answer, I will go and find it and utilize
all my resources before asking others for help. I am efficient and understanding.
A weakness I have is dealing with member who are not “go-getters”. When working with
individuals who are slow or just not a top performer I will let them slip to the way side. I am not
a very good trainer and leak patience at times. I am always trying to work fast and efficient
which is not always the right technique especially while training or working with someone new.

Part 3: Simulation

1. Report on your simulation progress and score at the end of level 3.

2. Reflect on your experience completing level 3 of the leadership simulation. Was there
anything that you found particularly difficult? Anything that surprised you? What insights
have you gained so far from completing this simulation?
I found it interesting how important it is for you to inspire your team. You cannot just let
the successors and catalysts win, and let the others fall behind. It is important for you to
encourage the go-getters and motivate the lagers. I found it surprising that when you
have an employee who often says things behind your back and is not receptive to
change and the new goals, that it is correct to let that employee go. Although I
understand that, it is difficult to work and thrive in a hostile environment or being
forced to choose sides with the naysayer or your supervision. Although I did appreciate
that they simulation mentioned that several attempts must be made to correct this
behavior and attitude before firing an employee.
3. How could you use the concepts discussed in this simulation in your job today? Relate
these concepts to the other course materials and to your own experiences.
In my job today, this is lesson is very relatable. Currently my job is going through a lot of
changes with a lot of new people, new supervision, and my expectations. There are a lot
of people resisting to change and a lot of people uncomfortable. I can see a direct
influence on the group when negative people slander the new expectations. I also can
see the difference when everyone is engaged and motivated by these new goals. I
believe my job is in the process of forming opinions of their employees before making
attempts to correct negative behavior and comments. Keeping that in mind I will try to
be positive and motivate people to accept these new ways and see how that impacts
the group.

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