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Nama : Siti Fazira Azzahra

Nim :18059153

Mata Kuliah : Riset Manajemen Pemasaran

Case Study Topic 5

1. What responsibilities does Ted have towards employees at the Beirut branch? What
responsibility does Ted have to comply with Executive Order 12205?
Ted's responsibility towards employees at the Beirut branch is to keep their staff safe from being
trapped by criminal laws issued by the government. The responsibility for which Ted must
comply with executive order 12205 is the President of the United States, discovers that the
situation in Iran poses an unusually serious threat and has an extraordinary impact on national
security, foreign policy and the United States and hereby declares a national emergency to deal
with such threats. The Government hereby blocks all property and interests in the property of the
Government of Iran,

2. What is Rashid's responsibility to his customers? To the employees?

Rasyid's responsibility to his customers is to maintain customer trust so they don't switch to other
people's businesses. Responsibility to employees is in the form of the welfare of the people in
their work, local branch personnel who may be at risk if some of the assets of his wealthy and
powerful clients are in his words, "confiscated." He is also concerned about his clients and the
funds he believes are held in the International Bank and Trust. Finally, he felt his business
model, which is to provide banking services free of political influence, was compromised. In
addition, Rasyid also employs people around the area who understand the situation and
understand how toapply their products to the market.

3. Discuss case issues in terms of trust and communication. How should Ted approach his
negotiations with Rashid?
Organizations operating in a global environment are subject to political risks. International Bank
and Trust was forced to act as a US company with offices overseas. Whether or not he would
comply with executive orders if he had the ability to vote is not a consideration, the fact that his
headquarters is in New York provides sufficient legal basis for the US government to control his
actions. All business functions and headquarters remain in the home country, and there are no
overseas branches of the company in any country where the business trades. This allows
companies to streamline decision-making processes, and saves business costs and the hassle of
setting up offices worldwide, but it can also cause companies to struggle with a lack of
understanding of certain global markets.

4. Discuss case issues in terms of trust and communication. How should Ted approach his
negotiations with Rashid?
Ted should have understood the difference between Rashid's stated position and Interests. want
to explain and As regional manager, Ted will have the opportunity to set the stage for critical
debate and open communication. Rashid's opening statement of non-compliance may be an
emotional reaction, an opening tactic for negotiation, or evidence of poor communication
channels with his manager. However, it does show that Ted's authority over the situation has
been compromised, as Rashid's position shows that he values his customers and employees more
than any appreciation or lack Ted can provide. Depending on the strength of their relationship
prior to the start of this crisis, both Rashid and Ted may simultaneously experience feelings of
trust and distrust for each other.

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