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SEEC FORM 20 Os Jrnge ot Itemized Campaign Finance Disclosure Statement 92 @ i 4-190 102 9 NRO AUNGHYS ofS aATWOL IND COVER PAGE | Gartner Foc Town Clev "Denise PL [Valeri Mrs. iar Main St sup —_[Bridog wake Ter Touasa Namber 4,204 100 Clerh a [CANDIDATE NAME pr Vn Fry Como Andrea Ear-tneyr Omer ifn Ditaypncingpimny OF peg Ola cin Dab Ose ng Oedysbtoninpimay O'S don tings GQyeropray Ope tg Orherrmigdatia Ona aan FOciober 10 filing, 2a OTensination Oxtiourindpenden Bx Ges gan towing anton a Oot Oana ken Begining De Ending Date "T-1- 202) 4-30. Ab2 {herby catty ad stat, under peli of false statement, thal of he information set oth on this Hemized Campaign Fiance Discloure Statement forthe period covered is tue, aecurate and complete ~/aeem Denise 0, ZOU] apes d factem una Debrh TREASON IGNATURE) FaRFNANIEOF SON aes | “person whos oo have hrowingly and willy olatd any provision ofthe campaign ance aes chil penly oF inprisonment or bl SEEC FORM 20 ‘SUMMARY PAGE TOTALS Por Town Chey Emancra 10 ‘COLUMN A COLUMN B Tr Perad Aen ‘Taskicwsamnaataeems™ | "80.06 § $0.00 om eda Sv A a 4, 540.00 1, Recs fon Or Conmites (Scns an C2) o * 180. 00 1G, To Paced fm Sil Pare Secion Sat +S ° 1G PoP det 17-48, ce January 1, 2092 Scton 2. removed To Pactra oak Sin etn 13) _O 1 Foy RS a ab on 169 4 710.00 1s SibonittnbsnLine 2+ Macau avanintinetistrincoinmsy HY | 740-00 | 3) 74 0,00] 19, Expos Pid Comite Section?) 1, 1407) 1, 740072. 2. ans o band at coe of Rep Fe A004. dH 2 fn ind Donn et Card Cotton Rese Secon A,0ug 145 22. kine Dons ot Coit Contos — Hea Pry Sion) 23 nnd Cots Rec Sesion a Rete Depot Tecghene Conan (Son) Rosine Sesion) a 2h + tc od Pees Laon 26 Camuen Exe Ply Cds (econ) D180. 00 27. apes rad on Cone Ci Cad Sesion TBF. 50 74 apes lcd Commitee Ding Pod a No Pal Seton 8) 28 Tol Onsen pees nae Comite il epi (Sco) re 1, MONETARY RECEIPTS (Sections A—K) are Financial Diselosur Jem cay ‘tomes eae i SiS ga ‘Sereathtarertsren tees asta me a |Gcut. Oren! nk tt Crt Qty Daron OM One SUBTOTAL Seton B— This Page] 3, Ess" 00 TOTAL, of dna Section 1 Pages TOTAL OF AUT CONTRINTTION RON HDNIDIALS Sciam] 3, ass OO oie Chto Sma Pge al) 101975, 500 eu ‘Section B= emized Contibutions from Individuals == aa r aan a fs usmreane Been Pu or EE iain aed Ftd ——— naam wn [eratectarettn as My Ese SRT — a TS saa [sar to No aca sar aT RS cet outta tens Jean mre Ee 79 xohawa aby cal or TR = Rag ofl (Danser) iyo any | emerson RS ot Oe ra TET [seen [scienackastameamnn we See EES a om We jerome = a ES chek owen ssond baton isa star 7 =f ‘Fil ow pay [Perf ona EE === ton dak cons Homan ae = vo ESctaccmnecenctea” wo eda a SSR aa a TTT inser No No save iat a OS cna cae coseet ssoud hig Noycpsinconteparsic papa en-O7%2FO1K2F2021 ORSADNARIOESNSUNZFOAF AEE OHSADONSAD Dey camesin ‘Section B -lemized Contribution from Individuals [pare ra Brown ‘Thomas rh cel Se A fr FF, 40 Danbury crf osety oo TERT Pilo’Pyrotechnician salt Hgcromeigar PSE Tiroucu cerssmaneoay dvrcaceburr se No fettnesrtasnesseactet wah tuveseeneacteshso No [rusted more ons earn aa 8 RAD COST OR TE i No No aS prsseaves er ear reat Card ooa2021 eee $100.0 Cabrera Zoraida Te it NT mw 7 E 4 Stoon Pao ant [crf ones irl Dan cane Manager Enovas Muliservices LLC [reer tonne oop | cnraan eae Sonne orto fnsor sions [sect somites corn or No fitsines the onacined th te earache No feat eae tere than Si ae an RTT SRA DRSPLT SHS OMIDUH HDTDRTT reanserentt [sear No No [ierorarcommaae ae Ferra Conrian Poa crect Card osgov202s $20.00, ae = Conotta Kata stato onan, oo Frater aT Ee [LMT Communications, ne Fearaers iti a pen [re aye » See Sanaa SEATS — Parte ro SS TE oa = 7 saa cha SE aoe cen cnwine [ [ee so hips tampa con Roporricpaepo2uraa G7 2FOTK2FZ01 ORADOIMOMEaNSOR MAF OHARA toss, s00 eu Daycameohn ‘Section B - Homized Contributions from Individuals ay fm r fsa nae 7 =e, 24 Tatryvile Lake Road, ant cr} san Frcnrocanarar eel Cae Teacher Danbury Pubic Schools Feces pnw a can ng STs a cee o> firstoogr et ence ter smugly does coor ™ No {iets athe mocoua um ie seaneseunness No Jromepatyeies mre tan 200 Tea TTT [cer TE oT RERETE " No No Krevorercomear r= Pea cabo fae Groat Card osrgor2024 $2500, vaste ine r aa ee ITE my aE, 157 Kohanza stoet Danbury orl oars: Frere jaRearERa Retired Retirod [grease ono ee eae RY TS Eee vee No fierce eced wth ranes ones ths No frosty ses tmere tan Sc an TAT [ama RTT EO RTE No No IT TT EE Pewepe Cacao ome check oorisi2021 $180.00 fos a Daugherty Dennis w Faiea Seat aes 7 ae 2 20 Lokoorest Drive Danbury crf oss Freer ican care otros Retired an con ape capone TOS aN TS fracas [sheer rcy aos erreweree seer [No fsnethwtnewsoced wanes eanatthsns No frst mene than Si aria RTT RI CRT RTE No No cuscos | tonne sunod epenayeanpain con oparituipsepor20 rata vi2i20t WOROADANIOSNCOKIFIONZA2OA ONSACOIACD vor cme sate Cota tama ain cin i 20ers cota ce cn a aE ss has Dotan com fuori eae stip our er cepoere feotsvvone [tere ofa ata messy econ No. foun hwnd uth ne seonssctohsod No frye mae an St? [a pee aT PNET frends wo fe Ne aor pas = pa Credit Card 99/29/2024 $50.00) er aa Gato Bemard enna ay of os Fao paca Retred Relea TERS RETEST — STRAT RT TOTS GREER rns OTS anya ‘cream afer enact ics smecataan omc No only sme than S00 SARGTS PIRTPAT HENRI oT HRT cae [seca We te eee raat RE RET check omapoas 209 cates aco amas 7 “fe 12ers an Peak ons aT = canta ana 8 aan 1 [eeesra mit stourn roe hig aaa mo TG rms No. frusnesshushesesocted wanove a anvoc wth soa No fmoaty acd rena S08" Joures secu? Sa aN TI RE RINT No No a TET reat Card osios2021 meer _ stro ssecanpnign conmepatsnicpaRepsoretat=o7 FDI Y2E202% OMSSADNARIOESNESENIFIAF201 OORSANNAAID ‘Section 8 -lomized Contributions fom Individuals [rae Tne 7 Gariner Andrea TR NI my Fe, -112_Deor Hil Avenue, and crf ose ince ON eto Consutant Gartner &Main [RR mom orm Tn oe en nti Ws mee No fetshessiuane sens whe seanracneos No [spain sma tna cu? aaa RTA aT a TT a TTT PRIS arednscciont aca No No aT EST RE FET RT cash ovraom2024 $80.09 pe a z Giordano, Lulan SE iy fe 23 Maples Or Danbury or} sary Freres peers Music Producer LG Productions aeeR Se re ere Spe RM TG teers No. fousnessherhossiadua haves consort wise No tonya sie han S07 == SR TART RIT S OPT No No. RTT TRB Rea pase Coarivn Paar Credit Cara oarzo21 $250.0 cote, fete fo Feat set re lev a 42 Sttiman Ave Da crf” ose a STS pone ep niga ac Connacticit Heusa of [rence ot os mance oe RRS vo Rares Recrecncseo teat ETT — fae TTT aT at $$ fares ag croton none Fm 0 peyanesin eoneprsReperen7 FOT2+202 CONAALYAONSARSOAIFSONZH2IE USANA toss S007 /caryoion ‘Section 8 - Itemized Contbuions frm Indvduals Havast Sonia fsa soe A ke = 108-8 Clapboard Ridge Rel anu ctf asst fpacrone ea Eno Child care provider Solvempioyed bedsores [select otsarsouiy escort or No. fines hae sesacaed wth me Senesetnea No. fealty mae tna Scie Eons ae SPA TRE ORR T FOP No No comcus | onwazs ae Hawt Ryan Se AE io ae Be, 12 Rodine Road, Danbury ct} oat ines Capa = ‘Annuity and Mutual Fund Associato Prudential Financial, Seagate crane iewtain nao pascaameyntee rs " 'No_snetchantosscates nthe sconst unread No [rota more na S00 RRR STR [SERRE SRS a RRR No fo No TTR a pCa croct Card oorgorz021 Fe rang i Fast Sree Ares ame 182 Greenwood Ave. Bethel ct] franca Ie oTERT Owner Byes Rakes a TER PU PERT. aR a TOT STAT coe TF cranes No. fushestentesscandwintowencoscuahsad No only sare than 500" apa e ES SRT TROT ATE No ETT RT aca rae creat Cart 0913072004 eens ges0.0g ostteeanpain con Repaturipaapndurenso7Q2FONN22021 OSSADIAAIOSEN-OHK2FOK2F201 COTANEAAIO oy Canesinn ‘Section 8 temized Contioutions from Individuals Inscore Joanne 7 7 atta Fe a = Ae — a — ee gee farms enna » Lee semen gr STS gn TT TT = = hasan a a pom en = a r atta 5 E. cuneate = ee —_— — = nan ee aaa a eee > ee, somnose ar LT = We : Credit Card 09/29/2024 " " $50.00) = a sen httin - _ a as arent oo — = - = | oreo tt ara — pesca thats aaa Sane » See hearer gee cope Fear Er : : oases pa pa =— aad - ‘peayconpip compares HIFOHIE2021 OMIADOADDeng-OORZFIOA OG! OOKAAADIALD Day Carosin ‘Section B - Hemized Conttions from Individuals ons va rat is S E sos Rta ata ae rE = sks rate a oo setae annonce me » ener Ko fesanamomeeasy SERRE — Pree rare TT Sar aay te te rR = = Credit Card | o9/21/2021 $50.00, Ka se 15 Old Ridgebury Road Danbury crf o6e1 a == Stn no sinc cannes vw» Rete fees SEE TREAT —— fae a ET v6 to cinsicns onuner Fen seood ata st ° arate = =, ssi Ate ant Pad =O ip nies tn ean Latta — eee fsa Sane c vo Lem N paranoia ERT — pe asc RTT to we TT rms === F cinaicad cine sol apseyanpsign com optanancaRepr20Palat-79QFO1%IF2021 OADHANIOSaNEOR2F20CF2I COHSADNAAIO oy Canpann ‘Section B - mized Contributions from Individuals rane ‘win oe Political Director Texas Gulf Coast Ara Labor [oearotcogars ene cr onrese fnrcrciuaer sis mapa Seen oF OO se No. fees hosed ergconacmne No Rae TIER [Sars Ce aaa PRINT een No No. remararconamimir (ae a TOIT fa Credit Card osi2s2021 " _ s10.00) Manners. Barbara Te iW 409 Round Lake Rd Rigi cr Rotred Retired [zermar a pa oT TaN a TS OT fois fens tice 9 mori Sos eu No finsnessnatne ssoceneduth ve earrattons No fier tse ar aR DORR SAT DOR OHS OREO ARIES ferorcotnseionti? fsa No No [revo arcona F aed ara Ca PT credit Card osytorz02 $3250.00 Marcus st Re es ES i E 200 Lonetown Road Reding crt os Frasoomm TET etn Rote TaRDGaL ARDS spo SI aT RAT OS wT corte hecraniager No Pichernethe inesum te vcontscnt 5, No rapt one an OP nr [SE RTE aT No No cocoa [oer [* an psayampsn comiRapeaeiplepe 20 -ar-7%2FO AF OOHSADOAAONEARSONAEROAFZOE AANA Section 8 -lemized Contibutios fom Individuals — cata : Lami t= = 1eReing oad net a bear = “Cat r Fanty pe cece ETT — fpr ere a oma = a an a Figs ae cozaar so = ae F — cnt rated ta cal oad aoe a aa cn Mou abr SUA spe OS me (No. Jousiness he/she associated wal Rave a contract with sak No oe eee ee =a = . Credit Card 09/23/2021 rien $20.0 = —— — tn i eee ee ca sane Sa = = a ener wo Rea SS ee | feceeeans er 5 We — ri 2 rat a rani a sos npstdcampnignconeparhasicpaepo?sa- OT KO F221 OSAADNAODBand=OHK2FLONF2I CORAOMASATO 1521 S09 rt ay canpaon ‘Section 6 - Itemized Contibutions from Individuals Onotio Danetlo 2camisone howtos ck en FPreptopaion eof Consultant nH DAR. Shepard Consulting and [Ftoaraar si pe oapeere anon eer Haas SRGEENEO™ = fae aaa ee oes (No_ fs hh xeined vate acpwar ht No a we cusnca [onan = oust cane f a 7 =e, rata i Read ony Pet or a a notes sates eo oemreenraeece » ST Lstsayins SSE ES eee rc are SR Fema bese wo ve aa asa TR cent co ator a = mi Pasa sam aso mary Pal oon a z ae gan int Mages Aorta rte Bsa Laan ar pat reese: Eanae aaa [No fina netnemeocated whe rac ths No fromepstyvtna metho 00" ae AT aE ahr a RTA RS STS WPT fares soiontir frst No No [RaoercoRaT = a Cob Fae Grodit Card oorigi202 $50.0 Mosier empgnconapaiuncipaeporot 1082, s00 Pm Dey canesan ‘Section 8 -lemized Contibutlons fom Individuals Reizes Jacqueline TE A lew mE {Dartmouth Lane Danbu ork sax repro eT Retired Relies peepee eat spon opm cpanel SATna cane canoe TT higoous| [serene tao rarscosiy does terraaoor No. fousness we ssaces uth eens wanes No festa strae nan S00 a a POIROT TIT WPS TSE real estae agent fevoedinsecnat? [rss No No Credit Card 1072001 eu $96. ‘Sabbagh sJehad [snares co py me, 98 Deer Hil Ave Danbury co} oss Fas omapaIer fama Wiliam Ravels Real Estate| STS an pen alow Fema GS Ermer [No [business hase ssaited wa Rae seas th sa No fruroaty tee mre an smh [Saar Ppa Hae STI PTET ronan w Ne cancas [ore Fe sn Sato Frank fasten a 7 =e 1902 Revere Ra Danbury cxf over a mae Admini ans Heaths SERRA te aad — oman RITE [ssarncone Sangam cu oneeeare No firme rane seocatd wan taverns No. fremepatyvoued amore thn" RT ERT Sea sp OT TIT No No. ‘Credit Card F ane TTS Ea oo1a012024 $50.09 lpsayarpsin coneprstnkptepo ea -OrK2FOVAF 221 OF AMBER AOA -ORAFIOKIE2021 OOKSHONYIALD 921 sane Deycampaon ‘Section -Ilemizod Contibutions from Individuals sexe Les saat bs =E. Slants conn caf oc TORR me fs Soci Oc cur At Wen ———— eaes aaa » ee patcianneea a te vo [sac pacts ao indica cazanon sao _ cain f pacts 3 =e, tna SUA seta cok osu aoc == cers rt etatotcmp eee sata Saae nese wo fSeneceneN eee No steamer a SS aT RE arene bemes to We ia Cart root sis a a F autos Pa . omens fF E. z2colien ont cxk™ ot Sees ae rm Ca sa Laer aeet an —eememreeereureeaetias peers [itcrsctteratet tenia No Seapine aa Se a = No. No Credit Car 09/10/2021 sone $254 Mptnyampsg carRapanlpRepot a O7AIFONZF 701 OASADOWONHenIDHIFSONAFZON GADD ses on or cinonan Sect 9d Contansan ita raat rate r itn Ras oo [ed os parame =e rowed sues oem No. finesse ocean toast as No ieseapearsrtenaar a eT ™ No. No Sao P=, oo oot cas ater soo — F as : te 7 = seinem ay cal oo Ss == textes ats = eee eee wo Feeney See a ™ No “ No parece aT ET iat cas aan | ‘en ee rata Si oy abe =o aa seed ate fears ewe areca tetiay cereetas vw» SERRE aca rn Satins al: _ ra sho aE cio ca tama 0 ipsltnycmpsonsanoptniesFopr 200” OFOYS2F 201 OOAIADDEAAGOEANABSDFNZAZON COSA we Soction 8 -lemized Contributions from Individuals a nana i bat ts ot fe aes Ri = a — oe pp ee pees pe) cecesrences acorn es fructus store non S07 i entaon scd ert scr it re pe ms ni wo f= No Ca oy FCoE ORT Grecit Card ositaort $10, 26 Cannonball Orive oat TT Public School Administrator Fe pet No feronesinseint i? wer No No. Tare E a Peace aE Pe Crect Cara 0912912021 85: Vs Denise Frases a i ia E= 491 Main Stoot South Bridgewater orl srs: ina ae es Registrar of voters (D). “Town of Bridgowater miseeabeoye ove [stuns stamuristycorsconioror No fhubesstenhe esraneown wes untoarad No fiat stove an S06" Tapa RTT oR FS RTA ao BT TT inten fo No No a re Fe oad mos teem con ReparaunaRep0saf-O72F0721 OI AOISIATOSensOHX2F0%2F2021 ORSANSAIO 11521, 508m Dey can9o Section 8 -llomized Contributions from Individuals Watlace Low. 2 Sylvan Road ant crf oss Feo a Investment Sales Commontund RRO PRL RE spas pense eT STN coor cooley seems tear oot escort ar No fbusness anne ssacea mth faves sci sit No [ronpatyabed sae na Son, SRS ee RTT CS RETR No No [rrorarconmm lamar Peat erbonons Peet Credit Card 1572021, $200.09 Showing 11048 of 6 entios ‘payers compan pepo eat OIF aF2N OK AAIOAONEuORAFLOAFAE2Y HAASAN 916 1, MONETARY RECEIPTS (Sections AK) eee Gartner for Town Clery Financtdl Di Ore GC sen am Oar Comme p= feemactery en OOM paar - - eaeoninenenanantnm Ovo Om Fanner o oni » } 7 ae OO Ranh oo Supe Dabo om or Contos foackesiet Toisas Pee - ‘oie Rec a OReimbursemen forse enpense C)Supins Distt Oo ‘TOTAL of addin Section C Pages TOTAL OF ALI. CONMITTER CONTRIBUTIONS AND RECHIPTS (Gestion, C2 aera ns Clan te Srey Pay Te eae 1, MONETARY RE AAK) Paes tye C For Town Clee, Financial Dise aoa re D. Loans Received rg SS bmcoenoe aaa PERG Omir Oar, _ SmOw = ’Sat"Cromite Ossi Qasr. | ‘TOTAL SECTION D Receipts from Entities other than Individuals or Other Commute yfiranton Connors OND ker [aE Pa fa I. MONETARY RECEIPTS (Geet AK) nancial Diseloza| kearinev’ for"Joon ClerA Amount ‘Transered frm AWied Buses Treasay ao ty Comin ONL == Se Ta Sar a oe ar Fe owner at TOTALSECTION Aout Transferred from Aiflinted Labor Union oF Other Organiaton Treasury (Oweuenos Gomme ON TOTAL SECTIONG TH Personal Funds of the Candidate Received this Period (Cmte Gon ON 9-21 Ocom Orwamicrsr — Oawmsuens | ¥ 100.0 1-40. 2h Ka Ormicnt — Omanerens | DO BO.00 Oce ——_Ormntcint —_ Qoesaicd Ons Onemaicaat ——_ O.onbieincnd TOTALSECTION T. Anonymous Contributions amount Pex Public Act 1-48, Anonymous Contributions may no longer be deposited in any fa committe receives an anonymous contribution, the campaign treasurer shall immediately remit the contribution to the State Elections nforcement for deposit inthe General Fund. Commission crm I MONETARY RECEIPTS (Sections A—K) etait [Ra oF CTO pe py Rot mi — Fa oF RT 1 Barney For Town Clery ancra | Disclosure! “-Tntrest from Deposits in Au ts ra ee Ta cr ar fas voor i ‘TOTALS! etary Receipts not Considered Contributions ooo a or | "TOTAL SECTION K_ ‘SUMMARY OF OTHER MONETARY RECEIPTS (Seotlons D through K) ten Rese he Pev Seton D) ott Recep om ates oer Total Amount 1 . Tota Amount Tansee rom tinted aber Unio or Other Organon Teewury Secon @) “ott Amt of esol Fund ofthe CaiateReceved hs Pato (Seton TD * ne Ss Te Amount flares rn Dep Auth A 2 Talal Mlaallancoun Monetary Reser not Comsterd Contibatos (Seton K) Tom of Othe Monday Recs hassetonD aX) marnainaeisoenagioneeneee | OO EV T ACTIVITY (Sections L118) [Peurdner Por Ton Clerry — Financial Disciasu [Werte naan vent Ove One | | aipa Comatasy | Wes tiscvetbone at peso eine? Ove pases tan tnt oi yaaa ee nd ns) _ On” Didier sto ross dnaed ys nos ally Ves pe no Son at id ection not Conn Con otto $20 or es donted yan of p10 campeon) One Waster age pn oir ls of dane Hane Oe fp aus al ope) si pcs fm a po Ov. = Silvan 2 (Pwr Cols, Miia Cae avd Polisl Coniston Fron Conn) ‘Werner pcs ctaverizng acts spogrm bsk arouses yer ant Sein oem o Abert Spee Por Bask ests hh near On ene Saipan Contos ONT 1 Didyeur crate sc ter beverage corsa mast Os ier oa ere) 7 | ‘hang bel he tee wi ede? a _ One Sa 1 she tame tse tag Spare Ca Como — ‘Wart ee hed a eel eden? Ove Wimsatt ‘sn aay hs to ves 7 One i sir ad pode oso Gm ya acme cny © Yes Up ass Sioa Scena ‘tap $200 en domed yan viol fp S102 tome | On ‘m ‘Wests hn ean pan oo kof donasl ams Oar Wp ral isos ed ‘nih pes man nhl of pio S10? 7 Ono Stowe re Cons Muriel ants Plica Commis te han Eons Cor Wea meeps popsnoncarsns SR snr tin Se pn nk an Ono Sapa Fo Contin ONE Did yet comme sl fod beerge a itor snlaras OY sete To Rear) One SUNTOTAT Sect 1 saya Gn Total Repro ae of Dosa Hens — Tas Fae] ‘SUBTOTAL Seton ams OND "otal Recipt ve Page TOTAI of ada Seton a Pages "TOTAL OF ALL RECEIPTS FROM SALI: PURCHASES] cain Cohn Ss Pte oe) JOPR|e Jo IL, EVENT ACTIVITY (Sections L1—1.5) Per Public Act 11-48, effective January 1, 2012 committees are no longer required to itemize small | individual purchases fom a committe tg sale, auction, ora sale of donated items. Section L2, removal [Gartner For Town Clerh Financial Disclosury , Ts. Purchases of Advertsing na Program Book oF ona Sian [dunes iy Coote Oita iio fae ar a eR toisy Qos: - Jowivsnissen i | air [ear Taare vais Fe Qmaistty Ose Onevstsi egcesio esr Bear a JQrmnetiy Cer Fas - 1 =e baer ar Rasta Bim Ro ao Pee] Ate as Qpeincs tty Qe tins roentie ‘SUBTOTAL Seton Teta rch tAterthing rar Desk —TOs Pa Oo SUNTOTAI Sn Ls Tl Perc of Advert ova San Th Pal oO | TOTAL tau Secten ao O TOTAL OF AU FURCHNGTS OF ADYFRTISING IVA FROGRANT HOOK or ONA STG ° ime non ie a 4 Sema Pge Te) © EVENT ACTIVITY (Sections L1—L5) Oveseriny | Ondivisat a Ossterenioentis ear Obi iy Oia ns Ose toni Ovens ty O Ossicrepictie sain exiy Omari Ossiereprcunte ‘SUBTOTAL Seton La— Te Page "TOTAL afd Seton La Pages "TOTAL OF ALL IN-KIND DONATIONS NOT CONSIDERED CONTIUBUTIONS| ‘Ertl Line 2, Cte 40fSumary Pape Tt | OP I/O I, EVENT ACTIVITY (Seetions 11 Paget | Gartmer For foun ClevA Financ iat Disclo} baw TEs se paring pre Dan on ane ceamiee? 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