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Giornale Italiano di Medicina del Lavoro ed Ergonomia Supplemento B, Psicologia

© PI-ME, Pavia 2010 2010; Vol. 32, N. 3: B5-B9 ISSN 1592-7830

Marko Elovainio1, Tarja Heponiemi1, Timo Sinervo1, Nicola Magnavita2

Organizational justice and health; review of evidence

1 National Institute for Health and Welfare, Helsinki, Finland

2 Institute of Occupational Medicine, Catholic University, Rome, Italy

ABSTRACT. Organizational justice is a construct defining the

Major theoretical models of organizational justice
quality of social interaction at work. Organizational justice can
be divided into three categories: procedural justice (fairness
of the decision-making procedures), distributive justice (fairness Organizational justice is a construct defining the qual-
of outcomes) and relational justice (equity and fairness in the ity of social interaction at work (1-3). Organizational jus-
interpersonal treatment of employees by their supervisors). tice theorists have identified at least three different cate-
Organizational justice is related to employees’ health and
gories of events that can be evaluated in terms of justice.
well-being. Low perceived justice has been shown to be
associated with experienced stress reactions and related These categories are outcomes, processes, and interper-
physiological and behavioral reactions, such as inflammation, sonal interactions. Following these categories, justice
sleeping problems, cardiovascular regulation and cognitive evaluations regarding to outcomes are specified as distrib-
impairments, and with a high rate of work absenteeism. utive justice, evaluations regarding to fairness of
This paper is a review of the literature on organizational
processes are named procedural justice, and justice re-
justice and its impact on workers’ health.
garding to interpersonal interactions are judged in terms of
Key words: work organization, fairness, health, well-being. interactional or relational justice (4-5).
The initial interest in the area of organizational justice
considered distributive justice and perceptions of equity
RIASSUNTO. EFFETTI DELLA GIUSTIZIA ORGANIZZATIVA (6), but more recent research has emphasized procedural
SULLA SALUTE: UNA REVISIONE DELL’EVIDENZA SCIENTIFICA. and relational justice (7). Procedural justice refers to the
Il concetto di giustizia organizzativa definisce
extent to which decision-making procedures are applied
la qualità dell’integrazione sociale sul lavoro. La giustizia
organizzativa si articola in tre categorie: giustizia procedurale consistently, free from bias, accurate, correctable, ethical,
(correttezza percepita del processo decisionale), giustizia and representative of all concerns (8). Relational justice
distributiva (percezione dei risultati del processo decisionale) refers to the quality of treatments employees experience in
e giustizia relazionale (percezione di ricevere un trattamento their interpersonal interactions during the completion of
franco e corretto da parte dei superiori).
organizational processes; specifically, to polite and con-
La giustizia organizzativa si correla con la salute e il benessere
dei lavoratori. È stato osservato che un basso livello di siderate treatments received from their supervisors (9).
giustizia si associa con la comparsa di reazioni fisiologiche
e comportamentali allo stress, come flogosi, disturbi del sonno,
alterazioni dell’omeostasi cardiovascolare e compromissione The health effects of organizational justice
cognitiva, e con un alto tasso di assenteismo lavorativo.
In questo lavoro viene riportata una revisione della letteratura
riguardante la giustizia organizzativa e le sue ripercussioni Organizational justice has been related to emotional
sulla salute dei lavoratori. reactions (10), and low perceived justice has been shown
to play an important role in the health and well-being of
Parole chiave: organizzazione del lavoro, giustizia, salute, employees (11-13). It has been associated with job dissat-
isfaction, retaliation, workplace aggression, lower work
commitment and withdrawal (14-17). Previous research
also suggests that factors associated with justice percep-
tions, such as discrimination may be related to factors that
influence susceptibility to illness, such as elevated unfa-
vorable serum lipids and negative feelings (18-19).
Low justice has also been shown to increase risk of
mental distress, psychiatric disorders, sickness absence,
and poor self-rated health status (20-22). In addition, epi-
demiological studies suggest that low organizational jus-
tice may also contribute to serious health problems, such as
cardiovascular disease (23) and cardiovascular death (24).
B6 G Ital Med Lav Erg 2010; 32:3, Suppl B, Psicol

sembles assumptions behind most of the classic occupa-

Mechanisms linking organizational justice to health outcomes tional stress theories (30). A recent explanation for the
strong effects of experiences of organizational justice on
Potential mechanisms underlying the associations be- human reactions was offered by van den Bos, Wilke, and
tween low perceived organizational justice and health out- Lind (31), who proposed that fairness matters to people,
comes have also been studied. As for many other psy- because it helps them to deal with uncertainty. This un-
chosocial factors at work, a plausible mechanism through certainty model is based on the previous theory called
which perceived organizational injustice may affect health fairness heuristic theory (32,33) suggesting that people
is prolonged stress. Perceived injustice has been shown to especially need fairness judgments when they are con-
be associated with experienced stress reactions (12) and cerned about potential problems associated with social
related physiological and behavioral reactions, such as in- interdependence and socially-based identity processes.
flammation, sleeping problems, cardiovascular regulation The tension between the benefits of interdependence on
and cognitive impairments. the one hand and the risks associated with interdepen-
Prolonged (chronic) inflammation is part of the ather- dence on the other has been termed the fundamental so-
osclerotic process and is a predictor of chronic conditions, cial dilemma (34).
such as coronary heart disease and some respiratory and This dilemma is concerned with the question of
musculoskeletal diseases. According to the results of Elo- whether one can trust others (35). According to fairness
vainio et al.(25), organisational injustice is associated with heuristic theory, if people do not have information about
increased long-term levels of inflammatory markers, such the authority’s trustworthiness, procedural fairness
as interleukin-6 and C-reactive protein. This results was serves as a heuristic substitute in the process of deciding
based on the prospective Whitehall II cohort study of how to judge the trustworthiness. As a consequence, fair-
nearly 5000 British civil servants aged 35-55 years at ness heuristic theory suggest, that when people do not
study entry. The long term associations were largely inde- have information about authority’s trustworthiness, they
pendent of covariates, such as age, employment grade, will react more positively towards the outcome they re-
body mass index and depressive symptoms. ceived from the authority when they believe that the au-
It has also been found, that the risk for increased low- thority had been employing fair as opposed to unfair pro-
frequency band systolic arterial pressure variability was cedures. On the other hand, this theory also suggests that
3.8 to 5.8 times higher in employees with low justice than when people do have direct, explicit information about
in employees with high justice (26). Low perceived justice authority’s trustworthiness they are less in need of pro-
was also related to an 80% excess risk of reduced high-fre- cedural fairness as a heuristic substitute and less strong
quency heart rate variability compared to high perceived fair process effects should occur.
justice, but this association was not statistically signifi- According to a more generalized uncertainty man-
cant. These findings suggest that cardiac disregulation is agement model of fairness judgments, people become es-
one stress mechanism through which a low perceived jus- pecially attentive to the information they need to form
tice of decision-making procedures and interpersonal fairness judgments when they find themselves in unclear
treatment increases the risk of health problems. or unpredictable situations (36-38). Solid, firmly con-
Disturbed sleep is another marker of prolonged stress, structed fairness judgments either remove uncertainty or
which is suggested to be a common indicator of prolonged alleviate much of the discomfort that uncertainty would
negative emotional states and related physiological otherwise generate. Furthermore, when forming fairness
changes. Sleep represents the daily process of physiologi- judgments people make predictable leaps of judgment to
cal restitution and recovery and lack of sleep has effects resolve uncertainties they encounter within the fairness
on immune system and metabolism. Elovainio et al. (27) judgment process. According to van den Bos and Lind’s
showed that perceived unfair treatment at workplace is as- uncertainty management model (37), fairness is impor-
sociated with increased risk of poor sleep quality in men tant for people because fairness judgments are an effec-
and women. Furthermore, it has been found that one po- tive and readily available device for handling the various
tential mechanism through which justice at work may af- uncertainties they face. Following this, it is reasonable to
fect health is poor sleep quality (28). assume that perceived injustice in an uncertain situation
It has also been found, using the Whitehall II cohort, represents a greater health risk than in a more certain and
that low long-term levels of perceived organisational jus- predictable situation.
tice are associated with impaired cognitive functions, such According to the uncertainty management model, sit-
as memory, inductive reasoning and vocabulary, already in uations, whether social or not, that provoke feelings of
midlife (29). These associations were independent of co- uncertainty, doubt, or confusion provide the stimulus for
variates, such as age, occupational grade, behavioural seeking and using fairness judgments. The key element
risks, depression, hypertension and job strain. is the salience of either the unpredictability of future
events or the inconsistency between important cogni-
tions, experiences, or behaviors. In previous conceptions
Uncertainty, job control, and organizational justice of the uncertainty management model, the range of un-
certainty-provoking, unpredictable situations was very
The idea, proposing that perception of injustice is broad. In the current paper, we tried to specify this some-
caused by discrepancy between efforts and rewards, re- what and, on the basis of previous literature, argue for
G Ital Med Lav Erg 2010; 32:3, Suppl B, Psicol B7

operationalizing the work-related uncertainty through Finnish public sector employees showed that after ad-
two sources: lack of control over working times, and re- justment for age, income, and health behaviors low pro-
cent negatively experienced changes at work. cedural and interactional justice were related to long
The concept of control refers to power or mastery of sickness-absence spells. In accordance with the uncer-
the environment as a means for maintaining homeostasis, tainty management model, these associations were de-
which may be reduced in stress situations. Controlling pendent on experienced work-time control and perceived
aversive situations make individuals believe that the con- changes at work (46).
sequence is created by their own response (39), thus in- We also extended previous research in studying
creasing predictability and reducing uncertainty. Thus, whether working in high justice work place would pro-
control implies the power to reverse, attenuate or remove tect from health effects following environmental stres-
the source of threat. Competent decisions that enable the sors outside work (47). Using a prospective longitudinal
individual to control a potentially threatening situation design, we studied the relationships between organiza-
are fundamental aspects of homeostasis, and are likely to tional justice and sickness-related absences both before
reduce feelings of uncertainty. and after a major life event among 25459 public sector
A form of control that has been shown to relate with employees working in 2551 work units. Sickness ab-
health at work is control over working times, that is au- sences covered the period from 36 months prior to the
tonomy with regard to worktime (worker control over the event until 30 months after the event. According to the
duration, position, and distribution of his/her worktime) results, the increase in sickness absences after the event
(40-42). Compared to other forms of job control 43), was bigger and stayed at a higher level even 30 months
which refers to multiple dimensions of control within after the event, among those who perceived the manage-
work (opportunities to participate and use skills), the di- ment practices in their work unit to be relatively unfair.
mension of work-time control is located at the work/non- Similar patterns were found for each of the distributive,
work interface. The different dimensions of control may procedural and interactional dimensions of organiza-
bear a varying relevance on health across individuals and tional justice.
across time. Low work-time control may hamper the suc-
cessful combination of work-life demands with unavoid-
able nonwork responsibilities, thus creating a sense of Other outcomes of organizational justice. Italian studies
uncertainty and unpredictability reaching beyond a
working day. We have also previously shown that, besides health,
A meta analysis has linked flexible scheduling, con- organizational justice is important, for example, for the
trol over the beginning and end of a workday, with lower productivity of the organization (48), quality of care in
absenteeism (44). Low control of worktime at the occu- nursing homes (49) employees’ possibilities to connect
pational level has been linked with an increased risk of work and family live (50) and attitudes towards retire-
hospitalization and cardiovascular disease (41,42). A re- ment (51). In addition, organizational justice may help to
cent cross sectional study showed an association be- buffer the negative effects of poor health (51).
tween perceived low worktime control and poor health Studies about organizational justice are currently per-
among women, but not among men (40). formed in Italy. The Justice Measure 20-items question-
Important sources of uncertainty in modern work life naire (JM20), proposed by Jason A. Colquitt (52), has
include continuous and rapid changes. According to the been recently translated into Italian and validated (53).
findings of Vahtera and co-workers (45), negative The instrument showed very good reliability (Cron-
changes in the psychosocial work environment have bach’s alpha= 0.92), and maintained the theoretical sub-
detrimental effects on the health of employees. Their re- division of the original questionnaire into sub-scales
sults showed that a combination of poor psychosocial concerning relational, distributive, and procedural jus-
work characteristics and an adverse change in some other tice. It has been observed that the questionnaire may be
psychosocial factor, such as predictability of the work useful and stimulating to enlarge the existing stress mod-
environment or possibilities for participation in decision els and capturing new aspects of the psychosocial work
making, was associated with the greatest risk of subse- environment (54).
quent illness. We suggest that perceived negative In sum, there is rapidly growing body of evidence
changes in the work environment reflect a state in which suggesting that organizational justice is associated with
employees are not able to affect things in predictable wide variety of health outcomes of employees, that there
ways and, in this way, negative changes constitute one are plausible behavioral and physiological mechanisms
source of uncertainty at work. linking justice perceptions to health outcomes, and that
We examined whether the combination of uncertainty these mechanisms are related to prolonged stress fol-
(lack of work-time control, and negative changes at lowed unfair treatment. Furthermore, there are results
work) and organizational justice (i.e., justice of decision- suggesting that unfair treatment may intensify health ef-
making procedures and interpersonal treatment) con- fects of other environmental stressors and that working
tributes to sickness absence. Results of hierarchical re- in a high justice work environment may protect em-
gression models on 7,083 male and 24,317 female ployee from health problems.
B8 G Ital Med Lav Erg 2010; 32:3, Suppl B, Psicol

Table I. Studies examining an association between organizational justice and health

Author(s) and year Sample Study design Outcome measure(s) Type of justice Health
measure effect
Elovainio et al. 2002 Female hospital Cross-sectional Self-rated health, minor Moorman’s procedural Yes
employees psychiatric disorders, and relational justice
and recorded absences
due to sickness
Kivimäki, Elovainio, Hospital employees Prospective cohort Self-rated health, Moorman’s procedural
Vahtera & Ferrie 2003 study psychiatric morbidity, justice Yes
and sickness absence
Kivimäki, Elovainio, Female hospital Prospective Psychiatric disorders Moorman’s procedural Yes for
Vahtera, Virtanen employees and relational justice procedural
& Stansfeld 2003 justice, no for
Tepper 2001 sample 1) employees of a Prospective Psychological distress Distributive and Yes
large public organization procedural justice
sample 2) residents of a
moderate-sized city
Kivimäki et al. 2005 Civil servants aged 35-55 Prospective Risk of incident CHD Relational justice Yes
Elovainio, Leino-Arjas Factory workers Prospective Cardiovascular death One item measure of
et al. 2006 experienced justice Yes
Elovainio et al. 2010 Middle-aged civil Prospective long-term levels of Relational justice Yes
servants inflammatory markers

14) Folger R, Konovsky MA. Effects of procedural and distributive

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Reprint request: Nicola Magnavita, M.D. - Institute of Occupational Medicine, “Agostino Gemelli” Hospital, Catholic University of Rome,
Largo A. Gemelli 8, I-00168 Rome, Italy - Phone: +39-349-3300367; Fax: +39-06-61909399 - E-mail:

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