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Gabion, Michaella Joy L.

Gifted Hands: The Ben Carson Story
The Gifted Hands is a story about a young boy named Ben Carson, who always receive a
failing grades after they moved back to Detroit. Ben and his brother, Curtis, loved to watch
television, which their mother, Sonya Carson taught that this is a hindrance to their education.
So, Mrs. Carson prohibited her sons from watching television instead, she asked them to read
books in the library during their free time. At first, the young boys were against about it. But
later on, they enjoyed what they were doing. On the other hand, Mrs. Carson herself, is not quite
educated. She doesn’t know how to read and she doesn’t want her sons to know about it. So,
when she was working, she asked an assistance from her widowed employer who, coincidentally
love to read and owns thousands of books.

When Ben entered his teenage years, he also faced different challenges and difficulties
just like other teenagers. He sometimes involved in fights with other teenagers and he also argue
with his mom. There are times wherein he thinks so highly of himself because he is intelligent.
But at the end of the day, Ben never forgot to surrender all his sins and worries to our Almighty

Ben wanted to be a doctor ever since he was young and he later on achieved his dream.
After becoming a Neurosurgeon, Dr. Ben Carson refined a technique in which one-half of the
brain is removed to prevent seizures in persons with severe epilepsy or also known
“hemispherectomy”. He also performed his first successful separation of conjoined twins who
were attached at the back of the head. This operation lasted for 22 hours and involved 70-
member surgical team.

Characters from the Story and the Lesson/s I learned from them

Ben Carson- He is a wise boy and a very obedient child. He listens to his mom’s advice and pay
attention to his studies. If there’s a particular lesson that I learned from him is, if there’s
something he doesn’t know or something he is curious about, he exerts effort to study about it.
Sonya Carson- She is a loving mother to his two sons, Ben and Curtis. Despite the lack of
education, she still manages to raise her sons well. I love how she seek for ways to learn how to

Curtis Carson- Just like his brother, he is also a very obedient child. I appreciate his love for his
mother and brother. What I like about him the most is, he is a down to earth person. Despite the
fact that he’s also smart, I never see him belittle other people in the movie.

Candy- She’s the girlfriend and later on wife of Ben Carson. She is a very optimistic and
supportive person. What I learned from her is, when you are in a relationship, you should never
distract your partner especially on his/her study instead, be their motivation.

Karen Smith- She is the Operating Room (OR) Nurse. From what I watch, I can say that she’s
an early bird type of person. What I learned from her is, be professional.

Dr. Long- If I am not mistaken, he is one of Ben’s superior in the hospital. What I like about
him is, he knows the capability of his co-doctors. If there’s particular lesson that I learned from
him is, even though we are in higher position, we should not harass those people below us
instead, we should let them decide for themselves.

Psychiatrist- I know some will says that his character is not that special or notable, but I love
how he willingly help Mrs. Sonya Carson despite the fact that she doesn’t have money to pay the
bills for her rehabilitation. He reminded me that we should be passionate on our chosen careers
and we should extend our hands to those who needed us.

How will you tell the story to a friend who has not seen the movie yet? (in a language of
your choice)

The movie entitled “Gifted Hands: The Ben Carson Story”, is one of the best movies I
have ever watched. Each character will give us a lesson that we can apply in our daily lives. If I
were given the opportunity to share this story with others, maybe I would tell it to my family.
Although there are many ways to tell the story, I will still choose the method of summarizing so
that they can understand me better.

The Gifted Hands, is a story based on the autobiography of renown pediatric

neurosurgeon, Dr. Ben Carson. Ben’s early life begins in Detroit, Michigan. During his
elementary life, he struggled a lot during his classes. Later on, his mother, Sonya Carson,
realized he needed to wear glasses because she noticed that Ben have a poor eyesight. The
glasses help him to improve his grades but Mrs. Carson taught that there’s still something wrong.
She realized that both Ben and his brother spend too much time watching television so, she made
the boys turn off the TV and asked them read two books per week. This study technique
triggered a thirst for learning in both boys and so, they began to excel in their school work.
During Ben’s teenage life, he developed a deep seeded anger. He really had a hard time
controlling this anger and temper of his. One time, he got so angry toward his mother and he
threatened her with a hammer. Later Ben became friends to one of the not-so-nice kids on their
campus, he was persuaded to buy a pocket knife. But one time, he argued with his friend and
attempted to stab him. Fortunately, the classmate's belt buckle stopped the blade and saved Ben
from a life in prison. At this point, Ben realized he had to gain control over his anger and so, just
like any other person, he prayed to our Almighty God for help and guidance. After learning to
control his temper, Ben continued to do well in school. He graduated from high school third in
his class which is enough to get him a scholarship to Yale University. Being in a prestige
university, Ben feels out-classed at Yale. He told to his new girlfriend that all the other students
graduated first in their class and this is making him insecure and he’s slowly losing his confident.
On our generation, we have this saying that “there’s really one subject that will ruin your life”
and I think, for Ben Carson, it is Chemistry. It is especially difficult for him and there is this one
critical exam that had him worried he will lose his scholarship. On one of his study sessions, Ben
had a dream about the exam that includes the answers to all the test questions printed out on the
class chalkboard. On the next day he takes the exam and is really amazed that the vivid images
from his dream, are the precise answers he needs to ace the test. Ben apply in John’s Hopkins
Hospital. At first, he had a small argument with his superior. After this incident, he felt really
down. But later on, he realized what he did wrong. He goes on to become a pediatric
neurosurgeon at Johns Hopkins Hospital. This is where he performed a hemispherectomy, a
technique of removing half of the brain to prevent seizures in person with severe epilepsy. His
first patient on this is a young girl who is having chronic seizures. He succeeded on this
operation and it made him as one of the best in his field. The movie ends with his most
extraordinary accomplishment, the separation of conjoined twins. In a 22-hour operation which
involves 70-member surgical team that includes heart surgeons and plastic surgeons, they were
able to successfully separate the two babies, saving both of their lives. This is something that had
never been done before.

"Gifted Hands," is an amazing journey filled with unexpected twist and turns. Some
people might think that Gifted Hands is some sort of fantasy movie because of its title, and I am
one of those people. Before watching the film, I really think that the protagonist might have
some powers on his/her hand. But I am wrong, it was named “Gifted Hand” because the main
character shows his natural talent or ability. And it is one of the major reasons why I want other
people to watch it. I want them to know the real reason why the film is named Gifted Hands.

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