Dynamics Problem Set Answers

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SITUATION 1&2 Friday, 11 December 2020 6:56 pm ‘Situation 1: The car movesin a staightline such that fora short ime its veloctyis defined by v = (3t'+ 21) f/s, where tis in seconds, When t=0, s=0 2. Determineits positon whent=3 ') Paranelors: Vv, ts a ve as j Ass vdt a at « af S t «en Sas “fae +24) dt at. eel! 5-0 bet ~ (0? 40%) Sz t34t? When 2 3s s= (3*)+ a> S = 36 2. Determine is acceleraton when t=8 s Paranetorg : V,t, @ 1 ase saewe as Ww — ae AC w+ 2) a> Goetz When £7 35 A= Gl3)4+Z a= 2Ft/s* ‘Situation 2: The acceleration of the tucks given by v=2s -5 where visin rvs and sis in m Att=0, 5 =0. 3. Find the velocity when s= 10m Parareter: V,S 3. Find the velocity when s= 10m 4. Find acceleration when s =10 m ” a. Sms 2 Lomi 3. Isms 4. 20ms a. 10 mvs 2. isms 2.20mi 4. 20m Find the time when s = 10 m 055s 1386 ats 398s Parareter: V,S V+ 25-5 @ s= tom Ve ZC) -5 Ve (BMG Pacoweters : V, 5, a, ads = vdV acy a« (23-8) 2-(2s-5) | (28-8) (2) Ae 45-)0 when $= [0 A= 400) - \0 a A= 30m/5e Parameters: Vis, t 2 ds . ds Vv EH? Ak y + S ds Sf aeS ° © let v= 25-5 dy= Z2ds ds= Ov ds= ov Zz : ae ay oz biol |. = rfee-s| 1) t-0= t(hl2s- -5| - infec) 9| t= z [ Inl2s-s| - ins | When 5 = [Om & 2] [200-5]-195] += 0.568 \, SITUATION 3 Friday, 14 December 2020 7:01 pm Situation & A car and a muck from estat the same instant with the ca initally at some distance behind the tuck. The tuck has a constant ‘acceleration of L2 nv? and the car an acceleration of LErv/s? The ear oveniakes the tuck after the tuck has moved Sm, 6. Which ofthe fllowing most neatly gives the smeit took the earto overtake the tuck? 2 aizs b 707s => < 866s 188 4. S00 For the Truck: Vo, %, S + 1 S=Wtt dat” 2 TRUCK a5 = Wt 2 (.2) ¢ truce © 8.665 tee = Ereuce ” 8665 7. How far was the oar behind the tckinially? for the Car’ \e, a, +,s S= Wt + tat” At4S = ()(Gac) + + (1.8) ¢.664) > —_ ATED - LON 666) t = LI-/C FG J d= 22.5m Wish ofthe flowing most nay gvs the vlacy ofthe ear when he wo vile ve areas? s2ram1 V 0, a, ts \ 8.48 ews POV ay Lp 030 mvs assonvs Ve > Ve tat Vp = 0 +(1.8)(8.66) \E = t5.5amé 9. Which of the folowing most neauly gives the inital velocity ofthe wain? bums © lems 4. 19m Preaneler Sa, Vy, + SITUATION 4 Friday, 11 December2020 7:02 pm second ofits moton, a 18 mvs ¥ dp = Sw- So 7.5 = [waeda(w)}-[wia)rtacs9)] 7.5=\,+9.5a © ‘Skwation 4A tain moving with constant acceleration tavels 75 mduing the 10" second ofits motan and SS m duting the 12" Aww. = Sat > Syigth Gia = Sy- Sy 5:5 = Cuptia)+ dace) |- [wG) +a cad] 55* Vot Ga (© Vo = 17 %Js5 Q@ = -dm(e* 40. Which ofthe folowing most nealy gives the acceleration ofthe tan? 1.05 mvs 7s me -Looms? “180 mvs? 111. Which ofthe folowing most nealy gives the distance travelled by the wain unlit stops? 25000 m y 144s0m °,%, is aasrm : sts00 m Ngo = Vy? 4 2as OF \*42(-)5 S = 144.50m SITUATION 5 Friday, 11 December 2020 7:04 pm ‘Situation & Wate! falls at the tate of S drops per second pa “FREE - FRULING MOTION” * >) vars Sdeops sec 1 jsec__. 0.2 sec i w ~ ‘Sdeops drop Le te intemal between kop is 0.2 Sec 12 Which othe flowing svete poston ofthe lower dap tithasatined avalos atm? yy + een Parameter : Vp, bs _ Whe + tas 3% O07 + 23.81) Ch) h, = 0.45€72 m 4 = 456-72 mm Ve = Vy tat 3 = 0+ G.8it, %° 0. 906s 25. Which ofthe folowing gies he postion othe uperdopiftetowerdiop haxatanedavetocty otamls? hy ? ierval =0.25 = te- ba & Simm / 0.2= 0.306-t, ta + 0.1065 For the upper dap * No, a,t,5 S Vet + tat™ ha= (\C0.106)4 + (3-B)00.06*) ho = 0.06492 m h, = 54 G2 mor 414, Which ofthe following sives the distance between two consecutive dtons after the lower drops attained a velocity of 3s? a. 101mm = Se yoke © 2m S = 45¢.72- 54.92 4. 404m S = 403.8 mm SITUATION 6 Friday, 11 December 2020 7:06 pm Situation & An object travels rom the ofigin long a curved path as shown. its hoizen velocity v, =8t m/s, where tis in seconds. Ht=2 seconds, 35, Determine the magnitude ofits positon? ¢ 7 nite Pe xi t ys » 32m «265m «212m Vx = St Parameters = V,t,S ve 8; ds = vdt dx = Vy dé Go de = (' 8¢ de ‘O 0 até xJve af X-07 4¢- 0 X24" Given : x? lat | ys gs soe) 9° (@ ++: 2sec we 44%. 42) = 1G m y* 24? = 22?) > lom Je. C2 Jy x*4yr Vx = BE d [ys 24?) & bs a Ry Vy = Bt = 8(2) = [6 M/s Vy = Ges G2") = 2am/s Vey xt + Vy™ Ney jot + 247 Vv? 28.84 m/s 437, Detetmine the magnitude ofits acceleration? _ dv . a-w a ams Bs Axl tay} dt CET aarap Os Ms. eg = gM 4. 2am? ; 2): m~ Oy? Be. 4 co") (26 When t= 25sec Ay = Rt = |2(2) = 24 eo magnitvde of accelerator SITUATION 7 Friday,11 December2020 7:07 pm ‘Situation 7 An object aves from the ofgin along a curved path as shown. Hat the point x= 16 m from previous fgueits speedis 288, ii/s and the speedisincteasing at 10 rvs, Sind “The direction ofits velocity measured fromm horizon = tangent 40 tne carve rea: m = tan = y . 1 3h - gy = rT x tine \ 28.95 "lo dyps\ lt J a(4)x 1 34 ys e% @ x = 16m y= S00) yor 45 tan® « yo = tS O= tan' (5 6 = S.3I° 38, The tangential component ofits acceleration speed is increasing @ 0™/s* a 0mis? OT — La, a ome esamve meme 188 mvs 1 normal component ofits acceleration Sanvst m8 mvs 188 mie ye ox ys 2(4)x« a a3 -L 2c yrs (1+@2*) “ yr oi pr Ty" a,? Me 28.8% P \2g-99 21. ‘The magnitude ofits acceleration - os sna! Or = 10 M/s mame! On Gaam/s & asm? «seme as \an? taé SITUATION & Friday, 11 December2020 7:09 pm Siewation & A bulletis fred atan angle of 58° with an inital velocity of 1SOnw/ atthe top of 120 ral building, Neglecting air resistance, determine 22, Maxirnum height above the base of the building that the bullet reached 3. 788.10. », s0aa9m. Analyze Orv 1 y-dlrecton * «608.0 Rrrameters * No, Vp as 7, Ves Vo* + 2a OF (Wsin6) # 20-3) hrae hay, ~ —{Vesind)* bi measured from the irra point hye = 50s) 203.61) = 78m H= 120 thee» [204 7ex.19 H= gog.1am 23, Time forthe bullet to hit the ground 2 22000 Analyze @ ‘to ® (y= directon) b 22e0see 4, 3,4, ¢ 2620s00 4, 20200 S= Vyt that” ~ 120 = Isosinss t + x(-s8i) ¢,, t-3 = 26. 2936 32 5 Z t-3 = 26. 29362 5 ti~3 = -0.935 From ps @ to © Cy -chve chon) a Ye Mot ats | nen ~ Vay = |osin&e + (-9,81)(26.28) Vey = 133.99 /, Vox = (80008565 03.8% Vg Dry \o*V 93.66*+ 193.49" V3 = 157.66 m/o SITUATION 9 Friday, 11 Decembs 710 pm Station Apioesteis fred rom pent O tan angle of 30! withthe hosionta Hlands at point stance of 200 m fompoint©O measured along the inained plane 25. Which af he felling most nea gives the Sime of ave ofthe projesie? a 4028 » 658s Datum -- «10236 4. 885s BY R gP y= Ktan6 -t9(25) “20 = Moto’ 49.0) (oo 160 Vo = 28.08 m/s From 0 4o A CHORIZONE MOTION/ x- Axis’) Vy = a = Ve cos® d Vo wos £2 100 28. 08 cos 30 t=6.585 26. Which af he fallowing most ney sves the inital veloc of the preecsie? 2 2eaemvs V7 b 20a mvs « s2a7mvs 4. 2053 ms 27. Which af he allowing most ney sves the msimum height reachedby the projeele as measured rom psintO? 2. 255m (Vo sind)” Lae Image = v2 $8) sosem 2g = hag = —@B08sin36)" 23.81) = 10.05 ma SITUATION 10 Friday, 11 December2020 712 pm ‘Situation it A vuckis waveling south ata speed of 70lh and is decelerasing at Sms" towards an intersection. A caris waveling ‘east towaids the intersection and is decelerating at3 m/s? ata speed of 20kph, 2. Whatis he vloiy of ar elatve to the ust? a, 28 2 sneabigh x = fe) Ve ty vale E [ « 5878Iph tye 4. 047 iph Ss For fe truck? | . . Vy = OF - 7) Ge OC + 55 For 4 Car: 4 Ve = G0¢ + Oy a= -3C 40) a Ven = LR Vejr = (80% 405) - (0¢- 704) Vey = 80i + 70; Vere = Y 80°F 62 Very = 106. 30 kph 25. Whatis the beating ofthe velocity of car relative to tuck? a aL Ny N 106-30 © 9 106.30 w/e «ALLO °S of » 4. ar sote o Gey «S004 S of 4. 2090°S of 4 N 7 tx @ > @> tan ( ) = 41.14" Bearing » FL oe 30. Whatis the beating of acceleration of cay relative to tuck? 3 3 -& b. 2000° Note Fey = Ae ep, * C3i40))~ Cos +35) Aefp > -3U- 5y 7 5 6 tan'( =) w 5 E 6 = 59.04? Gey -S — | Bearing * 99.04° S of w % SITUATION 11 Friday, 11 December 2020 7:14 pm ‘Situation 11: At theinstant shown object Ais travelling along the circular path and its speedis increasing at 1Omm/s* Object Bis ‘uavelling along the staight path and its speed is decreasing at Srw/s 4 tx “y = O+ 4) Ag = 5/5* 24. What isthe relative velocity ofA with respeotto 8? Compute for an 2 ams ev at mn bans Ie = Ss 32 Ge 6.93 m/s P os 4. 894mIs SN] ~ a 31. Va/a = Va -& Vare © COit4y)~ (BC 405) Vive . 8 + 44 Vye = 4 S* 447 We = %-34 m/s 32, Whatis the relative acceleration of A with respectta 8? 2 ~ ~ ne Aae= OY - an tom! 5 «rome One > (320 t10))~ (50 +04) awe Ong = 27 +10) Fay? \J27™ +O Wa © 29.79/52 35, Whatis the beating of relative acceleration ofA with respect to? a. 2032° Nef E Nu 28.9 ty 22-48 > 0068 N off & 2032°S of E lo Ww € 27 Ss ° 6+ tan’ ( w)s 20.32 Bearing ? 20.32° Nof E 34-35 Friday, 11 December 2020 7:15 pm [ABSOLUTE DEPENDENT MOTION Use Soin 2% “ae Hse) = 34 (58) Sa = Sp dda Va? a\p Va? 3(0.4) Nae |.2me 2 026mvs Sou 4: ». os2mve cams Length of rope is constant fred paint Yat Kt (yt) tht 4g 106°> ye af DRUM UNE 2¥q + Jyts0.6" + K = Doce I 4 rae ai HL yroe) Fey, dt) 40-0 2\yt+ _ YAVA =O J yy*t0.6" 2vg+ _ci(0.6) =O SITUATION 12 Friday, 11 December 2020 7:17 pm ‘Situation 12 The 250sb concrete black Ais feleased from restin the positon shown and pulls the 4004 log up the 30° ramp. Ifthe coeffcientofkineto ficton between the log and the ram is OS 36, Determine the acceleration ofthe block asithits the ground at, Tay a saat? b 202s? are 4. Ta8Ke 57. Determine the acceleration of he log as the block hits the ground at, a seams Alsou) . FF (Soy) Stow = 25 109 b 292tue « uuiwe Vow = 2Ving a 38s Fe = 225g oO For THE LOG: +\ EFL =o N = 400cos 36 ER = "2%, 2T ~ 4oosinan - 0.5 (tencesn) = BE a, = 1860+ 6. S T = 186.60 2IAeg ® For THe Gowceete BLOCK T +4 EF = many _> = (250 J 2590-T = (377) Qeove T= 250- 1.76 0m (2) a. 127s Equation €. (ad 3 T-T 186-60 +6.21digg = 250- 7-76 0am pfoney:| 186:60+ 6.2{ Quog = 280° 7-16 ( 24.06) ive = |2-92Ft/g> Oey = 2 (2.82) = 5.93ft/s" 58. Determine the velocity of the Block as ithits the ground at Mo, S$, &, Ve suis < usTis new \y"> \p"+ Zas Ver J 0% 2683)(20) Vp * 15.27 Als SITUATION 13 Friday, 11 December 2020 7:19 pm Situation 13: A 75-4g man stands on a spiing sealein an elevator During the 41st seconds of motion from rest the tension Tin the hoisting eableis 8300 N. The total mass ofthe elevator, man, and sealeis 750 ke 2. Duin te aceon the eae FeO OF Elevator : oe con oa tare ma 4. 2oL mvs tober readers a} 8200-75048) = 50a + 2. 820N & 280N, 903N, 4. 308N Bs (.24m/e {81 Velocity reached by the elevatorby the end of seconds 3. 733 mvs T50K9 737 mvs «173 mvs ce FeD OF MAN : BY AF-ma af To R-1x9.i- 1501.26) R= goNn R Parameters: Vo, ta, Ve NE FVo t at Vp = 0+ (1.2¢)(3) Up? 3.77m/5 SITUATION 14 Friday, 11 December 2020 7:21 pm ‘Situation 14 A block weighing 100 N atpoint Ais pushed by a hovizontal force of LOON along a smooth hosizontal surface untl it ‘tavels 10 m reaching point, The block has a velocity of LOrn/s atpoint A. The blockis released atpoint@ and travels along a vertical circular are BC tangent 08. The circular are has a radius of 1Omand ‘angle OTST Afr passing point, the block ‘uavels along an incline CD tangent atC. 42. Whieh ofthe folowing mestneady gives the veloc of hebiock at? 100 a. L116 mvs | — basa ms Pe tols| © an2amie $m 4. 1981s Va =10M/, USING WEE: ZU. > T-Ti © @ pr. A @©@r.B Ses = Tp ~Ta looti) = ZC L2) vt. £(2)co?) z ae Vp = ly7.21 m/s 43, Which ofthe following most nealy gives the velocity ofthe block atpoint C? a 1545mfs b. 1830 m/s «1843 mis 4. e10mvs Vg = 17.21% WEE From BIOC ®o © ar) oor oT Oo © EU-c= b- Ts (00 (Co - C1o-beos95)) = (ga) Ve- £ (2) (nai) Ve = 18.48™/s “44, Which ofthe following most nealy gives the distance from along the incline CD when the block stops for the frst me? b, 721m 2am 4. 1300m WEE FoR ¢c TO D: © © ZU,-07 To-Te (9(0-€8 sw)) = 2GS)C) -L GV) S= (7.210 SITUATION 15 Friday, 14 December 2020 7:23 pm Situation 15 The 5O-kg block at Ais mounted on rollers so thatit moves along the xed horizontal ail with negligible ficion under the ‘action ofthe constant 300-N forcein the cable, The blackis released from restat A withthe spring to which tis attached extended an inital amount x, =0.233 ra The spiing has a stiffness k80 N/m Ly displacenent @ A c_300N 45. Find the work done by the spring a -70703 & 97073 « -77903 4. 79973 445. Find the work done by the constant 300-N force Wort of Spring © » ages Une Lk (s- Se) «e109 Sa= X,*0.233m 4. 1089 427 Caloulate the velocity ofthe block as itreaohes SB* X,41.2= 1.433 m a ims b. 2mvs Us-g= + ed) [oss 1938" | amvs 4. Ams Ug = -79. 968 Nem fF T= joules When fhe block is at B C4—0.Gm—B00N For the 300 constant force : U-e> 300 C06) L Joules 472, WEB for A ad B o © €} Us-g - Ty- Ts - 79.268 + 180 = 2(60)(Ve) -4CaXo%) Vg 2 2.09m/s5

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