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Unit 2: Live and learn

Name and surnames: Paula Pedrero

Group: 4rd ESO C
Teacher: Rosa
Deadline: Thursday 25th of November 2010

Page 18 exercise 2, 3, 6.................................................................................................... 1

Page 19 exercise 8 and page 20 exercise 1, 2................................................................... 2

Page 20 exercises 3, 4, 6 and page 21 exercise 7............................................................. 3

Page 21 exercises 9, 10, page 22 exercise 2 and page 23 exercise 8................................ 4

Page 26 exercise 3, 4........................................................................................................ 5

Dictations for Bachillerato 1............................................................................................. 6

Song “Crossfire” for Brandon Flowers............................................................................ 7

English Language Dossier: Blue Mango Theatre: “Tune in”........................................... 8

Song “Wouldn’t be nice”.................................................................................................. 9

My life............................................................................................................................ 10

Revised “My life”........................................................................................................... 11

Song “Impossible” by Shontelle..................................................................................... 12

Page 18 exercise 2:

immature – mature
unreliable – reliable
insecure – secure
unemotional – emotional
unfair – fair
irresponsible – responsible
intolerant – tolerant

Page 18 exercise 3:

1. With my friends I’m sometimes immature because we do stupid things.

2. With my family I’m not usually insecure.
3. I try to be responsible doing my homework.
4. I want to be more tolerant with other races.
5. I like people who are emotional.
6. I don’t like people who are immature.
7. Parents should be fairer.

Page 18 exercise 6:

1. Why did Hal leave home?

Because he had a massive argument with his folks.

2. What did he plan to do in Philadelphia?

He wanted to go on his cousin’s house.

3. How did Hal feel when he received his sister email?

He felt emotional.

4. Why didn’t Hal sleep well in the park?

Because he felt insecure.

5. How did he spent his money in Philadelphia?

He bought a blanket.

6. How many days was Hal in Philadelphia before he met Daniel?

Two days.

7. How did Hal feel when he spoke to Daniel? Why?

He felt embarrassed because Daniel’s parents are dead.

8. How was Daniel getting money and food?

Daniel was stealing food and sometimes begging for money.
Page 19 exercise 8:

1. What do you think about Hal?

He’s irresponsible because an argument it’s not a reason for runaway from home.

2. What problems do teenagers have?

Family and friend problems.

3. Was there a better solution for Hal’s problems?

Speak with his fathers or his friends.

4. How long could you survive in a big city?

Depending of the money that you have.

5. What do you think Hal did in the end?

He returned home.

Page 20 exercise 1:

We use the present perfect to describe a situation or experience which happened in the
past when:
1. the time period hasn’t finished,
I haven’t eaten today. [Today has not finished.]
2. the action is complete but it has an effect now.
I’ve left home. [I am on the streets now.]
Affirmative and Negative
I’ve / I haven’t left home.
He’s / He hasn’t been on the streets.
They have / They haven’t sent a text.
Have you (ever) left home?
Has he (ever) been on the streets?
Have they (ever) sent a text?

Page 20 exercise 2:

1. Hal hasn’t run away again.

2. He has spoken a lot with his parents.
3. Hal’s mum and dad have been tolerant.
4. They haven’t asked about Philadelphia.
5. They have decided to speak more often.
6. Hal has been more sociable with his parents.
7. Hal has stayed at home more this week.
8. He hasn’t watched TV in his room every night.
Page 20 exercise 3:

1. In the last five years I have changed a lot.

2. In the last five years I have met nice people.
3. In the last five years I have become more mature.
4. In the last five years I have learned a lot.
5. In the last five years I have bought a new phone.
6. In the last five years I have been abroad.

Page 20 exercise 4:

a) Has she spoken to you yet?

Encara no ha parlat amb tu?

b) I haven’t eaten anything yet.

Encara no he menjat res.

c) I’ve already spent most of my money.

Ja m’he gastat tots els meus diners.

d) I’ve just read an email.

Acavo de llegir un email.

1. Where in a sentence do we put yet? At the end of the sentence.

2. Do we use yet in affirmative sentences? No, we didn’t put it.
3. Which action happened very recently? The sentence d.
4. Where in a sentence do we put already? Before the verb.
Page 20 exercise 6:

1. They are walking because they have just missed the bus.
2. She is laughing because she has just seen a funny film.
3. Her friend is screaming because she has just found a spider.
4. The boy is running because he has just stolen some bread.
5. They are studying because they have just arrived at the library.
6. I’m frowning because I have just heard bad news.

Page 21 exercise 7:

Regular Irregular
study – studied wear – worn
work – worked see – seen
play – played be – been
cook – cooked drive – driven
pass – passed buy – bought
decide – decided do – done
eat – eaten
sleep – slept
leave – left
have – had
take – taken
Page 21 exercise 9:

1. I’ve already had lunch.

2. I haven’t driven a car yet.
3. I’ve never smoked.
4. I’ve often drink coca-cola.
5. My parents have been to France.
6. They’ve never stolen a car.

Page 21 exercise 10:

1. Have you ever played in a band? No, I haven’t.

2. Have you ever eaten exotic food? Yes, I have.
3. Have you ever seen a live concert? Yes, I have.
4. Have you ever had an interview? Yes, I have.
5. Have you ever slept in a tent? Yes, I have.
6. Have you ever driven a car? Yes, I have.
7. Have you ever worn traditional clothes? Yes, I have.
8. Have you ever been to another country? Yes, I have.
9. Have you ever cooked for your family? Yes, I have.
Page 22 exercise 4:

1. I argued with my parents yesterday. a

2. I’ve changed in the last six years. b
3. I’ve been a teacher for three years. b
4. I ran away when I was sixteen. a

a) The past simple describes completed actions in the past.
b) The present perfect often describes unfinished time periods.

Page 23 exercise 8:

How long have you had that job?

1. I’ve been a teacher for three years.
He sigut un mestre durant tres anys.

2. I’ve been a police officer since 2004.

Jo he sigut policia des del 2004.

When did you stop smoking?

3. I stopped smoking three years ago.
Vaig deixar de fumar fa tres anys.

a) With the past simple we use ago with a period of time.
b) With the present perfect we use for with a period of time and since with a point
of time.
Page 26 exercise 3:

1. Jamil was born in Bradford. TRUE

He has lived in Bradford all his life.

2. Jamil’s grandfathers had problems when they arrived in Britain. TRUE

Because he says that it wasn’t easy for his grandfathers.

3. Jamil wants to do everything like British people. FALSE

Because he says that he doesn’t drink alcohol when he goes to the pub.

4. Natalia works in a bar because she wants to meet people. FALSE

She works in a bar because she needs money.

5. Natalia can meet other Polish people in Glasgow. TRUE

Natalia says “there are about 5000 Poles living here now”.

6. Natalia has got the same ambitions as Jamil. FALSE

Because Natalia wants to return to his country but Jamil wants to stay in his home city.

Page 26 exercise 4:

1. Is your country multicultural?

Yes, it is.

2. What about your area?

There are some Chinese and Moroccan people.

3. What are the advantages of a multicultural society?

You can know other cultures.

4. Would you like to study in another country? Why? / Why not?

Yes. I would like to study in the United States because I want to practice my English.

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