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Unit 5: Music

Name and surnames: Paula Pedrero

Group: 4rd ESO C
Teacher: Rosa
Deadline: Tuesday 15th of March 2011

Page 48 exercises 1, 6 and page 50 exercise 1…………………………………………. 1

Page 50 exercises 2, 3 and page 52 exercise 3…………………………………………. 2

UNIT 5: GRAMMAR REVISION……………………………………………………... 3

Loving you tonight Andrew Allen’s……………………………………………………. 4

Page 48 exercise 1:

nu metal
heavy metal
hip hop

Page 48 exercise 6:

1. Went to live in a different country. EMIGRATED

2. Said the words of a poem pr rhyme. RECITED
3. Copied the style. IMITATED
4. Machines for playing records. TURNTABLES
5. Groups of criminals. GANGS
6. Very big. MASSIVE

Page 50 exercise 1:

subject Be past simple (agent)

Past 1. The parties were recorded (by people).
Present 2. Hip hop Are used by pop artists
Future 3. Hip hop will be remembered (by people).


1. People recorded the parties.

2. Pop artists use hip hop rhythms.
3. People will remember hip hop.

In the active voice, the subject is active: it does something.
In the passive voice, the subject is passive. Something happens to it.
We form passives with a form of be + past participle.
Active DJs imitated his style.
Passive His style is imitated (by DJs)
Page 50 exercise 2:

The British charts were started in 1952. The top twelve records were listed by a
magazine called New Musical Express. One of the magazine’s managers phoned twenty
record shops every week to find the information. The harts were popular and they were
copied by other magazines.
These days the official charts are prepared by a specialist company. More than 5,000
shops are connected to a computer and the information is processed every week. Apart
from the general charts, there are also charts for hip hop, indie, country and other types
of music.
In the future, more Internet shops will be connected to the carts system, as people buy
more music online.

Page 50 exercise 3:

Do they know it’s Christmas?

1. They wrote the song for a charity.

The song was written for a charity.

2. A lot of stars sang the song.

The song was sung by a lot of stars.

3. Now people often write songs for good causes.

Now, songs are often written for good causes.

4. People also organize concerts for charities.

Concerts are also organized for charities.

5. Maybe one day, governments will donate more money.

Maybe one day, more money will be donated by governments.

6. Then we won’t need charities.

Then charities won’t be needed.

Page 52 exercise 3:


1. When was the song released?

Quan va ser la cançó llençada al marcat?
2. Why was the song banned?
Perquè va ser prohibida la cançó?
3. Why were the Dixie Chicks boycotted by some fans?
Perquè els Dixie Chicks van ser boicotejats per alguns fans?
4. Will these songs be advertised online?
Les cançons seran anunciades online?

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