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Part 1 - Watch the film and answer the following questions. (Reflective and well-supported
answers, please at least 40 words per question)

A - Turing was forced to conceal his homosexuality because it was illegal. How might
holding such a big secret have influenced his role in breaking the Enigma code?

Well, the history show that between the second world war, in England the homosexuality
was a indecency so… If someone was homosexual, that’s person or been two years in
prison or had a hormonal therapy so… if someone knew that he was homosexual he would
have been fired of the enigma code and he would have been two years in prison

B - Do you find the barbaric treatment inflicted on Turing by the government shocking?
How does it make you feel that this is a relatively recent event? Can you think of any
countries around the world where similar practices still exist?

Well, I think that’s treatment is inhuman for any person, all lives matter and judge
someone just his thinks is some prejudiced, you can't You cannot just judge someone as a
good or bad persons just their tastes, well may be by their actions.

C - Some people have criticised for the film because in their opinion, the film avoids
talking about Turing’s sexuality in any detail. Why might they think that? Do you agree?
Jumm, I think that’s true idea, the movie avoid talking about the Turing’s sexuality, but,
that is because the film just focused on the Turing’s achievements and I think that if the
movie talk more of the homosexuality if possible that get much hate, because that isn’t
some normal an this moment

D - Turing was granted an historical pardon by the Queen in 2013, long after his death. Do
you think this was an important thing for the country to do? Why?

Yes, that was a important thing.

Why? Because since moment he gets official recognition. So… he can transcend in history
like a genius and one of the father computing and now we can talk about him like a good
person and many people would think the same idea, so… if someone talk about him isn’t a
bad thing like to talk about Hitler

Part 2 - You are going to watch this video, it

is an interview of the main actors at the London Film Festival. Again, use from 30 to 40 words
minimum to explain each question.

A - In this short interview they mentioned things like “Turing's story is an underrated” why do you
think he says so? Explain

Well, I suppose that some people underrate him just his homosexuality, possibly because they see
that like some bad, repulsive or demon’s things and just focused in it and not in his achievements

B - They also talked about the role of women in society and how it has changed (taking into
consideration that this happened NOT many years ago) Explain what you think she referred to

Well, I suppose that the role of women was a big changed. First the women just did cleaning and
now they can do anything like stole a bank, be a firefighter, dealer, judge, anything that she just

C - And they even talked about the importance for people in general to know this kind of stories.
Why do you think this emphasis on suggesting stories like this to people?

Im not sure, but I think that is because is bad judge someone just his thinks and that the
people is more than one idea or thing of him, like Hitler he did a war, but he was so good
with the animals
Part 3 – Write a film review of the movie. The structure of a film review is the following :
Introduction (General aspects of the movie, kind of movie, main actors, locations, setting,
release date, etc) Body (the plot, the story itself, avoid telling how the movie finishes)
conclusion (opinion in general, in relation to the acting, music, photography, etc and if you
recommend it or not and why) Word count: 250-300 words

The imitation game is a movie dramatic and some bellicose that talk about Alan Turing
and he resolves the enigma, the history is in the London between the second world war.
He and some genius will resolve the enigma. Obviously, he has problems to work with
And frequently they nag Alan because he doesn’t work with them. after some difficulties
with his partners, Alan and they staring to work together and with the brilliant idea to
fight fire against fire they solve the enigma thanks the Turing’s invention. But obviously
that isn’t all history, because some characters keep some secrets, well in all wars all keep
secrets, but if someone knows your secret, you are dead or tortured.
Well, I think the movie is good because show other reason because Hitler lost the war,
but that isn’t the focus, the real reason is because show us that not one is just one idea
and the big changed that took the history about the social rules.
Is possible that the history be a little confuse, but to the passage of the movie you star to
understand the times of history and it will better if had a music that´s will be more
immersive in the history or in age, well with more vintage sound effects, like: some people
crying because the family died or more chaos, well more than a simple comment about we
are in the war

So… I recommend this movie for its history, acting and because, but more for the history

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