TOPIC 1 Defining The Humanities

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There are instances in when one reflects and asks himself these questions: What am
I? Why am I in this world? Where do I go from here? What can I do to become and remain
an effective, responsible member of society? Indeed, man tends to search the meaning and
the purpose of his/her existence.
To quench these queries, one needs to be more human-to put man into his/her heart
and mind, thus, the primordial purpose of this course.
This unit is designed to intensively immerse you to the different art forms. In this
way, you come to understand better the significance of arts in our daily living.

Learning Objectives
At the end of the session, you will be able to:
a. Trace the development of humanities in the different periods and;
b. Discuss the Humanities.

Presentation of Content
The term “humanities” was first applied to the writings of ancient Latin authors
which were read not only for their clarity of language and forceful literary style, but also,
and more specially, for their moral teaching.
During the Medieval Age, the humanities dealt with the metaphysics of the religion
philosopher. The goal was the cultivation of the spiritual life and the preparation for the
During the Renaissance, the word came to refer to the set of disciplines taught in the
universities, which included grammar, rhetoric, history, literature, music, philosophy, and
theology- a body of knowledge aimed to make man “ human, cultured, and refined.
At present, the humanities serve to provide the student with certain skills and values
through arts. (Ortiz et al).
The term humanities refers to the arts- the visual arts such as architecture; painting
and sculpture; music; dance; the theater or drama; and literature. They are the branches of
learning concerned with human being and his feelings and how he expresses those feelings
have always been the concern of the humanities (Sanchez, 2001).
What are the differences and similarities of the Humanities and the Sciences?
The sciences deal with the external world of man, as well as with the facets of man’s
being that can be subjected to observation, measurement, and experimentation.
The sciences enable man to understand and control nature and to harness its energy
to make his life more comfortable and convenient.
The humanities deal with man’s internal world-with his personality and experiences,
matters that cannot be exactly measured, classified, or controlled. The humanities’ approach
is subjective; it makes much use of perception, feeling, intuition, and insight.
The focus of the humanities is on man as an individuals, while in the social sciences
the main interest is on types and groups of human beings, and on the institutions and
processes of society.
Man needs as image of himself, an understanding of his nature. Through words,
tones, mass, line, color, or design, the arts provide man with a measure of his passions and
desires, his relation with other men and his environment, as well as his potentials.
Both the sciences and the humanities are necessary for the development of the complete,
social man, ready to take on his responsibilities in this rapidly changing world and to enjoy
life as he lives it (Ortiz et al.).

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