Software Engineering: Slide Set 02: Software Process Models

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Slide Set 02: Software Process Models

Software Process
• There are various software development
approaches defined and designed which are
used/employed during development process of
software, these approaches are also referred as
"Software Development Process Models“.

• Each process model follows a particular life

cycle in order to ensure success in process of
software development.

Software Process Models 2

Software Process

Software Software Software Software

Specifications Development Validation Evolution

Figure 2.1 : Software Process Activities

Software Process Models 3

Software Process Model
• A software process model (also called Life
Cycle Model) is a simplified description of a
software process that presents one view of
that process.

Software Process Models 4

The Generic Model
• The generic models are not definitive
descriptions of software processes. Rather,
they are abstractions of the process that can be
used to explain different approaches to
software development.

• The Generic Models are process frameworks

that may be extended and adapted to create
more specific software engineering processes.

Software Process Models 5

Adaptability of Models
• A life-cycle model will always be applied on every
project but the most suitable model and details of
phases will vary based on:

 Type of project (scientific, embedded, business, etc.)

 Characteristics of the project
 Common sense judgment
 Experience of the project team

Software Process Models 6

The Waterfall Model
• Waterfall Model (also known as Linear Sequential
Model) was first Process Model to be introduced
and followed widely in Software Engineering to
ensure success of the project.

• In "The Waterfall" approach, the whole process of

software development is divided into separate
process phases.

Software Process Models 7

The Waterfall Model
• The phases in Waterfall model are:

– Requirement Specifications
– Software Design
– Implementation
– Testing & Maintenance

Software Process Models 8

The Waterfall Model
• All these phases are cascaded to each other so
that second phase will start when defined set of
goals are achieved for first phase and it is signed
off, so the name "Waterfall Model".

• All the methods and processes undertaken in

Waterfall Model are more visible.

Software Process Models 9

The Waterfall Model

Figure 2.2 : The Waterfall Model

Software Process Models 10

The Stages of Waterfall Model
Stage I: Requirement Analysis & Definition

• All possible requirements of the system to be

developed are captured in this phase.

• Requirements are set of functionalities and

constraints that the end-user (who will be using
the system) expects from the system.

Software Process Models 11

The Stages of Waterfall Model
Stage I: Requirement Analysis & Definition

• The requirements are gathered from the end-user

by consultation, these requirements are analyzed
for their validity and the possibility of
incorporating the requirements in the system to
be development is also studied.

Software Process Models 12

The Stages of Waterfall Model
Stage I: Requirement Analysis & Definition

• Finally, a Requirement Specification document is

created which serves the purpose of guideline for
the next phase of the model.

Software Process Models 13

The Stages of Waterfall Model
Stage II: System & Software Design

• Before a starting for actual coding, it is highly

important to understand what we are going to
create and what it should look like? The
requirement specifications from first phase are
studied in this phase and system design is

Software Process Models 14

The Stages of Waterfall Model
Stage II: System & Software Design

• System Design helps in specifying hardware and

system requirements and also helps in defining
overall system architecture.

• The system design specifications serve as input for

the next phase of the model.

Software Process Models 15

The Stages of Waterfall Model
Stage III: Implementation & Unit Testing

• On receiving system design documents, the work

is divided in modules/units and actual coding is

• The system is first developed in small programs

called units, which are integrated in the next

Software Process Models 16

The Stages of Waterfall Model
Stage III: Implementation & Unit Testing

• Each unit is developed and tested for its

functionality; this is referred to as Unit Testing.

• Unit testing mainly verifies if the modules/units

meet their specifications.

Software Process Models 17

The Stages of Waterfall Model
Stage IV: Integration & System Testing

• As specified above, the system is first divided in

units which are developed and tested for their

Software Process Models 18

The Stages of Waterfall Model
Stage IV: Integration & System Testing

• These units are integrated into a complete system

during Integration phase and tested to check if all
modules/units coordinate between each other and
the system as a whole behaves as per the

• After successfully testing the software, it is

delivered to the customer.
Software Process Models 19
The Stages of Waterfall Model
Stage V: Operations & Maintenance

• This phase of "The Waterfall Model" is virtually

never ending phase (Very long).

• Generally, problems with the system developed

(which are not found during the development life
cycle) come up after its practical use starts, so the
issues related to the system are solved after
deployment of the system.
Software Process Models 20
The Stages of Waterfall Model
Stage V: Operations & Maintenance

• Not all the problems come in picture directly but

they arise time to time and needs to be solved;
hence this process is referred as Maintenance.

Software Process Models 21

Advantages of the Waterfall Model
• Easy to explain to the user.

• Stages and activities are well defined.

• Helps to plan and schedule the project.

• Verification at each stage ensures early detection

of errors / misunderstanding.

Software Process Models 22

Disadvantages of the Waterfall Model
• Requires that requirements are well-specified and

• Assumes a sequential flow, which real projects

rarely follow.

• Working version becomes available very late (after


• Developers may have to wait due to dependent

Software Process Models
Conclusion of the Waterfall Model
• When the requirements are well understood, it is
reasonable to use this approach.

Software Process Models 24

The Prototyping Model
• Often, a customer defines a set of general
objectives for software but does not identify
detailed input, processing, or output

• In these, and many other situations, a prototyping

paradigm may offer the best approach.

Software Process Models 25

The Prototyping Model
• The prototyping paradigm begins with
requirements gathering.

• Developer and customer meet and define the

overall objectives for the software, identify
whatever requirements are known, and outline
areas where further definition is mandatory. A
"quick design" then occurs.

Software Process Models 26

The Prototyping Model
• The quick design leads to the construction of a

• The prototype is evaluated by the customer/user

and used to refine requirements for the software
to be developed.

Software Process Models 27

The Prototyping Model
• Iteration occurs as the prototype is tuned to satisfy
the needs of the customer, while at the same time
enabling the developer to better understand what
needs to be done.

Software Process Models 28

The Stages of Prototyping Model
Stage I: Requirements Definition/Collection

• Similar to the phase I of the Waterfall Model, but

not as comprehensive.

• The information collected is usually limited to a

subset of the complete system requirements.

Software Process Models 29

The Stages of Prototyping Model
Stage II: Design

• Once the initial layer of requirements information

is collected, or new information is gathered, it is
rapidly integrated into a new or existing design so
that it may be folded into the prototype.

Software Process Models 30

The Stages of Prototyping Model
Stage III: Prototype Creation/Modification

• The information from the design is rapidly rolled

into a prototype. This may mean the
creation/modification of paper information, new
coding, or modifications to existing coding.

Software Process Models 31

The Stages of Prototyping Model
Stage IV: Assessment

• The prototype is presented to the customer for


• Comments and suggestions are collected from the


Software Process Models 32

The Stages of Prototyping Model
Stage V: Prototype Refinement

• Information collected from the customer is

digested and the prototype is refined.

• The developer revises the prototype to make it

more effective and efficient.

Software Process Models 33

The Stages of Prototyping Model
Stage VI: System Implementation

• In most cases, the system is rewritten once

requirements are understood. Sometimes, the
Iterative process eventually produces a working
system that can be the cornerstone for the fully
functional system.

Software Process Models 34

The Stages of Prototyping Model

Figure 2.3 : Prototyping Model

Software Process Models 35
The Stages of Prototyping Model


Figure 2.4 : The Waterfall Model with Prototyping

Software Process Models 36

Validation Vs Verification
• Validation:

– Validation is concerned with checking that the system

will meet the customer’s actual needs.

• Verification:

– Verification is concerned with whether the system is

well-engineered, error-free, and so on. Verification will
help to determine whether the software is of high
quality, but it will not ensure that the system is useful.
Software Process Models 37
Advantages of the Prototyping Model
• Misunderstandings, ambiguities and missing
functions may be identified.

• User sees the model at an early stage.

• The user may ask for the finished product via “a

few fixes” to the prototype.

Software Process Models 38

Disadvantages of the Prototype Model
• Prototyping can lead to false expectations.

• Prototyping can lead to poorly designed systems.

Software Process Models 39

Conclusion of the Prototype Model
• When requirements are not well understood, it
may be reasonable to use this approach.

• A prototype’s purpose is to understand

requirements. A better (good quality) product
must be subsequently developed.

Software Process Models 40

Rapid Application Development (RAD) Model

• The main objective of RAD is to cut development

time and expense by involving users in every
phase of systems development.

• Because it is a continuous process, RAD allows the

development team to make necessary
modifications quickly, as the design evolves.

Software Process Models 41

Rapid Application Development (RAD) Model

Figure 2.5 : Rapid Application Development Model

Software Process Models 42

Advantages of Rapid Application Development
(RAD) Model
• Systems can be developed more quickly with
significant cost savings.

• Automated tools are used to facilitate construction

of the software.

• Suitable for those projects which are scalable.

Software Process Models 43

Disadvantages of Rapid Application
Development (RAD) Model
• The system might work in the short time, but the
corporate and long term objectives of the system
might not be met.

• Accelerated time cycle might allow less time to

develop quality, consistency and design standards.

Software Process Models 44

Conclusion of Rapid Application Development
(RAD) Model
• RAD can be attractive if a business application can
be modularized. However, the organization must
understand the possible risks.

Software Process Models 45

Evolutionary Models
• These models emphasize that the systems should
evolve with time.

• Evolutionary models are iterative.

• They are characterized in a manner that enables

software engineers to develop increasingly more
complete versions of the software.

Software Process Models 46

Evolutionary Models
• Some popular Evolutionary models are:

– The incremental Model

– The Spiral Model

– The WINWIN spiral Model

– The Concurrent Development Model

Software Process Models 47

The Incremental Model
• The incremental model combines elements of the
Linear Sequential Model (applied repetitively)
with the iterative philosophy of prototyping.

• Delivers software in increments, each increment is

a working product and adds to the functionality of
the previous increment.

Software Process Models 48

The Incremental Model
• When an incremental model is used, the first
increment is often a core product. That is, basic
requirements are addressed, but many
supplementary features (some known, others
unknown) remain undelivered. The core product is
used by the customer (or undergoes detailed

Software Process Models 49

The Incremental Model
• As a result of use and/or evaluation, a plan is
developed for the next increment.

• The plan addresses the modification of the core

product to better meet the needs of the customer
and the delivery of additional features and

• This process is repeated following the delivery of

each increment, until the complete product is

Software Process Models 50

The Incremental Model

Figure 2.6: The Incremental Model

Software Process Models 51

The Incremental Model
• The incremental process model, like prototyping
and other evolutionary approaches, is iterative in

• But unlike prototyping, the incremental model

focuses on the delivery of an operational product
with each increment.

Software Process Models 52

Advantages of Incremental Model
• Business pressure may be met.

• Technical risks may be managed.

• Fewer resources may be used to proceed.

• Client does not have to pay for entire software


Software Process Models 53

Disadvantages of Incremental Model
• Increments may be difficult to define.

• Software may be difficult to maintain.

Software Process Models 54

Conclusion of Incremental Model
• When the “core” product is well understood and
increments can be easily defined, it is reasonable
to use this approach.

Software Process Models 55

Spiral Model
• The spiral model, originally proposed by Boehm
(1988), is an evolutionary software process model
that couples the iterative nature of prototyping
with the controlled and systematic aspects of the
waterfall model.

• Spiral model is a combination of iterative

development process model and sequential linear
development model i.e. waterfall model with very
high emphasis on risk analysis.

Software Process Models 56

Spiral Model
• It allows for incremental releases of the product,
or incremental refinement through each iteration
around the spiral.

• Using the spiral model, software is developed in a

series of incremental releases.

• During early iterations, the incremental release

might be a paper model or prototype. During later
iterations, increasingly more complete versions of
the engineered system are produced.

Software Process Models 57

Spiral Model

Figure 2.7: Spiral Model

Software Process Models 58

Advantages of Spiral Model
• Risks are resolved before they become

• Good for large and mission-critical projects.

• Software is produced early in the software life


Software Process Models 59

Disadvantages of Spiral Model
• It can be costly model to use.

• Risk analysis requires highly specific expertise.

• Project success is highly dependent on the risk

analysis phase.

• Does not work well for smaller projects.

Software Process Models 60

Conclusion of Spiral Model
• When risks are high and need to be
resolved, it is reasonable to use this

Software Process Models 61

Task Regions of Spiral Model
• Customer Communication:
– Tasks required to establish effective communication
between developer and customer.

• Planning:
– Tasks required to define resources, timelines, and other
project related information.

• Risk Analysis:
– Tasks required to assess both technical and
management risks.

Software Process Models 62

Task Regions of Spiral Model
• Engineering:
– Tasks required to build one or more representations of
the application.

• Construction and Release:

– Tasks required to construct, test, install, and provide
user support (e.g., documentation and training).

• Customer Evaluation:
– Tasks required to obtain customer feedback based on
evaluation of the software representations created
during the engineering stage and implemented during
the installation stage.
Software Process Models 63
The WINWIN Spiral Model
• The spiral model discussed previously suggests a
framework activity that addresses customer

• The objective of this activity is to elicit project

requirements from the customer.

• In an ideal context, the developer simply asks the

customer what is required and the customer
provides sufficient detail to proceed.

Software Process Models 64

The WINWIN Spiral Model
• Unfortunately, this rarely happens. In reality, the
customer and the developer enter into a process of
negotiation, where the customer may be asked to
balance functionality, performance, and other
product or system characteristics against cost and
time to market.

• The best negotiations strive for a “win-

win” result.

Software Process Models 65

The WINWIN Spiral Model

Figure 2.8: The WINWIN Spiral Model

Software Process Models 66

The Concurrent Development Model
• The concurrent process model can be represented
schematically as a series of major technical
activities, tasks, and their associated states.

• The concurrent model is often more appropriate

for system engineering projects where different
engineering teams are involved.

Software Process Models 67

The Concurrent Development Model

Modeling act ivit y

rep resent s t he st at e
Under o f a so f t ware eng ineering
act ivit y o r t ask

A wait ing

Under review




Figure 2.9: The Concurrent Development Model

Software Process Models 68

The Concurrent Development Model
• Figure 2.9 provides a schematic representation of
one Software engineering task within the
modeling activity for the concurrent process

• The activity – modeling- may be in any one of the

states noted at any given time.

• All activities exist concurrently but reside in

different states.

Software Process Models 69

The Concurrent Development Model
• For example, early in the project the
communication activity has completed its first
iteration and exists in the awaiting changes state.
The modeling activity which existed in the none
state while initial communication was completed
now makes a transition into underdevelopment

• If, however, the customer indicates the changes in

requirements must be made, the modeling activity
moves from the under development state into the
awaiting changes state.

Software Process Models 70

The Concurrent Development Model
• The concurrent process model defines a series of
events that will trigger transitions from state to
state for each of the Software engineering
activities, actions, or tasks.

Software Process Models 71

The Formal Methods Model
• The formal methods model encompasses a set of
activities that leads to formal mathematical
specification of computer software.

• Formal methods enable a software engineer to

specify, develop, and verify a computer-based
system by applying an accurate mathematical

• Ambiguity, incompleteness, and inconsistency can

be discovered and corrected more easily.

Software Process Models 72

The Formal Methods Model
• Although the formal methods model offers the
promise of defect-free software but are rarely used

– The development of formal models is currently quite

time consuming and expensive.

– Only few software developers have the necessary

background to apply formal methods, extensive training
is required.

– It is difficult to use these models as a communication

mechanism for technically unsophisticated customers.
Software Process Models 73
The Rational Unified Process (RUP)
• RUP is a software engineering process in that it
describes a framework for activities leading to a
software product.

• According to Rational (developers of Rational Rose

and the Unified Modeling Language), RUP is like an
online mentor that provides guidelines, templates,
and examples for all aspects and stages of program

Software Process Models 74

Features of (RUP)
• It is a software process.

• It is the product sold by IBM (formerly by rational


• It is supported by a large array of tools.

• It is configurable.

• It is regularly updated.

Software Process Models 75

Three Perspectives of RUP
• Best Practices:

– A set of principles which are integrated into the process.

• Dynamic Perspective:

– Phases, iterations, milestones of the process which

change over time.

• Static perspective:

– The aspects of the process which are present in some

form in all dynamic phases: activities, artifacts,
workflows. Software Process Models 76
Phases of the RUP
• Inception Phase:

– The goal is to establish a business case for the system.

– Identify all external entities (people and systems) that

will interact with the system. Define these interactions.

– Use this information to access the contribution that the

system makes to the business.

Software Process Models 77

Phases of the RUP
• Elaboration Phase:

– To understand the problem domain.

– To establish an architectural framework for the system.

– To develop the project plan.

– To identify key project risks.

Software Process Models 78

Phases of the RUP
• Construction Phase:

– It is concerned with system design, programming and


– Parts of the system are developed in parallel and


Software Process Models 79

Phases of the RUP
• Transition Phase:

– Customer delivery and feedback.

• Production Phase:

– Software monitoring and support.

Software Process Models 80

Component-based Software Engineering
• This technique assumes that parts of the system
already exist. The system development process
focuses on integrating these parts rather than
developing them from scratch.

• The technical framework for a component-based

process model is provided by the object oriented

• The object oriented paradigm emphasizes the

creation of classes that encapsulate both data and
the algorithms used to manipulate the data.
Software Process Models 81
Component-based Software Engineering
• If properly designed and implemented, object-
oriented classes are reusable across different
applications and computer-based system

• The Component-Based Development (CBD) model

incorporate many of the characteristics of the
spiral model. However, the component-based
development model composes applications from
pre-packaged software components (called

Software Process Models 82

Component-based Software Engineering

Requirement Component Requirements System Design

Specification Analysis Modifications with Reuse


Figure 2.10: Component-based Software Engineering


Software Process Models 83

Capability Maturity Model (CMM)
• The Capability Maturity Model (CMM) is a
methodology used to develop and refine an
organization's software development process.

• It is used to define key activities required at

different levels of process maturity.

• It establishes five process maturity levels that are

shown in figure 2.11.

Software Process Models 84

Levels of Capability Maturity Model

Figure 2.11: Capability Maturity Model

Software Process Models 85

Levels of Capability Maturity Model
• Level 1: Initial

– The software process is characterized as adhoc, and occasionally

even chaotic. Few processes defined.

• Level 2: Repeatable

– Basic project management processes established to track cost,

schedule and functionality.

• Level 3: Defined

– Process for both management and engineering is documented,

standardized and integrated.
Software Process Models 86
Levels of Capability Maturity Model
• Level 4: Managed

– Detailed measure of the process and product quality

collected. Both are quantitatively understood and

• Level 5: Optimizing

– Continuous process improvement enabled by

quantitative feedback and testing innovative ideas.

Software Process Models 87

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