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Problem Statement:.....................................................................................................................................3

Project Aims:...............................................................................................................................................3

Project Objectives:......................................................................................................................................3

Literature Reviews:.....................................................................................................................................4


Purushottam sah


Section ‘B’
Online Movies Ticket Booking system

“Online Movie Ticket Booking System” is the process of online ticket booking system where
within 24 hours in a day anyone or customers can book their movies ticket from their home or
from anywhere in the world as well as in ordered to know all about currently running movies in
the theatre that is interacted with websites of multiplex’s and also all the information related to
movies scheduling and services that is provided by the theatres. In this modern world, with the
improvement of vast technologies, expanding digitalization as well as expanding large range of
social network, the exchanges of large information on the web become completely sufficient.
Since, last 6 to 10 years, because of that online framework has gotten exceptionally very well
known or most popular.

Rather than wasting time queuing at the film counter, it gives simple as well as proficient
approach in ordered to book tickets online. In this project we have figured out a portion of the
significant issues identified with “Online Movie Ticket Booking System”. With the expansion in
technology, “the online Movie Booking System” has gone much further. Users are presently
ready to views the seating plan as well as also they can likewise book rewards on the internet.
While the users entering the hall, there are likewise system through which users can verify their
ticket and pay.

Digitalization is perhaps the most astonishing results of innovation. It provided simple access to
all the available resources. The online system eliminates the waste of time in the cinema queue.
In addition, reviews can be effortlessly perused on the Internet to give the user a clear idea of the
movie. Online installment has additionally expanded E-Banking which contributes for the sound
advancement of nations economy.
Problem Statement:
Right now, the client just can look through the film they need to observe yet not inquiry what
motion pictures are accessible at a specific time and area. It is believed that there are two types
of film viewers: the person who definitely realize what to watch as well as discover an
opportunity to watch that specific film, while the other one has the opportunity yet don't have the
foggiest idea what to watch at that predetermined time.

 Fluctuations in network services.
 Inability to reserve space using a computer.
 Illiterate services, corrupt and tactical customers can enter the cinema with fake printing
of seat numbers.

Project Aims:
The main aims of “Online Movies Ticket Booking System” project for the both users as well as
executives providing effective and efficient, secured as well as reliable and user-friendly

Project Objectives:
i. To carry out an online movie ticket booking process that permits users in order to think about
new upcoming movies, movies schedules, cinema hall location, class as well as ticket costs.

ii. To change clients own account password.

iii. Interference to build a decent easy to use site with lots of online exchanges based on

iv. To minimize the number of staff at the ticket-box window.

v. Promote new movies over the internet and gain maximum profit.
Literature Reviews:

(Archit Roy, January 2019)

In the research article he explained that It's very exciting to Sitting at home watching movies,
reading reviews, and then reserving tickets as much as we can is very fascinating. There are main
issues with the online movie ticket booking system due to increased traffic server issues as well
as transaction failures. This node is used to reduces from those traffic issues such are the JS and
Mongongo DB connectivity. In addition, the movie booking system has several new features,
such as sending a preview of the movie and trailer to the user when booking a ticket, and
displaying the screen from different angles on the screen.

(Rahul Rajouria, March 2015)

This online movie ticket booking system helps us to avoid from wasting time, reduces
misunderstandings, facilitates data flow, customer happiness as well as satisfaction, and makes
work easy. To ensure the reliability as well as most importantly the accurate information in
ordered for the database verification furnished with well-planned income through the scene.

There are many applications based on “Online Movies Ticket Booking System” available in the
market with their own features. The system that I am proposing is not new to the market but will
consists extra special functionality other than those existing system. The programming language
that I will be going to use in ordered to developing my system such are HTML, CSS, JAVA
Script, Bootstrap etc. The use of these languages will make the system functional as well as

The system will consist login button where a registered user will be able login to the system and
if the user is new to the system, then they will have to sign up first to access the system. In the
movie category page, user will be able to select movies as per their choice and they can even
choose by the genres. After the movie selection part, system will navigate the user to proceeding
interface where user will have to select the cinema hall and then to the seat selection interface
where user will reserve their seat as per the availability. As soon the seat reservation part will
confirm in the respective cinema hall, the system will ask the user for payment where user will
be able to choose from different method like fonepay, esewa, khalti, e-net pay, credit card or
direct bank transfer. When the payment will confirm then system will send digital receipt to user
registered mail. The new functionalities that I will be using in the system are reminder and
multiple language versions. In reminder section, the user will be able to set the reminder of their
booked show and the system will send notification like “You are going to watch movie in QFX
cinema”. They can customize the time and date of reminder. In multiple language versions
section, user will be able to access the system in different language like espanol, spanish,
chinese, english etc. as per their ease.

Thus, the proposed system will be more advantageous than other existing system in the market as
they will get the access of majority of functionality in one platform.

 ResearchGate. 2021. (PDF) A Comparative Study in Online Movie Ticket Booking

System. [online] Available at:
_Movie_Ticket_Booking_System> [Accessed 9 February 2021].
 2021. [online] Available at:
<> [Accessed 9 February
 ResearchGate. 2021. (PDF) A Comparative Study in Online Movie Ticket Booking
System. [online] Available at:
Movie_Ticket_Booking_System> [Accessed 9 February 2021].
 2021. [online] Available at:
<> [Accessed 9 February 2021].

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