Aqua Sci

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The advantages of restoring and protecting our mangrove forest.

Natural Coastal
Mangroves act as a natural barrier
against violent storm surges and
floods. Its roots are sturdy to withstand
severe weather events and high-rising
of seawater level. It also prevents
coastal abrasion and erosion. Moreover,
it also acts as a filtering device that
protects coral reefs and seagrass from
the inland harmful chemicals and

Carbon Sink
Mangrove forests store carbon dioxide in almost all
of their parts and when it dies and falls. It was then
usually covered by the soil and after that, it was
submerged under the tidal water that slows the
breakdown of materials. Hence, boosting carbon
storage of the soil in the coastal area. Studies found
that almost 90% of the carbon in the environment
is trapped in mangrove soil. Therefore, restoring
and protecting the mangrove ecosystem is
beneficial to the environment for it helps in the
mitigation of climate change and global warming.

Provide Livelihood
Mangrove forests also provide a
livelihood to the people near them.
Mangrove area is abundant in an
aquatic organisms including
crustaceans, shellfish, fish, birds, etc.
because it serves as their habitat and
nursery. This gives local fishermen
income. Aside from that, mangrove
trees are also a reliable source of wood
for construction and fuel.

Mangrove ecosystems can also
generate income for the locales since
they can potentially become
sustainable eco-parks because it is
often located near coral reefs and
sandy beaches. It can provide the
tourist with environment-friendly
activities such as sports fishing,
kayaking, and birdwatching.

Rich Biodiversity
Since mangrove is in between land and
water, it holds various wildlife that lives
or breeds there. This including several
fish, crustaceans, mollusks, mammals
like sea turtles, and birds. Thus, it is
important to protect it.


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