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NAME: Cliven Jay R.

Lania Date:


LESSON 1: Man, Animals, and Ecosystem

Let’s Review!

A food chain is an order that shows the flow of energy from one organism to the other.
In a community which has producers, consumers, and decomposers, the energy flows
in a specific pathway. Energy is not created or destroyed. But it flows from one level to
the other, through different organisms. A network of food chains existing together in an
ecosystem is known as food web and generally a graphical representation what-eats-
what in an ecological community. Create a food web by connecting arrows among the
organisms in the picture below.

Let’s Do the Math!

▪ List down each of the food chain you have created.

 PLANTS CATTLE  HUMAN  decomposer
 PLANTS SHEEP HUMAN  decomposer
 PLANTS  HORSE HUMAN decomposer
 PLANTS  TOAD  INSECT  BIRD  SNAKE  HUMAN  decomposer
 PLANTS  INSECT  BIRD  SNAKE  HUMAN  decomposer
 PLANTS  MOUSE  WEASEL  decomposer
▪ Group the organisms into producers and consumers.
Producers Consumers
Plants Human
Insects Bird
Lizard Snake

▪ Do you agree that energy is neither created nor destroyed along

the food chain? Support your answer?
o I disagree, why? Because the energy cannot be destroyed and created rather it
can only change forms.


Watch the video on “The Environmental Impact of Livestock” by following the link Make a reaction paper on how you can mitigate the
impact of livestock farming on the environment.

In order for us to mitigate the impact of livestock farming on our environment, we

need to reduce water use, reduced depletion or injury to water supplies through
improving waste management and feed-crop fertilization practices, and higher
replenishment of water resources. Managed the systems such as biological control and
manure management. Use the energy more efficiently because it generates
greenhouse gas emission. Conserve our water because the animals need it especially
our plants need it. Do not pollute the water. Without fresh waters, plants will be in
danger. We can be responsible enough in using the reduce, reuse and recycle system.
The forest help our environment lower the risk of sudden climate change and tone down
the possible impacts of natural disaster. The livestock farming produces huge carbon
and is very alarming in global warming which we must stop it. Government must take
action of it because it will be a big impact to our environment.

Lesson 2: Development and Challenges of the Agriculture Industry


Let Do Some Thinking!

Watch the video “The Super Cows Making Israel Flow With Milk” on this site After watching, fill up the PMI
table below. PMI means “Plus”, “Minus” and “Interesting.”
Production of milk is good. The emission of the The way they took care of
technology they used. their cows.

Best production of milk. The manure can harm Technologies they used.
local waters.

The technology enhanced Unsustainable dairy Maintenance and

the growth of dairy cow in farming and feed production of milk.
a right and healthy production can result in
manner. the loss of ecologically
significant places such as
grassland, wetlands, and



After filling up the PMI Table, consider answering the following


✓ What makes dairy cows in Israel one of the best producers of milk in the world?
o Because they treat the cows the better. They measure the quality of the milk’s
cow through the use of technologies and that makes the Israel one of the best
producers of milk in the world. Dairy farmers in Israel use high-tech procedures
and a lot of imported feed to provide milk in country that is two-thirds desert and
has little grazing pasture.
✓ Is the adaption of the technology good for the cows? How?
o Yes, the technology enhanced the growth of dairy cow in a right and healthy
manner. It helps boosting of milk production and help farmers to work precisely.
✓ Will it benefit the environment? Why?
o In my opinion, no, because dairy cows and their dung contributed to climate
change by emitting greenhouse gases. Poor manure and fertilizer management
can harm local water resources. Furthermore, unsustainable dairy farming and
feed production can result in the loss of ecologically significant places such as
grassland, wetlands, and forest.
✓ Will the adaption of the innovative technology of Israel, guarantee success of the
dairy enterprise in the Philippines?
o Yes, because if there is technology like Israel in the Philippines, then I can say
that it will be a success of our country too. Both countries are strengthen the
The Israel makes one of the best producers of milk in the world due to their better treatment
in their cows. Their innovation of technologies helps farmers to be more effective and
precisely done their jobs. Technologies help cows in boosting milk production but, due to the
and Agri-
technologies being used, the climate changes.

Make Your

Make an
infographic on
the latest
innovation in animal
farming that will help improve productivity and yet does not harm
the environment.


Lesson 1. The Integumentary System

Match the Horse!

Let see if you can match the color of the horse with the pictures shown below. Write the
letter that corresponds to your answer inside the box.
a. Palomino b. Bay c. Appaloosa d. Dapple gray

 B. Bay

 C. Appaloosa

 A. Palomino

 D. Dapple Gray

▪ What makes the animal differ in their skin coloring?
 The animals makes differ in their skin coloring through their Melanin pigment.

▪ What do you think is the importance of skin color and markings in determining the
identity of the animal?
 The patterns on the bodies of animals match their surroundings, such as grass
and vegetation. These make it difficult for predators to spot animals. It simplifies
record keeping for livestock farmers and animal breeders,. It simplifies the care
of sick or inefficient animals. It makes it simple for breeder to choose
replacement stock for the following breeder season. Animal identification via
marking is a method of identifying and tracking specific animals.

List down at least 10 breeds of cattle, swine, goat, and chicken with their distinguishing
physical features.

Breeds of: Physical features

Cattle Holstein – recognized in their black and
white markings. Also knows as dairy
Hereford – an ancient breed. Red in
color, they are fast-growing cattle with
good beef quality.
Jersey – smaller than Holsteins and
produce denser milk.
Angus – solid black or red. Valued for
health and marbled meat.
Red Poll – the milk form it is quite good.
Deep red color with good eye and udder
pigmentation and naturally polled.
Medium size with strong legs and good
walking ability.
Guernsey – “royal breed”. Graceful walk,
strong back, broad loin, wide rump and
deep barrel, strong, attached udder
extending well forward.
Simmental – produced lean beef.
Yellowish brown to straw color to dark
red, with white markings on the head,
brisket, belly and legs. Hair is soft and
Limousine – rich gold color, lighter
circles around the eyes and muzzle, and
shading to a lighter color on the legs. The
head is small with a broad forehead, and
short neck.
Brown Swiss – brown or tan fur, white
muzzles and floppy ears.
Ayrshire – weights 1,200 pounds and is
strong, rigged cow that easily adapt to the
Swine Large White – their erect ears and
slightly dished faces. Long-bodied with
excellent hams and fine hair.
Hampshire – erect ears and black body,
whitish band around the middle, covering
the front legs.
Landrace – white with large, drooping
ears. Very long-bodied.
Duroc – reddish-brown and golden
yellow, large-framed, medium length, and
muscular, with partially drooping ears.
Berkshire – medium-sized and
predominantly black in color, with white
on its face, legs, and tip of tail. Short
dished face with erect ears pointing
slightly forward.
Mini Pig – short-legged, thick skin usually
sparsely coated with shorth bristles.
Large Black – lop ears and long, deep
body. All-black.
Wild Boar – medium-to-large sized
animals, barrel-like stout body. Short and
slender legs, relatively long, pointed head
with short neck. Eyes are small.
Welsh Pig – long sized and pear-shaped
body. Skin is thin and straight. White
color, few has black spots.
Goat Alpine – medium to large sized. No set
colors or markings. Have horns, straight
profile and erect ears.
Boer – large, white body and red head,
brown eyes, lop ears, backward-curving
horns, and strong, well-placed legs.
Saanen – largest breed. 90cm stand and
weigh a minimum of 85 kg white skin and
short white coat. May be horned or
Nubian – large, proud, graceful goat.
Wide, long, drooping ears, large almond-
shaped eyes, wide forehead, convex
nose, and tall flat-sided body. Long legs
and short glossy coat.
Verata – horns go outward and spiral
forward, well-sprung ribs. Erect tail,
beards are prominent on males. Dark,
hard hooves.
Black Bengal – colored black and brown,
white or gray. Small size but the body
structure is tight. Horns are small, legs
are short.
Kalahari – long, floppy ears. Moderately
size of ears, sloping horns.
Oberhasli – coat color generally light tan
to deep reddish brown with black points.
Erect ears and straight faces.
La Mancha – fine and glossy fur coat,
have straight face.
Toggenburg – medium size, light brown
to mouse grey. Solid colored body, white
ears with dark central spot, two white
stripes down to the face and
predominantly white legs.
Chicken Minorca – long, angular birds. Long tails,
large wide feathers closely held to narrow
bodies. Large combs and wattles.
Jersey Giant – largest breed. Angular
shape, single com and black shanks.
Serama – red colored single comb. Red
wattles and earlobes are red or read
white mix. Legs are medium to long
Dutch Bantam – very small birds. Head
is medium to large size single comb.
Medium sized white earlobes that are
almond shaped.
German Langshan – large, heavy
chicken, shite skin, fill breast, abundance
of white meat.
Leghorn – small, spritely, noisy bird.
Sumatra – long tails, lustrous greenish-
black bird, small comb, black shanks with
yellow soles, multiple spurs.
New Hampshire Red – pin feathers
reddish buff color. Deep and rather flat on
top with prominent eyes, single comb with
five points, smooth face, large wattles
and oval red earlobes.
Poland Chicken - has small V-shaped
comb hidden by the large crest pf
feathers. Earlobes and wattles are small.
Earlobes are white, comb and wattles
bright red.

Lesson 2. The Skeletal


Complete the bone word puzzle by filling in the boxes with letters forming the name of
the bones described by the clues listed below. Have fun and will see if you can
complete the puzzle!
1. Fingerbone
4. Wishbone
6. Jawbone
7. Protect the thorax
1. Kneecap
2. Protects the brain
3. Clavicle
5. Upper arm

1. What do you think is the most important bone in your body and what
makes it so significant?
 For me, it’s the skull because it is the most vital component of our body, the
brain, is protected by our skull. Pushing on our head, especially at the rear a few
inches above our neck, will allow us to feel our skull. Our skull is really
composed of several bones. Some of these bones protect our brain, while other
form the framework or our face. My second choice is musculoskeletal system
because skeleton supports the body and protects internal organs
such as heart, lungs, and brain.
2. What will happen if you are born without bones?
 We all know that bone help us to have body shape, therefore, without
bones, we couldn’t stand or even move.

Label the parts of the skeletal system of the chicken.

NaresSclerotic RingBrain CaseHyoid

Cervical Vertebrate Humerus Scapula
Radius Ribs Synsacrum Caudal
Vertebrate Fibula Tibia
Lesson 3. The Muscular System MetatarsusPhalanges UlnaKeel of
Sternum Phalanges
MetacarpalsCoracoid Mandible
List down 10 activities that you loved doing.
1. Playing basketball 6. Doing household chores
2. Working 7. Dancing
3. Running/Jogging 8. Composing a song
4. Walking 9. Eating
5. Exercising 10. playing badminton

1. How many among these activities you have listed
involved the
 All of the above activities.
2. What do you think is the most important function of the muscle?
 For me, the most important muscle is our heart because without heart, we can’t
survive. Therefore, we must make our heart stronger and active.
3. Will your muscle still contract even if you are asleep?
 If your spine isn’t in proper alignment, your back muscles are compelled to
contract with support. Therefore, back muscles don’t necessarily go to sleep
when you’re in bed, but they stay tense if your mattress is not providing
continuous support.

Test Yourself
1. Identify the kind of muscle tissue that do the following task:
a. control the passing out of urine: SMOOTH MUSCLE
c. passage of food along the intestine: SMOOTH MUSCLE
e. makes the hair stands: SMOOTH MUSCLE
f. makes the diaphragm contract for breathing in: SMOOTH MUSCLE
g. helps you cough out phlegm: SMOOTH MUSCLE
h. controls the passing out of urine: SMOOTH MUSCLE
i. makes the heart pump blood: INVOLUNTARY STRIATED MUSCLES
j. dilates the pupil of the eyes: INVOLUNTARY STRIATED MUSCLES

Lesson 4: The Nervous System

List down at least 5 observable behavior of a drunk individual.
Drunken Behavior

1. Emotionally unstable and get easily excited or saddened.

2. Losing of coordination.
3. Have trouble remembering things.
4. Blurry vision and lose balance.
5. Feel tired and drowsy.

1. What do you think are the reasons why an individual exhibits such kind of
o May be they are stress.
o For fun.
o Act like they’re rebellion.
o Peer pressure.
o Due to the effect of alcohol they drink.
o Past experiences they felt.
2. What are the effects of alcohol on the functioning of the brain?
o It blocks chemical signals between brain cells and can lead to:
 Possible effect is poor memory
 Slowed reflexes
 Slurred speeches
Direction: Choose and write the letter of the correct answer in the
space before each number.
B 1. The functional unit of the nervous system is the
a. Meninges
b. Neuron
c. Cell body
d. Brain
B 2. The brain and the spinal cord are part of the
a. Autonomic nervous system
b. Central nervous system
c. Peripheral nervous system
d. Neuron
D 3. Two neurons communicate via the
a. Dendrites
b. Axon
c. Cell body
d. Synapse
A 4. The control center for respiration is in the
a. Medulla oblongata
b. Pons
c. Cerebellum
d. Brain stem
D 5. Which of this is not a function of the cerebrum?
a. Regulates muscle
b. Reasoning
c. Maintain equilibrium
d. Enervates smooth muscles
D 6. Part of the CNS that controls heart rate
a. Cerebellum
b. Cerebrum
c. Medulla oblongata
d. Brain stem
A 7. Which is a function of the meninges?
a. protect the brain and spinal cord
b. retain memories
c. reasoning
d. regulates temperature
D 8. Injury to the brain stem may lead to
a. Memory loss
b. Disorientation
c. Lack of coordination
d. Death
B 9. The passage of nerve impulse in much faster in
a. Unmyelinated axon
b. Myelinated axon
c. Sympathetic nerve
d. Parasympathetic nerve
A 10. Other than the nervous system, what system is also involved
in regulating all body processes.
a. Endocrine system
b. Cardiovascular system
c. Muscular system
d. Urinary system

Lesson 5. The Cardiovascular System

Survey at least 10 members of your family. Ask each one their blood type. Compute for
the percentage of the people surveyed with blood groups O, A, B, and AB.

Mother - O
Father -AB
Sister 1 - O
Sister 2 - O
Brother 1 - A
Brother 2 - B
Brother 3 - A
Brother 4 – A
Brother 5 - B
Mine - O

▪ What blood group has the highest percentage?
o A
▪ What blood group has the lowest percentage?
o AB
▪ Why is blood group O considered as a universal red cell
o Because it is compatible with any blood type.
▪ Why is blood group AB considered as a universal plasma
o Because their plasma doesn’t contain A or B antibodies and it
can be transfused safely to all blood types.

Trace the flow of
oxygenated blood from the
lungs to the liver and
the unoxygenated
blood from the
liver back to the
lungs. Identify all
blood vessels and
organs involved.
Submit your illustration or
diagram in an A4 size
bond paper.

Lesson 6. The
Respiratory System

Perform the following task:
• First exercise: Breathe normally for 60 seconds and
record your respiratory rate (equivalent to one
inspiration and one expiration)
• Second exercise: Hold your breath for 30 to 45 seconds, once
the breath has been released, start recording
your respiratory rate for 60
• Record your data on the table below.

Holding of Breath

Before After

20 breaths / minute 32 breaths / minute


Answer the following questions:

1. What is the difference in respiratory rate between before and after the holding of
 Holding-
out breath
for a
will not

the breath, the respiratory rate is low while when after holding the breath, the
respiratory rate is faster, therefore, then it is high or more breaths.
2. What do you think is the reason for the difference in the rate of respiration?
 Conditions can change a normal respiratory rate like asthma, anxiety, heart
failure, lung disease or use of narcotics and drug overdose.
3. Why can’t you hold your breath for a long time?
 Because our body needs oxygen and we can only get that through breathing.

• Trace a molecule of oxygen from the external nares to the pulmonary capillaries of the
• Trace a molecule of CO2 in the liver until it reaches the alveoli of the lungs
`Pulmonary Capillaries venules pulmonary veins in each lung  left atrium of
heart  mitral value  left ventricle aorta abdominal aorta celiac trunk 
common hepatic artery  proper hepatic artery  left and right hepatic artery
small hepatic arteries  small hepatic arterioles  hepatocytes.

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