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1. Where, when & why did the first cities appear?

- The Mesopotamia after the Neolithic Revolution is the very first cities were
founded around 7000 BC. Agriculture is taught to be a prerequisite for cities,
as it aids in the preservation of surplus production and the development
economics of scale.

2. Examine the contribution of Ancient Greece and Rome to the spread of

- Both Greece and Rome contributed much to Western culture. For nearly two
thousand years, Greece knowledge reigned supreme in philosophy, physics,
chemistry, medicine, and mathematics. The Roman created cement, which
was stronger than the stone, concrete was also utilized to construct more
than 50,000km of highways. This contributed to the empire’s unification. The
Romans lacked the Greek temperament for philosophy and science, but they
were master builders and engineers. They created the arch, invented
concrete, and built roads and bridges that are still in use today. However,
neither the Greeks nor the Romans were particularly fond of technology.

3. The 19th century witnessed the flowering of industrial capitalism in Western

Europe. Identify the major features of the socio-capital structure of the European
industrial city.
- The rising growth in trade both outside and within Europe led to increased
money exchange.
- Produced more goods cheaply.
- The technologies are being invented which is the very big help in a current

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