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Tài Liệu Ôn Thi Group

Câu 1 - 50 /50

LUYỆN TẬP 1: (ID: ET1054)

1. Câu 1 [ID: 210218] Although they ———————, they did not lose heart.

A. defeated

B. were defeated

C. had defeated

D. have defeated

2. Câu 2 [ID: 210220] Our holy books tell us that man —————— mortal.

A. is

B. was

C. were

D. has

3. Câu 3 [ID: 210221] He spoke so fast that I ——————— understand anything.

A. could

B. could not
Tài Liệu Ôn Thi Group

C. cannot

D. had not

4. Câu 4 [ID: 210226] His health has improved since he ——————– from the hills.

A. return

B. returned

C. would return

D. returning

5. Câu 5 [ID: 210228] He declared that he ————— it even if he saw it with his own eyes.

A. would not believe

B. believe

C. did not believe

D. had not believed

6. Câu 6 [ID: 210231] The manager ______ the store before I arrived.

A. closed

B. had closed
Tài Liệu Ôn Thi Group

C. has closed

D. was closing

7. Câu 7 [ID: 210233] When the alarm rang, Hai ______ out of bed quickly.

A. was jumping

B. has jumped

C. had jumped

D. jumped

8. Câu 8 [ID: 210234] When we see Mr. Minh tomorrow, I ____ him of that.

A. will remind

B. remind

C. have reminded

D. reminded

9. Câu 9 [ID: 210235] When I got home I found that water______ down the kitchen walls.

A. ran

B. was running
Tài Liệu Ôn Thi Group

C. has run

D. had been running

10. Câu 10 [ID: 210236] After he______ his English course, he went to England to continue
his study.

A. has nish

B. had nished

C. was nished

D. would nish

11. Câu 11 [ID: 210237] How______ since we ______ college?

A. are you/left

B. were you/left

C. have you been/have left

D. have you been/left

12. Câu 12 [ID: 210239] The Chinese______ spaghetti dishes for a long time before Marco
Polo______ back to Italy

A. made – brought
Tài Liệu Ôn Thi Group

B. have made - brought

C. made - had brought

D. had been making - brought

13. Câu 13 [ID: 210240] When I arrived at the meeting the rst speaker______ speaking and
the audience______

A. just nished - were clapping

B. had just nished - had clapped

C. had just nished - were clapping

D. just nished - had clapped

14. Câu 14 [ID: 210241] He______ his job last month and then he______ out of work

A. lost - was

B. was lost - had been

C. has lost - was

D. lost - has been

15. Câu 15 [ID: 210244] In the past, the trip______ very rough and often dangerous, but
things______ a great deal in the last hundred and fty years
Tài Liệu Ôn Thi Group

A. was - have changed

B. is - change

C. had been - will change

D. has been - changed

16. Câu 16 [ID: 210247] When Carol______ last night, I______ my favorite show on television

A. was calling - watched

B. called - have watched

C. called - was watching

D. had called - watched

17. Câu 17 [ID: 210249] Right now, Jim______ the newspaper and Kathy______ dinner

A. reads - has cookeD.

B. is reading - is cooking

C. has read - was cooking

D. read - will be cooking

18. Câu 18 [ID: 210251] Sam______ to change a light bulb when he______ and______
Tài Liệu Ôn Thi Group

A. was trying – slipped - fell

B. tried - was slipping - falling

C. had been trying – slipped - was falling

D. has tried - slips - falls

19. Câu 19 [ID: 210252] Every day I _________up at 6 o’clock, _______breakfast at seven
o’clock and_______for work at 8o’clock

A. get – eat - leave

B. have got – eating - leaving

C. got – ate - left

D. will get - have eaten - left

20. Câu 20 [ID: 210253] I______ for this company for more then thirty years, and I intend to
stay here until I______ next year

A. am working - will retire

B. am going to work - am retiring

C. work - am going to retire

D. have been working - retire
Tài Liệu Ôn Thi Group

21. Câu 21 [ID: 210257] By the time you receive this letter, I ______ for the USA

A. have left

B. will leave

C. will have left

D. am leaving

22. Câu 22 [ID: 210260] While I ______ along the road, I saw a friend of mine.

A. was cycling

B. have cycled

C. cycled

D. am cycling

23. Câu 23 [ID: 210261] By the time I ______ this report, I will give you a ring.

A. type

B. will type

C. have typed

D. will have typed
Tài Liệu Ôn Thi Group

24. Câu 24 [ID: 210262] While my mother ________ a lm on TV, my father was cooking
dinner. It was March 8th yesterday.

A. watched

B. was watching

C. had watched

D. watches

25. Câu 25 [ID: 210264] When we came, a party _________ in the hall.

A. is being held

B. had being held

C. will be held

D. was being held

26. Câu 26 [ID: 210266] When I came to visit her last night, she ________ a bath.

A. is having

B. was having

C. has

D. had
Tài Liệu Ôn Thi Group

27. Câu 27 [ID: 210267] When we arrived at the restaurant, the others __________ .

A. left

B. have left

C. had left

D. are leaving

28. Câu 28 [ID: 210269] I learned that the college ________ in 1900.

A. found

B. was founded

C. founded

D. had been founded

29. Câu 29 [ID: 210291] He said that he ____ a lot of money on advertising to expand his

A. spends

B. has spent

C. spending

D. had spent
Tài Liệu Ôn Thi Group

30. Câu 30 [ID: 210336] The train _____ when we got to the station.

A. just left

B. just leaves

C. had just left

D. will leave

31. Câu 31 [ID: 210337] Tom told me he ____ call me at the airport when I ______.

A. would/arrived

B. will/arrive

C. will have/arriving

D. would be/arriving

32. Câu 32 [ID: 210341] - ____ before? – Yes, I ____ my holidays here last year.

A. Have you ever been/spent

B. Have you ever been/spend

C. Did you ever be/spending

D. Were you ever/spend
Tài Liệu Ôn Thi Group

33. Câu 33 [ID: 210342] ______ I was working in the garden, John was repairing the washing

A. As soon as

B. Because of

C. While

D. Until

34. .Câu 34 [ID: 210344] Peter said he _____ a test the following day.

A. had had

B. will have

C. has had

D. would have

35. Câu 35 [ID: 210345] After she _____ at the hospital for 2 years, she_____ to give up the
job yesterday.

A. had been working/decides

B. had been working/decided

C. working/had decided

D. is working/will decide
Tài Liệu Ôn Thi Group

36. Câu 36 [ID: 210347] Tom _____ before we arrive there.

A. has left

B. had left

C. will leave

D. leaves

37. Câu 37 [ID: 210349] In 1970, the Canadian scientist George Kelly ______ that warm water
_____ more quickly than cold water.

A. prove/freeze

B. proves/breezed

C. proving/freezing

D. proved/freezes

38. Câu 38 [ID: 210351] After we _____ our work, we ____ for lunch.

A. having nish/went

B. have nished/went

C. had nished/went

D. having nish/going
Tài Liệu Ôn Thi Group

39. Câu 39 [ID: 210354] After he _____ his English course, he went to England to continue his

A. will nish

B. has nished

C. had nished

D. will have nished

40. Câu 40 [ID: 210355] They ____ a lot of preparation before the match started.

A. has made

B. had made

C. will be made

D. are making

41. Câu 41 [ID: 210356] I____ in the US for one year, but I still nd it di cult to communicate
with the American.

A. am

B. was

C. have been

D. had been
Tài Liệu Ôn Thi Group

42. Câu 42 [ID: 210358] American women may ____ conversations with men or even ___
them to dance.

A. to start/to ask

B. start/ask

C. starting/asking

D. started/asked

43. Câu 43 [ID: 210361] As soon as she arrived in London, she found that the English people
spoke English differently from what she _____.

A. will learn

B. is learning

C. has been learning

D. had learnt

44. Câu 44 [ID: 210363] Don’t go anywhere until I _____ back.

A. come

B. will come

C. have come

D. came
Tài Liệu Ôn Thi Group

45. Câu 45 [ID: 210364] I _____ the book by the time you come tonight.

A. will be nishing

B. nished

C. have nishing

D. will have nished

46. Câu 46 [ID: 210366] Who ______ when I came?

A. were you talking to

B. are you talking to

C. you were talking to

D. you are talking to

47. Câu 47 [ID: 210367] Please send us a postcard as soon as you _______in London.

A. will arrive

B. is going to arrive

C. arrive

D. arrived
Tài Liệu Ôn Thi Group

48. Câu 48 [ID: 210368] I will give you this book ______ I meet you tomorrow.

A. when

B. until

C. since

D. for

49. Câu 49 [ID: 210369] Jane _____ her house all the morning before the guest arrived.

A. is cleaning

B. was cleaning

C. has been cleaning

D. had been cleaning

50. Câu 50 [ID: 210370] We ______ to go home when it began to rain.

A. are preparing

B. were preparing

C. will be preparing

D. have prepared
Tài Liệu Ôn Thi Group
Tài Liệu Ôn Thi Group

Câu 1 - 30 /30

LUYỆN TẬP 2: (ID: ET1055)

1. Câu 1 [ID: 210371] Tom said everything ______ ready when the match ______.

A. A will be/starts

B. would be/started

C. is/started

D. will be/started

2. Câu 2 [ID: 210372] I _____ in the waiting room when I heard someone_____ me.

A. am sitting/to call

B. was sitting/call

C. am sitting/called

D. have sat/called

3. Câu 3 [ID: 210376] Our grandfather ____ as an engineer for 30 years before he retired in

A. worked
Tài Liệu Ôn Thi Group

B. was working

C. has been working

D. had been working

4. Câu 4 [ID: 210378] Miss Hoa always takes her umbrella when she _____ to school.

A. has gone

B. goes

C. is going

D. will go

5. Câu 5 [ID: 210379] Never talk to the driver while he ______.

A. will be driving

B. will drive

C. drives

D. is driving

6. Câu 6 [ID: 210381] I’ll marry her as soon as she _____ all her problems.

A. solves
Tài Liệu Ôn Thi Group

B. has solved

C. had solved

D. solve

7. Câu 7 [ID: 210382] I’ll wait until you ____crying.

A. have stopped

B. will stop

C. stop

D. stopped

8. Câu 8 [ID: 210383] I bought Romano whenever I ____ Maximart.

A. had gone

B. has gone

C. went

D. would go

9. Câu 9 [ID: 210384] My son was sleeping when I ______ home.

A. went
Tài Liệu Ôn Thi Group

B. has gone

C. had gone

D. would go

10. Câu 10 [ID: 210385] I was compiling this book while my son ____.

A. slept

B. would sleep

C. had slept

D. was sleeping

11. Câu 11 [ID: 210386] Lan has learnt English since she ____ a small girl.

A. has been

B. had been

C. was

D. would be

12. Câu 12 [ID: 210387] She won’t get married until she _____ 25 years old.

A. is
Tài Liệu Ôn Thi Group

B. will be

C. had been

D. was

13. Câu 13 [ID: 210388] Yesterday when I _____ at the station, the train ______ for 15

A. arrived/had left

B. arrives/has left

C. arrived/left

D. had arrived/left

14. Câu 14 [ID: 210390] While I ____ in the street, I saw my old friend.

A. was walking

B. am walking

C. walk

D. walked

15. Câu 15 [ID: 210393] The house was quiet when I _____ home. Everyone _____ to bed.

A. got/went
Tài Liệu Ôn Thi Group

B. got/had gone

C. had got/went

D. was getting/was going

16. Câu 16 [ID: 210396] Alice _____ for Washington as soon as she had nished her exam.

A. will leave

B. would leave

C. leaves

D. left

17. Câu 17 [ID: 210397] He died after he ______ ill for a long time.

A. was

B. had been

C. has been

D. is

18. Câu 18 [ID: 210433] Last week, my professor promised that he _________ today.

A. would come
Tài Liệu Ôn Thi Group

B. will come

C. comes

D. coming

19. Câu 19 [ID: 210435] I _________ in Quang Ngai before I moved to Binh Thuan.

A. have been living

B. have lived

C. had lived

D. had been living

20. Câu 20 [ID: 210440] I suddenly remembered that I _________ to bring my keys.

A. having forgotten

B. have forgotten

C. had forgotten

D. forgot

21. Câu 21 [ID: 210443] The phone _________ for several minutes before I heard it.

A. had been ringing
Tài Liệu Ôn Thi Group

B. has been ringing

C. was ringing

D. have been ringing

22. Câu 22 [ID: 210446] Fifty years ago, people thought we _________ able to control the
weather by the 21st century, but it’s still not possible.

A. will have been

B. will be

C. would be

D. are going to be

23. Câu 23 [ID: 210447] Russell Crowe has been my favorite actor _________ I saw him in

A. after

B. when

C. since

D. as soon as

24. Câu 24 [ID: 210448] David! I think someone _________ at the door!
Tài Liệu Ôn Thi Group

A. will knock

B. knocked

C. knocks

D. is knocking

25. Câu 25 [ID: 210449] The preparation_________ by the time the guest_________.

A. had been nished- arrived

B. have nished- arrived

C. had nished-were arriving

D. have been nished- were arrived

26. Câu 26 [ID: 210451] When I _________ to the party, Tom and David_________, John

A. was coming/had danced/singing

B. had come/danced/sang

C. came/were dancing/was singing

D. have come/are dancing/is singing

27. Câu 27 [ID: 210453] The boy fell while he _________ down the stairs.
Tài Liệu Ôn Thi Group

A. run

B. was running

C. running

D. runs

28. Câu 28 [ID: 210458] From the time he arrived home, he _________ a lot of silly questions.

A. ask

B. asks

C. has asked

D. asked

29. Câu 29 [ID: 210461] She _________ him until he introduced his name.

A. didn’t realize

B. hasn’t realized

C. doesn’t realize

D. hadn’t realized

30. Câu 30 [ID: 210462] A thief broke into Harry’s at and _________ his TV.
Tài Liệu Ôn Thi Group

A. stealed

B. stolen

C. stole

D. steal
Tài Liệu Ôn Thi Group

Câu 1 - 30 /30

Thi online- Sự hòa hợp các thì 1

1. Câu 1 [567966]: By the age of 25, he........... two famous novels.

A. wrote

B. writes

C. has written

D. had written

2. Câu 2 [567969]: The man got out of the car, .......... round to the back and opened the

A. walking

B. walked

C. walks

D. walk

3. Câu 3 [567972]: While her husband was in the army, Janet........ to him twice a week.

A. was writing
Tài Liệu Ôn Thi Group

B. wrote

C. was written

D. had written

4. Câu 4 [568001]: I couldn't cut the grass because the machine............ a few days

A. broke down

B. has been broken

C. had broken down

D. breaks down

5. Câu 5 [574928]: ........... to rain before you woke up This morning?

A. Did it begin

B. Has it begun

C. Had it begun

D. Would it begin

6. Câu 6 [574929]: My daughter saw an elephant this morning but she......... one before.

A. had never seen
Tài Liệu Ôn Thi Group

B. has never seen

C. never seen

D. never had seen

7. Câu 7 [574930]: I........... in Da Nang before I moved to Dong Nai.

A. have been living

B. have lived

C. had lived

D. had been living

8. Câu 8 [574931]: When we got home, dinner.......... , so we had a drink rst.

A. was preparing

B. was being prepared

C. was prepared

D. had been prepared

9. Câu 9 [574932]: He said he would visit me, but he yet.

A. has not visited
Tài Liệu Ôn Thi Group

B. had not visited

C. is not visiting

D. does not visit

10. Câu 10 [574933]: Before the prime Minister left New York he............ several talks.

A. will have had

B. had had

C. will be having

D. has

11. Câu 11 [574934]: We had just got out of car when it.......... to set re.

A. has begun

B. had begun

C. was beginning

D. began

12. Câu 12 [574935]: As soon as he........... a certi cate in English, he will apply for a job.

A. would get
Tài Liệu Ôn Thi Group

B. got

C. gets

D. will get

13. Câu 13 [574936]: It was told that he........... knocked out in the rst round.

A. had been

B. was

C. has been

D. was being

14. Câu 14 [574937]: My grandfather ....when I ...only 2 years old.

A. dies/ am

B. dies/was

C. will die/am

D. died/was

15. Câu 15 [574938]: When I ...for school This morning, I used my umbrella.

A. leave/rained
Tài Liệu Ôn Thi Group

B. left/was raining

C. was leaving/rained

D. was leaving/ was raining

16. Câu 16 [574939]: I... my family since I ... to Ho Chi Minh City.

A. didn’t see/moved

B. don’t see/ move

C. am not seeing/moved

D. haven’t seen/ moved

17. Câu 17 [574940]: While Diana ......... her favourite television program, there was a power

A. was watching

B. watched

C. has been watching

D. is watching

18. Câu 18 [574941]: What exactly ... when I came into your o ce yesterday?

A. did you do
Tài Liệu Ôn Thi Group

B. were you do

C. were you doing

D. are you doing

19. Câu 19 [574942]: My sister ........ very happy when she ........... my gift on her last

A. is/gets

B. is /got

C. was / got

D. was/get

20. Câu 20 [574943]: He ... to smoke a lot 10 years ago.He ... it up last year.

A. used/gives

B. used/gave

C. has used/has given

D. uses/gave

21. Câu 21 [574944]: I don’t have to take any more math classes. I... all the required
Tài Liệu Ôn Thi Group

A. already took

B. am already taking

C. have taken already

D. have already taken

22. Câu 22 [574945]: I .... to Paris yet.I hope I can visit it once.

A. have never been

B. was never

C. am never

D. will never be

23. Câu 23 [574946]: My uncle in1997 and .... a job right after that.

A. leaves/gets

B. leaves/got

C. left/got

D. has left/got

24. Câu 24 [574947]: I work in a bookshop. I....$100 a week.
Tài Liệu Ôn Thi Group

A. will earn

B. earn

C. am earning

D. have earned

25. Câu 25 [574948]: My father...very pleased when I ....the second prize in the contest.

A. is/get

B. was/got

C. has been/has got

D. had beeb/got

26. Câu 26 [574949]: The man often... his vacation on This island when he...young.

A. spends/is

B. spent/was

C. spends/was

D. has spent/was

27. Câu 27 [574950]: I want to buy a new since I was 7.
Tài Liệu Ôn Thi Group

A. have used

B. used

C. am using

D. will use

28. Câu 28 [574951]: again since you went abroad?

A. Did/see

B. Do/see

C. Have/seen

D. Will/see

29. Câu 29 [574952]: David ......Japanese food before, so he knew what to order.

A. ate

B. has eaten

C. was eating

D. had eaten

30. Câu 30 [574953]: While Diana .... a volleyball match on TV, her friend ......
Tài Liệu Ôn Thi Group

A. was watching/called

B. was watching/was calling

C. watched/called

D. watched/was calling
Tài Liệu Ôn Thi Group

Câu 1 - 30 /30

Thi online- Sự hòa hợp các thì 2

1. Câu 1 [574954]: I will tell her about you when I ___________ her.

A. will meet

B. am meeting

C. shall meet

D. meet

2. Câu 2 [574955]: Someone ___________ all the cakes.I’ll have to buy some more.

A. has eaten

B. ate

C. have eaten

D. was eating

3. Câu 3 [574956]: I’m sorry about not coming last week. I ___________ a cold so I ___________
at home.

A. have/stay
Tài Liệu Ôn Thi Group

B. have had/ have stayed

C. had/stayed

D. was having/ was staying

4. Câu 4 [574957]: I and Kenny____________ penpal friends since I____________ Singapore.

A. are-visit

B. were-visited

C. have been-visited

D. were-have visited

5. Câu 5 [574958]: Since the worldwide recession of the 1990’s, the sail of jeans __________

A. stopped

B. was stopped

C. was stopping

D. has stopped

6. Câu 6 [574959]: They asked me how many children_______________ .

A. I had
Tài Liệu Ôn Thi Group

B. had I

C. I have

D. have I

7. Câu 7 [574960]: Thu said she _____________ there the day before.

A. was

B. had been

C. has been

D. had been being

8. Câu 8 [574961]: The student said that the English test_____________ the most di cult.

A. is

B. was

C. will be

D. have been

9. Câu 9 [574962]: What were you doing when he_____________?

A. comes
Tài Liệu Ôn Thi Group

B. to come

C. came

D. coming

10. Câu 10 [574963]: I_______________ English here since I graduated from university.

A. teach

B. taught

C. have taught

D. am teaching

11. Câu 11 [574964]: She said that she_______________ learning English with you.

A. liked

B. to like

C. likes

D. had liked

12. Câu 12 [574965]: She asked me where I_____________ from.

A. come
Tài Liệu Ôn Thi Group

B. coming

C. to come

D. came

13. Câu 13 [574966]: She______________ me whether I liked classical music or not.

A. ask

B. asks

C. asked

D. asking

14. Câu 14 [574967]: He asked me who the editor of that book____________ .

A. was

B. were

C. is

D. has been

15. Câu 15 [574968]: We____________ since we left school.

A. don’t meet
Tài Liệu Ôn Thi Group

B. didn’t meet

C. won’t meet

D. haven’t met

16. Câu 16 [574969]: He ___________ for a job for some weeks before he found one.

A. is looking

B. looks

C. would have been looking

D. had been looking

17. Câu 17 [574970]: We were trying a new kind of dye ______.

A. when the accident happened

B. when the accident happens

C. while the accident happening

D. while the accident is happen

18. Câu 18 [574971]: I have not heard from him since we ___________.

A. last meet
Tài Liệu Ôn Thi Group

B. have last met

C. last met

D. met last

19. Câu 19 [574972]: He ___________ the same coat since he ___________ here.

A. wears/ moves

B. has weared/moved

C. has worn/ moves

D. has worn/ moved

20. Câu 20 [574973]: After the guests ___________, she ___________ back into the living-room
and ___________off the light.

A. had left/ went/ switched

B. left/ go/ switched

C. had left/ had gone/ switched

D. had left/ had gone/had switched

21. Câu 21 [574979]: I sat down at the desk and ________ why my father's letter ________ yet.
I ________ to ask him to send me some money at once.
Tài Liệu Ôn Thi Group

A. wondered/ didn’t arrive/ wrote

B. wondered/ hadn’t arrived/ had written

C. had wondered/ hadn’t arrived/ wrote

D. wondered/ didn’t arrive/ had written

22. Câu 22 [574980]: On arrival at home I ______ that she ______ just a few minutes before.

A. nd/ will leave

B. nd/ had left

C. found/ had left

D. found/ would left

23. Câu 23 [574985]: Coming into the room, he ________ Mary who ____ him.

A. saw/ had left

B. saw/ left

C. sees/ leaves

D. see/ will leave

24. Câu 24 [574987]: When Alice ________ here, you ________ her to her room?
Tài Liệu Ôn Thi Group

A. gets/ will show

B. gets/ will you show

C. will get/ will show

D. will get/ will you show

25. Câu 25 [574991]: He greeted her. She really ________ better than when he ________ her
last. Yes, she ______.

A. looked/ had seen/ had changed

B. looked/ saw/ had changed

C. looked/ saw/ changed

D. looked/ saw/ changed

26. Câu 26 [574993]: . I'm sure you ______ me by the time I ______ back in ve years.

A. will have forgotten/ am

B. will forget/ am

C. will have forgotten/ will be

D. will forget/ will be

27. Câu 27 [574996]: He was sure that there ______ a serious row when Hugh ______ of it.
Tài Liệu Ôn Thi Group

A. will be/ hear

B. would be/ heard

C. will be/ will hear

D. would be/ hear

28. Câu 28 [574999]: I ______ there for about ten minutes, pretending to read, when
someone ______ down at my table.

A. sit/ sit B. sit/ sat

C. had been sitting/ sat

D. am sitting/ sat

29. Câu 29 [575002]: I don't know what's the matter with him. He ______ funny since you
______ away.

A. had been acting/ was

B. has been acting/ were

C. has been acting/ is

D. had been acting/ is

30. Câu 30 [575006]: No sooner I ______ than I ______ her a letter to say that I had a present
for her.
Tài Liệu Ôn Thi Group

A. arrived/ sent

B. had arrived/ sent

C. had I arrived/ sent

D. arrived/ had sent

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