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Project Implementation Plan (Food Day Market)

# Activity Responsible Timeline Budget

1.0 Re –orientation and Planning EMM January 2021
2.0 Improvement of the Food Day Facility EMM February - March 2021
2.1 Picture taking and Designing of the Signage February 2021
2.2 Installation of the Signage February 2021
2.3 Installation of the Monitoring Board March 2021
3.0 Training and Skills Development EMM/TAY February 2021 – March 2022
4.0 Advocacy Promotion EMM January –December 2021
Photo Documentation February – March 2022
Success Stories February – March 2022
5.0 Social Media/ Marketing EMM/MEMBERS February –December 2021
Creation of FB Group Page February 2021
Create group chat for food day members February 2021
Online Selling February 2021 – March 2022
Sharing of success stories through Facebook February 2021 – March 2022
Posting of Announcements and Marketing February 2021 – March 2022
Food Day Market January 2021- March 2022
Food Day Market Day March 2021- March 2022
6.0 Saving Group EMM January –December 2021
Training and Planning EMM April 2021
Implementation of the Saving Group MEMBERS May 2021- March 2022
Monitoring and Reporting EMM/MEMBERS May 2021- March 2022
7.0 Monitoring and Evaluation EMM/MEMBERS

7.1 Quarterly Meeting January, April, August,

December 2021
7.2 Visitation and Monitoring of Farms February 2021 – March 2022

7.3 Monthly Meeting (Officer’s Meeting) February 2021 – March 2022

7.4 Team Building Activity December 2021

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