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Initial Environmental Examination

March 2020

Philippines: Water District Development Sector

Project – Polomolok Water District

Prepared by Polomolok Water District for the Local Water Utilities Administration and the Asian
Development Bank.

This initial environmental examination is a document of the borrower. The views expressed herein
do not necessarily represent those of ADB's Board of Directors, Management, or staff, and may
be preliminary in nature.

In preparing any country program or strategy, financing any project, or by making any designation
of or reference to a particular territory or geographic area in this document, the Asian
Development Bank does not intend to make any judgments as to the legal or other status of any
territory or area.
Initial Environmental Examination

March 2020

Philippines: Water District Development

Sector Project

Prepared by Polomolok Water District for the Local Water Utilities Administration and the
Asian Development Bank.
(as of 20 March 2020)

Currency unit – peso (Php)

Php1.00 = $0.01955
$1.00 = Php 51.15


ADB – Asian Development Bank

APs – Affected Persons
AWWA – American Water Works Association
CCC – Climate Change Commission
CDO – Cease and Desist Order
CNC – Certificate of Non- Coverage
DAO – Department Administrative Order
DARBCI – Dole Agrarian Reform Beneficiaries Cooperative
DDR – Due Diligence Report
DED – Detailed Engineering Design
DENR – Department of Environment and Natural Resources
DOH – Department of Health
DPWH – Department of Public Works and Highways
ECC – Environmental Compliance Certificate
EIA – Environmental Impact Assessment
EMB – Environmental Management Bureau
EMB-RO – Environmental Management Bureau–Regional Office
EMP – Environmental Management Plan
GRM – Grievance Redress Mechanism
IEE – Initial Environmental Examination
LGUs – Local Government Units
LWUA – Local Water Utilities Administration
MC – Memorandum Circular
MOA – Memorandum of Agreement
NAAQGV – National Ambient Air Quality Guideline Values
NIPAS – National Integrated Protected Areas System
NRW – Non-Revenue Water
NSCP – National Structural Code of the Philippines
NWRB – National Water Resources Board
OSPF – Office of Special Project Facilitators
PAGASA – Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical and Astronomical
Services Administration
PD – Presidential Decree
PEISS – Philippine Environmental Impact Statement System
PIU Project Implementation Unit
PMU – Project Management Unit
PNSDW – Philippine National Standards for Drinking Water
PolWD – Polomolok Water District
PPC – Price and Physical Contingency
PSA – Philippine Statistics Authority
RA – Republic Act
REA – Rapid Environmental Assessment
SDGs – Sustainable Development Goals
SOCOTECO – South Cotabato Electric Cooperative
SPS – Safeguard Policy Statement
TSP – Total Suspended Particulates
UNDP – United Nations Development Program
WD – Water District
WDDSP – Water District Development Sector Project
WDGRC – Water District Grievance Redress Committee


ha – Hectare
Hp – Horsepower
km – Kilometer
km² – Square kilometer
Lps Liters per second
lm – Meter
m – Meter
m² – Square meter
m³ – Cubic meter
mamsl – Meters above mean sea level
mm – Millimeter

In this report, "$" refers to US

This initial environmental examination is a document of the borrower. The views

expressed herein do not necessarily represent those of ADB's Board of Directors,
Management, or staff, and may be preliminary in nature. Your attention is directed to the
“terms of use” section of this website.

In preparing any country program or strategy, financing any project, or by making any
designation of or reference to a particular territory or geographic area in this document,
the Asian Development Bank does not intend to make any judgments as to the legal or
other status of any territory or area.
Initial Environmental Examination- Polomolok Water District
TA-9103 PHI: Water District Development Sector Project
CDTA for Water District Development Sector Project (Contract No. 41665-013)
Table of Contents


EXECUTIVE SUMMARY................................................................................................ 3
1 INTRODUCTION............................................................................................................ 7
2 POLICY, LEGAL, AND ADMINISTRATIVE FRAMEWORK ............................................ 8
3 DESCRIPTION OF THE PROJECT ............................................................................. 13
4 DESCRIPTION OF THE ENVIRONMENT.................................................................... 20
5 ANTICIPATED IMPACTS AND MITIGATION MEASURES .......................................... 34
6 PUBLIC CONSULTATION AND INFORMATION DISCLOSURE ................................. 43
7 ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT PLAN (EMP) ....................................................... 44
8 GRIEVANCE REDRESS MECHANISM ....................................................................... 55
9 CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS ............................................................... 57
10 REFERENCES ............................................................................................................ 58


Table 2-1: Summary of Applicable Environmental Regulations and Required Documents for
the Subproject ........................................................................ Error! Bookmark not defined.
Table 3-1: Present Water System Loop in PolWD .................. Error! Bookmark not defined.
Table 3-2: Summary of Pumping Stations and Reservoirs in PolWD..... Error! Bookmark not
Table 3-3: Summary of Existing Transmission and Distribution Pipeline Network as of 2018
........................................................................................................................................... 15
Table 3-4: Prevailing Water Rates, 2019 ............................................................................. 16
Table 4-1: Air Quality Parameters Annual Mean Values in Region 12 (2008-2015)............. 20
Table 4-2: IFC-EHS Noise Level Guidelines ....................................................................... 21
Table 4-3: Existing Surface Water Resources by Type and Classification in Polomolok, 2010
........................................................................................................................................... 21
Table 4-4: Area and Location of Forestlands by Sub-Category and Primary Use Polomolok,
South Cotabato, 2010 ......................................................................................................... 22
Table 4-5: Inventory of Bridges by South Cotabato 2nd District Engineering Office (As of 27
Dec 2019) ........................................................................................................................... 26
Table 4-6: Number of Connections by Type of Users and Average Consumption
(KWH/Month) ...................................................................................................................... 27
Table 4-7: Summary of Population in Polomolok, 2015 ....................................................... 30
Table 5-1: Summary of Environmental Impacts Screening .................................................. 35
Table 5-2: Summary of Government Environmental Compliance Documents for Water
Supply Subproject ............................................................................................................... 36
Table 5-3: Environmental Impacts and Risks for Inclusion in EMP ...................................... 42
Table 6-1: Summary of Activities Conducted ....................................................................... 43
Table 6-2: Summary of Issues and Concerns Raised.......................................................... 44
Table 7-1: Environmental Mitigation Plan ............................................................................ 45
Table 7-2: Environmental Monitoring Plan........................................................................... 51

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Initial Environmental Examination- Polomolok Water District
TA-9103 PHI: Water District Development Sector Project
CDTA for Water District Development Sector Project (Contract No. 41665-013)
Table of Contents

Table 7-3: Project Performance Monitoring ......................................................................... 53


Figure 3-1: Service Area Coverage and Well Location Map ................................................ 14
Figure 3-2: Recommended Improvements for PolWD ......................................................... 19
Figure 4-1: Road Network Map of Polomolok ...................................................................... 25
Figure 4-2: Power Facilities Map ......................................................................................... 28
Figure 4-3: Health Facilities Map ......................................................................................... 32
Figure 4-4: Educational Facilities Map ................................................................................ 33


Annex 1 Accomplished REA

Annex 2 Pumping Test Result
Annex 3 Photograph of the Subproject Site
Annex 4 Sample Grievance Redress Form
Annex 5 Sample Contractor’s Environmental Monitoring Plan (CEMP) Outline
Annex 6 Public Consultation Proceedings
Annex 7 Environmental Compliance Certificate

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Initial Environmental Examination- Polomolok Water District
TA-9103 PHI: Water District Development Sector Project
CDTA for Water District Development Sector Project (Contract No. 41665-013)
Executive Summary


1. Introduction. Polomolok Water District (PolWD) is an operational water supply utility

located in Polomolok, South Cotabato, Republic of the Philippines and one of the selected
subprojects under the PHI: Water District Development Sector Project (WDDSP) funded by
the Asian Development Bank (ADB). The project intends to improve the livability and
competitiveness in urban areas outside Metro Manila through the provision of better water
supply and sanitation infrastructure and services to a number of water districts (WDs). The
Local Water Utilities Administration (LWUA) is the executing agency. The participating WDs,
in this case PolWD, are the implementing agencies for water supply and sanitation

2. Subproject Description. The proposed subprojects aims to improve/upgrade the PolWD

water supply system to address the present demand for a potable water and alleviate the
shortage of water by augmentation of nine present deep wells. PolWD Water Supply
Improvement Project includes electro-mechanical facilities, powerline extensions, gas
chlorine disinfection facilities, site development works, pipelines, fittings and appurtenances,
lot acquisition, and developing of two (2) deep wells in Barangay Poblacion and Barangay
Pagalungan through drilling.

3. Legal Framework. The policy, legal, and administrative frameworks relevant to the
environmental assessment of water supply and sanitation projects in the Philippines have
long been established by the following laws and regulations: Presidential Decree (PD) 198-
Provincial Water Utilities Act of 1973, (ii) PD 1586 – Establishing the Philippine
Environmental Impact Statement System, (iii) Republic Act (RA) No.9275 - Philippine Clean
Water Act of 2004, and (iv) PD 856 - Code on Sanitation of the Philippines (v) PD 1067 –
Water Code of the Philippines (vi) DAO 8 s. 2016 – Water Quality Guidelines and General
Effluent Standard.

4. Environmental Safeguard. All ADB funded project are required to strictly comply with
Philippine government’s environmental laws and requirements as well as ADB’s Safeguard
Policy Statement of 2009 (SPS). PolWD was assessed under Category B that deemed by
ADB to have some adverse environmental impacts, but of lesser degree or significance.
Preparation of Initial Environmental Examination (IEE) report and securing ECC were
required to prevent the possible adverse environmental and public health impact. The
Environmental Management Bureau of the DENR has already issued an Environmental
Compliance Certificate (ECC) for this project with ECC No. ECC-OL-R12-2019-0027 for
Pumping Station 10 issued on February 21, 2019 and ECC No. ECC-OL-R12-2019-0205 for
Pumping Station 11 issued on September 19, 2019, both issued at EMB-R12, Regional
Government Center, Brgy. Carpenter Hill Koronadal City.

5. Environmental and Socioeconomic Conditions. Municipality of Polomolok is located at

the South Western part of the island of Mindanao and belongs to Region XII. The municipality
has an elevation of 300 meters above sea level (mamsl) with the geographical coordinates
of 5°58’ and 6°20’ North and between 125°1’ and 125°17’ East. Polomolok has a total land
area of 33,997 hectares (ha) which 26,748 (ha) is alienable and disposable land while other
7,249 (ha) are forestland. In characterization of climate, Polomolok belongs to Type IV or
evenly distributed rainfall throughout the year.

6. The high level of local migration of individuals or families in the municipality poses a
series of problems. With no access to livelihood opportunities and lacking or have limited
skills for income-generation, the migrants usually found contractual jobs in which wages
could hardly satisfy their basic needs resulting to malnutrition. Usually in such cases, the
mother is forced to seek employment to augment the income resulting to a potentially
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Initial Environmental Examination- Polomolok Water District
TA-9103 PHI: Water District Development Sector Project
CDTA for Water District Development Sector Project (Contract No. 41665-013)
Executive Summary

neglected children needing temporary care and children who lack opportunity for social
stimulation. Also, the cases of substance abuse and children in conflict with law are rising in
the municipality and this problem should be addressed and appropriate actions should be

7. Impacts and EMP. Anticipated impacts to be considered were assessed through the
following activities: (i) gathering of inputs from interested and affected parties; (ii) desk
research of information relevant to the proposed project; (iii) site visit and professional
assessment; and (iv) evaluation of proposed design and potential impacts. Categorization of
the project and formulation of mitigation measures have been guided by ADB’s REA
Checklist for Water Supply and SPS. Results of the environmental impacts screening shows
that the impact types and magnitudes for both positive and negative impacts without the
mitigating measures and the resulting situations when mitigating measures will be

8. In pre-construction phase, the proposed sites for source development are located
along residential areas while the proposed route of the pipelines is along the national
highway from Brgy. Poblacion to Brgy. Glamang. PolWD subproject’s component will not
located in areas that are environmental sensitive therefore no impacts and risk to biodiversity
conservation, archaeological and cultural assets. Issues on competing use of groundwater
resources are not expected since PolWD will acquire water rights of all the wells from the
National Water Resources Board (NWRB) which will ensure that groundwater resources are
properly allocated.

9. Potential nuisances and problems coming from the public during construction can be
avoided and immediately addressed through consultation and information dissemination to
potentially affected people during detailed design and pre-construction phase. The proposed
project will not entail any involuntary resettlement and there are no adverse impact on
surrounding structures since the location of proposed project components were already
acquired by PolWD.

10. While the project aims to improve resilience to climate change by upgrading and/or
expanding the existing water system, the system itself may be vulnerable to climate change
effects. This can be mitigated by conducting a suitable study to determine the availability (or
abundance) of raw water, especially under extremely dry weather conditions. Similarly, the
detailed engineering design (DED) will ensure the choice of suitable piping delivery materials
to minimize possible ground heave effects (and other related phenomena).

11. Based on the environmental screening during construction phase, modification of

construction site topography is not significant as much as PolWD will follow the existing site
contour of water supply pipelines. The typical significant impact and risk during construction
activities are (i) soil erosion and sediments of construction sites (ii) inconvenience in
pipelaying (iii) noise from construction equipment (iv) local air pollution (v) vehicular traffic
congestion and public access (vi) hazards to public (vii) pollution and health risk and (viii)
improper closure of construction sites. However, mitigation measure must follow by PolWD
to prevent, reduce and control the adverse environmental and public health impact during
construction activities.

12. During operational phase there are no increased of noise level and air pollution of
pumping stations. Operational Management Plan of PolWD shall ensure strict
implementation to avoid (i) health hazard (i) pollution generation (iii) ground subsidence (iv)
operational risk and safety and (v) conflict and water scarcity in water uses.

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Initial Environmental Examination- Polomolok Water District
TA-9103 PHI: Water District Development Sector Project
CDTA for Water District Development Sector Project (Contract No. 41665-013)
Executive Summary

13. Public Consultation and Information Disclosure. PolWD with its stakeholder conducted
public consultation activities in preparation for securing of the ECC for the proposed
subproject. The initial consultation was done during the project preparation to address
stakeholder’s needs and disclosure of the project details and the benefits they shall receive.
The stakeholders included are government officials, NGOs residents in the vicinity of the
subproject sites, marginalized/vulnerable beneficiary groups, and project affected persons
(APs). PolWD as proponent conducted public consultation on well drilling project last January
19, 2019 at Barangay Mabaquiao. Also, project disclosure done last November 21, 2019 at
Brgy. Silway 8 to discuss the proposed subproject and its details, purpose, and the need to
acquire new lots. It also discussed last November 28 at Brgy Lumakil and Brgy Magsaysay,
and last November 29, 2019 at Brgy. Glamang and Brgy. Pagalungan.

14. Grievance Redress Mechanism. Following discussions during the Due Diligence Report
(DDR) mission, it was agreed to integrate the ADB required grievance redress mechanism (GRM)
into the current consumer feedback measures that are already implemented and are well
established. The DDR mission observed a publicly displayed customer charter and system to
record issues with water supply, billing and complaints. To protect also the indirect households,
the project will integrate required GRM to include non-water district customer’s feedback measures
during Construction and Project Implementation affecting the environment. The established GRM
at the PolWD will receive, evaluate, and facilitate the resolution of affected persons (APs)
concerns, complaints, and grievances about the social and environmental performance related to
the various subprojects. The GRM will aim to provide a time-bound and transparent mechanism
to voice and resolve social and environmental concerns linked to the subproject. This mechanism
shall be disclosed in public consultations during detailed design and in meetings during the
construction phase.

15. The PolWD will maintain a full record of all complaints and grievances received, and the
actions taken. PolWD will also ensure grievances are recorded and reported in the Integrated
Environmental and Social Safeguards reports that are submitted to ADB every 6 months during
project implementation. All costs involved in resolving the complaints (meetings, consultations,
communication, and information dissemination) will be borne by PolWD. Complaints about
environmental performance of projects issued an Environmental Certificate of Compliance (ECC)
can also be brought to the attention of DENR-EMB. The process of handling such complaints is
described in the Revised Procedural Manual (2007) for the IRR of PD 1586.

16. Conclusion and Recommendations. With the Proposed Water Supply Improvement
Project of the Polomolok Water District, a long-term improvement in the water supply system
of Municipality of Polomolok will be contributed thereby providing safe drinking water to the
residential and commercial sector of the municipality. The augmentation of the nine present
deep wells will address the present demand for a potable water and alleviate the shortage
of water. Mitigating measures and environmentally sound engineering and construction
practices are done to minimize the potential adverse environmental impacts that are primarily
associated during the construction period.

17. The water supply subproject is aimed to be implemented in an environmentally

acceptable manner while limiting further environmental assessment study with exemption of
the conduct of public consultations for compliance and further input. Therefore, the
subproject is not expected to cause irreversible adverse environmental impacts with the
implementation of the mitigation measures as proposed in the EMP. In any case of
significant change in the scope of the project and alignment, preparation of an updated or a
new IEE is recommended.

18. The proposed PolWD subproject is hereby recommended for implementation with the
following requirements to be strictly followed: (i) Tendering process shall ensure
environmentally responsible procurement by requiring the inclusion of EMP provisions in the
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Initial Environmental Examination- Polomolok Water District
TA-9103 PHI: Water District Development Sector Project
CDTA for Water District Development Sector Project (Contract No. 41665-013)
Executive Summary

bidding and construction contract documents; (ii) Contractor’s submittal of a CEMP which
shall be included in the construction contract; (iii) Contract provisions on creation and
operation of the WDGRC shall be included in construction contracts; (iv) LWUA, with its
regulatory function, shall ensure that capability building for PolWD shall be pursued; and (v)
PolWD shall continue the process of public consultation and information disclosure during
detailed design and construction phases.

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Initial Environmental Examination- Polomolok Water District
TA-9103 PHI: Water District Development Sector Project
CDTA for Water District Development Sector Project (Contract No. 41665-013)
Main Report


Polomolok Water District (PolWD) is an operational water supply utility located in Polomolok,
South Cotabato, Republic of the Philippines and one of the selected subprojects under the
PHI: Water District Development Sector Project (WDDSP) funded by the Asian Development
Bank (ADB). The project intends to improve the livability and competitiveness in urban areas
outside Metro Manila through the provision of better water supply and sanitation infrastructure
and services to a number of water districts (WDs). The Local Water Utilities Administration
(LWUA) is the executing agency. The participating WDs, in this case PolWD, are the
implementing agencies for water supply and sanitation subprojects.

The Polomolok Water District (PolWD) was formed on October 9, 1980 and started within the
town site. There are nine (9) pump stations equipped with generator sets for continuous
operation within the municipality serving about 59.98% of its total population and the
barangays/areas of Sulit, Pagalungan, Cebuano, Pag-asa, Cannery Londres, Polo, Upper
Klinan, Pagalungan 2, and Palkan.

The proposed project aims to augment the present nine deep wells by providing electro-
mechanical facilities, powerline extensions, gas chlorine disinfection facilities, site
development works, pipelines, fittings and appurtenances, lot acquisition, and developing of
two (2) deep wells in Barangay Poblacion and Barangay Pagalungan through drilling. This
proposed project is called the Water Supply Improvement Project of the PolWD.

Upon the completion of the proposed project, a projected additional service connection of
21,497 is seen by the year 2020. This will increase up to 27,824 in 2025 and will further
increase to 34,151 in the year 2030.

The project can contribute to the Philippines’ efforts in achieving the Sustainable Development
Goals (SDGs) given by the United Nations Development Program (UNDP), specifically the
SDG no. 6, which is the “Clean Water and Sanitation”. The project shall address the increasing
water demand of the municipality while balancing out the climate change affects that is
observed, though increasing the community’s resilience.

This is part of the Water District Development Sector Project (WDDSP) which is funded by the
Asian Development Bank (ADB). All ADB-funded projects are required to comply with the
Philippine government’s environmental laws and requirements as well as ADB’s Safeguard
Policy Statement of 2009 (SPS). A preliminary environmental assessment using ADB’s
Rapid Environmental Assessment (REA) Checklist for Water Supply (Annex 1) was employed
and this project is classified environment Category B and warrants the preparation of this Initial
Environmental Examination (IEE) Report. Under the Philippine Environmental Impact
Statement System (PEISS), an online Environmental Compliance Certificate (ECC)
application is required for water supply projects with water source, treatment facilities, and
Level III distribution system.

The Environmental Management Bureau of the DENR has already issued an Environmental
Compliance Certificate (ECC) for this project with ECC No. ECC-OL-R12-2019-0027 for
Pumping Station 10 issued on February 21, 2019 and ECC No. ECC-OL-R12-2019-0205 for
Pumping Station 11 issued on September 19, 2019, both issued at EMB-R12, Regional
Government Center, Brgy. Carpenter Hill Koronadal City (See Annex 6).

The SPS of 2009 integrates the three operational safeguard policies of ADB on the
environment, involuntary resettlement, and indigenous peoples, into a unified policy
framework. ADB shall work with borrowers to implement the provisions of this policy
framework in the form of project review and supervision, and capacity development support.

Initial Environmental Examination- Polomolok Water District
TA-9103 PHI: Water District Development Sector Project
CDTA for Water District Development Sector Project (Contract No. 41665-013)
Main Report

The SPS also promotes participation of project-affected people and key stakeholders in project
design and implementation.

The provisions of the ADB SPS of 2009 were carefully observed during the preparation of this
report. This IEE Report is prepared to meet the following objectives:

(i) Provide a clear description of the proposed projects and all its components;

(ii) To present the national and local legal and institutional framework within which the
environmental assessment has been carried out;

(iii) To provide information on the existing geographic, ecological, environmental, and

social conditions, within the project’s area of influence;

(iv) To assess the project’s likely positive and negative direct and indirect impacts on
physical, biological, socioeconomic, and physical cultural resources in the project’s
area of influence;

(v) To present the set of mitigation measures to be undertaken to avoid, reduce,

mitigate, and manage adverse environmental impacts;

(vi) To describe the process undertaken during project design to engage stakeholders,
the planned information disclosure measures, and the process for carrying out
consultation with affected people and facilitating their participation during project

(vii) To describe the project’s grievance redress mechanism for resolving project-related

(viii) To describe the monitoring measures and reporting procedures to ensure early
detection of conditions that necessitate particular mitigation measures; and

(ix) To identify who is responsible for carrying out the mitigation and monitoring

The development of this IEE is based on several field visits, review of secondary data,
consultation with the Local Government Units (LGUs), officials of PolWD, and the stakeholders
from the community.


ADB Safeguard Policy Statement. The ADB, in its operations, requires the consideration of
environmental issues in all aspects. The requirement of having an environmental assessment
in all of ADB’s project loans, program loans, sector loans, sector development program loans,
loans involving financial intermediaries, and private sector loans is stated in the SPS.

Screening and categorization. Projects are screened to identify their expected environmental
impacts which are related to the type and location of the project; the sensitivity, scale, nature,
and magnitude of its potential impacts; and the availability of cost-effective mitigation
measures. This will determine the category of environmental assessment required for the
project. Projects are categorized in the following four (4) categories:

Initial Environmental Examination- Polomolok Water District
TA-9103 PHI: Water District Development Sector Project
CDTA for Water District Development Sector Project (Contract No. 41665-013)
Main Report

(i) Category A. Projects could have significant adverse environmental impacts. An

environmental impact assessment (EIA) is required to address significant impacts.

(ii) Category B. Projects could have some adverse environmental impacts, but of lesser
degree or significance than those in Category A. An IEE is required to determine
whether significant environmental impacts warranting an EIA are likely. If an EIA is
not needed, the IEE is regarded as the final environmental assessment report.

(iii) Category C. Projects are unlikely to have adverse environmental impacts. No EIA or
IEE is required, although environmental implications are reviewed.

(iv) Category FI. Projects involve a credit line through a financial intermediary or an equity
investment in a financial intermediary. The financial intermediary must apply an
environmental management system, unless all projects will result in insignificant

Environmental Management Plan (EMP). Identification of potential impacts and risks along
with the mitigating measures through environmental assessment must be carried out. The
level of detail and complexity of the EMP and the priority of the identified measures and actions
will be commensurate with the project’s impact and risks.

Public disclosure. In order for the affected people, other stakeholders, and the general public
to provide inputs to further improve the project’s design and implementation, the ADB shall
post in their website the following documents:

(i) for Environmental Category A projects, a draft EIA report at least 120 days before
Board consideration;

(ii) final or updated EIA and/or IEE upon receipt; and (iii) environmental monitoring reports
submitted by the project management unit (PMU) during project implementation upon

International Guidelines. The International Finance Corporation (IFC) established an

Environmental, Health, and Safety (EHS) Guidelines with general and industry-specific
examples of Good International Industry Practice (GIIP). In line with this, all ADB-funded
projects must adopt the IFC-EHS Noise Guidelines.

Under the noise management section are noise prevention and mitigation measures, noise
level guidelines, and noise monitoring. PolWD must closely observe the IFC-EHS Noise
Guidelines during the construction phase.

National Laws. The policy, legal, and administrative frameworks relevant to the environmental
assessment of water supply and sanitation projects in the Philippines have long been
established by the following laws and regulations:

(i) Presidential Decree (PD) 198 – Provincial Water Utilities Act of 1973;
(ii) PD 1586 – Philippine Environmental Impact Statement System;
(iii) Department of Health (DOH) Administrative Order 2017-010 – Philippine National
Standards for Drinking Water (PNSDW) of 2017;
(iv) PD 1067 – Water Code of the Philippines;
(v) PD 856 - Code on Sanitation of the Philippines;
(vi) Republic Act (RA) 9275 – Philippine Clean Water Act of 2004;
(vii) Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) Administrative Order
2016-08 – Water Quality Guidelines and General Effluent Standards of 2016;

Initial Environmental Examination- Polomolok Water District
TA-9103 PHI: Water District Development Sector Project
CDTA for Water District Development Sector Project (Contract No. 41665-013)
Main Report

(viii) PD 705 – Forestry Reform Code of the Philippines; and

(ix) RA 11058 – Occupational Safety and Health Standards

The overall institutional framework is found in PD 198 PD 198 (Provincial Water Utilities Act
of 1973). PD 198 indicates that the LWUA and WD setup as defined by LWUA, is mandated
to promote the development of WDs in the country as a government corporation. It is
mandated to “primarily be a specialized lending institution for the promotion, development,
and financing of local water utilities.” In order to carry out the said mandate, the LWUA has
major subsidiary roles such as:

(i) prescribing minimum standards and regulations in order to assure acceptable

standards of construction materials and supplies, maintenance, operation, personnel
training, accounting, and fiscal practices for local water utilities; and

(ii) providing technical assistance and personnel training programs.

The formation of local WDs is also mandated in the PD 198. These WDs were initially
mandated to serve a single LGU or a cluster of LGUs by resolutions of the Local LGUs. These
WDs, once formed becomes a legally autonomous body of the LGU. A board of directors,
consisting of five (5) members representing different sectors that are appointed by either the
mayor or the governor shall control the WD. The board of directors shall appoint the WD’s
general manager.

LWUA is the executing agency under the project, while WDs, like PolWD, are the executing
agencies for their respective subprojects. LWUA is responsible for the overall coordination,
implementation and liaison of the project with ADB and other government offices.

PD 1586 (Philippine Environmental Impact Statement System (PEISS)) and its implementing
rules and regulation under the DENR Administrative Order No. 30 of 2003 (DAO 2003-30)
cover the environmental assessment provision. The PEISS allows the project manager to
receive an Environmental Compliance Certificate (ECC) from the Environmental Management
Bureau (EMB) prior to the introduction of an infrastructure or development project. Under
ADB's Special Assessment Report on Environmental Safeguards (2006), the Philippine
environmental assessment program complies with the environmental assessment criteria of

To ensure that the quality of the water supplies are kept on a level that is suitable for human
consumption, DOH Administrative Order 2017-010 (DAO 2017-010) or the Philippine National
Standards for Drinking Water (PNSDW) of 2017 which prescribes the standard quality for
drinking waters was issued as guide for government and private developers and operators,
bulk water suppliers, water refilling station operators and other drinking-water providers. The
established threshold of each water quality parameter in the PNSDW of 2017 will ensure the
safety of drinking water and protect the public health.

Appropriation and utilization of waters for various purposes shall be governed by PD 1067 or
the Water Code of the Philippines and its amended Implementing Rules and Regulations
(IRR). The National Water Resources Board (NWRB) shall administer and enforce the
provisions thereof.

Pursuant to RA 9275 or the Philippine Clean Water Act of 2004, DENR Administrative Order
No. 08 series of 2016 or the Water Quality Guidelines and General Effluent Standards of 2016,
defines the standards for the discharge of all industrial and municipal wastewater while PD
856 (Philippine Sewage Code) also includes sewage and septic tanks. To ensure the

Initial Environmental Examination- Polomolok Water District
TA-9103 PHI: Water District Development Sector Project
CDTA for Water District Development Sector Project (Contract No. 41665-013)
Main Report

compliance of the facility with the specified effluent requirements, the project applicant must
obtain a discharge permit from the EMB-RO.

The number of project-affected trees and ownership shall be established prior to the start of
construction. During site preparation, when trees (timber or other forest products) are to be
removed, a tree cutting permit shall be obtained as stipulated in PD 705 or the Forestry Reform
Code of the Philippines.

As a member of the International Labor Organization (ILO), the Department of Labor and
Employment (DOLE) developed an Occupational Safety and Health Hazard Standards that is
in line with international labor standards To ensure a safe and healthful workplace for all the
workforce and protection against all hazards in their work environment, adherence to the
DOLE Occupational Safety and Health Hazard Standards must be followed, with emphasis on
the following:

(i) Personal Protective Equipment (PPE-Rule 1040) which specify the use and types of
eye and face protection, respiratory protection, hand and arm protection, safety belt
life lines and safety nets and safety shoes;
(ii) Personal Protective Equipment, and minimum space requirement for gas, electric
welding and cutting operations (Rule1100);
(iii) Fire protection and control rule (Rule 1940);
(iv) Notification and record keeping requirements (Rule 1050);
(v) Mandatory provisions of a safety program for local Contactors in line with overall safety
program of the Proponent; and
(vi) Effective preparedness program against accidents and untoward incidents through
ready medical assistance as well as early detection, warning and response measures.

Table 2-1 presents the summary of environmental regulations and mandatory requirements
for the proposed subproject.

Table 2-1: Summary of Applicable Environmental Regulations and Required

Documents for the Subproject
Laws, Rules and Description/Salient Required for the
Regulations Features Project
PD 1586 and its Requires project ECC for proposed An online ECC
implementing rules and proponents to secure projects under the EIS application is required for
regulations ECC from the DENR system or Certificate of water supply projects with
before an infrastructure Non- Coverage (CNC) water source, treatment
project is constructed. for proposed projects not facilities, and Level III
DAO 03-30 provides covered by the system. distribution system in
the implementing rules order to secure an ECC.
and regulations An IEE Checklist Report
for PD 1586 and the may be required which is
Revised Procedural under the discretion of
Manual of DAO 03-30 the EMB-RO.
integrates DENR
policies to promote EIA
as a planning and
decision-making tool.
DENR MC No. 2011-005
further streamlined the
Water Code of the Establishes the principles Water Permit and Permit Application for permit to
Philippines (PD 1067) for appropriation, control to Drill from NWRB drill shall be filed to the
and its amended and conservation of NWRB prior to drilling
implementing rules and water resources in the and then water permit
regulations country and defines the

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Laws, Rules and Description/Salient Required for the

Regulations Features Project
rights and obligations of after completion of the
water users. drilling.
PD 705 DENR requires securing Permit to Cut is secured No trees will be cut for
a permit before cutting from the EMB-RO where this subproject.
any tree in both public the tree/s to be cut are
and private properties located
RA 9275 and its Prohibits direct discharge None To be implemented
implementing rules and of effluent to the nearby during construction
regulations water body period
RA 9003 and its Mandates proper None To be implemented
implementing rules and disposal of solid wastes during construction
regulations generated during period.
RA 8749 and its Specifies provisions on None To be implemented
implementing rules and machineries and heavy during construction
regulations equipment to be used period
and dust particle
generation during
Permit to Operate for air Permit to Operate to be Permit to Operate shall
pollution source and secured from EMB-RO be acquired for generator
control equipment (such prior to the operation of sets
as generator set) shall be the project
IFC-EHS Noise Provides measures on None To be implemented
Guidelines noise prevention and during construction
mitigation measures, period.
noise level guidelines,
and noise monitoring.
DOLE Occupational Ensures a safe and None To be implemented
Safety and Health Hazard healthful workplace for all during construction and
Standards the workforce and operation period.
protection against all
hazards in their work
DAO 2017-010 or the Prescribes the standard None Periodic reports shall be
PNSDW of 2017 quality for drinking waters submitted to DOH during
as guide for government the operation period.
and private developers
and operators, bulk water
suppliers, water refilling
station operators and
other drinking-water
providers. The
established threshold of
each water quality
parameter in the PNSDW
of 2017 will ensure the
safety of drinking water
and protect the public

Local Laws. The legal administrative framework relevant to creating the PolWD is the
Sangguniang Bayan Resolution No. 63 Series of 1980.

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A. Existing Situation of Polomolok Water District’s Water Supply and Resources

Three (3) types of water supply system are present in the Municipality of Polomolok. Despite
the presence of water supply provided by the PolWD, Level I and II water supplies are still
present in urban and rural areas.

The PolWD has nine (9) pump stations all equipped with generator sets for continuous
pumping operations during power interruptions and power failure. Water is drawn and treated
using gas fed and hypo-chlorinators and filled into reservoirs (see Table 3-1: Present Water
System Loop in PolWD). The entire system is divided into two (2) loop water supply system
and three (3) independent water supply systems as shown in Table 3-1: Present Water
System Loop in PolWD and Figure 3-1. Further, Table 3-2: Summary of Pumping Stations
and Reservoirs in PolWD summarizes the information about the present pump stations of

Table 3-1: Present Water System Loop in PolWD

Water System Loop Pump Station Covered
WSS Loop 1 Pagalungan 1 (PS #2), 2 (PS #8), and Sitio Cebuano
(PS #3) Pump Stations
WSS Loop 2 Upper Klinan (PS #7), Londres (PS #5), and Pag-asa
(PS #4) Pump Stations
Independent System 1 Barangay Sulit (PS #1) Pump Station
Independent System 2 Barangay Polo (PS #6) Pump Station
Independent System 2 Barangay Palkan (PS #9) Pump Station

Table 3-2: Summary of Pumping Stations and Reservoirs in PolWD

Well Motor Reservoir

Pump Station No. / Date Casing Pump
Depth Rating Capacity
Location Constructed Size (mm) Type
(m) (Hp) (m³)
1. Brgy. Sulit 1997 69 200 Turbine 7.5 120
2. Pagalungan 1997 123 250 Submersible 40 120
3. Cebuano 1997 51 250 Submersible 25 500
4. Pag-asa, 1997 140 300 x 200 Submersible 60 300
5. Londres 1997 114 300 x 200 Submersible 15 250
6. Polo 1997 149 250 Submersible 15 120
7. Upper Klinan 2008 180 300 x 200 Submersible 60 200
8. Pagalungan 2 2017 140 300 Submersible 40 300
9. Palkan 2017 119 125 Submersible 7.5 29

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Figure 3-1: Service Area Coverage and Well Location Map

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Table 3-3: Summary of Existing Transmission and Distribution Pipeline Network as of


Diameter Length
HDPE GIP uPVC Steel Pipe
(mm) (lm)
50 8,671.00 116,140.20 125,081.20
63 1,355.00 4,462.00 5,817.00
75 1,563.00 2,030.00 56,135.20 59,728.20
100 60.00 853.00 57,550.00 80.00 28,543.00
150 164.00 1,133.00 23,422.00 24,719.00
200 18.00 9,860.70 48.50 9,927.20
250 1,610.00 520.00 2,130.00
300 1,058.00 1,058.00
Total 1,787.00 14,060.00 239,450.10 1,706.50 257,003.60

B. Water Availability

Based on the evaluation, it was found that there is a need to improve the existing pipeline to
improve the transmission and distribution of water within the service area.

The proposed two (2) exploratory/production well will be located at Barangay Pagalungan (195
m from the national highway) and at Purok San Isidro, Barangay Poblacion. Both
exploratory/production well were based on the geo-resistivity survey conducted by LWUA in
2015 which recommended the most promising site. Pumping test were also conducted and
attached as Annex 2. Currently, there is a difficulty in acquiring additional land requirement
(parcels of land) for other proposed sites but the PolWD is keen in acquiring the necessary
lots to increase the volume of potable water proportionate to the rapid urbanization in nearby
barangays as such will be vital for the application of the municipality for cityhood. With this,
the PolWD has considered the development of additional wells and possibility of surface water
development project to address the long-term water sustainability requirements of the
municipality for its cityhood.

C. Operation and Maintenance

The operation and maintenance of the existing water supply system is handled by the PolWD’s
Engineering and Operations Division. The operation and maintenance expenses considered
comprised of pumping expenses, water treatment, annual dues to be paid to other agencies
(e.g., National Water Regulatory Board), customers’ account, and administration and general

D. Fire Hydrants and Gate Valves

The PolWD has 16 firefighting hydrants. In addition to this, there are four (4) improvised water
outlet equipped with water meter which allow fire trucks to obtain water for their use. These
are installed at the fire station at the back of the Municipal Hall (1); at the municipal gym (2);
and at Sandagata Subdivision in Barangay Cannery Site (1). Gate valves ranging from 50
millimeters (mm) to 200 mm diameter (dia) are also installed at various strategic locations.

There are about 170 improvised blow offs with sizes ranging from 50 mm to 100 mm used for
flushing which could be utilized as water source for firefighting with the assistance of the
PolWD personnel.

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E. Water Use

The water usage is classified as residential / domestic / government, commercial consumption,

and bulk / wholesale. The residential / domestic consumers are persons and establishments
whose connections are intended for their own personal use and other related activities while
government establishments’ water use are for their operation in performing public service.
Meanwhile, commercial usage of water is intended for business, trade activities, occupation,
or to produce a commercial or saleable product. This is further classified into Commercial A,
B, or C. Finally, bulk / wholesale are connections that are intended and connected to the
system for the purpose of reselling the same without transforming into a new product.

The reported total service connection for December 2019 is 20,169 of which 95% (19,189
connections) are classified under residential, 1% (242 connections) are under government,
while the remaining 4% (738 connections) are under commercial/industrial.

F. Service Coverage

At present, PolWD is serving 13 out of 23 barangays in the municipality. Nine (9) of these
barangays are fully served namely – Cannery Site, Magsaysay, Poblacion, Pagalungan,
Palkan, Polo, Silway 8, Sulit, and Upper Klian.

Four (4) barangays are partially served which composed of Barangays Glamang, Lumakil,
Klinan 6, and Silway 7. On average, about 59.98% of the total population of the municipality
is being served by PolWD.

G. Service Connections

As of December 2019, the PolWD has about 20,169 active consumers and is aggressively
installing additional connections yearly. Table 3- presents the prevailing water rates within the
service area per type of water connections / user.

Table 3-4: Prevailing Water Rates, 2019

Minimum Commodity Charge (Php)

Classification Meter Size Charge 11-20 21-30 31-40 41 up
(Php) (m3) (m3) (m3) (m3)
Residential/ ½ (15 mm) 195.10 23.40 29.95 36.55 43.15
domestic/ ¾ (22.5 mm) 312.15 23.40 29.95 36.55 43.15
government 1 (25 mm) 624.30 23.40 29.95 36.55 43.15
Commercial / ½ (15 mm) 390.20 46.80 59.90 73.10 86.30
Industrial ¾ (22.5 mm) 624.30 46.80 59.90 73.10 86.30
1 (25 mm) 1,248.60 46.80 59.90 73.10 86.30
Commercial A ½ (15 mm) 341.40 40.95 52.40 63.95 75.50
Commercial B ½ (15 mm) 292.65 35.10 44.90 54.80 64.70
Commercial C ½ (15 mm) 243.85 29.25 37.44 45.60 53.94
Bulk/Wholesale Three times of the residential rates

H. Water Consumption and Total Water Production

The estimated monthly average water consumption for residential, government, and
commercial connections are 346,937, 15,091, and 23,128 cubic meter (m3), respectively.

Meanwhile the total water production of PolWD is based on the water discharged from the well
on a certain period. This is measured by the production/flow meter installed in the pumping

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station. As of December 2019, the monthly average production of the PolWD is around
532,189 m3.

I. Non-Revenue Water

The non-revenue water (NRW) as of December 2019 is estimated at 27.63% or about 147,033
m3. The principal cause of these losses is due to the physical and commercial losses.

Physical loss accounts to about 6.3% of NRW. Mainline breakage is observed in the area and
is primarily caused by the intermittent supply at water supply system Loop No. 1. Furthermore,
there is also hidden leak or leaks which are not visible to the naked eye and thus cannot be
located in the area which also accounts to about 11.27% water.

On the other hand, commercial loss in the system accounts to 6.04% due to defective and
inefficient water meter. To augment this, a program on water meter maintenance was
implemented to lower down the loss.

Pressure management in the area is difficult to address due to the sudden change in elevation
or profile in the service area, unavailability of additional pressure regulating valves (PRV’s)
with automatic time, and demand-based capable controllers which is very much suitable to
manage pressures according to demand or peak hour demand.

J. Description of the Proposed Subproject

Location. The proposed Pump Station No. 10 shall be the back-up source of potable water
that will serve Barangays Pagalungan, Poblacion, Magsaysay, Silway-8 and Glamang. On the
other hand, the proposed Pump Station No. 11 shall serve as an additional source of potable
water in response to the increasing water demand at the Barangay Poblacion area up to
Barangay Glamang.

Source Development. The drilling of two (2) deep wells to provide the additional water
sources for the expansion and extension areas is included in this item. The proposed deep
wells are to be established in Mabacquiao Area, Barangay Poblacion and in Magalong Area,
Barangay Pagalungan, respectively, both with depths of 150 meters (m) and with 300 mm dia
casing. It is estimated that the planned deep wells will have a discharge capacity of 30 liters
per second (Lps) each. The site for these wells are based on the geo-resistivity survey
conducted by LWUA. The location of the proposed two (2) deep wells of the project and the
recommended improvement is presented in Figure 3-2.

Pumping Stations. This item includes the electro-mechanical equipment needed to extract
water from the proposed deep wells (submersible pumps and motors, electrical controls,
cables and accessories). For each pumping station, back-up power generator sets are also
installed to ensure continuous water supply even during power outages. The provision of civil
works, flow meters, gate valves and pump house construction are also included in this item.

Power Line Extension. This item provides for costs to cover the extension to the proposed
pumping stations of 3-phase electric power lines.

Disinfection Facility. This item requires the provision of a chlorinating facility to ensure that
the water provided to consumers is free of pathogenic disease-causing microorganisms. For
each of the proposed deep well/pumping stations, one chlorinator equipment utilizing chlorine
gas as a disinfectant will be given.

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Site Development. Site planning in terms of fencing work is given in this item for the two
planned deep wells and pumping stations.

Pipelines, Fittings and Appurtenances. Another 14,563 lineal meters (lm) of transmission
and distribution lines will be laid to enhance and broaden the coverage of the service area,
including in the barangays currently served and in the planned additional barangays. The
pipes to be laid are composed of uPVC and/or steel pipes ranging from 150 mm to 350 mm in
size. Provisions for pipe fittings, valves and blow-off fittings are also included in this item.

Lot Acquisition. The land that was identified for the project is a property of PolWD that was
procured last October 18, 2018 for the Magalong area and November 15, 2018 for the
Mabaquiao area as part of the PolWD’s proposed well sites.

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Figure 3-2: Recommended Improvements for PolWD

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A. Physical Resources

Geographical Location. The Municipality of Polomolok is located at the South Western part
of the island of Mindanao and belongs to Region XII. It is situated in the southern part of the
Province of South Cotabato bounded by the municipalities of Tupi on the north, T’boli on the
west, Malungon on the east, and General Santos City on the southern portion. The
municipality has an elevation of 300 meters above sea level (mamsl) with the geographical
coordinates of 5°58’ and 6°20’ North and between 125°1’ and 125°17’ East.

Land Area. Polomolok has a total land area of 33,997 hectares (ha) which accounts for 4.42%
of the total land area of the province of South Cotabato. The municipality consists of 23
barangays wherein three (3) barangays are classified as urban while the remaining 20 are
classifies as rural.

Land Classification. From the total land area of Polomolok, 78.68% or 26,748 ha are
alienable and disposable land, while the rest of the land, 21.32% or 7,249 ha are classified as

Air Quality and Noise. South Cotabato is officially designated by DENR as a regular “airshed”
which is defined as areas with similar climate, meteorology and topology which affect the
interchange and diffusion of pollutants in the atmosphere. The National Air Quality Status
Report (2008-2015) provides data on air quality on a regional level. As of 2015, there were 93
air quality monitoring stations (manual and real-time) nationwide which were situated in highly
urbanized cities and also rural areas in different regions of the country. These monitoring
stations keep track of criteria air pollutants including total suspended particulates (TSP),
particulate matter with dia of less than 10 microns (PM10), particulate matter with dia of less
than 2.5 microns (PM2.5), sulfur dioxide (SO2), nitrogen dioxide (NO2) and ozone (O3)
following the National Ambient Air Quality Guideline Values (NAAQGV).

Table 4-1 presents the measured annual mean values of air quality parameters in Region 12
from 2008-2015. From 2008-2011, one (1) monitoring station located in front of the Municipal
Hall of Polomolok measured the annual mean TSP while from 2012-2014, one (1) monitoring
station located in the Municipal Hall of Tupi (north of Polomolok) measured the annual mean
PM10. In 2015, continuous monitoring of PM10 was conducted in a station located in Pedro
Acharon Sports Complex, Brgy. Calumpang, General Santos City (south of Polomolok). Based
on the measured TSP and PM10 from 2008-2015, the air quality within Region 12 complies
with the NAAQGV limits.

Table 4-1: Air Quality Parameters Annual Mean Values in Region 12 (2008-2015)

Air Quality Parameter/ NAAQGV

2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015
Station Location Limit
Municipal Hall of Polomolok, South Cotabato
TSP (µg/Ncm) 90 (annual) 86 75 73 58 n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d
Municipal Hall of Tupi, South Cotabato
PM10 (µg/Ncm) 60 (annual) n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d. 54 50 56 n.d
Pedro Acharon Sports Complex, Brgy. Calumpang, General Santos City
PM10 (µg/Ncm) - 60 (annual) n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d. 35
*n.d. means no data

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As per DENR Air Quality Management Section, the National Air Quality Status Report (2015-
2020) is currently being drafted.

According to the DENR-EMB Region 12 Air Quality Management Division, there are no
available data on noise level in the region. However, in Philippine setting, the noise level in
general areas should be within the National Pollution Control Commission (1980) guidelines.

In addition, following the IFC-EHS noise guideline values, noise levels should not exceed the
values presented in Table 4-2.

Table 4-2: IFC-EHS Noise Level Guidelines

One Hour LAeq (dBA)

Receptor Daytime Nighttime
07:00 – 22:00 22:00 – 07:00
Residential; institutional; educational 55 45
Industrial; commercial 70 70

Climate. Under the Modified Coronas Classification, Polomolok belongs to Type IV or climate
characterized by evenly distributed rainfall throughout the year. Based on a 2017 data from
the Climate Change Commission (CCC), South Cotabato is one of the areas in the Philippines
most vulnerable to drought and are experiencing seasonal aridity and recurrent droughts.

Topography and Soils. Based on the Environmental Impact Report (PS11-Environmental

Impact Reports) done in the area, the general land soil classification of Polomolok is silty loam
and sandy. Majority of the land in Polomolok, around 67%, that is located at the southern and
western part has a slope ranging from 0-8% or can be classified as level to gently undulating
slope while the mountainous portion or those with slope of >50% only accounts for 2% of the
total land area of the municipality.

Surface Water. Existing Surface Water in the Municipality of Polomolok is presented in Table

Table 4-3: Existing Surface Water Resources by Type and Classification in Polomolok,

Surface Water Location Classification

Silway River Polomolok Class C
Klinan River Polomolok-Gensan Boundary Unclassified
Lam-Laan River Tboli-Polomolok Unclassified
Maligo Dam Kawit, Maligo Unclassified
Salul River Palkan Unclassified
Marangit River Lumakil Unclassified
Landan River Ulo Landan Unclassified
Source: Comprehensive Land Use Plan of the Municipality of Polomolok, 2010

B. Ecological Resources

Forests. The forestland of the Municipality of Polomolok has a total area of 33,997 ha. These
remaining forests are located in the northern part of the municipality and within a higher portion
of Mt. Matumtum. It is located about 15 kms away from the water system of PolWD and no
scope of work will be done in the forestland.

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Table 4-4 shows the area and location of forestlands by sub-category and primary use of the
Municipality of Polomolok.

Table 4-4: Area and Location of Forestlands by Sub-Category and Primary Use
Polomolok, South Cotabato, 2010

Area Percent Distance from nearest PolWD

Category Location
(ha) (%) Water System
a. PS#6 (Brgy. Polo) – 5.54kms
a. Landan b. PS#9 (Brgy. Palkan) –
1. Timber Production b. Palkan 4.36kms
700 2.06
(Natural) c. Maligo c. PS#6 (Brgy. Polo) – 5.8kms
d. Kinilis d. PS#9A (Brgy. Lamcaliaf) –
a. PS#6 (Brgy. Polo) – 5.54kms
a. Landan b. PS#9 (Brgy. Palkan) –
2. Timber Production b. Palkan 4.36kms
500 1.47
(Plantation) c. Maligo c. PS#6 (Brgy. Polo) – 5.8kms
d. Kinilis d. PS#9A (Brgy. Lamcaliaf) –
a. none
a. Landan b. PS#9 (Brgy. Palkan) –
b. Palkan 3.47kms
3. Agro-Forests 1,200 3.53
c. Maligo c. PS#6 (Brgy. Polo) – 5.4kms
d. Kinilis d. PS#9A (Brgy. Lamcaliaf) –
4. Pasture/Grazing Land
5. Mineral Areas
a. Landan
b. Palkan
6. Watershed Areas 2,700 7.94
c. Maligo
d. Kinilis
7. Community-Based
Forest Management
8. Other Special Uses
(Tourism, Fish
Farms/Ponds, etc.)
Sub-Total 5,100 15
a. PS#6 (Brgy. Polo) – 5.54kms
a. Landan b. PS#9 (Brgy. Palkan) –
b. Palkan 4.36kms
1. NIPAS Areas 5,100 15
c. Maligo c. PS#6 (Brgy. Polo) – 5.8kms
d. Kinilis d. PS#9A (Brgy. Lamcaliaf) –
a. PS#6 (Brgy. Polo) – 5.54kms
a. Landan b. PS#9 (Brgy. Palkan) –
b. Palkan 0.78kms
2. Non-NIPAS Areas 28,897 85
c. Maligo c. PS#6 (Brgy. Polo) – 2.92kms
d. Kinilis d. PS#9A (Brgy. Lamcaliaf) –
Sub-Total 33,997 100
GRAND TOTAL 33,997 100
Source: Comprehensive Land Use Plan of the Municipality of Polomolok, 2010

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Protected Areas. Mt. Matutum is one of the volcanoes in the Philippines and was declared
as protected landscape on 20 March 1995 through Proclamation 552 following RA 7586 (also
known as the National Integrated Protected Area System of 1992 or NIPAS).

A portion of Mt. Matutum falls within the Municipality of Polomolok and is one of the
municipality’s landmark which stands at 2,286 mamsl. As it is a dormant volcano, this place
has been frequented by tourists who are climbing enthusiasts, among others.

In addition to its rich biodiversity (including the Philippine Eagle), Mt. Matutum is said to supply
about 25% of the water requirement in Region XI1. Unfortunately, the protected area is present
with many challenges such as ongoing human occupation of the forest area in search of land,
timber mining, charcoal production, uncontrolled wildlife hunting, unabated flora collection,
loss of native biodiversity, non-environmentally friendly farming inputs, among others. In
addition, the institutional office responsible for the management and protection of protected
area remains institutionally weak despite the wide support created to protect, preserve and
sustainably manage Mt. Matutum's resources.

Considering these issues that may affect the supply of water, by the year 2010, an area in the
Mt. Matutum Protected Landscape was adopted for reforestation activity by the PolWD. The
target set was to reforest at least one (1) hectare (ha) every year. The planting of indigenous
species of tree was completed in a ten (10) ha area at Purok 8, Barangay Kinilis. Another
program of the PolWD which started in 2008 is the tree planting of atleast 6,250
seedlings/year. As of February 2020, around 70-80 ha were planted.

The previous initiatives made to reforest the protected landscape was done by the Southern
Mindanao Integrated Coastal Zone Management Project (SMICZMP) in coordination with the
Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) and funded by the Japan
International Cooperation Agency (JICA). The SMICZMP was a pioneering project of the
DENR that helped develop appropriate and effective models in the integration of strategies for
the protection, management and conservation of ecosystems from the upland to the coastal
areas. Around 2,000 ha with 1,000 ha each for the indigenous species and fast-growing
species in denuded grassland area of Mt. Matutum has been reforested. Actual project
completion is on March 2008.

C. Economic Development

Industries. Based on the CLUP (2010), industrial development growth had been slow until
the last five years. The slow industrial development growth of the municipality was due to the
transition period from the Estrada administration to the Arroyo administration. Significant surge
in industrial development took place when several industries were established in the area of
National Highway, Silway 7, Silway 8 and Glamang which includes the following: BMEG, a
hog feed producer; TATEH FEEDS INC, an aqua feed manufacturer; Mt. Matutum Meat
Packaging Corp., slaughterhouse of hogs for export; and RD Boar Semen Production Plant.
These industries increased the industrial land area of the municipality by almost half.

Infrastructure facilities. The municipality has no complete drainage and sewerage plan. The
municipality, instead, has built open-type canals for easier cleaning when silted, as the sandy
loam type of soil of the municipality makes it prone to siltation. Due to the absence of a line
canal on one side, the Cannery Road near the Saldua Bridge is the most common flooded
area in the municipality (Municipality CLUP, 2010).


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Main Report

Transportation. The Municipality has a total road network of 619.075 kilometers (km). Noting
that Polomolok’s land area is 339.97 square kilometers (km2), there is about 1.82 km of road
in every km² of land in the Municipality. The breakdown of these roads is as follows: national
road with 19.77 km or 3.19% of the total road network; provincial roads with 90.03 km or
14.54%; and municipal roads with 15 km or 2.42%; barangay roads with 328.746 km or
53.10%; and subdivision road with 165.29 km or 26.69% of the total road network. Only the
national road is 100% paved with concrete.

As of 2010, Polomolok has 20 bridges, wherein 14 of those are made out of concrete (RCDC
type) and the remaining six (6) are steel bridges and are located in the provincial road based
on their CLUP. Figure 4-1 presents the road network map of the municipality.

The latest inventory of national bridges with length, type, and condition along General Santos
City, Polomolok City, and Municipality of Tupi based on DPWH South Cotabato 2nd District
Engineering Office is shown in Table 4-5.

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Source: Comprehensive Land Use Plan of the Municipality of Polomolok, 2010

Figure 4-2: Road Network Map of Polomolok

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Table 4-5: Inventory of Bridges by South Cotabato 2nd District Engineering Office (As
of 27 Dec 2019)

Bridge Name Type Length (m) Condition

1. Upper Sinawal Concrete 60.00 Fair
2. Upper Makar Concrete 210.00 Fair
3. Lower Apopong Concrete 120.00 Fair
4. Upper Silway Concrete 180.00 Poor
5. Buayan Concrete 123.12 Fair
6. Buayan 2 Concrete 120.00 Fair
7. Tinagakan Concrete 45.00 Good
8. Silway Concrete 80.00 Good
9. Tinagakan Twin Concrete 45.00 Fair
10. Makar 1 Concrete 45.00 Fair
11. Makar 2 Concrete 29.50 Fair
12. Banwalan Concrete 51.87 Fair
13. Balnabu Concrete 60.60 Poor
14. London Concrete 60.60 Poor
15. Bawing Concrete 33.60 Poor
16. Apopong Concrete 57.30 Poor
17. Sinawal Concrete 100.00 Fair
18. Molok Concrete 23.60 Fair
19. Matinao Concrete 35.00 Fair
20. Silway 8 ( Twin NB) Concrete 41.00 Fair
21. South Polomolok Concrete 46.60 Poor
22. Palkan Concrete 48.00 Fair
23. South Tupi Concrete 20.00 Good
24. Silway 8 ( Twin SB) Concrete 41.20 Good
Source: DPWH South Cotabato 2nd District Engineering Office (As of 27 December 2019)

Power Sources and Transmission. The two (2) hydroelectric plants which generate and
supply the electric power of the whole island of Mindanao are located in Maria Cristina Falls
in Iligan City and Pulangi River in Bukidnon. The National Power Corporation (NaPoCor)
supplies the electrical power needs and demands of the consumers and is distributed by the
South Cotabato Electric Cooperative II (SOCOTECO II). By 2010, there are about 15,270
residential connections while about 15,415 populations are still not connected to their system.
Table 4-6 presents the number of connections by the type of users and their average
consumption while Error! Reference source not found. presents the power facilities map of the

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Table 4-6: Number of Connections by Type of Users and Average Consumption


Type of Number of Ave. Consumption

Connection Connections (KWH/Mo.)
Domestic 15,270 1,795,564
Industrial 27 1,091,254
Commercial 641 427,109
Public Buildings 238 196,921
Streetlights (Public) 865 354,520
Total 17,387 3,746,772.91
Source: Comprehensive Land Use Plan of the Municipality of Polomolok, 2010

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Source: Comprehensive Land Use Plan of the Municipality of Polomolok, 2010

Figure 4-3: Power Facilities Map

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Agricultural Development. The Municipality of Polomolok has a total agricultural land of

26,761.09 ha and is primarily an agriculture-based economy. The major crops are pineapple,
corn, rice, mango, durian, coconut and banana. Other crops that are grown in the municipality
are asparagus (which is marketed abroad) coffee, vegetables, root crops, papaya and other
fruit trees.

The dominant crop among the rest of the municipality is pineapple. The agricultural land
occupied by the pineapple plantation leased by Dole Philippines Incorporated from the Dole
Agrarian Reform Beneficiaries Cooperative Incorporated (DARBCI) has a total of 13,873 ha
out of the total agricultural area of 16,373 ha in the municipality. The remaining 2,500 ha are
grown by private growers. The pineapple plantation alone has an average yield of 100 MT per

The second most widely grown crop of the municipality is corn, which utilized a total of 3,931
ha of the agricultural land of the municipality. The major producers of corn are from the
Barangay Glamang, Landan, Klinan 6, Silway 8 and Upper Klinan. Most of the corn farmers
entered into a contract grower scheme with Pioneer Hi-breed Seed Incorporated and Bio-Seed
Company for its seed production.

Rice production covers 570 ha or 2.40% of the agricultural land of the municipality. The 470
ha are irrigated while 100 ha of the rice production portion are not irrigated. Rice farming has
an average yield of 4MT per ha. The demand for rice of the municipality could not be supplied
and tend to only rely to the other rice production areas of the region instead.

Mango plantation occupies 928 ha or 3.90% of the agricultural land. Some mango plantations
are also planted with other crops like corn, root crops and other fruit trees. The barangays with
the most mango plantation are Barangays: Glamang, Klinan 6, Upper Klinan and Silway 8.

The total area planted with vegetables totals to 51.5 ha. Farmers cannot produce large
volumes of vegetables, despite of the fact that vegetables grow very well in the following
Barangays: Palkna, Kinilis and Maligo as the climate in those areas is cool and the soil is
fertile. This is also due to the financial constraints and unstable market prices of vegetables in
the municipality.

The Coconut plantations of the area have a total of 530 ha. A ha of coconut yields an average
of 9 metric tons.

Banana has become a growing crop of the municipality. A total of 380.5 ha is occupied by the
banana crop. Most of these lands are under the contract-growing scheme of exporters such
as the STANFILCO, Rafols Banana Packing and La Panday.

Tourism Facilities. The municipality of has a great potential for tourism development due to
its geographic location, transportation facilities, stable peace and order condition, a typhoon
free climate, year-round supply of abundant and cheap foods as well as its continuous
industrialization. As per inventory of tourism establishments, a considerable number of tourist
sites has been identified and creates tourist traffic in the area.

The following areas are the known tourist spots of the municipality:

a. Mt. Matutum is the municipality’s most imposing landmark which stands at 2,286

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b. Salkak Cave is a 222-meter cave of squeeze and 100-meter duck walk as one enters
a very tight passage. It has a 30-meter vertical pit and a chamber with an open pit
above. It is located in Barangay Landan.
c. Bukay Eel Falls is a natural water falls whose name suggests “white water”. The site
is located in Purok 8, Landan.
d. Kalsangi Golf Course and Country Club is situated in Barangay Kinilis.
e. Natures Bounty Resort is a swimming resort whose water source is a natural spring. It
is located along the national highway at Barangay Pagalungan.
f. Dolores Farm Resort in Pagalungan is an ideal place for family excursion and
swimming in the pool of spring water is relaxing.
g. Durian Garden Atbp is located in Awas, Barangay Sulit. A home of the best Durian
fruits in South Cotabato and a perfect place for someone who wants to commune with
h. The Trappistine Sisters Monastery in Landan is situated in the top of a hill. This is a
haven of silence, meditation and prayer.

D. Social and Cultural Resources

Population and Community. Based on the Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA), the
estimated population of Polomolok in 2015 is about 152,589 spread across 23 barangays and
is presented in Table 4-7. Considering the total municipal land area of 33,997 ha, the
population density is pegged at 4.49 persons per ha of land.

Table 4-7: Summary of Population in Polomolok, 2015

Barangay Population
Bentung 1,374
Crossing Palkan 1,967
Glamang 7,061
Kinilis 1,717
Klinan 6 3,594
Koronadal Proper 3,976
Lam-Caliaf 1,388
Landan 6,004
Lumakil 3,410
Maligo 3,165
Palkan 3,766
Poblacion 45,298
Polo 2,468
Magsaysay 12,156
Rubber 3,149
Silway 7 2,433
Silway 8 10,447
Sulit 5,083
Sumbakil 1,794
Upper Klinan 3,872
Lapu 2,242
Cannery Site 23,310
Pagalungan 2,915
Total 152,589
Source: Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA), 2015

Health Facilities. The Municipal Health Office located at Barangay Poblacion provides
preventive, promotive and curative health services. The facility is PHILHEALTH Accredited as
to Out-Patient Benefits Package (OPB) and TB-DOTS. Birth rate declined in the last four years

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due the successful family planning program in accordance with the Department of Health
(DOH). The Rural Health Midwives (RHMs) attended capability building which empowered
them in the provision of family planning services with the aid of Non-Government Organization
(NGO) and the European Union Funds thru the Provincial Health Office (PHO). The Local
Government Unit (LGU) purchased Family Planning (FP) commodities and appropriated
budget for the conduct of Bilateral Tubal Ligation (BTL). Figure 4-4 shows the Health Facilities
Map of the municipality.

Sanitation Facilities. In 2011, 93.3% of the households have sanitary toilets while 5.1% have
unsanitary toilets, and the remaining 1.6% have no toilet. Domestic generated wastewater
goes directly to septic tanks while commercial wastewater is treated using an activated sludge
reactor and discharged to street canals down to Silway River. On the other hand, wastewater
coming from industrial establishments are disposed in a lagoon type treatment facility which
is eventually discharged to Silway River as well.

Solid Waste Management. Polomolok practices three (3) methods of solid waste disposal:
(1) collection and disposal; (2) recycling; and (3) composting. As of June 2016, there’s one (1)
operational sanitary landfill in the municipality located in Brgy. Kinilis. Materials Recovery
Facilities (MRFs) are also present to receive solid wastes. Majority of solid waste generated
in the municipality comes from domestic sources. However, open burning practices are still
persistent in the municipality.

Educational Facilities. There are 35 public and 12 private elementary schools in the
municipality. The public elementary schools are divided in two districts, namely: East District
which is composed of 19 schools and West District composed of 16 schools. Secondary
education is provided by 9 public and 8 private schools. Tertiary education is provided by the
Notre Dame Sienna College of Polomolok. The vocational or technical education is provided
by BEST School and Scholar de San Jose.

The largest public elementary school in the locality in terms of land area is Bentung Elementary
School with 528,415 square meter (m2) while Ereneo L. Ranada Elementary School (ELRES)
has the smallest land area of 2,502 m2. In terms of school facilities, only Dole Cannery
Elementary School in the East District and Polomolok Central Elementary School in the West
District have complete facilities like laboratory, shop, library, sports, administrative office,
clinic, comfort room and playground. There are four schools which don’t have any facility even
a single comfort room. These schools are; Crossing Palkan Elementary School, Perfecto B.
Salada Elementary School, Upper Klinan Elementary School and Sumbakil Elementary
School. The rest of the schools has at least one facility available. Likewise, the public
secondary schools have incomplete facilities. All private secondary schools have complete

Non formal Education has been a regular program of this municipality. This was spearheaded
by Polomolok Technology and Livelihood Development Center and TESDA. Training Courses
offered were Massage Therapy, Dressmaking, Basic Computer, Beauty Care, Driving,
Automotive Servicing, and Shielded Metal Arc Welding. Polomolok TESDA recorded an
average of 300 graduates of different courses mentioned every year. Figure 4-5 shows the
educational facilities of the municipality

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Source: Comprehensive Land Use Plan of the Municipality of Polomolok, 2010

Figure 4-4: Health Facilities Map

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Source: Comprehensive Land Use Plan of the Municipality of Polomolok, 2010

Figure 4-5: Educational Facilities Map

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Socio-economic Conditions. The high level of local migration of individuals or families in the
municipality poses a series of problems. With no access to livelihood opportunities and lacking
or have limited skills for income-generation, the migrants usually found contractual jobs in
which wages could hardly satisfy their basic needs resulting to malnutrition. Usually in such
cases, the mother is forced to seek employment to augment the income resulting to a
potentially neglected children needing temporary care and children who lack opportunity for
social stimulation. Also, the cases of substance abuse and children in conflict with law are
rising in the municipality and this problem should be addressed and appropriate actions should
be taken.


This section assesses the impacts of the proposed activities on various environmental
components of the subproject site.

Methodology. Anticipated impacts to be considered were assessed through the following

activities: (i) gathering of inputs from interested and affected parties; (ii) desktop research of
information relevant to the proposed project; (iii) site visit and professional assessment; and
(iv) evaluation of proposed design and potential impacts. Categorization of the project and
formulation of mitigation measures have been guided by ADB’s REA Checklist for Water
Supply (Annex 1) and SPS.

A comprehensive screening of environmental impacts is carried out through assessment of

general parameters associated with water supply projects against the components of the
proposed PolWD subproject and the environment where the facilities will be constructed. A
screening checklist was adopted using previous ADB IEE Reports which was developed using
various sources such as DENR checklists, ADB’s REA Checklist, and World Bank
Environmental Source Book. Some items of the checklist may not be applicable to this
particular subproject, however, they are still included to indicate its relevance in the screening

Impact Assessment. The assessment is made on the following phases of the subproject: (i)
pre-construction, (ii) construction, and (iii) operation and maintenance. Results of the
environmental impacts screening are summarized in Table 5-1 which shows the impact types
and magnitudes for both positive and negative impacts without the mitigating measures and
the resulting situations when mitigating measures will be implemented. Discussions of each
issue are presented in the succeeding sections. For ease of identification, a summary of the
environmental impacts that should be included in the Environmental Management Plan (EMP)
is presented at the end of this section (see Table 5-3)

Due to the subproject's relatively long operational life, decommissioning or closure in the near
or medium term (e.g., 25-50 years) is not envisaged. Furthermore, environmental impacts
arising from decommissioning of the proposed PolWD facilities are deemed to be minimal
such as: (i) residual waste cleanup is not a major concern since the facilities are not industrial
manufacturing plants with potential problems for toxic and hazardous wastes, and (ii) solid
wastes from decommissioning is also not a major concern since the structures are mostly
made of reinforced concrete and the solid wastes are mostly recyclable materials such as
broken concrete materials, reinforcing steel bars used in the structures, structural steel, roofing
materials, electrical wires, etc. In the event that decommissioning becomes an option, the
appropriate action plan will be drawn up in accordance with the regulatory requirements of the
Philippine Government.

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Table 5-1: Summary of Environmental Impacts Screening

Environmental Impacts and Risks Without Mitigation With Mitigation

Encroachment to environmentally sensitive areas n.a. n.a.
Impacts and risks to biodiversity conservation n.a. n.a.
Encroachment to historical areas and cultural n.a. n.a.
Potential competing use of water resource n.a. n.a.
Potential nuisance and problems to the public - ∆
Loss of assets (IR concerns) n.a. n.a.
Modification of construction site topography ∆- ∆
Removal of Trees n.a. n.a.
Displacement of Rare or Endangered Species n.a. n.a.
Soil erosion and sediments of construction sites - ∆
Nuisance/ public inconvenience in pipelaying - ∆
Noise from construction equipment - ∆
Local air pollution due to construction activities - ∆
Oil and other hazardous materials releases ∆- ∆
Vehicular traffic congestion and public access - ∆
Hazards to public due to construction activities - ∆
Pollution and health risk due to workers camp - ∆
Increase employment opportunity in work sites + +
Improper closure of construction sites - ∆
Health hazard due to delivery of poor water quality - ∆
Pollution from increased generation of sewage and - ∆
Noise and air pollution of pumping stations ∆- ∆
Ground subsidence due to over-pumping - ∆
Waste generation of filter beds (backwash) n.a. n.a.
Pumping stations operational risk and safety - ∆
Water treatment facility operational risk and safety n.a. n.a.
Increase employment opportunities ∆+ ∆+
Future scarcity of water and conflict in water uses - ∆
due to climate change
Legend: n.a. = not applicable; ∆ = insignificant;  = significant; + = positive; - = negative

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Table 5-2 presents the summary of government environmental compliance documents

needed by the sub-project before commencement of construction works, during construction
and during operation.

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Table 5-2: Summary of Government Environmental Compliance Documents for Water

Supply Subproject

Stage of Regulatory
Issuing Agency Applicable Legislation
Development Permit
PD 1586 and its implementing
ECC EMB Regional Office
rules and regulations
Pre- construction PD 1067 and its amended
Water Permit NWRB implementing rules and
DENR - Regional
Permit to Cut Trees PD 705
LGU LGU Ordinance
Excavation Permit
Permit to Operate
RA 8749 and its implementing
Source Emission EMB Regional Office
rules and regulations
Compliance with DOH for Philippine
National Standards for Drinking Water DOH AO 2007-0012
(PNSDW) 2017

A. Design/ Pre-Construction Phase Considerations

Encroachments. PolWD subproject’s components will not be located in areas that are
environmentally sensitive and areas with historical and cultural importance. The proposed
sites for source development are along residential areas while the proposed route of the
pipelines is along the national highway from Brgy. Poblacion to Brgy. Glamang. There are no
known archaeological and cultural assets in these proposed sites. Nevertheless, precautions
will be taken to avoid potential damage to any archaeological and cultural assets by inclusion
of provisions in tender and construction documents requiring the contractors to immediately
stop excavation activities and promptly inform the authorities if archaeological and cultural
assets are discovered. Under the Cultural Properties Preservation Act (Presidential Decree
No. 374) in the event that excavators shall strike upon any buried cultural property, suspension
of excavation is inevitable and it shall be reported immediately upon occurrence of the event
to the Director of the National Museum and shall then take appropriate actions with regards to
the matter. The suspension can only be lifted by the Director of the National Museum.
Accordingly, in case of archeological, historical, cultural chance finds, in order to avoid
damage to cultural properties, the following steps should be observed: (i) detailed design of
all civil works will be located away from all cultural/ archeological/historical properties; (ii)
procedures for chance finds of valued relics and cultural values will be stipulated in the contract
with contractors in order to avoid damaging such valuable properties; (iii) site supervisors will
be on the watch for chance finds; (iii) upon a chance find, all work will be stopped immediately,
find will be left untouched, and notify PolWD who in turn will notify the National Museum; (iv)
work at the find site will remain suspended until the National Museum allows work to resume.

Impacts and Risks to Biodiversity Conservation. There are no identified impacts and risks
to biodiversity conservation since the PolWD subproject’s components will not be located in
areas that are environmentally sensitive. The sites are not in undisturbed landscapes and over
the years the ecological changes due to human activities in the area have resulted to the
present residential and commercial landscapes.

Competing Use of Water Resource. Issues on competing use of groundwater resources are
not expected since PolWD will acquire water rights of all the wells from the National Water
Resources Board (NWRB) which will ensure that groundwater resources are properly

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CDTA for Water District Development Sector Project (Contract No. 41665-013)
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Nuisance and Problems to the Public. Potential nuisances and problems coming from the
public during construction can be avoided and immediately addressed through consultation
and information dissemination to potentially affected people during detailed design and pre-
construction phase. Tender documents shall include provisions addressing potential
nuisances and problems from the nearby community during construction including
environmental management provisions on the following issues: (i) erosion and sediment
runoff, (ii) noise and dust, (iii) vehicular traffic, (iv) construction wastes, (v) oil and fuel
spillages, (vi) construction camps, and (v) public safety and convenience. In addition, prior to
construction works, the contractor shall coordinate with respective offices in acquiring required
clearances with regard to electricity, telephone lines, and other utilities/structures that may be
affected by construction activities. These shall all be reflected in the construction contracts.

Loss of Assets. The proposed project will not entail any involuntary resettlement and there
are no adverse impact on surrounding structures since the location of proposed project
components were already acquired by PolWD

Climate Change Resilience. While the project aims to improve resilience to climate change
by upgrading and/or expanding the existing water system, the system itself may be vulnerable
to climate change effects. In particular, raw water supplies (i.e. groundwater) may be
exhausted and/or heavy soil (and other phenomena) that impact the delivery system's
structural integrity. This can be mitigated by conducting a suitable study to determine the
availability (or abundance) of raw water, especially under extremely dry weather conditions.
Similarly, the detailed engineering design (DED) will ensure the choice of suitable piping
delivery materials to minimize possible ground heave effects (and other related phenomena).

Likewise, relevant engineering specifications are implemented to tackle certain natural

hazards (e.g. flood, earthquake). The construction parameters applicable to the identified level
of risk will be taken into account in all civil works. Disaster risk mitigation measures will include,
among other things, sufficient structural foundation elevation to account for projected or
estimated flood depths (i.e. 50-year return period for catchment areas less than 40 km2, and
100-year return period for catchment areas more than 40 km2); avoid areas of known seismic
risks (e.g. fault lines) as component locations; and ensure structural design complies with
applicable standards / codes (i.e. 2015 National Structural Code of the Philippines (NSCP)
and the latest edition of the American Water Works Association (AWWA)). During the DED
stage, these measures will be examined in detail.

B. Construction Phase Environmental Impacts

Site Preparation. Construction of deep wells, pumping facilities, powerline extension,

disinfection facilities, fencing, and pipelines will not involve modification of the construction
site topography. Water supply pipelines will follow as much as possible the existing site
contour. This issue is therefore considered not significant. Upon verification with PolWD, there
are no timber species that will be affected by the project during vegetation clearing.

Soil Erosion and Sediment from Construction Sites. During rainy seasons, exposed soil
at the construction site can easily be eroded and carried to the natural drainage system if
preventive measures are not established.

Mitigation. In preventing erosion, surface runoff must be controlled using structural erosion
prevention and sediment control practices which will divert the storm water flows away from
the exposed areas, prevent sediments from moving offsite, and reduce the erosive forces of
runoff waters. These measures must be established by the contractor: (i) interceptor dikes, (ii)
pipe slope drains, (iii) straw bale barriers, (iv) sediment traps, and (v) temporary sediment
basins. Whenever possible, total exposed area shall be minimized.

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Nuisance/Public Inconvenience during Pipelaying. The prolonged period of water supply

service interruptions during pipelaying works may result to public inconvenience. Dumping of
construction materials and solid wastes in water bodies will also cause nuisance to the public
aside from affecting water quality and the flow regime.

Mitigation. The contractor shall be required to perform the following: (i) installation or
replacement of pipes within the shortest time possible to minimize water supply cut-off periods
and/or use of night time schedules, as well as announcement of water supply interruptions
two (2) to three (3) days prior to actual cut-off; and (ii) avoid dumping of earth, stones, and
solid wastes in water bodies to avoid adverse impact on water quality and flow regime.

Construction Noise. Potential sources of noise may come from vehicles and construction
equipment, which can generate noise of 80 dB(A) from a distance of 30 m while loud noise
from sources such as blasting are not anticipated. Residential and commercial establishments
are identified as receptors during the construction of deep wells, pumping stations, and

Mitigation. Noise impact cannot be mitigated, but it can be lessened by scheduling

construction during daytime only. In areas near residential areas or noise sensitive sites, noisy
equipment shall not be operated during nighttime to early morning (22:00H – 06:00H). The
use of noise suppressors (mufflers) in equipment and vehicles is also recommended. Workers
using noisy equipment shall be provided with earplugs as well.

Local Air Pollution Due to Construction Activities. Piles of sand, gravel and waste
materials that would be generated during trenching, earthworks, and soil preparation activities
can contribute to the total suspended particles in the air. Machineries and heavy equipment
used in the construction will also account for vehicular emissions during construction. Without
any mitigating measures, dust generation could be significant during dry periods.

Mitigation. Machineries and heavy equipment used in the construction must be regularly
maintained and operated and must comply with the requirements of the Clean Air Act
regarding vehicle emissions. Piles of sand, gravel and waste materials that would be
generated during site clearing should be watered frequently to prevent dust particles from
affecting nearby areas. Covers for open stockpiles shall be required to prevent dust generation
due to the wind current. Vehicles transporting loose construction materials such as sand,
gravel, spoils, and the like shall be provided with tarpaulin cover as well.

Oil and other hazardous materials releases. Aside from the use of fuel, oil, and grease for
heavy equipment and vehicles during construction works, the use of paints and solvents may
be expected as well. Impacts relating to accidental release of these materials are considered
to be insignificant since expected quantities will be relatively small. However, as part of good
construction practice, the contractors will be required to conduct an awareness program for all
workers regarding the prevention and management of spills and proper disposal of used
containers. Fuel and oil shall be stored in a designated secured area provided with an
impermeable liner to prevent the accidental spills from seeping into the ground.

Vehicular Traffic Congestion and Public Access. Traffic flow will be disrupted if routes for
delivery of construction materials and temporary blockages in heavily traveled highways and
narrow streets are not planned and coordinated. Potential traffic congestion is expected due
to construction activities, but of minimal magnitude.

Mitigation. Traffic diversion schemes and other traffic management plans should be properly
coordinated with the LGU and the local office in charge of traffic management. Prior to
implementation of the traffic re-routing plan, the public must be informed in advance. The

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TA-9103 PHI: Water District Development Sector Project
CDTA for Water District Development Sector Project (Contract No. 41665-013)
Main Report

method of informing the public would be left to the discretion of the proponent. Options include
posting notices in public places, in local newspapers, through local radio and television
programs or through public address system. Billboards placed in strategic locations will also
serve the purpose. It is recommended to place appropriate and sufficient signages at strategic
locations to forewarn the public of the expected traffic problem and to suggest alternative
routes that they may take. During this period, traffic aides must be assigned to manage the

Hazards to Public Due to Construction Activities. Inconvenience to the general public

which may result to accidents is one of anticipated impacts during construction activities.
Pipelaying along the roads as well as movement of construction vehicles and excavations
would pose some hazards to the driving public,. There is also risk of people falling down in
open trenches since pipelaying trenches are normally left uncovered until pipeline testing is

Mitigation. PolWD and the contractor should ensure that sufficient and appropriate safety
warning devices, safety signs, safety nets or safety guards and cover for open ditches must
be implemented at strategic locations to ensure the safety of the people. PolWD may also
consult the provincial and local government units to delineate the public safety zone or
measurable distance prohibiting public entry and other possible forms of encroachment during
construction operations.

Pollution and Health Risk due to Workers Camp. During the construction period, workers
are expected to erect temporary workers’ camps. Due to run-off of from sanitary sewage,
wastewater and solid wastes brought by workforce, potential pollution may occur as a result
of improper waste disposal.

Mitigation. The construction contractor shall be required to carry out the following: (i) install
proper sanitary facilities to prevent the indiscriminate discharge of sanitary wastes at the
camps’ surroundings, (ii) implement proper solid waste management, and (iii) prevent surface
runoffs from flowing into the workers camps to avoid carrying away any contaminants. The
contractor shall be required to use temporary diversion drains, catch drains, and silt-traps at
these camps.

Improper Closure of Construction Sites. Generation of solid wastes (e.g. used wood
materials, steel works cuttings, paint and solvents containers, used oil from equipment,
unused aggregates, etc.) after construction activities may cause aesthetic problems and
potential contamination of the surrounding environment.

Mitigation. The project site shall not be abandoned in disorderly condition but instead restored
for functional use. Following the completion of the construction, the PolWD shall deactivate
the project offices, and the construction yard including unserviceable vehicles and equipment.
Wastes arising from the abandonment must be taken care of the contractor.

Increase Employment Opportunities at Work Sites. Construction activities require a

considerable number of workers. The impact would be beneficial and significant to people
since employment opportunities in the area will increase.

Enhancement. A robust “local first” hiring policy will be designed and implemented by the
contractor in coordination with local officials and community leaders especially at the barangay
and municipal levels. No preference in terms of gender during the hiring process will be

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CDTA for Water District Development Sector Project (Contract No. 41665-013)
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C. Operation Phase Environmental Impacts

Health Hazard Due to Delivery of Poor Water Quality. Delivery of water with poor quality to
distribution system is a health risk to the consumers. Threats of contamination due to presence
of bacteria, viruses, protozoa, or chemicals are usually present in raw water sources up to the
service connections, thus, post-treatment contamination is still anticipated as the water is
transported to the consumer and considered to be a significant impact.

Mitigation. PolWD shall ensure that the potable water consistently passes the requirements
of the Philippine National Standards for Drinking Water (PNSDW) of 2017. To achieve this,
implementation of the water safety plan with regular water quality monitoring shall be

A water safety plan shall enable PolWD to (i) prevent contamination of its water sources, (ii)
treat the water to reduce or remove contamination that could be present to the extent
necessary to meet the water quality targets, and (iii) prevent recontamination during storage,
distribution and handling of drinking water.

For controlling microbial contamination, gas chlorine disinfection will ensure that water will be
chlorinated and adequate residual disinfection will be maintained. The standards for chlorine
residual of the 2017 PSDW are: (i) 0.3 mg/l minimum for detection at the farthest point of the
distribution system and (ii) 1.5 mg/l maximum for detection at the farthest point of the
distribution system.

Pollution from Increased Generation of Sewage and Sullage. Since majority of the water
supply are used for domestic purposes, increasing the water supply to the service area will
also increase the generation of sewage and sullage. This wastewater will contribute to
pollution of the surrounding areas if not addressed properly and impact would be significant.

Mitigation. Sewage and sullage will be discharged to the individual septic tanks system of the
water consumers. The septic tank system will: (i) treat the wastewater and reduce the pollution
potential and (ii) reduce the public’s exposure to untreated domestic wastewater. This will help
in avoiding disease transmission.

Noise and Air Pollution of Pumping Stations. Pump systems including electric motors will
be housed in buildings that provide noise attenuation. The pumping station will also run on
electricity to be supplied by the local power companies. Hence, no increased noise level and
air pollution during operation phase. On the other hand, during occasional brownout events, a
diesel-fueled electricity generator set will be used. In this case, PolWD shall secure a Permit
to Operate (PTO) from DENR to ensure compliance with the Clean Air Act. There are no
anticipated operational activities that will cause dust generation. Mitigating measures are
therefore not necessary for noise and air pollution.

Ground Subsidence Due to Over-pumping. Excessive groundwater pumping will result to

continuous reduction in the groundwater level in the aquifer which at some point will eventually
lead to the inability of the aquifer to supply water in an economical or even physical sense.
Ground subsidence is the result of soil compression when the drop in the water level changes
the soil structure. This can result in significant damage to properties and structures and
therefore must be monitored thoroughly by the PolWD since its water sources are mainly

Mitigation. Following the operating design of the well below its safe yield will avoid over
pumping the aquifers. Operating below the well’s safe yield will ensure long-term balance
between the water that is naturally and artificially recharged to an aquifer and the groundwater

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CDTA for Water District Development Sector Project (Contract No. 41665-013)
Main Report

that is pumped out. When the water pumped out is higher than the water recharged, the water
level in the aquifer then drops resulting to ground subsidence. PolWD should follow all the
evaluation of test pumping results and available groundwater drawdowns when choosing the
sizes of pump and motor to be installed on the wells. Furthermore, PolWD should monitor the
groundwater level of each well to determine if continuous reduction in the
groundwater level in the aquifer is occurring through the use of a wire to be attached to an
ordinary electrical tester and lowered into the well, a common practice in the Philippine water
industry. The water level below ground surface will be measured from the distance where the
electrical tester indicated contact with the water level.

Pumping Stations and Water Treatment Operational Risk and Safety. The proposed
PolWD pumping stations will not inherently pose risks to the environment and people. These
facilities will not use flammable materials during normal operations. Conditions of extreme
conditions of temperature and pressure are not to be expected. Use of diesel-powered
generators as stand-by power source is considered safe since these are equipped with safety
devices and leak detection for fuel tanks. However, since PolWD will be using chlorine gas as
disinfectant in the water treatment operation, mishandling of this toxic gas pose a threat to
people and the environment and the impact is considered to be significant.

Mitigation. PolWD shall establish a health and safety program for its workers that will tackle
safety and handling of chlorine as well as measures to take in the event of a chlorine leak. A
written safety program shall be distributed to operators with the following information: (i) rules
and specific safety procedures, (ii) contact numbers of emergency response offices, and (iii)
location of safety equipment (e.g. leak detectors, eyewash, respirators, etc.). Workers must
also be equipped with adequate Personal Protective Equipment (PPEs) especially when
handling chlorine gas.

Increase Employment Opportunities. Operation and maintenance activities require a

considerable number of workers. The impact would be beneficial to people since employment
opportunities in the area will increase. However, since the additional water supply facilities are
not labor intensive, the expected number of additional workers will be small and the impact is
considered less significant.

Lower Precipitation and Higher Temperature due to Climate Change. As mentioned in the
previous sections, Cotabato is one of the areas in the Philippines most vulnerable to drought
and are experiencing seasonal aridity and recurrent droughts according to CCC. Data from
the Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical and Astronomical Services Administration’s
(PAGASA) showed that as observed from 1971-2000 (baseline), the lowest amount of rainfall
in the Province of South Cotabato occurs during northeast monsoon or months of December,
January, and February while the highest temperature occurs during the summer months of
March, April, and May. Moreover, recent data revealed that in 2050, the mean amount of
rainfall during this season will decrease by 2.7 to 8.0% while mean temperature will increase
by 1.3 – 1.8 °C, depending on the country’s collective amount of emission.

Mitigation. Adaptation to climate change needs to be looked closely in the WD's long-term
planning in view of PAGASA’s predictions of weather pattern changes. These changes would
affect water supply sources, whether surface water and/or groundwater, as well as the
concurrent issue of potential water uses conflict in the future.

To protect the water supply against the variability of the seasons, runoff and usage, the
following may be done: (i) building additional water storage infrastructure, such as reservoirs
or storage tanks, to provide buffers; (ii) adjusting infrastructure designs and introducing
flexibility in water systems operations can build resilience to changing climatic conditions such
as changes in the seasonality of precipitation; (iii) diversifying water supply sources—including

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TA-9103 PHI: Water District Development Sector Project
CDTA for Water District Development Sector Project (Contract No. 41665-013)
Main Report

conjunctive use of surface and groundwater, reuse and recycling, and use of household- level
water sources such as roof water harvesting—can mitigate the impacts of weather- related
disruptions on any given component of the water supply system.

Potential Conflict on Water Uses. Water demand is expected to increase as a result of

population growth which may eventually create conflict on different water uses.

Mitigation. PolWD is expected to adopt an integrated water resources management within

the watershed to improve the allocation and management of scarce water resources in the
context of climate change. An agreement with DENR and the local government for the
assignment of a watershed area to the WD will be worked out. The agreement will include the
active participation of the municipality and watershed barangays. Meanwhile, the WD will
continue to implement its tree planting program in coordination with the barangays.

After careful and thorough assessment of impacts and risk screening, this proposed subproject
is expected to have an overall beneficial net effect on the water supply system of the WD
because it will improve the water resiliency in the Province of South Cotabato. In addition, the
additional service coverage area will provide a clean water supply to more people.

Table 5-3 lists the environmental impacts and risks that requires mitigation and shall be carried
to the EMP Section.

Table 5-3: Environmental Impacts and Risks for Inclusion in EMP

Environmental Impacts and Risks Without Mitigation With Mitigation

Potential nuisance and problems to the public - ∆
Loss of assets (IR concerns) - ∆
Soil erosion and sediments of construction sites - ∆
Nuisance/ public inconvenience in pipelaying - ∆
Noise from construction equipment - ∆
Local air pollution due to construction activities - ∆
Vehicular traffic congestion and public access - ∆
Hazards to public due to construction activities - ∆
Pollution and health risk due to workers camp - ∆
Increase employment opportunity in work sites + +
Improper closure of construction sites - ∆
Health hazard due to delivery of poor water quality - ∆
Pollution from increased generation of sewage and - ∆
Ground subsidence due to over-pumping - ∆
Pumping stations operational risk and safety - ∆
Future scarcity of water and conflict in water uses - ∆
due to climate change
Legend: n.a. = not applicable; ∆ = insignificant;  = significant; + = positive; - = negative

The subproject is unlikely to cause significant adverse impacts. However, there are no impacts
that are significant or complex in nature, or that needs an in-depth study to assess the impact.
The potential adverse impacts that are associated with design, construction, and O&M can be
mitigated to acceptable levels with the recommended mitigation measures.

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Main Report


A stakeholder consultation and participation were implemented as part of the preparation and
implementation strategy. This were done to address the stakeholders’ needs and disclosure
of the project details and the benefits they shall receive. The consultation process during the
project preparation has solicited inputs from a wide range of stakeholders, including
government officials, NGOs, residents in the vicinity of the subproject sites,
marginalized/vulnerable beneficiary groups, and project affected persons (APs).

Affected persons were consulted at various stages in the project cycle to ensure:

(i) incorporation of views/concerns of APs on compensation/resettlement assistance and

environmental impacts and mitigation measures;
(ii) inclusion of vulnerable in project benefits;
(iii) identification of help required by APs during rehabilitation, if any; and
(iv) avoidance of potential conflicts/smooth project implementation.

Key stakeholders were consulted during the project preparation, EMP implementation, and
project implementation including the following:

(i) Beneficiaries;
(ii) Elected representatives, community leaders, religious leaders and representatives
of community-based organizations;
(iii) Local NGOs;
(iv) Local government and relevant government agency representatives, including local
authorities responsible for land acquisition, protection and conservation of
forests and environment, archaeological sites, religious sites, and other relevant
government departments;
(v) Residents, shopkeepers and business people who live and work alongside the roads
where pipes will be lay and near sites where facilities will be built;
(vi) Custodians, and users of socially and culturally important buildings;
(vii) WDs representatives and consultants, and
(viii) ADB representatives

The public consultation activities conducted by the PolWD with its stakeholders were carried
out in preparation for securing of the ECC for the proposed development of the two sources
of water supply in the area. The summary of the activities conducted is presented in
Table 6-1 while the issues and concerns raised is summarized in Table 6-2.

Table 6-1: Summary of Activities Conducted

Number of
Date Activity Location Remarks
Public consultation Discussion on the
19 January 2019 on well drilling 68 well drilling
project projects.
IEC on
21 November Brgy. Silway-8 Presentation of the
resettlement action 26
2019 Session Hall proposed project
and its details,
IEC on
28 November Brgy. Lumakil purpose of the
resettlement action 11
2019 Session Hall project, and the
need to acquire
28 November IEC on Brgy. Magsaysay
7 new lots
2019 resettlement action Session Hall

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Number of
Date Activity Location Remarks
IEC on
29 November Brgy. Glamang
resettlement action 14
2019 Session Hall
IEC on
29 November Brgy. Pagalungan
resettlement action 14
2019 Session Hall

Table 6-2: Summary of Issues and Concerns Raised

Group Represented /
Issues / Concerns Raised Proponent’s Response
Resident from Barangay When will the The project is target to start on the 1st
Glamang, Lumakil, implementation be of the quarter of 2020.
Magsaysay, Silway-8 project?
Resident from Barangay Is the project just along the The project is along the national
Glamang, Magsaysay, national highway? highway but it can also help to improve
Pagalungan the water supply to areas experiencing
low to no supply during peak hours.
Resident from Barangay What will happen to the Actually, we are conducting a survey
Glamang, Pagalungan golden flower that we and inspection in possible areas
planted along the highway? affected. But as of now, we are not yet
done with the survey and inspection
especially in the barangay.
Resident from Barangay When the project is fully It can still be operational. Residents
Lumakil implemented and have the freedom to choose between
operational, what will happen PolWD and BAWASA as their water
to BAWASA (Barangay utility.
Water System Association)?
Resident from Barangay We would like to request Kindly write a request letter stating your
Magsaysay PolWD to extend your concerns and request addressed to our
service line to Purok Ladaran General Manager.
Resident from Barangay Will you give notice to the Yes, we will make sure that all affected
Silway-8 residents and private residents and private establishments
establishment before the based on our survey will receive a
project starts? notice before the project
Resident from Barangay Will the drilling affect their The underground water has different
Mabaquiao existing water sources (hand sources and cannot affect the
pump)? neighboring hand pumps/ The drilling
project as a depth of almost 140 m
while the hand pumps are less than 20

A copy of the minutes of the meeting is presented in the Annex 5.


The EMP addresses the need for mitigation and management measures for the PolWD
subproject. The EMP should include the following: summary of impacts and mitigation
measures, environmental monitoring and reporting requirements, responsibilities for
implementation, implementation schedule and cost estimates, and capacity building plan, if
needed. Institutional set-up is presented in the implementation arrangement and discusses
the roles during implementation and the required monitoring. It also outlines the requirements

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CDTA for Water District Development Sector Project (Contract No. 41665-013)
Main Report

and responsibilities during pre-construction, construction, and operation phases. The EMP
shall be included in the contract documents to guarantee an environmentally responsible
procurement and ensure that budget and resources are allocated for the implementation of
the EMP and the monitoring program. Tender documents and construction contracts shall
include environmental management provisions on the following issues: (i) erosion and
sediment runoff, (ii) noise and dust, (iii) vehicular traffic, (iv) construction wastes, (v) oil and
fuel spillages, (vi) construction camps, (vii) public safety and convenience, (viii) occupational
health and safety, and (ix) pollution control.

A. Environmental Mitigation

Table 7-1 presents the information on: (i) required measures for each environmental impact
that requires mitigation, (ii) locations where the measures apply, (iii) associated cost, and (iv)
responsibility for implementing the measures. Details of mitigating measures are already
discussed in Section 5 where the need for mitigation of each impacts was determined in the
screening process.

Table 7-1: Environmental Mitigation Plan

Potential Responsibility
Project Proposed Mitigation Measure or Mitigation
Environmental Location Implementation/
Activity Enhancement Measure Cost
Impact Supervision
Excavation Excavation  Provision in tender documents Pipeline Part of Design
requirements requirements that will require construction trenches, detailed Consultants/
activities to be stopped civil works design cost LWUA Project
immediately upon discovery of excavations Management
any archaeological and cultural Unit (PMU)
relics and promptly reporting to
the National Museum
Social and Potential  Consultation with the affected Pipelines Part of PolWD Project
community nuisance and communities regarding the routes, deep detailed Implementation
concerns concerns from the expected impacts and wells, and design cost Unit (PIU),
public proposed mitigation measures pumping Design
of the project stations Consultants/
 Provisions to address the LWUA PMU
potential nuisances and
concerns from the public
during construction phase must
be included in the CEMP,
specifically the following:
(i) erosion and sediment
(ii) noise and dust,
(iii) vehicular traffic,
(iv) construction wastes
(v) oil and fuel spillages,
(vi) construction camps, and
 (vii) public safety and

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Potential Responsibility
Project Proposed Mitigation Measure or Mitigation
Environmental Location Implementation/
Activity Enhancement Measure Cost
Impact Supervision
Damage to or  Possible utility lines that may Pipelines Part of PolWD Project
disruption of other be affected during the routes detailed Implementation
utility services construction must be identified. design cost Unit (PIU),
 Proper coordination with utility Design
providers with regard to Consultants/
electricity, telephone lines, and LWUA PMU
other utilities/structures that
may be affected. Permit/s or
clearance/s must be secured, if

Preparation Natural hazards,  Structural integrity of the water All structural Part of Design
of detailed such supply system shall conform components detailed Consultants/
engineering as earthquake with the requirements of the design cost LWUA PMU
design and flood 2015 National Structural Code
of the Philippines (NSCP) and
the latest edition of the
American Water Works
Association (AWWA)
Standards for wells, pipes,
valves, and fittings
 Projection of flood level using
50-year return period for
catchment areas less than 40
km2, and 100-year return
period for catchment areas
more than 40 km2
Project-related  Establishment of a grievance PolWD PIU,
complaints redress mechanism (GRM). PMU/
Site Tree cutting (if  Assess the project area and To be Included in Contractor/
preparation applicable) pipe alignment and check if identified. construction PolWD PIU,
there are trees need to be cut. contract cost. PMU,
Establish ownership and avoid Supervision
cutting trees of ecological Consultant,
importance. LWUA, DENR
 Identify the number of affected
trees, apply for a tree cutting
permit from the DENR and
comply with all government
CEMP Improper EMP  A contractor’s environmental All project Included in Contractor/
preparation implementation management plan (CEMP) sites construction PolWD PIU,
shall be prepared and cleared contract cost. PMU,
by PMU, PIU and ADB prior to Supervision
start of construction. The Consultant,
CEMP will be based on the LWUA
project the EMP to make it
more site-specific and update
baseline information when
necessary. The CEMP will
update the EMP and baseline
information if necessary, and
make it more site-specific and
include detailed management
plans such as traffic
management plan, spoils and
wastes management plan,

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Main Report

Potential Responsibility
Project Proposed Mitigation Measure or Mitigation
Environmental Location Implementation/
Activity Enhancement Measure Cost
Impact Supervision
community and occupational
health and safety plan, etc.
Non-compliance  All applicable government All project Included in Contractor
with government permits such as ECC/CNC, sites construction PolWD PIU/
requirements water permit, permit to operate, contract cost. PMU,
etc. shall be secured prior to Supervision
start of construction. Consultant,
Pipelaying Soil erosion  Minimize total exposed area Pipelines Incorporated Contractor/
and other and sediments  Use of structural erosion routes, deep in construction PolWD PIU,
civil works from construction prevention and sediment control wells, and contract Supervision
sites during practices which may include: pumping Consultants
rainy periods interceptor dikes, pipe slope stations
drains, straw bale barriers,
sediment traps, and temporary
sediment basins
Nuisance /  Minimize water supply cut-off Pipelines Incorporated Contractor/
inconvenience periods and /or use of nighttime routes in construction PolWD PIU,
to the public schedules, as well as contract Supervision
announcement of water supply Consultants
interruptions 2-3 days prior to
actual cut-off
 Avoid dumping of earth, stones,
and solid wastes in water
Nuisance from  All heavy equipment and Pipelines Incorporated Contractor/
noise of machineries shall be fitted with routes, deep in construction PolWD PIU,
construction noise dampening devices that wells, and contract Supervision
equipment and are in good condition. pumping Consultants
vehicles  Inform workers to minimize their stations
activities to avoid disturbing the
nearby communities. Avoid
operating noisy equipment
during nighttime (22:00 – 06:00)
 Vehicle horn signals will be kept
at a low volume, if necessary.
Air pollution  Water spraying for dust control Pipelines Incorporated Contractor/
due to  Construction materials with routes, deep in construction PolWD PIU,
construction potential for significant dust wells, and contract Supervision
activities generation shall be covered pumping Consultants
 Tarpaulin cover for trucks stations
transporting loose construction
 Avoid smoke belching
Traffic  Traffic diversion schemes and Pipelines Incorporated Contractor/
congestion and other traffic management plans routes in construction PolWD PIU,
hindrance to should be properly coordinated contract Supervision
access with the LGU and the local Consultants
office in charge of traffic
management, and consulted
with the stakeholders.
 Prior to implementation of the
traffic re-routing plan, the
public must be informed in
Pollution,  All domestic wastes will be Workers Incorporated Contractor/
accident, and disposed of in accordance with camp; in construction PolWD PIU,
health risks the construction and operations construction contract Supervision
to workers sites Consultants

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CDTA for Water District Development Sector Project (Contract No. 41665-013)
Main Report

Potential Responsibility
Project Proposed Mitigation Measure or Mitigation
Environmental Location Implementation/
Activity Enhancement Measure Cost
Impact Supervision
waste management
 Provision of sanitary or portable
toilets to laborers
 Implementing a solid waste
management plan
 Provision of surface runoffs
control such as temporary
diversion drains, catch drains,
and silt-traps
 Provision of personal protective
equipment (PPE) to workers
and requiring them to use PPE
appropriate to their work
 including HIV, STD and
COVID-19 awareness
 Compliance with government
guidelines and protocols for
Hazard to  Implement road safety plan and Pipelines Incorporated Contractor/
public due to safety measures including routes, deep in construction PolWD PIU,
construction warning signs to alert people of wells, and contract Supervision
activities and hazards around the pumping Consultants
damage to construction sites, barricades, stations
properties and night lamps for open
trenches in pipelaying
 Provision of temporary access
 Restoration or equitable
compensation for damages
Increase  A robust “local first” hiring policy Pipelines No cost Contractor/
employment will be designed and be routes, deep PolWD PIU,
opportunities implemented in coordination wells, and Supervision
with local officials and pumping Consultants
community leaders especially at stations
the barangay and municipal
 At least 50% hiring of unskilled
labor from local residents will be
implemented as per RA 6685.
 No preference in terms of
gender during the hiring process
will be observed.
 Adopt a just compensation
scheme to avoid future labor and
management conflicts.
Rehabilitation Improper  Removal and proper disposal of Pipelines Incorporated Contractor/
and closure closure of all construction wastes and routes, deep in construction PolWD PIU,
of construction implement surface restoration wells, and contract Supervision
construction sites pumping Consultants
sites stations
Water Health hazard  Water disinfection using Pipelines Part of PolWD / LWUA
production due to delivery chlorine routes, and operation &
of poor water  Water safety plan pumping maintenance
quality implementation station costs
 Regular water quality
monitoring in compliance with
the 2017 Philippine National
Standards for Drinking Water

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CDTA for Water District Development Sector Project (Contract No. 41665-013)
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Potential Responsibility
Project Proposed Mitigation Measure or Mitigation
Environmental Location Implementation/
Activity Enhancement Measure Cost
Impact Supervision
Water Pollution from  Use of individual septic tanks Subproject Cost of water Water consumer/
consumption increased system of water consumers water supply consumers LGU
generation of service area
sewage and
Groundwater Potential  Groundwater pumping at lesser Pumping No cost PolWD / LWUA
pumping ground than the safe yield of each well stations
due to
Pumping Pumping  Implementation of a health and Pumping Part of PolWD / LWUA
station station safety program for its workers station capital,
operation operational risk  Workers must be equipped with operation &
and safety adequate Personal Protective maintenance
Equipment (PPEs) especially costs
when handling chlorine gas.
Abstraction Scarcity of  Integrated water resources Watershed Part of PolWD / LWUA
of water supply management of a watershed area of operation
groundwater and conflict in will be South cost
water uses initiated by PolWD through a Cotabato
MOA with DENR. province

Although details of the required mitigating measures are already discussed in the screening
for impacts, the following items are discussed further to highlight their importance: (i) tender
documents and construction contracts, (ii) contractor’s environmental management plan, (iii)
water safety plan, (iv) source protection study and wellhead protection plan, and (v)
unanticipated environmental impacts, and (vi) COVID-19 safety guidelines. The EMP is a
dynamic document. Additional mitigation measures may be added during implementation if
the recommended measures are found inadequate to address the impacts.

Tender Documents and Construction Contracts. Tender documents and construction

contracts shall therefore include environmental management provisions on the following
issues: (i) erosion and sediment runoff, (ii) noise and dust, (iii) vehicular traffic, (iv) construction
wastes, (v) oil and fuel spillages, (vi) construction camps, and (vii) public safety and
convenience. The project IEE and EMP will be provided to the contractors to provide them the
context of environmental management required for the project.

Contractor’s EMP (CEMP). The CEMP shall be prepared by the civil works contractor and
needs to be approved by PolWD’s PIU prior to start of construction. Copies will be provided to
LWUA PMU, supervision consultant and ADB to allow suggestions for improvement. This is a
refinement of the PolWD subproject’s EMP with details on staff, resources, implementation
schedules, monitoring procedures and specific measures and procedures on how the
contractor will implement the EMP during construction and allocate a budget. This will be the
basis for monitoring the environmental performance of the contractor by the PMU, PolWD PIU,
construction supervision consultants, and other monitoring parties. Moreover, the construction
supervision consultant will be able to manage the specific items expected from the contractor
regarding environmental safeguards. With the CEMP, PolWD can easily verify the associated
environmental requirements each time the contractor will request approval for work schedules.

As part of the CEMP, baseline noise level measurements will be done during detailed design
phase at strategic locations on the areas with sensitive receptors to establish ambient baseline
noise levels. Continuous 24-hr ambient noise sampling will be conducted at the selected
sampling locations.

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The CEMP shall provide details on specific items related to the environmental aspects during
construction. It shall include specifications on requirements for dust control, erosion and
sediment control, avoidance of casual standing water, management of solid wastes, workers’
camp sanitation, pollution from oil, grease, fuel spills, and other materials due to the operation
of construction machineries, safety and traffic management, occupational health and safety,
avoidance of inconveniences to the public and damage to properties and, air and noise
pollution control. It shall also include guidance on the proper design of the construction zone,
careful management of stockpiles, vegetation, topsoil, and vehicles and machinery.

See Annex 5 for sample CEMP outline.

Water Safety Plan. Preparation of a water safety plan is advocated by WHO for ensuring the
delivery of safe drinking water to the consumers using a comprehensive risk assessment and
risk management approach that covers the process of sourcing water supply up to the
distribution to consumers. Similarly, PolWD shall manage the environmental risk to its water
supply system in a broader scale. A water safety plan shall enable PolWD to (i) prevent
contamination of its water sources, (ii) treat the water to reduce or remove contamination that
could be present to the extent necessary to meet the water quality targets, and (iii) prevent
recontamination during storage, distribution and handling of drinking water. It is an approach
that will clearly show the desire of the PolWD in applying best practices in ensuring delivery
of potable water to its consumers.

Source Protection Study. Preparation of the source water assessment and wellhead
protection study will be included in the water safety plan as the source protection study. A
source water assessment evaluates the susceptibility of a water supply source to potential
contaminants that could adversely affect the quality of water supply source identified which
will then be used to prepare the wellhead protection plan. Wellhead protection prevents
drinking water from becoming polluted by managing potential sources of contamination in the
area with influence to the groundwater supplies to the well. The wellhead protection plan
includes designating the protection area or capture zone. A wellhead protection plan is
particularly important for PolWD since its groundwater sources are within or near built-up
areas and the risk of contamination of these sources is high.

Unanticipated Environmental Impacts. In case of occurrence of unanticipated

environmental impacts during project implementation, PolWD shall prepare a supplementary
environmental assessment and EMP to assess the potential impacts and outline mitigation
measures and resources to address those impacts.

COVID-19 Safety Guidelines. In light of the recent outbreak of COVID-19, measures to

prevent the spread of the virus in the workplace shall be put in place to safeguard the health
and safety of workers during the construction period. In order to adapt with the new normal,
the Philippine Government has issued guidelines to mitigate the spread of the virus, but each
sector is also encouraged to develop its own set of guidelines suited to the sector
activities. The Department of Public Works and Highways (DPWH) has released its
Construction Safety Guidelines for the Implementation of Infrastructure Projects during the
COVID-19 Public Health Crisis to ensure the safety of workers under the construction sector.
This may be followed for the time being since LWUA has yet to release its COVID-19 safety
guidelines which the contractor must adhere to during the construction period once released.
Contractors are required to adopt these guidelines in the workplace. These should be
incorporated in the CEMP and resources should be allocated for its implementation.
Monitoring of its implementation shall be reported in the SEMRs.

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TA-9103 PHI: Water District Development Sector Project
CDTA for Water District Development Sector Project (Contract No. 41665-013)
Main Report

B. Environmental Monitoring

Table 7-2 presents the information on: (i) aspects or parameter to be monitored, (ii) location
where monitoring is applicable, (iii) means of monitoring, (iv) frequency of monitoring, (v)
responsibility of compliance monitoring, and (vi) cost of monitoring. The PMU shall prepare
semi-annual environmental monitoring reports to be submitted to LWUA management
detailing the status of mitigating measures implementation.

Table 7-2: Environmental Monitoring Plan

Aspects /
Parameters Means of Implementation Monitoring
Location Frequency Monitoring
to be Monitoring Responsibility Cost
Specific Pipeline Verify draft and Twice – draft Design LWUA PMU Part of project
provision in trenches, civil final documents and final consultants management
tender works documents in detailed
documents on excavations design
archeological/ (minimal cost)
cultural relics
Consultation Pipelines Verify meetings After PolWD, LWUA PMU Part of project
meetings routes, deep documentation completion of Design management
wells, and meetings consultants in detailed
pumping design
stations (minimal cost)
Specific Pipelines Verify draft and Twice – draft PolWD, LWUA PMU Part of project
provisions in routes, deep final documents and final Design management
tender wells, and documents consultants in detailed
documents on pumping design
nuisance & stations (minimal cost)
concerns from
Applicable Entire project Check for (All PolWD, LWUA PMU Part of project
government permits/clearances government Design cost
permits and or application permits Consultants,
clearances status should be contractor
(ECC, water secured prior
permit, others) to start of
Total area to Pipelines Visual Daily during Contractor Construction Part of
be routes, deep inspection of rainy periods supervision consultant’s
exposed; wells, and sites; plans consultants, construction
runoff pumping verification PolWD PIU supervision
flowing into stations contract;
disturbed sites minimal cost
to PolWD PIU
Water supply Pipelines Work Daily Contractor Construction Part of
interruptions routes schedules supervision consultant’s
verification consultants, construction
PolWD PIU supervision
minimal cost
to PolWD PIU
Materials and Pipelines Visual Daily Contractor Construction Part of
solid wastes routes inspection of supervision consultant’s
dumped in sites consultants, construction
water bodies PolWD PIU supervision
minimal cost
to PolWD PIU

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CDTA for Water District Development Sector Project (Contract No. 41665-013)
Main Report

Aspects /
Parameters Means of Implementation Monitoring
Location Frequency Monitoring
to be Monitoring Responsibility Cost
Noise levels Pipelines Use of sound Daily Contractor Construction Part of
to comply with routes, deep level meter supervision consultant’s
IFC-EHS wells, and consultants, construction
noise pumping PolWD PIU supervision
guideline stations contract;
values. minimal cost
to PolWD PIU
Dust, cover of Pipelines Visual Daily Contractor Construction Part of
stockpiles, routes, deep inspection of supervision consultant’s
smoke wells, and sites consultants, construction
belching pumping PolWD PIU supervision
vehicle and stations contract;
equipment minimal cost
to PolWD PIU
Road closure Pipelines Traffic plans Weekly Contractor Construction Part of
and traffic routes verification supervision consultant’s
rerouting; consultants, construction
materials PolWD PIU supervision
stockpiles; contract;
road minimal cost
restoration to PolWD PIU
Sanitary Workers Visual Once before Contractor Construction Part of
toilets, camps inspection of start of supervision consultant’s
garbage bins, camps construction consultants, construction
runoff controls and once PolWD PIU supervision
monthly contract;
minimal cost
to PolWD PIU
COVID-19 All project Check for Daily Contractor Construction Minimal cost
government facilities and compliance with supervision to PolWD PIU
protocols; work areas government consultants,
symptoms on guidelines on PolWD PIU
workers COVID-19
Road safety Pipelines Visual Daily Contractor Construction Part of
plan; sign, routes, deep inspection of supervision consultant’s
barricades wells, and sites consultants, construction
and pumping PolWD PIU supervision
night lamps stations contract;
minimal cost
to PolWD PIU
Construction Pipelines Visual Once before Contractor Construction Part of
wastes routes, deep inspection of final stage of supervision consultant’s
wells, and sites demobilization consultants, construction
pumping PolWD PIU supervision
stations contract;
minimal cost
to PolWD PIU
Compliance Entire project Check documents Periodic, as Contractor, Construction Part of project
with ECC needed PolWD supervision cost
conditions and consultants,
other PMU
Number of Pipelines Verification of Once a month Contractor PolWD PIU No cost
local labor routes, deep contractor’s
employed wells, and records

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CDTA for Water District Development Sector Project (Contract No. 41665-013)
Main Report

Aspects /
Parameters Means of Implementation Monitoring
Location Frequency Monitoring
to be Monitoring Responsibility Cost
E. Coli Pipelines, Water sampling Monthly for PolWD LWUA Part of
bacteria; and and laboratory bacteria; PolWD’s
PNSDW pumping test annual for operation cost
physical & stations physical &
chemical chemical
Septic tank of Subproject Visual Once a year Water LGU Minimal cost
water water supply inspection of consumer
consumers service area sites
Groundwater Wells/ Use of Once a month PolWD LWUA Minimal cost
levels pumping groundwater
stations level meter
Gas chlorine Pumping Verification of Once a year PolWD LWUA Minimal cost
usage stations operation

Project Performance Monitoring. Project performance monitoring presents the desired

outcomes as measurable events by providing parameters or aspects that can be monitored
and verified (Table 7-3). For preconstruction phase, the EMP requirements need to be
incorporated in construction contracts to achieve an environmentally responsible procurement
as a desired outcome. Construction phase desired outcomes include effective management
of environmental impacts and reduce risk to public. For the operation phase, PolWD’s water
supply system must meet the drinking water standards (2017 PNSDW) for physical, chemical,
and bacteriological parameters.

Table 7-3: Project Performance Monitoring

Aspects /
Desired Means of Implementation Compliance Monitoring
Parameters to Frequency
Outcomes Monitoring Monitoring Cost
be monitored
Environmentally EMP Verify detailed Twice – PolWD, LWUA PMU Minimal
responsive requirements design (i) draft Design cost
detailed design incorporated documents; detailed consultants
in detailed EMP design
design requirements documents
reflected in and (ii) prior to
tender approval of
documents final
Environmentally EMP Verify Prior to PolWD LWUA PMU Minimal
responsible requirements construction finalization of PIU cost
procurement incorporated contract construction
in construction documents contract
contracts documents
Effective Number of Verification of Once a month Contractor Construction Part of
management public contractor’s supervision consultant’s
of environmental complaints on records; consultants, construction
impacts during construction PolWD’s PolWD PIU supervision
construction activities coordination contract;
with local minimal cost
officials to PolWD
Reduce risk to Number of Verification of Once a month Contractor Construction Part of
public during accidents contractor’s supervision consultant’s
construction involving records; consultants, construction
PolWD PolWD PIU supervision

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CDTA for Water District Development Sector Project (Contract No. 41665-013)
Main Report

Aspects /
Desired Means of Implementation Compliance Monitoring
Parameters to Frequency
Outcomes Monitoring Monitoring Cost
be monitored
construction coordination contract;
activities with local minimal cost
officials to PolWD
Conformance of Required Water Monthly for PolWD LWUA Part of
Water quality to drinking water sampling and bacteria; PolWD’s
drinking water quality laboratory test annual for operation
standards parameters physical & cost
(bacteria chemical
count, color,
pH, turbidity,
iron, fluoride,

C. Implementation Arrangement

This subsection presents the: (i) institutional set-up, (ii) implementation schedule, (iii) required
clearances and permits, and (iv) capability building

Institutional Setup. For this subproject, LWUA will serve as the executing agency, while
PolWD will be the implementing agency. LWUA has overall responsibility for project
coordination, implementation, and liaison with ADB and other government offices. A Project
Management Unit (PMU) to be created by LWUA will be responsible for coordinating the
implementation at the national level. PMU shall be established by LWUA prior to the start of
construction activities. A PMU staff shall be designated as the Environment Officer for the
project. Before the commencement of the subproject, a team of consultants will assist LWUA’s
PMU and PolWD to ensure smooth implementation and secure required documents. PolWD
will be responsible for the procurement of goods, works, and services. During construction
and operation phase of the subproject, PolWD will oversee the implementation of the
subproject. PolWD shall create a Project Implementation Unit (PIU) for the day-to-day
management of the project and will work closely with LWUA’s PMU. WDGRC will handle the
grievance redress mechanism and promptly address the public’s complaints about
environmental performance of the subproject.

Environmental Corrective Action Plan. Should the mitigation measures indicated in the
EMP are observed to be inadequate during subproject implementation, the construction
supervision consultants and PIU shall propose a corrective action plan to address this
inadequacy and ensure compliance.

Environmental Monitoring Reports. During the construction period, the contractor shall
submit to the PIU a monthly environmental self-monitoring report to be submitted to PIU,
construction supervision consultants, and PMU. The PIU together with the construction
supervision consultants, shall also conduct at least monthly site inspection to monitor EMP
implementation and validate the contractor’s environmental monitoring reports. Monthly

Initial Environmental Examination- Polomolok Water District
TA-9103 PHI: Water District Development Sector Project
CDTA for Water District Development Sector Project (Contract No. 41665-013)
Main Report

reports of these monitoring activities shall be submitted to PolWD and the PMU. The PMU
shall collate all the monthly data and prepare semi-annual environmental monitoring reports
(SEMR) which shall be submitted by LWUA to ADB. SEMRs are due on 31 July for the first
semestral report and on 31 January of the following year for the second semestral report. ADB
will publicly disclose the SEMRs on its web site.

Implementation Schedule. The PolWD subproject is scheduled to start in the second quarter
of 2020 and to be completed in October2021 PolWD shall ensure that construction contract
provisions related to the EMP shall be included in the tendering stage.

Clearances and Permits. Under Philippine regulations, PolWD shall apply for an
Environmental Compliance Certificate (ECC) from the EMB Region XII for the proposed
augmentation of the existing water supply system and Water Permit from the NWRB. Securing
the ECC from EMB Region XII will cost Php 5,055.00 while applying for Water Permit from
NWRB will cost Php 7,200.00. Both permits will be secured prior to implementation of the
subproject. Tree cutting permits will be secured from EMB Region XII by the contractor, if trees
have to be cut.

Capability Building. Capacity building activities for LWUA, the project management unit
(PMU) and PolWD on ADB processes such as environmental and social safeguards, gender
mainstreaming, procurement, disbursement and financial management will be provided under
the WDDSP. Other trainings necessary for an efficient implementation of the subproject will
be identified and added in the future.


Following discussions during the DDR mission, it was agreed to integrate the ADB required
GRM into the current consumer feedback measures that are already implemented and are
well established. The DDR mission observed a publicly displayed customer charter and
system to record issues with water supply, billing and complaints.

To protect also the indirect households, the project will integrate required GRM to include non-
water district customer’s feedback measures during Construction and Project Implementation
affecting the environment.

The PolWD management team were aware of the need to be able to respond to issues in a
timely manner and will separate project related grievances from ongoing supply issues for
reporting to ADB and LWUA. In addition, it is also the responsibility of PolWD management
team to respond to non-consumer entities against the Contractor with regards to project
related grievances from ongoing environmental issues for reporting to DENR, LWUA and ADB.
Contact information of the GRM will also be included in project information billboards or
booklets, if these are required for the project.

A member of the PolWD as well as from the Contractor’s side will be appointed to be the focal
team for GRM management will liaise to inform the Contractor, DENR, and Barangay
administration of procedures in case of any issues. All complaints whether received verbally
or in writing will be properly documented.

The Project’s grievance redress mechanism shall in no way impede access to the formal legal
system or the courts. The decision of the courts is for finality of case resolution. Below are the
steps to be followed in filing grievances and the procedures for redress.

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TA-9103 PHI: Water District Development Sector Project
CDTA for Water District Development Sector Project (Contract No. 41665-013)
Main Report

Step 1: The complainant provides the background and files the grievance/complaint verbally
or in writing to the PolWD. If unwritten, the Secretary in the PolWD Office will record it in the
PolWD complaints system noting it as a project grievance. The focal point for PolWD will
respond to the complainant within 3 days to assess whether the issue is project related and
environmental issue and aim to resolve the issue and record it within the project grievance
Step 2: If no resolution or understanding is reached, the complainant files the
grievance/complaint to the PMU within LWUA for it to be resolved within 15 days after filing.
The written complaint shall be reproduced in four (4) copies; the original to Executing Agency
– Project Management Unit (EA-PMU), two (2) for Water District – Project Implementation Unit
(WD-PIU), and one for the file of the complainant.

Step 3: The Lupon ng Kapayapaan ng barangay (justice system members) whenever possible
to resolve the issue at the barangay level. The barangay process may take 15 days or more,
including submission of complaint, recording, hearing and resolution.

Step 4: For environmental related issues, if no resolution or understanding is reached and if

the grievance/complaint qualifies for submission to DENR’s Pollution and Adjudication Board
for Assessment at DENR’s Regional Office.

Step 5: Again, if no resolution or understanding is reached and if the grievance/complaint

qualifies for hearing at the Municipal Trial Court (MTC) or Regional Trial Court (RTC), the
complainant may request for assistance of the pro bono lawyer from the Public Attorney’s
office, through the Water District Grievance Redress Committee (WDGRC). The pro bono
lawyer shall assist the complainant in reproducing the formal complaint in five (5) copies to be
distributed as follows: the original to the appropriate court, one each for PMU, PIU, WDGRC
and for the file of the complainant.

Step 6: The MTC or RTC assesses the merit of the grievance/complaint, schedules the
hearing and renders a decision. Appeals can be elevated to the high court. The Supreme
Court’s decision is final and executory.

Aggrieved parties may also inform the Office of Special Project Facilitators (OSPF) of the ADB
of any project-related grievances. APs will be exempted from all administrative and legal fees.

Unresolved grievance can be elevated to the proper courts. The PolWD will maintain a full
record of all complaints and grievances received, and the actions taken. PolWD will also
ensure grievances are recorded and reported in the Integrated Environmental and Social
Safeguards reports that are submitted to ADB every six (6) months during project

Costs. All costs involved in resolving the complaints (meetings, consultations,

communication, and information dissemination) will be borne by PolWD.

Complaints to the Department of Environment and Natural Resources. Complaints about

environmental performance of projects issued an Environmental Certificate of Compliance
(ECC) can also be brought to the attention of DENR-EMB. The process of handling such
complaints is described in the Revised Procedural Manual (2007) for the IRR of PD 1586. The
steps that DENR-EMB may follow in handling complaints are: (i) DENR-EMB shall verify if the
complaint is actionable under PD.1586, (ii) within 72 hours from receipt of a complaint DENR-
EMB will send the proponent a Notice of Alleged Violation (NAV) and requests for an official
reply as to why the proponent should not be penalized, (iii) DENR-EMB may conduct field
validation, site inspection and verification or other activities to assess or validate the

Initial Environmental Examination- Polomolok Water District
TA-9103 PHI: Water District Development Sector Project
CDTA for Water District Development Sector Project (Contract No. 41665-013)
Main Report

complaint. The proponent is required to respond within seven (7) days. Proponent’s failure to
respond to the NAV and further notices will force DENR-EMB to take legal actions. DENR
may issue a Cease and Desist Order (CDO) to project proponents which shall be effective
immediately based on: (i) violations under the PEISS, and (ii) situations that present grave or
irreparable damage to the environment. PD 1586 also allows DENR to suspend or cancel the
proponent’s ECC if the terms and conditions have been violated.


PolWD’s water supply subproject will benefit the general public by contributing to the long-
term improvement in the Municipality of Polomolok water supply system and providing safe
drinking water to residents and commercial establishments in the municipality. The potential
adverse environmental impacts are primarily associated with the construction period, which
can be minimized through mitigating measures and environmentally sound engineering and
construction practices.

Under the Philippine law, since the subproject is categorized under Category B, securing of
ECC may be carried out through online application (which may still be subject to the EMB
reginal office). It is also environment category B under ADB SPS requiring the preparation of
this IEE Report.

With the implementation of the mitigation measures as proposed in the EMP, the subproject
is not expected to cause irreversible adverse environment impacts. Also, the water supply
subproject can be implemented in an environmentally acceptable manner without the need for
further environmental assessment study, except for the conduct of a public consultations for
compliance and further input. Should there be any significant change in the project scope and
alignment, an updated or a new IEE will be prepared.

The proposed PolWD subproject is hereby recommended for implementation with the
following requirements to be strictly followed: (i) Tendering process shall ensure
environmentally responsible procurement by requiring the inclusion of EMP provisions in the
bidding and construction contract documents; (ii) Contractor’s submittal of a CEMP which shall
be included in the construction contract; (iii) Contract provisions on creation and operation of
the WDGRC shall be included in construction contracts; (iv) LWUA, with its regulatory function,
shall ensure that capability building for PolWD shall be pursued; and (v) PolWD shall continue
the process of public consultation and information disclosure during detailed design and
construction phases.

Initial Environmental Examination- Polomolok Water District
TA-9103 PHI: Water District Development Sector Project
CDTA for Water District Development Sector Project (Contract No. 41665-013)
Main Report


Asian Development Bank. (March 2014). Philippines: Water District Development Sector
Project. Local Water Utilities Administration, of the Asian Development Bank.

Municipality of Polomolok. (2011). Comprehensive Land Use Plan of the Municipality of

Polomolok. Planning Office, Bayan ng Polomolok.

Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical and Astronomical Services Administration. (2011).

Climate Change in the Philippines. Retrieved from on
02 Sep 19.

Polomolok Water District. (n.d.). PolWD’s Mandates and Functions. Retrieved from

United Nations. (n.d.). Sustainable Development Goals. United Nations Development


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CDTA for Water District Development Sector Project (Contract No. 41665-013)
Annex 1


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CDTA for Water District Development Sector Project (Contract No. 41665-013)
Annex 1

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Annex 1

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Annex 1

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Annex 2


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Annex 2

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Annex 2

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Annex 2

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Annex 2

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Annex 2

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Annex 2

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Annex 2

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Annex 2

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Annex 2

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Annex 2

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Annex 2

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Annex 2

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Annex 2

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Annex 2

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Annex 3


Site Visit at the proposed location of well at Brgy. Pagalungan

Site Visit at the proposed location of well at Purok San Isidro Brgy Poblacion.

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CDTA for Water District Development Sector Project (Contract No. 41665-013)
Annex 4


The Project welcomes

complaints, suggestions, queries, and comments regarding project
implementation. We encourage persons with grievance to provide their name and
contact information to enable us to get in touch with you for clarification and

Should you choose to include your personal details but want that information to
remain confidential, please inform us by writing/typing *(CONFIDENTIAL)* above
your name. Thank you.

Date Place of Registration

Contact Information/Personal Details

Name Gender * Male Age
* Female
Home Address
Phone no.
Complaint/Suggestion/Comment/Question Please provide the details (who, what, where, and
how) of your grievance below:

If included as attachment/note/letter, please tick here:

How do you want us to reach you for feedback or update on your comment/grievance?


Registered by: (Name of Official registering grievance)

Mode of communication:
er E-mail
Reviewed by: (Names/Positions of Officials Reviewing Grievance)

Action Taken:

Whether Action Taken Disclosed: Yes

Means of Disclosure:

Initial Environmental Examination- Polomolok Water District
TA-9103 PHI: Water District Development Sector Project
CDTA for Water District Development Sector Project (Contract No. 41665-013)
Annex 5


I. Brief Project and Contract Package/Lot Description

Note: include construction activities and map/s
II. Brief Description and Purpose of Contractor’s Environmental Management Plan (CEMP)
Note: include applicable laws
III. Associated Project/Lot Facilities and Sensitive Receptors – description and location
Note: include photos
a) Construction and Workers’ Camps
b) Material Sources and Storage Areas – quarries, borrow pits, water
c) Workshop and Fabrication Yards
d) Hazardous Materials and Chemical Storage Areas – fuel, oil, bitumen, chemical additives
e) Wastes and Spoils Disposal Areas – construction wastes, domestic wastes, hazardous
f) Crushing and Batching Plants – asphalt and concrete
g) Bridges and Bypass Roads
h) Sensitive Receptors – schools, hospitals, religious institutions
IV. Construction Impacts and Mitigation Measures; Institutional Arrangements and Timing
for EMP Implementation – refer to the EMP table in the IEE and contract documents as basis
and indicate the mitigation measures that will be implemented for the contract package for the
a) Soils and Material – topsoil, soil erosion, reclaimed pavement and spoils, slope stability
b) Quarry and Borrow Sites – degradation of borrow sites
c) Water Resources – operation of quarries on river banks, siltation, spills from asphalt
plants/trucks, bridge activities
d) Air, Noise and Vibration – emissions, dust, noise from construction vehicles and
equipment, crushing, asphalt and cement mixing plants, construction activities
e) Waste and Hazardous Materials – solid wastes, hazardous and chemical wastes, sewage
f) Flora and Fauna
g) Construction Camps, Storage Depots
h) Local Roads – traffic management, access, congestion, road safety
i) Community – safety, disruption, access
j) Workers’ Safety, Health and Sanitation – includes HIV/AIDS STD
V. Environmental Baseline Measurements and Sampling – location of sampling sites,
methodology, results (if not available yet, to be included in first SEMR for the lot)
Note: include photos
VI. Environmental Monitoring Program (EMoP) – schedule of inspection, parameters to be
checked and methodology, checklist for EMP Compliance Monitoring, inspection monitoring
VII. Public Consultation, if necessary; Training
VIII. Grievance Redress Mechanism (GRM) (See Annex 4) – detailed procedure for resolving
IX. Annexes
a) copies of all relevant permits (batching plants, disposal sites, tree-cutting, quarries, ECCs,
b) baseline sampling laboratory results (original copies)

Note: The CEMP should be straightforward and concise. It need not be a lengthy document.

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Annex 6




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Annex 6

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Annex 6

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Annex 6

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Annex 6

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Annex 6

Initial Environmental Examination- Polomolok Water District
TA-9103 PHI: Water District Development Sector Project
CDTA for Water District Development Sector Project (Contract No. 41665-013)
Annex 6


Initial Environmental Examination- Polomolok Water District
TA-9103 PHI: Water District Development Sector Project
CDTA for Water District Development Sector Project (Contract No. 41665-013)
Annex 6

Initial Environmental Examination- Polomolok Water District
TA-9103 PHI: Water District Development Sector Project
CDTA for Water District Development Sector Project (Contract No. 41665-013)
Annex 6

Initial Environmental Examination- Polomolok Water District
TA-9103 PHI: Water District Development Sector Project
CDTA for Water District Development Sector Project (Contract No. 41665-013)
Annex 6

Initial Environmental Examination- Polomolok Water District
TA-9103 PHI: Water District Development Sector Project
CDTA for Water District Development Sector Project (Contract No. 41665-013)
Annex 6

Initial Environmental Examination- Polomolok Water District
TA-9103 PHI: Water District Development Sector Project
CDTA for Water District Development Sector Project (Contract No. 41665-013)
Annex 6


Initial Environmental Examination- Polomolok Water District
TA-9103 PHI: Water District Development Sector Project
CDTA for Water District Development Sector Project (Contract No. 41665-013)
Annex 6

Initial Environmental Examination- Polomolok Water District
TA-9103 PHI: Water District Development Sector Project
CDTA for Water District Development Sector Project (Contract No. 41665-013)
Annex 6

Initial Environmental Examination- Polomolok Water District
TA-9103 PHI: Water District Development Sector Project
CDTA for Water District Development Sector Project (Contract No. 41665-013)
Annex 6


Initial Environmental Examination- Polomolok Water District
TA-9103 PHI: Water District Development Sector Project
CDTA for Water District Development Sector Project (Contract No. 41665-013)
Annex 6

Initial Environmental Examination- Polomolok Water District
TA-9103 PHI: Water District Development Sector Project
CDTA for Water District Development Sector Project (Contract No. 41665-013)
Annex 6

Initial Environmental Examination- Polomolok Water District
TA-9103 PHI: Water District Development Sector Project
CDTA for Water District Development Sector Project (Contract No. 41665-013)
Annex 6


Initial Environmental Examination- Polomolok Water District
TA-9103 PHI: Water District Development Sector Project
CDTA for Water District Development Sector Project (Contract No. 41665-013)
Annex 6

Initial Environmental Examination- Polomolok Water District
TA-9103 PHI: Water District Development Sector Project
CDTA for Water District Development Sector Project (Contract No. 41665-013)
Annex 6

Initial Environmental Examination- Polomolok Water District
TA-9103 PHI: Water District Development Sector Project
CDTA for Water District Development Sector Project (Contract No. 41665-013)
Annex 6

Initial Environmental Examination- Polomolok Water District
TA-9103 PHI: Water District Development Sector Project
CDTA for Water District Development Sector Project (Contract No. 41665-013)
Annex 6


Initial Environmental Examination- Polomolok Water District
TA-9103 PHI: Water District Development Sector Project
CDTA for Water District Development Sector Project (Contract No. 41665-013)
Annex 6

Initial Environmental Examination- Polomolok Water District
TA-9103 PHI: Water District Development Sector Project
CDTA for Water District Development Sector Project (Contract No. 41665-013)
Annex 6

Initial Environmental Examination- Polomolok Water District
TA-9103 PHI: Water District Development Sector Project
CDTA for Water District Development Sector Project (Contract No. 41665-013)
Annex 6



Initial Environmental Examination- Polomolok Water District
TA-9103 PHI: Water District Development Sector Project
CDTA for Water District Development Sector Project (Contract No. 41665-013)
Annex 6


Initial Environmental Examination- Polomolok Water District
TA-9103 PHI: Water District Development Sector Project
CDTA for Water District Development Sector Project (Contract No. 41665-013)
Annex 6

Initial Environmental Examination- Polomolok Water District
TA-9103 PHI: Water District Development Sector Project
CDTA for Water District Development Sector Project (Contract No. 41665-013)
Annex 7



Initial Environmental Examination- Polomolok Water District
TA-9103 PHI: Water District Development Sector Project
CDTA for Water District Development Sector Project (Contract No. 41665-013)
Annex 7

Initial Environmental Examination- Polomolok Water District
TA-9103 PHI: Water District Development Sector Project
CDTA for Water District Development Sector Project (Contract No. 41665-013)
Annex 7

Initial Environmental Examination- Polomolok Water District
TA-9103 PHI: Water District Development Sector Project
CDTA for Water District Development Sector Project (Contract No. 41665-013)
Annex 7

Initial Environmental Examination- Polomolok Water District
TA-9103 PHI: Water District Development Sector Project
CDTA for Water District Development Sector Project (Contract No. 41665-013)
Annex 7

Initial Environmental Examination- Polomolok Water District
TA-9103 PHI: Water District Development Sector Project
CDTA for Water District Development Sector Project (Contract No. 41665-013)
Annex 7

Initial Environmental Examination- Polomolok Water District
TA-9103 PHI: Water District Development Sector Project
CDTA for Water District Development Sector Project (Contract No. 41665-013)
Annex 7

Initial Environmental Examination- Polomolok Water District
TA-9103 PHI: Water District Development Sector Project
CDTA for Water District Development Sector Project (Contract No. 41665-013)
Annex 7

Initial Environmental Examination- Polomolok Water District
TA-9103 PHI: Water District Development Sector Project
CDTA for Water District Development Sector Project (Contract No. 41665-013)
Annex 7


Initial Environmental Examination- Polomolok Water District
TA-9103 PHI: Water District Development Sector Project
CDTA for Water District Development Sector Project (Contract No. 41665-013)
Annex 7

Initial Environmental Examination- Polomolok Water District
TA-9103 PHI: Water District Development Sector Project
CDTA for Water District Development Sector Project (Contract No. 41665-013)
Annex 7

Initial Environmental Examination- Polomolok Water District
TA-9103 PHI: Water District Development Sector Project
CDTA for Water District Development Sector Project (Contract No. 41665-013)
Annex 7

Initial Environmental Examination- Polomolok Water District
TA-9103 PHI: Water District Development Sector Project
CDTA for Water District Development Sector Project (Contract No. 41665-013)
Annex 7

Initial Environmental Examination- Polomolok Water District
TA-9103 PHI: Water District Development Sector Project
CDTA for Water District Development Sector Project (Contract No. 41665-013)
Annex 7

Initial Environmental Examination- Polomolok Water District
TA-9103 PHI: Water District Development Sector Project
CDTA for Water District Development Sector Project (Contract No. 41665-013)
Annex 7

Initial Environmental Examination- Polomolok Water District
TA-9103 PHI: Water District Development Sector Project
CDTA for Water District Development Sector Project (Contract No. 41665-013)
Annex 7


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