Amit Sharma (SHIC002492) - CTICT610 - Manage Copyright, Ethics and Privacy in An ICT Environment

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Written Questions Assessment Task 1

1. What types of creative work are covered by Copyright?

 Copyrightable works include the following categories:

 literary works.
 musical works, including any accompanying words.
 dramatic works, including any accompanying music.
 pantomimes and choreographic works.
 pictorial, graphic and sculptural works.
 motion pictures and other audio-visual works.
 sound recordings.

2. Can Copyright be assigned, licensed, sold or passed on?

Copyrights can be assigned, licensed out, mortgaged, sold, transferred using testamentary and non-
testamentary methods, etc. The most common usage of copyrights is assignment and licensing.

3. When does Copyright infringement occur?

A copyright is infringed only when an unauthorized person copies a substantial part of the work.
Copyright infringement occurs when someone other than the copyright holder copies the “expression”
of a work. This means that the idea or information behind the work is not protected, but how the idea
is expressed is protected. ... Copyright infringement can occur even if someone does not copy a work

4. How does Copyright differ from design and patent protection laws?

Protection under copyright starts when the work gets a tangible form, but only when the design is
registered it is protected. Copyright is an inherent right, whereas the design is a statutory right. An
owner of a design will have to forego protection under copyright law, once the design has been
granted registration.

5. Which copyright law applies in Australia?

The scope of copyright in Australia is defined in the Copyright Act 1968 (as amended), which applies
the national law throughout Australia. Designs may be covered by the Copyright Act (as sculptures or
drawings) as well as by the Design Act. Since 2007, performers have moral rights in recordings of
their work.

6. Why do we have a copyright system?

Copyright is intended to protect the original expression of an idea in the form of a creative work, but
not the idea itself. A copyright is subject to limitations based on public interest considerations, such as
the fair use doctrine in the United States.
7. If a computer program is made available on the internet is it still protected by copyright?

Computer programs and other types of software are considered as literary works for copyright
purposes. Therefore, they receive automatic protection without the need for registration. This is
because, as a general rule, copyright protection is automatic and does not depend on registration.

8. How is computer code treated in copyright law?

Copyright acts as a safeguard to protect an original creation legally. All created works are
Copyrighted. Computer Programming Code can be registered as 'literary works' under the Copyright

9. If you were developing an APP privacy policy for handling personal information, what headings
would you include in your policy?

The Google Play Developer Distribution agreement states that if you make your product/app available
through the Google Play store, you must: Protect the privacy and legal rights of users. Make users
aware that personal information will be used by your app.

10. Describe a process for policy distribution.

Distribution is the second step in the effective policy management lifecycle. Through distributing you
must ensure that every worker is aware of the standards, procedures and guidelines defined by the
policy. Meetings and briefings with employees will help communicate policy guidelines and

11. There is no © symbol on a photographic work – does that mean it's not copyright and anyone can
copy and use it without permission? Why/Why not?

There was a time that this myth was true. However, in the United States, since 1978 there has been
no formal requirement to mark your work with the copyright symbol, in fact, there are no formalities at
all. Copyright is created in a work once it is fixed into a tangible medium of expression.

12. What is Public Domain and Creative Commons?

When a work is in the public domain, it is free for use by anyone for any purpose without restriction
under copyright law. Creative Commons licenses do not affect the status of a work that is in the public
domain under applicable law, because our licenses only apply to works that are protected by

13. Is software covered by copyright provisions?

In India the Copyright Act, 1957 grants protection to original expression and computer software is
granted protection as a copyright unless it leads to a technical effect and is not a computer program
per se. The computer software which has a technical effect is patentable under India Patent Act,
14. Locate and read the Information Technology Professionals Association Code of Ethics. What are
2 commitments on the code of ethics?

There are two main types of codes of ethics. The short code of ethics such as the IEEE Code of
Ethics and the longer code of ethics such as the NSPE Code of Ethics. The shorter codes are meant
to be a general framework that guides the professional of the society towards certain ethical goals and

15. How can you weed out unethical behaviour before it becomes a problem?

Don't turn a blind eye to any unethical actions, no matter how small. There is nothing small about a
little stealing or cheating. It can have a toxic effect and spread in width and depth

16. How can providing greater support resolving ethical issues and conflicts of interest benefit the
workplace today?

Don't turn a blind eye to any unethical actions, no matter how small. There is nothing small about a
little stealing or cheating. It can have a toxic effect and spread in width and depth.

Written Questions Assessment Task 2

Executive Summary

Calico Computer Consulting is in the process of being formed as a sole proprietorship owned and
operated by Doug Burham. This plan is written as a guide for starting and managing this new
business and will also serve as the basis for a separate, detailed marketing plan. Following is a
summary of the main points of this plan.

 The objectives of CCC are to generate a profit, grow at a challenging and manageable rate,
and to be a good citizen.
 The mission of CCC is to provide fast and reliable technical assistance to small office
computer users.
 The keys to success for CCC are marketing and networking, responsiveness and quality, and
generating repeat customers.
 The initial primary service offered will be hourly technical aid, although retainer contracts and
projects will be considered in the future growth.
 The local market for this business, while not new, is wide open for new and expanding
consulting firms.
 An initial financial analysis of the viability of this venture shows outstanding promise and
results. Several sources note that the computer consulting business is easy to start, requires
little up-front capital, and has the potential to be quite lucrative in today's high tech world.

In conclusion, as shown in the highlights chart below, this plan projects rapid growth and high net
profits over the next three years. Implementing this plan, in conjunction with a comprehensive and
detailed marketing plan, will ensure that Calico Computer Consulting rapidly becomes a profitable
venture for the owner.
Chart: Highlights





Gross Margin
Net Profit




Year 1 Year 2 Year 3

1.1 Objectives

The objectives of this business plan are:

1. To provide a written guide for starting and managing this computer consulting business; a
strategic framework for developing a comprehensive tactical marketing plan.
2. The intended audience is the owner of this business only; this plan is not intended to obtain
financing from outside sources.
3. The scope of this plan is to provide detailed monthly projections for the current plan year, and
yearly summaries for the following two years.

The objectives of Calico Computer Consulting are:

1. Profit - To generate sufficient profit to finance future growth and to provide the resources
needed to achieve the other objectives of the company and its owner. (Net profit of at least
45% of sales in first year).
2. Growth - To grow the business at a rate that is both challenging and manageable, leading the
market with innovation and adaptability. (Grow from 24 billable hours/week at end of Year 1 to
35 hours/week in Year 3).
3. Citizenship - To be an intellectual and social asset to the community and environment.
(Contribute 5 hours per week as volunteer, contribute 5% of pretax profits to charity).

1.2 Mission

Calico Computer Consulting's mission is simple and straightforward:

 Purpose - CCC exists to provide fast, reliable technical assistance to local business/small
office/home office computer users. CCC sells solutions & results!
 Vision - By providing fast response, informed expertise, and consistently high quality
solutions, CCC generates enough satisfied repeat customers to provide a stable retainer
base. This generates sufficient profit to provide a comfortable living for the owner.
 Mission - The short term objective is to start this company quickly and inexpensively, with a
minimum of debt. The long term objective is to grow the company into a stable and profitable
entity that the owner can easily and comfortably manage.
 Marketing Slogan - "Calico Computer Consulting is your computer paramedic..."

1.3 Keys to Success

The keys to success for Calico Computer Consulting are:

 Marketing and Networking (getting the name out there -TOMA).

 Responsiveness (being an on-call computer paramedic with fast response time).
 Quality (getting the job done right the first time, offering 100% guarantee).
 Relationships (developing loyal repeat customers - retainers).

2.0 Company Summary

Calico Computer Consulting will be a start-up venture with the following characteristics:

 CCC will initially be a sole proprietorship.

 The goal will be to start the venture as inexpensively as possible, with no debt financing.
 CCC will be a home office start-up, utilizing one studio room in the owner's home.

2.1 Start-up Summary

In keeping with the company philosophy of avoiding the use of debt, the goal is to start-up as
inexpensively as possible. This is in line with industry figures that show that computer consulting
start-ups are ideal entrepreneurial opportunities with very low start-up costs. Total start-up
expenses for CCC come to $2,050, all of which will be financed through owner investment.

 Most expenses are typical start-up paperwork fees (legal, accounting, etc.).
 Cash requirements consist of one month's rent as a reserve.
 $500 for expensed equipment will be used to purchase a new All-In-One printer, fax,
answering machine to replace an aging inkjet printer.

Table: Start-up



Start-up Expenses
Legal $250
Stationery etc. $100
Brochures $125
Accountant $75
Insurance $150
Rent $425
Expensed Equipment $500
Total Start-up Expenses $1,625

Start-up Assets
Cash Required $0
Other Current Assets $0
Long-term Assets $0
Total Assets $0

Total Requirements $1,625

Table: Start-up Funding

Start-up Funding
Start-up Expenses to Fund $1,625
Start-up Assets to Fund $0
Total Funding Required $1,625

Non-cash Assets from Start-up $0
Cash Requirements from Start-up $0
Additional Cash Raised $425
Cash Balance on Starting Date $425
Total Assets $425

Liabilities and Capital

Current Borrowing $0
Long-term Liabilities $0
Accounts Payable (Outstanding Bills) $0
Other Current Liabilities (interest-free) $0
Total Liabilities $0


Planned Investment
Owner Investment $2,050
Other $0
Additional Investment Requirement $0
Total Planned Investment $2,050

Loss at Start-up (Start-up Expenses) ($1,625)

Total Capital $425

Total Capital and Liabilities $425

Total Funding $2,050

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