Ethnic Relations: Instructions

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Ethnic Relations

Group Name: R.A.H.M.AN Name:

Class: M09 Date:
Period: 30 minutes Results:


Read the question carefully. Circle the best answer.


Based on the following answer, which one is the traditional food of Indians?
a. Roti Canai
b. Chapatti
c. Seri Muka
d. Kuih Bulan

Which one of the festival that we are not celebrate in Malaysia?

a. Hari Kebangsaan
b. Hari Gawai
c. Gai Jatra (the procession of cows)
d. Assyura

The custom that we are not practising in Malaysia is____________.

a. Respect each others
b. Fight
c. Humble
d. Smile

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Part II: ER Though timelime

What is the motto used for the Portuguese to start their propaganda in Tanah Melayu?
a. Gain,Goal and Goose
b. Goal,Glory and Gospel
c. Gospel,Gold and Ghost
d. Gold,Glory and Gospel

Based on your knowledge, what is the Malay word that had took from the Portuguese
a. Almari
b. Meja
c. Kalam
d. Jam

What is the moment that has brought Malaysia to make Rukun Negara?
a. Independence Day
b. 13th May
c. The landing of Communist in Tanah Melayu
d. Bombed of the Country’s Statue

Which one of the Malaysian Prime Minister that first concern about FELDA?
a. Tun Abdul Razak Dato’ Hussein
b. Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad
c. Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi
d. Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak

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6) Malaysia’s
Based on your
Economic Policy
is the
first announced
of the Political
in? Demonstration?
a. 2009 of Malaysians to get their right
b. 1957
Assembly to create a new policy
c. 1970 expression that has existed in Malysia since post-World War II
d. 1991 to oppose a new policy

Part III: Concept of Ethnic Relation

Amalgamation is______________________.
a. a concept of consistency of action, value, method, principles, expectations and outcomes
b. the process of combining or uniting multiple entities into one form
A sociopolitical response to demographic multi-ethnicity that support or promote the
c. assimilation of ethnic minorities into the dominant culture
d. the use of simultaneous pitches, or chords

What kind of the riots happened in 1969?

a. Police riot
b. Prison riot
c. Race riot
d. All of above

What are the Malaysians stereotypes?

a. Friendly, kind
b. Rude, arrogant
c. Greedy, annoying
d. Dishonest, irresponsible

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In Malaysia, ‘Bumiputera’ is refer to…
a. The Malays and Muslims citizen
b. Anyone who stay at Malaysia above 20 years
c. Anyone who birth in Malaysia
d. Embracing ethnic Malays as well as other indigenous ethnic groups.

Under Ethnic Relation perspectives, the name ‘Malaysia’ is come from…

a. An old term for the entire Malay archipelago
b. A Malay word means unity of all races in Malaysia
c. The translation of ‘Tanah Melayu’ into Portuguese language
This name has no meaning but represent meaning ‘Tanah Melayu’, it give by British
d. colonial

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