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Advanced Network Topics,

Management & Security

Task 2

Semester 2, 2021
Assessment and Submission Details
Marks: 40 % of the Total Assessment for the Course

Due Date: Week 9, Friday September 10th 2021, at 5 pm AEST

Assignments are to be submitted by SafeAssign.


Submit your assignment to the link under Assessment -> Task 2 Submission on Blackboard.
The submission link will be open a week before the due date. Please follow the submission
instructions provided.

A draft submission area will be provided for you to check your assignment for academic
integrity purposes. Instructions to use the draft submission link and how to read the draft
SafeAssign report are in the Task 2 assessment area. After you have made any final edits you
will still need to submit the final assignment (via the Task 2 Submission folder) by the due
date set for it.

The assignment will be marked out of a total of 100 marks and forms 40% of the total
assessment for the course. ALL assignments will be checked for plagiarism and/or collusion
between individuals.

Refer to your Course Outline or the Course Web Site for a copy of the “Student Misconduct,
Plagiarism and Collusion” guidelines. Academic Integrity Information.

Note: Each student MUST be able to produce a copy of their assignment and this copy MUST
be produced within 24 hours of it being requested by the Course Co-ordinator. Failure to
produce the second copy of the assignment when requested may result in loss of marks or
a fail grade for the assignment.

Requests for an extension to an assignment extension MUST be made prior to the date of
submission and requests made on the day of submission or after the submission date will only
be considered in exceptional circumstances.

NCP Gems are a small business based in Lightning Ridge, New South Wales. They sell precious and
semi-precious gemstones, in the rough as well as cut and polished. To date, their sales have been
made through their own website and through the industry fairs that they attend. Over the last few
years their sales have been consistent, however the business has not grown as had been envisaged
and this is concerning the management. Additionally, their customer base has remained static and
whilst it is reassuring that they are not losing customers, the management would prefer to extend
the number of customers that they have.
The management of NCP Gems have realised that most of their gemstones are purchased by the
same customers and sold on through eBay, Instagram, Pinterest and the like. Most of these
purchases involve gemstones that are in the rough. However, NCP Gems has some capacity to cut
and polish the rough stones and they realise that a greater margin can be made on a finished
product. They also believe that producing and marketing a more finished product will enable them
to extend their wholesale customer base and allow them the opportunity to sell to the general
public. They believe that this is a strategy that could offer much wider opportunity for business
growth and future opportunity in the international marketplace.
Currently they have a total of 10 staff, working on either a full-time or part-time basis. They realise
that to make the changes they envisage, their capacity to cut, polish, market, and ship items will
need to improve. Whilst their capacity to prepare and ship the gemstones will require employing
more people, they would like to have an integrated inventory and sales system which provides
improved data management and automated invoicing and payment matching.
NCP Gems originally started as a single person venture, the owner having no knowledge of
information management. As a result, there is still a need to access a legacy system where
information is siloed. The business has a reasonably quick internet connection with good wireless
availability and to date the management have allowed staff to BYOD and connect to the network.
The management of NCP Gems is aware that there needs to be better integration of the information
systems so that information can be shared and managed appropriately. Managing inventory is a
particular concern as the quantity of stock on hand can fluctuate dramatically. This can have a
detrimental effect on the cash flow of the business and therefore the management need to be able
to see real-time stock levels. However, they would also like their wholesaler customer base to be
able to see when more stock arrives. NCP Gems would also like to make better use of their customer
and sales data and achieve real-time reporting from the integrated data. The management realise
that their system must be robust and are ready to invest to achieve this, however they want a return
on any investment they make.
You have been employed to help NCP Gems achieve this change in strategy, the goal being to future-
proof the network and ensure the security of their organisational information, including the
customer information and information about all stock on hand.
The main office of NCP Gems is in an old strip mall in which other premises are often vacant.
Currently, there is a second-hand store on one side and across the main highway is a service station.
A local security firm patrols the area at night and the doors of the building are alarmed. However,
despite these precautions there have been a few break-ins where office equipment has been taken.
Fortunately, the policy to store all stock on hand in the safe has meant that no gemstones have been
stolen to date.
Your next task is to prepare a report for the business owner, Flint Stein. He would like to be able to
understand how the new system will work and comply with regulations, including privacy
regulations. As he has limited technical knowledge it is important that the report is written in
language he will understand, technical language may not be easy for him to understand. It is also
important that this report discusses the NCP Gems project and not network management and
security in general.
This report should address the following issues and include the following sections in the main
body of the report. Please note, standard report structure must be adhered to.

1. Project Background which includes the following sub-sections, please note you need
to go beyond the case study and add your own research.
• Project Background
i. How is this project going to empower NCP Gems
• Project scope
• Project goal
• Strategic alignment of project.
2. Physical and digital security (Rubric Criteria 2)
3. Access control and authentication (Rubric Criteria 3)
For staff and wholesale customers.
4. Scalability (Rubric Criteria 4)
5. Risk management (Rubric Criteria 5)
6. Business continuity (Rubric Criteria 6)
7. Conclusions
8. Recommendations

The body of the report should be around two thousand five hundred (2500) words.
Appropriate referencing is required (both in-text and a bibliography).
The textbook, Ciampa, M (2016), Security + Guide to Network Security Fundamentals , 6th edn.,
Cengage, Boston is a valid resource, however at least five (5) other good quality resources must also
be used.
The report is to be prepared as a single Microsoft Word document adhering to all conventions
detailed in Chapter 3 of:
Summers, J. and Smith, B., 2014, Communication Skills Handbook: How to succeed in written and
oral communication, 4th, Wiley, Singapore.

The completed assignment is to be submitted by SafeAssign on or before the due date.

The assignment will be assessed according to the marking sheet (please see the marking rubric at the
end of this document). Late submission of the assignment will result in a percentage deduction of
marks in accordance with the submission penalties stated in section 10.3 of the course outline. (This
includes weekends.)

Assignment Return and Release of Grades

Assignment grades will be available on the course web site. An electronic assignment marking
sheet will be available.

Where an assignment is undergoing investigation for alleged plagiarism or collusion the grade
for the assignment and the assignment will be withheld until the investigation has concluded.
Appendix A
Rubric Assignment 2
Criteria High distinction Distinction Credit Pass Fail
Criteria 1 Coherent and Fluent Sequenced and Coherent Structured and Structured Unstructured
Organisation and Skilfully uses organization Effectively organises and Sequenced Key ideas are No or little structure
structure of written and structure to logically logically structures work Uses a sequenced presented in an and organization
content. Accuracy form and connect ideas to present and connect structure to logically ordered fashion; a evident. Key
and presentation of and enhance expression. ideas. English expression organise work and form logical structure can components are
written work English expression is facilitates clarity of and connect ideas. be identified. missing. English
including English highly developed. meaning. Uses a range of English expression is used Demonstrates Basic expression has errors
expression, Consistently uses appropriate discipline- satisfactorily to convey English expression is that interfere with
discipline-based appropriate discipline- based vocabulary. meaning. Appropriate demonstrated. Basic meaning. Inconsistent
vocabulary, based vocabulary. Competently presents a discipline-based discipline-based or no use of discipline-
grammar, spelling, Presents work of a high standard of work vocabulary is used. vocabulary is used. based vocabulary.
and punctuation. professional standard in that is minimal Presents work that is Basic grammar, Presents work with
(20 Marks) terms of grammar, grammatical, spelling and mostly free of spelling and grammatical, spelling
spelling and punctuation. punctuation errors. grammatical, spelling and punctuation is or punctuation errors.
punctuation errors. demonstrated.
Criteria 2 Discriminating Compelling Connected Relevant Unformed
Development and Insightfully uses highly Uses highly appropriate, Uses appropriate content Uses relevant content Uses little to no
articulation of appropriate content to content to compellingly to present relevant to develop and express appropriate and
informed compellingly develop and develop and articulate arguments and connect ideas. Uses relevant content to
arguments to articulate arguments. arguments. Consistently ideas. Uses relevant sources/evidence to develop ideas. Uses
communicate Skilful use of highly uses relevant and credible discipline-based sources support ideas. little to no
knowledge of credible and relevant sources to support to support arguments. sources/evidence to
Network security. sources to rigorously arguments. support ideas
(15 Marks) underpin ideas.
Criteria High distinction Distinction Credit Pass Fail
Criteria 3 Discriminating Compelling Connected Relevant Unformed
Development and Insightfully uses highly Uses highly appropriate, Uses appropriate content Uses relevant content Uses little to no
articulation of appropriate content to content to compellingly to present relevant to develop and express appropriate and
informed compellingly develop and develop and articulate arguments and connect ideas. Uses relevant content to
arguments to articulate arguments. arguments. Consistently ideas. Uses relevant sources/evidence to develop ideas. Uses
communicate Skilful use of highly uses relevant and credible discipline-based sources support ideas. little to no
knowledge of credible and relevant sources to support to support arguments. sources/evidence to
Access control and sources to rigorously arguments. support ideas
authentication. underpin ideas.
(15 Marks)
Criteria 4 Discriminating Compelling Connected Relevant Unformed
Development and Insightfully uses highly Uses highly appropriate, Uses appropriate content Uses relevant content Uses little to no
articulation of appropriate content to content to compellingly to present relevant to develop and appropriate and
informed compellingly develop and develop and articulate arguments and connect express ideas. Uses relevant content to
arguments to articulate arguments. arguments. Consistently ideas. Uses relevant sources/evidence to develop ideas. Uses
communicate Skilful use of highly uses relevant and discipline-based sources support ideas. little to no
knowledge of credible and relevant credible sources to to support arguments. sources/evidence to
Scalability. sources to rigorously support arguments. support ideas
(15 marks) underpin ideas.
Criteria 5 Discriminating Compelling Connected Relevant Unformed
Development and Insightfully uses highly Uses highly appropriate, Uses appropriate content Uses relevant content Uses little to no
articulation of appropriate content to content to compellingly to present relevant to develop and express appropriate and
informed compellingly develop and develop and articulate arguments and connect ideas. Uses relevant content to
arguments to articulate arguments. arguments. Consistently ideas. Uses relevant sources/evidence to develop ideas. Uses
communicate Skilful use of highly uses relevant and credible discipline-based sources support ideas. little to no
knowledge of Risk credible and relevant sources to support to support arguments. sources/evidence to
management. sources to rigorously arguments. support ideas
(15 Marks) underpin ideas.
Criteria High distinction Distinction Credit Pass Fail
Criteria 6 Discriminating Compelling Connected Relevant Unformed
Development and Insightfully uses highly Uses highly appropriate, Uses appropriate content Uses relevant content Uses little to no
articulation of appropriate content to content to compellingly to present relevant to develop and express appropriate and
informed compellingly develop and develop and articulate arguments and connect ideas. Uses relevant content to
arguments to articulate arguments. arguments. Consistently ideas. Uses relevant sources/evidence to develop ideas. Uses
communicate Skilful use of highly uses relevant and credible discipline-based sources support ideas. little to no
knowledge of credible and relevant sources to support to support arguments. sources/evidence to
Business sources to rigorously arguments. support ideas
continuity. underpin ideas.
(15 Marks)
Criteria 7 Scholarly/Ethical Accurate/Ethical Ethical Essential Undeveloped
Referencing of A range of highly relevant Correctly cites multiple Cites multiple sources of Cites minimum Errors in referencing
sources of sources of information relevant sources of information within the number of sources and/or unreferenced
information used are cited and advanced information within the body of document and within the body of statements indicate
within the body of referencing techniques body of the document. provides a list of all document and potential plagiarism or
the document and add to the flow and ease Provides an accurate list references in Harvard provides. One of the poor evidence of
in a reference list of understanding. of all references cited in Referencing style. following Harvard information sourcing.
using Harvard Presents an accurately Harvard Referencing style. referencing style
referencing style. formatted list of all strategies is used (use
(5 Marks) references cited in of citations and
Harvard Referencing references; choice of
style. quoting or
distinguishing between
common knowledge
and ideas requiring

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