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7 Problem / Solution Paragraps

Problem and solution

Problem / solution writing first explains a problem and then proposes one or more solution
to that problem. Often this type of wriing requiresmore than one paragraph.
Problems and solutions
1 Read the article from a website onpage 51.what is the main idea of the first
What is the topic sentence
Answer: the main idea of the main paragraph is deforestation of forests
Topic sentence is deforestation
2 Answer these questions.
a. How is the first paragraph developed?What are the supporting ideas?
Answer: the first paragraph is developed by explaining the content of the
problem in that paragraph
The supporting idea is in the sentence, scientists say that if deforestation
continues, the world's climate could change, flooding could become more
common, and animals would die
b. What do the supporting ideas show?
Answer : supporting ideas show about the consequences of the problems
contained in the paragraph such as the example of the results of deforestation
being deforested so that there is less hard work
b. What is the main idea of the second paragraph?what is the topic sentence?
Answer :the main idea is deforestansi
the topic sentence is the solution to the problem of deforestation in that
c. What solution does the writter offer?what detaila support or expalin the
Answare : The solution that the author offers is in the sentence to overcome
the problem of deforestation, namely by reducing paper use.
details that support the explanation of the solution, namely by reducing the use of
paper a little in order to reduce the problem of deforestation, namely by using old
paper if possible.
The deficiencies in the paragraph on deforestation are that the paragraph
explains more about the problem of deforestation, and the solution in the
paragraph does not explain the causes of deforentance. We know, is it caused by
humans or nature? what is certain in the paragraph is not explained.

The advantages of the paragraph on deforestation are that in the paragraph
the words used are easy to understand and also the sentences are not
convoluted and in the paragraph there is a solution and there is an explanation
of how to reduce paper, so that readers can easily understand the paragraph.

The conclusion regarding the paragraph of deforestation is that we need to
protect the forest and we must reforest for forest conservation so that
deforestation is reduced, reducing the problem of deforestation is not only by
reducing paper use but also cutting down trees for industrial activities must also
be reduced.

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