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CAMBRIDGE : University Printing House, Combidge C82 BBS, Unite Kingdom Cambridge Univesity Presi port ofthe Univesity of Comtbridge. Ie furthes the Unwesiys ison by diseninting knowledge in the purst of ‘sdoction lemming and reseorch ct the highest inteatianel evel of excellence. wor combridge org Information on hs te: wer cambridge org 7ANO7477070 (© Combridge University Pes 2085 ‘Ths pubbeaton sin cpyight. Subject o statutory exception ‘and othe provisors of rlevontcalectveLcensing agreement, fo roprocucton of ary part may tke ploe wth the wren Permson of Combe Urvetty Pe. Fest publshed 20 Printed in ly by Rotate Lomb Sp. A cotoloque record for this publication i available rom he Isa 9781107477070 Pups ook with DVD-ROM Level TSan 2784407477087 acuity Book Level 3 ISBN 9784407477084 Teaches Book avel2 IseN 978 1407477285 Teachers DVD Leal 'SRN 97844074770 4 lore oo CDs Level ISBN 378440747762 Rsancode Level 3 IseN 9784407477204 Presentation Pus DVD-ROM Level 107-664 Posters Level? 107-4702. Poppet ‘aio vexourcet orth pubiction at we comiigeorgsupersfer {ember res hs 0 pansy othe prise acy ‘TURES freterol or third: poty interet webtes ered tn ths pubcaon, tid oes nat guarantee tat any content on nach weber wl remo ‘tcurote or appoprioe. nfrmation regarding prices, trove metab, an other foetwa formeton given an ths work Correct the tne ol st peeing but code Urry rs does ok uote te acne of ah ormaon eae Me a) CAMBRIDGE p of the book Vocobulary Grommor Hello! What's your nome? Tn.._| red blue green, orange purple, yellow Wy Sona: What's your nome? |W Total physical response: Stand up._ Put your bag on your desk. Sit down, Open yourbook. Pickup your perc Close your Book Vocabulary Vocabulary 2 ‘Story ond volve enc. char. bog, rubber book, desk | sever eight. ine. ten The pencit Lending cuL ‘dione oak, Thinking sls Cotegerising Vocabulary Grommor Story and value | ‘rondo, grandmo, mur, dad sister, | This ey (brother The sondwiches Brother Shaving the classroom au Fmiy tees Thinking sis Organising informetion Vocabulary p> Total physical respon What'sthe® Stand up. Its o sandwich yes, cos nse, ce teeth, mouth pen the door. Soy halo to yourmum. Sit dawn, m/ Youre (onary /hoppy/ |The monster ‘Grammar Story ond value sed / scare). engine to fends We're the Royal fami cut Musi and featings Thinking sls Interpreting fesings ‘Vocabulary © boll kt, rope, teddy bear, dl plone |p Total physical response: Close your eyes. Put out yourhands. Whats it? Open youreyes. Apresent) Youtehapoyt Give your fiend hag. ‘Grommor Story and vali ve gore (al The batt ‘Working together 1 Song: Hey, Lite own cu Paying ouside Thinking sis Remembering sequences V Total pigs respene:tivow te ball took atte bl Trow ero Gachtnebal Souneticbot ut trebanyou bop Son Thovent gota kite Vocabulary Grommar Story end value au Thinking sls both, cupboord, bed, sof, table, | The dol) is (inon under) | The cop Homes Plonning and making omehor the (eupboord), Untening to people 1V- Total physical response: Wheres the cot” Listen. Look an the sof, 1 Song: Pu yourtoys ewoy! ook under the table. Na Rist wee. Oh lock I's inthe cupboard iO On the Farm ‘Vocabulary Grommar Story ond value aun “Thinking sls cot hore, com, dog, rabbit sheep | My favourite (colour) is ——_| Tike your cours! Where onimotive | Categorsing (orange). Paying compliments 1 Total physical response: Sif ike rabbit. Eat ke a rabbit. Look! Adog! | Dv Seng: The animal boogie Hop, bbe, Repl Run, dog, runt Hide. rabbit hel Vocabulary Grammar ‘Story ond valve cut Thinking sil corots, sausages, ples, cokes. ce | Tite /cont tke forots). | Cokes and ie ream here food comes from | Organising information ‘ream, chips Eating sensibly 1W- Total physical response: Smell Whats that smell? Youre hungry. Gointothe | Wr Song! don’ tke chips chen Listens Look’ chip! Toke one. Eot the chip, You ke chips. Yuriy! Rn Vocabulary ‘Grommor ‘story and valve a Thinking skis boot tain car scooter bus bite | Tm/ Youre riding) fie). | Oh what fun! Shope pictures Focusing on detail Soying trorkyou 1D Total physical response: You're fying your plane. Theresa cle under the plone. | Dr Songt W's having fun! Land yourplane. Get aut ond goto tre cote. Ask for ots of ice ccam, Yummy! Bettr Vocabulary ‘Grommar ‘tory and value aut Thinking sis hot ble, boots, shirt, bog, shoes | Let's have oiscuits/erips/ | Mice work! Ourlothes Recognising numbers sold sweets Tying up 1D Total physical responsetWolkhome, Open the door Surprise! tsa party! | DF Song: Ohwhat a wonderful party! Hooray! Puton yourporty hat. Foteakes, Yummy! Dance with your friends Unit 1 Unik2f |Unit3"h unite gy [Units [Unite [Unit [Unita:'ng’ [Unit fedrabbit —_|fanfomiy hoppy. bet_—_| dog, aig Yellow. Yoghurt | zebra, 200 cating’ | singing. dancing| Alphabet ]@ PxG¢: 80-24 GB pages 90-95 Cut-outs: 101-102 Gertifieate: 103 Stickers: End section ED .wwrw-cambridge org'supersafaritfamilyfun €® Listen and point. E) Ask and answer. G3; Listen and say the numbers and colours. Trace. aa% @) Listen and point. Say the words. 2 999 ® ae 506 Sas Jas yf Oss | a? ‘w Listen and act. Listen and match. Gi". Listen and sing. Actions\at)school G, Listen and say the words. Play the mime game. . Think and colour. — On =" ~| ARV sats ° *7 (SY }|_— Prhanking sels: categorising € Listen and colour. Say the sentences. a. Listen and act. Listen and match. eu Libs 3 ee ee) a \ ‘ \ Sal a7 el I ia 18 ) Total physical response) Listen and sing. ioz G. une sandwiches GDP = A " Family trees < Listen and stick. Ors Qo Gn Draw and show your family tree. jonies + page 86 Thinking skills: Organising information ( 2 ) va io ee ace) Listen and point: Say the words. 2 Listen and say the sentences. Stick. o °e ee .° ED) car aren sarees (28) 3% Listen and act. Listen and match. ae. Listen and act. Listen and match. . a5 Listen and sing. Musicjand} feelings: a Listen and colour. Say the instruments. a wy i 2 Fink! Listen and circle. Phonics poge 87 Review ~ poge 95 (Thinking sis: nerreting Teens ( 5) Ocr toys @= Listen and point. Say the words. €) Listen and colour. Say the sentences. £8" Listen and act. Listen and match. G2» Listen and sing. 36 ) Story w Value: Working together | 37. amily 1g tog IVY INC de Feo G*) Listen and point. Say the number. Gin Listen and colour. Listen and act. Phonics ~+ page 88 ish a My house @® Listen and point. Say the words. a Listen and circle. Listen and answer. °o e ° ZN BF) ase Listen and act. Listen and match. Gary Listen and sing. Homes pe Listen and say. Draw your home. D Choose a home and make it. Phonics -+ page 89 Review ~ page 97 aG Yon the farm «: Listen and point. Say the words. 1 cat €® Listen and circle. Say the sentences. ° °e } y | aS en = P so: Ea ® 8 pay Wtiet| Lae ati GED) iriamaie crams ors < 2 2 J as. Listen and sing. | Whereanimalsilive © Match the animals to where they live. Pawar Make a poster. Phonics -+ page 90 Feo? gi Listen and point. Say the words. . Ze Listen and circle ©) or RX Say the sentences. 7 o e e > aly, te ( yee) RS GO & Oo & Oo & Oo & | 5 Listen and act. Listen and match. oe 1 QQ @ S&S G Listen and sing. EY G:: s@ Cokes and ice creo Ces] : e Where) food! comes} from) eo Match the food and where it comes from. oo a OF = apples carrots milk a tree the ground a cow @ Yau) Qe Think Make food collages. q[:; Listen and point. Say the words. ” boat | a Listen and colour. Play the mime game. =e ‘Se mee €2%~ Listen and act. Listen and match. GC: Listen and sing. SY Shape) pictures a Listen and colour. Find shapes in the classroom. C) e 9° i) triangle circle square rectangle @yax) an Count the shapes. Make a shapes picture. ee fan Phonics ~ page 92 (Thinking skills: Focusing on act (70) €® Listen and point. Choose food for a class party. Listen and act. Listen and match. 02 Gow ~ G2. listen and sing. ae | i ee | Ournclothes 3, Listen and say the number. | cowboy superhero pirate | princess 2; Fink! Listen and colour. Look and colour. Fisieaee ae pee Thinking kil Recor ecogrng namie (79) | 80 ) Units 1&2: Chants ) ge 7 * eameane _eptFa ack © Listen and join in. Trace the letter. I[P f. | ‘=> red [rin the red rabbit, having fun, rabbit running in a race, run Rob run! a Listen and read i / Ye | (unit tr red, rabbit ( 85 ) | 4, ‘i \/ { = We «& Listen and join in. Trace the letter. meee o SSR a Four funny fish, swimming in the sea, family four funny fish in the fish family € Listen and read along. | ) oe p 86 ) Unit 2: fish, fomily ) | Fah la ia happy & I’m Harry the horse, hat I'm happy today, I’ve got my hat on my head, \ €) Listen and read along. let’s go and play. Unit 3:"h happy. hat | 87 | @ Listen and join in. Trace the letter. Gary’s dog is very big, Gary’s dog likes to dig. a Listen and read along. @=a=m cs <_ & | : | Gf Listen and join in. Trace the letter. ED ummy yellow yogurt, yes yes yes! ogurt ummy yellow yogurt on my dress. Ge Listen and a no «& Listen and join in. Trace the letter. m IN zebra oy wy ) AER Zebra, zebra, at the zoo, Zoo zebra, zebra, we love you! €® Listen and read along. 90)) Unite zebra. 200) @®) Listen and join in. Trace the Cen * My ED ats and cakes and kites and bikes, all the things that King Carl likes. @® Listen and read along. 4 Listen and join in. Trace the letters. = We like singing, singing a song, dancing singing and dancing, all day long. €@ Listen and read along. (22) unitsng’ singing, dancing ) CO ah Cw Clén CO Tes OX ne® iGa jG k@e le roe 7 @ ©C@ Pras re S&S um UD Va Wear ye Ze () Play the game. Play the game. @ Play the game. se aa [cut-outs (101 Well done! has finished Super Safari! Thanks and acknowledgements san nk ‘etn oe rae oh flowing fa peninon epee epiiorwidletothonarumtert pears ngho mate “Prat ehnegraps on mates {BoP coitons mcrae eal ee 18 shtenedo Zana Sue orang cae age een re oi Wig creas ree exprzeln Banach Rats eee waning $a th teantone oni pla Uk eth apne meses ‘Noting the manus es aigeatemarnninnewnn EUR ee ie Fe rereeetcerpter Get Sean eee eel § comes repeat ormemetcee? foro Shee gonvnamecticn’ Noeddiane te bh Agena thefts sony SEL RUE ys ed + ‘eine te Soraya ees Cree ae rene ete

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