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National Seminar on Civil Engineering, Jakarta State Polytechnic, 2019

Bagas Prawiro Dwiputranto  ,  I Ketut Sucita 
1  2

¹  ² Jakarta State Polytechnic, Department of Civil Engineering, Jl. Prof. Dr. GA Siwabessy, UI's New Campus,

Depok, Tel. +6221 7270036, Fax (021) 7270034, 15425.

Email: ,
The problem in the The Conexio Cikunir 1 Apartment project which has the concept of Transit Oriented
Development (TOD) was had delayed, which should have been 100% contractually completed, but
only 46.231% have been realized. Based on these percentages, required an analysis of the dominant factors that
causes of delayed in this project. This study has purpose to determine the dominant factor influencing the
variables causing project delayed. Questionnaires were distributed to the respondents consisting of the
contractors, owners and supervisory consultants involved in the apartment                     construction
projects. The results of the questionnaires were processed using SPSS 25 software. The data analysis method
used is multiple linear regression method. The results of the research shows that factors which fulfilled on the
partial test (t test) and has a significant influence is document of works variable (5,792 ) . This value has the
highest rank of significance value for project delayed. Futhermore is planning & scheduling variable (2.805),
equipments variable (2.482), managerial variable (2.324), materials variable (2.248), and external factors
variable (2.094). The result of Adjusted R Square of 62.70% shows that the Factors that Causes of Delayed can
affect the Project Delay variable by 62.70%, while the remaining 37.30% is affected  by other variables
not examined in this study.                           

Keyword : Transit Oriented Development , Factors - Factors Delay , Delay Project , Test Multiple

The problem in The Conexio Cikunir 1 Apartment project with the concept of Transit Oriented Development
(TOD) is that there is a delay, which should have been contractually completed 100%, but only 46.231% was
realized. Based on this percentage, an analysis of the dominant factors causing delays in the project is
needed. This study aims to determine the dominant factor influencing the variables causing project delays on
project delay variables. Questionnaire addressed to respondents consisting of contractors, owners
and supervisory consultants involved in the apartment construction project. The results of the questionnaire
were processed using SPSS 25 software. The data analysis method used was the multiple linear regression
method. The results showed that the factor that met the partial test (t test) and had a significant effect was the
work document variable (5,792). This value has the highest rank of significance value for project delays. Next is
planning & scheduling variable (2.805), equipment variable (2.482), managerial variable (2.324), material
variable (2.248) and external factor variable (2.094). The results of Adjusted R Square of 62.70% indicate that
the variable Factors Causing Delay can affect the Project Delay variable by 62.70%, while the remaining 37.30%
is influenced by other variables that have not been studied in this study.     

Keywords: Transit Oriented Development, Delay Factors, Project Delay, Multiple Regression Test.

The population growth in Indonesia annually reaches approximately 4.5 million (BKKBN 2015)
triggering a very high growth in the number of residences which causes the amount of land used
in big cities to decrease. This eventually triggers the growth and development of housing in big
cities in Indonesia, which has an impact on the construction of apartments or
flats. This growth also occurs in satellite cities, one of which is Bekasi City. 
Delay is part of the implementation time that is not utilized in accordance with the activity
plan. This causes one or several follow-up activities to be delayed and the impact of these
activities cannot be completed according to the planned schedule (Ervianto, 2006).
A job has been targeted to be completed on time. However, a certain reason cannot be
fulfilled. So, from this it can be said that the work was delayed. This will have an impact on the
original planning as well as on financial problems. Delays that occur in a project will extend the
duration of the project or increase costs or both (DA Langford, 2010).
This can be detrimental to interested parties, both the contractor, the project owner and the
user. The impact of delays will cause losses. For the contractor it will cause overhead costs  as a
result of project delays, for the owner it will cause loss of income from the function of the
building and for the supervisory consultant it will cause a delay in the schedule that has been
prepared by the supervisory consultant. To avoid the risk of delays that may occur, it is necessary
to conduct a study and find the cause and determine the appropriate corrective action (Suyatno,
From this research, a study is needed to analyze the dominant factors that have a significant
effect on project delays. Research needs to be studied because it causes delayed execution time,
extends the duration of implementation time, and the consequences of delays are the parties who
are harmed, both contractors, owners, and users.
Research results from Widhiawati (2009) classify the causes of project delays into 10 factors
causing project delays, namely, labor variables, work documents, materials, planning and
scheduling, control inspections, equipment, place characteristics, managerial, financial and
external factors. Based on the theory above, these variables will be used as a framework for this
Research by Suyatno (2010) conducted a study on the causes of delays in building projects under
the Public Works Department (DPU) in the Residency of Surakarta with the chi square  test
analysis method and the regression model test. The results of this study indicate that the factors
that affect delays in the project are shortage of manpower, errors in planning and specifications,
bad weather/heavy rain/flooded locations, suboptimal productivity by contractors, material
management errors, and changes in the scope of work by consultants. . 
Agritama's research, et al (2018), states that there are 5 dominant factors that affect construction
project delays, namely design changes by owners, delays in material delivery, late payments to
workers, payment systems from owners to contractors that are not in accordance with the
contract for certain reasons.   
Research Pinori, et al (2015), states that the factors that cause delays in a project is the
implementation stage of the work that is ugly, the volume of material that is sent to the
location is not enough and a shortage of labor.                     
Project data collection was carried out from January 2019 - May 2019, located at The Conexio
Cikunir 1 Pondok Gede Apartment, Bekasi, West Java, where the city of Bekasi is a satellite city
or a buffer for the capital city of Jakarta. The position of the project is east of Jakarta and
adjacent to Halim Perdanakusuma Airport. Data collection techniques in this study to obtain data
are Observation Methods, and questionnaires. 
Questionnaire data analysis techniques can produce factors that cause delays so that the results
obtained are in accordance with their objectives. The questionnaire was presented based on the
opinions of the agencies involved in the project, namely, contractors, owners , and supervisory
consultants. To assist the data analysis process, version 25 of the Statistical Product and Service
Solution  (SPSS) program was used. The tests carried out in this study included: coefficient of
determination test, F test , t test and multiple regression test. The test is used to determine the
variables that have a significant effect on project delays. 
For the total population of staff who are in one scope of this project, which consists of 3
agencies, namely PT. Adhi Persada Gedung, PT. Adhi Persada Properti, and PT. Tethagra
Construction Management has a total of 48 people. 
And for the sample that will be used in this study, the slovin formula is used:

n = .................................(1)  
Where :
n  = Sample
N = Population
d = precision value (1%, 5%, 10%)
The 10% precision value is used, the sample results are 32.432 or rounded up to 30 people
from the three agencies in the project.
Before observations were made on this project, the project conditions experienced an increase in
the scope of work, namely the addition of soldier pile work on one side of the project. The
implementation of this work was carried out for 2 (two) months which caused the construction of
water building systems such as STP (Sewage Treatment Plant) and GWT (Ground Water Tank)
to be delayed, due to the addition of soldier pile work adjacent to the water construction system
work. So that the work of the water building system is carried out after the soldier pile  work
is completed.
When the current condition observation was carried out, there were problems with the work
of the water construction system, namely the problem of groundwater drainage from the water
building system. It will take 2 weeks to complete the discharge of groundwater from the water
system under construction to the nearest river with a distance of ± 2 km from the discharge pump
to the river.
For the results of the questionnaire, the questionnaire in this study was addressed to the
Contractor, the Court, and the Supervisory Consultant involved in the construction of this
apartment project.
Respondent Characteristics

Figure 1.
Questionnaire Respondents
From Figure 1 above, it can be explained that the respondents in this study amounted to 30
respondents consisting of 64% of PT. APG, 23% from PT.TCM, and 13% from PT. APP.

Figure 2.
Respondent's Work Experience
From Figure 2 above, it can be explained that the respondent's work experience for 5 years
of work experience is 36%, 5 – 10 years is 27%, and 10 years is 37%.
Research Test
F test ( goodness of fit )
The results of the F test can be seen in table 1, below  
Table 1
F test ( goodness of fit )
Model F Sig

Regression 3,66 0.007  b

From the results of the F test (goodness of fit) the significance level is 0.007 < 0.05. 
For the analysis of the F test by comparing the F count > F table, where the F table is
obtained at 2.37 with a significance level of 5%. So that the calculated F value > F table, 3.661 >
With so it can be said that the model in this study deserves to be examined further. 
T test (partial test)
The results of the t test can be seen in table 2, below. 
Table 2
T test (Partial Test)
Model B t Sig
Constant 3,342 17,297 0.000
Labor (X1) - 0.171 0.865
Work Documents 0.174 -5.792 0.000
Material (X3) 0.041 2,248 0.027
Planning & 0.067 2.805 0.006
Scheduling (X4)
Inspection, Control - -1,225 0.223
(X5) 0.021
Equipment (X6) 0.041 2,482 0.015
Place Characteristics - 0.121 0.904
(X7) 0.002
Managerial (X8) 0.061 -2,324 0.022
Finance (X9) - 0.962 0.328
External Factors 0.040 -2,094 0.039
From table 2 above, it can be explained that the variables of Work Documents, Materials,
Planning & Scheduling, Equipment, Managerial and External Factors have a value of sig
< 0.005. Thus, the variables mentioned above can be stated to have a significant effect on the
Project Delay variable.   
Meanwhile, the other variables, namely manpower, planning & scheduling, place and
financial characteristics, have sig level values > 0.05. Thus it can be said that these variables
have no effect on the Project Delay variable.         
Based on the t value, the calculated t value is compared with the t table value, where the t
table is obtained at 2,093 with a significance level of 5%. From the results of the t value, which
has a t value greater than t table is the variable Work Documents, Materials, Planning &
Scheduling, Equipment, Managerial and External Factors.
From the description above, a ranking diagram of the factors causing delays can be made as
Figure 3.
Chart of Factors Causing Delay
From Figure 3 above, it shows that the Work Document variable has the highest rank of
significance value for project delays. This is followed by Planning & Scheduling, Equipment,
Managerial, Materials, External Factors, Manpower, Finance, Control Inspection System, and
Place Characteristics. 
Multiple Regression Equation

Figure 4.
Multiple Regression Histogram

Figure 5.
Normal P – P Multiple Regression Plot
From Figure 5 above, it shows that the multiple regression histogram image is in the form of
an upward oval, which means the data is normal and for the normal P – P image the multiple
regression plot shows the points are close to the normal line, which means the data is also
For the multiple regression equation Y = a + b1X1 + b2X2 + ..... bnXn can be seen in table 2
with the multiple regression equation as follows:
Y = 3.342 - 0.003X  + 0.174X  + 0.041X  + 0.067X  - 0.021X  + 0.041X  - 0.002X  +
1  2  3  4  5  6  7 

0.061X  - 0.017X  + 0.04X 

8  9  10

The explanation of the regression equation is as follows:

The constant value (a) is 3.342, which means that if all variables are 0 (zero) then the project
delay rate is positive 3.342 or the delay rate increases.
Then for those who have a positive value (+) which means it has a significant influence on
project delays. Variables that have a significant influence on project delays are work documents
(0.174), planning & scheduling (0.067), equipment (0.041), managerial (0.061), materials
(0.041), and external factors (0.04).
And for those who have a negative value (-) which means that it does not have a significant
effect on project delays. Variables that have no significant effect are labor (-0.003), finance (-
0.017), control inspection system (-0.021), and place characteristics (-0.017).
Test R  2

The value of R  is a correlation that explains the relationship between the independent

variables and the dependent variable. The results of the test R  can be seen     

Model Summary
R R Adjusted R Square
0.81 0.658 0.627
in table 3, below: 
Table 3
Test R  2

From table 3 above, it can be explained that the Adjusted R Square value is 0.627 or

62.70%. It can be said that the variables that cause delays can affect the project delay variable by
62.70%, while the remaining 37.30% is influenced by other variables not examined in this
Based on the results of the factors that have a significant effect on project delays, a
preventive action is needed so that in the future there will be no delays in the project. Based on
the factors that have a significant effect on project delays, preventive actions that must be taken
include, among others, by conducting separate scheduling regarding work added less in
anticipation of schedule delays, improving coordination between all parties involved in the
project so that job identification can be carried out completely, increasing productivity of
equipment and equipment operators, training all workers to create good managerial and
organizational skills, ordering materials ahead of time and planning site layouts/stock
yards properly, and preparing tents to anticipate light rain. This precaution was made based on
input from the The Conexio Cikunir 1 Apartment project from the contractor and the theory from
Suyatno (2010).
Based on the results of the t-test above, it can be concluded that the dominant factors causing
delays in the delay of The Conexio Cikunir 1 Apartment Project are Work Documents, Planning
& Scheduling, Equipment, Managerial, Materials, and External Factors. From these conclusions,
it shows that the work document is the variable that has the highest dominant factor value
compared to other variables. This is also supported by the results before and after the
observations made on the project.   
Suggestions for further research are expected to be able to examine more than one project or
examine one area where there is a construction project so that the results of the study can be
compared between other projects and in this study a large number of samples is needed so that
the results of statistical data will be more accurate.
The author expresses his gratitude to: PT. Adhi Persada Gedung, as contractor; PT. Adhi Persada
Properti, as the owner  and PT. Tethagra Construction Management as the supervisory
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Teks asli
The results of the research shows that factors which fulfilled on the partial test (t test) and has a significant influence
is document of works variable (5.792 ) .
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