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“The Pursuit of Happyness”

Happiness is something that anyone would seek for, a feeling that is overflowing
and a feeling you can feel when something good happened. Your sense of well – being,
satisfaction and joy, it is a feeling that you’ll be able to feel when you have achieved success in

The Pursuit of Happyness is a movie about the true to life story of the journey of a
man who has faced struggles in life while raising his little son. I believe that it wasn’t entitled
“The Pursuit of Happyness” for no reason. Obviously, the word “Happyness” was spelled the
other way around, it is because the movie is all about how the man did everything he can in order
to achieve the happiness he wanted. Even with those struggles he encountered together with his
son, he thinks of life in a positive way and never gives up on pursuing his dream. He was a
hardworking, ambitious, consistent and intelligent man trying his best to get out of poverty and
indebtedness. He chased after happiness, and being successful in life and live a comfortable life
is what he thinks of feeling real happiness. I found importance of life and self in the part of the
movie wherein Chris Gardner and his son becomes homeless and struggles in life but despite of
the challenges and misfortunes he encountered, he always look at the bright side and that no
matter how tough life is, you must keep moving forward. He shows what a father can do to give
and provide for his child. They went through a lot of hardships in life together but that didn’t
stop him from fighting and achieving his dream and provide a comfortable living for his child.
Chris shows that life may be tough sometimes and difficult to handle but you got to always look
at the bright side of life that you will survive and get through it all, you just got to believe it,
believe in yourself. Then he made it, because he believe and now look at him, he is one of the
successful businessman in his country. If I was going to associate myself with one character of
the movie, I must say that I am more like Chris right now because just like him I encounter such
difficulties in life as well and yes, I am in the midst of giving up but I rise up and continue my
life and move forward. Just like him, I look at the bright side of my life as well and I keep on
striving hard to achieve my dreams and be successful as I wanted to be. I will do whatever it
takes to achieve that dream.
Life is not always all about the chills, comfort and joy. There are times or days
that your ability and resilience in life will be tested, but it does not mean that you will not resist
and just give up. You must always look forward in life and think of the reasons why you must
not stop and why you are there trying hard to chase after your dream. Just like Chris Gardner
once said Obstacle don’t block the path, they are on the path. It’s gonna happen, the question is
what are you going to do?

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