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The long road to freedom

Ian Christie investigateshow willingness to back a director's vision,
with no demand to prettify or balance
Andrei Tarkovskv's placeas the film's grim view of medieval life.
the USSR's highest-profile Tarkovsky's space mystery Solaris
directorshapedhis cinema (1972) benefited from the Soviet
vogue for science fiction as well
as from an association with its
Did Andrei Tarkovsky nurse a secret actual space programme. Although
passion for junk movies? Possibly. disdainful of sci-fi in general on his
On his first visit to London in 198I visit to London, Tarkovsky admitted
he didn't want to see the current that it was "a genre with one
arthouse hit,Alain Resnais' My quality", which was to deal with the
American Uncle,but was intrigued "transcendental"- "where once there
by James Glickenhouse's The was religion, you've now got science
Exterminator,a sub-Death Wish fiction." Speculative fiction, such as
vigilante flick briefly notorious that of the Strugatsky brothers, gave
for its gore and sadism. This was Tarkovsky a framework for the kind
definitely not art, but it clearly of semi-religious questioning he was
intrigued a Soviet film-maker usually increasingly drawn towards. And for
insulated from such fare. me, Stalker(1979), however loosely
Tarkovsky is now generally based on the Strugatskys' Roadside
acknowledged to be a great artist, Picnic,is a more resonant and
with a memorial retrospective and
an exhibition of his photographs
'Solaris' benefited from the Soviet vogue truly disturbing work than either
Nostalghia(1983) or The Sacrifice
about to open in London. But it for sci-fi and from an association with the (1986), both of which lack any
is worth recalling just how much real narrative base. Stalker had to
his genius owed to the limitations space programme. Tarkovsky used the be largely re-shot after the original
and freedoms of being a Soviet film-
maker. Back in 1981, well before the
genre to deal with the "transcendental" film stock was wrongly processed,
and such was Tarkovsky's standing
Soviet edifice began to crumble and that this was immediately agreed,
before his own defiant departure into of 'inner freedom', which had is a haunting, poetic evocation giving the director the unexpected
exile, Tarkovsky walked a tightrope infuriated the Tsars as much as of innocence brutally betrayed. opportunity to rethink.
between being the USSR's highest- Lenin's heirs. But what makes the film even Russian culture of the Soviet era
profile director and a standing Soviet cinema provided more startling is the absence of was Tarkovsky's culture, despite
reproach to its values - somewhat remarkable opportunities for traditional Soviet propaganda and the his contempt for its pettiness and
like Boris Pasternak when he had the youngsters of the 'Thaw' extraordinary freedom with which mendacity. And it was this multi-
to refuse the Nobel Prize as the generation, following Khrushchev's it explores young Ivan's dreams, layered culture of secrecy and
price of remaining in Russia. Not denunciation of Stalin in 1956. as well as showing in documentary ambiguity that produced his finest
that Tarkovsky's dissidence took Tarkovsky and his film-school style the shattered remains of the film, The Mirror(1974).Here
any overtly political form except contemporaries in the late 1950s felt Nazi regime. Certainly it helped that Tarkovsky really was dancing on
a refusal to allow any ideology to able to challenge everything their Tarkovsky wasn't challenging the eggshells, dealing with the legacy
pollute his art In this he belonged parents had had to accept as the price sacrificial image of Russia's Patriotic of Stalin's Terror as he had known it,
to an old tradition among the Russian of survival. The result, in Tarkovsky's War- indeed he was refreshing it. But growing up as the son of intellectuals
intelligentsia of maintaining a stance debut feature Ivan's Childhood(1962), the film remains remarkable proof in the late 193os. Naturally, the
of the young director's determination fim caused panic among Soviet
to have his cake and eat it. bureaucrats, but it was made exactly
A similar claim could be made as Tarkovsky wanted - complete with
for the two major genre pieces he dreams and his father's poetry - and
produced during the mid-ig6os and reached both a large domestic and
early 197os, Andrei Rublev and Solaris. foreign audience, for all its difficulty.
Taking the medieval period as a Tarkovsky's diaries are full of
spectacular setting in which to play musings about high culture and
out an elemental drama was in many religious enlightenment, though
ways less risky than trying to make he insisted that films should not
a contemporary story in the USSR. be justified by ideas but must work
Eisenstein had done it in Alexander on us directly through images and
Nevsky, producing a timely rallying sounds. As we pay tribute to his
call against German militarism in short and almost unbelievably
1938. In many ways the painter- consistent career, I would also like
monk Rublev was as much a blank to remember the film-maker who
page as Nevsky, allowing Tarkovsky admired John Ford and had a decent
to create his own fable of an artist curiosity about schlock.
following an inner vision against
the background of Russia laid waste 0 Afestivalof Tarkovsky'sfilms runs
I by the Mongol invasion. Official at the Curzon Mayfair,London,from
nervousness about the film&s message 7-13 December,then tours,with talks
of artistic freedom would delay its full and masterclassesat other venues; an
release for nearly a decade after it was exhibition of Tarkovsky's Polaroidsis
finished in 1966. Yet Andrei Rublev is at the White Space GallergA London,
Though a glass daody: one of Tarkmks Polaroids still stunning proof of Soviet cinema's until20 January
10 1Sight &Sound IJanuary 2008

TITLE: The long road to freedom

SOURCE: Sight Sound ns18 no1 Ja 2008

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