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Submitted by: Jestoni A.

Bigael BSED SC-31

I. Complete the table:

1. List down at least 5 global issues most applicable and pressing to the Philippine society. Research on specific examples
of Philippine laws meant to address each of the problems you listed down. (15 points)
Problem / Issue/ Goals Philippine Law meant to Specific Provision(s) of the Law
address the problem
1. Government Corruption  Republic Act No. o Persons Liable
3019 or the Anti-  Applies to both public officers and private
Graft and Corrupt persons.
Practices Act  Public officer includes elective and appointive
officials and employees, permanent or
o Section 4 – Prohibition on Private individuals.
 Act or acts of using one’s influence in
government or connections with persons in
authority in order to obtain favour or special
treatment in return for material remuneration.
 Private persons knowingly inducing or causing
public officers to commit any of the prohibited
o Punishable acts according R.A. 3019
 Section 3 - Persuading, inducing or influencing
another public officer to perform an act
constituting a violation of rules and regulations.
 Directly or indirectly requesting or receiving any
gift, present, share, percentage, or benefit, for
himself or for any other person, in connection
with any contract or transaction between the
Government and any other party
 Accepting or having any member of his family
accept employment in a private enterprise which
has pending official business
 Causing undue injury to any party, including
government or giving any party any unwanted
benefits, advantage or preference.
 Undue injury
 Bad faith
 Gross Negligence
 Neglecting or refusing, after due demand or
request, without sufficient justification, to act
directly or indirectly within a reasonable time on
any matter pending before him
 Entering, on behalf of the Government, into any
contract or transaction manifestly and grossly
disadvantageous to the same, whether or not the
public officer profited or will profit thereby.
 Directly or indirectly having financing or
pecuniary interest in any business, contract or
transaction in connection with which he
intervenes or takes part in his official capacity.
 Directly or indirectly becoming interested, for
personal gain, or having a material interest in
any transaction or act requiring the approval of a
board, panel or group of which he is a member,
and which exercises discretion in such approval,
even if he votes against the same or does not
participate in the action of the board, committee,
panel or group.
 Knowingly approving or granting any license,
permit, privilege or benefit in favor of any
person not qualified for or not legally entitled to
such license, permit, privilege or advantage, or of
a mere representative or dummy of one who is
not so qualified or entitled.
 Divulging valuable information of a confidential
character, acquired by his office or by him on
account of his official position to unauthorized
o Penalties according to Sec. 9
 Imprisonment for not less than one year nor more
than ten years, perpetual disqualification from
public office, and confiscation or forfeiture in
favor of the Government of any prohibited
interest and unexplained wealth manifestly out of
proportion to his salary and other lawful income.
o Administrative penalties
 Principal Penalty - Dismissal from the service
 Forfeiture of retirement benefits, disqualification
to hold public office and cancellation of civil
service eligibility.
2. Climate change Republic Act 9729 or The o It formulates Local Climate Change Action
Climate Change Act of 2009 Plans.
 LGU’s should be the frontline agencies in the
formulation of climate change action plans in
their respective localities.
 Inter-local government unit collaboration shall
be maximized in conducting climate-related
o Role of National Government
 To extend technical and financial assistance to
LGU’s for the accomplishment of the Local
Climate Change Action Plans.
o Roles of different Government Agencies
 Department of Education – They shall integrate
climate change into the primary and secondary
education curricula such as, but not limited to
biology, sibika, history, primers, and other
educational materials, basic climate change
principles and concepts.
 DILG – They shall facilitate the development and
provision of training programs for LGU’s on
Climate Change.
 DENR – The agency shall oversee the
establishment and maintenance of climate
change information management system and
 Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA) - They shall
review international agreements related to
climate change and make the necessary
recommendations for ratification and
 Philippine Information Agency – They shall
disseminate information on climate change, local
vulnerabilities, and risk, relevant laws and
protocols, and adaptation and mitigation
3. Malnourishment and Republic Act 11037 or the o Aims
Hunger Comprehensive National  Republic Act (R.A.) No. 11037 known as the
Feeding Program Masustansyang Pagkain para sa Batang Pilipino,
aims to combat hunger and undernutrition
among Filipino children.
o Agencies involved:
 Department of Social Welfare and Development
(DSWD)- Is the one that implements a
supplemental feeding program for daycare
 Department of Education (DepEd) – Is the one
that enforces the school-based feeding program.
o Under Section 4
 National Feeding Program shall be established
 Supplemental Feeding Program for Day Care
Children - DSWD, in coordination with the LGUs
concerned, shall implement a supplemental
feeding program for under nourished children
with ages three (3) to five years.
 School-Based Feeding Program. - DepEd shall
implement a school-based feeding program for
undernourished public school children from
kindergarten to grade six.
 Micronutrient Supplements. - The NGAs, in
coordination with the DOH, shall provide
micronutrient supplements to the Program
beneficiaries including the use of iodized salt in
accordance with Republic Act No. 8172,
otherwise known as the "Salt Iodization or ASIN"
 Health Examination, Vaccination and
Deworming. - The NGAs, in coordination with the
DOH and LGUs concerned, shall conduct
simultaneous health examinations
 Gulalayan sa Paaralan. - The NGAs shall
encourage their respective component units to
devote a portion of their land or space for the
cultivation of vegetables and other nutrient-rich
 Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene (WASH). - The
NGAs, in coordination with the DOH and LGUs ,
shall establish and maintain water and sanitation
facilities, promote good hygiene and safe food.
4. Unemployment Republic Act No. 10911 or the o The act mandates the elimination of an age-based
Anti-Age Discrimination in discrimination not only by employers, but also by
Employment Act labor contractors or subcontractors.
o Prohibited acts under R.A. 10911 are:
 Printing or publishing of any notice or
advertisement relating to employment which
suggests age preferences
 Requiring the applicant to disclose his/her age
or birth date
 Declining any employment applicant because of
his/her age
 With regard to the status of an employee,
employers are prohibited from discriminating
an employee in terms of compensation, work
terms and conditions, privileges, promotion or
training opportunities, by reason of age.
 In terms of dismissal and retirement of
employees, it is unlawful for employers to
forcibly lay off an employee or impose early
retirement because of the employee's old age.
o Penalties and Implementing Rules of R.A.
 The penalty for violators of the said Act
shall be a fine ranging from PhP 50,000 to
PhP500,000, and/or imprisonment of 3
months to 2 years.
o All in all, the law serves as a positive proclamation
for both employees and employers, that aged-
based discrimination on employment is unlawful.
5. Violence Republic Act 9262 or the Anti- o This law seeks to address the prevalence of
Violence Against Women and violence against women and children (VAWC),
Children (VAWC) abuses on women and their children by their
partners like:
 Husband or Ex-husband
 Live-in partner or Ex-live-in-partner
 Boyfriend/girlfriend or ex-boyfriend/ex-
 Dating partner or ex-dating partner
o This law also classifies violence against women
and children (VAWC) as a public crime.
o Acts punishable under the RA 9262 are:
 Physical violence
 Sexual violence
 Psychological violence
 Economic abuse
o Persons protected under this law are:
 Law recognizes the unequal relations of a
man and a woman in an abusive
relationship where it is usually the woman
who is disadvantaged. Thus, the law
protects the woman and her children.
 Victim, the child who is a minor (legitimate
and illegitimate), and a person aged 18
years and beyond who doesn’t have the
ability to decide for herself/himself
because of an emotional, physical and
mental illness can make full use of the law.
 Women can also be liable under the law.
These are the lesbian partners/girlfriends
or former partners of the victim with
whom she has or had a sexual or dating
 Any child under the care of a woman is also
protected under the law.
o Penalties on Committing VAWC
 If the courts have proven that the offender
is guilty of the crime, he may be
imprisoned and will be obliged to pay
P100,000 to P300, 000 in damages.
 The length of imprisonment depends on
the severity of the crime committed.


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