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View subclasses are basic user interface building blocks

 Display text (TextView class), edit text (EditText

 Buttons (Button class), menus, other controls
 Scrollable (ScrollView, RecyclerView)
 Show images (ImageView)
 Group views (ConstraintLayout and

 Context is an interface to global information about an

application environment
 Get the context:
Context context = getApplicationContext();
 An Activity is its own context:
TextView myText = new TextView(this);

 ConstraintLayout: Positions UI elements using constraint

connections to other elements and to the layout edges
 ScrollView: Contains one element and enables scrolling
 RecyclerView: Contains a list of elements and enables
scrolling by adding and removing elements dynamically
 are specific types of ViewGroups (subclasses of
 contain child views
 can be in a row, column, grid, table, absolute

 ConstraintLayout: Connect views with constraints

 LinearLayout: Horizontal or vertical row
 RelativeLayout: Child views relative to each other
 TableLayout: Rows and columns
 FrameLayout: Shows one child of a stack of children

layout_width and layout_height change with size

 match_constraint: Expands element to fill its
 wrap_content: Shrinks element to enclose
 Fixed number of dp (density-independent pixels)
 Density-independent Pixels (dp): for
 Scale-independent Pixels (sp): for text

 TextView is View subclass for single and multi-

line text
 EditText is TextView subclass with editable
 Controlled with layout attributes
 Set text:
o Statically from string resource in XML
o Dynamically from Java code and any source

<TextView android:id="@+id/textview"
android:text—text to display
android:textColor—color of text
android:textAppearance—predefined style or
android:textSize—text size in sp
android:textStyle—normal, bold, italic, or
android:typeface—normal, sans, serif, or
android:lineSpacingExtra—extra space
between lines in sp

 ScrollView is a subclass of FrameLayout

 Holds all content in memory
 Not good for long texts, complex layouts
 Do not nest multiple scrolling views
 Use HorizontalScrollView for horizontal scrolling
 Use a RecyclerView for lists

02.1 Activities and Intents – read Entire

02.2 Activity lifecycle and state – read Entire

04.1 Buttons and clickable images – dolya khalun ghala

04.2 Input controls – dolya khalun ghala

04.3 Menus and pickers – jevdh prac madhe kelay

tevdha vacha ani bakicha dolya khalun ghala

04.5 RecyclerView - dolya khalun ghala

05.1 Drawables, styles, and themes - dolya khalun ghala

Short madhe vacha tyach ky kaam ahe te.

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