RWS Assignment 3 Project

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The effects of video games on youth


Prepared for
VS Mr Farooq

Prepared by

Registration No


COMSATS University Islamabad

Sahiwal Campus

1.0 Executive Summary:

Much of the argument about video games centers around their impact on academic performance of
students. Frequent game‐players were not likely to absent themselves from the psychology classes
than infrequent players. There was no significant difference between the frequent and infrequent
players on a measure of locus of controls, or on CGPA and GPAs. However, infrequent players
received significantly higher scores on psychology exams then frequent players. The inconsistency
between GPA results and results on sensibility exams discussed and references made for future

Table of Contents:

1.0 Executive Summary:...............................................................................................................1

1.1 Introduction:............................................................................................................................2
1.2 Background Information:.......................................................................................................3
1.2.1 Popular Games:.........................................................................................................................4
1.3 Significance of the Study:........................................................................................................4
1.4 LITERATURE REVIEW:......................................................................................................4
1.4.1 Scope of the Study:....................................................................................................................5
1.4.2 Methods:....................................................................................................................................5
1.4.3 Positive aspects:.........................................................................................................................5
1.4.4 Negative aspects:.......................................................................................................................6
1.5 Result:.......................................................................................................................................6
1.6 Discussion:................................................................................................................................7
1.7 Conclusion:...............................................................................................................................8
1.8 Recommendation:....................................................................................................................8
1.9 For Further Research :...........................................................................................................9
2.0 References:...............................................................................................................................9

1.1 Introduction:

In the past few decades, interactive electronic media has grown from virtual non-existence to one of
the primary means of entertainment for college students. In recent years, the Internet has completely
changed the landscape of electronic media from something individual and static into something with
the potential to be interactive and social.  This article examines the effects of increased student usage
of traditional video games as well as online games. The demographics of the typical game player is
examined along with effects on the individual development and sociological perceptions. This article
will also look at the potential education utility of video games and the effect of games on student
engagement and social development. Esports is a type of sports-based on computer gaming. The field
is primarily facilitated through digital systems and a global network of computers. Players and teams
from all around the world interact with each other through an elaborate system of human-computer
communication. The global esports industry now has a huge fan following and has transformed into
one of the world’s fastest-growing industries.

Taking their passion to another level, gaming enthusiasts have started to make a proper living off
video games. In fact, computer gaming, which was once disregarded as a profession, has now
become a huge business. Individuals who are considered professionals in the field can earn millions
of dollars that too before the age of 30. Two of the major ways to earn money through gaming are

(a) participating in Esports competitions

(b) uploading video tutorials about their gaming skills on famous video broadcasting websites like
YouTube and Dailymotion.

1.2 Background Information:

This study aimed to investigate the effects video games on physical and mental health of students.
Recent data from a UCLA’s Higher Education Research Institute provides a very useful information
about the video games usage among students. The data show that most students have played video
games, many play them on regular base, and a little percentage use them as a primary means of
entertainment and leisure. In the 2009 Freshman Survey, around 1% of the defendants admitted that
they play over 20 hours of video games in a week. Over 35% of the defendants stated that they play

at least one hour in a week. The journey of video games development in Pakistan started sometime
around the 2000s when teenagers who played and experienced games from what is formally known
as the 4th generation of videogame development internationally, started to become young adults.
According to IGDA Pakistan (International Game Developers Association) estimates, up to $25
million in revenue is earned locally across the industry each year; with more than 8,000 professionals
associated with videogame development.

Yet, video games, and in particular video game development in the country, has always flown under
the radar. But somewhere within these numbers lies Pakistan's modest gaming industry. This story is
about that. According to initial estimations, Pakistan employs around 8,500 game developers in three
major sectors of game products, middleware and services.

61.9% of people who responded were from Punjab, 15.7% from Sindh, 3.3% from Khyber
Pakhtunkhwa, 10.5% from Federal Capital, 1% from Balochistan and 1% from Gilgit, other outside

1.2.1 Popular Games:

Below is a list of some of the most popular esports played in international championships around the
 Player Unknown’s Battlegrounds (PUBG)
 Defence of the Ancient (DOTA)

 Counter Strike
 League of Legends
 Overwatch
 Fortnite

1.3 Significance of the Study:

The main purpose of this study is to analyze the relationship between students’ gaming behavior and
their academic performance. To serve this purpose, we derived a research model based on literature
review and tested the model by using a survey study. We report here on a survey study conducted to
investigate the impact of gaming behavior on the academic performance of students.


Those students with addictive personalities who play video games are more likely to have lower
grades than students with non-addictive personalities who play video games. They found that while
amount of time spent playing video games or engagement in video game play had no effect on
typically developing children, children with addictive personality traits were more likely to have
problems with their grades if they played video games because they were more likely to neglect their
studies in favor of game play.

1.4.1 Scope of the Study:

Our research purpose was therefore to study the correlations between a variety of factors and
academic performance in grade 9. The factors included leisure-time activities playing video games.
This study is very helpful because we can solve this problem, which is effecting our students because
students do not give their proper time to studies and its effects them a lot.

1.4.2 Methods:

Students did the survey during a lunchtime meeting. Students asked students to complete a five-
question survey that asked them to rate their video game usage and academic performance. These
questions ranged from questions on how often they had handed in work late due to playing video
games to what types of games they played and how frequently they played video games. After the
participants completed the survey, they told them what the survey was for.

Hypothesized that spending more than 10 hours per week playing video games can have a negative
effect on student academic performance. However, playing less than ten hours per week will have
little if any effect on academic performance.

1.4.3 Positive aspects:

 Accuracy.
 Taking risks.
 Mapping.
 Memory.
 Concentration.
 Estimating skills.
 Problem solving and logic.
 How to respond to challenges.
 How to respond to frustrations.
 How to explore and rethink goals.
 Hand-eye coordination, fine motor and spatial skills.
 Planning, resource management and logistics.
 Planning, resource management and logistics.

1.4.4 Negative aspects:

 Fatigue.
 Lack of caring for oneself.
 Headaches.
 Poor academic performance.
 Problems with joints and tendons because of playing the games too much.
 Anger or frustration when not able to play.
 Inability to focus because one's mind is on the video games continuous.
 Finding ways to get out of duties to stay home and play video games.
 Losing friendships or initiating strain in relations over the video games.

1.5 Result:
Basic descriptive statistics directed in order to analyze the results of this study. When asked if they
had ever revolved in work late due to playing video games. Ninety nine percent of students stated

turning in homework late a majority of the time due to playing video games. The reported
assignments were late probable 64.8% of the time. On average students stated playing likely 4.52
hours per week of first person shooter video games an average of 3.67 hours playing plan games.

In terms of additional activities, 66% of the students charted reported that sports were a favored
action and 18.5 % of members reported that video gaming was a favorite activity. Only 14.5% of
contestants reported that reading was a favored hobby. The majority of students reported that they
felt satisfied after playing a game while only a small percentage of students described they could not
wait to get back to a game. On average students reported that they had between a 2.5 and 3.0 grade
point average. Some research concludes there is little evidence to suggest that interactive media
enhances the learning experience. In figure 6: It explained in detail that when children play games.

1.6 Discussion:
The majority of the students who responded to this investigation were not serious gamers indicated
by the fact that the average participant did not play more than 10 hours per week on average. None of
the students reported that they had problems with their grades due to video gaming even though
several students stated that they turned in assignments late because they were playing a video game.

This study has several feebleness. First, only eight students replied to the study. While the group was
evenly distributed in terms of gender, the group was mainly white and between the ages of 18 and
23. This means that the results of this survey cannot comprehensive to other student populations at
the basic, middle or high school level. The small size of the group that was studied and the untested
survey may also create problems with the validity and reliability of the survey results. Also this study
designed to not to give definitive support one-way or the other about the effect of video games. This
study was not intended to have deeply important results as it was only intended to answer simple
one-time questions about how video games affected the grades of college students. While this
information can be applied to additional study, the study will need to be expanded and refined and
the analysis would need a much larger example in order to have significant results.

1.7 Conclusion:
According to the literature, frequent use of video games can have a negative effect on the grades of
elementary, middle school, high school and college students. Video games are to take away time that
should be spent studying or finishing class assignments. For the purpose of this paper it was
hypothesized that playing less than 10 hours per week of video games would not knowingly effect a
student's grades whereas; playing more than 10 hours per week of video games would cause a drop
in student grades. The results of the survey indicated that most students played less than 10 hours per
week of video games and despite being late on assignments due to video gaming.

This study was limited in that only eight students were surveyed and that group was very
homogenous regarding race, age, and socioeconomic status. This meant that the results of the survey
could not be easily applied to other groups. There were also limits in regards to the survey in that the
survey was very short and it was untested. In order for further study to be conducted on this topic,
the survey will need to be edited and expanded and a larger sample of members will be required.

It is clear from the literature that the effect of video games on the college campus is both positive and
negative. Video games can certainly lead to negative effects such as social isolation and increased
violence, but they are going to remain a part of college culture for the likely future.

It is important to know the positive and negative aspects of video games. Playing games socially as
part of stable lifestyle seems to have some positive effects. Playing video games linked to several
negative problems. Students and educators need to be aware of the dangers of extreme gaming.

1.8 Recommendation:
School counselors need to include the challenging consequences of video gaming in their
conversations with students and their parents. Logically, any activity that draws students away from
their assignment will ultimately affect their academic performance.

The students should be aware of all the effects of video games if they are addicted to them or not.
Student should not miss use their resources. The should be a proper schedule between study time and
game time.

1.9 For Further Research :

This research is worth reiterating, with the following changes:

 There should be a larger sample from a broader target population. Teachers, counselors,
administrators, and parents have told us that the research should be repeated, but by targeting texting
in addition to playing video games. The general consensus seems to be “Boys play video games, but
girls text.”

 There should be a standardized instrument for collecting data on this subject. We wish that we had
access to a questionnaire that is statistically valid and reliable.

 The research should be repeated using a longitudinal research design. Someone needs to track the
academic progress of students who continue to play video games, or who increase their time playing,
in comparison to other students who do not.

2.0 References:

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