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Choose A,B,C or D to complete the sentence: (2 pts)

1. Sam’s uncle, _______ is very rich, came to visit our orphanage.
A. that B.who C. whom D. whose
2. Grapes have been a specialty and industrial crop of Ninh Thuan ___________ 1980.
A.the B. in C. from D. since
3. Can you hold the ladder ______ while I climb up and pick the apples?
A.steady B. rigid C. solid D. firm
4. “Excuse me. Where is the _______ office of UNICEF Vietnam located?”
A.leading B. head C. summit D. central
5. After each period, we have a ____________ break.
A.five-minute B. fifth-minute C. five minutes D. fifth-
6. The conductor often collects the bus ________.
A.prices B. fares C. price D. fees
7. Golf is a very fun sport; ____________, it's very expensive.
A.consequently B. however C. but D. furthermore
8. Where you are and whatever you do, keep this in _____________: honesty is the best
A.mind B. opinion C. memory D. thought
9. "Do you like Jane's new flat?" - "_____."
A.I don't go there B. She likes the new house
C. The rooms are rather small D. Yes, I like her
10. : Porter: “Shall I help you with your suitcase?” Mary: “_______”
A.That’s very kind of you. B. What a pity!
C.I can’t agree more. D.Not a chance

II. Choose the best answer(A, B, C or D) for each sign

A. Tunnel warning lights will be turned on if
a car has broken down.
B. Switch on warning lights if your car
breaks down in the tunnel.
C. Use warning lights at all times when
driving through the tunnel.
D. Drivers who break the tunnel must
switch on their warning lights
12.A. One-way traffic straight is ahead.
B. Two-way traffic straight is ahead.
C. You must turn left to join the road ahead.
D. You must turn right to join the road

III. Read the passage, and then decide whether the statements that follow are
True or False. Write TRUE or FALSE: (1,5pts)
Bray is a beautiful village about fifty kilometers west of London. A young Englishman named
Howard Bonnier opened a restaurant called The Palace there about three and a half months ago.
Not many people in Britain know Mr. Bonnier’s name yet, but he’s already quite famous in
France. This is because he has written in French magazines about almost all the best restaurants
in that country. He’s only 29 years old. When Howard was a teenager, he often went to
restaurants with his mother and father. He liked doing this so much that he decided not to buy
lots of clothes and CDs; instead, he used his money to visit France and eat in good restaurants.
He also bought a lot of French and English cookbooks – he says he has more than two hundred
and fifty! So why did he decide to open a restaurant? Simply because he loves cooking. Has it
been an easy thing to do? He says it’s expensive to start your own restaurant and it’s much more
difficult to cook for fifty people than to cook for your family, but he’s sure he’s done the right
13. The Palace has been open for less than a year.
14. Lots of people in France know about Howard.
15. Howard’s parents took him out to restaurants.
16. Howard has always spent a lot of money on clothes.
17. What is the passage mainly about?
A. The beautiful village of Bray
B. Howard Bonnier, a young restaurant owner in Bray Howard
C. Bonnier's cookbooks
D. The Palace restaurant
18. It can be inferred from the passage that starting a restaurant is __________.
A. cheap and easy B. difficult but cheap
C. easy but expensive D. expensive and difficult

IV. Choose the, word or phrase (A. B, C or D) that best fits the blank space in
the following passage: (1,5pts)
Today, supermarkets are found in almost every (31)______city in the world. But the first
supermarket (32)_________opened only fifty years ago. It was opened in New York by a man
named Michael Cullen. A supermarket is different (33)___________other types of stores in
several ways. In supermarkets, goods are placed on open shelves. The (34)__________ choose
what they want and take them to the checkout counter. This means that fewer shop assistants are
needed than in other stores. The way products are displayed is another difference between
supermarkets and many other types of stores; (36)__________ instance, in supermarkets,
(37)______ is usually a display of small inexpensive items just in front of the checkout counter:
candies, chocolates, magazines, cheap foods and so on. Most customers (38)__________go to a
supermarket buy goods from a shopping list. They know exactly what they need to buy. They do
the shopping according to a plan.
19. A. large B. the large C. largest D. more large
20. A. is B. has been C. was D. were
21. A. in B. from C. of D. with
22. A. customers B. managers C. assistants D. sellers
23. A. In B. For C. Of D. By
24. A. who B. what C. which D. whom

V. Supply the correct form of the words (1,5 pts)

25 . Reading books is one of the most interesting forms of ______________. (ENTERTAIN)
26 . It's _____________ colder today than it was yesterday. (CERTAIN)
27 . To be a good writer you need to be _______________. (IMAGINE)
28 . He is one of the most effective ________________ in this campaign. (ACTIVITY)
29 . It's _______________! I've won the lottery! (BELIEVE)
30 . Thanks to technology, we can now _________________________ our culture for future
generations. (PRESERVATION)

VI. Rearrange the words to make meaningful sentences: (0,5 pts)

31. is/ TV/ but/ bringing/ information/ entertainment/./ only/ also/ not
32. quickly/./ children/ learn/ I/ find/ it/ wonderful/ things/ that

VII. Rewrite the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first
sentence: (2 pts)
33. The number of foreign tourists to Vietnam has greatly increased over the last few years.
=> There has ............. ………………………………………………………………………
34 .It is acknowledged that Vietnam had complete control over SARS from a very early stage
of the epidemic.
=> Vietnam is ...................................................................................................
35 . “Please do not litter as you are walking along the coast”, the guard said to us.
=> The guard ...........................................................................................................................
36 .He needs to talk to the psychologist about his current situation.
=> It is necessary .....................................................................................................................

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