Lengiel, Legado E. La Consolacion College 6206 Bais City Philippines

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Lengiel, Legado E.

6206 Bais City

The middle part is all about the different challenges that they can list under three aspects; home,
transportation and workplace. While in the below part of the questionnaire located the positive
things that the respondents can list under the same aspects; home, transportation and workplace.
The result of the questionnaire will be the basis of information and hypotheses that will be
included in the research that will show both the positive and negative effects of Covid-19 on the
4th year financial management students while having their on the job training.

Statistical Treatment of Data

The Statistical Treatment of Data that the research would be Inferential Statistics. Using this
statistical treatment the researchers are trying to reach the conclusion that reaches beyond the
immediate data. The researchers will use the sample data gathered by the survey describing the
result of the research and making inferences about the population.

Respondents: 8 4th Year Financial Management Students.

Variables Total # Percentage

Did you suspend your educational program recently due to
any of the following reasons?
 Have not suspended educational program 7 87.5%

 Suspended educational to the civil unrest/ relocation from

 Suspended educational program due to financial problems
 Suspended educational program due to my social status
and personal responsibilities
 Suspended educational program due to other reasons 1 12.5%
Did the faculty suspend or postpone the educational program
in response to COVID 19 Pandemic?
 Yes
 No 8 100%

Did your faculty suspend your Internship training due to the

COVID-19 Pandemic?

 Yes

 No 8 100%

Are you currently working?

 Yes, as a part of my educational program as a financial 7 87.5%

management student

 No, I do not currently work 1 12.5%

How are you spending your time during this period of COVID-
19 pandemic? (Multiple choices)

 Preparing for Civil Service Exam/Post-graduate exams 7 87.5%

 Volunteering Activities 5 62.5%

 Spending more time with my family 6 75%

 Exercise and Improving physical fitness 1 12.5%

 Play video Games

 Self-learning through a program not provided by faculty

 Watch TV
 Read non-accounting books

 Rest and Relax 3 37.5%

Did the COVID-19 pandemic affected your career plan and

future interest
 It has affected the career plan of future interest 3 37.5%

 Become interested in the field of business/financing 2 25%

 Has not affected career plan or future interest 3 37.5%

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