Technical Director Duties

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Virginia Youth Soccer Association

The Club Technical Director Program

The rationale for the Club Technical out their own direction and ultimately produce
Director concept is built on the belief that quality players by design, is a proven and very
Virginia’s Soccer Clubs are the backbone of successful one.
player development. The aim is for the
In order to raise the bar of development
Virginia Youth Soccer Association to offer
for our Virginia youth soccer players, we must
ideas for a systematic, progressive club-wide
find more qualified coaches with a strong
approach that will create the best possible
background in both the game and their ability
environment for optimum development of our
to instruct. The implementation of a system
young soccer players.
where clubs appoint qualified coaches to oversee
Player Development and Coaching player and coaching development is a bonafide
Education programs will always be closely way that we can achieve soccer excellence in
linked. It is well understood that the quality the development of the game in Virginia.
of the players produced by an organization has
a direct correlation to the teaching skills of its
coaches. If the technical direction of a Club is
haphazard, poorly planned and lacks guidance
and proper focus, then the players and coaches
that are produced will not be of the highest
standard. In providing sound and qualified
technical direction there also comes an
increase in personal satisfaction, thus reducing
the drop out rate in the game and subsequently
increasing the value of promoting or broad-
ening athletic participation.
Club Technical Directors have, for many
years, been the backbone of many successful
youth clubs in Europe and South America as
well as other parts of the US and even here in
Virginia. The concept, where clubs can map
Virginia Youth Soccer Association

Purpose Objectives
The purpose of the Club Technical Director The Club Director has three main objectives
Program is fourfold
1) To educate all coaches within their
1) To provide VYSA clubs with the club by providing them with an easily
philosophy, guidance and direction to accessible resource person in the form
implement the program of a “Club Technical Director”
2) To provide VYSA clubs with an 2) To increase the skill level of Virginia
opportunity to promote and broaden players by providing them with a
athletic participation, to increase higher standard of training and higher
personal player satisfaction and to standard of coaching at the club level
reduce the drop out rate
3) To help develop and build programs
3) To provide VYSA clubs that have an that provides players of varying
existing Technical Director with abilities with an opportunity to play
further guidance on enhancing that at the highest levels to which they can
service aspire
4) To provide coaches that fit the criteria
an opportunity to offer their services
to an interested club or group

Virginia Youth Soccer Association

12) To assess, evaluate and give written

Duties and Tasks feedback to travel coaches within the
Duties And Tasks that the Club Technical Club
Director may fulfill 13) To promote the Club and the game of
1) To conduct age appropriate coaching soccer in whatever ancillary duties
clinics in the club that the Club deems necessary

2) To conduct skill development clinics 14) To organize information seminars on

and training sessions for players and various sport science topics (e.g.
coaches in the club Nutrition, First-Aid, Psychology, etc.)

3) To create long and short term seasonal 15) To attend Club Board meetings to give
and yearly objectives with regard to regular updates of technical develop-
age groups and skill development ments within the Club

4) To help coaches in the club plan and 16) To liaise with the state to channel
implement practice sessions general coaching information to the
player, coaches and parents of the Club
5) To act as a resource for all coaches
and players in the club 17) To identify talented players in the club
system and ensure that the district and
6) To educate parents on the club’s policies state select teams are made aware of
and philosophies on youth develop- them
ment and age appropriate activities
through orientations, seminars and 18) To help identify and secure indoor
written material facilities to ensure year- round training

7) To create a library of books, articles 19) To design manuals and information

and videos for coaches in the club packets for coaches

8) To organize and conduct summer 20) To design and implement player

camps for players within the club evaluation forms

9) To help schedule, conduct and facilitate 21) To implement a Code of Conduct for
player tryouts in the club the players and parents

10) To organize and facilitate state run 22) To assist the club with the technical
coaching clinics in the club coaching aspects of a Risk Management
11) To interview, evaluate and select
coaches for the travel portion of the Club 23) To design training priorities for each
as they relate to the Club’s philosophy group and level

Virginia Youth Soccer Association

practice session being run, there is a slim

The Present Situation chance that he/she will be able to conduct one
Unlike other established soccer-playing at a high standard. The value of a Club
nations where children play an unstructured Technical Director as a role model should not
form of the game in streets, parks and play- be underestimated. The advantages of having
grounds, the US youngster plays the majority grass roots coaches observing quality training
of his or her soccer within the structured sessions are invaluable. It is also a tremendous
setting of the Club in organized practices and value to have a qualified professional giving
games. The first introduction that our young feedback and guidance to that same set of
players get to the game is through the recreation novice coaches.
coach and the entry-level programs that local The players themselves can benefit in four
clubs provide. Under the current system, the major ways
recreational coaches are often well-inten-
tioned, parent-volunteers who, for the most 1) By having the chance to participate in
part, lack a qualified background in the game. practice sessions, clinics and camps
Further, parent-coaches bring diversified back- run by the Club TD, they will improve
grounds and approaches to coaching, resulting as players.
in inconsistent player development. 2) The individual coaches of their respective
Most recreation coaches get involved teams have had the opportunity to
because they want to coach their child or work with the Club TD and therefore
because the club implores them to step forward the quality of instruction the players
or otherwise the youngsters may not have a are now receiving from these coaches
place to play. After the volunteer is in place, is much better.
the club often turns its attention elsewhere and 3) The players can utilize the Club TD
the new coach is left to his/her own devices to to gain game advice, college advice
develop training ideas and game plans. Providing or any other pertinent advice (physical,
comprehensive training or on-going education tactical, psychological, nutritional,
is beyond the means of many clubs. Consid- etc.) that they might otherwise not
eration of long term player development is have received.
almost impossible for the parent-coach
working under such constraints. These circum- 4) The technical direction of the entire
stances may leave the player with a poor club is well mapped out and thus the
experience and unable to reach his or her players gain a certain familiarity and
playing potential. develop a pride in understanding the
exact route they need to take in order
Just as players need role models to observe to fully develop their playing oppor-
and emulate, the same holds true for coaches. tunities.
If an entry-level coach has never seen a proper

Virginia Youth Soccer Association

The Club TD program can benefit all The Solution

types of Clubs, even those with the most
The Club decides to contact the Virginia
extreme opposite philosophies. For the
Youth Soccer Association and asks for a list of
recreation clubs, where fun and enjoy-
coaches who may be interested in serving as
ment are the major priorities, the benefits
their Club TD. The VYSA provides this list of
of having a Club TD in place will ensure: the
coaches to the club. The club contacts the
fundamentals of the game are taught; the right
potential interested individual. The terms of
activities for the age appropriate abilities are
employment (part-time or full time) are an indi-
delivered; the pedagogical development of the
vidual working agreement between the coach
child is ensured; and the joy of the game and
and the club, as is the financial arrangement.
the consistency in skill development are
carried out. For the travel teams it is obvious
that the “professional” can help by providing
high-level consistent training that they didn’t
receive before. Our greatest resource is our
players. VYSA and the clubs owe it to the
players to provide them with all the experi-
ence and instruction that we can. In having a
Club TD, a qualified person is in place to deal
with the immediate as well as future needs of
both the players and coaches entrusted in their care.
An Example Of How This Concept Could
The Problem
A club decides that the current quality of
coaching available within its organization is
not leading to the improvement of their play-
ers’ skills as had been hoped. To compound
this situation, their coaches are unsure about
a variety of technical matters and do not know
where to go for advice. The club wants to en-
sure that the right activities coincide with the
proper age appropriate abilities.

Virginia Youth Soccer Association

What to Look for In a Club 10) Dynamic person with innovative

ideas, flexibility and motivational
Technical Director
1) Qualified coaching credentials-
11) Good time management skills
12) Responsible and committed
♦ A USSF “A” License (or equiva-
lent) or in pursuit of an “A” 13) A student of the game
License 14) Supportive of state and national programs
♦ A National Youth License (or 15) Organizational ability: able to com-
equivalent) municate with office staff, make board
Note: Do not discount possible strong presentations, etc.
candidates with a lower level license 16) Financial experience in club operations
that show the maturity, desire and Note: While this is the job of the board
commitment to pursue a higher license. the candidate must be able to
2) Strong practical coaching experience grasp financial issues and how they
at appropriate age levels relate to technical development.
3) Strong practical playing experience
Note: Just because a candidate played
professionally does not necessarily
translate into a person that can impart
his/her knowledge.
4) Strong interpersonal skills
5) Leadership ability
6) Teaching or instructional ability
7) Ability to communicate with youths,
teens and adults
8) Morally and ethically sound
9) Coaching and player development
philosophy conducive to the club

Virginia Youth Soccer Association

want him/her to become a glorified

Considerations for the Club clinician. Some clubs will have this
1) Determine the long term direction of person coach a young team one season
the Club in one gender and another young
team, in the other gender, the next.
2) Interview and hire a qualified individual
12) Allow the TD to determine the
3) Establish a player development technical direction of the Club
philosophy in conjunction with the
Club Technical Director 13) Give consideration to an appropriate
benefit package
4) Establish a coaching development
philosophy in conjunction with the 14) Allow the TD to pursue further
Club Technical Director coaching education
5) Communicate those philosophies and 15) Provide the need for appropriate
priorities to players, parents,coaches commitment to the TD
and administrators associated with
the Club Action Plan
6) Establish age specific training priorities 1) Perspective of the Club
7) Determine an action plan and schedule
♦ Review the technical objectives
and communicate that schedule to
of the club and how a Club TD
everyone involved
would help meet those objectives
8) Provide the TD with administrative
support ♦ Determine the financial resources
that the club has available for the
9) Provide the TD with the proper
equipment to get the job done
♦ Contact the VYSA for a list of
10) Accord the TD a timely and professional
business environment qualified interested coaches

11) Give consideration to allow the oppor- ♦ Contact and interview those
tunity for the TD to coach ateam coaches that are deemed suitable.
within the Club ♦ Advertise within your club’s
Note: In order to remain current, the means as well as the VYSA
top technical person in the club must website that a coaching vacancy
stay in touch with the game. You don’t exists

Virginia Youth Soccer Association

2) Perspective of the Potential Club standard of instruction given to your

Technical Director players and coaches is of an excellent
quality. By paying for these services
♦ Inform the VYSA Technical
you will ensure that the job is taken in
Director that you would be
a serious and professional manner and
interested in being a Club TD
that tangible value will be gained
and inform him of the geographic through the level of commitment. In
areas where you would be paying a qualified professional you
willing to work are holding him/her accountable to the
♦ Provide the VYSA Technical club for the services that he/she
Director with a resume and provides. It’s a difficult chore when
background information about we hold volunteers accountable for the
yourself development of our youth. The TD’s
professionalism, commitment and
♦ Contact Clubs directly and let passion will filter down through the
them know of your interest in technical areas into all aspects of the
serving as a TD. Be prepared and club, leaving the volunteers more
be ready with a list of services energized about their tasks as well.
that you could offer the club on Coaching knowledge is professional
your own merit knowledge. Qualified coaches have
♦ Promote your own services and gone to great lengths and efforts to
let potential employers know of educate themselves over their careers
your interest through specific and they have also put in long on the
club, league or district newsletters job hours. These individuals provide
services and possess specialized
knowledge in the principles of devel-
Possible Issues To Deal With oping our children. The same thing
1) Financial cannot be said for all volunteers.
Some Club Members will ask, “Why Volunteers tend to work in the game
should we have to pay for something during their spare time because they
that we can get for free?” have to make a living in order to
support their families. The TD position
The answer to the question is related
immediately makes the club the number
to the quality of services. By hiring a one priority and the primary focus.
Club TD you are ensuring that the
Virginia Youth Soccer Association

To pay a Club Technical Director you easily be dispersed to each team in

may have to: your Club. Consistent philosophies
and objectives, as well as a visionary
♦ Redirect funds within the club
picture of the Club in its totality,
♦ Offer camps and clinics become clear, focused and better
♦ Pursue corporate and private defined.
funding Hiring a Club TD relieves the volun-
teer parents of many planning duties
♦ Host tournaments
related to coaching and player devel-
♦ Hold bingos, raffles or sales opment. In turn the enthusiasm of
♦ Raise player fees these volunteers can be re-directed to
other organizational matters within the
♦ Raise team fees Club.
2) Is The Job is Already Being Done? 3) Long Term Development
There may be Clubs that feel they have Be careful of measuring the success
a staff full of volunteers who already, of the position by wins, losses and
in a combined fashion, perform the how many trophies that your Club
duties of a single Club TD. However, attains. In order to perform a truly
it again becomes a matter of quality successful job you must be patient
of service. If the volunteers do not with the long-term development of the
possess the coaching knowledge and coaches and the players. It is harder
expertise of an experienced qualified to convince people to invest their
coach, then their combined efforts, no money in something where they cannot
matter how great, will not produce the see immediate tangible rewards.
same high standard that the club
deserves. However, although the benefits of
hiring a Club TD may be for the most
The Club TD provides services and part a long-range plan, parents should
possesses specialized knowledge for be asked to attend the practice sessions
age appropriate activities that challenge to see excellence in action. If they see
children at their own learning levels. their children improving (no matter
By centralizing technical duties to a what level of physical ability) and
single person, the potential for commu- increasing their passion for the game,
nication problems is minimized and they might be willing to also recognize
the same standards of excellence can the immediate benefits of such a
Virginia Youth Soccer Association

program. A professional educator our Club?” And “how can we trust this
with specialized knowledge for the individual? ” These doubts are natural
recreation and travel level player and ones. However, there are usually others
coach is a premium to have. involved in your Club that, when the
position is being discussed, think they
If the Club TD is doing the job, players
can do the job and wouldn’t mind the
will be able to compete at a higher
extra income for themselves. It may
level. When players are taught properly
be more beneficial to bring in an
in the skills of the game, and are
objective technical specialist who is
encouraged to take risks and play
not bringing any previous history with
with flair and passion, then learning
parents, players, administrators or
and long term development are
other coaches. In this case the Club
by-products. When the learning
has assured itself that the coaching is
process is happening at a younger age,
as objective as possible.
mistakes will be a result of the
process. Therefore if your Club is It is up to the Club to carefully
winning regularly at under 11 and investigate prospective candidates
under 12 and losing regularly at U17 before doing the hiring.
and U18, then something has gone
5) Virginia Youth Soccer Association’s
awry in the developmental cycle. And
the club TD is just the person who can
oversee and guide that development. The role of the VYSA in the Club
The Clubs will also be able to retain Technical Director program is:
their best players who, in the absence ♦ To increase the communication
of a qualified coach, are likely to between potential Clubs and
migrate to other clubs who have the interested coaches
♦ To help Clubs and potential
4) Hiring A Person From Outside The coaches understand possible
Club tasks, duties and requirements
Some Clubs may hesitate to bring in associated with the Club
an outsider who has no previous Technical Director Program
connections with the Club to oversee ♦ To provide a base contract that
their technical program. The prevailing covers the Club and the Technical
feelings are “how could an outsider Director yet is flexible enough to
possibly know what goes on within address individual needs
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Virginia Youth Soccer Association

♦ To liaise with the club TD to smaller clubs may be willing to

provide ongoing guidance as it pool together to share your
relates to the direction of the services. Look at the situation
game in Virginia carefully and if it appears to be
6) Adjustments Which Might Have To a workable situation, then
Be Made consider it.

In a perfect world, each Club across Hiring a Club TD is a major step that
Virginia would hire a full-time Club shouldn’t be taken lightly. However, if you
Technical Director. However, this is a want your club to move in a more
scenario that may be difficult to attain p r o g r e s s i v e way and to develop coaches
and all involved parties must be willing and players by design, then take the
to look at options and compromises if opportunity to flesh out the concept for
they want the concept to work. your members. You owe it to them.
♦ The chances of a Club TD being
hired on a part-time basis may be
greater than the chances of being
hired on a full-time basis. The
key is that there are positions that — For more information Contact —
can be created and if initially a
coach is hired on a part-time basis, The VYSA Technical Director
a quality performance may lead
to a full-time appointment. 2239G Tackett’s Mill Drive
♦ Payment for services is going to Woodbridge, VA 22192
differ from Club to Club depending
on the scope of the job, location (703) 494-0030
and budget. Don’t sell yourself
short, but be realistic with regards Metro (703) 551-4035
to salary, job description and
work environment. FAX (703) 551-4114
♦ The best scenario would is to be
hired by a single club. However, E-mail:
you may find that two or more

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