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Detailed Lesson Plan

Prepared by Karen Saavedra Arias

I. Objectives
At the end of the discussion the students are able to:
a. discuss the elements of drama presented in the play “The World is an Apple”;
b. give opinions and insights about the title of the play; and
c. relate the drama with their own life experiences.

II. Subject Matter

Topic: The World is an Apple
Materials: Representation and white board marker

III. Teaching Procedure

Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity

1. Routinary Activities
A. Greetings
Good morning everyone!
Good morning Ma’am!
So far, how’s your day?
It’s quite tiring Ma’am.
That’s so sad to hear, but I bet
you are still up for a new experience
right? Of course Ma’am.

That is so good because today we

are going to learn a new lesson.

B. Cleaning
Before we precede, kindly pick up
those litters around you. (The students will obey)

C. Praying
Before you take your seats, for us
to have a successful period let us ask the
guidance of our Lord. (Everyone will pray)

Okay, you may now take your

D. Checking of Attendance
For your attendance, please
provide one whole sheet of paper and let
everyone sign there. Understand? Yes Ma’am. (Everyone will sign on
the attendance sheet.)

2. Review
As a review, can anyone refresh
every one of your previous lesson? Last meeting Ma’am we’ve talk
about drama, its common types and its

Very good. Now, can anyone

enumerate the common elements of
drama? The common elements of drama are:
plot, characters, theme, dialogue, genre
and audience.

That is right. Now, who can give

or draw the plot structure of a drama? (One student will raise her hand and
the teacher will ask her to draw it on
the board)

Very good. How about the types

of characters? Do you have background
knowledge about it? Yes Ma’am.

That is good. To further test your

knowledge about the types of characters,
let us have an activity.
I have here famous characters and
what I want you to do are that, as I flash
one you are going to answer what kind of
character they are. Are you ready? Yes Ma’am.

Our first character is…(The

teacher will flash the picture of Cardo) Ma’am! Cardo is a protagonist.

(The teacher will reveal the

answer) Very good! Your answer is
correct. But how can you say that he is a
protagonist? Because, for how many years the
story revolves around him Ma’am.

Very good. For our second

character…(The teacher will flash the I believe that Lord Voldemort is an
picture of Voldemort) antagonist Ma’am. Because he wants to
kill Harry Potter.

Let’s see if your answer is correct.

(The teacher will reveal the answer.) Your
answer is right.
(The activity will continue until all
the flash cards will be flashed.)
Very good. It looks like you still
remember your topic last meeting.

3. Motivation
Again, we are going to have
another activity. Are you familiar with the
game, “4 PICS 1 WORD”? Yes Ma’am.

That is nice because our activity is

somehow related to that it’s just that,
here in our activity 1 Pic is equals to 1
Word and since I have here 5 Pics it
means that you need to come up with 5
words also. To make this a little bit faster,
as a post each picture, everyone can
suggest his/her answer. Do you
understand? Yes Ma’am.

(The teacher will post the


(The students will try to decode the

pictures until they’ve come up with
their answer.)
Ma’am! The World is an Apple!

That is correct! What do you think

is it? Ma’am, I think it’s the title of the
drama that we are going to analyze

Very good. Have you encountered

that already? Not yet Ma’am.

If that is the case, let us watch a

play about it. Listen and watch carefully
so that we can analyze every detail of it
afterwards, is it okay with you?
(The teacher will play the video.) (The students will watch intently)

Okay, let’s cut it here.

4. Unlocking of Word Difficulty

For our vocabulary development,
I want you to be familiarize with the
words “falling action” and “denouement”.
Can anyone read the meaning of the first Falling action, is the time when the
word? conflict between the protagonist and
the antagonist unravels, with the
protagonist winning or losing against
the antagonist.

Thank you. Now, can you please

use it in a sentence? (The teacher will call
one student) (The student will be using it in a

Very good.
How about the second word. Can
you read and use it in a sentence? Denouement is the final resolution of
the intricacies of a plot, as of a drama or
(The student will be using it in a

Don’t forget those words because

we are going to encounter those on our

5. Presentation
I guess you are now ready to
analyze the dram a “The World is an
Apple”. According to the play that you
had watched a while ago, who wrote it? Ma’am, it was written by Alberto S.

That is right. Looks like you really

watched intently. To further test you if
you really understood it, let as analyze
first its plot. A while ago one of your
classmate draw the structure of drama
and according to her drawing the first on
the structure is the Exposition. Now who
can give the exposition or the beginning
of the drama? Ma’am I think, the exposition of this
is when, Mario entered their house and
Gloria greeted him and afterwards asks
about the condition of Tita, their

That is right. Any other answers?

If none, let us now proceed with the rising
action? What do you think is the rising
action of this drama? Ma’am, it could be that the rising
action is when, Gloria was asking for
some money to buy Tita some biscuits
but Mario became so touchy that is why
they started quarrelling.

Very good. Who wants to add

more on his answer? Yes, are you raising
your hand? Ma’am, in addition to his answer, I
think it is also in the rising action the
part when, Mario, confessed that he
lost his job because of steeling one

That is also right. Now, how about

the climax, who wants to share his/her
ideas? Ma’am for me the climax is the time
when Pablo, Mario’s old friend
suddenly appear in the scene.

It could be, but how do you say

so? Ma’am it is because, it is the part
where you as a viewer would start to
get curious if that job Mario was
referring to was related to Pablo since
he talks in riddles.

Very good, nice explanation. Who

wants to support his answer? It is the climax, because the tension
here is so high, since everyone was
waiting for the answer or response of

You are all right. Now, let us

proceed with the falling action? The falling action is when; Mario
confirmed that he is going with Pablo.
Part of this also, is the time when,
Gloria begged Mario not to go.

That is right. That part is the

falling action because, finally, the
suspense that we’ve been waiting on the
climax had been revealed. According to
the definition of Falling Action that we
have a while ago, it is the time when the
conflict between the protagonist and
the antagonist unravels, with the
protagonist winning or losing against the
Based on your perspectives, does
Mario win against Pablo or does he lose? Ma’am I think, he lost, because once
again he had been brought to the life he
is trying to forget.

That is correct. Now, let us

proceed to the denouement or the
ending. Ma’am the ending of that drama, is
when Mario left Gloria to go with Pablo.

Very good. After the plot, the

second element of drama is the character.
Who can enumerate the characters? Ma’am, the characters are: Mario,
the protagonist, husband of Gloria;
Gloria, wife of Mario; Tita, daughter of
Mario and Gloria and lastly, Pablo, the
antagonist, friend of Mario.
Those are all right. Aside from
being a protagonist, what type of
character do you think is Mario? Yes? Ma’am, I think Mario is a round
character because in the whole
duration of the drama, Mario constantly
changes, at first he is bad but when he
marries Gloria, he became good but
suddenly when life was hard he chose
to go with Pablo.

That is right. How about the other

characters? Ma’am, Pablo and Gloria are flat
characters because they never changed.
Gloria, is still good until the end while
Pablo remains a bad man.

Very good. And the third element

is the Theme or its underlying meaning.
Who can give a theme for this drama? Its theme is that, In this life, we have
the right to choose what do we think is
right for ourselves or for our family but
then again, we still need to conform to
the norms of the society we are living. It
is for us to avoid conflict such as what
happened to Mario.

Very good. Who else could give a

theme? Ma’am for me, In this this life, in this
world there are lots of temptation that
we needed to fight in order to avoid
conflicts and problems.

That is nice, very good. Who else?

If none, let us proceed with the fourth
element, the dialogue, which is very
evident in the drama right? Yes Ma’am.

Then, let us proceed with fifth,

which is the genre. There are two genre
of drama right? Yes Ma’am.

Then, if you really understood this

drama, what do you think is its genre? Ma’am it is tragedy. Simply because
the ending is tragic since Mario chose to
go back on the wrong path and leave
his family.

That is right. Very good. Another

element is audience. Who do you think
are the expected audience of this drama? For me Ma’am, this drama is meant
for a family. Why? Because this is about

That is nice. Who else have his/her

answer? I think is it for everyone aspiring to
have a family Ma’am. Because through
this, they would be able to get an
overview of the common problem of a
family. In that way, they will be able to
ready themselves.

Very good. In addition, where do

you think is the setting of the drama? Ma’am the setting of the drama is in
Mario and Gloria’s home.

That is right. How about the time? Since, it was said there by Mario
that, “I will go there tonight”, referring
to his new job, I guess it is late in the
afternoon or early in the evening.

Nice observation. Very good. How

about, the tone of the drama? Ma’am it is serious since it depicts
social realities, particularly of the
problems of the urban poor.

Very good. What else can you say? Ma’am it is serious because it tackles
many aspects of human flaws and what
is wrong in the culture. Human flaws,
such as the flaw of Mario when he
chose to go with the Pablo again just to
save his family. Wrong in the culture,
such as firing Mario just because he
stole one apple without giving him
second chance.

Those are all right. Very good.

Now let us proceed with the symbolism.
Do you see anything or anything one that
represents something? Ma’am! The apple!

Yes that is right, the big and red

apple (the teacher will show a
representation). What does apple
symbolizes then? Ma’am, apple symbolizes the many
temptations around us. They are often
red and big that is why many are
tempted to commit or try them, just
like Mario.

Very good. So being a student,

what are the “apples” you’ve been
encountering? Ma’am, for me one of the
temptations that I’ve been
encountering is my bed. Because,
almost every time it was pulling me to
lay and sleep and neglect my paper

That is true. I sometimes

encounter that too. Who else? Ma’am, other temptations are the
leakages. Sometimes, even though you
are not asking for them, people around
you are giving them.

Oh yes, that was so popular but

always remember, grades are more
fulfilling if you really worked hard to
achieve it, right? Yes Ma’am.

So, in relation to the symbolism

that you’ve given, why do you think
Alberto S. Florentino, entitled this drama
“The World is an Apple”? Ma’am, it is because this world
contains many temptations that would
test us as children of God that is why it
is an apple.

That is right. Any other answers?

If none, let us proceed with the
6. Generalization
Again, what is the climax of the
story? Ma’am, its climax is when Pablo, the
bad friend suddenly appear in the

That is right. What type of

character is Pablo then? Ma’am, Pablo is an antagonist since
he is wicked; also he is flat character
because he is the same throughout the

Very good. How about Mario? Mario is a protagonist since, the

story revolves around him, and also he
is a round character because he
undergoes changes.

That is right. Again, what is the

tone of this drama? It is serious, because it depicts real
life problems.

Very good. Looks like, you still

remember what we have analyzed.

7. Evaluation
Now, let us have another activity.
Go find your partner. (The students will find a partner)

A while ago I’ve given you a copy

of the drama right? What I want you to do
are to choose a dialogue there that you
are going to present in front. Is it alright
with you? Yes Ma’am.

Maximum of five lines per person

and minimum of three. I will be giving you
5 minutes to practice the lines that you
chose. And after the given time, please
pass a 1/8 sheet of paper with your
names, section and the date today.
Criteria for judging is:
Creativity 50%
Gestures, body movements 50%
and emotions.

With a total of 20 points. Are you

ready? Yes Ma’am.

Your five minutes starts now. (The students will work with their

Time is up! (The students will present their

chosen dialogues.)

IV. Evaluation
Now to evaluate your
understanding of the drama “The World is
an Apple”. Get ¼ sheet of paper and
summarize the drama using 10 sentences.
Bulleted form. I’m going to give you 10
minutes to do it. Your time starts now. (The students will work silently then
after the given time, will pass their

V. Assignment
1. Look for a story or movie
that is somehow the same
with the drama “The World
is an Apple” and
2. Draw a Venn diagram and
compare and contrasts
these literary pieces.

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