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Language Testing

Name : Ifnu Syarifudin

NPM : 21521013

Pre-reading Questions

1. From the title of the text, what do you think the text going to explain?
2. Do you know where is Liberty Statue located?
3. What do you think Liberty Statue made from?
4. Do you think the statue is important for American people? Why?
5. Why Liberty Statue is popular?
6. Will you to go to Liberty Statue if you visit United States of America?
7. When do you think Liberty Statue is built?
8. How do you think Liberty Statue got its name?
9. What do you think Liberty Statue looks like?
10. Do you know what is the colour of Liberty Statue?


Liberty Statue
The Statue of Liberty Enlightening the World or mostly known as The Statue of Liberty is located in Liberty Island in
New York Harbor, United States. This national building is symbol of freedom. It was a gift from The French to United
States to celebrate the centennial of the American Declaration of Independence.

Liberty Statue is made of 3.16 inch thick of copper sheets. The appearance of the statue is believed to be representing
the Roman goddess of freedom. Its right hand is holding a torch, and the left hand is holding a book with the date of
the American Declaration of Independence written on it. The colour of the statue was rusty brown, but after 30 years
of oxidation process, it turns into green as we can see now.

The height of the statue measured from its base is 46 meters, but when it is measured from the ground, it is 93 meters.
The height of the head is 14 feet. The width of the eye is 28 inches. The length of the nose is 3 feet 9 inches. The length
of the forefinger is 8 feet. The total weight of the statue is 440.000 pounds.
After-Reading Questions

1. Where does Liberty Statue located?

2. What does Liberty Statue symbolize?
3. What materials Liberty Statue made from?
4. Why the color of Liberty Statue is blue?
5. Why did France give the Liberty Statue to United States of America?
6. How do you think Liberty Statue got its name?
7. How tall is Liberty Statue?
8. What is the Liberty Statue holding with its hands?
9. What is written on the book that Liberty Statue?
10. How heavy is Library Statue?


Pre-reading Questions

1. The statue of Liberty

2. Yes, it is in United States
3. It is made from metals
4. Yes, it is a national monument
5. Because it appears in many Hollywood movies
6. Yes, absolutely
7. Around 1945
8. It is a symbol of freedom
9. Looks like a lady
10. Its silver

After-reading Questions:

1. In Liberty Island, New York Harbor, United States

2. The temple symbolizes freedom
3. it was made of 3.16 inch thick of copper sheets
4. Because of the oxidation process
5. It was given to celebrate the centennial of the American Declaration of Independence
6. Because it symbolizes freedom and it is representing the goddess of freedom
7. It is 46 meters from its base, and it is 93 meters from the ground
8. A torch and a book
9. The date of United States of America Independence Day
10. The total weight of the statue is 440.000 pounds

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