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Topic 1: Talk about Vietnamese gestures and customs

- How do Vietnamese people greet?

- How do you usually greet elderly people?
- How do you usually greet people who are younger than you?
- How do you usually greet your friends?
- Who do you kiss to greet?
- When do you hug other people to greet?
- Do you usually shake hands?
- Do you prefer light or firm handshakes? Why?
- Are the greeting customs in Vietnam different from other countries? And how?
- How do Vietnamese people exchange business cards?
- How do you usually give business cards to others/ partners/ friends? ( you give one
hand or two hands)
- How do you take business cards from others? ( you take one hand or two hands)
- What are the topics Vietnamese people usually have for small talks?
- What are the topics that you should avoid for small talks?

Hello everyone, I’d like to write about Vietnamese gestures and customs. Vietnamese
people usually greet each other by crossing their arms and bowing. Vietnamese people do
not greet by hugging and kissing like European people or pressing their hands together in
front of their chest like Indians. I usually greet adults by bowing and saying “Hello”, with
friends I wave and say “Hello”. However, there are some cases of greeting in a different
way. They sometimes greet by shaking hands. I rarely shake hands.I prefer light
handshakes. Also, Vietnamese people greet by exchanging business cards. They often
exchange business cards when meeting partners. They exchange business cards by
standing up and handing a business card with the left hand and the opposite receiving the
card with the right hand. Vietnamese people often talk about family, the movies they
watch or some strange things they meet. The topic that you should avoid for small talks
are stories of other families. There are some differences compared to other countries,
such as Vietnamese people rarely talk about securities (?). Those are some gestures and
customs of Vietnamese people. Vietnam has many other interesting things you should
learn. Suggestions: How do you usually greet elderly people/younger people/your
friends? Do you prefer light or firm handshakes? Are there any differences (regarding
small talk topics) compared to other countries?

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