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Sources of Minerals Mineral Function Consequence

of Deficiency
calcium • Helps to build In extreme
calcium milk, cheese, broccoli, tofu, nuts strong bones cases, this can
and teeth. lead to rickets
– a disease that
• Regulates results in soft,
muscle weak bones.
contractions. In later life, it
iron meat, beans, nuts, leafy green can result in
• Makes sure
vegetables e.g. kale blood clots osteoporosis,
normally. a condition that
weakens bones
and makes
Minerals are essential nutrients that your them more
body needs in small amounts to keep the likely to break.
body healthy.
iron • Important A lack of iron
in making can lead to
red blood iron deficiency
cells, which anaemia, which
carry oxygen causes tiredness
around the and lack of
body. energy.

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