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Luna National High School

Luyao, Luna, Isabela 3304





A Quantitative Research Study

Presented to the Faculty of

Luna National High School – Senior High School

Luna, Isabela


In Partial Fulfillment

of the Requirements in

Practical Research 2


Presented by:







Research Adviser


S.Y. 2020-2021

Practical Research 2 1 S.Y. 2020-2021

Luna National High School
Luyao, Luna, Isabela 3304


The researchers would like to express their deep and sincere gratitude for the

support, inspiration, and contribution of all the essential people in fulfilling this

research study and those who contributed to the completion of this manuscript and

brought this study into reality.

First, praise and thank God, the Almighty, for His showers of blessings and

wisdom throughout the researchers' work to complete the study.

Moreover, to Mrs. Felicidad R. Zacarias, Principal I of Luna National High

School, for making the school conducive to this study.

The adviser, Mr. Orlando M. Rosario, for allowing this research study and

invaluable guidance in making the project more manageable for the researchers to

deal with. For his dynamism, vision, sincerity, and motivation have deeply inspired

the researchers.

For the researchers' family, for the extreme support throughout this study,

financially and morally, and for giving their best to make this research successful.

The respondents who gave time and shared their perceptions for the

researchers to gather data and their keen interest in completing this research study.

Further, to all the people not mentioned above, who give their most full

measure of aid to the extent of their expertise. It was a great privilege and honor for

the researchers to work and study under all your help.

Practical Research 2 2 S.Y. 2020-2021

Luna National High School
Luyao, Luna, Isabela 3304


This research study is wholeheartedly dedicated to the following:

For God Almighty, who continually provided guidance and strength to the

researchers in making this research study possible.

The researchers' parents who have been the researchers' source of need provider

in conducting this research study and supporting the researchers throughout the study.

The researcher's friends and mentors who shared their words of encouragement

and advice to finish this research study.

And lastly, to all people who became part in fulfilling this research study.

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Luna National High School
Luyao, Luna, Isabela 3304


This research study titled "Parental Involvement in Learning at Home During

the New Normal and the Academic Performance of Senior High School Students"

focused on determining the relationship between parental involvement in learning at

home and the academic performance of senior high school students who are subjected

to the new normal in education. This study further aimed to determine the profiles of

the respondents, their academic performance during the First Semester School Year

2020-2021, the different parental involvement parents performed during the new

normal, the relationship between parental involvement in learning at home during the

new normal and the academic performance of senior high school students when group

according to their profile.

To answer the study's research questions, a survey was conducted with fifty

(50) senior high school students as the respondents. The data gathered are

summarized, analyzed, and interpreted using frequency, mean, standard deviation and

Pearson’s r following the objectives of the study.

According to the findings and discussions, the following conclusion are drawn

(1) the respondents fit a variety of profiles in terms of gender, grade level, track,

parent's occupation, number of siblings, and order in the family. (2) Additionally, it is

discovered that respondents' academic performance varies during the first semester of

S.Y. 2020-2021. (3) Moreover, the students generally agree that their parents wake

them up to attend online classes, monitor them frequently, particularly when they are

working on their modules, assist them in comprehending lessons they are having

difficulty comprehending on their own, provide them with resources to aid in their

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Luyao, Luna, Isabela 3304

comprehension, and check their answer sheet before passing. (4) Furthermore, there is

a significant relationship between parental involvement and academic performance of

Senior High School Students in terms of gender, grade level, and track, but no

relationship exists between parental involvement and academic performance of Senior

High School Students in terms of parents' occupation, number of siblings, and family

order. (5) Lastly, it is discussed that there is a significant relationship between

parental involvement in home learning during the new normal and senior high school

students' academic performance.

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Luyao, Luna, Isabela 3304



Title page 1

Acknowledgement 2

Dedication 3

Abstract 4-5

Table of Contents 6-7


A. Background of the Study 8-10

B. Conceptual Framework 11

C. Research Questions 11-12

D. Hypothesis 12

E. Significance of the Study 12-13

F. Scope and Delimitation 13

G. Definition of Terms 14



A. Research Design 22

B. Sampling Procedure and Sample 22-23

C. Data Gathering Method 23-24

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Luyao, Luna, Isabela 3304

D. Data Analysis 24

Chapter IV. RESULTS and DISCUSSION 35-35


Bibliography 41-42


A. Research Plan 43

B. Questionnaire 44

C. Calculation 45-52

D. Documentation 53

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Luyao, Luna, Isabela 3304



After the series of Corona Virus Disease of CoViD-19, the public health

community has become aware of the need to change their approach. The new

approach to operations is being implemented with imperatives inside of houses,

workplaces, and schools. Certain protocols in the new normal are to be followed such

as reducing vulnerability by keeping a healthy lifestyle, reducing virus transmission

by observing infection control measures, and, ensuring governance and accountability

by putting in place strong health regulations and policies.

Such as how other institutions and sectors, continued everything, the

Department of Education and the Department of Higher Education, in the middle of

the pandemic, still started the school year 2020-2021 with the help of new normal.

New Normal in school includes infection control measures in the curriculum, safe

learning environments for students, and teaching methods that can be done at home.

To accommodate the current trend, all schools will be blended or entirely online.

The new normal made a drastic change in the lives of many teachers and

students. Students will have to consider the challenges associated with learning

online. With the system as it is right now, parental supervision is highly

recommended. The roles of a parent from just taking care and looking after their child

extend to becoming their teacher for the child in today's new normal in education.

Children's learning is changing to fit with 21st-century learning. As children's

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Luyao, Luna, Isabela 3304

education occurs in a variety of settings, parents have the opportunity to be an

important part of helping to ensure that these settings best serve their children's needs.

Parental involvement is a key component of a child's development and

supporting further learning, it also helps extend teaching beyond the classroom and

creates a better experience for children, and helps children perform better when they

are in school. Another factor worth mentioning is that the children with involved

parents are more creative and more collaborative.

This is consistent with the author of "Thinking Like a Lawyer: A Framework

for Teaching Critical Thinking to All Students," who states objectively that there is a

need to maintain 100% contact with parents to ensure they have everything they need

for their children to learn and to provide families with whatever supports they require,

or else this will not work.

Empirical findings have demonstrated a positive association between parental

involvement in education and academic achievement (Pérez Sánchez et al., 2013;

Tárraga et al., 2017), improving children's self-esteem and their academic

performance (Garbacz et al., 2017) as well as school retention and attendance (Ross,

2016). As an addition, Cowan et al. (2012) state that family involvement has also

been associated with positive school attachment on the part of children, as well as

positive school climates. Parents generally want what they think is best for their

children. (Test, 2015). Moreover, children's learning is increasingly being influenced

by a more inclusive vision of 21st-century learning. As education for children

becomes more widespread, parents are uniquely positioned to ensure that their child's

education will give them the best chance to succeed (Jackson, 2010).

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Luyao, Luna, Isabela 3304

However, as Jaforov (2015) states, not every parent can give guidance and

support to his or her child because of their lack of knowledge about the curriculum,

and a lack of time due to other commitments.

In the Philippines, nearly half of Filipinos lost their jobs because of CoViD-19

(SWS Survey), thus, most parents today are struggling in finding ways to continue the

living of their families; due to their diverted attention, they cannot give their full time

to their children given the fact that they are also tasked in doing household chores. In

addition, the results of an industry survey found that only 23% of Filipinos could

finish college due to financial constraints. This means that not every parent around the

country is educated enough to help their children.

With today's educational situation, it is a challenge for both parents and


This paper explores the relationship between parental involvement in learning

at home during the new normal and students’ academic performance. Furthermore,

the researchers also stress the bases in which does support the roles of parents in

educating their children most especially also in times of pandemic as well as this also

includes the reason behind emphasizing their roles in connection to the learning

modalities employed this school year. There was no similar research that was

published yet on this specific topic. The study aimed to determine the relationship

between parental involvement and the academic performance of their children who

are under the new normal and are currently Senior High School students at Luna

National High School in Luna, Isabela.

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Luyao, Luna, Isabela 3304

Conceptual Framework

Conceptual Paradigm:

Independent Variable Dependent Variable

Students’ Academic
Parental Involvement

New Normal

Learning Modality of the


Parents’ Profile

Mediating Variables

In this conceptual framework, there are assumed moderating variables that are

taken into consideration that somehow they would influence the relationship between

the independent and the dependent variable. They can affect the strength of the

connection of the variables.

Research Questions

This study aims to determine the relationship between Parental Involvement in

Learning at Home During the New Normal and the Academic Performance of Senior

High School Students. Furthermore, it seeks to answer the following research question:

1. What is the profile of the respondents in terms of gender, grade level, track,

occupation of parents, number of siblings, and order in the family?

2. What is the academic performance of the senior high school students during the

first semester?

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Luyao, Luna, Isabela 3304

3. What are the parental involvement in a learning activity at the home of the senior

high school students?

4. Is there a significant relationship between the parental involvement of parents in the

learning activities of their children and children’s academic performance when group

according to the profile of students?

5. Is there a significant relationship between the parental involvement of parents and

the academic performance of their children in the new normal?

Research Hypotheses

1. There is no significant relationship between the parental involvement of

parents in the learning activities of their children and children’s academic

performance when group according to the profile of students.

2. There is no significant relationship between parental involvement of parents

and the academic performance of their children in the new normal.

Significance of the Study

The researchers desire to study the relationship between parental involvement in

learning at home during the new normal, the academic performance of senior high

school student that will give help and benefits, mainly parents, they will be aware of

their offspring/s academic status, and how important their roles are in their offspring/s


The students shall also benefit from the study in the sense that they will become

more aware to their current academic status and how critical parental involvement is

in their studies.

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Luyao, Luna, Isabela 3304

Furthermore, school officials/ teachers will also benefit since they will become

aware of how their students are doing and can even extend help upon knowing the


The researchers conducting the study will also benefit from the project the same

as the future researchers may make this study as the basis for further research and

may take advantage of the researchers' suggestion and recommendations if they wish


Scope and Delimitation

The main objective of this study is to provide information about Parental

Involvement in Learning at Home during the New Normal and the Academic

Performance of Senior High School Students. The study also includes the student’s

personal information, parent’s profile, and academic performance for the First

Semester of the School year 2020-2021. This study is limited to a total of fifty (50)

senior high school students, twenty-five (25) from both Grades 11 and 12, under the

twenty-five (25), thirteen (13) are from the Academic Track and twelve (12) from

Technical-Vocational-Livelihood Track, enrolled in the Second Semester, the School

Year 2020-2021 of Luna National High School. Participants are identified through

Simple Random Sampling. In where every member of the population have equal

chances of being selected. This study is to be conducted through an online platform

from January 5 to June 5 2021.

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Luyao, Luna, Isabela 3304

Definition of Terms

* Academic Performance is defined as the extent to which a student, teacher, or

institution has attained their short or long-term educational goals. 

*Learning at Home is defined as the action taken by parents inside their houses to

keep their children learning which includes being informed with their assignments or

project and also providing the resources.

*Learning Modalities refers to the sensory channels or pathways through which

individuals give, receive, and store information. It also refers to how schools or

teachers deliver lessons to their students, this includes modular, online, and blended


*New Normal as used in the study, refers to the new operation of different

establishments such as the school in delivering service amidst COVID-19

* Parental Involvement refers to the amount of participation a parent has when it

comes to schooling and her child's life. 

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Luyao, Luna, Isabela 3304



This chapter only focuses on the following areas: (1) new normal in education

(2) learning at home (3) roles of parents in children’s education (4) understanding

ideas related to studies on how parental involvement in learning at home during the

new normal affects students’ academic performance. Each area will consist of

information derived from foreign and local written works to give a wider perspective

on Parental Involvement in Learning at Home during the New Normal and the

Academic Performance of SHS Students. After which, analysis of works of literature

and reviews will be linked to the current scenario which will support and strengthen

this research study.


As per the statement of the World Health Organization (2020), vaccines

against SARS-CoV2 are still in development and are under clinical trials. Due to this,

new normal or a healthier lifestyle with an invigorated sense of wellness is still in


On the other hand, in accordance to Department of Health and Inter-Agency

Task Force guidelines, and under a national Learning Continuity Plan, different types

of learning delivery modes are available to continue student’s education amidst new

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normal caused by the pandemic which includes online learning, television, radio

along with guided self-learning modules (Departments of Education,2020).

There are three different teaching methods in "New Normal” as the

Department of Education introduced. First is distance learning which encompasses

modular classes, online courses, and classes delivered via televisions and radios. In

modular, parents must create a drop-off box or learning package in which the teacher

can store the modules and the parents can store the learner's activities; while in the

online class, an internet connection is a must, in here teachers and student will

communicate and move around simultaneously; and the television and radio-based

instruction, this mode of instruction is geared toward independent learners. Second,

blended learning is referred to as "diverse learning" because it assists diverse students,

this modality encapsulates the abstract and applications provided. Lastly, homeschool

is a non-verbal modality that is most effective when a qualified individual is available

at all times to assist a student in learning.

With the shift to distance learning strained by the COVID-19 pandemic,

concerns regarding parental engagement are one of the most critical pieces of what K-

12 education looks like. Methods for educators to overcome the challenging

conditions they face in their everyday work. Moreover, adding home-based training

and support to families is the only way to mitigate the negative effects of COVID-19

on future generations of students.


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Research over the last three decades has demonstrated that the home learning

environment plays an important role in shaping children's academic and social

development (e.g., Rose, Lehrl, Ebert, & Weinert, 2018; Tamis-LeMonda, Luo,

McFadden, Bandel, & Vallotton, 2019).

This method of education, which is an ancient practice, has been reintroduced

as a primary mode of instruction. As it continues to grow in popularity and attract the

attention of an increasing number of parents interested in homeschooling their

children, it has garnered the attention of child development specialists. Despite

widespread acceptance, homeschooling remains a contentious issue.

A study by Steven (2003) states that for the previous 50 years, homeschooling

was not considered formal education; however, it is now considered an "acceptable

alternative to conventional schooling". In the late 1970s, home education grew in

popularity in the United States and quickly became another form of schooling. It has

become more familiar to people throughout the United States over time.

In the Philippines, a study by Marc Adrian (2020) asserts that homeschooling

is a relatively low-interest concept as of late. People often believed that the program

was only for wealthy people. The traditional schooling system is deeply rooted in the

Filipino culture that is why homeschooling is not a common method of education for

most Filipinos.

However, the Department of Education (DepEd) considers homeschooling to

be an alternative educational model. In where the parent's role in providing this kind

of education for their children is extremely important.

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Because of a massive global pandemic limiting physical interaction in society,

homeschooling has become more appealing to many individuals now than ever.


Studies have shown that parental involvement has a positive effect on student

success (Barnard, 2004; Hill & Craft, 2003; Hill & Taylor 2004). Parental

involvement also has positive effects such as increased motivation, self-esteem, and

confidence, which may lead to academic success no matter the student's economic


Parental involvement is critical to a student's learning and development but

also having a positive influence on their experience within the school system. It is

helpful when they are in school. The results from a study by Rebecca Frase-Thill

shows that children with parental involvement are more inclined to behave. Evidence

suggests that parental involvement in school is a positive variable for academic and

socioemotional development. Additionally, a study by Bronfenbrenner states that the

relationship between family and school positively contributes to a child's socio-

emotional and cognitive development.

Moreover, parental involvement in school education has been found to

positively influence academic achievement and also improve children's self-esteem

and school attendance (Tarraga et al., 2017). A study by Cowan et al. (2012) assert

that familial involvement is associated with positive school attachment and positive

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school climates. Furthermore, parental involvement is associated with positive

attitudes and self-efficacy in students. The toughest part was the inherent difficulties

in distinguishing the type of parental involvement. The amount of parental

involvement varies in studies, and that impacts the results (Patel & Stevens, 2010).

Parents are integral contributors to their child's education. In the many recent

studies above, the distinction between the activities in which parents engage and the

attitude of parents towards education is often highlighted, whereas the importance of

parent attitudes towards education is believed to constitute a key dimension of the

relationship between parents and school.


According to UNESCO, more than 188 countries had implemented nationwide

school and university closures as of April 10, 2020, to mitigate the spread of COVID-

19, affecting more than 91% of the world's student population.

All face-to-face lessons were canceled during these school closures,

compelling many institutions to immediately transition from face-to-face in-person

learning to entirely online instruction. A study by Hodges et al. (2020) states that for

many instructors and students who prefer in-person instruction, the abrupt transition

to fully online learning has been particularly stressful. Online education is frequently

stigmatized as a less viable option that provides a lower-quality education than face-

to-face instruction. A survey conducted by EDUCAUSE revealed such negative

attitudes toward fully online education (Pomerantz and Brooks 2017). Only 9% of

faculty members at 131 US institutions prefer to teach entirely online courses,

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Luyao, Luna, Isabela 3304

according to a survey of 11,141 faculty members. In other words, a whopping 91% of

faculty do not wish to teach entirely online. Students' perceptions of fully online

courses are not much better; according to a recent EDUCAUSE survey of more than

40,000 students at 118 American universities, up to 70% of respondents prefer face-

to-face learning environments (Gierdowski 2019).

On the other hand, according to studies, there were 1.77 million homeschooled

students in 2012, and the number of homeschooled children continues to grow each

year. Homeschooling is one of the most rapidly growing educational trends.

Historically, the majority of homeschooled children came from politically liberal or

extremely religious families. Today, all types of families home educate their children

for a variety of reasons. Some parents have lost faith in the educational system run by

the government. Others have a lifestyle that requires them to move from city to city or

country to country regularly, making homeschooling their children more convenient

than enrolling and transferring them multiple times.

With the current situation, children and their parents must remain at home

continuously. Online education was chosen as a learning alternative during the

COVID-19 emergency. Almost everywhere in the world, online education is

practiced. Online learning is a method of distance education that makes use of

internet-based digital media to support the learning process without the need for

physical contact between teachers and students, which can cause boredom and stress

in children and even parents. Parents must have a plan in place to alleviate their

children's boredom while at home. Parents must attend to their children's psychosocial

needs (Rohayani, 2020).

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Moreover, according to Lilawati's (2020) research on the role of parents in

supporting learning at home during the pandemic, parents assist and guide students in

completing assigned work, and that learning facility at home are not more profitable

for students than facilities.

Suarez et al. study’s aimed to gain a better understanding of the relationship

between perceived parental homework involvement (i.e., parental homework control

and parental homework support), student homework behaviors (i.e., time spent on

homework completion, time management, and amount of homework completed), and

student academic achievement, discovered that student homework behaviors, per se,

were positively associated with student academic achievement. However, the findings

vary by grade level: (a) perceived parental homework involvement is associated with

students' homework behaviors in junior high and high school, but not in elementary

school; and (b) while students' homework behaviors are associated with academic

achievement at each grade level, the direction and magnitude of the relationships


After reviewing the works of literature, one can understand the new operations

in different areas especially in school such as the different learning modalities which

include online, modular, and blended learning. Moreover, how learning at home

works was further discussed by different researchers such as Steven and Marc Adrian.

On the other hand, researchers such as Fraser-Thill elaborated how parental

involvement plays a vital part in students’ academic. Further investigations from

different other researchers such as Lilawati and Suarez et. al, may help to fully

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determine and understand how parental involvement under the new normal affects the

academic performance of students.

This research paper reviewed pieces of literature associated with parental

involvement in learning at home and how it is related to their child's academic

performance. The paper looked at different learning modalities in schools and studied

the role of parents and other factors.



This chapter contains research design, research participants, data collection,

and data analysis. These texts support and strengthen the research paper`s preparation

and in conducting the study.

Research Design

This is a quantitative study, which made use descriptive analysis with

questionnaires to gather relevant data from the study. This approach used, concerned

itself with understanding and interpreting the given responses of the respondents. The

aim of such method is not to generalize but to understand and interpret the meanings

of the relationship between Parental Involvement in Learning at Home during the

New Normal and the Academic Performance of SHS Students.

Sampling Procedure and Sample

The sample consisted fifty (50) senior high school students, twenty-five (25) from

both Grades 11 and 12, {under the twenty-five (25), thirteen (13) are from the

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Academic Track and twelve (12) from Technical-Vocational-Livelihood Track}

enrolled in the Second Semester, the School Year 2020-2021 of Luna National High

School. Participants are identified through Simple Random Sampling. In where every

member of the population have equal chances of being selected. They were presented

with the information sheet and were further informed about their rights to refuse

participation and that participation was voluntary. When they agreed to participate,

they were also made aware of their rights to withdraw from partaking in their answers

on the survey questionnaire. They were further informed that the information they

provided in the survey questionnaire would also be treated with confidentiality; they

were not required to disclose their identifying details. Finally, they were presented

with consent forms.

Data Gathering Methods

This study shall make use of a research instrument that is to provide data on

the variable being studied. It will consist of a series of questions for the purpose of

gathering information from respondents.

Parental Involvement in Learning at Home during the New Normal and the

Academic Performance of SHS Students Questionnaire. The purpose of the

questionnaire is to assess the respondents’ academic performance in the new normal

and how it is associated with parental involvement in learning at home.

Specifically, this questionnaire shall seek answers to the following questions:

1. What is the profile of the respondents in terms of gender, grade level, track,

occupation of parents, number of siblings, order in the family, average grade for the

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1st quarter?

2. What is the academic performance of the senior high school students during the

first quarter?

3. What are the parental involvement in learning activity at home of the senior high

school students?

4. Is there a significant relationship between the parental involvement of parents and

the academic performance of their children in the new normal when group according

to their profiles?

5. Is there a significant relationship between the parental involvement of parents and

the academic performance of their children in the new normal.

The researcher will have questionnaires with four (4) sections to get the necessary

data needed. Part I will be for student profiles that include gender, grade level, track,

parental occupation, number of siblings, family order, and their average grade for the

first quarter.  Part II will address the questionnaire guidelines. Part III will be for the

Likert Scale (with Strongly Agree, Agree, Disagree, Strongly Disagree rating scale)

which contains questions related to the research title. Lastly, Part IV contains open-

ended question. Since the current situation is to risky for the data collection to happen

face-to-face, online method will be used.

Data Analysis

The research study adopted the fundamental approaches in analyzing the output

from the respondents. This includes data transcription, data display and conclusion

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Luyao, Luna, Isabela 3304

drawing. The approach involves arranging the data in order to create explanation and

create new finding.

The data gathered from the questionnaire are arranged and summarized. The

researchers then analyzed and interpreted the information provided by the respondents

in accordance with the objectives of the study with the use frequency, mean, standard

deviation and Pearson’s r.




This section presents the actual responses of the participants during the gathering

of data through survey questionnaires. The parental involvement in learning at home

during the new normal and the academic performance of senior high school student

will be discussed in this chapter.


1. Profiles of the respondents

Demographic Categories Frequency Percentage

Variables (%)
Gender Male 25 50%
Female 25 50%
Grade level Grade 11 25 50%
Grade 12 25 50%

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Track Academic 26 52%

Technical- 24 48%
Occupation of Profession (such as 8 16%
Parents Doctors, Lawyers,
Employment (such 26 52%
as Company
executives, Bank
Officials, Factory
Workers, etc.)
Self-Employment 16 32%
(such as Drivers,
Farmer, etc.)
None 0 0%
No. of Siblings None 10 20%

(1-3) 28 56%
(4-6) 12 24%
Order in the Family 1st 13 26%

2nd 12 24%
3rd 14 28%
4th 7 14%
5th 3 6%
6th 1 2%

Table 1. Profiles of Respondents

Under the result gathered, it is found out that 50% or 25 out of 50 of the

respondents are male and there is also 50% or 25 out of 50 who are female. In

addition, 25 out of 50 or 50% are from grade 11and as well as grade 12. It is also

identified that 26 out of the 50 respondents or 52% are from the Academic Track

meanwhile there are 24 from Technical-Vocational-Livelihood or simply 48%.

Moreover, there are 16% or 8 out of 50 respondents whose parents are professionals

(such as Doctors, Lawyers, etc.), 22 out of 50 or 52% from them are child of

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employed parents (such as Company executives, Bank Officials, Factory Workers,

etc.) and 32% or 16 out of 50 respondents have parents who are self-employed (such

as Drivers, Farmer, etc.). Apart from it, the number of siblings are also indicated, 10

out of 50 of them or 20% are only child, 28 out of 50 or 56% have siblings ranging

from 1-3 and 12 out of 50 or 24% of the respondents has 4-6 siblings. Their order in

the family is also stated, 13 out of 50 or 26% are 1 st in the family, 12 out of 50 or 24%

are 2nd, 28% or 14 out of 50 of the respondents are 3rd, 7 out of 50 or 14% are 4 th, 6%

or 3 out 50 of them are 5th, and 1 out 50 or 2% is 6th.

2. Academic Performance of the Senior High School Students During the

First Semester

Variable Categories Frequency Percentage

First Semester Grade 75-85 2 4%
81-85 9 18%
86-90 28 56%
91-95 11 22%
96-100 0 0%
Based on the result gathered from the questionnaires, it is found out that an

average of 4% or 2 out of 50 respondents got an average of 75-80 during the first

Table 2. Academic Performance of the SHS Students during the 1st Semester

semester, while 18% or 9 out of 50 respondents got an average of 81-85, 56% or 28

out of 50 respondents got an average of 86-90 , 22% or 11 out of 50 respondents got

an average of 91-95 during the first semester and none had a grade ranging from 96-


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3. Parental Involvement in Learning Activity at Home of the Senior High

School Students

Parental Involvement in Learning at Mean Standard Verbal

Home Deviation Interpretation
1. My parents wake me up to attend 2.72 2.31 Agree
my online classes.
2. My parents check on me every time 2.52 2.15 Agree
(as I do my module).
3. My parents help me understand the 2.46 2.06 Agree
lessons I can’t understand on my own.
4. My parents provide me resources 2.88 2.49 Agree
that give help upon understanding my
lessons more.
5. My parents check my answer 2.4 2.02 Agree
sheets before passing them.
Table 3. Parental Involvement in Learning Activity at Home of

the Senior High School Students

Using Mean and Standard Deviation, the respondents generally agree that their

parents, wake them up to attend online classes, check on them every time (as they do

my module), help them understand the lessons they can’t understand on their own

own, provide resources that give help upon understanding lessons more, and check

answer sheets before passing them.

Furthermore, on the question "How does your parents help you in today’s

education set-up?” the answers are as follows:

“Sinasabi ko kase na may klase ako sa ganitong araw at oras, before my class

starts, ginigising ako ni mama.”

“My parents ask me if I am doing just fine while answering my modules.”

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“While I am doing my modules, my parents prepare snacks for me and make sure

I am still eating at right time.”

“There is a moment when I am really confused with lessons we have, I tried to

understand it on my own, but it is hard, luckily my father somehow is knowledgeable

with that certain topic, thus, I got to understand the lesson.”

“Binilhan ako ni mama at papa ng laptop na ginagamit ko sa online classes.”

“Noong nalaman nina papa na pwedeng ipalaba tv yung mga lessons, nagpakabit

kami ng cable.”

“My parents give me money which I use to have internet connection.”

“Tinatanong nila kung kumpleto ba yung answer sheets ko bago ipasa.”

“They ask me every Friday if there’ll be collection of modules, or if I’ll pass my

answer sheet”

4. The Relationship on the Parental Involvement of Parents on the Learning

Activities When Group According to Profile of Students

In terms of Gender

Parental Involvement in Learning at Home During the New Normal and the
Academic Performance of Senior High School Students- Gender
A. Female
Value Interpretation
R Score 0.5919 Moderately Positive
P-value 0.001828 Significant
B. Male
R Score 0.5364 Moderately Positive

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P-value 0.005707 Significant

Table 4.1 Gender


these results, the p-values for the correlation between Parental Involvement in

Learning at Home During the New Normal and the Academic Performance of SHS

Students in both female and male are less than the significance level of 0.05, which

In terms of Grade Level:

Parental Involvement in Learning at Home During the New Normal and the
Academic Performance of Senior High School Students- Grade Level
A. Grade 11
Value Interpretation
R Score 0.6148 Moderately Positive
P-value 0.001075 Significant
B. Grade 12
R Score 0.4518 Weak Positive
P-value 0.023375 Significant

In these results, the p-values for the correlation between Parental Involvement

in Learning at Home During the New Normal and the Academic Performance of SHS
Table 4.2 Grade Level

Students in both Grade 11 and 12 are less than the significance level of 0.05, which

indicates that the correlation coefficients are significant.

In Terms of Track

Parental Involvement in Learning at Home During the New Normal and the

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Academic Performance of Senior High School Students- Track

A. Academic
Value Interpretation
R Score  0.5254 Moderately Positive
P-value 0.00589 Significant
B. Grade 12
R Score 0.6218 Moderately Positive
P-value 0.00118 Significant
Table 4.3 Track


these results, the p-values for the correlation between Parental Involvement in

Learning at Home During the New Normal and the Academic Performance of SHS

Students in both Academic and TVL are less than the significance level of 0.05,

which indicates that the correlation coefficients are significant.

In Terms of Occupation of Parents:

Parental Involvement in Learning at Home During the New Normal and the
Academic Performance of Senior High School Students- Occupation of Parents
A. Professional
Value Interpretation
R Score  -0.3315 Weak Negative
P-value 0.422473 Not Significant
B. Employment
R Score 0.5146 Moderately Positive
P-value 0.00715 Significant
C. Self-Employment
R Score 0.6884 Moderately Positive
P-value 0.003194 Significant
Table 4.4 Occupation of Parents

In these

results, the p-values for the correlation between Parental Involvement in Learning at

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Home During the New Normal and the Academic Achievement of SHS Students in

both Employment and Self-Employment are less than the significance level of 0.05,

which indicates that the correlation coefficients are significant. Meanwhile, under

Professional, the p-value is greater than the significance level of 0.05, which indicates

that the correlation coefficient is not significant.

In Terms of number of siblings

Parental Involvement in Learning at Home During the New Normal and the
Academic Performance of Senior High School Students- Number of Siblings
A. None
Value Interpretation
R Score  0.4003 Weak Positive
P-value 0.251683 Not Significant
B. 1-3
R Score 0.6642 Moderately Positive
P-value 0.000116 Significant
C. 4-6
R Score 0.6 Moderately Positive
P-value 0.039163 Significant
Table 4.5 Number of Siblings


these results, the p-values for the correlation between Parental Involvement in

Learning at Home During the New Normal and the Academic Achievement of SHS

Students in 1-3, and 4-6 are all less than the significance level of 0.05, which indicates

that the correlation coefficients are significant. Meanwhile, under none, the p-value is

greater than the significance level of 0.05, which indicates that the correlation

coefficients are not significant.

In Terms of Order in the Family:

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Parental Involvement in Learning at Home During the New Normal and the
Academic Performance of Senior High School Students- Number of Siblings
A. 1st
Value Interpretation
R Score 0.4398 Weak Positive
P-value 0.132625 Not Significant
B. 2nd
R Score 0.749 Moderately Positive
P-value 0.005055 Significant
C. 3rd
R Score 0.5634 Moderately Positive
P-value 0.035902 Significant
D. 4
R Score 0.6481 Moderately Positive
P-value 0.115427 Not Significant
E. 5
R Score 0.71 Moderately Positive
P-value 0.49739 Not Significant
F. 6
R Score Nan Strong Negative

Table 4.6 Order in the Family


these results, the p-values for the correlation between Parental Involvement in

Learning at Home During the New Normal and the Academic Achievement of SHS

Students in 2nd and 3rd are less than the significance level of 0.05, which indicates

that the correlation coefficients are significant. On the other hand, under 1st, 4th, and

5th the p-values are greater than the significance level of 0.05, which indicates that

the correlation coefficients are not significant. Meanwhile, since the p-value of 6th,

cannot be determined, thus, there is inconclusive evidence about the significance of

the association between the variable.

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5. Relationship Between the Parental Involvement of Parents and the

Academic Performance of their Children in the New Normal

Parental Involvement in Learning at Home During the New Normal and the
Academic Performance of Senior High School Students
Value Interpretation
R Score 0.5573 Moderately Positive
P-value 0.000026 Significant
The p-value for the correlation between parental involvement and academic

performance is less than the 0.05 significance level, indicating that the correlation
Table 5. Relationship Between the Parental Involvement of Parents and the Academic Performance

of their Children in the New Normal

coefficients are significant. Parental involvement and academic achievement have a p-

value of 0.000026. The result is statistically significant at 0.05 level of significance.

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This chapter presents the summary of findings, conclusion, and

recommendations of this study.


This study aimed to determine the effect of parental involvement in learning at

home during the new normal on the academic performance of senior high school

students. The questionnaires answered by fifty (50) senior high school students were

only determined and approved as their own opinion regarding the said matter. The

data were gathered through the survey with the use of questionnaires. Data were

organized using tables.

Summary of Findings:

1. Male and female respondents are equally represented (both 50%), as are Grade 11

and 12 students (both 50 percent). In terms of track, 52% are Academic and 48% are

TVL. Additionally, 16% of respondents are children of professionals (such as doctors

or lawyers), 52% are children of employed parents (such as company executives,

bank officials, or factory workers), and 32% are self-employed. Additionally, the

number of siblings is indicated; 20% of respondents are single, 56% have siblings

ranging from 1-3, and 24% have 4-6 siblings. Their position within the family is also

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stated; 26% are first, 24% are second, 28% are third, 14% are fourth, 6% are fifth,

and 2% are sixth.

2. It is also identified that 4% of respondents had an average between 75 and 58,

18% had an average between 81 and 85, 56% had an average between 86 and 90,

22% had an average between 91 and 95, and none had an average between 96 and


3 Using the mean and standard deviation, it is determined that the majority of

respondents agree that their parents wake them up to attend online classes, check on

them frequently, especially when they are working on their modules, assist them in

understanding lessons they are having difficulty understanding on their own, provide

them with resources to aid in their understanding, and check their answer sheet

before passing.


a. Using the same statistical technique, the null hypothesis, there is no significant

relationship between parental involvement and their children's academic

performance in the new normal when group by their profile (Gender) was rejected at

the 0.05 level of significance. The p-values calculated (0.001828 and 0.005707) are

less than the threshold for significance (0.05).

b. In terms of Grade Level, the p-values (0.001075 and 0.023375) are also less than

the 0.05 level of significance, indicating that the null hypothesis, there is no

significant relationship between parental involvement and academic performance of

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their children in the new normal when classified by their profile (Grade Level), was

rejected at the 0.05 level of significance.

c. Using the same statistical technique, the null hypothesis, here is no significant

relationship between parental involvement and academic performance of their

children in the new normal was rejected at the 0.05 level of significance. The p-values

computed (0.00589 and 0.00118) are less than the threshold for significance (0.05).

d. In terms of Occupation of Parents, the computed p-values (0.422473, 0.00715, and

0.003194) are greater than the significance level (0.005), indicating that the null

hypothesis, there is no significant relationship between parental involvement and

academic performance of their children in the new normal when group according to

their profiles (Occupation of Parents) was accepted at 0.05 level of significance.

e. Using the same statistical method, the null hypothesis, there is no significant

relationship between parental involvement and their children's academic

performance in the new normal when grouping them according to their profile

(Number of Siblings) was accepted at the 0.05 level of significance. The p-values

calculated (0.251683, 0.000116, and 0.039163) are all greater than the level of

significance (0.05).

f. In terms of order in the family, the computed p-values (0.132625, 0.005055,

0.035902, 0.115427, 0.49739, and Nan) are greater than the significance level

(0.005), indicating that the null hypothesis, there is no significant relationship

between parental involvement and academic performance of their children in the new

normal when classified according to their profiles (Order in the Family), is true.

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5. Using Pearson’s r Correlation, the null hypothesis, there is no significant

relationship between the parental involvement of parents and the academic

performance of their children in the new normal was rejected at 0.05 level of

significance. The computed p-value (0.000026) is lesser than the level of significance



Based on the results and discussions, the respondents comprises of different

profiles in terms of gender, grade level, track, occupation of parents, number of

siblings and order in the family. In addition, it is also found out that the respondents’

academic performance during the first semester S.Y. 2020-2021 varies. Furthermore,

the students agree that their parents wake them up to attend online classes, check on

them frequently, especially when they are working on their modules, assist them in

understanding lessons they are having difficulty understanding on their own, provide

them with resources to aid in their understanding, and check their answer sheet before

passing. Additionally, there is a significant relationship between parental involvement

and academic performance of Senior High School Students in terms of gender, grade

level, track, and there is no significant relationship between parental involvement and

academic performance of senior high school in terms of occupation of parents,

number of siblings, and order in the family. It is also further discussed that there is a

significant relationship between parental involvement in learning at home during the

new normal and the academic performance of senior high school students.


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Based on the results and discussion, the following recommendations was made:

1. Parents are encouraged to participate in their children's education, whether

online or in a face-to-face setting.

2. Students should be more candid about their learning experiences and struggles

with their family, particularly their parents.

3. Parents and students are urged to maintain a strong bond.

4. More profound research must be conducted to investigate the relationship of

parental involvement and academic performance of senior high school


5. For future researchers, this study should be conducted with more respondents

from grades 7 to 12 to determine a broader and consider more perceptions.

Practical Research 2 39 S.Y. 2020-2021

Luna National High School
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Saracostti, L. L. (2019, June 27). Effect of Parental Involvement on Children’s

Academic Achievement in Chile. Retrieved from fontiers in Psychology:

Education, D. o. (2020, July 3). DepEd SulongEdukalidad. Retrieved from Leaning

Opportunities Shall be Available: The Basic Education Continuity Plan in the

Time of COVID-19:


Adrian, M. (2020, July 15). money Learning Centre. Retrieved from What Are Your

Homeschooling Options In The Philippines?:

Practical Research 2 40 S.Y. 2020-2021

Luna National High School
Luyao, Luna, Isabela 3304

Simone L. et. al. (2020, January 31). Taylor & Francis Online. Retrieved from The

home learning environment and its role in shaping children’s educational


Martinez, A. (2015, May ). Retrieved from PARENT INVOLVEMENT AND ITS


Spreeuwenberg, R. (2019, January 10 ). Early Education Blog. Retrieved from Why

Parent Involvement is So Important in Early Childhood Education:

Garcia, A. S. (2018, May). University of Nebraska - Lincoln. Retrieved from Parental

Involvement Among Low-income:


Practical Research 2 41 S.Y. 2020-2021

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1. What is the profile of Structured Survey The profiles of the
the respondents in terms Questionnaire respondents in terms of
of gender, grade level, gender, track, grade level,
track, occupation of occupation of parents,
parents, number of number of siblings, order in
siblings, order in the the family average for the 1st
family, average grade quarter.
for the 1st quarter?

2. What is the academic Structured Survey The academic performance

performance of the Questionnaire of the senior high school
senior high school students during the first
students during the first quarter in the new normal of
quarter? education.
3. What are the parental Structured Survey Parental involvement in
involvement in learning Questionnaire learning activity at home of
activity at home of the the senior high school

Practical Research 2 42 S.Y. 2020-2021

Luna National High School
Luyao, Luna, Isabela 3304

senior high school students

4. Is there a significant Structured Survey The relationship between the
relationship between the Questionnaire parental involvement of
parental involvement of parents and the academic
parents and the performance of their
academic performance children in the new normal
of their children in the when group according to
new normal when group their profiles?
according to their
5. Is there a significant Structured Survey The relationship between the
relationship between the Questionnaire parental involvement of
parental involvement of parents and the academic
parents and the performance of their
academic performance children in the new normal?
of their children in the
new normal?




These questions will be answered by the participants in our research study entitled, Parental
Involvement in the learning at home during the new normal and the academic performance of senior
high school students.

Part I:
Name (Optional): __________ Grade Level: __________
Number of Siblings: __________ Gender: __________
Track and Strand: __________ Parent’s Occupation:
Order in the Family:
Part II:

Put a check in the box (Blank) of your desired answer.

Strongly Agree Disagree Strongly
Agree Disagree
1. My parents wake me up to attend my online
2. My parents check on me every time (as I do
my modules)
3. My parents help me understand the lesson I
can't understand on my own

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4.My parents check my answer sheet before

passing them
5. My parents provide me resources that give
help upon understanding my lessons more

Part IV:

How does your parents help you in today’s education set-up?



Descriptive Information Parental Involvement Academic Performance Combined X and Y

in Learning at Home of SHS Students (y) Values
N 50 50 50
∑ 653 148
Mean 13.06 2.96

∑(X - Mx)2 = SSx  430.82

∑(Y - My)2 = SSy  27.92
∑(X - Mx)(Y - My) 61.12

R Calculation
r = ∑((X - My)(Y - Mx)) / √((SSx)(SSy))
r =  61.12 / √((430.82)(27.92)) = 0.5573


Descriptive Information Parental Involvement Academic Performance Combined X and Y

in Learning at Home of SHS Students (y) Values

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N 25 25 25
∑ 317 73
Mean 12.68 2.92

∑(X - Mx)2 = SSx  303.44

∑(Y - My)2 = SSy  13.84
∑(X - Mx)(Y - My) 38.36

R Calculation
r = ∑((X - My)(Y - Mx)) / √((SSx)(SSy))
r = 38.36 / √((303.44)(13.84)) = 0.5919


Descriptive Information Parental Involvement Academic Performance Combined X and Y

in Learning at Home of SHS Students (y) Values
N 25 25 25
∑ 336 75
Mean 13.44 3

∑(X - Mx)2 = SSx  120.16

∑(Y - My)2 = SSy  14
∑(X - Mx)(Y - My) 22

R Calculation
r = ∑((X - My)(Y - Mx)) / √((SSx)(SSy))
r = 22 / √((120.16)(14)) = 0.5364

Grade 11:

Descriptive Information Parental Involvement Academic Performance Combined X and Y

in Learning at Home of SHS Students (y) Values
N 25 25 25
∑ 314 70
Mean 12.56 2.8

∑(X - Mx)2 = SSx  242.16

∑(Y - My)2 = SSy  14
∑(X - Mx)(Y - My) 35.8

R Calculation
r = ∑((X - My)(Y - Mx)) / √((SSx)(SSy))
r = 35.8 / √((242.16)(14)) = 0.6148

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Grade 12:

Descriptive Information Parental Involvement Academic Performance Combined X and Y

in Learning at Home of SHS Students (y) Values
N 25 25 25
∑ 339 78
Mean 13.56 3.12

∑(X - Mx)2 = SSx  176.16

∑(Y - My)2 = SSy  12.64
∑(X - Mx)(Y - My) 21.34

R Calculation
r = ∑((X - My)(Y - Mx)) / √((SSx)(SSy))
r = 21.32 / √((176.16)(12.64)) = 0.4518


Descriptive Information Parental Involvement Academic Performance Combined X and Y

in Learning at Home of SHS Students (y) Values
N 26 26 26
∑ 344 79
Mean 13.321 3.038

∑(X - Mx)2 = SSx  304.615

∑(Y - My)2 = SSy  16.962
∑(X - Mx)(Y - My) 37.769

r = 37.769 / √((304.615)(16.962)) = 0.5254


Descriptive Information Parental Involvement Academic Performance Combined X and Y

in Learning at Home of SHS Students (y) Values
N 24 24 24
∑ 309 69
Mean 12.875 2.875

∑(X - Mx)2 = SSx  124.625

∑(Y - My)2 = SSy  10.625
∑(X - Mx)(Y - My) 22.625

r = 22.625 / √((124.625)(10.625)) = 0.6218

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Descriptive Information Parental Involvement Academic Performance Combined X and Y

in Learning at Home of SHS Students (y) Values
N 8
∑ 115 28
Mean 14.375 3.5

∑(X - Mx)2 = SSx  27.875

∑(Y - My)2 = SSy  4
∑(X - Mx)(Y - My) 4

R Calculation
r = ∑((X - My)(Y - Mx)) / √((SSx)(SSy))
r = 3.5/ √((27.875)(4)) = -0.3315


Descriptive Information Parental Involvement Academic Performance Combined X and Y

in Learning at Home of SHS Students (y) Values
N 26
∑ 349 82
Mean 13.423 3.154

∑(X - Mx)2 = SSx  164.346

∑(Y - My)2 = SSy  5.385
∑(X - Mx)(Y - My) 15.308

R Calculation
r = ∑((X - My)(Y - Mx)) / √((SSx)(SSy))
r = 15.308 / √((164.346)(5.385)) = 0.5146


Descriptive Information Parental Involvement Academic Performance Combined X and Y

in Learning at Home of SHS Students (y) Values
N 16
∑ 189 38
Mean 11.812 2.375

∑(X - Mx)2 = SSx  196.438

∑(Y - My)2 = SSy  9.75
∑(X - Mx)(Y - My) 30.125

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R Calculation
r = ∑((X - My)(Y - Mx)) / √((SSx)(SSy))
r = 30.125 / √((196.438)(9.75)) = 0.6884


Descriptive Information Parental Involvement Academic Performance Combined X and Y

in Learning at Home of SHS Students (y) Values
N 10 10 10
∑ 136 30
Mean 13.6 3

∑(X - Mx)2 = SSx  62.4

∑(Y - My)2 = SSy  10
∑(X - Mx)(Y - My) 10

R Calculation
r = ∑((X - My)(Y - Mx)) / √((SSx)(SSy))
r = 10/ √((62.4)( 10)) = 0.4003


Descriptive Information Parental Involvement Academic Performance Combined X and Y

in Learning at Home of SHS Students (y) Values
N 28 28 28
∑ 367 85
Mean 13.107 3.036

∑(X - Mx)2 = SSx  312.679

∑(Y - My)2 = SSy  10.964
∑(X - Mx)(Y - My) 38.893

R Calculation
r = ∑((X - My)(Y - Mx)) / √((SSx)(SSy))
r =  38.893/ √((312.679)(10.964)) = 0.6642


Descriptive Information Parental Involvement Academic Performance Combined X and Y

in Learning at Home of SHS Students (y) Values
N 12 12 12
∑ 150 33
Mean 12.5 2.75

∑(X - Mx)2 = SSx  49

∑(Y - My)2 = SSy  6.25

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∑(X - Mx)(Y - My) 10.5

R Calculation
r = ∑((X - My)(Y - Mx)) / √((SSx)(SSy))
r = 10.5/ √((49)(6.25)) = 0.6


Descriptive Information Parental Involvement Academic Performance Combined X and Y

in Learning at Home of SHS Students (y) Values
N 13
∑ 161 38
Mean 12.385 2.9223

∑(X - Mx)2 = SSx  143.077

∑(Y - My)2 = SSy  10.923
∑(X - Mx)(Y - My) 17.385

R Calculation
r = ∑((X - My)(Y - Mx)) / √((SSx)(SSy))
r = 17.385/ √((143.077)(10.923)) = 0.4398


Descriptive Information Parental Involvement Academic Performance Combined X and

in Learning at Home of SHS Students (y) Y Values

N 12

∑ 166 37

Mean 13.833 3.083

∑(X - Mx)2 = SSx  119.667

∑(Y - My)2 = SSy  4.917

∑(X - Mx)(Y - My) 18.167

R Calculation
r = ∑((X - My)(Y - Mx)) / √((SSx)(SSy))
r = 18.167 / √((119.667)(4.917)) = 0.749


Descriptive Information Parental Involvement Academic Performance Combined X and Y

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in Learning at Home of SHS Students (y) Values

N 14
∑ 188 42
Mean 13.429 3

∑(X - Mx)2 = SSx  113.429

∑(Y - My)2 = SSy  4
∑(X - Mx)(Y - My) 12

R Calculation
r = ∑((X - My)(Y - Mx)) / √((SSx)(SSy))
r = 12/ √((113.429)(4)) = 0.5634


Descriptive Information Parental Involvement Academic Performance Combined X and Y

in Learning at Home of SHS Students (y) Values
N 7
∑ 89 21
Mean 12.714 3

2∑(X - Mx)2 = SSx  21.429

∑(Y - My)2 = SSy  4
∑(X - Mx)(Y - My) 6

R Calculation
r = ∑((X - My)(Y - Mx)) / √((SSx)(SSy))
r = 6 / √((21.429)(4)) = 0.6481


Descriptive Information Parental Involvement Academic Performance Combined X and Y

in Learning at Home of SHS Students (y) Values
N 3 3 3
∑ 36 7
Mean 12 2.33

∑(X - Mx)2 = SSx  14

∑(Y - My)2 = SSy  2.67
∑(X - Mx)(Y - My) 4

R Calculation
r = ∑((X - My)(Y - Mx)) / √((SSx)(SSy))
r = (4) / √(14)(2.67)= 0.71

Practical Research 2 50 S.Y. 2020-2021

Luna National High School
Luyao, Luna, Isabela 3304


Descriptive Information Parental Involvement Academic Performance Combined X and Y

in Learning at Home of SHS Students (y) Values
N 1 1 1
∑ 13 3
Mean 13 3

∑(X - Mx)2 = SSx  0

∑(Y - My)2 = SSy  0
∑(X - Mx)(Y - My) 0

R Calculation
r = ∑((X - My)(Y - Mx)) / √((SSx)(SSy))
r= 0/ √ (0)(0)= Nan


Practical Research 2 51 S.Y. 2020-2021

Luna National High School
Luyao, Luna, Isabela 3304

Practical Research 2 52 S.Y. 2020-2021

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