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Ariola, Rizamariel O.


My takeaways and Learning

Learning the best way to manage time was a huge hurdle for me. I've always
been a procrastinator. However, this webinar helps me to makes my work seems easy,
they help me to make my resume, curriculum vitae and everything related to entering
work that can help me to grow. taught us the online application on their
site, dressing up for their interview and answering Interview Questions.

I’ve also learned that amidst of this pandemic I can find work even at my home, I
can find jobs with the help of and Mr. kim Chua taught us how to make our
resume first I’ve Learned that I should be stand out and I should only have one file to
pass on every company, I’ve also learned that is the most secured when it
comes to making resume, I have to make sure that my profile would be interesting and
attractive for the employers, it has to be complete all necessary details such as
information and contact details and also put significance information. I have to make
my resume updated from time to time for the company to reach on me. There are a lot
of benefits like privacy, speed of hiring, flexibility and cost efficiency because there are a
lot of links and jobs offer but secures us with this benefit. We can share
our resume in different kinds of flatforms depends on us.

This webinar also helps me to learned about dressing up for the interviews and
discussed by Mr. Marc Jocelle Felipe for virtual and face to face interview, when
applying on the company I must research the company’s culture and dress code to help
me on my interview I must consider that I’m a part of company already to dress for the
first impression and dress appropriated. Invest in a comfortable and power outfits for
your looks better on our interview. You have to invest on something that you can wear
several times, because we don’t know how many interview that we will go through and
outfits can be the best part of it. The dress should comfortable and when you wore that
attire you feel confident, next is try out interview outfits.
I’ve also learned on getting ready for me application and here are some tips first I
have to research about the organization of the company, I have to analyze the job
Description and requirements, I have to prepare my responses and learn about
common interview questions, I have to fix my postures and prepare my outfits, I also
have to update my resume and CV and I also have to take notes for some

I must say that I’ve learned a lot on this webinar/seminar and those topics helps
me to get one step closer a head from others with that knowledge, I guess I’m ready for
my job interview and I’m very thankful they conduct that kind of seminars for our start


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