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Case Study Assignment 2: Work Breakdown Structure as a Skeleton for Integration


As a project manager you need to have full knowledge on work break down structure and its

application Work breakdown structure is important in explaining what is to be covered in a

project and the constituent of the project (Brotherton at el., 2008). it is useful in planning ways to

accelerate the project accomplishment. in adopting the work break done structure management is

able to have an in-depth information of the projects and ways of improving the project and what

policies are best for the project depending on the project requirements. there may be many

reasons why managers require project work break down but these are three reason why it is


i. Helps in project management mainly controlling and organizing

ii. Helps to give an overview of the project, assemble and a definition of the project

iii. It helps to ensure all the requirements for the project are available

A work breakdown structure is beneficial in project management in many ways like; it helps to

boost production by providing a specification of skills required in a task accomplishment. these

helps to identify the required human resource or work force who will provide the desired output,

secondly the work breaks down structure provides detailed information a bout the project these

helps managers to easily monitor the project and also understand those he/she is working with

and ensure they are responsible for the completed task. A work breaks down structure also helps

team members in understanding the steps required in production of the desired products, and

knowing what is desired and steps to be followed. a work breaks down structure is also important

in budget estimation and the time to be used in the work. these is important in providing cost of a

project and time schedule to the team members. also, a work breaks down structure is important

in risk identification and planning for way cushion a against the effects of the risks (Burghate,


Even though a work breaks down may be beneficial it also has its cons which are; -

In some situation a project manager may desire to personally create a work break down structure

by him/herself without including team members, these may lead to the other members opposing

the WBS and not supporting it. Secondly a Work Break Down structure will help a manager

breakdown a task to be completed in few hours but these may not be the case with his team

members who may devote a lot of time on other smaller or non-important task these may lead to

poor output work or a delay the estimated time for the work. Thirdly Sometimes coming up with

the appropriate level of information and suitable for a work break down structure may be

difficult. as it may be hard to identify what exactly the task is and what their creation will be so

as to included in a WBD structure.

When coming up with a WBS I prefer a three-level work down structure rather than a too many

levels which may be confusing to the team member. having an appropriate number of works

down structure may be efficient in ensuring there is a clear transition of work efficiency from the

lowest level of the task to the end of the task (Devi and Reddy, 2012).


Brotherton, S.A., Fried, R.T. and Norman, E.S., 2008. Applying the work breakdown structure to

the project management lifecycle. In PMI Global Congress Proceedings (pp. 1-15).

Burghate, M., 2018. Work breakdown structure: Simplifying project management. International

Journal of Commerce and Management, 3(2), pp.453-461.

Devi, T.R. and Reddy, V.S., 2012. Work breakdown structure of the project. Int J Eng Res

Appl, 2(2), pp.683-686.

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