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# Execute <command> on <service> optionally #

selecting container <$container>
# List the current pods clusterroles
kubectl exec <service> <command> [-c <$container>]
kubectl get pods cm = configmaps
# Get logs from service <name> optionally # selecting
# Describe pod <name> controllerrevisions
container <$container>
kubectl describe pod <name> crd = customresourcedefinition
kubectl logs -f <name> [-c <$container>]
# List the replication controllers cronjobs
# Watch the Kubelet logs
kubectl get rc cs = componentstatuses
watch -n 2 cat /var/log/kublet.log
# List the replication controllers in <namespace> csr = certificatesigningrequests
# Show metrics for nodes
kubectl get rc --namespace="<namespace>" deploy = deployments
kubectl top node ds = daemonsets
# Describe replication controller <name> # Show metrics for pods
kubectl describe rc <name> ep = endpoints
kubectl top pod ev = events
# List the services
kubectl get svc hpa = horizontalpodautoscalers
# Describe service <name> ing = ingresses
kubectl describe svc <name> jobs
# Delete pod <name> limits = limitranges
kubectl delete pod <name> # Launch a pod called <name> netpol = networkpolicies
# Watch nodes continuously # using image <image-name> no = nodes
kubectl get nodes –w kubectl run <name> --image=<image-name> ns = namespaces
# Create a service described # in <manifest.yaml> pdb = poddisruptionbudgets
kubectl create -f <manifest.yaml> po = pods
# Scale replication controller podpreset
# <name> to <count> instances podtemplates
kubectl scale --replicas=<count> rc <name> psp = podsecuritypolicies
# Get version information # Map port <external> to # port <internal> on replication pv = persistentvolumes
kubectl version # controller <name> pvc = persistentvolumeclaims
# Get cluster information kubectl expose rc <name> --port=<external> --target- quota = resourcequotas
kubectl cluster-info port=<internal> rc = replicationcontrollers
# Get the configuration # Stop all pods on <n> rolebindings
kubectl config view kubectl drain <n> --delete-local-data --force --ignore- roles
# Output information about a node daemonsets rs = replicasets
kubectl describe node <node> # Create namespace <name> sa = serviceaccounts
kubectl create namespace <namespace> sc = storageclasses
# Allow Kubernetes master nodes to run pods secrets
kubectl taint nodes --all sts = statefulsets

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